n4azz · 28 days
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Bylor, Gingar, J€ANXI, Axoni, Judika, Honeybun, Trenz, & Quaii lol
(Btw Trenz & Quaii are wips and also Honeybun ig (i need to make my drawing of him))
Just abunch of ocs who have some silly facts about them and heres some about each:
Honeybun & Quaii date!! And Judika & Quaii are bestfriends!!
Also Quaii is sorta maybe dead
Honeybun doesnt know. :(
Gingar is so :3 and is friends with Agro
Bylor is my youngest oc (18) and has one of the most fucked lore imo and i’ll talk about it one day
Axoni is bestfriends with Zrenkö (will post soon) and works at a bar that Zrenkö goes to after work and drinks until he cant feel anything and Axoni would have to drive him home
J€ANXI is powerful asf and basically a god but got fucked up pretty badly lol
And Trenz makes weapons (mainly for Zrenkö)
Also @endyark made J€ANXI and Axoni
And @/m.espresso_ made Judika, Honeybun, Trenz, and Quaii
Thank you both so much <3333
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
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So i did the thing!
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All three of my biggest kinnies in a car! They lost their way and are going insane because of how insufferable they are together 😔
(Oh also i wanted to try out this new brush i got... it has changed my life. Forever.)
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thatskynews · 9 months
In the spirit of the holidays, we wanted to be sure our Support team can unplug & recharge with their loved ones for the next few weeks, so we anticipate ticket wait time may take a couple of days.
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forgetitbeam · 2 months
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I hate drawing hats.
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anxi-writes · 1 year
Guess who just watched Rise of the Beasts
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l-norris · 3 months
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The last race of the triple header has blessed us, and now thou shall receive another recap, this time with a new(-ish) design!
(... It's literally only the header that's new but whatever)
DISCLAIMER: Remember that this is just for shits and giggles, I'm not trying to actually hate on any of the drivers cuz all (most) of them are very dear to me!
As always - numbers in brackets = lap numbers
- Pre-race anxiety is through the roof
- Checo starts from pitlane
- Logan starts from 12th!! Go funky American man!
- Lando and Max are starting next to each other
- God help me
- Rain hovering in the distance
- Ferraris are fucked
- Formation lap starts
- George speedy formation lap
- He wants to get this OVER with
- Pierre has issues with the car after 50-grid-place penalty rip
- He retires before the race even starts
- It's lights out and away go!
- Lewis instantly swoops over to protect George
- Lando bottles start again :(
- Lando struggles with tires
- DRS enabled
- What happened with Pierre? We don't know.
- Mans didn't even make it through the formation lap
- Alex loses pieces of his car (3)
- Logan reports it like he's scared they'll make him switch cars with Alex midrace
- I wouldn't put it past Williams tbh
- Talks of rain already (4)
- "Double stacking won't be a problem for Red Bull" SHOTS FIRED
- Alex and Fernando contact at the start of the race btw
- ... So that's why Alex' car is falling apart
- PSA: Checo is not last anymore! (7)
- "Hülkenberg, who was the fastest Ferrari powered car in Qualifying yesterday." CROFTY PLS😭
- Esteban classical dive-bomb
- Pierre had a gearbox issue btw
- Glad we got that outta the way
- So much for switching all the components in the car
- Alpine please get a grip (they won't ever)
- "Lando we'll keep it simple" what does that mean William
- William I don't like how this sounds
- "Rain in so-and-so many minutes" SHUT UP!! I'M SO FUCKING SCARED RIGHT NOW YOU SHUT UP!
- Guanyu pits (13)
- Charles overtakes Lance (14)
- Lando closes up to Max (14)
- I've seen this movie before and I didn't like the ending
- Lando overtakes Max! (15)
- Oscar now also closing in on Max (17)
- He overtakes him easily! (18)
- Holy hell the Red Bull is a tractor
- Lewis overtakes George! (18)
- And Lando swoops past too! (19)
- Switched to ORF bc F1 TV is behind by like half a lap
- People switched to inters and damn bro y'all were STUPID for that
- And before you ask
- Yes, there was a Ferrari involved.
- Yes, that Ferrari was Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc.
