#Izzy is carrying the ghost of a god with him
Izzy Amnesia Fic + Playlists!
So this fic is an interesting case: I actually have two playlists to convey the different POVs of the characters. Unlike the Jim amnesia fic, the Izzy amnesia fic is told from the POVs of Izzy, Pete, and Lucius, and thus I listened to a variety of songs for both of them. Writing this fic was quite the trip- as the last OFMD fic I wrote, my hyperfixation was slipping, but I was determined to do justice to everyone's character arcs. This ended up becoming the longest one-shot I've ever written, clocking in at almost 24k, and that's because I really wanted to show every side of this relationship and the ways that the characters push and pull at each other, how Izzy goes from angry and judgmental Season 1 Izzy to willing to take a bolt to save Jim and open himself up to the husbands he only remembers as the lazy, useless pirates he knew only yesterday as well as Lucius going from fighting to get Izzy to understand to realizing that Izzy deserves to make decisions to himself, plus Pete as a stabilizing force that Izzy finds completely shocking. (Plus the relationship of Izzy to the rest of the crew, from Jim to Captain Olu to Mel to Frenchie and the like.) Also heavy Edizzy exploration as well, albeit in the unrequited, angsty form!
First up we have Izzy:
Then we have Pete and Lucius' playlist:
Link to the fic here as well:
@little-bloodied-angel @possumsmushroom @sapphicsigh @khruschevshoe @fool-for-luv @featherlesswings @bricksbloggyplace @polikate @screechingdonutengineer @fiendishharlot @moondancera01 @mysteriouslybluepirate @astridonthem00n @alexdobedumb
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khruschevshoe · 10 months
Jim Jimenez and Lucius Spriggs
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It's the fear, and not the ghost
That leaves me haunted, haunted
See what a life you lead:
You're an anchor for all the heaviest
Regrets inside of you
Escape; we collect mistakes
I will carry them home
-The Crane Wives, Not the Ghost
Lucius carries his own wreckage around from Blackbeard’s time as god, but it’s a different sort of shipwreck, a different sort of chain. There is a grief, but not a guilt. At least, not anymore. While he was trapped, he felt guilty for surviving when he wasn’t sure if Pete was still alive, but once Blackbeard was gone, he didn't have to carry a giant length of crimes around his neck because Blackbeard had told him that either he committed these atrocities, or he'd die, and he had to get back to Olu and protect everyone else at all costs.
Jim isn’t going to downplay the way that that trunk haunts Lucius. Its ghost still physically haunts him, in the form of his dizzy spells, but he doesn’t have wanted posters. He doesn’t have crimes. He doesn’t have the shame of murder and the blood of others clinging to his hands. He doesn’t have to look over his shoulder in case someone is hunting him-
Or, rather, scratch that last one. Because Lucius doesn’t have to look over his shoulders due to people hunting him for a bounty, but someone did murder him in cold blood. Jim had to live with threats for months, up until the moment Blackbeard actually shot Izzy; Lucius had to live with first-hand knowledge of hands that were willing to shove him overboard.
Jim doesn’t know what ghosts Lucius clings to. They only know what ghosts cling to them, what ghosts dig their claws in and refuse to let go, no matter how many times Jim tries to bury them for good.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, you will never slip away (you’ll find me waiting here for you)
Founding members of the "Fuck Blackbeard" club (and "Fuck the People Who Raised Me" club as well). Two of my three favorite characters in the series. They are there for each other at the critical moments and understand each other so well (and have a great dynamic when Mel is added in Season 3). Also, the fact that their friendship begins with Lucius stealing a dagger for Jim AFTER Jim literally nearly kills Lucius gets me every time.
Special thanks to @possumsmushroom, who I was talking to about Lucius & Jim and who is an amazing artist!
@polikate @angxlwiings @yuenity @bricksbloggyplace
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theclaravoyant · 1 year
AN ~ Missing Moment set in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Spoilers for Eps 1-3. Angst.
For @fictober-event’s Fictober 2023 prompt: “Is it over? Is it really over?"
Masterpost of my Fictober OFMD fics
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death Characters/Relationships: Izzy Hands, The Revenge Crew Tags: Canon Typical Violence
Finally, it ends, with a sickening crunch.
For a long moment afterward, the only sounds are the howl of the sea, and their own heavy breathing. The last of them standing, and one of them only just.
It’s Jim who breaks the silence.
“Is it over? Is it really over?”
They look askance across at him, strong but uncertain; keeping it together until they feel they’re safe enough to panic. Good. They’re not.
Izzy clears his throat. It feels like he hasn’t spoken in years. Blackbeard’s - Edward’s, Edward’s face is scored permanently into his vision, behind his eyelids. But he has work to do.
He looks up and around at the ship. It’s all but demolished. The sails are shredded. The deck is awash with rope and wood all splintered and rotted and burnt. It’s in an even more sorry state than their pathetic little band of a crew - if that’s even possible.
“Anyone injured?”
They all look at him. Ha, ha.
“‘Sides the obvious.”
Nothing major, they decide. They’re bloody and bruised and mentally devastated but they’ll live.
“Right then. Get him below deck.”
“Are you sure? Not- you know-”
Overboard? That, that he can hardly stomach, and if the crew see the horror and sorrow in his eyes they don’t mention it. Small mercies. But it’s not out of mercy or heartbreak he has them hold onto him. It’s not for his own sake, or Stede Fucking Bonnet’s. No. They’re stranded out here in the middle of the ocean with no sails and no steering. He knows what it might come to, and he tucks that thought quietly against his chest. It pierces him between the ribs like a knife he can’t pull out again. Please, not that. If there’s any shred of goodness left in this God-forsaken world, don’t let it come to that.
As it is, it’s hard enough not being able to carry his captain to rest. He’s left to hobble behind the crew balanced between an old mop and a quivering, crying Fang. He prepares himself to dredge up enough bastardry to make sure they do a decent enough job laying Edward out in one of the more hidden store rooms, but they don’t need the encouragement. They remember their friend too. They appreciate that it shouldn’t matter that he’s comfortable, but that for some reason it does.
“Can’t believe he’s dead,” Frenchie murmurs. The box in his head isn’t shutting as easily as it used to. He’s too fucking bone-tired for that. Plus he feels kind of relieved, and he hates it.
Izzy hates it too. He draws himself up as tall as he can and pulls away from Fang. So help him he will force himself to stand and commandeer the mop and he will snarl that ghost of a leg into submission with everything he has.
“No,” he corrects them, “he’s not.”
“Fuck do you mean, he’s not?” Jim challenges. “He better be.”
He holds up a hand.
“Blackbeard is not dead. We did not kill him. He was washed overboard in the storm and we don’t know what happened. He fucked off to Bermuda. He is not dead.”
Frenchie nods. He follows. Archie and Fang are confused. Jim glares, resisting.
“If we killed our captain, that means we mutineed,” Frenchie explains. “If we mutineed, we can’t be trusted. Any pirate worth their salt will leave us to die or kill us themselves. It makes sense.”
It seems to sink in for them, then. Not that it makes anything better.
“So… what do we do?”
“Find something to eat,” Izzy orders. “Find me a fucking leg. And pray for a miracle.”
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miss-bluerose · 9 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 7 and 8 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
Ep 7: Put in teams by Chris, gather ingredients from a barge floating on the lake, choose a remote that could help you and/or hinder your opponents and bake a cake for the judges that looks like Chris. Fun episode and I enjoyed most of the references to movies and TV shows throughout the episode. Owen as the guest judge was great. That chicken cracking its eyes was hilarious.
- Cornucopia Bloodbath from The Hunger Games
- This is Sparta! from 300
- That escalated quickly from Anchorman
- Paint me like one of your French girls from Titanic
- Seductively shaping clay from Ghost
Ep 8: Carry a giant coin up a mountain, put it in a slot, enter the play area and gather the most points to win. The fish delivery lady was funny. This ep had its issues but I liked most of the references.
- Immitating the twins from The Shining
- Courtney
- Duncan
- Scary Girl and her jackhammer
- The Canadian Goose from last season
- Izzy
He looks the exact same and thought that Cake Chef was the real Chef and had died 😂. Still goofy, friendly and obsessed with food but even he thought MK's cake tasted bad. I laughed when he ran away with Cake Chef.
Sounds like he's still mad at MK about the hairdryer when he called her team greasy lol. I laughed at him talking about physical money as if it's extremely old, like prehistoric times old. I want to know which secret he stopped Zee from saying. Him pelting Priya with marshmallows was mean.
It's sad that no one in universe thinks he can cook after all these years. Got calf implants for some reason and it looks kinda gross tbh.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - she's "shown up" in ep 4 and ep 8 so my theory that she's going to appear in ep 12 (fear challenge) is looking extremely likely at the moment.
15th: Chase
14th: Millie
13th: Emma
12th: Nichelle
11th: Bowie
10th/9th: Axel/Ripper - Both of their development came to a halt after they got together and it was annoying to watch them constantly make out so I'm not really sad to see them go. I did feel bad for him being upset about her leaving but I didn't expect him to just grab onto her like that. And Chris just decided to count it as a double elimination, wtf?
8th: Zee - Didn't do much in ep 7 tbh. I didn't enjoy watching him put his shorts in his mouth/being in his underwear for most of ep 8 but the squirrel was funny. He should have told Priya the truth when she talked to him before the challenge, that would have been the perfect opportunity. Spilled the beans about Caleb after he kissed Priya which was bad enough but then he kept talking and exposed a few secrets about the others. There is no way he should have been voted off over Caleb who is clearly the bigger threat in every way but because he still has a plot to be resolved he gets to stay. One of the most forced eliminations in the history of the entire show I swear to god. It should have been a tie in which Caleb would probably still win but at least he would have had to fight to stay in the game instead of just getting lucky with the voting. At the very least I hope the friendship between Zee and Priya isn't ruined for good, I liked seeing them talk to each other and stuff.
She shouldn't have tried to use natural yeast, just let the cakes be flat. I'm not ok with 99% of PDA so I didn't enjoy watching her and Caleb try to kiss while people were around. They finally kiss and then she runs off crying after hearing what Zee said and doesn't talk for the rest of the episode. I don't want her to get back with Caleb even after the misunderstanding gets cleared up but I don't think that'll happen.
I don't like him and he should have been voted off instead of Zee no question about it. It's going to be annoying to watch him stick around.
It's awesome to see that his confidence has grown and that he has found his footing in the game. The squirrel doing the finger guns back at him was cute. I can't believe he found the immunity idol by accident while the others were actually looking for it and he did the Family Guy knee gag 🤣. I hope it doesn't get stolen from him. It looks like he's still terrified of Scary Girl. Change your undies my guy. He'll probably comfort Priya in the next episode.
It's lame that he and Wayne decided to work with Julia in the cooking challenge instead of against her. Hopefully that changes soon. Also seems to have lost some IQ points but not as bad as Wayne I think. I don't even want to bring up his secret 😨.
He seems to have gotten dumber at some point? It took forever for him to get to the pinball challenge and then he was knocked out of it right away. I don't know what to think of him.
I laughed at her getting chest bumped by the hockey bros and the two of them slowing her down unintentionally. Of course she knows how to bake and mill raw ingredients, why am I not surprised? 🙄 She sicked Owen on MK and sounded upset about it enough that she's avoiding her at the start of the next ep. I didn't like her trying to pry the secret out of Zee. I'm not surprised that she stole from her own grandma. Her plot armor is ridiculous jfc.
I enjoyed her suffering in the cake challenge. I'm disappointed that her monstrous cake didn't come to life, could've been a funny reference to some SNL sketches. Isn't mad that Julia betrayed her in the cooking challenge apparently. Struggled to carry her coin up the mountain and then got crushed by it lol. She's a gamer and was able to figure out how to get more points quicker than the others. Bit Caleb's leg which was funny to me. Sleeps with a stuffed unicorn, awwww.
Five episodes left and I really hope Julia doesn't win. I procrastinated typing this because of the holidays and Zee's totally BS elimination but still got it done before 2024, woohoo!
