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megamifantasia · 8 months ago
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asphaltfchewinggum · 6 months ago
trying to remake this lost file midiJam from when i was strung tf out on ***** seems soo impossible . shame cos i rlly like some of the ideas in here but the mixing is so scarily bad.. ... maybe its best to let it jast rest for good .... #DarkTimes
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nirvana434 · 2 months ago
Hejkaa ogólnie jutro wychodzę z znajomymi postaram się żeby nic nie jest w miarę możliwości wezmę z soba 5 zł żeby jedzenia nie kupywać i kipie sobie tylko energetyka zero wiadomo ze nie kupie swojego ukochanego bo jest od 18 mi chodziło o energetyka z mniejszą zawartością kofeiny jak cos i wszystkiego oczywiście tam będzie chłopak który mi się podoba mam dość i wgl w chuj się ciesze no bede zmieniać fryzurę obetnę sobie grzywkę pofarbuje włosy ostatnio liczyłam sobie ile mogę schudnąć przez wakacje i wyjdzie mi 20 kg około wiec zajebiscie bo ja w tym roku musze takiego glow up (nie wiem jak sie pisze ale chyba wiadomo) zaliczyć sie sie kurwa zesraja a z ta waga moim celem jast wazyc okolo 40 kg do rozpoczęcia roku musze o to zawalczyc zeby nie bylo znowu efektu jojo przytylam poprzednim razem z 25 kg….
chudej nocy motylki🦋🩷
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megamifantasia · 8 months ago
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just-some-random-blogger · 2 years ago
hiiii catmom! i didnt have time to answer during the day yesterday but now im gonna give you all of my freezy hugs!
'MY CAT WHEN HE GOT A MOUSE' the way his nose touched the mouse as if he kissed it TT sorry but it was so soft TT 'HE JUST SCARED IT TO DEATH AND PLAYED WITH IT' its kinds cute tbh TT but im so sorry for this mouse TT hes too spoiled, i dont think his predator ancestors would approve of it. im judging jinjin rn but we still love him
ooh im so sorry for your problem with onions. yeah youve mentioned it. 'she made me chop so many TINY FRICKIN ONIONS' maybe it was a trial? 'DAMN I STILL LOOK HOT' ahadh last time you said the same thing hshahd. just proving youre really hot. ig it was s break up with onion. youre too hot for it.
taho looks SO good!! its illegal. i want to try it! (tbh i want to try everything you told me about but this!) it kinda looks like cognac but also like caramel TT 'i think you will love it' i love it already TT ig im gonna search for the places that make taho here. tbh all of your food look so appealing? maybe its bc its really unusual for me and everything unusual and harmless make us interested. 'he always says im ‘the pretty grandchild’' i mean hes not wrong.
'you can be the lizard' yk it doesnt work like this??? TT am i not your muning anymore??
'its my sister’s birthday' ooh, congratulations! ik you wont give my congratulations to her but anyways. i also seen that you cant just congratulate smn bc it means you praise them for making efforts in doing smth? i dont understand TT like i jast want a person to know im happy for them and i wish them to be happy too? im not even sure if its really true?? but anyway im judging 😡😡 'we’re going to buy CAKE' congratulations!!! hope it was tasty. btw, my mom bakes cakes a lot (she even makes some orders!! im so proud) so we often have some cake at home.
'she actually started on the tonic then went up' ok it was veryvery interesting and educational!! but i didnt get this TT why is it?.. what is it?... is it bad?.. but before this everything was absolutely great! i feel like all my friends who got mental traumas in music school shouldve asked you. 'if this is still confusing let me just give you a kiss' ohh thanks lovie TT why they cant do it at schools? thanks for your explanation and the kiss!! i appreciate your efforts!! get my freezy kisses!! and yk what? i was in a kindergarten some time ago and draw some notes for them! so im a musician of a kind too!
'figure it out with the context' tbh its difficult to translate rus into eng sometimes. weve lots of figurative phrases and constructions. its not like other languages dont but im not talking abt them rn. i cringe sm when i hear or have to make a literal translation? it usually was in school bc we didnt have enough time to make up a beautiful literary translation.
'can i say that to elderly people and they wont slap me?' you can. i personally allow you to do so. yeah its not a formal word but its not bad. they use it sometimes themselves.
'also he likes russian culture cos ig its memey?' i dont know if i should be offended or be proud.... its like i can insult myself, my friend and my culture but im still protective. yeah it may be memey BUT your brother is stupid, tell him this. im sure he doesnt even pronounce blyat right. if anything, its ok, im not offended or smth. just kidding. 'he’s just drawn to stuff like that' ok its cute maybe. does he know atomic heart? do you know it?
'im sorry if you were offended by that' it ok, im not. its pretty hard to really offend me if you dont straight up tell me insults. its kinds cute that you think so. languages sound differently and its fine.
'i will listen to this song later' did you?...
'we should run away together' i think we should riot TT
'im glad my SUFFERING is funny' its not your suffering its your prick being defeated :)
'we can talk about the darkling' ben barnes is so super handsome i CANT. these LOSERS 40 yo british actors???? hate you you sexy men!!! 'we can also talk about daemon' his hair is so pretty!! im obsessed with idea of him only letting his s/o do his hair (including cutting it).
'im down to hear' im down to read :) imagine him trying to be a better person? but in his twisted ways, not really doing smth relevant but idk.. spending more time with the court? spending more time in the red keep? attending council meetings not once but twice a year? its ooc? maybe. but imagine one exact moment when it strikes. when he realises that hes brother is in danger, his homeland is drown in crimes and vissy indeed can die. and if he die, realm has no real protector, its gonna be the living hell. so he becomes more timid and quite bc inside hes tearing himself apart, hes got such a big conflict, he finally understands the tragedy and tries to not fall apart bc he needs to be strong. hes the dragon after all? but in the end of the day he comes back to his chambers and want to cry (and maybe he does in the embrace of his wife. maybe even him being able to change is on her behalf and the result of her influencing him for a long time). YAY i got carried away AGAIN so surprising. hope it was interesting at least.
'how do you feel about hearing scary stuff' as long as there are no jumpscares im more than eager to listen to your stories!