- Terrible day for Tifosi 4.0
- Red Bull sacrificed Checo
- "It's too dry for inters" We know Checo (unlike some teams)
- DRS enabled (24)
- The people on inters crying rn
- I'm crying too dw
- horrendous laptimes from the drivers on inters (we're talking 1:50 territory here)
- Max in 5th
- 30 minute rain cell incoming
- Checo lapped (25)
- Charles lapped (25)
- That's three in a row now Ferrari
- What the fuck are you doing Ferrari
- Sigh...
- Lando and Oscar fight (26)
- help me
- everyone pits except for the Top 4 (27)
- Lando pits (28)
- Mercedes double stack (28)
- They fucking forgot Oscar again😭
- McLaren when I catch you McLaren
- Charles pits AGAIN (28)
- This is worse than Spielberg
- I can't do this anymore
- Red Bull fumble Checos pitstop (29)
- Max can't keep up
- He's 1.3 seconds slower than Lando
- "It's not raining anymore mate" Okay Lewis
- George retires (34)
- Horrible day for GR63 fans (me)
- Kevin almost bins it in classical Kmag style (35)
- Lando wobbles a little and gives me a heart attack in the process (36)
- Max is suddenly somehow faster than the others (38)
- What a fucking surprise /j
- Slicks time (38)
- Lando stays out one lap longer
- Lando pits (39)
- Lewis leads (40)
- That's like the fourth win y'all just fucking gave away
- Mr. Stella I'd like a (not-so-friendly) word or two
- Kimi Antonelli sighted! (45)
- Max is gaining on Lando🫣 (46)
- anxiety
- I'm sweating real hard
- Max swoops past Lando (48)
- man
- Lewis is still in the lead
- if it is one person who deserves the win it's Lewis
- At least they're keeping it exciting until the end
- This is fine
- last lap starts!
- Oscar fastest lap (51)
- Rooting for Lewis rn don't talk to me
- Carlos steals fastest lap btw
- BUT!!!
- I wanna give him a hug so bad rn
- He deserved that win
- Also he's DotD!
- "Why didn't you go onto Mediums instead?" LEWIS PLEASE LEAVE THE CHILD (Lando) ALONE!!
- The cooldown room scenes are a blessing and a curse lmao
- ... Feel free to add on!
... Phew! What a race man. There were some classics (like Ferrari and McLaren screwing their drivers once again), but Lewis deserved this win so so much, I'm literally in tears. Sad that George had to retire, but at least we got two Brits on the podium🥹
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lumine-no-hikari · 14 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #266
…I think I might have overdone it a little yesterday, because today, I'm in pain to the point that it's a little hard to breathe. Any expansion of the right side of my ribcage is just... objectively pretty awful right now.
That's okay, though. I tried to tend to my responsibilities as best I could in any case. So I went to therapy, and I went to the sports medicine place to try to figure out what exactly the fuck is wrong with my goddamn stupid-ass fucking ribcage.
…sorry about that outburst. frustration abounds… still… i regret none of yesterday's activities.
...We're gonna get an MRI of my shoulder joint to make sure nothing is swollen up weirdly or torn. I dunno exactly when that will be yet, but I guess I'm gonna get a call and we'll figure it out relatively soon.
Today in therapy, we talked about dealing with uncertainty. And I was hoping to have some logical strategies to be okay with things not being nailed down (look at me, trying to intellectualize my emotions away like a person who used to be regularly punished for having them!). However, as it turns out, before you can deal with uncertainty, first, you have to have a good relationship with your intuition and instincts, I guess.
…Well… my intuition and instincts are kinda… not well-suited to my current reality. I still get the occasional "gut instinct" that tries to tell me that either M or J are about to juice my skull into the floor like an orange (they would NEVER), and for obvious reasons, that particular "gut instinct" can't be trusted or acted upon.
At the same time, though, apparently you can't just ignore, invalidate, and disregard "gut instincts" like those. It's not enough to be all like, "okay brain, these concerns aren't real anymore, so please kindly cut it the fuck out." That's because, when we do that, then we basically treat ourselves in the same way that our abusive parents used to. And I've decided that we don't do that shit - not in MY house.