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(@commanderhorncleaver) Number 15 for everybody uwu
EVERYBODY??? zthats like 50 people. more i think. okay. get ready. some of these characters im gonna name tumblr hasnt even seen yet.
How Gay Are They?
im going by age of the character btw. lets fucking go.
Azura: gay :) so gay that she gave her lover her only weapon so that she could protect herself
Dio: hey thats me!! it's a lesbian :) super gay
Sophia: lesbian in the magical girl way
Mina: normal (aroace) but their best friend is gay :)
Carry: heterosexual
Brum: gay for every gender :)
Jue: also a problematic bisexual but with more glitter
Lysania: unproblematic bisexual :) gay as in happy :)
Violett: WOMEN WANT XEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naymarin: GAY FROM BEFORE THEY WERE BORN. so gay. met his gf in the dream. lesbianism in her veins.
Aurora: she doenst have much time to be gay but if she gets her hands on the gay feelings then thousands of people will die :)
Raja: normal amount of gay. pretty regular.
Mirella: SOOOOOOOOO GAY. gets hit in the face with the lesbianism.
Dergroße Winschenzo: there is no word that could hold the power of dergroße winschenzos love. he is all.
Temmie: hardcore femme lesbian. full of GAY!!! and also evil sometimes
Lilly: i dont know :)
Rosalind: bisexual lighting when she was born.
Dean: gay and likes it when men are very mean to him
Corra: very gay but forgets it sometimes because the love she has for the eternal alchemy is stronger than any attraction.
Lucius: 11/10 on the gay scale and it should scare you
Vita: if gay means happy then she is the gayest :) if gay means liking women then thats also correct
Ophelia: she has no time being gay shes too busy being scared
Tora: i think a pretty normal amount of gay. i think rather regular. i think normal.
Rebekka: gay but in a very secretive evil but halfway through redemption kind of way
Eryn: the only thing they attract is unstable fractals :) theres no gay
Narcissa: i am too scared to ask but that old evil face sure looks gay
Jisoo: lesbiab :)
Iira: gay and would commit warcrimes for its lover. (has no lover but wants one so she can commit warcrimes for them)
Ninyann: what is a gay :) doesnt know anything sorry
Indigo: gay and embarassingly so. hey stop looking at jisoo there is a bear mauling you. hey. he
Alastor: proper amount of gay. may not have realised it yet.
Frost: frost is the representation of (one of) my genders so i think they should be the same amount of gay as me. i think theyre gay in the way being a pretty guy in a wedding dress with frost bite is gay. gay in the way finding you best friend dead in a field of pansies covered with purple blood and vines piercing their heart is gay. i th
Dazii: makes bombs. i think thats pretty gay
Astrid: god created bisexuality for her
Yoonsu: fighting his demons (homosexuality)
Thyrynn: gay in a sitting in a library and reading about forgotten legends way
Nadira: you wabt to know if shes gay? you want to know? when shes wearing the clothing of her gf at all times? when she has made an effort to learn everything about her gfs culture and history that she can find? you want to know if nadira is gay??? how gay she is???? take a guess. go on take a guess. how gay is she, hm?? how gay
Hilda: she was made to be my gfs characters gf. she exists only to be a lesbian. its her one destiny.
Rhea: *writes love songs about her crush* *cries after concert because girl in the audience was too pretty* *talks to ghosts about being too in love to function*
Junko: not only are they lesbian but they also have two gay people in their HEAD which adds up.
Darryean: cowboy
Rian: studies astrology. he looks at the stars and goes "oh youre a libra :/" thats gay
Kyandri: hey shes just a little shroomie :) she doesnt know how gay she is :) a lot probably
Ambrose: VAMPIRE!!!! BITES MEN!!!!! IN THE NECK!!!!!!!!!
Kaari: average bisexual
Daeonna: i dont know if shes gay but judging by how mean she is.... probably
Aryel: do you want an essay do you want a fucking ewsay on how gay he is. do you want that. do you want me to describe in detail how gay he is. how he felt when he met his lover for the first time. his emotions. his admiration. his pure beatiful love. do you want to read into every last bit of aryel lore and figure out how fucking gay he is. do you think you can handle that??? i dont think so. oh let me show you how fucking gay aryel is alright lket me show yo
Soleil: canach liker (gay)
Prima: the word lesbian was created for her HEY!!!!!!!!!!!! gay girl. get a grip.
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
Can I Survive Trigger Happy Havoc? (Collab with Total Drama gen 1 and THH cast)
This is my simulation where I’m a protag in a collab Danganronpa with Total Drama gen 1 and Trigger Happy Havoc casts. Enjoy
(Me, Owen, Makoto, Gwen, Kyoko, Heather, Byakuya, Duncan, Toko, Leshawna, Hina, Geoff, Hiro, Izzy, Junko, DJ, Sakura, Lindsay, Celeste, Bridgette, Hifumi, Trent, Taka, Harold, Mondo, Courtney, Chihiro, Sadie, Leon, Beth, Sayaka, Cody, Tyler, Katie, Justin, Noah, Eva, Ezekiel)
38 people. I made it 12 survivors.
I feel like I’m gonna die first.
This is the story of a ghost protag, who got killed, watching over the students killing each other, lol
We’re gonna keep going until my character dies
Chapter 1
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Let’s fall into despair.
“Everyone thinks Izzy is speaking in riddles”
She always does, that’s not too shocking
“Owen bakes a sweet cake for everyone”
Owen being the light here
“Ezekiel talks to Izzy about their talent”
Ezekiel is the Ultimate Homeschool, Izzy is the Ultimate Explorer. In case you’re wondering
“Courtney lightens up Leon to not be a wuss”
Okay then
“Kyoko listens to Eva and Taka talk”
Kyoko probably can’t imagine those two getting along at all
“Monokuma casually talks to Byakuya. Byakuya finds it fun”
Uh, no. Out of character.
“DJ builds enough confidence to host a student meeting”
Go DJ!
“Leshawna tries to cheer Makoto up”
“Noah hums to himself”
For some reason I don’t feel like he’s humming. I think he’s breaking a few rules.
Cause in literally EVERY simulation I do of this. Noah dies chapter 1. As a culprit. It upsets me every time. If that happens again, I swear to god-
“Leon decides to hang out with Eva”
Okay. I’ll see it
“Celeste steals people’s supplies”
And here we go
“Leshawna plans to go game night one night”
Yeah, that’ll end well
“Byakuya disappears from everyone else to hours on end”
Given it’s Byakuya, it’s not a very big concern
“Hina boasts to Gwen about their crazy ideas”
Gwen would be turned off by Hina. Let’s be real
“Junko stalks Harold inconspicuously”
Harold, watch your back my guy
“Ezekiel goes to the Ritual Room confiscate deadly items” 
Zeke’s gonna be out first. Watch.
“Tyler invites Celeste to dance. She declines”
That’s Celeste for you
“Since the library is dirty, AnalyzGolden decides to clean it vigorously”
 I’m the protagonist, and I’m cleaning a library!
“Lindsay boasts to Harold about her crazy ideas”
“Duncan warns everyone to watch out for Trent”
Oh god, is that ironic
“Ezekiel talks to Eva about their talent”
And Eva’s probably like: “I don’t care”
“Noah takes a poison while no one is looking”
Oh great, here we go
“Beth grabs a poison to threaten Monokuma with, but looks dumb in the process”
Wait, did Noah give Beth a poison, and told her ‘here, threaten the bear with this!’?
“Tyler holds an activity meeting. It goes smoothly”
Good for him
Day 2
“Justin listens to Owen and AnalyzGolden talk”
Why am I talking to Owen?
“Sayaka and Lindsay carry a big poison to the closet”
You heard that right. That makes no sense. Since when was poison big?
That’s the biggest concern there
“Sayaka and Izzy exercise together”
“Kyoko finds a poison on the floor, but doesn’t tell anyone”
Where is everyone getting poison from?!
Watch the murder weapon NOT be poison after all of this!
“Leon tries to cheer Lindsay up”
“Harold does laps around the library and is not tired at all”
“Geoff decides to hang out with Chihiro”
That’s cute
“Makoto shows off their Ultimate Lucky Student to everyone”
How? Do you win a lottery?
“Lindsay goes to the garden to do some crazy plan on Monokuma”
What are you doing Lindsay?
“Trent talks to Lindsay about their journeys around school”
Lindsay’s like, ‘I threatened Monokuma today!’
“The students set up a meeting, but DJ decides not to go”
DJ, stop being sus
“Byakuya grabs a dumbbell for no reason”
“Ezekiel shows off their Ultimate Homeschool to everyone”
He’s dead
“Mondo almost punches Duncan, but refrains at the last second”
I thought these two would get along! Come on!
“Mondo is tempted to fight Monokuma”
Mondo’s going all out
“Taka can be found in the kitchen looting for snacks”
Out of character.
“Chihiro builds enough confidence to host a meeting”
Go Chihiro!
“Duncan grabs a poison”
EVERYONE is grabbing poison!
“Sakura decides to hang out with Trent”
I don’t know how these two would get along, honestly
“Chihiro gets a note to go to the kitchen, but decides not to go”
Smart Chihiro
“Owen tells jokes to Noah to cheer him up”
Owen and Noah friendship over here! Let’s go!
“AnalyzGolden takes a small break in the garden”
I am not a flower person, honestly
“Leshawna decides to hang out with Heather”
That’s gonna end badly
“Byakuya stalks Owen inconspicuously”
“Harold does laps around the closet and is not tired at all”
How can you jog in a closet?
If it’s small, explains how you’re not tired, but doesn’t explain how you can even jog in it
“Eva shows their soft side to Harold”
“Sayaka invites Owen to dance. He declines”
Out of character.
“Hifumi runs with a hammer, unconcerned”
It was probably a toy hammer decorated in glitter and stickers
“Kyoko finds a knife on the floor, but doesn’t tell anyone”
Kyoko’s finding everything
“Duncan lightens up Hifumi to not be a wuss”
“The closet is trashed at random thanks to Byakuya”
Why not?
“Since the pool is dirty, Harold decides to clean it vigorously”
Hey, why not?
“Tyler and Justin exercise together”
I can’t imagine Justin exercising at all
“Monokuma mocks Bridgette, but gets no reaction”
That’s impressive
“Taka decides to hang out with Gwen”
I can see that
“Kyoko finds a bat on the floor, but doesn’t tell anyone”
She’s finding everything!
Day 3
“Tyler and Cody carry a big sword into the ritual room”
What’s going on with these two?
“Justin takes an axe while no one is looking”
Oh great, here we go
“Byakuya locks off the lobby without warning”
Honestly from how many people have relaxed there, I get it
“Ezekiel has a glass of water... that’s it”
He’s dead
From the amount of poison here, he’s dead
“Trent talks to AnalyzGolden about their talent”
Trent is the Ultimate Guitarist. I’m the Ultimate Analyzer.
“Izzy goes missing for awhile”
That’s concerning
“Courtney screams at everyone”
Why? What’d we do?
“Chihiro does Ultimate Programmer things in their room”
Do what you gotta do
“AnalyzGolden and Hifumi carry a big knife into the lobby”
“Eva screams at everyone” 
First time?
“Cody tries to cheer Noah up!”
There’s your NoCo content
“Owen tries to act serious for a minute”
And he fails
“Leshawna reassures everyone they’ll make it out alive”
Yeah, we’ll see about that
“Gwen listens to Leshawna and Chihiro talk”
I can see Leshanwa being a mom figure to Chihiro
“Duncan grabs a sword”
Yeah, why not?
“Duncan warns everyone to watch out for Toko”
Honestly, justified
Day 4
“AnalyzGolden takes a small break in the closet”
I would do that. Yes.
I’d just lock myself in and hide, and wait for all the murders to play out
“Katie tries to escape by begging Monokuma”
Wonder how that worked out
“Tyler competes with Sayaka in a race. It ends in a tie”
“Hiro boasts to Harold about his crazy ideas”
And Harold ROASTS Hiro about his crazy ideas
“Izzy steals people’s supplies”
Yeah that’s fine
“Cody tries to cheer Celeste up”
She doesn’t need cheering up. She needs therapy.
