#Jack does have a college degree
zerogravityinq · 1 month
i have realized, hilariously, that in this AU, Bruce and Harry are like the only dropouts in the family.
Tom: did Ilvermony then Per Ana Institute in Brazil. Graduated with honors and went to Underground Medical School to be a paramedic
Dick: Encouraged by Tom to go to college, graduates with honors Even goes to medical school to be a licensed Physical Therapist
Jason: like this nerd wouldn't do Hogwarts then magical university. Has taken and passed the Bar.
Jazz: same as Jason but when into mediwizardry and a certified mind healer.
Tim: Did high school started University late due to the Incident. Doesn't work aa interim CEO of WE until way later with the gap between Bruce and Terry then Terry and Lilith.
Cass: did online high school and with some encouragement, did college and got her Bachelor's in ESL and child development. Went back to school to become a child therapist
Steph: finished high school and did medical school. Is a full fledged doctor, not just a medic
Harper: got her GED and went to vocational school. Has her own mechanics shop and co-runs the engineering dept at WE with Danny [neither really do the paperwork, they just make shit and pep up the rest of the engineering nerds]
Cullen: quietly got his high school diploma and put off getting his bachelors for 4 years before going back and doing it hella fast for no damn reason in something random as hell then doesn't use any of his degree and just is like a sailor or something.
Damian: completes Hogwarts and goes on to apprentice to Rolf Scamander and becomes a licensed magizoologist. Did do college to be a regular zoologist too. Is pretty busy with his kids and being the new Lord Potter.
Terry: also wanted to drop out but Bruce said he wouldn't give him the mantle if he didn't get his bachelors at least. This somehow led to him getting a Ph.D but like...
Lilith: did graduate studies on Business and graduated with her Masters in business management.
Danny: went full on graduate school for aerospace and engineering. Was even dual enrolled with hogwarts and a muggle school so he could keep up with science. Jason also dual enrolled for literature. Mostly splits time between WE and the Infinite Realms.
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theemporium · 1 month
"You're the only one who gets to call me that, you know." violet fluff please with jack hughes
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
22. “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.”
“There she is! Baby Z!” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the looks you were getting from the strangers around you as you quickly walked towards where Jack was standing. The sign was bad enough, held proudly in his arms as he waved it like anyone could miss it. But the yelling was a step too far, even for him.
“I think China heard you,” you grumbled to him once you were close enough, but you couldn’t fight the smile growing on your face as he dropped the sign and quickly wound his arms around you in a tight hug.
“S’been a while,” Jack murmured, not eager to let you go just yet as you both swayed back and forth on the spot. “Missed having you on the east coast.” 
“Surprised you even know you are on the east,” you retorted, smiling a little when you felt the boy huff out a laugh.
“Always so cheeky,” Jack commented as he finally pulled away, not even giving you a chance to say anything as he reached for your suitcase and started pulling it behind him. “She’s a college graduate and she thinks she can say whatever she wants.” 
“That piece of paper does make me feel powerful,” you joked, following him out of the airport and towards the car park. 
“M’proud of you,” Jack said in an earnest voice, his smile kind and genuine as he glanced over at you. “I know how hard you worked to get this degree.” 
“And now I have four years of college under my belt and not a fucking clue what I’m doing with the rest of my life,” you snorted but the joke fell a bit flat.
“You’ll work it out,” Jack assured you, reaching his free hand to squeeze your shoulder. “I believe in you.” 
It felt generic and a bit scripted to say, but he meant it. Jack had known you for as long as he had known Trevor. You were a Zegras at the end of the day: charming, kind and loveable in your own way (and in a far less annoying way than Trevor). But you were determined once you set your mind on something, you just needed to get there. 
It had been something Jack had always admired about you. One of the many things he always admired about you. 
And other than the two weeks you visited Michigan in the summer, he hardly saw you as much as he liked in the four years you had been away at college on the other side of the country. He was glad to finally have you close again. 
“You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know,” you spoke up eventually, looking at him in the driver's seat.
Jack briefly glanced at you. “Hm?” 
“Baby Z,” you said. “You’re the only one who calls me that.” 
“Alex and Cole used to say it all the time,” Jack retorted, his brows furrowing together a little as he racked his memory of his development programme days. 
“Yeah, but they stopped when I kicked them in the balls,” you told him, your lips twitching in amusement. 
“So I get a free pass?” He questioned, something quite smug in his smile. 
“Or I’m just waiting to find a fitting punishment for you,” you snapped back. 
Jack’s grin widened. “Whatever you say, Baby Z. I’m not dropping it. Better get used to it now that you’re back home.” 
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wittlesissyb4by · 5 months
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ABC Degree - Chapter 1
Marianne clutched her books tightly as she made her way through campus. 30 years ago she would have felt right at home. Laughing with the other girls by the fountain, flirting with boys by the quad, or frantically studying before an exam. 
Now? She couldn’t feel more out of place, like all eyes were upon her. She imagined what people were thinking as they saw her: What does this woman think she is doing trying to get a higher education at her age?
She felt even more foolish about what she was here to study: Adult Baby Care and Development or ‘ABCD’ as the kids were calling it these days. She’d known for a while about these Adult Babies, and how they were becoming more and more common in today’s world, either by choice or by punishment. But she had no idea they would actually offer a class in a prestigious University about how to care for one. She had even less of an idea that her husband would be the one who needed caring for. 
It was a little over a year ago when Jack first came to her about his diaper fetish. Throughout their 8 years of marriage, she’d always known he’d been hiding something. The way he would turn his phone ever so slightly in her presence, the way he’d make 100 different clicks on the computer as soon as she unexpectedly walked into the office, and how flushed and flustered he would get any time she used that same computer. Like he was terrified she’d stumble upon his goldmine of a porn stash.
So when Jack finally came to her and confessed his longstanding affinity for diapers, she was actually a bit relieved. At least he wasn’t cheating on her like she’d suspected. But with this new revelation came a whole host of insecurities. She saw how vulnerable he was when he approached her, how terrified he must have been to tell her. He probably thought she would just up and leave as soon as the words left his mouth. But obviously she would do nothing of the sort. He was her husband, after all. One she still loved very much. Marianne wanted Jack to know that she was happy he told her. She remembered placing her hand on his knee lovingly as he tearfully confessed what he had bottled up for so long. 
That’s not to say she wasn’t a little taken aback, though. It’s not every day your husband tells you he’s been sneaking off to play with his penis inside a pair of Pampers. She certainly had her questions: how it started, when it came about, and any other girlfriends he may have told. 
He mentioned a girl in college that he had gotten the nerve to confess to. She apparently laughed her way out the door and he never saw her again. So it was understandable to Marianne why Jack had taken so long to tell her: he was worried she would do the same. 
But Marianne–like most wives in a happy marriage–wanted to please her husband. She can still remember how much he was shaking from being so turned on when she first wrapped that pair of AB Cushies around his leaking, throbbing cock. The pheromones coming off of him were almost tangible, and she even found herself getting a little turned on by how much it was fulfilling his desires. 
But alas, once the diaper was on, she was at a loss. What was she supposed to do now? She knew Jack liked her to be dominant. But it’s not like she could very well spank him while he had a diaper on. She was never great at the dirty talking thing, no matter how hard she tried, and she wasn’t sure she could stomach changing a grown man’s dirty diaper. Sex was pretty much off the table as well. Jack wasn’t the smallest, but he wasn’t the biggest either, so it’s not like his dick could really stick out of the diaper enough to do anything with. She was at a loss. She was fine with putting him in diapers, but she didn’t know what to do once the diapers were on. 
So she turned to porn. She tried finding videos to give her ideas, any little tips she could get on how to properly engage with him the way he wanted. But her research yielded very little. She found out the hard way that there was a surprisingly barren amount of Adult Diaper porn on the web. Or, at least, she wasn’t the best at finding it. Apparently a Tumblr wide purge of ‘explicit content’ didn’t help………………….
She didn’t want to turn to her girlfriends for help. She didn’t think it was her place to air her husband’s dirty laundry (or diapers) to the public. But, one night over drinks, her friend Cathy was talking about her daughter who was now in college, and that’s when she heard about the program. 
“She’s majoring in ABCD.”
“Like…the alphabet?” Her other friend Erica asked with a mixture of incredulity and amusement. 
They all laughed, but Cathy explained, “Apparently they teach them how to deal with those guys that are in diapers. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turns out there are a lot of job opportunities that come with it.”
“So what does she want to do?” Erica asked. 
Cathy shrugged, “She wants to be a ‘Betasitter’. Supposedly these rich couples or wives will hire her to…take care of their husband while the wife goes off with another man. Something about ‘cuckolding’ or something like that…” Cathy sighed and shrugged exasperatedly. “I don’t really get it, but it’s something she’s really passionate about, so I guess all I can do is support her.”
Marianne sipped her wine silently, but her interest was piqued. The very next day she was Googling the program and getting details on the specifics. Still a bit unsure, she decided to talk to one of the counselors. 
“Yes, the Betasitting class will still be great for you. They will provide you with lots of resources and ideas to use on your husband, it will also open up more opportunities for you down the road if you want to explore it further,” the counselor explained. 
Marianne was skeptical, but ever since finding out about Jack’s fetish, she realized she wasn’t participating in it as much as he probably liked. After the initial fun of it, her anxiety took over, making it feel uncomfortable for her any time it was brought up. Not that there was anything wrong with the diapers themselves, it was mostly how uneasy she was in the dominant “diaper domme” role. 
So she enrolled, and that’s how she ended up here, in the ABCD building, trying to get the nerve to enter the classroom. 
She watched as flock after flock of 18-24 year old girls entered the room. Feelings of regret and anxiety rising to the surface. What would they think of someone her age taking a class like this? 
Finally she came to the realization that she didn’t care. She was doing this for her husband, for her marriage. She took a deep breath, clutched her books and readjusted the bag on her shoulder, grabbed the handle of the door, and entered. 
The room was a little bigger than your typical classroom. It had auditorium-like seating and rows that ramped downwards to the front of the class. Marianne felt like all eyes were upon her as she entered, even if they weren’t. 
She found a seat towards the back of the room, then looked around and thought better of it. She needed to be able to see the board. She gathered her things again awkwardly and moved up a few rows. Girls were still filing in, and Marianne tensed as she heard some sit down in the row behind her. 
“Originally I was in Early Childcare,” one girl said to the others, “I wanted to work with toddlers at a Daycare. Turns out, I much prefer working with Adults and treating them like toddlers. Still the same dirty diapers and tantrums, but at least with adults you know what they want...and you can tease them for it!”
They all laughed and must have nodded in agreement. 
“I’ve already got a job lined up” said another, “$1200 a week to betasit some rich loser that was caught cheating on his wife! She left him for another man, but still wants him in diapers 24/7. She’s gonna use his money to pay me as soon as I get my degree!”
Marianne’s eyes widened at that. Even with her business degree and healthy job she wasn’t making that good of money. 
“Is someone sitting here?”
Marianne looked up to see a young, beautiful blonde girl. Her stomach tried to escape through her throat when she realized who it was: Claire, the daughter Cathy was ranting about over drinks. The one who ultimately let her know about the ABCD program. 
Claire obviously recognized her too. There was that small, awkward moment of recognition before general social norms kicked in. 
“Oh my god! Marianne! Hi! How are you?” Claire asked as she sat down, it would be too weird for her to take off and find another seat now. Marianne reciprocated the uncomfortable exchange of “I'm good! How are you?” Before the conversation descended into silence. 
“So…” Claire finally said after what felt like ages, “why are you…taking this class?”
The elephant in the room was staring them in the face. Claire obviously knew Marianne’s husband Jack. But she didn’t want to out him in front of her and all these girls. So she said the first thing that came to mind: “I'm interested in the…business side of things.”
Claire nodded with narrow eyes, probably in disbelief, but she didn’t press further. 
Luckily, Marianne was saved from any further discomfort by the door opening at the front of the room. 
A woman in her mid-forties strode in, a couple years Marianne’s junior. Her salt and pepper hair tied up in a tight bun. Black, horn-rimmed glasses, fiery red lipstick, and a sharp jawline that jutted in the air as her pumps clanked on the floor rhythmically, like a Judge using their gavel to command order in the room. 
There was a sharp, collective intake of breaths as conversations ceased and pencils and notebooks were taken out. 
“Good afternoon, everyone!” the Professor announced with a sleek smile. Every girl in the room, including Marianne, replied back in unison “Good afternoon, Professor Peterson!”
“I trust you all have your essay on Yankevitz’s Psychology of Age Regressive Therapy, so please take those out, and pass them down the line if you will.”
Marianne gulped. There was a clamor of rustling papers as the women took their printed or handwritten sheets and passed them down the row for the T.A.’s to pick up. Marianne had worried she’d be behind on assignments after signing up for the class two weeks late. Hell, even 20 years after her first bout of college life, she still had recurring nightmares of showing up to Calculus 17 and not realizing there was a final she hadn’t studied for. The anxiety associated with being a full-time college student suddenly came rushing back to her. 
“We have a special lesson lined up for you today, it will be your first real ‘lab’ demonstration of this course.” Professor Peterson announced, she opened both arms wide and like clockwork the side doors on either side of the room opened. T.A.'s on both ends came in wheeling what looked like hospital beds into the room. 