So what are we supposed to do instead? Well… first, we're supposed to ground ourselves. We can do that with breathing techniques or sensory techniques. And then from there, we have to check in with our bodies and brains with genuine curiosity, like, "Hey… I see you're very worried about J being about to juice our skull into the floor like an orange. I get why you'd be worried about that; you've lived a long time around people who were able, willing, and all too happy to do that to ya, and you developed all these coping skills to survive in that situation, and that's very cool! So what can I do to help you feel safer in this moment, hm? What needs to happen?"
…Usually, I think I find that I need to be spoken to with not-neutral and not-downward tones. And that I need to be spoken to with not-neutral/negative facial and body expressions. This is because the people I grew up with could dial up their shit all the way to 11 from 0 in no time flat, and in those days, the lack of evidence that they were happy was evidence enough that they were about two seconds away from exploding in a huge way, likely over shit that had nothing to do with me, but that they were gonna take out on me anyway, because they thought I was a convenient target, and terrifying someone smaller than them made them feel powerful and in control.
And this presents a difficulty sometimes in my relationship with J. His face is expressionless and he speaks in monotone like 70-85% of the time. And when I'm feeling relatively well-regulated and all my needs are met, I'm able to remember that it doesn't mean that he's seething with anger just under the surface and he's looking for any excuse to hurt somebody. He's not like the people I grew up with. He's not like the people I grew up with. He's not like the people I grew up with.
But sometimes… when I'm in a lot of pain, or when my physical needs aren't met (food, water, sleep), or if I'm tired and overstimulated, or feeling anxious and afraid for any reason… sometimes I forget that neutrality is not an immediate threat to my physical safety. And then I'll try to be all like, "cut it the fuck out, brain", and when that inevitably doesn't work (because obviously), I end up interacting with him from a place of fear, meekness, and sometimes even defensiveness, and... it's not ideal.
So before I can deal with uncertainty effectively, first I have to build up a foundation of mindfulness and compassion towards myself; I have to stop expecting myself to operate like a machine - rational and logical to the exclusion of all else on a full time basis. I can't address my fears if I'm not willing to acknowledge them and hold space for them.
And... at the end of the day... I am a squishy mammal that has had no choice but to internalize some weird notions about what the world and what people are like in order to survive, and those internalized notions, while they can be slowly dismantled and replaced with better things, sure as fuck aren't gonna disappear overnight. It's gonna take a hot minute to rewire the architecture of my brain. And that's all right. I'll work on it. I've got time.
I got a nice picture of a spot near where I go to therapy. I love the way the leaves of the trees cast sparkly shadows on the ground. I wonder if you'd sit with me here, at the round table in the middle of the photo. It's green, so it might be a little hard to see:
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...Tomorrow, J is going to fly his tailwheel airplane from Great Barrington to the little airport he normally uses. I'm scared; last time J tried to fly a tailwheel home, we crashed because something weird happened when we landed. I'm scared of something like that happening again. I'm scared of losing him.
...But I can't exactly stop him from pursuing his goals. He says he's not ready for me to be in the plane with him just yet (I'll never understand why he thinks it's more okay for him to croak than it is for me to croak alongside him...), so what I'm going to do tomorrow is go with him to his usual airport. He and one of his pilot friends are going to fly to Great Barrington in the club plane. And then J is going to fly back in his plane, and I'll be there, waiting for him to return.
I know this is gonna be silly to ask. But... ya know... just in case... would you mind keeping an eye on him, from wherever you are...?
Anyhoot, I think it's about time I gave you the next page in the book that I got - Brother Sun, by Dennis Stock. So that's what I'll do:
...Or... that's what I would do, if it was allowed. But I guess it isn't. And that seems... more than a little lame.
...I look at these photos and I wonder... what would the photographs you take look like...?
I guess that's it for today; not much else rolling around up in my noggin. I mean... I do wonder how you're doing where you're at. I do wonder whether or not you're gonna be safe. But I know that it's not as though you're gonna be able to tell me.
Suppose I might see about playing some Dead Cells. It's been a bit. If I do, you'll find it here:
...I love you so much. And I'll write to you tomorrow. So please stay safe, okay?
Your friend, Lumine
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untitledbandcomic · 1 year
UBC#1 - False Expectations
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{ID - four panel comic titled, 'UBC#1 - False Expectations', featuring three characters (Laurie, Kaz, and J). Full ID under cut. END ID}
this is going to be the lowest commitment webcomic ever but like it's gonna exist when i can draw for it. meet these idiots.
