jennifersminds · 6 months
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bigsister-is-watching · 4 months
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Jim and Chris (2000)
Via: slipclipssic on ig
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acediaedeus · 2 months
I just know coming off of the battle high after a spar with Ichigo makes Grimmjow a little bit dumb, and he’s suddenly all loose, and relaxed. a cat readying for a nap after eating a mouse it caught for lunch.
so obviously this state of his leads to some interesting revelations. because the first time Ichigo witnesses this abrupt relaxation he immediately goes into panic mode, and hurries over to check on Grimmjow. but all Ichigo gets when he grasps his forearm to pull the fucker up and get him into the healing spring, is a half-lidded look full of reverence and satisfaction, which hits him like a freight train, and makes him go dumb too. because, sure, he’s witnessed his fair share of Grimmjow’s satisfied looks. but all of them were marred by blood splattered across Grimmjow’s everything, coating his sword, his hands, a lot of the times his teeth (asshole loves taking a bite out of him), they were pure battle and blood thirstiness. this? this is wholly uncharted territory. it’s soft, and contented, and all around nothing like what Grimmjow is. and then it hits Ichigo that maybe he doesn’t know what Grimmjow is like at all. and then, for the first time in his life, he finds himself jealous, of all things. because there definitely someone that does know this side of his favourite Arrancar (there isn’t).
also, let it not be forgotten, that Ichigo’s kind of an idiot, at least when it comes to things that aren’t beating up thugs and gods, or Shakespearean tragedies and dramas. so it should be no surprise that this also happens to him. that just like Grimmjow, he too, becomes just a tiny but dumber. but instead of a cat that got the mouse, he’s more akin to a lizard basking on a sun-warmed rock.
revelations come from this too. and although at the start of their arrangement Grimmjow isn’t even close to being so nice as to help the asshole up, and make sure he’s fine, that doesn’t stop Ichigo from propping himself up on his elbows and beaming an absolutely blinding smile at Grimmjow, before passing the fuck out. and because Grimmjow is still unsure of what’s to happen now, and also not at all accustomed or prepared for human interaction, he thinks the bastard’s good will ran out already, and this is some pathetic last resort attack on his senses. but Kurosaki’s not moving, very obviously sleeping (and isn’t that an insane power move? “hey look, I’m so sure you’re not anywhere near my level, that I’m going to sleep right in front of you, my enemy.” downright mocking, how dare he). he opens a Garganta, and ditches as fast as his sonído will allow, before his brain even starts trying to find any other explanations as to what THAT was. he tries not to think about it, and swears to, from now on, leave before Kurosaki attempts any bullshit.
but the next time it happens some stupid curiosity wins out, and he stays, and he watches as the Shinigami does the whole routine all over again, and… Grimmjow suddenly can’t breathe, can’t take his wide (surely from fear) eyes off of Kurosaki’s prone figure, his face bursts into flames, his mouth runs dry, and that useless dead heart in his chest beats out of rhythm. whatever he’s doing, whatever that attack is, it’s working, and Grimmjow better get away fast.
later, much later, Grimmjow will realise that the reaction he, at first, classified as a symptom of poisoning, was him falling in love with the way Kurosaki’s permanently scowling face stretches out in an expression of pure joy just for him to see.
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cephalopod-truther · 2 years
Cubfan: hey, Joe! You wouldn't happen to know anything about all those enderpearls I keep finding?
Joe, directly responsible for putting said enderpearls in Cub's base and adding more as they speak: ...nooo
Also Joe: Howdy, Cub! I don't suppose you know why there's skulk turning up all over the place?
Also Cub, covered in skulk, very obviously hiding an unreasonable number of skulk catalysts behind his back: skulk? What skulk? That's crazy! Why would there be skulk?
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plutoids-thoughts · 1 year
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Golden retriever bf x black cat gf — a concept
Megs is actually also a golden retriever bf but he tries to hide it smh
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
Apollo: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
Athena: All good bro, any time.
Apollo: Fuck you.
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lunarlivs · 10 months
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(study) date <3
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
Jordie deciding that he and Kaz should make their way in Fjerda instead of Ketterdam but ofc bby Kaz is still obsessed with magic tricks so he practices them alone while Jordie is at work all day until he's got a handle on it and so he decides to show the magic coin trick to one of his neighbors and them Jordie has to come home and explain to the Drüskelle that his brother is in fact not a witch and that there's no good reason to burn him at the stake
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tenasselin · 10 months
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When the world has fallen, we can finally learn to love again
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We all saw these right.
