#Jack Callahan
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satureja13 · 3 days ago
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Ji Ho gave a rough direction where the meteorites could be found and the Boys (minus Saiwa, since he was out of the crew - in mutual agreement), Jonathan and Lenny took a shuttle down to the surface. Axl, the Axolotl, Malfoy and Skully are watching the ship.
Ji Ho was in awe: "What a beautiful little planet! And so much water. Too bad I can't swim here." Jack: "Actually it's a moon. It's circling the planet. You can still see it behind the rocks. Over there." Ji Ho: "Oh there it is! It looks so close!" Kiyoshi: "The water is probably toxic anyway. Look how it glows ö.ö' " They walked for a while and took in the view, the colors and the strange flora. Jack: "Is it still far?" Ji Ho: "We must be near, but I'm starting to lose the connection."
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Vlad sighed. He knows what that means. He can barely keep himself together doing all this bond magic without being able to find some release... So he took Ji Ho a bit away from the others and put everything in his kiss - so they could finally find the meteorites and this torture would end.
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After poor Vlad had regained his compusure, they went back to the others. Before they left though, he had to promise Ji Ho they would continue what they started in their quarters once they were back on the ship...
Ji Ho lead them around a rock formation not far from where Vlad had kissed him. And really... Ji Ho started running: "The meteorites! They are here!" Jack was just as excited and followed him suit. Vlad was concerned. Why are their meteorites contained? Who put them in there? Kiyoshi must have thought the same. They almost yelled at the same time: "Be careful!"
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There was a full setup that had been built above a glowing crack in the ground. The meteorites in two bubbling tubes, held by bioluminescent roots -that looked exactly like those from Kiyoshi's tree! And there were two portals under a huge glass dome that started to rotate when they came near.
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Jack: "How is this possible? It's like a modified Therapy Game setup. Who built this? And who knew that we - and the meteorites - were coming here?" Vlad: "This could be a trap..." Jonathan checked the main interface. Jonathan: "I was able to log in with my password. Not even Vanië knows it..." Jonathan checked the code for a while. Jonathan: "It's just like with Tiny Can. That's my signature code. Just more... advanced. I also must have built this - in the future. Somehow Future Me knew the meteorites would land here." Jack: "Amazing. And weird."
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Jeb: "So Future You - or maybe Future Jack and Me too - seem to want Jack and me to enter the game frome here? But why?" They went over to the crack in the ground. Jonathan: "Maybe this place is special somehow? The roots seem to consume the matter from the crack and lead it to the liquid in the tanks with the meteorites." Jeb: "This actually spares us a lot of time and effort. We should get Tiny Can down here and get ingame to rescue the Night Shadow, Conny, Val and Jino. What do you think, Jack? Ready?" Jack: "I was born ready!" Jonathan let out a shaky breath: "Ok, then. Tiny Can and I will remain here while the others should go back on board. Even though this all looks very reassuring and high-end - we shouldn't take any risks and cause interferences between our universes. Vlad and Kiyoshi - we stay in touch while you recalibrate the transporter beam so we can beam them back to their universe as soon as they step out of the game. You need to have an eye on the monitor all the time. Ji Ho and Vlad can take turns with you. But it shouldn't take long - since ingame time runs faster."
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Kiyoshi didn't want to make it hard for Jack, so he just reminded him of his promise to be careful. Jack: "I will. I want another round in that cake after all ;) " Jack didn't want to make it hard for Kiyoshi either.
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And when Kiyoshi and Jack kissed goodbye, Jeb's heart went heavy. He hadn't had a chance to talk to Saiwa after their first woohoo... It can't be helped. They will get the others out of that game and be back soon - hopefully. Sai probably won't even know they'd been gone. Even if they'd spent hours ingame, only a few minutes would have passed here in the meantime. Jeb doesn't even know what to say to him... Instead of taking Sai in his arms and take care of him after their first woohoo, he panicked - and left it to Jack... What do you say after an encounter like that? After messing up their first woohoo, it was everything Sai had ever wanted ö.Ö'
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Ji Ho went over to Jeb and hugged him. Ji Ho: "It will all be well in the end, hm? We found the meteorites - and after Jack and you rescued the others, we can go back home. We are all going to stay together - always." This should probably sound cheesy. But when it comes to Ji Ho, Jeb goes all squishy. It was like hugging a ray of sunshine. And he believed him. Jeb blinked his treacherous tears away: "It will. We will *Jeb hugged Ji Ho tighter* Until later."
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And then Kiyoshi, Vlad and Ji Ho took the shuttle back to the ship and sent Tiny Can with their equipment back to the moon's surface.
