#Jacob Anderson Louis I miss you
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littleoldme-posts · 7 months ago
Guys we’re in an amc iwtv drought, can you tell? I haven’t reposted anything since July 30th😭😭😭
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reticent-vampire · 3 months ago
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Interview with the Vampire 2.04
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theinfinitedivides · 5 months ago
wait. wait a fucking second i just realized this but Armand ripping the newspaper off the window and going 'it's morning!!!!!!!!' has the same energy as that one Vine with the pots and pans and auditory bludgeoning of fellow roommates. yk the one. Tanisha Thomas icon i didn't get no fucking sleep 'cause of y'all y'all not gon get no sleep 'cause of me type energy same to same
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funtheysaid · 8 months ago
That’s got to be the best, most insane, most satisfying, MOST FASCINATING season finale I’ve ever watched in my life. Holy fuck.
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months ago
people think the theories are getting too crazy well I don’t think we’re getting crazy enough. we need weirder shit. Armand wasn’t Alice. Louis was Alice. how does that work? it doesn’t. but it’s only Tuesday and I can’t day drink rn so we’re gonna work with this until the weekend
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pinkdreamcollectorsworld · 6 months ago
We need more smiles from louis next season send tweet
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virginiaisforvampires · 3 months ago
Hello! Do you ever feel like s2 was supposed to be something else entirely? Some writing choices we had were so confusing it makes me think that either writers being partially absent during protests impacted show greatly or there's something going on with execs.
I'm glad you brought up show not thinking through how races of characters would impact this story. Is it just me, or they were more conscious about it during s1? It truly felt like non-color blind adaptation with evaluation of characters and s2 seems like has holes where conversation about race, abuse, family structure etc would lie. And didn't Jacob said that he was forbidden to talk about race by bosses or something? I don't see people talking about it which is strange because it's HUGE thing
Jacob’s comments about being forbidden from talking about race were about Game Of Thrones. You can listen to the full podcast below in which he talks about that.
To my knowledge, he’s never said that about IWTV, and he has talked openly about how Louis’ race impacted his character, because it did. It added so many rich layers that didn’t exist with book Louis, and it elevated and enhanced Louis’ story to an unbelievable level.
Like, I really cannot stress enough how much BETTER show Louis is than book Louis, and that’s exactly because of Rolin’s changes and color-consciously casting Jacob, who has made Louis into such a phenomenal and likable character. Those traits he shares with book Louis…..they’re suddenly likable and charming and endearing, whereas with book Louis, they were just annoying and insufferable.
But I also think certain themes that were present in S1 did take a backseat in S2. I don’t think it’s because S2 was meant to be something else. I think it’s because Rolin and Co. never meant for the show to only be about those themes, and certain viewers never believed that to be the case and are still unwilling to engage with the show for what it is and to consider all the facets and layers at play.
S1 was the family season. That’s why human themes were so present, because Lestat kept them as a human family. Not as a coven. S2 fully introduced the fact the show is a vampire show, and 2x01 foreshadowed that transition when Louis walked away from Morgan and Emilia by labeling their misfortune as “human issues” and “not their concern.” Louis continued to struggle to separate himself from humanity, but that’s what S2 was about in its’ entirety — Louis coming to terms with the fact he is a vampire and accepting every facet of himself, both good and bad, that have only been enhanced and magnified with the vampirism.
The season was bookended in 2x01 with Louis saying he’d killed 7,000 souls, but only Lestat felt like murder and walking away from the only humans who’d shown him and Claudia kindness to in 2x08 with Louis coming into his own and confronting all of the vampire world to assert himself as The Vampire Louis who “owns the night.”
It was a beautiful arc and transition for Louis, but a lot of people have seemingly missed his arc altogether and fail to appreciate show Louis for the brilliant adaptation that he is.