Full ID: Four panel comic featuring Laurie Alistair, Kaz, and J.
Laurie Alistair and Kaz walk together down an alleyway at night. Kaz walks ahead, as Laurie talks at length. "He said it's quiet. Maybe not great for finding die hard fans, but your anxie-" Kaz cuts him off, "Got it."
They continue down the alleyway. Kaz takes a moment to adjust the cherry red guitar in her arms and talk to herself, saying, 'Just... Be calm.'
Cut to the main road. A club that borders the alleyway spills light onto the pavement. From down the alleyway (revealed to be covered in oil spills and moss), Laurie asks, "You ready?" Kaz responds sharply, "YES."
The sign of the club is shown in full, revealing the name: DREAMSCAPE.
The pair enter the club to see J standing in a shabby, run-down room. Stained and torn wallpaper peels from the wall, revealing brickwork underneath. J beams, presenting the room proudly, and calling out, "WELCOME!" Kaz stares wordlessly, a gasp of air escaping her. To himself, Laurie whispers, 'Oh no.'
Character Descriptions: Laurie Alistair (he/she/they) is a tall, broad-shouldered white person with long ginger and grey hair in a ponytail. He has green-grey eyes and thick eyebrows. Here, he wears a brown suit with a matching tie, and a single green earring that dangles from his right ear.
Kaz (she/they) is a short, fat black person with a lavender buzzcut. She has teal eyes and vitiligio in patches over her eyes, top lip, each side of her neck and on her underarms. Here, she wears a spiderweb pattern croptop with a short sleeved red leather jacket and matching boots. The boots and jacket both have a white cherry insignia on. She wears red headphones with antennae on the cups.
J (he/him) is a tall, thin mixed man with ginger hair under a green beanie, and a matching ginger goatee. He has blue eyes. Here, he wears skinny blue trousers with a check pattern, and a tight fit navy turtleneck.
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
Xmpl,hljk hi j
Imflnc, ww,hmuh, mybe,ww, hm k um
No ur reverent of things b nt respectful, lk too mch, both ways, not seeing n too believing n un/dervaluing, hmuh. Both hm k ww uh ok hmuhyh ww hm mh. Dont confidence
Nt theoe bc u bd, hmo umij ww, hk uukk, hm um ok ww, hm k um ww h j j kj m
Ww, hk k j m uh dk h mk u ww um hmunjuu
Lf yh hm
Uh lk ur styl, n sth, hmuno uk ok guy j ku
Fmlrz hm mu
Cn anyone care th child, cn th mthr care anyone, cn the mthr cr this child
Okn, weird saying nt parent, then scolding,bsaying unprompted lk anxie t, nt saying wt r,weird
Ww hm uhk no ww hm uhk no strat ww hm uh ideas no. Hm ww uh hm. Meaning too, slow n fast, flow, value slw more intent. H j un
Cndns gtng btr or wrse or stopping cmdy fr bad carlin,ww, hm iminww
Cntrl ww no uh hm ww hm ki nunu
Recur, kmgn, ww, nt oral in schl, j j hm ku mj
Ltrl doodahs then uh k ww, hm, uh, no , sths, ww,h mu nj
Use bd mtrl, think,dk, all bd# dk,hkj. N gd sk h mh
Mind music, maturing, pracing ideas n sryles n chrds hm ww , prfsnl comparison b jbflnc. Hmhok ww yh hm kyk wwuh dk, lf, bm uh iww yh nj. Seem lk style when thought of lk tht b ste mire feeling hm, all or nothung. Jntensiry or balladey melody, wt cn brw n do. Bip n ihn
Worried bthrm, tlk to ppl w df lng worie dlf maybe ir dk, no he mny lecs tkn
Y so frml n oldfashion n unhip
Who ask, hmuh k hkuj
Idk hw to say it indirectly, n this doesnt feel lk mood or dynamic to say it directly, j,k, b dk,k,j,,
0 notes