The girls all gasped in excitement, apparently seeing something Marianne couldn’t. When the lady sitting in front of her finally hunched back down again to gleam excitedly at her neighbor, Marianne finally caught a glimpse of what everyone was ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ about.
Inside the bars of each bed, there was a college boy squirming underneath a blanket. 
“If you’ll all carefully make your way down so we can begin our demonstrations…” the Professor began, but the girls needed no further instruction. They already had their books and bags over their shoulders and were clambering down the stairs towards the blanketed boys. All 50 girls in the auditorium-like room were divided into groups among the 5 beds respective to their seated section. That meant Claire was in the same group as Marianne.
The 10 or so girls in the group circled around the crib-like bed. The boy inside was old enough to be Marianne’s son. He was around 20-22 years old. Further inspection yielded that the boy was, in fact, tied to the bed. His ankles and wrists strapped down with hospital restraints. He made a pathetic attempt to squirm and escape from under the bed sheet as the girls oggled and giggled. 
“Now, as you can see, you each have a Betaboi in front of you.” Professor Peterson called over the groups, “Notice their less than prominent jawline, their lack of much body/facial hair, their high-pitched whimpers, and their cowering nature.”
The girls nodded their heads in agreement. Marianne couldn’t help but see the same resemblance in her husband Jack. 
“Now, if you’d all be so kind as to remove the sheet, so we can see our Betabois in their appropriate attire…”
The girls all clapped their hands in excited glee, rushing to be the first to grab the hem of the sheet. Marianne seemed to be the only one interested in being a mere spectator. She watched as the girls looked around, nodded, and withdrew the sheet at the same time like a magician revealing their prestige. 
The bound boy clenched his legs as the sheet was removed, like that would do anything to hide the large disposable white diaper taped around his waist. The crowd of girls erupted in laughter and awes. The boy’s cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink. 
“As you learned from your reading last week, it is very important to emphasize the Beta’s attire. Remind them of their place, and that the diaper is necessary for their development.”
There was a chorus of chastising comments coming from each of the girls. 
“Awww!! Wook at the wittle beta baby in his diapurr!!”
“Aren’t you just the cutest?!”
“Look at the little loser in his Luvs!!”
“Don’t you wish you could use the big boy potty like an Alpha?”
The boy winced at every mocking remark as if they were lashes from a whip. He cringed and pulled pathetically on the straps. Marianne tried to jot down some of the things the girls were saying to remember them for later, but there was too much to keep up with. 
“Awww!! He went pee pee in his Pampers!!”
Marianne wasn’t sure if the boy’s diaper was wet beforehand, but it certainly was now. There was no mistaking the yellow tint forming in the front, and the big blue wetness indicator showing prominently down the middle. 
As if on queue, Professor Peterson continued with her lecture. “After you have properly acknowledged their attire, it’s time to focus on the state of their attire. Be sure to comment on any observations you see about it. Poke, prod, and question them about it. You can even have them talk about their situation. Remember: verbalization is one of the highest forms of humiliation.”
Again there was a slew of comments slung at the poor boy. 
“Did the wittle baby wet his diapy?”
“Beta baby went piddles in his diddles!!”
“The only wet thing your wittle clitty ever gets to touch!”
“Tell us what you did in your diaper, beta!”
The boy looked to be on the verge of tears. He screwed up his face and his bottom lip was quivering as he spoke in the most pathetic high-pitched voice “I…i went tee tee in my diapy…” The gathering girls erupted into laughter.
The boy tried to wipe his misty eyes on his shoulder, but the straps left him quite immobile. 
Marianne leaned over to the girl standing next to her. “Don’t you think this is a little…harsh?”
The girl’s face was bewildered. “What…him? Oh please! Don’t let those crocodile tears fool you! He is loving this! All of them are. In fact, they sign up for this!”
“Look! He’s hard!” one girl exclaimed as the girls leaned in to observe. 
“Awwww!!” They cooed. Pointing and laughing. 
“His wittle pee pee is poking inside his Pampurrs!!”
Marianne didn’t believe it was possible with how ashamed the boy seemed, but sure enough, there was a very noticeable bulge forming at the front of the swollen, sodden diaper. 
“And that brings us to our first demonstration!” Professor Peterson announced. “If I can have one volunteer at each station to perform a diaper change.”
Almost every hand shot in the air. Marianne chose to sit this one out. She was so overwhelmed by all the new experiences, the last thing she wanted to do was put her inexperience at the forefront of everyone’s attention. 
Mrs. Peterson went down the groups, choosing one girl seemingly at random. The girls not chosen groaned in jealousy, with the selected student grinning wickedly. 
When the Professor got to Marianne’s group, she pointed across the way. “Yes!!” Claire exclaimed excitedly when she realized she was picked. 
The rest of the girls groaned in disappointment, but parted ways and allowed Claire to clamber onto the bed and take her place between the beta’s legs. 
The boy squirmed and writhed at his bonds. Marianne wasn’t sure if he was pretending to be in distress, or trying to rearrange his bulging member inside his diaper. Either way, the onlookers found it hilarious. 
Claire looked a little more unsure now that she shared the center of attention, but she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. 
“First thing we want to do,” the Professor began, strolling back and forth amongst the groups, “Is administer the pacifier. This will immediately drop the beta into subspace. It is hard for them to argue or complain when they have something in their mouth, and it reinforces their regression.”
One of the girls in Claire’s group pulled out what looked to be a glasses case. Instead, when she popped it open, it was actually a very large pacifier. But instead of having a rubber nipple, it was an elongated rubber penis. Claire chuckled as she took the paci from the spectator, thanked her,  and pressed it to the beta’s lips. Marianne expected the boy to put up more of a fight, considering how humiliating and patronizing it must have been, but instead the boy opened his mouth and accepted the penis paci down his mouth without hesitation. Almost eagerly, in fact.
“After you have adequately administered verbal degradation and provided them with a paci, it is time to remove the diaper.” Peterson declared. “Make sure to place a firm palm at the front, between the decorative banner of the diaper and the blue indicator. You should feel their stiffness through the padding. You want to press this area so that they can feel the wet padding against their stiffy. This establishes dominance, provides slight stimulation, and gives you a solid grip to begin pulling off the fastening tapes. They can be a little stickier than normal baby diapers.”
Claire followed the instructions to a T. Smirking when the beta whimpered underneath her firm hand as she removed the tapes one at a time with a tssskk!
“Remember to take a deep breath before opening the diaper! I realize your babies aren’t messy at the moment. But it’s a good habit to get into. The fresh batch of air will save you from gagging more often than not.”
Clair pulled the front of the soaked diaper open, exposing the beta’s bits to the surrounding air. Some of the girls had to turn away, covering their mouths. Not out of disgust, but out of hilarity at the little 3 inch pecker pointing straight up in the air. 
“I always forget how tiny they can be!”
“That can’t be as big as it gets…can it?!”
“It amazes me that some of them think they deserve anything other than a diaper!!”
The beta had a fresh flush of blood rush to his cheeks. He tried to hide his face, but again the bonds kept him bound and exposed. 
“If you will take out your supply bags, you can begin the changing process…”
Claire looked around for help. In her excitement to get on the bed with the beta, she’d left her bag on the floor in the circle of girls. Marianne reached down and grabbed the infantile looking diaper bag. Claire side-eyed and shrugged innocently as Marianne handed it to her. It was a bit awkward for them both, but with everything going on, it paled in comparison. 
Claire set the bag on the bed next to her. Fishing for a package of wipes. She took them out and removed three from the container, which crinkled more than the beta’s diaper did. 
“Remember, take your time. You can never get them ‘too’ clean. Every little bit of stimulation gets them that much more desperate. Either for you or for the wife that is off having her own bit of fun.”
Claire laid the cold wipe across her palm and placed it against the boy’s inner thigh. He gasped, perhaps from the chill or from the anticipation. Claire slowly ran her hand up, closer to the beta’s bobbing balls, but stopped. Jumping over the area with the wipe and continuing to the other thigh. 
The boy’s breathing changed considerably, the head of his cock was swelling, his eyes were desperate. The other girls teased and pinched his nipples and cheeks, making him squirm even more from the intense stimulation. 
Finally, Claire laid a new wipe over his pulsing pecker. Making it resemble an actual tent, or a tiny little ghost. The girls giggled at the ridiculous display. Claire smiled before using her whole palm to twist and turn the wipe around the boy’s cock. Making it more painful than pleasurable. 
“Now, if the beta is uncaged, I always recommend a proper edging session.” Peterson professed as she strode back and forth amongst the groups, “Again, we want them as sexually frustrated as possible. It will make their eagerness to please and their obedience levels skyrocket. So if you will all carefully take your subject’s privates in your hand…”
Claire glanced over at Marianne. Neither of them really wanted to witness this in front of each other. Marianne had watched her friend’s daughter grow from a young age to the beautiful woman she is now. It was a bit abnormal to see her grasping another “man’s” penis right in front of her. 
“It is very important that you watch the beta’s visual cues during this portion of the change. As you know, betas have a very difficult time controlling themselves. We do NOT want them to achieve release, we just want them right up to the edge. Hence the term ‘edging’”
Claire looked down at the helpless subject before her as she applied liberal amounts of lotion to her hands.  Smiling at the obvious hold she had over him. Every single girl in this room with the exception of Marianne was here because they enjoyed that sense of power over those they found weak. Claire reached out her hand and grasped the beta’s already leaking member. Though, it was so small she couldn’t even palm it. Her hand ended up making the whole thing disappear. 
“Remember, you don’t have to use your whole hand. In fact, you only need to use two fingers! This will further emphasize the inadequacy of their equipment. Simply make a ring with your fingers, or a small gap between your thumb and index...”
Claire followed the Professor’s instructions, making a small circle with her hand and putting it into the air just above the head of his twitching clitty. 
The beta whimpered behind his pacifier. Raising his hips up and trying to poke his way between the tiny ring Claire had made for him. He managed to make the head slide through, but only for a bit. Falling back down on the bed and onto his used diaper. He grunted again as he summoned the strength to flex his abs and raise his hips again, pathetically humping at Claire’s stationary hand. 
“Good job, Claire!” Professor Peterson cheered, “As you can see, Claire here is letting the beta do almost all of the work, another great way to establish dominance and have the change go on your own terms. Always work smarter, not harder!”
The poor boy was practically pleading with his eyes. Sucking on his oversized paci with frantic intensity. His thrusts into her lubed up palm were eager and anxious. Like he hadn’t had relief for weeks. 
“Pay attention to the signs…” Peterson reminded, “See how his toes are curling? Perspiration building around the chest and temple? He’s close, when he starts to gasp, pull away.”
It was like the Professor was a fortune teller. Within seconds, the beta boy was whimpering and clenching and several quick, short, gasps later…Claire stopped. Opening her fingers just enough so that all the wiggly worm of the beta could feel was a cold breeze.  An almost angry grunt escaped around the paci in the frustrated beta’s mouth. 
“Awww!!!” The girls around the bed teased, “Somewon’s getting fussy and fwustwated!!”
There was an explosion of laughter, followed by shouts and jeers from the group next to them. 
“Professor Peters!! Someone had an accident…” they called. The older woman rushed to other group to assess the situation. Turns out the other girl was not as successful in edging her beta, as evidenced by the massive load of sticky juices covering both the kneeling student and the naked boy beneath her.
“Seems like we waited a bit too long to withdraw the stimulation. That’s okay! I won’t dock you points as you are still learning, just make sure you learn what you did wrong and what this particular beta’s tells were. Everyone has their little ticks that give them away, and sometimes it’s just a matter of learning each individual. However, if they do begin to ejaculate, ALWAYS remove your hand as soon as possible. The lack of stimulation at this precarious time will result in what is known as a ‘ruined orgasm’. It provides some of the relief the sub desperately wants, but without the associated pleasure of a full orgasm. Not to worry, dear. We’ll get ‘em next time! But just be aware that your future clients may not take lightly to having their husband’s achieve any sort of release. So keep that in mind.”
The girl seemed embarrassed as Peterson walked away without another word, the group of girls around her and the spent beta put a consoling hand on her shoulder.
Claire now seemed even more determined to do it right. Edging the beta 5 more times until his balls were noticeably swollen and aching. The poor beta could probably be heard across campus if it weren’t for the penis paci muffling his sobs.
“If you have made it this far into the edging session, give yourself a pat on the back!” Professor Peterson declared, the girls around Claire and one other group clapped and cheered. 
“The next part is where their preference sheet comes in,” Peterson continued after the room quieted down, “Again, every client is different, but some will have the box checked that allows for optional or even mandatory ‘milkings’. The wife or caretaker of the beta will often be specific as to how the milking can be administered, but I’ll show you one of my favorite ways: a procedure known as ‘milking the prostate’.”
Half of the room gasped, the other half looked around bewildered.
Peterson clicked the device in her hand, and a Powerpoint presentation detailing the specifics of the male ‘g-spot’, also known as the prostate, appeared on the screen. Through a series of slides the Professor explained that one of the best ways to stimulate this area is by using two fingers inserted into the rectum of the beta.