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a-realproblem · 9 months ago
if there’s one thing I miss from season 1 it’s louis in them goddamn suits. the person who styled mr jacob anderson in them sexy ass suits will forever be loved by me
when he paired them with the glasses and his hair slicked back….lestat I understand you to my core because I too would of went crazy if he tried to leave
i need s2 louis in a clean cut suit like I need oxygen
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murfpersonalblog · 23 hours ago
IWTV Musings - Unreliable Narrators: Louis
I am SO sick of people in this effing fandom calling Louis an unreliable narrator as a thinly veiled code for him being a LIAR™. Everyone lies, to themselves & to others. Unless you're a literal sociopath, no one wants to be the villain; blamed for things effing up; or take responsibility for eff ups. But there's a patented difference b/t someone OCCASIONALLY LYING, and a HABITUAL LIAR™ whose modus operandi is to willfully deceive, manipulate, gaslight, trick or con(trol). Louis is many things (good & bad); and no, he can't be relied on to tell the story straight, for many reasons (that are & aren't his fault). But the one huge factor differentiating his 1973 interview (a la the book) & his 2022 interview in Dubai is Louis' SINCERITY.
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2022 Dubai =/= 1973 SanFran: Odyssey of Recollection / Memory is a Monster
The whole premise of AMC!IWTV is that there are things Louis CANNOT REMEMBER about his past, no matter how hard he TRIES to remember. Back in S1 Jacob Anderson was fighting for his life not to spoil anything about S2, cuz by then he already knew that yes, Louis IS the problem with this whole recounting, cuz HIS MEMORY is the problem. How TF can you sit here tryna tell your life story when you don't even remember wtf happened!? ("You don't need a memoir, Louis. You need a hundred sessions of EMDR!") You're unreliable AF!
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JA said "Louis REALLY BELIEVES that a lot of this is the TRUTH." But that deep down he KNOWS something ain't right.
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Rolin Jones specifically wanted the 1x7 image Louis presented of him & "the love of my life" Armand to look like the scene from The Graduate. There's ZERO CHEMISTRY with Loumand in this shot, cuz it's not REAL. It's FORCED, a PERFORMANCE, just like JA said Lou is always been forced to do: perform; presenting the cookie-cutter image of a man who's supposedly got all his crap together, when BTS he's a freaking wreck who doesn't even KNOW or love himself ("Who are you, Louis? If there was no me? If there was no him? Who would you be? What do you want? How're you gon' get there?").
And Loumand doubles-down on that fake AF performance in 2x2, cheesing & hamming it up as if they're the perfect Stepford Family. And Daniel calls that ish out immediately; "keep selling it;" cuz he's "built this way," to dismantle BS, and Louis KNOWS this, and WANTS it to happen. The person constantly tryna STOP them is ARMAND, (Daniel effing pounced in 2x5 to sort everything out while Armand was AWAY. Daniel realized what/who the REAL PROBLEM was!).
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Lou called Daniel for a reason, to help him UNPACK the jumbled mess ("he's good at his job"), cuz Lou KNOWS something's wrong with the way he's telling the story. Lou KNOWS he's unreliable, that there's a very real problem with him, and that he needs HELP. Louis is not a LIAR™, he has AMNESIA. That does NOT make him the villain or the bad guy, or the one to point malicious ableist AF fingers at as a gotcha! every time it's repeatedly said that YES, Lou's NOT the most reliable source of information; cackling like hyenas when Dan asked if Lou's schizophrenic and totally missing how that's the crux of the matter: Louis is mentally unwell, and CANNOT process his traumas all by himself; for reasons that both ARE and also are NOT his fault.
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And what's more is that Lou HATES himself--his Confession Booth monologue lays out everything he hates about himself and will continue to hate himself for, even for the things that legit aren't even his fault (Louis: "I failed my brother!" Father Matthias: "NO, son!"). Lou's suicidal & all-too-willing to accept & internalize the NEGATIVE things people who HATE him say ("maybe I am arrogant!"), or what people actively plotting AGAINST him say ("You should go with Lestat's version, for the book, I think. I'm sorry!").