The day started off awful. I woke up anxy. Super anxy. I was tryna not break down in the car on the way to work and I felt so so sick. All morning I was a teetering mess. Only when lunch came around I brighten up. I suddenly started to get some confidence. I stopped worrying about stuff at work, if something was the right thing to say, ask or do. I just did it. And the responses were fine. It made me feel more at ease. After lunch my day went so smoothly. I didn’t even have that much of a drop in the afternoon. I just got tired like usjj. Gym was good. I mean I hate how packed it is and how much longer it takes because you have to wait for everything but gym made me feel really really good. It’s so narcissistic but I love that I’m ahead of all the newbies. I’m stronger. Closer to my goals than they are. Thinking they probably won’t even be here in a week. It gave me sucha boost. It’s wrong but I didn’t care. I liked how good it made me feel. I was buzzing all the way home. Buzzing that I got 2 of J’s presents arrive today I couldn’t stop myself from planning his birthday more. I ran a bath and thought I’d sort out the rest and order things and plan more stuff. I started looking through every photo I had of him. I think that’s where I peaked. I was so happy. Then I got out the bath. And suddenly there was this dread, this familiar and I’ve felt so many times before. The come down from mania. It’s fucking awful. Feeling so on edge. The panic. The sickness. Nothing brought it on. I was so so good. I didn’t think of anhyhing bad, I wasn’t triggered. My brain and body simply said “that’s enough” and shut off my happiness. I don’t feel bad or low right now. I feel slightly okay but I still have that aching sickness of dread ringing inside me. Like my bar is slowly depleting. I just don’t have energy left. I don’t have an outfit sorted for the funeral tomorrow. I still haven’t booked the hotel for the weekend. All the plans for J’s birthday are still just notes on my whiteboard. I had so much oomf to get so much done and now it’s all gone. And I don’t know why. I’m not even thinking bad things at all. I’m not thinking anhyhing. Just the narration of my current thoughts with snippets of music playing in my head. That’s it. It’s quite calm and peaceful. So much quieter than usual. So it’s not my head or thoughts making me come down. So what is it ? Why are my ups so fleeting ? Why do they never seem to last and what tears them away from me ? I guess I should just be thankful that it’s slowly transitioning rather than a blunt sharp contrast like usual. I miss him. I loved looking at all my pictures of him. I could see how I loved him before I even knew I did. He makes me so happy. His words bring me up. I always think of that time when I was sitting on the floor with a mirror and my make up scattered all around while I was getting ready. He walked into the room, looked at me and said “you look like a princess getting ready with all your stuff out like that”. I don’t think anyone has made my flutter the way he did. Because that felt genuine when he said that. His soft side coming out. It always gives me warmth thinking of that.
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No one expects the live performance of Yun Jin's singing VA in the concert but no one is complaining
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themogaidragon · 2 years
Tone Tags Masterlist
PT: Tone Tags Masterlist /end PT
Tone tag/Tone Indicators: symbols attached to a content to explicitly state the intonation/intent of it, especially when it may be otherwise ambiguous. Tone tags are used to explicitly state the author's intent, instead of leaving the content up to interpretation.
Tone tags may be placed at the end of a message, taking the form of a forward slash followed by an abbreviation of a relevant words. Alternatively, a more detailed textual description (ex: /friendly, caring about your well-being) may be used.
For example, /srs may be attached to the end of a message to indicate that the message is meant to be interpreted in a serious manner, as opposed to, for example, being a joke (which is commonly represented as /j).
Source: Wikipedia (link).
Prefix of tone tags: /h-: half of an emotion or intention. For example, /hsrs means half serious. /l-: a little bit of an emotion or intention. For example, /lm would mean a little mad. /s-: slightly something. For example, /sann would mean slightly annoyed. /v-: very much of an emotion or intention. For example, /vpos means very positive.