“It will be about the size of walnut, though some studies have shown that betas tend to exhibit a much larger sized prostate, which is why a lot of them are more prone to enjoying anal activity. Simply insert the lubricated fingers, point upwards just behind where the base of the penis is, and press lightly.”
Claire followed along with the Professor’s presentation by practicing on the beta in front of her. She put on a latex glove, lubed up her fingers with more lotion, pressed her palm against the pelvis of the boy, reached between his legs, found the hole, and pressed inwards.
Marianne will never forget the sound the beta made as Claire entered him. She was always hesitant to try things like this with Jack, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to hear those same sounds come from him.
The beta’s breathing was much more measured now. Like he wasn’t excited, but wasn’t being tortured either. One of the girl’s stroked his hair while another whispered in his ear to relax and ‘take it like a good boi’.
“OoooOOoohhh” the boy cooed as Claire worked her fingers inside him.
“That’s it, Claire!” Peterson encouraged, “right there! That’s the sound we want. Do you feel the walnut?”
Claire nodded and screwed her face up in concentration. Biting her bottom lip as she worked her hand and fingers back and forth inside him. 
The beta was moaning now. Like he was experiencing the most intense pleasure he ever felt. Claire had to use her other hand to hold him still while she worked her fingers in and out of him. 
“He’s close. Finish the job.” Peterson prodded, and Claire obliged.
The beta was rocking up and down on the bed, tugging at his bonds, moaning pathetically.
“Yes! Yesss! Yess!! I’m gonnNna..”
He didn’t need to finish his sentence, the puny penis pulsed and a projectile of semen shot into the air, then more oozed down the shaft and dribbled down his balls.
The crowd gasped and clapped. Even Marianne threw her notebook under her armpit and joined in the applause. 
“Well done, Claire!” Professor Peterson commended, “you have a bright future ahead of you!”
Claire smiled sheepishly as she pulled out several more wipes and began cleaning up the beta’s baby batter. 
“We are almost out of time,” Peterson announced, checking her watch, “so let’s all take out a fresh diaper and learn how to properly prepare it for application.”
Every girl in the room reached into their bags and pulled out a large, fluffy diaper of varying colors and designs. Except for Marianne, who must have missed it on the supply list. 
“Do you mind if I borrow…” Marianne asked the girl next to her. She smiled sweetly and obliged by handing her a pink, princess diaper with unicorns and flowers all over it. It was a bit of a strange design, she thought. Weren’t the people that wore diapers this size mostly males?
“It is very important when you have a new diaper to do what I call the ‘Fluffing Technique’” Peterson instructed, using a diaper of her own as a demonstration. “Most of them come vacuum or hermetically sealed, and they lose most of their volume. We obviously don’t want a flat, puny diaper, we want big, bulky diapers that force the wearer to waddle. So in order to fluff it up, simply open it up, and fold it down the middle, ‘hotdog style’ like this…”
She held the diaper aloft so all could see and follow along. 
“This begins the aeration process and creates a sort of channel for the messes to travel, helping to ensure you don’t have as many leaks. Once you have that crease, grab it on both the edges and wriggle it back and forth like this, almost like you’re activating a disposable heating pad.”
There was a cacophony of crinkles as the 50 women shook the sides of the diapers back and forth. 
“We are fluffing up the inner material and letting those layers breathe. Again, ensuring that we’re adding bulk and reaching peak absorbency. Your clients will thank you for going through less diapers, and for making their hubby’s look even cuter!!”
There were murmurs of agreement and awes. Even comparisons between the girls as to who got their diaper the fluffiest. 
“Now take those diapers home with you and practice applying them to a stuffed animal, your boyfriend, or anyone you can! That concludes today’s session! Have a great day!”
The auditorium rumbled as the girls grabbed their things and filed out. The betas in the beds were wheeled out by the T.A.’s. 
Marianne waited behind, stuffing the pink diaper into her bag that the girl graciously let her have. 
“Excuse me, Professor Peterson?” Marianne asked, approaching the desk where her teacher was rounding up her things. 
“Yes dear?” She said, without looking up at first. When her eyes rose to see the speaker for the first time, there was a look of recognition and sympathy in them. 
“My name is Marianne Olsen and I…I just wanted to say thanks for the lesson today. I’m sorry I didn’t get that paper in, and didn’t have my supplies b-but I—“
“How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?” Peterson asked. 
Marianne was a bit taken back by the question. ”F-fifty-two” she answered, feeling self conscious again. 
Peterson smiled, nodded and removed her glasses. 
“And why are you here?”
“I…well my uh…my husband has an…ummm—“
“A diaper fetish.” Peterson finished for her without even blinking.  
The Professor stared at her for a long while, then smiled. “I admire you, Mrs. Olsen” she finally said. 
“I…you do?”
Peterson smiled again “Yes. Few women, especially your age (no offense) would be willing to put forth the effort to accommodate for what is often seen as a very taboo and misunderstood fetish. Most women would run, but you stayed. Not only that, you signed up for a class to better understand and provide for your husband. I deeply admire that.”
Marianne’s eyes started misting. She had been so unsure about this whole thing and, up until that very moment, felt like it was all a mistake. 
“The world is changing, Marianne.” Peterson continued, “People are not only seeing diapers as a fetish anymore, but also as a very effective method of punishment, control, humiliation, and therapy. There are going to be many business and recreational opportunities in this field in the not so distant future, and I really hope you will see this class as more of a stepping stone rather than just a way to help get your husband off.”
“I…I guess I never considered—“
“You’re a powerful woman with a good head on her shoulders and the desire to learn and please. I am confident you will get more out of this class than you ever thought possible.”
“Thank you, Professor Peterson.”
“No, thank you. But in the interest of being consistent with all my students, I am going to need your essay by the end of the week.”
“Consider it done, ma’am!”
By the time she got home, Marianne was exhausted. She placed her bag on the coat rack, went to the fridge to grab a bottle of wine, and sighed exasperatedly as she sat next to Jack on the couch. 
“Hi honey,” Jack said, “how was class?”
“It was good,” she said as she poured herself a glass of Cabernet, “Now go get your diapers and bring them to me. Then take off your clothes. I have some...studying to do!”
To Be Continued
Click HERE to read Chapter 2!!
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
DC x Dp crossover
So we have all herd of the fics where danny adopts Conner cause superman sucks at being a clone dad, well I raise you, danny also being one of Conner's clone dads.
So let's say it's been a few hundred years and danny is the ghost king. He is happily married to tucker, and sam. Who came back as ghosts after they died takeing the GIW down with them.
Eventually danny gets stressed too stressed. Being the ruler of an infinite realm of the dead will do that to a guy. So sam, tucker, jazz, and valarie all agree that danny has neglected his human side too long. And eventually (with clockwork AND frostbite teaming up on him) danny agrees to finish out at least 1 human life time in the human realm.
So danny does under the name danny nightingale. He goes to college and gets a degree in chemistry. He still deals with ghost stuff in the human plane but it's more dealing with wild portals and stray spirits.
Eventually danny gets a job at happy harbor high as a chemistry teacher. And that is where he meets Conner. Conner looks a lot like danny but more has jack, and Dan's build. Danny wonders is mabey conner is a long down the line relative.
So Danny asks tucker to look into it. Only to find out that conner is a clone. That another creepy ritch frootloop used his DNA without his consent AGIAN. But he also learns the justice league have custody and superman conners other genetic donor has custody of him. So danny decides he dosnt want to make conners life more difficult and keeps the fact that he is one of his fathers a secret.
Danny is conners teacher and still gets close with him. Danny even gives conner extra lessons. Conner always comes in with bruises but Danny knows he is a teen hero and also knows what it's like so he dosnt but in.
But one day danny sees on the local news superman yelling at Conner about how he is nothing but his clone and that he is dangerous. Yeah danny isnt going to have that.
Next league meeting the conference room door is ripped out of the wall and a young man with black hair and glowing green eyes walks in flinging a folder on the conference table saying "I'm here for custody of conner" flatly staring at superman.
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up-in-flames-writing · 5 months
I feel like we never talk about how hard it is to be a trans immigrant. We never talk about how escaping from a country that persecutes you does not free you from suffering & bigotry.
I may not be able to attend my own graduation ceremony. I worked so hard these past three years to achieve something, to be the first person in my immediate family to finish uni, get a degree, & then be able to actually do something with it, to pick my own life course & not stray from it. I reinvented myself during these last three years so much, from the shy, dysphoric kid with no friends to a man who maybe isn't doing the best in life, but who has a hope for the future. I worked hard to present myself in the best way I could, & yet I won't be able to see the fruits of my labours.
And, sure, the reason is real silly. I can't legally change my name, so the name on the degree will be my dead one, & the Vice Chancellor will read out the corpse of my old self in front of all my teachers & peers, everyone who knew me as Booker, & Booker alone. And they will expect to see a young lady in a dress climb the stage, only to be met with a boy who isn't quite a man yet, who is still forced to live under a girl's name.
And why? Why! Because I am an immigrant who feared for my young life when Brexit was happening, who has been teased & bullied for being an ESL student, who never quite belonged. Because I am an immigrant transman who could be imprisoned in my country of birth for the crime of wanting to reinvent myself, who has to walk on eggshells around the man who reared me because he grew up Polish & catholic & who knows how he would react if I told him I was his grandson & not his granddaughter. I am an immigrant who has to hide behind their parents because who knows how my extended family will react to me, who is still not allowed to tell his cousin, his little sister whom he adores, his real name despite the fact I was her age when I started questioning my own gender & I somehow wasn't too young to be in pain!
I am an immigrant who cannot safely return home, but the country that took me in isn't quite the safe haven either. Because I need a passport to prove that my name has changed, but a passport cannot be issued to me under a name my birth country does not approve of. Because to change myself fully, I need to become a citizen to a country that abandoned my homeland after the war & looked away when it was being subjugated during it. Because I need to know how many of the swans in London belong to the Crown for the state to consider me a citizen of this dying empire, despite the fact I've lived here for so long, I can't remember what my childhood home back in Poland even looked like! I cannot truly remember what my room in that flat in a small, backwater Polish town looked like anymore, except for the bed that we now have in our guest bedroom, & the bookshelf that cradles all of my books on transness & queerness & feminism.
Because I am an immigrant from a country who hates me, I am forced to live in a country that hardly tolerates me, & to live as my true self I have to subjugate myself for the sake of an old empire that lost its touch. I have to submit myself to a personal sort of colonisation, to be able to walk onto that stage at graduation with my real name on the degree. But I can't do that, because I don't have the money, because I spent the last three years breaking my back proving to people that the little girl with behavioural problems who was always bullied, was able to become something greater than the sum of her parts. Because I now don't have the time or the patience to tell you exactly when the Union Jack was created, or at what hour of the day is tea time, & I don't have the time to wait for a passport to be sent to me, only for me to return it to sender with a plea of changing my name upon it.
Because my transmacs friends in college had their names changed at sixteen, while I'm already done with my undergrad & still have to contend with the question of what citizenship I would rather have. Because I will sooner be on hormones & growing a beard than I will be able to change my name.
And in all this I find it so ironic that I was named after an angel, & like everything else in my life, I reject the goodness & the easy way out, I reject the things that once made me, me, to become my own god & rebuild myself out of the scraps left behind by a life of turmoil.
And still I am just some immigrant bitch stealing jobs from good, hardworking Britons, & I'm still just a transsexual fag taking women's rights away, & I'm still just some freak of nature manipulating the kids into sin & immorality. And no matter where I go, where I turn to, I don't feel all that angelic at all.
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kakiastro · 5 months
Venus Series part 3
Henry Cavil has a Venus Gemini 25°(Aries degree) no wonder why he so fine🥵
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Hey y’all! I’m slowly but surely finishing this series lol, I haven’t forgot, don’t worry😅. As always, keep in mind this is just the energy of this placement, house and aspects influence the energy so keep that in mind when you read these. To read my past Venus series post, just click the hashtag at the bottom. Without further ado…
-these natives love communication. They get turned on by the mind of their lovers. They love it when their lovers teach them things that they didn’t know about. May have had lots of bf/gf especially during their school years. They were the “pretty one” among their peers even if they didn’t feel like they were. Lot of female/fem friends growing up.
-they are the sibling who’s the mediator. If they have more than one sibling and there’s a dispute, they’re the ones who has to bring the peace. They may be the favorite sibling or the one who gets lots of attention among their parents. May have to drive their siblings around, I notice these natives tend to have siblings who may be co-dependent on them. May be the “educated” or the one who has a lot of knowledge in the family.
-loves books, may have too many in their home😅education is important to these natives, they have did well in school or college.
-their co-workers are always trying to befriend or get to know them even if the native stay to themselves. These natives just radiate bestie or big bro/sis energy. They have lively personalities so you can’t help but love them.
-they move around a lot in their life. I notice these natives may stay in apartments most if not all of their lives. If they do buy a forever home, it’s usually open and spacious. They love to decorate their home
-they love snacks like crackers or chips. Salty snacks is usually a favorite of theirs
-they love doing errands especially with lived ones. Road trips whether quick or long are favorite
-have beautiful or pleasing voices. Their voices are recognizable.