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Self-loathing is at the very core of The Vampire Chronicles, and precisely what Prince Lestat finally teaches the vampires to get rid of at the end if the book series: the self-destructive self-sabotaging tendencies rooted in self-loathing that led vampires like Nicki & Louis (AND Lestat) to kill themselves, rather than to seek help or help themselves get better & love & accept themselves. Accepting that they're vampires doesn't mean they have to act like soulless monsters--they DO have a soul/conscience & CAN/SHOULD take responsibility for their actions, esp. their effs up, to become BETTER.
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Louis is the antihero of IWTV, but DANIEL is the actual hero. Louis couldn't save himself from any of the situations he was in; he needed HELP (Claudia in S1, Armand & Lestat in 2x7, Daniel in 2x8). Without Daniel getting Sam's script, Lou would've just accepted how "that's the end of it. There's nothing else;" assuming he finally had all the answers & everything was sorted out, when CHIIIIILE~! 💀Lou was still in the Sunken Place!
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After Armand's seismic lies were exposed, Louis finally started "learning to live honestly" without the toxic sludge of literal mind control keeping him back anymore; and esp. without Armand's narrative spoonfed to him that Lestat hated him & wanted him dead.
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1973 SanFran: lies on top of lies
The 1973 interview was a whole steaming crappy heap of lies Louis told Daniel but most importantly HIMSELF. Cuz the SEISMIC LIE Armand told him about "Banishment" had a ripple-effect, dominoe implications. If Armand saved Lou and NOT Lestat, that means Les must've really hated Lou and was fine with him being executed at the Trial. So Lou spiraled, thinking Les didn't love him (anymore?), and that Lou himself was an idiot for falling for what must've obvs been lies Les fed him the entire time about their oh-so-sacred "cord you cannot see, loving you with ALL of myself," if he could let that disgusting lynching happen and NOT save his "Companion Heart."
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Louis SINCERELY WANTS to remember & give the more "nuanced portrait" about his life. But if the person at the center if his life is Lestat, and Lestat screwed him over, what does that mean about Louis' whole life? He picked the wrong person--he chose Lestat over Paul, over Claudia, over himself, and THIS is how Lestat treats him? No, Les must've manipulated TF outta him, he's the devil, Claudia was right that Les is the "Father of Lies!" What "love?! I bled him like a pig and waited for the death rattle!"
Lestat was MORE than Louis' Maker. They really were companions. Their hearts beat in sync the way Lestat & Claudia's obvs NEVER did. Something MORE than the Vampire Bond tied them together. It WAS real. Right? Lestat did love him, right? So wtf? The math ain't mathin. ARMAND is the love of my life.
That's not a LIAR. That's what a real library of CONFUSION looks like.
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hyohaehyuk · 5 months ago
tvinsider - ‘Interview With the Vampire’ Stars Break Down That Bloody Finale
Jacob, in Daniel’s final monologue, he says Louis has a messed up idea of love. What is Louis’s idea of love to you?
Jacob Anderson: I think it’s a constantly moving, movable feast. I think it evolves in different ways, and I think we’ll continue to explore what his idea of love is. We know he wants it desperately. He wants to be accepted and to be understood. And I think that’s a big part of what love means to me. It’s about somebody else accepting you and you accepting them in all of their multitudes.
Maybe Louis didn’t exactly find that in Lestat, but that’s also kind of the premise upon which he first fell for him. This person said, “I see you.” And I think that’s a really important thing for Louis is being seen and understood. But I don’t know if he has particularly healthy ideas about love. As evidenced in the show and in the story. [Laughs]
Sam, same question for Lestat, who I imagine has a very different perspective on it.
Sam Reid: Look, Lestat, one of his whole M.O.s as a character is he falls in love first, and then deals with the repercussions of being a sociopathic monster. How do you interpret love through that lens? And this is the thing, particularly with Louis and Lestat and why they’re similar in a way (and Claudia and all the vampires, really) is that they have to exist in a human society to survive. And they deal with it in different ways.