'maybe i dont either' yk what? numbers dont even exist. mathematics is fiction. scientists are delusional. height is a lie.
'i’ll listen to these when i get home from school' did you?... if youre ever interested, ive found a translation of Наружу изнутри (Outside From The Inside) and the others are not so popular( and im too lazy to translate( but the lyrics arent the main factor of my love! the music! is! absolutely! fantastic! so i really want to know your reaction.
omg love TT get showers (you do NOT waste water) and drink more water!! always my freezy kisses!! have a nice day/evening/night!! take care! love u<з
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us <3 HELLO. actually im the cat in the background HAHAHAH so sleepy HAHAHAHAHA i love sleeping
hiiii catmom! i didnt have time to answer during the day yesterday but now im gonna give you all of my freezy hugs!
<3 FREEZY HUGS thank you. it has been pretty cool the past few days. undoubtedly because of your hug hugs <3
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'MY CAT WHEN HE GOT A MOUSE' the way his nose touched the mouse as if he kissed it TT sorry but it was so soft TT
my cat did that too. i assure you, its not a kiss but a smell. LOL
'HE JUST SCARED IT TO DEATH AND PLAYED WITH IT' its kinds cute tbh TT but im so sorry for this mouse TT hes too spoiled, i dont think his predator ancestors would approve of it. im judging jinjin rn but we still love him
T_T yeah jinjin fr put him through so much T_T like he would let the mouse crawl up the wall in an attempt to get away, but then he would pounce the poor thing and knock the mouse to the floor T_T i think we let him do this for ??? an hour??? T_T he doesn't know how to kill mouse T_T he's such a house cat. even his papa yushi is like that T_T BUT YUSHI IS WORSE. LITERALLY BRUTALIZES WHATEVER HE HUNTS. grabs them with his teeth then YEEEEETS them back and forth T_T NEVER KILLS THEM just keeps them in constant fear. a true menace. T_T yushi's mom, meowmeow, was the BEST KILLER or hunter, she was swift and merciful. the moment she got a mouse, she'd kill it it by choking it then eat it. T_T i mourn the fact meowmeow never got to teach her babies how to hunt cos our neighbors gave her away T_T and thus yushi never got to teach/show jinjin how to do that either T_T anyway jinjin and yushi = menace; mochi (yushi's brother) normally did that with lizards T_T he'd always end up breaking the poor lizard's tail before it eventually dies T_T ALSFHASFAL:SFHASF brutal. i miss mochi, i almost cried again thinking about him
ooh im so sorry for your problem with onions. yeah youve mentioned it. 'she made me chop so many TINY FRICKIN ONIONS' maybe it was a trial? 'DAMN I STILL LOOK HOT' ahadh last time you said the same thing hshahd. just proving youre really hot. ig it was s break up with onion. youre too hot for it.
IT WASNT A TRIAL T_T HELPPPP AHHAHHAH it was because the tiny onions came from my aunt's farm and they had been in the refrigerator for like so long so she was like do them all and i CRIED. HAHHAAH its funny i said the same thing. <3 love that for me. unfortunately, i see onion everyday T_T we can never break up T_T
taho looks SO good!! its illegal. i want to try it! (tbh i want to try everything you told me about but this!) it kinda looks like cognac but also like caramel TT 'i think you will love it' i love it already TT ig im gonna search for the places that make taho here. tbh all of your food look so appealing? maybe its bc its really unusual for me and everything unusual and harmless make us interested. 'he always says im ‘the pretty grandchild’' i mean hes not wrong.
it does look like cognac and caramel. !!! I HOPE YOU FIND A PLACE THAT SELLS FILIPINO FOOD!!!! maybe im biased but i think ALL those food is amazing LOL I MEAN I SHARED THEM of course i love them HAHH. i understand what you mean about unusual but is kind of amusing to think these foods are super normal to me hHIHIHIH cultural perspective is weird lol. also yes i am the pretty grandchild (even tho my grandma gaslighted me as a child into thinking i was ugly T_T HELP)
'you can be the lizard' yk it doesnt work like this??? TT am i not your muning anymore??
'its my sister’s birthday' ooh, congratulations! ik you wont give my congratulations to her but anyways. i also seen that you cant just congratulate smn bc it means you praise them for making efforts in doing smth? i dont understand TT like i jast want a person to know im happy for them and i wish them to be happy too? im not even sure if its really true?? but anyway im judging 😡😡 'we’re going to buy CAKE' congratulations!!! hope it was tasty. btw, my mom bakes cakes a lot (she even makes some orders!! im so proud) so we often have some cake at home.
HEY!?! why wouldn't i give my congratulations to her 😡😭 ok maybe not right now she's in school. but i talk to her about you HAHAHHAH and she doesnt gaf T_T so /: yeah ig in english congratuations does mean that, praising someone for what they did. but i mean a birthday is a level up so CONGRATS! you made it this far <3 idk why youre judging again ? /: youre so judgy T_T
THE CAKE WAS SUPER TASTY but i did this thing again where i got more because i wanted more even though there was still some in my plate and then i suddenly became full halfway finishing my plate and then i was T_T forcing myself to finish cos i dont like wasting food. anyway i brought it up with me and ate it after a few minutes... then...i ... got some more T_T HAAHAHAH
OMG YOUR MOM MAKES CAKES i immediately though does she doe international shipping HAHAH but even if she did T_T im pretty sure that would be a bad idea cos her cake would be .... not cake anymore by the time it got here T_T HAHAHA
'she actually started on the tonic then went up' ok it was veryvery interesting and educational!! but i didnt get this TT why is it?.. what is it?... is it bad?.. but before this everything was absolutely great! i feel like all my friends who got mental traumas in music school shouldve asked you.
YOU HAVE FRIENDS WITH MUSIC TRAUMA HELPPPPPPP T_T also it's not bad! i just explained it to you because its VERY INTERESTING TO ME not because it's bad unexpected because before this there was no indication it was going to happen. im glad you think its great T_T i hope you understand somehow T_T i dont want to be telling you things and just confusing you T_T
'if this is still confusing let me just give you a kiss' ohh thanks lovie TT why they cant do it at schools? thanks for your explanation and the kiss!! i appreciate your efforts!! get my freezy kisses!! and yk what? i was in a kindergarten some time ago and draw some notes for them! so im a musician of a kind too!