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luv-firstprince · 1 year
He just wanted to talk to Henry in private yknow… nothing weird, absolutely not gay… just two mates hanging out 🤞
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This GIF is not mine btw, credits to the owner <3
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soulsxng · 7 months
Eluvias has appeared! What to do?
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Smooch Embrace Feed them Take picture
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spidersins · 3 months
@hazbinned plotted starter for vox
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star sat silently on the plush crimson sofa of the nightclub, puffing on a cigarette as his gaze remained fixed on the scene in front of him, fighting the urge to roll his eyes at valentino's obvious flirtation. the overlord was out scouting for new talent once more, something he'd been doing increasingly since loosing out on his brothers contract. he understood why the moth demon was focused on recruiting more.
what he didn't understand was why he and vox had been dragged along.
well, he did. after all, what better way to show how much of a star a nobody could be by bringing the star dust and the tv overlord as prime examples of how they could be living.
what a fucking joke.
the thing he really didn't understand was why vox was going along with it. the overlord had gained his respect in a sense, his calculating nature and strategy skills something the pornstar could appreciate. why he was nursing a drink whilst scrolling through his phone when he could be busy doing something more important was beyond him.
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weregreatatcrime · 1 year
“Who did this to you? And no I’m not going to believe it was an accident.”
Raph and Donnie
ask meme from here! I chose 2012 later on to fit with the vibes I been doing lately
"Hey, Donnie?" Raph asked sheepishly from the door of the lab. "Could you give me a hand?"
Donatello turned his head from his computer and squinted. It was almost 8 in the morning. Very late for Raph to be up and- "Holy chalupas, what happened?"
Raph limped his way into the lab, looking like he'd gone a few bad rounds and lost. "You should see the other guy." He boasted as he sat himself gingerly into a chair.
"That is not something to be bragging about, Raphael." Donnie scolded as he grabbed his medkit. That was all he said as he first assessed his brother to make sure nothing was too horribly broken.
His ankle was twisted and swollen, needing a wrap and strict instructions to keep off it. Donnie even gave him a crutch he hoped he'd use at least for a few days. The rest of him was just covered in cuts and bruises, thankfully.
"So, who did this to you?" Donnie asked casually as he cleaned up a cut around Raph's eye. "And don't even try to play it off, Raph. You're going to get ragged on by Leo when he wakes up anyways."
Raph grumbled and swore a few times as Donnie patiently wiped and cleaned his face. "...me and Case were dicking around, having a few drinks, when some Purple Dragons showed up and decided they had a problem with it."
Donnie shook his head. He could already assume the part about the alcohol when he smelled the beer on his brother's breath. He also knew that come morning there was no way Raph would be telling Leo that particular part.
"Nothing else?" He raised an eyebrow at Raph judgingly.
"We maybe cussed em out a bit," Raph couldn't help his grin. "But it's their fault for being a bunch of wannabe gangsters."
Don huffed and rolled his eyes as he finished up and cracked some ice packs. One for his face and another for his foot. "You should really know better by now, Raph."
"Eh, the other guys came off a lot worse." Raph snickered.
"Next time you two go drinking, can you at least try to do it somewhere you won't get any dumb ideas?" Donnie rolled his eyes again. He knew better than to try telling Raph to actually stop, not when it was at least a safer method of blowing off steam than going out on anger fueled patrols.
"With Casey? There's always dumb ideas involved." Raph laughed. "But sure, we'll try to be a little more careful where we drink." He rubbed Donnie's head with a slightly slurred 'thanks' as he got up to limp off to bed.
Donnie shook his head as he watched him go. At least he took the crutch. Come the morning he'd probably be woken up by Leo and Raph getting in some sort of argument, but at least Raph seemed to have a good time and didn't come out the other end too hurt.
He sighed and looked at his computer screen. If Raph was just stumbling in after drunken adventures, it was probably late enough for him to go to bed too.
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ricstappen · 2 years
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the way I’m obsessed with their friendship ⛷️
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kanhapriya · 1 year
"Be gay, do crime," but it's literally just RRR
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