They have to survive in a world where human convention needs to be followed to some degree, because they survive off eating human beings. Or they can follow an Armand path — you’ll find a bit more about his class of vampires in the books, which don’t necessarily integrate with society.
Louis, Claudia, and Lestat tried to integrate with society in that capacity, and therefore when you’re looking at yourself and “am I a lovable thing,” you’re actually always reflecting yourself against human beings, which are much less monstrous and psychotic. And so how can I ever be a lovable thing? I’m so terrifying. I think the issue they all sort of feel is that “I don’t feel worthy of love. I don’t feel like I can be properly loved for the monster that I am.” That’s the kind of question that particularly Lestat is always dealing with, and the way that he behaves is always a reaction against that. He knows he’s bad, he’s really good at being bad, he’s really good at being and playing a bad, evil vampire. But he wants to be loved, and he loves back. But sometimes if you’re not gonna get love, you may as well take the hate, because they’re pretty close.
The season is bookended by these epic bloody scenes where you go full operatic vampire mode. How fun was the Mardi Gras ball massacre to film, and what vampire traits did you have to figure out how to express for it?
Bailey Bass: I had to figure out was how Claudia acts when she’s in this frenzy and really, really wants to drink someone’s blood. I grew up being obsessed with Twilight. In the third movie, Bella cuts her arm, and then [the vampires] turn and look at her. I remember loving that scene as a kid, and it kind of inspired Claudia’s frenzy.
But then more than that, I don’t think people realize how technical it was. All those kills were in different sets throughout the house and on different places of the stage and it all needed to be blocked out. And on top of that, we’re feeling raging emotions. Frenzy is, for at least me playing Claudia, was similar to playing varied depression or playing anger or playing extreme joy. So it was very elevated.
Jacob Anderson: I wasn’t there for a lot of it. We started doing Dubai around the same time, so I actually missed a lot of that.
Sam Reid: It was broken up into lots of pieces, that whole sequence, so it was a weird thing to shoot. We shot it over a couple of weeks, and we’d shoot one little piece of each death and one murder. You finish drinking the blood at this point, then you walk up the stairs at a different point, or Louis jumps across the table at this point. It was sporadic and spread out, which kind of felt like we were always covered in blood.
For weeks I would go to work and I would just be covered in blood, sitting around drenched in the f***ing sh**. [Laughs] I became so attached to that costume, I took it home with me. We both have those bloody shirts that I die in.
Oh my gosh, I love that. Just have it framed on your wall.
Sam Reid: Well unfortunately, ’cause it’s all mouth blood, it doesn’t dry, so it’s just this constantly sticky garment.
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The response to this show has been overwhelmingly positive. How does it feel to be part of one of the most beloved new shows of the year?
Bailey Bass: It’s really exciting. I think I’m overwhelmed by how accepting people were of Claudia, even though we had some changes — you never know how the fans are gonna feel. I’m so happy that the Anne Rice essence of Claudia that was in the books is in the show. A fan made an edit of Claudia throughout the entire season, and I’ve watched it like eight times. I was tearing up because I’m so happy that they love her as much as I do.
Jacob Anderson: I was saying to Sam yesterday that it’s so amazing. You want to be a part of something that people feel strongly about, whatever those feelings are. Whether they’re feelings of disappointment in the characters or they’re just feelings of, I love these characters so much, whatever it is. Just some provoking, strong feeling is, for me anyway, what I want to be a part of in my life. We all love the show so much. We love working on it, and we are fans of the writing and the craft that goes into it outside of ourselves that it’s so great to see that people agree.
Sam Reid: Yeah, ’cause we really didn’t know what we were making. It was such a bizarre shooting experience. It was like we went into this bubble, this cocoon world, and it only feels like we just finished shooting it, really. Then we went straight into Comic-Con, then bits and pieces of it coming out online, and then the show coming out. It feels a little bit like we’re still very much there. It’s been amazing to put it out there and let it exist outside of us as well and just go like, “OK, well, here you go. It’s yours now.” And it’s nice that people like it.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months ago
I loved reading the responses about my ask around Lestat being worried about mobs. I hadn’t considered that they’d change the story to have him having experienced it while mortal. That makes sense, and agree it seems likely.