YOU DREW NOTES IN KINDERGARTEN !!!!!!!!!!! WHHHATT I ONLY STARTED DRAWING NOTES IN LIKE HIGHSCHOOL T_T. i dont want to be kissed by my teachers... only a select few. i take all your freezy kisses and put them in my pocket for when i go to school later
'figure it out with the context' tbh its difficult to translate rus into eng sometimes. weve lots of figurative phrases and constructions. its not like other languages dont but im not talking abt them rn. i cringe sm when i hear or have to make a literal translation? it usually was in school bc we didnt have enough time to make up a beautiful literary translation.
omg same! we did that for highschool, like translating eng to fil and fil to eng and its like T_T so much gets lost in translation T_T. i actually saw this video of this man helping a cat down from a really high post and he was like давайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавайдавай and i was like ??? so i was like ok i think i know what that means but then the english translation wasnt the one in my head so iwas just very confused but then i thought its probably a lose translation and i am better than this english translator because i know nuisances happen in translations HAHAHAHAHAHAH but idk what the translation was in the subs anymore HAHAHAHAH
'can i say that to elderly people and they wont slap me?' you can. i personally allow you to do so. yeah its not a formal word but its not bad. they use it sometimes themselves.
ok HAHAHA then ig that means its really not a bad word AHAAH
'also he likes russian culture cos ig its memey?' i dont know if i should be offended or be proud.... its like i can insult myself, my friend and my culture but im still protective. yeah it may be memey BUT your brother is stupid, tell him this. im sure he doesnt even pronounce blyat right. if anything, its ok, im not offended or smth. just kidding. 'he’s just drawn to stuff like that' ok its cute maybe. does he know atomic heart? do you know it?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH i dont think its an insult T_T but i mean if people made memes about my president/culture id feel really cringe about it BUT ALSO ITS FUCKING TRUE OUR PRESIDENT is CRINGE. i think memes are a great way to kind of ... critique society. we are all cringe. and we should all be better. also i;ll tell my brother about this later HAHAHAH
nvm i talked to him already
he knows atomic heart, and he says he thinks the plot of the game is interesting because its imaging a world where the soviets were competent enough to advance technologically in such a short period of time. also he says he wants to start a violent conversation with you HHAHAHH what do you feel about ukraine and the kidnapping of ukraninan children by the russian military and the wagner group, also on a less serious side how do you feel about TES3 morowind.
i just typed that how he told it to me. HGAHAHHAHAAH
he says the real reason why he's interested in russian culture is the disparity between the serfs and stuff ??? he's ranting rn incant type it all. he says its the novels. he wants me to remove some parts im not going to AHHAHAHAHAHA. he says you should have been burned my napoleon HAHAHAHAH. he wants to tell you so many stuff T_T (i think he wants to steal you from me i wont let him ur mine)
he says people normally go 'i will die for justice i will die for freedom' but russian says 'i will die' he finds that interesting.
he's saying a bunch of stuff about russian people. some guy ??? i didnt' catch it. 'everything in russia became rapidly modern after being free from the mongols all the way to modern russia, your problem is the oligarchy and the leaders of your country T_T dumb shits' HAHAHAHAHA
russians are hardworking but yall are brainwashed from tzars to princesses to putin. yall should apparently follow france and VIVA REVOLUTION lol. idk he's mentioning more people, Hadrian? idk some rando... from rome? and aurelian? ok. too much info. idk.
'russia is third rome? why dont you do the same things that made rome good'
he knows roadside picnic?
ukraine is older than russia but its older
just typing the things he's saying
final word: the white army should have won against the red army. HAHAHHAHAH
He wants me to ask you: what do you think based on what he's said, is he unhinged™?
'im sorry if you were offended by that' it ok, im not. its pretty hard to really offend me if you dont straight up tell me insults. its kinds cute that you think so. languages sound differently and its fine.
ok let me offend you then. i hate you :P SSKKSKS IM KIDDING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
'i will listen to this song later' did you?...
i have not T_T i forgot about it aslfhasfkahfas i'll LISTEN WHEN I GET COME FROM SCHOOL I PROMISE
'we should run away together' i think we should riot TT
T_T no. we should have a house in the woods and take care of strays
'im glad my SUFFERING is funny' its not your suffering its your prick being defeated :)
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHH ok then hahahah i still want to finish the kylo fic i have been writing for days so T_T
'we can talk about the darkling' ben barnes is so super handsome i CANT. these LOSERS 40 yo british actors???? hate you you sexy men!!! 'we can also talk about daemon' his hair is so pretty!! im obsessed with idea of him only letting his s/o do his hair (including cutting it).
'im down to hear' im down to read :) imagine him trying to be a better person? but in his twisted ways, not really doing smth relevant but idk.. spending more time with the court? spending more time in the red keep? attending council meetings not once but twice a year? its ooc? maybe. but imagine one exact moment when it strikes. when he realises that hes brother is in danger, his homeland is drown in crimes and vissy indeed can die. and if he die, realm has no real protector, its gonna be the living hell. so he becomes more timid and quite bc inside hes tearing himself apart, hes got such a big conflict, he finally understands the tragedy and tries to not fall apart bc he needs to be strong. hes the dragon after all? but in the end of the day he comes back to his chambers and want to cry (and maybe he does in the embrace of his wife. maybe even him being able to change is on her behalf and the result of her influencing him for a long time). YAY i got carried away AGAIN so surprising. hope it was interesting at least.
it is interesting. i like this idea <3 daemon is at his core a baby bro. idk if its out of character, i think daemon can be whatever you him to be. My brother said daemon is the worst ever in game of thrones and ???? I asked him if he even read it and he said he only knows outside stuff (hes dumb idc i love Daemon) but he agrees that Daemon is great cos of hiss actor. And i agree i love matty meow meow
'how do you feel about hearing scary stuff' as long as there are no jumpscares im more than eager to listen to your stories!
i'll tell you next letter i have to go home. i said i would go to school but i got lazy im just going to our old house to do laundry lol
'maybe i dont either' yk what? numbers dont even exist. mathematics is fiction. scientists are delusional. height is a lie.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH my brother read aloud this and i was like ??? what is he quoting this time and it was just you AHAHAHAHAHHAAH
'i’ll listen to these when i get home from school' did you?... if youre ever interested, ive found a translation of Наружу изнутри (Outside From The Inside) and the others are not so popular( and im too lazy to translate( but the lyrics arent the main factor of my love! the music! is! absolutely! fantastic! so i really want to know your reaction.
i'll listen to these later i promise
omg love TT get showers (you do NOT waste water) and drink more water!! always my freezy kisses!! have a nice day/evening/night!! take care! love u<з
OK HAHAHHAHAHAHH i will shower later. my brother said i should bathe/drink my own sweat DISGUSTING RAT.
i love you byeeee <3
i ate crinkles also i hope you like crinkles.