-loves singing, probably can remember the lyrics to every song they love. They love singing during car rides as well!
-love spoiling their niece or nephews. They are the uncle or auntie who brings the best gifts for your birthday!
-best smile! They have a little mischievous look to their smile like they’re always up to no good😅
-these natives may have a steady income or they have different types of jobs. It’s hard to pinpoint what their career is because they do multiple things at their job. They may have side hustle so they have multiple stream of incomes coming in to support them. They are a jack of all trades type
-loves animals, may own multiple. I’ve seen native own 3-4 at a time. They love a variety as well. If they own 3 dogs, it might be 3 different breeds. They don’t have a favorite, they love them all lol
Do you have or know a Venus Gemini and does it resonate with you?
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Am I the asshole for breaking up with my boyfriend?
I (32F) broke up with my boyfriend Jack (30M) a few months ago over a couple Issues I've been dealing with: I found out I have a degenerative issue with my eyes and will be going blind, and his dad hates me for being as he quotes "fat, uneducated, and bad with jobs". Note: I am infact obese, I do not have a college degree, and had lost my job 3 times in a row in 6mos before I hit the stable job I'm at now, due to mental breakdowns at work.
Jack has lived with his parents his whole life, and revers them greatly. However I can tell he's going through the same thing I did with my parents- Where they prioritized him getting good grades over his mental health, he constantly apologizes and thinks I will hate and abandon him over very simple things, he rather delve in games than face his problems, because he thinks he is comfortable when it's very much making him feel worse.
I cut contact with my parents 3 years ago for these exact same reasons- They were overbearing, abusive, and without another way to say it: extremely catholic. Because I was financially dependent on them and didn't know any better, I thought I could live with them as an adult because of how expensive housing is where we live.
Eventually I had to start getting therapy because I would have meltdowns so often in school, and found out it was the way that my parents treated me when I was younger, and that I have AuDHD- something my parents denied as me being too stupid and lazy to do anything after high school.I got on medication and though my ADHD improved, i had to continue therapy due to my Autism now having more time to focus and overwhelm me and having to learn to unmask. I've been told my personality did a 180 over this from peers that hadn't seen me pre-pandemic, but I'm happier now, and eventually found a way to move away from my parents and living with my Uncle instead, who instead of belittling me is encouraging my therapy.
I am explaining this, because Jack does the same things I do- he's almost the exact same as I was with my parentls. He has constant meltdowns and spirals, he thinks he's worthless because of the way his Mom and Dad treats him, yet he keeps putting his parents on a pedestal. It's because we seemed to grow up in the same kinds of environment that we bonded and eventually started dating last year.
Us openly dating did not last long, though, because when he introduced me to his parents they immedietely did not like me. They did not like that I wanted to help with dinner, or refuse eating chicken, because Jack is severely allergic to it. They also did not like that I wanted to clean the table and kept sidelooking at me whever we talked.
Because of this simple lunch, for months, they pressured him to break up with me but he wouldn't. He said he loves me as I am, and his parents are just stupid. We even had to start keeping the relationship secret, because his parents would harass him for coming to just pick me up, or meet me at a tennis court so we would play a game or two. His parents can track him through his car, so they always knew where he was.
I told him what I had to do to leave my parents house, but he said it's too hard to do that. My Uncle was sympathetic about this and even discussed with him to move into our house, but he refused that too.
Last month, I went to a vision doctor due to headaches and blurrier than usual vision, and found out that I would be losing my eyesight due to something going on within my eyes. Its extremely stressful for me, and dealing with that, and the constant harassment from Jacks parents, I got very tired. it was getting to the point where he couldnt go out without his parents yelling at him about me for something, we only hung out for once day per month. I didn't want to give them something else to yell about me at him, and I felt it would ease his stress because they would stop bothering him. And, though it seems weird, I hoped it make him uncomfortable enough to do something for himself. So I ended up breaking up with him.
It has really hurt to do this to him- He's someone I love dearly, and he's taken it way harder than I thought. He won't listen to me, But. He does listen to his friends- it's how he asked me out, and at least try out therapy, his friends hyped him up about it so he did it. I feel if his friends help him realize what he needs to do, he'll be more inclined to help himself than me just telling him. And if not, his friends are still there to back him up than me staying near him and having his parents harass him about it.
His friends are mad at me though, and told me I should have just put up with his parents, because in the end I am in love with him and that I actually made the whole situation worse, because he has loss motivation. Even though I am still talking to him and still there for him alongside his friends- I just make myself scarce so his parents don't know we talk. Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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fanatic564 · 2 months
Ok. So we know Vlad met Maddie and Jack in college. But then the accident happened, and he was hospitalized for years. So my question is, were they undergrads, or going for their masters or doctorate. Additionally, if he didn't get his degree or wanted to go further, did he go back to college afterwards? (I didn't include doctorate before accident because why would he be at college then? It feels like he was too young to be getting a second doctorate. Then again, who knows.)
If yall want, put your reasoning in the tags.
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Masterlist : Marvel
Marvel Cinematic Universe
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Do you love Bucky series? @justkending is the writer for you! Here are some of my favourites:
Finding Memories 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader, Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?)
The Number One Rule 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader, Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor’s degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other’s buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?)
The Slip Up 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader, After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.)
So, my number one for smutty Bucky is the wonderful @sinner-as-saint. Here are a few of my favourites:
Capital Letters * 🦋 (Bucky AU x Fem!Reader, You were fortunate enough to work for who was considered to be one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time; Mr. James Buchanan Barnes. And soon, things weren’t so professional between you and the man…)
His Obsession * (Mob!Seb x Housekeeper!Reader, You work for the notorious mob boss. You’re at his house regularly; tidying up and cleaning and surprisingly you’re not scared of him like the rest of his staff are. Sure he is authoritative, and mean but he’s never disrespectful or inappropriate, nor does he bark orders at you like he does with the guys. And you were almost certain that he barely pays attention to you. Until one evening he confronts you about something. And what starts out heated, ends in a night neither of you will ever forget…)
Miscellaneous Authors:
Diner Girl || @ofstarsandvibranium (Fem!Reader, After coming across a small diner, he becomes enamoured with you, a waitress)
Set me free || @intrepidacious (Bucky x Nymph!Reader, Once upon a time, a soldier fell from a train. Thankfully, this time, he is found by gentle hands, and a beautiful voice keeps him safe from the cold)
Heal me, baby || @/intrepidacious (Bucky x Nurse!Reader, Your friendship starts with you cleaning up his wounds and Bucky paying to get the blood stains out of your couch. Something else starts, too)
Nightingale’s Song 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Barnes x OC, James Buchanan Barnes. Captain America’s best friend. Hydra’s secret weapon. A man lost in time who can’t remember his own name let alone those he held most dear. Florence Anna Charles. A nurse on the front in World War II. A mutant in a time they weren’t known. A woman who can heal with a touch that catches the attention of Hydra)
Lessons in Love || @violentdelightsandviolentends (Bucky x Fem!Reader, Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.)
[Not Named] || @terry-perry (Dad!Buck x Fem!Reader, Can I request of Jack is clinging on Y/n like koala. Like when Bucky try to pry him off of her but he said “No! I’m staying with mommy and protect her!”)
Mood lighting || @frankieetaylorr (1930s!Bucky x Fem!wheelchair-user!Reader, You never understood why he always came to the dances your resident home threw but you were always so glad when he did)
TW: brief mention of abandonment
Secret Book Club || @starks-hero (40’s!Bucky x Reader, Bucky’s got a new book and he just can’t seem to put it down)
Instinct || @dilemmaontwolegs (FATWS!Bucky x Blind!Fem!Reader, After trying to stop a mugging before Bucky intervenes as reward is offered and so he tracks you down)
Fall into Winter * 🦋 [Ao3] || Miajah (Bucky x Reader, Mae was just doing her civic duty when she saved Iron Man, now she can't seem to get rid of him. Then there was the Winter Soldier and of course Captain America himself. A girl can't catch a break)
Running From the Past * 🦋 [Ao3] || @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (Buck x Mutant!Reader, Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings (like a chameleon/cuttlefish/octopus) and change her appearance in minor ways (such as hair, skin, and eye color), though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD)
Steve Rogers x Reader
You and Me Together 🦋 || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Single Parent Steve x Fem!Reader, After the death of his wife, Sharon, Steve Rogers is now the single parent of their daughter, Grace. Three years after his wife’s death, his friends convince him to go back into the dating game)
Not a Perfect Princess || @shmaptainwrites || (Steve x Princess!Reader, Reader meets one of the heros who saved her country and realizes around him she doesn’t have to be a perfect princess)
Making the Team || @heliads (Dad!Steve x Daughter!Reader, The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her)
10 Years Time 🦋 || @/justkending (Steve x Stark!Daughter!Reader, As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family’s country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen.That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?)
Tony Stark x Reader
Dum-E || @mostly-marvel-musings (Tony x Fem!Reader, DUM-E has probably tried petting Tony's hair with his grabby claw when Tony falls asleep in the lab because he's seen you do it and noticed that Tony likes it)
Hot Chocolate and Hoodies || @deadlymistletoe (Tony x Fem!Reader, A dare involving a hoodie eventually leads to hidden feelings being revealed)
Maybe to annoy you || @specialagentlokitty (Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Tony's daughter and she has a crush on Steve, like everytime she sees him she blushes and Tony is a little annoyed)
Two Wicks, One Flame * 🦋 [Ao3] || AmberSnapeBlack (Tony x Soulmate!OC, Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated. What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Little Love || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Loki x Short!Reader, where the reader is super short)
Shatter This Glass And Set Me Free * 🦋 [Ao3] || @shiningloki || (Loki x OC, Loki hasn't seen the light of day in years. He has been locked away in Stark Tower, waiting for Odin to free him of his punishment after his attack on New York. He's angry, he's spiteful, but most of all, he's lonely. It is not until one day when a new face comes along Stark Tower that everything begins to change. She's different from the rest. She's trusting, she's curious, and she's willing to give Loki a chance at companionship that no one has ever offered him)
The Eyes of the Beholder 🦋 || @/starks-hero (Gorgon!Loki x Blind!Reader, Loki has spent years in solitude, hidden away in the mountains south of Athens. Having been cursed by the gods for his trickery, anyone that sets eyes on him shall turn to stone. But what happens when an unfortunate mortal wanders into his domain?)
TW: Descriptions of blood, violence and injury, angst
Dances and Daggers 🦋 [Ao3] || Cozy_The_Overlord (Loki x OC, The Summer Festival is upon Asgard, as is the tradition of the dagger ceremony, where each unmarried gentleman chooses a lady to bestow with the honor of carrying his dagger for the night. As Prince Thor's betrothed, Teki's only goal is to accept his dagger with grace and hope that her violent stepfather doesn't find fault with her in the process. But Prince Thor is unpredictable, and when he ignores his engagement on a whim Teki finds herself in a desperate situation. Luckily, Thor isn't the only prince in Asgard…)
Avengers x Reader
Not a burden || @/specialagentlokitty (Autistic!Child!Reader, Would you be comfortable writing something where Bucky and Steve (or maybe the whole Avengers team if you like that better) adopt the autistic reader after finding out her mother emotionally abused her?)
Some Things Never Sleep 🦋 [FF.Net] || MotomamiBizcochito (Avengers x OC, Emma Rogers, AKA The Viper Assassin, has been under Hydra's thumb for nine long years until the Avengers rescue her from a Hydra base after receiving anonymous intel from the Winter Soldier. She's thrown into a world of freedom which she's never known but with the help of her grandfather, Captain America, she slowly becomes accustomed to her new life until Tony Stark brings up the Sokovia Accords. Emma is caught in the middle of a war as she becomes intent on protecting the man she calls her father and siding with her grandfather. Not to mention she crosses paths with a certain webslinging nuisance that knows just how to push her buttons like no other...what Emma would give for the days she spent knife fighting with her father in Siberia)
I know it's a Spiderman x OC but it's because of this story I discovered MCU and Emma has a lot of relations with Avengers. A LOT of TW, check them all please
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letsgetrowdy43 · 7 months
Meet the cast—
Au Masterlist!!
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Yvette “Eve” Liu—
She was born in upstate New York, her father a lawyer and her mother an Educational Assistant, her two younger siblings were born years later in Michigan when they moved to Plymouth when their father was offered a senior partnership at a law firm.
She tutored a bunch of the usntdp boys in their junior and senior years, and that's how she found her Jack
Jack was very different from the other boys she put up with, he had a politeness that made her swoon. He never interrupted her, always paid attention, and always followed his sessions with a quiet thank you which had her in a puddle every time he left the library.
There was never a session where she hadn't shown up home after with big heart eyes.