I think I was picking up on a real fear. Which, given he’s fairly brash, I felt meant he’d experienced it directly because elsewhere that doesn’t entirely seem his vibe. But now I think about it, he’s also the one that is very cautious about cleaning up after feeds. So to an extent it might also be another casualty of Lestat being somewhat misrepresented: in reality he is a thoughtful and careful and caring person. But obviously there’s reasons why he’s not being presented as such: so the way he was so obviously terrified for his family did feel a bit off in terms of his demeanour elsewhere. But that’s another thing we’ll see change going forward.
Thanks for hosting such interesting conversations:-)
:) you're welcome 🥰
I mean, the representation of his paranoia in 1x07 was deliberate. It was meant to show Lestat as this overbearing aggressor, as the "father" disappointed in the "children", it was meant to give us the impression that killing him... was indeed inevitable.
That is what Louis tries to drive home at the end of 1x06 after all. That is why he repeats it.
But the paranoia wasn't because of Claudia. Lestat might have been angry and unsettled bc of her plans, but he wasn't paranoid because of her. As said before... he listened in on all mortals around them. Knew immediately when someone came to their home (and, I mean, Rue Royale is right in the middle of the city?!?).
So, it was a deliberate (mis)representation.
Which, btw, aligns with what Jacob Anderson said re DreamStat a while back (source):
“The thing that I love about Dream-stat is that it’s Louis’ idealized version. It’s the version of Lestat, or of their relationship that you never got to see really in Season 1. It’s the quieter side of their relationship,” Anderson explains. “They’re hanging out! They’re best friends. It’s a narcissistic version of that because he’s also a manifestation of Louis’ own feelings about things. But I think there is also quite a big element of friendship, companionship. It’s something that Louis missed. Lestat did see him. Lestat knows him probably better than anyone.”
They're hanging out. They're best friends.
Lestat know him probably better than anyone.
So yes, I do think the Lestat going forward will feel quite different.
For us... but for Louis, too, when he allows himself to remember.
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months ago
also Cosmia by Joanna Newsom and the Louis/Claudia relationship btw. if you even care
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funtheysaid · 10 months ago
IWTV 2x01 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- That title card for Delainey felt very stage play to me (ahhh I adore the theatrical elements for this season)
- Ooh I love the idea that vamps can take on the emotions of whosever blood they’re drinking - it’s like the vampire equivalent of when werewolves can smell ppl’s emotions and fears through chemosignals (a la Teen Wolf iykyk)
- “Disregard” is the funniest shit ever 😂 Oldmaniel they could never make me hate you
- There’s a Real Rashid OMFG ??? Lol imagine he’s not actually Rashid and they pull one over on us again I’d fucking shit myself
- “Your love was in a box” OH MY GOD EAT HIM UP DANNY BOY
- “Quite fucked” 😏😏😏
- “mon amour” “mon cher” “love” IM GOING TO EXSANGUINATE MYSELF ISTG
- The singular finger on Louis’ chin 🥲 so delicate so soft so bad for my mental health
- I like Emilia
- “They are not used to seeing man with good looks” OKAY I know they’re just racists BUT she also wasn’t lying bc beautiful Louis is canon god bless you Jacob Anderson
- Lol Morgan a little fruity
- OOH memory is a monster! They be redoing scenes as Louis “fixes” his memories !!!! That’s gonna show up again for sure :))))
- “Stupid Halloween costume” Daniel Molloy the brat that you are (is okay, Armand likes brats) *cough cough*
- I’ve never seen someone *elegantly* close an iPad before. Armand, you have bewitched me.