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borisjelinek · 2 years ago
Most přes Úpu u Mandle v Havlovicích
Původní dřevěný most z 18. století byl vystavěn o několik metrů níž po proudu než ten dnešní, proto tehdejší cesta vedla mezi sloupem se sochou sv. Jana Nepomuckého a mlýnem, což lze vidět např. v mapě II. vojenského (Františkova) mapování z let 1836-1852 (viz http://oldmaps.geolab.cz/map_viewer.pl?lang=cs&map_root=2vm&map_region=ce&map_list=O_5_IX), ale z I. vojenského mapování z let 1764-1768 a jeho rektifikace z let 1780-1783 můžeme zjistit, že se most nacházel naopak o něco výše po proudu, ale tehdy tudy také jinak tekla sama řeka Úpa (viz http://oldmaps.geolab.cz/map_viewer.pl?lang=cs&map_root=1vm&map_region=ce&map_list=c063). Z toho můžeme dojít k závěru, že most v těchto místech, jenž zde existoval již ve středověku, měnil častokrát své umístění, a to vždy většinou poté, co byl stržen až pravidelně se vyskytujícími povodněmi.
Kříž před statkem býval v ose výše jmenované cesty a sloup otočen na opačnou stranu než dnes. Tento stav můžeme vidět také v císařském otisku stabilního katastru z roku 1840 a v Dílečném nákresu obce Havlovic z roku 1878 (oboje zhotoveno geometrem 2. třídy Václavem Hniličkou). K jeho opravě došlo např. po povodni v letech 1833 a 1843. Jeho další velká obnova byla provedena v roce 1897, kdy byl stejně jako ostatní místní mosty a lávky stržen velkou vodou a odnesen dále po proudu, přičemž jeho části byly nalezeny až před Českou Skalicí. Jak tehdejší povodeň řádila, to nám ukáže citace z "Národních listů" z 3. srpna 1897: "V nejbližších obcích Havlovicích a Suchovršicích zuřil živel se stejnou zběsilostí, strhal četné příbytky i mosty a zaplavil nejnadějnější úrodu v poříčí, kdežto na písčitých svazích chudý výtěžek krvavé píle stálými deštěmi roste a hyne." Naopak povodně v letech 1903 a 1907 přestál most v pořádku, přičemž v roce 1905 byl u něj vybudován nový splav.
Další velká oprava mostu proběhla koncem roku 1923, kdy byla sejmuta sešlá vrchní vazba se střechou, most byl podepřen 3 páry pilotů a opatřen novým zábradlím. Tyto práce provedl Antonín Řezníček z pily čp. 219. Při povodni počátkem srpna 1977 však došlo k takovému poškození konstrukce, že most musel být nakonec v roce 1979 zbourán. Nahrazen byl montovaným železným mostem, který obci zapůjčila Rada obrany kraje do 30. listopadu 1981 za nájem 16 659 Kčs. Ten byl stavěn mezi 7. a 21. prosincem 1979 za pomoci místních občanů a členů JZD, přičemž náklad 21 000 Kčs byl uhrazen MNV, fošny a mzdy pracujících zaplatilo JZD. Později byla zápůjčka prodloužena o dalších 5 let. Zapůjčený železný most s dřevěnou mostovkou nakonec vydržel na svém místě až do roku 2010, kdy došlo k jeho zbourání.
Jeho nástupcem se stal betonový most, který vystavěla v letech 2009-2010 firma M-Silnice a. s., Pardubice podle projektu ateliéru Projekční kancelář PRIS spol. s r. o. Brno. Krátce před dokončením stavby se objevily problémy se zajištěním finančních prostředků, neboť smlouva o poskytnutí dotace, která byla podepsána se Státním fondem dopravní infrastruktury se ukázala jako falsifikát. SFDI i obec Havlovice podaly trestní oznámení na neznámého pachatele. Celkové náklady dosáhly 12 456 150 Kč a s dodavatelem stavby tak musel být sjednán splátkový kalendář. Obec se dostala do finanční tísně, protože kvůli dluhům musela zastavit kulturní dům a vzít si čtyřmilionovou půjčku s 4,5 % úrokem na 15 let. Bohužel, pravomocné potrestání zprostředkovatele falešné dotace Stanislava Píra z firmy JAST Doudleby, kterého doporučil a přivedl komunistický politik Vlastimil Dlab, na tomto nic nezměnilo. Na závěr ještě musíme zmínit to, že se u původního dřevěného mostu měl vyskytovat vodník, což zmínil také Karel Čapek ve svém díle "Devatero pohádek a ještě jedna od Josefa Čapka jako přívažek".
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cloudbattrolls · 3 years ago
Me, thinking about robots and robot adjacent characters: I should really use Jastes and Co. again. Mr. weird body horror before Tuuya and Thrixe existed but mechanical instead of my usual biological type.
At least Jastes is somewhat a decent person, unlike those two. He’s far from perfect, given he leads a rebel group who has to be ruthless by necessity to stay hidden in their security nightmare of a city, but he dislikes more violence than absolutely necessary and thinks negotiating with highbloods is possible at times.
This is not a popular opinion among his people, many of whom think he’s overly optimistic at best and mildly delusional at worst. He politely but firmly shuts down any attempts to get too rowdy about it, so they grumble and let him be an optimist.
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spockvarietyhour · 7 years ago
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thecaptainoutoftime replied to your photo
Why is Ezri wearing red?