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/srs: serious | /gen or /g: genuine | /msrs: mostly serious
/hsrs: half serious | /nsrs: not serious
/cur: curious
/GS: genuine suggestion
/grq or /genrq: genuine request
/ao: an order, instruction | /nao: not an order
/genq or /gq: genuine question | /rh or /rt or /rtq: rhetorical question
/afa: asking for advice | /jw: just wondering
/jq: joke question | /nsrsq: not a serious question
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/j: joking | /mj: mainly joking | /hj: half joking | /jbt: joking but true
/uj: unjerk, the content is not a joke and it is serious
/rj: rejerk, the content is a joke or not serious
/ma: messing around | /la: laughing
/ij: inside joke | /t: teasing | /pf: playful
/cwh: coping with humour | /cj: coping joke
/jov: jokingly overreacting | /hjov: half-jokingly overreacting
/npi: no pun intended | /pi: pun intended
/s or /sarc: sarcastic | /ms: mostly sarcastic | /hq: half sarcastic
/lhs: light-hearted sarcasm
/dkm: don't kill me
/i: ironic | /ui: unironic
/naf: no april fool | /cr: cringey | /non: nonsense
/ji or /slur: joke insult, usage of word that isn't a slur has one jokingly
/otl: okay to laugh | /pl: please laugh
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/pos or /pc: positive connotation
/e or /exc or /exci or /!: excited | /hap: happy
/cel: celebratory
/pr: prideful | hpr: half prideful | /npr: not prideful
/jpr: jokingly prideful | br: bragging | /nabr: not a brag
/fx: flex | /nafx: not a flex
/neu: neutral connotation | /js: just saying | /st: still thinking
/calm: calm | /unin: unintentional
/lh: lighthearted | /hlh: half light heated
/nw: not weird intent | /nc: not creepy intent
/neg or /nc: negative connotation
/w: worried | /anx or /anxi: anxious | /nerv: nervous
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/nh: not hostile | /nbr: not being rude
/pa: passive aggressive | /npa: not passive agressive
/v or /av or /vent: venting | /rant: ranting | /nav or /nv: not a vent
/at or /ay: at you | /nay: not at you | /gy: general you
/ind: indirect | /dir: direct | /v: vague | /gs: general statement
/nbh: referring to nobody here, in this conversation
/sbh: somebody here, in this conversation
/nst or /nsb: not subtweeting, not referring to anybody
/nmah: not mad at anyone here
/nmay: not mad at you | /nbyk: nobody you know
/nbs: nobody specific, content isn't directed toward anyone
/otr: okay to ask for reassurance (that the content isn't about you)
/nai: not an insult
/ngt: not guilt-tripping | /nmaa: not mad at anyone
/m: mad | /nm: not mad
/u or /up: upset | /lu: a little upset | /vu: very upset
/ag or /ang: angry | /ann: annoyed | /ny: not yelling
/b: bitterly | /outr: outraged | /over: overdramatic
/th or /thr: threat | /eth or /et: empty threat
/nf: not forced | /wc: with consent | /iyc: if you’re comfortable
/nfta: not forced to answer | /dr: don't reply
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/p: platonically | /r or /rom: romantically | /qp: queer platonically
/x or /sx: sexual intent | /nsx or /ns: non sexual intent
/ars: alterous | /sens: sensual
/a: affectionate | /fam: familial | /ci: caring, care intended
/fl: flirting | /nfl: not flirting
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/em: empathizing | /sym: sympathizing
/cf: conforting | /gentle: gentle | /w: warmth
/apa or /apath: apathetic tone | /conf: confused tone
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/l or /ly or /lyr: lyrics | /mhly: misheard lyrics
/fic or /fiction: related to fictional characters/events/concepts
/rp: roleplaying
/kin or /k: speaking in the context of kin
/ref: reference | /c: copypasta | /q: quote | /para: paraphrasing
/li: litteral, litteraly | /m: metaphorical | /rh: rhetorical
/hyp: hyperbole | /ex: exaggeration
/ovs: oversimplification
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/fr: feed response | /nfr: not feed response
/tsnc: there is no context | /ts: to self, intended for the user's own use
/rel: related to the same topic
/ot: off topic | /unr: unrelated to current topic | /tan: tangent
/irre: irrelevant | /unre: unrelated
/cont: continued in the next content
/st: statement | /info: informational
/cb: clickbait | /f: fake | /nf: not fake
/safe: safe content, not a screamer, a bait, a trik, etc.