- The fucking sexual tension between DM is stifling 🥵😶‍🌫️ Um if this is us “not getting Devil’s Minion” then I think imma be okay
- Claudia pushing the little racist boy 🤪🥹 we can’t help but to stan
- WTF AMC you can’t just jumpscare me with a Grace photograph :’)))
- so the makeup department really put their whole sfxussies into that decrepit ass abomination
- Louis: Alexa, play Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey Songz
- Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S1: ☺️🍭👼 Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S2: 😖🤢😟
- I’m dubbing Louis “The Rat Prince”
- “If he can’t take you ballroom dancing and call you pretty” ICONIC.
- “the motherfucker” it’s on sight Bruce or Killer or whatever the fuck your name was 🤕🥊
- “her hand twitched like yours would” why was that line lowkey out of pocket. My mans has Parkinson’s Louis !!!!
- that wasn’t even acting that was some REAL shit. Get Jacob Anderson his Emmy or Oscar or Tony or whatever the fuck I just need him to be awarded for his talent
- Daniel’s soft compassionate side: rare but that much more meaningful when it makes an appearance
- LOUIS you did not just do Emilia dirty like that TF!?! She helped you dude.
- “Human affairs. Their problem.” Not you listening to Lestat now of all times
- “Catfish with teeth” Louis can really read a bitch to filth can’t he?
- Oh shit he’s a kid okay I’m sorry for calling you an abomination earlier. That was mean.
- Woman vampire, you standing precariously close to that fire 👀
- Delainey’s facial expressions are the perfect blend of innocent and slightly unsettling
- What the hell is a bacon triptych am I just stupid don’t answer that
- Armand you ain’t beating the iPad kid allegations
- “It’s his drug” He said that with such malice. Is this a “he needed me but he needed drugs more” plot line???
- So Dubai Loumand is chilly frigid tepid frosty glacial
- Free feet? Okay im sorry
- “We can have him saying what happened next in no time” okay wait hold up why you making it sound like YOU don’t know what happened next and you need him to tell you???
- oh danny boy whistling while the couple he’s counseling walks in… is this a comedy or ?
- Daniel: yeah? 🤓 Armand: yeah 🫦
- “the mother of New Orleans” oh he misses home
- LMFAO Daniel interrupting Armand before he can start soliloquizing
- Louis and Claudia in a truck full of art which they belong in bc they too are pieces of art to me
- hard words. soft words. 🥺
- “a shit life beats no life” god damn this monologue feels like Louis is speaking directly to my soul
- “as long as you walk the earth I’ll never taste the fire” If this is foreshadowing I- I- I don’t know what I’ll do but it’s going to involve a baseball bat and a waffle iron and my head
- “it would be enough” pan to Lestat 💀 you can’t be fucking serious right now you just cannot
- okay it’s over and the teaser for the season just started playing and I just have to shout out the score bc damn if those violins don’t get me every god damn time
(Stutter) That’s all, folks! 🐷👋
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weclassybouquetfun · 9 months ago
Raleigh Ritchie aka Jacob Anderson drops the Louis de Pointe du Lac song of the summer "Love is Dumb".
Always great to hear Jacob release new music.
TBT one of my favourite concert experiences.
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If you're watching the current series of AMC+/AMC's INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (its second series), you will see how bad Louis is at handling matters of the heart.
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Minor thoughts about S2 so far (spoilers)
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I love Louis and Armand as a couple! Do I know the other shoe is going to drop? Of course, but I do not care. I'm enjoying them.
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I see so many people say Assad Zaman and Jacob Anderson lack chemistry, and to each it their own, but I feel a lot of people are Sam Reid/Lestat fans and are peeved at his decrease presence this season and (to them) the lack of Louis and Lestat so they're not even interested in Louis and Armand and try to wrap this disinterest up into saying the show "is off".
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Tis nothing wrong with the series. To me it's richer. And yeah, I do miss Lestat, who wouldn't?
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Him still bewitching Louis, leaving Louis to grapple with his grief and his love for Lestat? The pain is exquisite!