Eve was always very school-oriented throughout her life, loved education, and loved furthering her understanding of the world, so naturally, she chose education as her career path
She goes on to study education at Rutgers and becomes a high school history and English teacher by 22 (started her teaching practicum at age 20, so technically she was teaching at 20h
Her and Jack ending up in the same city was a coincidence; her cousins who lived in New York were also going to Rutgers for their degrees, and she wanted to be close to her family, so she followed them. Jack just happened to get drafted there just a few months before her freshman year began
She had a cat in college, but she had to give it to one of her college friends when she moved into her apartment because Jack was allergic to it, her name was Penelope
Eve and Nico are also very close, Jack's real wife and his work wife are best friends and always team up against him, he gets either very upset at their kicking or very jealous that is wives love each other more than they love him
She owned a little box of every little thing Jack had ever given in her room, and he never found out till they moved in together in her senior year of college
She named their daughter, an ode to one of the more influential women in her life, her grandmother, and that's how they ended up with little Mei Hughes.
Mei and Jack are her entire life, and it's as simple as that.
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Jack Hughes—
Jack was pretty sure Eve hated him their first few history tutoring sessions together, he could barely string sentences together, his palms were soaked, and he was a ball of nerves because she was just so pretty.
He was so blind to the fact that she was equally just as into him as he was to her. He accidentally misunderstood her asking him to homecoming in their junior year as her asking them to go as friends so when he picked her up she was expecting a cute little corsage and to maybe take some photos and instead, he showed up at her doorstep with Trevor and Alex.
Jack would never live that moment down for the rest of his life, but he definitely made it up to her a year later when he asked her out, as not-friends.
She definitely fell first but he fell harder.
Jack cried so many tears when he found out they were both gonna be in Jersey and really relied on her during his rookie year
While he was in Michigan during the 2023 season he bribed Luke with free liquor to drive up to Detroit and pick him up so he could stop at Eve's parent's house to ask for permission to marry her.
They are only engaged and plan to have a long engagement, but Jack refers to her as his wife to literally everyone
Jack is literally a wife guy, whatever his wife says goes, and everyone chirps him cause he's literally Eve's bitch, but he follows her blindly and with heart eyes and does not give a fuck what anyone says.
Jack is the girl dad at heart, and that's all im going to say cause I know you all completely understand what I mean.
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Mei Jean Hughes—
Born January 8th, 2024 in New Wark NJ
Very chubby giggly baby with a head of perfect little curls
Jack asked Quinn to be her godfather during the second Hughes vs Hughes game, just days before Eve was induced. Quinn cried, but if you ask him he’ll say something was in his eye
Mei is Daddies girl for sure, she is obsessed with Jack, hates when he's on roadies and needs to talk on the phone with him before bed
Mei hates Trevor, she loves Cole and Alex, but Trevor is like enemy #1
Has Luke wrapped around her chubby little finger, he is literally Eve and Jack’s saving grace, the best babysitter ever
Mei goes through a tiara phase when she’s older
If you have any thoughts or questions please leave them in my inbox!!!
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
This Will Be The Day That I Spy - Part 1: Blindsided
Fandom: Kingsman: The Golden Circle / Jack Daniels
Pairing: Jack Daniels x f!reader
Reader: Bold, smart female, not easily fazed, always open for an adventure. Has a chemistry degree and is a spirits distiller by trade. No physical descriptions, no use of y/n.
Rating: T
Warnings: darkness, enclosed spaces, and Jack Daniels being a flirt.
Summary: A blind date with Jack Daniels does not go according to anyone’s plan…and that’s what makes it interesting.
A/N: For my March entry for Year of Tropes  as part of @yearofcreation2023​ we’re going for BLIND DATE+. The + is there because I couldn’t decide between two tropes for this fic, so there will be another one tackled in part two.
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It was the construction that pushed you in the door to the swanky Manhattan high-rise. Ginger wasn’t kidding, this guy must be loaded. Not your usual fare, rich guys, but Ginger assured you he was a sweet, Southern gentleman…if you could get past the hokey name. And the corny compliments. And something about a belt buckle….?
“I’m not looking for a sugar daddy, Ginge,” you’d pleaded over the video call. “If that’s what he’s expecting–”
“It’s not. Believe me. I only suggested he meet with you to springboard your network in New York and look over your portfolio. He’s impressed with your background and your work at Herlot Watt, but…” your old friend’s lips pressed together in an otherwise controlled flickered moment of frustration, “then he saw your picture and asked me what you were like when we were in college and I figured I’d just cut to the chase and set you up. One thing you should know about Jack is that he thinks he’s being subtle. But that man is never subtle.”
“So you’re saying he’s rich but tedious and you think that’s a good match for me.”
“No! I’m sorry. No.” She adjusted her horn-rimmed glasses, doing her best to hide a knowing smile. “Jack is…he tries. He’s a romantic at heart. He really is. But he’s been alone too long and I think he knows it.”
“Wait. Is this that CEO that flirts with every woman he sees? That one boss that irritates you to hell???”
Ginger let out a long, measured breath. “Do you trust me?”
“You forget that I was trained in a multitude of forensics. And I know when you’re lying.”
“You know when I’m lying because we shared an apartment and you’ve held my hair while I was puking.”
“That too.” Ginger was never known for having a tender heart, but every once in a while, she’d let you see it. “Listen, dearest. I promise you, his personality fills up a room. But I’ve known him long enough to see that it’s a diversionary tactic. He’s got a deep core of honor in him. And if you meet him and sparks don’t fly, he will still open doors for you in the distilling biz, I promise.”
“This is the Manners Maketh Man guy, isn’t it.”
“I didn’t realize I’d told you so much about him.”
“Less told and more complained. You’re throwing me to the wolves here, Ginge. At least tell me he’s good looking.”
One sly corner of her mouth raised. “He does alright. I think you’ll find him acceptable to your tastes.”
“What’s that look for??”
“Nothing,” she cooly mused, “I’m just curious to see if my hypothesis is correct. Friday night, 7pm, rooftop restaurant of the Calgary Suites. I’ll send you the coordinates. Enjoy.”
As she leaned forward to end the call you told her to “wait–I’m not one of your experiments!” but with a click she was gone, nothing but a white afterimage on a black screen in glorious negative relief.
Well. If nothing else, he sounded like a challenge. And you like a good challenge.
So on a balmy Friday night you found yourself gaping up up up the reach of the Calgary against the twilit sky, towering over Central Park at your back, smelling the reek of a life too expensive for your tastes and instinctively turning on your heel to walk away.
What stopped you was the restoration scaffolding enclosing the building under which you were standing. Or rather, the way it shuddered. And the way a large pole fell on its end with a clang to the sidewalk where you’d just passed a moment ago, tipping slowly out into the street. Nobody was hurt but the screams and concrete crack and sudden blaring of horns spelled out a true disaster in front of you.
Where someone else might have been rattled and shocked, all it did was give you perspective.
Fuck it. Let’s do this. Can’t be a worse disaster than this, right?
“I can call up for you, ma’am. What suite?” The doorman at your elbow brings you back to the moment.
“Uh, no, uh, I’m sorry. Daniels? I’m actually meeting him at the rooftop restaurant.”
“This way, ma’am. So sorry about all of this.” He seems nervous, a little shaken by the victimless accident outside, anxious to put all to rights and it looks like you’re something he can fix. You follow him to the elevator bank, letting the sleek extravagance of the lobby wash over you.
Once an elevator arrives, there’s a swipe of a key card, a little door opens to a small button that gets tapped, a friendly nod, and the doorman backs out of the elevator, smiling as the door quietly slides shut.
Well. That decides that then. Might as well just ride this out.
Looking at your reflection in the polished doors, you try to see yourself for the first time. Are you shoddy looking? At least clean and tidy? Would you ever find yourself really fitting in at a place like this? A little lip tint might help, if for nothing than confidence…
In an attempt to look at anything but yourself, you reach into your purse to find a gloss or lipstick or balm, something with some color, and are so occupied that when the elevator stops and the doors open, you simply step back and to the side to let the new passenger in.
Once you’re in upward motion again, you find what you’re looking for, turning to apply it in the reflection of the polished wall. Finishing and taking in the final effect, a smooth baritone rolls from behind you.
“Pardon me, ma’am, but are you–”
You just start to turn–just enough time to catch a black Stetson and tie, a charcoal blazer and painted-on denim, just enough time to register the deep chestnut hair and mustache, just a fleeting twinkle of a dark eye and a silver buckle–before the world goes black.
A jolt shakes the box you’re in and it comes to a rude halt, then another harsher one as the generator initially kicks in but fails before it’s begun, and you feel yourself stumbling backward through a pitch black void, banging your shoulder and then head against a polished metal wall.
“Owwwwww.” A bright light pierces the blackout; not from the spark of pain but rather a phone flashlight. “Hey!”
“My apologies,” your fellow passenger says and the light swings out of your eyeline. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just…surprised.”
“Okay, that’s good. Hold on a minute, sugar.” The light goes out, replaced by the display backlight shining onto the man. It’s dimmer, but you can make out his thumb tapping out a few numbers and the line of a strong jaw as he lifts the phone up to his ear. “We’ll see what’s spooked the horses.” A few distant rings. A few more.
Sugar? Sugar?? Excuse him??? Wait. No. Wait. Is he–
A distant answer through the phone. “Sir?”
The man is calm and steady, respectful and patient. “Howdy, Jones. I’m in elevator 3 with another passenger and we’re in a stall and blackout. What’s the situation?”
“I’m so sorry, sir! We think it might be the construction outside, perhaps a wiring issue. There was an accident. We’re working to get it fixed as soon as we can. Are you alright?”
“Yes, yes, we’re fine. No worries. You wanna call up top and let them know I’m going to be late for my reservation?”
“Of course Mr. Daniels. Although, they’ll be in blackout too; the whole building is… Oh! Your guest was just–”
“Yes, she’s in here with me. I believe…” He turns to face you in the shadows as if he can see you past the light of his phone.
The silence that follows is a bit too long and fills itself with the collection of regrets–the outside accident, the elevator stop, the darkness, being stuck in a box with the potential employer slash begrudgingly blind date that you’d rather meet under literally any other circumstance. What a disaster.
And then you realize that the silence is too long and it’s your fault, that he’s waiting for you to confirm who you are and you stutter out a “Yes. Yes, it’s me, I’m…I’m your–” just as he is about to ask you again.
“Yeah, it’s her, Jones. I got ‘er.”
“I guess that’s both a good and bad thing, sir. But at least you both have company, right?”
“Sorry, Mr. Daniels. Just trying to make light. Ha! No pun intended!” The doorman’s laugh roars and then awkwardly fades through the receiver. “We’ll do our best to get you up and running again, sir.”
An abrupt return to absolute blackness comes when the call ends and you hear a small shuffle as he puts his phone back into his blazer pocket. Then there’s a beep--like a notification--but he doesn’t answer it. “Well shit, you went through the effort to put the last shine on the boot and I don’t even get to enjoy it.”
“The lipstick? Your face.”
“Excuse me?” Ooof. This guy really has some kind of cowboy schtick going on. 
A chuckle in the darkness. “I’m Jack. Ginger’s told me a lot about you. Said you had some bite.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Daniels,” you say, hoping your voice carries a smile rather than the tingle in your spine. “I assure you I’m harmless. If there was light, I’d shake your hand.”
“I prefer Jack. And if there was light, I’d most likely kiss your cheek in a gentlemanly manner.”
Wow. Wasting no time in the flirtation then. From any other strange man in close proximity, this should be too forward. But incredibly, intuitively, you know he means no harm. Ginger wouldn’t hook you up with anyone who was a threat, and obviously he knows that any bad step on his part would be reported.
But it is his voice that gives you calm. His voice in the dark. Deep. Mannerly. Steady. With a twang that is on track to becoming a big distraction.
You’re self aware enough to realize you made a mistake on your way here. You had already decided that the date was a minor hurdle to get through in order to meet your networking goal, that these business types weren’t your style and that you’d shake hands and leave with nothing more than a little professional support.
It had been a subliminal, foregone conclusion. At no point had you seriously expected to have your head turned.
But he’s said all of a few sentences to you–all of them polite, gentle, and smoothly southern…
…And it’s working on you.
You can feel your face start to burn and even though it’s impossible to see anything in any direction, you still smile hard in the direction of your shoes. It would be nice to be kissed on the cheek by a man with that voice. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all?
“You still with me, darlin’?” It’s smooth and sweet, a perfect balance of charm and attempting not to be a threat or take up the whole room, even as tiny as it is.
“Hmm? Oh, yes… I was just wondering,” you peer in his direction out of habit, trying to find him in the void, “what brought you here.”
The careful calm cracks and a little cornball shows through. “Well you did, sugar. I believe we had a blind date. Although, this is awfully literal.”
You can feel your face squinching up, suppressing a laugh–a hopeless endeavor that fails–and it’s pleasantly surprising at how instantly you are won over. “I meant Manhattan! I assume you’re not from here…your accent…”
“Ah that,” he purrs, laying it on thicker for your benefit. “I am a Southern boy born and bred. But someone had to run Statesman’s New York branch, so I slung myself into the saddle, and here I ride.”
“I suppose the cowboy act is helpful for the brand….charming investors…subliminal suggestion of authenticity…”
There’s a sharp intake from his corner. “Sweetheart! I can assure you there is no act. I grew up on a fair few ranches and have one myself.”
“Really? With the horses and everything.”
“With the horses and everything. Did you say ‘charming?’”
There’s something so freeing about knowing your expressions are masked. But no doubt the delight comes through. “Can you do lasso tricks?”