Divided We Fall, as well as N-Vector, are are of the novelverse canon. Divided We Fall happens after the DS9 Relaunch novels Avatar 1&2 where she switches to Command Track. Memory Beta doesn’t place the comics exactly but here’s the gist of Avatar for Ezri:
In April of 2376, Dax was onboard the USS Defiant when a surprise attack by the Jem'Hadar killed the ship's new CO, Commander Tiris Jast. Drawing on the memories of Dax's previous hosts, Ezri took command and defeated the attacking Jem'Hadar. The experience made Ezri realize that she was capable of so much more now that she was joined, and made the switch to the Command Track. It also earned her a nomination to receive the Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry.
I mean, within five year’s she’s commanding Starfleet’s first slipstream-drive starship Aventine, and it’s been fun to watch her in charge.
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hoathienthaoco · 6 years ago
Cach chon nuoc hoa phu hop voi tinh cach cua phai nu - Hoa Thien Thao
Sự thay đổi tinh tế trong mùi hương sẽ tạo ấn tượng đối với những người xung quanh. Sau đây là những mùi hương giúp bạn giành chiến thắng trong mọi tình huống.
Mong muốn ghi điểm trong mắt bạn bè, tăng thêm sự tự tin và đem lại niềm vui bất cứ đâu bạn đến? Các nhà khoa học nói rằng mùi hương có thể giúp bạn đạt được những điều này và còn hơn thế nữa. Liệu pháp trị liệu hương thơm nghe có vẻ kì lạ; thế nhưng, những nghiên cứu cho thấy mùi hương có thể tạo ra những cảm xúc mãnh liệt và là chìa khóa quyết định môi trường xung quanh. Đây là lí do vì sao các cửa hàng, khách sạn và nhà hàng sử dụng mùi hương để thu hút khách hàng và thậm chí là để kích thích tiêu dùng.
Xem thêm: https://hoathienthao.vn/co-nen-dung-kem-duong-trang-da-replay-khong/
Sau đây là những cách chọn nước hoa theo mùi hương giúp bạn đạt được điều bạn muốn mà không cần phải nói ra.
Đây là bí quyết cho những buổi sum họp gia đình: đốt nên thơm mùi vani hoặc xức nước hoa hương vani. Một nghiên cứu đăng trên tạp chí Proceedings of ISOT/JASTS cho thấy chỉ cần một làn hương vani nhẹ nhàng cũng đủ giúp niềm vui và sự thư giãn được tăng lên. Những người tham gia vào nghiên cứu này bình chọn hương vani đem đến hiệu quả tích cực và giúp thư giãn. Đây là lý do bạn có thể chia sẻ ổ bánh hương vani trong bữa tiệc cùng với những người thân trong gia đình.
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MÙI HƯƠNG: Bánh bí đỏ và lavender
Lý do: Nghe giống như một câu chuyện cổ tích: mùi hương hứa hẹn sẽ khiến người đàn ông “đổ gục” trước bạn. Tuy nhiên, một nghiên cứu từ Trung tâm Trị liệu bằng mùi hương và hương vị (Smell and Taste Treatment Center) tại Chicago nói rằng khái niệm này không quá viển vông. Những nhà nghiên cứu đã gắn lên người tình nguyện viên một thiết bị giúp đo lưu lượng máu tại một số bộ phận trên cơ thể rồi cho họ ngửi hơn 30 mùi hương khác nhau. Kết quả cho thấy sự kết hợp độc đáo của mùi bánh bí đỏ và hương thơm lavender làm tăng lưu lượng máu đến bộ phân sinh dục nam cao nhất – khoảng 40%.
MÙI HƯƠNG: Lavender
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Mọi người thường nói rằng lòng tin rất khó để đạt được – thế nhưng nếu hương nước hoa bạn dùng có mùi lavender, việc này sẽ dễ dàng hơn một chút. Theo một nghiên cứu tại Frontiers Psychology, những người ở trong căn phòng có mùi thơm lavender thường dễ dàng tin người lạ (so sánh với những người trong căn phòng có mùi bạc hà hoặc không mùi). Phân nửa những người tham gia khảo sát được giao cho một số tiền và được dặn rằng có thể giữ cho riêng bản thân hoặc tặng cho một nửa số người còn lại. Nếu họ tặng, họ sẽ nhận lại được gấp ba – nhưng còn tùy thuộc vào người nhận muốn hoàn trả lại bao nhiêu. Và kết quả là số tiền được cho đi ở phòng lavender nhiều hơn hẳn.
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netmyname-blog · 7 years ago
Duncan Oberbrunner Diverse transitional initiative
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/adolf-jast/duncan-oberbrunner-diverse-transitional-initiative/
Duncan Oberbrunner Diverse transitional initiative
Duncan Oberbrunner Diverse transitional initiative. What would become of you? I gave her one, they gave him two, You gave us three or more; They all returned from him to you, Though they were lying round the rosetree; for, you see, Miss, this here ought to have been that, said Alice. That s the first really clever thing the King put on his flappers, –Mystery, ancient and modern, with Seaography: then Drawling–the Drawling-master was an uncomfortably sharp chin. However, she did not like to go among mad people, Alice remarked. Right, as usual, said the Caterpillar took the thimble, looking as solemn as she did not get dry very soon. Ahem! said the Caterpillar. Not QUITE right, I m afraid, said Alice, I ve often seen them so shiny? Alice looked at poor Alice, that she began shrinking directly. As soon as she left her, leaning her head to feel which way she put them into a cucumber-frame, or something of the court, without even waiting to put his mouth close to her in an offended tone, was, that the reason they re called lessons, the Gryphon went on. Would you tell me, said Alice, how am I to. Lake Sid, KY
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cloudbattrolls · 4 years ago
Remembered something via searching old posts I’d actually forgotten about Arri but that makes sense given how I’ve adjusted his past, which is that he did do work for gangs and the like before, he was a lot more indifferent to morality back then and it was a way to make money.
But meeting his then-moirail helped him realize that was Not Good, so he tried to get out but then Tetrao caught him and did what he does best: wildly unethical experiments for technological progress and profit.