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Not just visions, but Louis coming up with a remix to "Come to Me" where Lestat calls him a little whore?
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I wonder what's the next outfit Louis imagines DreamStat in?
We already got Lestat's white death outfit
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, the clean green suit that he wore to dinner with Louis' family,
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The outfit he wore when Lestat turned Louis.
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Louis needs to imagine him in the suit from this moment.
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-Next time Sam and Jacob do Zoom press, I need them to get a device with a better camera.
I need to see your face clearly, babes.
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Jacob looking at Sam like the side-eye dog.
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-When I first read the end sentence it took me two minutes to realize who Jake was. I've never heard this man referred to as Jake. It's like he's return from a gap year and declared, "Mum, dad, everyone. I'm Jake now."
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rapha-reads · 7 months ago
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 7 [The Thing Lay Still] - part 2/3
[Louis] "So much would be written about that grim night in New Orleans, but not a single mention of our last hour at Latrobe's, as if the only crime unfit to print took place on that dance floor." - and what do we say to homophobia, both "period-typical" and current? FUCK OFF.
It's the way they cannot… Aaah, need to say it in French, sorry. Use your translation tool. Ils ne peuvent pas se quitter des yeux un seul moment, même pas quand leurs pas de danse les forcent à se tourner le dos, Louis fermant les yeux jusqu'à ce qu'il soit de nouveau face à Lestat, ou qu'ils doivent se tenir l'un à côté de l'autre, leurs regards irrémédiablement attirés l'un par l'autre, comme deux aimants, magnétiques et plus fort que tout.
[Louis] "It was my sole duty to distract Lestat, but in his mirrored eyes, the distraction reflected back onto me. And in the dead center of the whispering gallery, I lost the thread to my plotting and fell once more into the well with no bottom. I was his, and he was mine."
I haven't said a word about Jacob's voice acting yet. But the way Louis' voice is so soft and slow. As if Louis is lost in his memories and back there, feeling all the love and the frenzy of that night, but also the pain and grief of the long decades since.
- Oof, I'm barely midway through the episode. I'm pausing it so much to not miss a single line that my player is starting to complain.
- "'Claudia, born 1903, I drank the water in 1917. I'm 36 years old.' 'Louis de Pointe du Lac. Born in 1878.i drank of the water in 1910. I am 61 years old now.' 'Lestat de Lioncourt, born 1760. I drank the waters in 1794. 180 years old… this coming November.'"
Ooooh, canon divergence! Not Louis and Claudia, them, we know, but Lestat. Born 1760 but turned in 1780 at 20 years old in the book. Interesting! I wonder why that change. There's another element given in s2, when Armand's writing his little Lesmand fanfic, but otherwise I guess s3 will give us an answer to why that tiny time change.
Meanwhile Tom fucking Anderson continues to be a nuisance.
Love the music. Love the blood. Love the violence. Love the magnificent entrance of the three, in white and red. Vampires are freaking cool and the werewolf crowd can bite my a… Ahem, sorry, werewolf buddies. I got carried away.
- Aaaand goddamn Antoinette about to make her entrance. Aaaargh. But also I am very bi and she is very hot so I can't entirely hate her.
- [Lestat]"'Quite drunk this one. Rosemary… And something else. What is it, my love?' [Louis] 'I… I think it's gin.' [Lestat] 'I wasn't talking to you.'"
Bitch how dare you call someone else your love right in front of Louis, I'm offended.
Oh, wait, actually I can perfectly hate Antoinette, GET YOUR HANDS OFF CLAUDIA.
- [Claudia] "'Lestat… You must think me an idiot. 'She was at the ball tonight.' Not just the ball. You shoulda let that train go, Uncle Les.' [Lestat] 'How? Who?' [Claudia] 'He who called you him… Always the petty lights with you, Uncle Les.'"
Ah, I knew I hated Tom Anderson for more than his slimy, racist, homophobic ways. Nice planning, Claudia!