“I might know a few.”
How does he do sincere and suggestive at the same time? Ginger said he wasn’t subtle, but he certainly has nuance.
The sudden image of a tall, dark, handsome cowboy and his lasso running around New York sends your imagination rolling though. Clapping a hand over your mouth to hide your sudden smile isn’t necessary, just a reflex. Thank god he can’t see what a giggling mess he’s making of you.
He’s ridiculous.
And you love it.
What on earth has gotten into you?
Too fast. Too fast. Calm down.
“So..has this happened before?”
Your question hangs in the darkness.
And then....keeps hanging.
He’s been quick to respond up until now. Did you say something wrong? Is he thinking back? It’s hard to say why, but his pause raises the hair on the back of your neck.
But it’s only a matter of seconds before he gently eases the silence open. “What do you mean by that, sugar?”
“Ah…the elevator? Does it break down like this often? You don’t seem particularly stressed out by it.”
“I would point out that you seem pretty calm yourself.”
You shrug needlessly. “There’s no reason not to be. There’s ventilation. Standard codes will have a secondary cable system in place and there’s no way we can fall unless the cords are severed, which is unlikely. Worst case scenario is that we have to hand pry the door open and either crawl up or drop down… I don’t know if I’m strong enough for that, but I’m sure the both of us could handle it. The only reason I’d have to be afraid is because I’m trapped in a lightless box with a man I don’t know and might need to defend myself.”
“And I bet you could defend yourself.” His drawl deepens when he’s delighted.
“I have a feeling I’m not going to have to.”
“No, ma’am.” There’s a shared, sweet and nervous laugh between you and you have a distinct image in your mind of those dark eyes crinkling at the edges. You’d wager he has a beautiful smile. You’d wager more that he has a cowboy grin–lopsided and dopey, but somehow just as charming as that twang. And just as you’re reminding yourself to slow down your flirting again, it seems he’s had the same thought. “These old buildings do have their quirks. A breakdown isn’t unheard of. So...how does a master distiller know so much about elevator mechanics?”
“Well, first of all, just ‘distiller.’ I’d like to be a master someday. Furthest I’ve been is head distiller. Secondly, I’m sure Ginger told you that we were undergrad together, started off on the same track, but I stuck with the chemistry and she went into the physics… we kind of learned a lot from each other. I don’t remember talking about elevators specifically? But it’s funny what just happens to stick in the memory banks.”
“I see.” Strange. He seems slightly perplexed with that answer and lets his reaction drag as if he’s formulating his follow up question. “And then you took off for Herlot Watt.”
“That’s right.”
“What sticks in your memory banks about that?”
Ah. He’s switched to the more professional side of the questions. That can be appreciated. After all, Ginger did say that he could help you along even if the date didn’t go well. And since it seemed almost certain to go well, it’s gentlemanly for him to save it for better lighting–with a table and a meal between you--and spend this trapped time getting the dryer and safer questions out of the way.
“Well, my postgraduate studies were–”
“Oh I know about your studies. I’ve read. I’m talking about your time in Ed-in-burrow. Did you enjoy it there? What’s something you learned that wasn’t taught in their books?”
“Edinburgh is beautiful. The history, the shadows and light…I can still smell the bitter florals of the old perfumery from the little side street I lived on…I guess I learned… well, I mean, the air is in the whiskey there. And I learned that you can’t force a spirit to be what it’s not. Every spirit you distill will have its history in it–the local water in the wash, the particular ions in the soil that grow the barley in your mash, the sweetness or bitterness of the wood used for the barrels…even those change from forest to forest in the same region. If you pay enough attention, you can see the thread of the chemical makeup in each spirit as you drink it, each one unique, even if you don’t have the knowledge of its path to the present, you still know there’s a signature experience there…”
Another long silence.
“Sounds like you’re pretty perceptive to your senses and your surroundings.”
“Your cologne has cedar and tonka in it, I can tell you that.”
An amused chuckle that ends in a drawn out note, “Well shit. Thus ends the interview section of our meeting. I’m sure Statesman can put your talents to good use.”
“Oh, I’d love that–”
“But tell me. Did you ever get out of the city? Go exploring the countryside?”
“Oh, yeah, of course. If I was too wound up in studies, I’d pick the closest castle on the map I hadn’t gone to yet and go take a drive out to the country. It was gorgeous. That became like my little pastime and reward all wrapped up in one.”
“You ever visit the North Berwick area?”
It takes you a moment to scan your mental map. “On the coast? Yes, actually, Tantallon Castle was kind of a go-to place when I needed to get out of the city and spend some time by the sea. Do you know it?”
“I do, actually. So you’re familiar with the area.”
“Oh yeah. There’s a little abbey hotel I booked a few long weekends in that had the best meat pies I’ve ever had. The woman who ran the place had this little Westie she’d dress in a tartan that she’d allow me to walk in the mornings on my roamings…” It’s a happy memory, one you wish had more time to pour over, but don’t have the advantage of reading his expression to know if it would be boring or not. “Wow. I haven’t thought about that place in a while.”
“You think you still know how to get around?”
You blink in the dark. An odd question. “I…think so?”
“Would you like to go back?”
Something’s wrong, and your eyebrows know it as surely as you do, pulling together as you try to keep your voice casual and innocent. “I…guess I wouldn’t mind a visit? Why? Would Statesman Distillery require me to have more training?”
Tilting an ear to him, you listen hard. A shift of feet or a shallow breath or a change in speaking tempo can belie a lot and he’s suddenly being strangely persistent in this questioning line.
“Not exactly. Ginger said you were pretty good with the dialect in that area.”
“It’s thick, but it’s not like it’s Glaswegian.”
“But she said you were a good mimic.”
“That’s…weird. Why would she tell you that?” Your senses go on full alert.
“You ever ramble on through the caves in the cliffside there?”
“I heard there were caves, but I’d never gone, don’t want to get sucked in by high tide.” What the hell kind of questions are these?
“You ever meet a man at the University name of Barclay–”
“No. You stop! I’m ending this.”
The sharp retort is an abrupt change in character from the urban cowboy you’ve just started to get to know, and you naturally step back and put your hands up in a defensive stance. “I…what? Did I say something–”
Your companion’s voice suddenly gains an edge, authoritative, impatient, an irritation gradually salting the earth. “Yes, I can see that. Listen, I can trust your word on this but you know patience is not my main quality and she’s not dumb. Look at her. She’s seein’ through all of this already so I would appreciate the opportunity not to beat around the bush this one time. Yes, I know! But this is my assignment now and drawing this out is not the way to build trust–”
“Ah…excuse me? You can see what, exactly?”
“--no signs of stress, high perception, the skills are there! I know what I’m about and the damage is done. Turn on the damn lights, Ginger.”
Squinting against the sudden brightness as the elevator lights flicker on, you catch sight of Jack Daniels across from you in full for the first time. You weren’t mistaken, he is decidedly handsome and well-kempt, big hands on slim hips, head tilted back and watching you intently with dark eyes through the bottom of his glasses…
You don’t remember seeing the glasses.
“Over speaker, Ginger. She can’t hear you though the tech.”
Your friend’s tense voice reverberates from above. “Yes, thank you I know.”
“Ginge?” you ask into the air. “What the hell.”
“My old friend…I’m so so sorry about this. This isn’t really how I wanted this to go. I promise you there’s an explanation. I need you to breathe. And relax. You’re going to break that railing, sweetie.”
You suddenly take stock of your back pressed against the metal walls of the elevator, hands gripping the brass railing that runs along at waist height like you need to brace yourself, a contradiction to a fight or flight response. “Wait.” Your gaze bounces to the four corners of the ceiling searching for a camera. “You can see me?”
Jack taps the frame of his glasses and the notification sound you’d heard earlier in the dark pings again. Sliding them off his face, folding them in a huff and jamming them in his breast pocket he smirks, “Not anymore, she can’t.”
“Dammit, Ginger… You gonna do this, or am I?”
There’s a tense moment as Jack glares you down and your friend heaves an audible sigh.
“Jack is going to explain some things. It’s going to be a lot, but I’m going to need you to trust him. Like you trust me.”
“I don’t understand–”
“I know, dearest. But you will.”
Turning to Jack Daniels, you find him easy, smiling, and extending a hand across the small space toward you, putting on all the charm. “Let’s start over. Howdy. I’m Jack Daniels, CEO of the New York branch of Statesman Distilling, and high-ranking operative for the covert espionage agency it covers. Code name: Whiskey.”
You find yourself reaching for him through your shock, propelled by Ginger’s assurance, Jack’s return to confidence and warmth, and your own curiosity kicking in. “Espionage…. You’re a spy?”
“Yes ma’am,” he winks as his fingers curl around yours. “Ginger too, if you can believe it. And–wouldn’t you know it–we’re recruiting.”
“They just called in a reboot of the whole building system,” Ginger warns. “It will probably be fifteen minutes before that takes. I can reliably give you ten. Without interruption, Jack should be able to tell you what you need to know, so keep your questions for the dinner table. I’ll scramble the mics and be back right before go.”
Dropping your hand to tap a button on his overlarge watch, Jack nods. “In ten, copy. Now then, sugar,” he hums at you, “let’s begin with Statesman.”
Over the following ten minutes, Jack explains the agency that coexists with the whiskey business, as well as its several fraternal organizations throughout the world, how Ginger came to be a part of it, why she had to keep it a secret from you, and will continue to do so if you decline the invitation to join–memory wipe, painless, no big deal, done right here in the elevator and the date continues as if none of this happened. But the background checks and paperwork are all done, you’ll need minimal training, and there’s time for that before you depart for your mission in Edinburgh–
“Mission? Wait. What? I thought you wanted me to work in the distillery–”
“Of course,” Jack explains, “there’s that too, but we need your skills and expertise and boots on the ground for this one. You know the area, as an alum you have an in at the University. You don’t have to do anything tactical. Not to worry, that’s my department and I’ll be right there with you–”
“So this was all some elaborate set up for what? To feel me out? Some kind of stress test?”
His thumbs hook into his belt loops as he settles into one hip, his chin chasing a raised eyebrow. “Why? Do I cause you stress, darlin’?”
Oh shit. That pulls your reins up short. You have no answer to this. Well. None that you’d like to admit out loud anyway. His chest is so broad. And it’s right there. And his shirt pulls against it when he stands like that…
Beside the point. Focus.
“But…why on earth would you want a spirits chemist on a spy mission?”
A wry smile pulls at one corner of his mustache as he catches you looking. “You said so yourself; there’s a lot of useful stuff in that memory bank of yours.”
“Yes, but–”
“Are you seriously underestimating the importance of chemistry?”
You might have protested further, made him understand that chemistry is noble but that you can’t wield it like a weapon; you use it for mixing compounds not for unveiling secrets. But the gentle swagger with which he closes the gap between you stops the words from coming. And the smooth and measured way he pulls you  into the circle of his arms stops your head from thinking. All this just before he presses his lips to your cheek….
In a gentlemanly manner.
Ah. That chemistry.
“Is this…still a date?” You don’t mean to whisper, but your voice seems to be on an inconvenient hiatus. 
His cheek hums next to yours, honeyed twang circling your ear. “Seems a shame to waste a good dinner reservation. And good company. You disapprove?”
“No. But,” pulling back an inch or two, you swallow and do your best not to look him in the eye at this close proximity. Somehow, that’s supposed to keep him from hearing your heart booming. “I thought you said you’d wipe my memory before this continues as a date.”
“I never said the two scenarios were mutually exclusive. There’s no rule says agents can’t co-mingle. And if there were such rules…well, shit,” tipping his head down to hook your eye, “They’ve never built a fence this buck can’t jump.”
“Seems unprofessional.”
“That’s what makes it fun, sugar.”
“Jack! I leave you alone for ten minutes–” Ginger’s chiding echoes from the speaker above. “You’re deviating from the plan.”
He steps back to assess your bemused smile. “I beg to differ. I told you I’d be flirtin’ to get what I want. Never specified that ‘what I want’ stopped at information.”
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea so soon–”
“I do, Ginge,” you call into the air while holding Jack’s steady gaze. “How did you put it? ‘Acceptable to my tastes?’ You know me better than anyone. I find it hard to believe that you’d trap me in a box with a sturdy, handsome man of mystery and expect me not to rise to the challenge.”
In the short silence that follows, you can almost hear Ginger fume. You can certainly see Jack grin.
“Jack. If you mess this up or hurt her, I will replace your entire glandular system with a colony of pigeon ticks.”
He gives a stoic nod, mostly for your benefit. “Odd choice of pest, but copy that. In the meantime–”
He makes it official by stepping forward and offering an elbow.
And you seal the deal by looping your arm through it.
“--order up. One box of Whiskey and Rye to the rooftop patio.”
You can’t recall the last time you gave over to the power of “well hell why not” like this. There’s something about him that is instantly trustworthy and you can’t wait to find out what it is. In the meantime, the reflection that you two make in the elevator doors tells you all you need to know; it’s a story in itself, an epic meet cute, an adventure in the making.
There’s a lurch as the elevator begins to climb, but this time you stay steady on your feet; he makes sure of that.