“Heather grabs a sword for no reason”
Heather has not done anything so far
“Leon decides to hang out with Justin”
“Hiro boasts to Justin about his crazy ideas”
Everyone wants Justin
I think we know why
“Celeste makes a meeting to talk about the game”
“Sayaka invites Trent to dance. They have a dance off”
I can see these two getting along
“Taka reassures everyone that they’ll make it out alive”
Yeah, no
“Eva is tempted to fight Monokuma”
Surprised it took her this long to consider it
“Sayaka holds an activity meeting. No one’s into it except herself”
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Tyler”
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RIP dude.
That’s a Chapter 1 death. I can see that.
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Izzy has a rebuttal against Noah”
No! If Noah did it, I’m gonna be mad.
“Everyone gangs up on Katie”
She’s on her own.
“Katie accuses Mondo for the murder”
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the library”
Tyler goes to libraries now?
“Eva freaks out about dying”
I doubt she would
“Justin accuses Courtney for the murder”
“Junko accuses Katie for no good reason”
You’re the Ultimate Despair!
“Katie gives reasons why she can’t be the killer”
I dunno, everyone’s ganging up on her.
“The students find out the murder weapon is a washing machine”
They shoved Tyler in a washing machine and spun him to death with it?!
“Junko calls Courtney a liability”
“Katie fights with AnalyzGolden”
“Lindsay gives reasons why she can’t be the killer”
Probably not good ones
‘I’m too pretty to kill!’
“Justin lies about evidence”
Oh? Justin, you sus right now
“Makoto argues with Byakuya about his poor evidence”
Dude, Makoto’s done nothing this whole time, now he’s calling out Byakuya.
“Leon thinks Owen is acting a bit strange”
I dunno Leon, wouldn’t be out of the blue for a jock to kill another jock, say there can only be one jock here
“Ezekiel gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
Sure, sure...
“Ezekiel accuses Izzy for the murder”
Izzy’s an obvious killer!
“The students go over their alibis and find out Courtney doesn’t have one”
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Chapter 1?!
Dang, Courtney did NOT last
“The students vote for Courtney, and are correct”
“Courtney’s punishment is rocket, and dies”
Did she get charged in a courtroom to get blasted or something?
Chapter 2
“Noah stands around, doing nothing”
What an exciting chapter 2 start
“The courtroom is trashed at random thanks to Junko”
What do you expect?
“Trent goes to the library to confiscate deadly items”
After someone died there?
“Mondo screams at everyone”
“Kyoko listens to Gwen and Sayaka talk”
“Monokuma mocks Justin, but gets no reaction”
I can only imagine how that’d play out
“Toko stays in her room for a couple of hours”
You know why
“Eva grabs a dumbbell”
To add to her collection, I assume
“Heather disappears from everyone to hours on end”
Heather’s been quiet, which is surprising
“Izzy makes a meeting to talk about the game”
“AnalyzGolden an Beth exercise together”
I’m down for that
“Cody reassures everyone they’ll make it out alive”
And yet Tyler and Courtney are dead
“AnalyzGolden holds an activity meeting. No one’s into it except themself”
Come on guys, I‘m just trying to help!
“Taka makes everyone lunch”
Thanks Taka
“Junko disappears from everyone to hours on end”
That’s REALLY concerning
“Gwen listens to Noah and Hina talk”
I can’t imagine Noah and Hina getting along. At all.
“Bridgette snoops around the lobby out of paranoia from yesterday's trial”
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Gwen”
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Chapter 2?!
I thought she’d at least make it to chapter 4, chapter 5, but no. 
Aw, that sucks.
That’s a sad one.
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Katie thinks Leon is acting a bit strange”
“Bridgette backs up Katie into a corner”
Geez, why is KATIE of all people getting the focus?
“Heather accuses Sayaka for no good reason”
Heather, you’re better than this
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the library”
Okay, don’t go in the library then
“Izzy trashes Celeste”
“The students find out the murder weapon is a sword”
“Makoto accuses Taka for no good reason”
Come on Makoto, you’re better than that
“Sadie thinks Leshawna is acting a bit strange”
“Cody gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
Because he loved Gwen
“Junko gives reason why she can’t be the killer”
Yeah, cause we can totally trust that
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Izzy doesn’t have one”
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We got the obvious killer this time!
RIP Izzy!
I was kinda hoping the crazy Izzy would survive to the very end, so I could say ‘oh the irony’
But nope
“The students vote for Izzy, and are correct”
“Izzy’s punishment is falling, and dies”
Would she actually die from that? I don’t think so
Chapter 3
“AnalyzGolden jogs around the school”
I’m still alive
That’s surprising
“Mondo shows their soft side to Beth”
“Ezekiel sets up a meeting”
Oh yeah, he’s still alive
“Cody relaxes in the graveyard”
Oh gosh...
“AnalyzGolden invites Heather to dance. She declines”
Why am I even trying that?
“Harold and Owen exercise together”
Owen? Exercising?
Honestly, I’d love to see that
“Mondo warns everyone to watch out for Eva”
“Taka relaxes in the closet”
“Leon tries to have Bridgette talk about herself”
“Sayaka and Toko exercise together”
Again, Toko? Exercising?
“Kyoko listens to Sakura and Hina talk”
“Eva screams at everyone”
Yeah that’s fine
“Chihiro stays in their room for a couple or hours”
“Duncan grabs a sword”
The same one Gwen was murdered with, I assume
Both of his exes ARE dead after all
“Everyone thinks Celeste is speaking in riddles”
She’s the Ultimate Gambler, what do you expect?
Day 7
“Junko holds a meeting to ran about hop and despair”
Of course she does
“Makoto talks to Byakuya about their talent”
“Leshawna relaxes in the pool”
“Justin helps Bridgette get rid of katana without no one noticing”
Bad grammar.
Someone noticed.
“Trent shows off their Ultimate Guitarist to everyone”
Trent concert, let’s go
“Bridgette listens to Noah and Sayaka talk”
“Geoff tries to have Noah talk about himself”
“Noah stands around, doing nothing”
Noah better survive
“Owen tells jokes to Leshawna to cheer her up”
“Leshawna tries to cheer Trent up”
“Monokuma mocks Kyoko, but gets no reaction”
“Duncan screams at everyone”
“Duncan warns everyone to watch out for Celeste”
“Leshawna tries to cheer Heather up”
“Justin stands around, doing nothing”
But be the Ultimate Model
“Harold jogs around the school”
Day 8
“DJ does Ultimate Animal Lover things in his room”
“AnalyzGolden takes a small break in the lobby”
“Monokuma casually chats with Heather. Heather finds it fun”
“Toko cries about her family”
No she doesn’t
“The ritual room is trashed at random thanks to Junko”
“AnalyzGolden jogs around the school”
“Sakura tries to cheer Duncan up”
“AnalyzGolden and Leshawna exercise together”
Me and the queen
“Sakura decides to hang out with Hina”
Day 9
“Celeste shares secrets with Trent, then leaves in a flash”
What’s going on with Celeste?
“Noah goes to the kitchen to draw”
Anything but the library
Everyone dies there
“Duncan is tempted to fight Monokuma”
Yes! Survive for your exes, Duncan!
“Toko does Ultimate Writing Prodigy things in her room”
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Sadie”
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We lost Sadie guys
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Hiro debunks people’s stupidity”
“Duncan backs up Hina into a corner”
“Leon thinks Junko is acting a bit strange”
Since when has Junko NOT acted strange?
“Toko lies about evidence”
“Heather says she’s the culprit”
Wait what?
What is Heather doing?
“Hina says she’s the culprit”
What is happening?!
“Noah back up Katie into a corner”
Katie killed Sadie?
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the library”
It’s ALWAYS the library!!!
Do NOT go in the library! You will die!
“DJ says he’s the culprit”
Third case syndrome
Why is everyone sussing themselves?!
“Toko has a rebuttal against Byakuya”
“Taka accuses Byakuya for no good reason”
“Byakuya calls Junko a liability”
That’s great, honestly
“Taka fights with Justin”
Whoa hold up!
“AnalyzGolden backs up Katie into a corner”
In my defense it’s not out of the question for Katie to kill Sadie to assert dominance of the friend group
“Geoff accuses Ezekiel for the murder”
What did Zeke do?
I keep forgetting he’s still alive
“Noah freaks out about dying”
Since when would you freak out?
“Byakuya says that he’s the culprit”
This is never gonna end, is it?
“Leon has a rebuttal against AnalyzGolden”
I mean, there are gonna be 12 survivors here. So it’s 12/38 chance that I survive, which is pretty low
“AnalyzGolden cries in front of everyone about their family”
“Everyone gangs up on Celeste”
Cause I can see her being trustworthy
“Chihiro lies about evidence”
Why?! Why you doing this?!
Everyone is so whiny this trial!
“The students find out the murder weapon is a bat”
So it’s Leon?
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Leon doesn’t have one”
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“The students vote for Leon, and are correct”
“Leon’s punishment is crushing, and dies”
I can’t tell if that’s accurate or not
So the THH people are starting to go out. We lost Leon.
Chapter 4
We lost 5 Total Drama candidates
We lost only 1 Trigger Happy Havoc candidate
I’m still alive, so that’s sweet
I mean, there’s 22 TD people and 15 THH people here, so I guess that makes sense
17 TD students left
14 THH students left
1 me left
“Owen makes a joke at a meeting, no one laughs”
Poor Owen
“Hifumi throws a party in the track”
“Harold holds an activity meeting. No one’s into it except himself”
Everyone is so depressed this chapter
“Duncan lightens up to Toko to not be a wuss”
These two would strangely work
Now that Courtney and Gwen are dead...
“Duncan shows his soft side to Justin”
Why Justin of all people?
“Noah stalks DJ, suspecting he might commit the next murder”
Why you blaming DJ?!
“Duncan grabs a poison”
Why not sus Duncan?! He’s a criminal!! And he’s doing a lot this chapter!
“Chihiro gets a note to go to the store, but decides not to”
Atta boy
“Noah snoops around the courtroom out of paranoia from the last trial”
That’s the LAST place you go then!
“Mondo grabs a hammer”
Yeah that’s not sus
“Leshawna makes everyone lunch”
“Heather stalks Noah inconspicuously”
“Byakuya stalks Hina inconspicuously”
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Sayaka”
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Knew it had to happen at some point
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Duncan gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
Yeah, cause you’re trustworthy
“Eva fights with Cody”
Over earbuds I imagine
“Toko lies about evidence”
“Geoff thinks Toko is acting a bit strange”
Consistency? Using a brain?
“Kyoko calls Hiro a liability”
That’s because he is
“AnalyzGolden calls Lindsay a liability”
That’s because she is
“AnalyzGolden cries in front of everyone about their family”
I’m really missing my family guys
But I didn’t do it
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the courtroom”
Oh my gosh, something different!
Noah was in there...
“Katie makes rude remarks”
Her BFFFL is dead, what she gonna do?
“Ezekiel gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
Simple. He’s still alive.
“Leshawna freaks out about dying”
Same girl
“Beth gives reasons why she can’t be the killer”
She’s done next to nothing so far
“Everyone gangs up on Beth”
And no one believes her
I’m fine with that
“The students find out the murder weapon is a katana”
“Noah accuses Duncan for the murder”
Is it you Noah?! It better not be!
“Junko freaks out about dying”
In a happy way I assume
“Everyone gangs up on Kyoko”
Whoa, what did she do?!
“Noah gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
There you go Noah!
It’s not him
“AnalyzGolden cries in front of everyone about their family”
I am just a baby here
“Chihiro argues with Mondo about their poor evidence”
“Duncan says that he’s the culprit”
What?! Why?!
“Geoff says that he’s the culprit”
“Sakura makes rude remarks”
Same, girl. These guys keep accusing themselves
“Kyoko cries in front of everyone about her family”
Out of character.
“DJ fights with Leshawna”
“Junko accuses Duncan for the murder”
I dunno, Duncan’s getting sussed A LOT here
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Heather doesn’t have one”
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“The students vote for Heather, and are correct”
“Heather’s punishment is drowning, and dies”
RIP to the queen
Man that sucks
Chapter 5
“Celeste shares secrets with Chihiro, and then leaves in a flash”
Typical Celeste
“Katie boasts to AnalyzGolden about her crazy ideas”
Even though I don’t like you?