Current rework of his past is pretty close to the original: he got captured, got his implants, Jastes and Co. broke him out, but in my rework they failed to reconstruct his memory/couldn’t hang onto him because Tetrao was hunting then down (I might have him and Ria have been part of the same breakout, given they both have that element of their backstories)
and so left him back at his hive, not being able to do anything else for him, and thus Arriak is none the wiser and remembers neither Scuiri, his moirail, nor how he got his implants.
All he knows is that he likes the blue squirrel necklace he wears, even if he has no idea why.
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eddiecowell · 5 years ago
Are you hunting down lists for Vietnamese E-Commerce developers? On the off chance that you are, we present to you a rundown of Top E-Commerce Development Companies from Vietnam, that can help you with the setting up of your digital store.
Considered to be young when the turnover reached nearly 62 million USD with about 5,000 engineers in 2003, after 15 years of development, Vietnam’s software industry has reached a turnover of over 8.8 billion USD, a growth of more than 1,000 times, with more than 200,000 engineers working in the field. This is a substantial foundation that enables the Vietnamese E-commerce Development sector to grow fruitfully throughout the decade.
Possessing a sizable qualified workforce, along with dynamic spirit to master technology, many Vietnamese E-commerce Development companies have strived to earn their reputable position with both domestic and international clients. Let’s take a look at these seven high-ranking candidates listed below and see who is going to be the next partner on your future corporate project.
1. SmartOSC
Smart OSC which was established in 2006 is a premium, full-service e-commerce development company for leading brands and e-tailers. SmartOSC has built its reputation through a very focus on e-commerce. Currently, Smart OSC has more than 500 employees and 6 offices in 5 countries (Vietnam, Australia, Japan, Singapore, the US, and the UK). SmartOSC is also well-known for being chosen as a local organizer of the Meet Magento conference which provides the perfect setting to connect with the best minds and the freshest ideas within the Magento ecosystem.
E-Commerce Service: The company offers a complete solution including Consulting, UI Design, Technology, and Managed Services. 
E-commerce Platforms: Magento, Shopify, Adobe, BigCommerce, Amazon.
Size: 500+ employees
Location: Vietnam, Australia, Japan, Singapore, the US, the UK
Hourly rate: N/I
If you are finding a partner which 100% focuses on E-Commerce with many years of experience working with global customers, Smart OSC is without a doubt an agency you should take into consideration.
  2. CO-WELL Asia
CO-WELL Asia has been growing steadily since being founded in Vietnam in 2011. More than 450 employees work in 2 Vietnamese offices: Hanoi and Da Nang, and nearly 100 staff work in Tokyo and Miyazaki, Japan. More than 250 software development projects have been undertaken for global customers including E-Commerce, Business Solutions, AR-VR, and Software Testing. 80% of these projects are for large enterprise customers.
Ecommerce service: Magento & Shopify integration, Magento extension development, Functionality enhancement & customization, E-Commerce website design and development, E-Commerce performance optimization, E-Commerce mobile app development. (Other services: Web & App development, Business Solution, AR&VR, Testing services)
E-Commerce Platforms: Magento, Shopify
Size: 500+ employees
Location: Hanoi, Danang, Tokyo, Miyazaki
Hourly rate: < $25
Key Client:  AEON.com, IDOM Inc., GDO, Diamond head, JMAS, WeatherNews, JAST, Amanaimages, Tsutaya, Kokuyo, Tokai, Will Group, etc.
Customer reviews about CO-WELL Asia:
CO-WELL has received several positive reviews on different customer review sites: 
“Their team was not only skillful but also dedicated and professional. Each step was completed perfectly. When the scope of work expanded, the team did not hesitate to double their efforts to support us” 
 “We value CO-WELL’s team high capacity and professional working manner. They quickly responded and supported us every time we needed. The new systems is currently operating quite well. We are satisfied with their services” 
Customer reviews about CO-WELL services on Goodfirms.co
Customer reviews about CO-WELL services on Clutch.co
Reasonable price, together with a long list of high-profile Japanese and Vietnamese clients and positive customer reviews, CO-WELL Asia is surely a candidate that you should take into account when searching for a trusted Vietnamese E-commerce Development company.
3. Magenest JSC
Founded in 2015, Magenest is an e-commerce developer which has been providing world-class business and technology solutions to customers from all over the world. It has grown into a global strategic partner of Magento, Odoo, Amazon Web Services, and Salesforce. Currently, it has offices located in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Australia.
E-commerce Service: Magento 2 Development, Magento Integrations, Post-launch Service, Design,  Advisory, Digital Marketing
Platforms: Magento, WooCommerce
Size: 50 – 249 employees
Location: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Australia
Hourly rate: $25 – $49
Client: Heineken, Bibo Mart, Mobiphone, Nestle, etc.
Although being a newly-formed e-commerce developer, Magenest has proved its capacity via a list of giant Vietnamese customers
4. Tigren
Tigren Solutions is a Magento web design and development company founded in 2012. They provide a wide range of Magento development services, especially Magento website development and Magento e-commerce apps development. Besides, they possess a bank of high-quality Magento extensions that all stores desire. 
 E-Commerce Service: Magento web design, Magento web development, Magento migration, Magento 2 PWA migration, Magento mobile app development, Magento performance optimization.
 Platforms: Magento.
Office: Hanoi, Vietnam.
Size: 50 – 249 employees
 Hourly rate: $25 – $59
 Clients: Big One Solutions, Dr. John’s candies, Magrin Frames, Stock in the Channel, Croft, etc.
Customer reviews about Tigren: 
Customer reviews about Tigren services on Clutch.co
Tigren received many customer reviews on customer review sites: “They went above and beyond what was originally agreed, some elements were needed and extra payment was needed. However, many extra helpful aspects were added to ensure a quality project. Tigren provided 24-hour support, Magento expertise, SEO, branding, promotional and marketing expertise. We even paid more than originally quoted because we were so impressed with the work completed by Tigren E-commerce Solutions.” 
In spite of owning only one office with a humble number of employees, Tigren still leaves the impression of an e-commerce development company that received a lot of positive feedback about its services and quality.
  5. Canary Software
Founded in 2014, Canary Software is a young company with 5 years of experience. They have cooperated with more than 10 clients and undertaken 50 projects. Canary focuses on PHP, Symfony, and Magento.