Jonathan, Jack and Jeb connected Tiny Can to the setup. Jack and Jeb put on their gear and stepped under the dome.
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Jack: "We can do this!" Jeb: "See you on the other side!"
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Jonathan: "Ok. Starting the Therapy Game save in 3 - 2 - 1...!"
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And then they were gone. Jonathan: "And now we wait." Jonathan just hoped they'll do well. Even though Saiwa was determined to leave everything behind again and go with him - Jonathan knew he would kill him should something happen to his friends - especially Jeb. He would figure something out to make him stay with them. From what he'd seen over the past days, they love Saiwa regardless. Despite being so upset about his betrayal. Saiwa was lucky to find such good friends - and someone to love. After all that had happened to him. And maybe Jonathan could even stay with them in the Otherworld. The Council wouldn't find him there. They'd be safe.
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'Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids In fact, it's cold as hell And there's no one there to raise them if you did And all the science, I don't understand It's just my job five days a week A rocket man A rocket man
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh, no, no, no I'm a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone'
Rocket Man - Elton John
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter 'Goats in Space': starts ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Piglets in Space' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-29
Lenny distracted Jonathan from his gloomy thoughts. He is hungry - again.
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thatsbelievable · 2 years ago
Friday Funnies!
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 3 months ago
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#is he...you know. Someone who plays video games at night?
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theboys-inzoi · 6 months ago
The Boys - inZOI
This is the new home of the Boys in inZOI.
We are starting over with a brandnew story line as soon as we get our paws on early access. Hopefully end of 2024. I'm so excited!
Here are the Boys created with the inZOI character creator demo. I hope I can get them back ingame after release ö.Ö' (didn't dare to upload them to canvas ^^')
From oldest to youngest:
Saiwa, Kiyoshi, Vlad
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Jeb, Ji Ho, Jack
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While I'm in between quite and super happy with Vlad, Jack and Saiwa, I'm not sure if I should modify Jeb, Ji Ho and Kiyoshi. They look so different from their Sims 4 versions. But inZOI is a new game and we're starting all over and I really (!) want some distance to the Sims. (Plus I already fell in love with them anyway...)
If you want to learn more about inZOI:
official website - here youtube - here steam - here (add it to your wishlist) discord - here xitter - here
and I really enjoyed the early access inZOI videos from oshinsims and RudiRennkamel
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years ago
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(LP. Anòmia. 2018) [US]
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underwaterspice · 5 days ago
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This is the spicy rest of -> this episode
Jeb took Sai up to their room. Usually, when they come close to having penetrative sex, Jeb deflates. No matter how hard he was during their make out. He blocks himself by just the mere thought his actions could possibly hurt Saiwa. But not this time. He'd never been so upset before. And never so aroused. No matter how put together and selfless he might have appeared. The thought of loosing Saiwa to Jonathan. His jealousy hitting him. It was as if their quarrel just a few minutes ago switched his brain off. And his body wanted Sai. He wanted him now. He wanted to own him. Mark him. Make him his.
They laid on their bed and Jeb opened the lube bottle. But this time he didn't cover Saiwa's cock with it. He covered his fingers and traced his way down to Saiwa's entrance. His index finger circling Sai's hole. Saiwa winced. Jeb had never touched him there, not even when they'd played with the wand. Too afraid he was to hurt Sai. Saiwa: "What - what are we doing?"
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Jeb didn't stop teasing Saiwa's hole. Saiwa: "Jeb?" Jeb finally looked at him: "I'm getting you ready for me. This is your last chance to leave." What? Saiwa didn't want to leave! Is it finally going to happen? After all these years? Their first woohoo? Jeb: "Relax, Vanië. I really don't want to hurt you and I need you to help me with that. Understood?" 'Understood'? Jeb had never talked to him like that ö.ö' This was so hot. Jeb all bossy and demanding and in charge. Saiwa swallowed thickly: "Understood." And he tried to relax. Which wasn't easy. All his dreams were going to come true tonight! Everything he ever wanted was to finally loose his virginity to Jeb. After loosening Sai's muscles, Jeb pushed his finger inside Sai. Sai almost jumped. Jeb immediately pulled his hand back: "Did I hurt you?" Saiwa: "No! Gods, no! It's so good - and it's - you. Please, Jeb. Don't stop." Sai wasn't able to talk in coherent sentences anymore. Jeb just breached him. Not one of their toys. Jeb did it. With his own hands. Oh, how often had Sai dreamed of this.