“Noah and Kyoko sit in silence together”
Yeah, that’s fair
“Katie goes to Owen’s meeting and forgets most of it”
“Hina goes to Katie’s meeting and forgets most of it”
“Harold invites Mondo to dance. He declines”
What did you expect? Mondo dancing?
“Bridgette takes an axe while no one is looking”
That’s not sus
“AnalyzGolden tries to forget about the trial yesterday by jogging”
Yeah, I’d do that
“Owen bakes a sweet cake for everyone”
Owen’s just trying to keep people together like a sweetheart
“Since the courtroom is dirty, Harold decides to clean it virtuously”
Yeah, cause someone died there!
“Monokuma casually chats with Junko. Junko finds it fun”
How does that work? She IS Monokuma!
“Noah takes a hammer while nobody is looking”
Noah, put that down!
“AnalyzGolden and Makoto carry a big sword to the lobby”
Two protags working together
Day 12
“Hifumi makes a joke at a meeting. No one laughs”
That’s to be expected
“Cody makes everyone lunch”
Thank you Cody
“Cody relaxes in the graveyard”
This is all Cody’s been doing. He just won’t leave the graveyard
“AnalyzGolden does laps around the closet and is not tired at all”
In my defense, it’s a big closet
“Junko locks off the store without warning”
The store’s always closed. What do you mean?
“Chihiro cries about their family”
“AnalyzGolden invites Eva to dance. She declines.”
“Junko gabs a rope for no reason”
“Justin takes a rope while no one is looking”
“Cody decides to hang out with Chihiro”
I can see these two as friends
“DJ gets a note to go to the graveyard, but decides not to”
Smart DJ!
“Taka makes everyone lunch”
Taka looking out for us
“Makoto talks to Hifumi about their talent”
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Hifumi”
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Because people will get murdered!
RIP Hifumi
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Trent accuses Duncan for the murder”
Of course
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the closet”
How did they even fit Hifumi in there?
“Cody thinks AnalyzGolden is acting a bit strange”
Cody, I didn’t do it!
“Noah makes rude remarks”
Wow, the sky is blue
“AnalyzGolden freaks out about dying”
Can you blame me?! I don’t want to die!
“Duncan accuses Justin for the murder”
Is it Justin?
“Hiro backs up Leshawna into a corner”
Hands off the queen!
“Lindsay thinks Beth is acting a bit strange”
She’s your BFF!
“Leshawna makes rude remarks”
Yeah, cause Hiro won’t stop shoving you in a corner!
“Celeste accuses DJ for no good reason”
Yeah, that’s a bad accusation
“Kyoko thinks Duncan is acting a bit strange”
First time Kyoko?
“Noah backs up AnalyzGolden into a corner”
Why me Noah?!
“The students find out the murder weapon is a knife”
“Duncan has a rebuttal against Cody”
Why does he keep going in the graveyard?
“Hiro backs up Beth into a corner”
“Hiro freaks about dying”
Hiro’s accusing everyone! This is ridiculous!
“Taka thinks AnalyzGolden is acting a bit strange”
It’s not me!
“Taka lies about evidence”
Yeah, I’m not the sus one here Taka!
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Ezekiel doesn’t have one”
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This is where Ezekiel goes out
“The students vote for Ezekiel, and are correct”
“Ezekiel’s punishment is rocket, and dies”
Chapter 6
“AnalyzGolden invites Harold to dance. He declines”
Come on, no one wants to dance with me :(
“Mondo almost punches Lindsay, but refrains at the last second” 
Mondo, what’s going on?!
“Bridgette listens to Junko and Toko talk”
That’s concerning
“Eva almost punches Junko, but refrains at the last second”
Absolutely punch Junko!
“Duncan screams at everyone”
Stop accusing him of murder!
“Mondo lightens up Eva to not be a wuss”
Two punch happy people getting along
“AnalyzGolden tries to forget about the trial yesterday by jogging”
Can you blame me?
“AnalyzGolden holds an activity meeting. It goes smoothly!”
People are finally starting to like me!
“AnalyzGolden invites Owen to dance. He declines”
“Sakura decides to hang out with Eva”
I can see that
“Mondo warns everyone to watch out for Noah”
Yeah, I can see that
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Duncan”
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Dang it! I was hoping he’d survive!
I was hoping he’d avenge Courtney and Gwen, be a survivor, live in their honor...
That didn’t happen.
That sucks.
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Everyone gangs up on Byakuya”
Right off the bat
“Leshawna has a rebuttal against Junko”
As you should
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the library”
It’s ALWAYS the dang library!
“Noah gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
“Mondo accuses Noah for the murder”
Guess Mondo isn’t listening this chapter
“Leshawna fights with Lindsay”
Why? What’d she do?
“Taka cries in front of everyone about his family”
Aw... :(
There there Taka
“Noah argues with Junko about her poor evidence”
As you should!
“Toko calls Owen a liability”
How dare you!
“Junko has a rebuttal against Makoto”
“Bridgette makes rude remarks”
“Hiro fights with Eva”
And that’s a death sentence for Hiro
“Lindsay fights with Beth”
These two are having a falling out!
“Noah debunks people’s stupidity”
“The students find out the murder weapon is a katana”
“Everyone gangs up on Junko”
“Everyone gangs up on DJ”
“Everyone gangs up on Eva”
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Leshawna doesn’t have one”
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She killed Duncan?!
Man, screw this chapter!
This chapter sucks!
“The students vote for Leshawna, and are correct”
“Leshawna’s punishment is drowning, and dies”
Chapter 7
Alright, what do we have so far?
I’m still alive
14 TD students left
12 THH students left
If I die, this simulation ends.
“Monokuma mocks Justin, but gets no reaction”
What do you expect?
“Eva shows their soft side to Hina”
“AnalyzGolden holds an activity meeting. No one’s into it except themself”
Why will no one like me here?
“Noah, after the trial yesterday, tries to speak more often”
Character development, we like to see it
“Kyoko listens to AnalyzGolden and Bridgette talk”
What’s going on with me and Bridgette?
“Eva lightens up DJ to not be a wuss”
I feel like Eva’s just the mean tough girl that’s secretly everyone’s mom in this
“Chihiro wants to be brave and stand up to Monokuma, but they can’t seem to do it”
“Taka relaxes in the pool”
“Hina grabs a washing machine to threaten Monokuma with, but just looks dumb in the process”
Yeah, how do you not expect that result?!
“Celeste visits the Fantasy Land and takes supplies”
I forgot I added that as an area...
Let’s go to fantasy land and kill someone!
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of DJ”
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“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Everyone gangs up on Cody”
Right off the bat, Cody’s being sussed out
“AnalyzGolden fights with Harold”
Why would I do that? We’re friends! Even though you don’t like me
“Sakura cries in front of everyone about their family”
“Celeste lies about evidence”
Of course she does
“Everyone gangs up on Celeste”
She’s on her own
“Celeste says that she’s the culprit”
Oh wow...
She’s taking this well
“Everyone gangs up on Junko”
How did we go from that to that?
‘Yeah, she confessed her crime. It’s not her.’
“Harold fights with Toko”
“Kyoko has a rebuttal against AnalyzGolden”
Of course she does
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the fantasy land”
I regret adding fantasy land as an area now XD
Oh my gosh, that’s horrible...
“Noah says that he’s the culprit”
It’s not him
“The students find out the murder weapon is a hammer”
“Everyone gangs up on Noah”
It’s not him.
He literally said it’s him, so it’s not him.
“Mondo accuses Bridgette for the murder”
I can’t see it being her at all
“Junko thinks Eva is acting a bit strange”
She’s less punch happy than she usually is
“Trent backs up Owen into a corner”
What? Why? What did he do?
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Noah doesn’t have one”
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He felt guilty
I’m calling it right now, Noah tried to kill Junko, but DJ shoved her out of the way and he killed DJ instead. And DJ is such a kind soul that Noah felt so bad that he outted himself
That’s what happened
“The students vote for Noah, and are correct”
“Noah’s punishment is fire, and dies”
Chapter 8
“Chihiro cries about their family”
Look on the bright side, you’re still alive
“AnalyzGolden tries to forget about the trial yesterday by jogging”
After Noah died? DEFINATELY.
“Mondo is tempted to fight Monokuma”
Then go fight Monokuma, see how that’ll work for you
“Since the pool is dirty, AnalyzGolden decides to clean it vigorously”
Dude, that hits too close to home
“Sakura reassures everyone they’ll make it out alive”
Thank you Sakura, I’m glad you’re still here
“Lindsay goes to the prison cell to do some crazy plan on Monokuma”
That sounds worrying on paper
“Bridgette stalks Geoff, suspecting that he might commit the next murder”
You don’t trust your own boyfriend anymore?!
“Justin stalks Katie, suspecting that she might commit the next murder”
Good gosh, everyone’s being stalked
“Justin finds a bat on the floor, but doesn’t tell anyone”
Justin’s gonna kill?
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Lindsay”
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Tbh, she lasted way longer than I thought she would
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the stage”
Welp, that was quick
“The students find out the murder weapon is a washing machine”
Dang, this is going quick!
Another washing machine, lol
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Mondo doesn’t have one”
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I’m assuming someone caught Mondo standing in front of the body before he could finish the crime
Ouch. Mondo’s out, that sucks
“The students vote for Mondo, and are correct”
“Mondo’s punishment is fire, and dies”
Chapter 9
“AnalyzGolden and Taka carry a big poison into the courtroom”
Taka and I are buddies. We’re gonna survive together
“Geoff tries to cheer Harold up”
Good for you
“Owen runs with a hammer, unconcerned”
“Harold invites Byakuya to dance. He declines”
In character, but don’t be mean to Harold :(
“AnalyzGolden holds an activity meeting. It goes smoothly”
We’re gonna live!!
“Eva warns everyone to watch out for Owen”
Given he ran away with a hammer, I’d say that’s fair
He’s gone a little crazy, since both his girlfriend, and his best friend became murderers
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Justin”
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They got Justin!
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Eva trashes Harold”
“Trent trashes Chihiro”
“Trent accuses Junko for the murder”
“Junko lies about evidence”
We’re already trashing, alright, let’s get right into it!
“Hiro trashes Harold”
Why is everyone trashing Harold?
“Hiro trashes Bridgette”
Hiro’s spent this whole time trashing everyone
“Hina argues with Hiro about his poor evidence”
Yeah, get Hiro out
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the socialite center”
“Sakura gives reasons why she can’t be the killer”
Cause she’s too pure
“The students find out the murder weapon is a rope”
“Everyone gangs up on Junko”
Yeah, that works too
“Hiro argues with Eva about her poor evidence”
Here we go
“Byakuya has a rebuttal against Chihiro”
“Celeste has a rebuttal against Harold”
Rebuttals all around
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Hiro doesn’t have one”
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“The students vote for Hiro, and are correct”
“Hiro’s punishment is rocket, and dies”
I’m not even mad. Get out Hiro.
Chapter 10
20 people left
9 TD people left
10 THH people left
1 me left
The THH people are outliving the TD people! How?!
Top 20 - Me, Owen, Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya, Toko, Hina, Geoff, Junko, Sakura, Celeste, Bridgette, Trent, Taka, Harold, Chihiro, Beth, Cody, Katie, & Eva
8 more people are gonna die.
“AnalyzGolden tries to forget about the trial yesterday by jogging”
May I remind you
“Since the track is dirty, AnalyzGolden decides to clean it vigorously”
Just what I want
“Byakuya locks off the fantasy land without warning”
Byakuya, NOOOOO
“Bridgette helps Kyoko get rid of poison without no one noticing”
Good for these two
“Owen tells jokes to AnalyzGolden to cheer them up”
Aw, thank you Owen!
“AnalyzGolden invites Celeste to dance. They have a dance off.”
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of Chihiro”
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I was really hoping Chihiro would be one of the survivors :(
He got so far too...