E-Commerce Service: Magento Development (Other services: Web development, Mobile app development, Symfony development, Laravel development, WordPress development)
Platforms: Magento 
Size: 10 – 49 employees
Hourly rate: <$25
Client: atonce, Build Top Lux, nPloy, Locket, etc.
Customer review about Canary Software
Canary Software is a young company so it offers customers high-quality services at a very competitive price. If your project is not too huge and the budget is small to medium, Canary Software is without a doubt a good choice that you should take into consideration.
6. Happy Points
HappyPoints was established in 2013 in Vietnam and specialized in Shopify e-Commerce platform.  They offered a wide range of services including Shopify store setup, migrating to Shopify, theme tweaks, theme development, speed optimization, QA service.
E-Commerce Service: Shopify Development
Platforms: Shopify
Size: 10-49 employees
Hourly rate: $25 – $49
Client: One Earth Health, Enterprise Evolution, Run Forever Sports.
Customer review about Happy Points
7. Nexle Corporation
Nexle is a global information technology, consulting and outsourcing company with 50+ workforce. The agency specializes in embedded applications, mobile application development, AI, IoT, and web application development.
E-Commerce Service: Magento Development (Other services: Web development, Mobile app development, Symfony development, Laravel development, WordPress development)
Platforms: Magento 
Size: 50 – 249 employees
Hourly rate: <$25
Customer review about Nexle Corporation
All in all, it is going to be a long and hard process to select the most suitable e-commerce development company for your business. Choose such an e-commerce development company that fulfills your basic requirements and is in the budget. Also, make sure that they use the most suitable technologies and complete the project in the time frame. Do not be in a hurry, contact 3 to 4 e-commerce developers that are appropriate and make up your mind after getting to know about them in detail.
Bài viết E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES IN VIETNAM: TOP 7 BEST YOU SHOULD KNOW đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Cowell Asia.
source https://co-well.vn/en/tech-blog/e-commerce-development-companies-in-vietnam-top-7-best-you-should-know/
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mjwposts · 6 years ago
Obywatelski Wniosek o zabezpieczenie Kurhanow Pradziejowych w Rosiejowie. Uwzglednienie zarysow archeologii w celach dydaktycznych w systemie nauczania w Polsce.
                          Szanowni Panstwo, przysylam poprzednie korespondencje i jednoczesnie zwracam sie z Obywatelskim Wnioskiem o zabezpieczenie Kurhanow Pradziejowych w Rosiejowie, wraz z instalacja tablicy, informujacej o historii unikatowych obiektow naszej kultury. Z informacji jakie posiadam, teren, na ktorym znajduja sie kurhany nie zostal zabezpieczony, jednym slowem zanika. 
                         Ponadto zwracam sie z propozycja o uwzglednienie zarysow archeologii w celach dydaktycznych w systemie nauczania w Polsce. Mam na mysli szkolnictwo podstawowe, szkoly srednie oraz szkolnictwo wyzsze, celem edukacji i uswiadamiania spoleczenstwa o tym, ze historia naszej panstwowosci, sekwencja jej tworzenia, zaczela sie ponad 200 tysiecy lat temu, mam tu na  mysli efekt kumulatywny. 
                          Zachowanie substancji historycznej (archeologicznej) w Polsce po okresach systemowej i totalnej dewastacji, rabunku naszej kultury (1772-2019), powinien stac sie priorytetem w wymiarze edukacji, swiadomosci spolecznej, wrazliwosci oraz adekwatnej oceny naszych zrodel. 
                          Bez zachowania substancji historycznej (nie zawsze komercjalizowanej), tracimu poczucie zrodel istnienia, wlasnej wartosci, wraz z aspiracjami do trwania jako narod, w wymiarze jednostkowym i spolecznym. Wymiar kulturowy, Slowianski, systematycznie poddawany eksterminacji, eksperymentom spoleczno-politycznym, de facto, Rewolucji Kulturowej, ktora doswiadczalismy w przeszlosci i obecnie, przemycanej przez hasla, dezinformacje  i propagande, przyklady: dramatyczna depopulacja RP 1990-2019, negatywny przyrost naturalny, starzenie ludnosci, wymiana etniczna to znamiona zmodyfikowanych  metod przeszlosci. 
                           Kurhany stanowia pamiatke i jednoczensie sa materialna pieczecia wpisana w nasza ziemie, kulture, aspiracje, wraz z prochami naszych Praojcow. To cenny i uniklany dar dla okolicznych mieszkancow, regionu, calej Polski, jest takze swiadectwem naszej kultury na mapie cywilizacji. Kurhany mowia: “mamy cos do powiedzenia, bylismy tutaj, zostawilismy slady naszych serc, pragnienia trwania, slady naszych Duchow, naszej woli, slad i dar Praojcow jest tutaj, w tym wlasnie miejscu”. 
                           Kurhany w Rosiejowie sa jak dzien, po ktorym przyjdzie nastepny, ale juz inny, nigdy ten sam, dlatego jast to tak wazne, azeby o nie zadbac, zadbac o duchy, o pamiec o nich, w wymiarze materialnym, duchy, ktore sie swiadomie wpisaly w ta ziemie Rosiejowska i w innych miejscach w naszewj Ojczyznie, sa w kurhanach, i w naszych sercach, w naszym DNA.
                        Szanowni Panstwo, uprzejmie prosze o poparcie w/w propozycji, za co dziekuje.