- Ooh, oh, no, baby, not the cane sword, no no no no. I hate (not) when the foreshadowing comes full circle.
- [Lestat] "Louis! We are joined by a cord, by a cord that you cannot see, but it is real. It is real. I have loved you… with all myself. I'm happy it was you… here with me… à la fin."
No but can you imagine Lestat's anguish, the pure suffering and desperation he must have felt? Yes, yes, I know he's done plenty of wrongs, he's hurt Louis and Claudia a lot, he made mistakes after mistakes, he was prone to anger and abuse and violence.
But à la fin he's still a little boy who was neglected by his mother, abused by his father, hated by his first love, kidnapped and raped by his maker, hurt and threatened by the first vampires he's met, and was so lonely, afraid and hurt he didn't know how to love honestly even though he was deeply in love.
"Are we the sum of our worst moments", can we not feel pity and sadness for the monster in the woods? Can we not show kindness to the monster even after he's slapped our hand away, isn't kindness what could make the monster accept the hand?
I wrote a thesis about kindness being the true core of the story of Beauty and the Beast last year, about how it's true kindness and not love that Beast relearns how to be human and builds the self-esteem and self-respect needed to truly fall in love with Belle and have her fall in love with him in turn (there's more to my thesis, it's a 100 pages long, but that's the main point I wanted to make), and I can't help but draw parallels with Lestat.
Beauty and the Beast is French and it was first written in 1740, then rewritten and condensed (from 125 pages to barely 30) in 1756. Lestat definitely must have heard the tale, by the 1770s, 1780s, it was quite popular both in noble salons as in lowlier classes.
Do you think he ever fancied himself the Beast, and saw Louis as his Beauty? Do you think he ever thought he was cursed - despite claiming he never saw his condition as a vampire as a curse - and saw Louis as his salvation? Do you think he felt the fairy tale shatter irreparably around him when he realised that this time he could not keep Louis with him? Do you think in 1945 at the trial he saw himself as the Beast freed from his curse finally, heard and avenged, only to then realise that the curse was still there and stronger than ever because he had deeply misunderstood it? Do you think he spent 77 years living off rats in a dilapidated shack in the city that held his heart because his story went from Beauty and the Beast to the Ice Queen, or Koschei the Deathless, heartless and waiting for the one person that could unfroze or unbury his heart?
Ooooh, Lestat versus folktales. I think I can write a whole other thesis with just that idea. Or maybe a series of fics. Too many thoughts.
- [Louis] "The blood poured out of him as it might never pour from a human being… all the blood he had filled himself with. He lay now on his back, his eyes staring wildly at the ceiling, the irises dancing from side to side."
[Louis] "His irises rolled to the top of his head, the white went dim. This horror that had been Lestat… I stared helplessly at it. The thing lay still. There was no point in lingering."
No comment, just… Can you hear in Louis' voice the anguish, still, after so many decades…
- Huh. Bye Antoinette for real I guess, fire doesn't forgive. So no Antoinette at the Court.
- [Louis] "It was as if we'd expected Lestat to disappear in a puff of smoke or get sucked back into hell." - no but see, that's what I'm saying, the fairy tale ended and now you're left facing the very real consequences of the plot you thought you were living. Lestat ain't no fairy tale monster, just a regular (albeit vampiric) one, flesh and blood at the end. This ain't Buffy. Vampires are flesh here, animated flesh and when you kill them by any other means than fire or the sun, you are still left with the painfully visible reminder of the man that was the monster.
[I really like this part because I hadn't thought of the whole Lestat/folktale before and now I'm having a million of ideas knocking around my head.]
ep1 | ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | part 1 | part 3
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randomfandomss · 8 months ago
Louis with that tour guide feeling nostalgic!!!! MEE TOOO BITCH!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭 I MISSED NEW ORLEANS TOO, DIDN'T REALISE UNTIL NOW!!!
Side Note: Jacob Anderson you have no right to be this beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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