“After investigating, the students to to a Class Trial”
“Taka gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
Taka and I are surviving to the end
“Katie cries in front of everyone about her family”
No one cares
“Celeste gives reasons why she can’t be the killer”
I’m surprised she’s still alive
“AnalyzGolden thinks Kyoko is acting a bit strange”
Last time someone did that, it led to a bad end
“The students find out the murder actually took place in the petting zoo”
“AnalyzGolden fights with Harold”
I guess I don’t like Harold in this context. We have done nothing but fight
“Makoto gives reasons why he can’t be the killer”
Because he’s the Ultimate Hope?
“The students find out the murder weapon is a knife”
“Taka lies about evidence”
No Taka! Don’t you dare!
“The students go over their alibis and figure out Harold doesn’t have one”
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Dang it! I was really hoping Harold would be one of the survivors!
“The students vote for Harold, and are correct”
“Harold’s punishment is drowning, and dies”
He killed Chihiro as well. Why would he do that?!
Chapter 11
“AnalyzGolden holds an activity meeting. It goes smoothly”
Does it really?
Harold’s DEAD!
All my TD favs are dead.
“When the students were walking around, they find the body of AnalyzGolden”
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That’s it guys.
That’s the end.
I did not survive.
I got so far too.
Chapter 11?!
And then I die at the end?!
I mean, it’s better than going out as a killer I guess?
I dunno.
I guess I should at least see who killed me.
So I was killed in the beautician center
I was killed by a bat. Ouch.
And the one who killed me was EVA.
I don’t know what I did to her, but I must have made her mad.
So Eva was the one who killed me.
The Survivors/ End
So I skipped to the very end to see the surviving cast in this, and the ending.
So the Mastermind was actually SAKURA
Which is VERY surprising to me.
And TAKA ends up being the sacrifice
He did it for me, guys. I’m telling you he did it for me.
So the Surviving Cast is:
- Owen
- Kyoko
- Byakuya
- Toko
- Hina
- Geoff
- Junko
- Celeste
- Bridgette
- Trent
- Beth
- Katie
Those are the people who survived
I’m glad Owen survived, REALLY happy about Kyoko, Geoff and Bridgette survived together which is great, I’m SURPRISED Junko and Celeste survived. Seriosuly, I thought they’d be out a long time ago.
The others? Eh?
So we got the MASTERMIND END
Well, shame I didn’t survive. Maybe next time.
You guys want me to do another one of these? Let me know
7 notes · View notes
datasgirlfriend · 2 years
Baby on board. (Mizzy)
Izzy tells Murdock some news.
Tagging: @auxiliarydetective @starlit-ocs @starlightocs​
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Hannibal had been her first port of call, No idea why, but as soon as she had found out the news, she went straight to him.
The farmhouse had been gradually made more homely as money piled up and Pippa had been coming around more often, to the point where Izzy almost expected her to greet her at the door, not Hannibal.
“May I be the first to offer my congratulations, Ghost.” Hannibal handed her a fresh can of grape soda. He had read somewhere or heard from someone that caffeine was bad for a lady in Izzy’s situation. 
“Thanks Pops.” Izzy cracked open the can, it fizzed.
“Have you told the good Captain yet?”
“Just you.” She sipped her drink “Not even my own Uncle knows..” 
She chuckled, Isabelle Walton, Pregnant, a miracle. 
She’d never thought about having children, it seemed Mitch already had a handle on carrying on the Walton name and that satisfied her mom. 
She thought she’d hate the idea, babies screamed all day and when they weren’t screaming they were shitting. 
But the idea of having a child, Murdock’s child, made her look forward to the experience. 
“Well Murdock’s going to be over the moon.” Hannibal addressed the doubts Izzy had been thinking on the drive over, Sometimes she swore he could read minds. 
“You think so?”
“I know so.” He grinned “And even if he isn’t…Well B.A can help him see sense.” 
She laughed, “Glad for your vote of confidence.”
Hannibal volunteered himself to get Murdock out of the VA, Izzy was more than happy to do it but Hannibal fed her some lines about how riding a motorcycle in her condition wasn’t the smartest idea.
She had to admit he was right. 
She heard the car pulling up outside and voices, before the front door opened and Murdock walked in.
“Iz?” He looked confused “What's going on? Hannibal just threw me outta his car…said he had to take care of some stuff and that you’d explain.” 
Izzy stood up, this shouldn’t be as nerve racking as it is.
They had held their own against guns with machine guns together, escaped burning buildings, survived plane crashes together.
They were married, for Christ’s sake.
And yet she felt like a nervous teen asking her date to the prom. 
“Doc..” She hid her shaking hands in the sleeves of her sweater “I have news.”
Concern flashed over his features.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah..Yeah fine.”
“Then why you so quiet?” He walked over to her and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead “You sick?” 
She had in fact been throwing up minutes before, either morning sickness or nerves, she couldn’t tell.
Fuck she hoped the mouthwash and breath mint did their jobs.
She reached up and took his hand, she kissed his knuckles, that at least calmed her down.
“I-I…” she closed her eyes, frustrated at herself, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes, meeting his.
“We’re…We’re gonna have a baby.”
His eyes lit up, for a second she half expected them to pop out of his skull like in the old cartoons. 
She took his hand and placed it over her stomach, not quite sure why, she knew enough about biology to know that whatever was growing in her properly looked more like an alien than a baby.
But that's what people did, right? They felt the tummy, she’d seen Mitch talk to Jessica’s bump like it was going to respond. 
“A..A baby?” 
His voice was soft, full of disbelief. 
“You and me?”
“Unless the next son of God is going to be born, then yeah.”
He laughed “Fuck.”
He grabbed her waist and was picking her up before she could even blink, he spun her around.
Thankfully, She didn’t feel sick. 
“You and me…we created a baby..” he placed her back on the floor and cupped her cheeks in his hands “How?”
“Do I need to draw you a diagram?” She smiled “You were there..”
He grinned and placed kisses all over her face.
“You and me…And a baby…” 
His voice cracked, there were tears in his big brown eyes.
“The littlest Murdock..” 
He was crying, and now she was too.
Odd how both ends of the emotional spectrum end in tears. 
“You’ve made me ruin my makeup..” she whipped her tears on her sleeves 
“Ruin it..who cares? You’ve got a new life forming inside you..” he looked concerned again “and I spun you around…like an idiot.”
“I’m fine, I’m not made of glass, Doc.”
“You ain’t but the little one is…no more cigarettes..or riding your bike….or beer or cheap roadside burgers…” 
“So no more fun?”
A serious look crossed his face, the fake stern look he got when he was about to say something so out of character for him it became a joke.
“Nope, no fun.” He was doing a German accent “You will be locked in this house and given 24/7 surveillance.”
“Do I still get kisses?” She batted her eyelashes “Or are those against the new rules, commandant?”
“You may have one.” He held up his pointer finger “This once.” 
He kissed her, soft and warm, all her stress melted away, They were going to be a family.
God help that poor kid.
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writercole · 2 years
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Episode 9 - let’s gooooo
Oh thank god Miguel kept beard. He’s about a million times hotter with it.
But it’s not the best idea staking out Marcus and Izzy. 
Eh, hear him out.
You, too, sweetheart. hear him out.
Girl, not the death rattle! And no, baby, you’re not a ghost.
EZ with that literary shit. Boy stop.
You know, at least she has good trigger discipline. Especially if she’s gonna wave that gun around like that.
Of course he’s clever. He’s a damn boy scout.
Lord not the brother speech. Where’s he going with this.
Oh, my boy connected the dots. 
Oh, he connected the dots and he’s looking for work. Alright. I can see that.
Still don’t trust him.
Awwwww Angel! Wanting the baby to not be named after his family. 
Oh shit, Adelita. Bad move. 
GILLY!? At least you didn’t do anything stupid.
And you’re being a cute uncle. Such a sweet moment.
Emily’s sister stepped the fuck up for her. She better appreciate that shit.
I’m with EZ there. The fuck.
Peaceful future. scoff
Oh shit that’s a lot of dope.
I like how Adelita just...made herself at home.
HOLY SHIT HE’S BACK! I love Potter. Sue me.
He knooooooooows.
Nails baby! Hate him more.
No, Angel. You don’t know how much she hates you.
I kinda hope Adelita sees and goes ape shit and bails or gets killed and Nails and Angel can raise the baby as theirs. That sounds really bad doesn’t it?
That’s all it is, baby girl. It just happens. Speaking from experience. It. Just. happens. It’s no one’s fault. There’s nothing you could have done to change it.
They do still care about each other. There’s a very thin line between love and hate.
Angel, you can apologize till you’re blue in the face and it won’t change how you treated her.
Is Bish really washing like one thing. That’s really not effective man.
Yep running away. Sounds about right.
Yes he is, Maggie. He is still an asshole.
God, he’s a chicken shit too.
At least she has a sense of humor.
Man could Emily have found a shittier hotel?
Alvarez, what, sir?
Oh, okay that makes sense, actually.
Uhm, no, you bitches did. You started the war when you killed Montez.
I kinda saw that coming, Taza. 
Jesus, EZ. The rails are over there, man. Get back on them.
So let’s see. Creeper got fucked over by the club and is about to be caught by ATF. Taza is walking away. EZ has fucking fallen off the deep end. Bishop is too full of hate to have a nice relationship. Letty’s traumatized by claiming her dad’s body and, you know, being left alone. Again. Did I miss anything? 
There’s still ten fucking minutes left. how he hell?!
awww they decided on a name and it’s so cute. I still don’t like that pairing but I’ll live.
Bishop you suck at bowling, dude. But it looks like you’re making a good second impression. And she’s definitely cute.
I still love that Gilly is such a father figure for Jacob. 
Shit again. SHIT. 
Oh, it’s Filipe.
Oof, Filipe. Way to make your kid feel worse about himself, hmm?
He won’t do it. EZ is the main character.
He won’t do it, right?
Phew, right. Maybe? 
No, he’s gonna do something much worse. 
I’m falling in love with Creeper. 
Well, she’s at least being honest but god damn it man.
At least it’s getting interesting again?
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let me photograph you in this light (in case it is the last time)
Prologue // Part one
Day 5 
It takes him almost a full week to come back. It’s the longest he’s been away from Roswell, ever, and the longest he’s been away from Michael since he was seventeen. He wishes he could say he had missed either.
The cold night air blows through the open window of his jeep as he drives through the nearly empty main part of town. It only takes a few minutes to pull up to the house and when he does he’s glad to not see Michael’s truck in the driveway. He expects he’s probably at the Wild Pony wallowing away in liquor. 
Everything is quiet when he enters and he wastes no time going straight to the bedroom to begin packing his clothes and other meager possessions. Most of the items filling the house were bought by Isobel and he doesn’t want any of it. He pauses at the framed photo on his nightstand, his and Michael’s drunken smiling faces from Alex’s 21st birthday party last month staring back at him. He sets it facedown and walks away.
He’s in the middle of carefully sliding his keyboard into its case when the front door slams open and Michael comes barreling into the house, Max and Isobel following closely.  
“Alex!” Michael cries as he rushes forward and wraps Alex up in his arms. “Where have you been? Isobel says you’ve been missing for days and your mom would only say that you were out of town. Where did you go?”
Alex stops himself from shoving him away roughly, instead awkwardly disentangling their limbs and taking a few steps back until he hits the arm of the couch. Scoffing, he brings his hands to his hips in annoyance.
“Were you even listening to me at all the other night? Or were you too drunk?”
“Alex, wait,” Isobel tries to interrupt, stepping up to Michael’s side. 
“No, let me make this clear this time. I am leaving: Roswell, you, all of it. I’m moving to LA.” Michael looks at him with utter heartbreak but Alex does his best to ignore it, disgusted with him for making him repeat himself. “I went ahead to find a place to live and I’m only back to get my shit and then I’m out of here.”
“But, why?” Michael whispers, tears in his eyes. “Alex, wha-what did I do?”
Before Alex can speak, Isobel steps forward, blocking Michael from sight. “Alex, there was an accident. He doesn’t remember.”
Alex’s face twists with confusion and his body goes slack as unwelcome worry slams into him. “Like amnesia or something?”