As the doors slide open, the picture of you on the arm of this new challenge splits to reveal a quiet patio restaurant under the stars. All the tables are empty but for the one in the center–a lone candle burning, and a setting for two.
“An arranged elevator stall. A fully reserved restaurant. The offer of a job and possible espionage. What else do you have up your sleeve, cowboy?”
As an answer, he flexes slightly, his bicep pushing at the blazer fabric under your hand. “Possible espionage? You still havin’ doubts? You hold onto these guns, sugar, and follow my lead. I will happily persuade you.”
Stepping out into the night together, you close your eyes and let him guide you to the table. “You know what, cowboy? I think I might happily allow you to.”
A chuckle. “What do you reckon? Best blind date ever?”
“Best blind date ever.”
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kaybreezy3000 · 3 months
Why is it said that Five has a degree in Philosophy? Is he a graduate in something? My curiosity was piqued, now I can't help but think of Five citing Philosophical things.
Get ready because I am going full brain unload on this one and there might be some spoilers in all this if my ideas are right.
Five does have some very thoughtful lines that could make one think that he's a bit of a philosopher. It's in things like his reply to the Wisconsin lady, right before he killed the board of directors. When she told him he was lucky that he was just in time for their fresh cookies, he contemplatively said,
"Some might stay that true luck is dying at the right time."
~It was something like that. I honestly can't remember it for sure, but this is close enough, and it was a very weird thing to say but also very philosophically thoughtful and it might have been a tiny hint at what is to come for him in our final season.
On that note, for this great question you so kindly gave me, I am going to first reference an ask post done a little while back by my brilliant fanfic writer friend we call Mango. This will help others who don't already know what you are talking about.
Mannequin Envier — ebay.com/itm/266752426854?itmmeta=01HTN3F0RKPVM3V47... (tumblr.com)
If you click that link, you will see a diploma for Five that someone found out there. I obviously don't if Mango is right in that it is simply a prop that wasn't even used, or it's perhaps just a reference to a different version of Five that may have gotten this degree.
To note, as a very nice person mentioned, PHD essentially is saying a Doctor of Philosophy, not meaning necessarily that this is the specific area the person did their studies. It's just what that level of degree is called. But the thing that's got people thinking Five may have gone to school for Philosophy specifically is that the degree should have what he went to school for under the Doctor of Philosophy line. It's as if Five didn't go to school for a particular area of any kind, (which is odd and not at all normal for PHD's) or they left it out on purpose, and mean nothing by it, or it could mean that he got his degree in the area of Philosophy as a discipline.
In all my stories with Five as the main character, I have never gone with the idea that he had a degree in anything, and I base this in part because cannon material doesn't give us anything about him getting one. We do know that they were all homeschooled, and now thanks to Reginald, they have a ton of unresolved trauma and jack shit for real world credentials.
Five is a genius, but he has the added bonus of being used over and over, and turned into a hitman, so I am thinking that makes for a guy that's probably not down with being told what to do anymore.
To me, based on those ideas, and on how Five acts about things in general, the last thing I'd think he'd want to do when he was no longer stuck working for the Commission, or starving in the apocalypse, or trying to save the world, would be going back to school and being under anyone's thumb. Some people like to write him doing the school thing, and it's all good, but I can't get on board with that one, especially if it's high school.
For a guy that's mentally near 60, I think that going to high school would be a big, fat no. Going to college would not be that appealing either because he's not on the mental level of people aged 17-25. He's an ex-temporal assassin, genius, master survivalist, so I am not sure what he'd gain by the tiny dorm room, beer pong champion, Ramon noodle eating, college guy experience, other than having a rite of passage he'd been denied almost a lifetime ago.
Imagine Five chilling in his pajama pants while doing keg stands...😂👍 It's a great visual, but not so much fitting for the character we know.
I do see Five as a Benjamin Franklin type, as in wanting to put himself around like-minded individuals that are driven and want to learn new things while pushing the envelope of what people think is possible. I think he'd be more likely to be an inventor or busy himself with research, but I wouldn't think he could do that right out the gate at a college because to the rest of the world, he's a teenager. That's true, unless, in Reginald's new timeline, he let them keep their identity and he was somehow able to do a work around to go to college.
Using the idea that he'd like to be around people like him mentally could be a link to him and the new Jean and Gene characters, with them both being professors. The script they gave us also shows that they are digging into all these curious finds out there that prove the timeline isn't what it seems. Five could have been the one that tipped them off on that one, and I half wonder if they didn't help him or take him in at 13 after he left Oblivion Park at the end of season three.
Now that is a cool idea...right? Together, Five, Gene, and Jean are all anarchists trying to take down Reginald!? In the trailer, we did see Nick Offerman shooting the shit out of shit while wearing a cool Santa suit, so it could be a thing. It could start that they are trying to take down Reginald, but as the trailer suggests, they find out they have something way worse bringing on their next shit storm then that old alien fart head.
Thoughts? Do we want to see any of that? (I do! 😄🤘)
Really though, back to your real question, why Five would choose philosophy as his go to didn't really make sense to me at first either. But the more I think about it, it's not that out there.
He's numbers guy, so maybe it would be to fill that void in something he's not already an expert in. It's not a subject that hard lined and directly used in life, so applying it isn't straight forward. It very wish-washy compared to other sciences, and it's not what I would think he'd be drawn to unless it was for a very good reason, and that reason I just don't see yet, but it could be hiding not that deep when you look at the character more closely.
Five could be trying to figure out the meaning to it all, and that would be very in line with what he might want to know. He of any of the Hargreeves has been through hell and back, so he might simply be looking for some kind of peace by reconciling the big question of, 'what was it all for?' Philosophy could shed some light on that for him, or at least ease his troubled mind a little bit.
To find your answer, we need to know what has Five been doing the last 5 years, and so far, the trailer hasn't really told us that, but it looks like the first episode will. I am pretty sure we also don't know if they got to keep their identities as far as the rest of the world knowing who they were before being dumped there.
I am leaning towards the idea that they were left with nothing but the skin on their backs, no names, no past, no powers, and nobody that's going to buy it that Five is a grown man walking around in a fresh new teen bod. He can be the adorable smart mouthed know it all that we all love, but getting into college means you need an id, money, past records, and all that other important real-world jazz. So, with that in mind, if Five is an even smarter smarty pants now, with a fancy piece of paper to prove it, that should be interesting to see the flashbacks of how he got there. If Five is not rocking a degree in fanciful what nots and so ons, he's for sure still going to be dishing out some witty lines that only he could come up with.
I could totally see him standing on the side of the road with his siblings, just like they are in the trailer. All of them arguing about the crazy things they are seeing, like Hazel and Cha-Cha's masks laying in the road. Some still want to believe it's nothing and they think that they should move on and keep trying to live as they were. Five, being annoyed with all of them, says,
"Hey, idiots! If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, it's shit! I know that using common sense is a bit of a leap for some of you, but you shouldn't have to take an even bigger lick off the crap platter we've already been served to know the things we keep finding are no good. If history tells us anything, it's that we need to pull our heads out of our asses and get ahead of the shit storm this time."
In conclusion: Maybe Philosopher Five makes sense.
The wise philosopher, Aristotle once said, "No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."
This quote is so true, and it is so Five Hargreeves. When you considering his high-level brain function and his record of being more than a little crazy at times, he's pretty much the greatest mind out there. He's the king of philosophy already, degree or no degree.
Awesome ask! Sorry my reply turned into a book. I'm like that about important stuff like this. 😄
TY. ❤️Breezy
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Ninjago post crystalized HC
-Therapy (I was considering only writing that and posting lol)
-Everyone starts finally settling down and a couple of the ninja are even looking into college courses since a lot of their technical skills revolve around fighting and they're kinda sick of that.
-I like to think Jay and Nya open up a mechanic shop together with some silly name like Electric Wave or something along those lines.
-Pixal starts working with Cyrus Borg again
-I think Zane should be an EMT or something like that, since he can asses wounds and work really quickly and has endless knowledge in his database so I think it fits
-Cole probably takes a bit to figure out what he wants to do but I could honestly see him going into psychology since he's pretty empathetic and a chill dude (bestie literally made friends with a snow monster and some dude who'd been a ghost for centuries I think he's got the skill)
-Kai was kinda hard ngl but I think that since he's seemingly ending up with Skylor maybe he helps out at the noodle house? Honestly I'm not sure Kai is tricky for me.
-Lloyd goes into law to some degree, HERE ME OUT, he totally seems like the type who still wants to defend innocents and those who have been wronged and what better way to do that (that doesn't involve ninja powers) I could totally see him fighting so hard for like kids and stuff since his childhood was pretty jacked up too.
-Wu and Misako probably start adventuring again, though more for fun and not looking for answers to anything, it's just to learn more about the world.
-I think it would be funny if Garmadon got a painfully mundane job in an office, like a data entry person or some shit like that would be so funny (like imagine "Oh you need that done? Yeah go ask Folson" and then you find out "Folson" is fucking GARAMDON who's just like chilling at his desk with coffee like "What do you want?")
-Lloyd reconnects with some of his old friends and while they're still a little bedazzled by him but still
-The ninja probably do a couple interviews after Crystalized kinda finally sharing how they really feel and people are shocked how scared their hero's have been this entire time.
-The ninja totally compare scars, like "Dude I got my face scar from literally being turned into a ghost, it's cooler than yours" or "Are lightning scars cool if I accidentally did it myself?"
-Lloyd starts reconnecting with his father again and slowly but surly the man Garmadon once was begin to shine through bit by bit, not fully but clearly he's there.
-Cole helps with reconstruction once his powers start coming back
-They all meet up when they can to do something fun together
-In addition to the last prompt: Sometimes they need to get some energy out and they're like "I need to fight" and they get together to absolutely pummel each other to get the fight out until the next time (Zane has totally recorded a couple of these fights, a particularly flasy one between Kai and Cole is in fact on the internet and people go nuts over it)
-They all pick up hobbies to relax a little: Kai-wood burning Lloyd-felting Zane-baking (he still does it to wind down) Cole-crocheting Nya-knitting (her and Cole fight over which is better by) Jay-skating Pixal-drawing
-Garmadon get's more plants, him and Vinny's new place has the nicest front and back garden and the oxygen in their house is CRISP
-Cyrus Borg kinda adopts Zane like "I already have one nindroid child, what's one more?" they totally have family dinners and I'd like to imagine Pixal's partner (idk who but it's not Zane cause like sibling dynamic> anything) and Cole just kinda siting there with three super geniuses and the two are just like "I forget what I have for lunch sometimes"
-Everyone starts to heal and the world is better... at least until this new show (whether I think of it as cannon is dependent on how much I like it lol)
That's it for now, I will be back, that's a promise and a threat :)
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slafkovskys · 11 months
All of this start of the season Jack content is making me feel things!!! All I can think about is him and older Norris reader after the ring toss! What does he plan for the date? How does it go? What is everyone in their lives reactions to it? Does she go to Jersey with him? Jess your writing is so immaculate this AU has infiltrated my brain😂🥰
read part one here :)
as she hears his footsteps descending the steps, she thinks about how she wouldn't be doing this for anyone else, especially not on a first date.
her dress and heels were long abandoned in a guest room, instead exchanged for a pair of jack’s sweatpants and a too big t-shirt from her college days she had left at the hughes brothers’ house at some point during her many trips there over the past few weeks. her hair was now pulled away from her face, the fact that she had moved her wash day for the occasion be damned.
“so,” he lets out a big sigh before quite literally falling onto the l-shaped part of the sofa beside her. she’s got her legs tucked underneath her, a wine glass held tight in one hand, and her head resting on another on the back of the couch. the remote is resting on her thigh and all either of them had to do was press play on the third mighty ducks movie (“it’s better than miracle, jack. not even an argument,” and she quickly learned that jack does whatever she wants, so that was an easy debate to have before he retreated to shower) that had been queued on the screen for the past twenty minutes. instead, jack throws an arm lazily over her legs, gives her that stupid grin of his she’s become obsessed with, and nods, “tell me about y/n.”
“you know about y/n,” she states as though it was a fact, which it was. they weren’t strangers to each other in the slightest, having been somewhat background characters in each other’s lives for the last eight years.
“no, i don’t. i know about the y/n whose posts i see on instagram or whatever updates my mom tells me she’s learned from your mom. that doesn’t count,” his index finger traces the outside seam of the pants she was wearing from her calf, to just above her knee, and back, “i want to know about the y/n in front of me.”
“okay then,” she takes a deep breath, swirling her wine around in her glass before taking a sip, “i was born here in michigan, but moved to germany for a little while when my dad was still playing. before you ask me, no, the only german i can remember is my old address and how to tell them i was lost. when we moved back here, i picked up hockey for a couple of years before deciding to leave it to the boys-”
“you played defense, right?” jack interrupts, staring at her with such an interest.
she hums, “why do you think i always win when me and my brothers fight? i had potential, but it really just wasn’t for me.”
“is that so? because i remember a certain tipsy moment a few weeks ago where you said you quit because you didn’t like the colors of the uniform.”