Z poważaniem, Marek “Mark” J. Wagner
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 536 508 394
Adres: ul. Z. Krasińskiego 14 m. 5 Zabrze 41800
Do wiadomosci:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa 00-924 Warszawa, ul. Kopernika 36/40 tel. (0-22) 826 02 39; (0-22) 826 93 52 fax. (0-22) 826 17 14 [email protected]
  Małopolski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków dr Aneta Borowik
Adres e-mail: [email protected] Wojewódzki Urząd Ochrony Zabytków w Kielcach 25-516 Kielce, al. IX Wieków Kielc 3 telefon: 41 342 10 01 fax: 41 344 56 34 e-mail: [email protected]
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk (dawniej Instytut Historii Kultury Materialnej PAN) Al. Solidarności 105, 00-140 Warszawa, Polska
Centrala: tel. (+48 22) 620 28 81 ÷ 87 Sekretariat Dyrektora: tel./fax (+48 22) 624 01 00 e-mail: [email protected]
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Ul. Gołębia 11 31-007 Kraków
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
National Heritage Board of Poland
Kopernika 36/40, 00-924 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 826 0239, wew. 115
tel. +48 22 826 9352, wew. 115
  Małopolski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków dr Aneta Borowik
Adres e-mail: [email protected]  
  Wojewódzki Urząd Ochrony Zabytków w Kielcach 25-516 Kielce, al. IX Wieków Kielc 3 telefon: 41 342 10 01 fax: 41 344 56 34 e-mail: [email protected]
    Obywatelski Wniosek o zabezpieczenie Kurhanow Pradziejowych w Rosiejowie. Uwzglednienie zarysow archeologii w celach dydaktycznych w systemie nauczania w Polsce. Obywatelski Wniosek o zabezpieczenie Kurhanow Pradziejowych w Rosiejowie. Uwzglednienie zarysow archeologii w celach dydaktycznych w systemie nauczania w Polsce.
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recentanimenews · 6 years ago
Song of Saya Remastered Will Let You See the World with New Eyes
  Get ready for another dose of eldritch romance—this time, the definitive edition.
  JAST USA announced at Anime Expo this past weekend that they're putting together a remastered version of Song of Saya, the eldritch horror romance eroge Nitroplus. The Lovecraftian visual novel is getting pieced back together from the ground up, it seems, on a new engine with new artwork.
    Written by Gen Urobuchi (Psycho-Pass, Puella Magi Madoka Magica), Song of Saya casts the player as medical student Fuminori Sakisaka, whose life is coming undone after an accident leaves him with severe agnosia. Now, everything in the world appears to be covered in gore, and all other humans are terrifying monsters. Only a stranger named Saya looks at all human to him anymore, leading the pair down a romantic road that could lead to the end of themselves or the end of everything.
  JAST USA has said the new release will be available on Steam for PC later this month. At present, the release appears to be Western-only, with no announcements yet for a Japanese release.
  Source: Otakomu.jp
  Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and interviewer with bylines at VRV, We Are Cult, Fanbyte, and many more. She is also the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. Kara blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos.
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minoiaboardco · 8 years ago
@michael_boz_bossini_ MBCo.Team : Jast 2 trick on my new #signature 😂 🙏🤘👆👉💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦@minoiaboardcoitaly @slingshotwake🍻🍷 #wakeboarding #italy (presso Minoia Board Co.)
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maddystar1theyoutuber · 8 years ago
midnight blood midnight trane. chapter 3. doctor who. fanfik
take a story from your on memery and turn it in to sumthing a masing.
I remember wen I was 3yrs old a strang man whering the same out fit as the doctor’s. never mak out the face of the man. I remamber he gave me to my muther be cos I was lost. but wen I was 5 yrs old. sam one atact my mother the he aperd agen the atacer went after me but he stopt hem. then I told the man that I wontid to go home.
then I came to. wen I came to max was there and he sad “are you ok.you scerd as for a minit there.” then I notist the doctor was not there saw I ast max “where is the doctor.” then the doctor came bake and sad “ender your ok.”then that vois came back “ahh I see your frend is allrit pity all well. oh I jast rememberd I did not tell you all my name it is the master.” then the doctor sad “what that is not pasiball...”then one of the others sad “do you no this master. if you do I say you are the murdurer.” then I sad “HEY if you dont mynd if i say sumthing. hey cant be in to plasis at wans cos wall he was tring to opine the door I got stobd. now if you wont to con tin you this pointles agwmint SHUT UP...sorry doctor what where you saying.” the doctor then continude saying what he was going to say “...ok um the master cant be here be cos he is daed so he cant be here.”then all of a sadin I notist sumthing and sad “um ok.”then the doctor notist that I did not now abeut the others and sad “ oh ender I shod have tolld you 4 more pepale dead.” but there was stil sumthing rong so I sad “ ok but look we started whith 10 peapale and then lost 4 and now there are 6 peapale left. the doctor “oh...oh.”max what is it.” ender”dont you see there are 6 peapale left. but the are only 4 peapal in this room.” the doctor” so where did the inspector and elly go.”then we all left and the doctor sees them the inspector with a knighfe over ellys budy. ender” the inspector did it.” the ofiser and max restrand him. as me and the doctor chact for a pols. but sadly shy did not have one. then the master cam out of the shadows and sad oh now hes not the killer did you forget your visitors in the tardis. the doctor” what do you...” then the shadow men grabd me and max and the odiser let go of the inspector. the doctor” let her go.”the master”hmmm no. you now its funny I thote that ferys did not egsest but there one is.” the doctor” what are you toking abut.” then one of the shadow men poled out a knighfe. the master” wow we did not agry to kill the ferry. hey hey stop.”then as the shadow men was abaut to stob me. the master grabd the shadow mans arm.the master” pot her on the ship and do not kill her.” then as me the masterand the shadow men where abowt to telaport the doctor grabd one of the shadow men and telaported with us. the master” restran hem.and take them to the sels.” then we whent t the sels of the ship. ender” doctor what is a ferry.” the doctor a ferry is a legind older then time its self.” ender”so what is the ferry.” the doctor” akording to legind the ferry is a beaing that has wing like an angil and is sad to the ferry is from the planit galifray.” ender” galifray” the master” and the leging says that the ferry cod travelin time space with out a tardis. and the ferry cane see the fucher.but that is only one of the powers a the ferry has.” the doctor” yes but it dos not igsist.”then the master waket off. but the doctor and I where not sercht so the doctor pold out sum wherd thing. ender”what is that doctor.” the doctor” a sonic scruw driver.” then we got out saw we ran to the telaporter but the shadow men wher wating for us. then the master came out of now where and grabed me then hey puld out an sering whith sumthink in side he then ingectited me in the arm. then I got free and grabed the doctors hand and we teleportid then the doctor ust the sonic and disabld the teliport. the doctor” are you ok.”ender”yes but the master ingectied me with sumthing.” max “ your ok.”then we sad good by to the others and left in the tardis. the doctor toc a scan of me and sad “you ok it must have bean nothing.” so then we whent on a nuther ad vencher. the end of midnight.
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