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Jeb: "You're so tense. Maybe this isn't the best time for our first woohoo." Sai: "Don't you dare stopping now! I will relax. I promise. I'll just do our tantra practises. Don't. Stop." Jeb nodded and pushed deeper. Sai looked so hot in his pleasure - and utterly beautiful. Their tantra practises paid off. And when Jeb felt Sai's muscles losen, he added another of his thick fingers. Jeb: "Still good?" Sai moaned: "So, so good..." So good, he started to move below Jeb, eagerly awaiting his third finger.
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Sai was so full. He couldn't wait to finally feel Jeb's entire length inside of him. How would it feel? Sai thought the toys had prepared him for this. His body for sure. But the real thing was so much more intense. Sai couldn't wait any longer, he begged: "Please, Jeb." Jeb: "You need to adjust. Let's take our time, hm? I want this to be good for you."
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When Jeb was able to smoothly move his fingers inside Saiwa, he generously lubed up his length. Saiwa watched him in anticipation. He can't believe Jeb is still hard. Did it really had to take them fighting to come to this point? Jeb interrupted Sai's thoughts: "I think you're ready for me. You still want this?" Saiwa: "More than anything." Jeb lifted Sai's hip up onto a cushion for an easier access and lined up his cock.
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And when he finally, finally pushed inside - ever so tenderly - Sai almost came: "Gods, Jeb!" It was quite a stretch when Jeb entered him, followed by a short burn. But Jeb prepared and opened him well. It didn't hurt at all. Jeb was having a hard time to not explode too. Only his worries kept him from coming too early. To make this good for Sai - and to not hurt him. Little beads of sweat pearling on his forehead. He slowly pushed deeper inside Sai's tight hole. Pulling back almost fully out before pushing in a bit deeper again. Trying to control himself and not going too far, giving Sai time to accustom to his girth. Reassuring with every thrust Sai was still good. He was. So, so good. Sai was in utter bliss, he can't believe this is finally happening. Jeb's hard length pushing inside him. He didn't dare to move and stored these scenes for later. To relive them over and over again. His hands started to wander over Jeb's muscular pecs, his pebbled nipples, his strong arms. This beautiful man. Sai was in awe - over and over again. He wanted Jeb so much.
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It took a while until Jeb was fully seated inside Saiwa. He rested his head on Sai's shoulder. Jeb was exhausted already, and this was just the beginning: "This is all of me, Vanië. You took me so well. I can't believe it. I was so afraid." He kissed Saiwas chin. His cock enveloped by Saiwa's tight hole was everything. He'll never forget the way it felt. Sai held him close, wiggled beneath him and canted his hips. It felt more than good and he moaned. Saiwa: "Move, Jeb. I'm still good - and I'm ready. Don't hold back."
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Jeb oblieged. He started to move and thrusted inside Saiwa's tight hole. His hand wandered between their bodies to touch Saiwa's cock. To give him additional pleasure. Their stomachs already wet and slippery from sweat and Sai's precum. Sai, though, didn't even think he needed it. He could come untouched. Just from Jeb's cock inside of him alone.
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Saiwa was so close and yet still begged for more. He wanted Jeb to let go and chase their release. Saiwa: "Give it to me, Jeb. I wan't your all. Please. I want to come." That was when Jeb finally gave himself over to pleasure and he thrusted deeper and harder inside Sai. He adjusted his angle. The tip of his length now pegging Saiwa's gland. Over and over. Sai: "Gods, Jeb. This - this is everything... everything. More - please, more!"
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The following minutes went by in a haze. Their movements went erratic. Both of them moaning out of breath. And then Jeb showed Saiwa the stars - all of them. Their climax hit them almost at the same time and Saiwa painted their bodies with the creamy ribbons of his cum. Jeb fucked Sai through his orgasm before he shot his load inside him. Saiwa had tears in his eyes: "The stars, Jeb. You showed me the stars. All of them. I love you so much."
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And then he blissed out. With a smile on his beautiful face. Jeb peppered Sai with kisses all over before he rested his head on Saiwa's chest and hugged him tight: "I love you, Vanië."
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'First time, first love Oh what feeling is this Electricity flows With the very first kiss Like a break in the clouds And the first ray of sun I can feel it inside Something new has begun And it's taking control Of my body and mind It began when I heard I love you
For the very first time For the very first time
This life, this love All the sweetness I feel So mysterious yet So incredibly real It's an uncharted sea It's an unopened door But you gotta reach out And you gotta explore Even though you're not sure Till the moment arrives There he is and you know you're in love
For the very first time For the very first time
And baby when I met you Every feeling I had was new I don't think there are words To describe the sensation
It's an uncharted sea It's an unopened door But you gotta reach out And you gotta explore And when something happens That words can't define Only then do you know you're in love
For the very first time - Robin Beck
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Even I can't believe it finally happened!
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They are so beautiful.