“that may have been a contributing factor, but i was fourteen and very fashion-conscious. you can’t hold that against me,” she rolls her eyes. she catches sight of the wristbands on his arm and she can’t help but to reach down and tug on them as she resumes her story, “anyway, graduated high school, moved to minnesota for college. go gophers-”
“debatable,” he teases.
“got my degree in communications. thought that i met the love of my life in the backyard of a sigma chi frat house, which we both know how that worked out. moved down to florida, got engaged, called off the engagement, and now i’m back living with my parents. i have lived a life, jack hughes,” she sighs as she finishes off her glass. she didn’t miss the way that his face twitched at the mention of derek and how she just barely ghosted over what had happened. due to the movement, his damp hair had fallen over his eyes and she reached out to push it away, “it’s going to take more than one glass of wine and a first date to get into the good stuff.”
“but i already knew all of that,” he huffs, “tell me something that i don’t already know. tell me about something that makes you happy.”
“recently?” she quirks an eyebrow and he hums, “honestly, you.”
and jack’s world comes to a screeching halt. for as long as he had known her, she wasn’t the type to get sentimental, vulnerable, but over the last two months, he felt that he had seen more versions of her than he knew existed. from the first night she was home, to that plane ride to florida to get her things, to watching her toss her engagement ring into the water right outside his house, it wasn’t enough. he wanted, no he needed more of her. he needed to know every single version of her, every single story, every single emotion that she had to offer him.
her eyes find his and he squeezes her knee, a silent ask. he watches as her throat bobs and just as he goes to crane his neck up to meet her, an alarm sounds. that stupid fucking pizza.
after scouring the entire grocery store, they couldn’t find any pre-breaded chicken for chicken parm and neither of them wanted to bother with doing it themselves. so that’s how they found themselves snatching up a premade pizza with a reduced sticker on the front because its sell-by date was that day and even though jack insisted on getting one that was fresher, she only rolled her eyes and insisted it would taste the same. he, of course, let her sit it in the basket along with the thing of cookies she suddenly had a craving for the second she laid eyes on them. the way her face lit up made it worth the extra work he was going to have to put in later.
despite the insistent beeping from the stove timer, neither of them dared to make a move to go and pull the pizza from the oven. she blinks, “we should probably go and check on it…”
“i think that it can wait for a couple of minutes,” and yeah, it definitely could, because jack was leaning in and so was she. the second their lips meet it’s like nothing either of them had felt before. the build-up, the tension between the two of them over the summer was worth it as they melted into the kiss.
jack’s hand grips onto her thigh while her hand cradles his cheek. it was easy to get lost in each other, lips moving against one another’s like they’d been doing this forever. only when the need for air becomes too great do they pull away panting, still holding onto each other like either would disappear at any given second.
“we really should go check on the pizza,” she insists, swearing she can smell the cheese starting to burn.
he frowns, “can we do more of that later?”
“if you hurry back, you don’t have to wait that long,” she incentivizes and jack is all but scrambling towards the kitchen with the sounds of her laughter following behind him.
yeah, this was definitely something they could get used to.
(they never did hit play on the movie and the pizza didn’t burn, but it didn’t get eaten either. they were too lost in each other to even bother slicing through the crispy dough as it grew colder and colder on the countertop. oh well.)
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scarfacemarston · 1 month
Hiii ☺️
I’ve never sent you anything before because I’m not great at trying to meet new people but one of the reasons I followed you was because of your love for RDR! It’s one of my favourite games of all time, I’m a sucker for Abigail thou 🤭
Do you have any headcannons with Abigail x Fem! Reader? (Totally okay if not!) & if not, is there anything you would like to share about her?
Hey! So good to hear from you! I've followed your blog for awhile! :) I'm a sucker for Abigail, too. It's a problem. I have actually lots written for Abigail! If you look at my Abigail Roberts x reader tab, you'll find a lot of things. There are some prompts that you'll have to scroll through to get to the writing, but it's there! So, I decided to do something I've never done before and go with Modern AU! Abigail. I've never done that before and I thought it would be fun to try out. If you would prefer I write new hc's with canon, Abigail, that's fine, too! (Note: Lauren Cohan is my fc for Abigail in rp, so that's why she's here.)
Background: She grew up in the foster system after her parents passed away. She was an overachiever in high school and wanted to claw her way past the girl she was in the foster system. However, her dreams for college were put on hold when she became pregnant with Jack, and even more so once she became a single mother. She did underwear modeling and worked in a dive bar for extra money. (It seemed more likely FOR HER than her becoming an escort or a cam girl, but those are valid hc's.)
Four years later, she is amicably co-parenting with John and has an associate's degree in agriculture and business. Now, she has a small farm with fresh organic produce, animal goods like milk and eggs, flowers, and the occasional candle. She is happily in a relationship with the F!reader.
* You insist on helping her at the farmers' markets on the weekends, which is her busiest time selling products. She always attempts to talk you out of it, but you find it rewarding. You watch in awe as the businesswoman in her truly blossoms and the passion she has for her work. 
* You surprise her with wanting to visit other farmer's markets. Sometimes, it's "secret shopper" missions, but a lot of time, it's just holding hands, picking out products, and eating samples. 
* Lots of baths together! She loves to cuddle and the intimacy it can bring.
* You help her cook and bake a lot. She has a huge passion for it, but she just can't get the hang of it. I think she is better with cooking and baking in the modern AU than in canon, but she could still use some help. However, she can make a great chili! It's canonically her favorite food besides chocolate. 
* She can make a mean cocktail. She doesn't drink a lot anymore, but she loves wine, rum, and whisky. However, she worked at a bar while caring for Jack to help put her through school and learned a lot while waiting tables. 
* She is always so thankful for any time you spend with Jack. Liking Jack is a requirement. He comes first in any relationship. However, she does NOT expect you to babysit him, but she is incredibly thankful and falls in love with you a bit more each time you do something with him. 
* With you, she is used to being the big spoon, but she loves to be surprised with being the little spoon sometimes. 
* Blankets everywhere! Big chunky ones are her favorite. Example here: Her goal is to make her own! She is not really into the pillow craze. 
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*She canonically loves chocolate. Bonus if the chocolate has a bit of liquor in it. It's her guilty pleasure, but she has to keep it far from Jack.  * Don't play a card game against her; you WILL lose. Especially poker. She's also great at board games. It was the only type of games the foster homes had. However, she doesn't play as many video games. You've been slowly introducing her to games. Right now, she likes to relax with Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. She'll also play with Jack or watch you play games. 
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hischierdevils · 2 years
Best Years | J.M.
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note: the fact that there is no marino content on this app should be a crime. this was inspired by Best Years by 5sos
summary: y/n has to leave john behind in order to follow her dreams. can they find their way back to each other?
warnings: angst, mentions of alcohol and throwing up
wc: 1.5K
You've got a million reasons to hesitate
But darlin', the future's better than yesterday
I wasted so much time on people that reminded me of you
Gave you a million reasons to walk away
Meeting John at a bar in Pittsburgh on a rare night out seemed like fate but you knew it was a temporary situation. John’s focus was on hockey, playing for the Penguins, and yours was on finishing your degree at your parents orders and getting the hell out of town. 
Hooking up with him turned into late night facetimes and texts when he was out of town. John wore his heart on his sleeve and warned you early on that he was falling for you. You told him your relationship had an expiration date, once you graduated you were gone. 
He agreed, even though it hurt him to think of you as someone temporary in his life. The day of your college graduation, he showed up in a nice suit holding a large bouquet of flowers. He cheered you on as you walked across the stage and in return, you broke up with him. 
He was devastated but you reminded him that the two of you were always going to end that way. You didn’t allow yourself to dwell on how you were feeling, you just packed your bags and moved to New York City, determined to become a dancer and prove your parents wrong. 
Things were rough at first, grinding away at two different jobs in between auditions. You were always so busy that it took a while for you to realize how much you actually missed him. Once you did, you tried filling the void with other guys that seem to resemble John in one way or another. 
He was always your biggest supporter and when you book your first Broadway show, he’s the first person you want to call. You haven’t talked to him in months and you wouldn’t blame him if he never wants to hear from you again but you find yourself calling anyway. 
Not only does he pick up the phone, but the two of you talk for hours. He just got traded to the New Jersey Devils and now lives twenty-five minutes away from you. At the end of the conversation, you agree to meet up for dinner to catch up. 
I wanna hold your hair when you drink too much
Carry you home when you cannot stand up
You did all these things for me when I was half a man for you
I wanna hold your hand while we're growing up
For the last six weeks, the two of you have been talking non-stop. You’ve gone to a couple of his games, sitting down by the ice wearing his jersey. You’re both taking things slow, easing your way back into friendship. You know you hurt him and he’s a little more guarded with his heart this time around. 
John comes to opening night with Dawson and Jack in tow. When the show is over, he finds you backstage with a large bouquet of flowers in hand. You can tell he’s nervous when you greet him with a kiss on the cheek. He’s probably thinking about the last time he brought you flowers. 
“Hey, you were amazing.” He smiles at you before handing you the flowers. “These are for you.”
“You’re the sweetest, Johnny.” You can’t help but grin as you bring the flowers to your nose to smell them. “But I was only a member of the entourage.” 
“But you were the most beautiful one up there.” He blushes as he says it, immediately thinking he’s overstepped. 
“Y/n, is your boyfriend coming to the after party?” Lylah, one of the other dancers, asks you. 
You and John talk at the same time. “Oh, he’s not my-”
“I’m here with my friends-” 
“If they're half as cute as you honey, I'd love for them to come.” Lylah winks at John before walking away and you feel a little bubble of jealousy in your gut as you turn your head to look at him. 
“If you have plans that’s okay.” You tell him. 
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Do you want me there?” 
Your heart squeezes at the double meaning of his words. “Of course I do.” You’ve already messed this up once, you’re not going to push him away again. 
John, Jack, and Dawson head to the club with you and your friends to celebrate your opening night. Everyone notices that John doesn’t let go of your hand but no one mentions it since the two of you seem to be pointedly ignoring it. 
As the night progresses, the pull you feel for John gets stronger and stronger. You want him to hold you in his arms like he did before you ruined everything but you know you can’t ask that of him anymore so you drink instead. 
When you seem to be having trouble walking on your own, John calls it a night. He doesn’t want to overstep with you, but he also wants to make sure you get home safely. “Y/n, where are your keys?” He asks you as he helps you out of the bar. Jack left a little while ago with a girl so Dawson helps him hold you up. 
“Wanna go with you, Johnny.” You mumble as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
John bites his lip, debating on if he wants to go through your purse or not. He could easily take you with him to his apartment but it’ll kill him in the morning when you leave. “I’m gonna get you home, y/n.” 
You look over at Dawson with squinty eyes. “The tequila comin’ back.” Dawson barely has time to step out of the way before you’re puking on the sidewalk. John grabs your hair and uses his hand to hold it in a ponytail as your body heaves your stomach contents up. 
“It’s okay.” He whispers to you as you start to cry. “You’re okay.” He wipes the tears from your cheek with his thumb as he decides to bring you to his place. He’s not sure if your roommates are home and he doesn’t want to leave you alone in the state you’re in. 
“Mmm so sorry Daw-son.” You mumble as you fully lean into John’s side. 
“It’s alright.” He smiles at you reassuringly. “I’ve watched hockey players do keg stands. You’re fine.”
John ends up giving you a piggyback ride to where Dawson’s car is parked and he sits in the backseat with you as the three of you go to New Jersey. He gives you some of his clothes to sleep in and you manage to change into them yourself before passing out in his bed. He makes sure you’re comfortable on your side before taking his pillow and going to sleep on the couch. 
But I'll build a house out of the mess
And all the broken pieces
I'll make up for all of your tears
I'll give you the best years
The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning in a strange room with men’s clothes on is panic. You have no memory of leaving the club or flirting with any guys. Your stomach rolls with nausea at the thought of you hooking up with someone-anyone that isn’t John. He was with you last night. Did he watch you leave with someone else? He’s never going to talk to you again. 
You hear footsteps in the hallway and quickly close your eyes, not yet ready to meet whatever stranger is going to be walking through the door. 
“Y/n?” A familiar voice says your name softly as you hear the door open. “Are you awake?” 
You open your eyes to see John standing beside the bed watching you with concern. “John? Oh, god. What did I do?” You sit up quickly which seems to be a bad idea, and John quickly picks up a garbage can from the floor so you can dry heave into it. 
“Nothing happened, y/n.” He explains as he holds your hair back for you. “You were drunk and I brought you here so I knew you were alright.” 
You start crying again from his kindness. “I’m so sorry I fucked everything up between us.” You tell him. “I never meant to hurt you. You were the best thing in my life. I just had to get away from my parents and prove I could do it-” 
You start sobbing so hard that he gets in bed beside you and pulls you to his chest. “It’s alright, y/n. You told me from day one that that’s how it was going to be. I fell in love with you anyway.”
“Do you-” You hiccup. “Do you think you could love me again?” 
He smiles and kisses the top of your head. “I never stopped loving you.”
You pull your tear-stained face away from his body to look at him. “Can I be your girlfriend again?” 
He smirks because you never referred to yourself as his girlfriend before but now doesn’t seem like the right time to say that. “Of course, baby. Whatever you want to be, I'm yours.”
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