“Not exactly,” Isobel says, her face betraying her own worry. “He can’t remember the accident or anything right before it and his memory seems to be resetting itself every day. He wakes up every morning thinking it’s Tuesday.” 
He doesn’t want to believe it, wants to see it as a ploy to get him to stay, but Isobel and especially Max’s presence gives him pause. What kind of accident? From what he can see, Michael looks fine physically. He didn’t seem hurt when he was hugging him tightly a moment ago; and what about this memory loss? Did this kind of thing even happen outside of the movies?
“What do the doctors say?” he finally asks.
Isobel goes uncharacteristically tense which Alex takes as a bad sign. She looks over her shoulder at Max who silently nods his head.
“They don’t have any answers,” she says slowly as though she’s choosing her words carefully. “He’s healthy, physically, so there’s no reason to keep him at the hospital. He’s just,” she pauses, turning to face Michael and grabbing his hand. “He’s just like this now.”
Michael doesn’t react, just continues to stare at Alex looking increasingly distressed. 
No one speaks and the tension in the air grows. Alex doesn’t know what they expect from him. This doesn’t change anything. Does it?
“Alex, please,” Michael whispers. He takes a tentative step forward but stops before he gets too close. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I love you. Whatever happened, I know we can get past it.” 
Just walk away then! Be the coward your father always said you were.
Alex brushes away the ghosts of their fight and chooses to take a step closer, confront things head on. 
“Nothing’s changed from where I’m standing.” Michael’s face crumples. “I’m sorry this happened to you and, God I hope it’s temporary, but I’m still leaving.” He takes a deep breath, licks his lips, looks him dead in the eyes, and delivers what he knows will be the final blow. “I don’t love you anymore, Guerin.”
A single tear makes its path down Michael’s cheek before his face closes off entirely. He turns, ripping his hand from Isobel’s and marches out of the house without another word. Max turns to follow him but the door slams in his face.
“What the hell, Alex!” Isobel nearly shouts. She looks at him as though he’s prey and she’s a lioness. Better yet, a mother bear ready to protect her cub. Before she can charge him though, Max finally enters the scene, stopping her with a hand on each shoulder.
“Izzy, we need to go find Michael.” His eyes search out Alex over her head. “Alex has made his choice.”
Alex has never really liked Max. He’s always been short with Michael in a way that left Alex simmering with contempt, and he’s carried an air of superiority that comes with being in a role of authority ever since he joined the sheriff’s department. But now, watching him lead Isobel out of his house, he’s never been more grateful. 
He stands alone in the sudden silence for several minutes, trying to make sense of what just happened. He hadn’t anticipated going through another breakup on this trip and yet here he is. 
Going back to packing up his keyboard, he starts to craft a plan. He has no interest in breaking up with Michael ever again. He knows what he has to do.
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jazy3 · 4 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X8
I freakin’ loved this episode! It was so so good! Which surprised me considering what they focused on. Based on the promo I knew that this would be DeLuca’s goodbye episode and so I expected to like the other parts of the episode we were shown in the promo such as Hayes talking to Meredith at her bedside, Richard’s storyline, and Derek’s return. However, I was not expecting to enjoy any part of DeLuca’s farewell storyline and I was pleasantly surprised. I think that’s because they focused on the effects of grief and guilt and how everyone processes those emotions differently.
It was a really interesting character study on how each person feels a loss in their own way. Despite not liking the character I actually found DeLuca’s memorial service quite moving. I think it was because they found a creative way to do it and because funerals in the real world like we normally do aren't possible right now. My grandfather died last summer and while he didn’t want a funeral my family and I weren’t able to get together to mourn his loss as we usually would and that’s been hard.
I wasn’t particularly close with my grandfather, but the loss of traditional grieving rituals in this time of COVID-19 has been frustrating. I liked that they found a creative way to have the characters mourn the loss of a fellow staff member. I expected to see Carina more, but as I understand it her storyline played out more on Station 19 which makes sense. I felt like they did a good job of showing the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) and how everyone experiences them differently.
Teddy and Owen displayed survivors' guilt and frustration that they did everything right and he still died. At the end we see Teddy in a catatonic state and it made me think that she might be sick with COVID herself or that there was something else wrong. While I've never been a Teddy and Owen shipper I did like the moment at the end where Owen noticed something was wrong and came over to her and told her that he would take her home and when she didn't respond he picked her up and carried her.
It reminded me of the Season 2 episode where Denny dies and Izzie refuses to leave his side so Alex picks her up and carries her over to a chair in her prom dress. Very different relationships, but a nice parallel in my opinion. This episode had a lot of those. Teddy seeing DeLuca in other people’s faces was freaky! I have to say that guy is way more interesting as a ghost then he ever was alive.  
I totally got Helm's reaction. I understand why she said and thought those horrible things about DeLuca. He was an ass for a really long time. I probably would have done the same thing myself, but that doesn't mean she wanted him dead. I thought what Maggie did for her was wonderful. My heart broke for Schmitt when he described his emotions. Richard was angry and Bailey went overboard trying to figure out what happened. Everyone's experience of a loss is different and I like that they showed that.
I’m glad that Richard told Bailey what she needed to hear. It was painful, but in trying to find an answer or a reason for what happened she was unintentionally hurting the people around her who were suffering too. The strength of Richard and Bailey's relationship is that they can tell each other the truth when no one else can or will. I loved his monologue to Catherine about trying to find a meaning in the puzzle of life and questioning his faith which is such a big part of his sobriety. James Pickens Jr. did a beautiful job in that scene.
Say what you want about Catherine, but I loved her response. Richard was trying to find meaning in the meaningless and in response she shared with him that her latest scans showed that the cancer hadn’t grown. Logically it should have, but it didn’t. Sometimes there are miracles and sometimes there are senseless deaths. Life is a puzzle. We don’t always understand it. That was exactly what Richard needed to hear in that moment.
On a more upbeat note, I loved the beach scenes this week! They were perfect! They were everything I dreamed of for my favourite characters and more! We got to see Derek and Meredith get closer and talk about the kids. When Meredith is heartbroken that Derek never got to meet Ellis or to know her he tells her all of these wonderful things about her. How she’s just like Meredith and makes it clear that he’s watching over them always.
He talks about Zola and how she writes to him in her journal and how Meredith taught her to ride a bike. I teared up! I've been waiting for them to discuss the kids and here it is! Hearing Derek talk about Ellis and knowing that he watches over Meredith and the kids was so emotional for me. I loved hearing him describe who she is and getting to learn more about her. I'm glad he encouraged her to go back. As much as Derek and Meredith miss each other she's needed back in the land of the living.
Her kids need her and so does everyone else. I loved Derek's gentle teasing. His facial expressions. And then there are her scenes with Hayes! God they were perfect! I've been waiting for this! I loved how Meredith kept joyfully asking him what he did to make Ellis smile so wide and laugh so loudly. She knows he can't hear her yet there she is dying to know what he said or did. The sound of her voice when she said that was everything for me. They already feel like a couple. So much in sync.
I love that Derek, who was shown to be extremely jealous in life, encouraged her to hear Hayes out. I really felt like he was giving her his blessing and the fact that they established that Hayes has met the kids virtually and they know who he is sealed the deal for me. Hayes has now received Cristina’s approval, Derek’s blessing, and is shown to have positive relationships with Meredith’s friends and family in Seattle. I loved that Hayes told Meredith to fight and talked about how her kids were doing and how everyone needs her.
I loved that he came and sat at her bedside and begged her to fight and not give up and that he talked to her even though he wasn’t sure if she could hear him. I love that he sat with her through the virtual memorial even though he wasn’t close to DeLuca and didn’t like him. The cheerful greeting and familiarity with which he greets Amelia and Zola and the stories he tells Meredith indicates that he’s been having regular video chats with Amelia, Maggie, Link, and the kids and that he’s chosen to stay by Meredith’s side when he just as easily could have left while she was on a call with her kids.  
It will also make the transition easier when do start dating because the kids will already know him. The music in this episode was really beautiful. Especially the songs that played during the beach scenes. I really enjoyed the drunken Link, Jo, and Jackson scene. I felt it brought much needed levity and humour to the episode the same way the beer scene with Jackson, Link, and Winston did in the previous episode. Their scenes were funny and raw and provided a good balance for the episode.
I also loved seeing more of Jo and Jackson's friends with benefits relationship and more of Jo and Link and Jackson and Link's friendship. I'd actually forgotten that Jackson and Link were friends so it was cool to see that dynamic again and that Link is supportive of their situation. The drinking game to me felt like a throwback to the Season 2 episode where Meredith and Cristina are at Joe’s Bar playing a game of whose life sucks the most and she tells them that Derek is married and Cristina tells her she’s pregnant. These revelations eventual lead to Cristina scheduling an abortion and declaring Meredith her person.
It was cool to see Maggie and Winston working together at Grey Sloan Memorial. Winston living in Boston was only going to go on for so long because as we've all found out this past year there's only so much you can do virtually. I knew he'd be moving to Seattle at some point and I'm glad to see him working at the hospital and hanging with Maggie's family. The scene where he danced it out with the kids was too cute! I'll be interested to see more of their dynamic moving forward as Maggie used to be his teacher and is now his boss. I'm also glad that both Winston and Hayes are finally getting the proper screen time they deserve.
Their storyline with the naked guy cracked me up! My two favourite lines of the episode were when the guy freaked out because he realized he wasn’t wearing his mask and Maggie said, “You’re not wearing much of anything.” And when Maggie and Winston went looking for him and Zander Perez, the resident from Pac North, told them, “If you’re looking for a naked guy he went that way.” I laughed so hard!
The scenes with Zola got me. She is a real trouper. She definitely is Meredith Grey's daughter through and through. I'm a big believer in found family and one of the things Grey's does really is show that there are many different ways to be a family and that family is what you make of it. True family is made up of the people who love and support you unconditionally not genetics. I really love that they've shown the strength of that bond between Zola and her family.
My favourite hidden moment of the episode was Tom! He appears in the background at DeLuca's memorial which means he's getting better. If he's well enough to be outside at the memorial then his condition has greatly improved since last we saw and that's great! Tom's a wonderfully complex character and I'm glad he's doing better. He appears in a bunch of deleted scenes that were released through the Grey’s Anatomy Twitter account which I highly recommend. The writing in this episode was excellent!
This episode was written by Adrian Wenner whose previous credits include the Season 16 episode ‘A Hard Pill to Swallow’ in which Meredith and Hayes work that vaping case together and get to know each for the first time. Honestly, my only complaint about this episode is that I wish they’d done it sooner! I wish they had bumped this and the previous episode up. The Mid-Season Finale felt very anti-climatic to me and was poorly received by a lot of fans. I wish they had just scrapped that episode or combined it with what we saw in the Mid-Season Premiere and then jumped into this episode after the break. But we’re here now and that’s the important thing.
Onto next week’s promo. Damn does it look interesting! We see that Owen has brought Teddy home and she’s not eating or speaking and he’s worried if her condition does not improve he’ll have to admit her. I’m sure he’s having flashbacks to when Cristina did the same thing after the plane crash. She appears to be experiencing some kind of nightmare sequence where she sees DeLuca as a ghost and Meredith speaks to her. Looks intense!
Until next time!
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tuffduff · 4 years
Lovebirds {part II} (Duff McKagan x Reader)
Pairing: smutty/fluffy Duff x Reader
Words: 1565
Request: @grungegirlfungirl​ “Hey! I’m the girl that sent the request for lovebirds. I was wondering if you do smut could you do a smutty/fluffy part 2? If not could you just do something fluffy with duff in general? I really love and appreciate your writing❤️❤️”
A/N: Thank you bb, I really love and appreciate you ❤️ I don’t particularly like writing smut (this is actually the first time lmao) so in my eyes this is trash, but I hope you guys like it! I hope you’re all keeping healthy and keeping your spirits up. ❤️
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It was easier than you realized it would be to dump off Slash and Steven to the house they shared with Axl and Izzy. Soon enough, it was just you and Duff sitting stiffly upright together in the car on the familiar way home. It was right around the corner from his bandmates’ house, not quite enough time to bother with conversation. Besides, you were suddenly frozen silent and unable to speak, your mind replaying the kiss. It almost felt like it hadn’t happened.