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Behind the scenes ^^'
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter 'Goats in Space': starts ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Piglets in Space' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-29
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aepples · 1 year ago
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Jack from Roomstuck
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dovesdreaming · 8 months ago
Masterlist ⟶
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Hello welcome to my masterlist! I hope you find what you are looking for <3 check my character guide for further information about people I write for! Before requesting please also look at my rules
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Stranger things masterlist
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Marvel masterlist
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Dead poets society masterlist
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Harry Potter masterlist (golden era and marauders+newt scamander)
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My babysitters a vampire masterlist
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Pirates of the Caribbean masterlist
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Descendants masterlist
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once upon a time masterlist
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Twisters masterlist
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Top gun masterlist
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The bear masterlist
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misc masterlist
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sundewhasaudhd · 10 months ago
DSMP and Vocaloid fans of Tumblr, I summon thy
So, I’m working on a project that involves this Miku playlist:
So basically, for my first big animation project, I want to reanimate this as DSMP characters, which works perfectly, because there are 39 characters in DSMP (not including characters like Dream XD or Kristen or anything like that). And I want all the songs to fit the characters. This is what I have so far:
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Can some of you guys out there please help me figure out what to do for most of these goobers? All I’d need is for you to comment under this post, or reblog, or ask me about a suggestion you have, and the reasoning behind it. Thank you for your time, and have a great day/night :]
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satureja13 · 1 month ago
A happy Lunar New Year 2025 from Outer Space!
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2025 is the year of the Wood Snake 🐍🌳
Quote from CNN:
“Year 2025 will be very different. The Snake — with a strong fire element, along with some metal and earth elements — is a zodiac sign that can cause significant clashes and conflicts. We need to be mindful of accidents as we approach the Snake Year. The overall atmosphere in the world will become slightly more chaotic.”
"To resolve clashes, followers usually go to a Chinese temple and make offerings to representations of Tai Sui.
While it doesn’t harm anyone to visit such a place to inspire positive thoughts, Chow especially encourages people born in the Year of the Ox, Tiger, Snake, Monkey, Rooster and Pig to get some extra blessings this year."
Quote end.
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While Vlad, Kiyoshi and Saiwa were born in the year of the Goat (2003) and have not much to fear, Jack, Ji Ho and Jeb were born in the year of the Monkey (2004) and have to be cautious! ö.ö
If you want to know what the new Lunar Year brings to you, you can check -> here
If you don't know your Chinese Zodiac Sign, find out -> here (If you are born in January or February, you might be still the sign from the past year, since the Lunar New Year does not start on January, 1st. My son, for example, was born on January, 16th 2003, but he is still a horse and not a goat since Lunar New Year 2003 started on February, 1st. So it's best to use a calculator like the one linked above and not just google the year.)
If you want to learn more about the Lunar New Year and how it's celebrated, check -> this article on CNN
Here is how the Boys celebrated the year of the Dragon 2024.
Is your sign one of those who have to be extra cautious? My sign is pig 🐷 I hope for all of you that this will be a good and healthy year!
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter 'Goats in Space': starts ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Piglets in Space' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-29
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highladyofterrasen7 · 1 year ago
It took me so long to find enough blonds
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jlshadows · 2 years ago
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Shadow and Bone writers confirm Six of Crows 8 episode script is complete and the best writing their team has ever done!
MIND FUCKED right now!
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itsroxxanne-thatonestreamer · 6 months ago
Only in a perfect world…
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will we be all back together again
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inevitablemoment · 10 months ago
Okay, here's my take on the whole Max Jagerman and Brad Callahan thing, using my minimum knowledge of football.
In alternating timelines, one switches from cornerback to quarterback, and vice versa. One's offense, one's defense.
Anyway, this should settle any discourse. Don't ask me anymore questions about football.
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toasttt11 · 6 months ago
nicolette and derek
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nico and morgan
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he has always been in love with her but she was not really to admit she had feelings
nico and derek
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she let herself tell him she felt something for him but she wasn’t ready to let him in as a lover
nico and morgan
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he let her go because he knew it was not the right time for them as she was not ready to be vulnerable with him
nico and derek
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they found their way back to each other and this time the time was right
nico and derek
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their honeymoon stage
nico and der
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they get their happy ending
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Hi! I’m new to the SoC fandom and I’m looking for blogs to follow - I need more crow content on my dash!
If you predominantly post content related to Six of Crows (book or show) I’d be really grateful if you could interact with this post in some way, please. My main ship is Wesper, but I also love a bit of Kanej Helnik and Ninej too.
Also, if anyone is aware of a Discord (preferably 18+) please let me know!
I’m Talking-Crow on AO3.
Thanks! 😊🥰😘
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