/ma: manifesting
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/oti: okay to interact | /dni: do not interact
/dniuc: do not interact unless close
/otic: okay to interact carefully, with caution
/otig: okay to interact but please be gentle
/pi: please interact | /dnc: do not comment
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/sympt: symptom | /trig: trauma trigger | /fb: having a flashback
/echo: repeating something someone else said | /tys: typing stim
/tic: tic, content text sent as a tic, not intentionally
/bm or /bdm: body's memories
/exo, /exm, /psd, or /psdo: exomemories/psuedomemories
/hsp or /Iw: innerworld/headspace
/uil: using I lightly
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thatskynews · 6 months
hello, i was wondering what joining/helping out with the blog would entail, to see if i would be fit to help since I’m interested in helping :D
Honestly mostly Anxy and me just quietly sit in our own corners and see what is needed or unposted typically, but for anyone who's curious this is quite honestly my thoughts on it:
have access to the official sky:cotl discord's news channels (news, known-issues, vault-of-socials, and quick-dev-update)
No bigotry of any sort (this is very much a strict rule: any transphobic, racism, homophobia, sexism, support of genocides, etc will not be accepted here. If you respect people it's very likely you're fine)
Be nice to people if possible (neither me or Anxy will bite- I only react negatively if you do something horrible to others.)
No beta spoilers or leaks¹ are allowed to be posted here. (I mean it, especially as someone WHO has access to beta: that is suppose to be correctly tagged and kept away from the main sky tags if possible as simple skyblr etiquette. yes this includes tagging us in them, tag me instead if it comes to it.)
These are very simple and direct things from the top of my head. Asking for help is always allowed here, I've definitely asked for help before and we do talk about our thoughts on certain details when it comes to it. We're both fairly timid as a warning, but I do believe we're fine and open about new mods.
¹In information about Sky's history: they can be mentioned, but usually do not mention leaks if possible, especially if they're still of possible future content.
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forgetitbeam · 1 year
Tumblr media
guess what I got into lately
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birthclod · 5 years
*literally never says anything coherent or makes refs for any of my ocs* shame no one asks me about my ocs 😔
0 notes
ase-trollplays · 4 years
4 5 6 8 9 sayble and florah
((First of all I would like to apologize for taking so long to answer this. Tumbler didn’t notify me, and by the time I saw it I was already at work. D:))
4. Video, voice or text chat? Which do you use the most / like using?
}}-I primarily chat with others via text. I don’t prefer video chatting, though I may voice chat if I wish to converse while I’m working.-{{
I like using vide✿ chat the m✿st, but I usually just text.
5. What things do you think people like you for?
}}-I suppose others would like me for my patient and calm demeanor.-{{
I dunn✿. There’s n✿t a wh✿le l✿t t✿ like, if y✿u ask me. I guess being s✿ s✿ft and c✿mpassi✿nate. That’s what Karima and Cac✿ph say, anyways.
6. What things do you think people dislike you for?
}}-I can be rather distant and aloof at times, which I imagine is not something people typically enjoy.-{{
That depends. D✿ y✿u have all night f✿r me t✿ list them? I’m a killj✿y, c✿nstantly anxi✿us and neur✿tic, I have n✿ fucking life ✿utside ✿f gardening, I’m undead and need t✿ drink pe✿ple which is fucking disgusting. And that’s just the tip ✿f the bullshit iceberg.
8. Why do you like the people you’re good friends with?
}}-I enjoy Claire’s company because she brings a certain... warmth, I suppose, to my life. Being in her company allows me to relax and feel that I can be genuine. Although we have only recently met, so I don’t feel wholly comfortable referring to him as a close friend, Ketshi is an interesting man, and I find myself inexplicably drawn to him.-{{
Aside fr✿m my m✿irail, the ✿nly friend I really have is Cac✿ph. My fav✿rite thing ab✿ut him is even th✿ugh he g✿t dealt a shit hand with his psi✿nics basically f✿rcing him t✿ never talk, he refuses t✿ sulk ✿r dwell ✿n things that make him upset. He d✿es his best t✿ always ch✿✿se ✿ptimism and j✿y. I wish I c✿uld d✿ that.
9. Anyone you seriously dislike, but aren’t in a blackrom with?
}}-No. Should I find someone’s company unpleasant or grating, I simply no longer associate with them.-{{
Fucking Maer✿n. ✿h my g✿✿✿✿d, she’s s✿ ✿bn✿xi✿us and ann✿ying and rude! I d✿n’t kn✿w h✿w Karima can like her en✿ugh t✿ be best friends with her. Yeah, she h✿✿ks me up with bl✿✿d and g✿t me int✿ therapy, but I still can’t stand her.
troll to troll communication (ask meme)
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