Duff was silent as well, allowing you to walk into the apartment first after he unlocked the door. You both shed your jackets and turned on lamps, still silent, before you cleared your throat.
“How long...”
“I think it was when we first met.” He replied quickly, as if he already knew the question you were gonna ask. “...but it took me a long time to realize it. I mean, you’re beautiful, we both know that.” You felt your cheeks heating up and Duff chuckled a little at the sight, slowing stepping closer to you. You were leaned up against the wall and felt your heart pounding. “But...when I saw that guy talking to you tonight...” he stood in front of you now, close enough to touch but neither of you making a move. As he searched between your eyes, he shrugged a little. “I didn’t like it.”
“Me talking to a guy?” You asked, your breath hitching a little when Duff raised his hand to brush your hair back. His touched lingered as his hand ghosted down to your jaw, fingers caressing your face.
“Another guy making you laugh. You smiling at him. You thinking about him like that.”
“You were jealous.” You breathed, still able to tease him despite your pounding heart. He chuckled, but you could hear the rising tension behind it. He swallowed a little.
“Yeah. I was. Because I finally realized I wanted to be the only one you looked at like that.” He had you completely backed against the wall and thank God for that; it was a solid surface to brace yourself against when he leaned in to kiss you again. The both of you let out a heavy breath before your lips met again, growing more urgent as time went on.
Now, his gentle caressing switched as his hands traveled lower, picking you up by your hips so you could wrap your legs around his waist.
“Tell me somethin’, have you ever thought of us like that?” Duff broke away to ask, voice low. The both of you were breathing raggedly.
“Like what?” You asked, dazed; just a few days ago the two of you had comfortably been playing scramble and watching a dumb movie in this very living room.
Duff didn’t reply. Instead, he pressed his hips into yours and you could feel him already hard against you. The sensation sent a heavy wave of lust down to the pit of your stomach and you grinded your hips back into him. He smirked.
“So you have?” He asked, leaning back away from you. A low whine slipped from your mouth without you meaning to.
“Yes,” you admitted, no longer feeling any shame or embarrassment. Of course you had wondered what if would be like to kiss Duff, what would happen if you just slipped into his bedroom one night...what would happen if you joined him one morning in the shower...
“Remember that one night you thought I wasn’t home and you walked into the living room in just that black thong and that crop top you always wear?” He asked, allowing his hips to press back into you. You could feel his dick throbbing through the fabric of his jeans. “I’ve spent a lot of nights thinking about that moment.”
“Yeah, well, it’s your own fault for waiting this long.” You retorted, growing impatient with desire.
“Why don’t we make up for lost time.” He replied back, pressing his lips hard on you again. The wall disappeared from behind you as he carried you through the apartment and into his room.
“Why yours?” You questioned as he placed you down on his bed, never breaking contact.
“I have a bigger bed—and my room is cleaner than yours.” He laughed against your lips and you hit his shoulder.
“Oh, and how long has it been since you’ve done the dishes?” You asked, smirking. He leaned back from you to pull the shirt he was wearing off.
“You know I hate dishes.” For a moment, you allowed yourself to appreciate the strong mix of intimacy in all departments. The solid companionship they had been built between you, allowing it to flow comfortably into something as intimate as this, stripping down to nothing. He reached down for the button to your jeans, but paused. “Are you sure this is okay?” He asked you, sincerity sinking into his voice. You sat up now, smiling and leaning forward to kiss him.
“I have thought about this a lot, you know. Yes, I want this.” He nodded and continued with his fingers, pulling your pants off and positioning himself on top of you once more.
“Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?” He murmured against the skin of your neck before kissing your collarbone gently. You felt one hand slip down and glide over the fabric of your panties; the mere touch left you trembling. “And you’re already so wet.”
“So, don’t keep me waiting.” You replied. He smirked.
“God, I want you so bad.” His actions expressed that; quickly he shed his own jeans and helped you pull off your shirt. In a fluid motion he was able to unhook your bra and toss it to the side. While his hands were busy cupping your breasts, you reached out to pull his underwear down and take his dick into your hands. He let out a heavy breath at your touch, his eyes closing, but he stopped you.
“Not me. You first,” he insisted, moving your hands gently, but firmly, to your side. You watched with wide eyes as he shifted down the bed in between your legs and began peppering kisses on your inner thighs. He made his way closer and closer, until finally you felt his breath over your clit, and then his tongue. He alternated between kissing and licking, holding your hands firmly with his as you moaned.
“Duff...Duff, please...” you pleaded, feeling his tongue stop.
“Please what, baby?” He whispered as he made his way back up to your lips.
“I want to feel you.” You told him in between hungry kisses; now that the two of you had crossed that line, it was difficult to not kiss. He ducked his head into the crook of your neck, where his lips took hold on your skin, maybe a bit rougher than he intended; there would undoubtedly be a hickey there tomorrow, you knew as much when Duff pulled back and looked at his handiwork with a slight smirk.
“Sorry.” He laughed, making you laugh too. “You taste so good, Y/N. You’re so fucking pretty.” He mumbled, his hands searching for yours again before he interlocked then together and put them over your head. “Ready?”
“I want to be on top,” you decided, watching his eyes widen a little. “I’m not gonna argue,” he replied eagerly, now switching with you and resting back on the mattress and helping you straddle him.
You took in a little bit of him at first and Duff watched you carefully, more concerned with you being uncomfortable than him being selfish, but soon, you began taking the entire length of him in you, picking up speed as you rode him. His concern melted away and gave way to pleasure as he began moaning in sync with you, both of you losing your breath. His hands alternated between your breasts and your ass, his grip strong and yet still gentle. As you both got closer and closer to your climax, his hands found their way to yours, holding them the best he could despite himself. 
“Y/N, fuck. Oh, fuck—I love you.” You almost stopped completely, but the both of you were on the verge of completely unraveling. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna cum.” You both came almost at the same time, briefly thanking your lucky stars in your head that you were on the pill. As you both drifted back to earth, Duff’s words popped back into your head. You were silent when he kissed your forehead and slipped away to grab a towel. When he came back and brought one for you, you could only look up at him.
“Did you say you loved me?” You questioned. He chuckled a little, sitting down beside you on the bed again.
“Is that okay?” He asked.
“Did you mean it?” He rolled his eyes at your question.
“Y/N, I would never say I loved you unless I meant it, what kind of question is that?” You smiled, a little sheepish.
“I don’t know…I was just making sure it wasn’t just an in-the-moment kinda thing that just slipped.” You mumbled, peeking up at him again. “Could you say it again?” He shook his head at you, but smiled.
“I love you so fucking much, Y/N.” You grinned happily now at him, making him laugh.
“Good, ‘cause I love you too.”
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It's amazing sometimes how a character can haunt the narrative while still being completely alive
*cough* Blackbeard *cough*
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faithfullymckay · 4 years
Broadripple: The Retreat, Task One: Character introduction
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Name: Faith Rose McKay
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
House: Melleray
Cabin Room: Senior Room 2
How long have they been at Broadripple: Four years if you don’t count her six month break
Where are they from originally: Boston, MA
Extra curricular: She’s centre forward on the field hockey team, president of SWAT, is a buddy, Vice Chancellor for Women of Broadripple and a proud member of Sacristan club. She takes all of these roles very seriously.
Positive Personality Traits: Responsible, Organised, Driven, Helpful
Neutral Personality Traits: Athletic, Neat, Honest, Conservative
Negative Personality Traits: Competitive, Judgemental, Naive, Narrow minded
Faith is from Boston and is a middle child. Her older sister Hope is a living legend at Broadripple, she graduated a couple of years ago, was a huge sports star and is currently studying pre-law at Villanova. Her younger sister is Trinity, a sophomore and awkwardly trying to fill her bigger sisters’ shoes. Faith loves her sisters, and family in general, a lot. Hope’s her biggest role model, good thing she’s more than happy to fill those big shoes, and she’s constantly trying to make sure her younger sister doesn’t forget the values they were raised on.
If you couldn’t already tell from their daughters’ names, Mr and Mrs McKay are pretty much zealots, and they raised a very good Catholic girl. Faith is pretty much Broadripple’s poster girl so beware if you don’t feel like hearing all about God’s wonderful plan and every traditional value that she’s never thought to question.
Her uncle is a Bishop of Boston, it’s sort of the reason she went to Broadripple in the first place. She’s very proud but also has always felt like she needs to make him understand that recommending her wasn’t a mistake.
No fear there because she’s a model student: good grades, always willing to be involved in school life and tons of BA pride. She observes the rules to a t, no exceptions can be made in her book. Don’t worry, she’s more than willing to hold an intervention or two for those who are struggling more than she is…even if she hasn’t technically been asked to intervene
Your character might be a little shocked to see Faith roaming around campus again because she’s just spent six months in Malawi. As she was a dear friend of Maggie and Izzy, maybe a little more where the latter was concerned, Mr McKay became very anxious when the two seemingly disappeared. The day after her friends’ disappearances, Faith’s place at Broadripple was suspended and she was sent off to Malawi on mission with Hope.
She enjoyed it, she loves helping spread the good word, but she was eager to get back to school - even managed to keep up with her credits so she could slot right back where she was. She’s not thrilled about the whole insect thing, and even she admits the cabins are creepy, but she’s happy to be back.
Watch out for a little blonde girl running around looking like Shrek at house events because Faith isn’t just BA proud, she’s Melleray mad.
The best way to describe Faith is probably control freak. She’s a typical type A personality - she’s got everything arranged in colour coded notebooks with matching binders. She’s a major perfectionist so if she wants something done she does it herself otherwise she’ll just have to correct whoever done it wrong in the first place
She’s passively judgemental, she doesn’t mean to be mean or offend but she has such a small understanding of real world issues that sometimes it happens. If she gets defensive it’s only because she doesn’t understand something and can’t think of a bible verse that vaguely relates.
She’s a textbook people-pleaser so if you ask for help she’s going to find it very hard to say no.
She’s so sweet you’ll get cavities, always good-intentioned even if it doesn’t translate will. Every accidental judgement is said softly with a smile, her hugs are tight and sometimes unexpected because she believes anything can be solved with a good hug no matter who you are.
On the hockey field…well she’s a bit of a monster. You’d never belief it but that girl’s got some aggression. You’re likely to find her at confession after a match because competitiveness isn’t very holy and she definitely needs forgiveness for that wrath.
Is a master DIYer. Any life hack you see online? She’s done it.
Big football fan. Specifically the Patriots, used to have a Tom Brady poster that she made her uncle bless before games. She’s not ready to talk about the loss yet.
Scrapbooks everything.
Wears a thin golden chain with a small cross.
Never knocks because she has zero concept of privacy. She’s had very little to hide.
Carries her planner everywhere.
Hates secrets so you have to make it really clear when you don’t want her to blab about something.
Has Love Myself by Hailee Steinfield on her spotify because she hasn’t worked out it’s not about self confidence.
Owns a swear jar.
What do they think about The Retreat?
She came back at the wrong time, but Faith is an optimist so if anybody is going to make the best out of a bad situation it’s her. She will admit the cabins are a little creepy but she’s going to do her best to make everybody feel at home. She is pretty sure she saw hell hounds out in these woods once but she’s trying super hard not to think about that.
Do they have any previous experience with camping or other outdoors?
She’s just spent six months in Malawi, most of that being in a tent, but other than that she’s definitely taken a few family trips out to the woods. She’s not the most comfortable, but she’s not totally helpless either.
What does their cabin bunk look like? How will they decorate their space?
A lot of photos stuck to the wall beside her bed: her and Damian, her and the Malawian children she was helping, her and her sisters, an old photo of the god squad. Her bed sheets are pastel pinks, greens, and blues and the bed is always perfectly made. You’ll find a bible tucked between her pillow and the wall and a black hair ribbon tied around the bed post.
Do they believe in the supernatural? To what degree?
Faith is a big believer in the supernatural. Maybe not the ghosts because she believes the afterlife is heaven, hell or purgatory, but she is firm that demons are real and she saw those hell hounds.
Are they easily spooked?
Yes. It comes with the naivety. One ghost story - which she’s going to loudly proclaim they shouldn’t be allow to tell because it’s scaring people! - and she’ll be up for the rest of the night trying to rationalise that it is in fact a tree tapping against the window pane and not Edith Lynch’s victims here to act out their long awaited revenge.
Very accurately, Faith got the lord will protect me from any evil: ghosts? raging animals? monsters? serial killers? they dont have SHIT on our lord jesus christ. Something she’s actually said...the first part, no way is she cussing.
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moved on (2) | Zion Kuwonu
After Zion running away from you, you decided you had enough interaction for the night. You told Izzy you were leaving and she said that she was gonna catch a ride with someone else.
You said bye to her and everyone else. Before you were about to walk out the door, Wolfie stopped you. “You leaving?” He said blocking the door with how big he was.
“Yeah, i’m tired as hell. I’ll see you soon, hopefully.” You hug him and he hugs back, but whispers something only you could hear. “Zion misses you a lot, more than he’ll probably show. But i just thought you’d know” He pulled away and waited for a reaction of any sort.
“I’m sure he’s fine” You smiled and walked out the door to go to your car. Driving home you felt uneasy. You did want to talk to Zion and work things out because before anything happened between you two, you guys were friends.
It’s been almost a week since the tour ended and you have surprisingly been hanging with Izzy and Maggie a lot. You didn’t think they would still hang with you considering Zion & your’s situation, but they never mentioned him.
That was until they invited you to the PM house after a brunch date you guys had. You had nothing better to do since Grayson was busy filming all day, so you figured it’s now or never to have your talk with Zion.
You got more nervous the closer you got to the house. When Maggie pulled into the driveway, you were tempted to call an uber to take you home already.
You guys got out of the car and Brandon was the first to greet you guys, ending with greeting his girlfriend with a kiss.
“Go head, everyones inside just chillin” B said gesturing towards the door. You followed Izzy inside and immediately got pounced on by Simba. “Hi baby!” You giggled as he licked your face.
You saw Neveah, Choppy, and some other guys playing games in the living room. Edwin was in the kitchen making tik toks with some friends, and Zion was no where to be seen. “I’ll be right back.” You told Izzy and slipped into the hall with the bedrooms.
You walked to the familiar door and knocked. The first thing you noticed was the strong smell of weed coming from his room. “Hold up” You heard his voice and wanted to run around the corner and pretend you weren’t there. Before you could run, the door swung open.
“Y/n? What’re you doing here?” He said coughing up smoke. “Uh, Mag invited me over after our brunch.. If you don’t want me here i can-“
“No no, come in.” He said opening his door wider. You saw his friend Malak sitting in front of Zion’s computer rolling another blunt. “Aye bro, finish outside.” Zion said from behind you.
“Huh? Oh. Ight say less. Sup Y/N” He said grabbing all his things and getting up. “Hi M” You laughed watching him carry everything he needed.
As soon as Malak closed the door, Zion sat on the chair his friend was just on. You stood, not knowing if you should sit on his bed or just stay standing. “You can sit” Zion said scooting closer to his bed. It was as if he could read your mind.
You sat on the edge of his bed, not knowing how to start. “Well you’re obviously nervous, you wanna smoke? Then we can talk.” Zion said pulling a small joint from his dresser. “Please” You laugh a little.
You hold the joint in your mouth as Zion lights it for you. You inhale and hold it in for a second. You blow out the smoke and feel the nervousness slowly leaving your body.
“God i missed smoking.” You say before taking another hit. “When was the last time you smoked?” He asked taking a hit. “Before you left on tour.” You were suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia. Zion was really the only person you ever wanted to smoke with. His vibe and energy was everything you wanted in that kind of state of mind.
“Listen, i’m sorry about ghosting you. i didn’t mean to, it’s just things got hectic and i-“ “You mean the groupie thing? Honestly, i don’t really care anymore, that was however long ago and i moved on. We broke up before tour for a reason, i shouldn’t have been surprised.” You said not really thinking before speaking.
“I mean yeah, but i should’ve spoke up and told you the truth about all of it. Maybe if i did, we wouldn’t be having this talk right now..” Zion began biting his lip and you couldn’t help but stare. “Things happen for a reason. And if i didn’t find out the way i did, i probably wouldn’t have met Grayson” You smile to yourself thinking about your boyfriend.
“How did that happen, if you don’t mind me asking.” Zion took another hit to prepare for this story. “Well, i was with Choppy and them promoting Young & Reckless, when i found out about you. Broke my heart, so i went to the beach for some peace and quiet. When i got there, Grayson was there for a night swim. He scared me really, i didn’t know what the fuck was coming out of the water.” You laugh thinking about that night.
“But something just felt like he was literally sent to me. I don’t know” You finish the joint and throw it out Zion’s window.
Zion hated hearing how you guys met. He hated that you had to find out from Chop. He hated that you weren’t together. “That’s good.. I hope you’re doing good.” Zion said staring at the floor. “No yeah i’m great. Might love the kid, don’t know yet..” You noticed that Zion got silent. “So the groupies, were they actually?” You teased him.
“Funny. No, they were actually friends. Just friends that the fans didn’t know so you know how they escalate things.” Zion laughed. “Good good. Alright, so we’re good right?” You got up now. “Yeah, glad we got that over with. Friends?” Zion said opening his arms.
You hugged him and then went for the door. “Can you tell Mal to come back in here?” Z said before you shut the door.
You tried to compose yourself before heading back into the living room. You saw Malak by the window about to light up. “Mal, Z requested you” You laughed and sat on the couch next to Maggie.
He got up and went back to Zion’s room. “How’d it go?” Maggie asked patting your leg. “We friends again” You smiled slightly. “Thank god.” She said and tilted her head back dramatically.
Zion on the other hand was in his room stuck in the chair. Malak walked into the room and saw Zion frozen, deep in thought. “You good bro?” He asked while lighting the blunt.
“I’m gonna win her back.”
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pareidoliacal · 5 years
it's the little things he misses most.
running his fingers through her hair. she always kept it long in spite of their jobs, wrist carrying two hair ties in case she needed the added hold or if one broke. she'd had it that length since they were teenagers, never desiring more than a trim simply because she loved it as is. he'd teased her once about it, ear pressed to the bump of her belly as he listened and talked to the little life inside of her, asked if she'd even have the energy for it. she'd snorted at him, "of course."
( the picture picked out for the service helped only minutely to bleach the image of melted hair from his mind. )
how her nose tended to wriggle a little before a sneeze. she was allergic to dust, mildly so, but an allergen was still an allergen. that being said, she was stubborn to the core and refused to wear a mask when dusting. he hated dusting himself but compromise of it being his chore was eventually the only way to save her from sneezing herself into oblivion.
( the building was covered in dust, it's not a wonder he found her tissue packet mostly empty. )
gardenias. she held a fascination for them and for the way they smelled. whenever an argument broke out between them and resulted in a fight, he'd buy either the flower itself or something that had them on it or smelled of them. she'd loved them so much that he'd come up with the idea of holding off their wedding a few extra months just so they could involve them in the wedding. the look on her face when she'd seen those white petals scattered over their honeymoon bed at the cabin had been priceless.
( death and smoke, melting, burning. they combined with her scent, so cloying it felt thick inside of his nostrils. he got sick when izzy ordered a wreath of them for the funeral. )
the way she hated his duster and loved his pullover sweatshirts, said he wasn't some vampire from the eighties, that the pullovers fit him better. he'd disagreed, of course, but he wore the pullovers anyway if only for her sake. he knew she really loved wearing them and had since they lost their virginities to each other -- he'd never seen someone so soft and angelic in all his life than when his too large shirt engulfed her smaller form. it was a habit that persisted and pretended like he didn't know why he got at least one pullover from her each year on a birthday or christmas. as long as she loved them.
( the sweatshirt was a soft blue, the color contrasting the setting entirely. in spite of it being two sizes too big, he could still see it molding over the faint bump of her belly. )
when they'd stay up all night chatting to each other. sometimes it was about nothing at all and just the random thoughts they'd had during the day or in that moment. others, it was one or the other of them admitting their fears of the future, how they were going to raise a family, how they wanted to eventually leave the criminal life so they could live in peace the way they'd always deserved. it was mostly him and his fears, him crumbling into pieces, and she was his champion, picking them all back up and putting them together into a beautiful mosaic.
( the voice he heard after was a ghost, an echo of the past. voice memos, voicemail messages, videos. all of them from another time and place, some place happier. )
he misses her. his best friend, his lover, his wife. he misses their baby, the little life that was lost with her and along with them both, his final shred of hope for ever having any form of happiness or a bright future. he's gotten angry and punched holes in various surfaces until his knuckles are colored red and blue and purple, he's prayed to gods he doesn't believe in, he's cried and wailed and screamed himself hoarse, anything to get the universe to give them back to him. but at the end of the day, he's stuck with static memories of her from times and places he doubts ever truly happened.
like a true masochist, however, he delves back into them anyway, fingers dialing the number for his house phone, letting it ring and ring and ring. shuyen won't mind, he never does. he drops the phone down on the bed beside him when the voicemail flips over, body lying limp on his bed, eyes stinging with unshed tears as their voices echoes through out his room.
"hi! you've reached aeyoung,hanbin, and bean sprout! we can't come to the phone right now but leave your message after the tone and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. maybe. hush you! goodbye!"
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banesapothecary · 6 years
flufftober day 29:  glitter
I’m captivated by you, baby
read on ao3
“Can I paint your nails?” The question caught him off guard.
He looked up in the bathroom mirror and met Alec’s eyes. His boyfriend stood at the threshold, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.
“What?” Magnus asked softly, eyebrow raised.
“I used to paint Izzy’s when we were kids,” Alec explained with a shrug. He uncrossed his arms to run a hand through his already tousled hair, the image sending a surge of fond warmth through Magnus’s chest. “It helped me focus or calm down if I was anxious about something.”
Magnus stood and stepped closer, fingers ghosting over Alec’s side. “Are you anxious about something right now?” he asked, searching his eyes with what he was sure was obvious concern.
“Yeah,” Alec breathed, bringing his own arms to rest on Magnus’s waist. “But it’s just stuff with the Clave. Nothing bad, I promise.” Magnus noted the darker than usual circles under his eyes, the tired, distant look in his unwavering gaze. He supposed he could have said something about Alec overworking himself and needing to take a break every now and then and not letting the Clave work him into more exhaustion, but one look at Alec told him he already knew. After all, he came home early, and he wasn’t hiding his stress.
Magnus felt a surge of pride. Not even a few months ago, Alec would have hid his stress and his anxiety and his pain for fear of being a burden. He’d come so far. He trusted that Magnus wanted to be there for him, that he wanted to help carry that burden.
Magnus nodded. “Okay. Do I get to pick the color? Or would you like to?”
Alec smiled, and Magnus was pleased to see it make it’s way to his eyes and cast out some of that exhaustion. “Can I pick?”
“Of course, darling.” Magnus pressed a kiss to his cheek and turned back to the vanity, smiling to himself as he saw the blush creeping into Alec’s cheeks in the mirror. He snapped his fingers and his collection of nail polish appeared on the counter in a flurry of blue sparks.
Alec came closer and stood in awe for a moment. “You have so many.”
Magnus laughed. “Well, I have to have a color for every occasion, now don’t I?”
“No, I suppose the High Warlock of Brooklyn can’t be seen with drab or clashing nails.” The corner of Alec’s mouth was upturned.
“Absolutely not,” Magnus scoffed. “So, Alexander, which color shall it be?”
Alec hummed, eyes skimming over the various bottles. He picked up one, a deep blue, and turned it over in his hand before putting it back. Magnus watched in amusement as this pattern continued. Alec picked up a light pink but shook his head. A green that Magnus himself hadn’t touched in who knows how many years made Alec grimace, his nose wrinkling as he shot Magnus a really? look. Magnus just grinned.
Finally Alec settled on a shade of gold with little flecks of glitter. “This one,” he said softly.
Magnus raised an eyebrow. “Any particular reason?”
Alec’s eyes met his, something Magnus couldn’t quite read in their depths. “It reminds me of your eyes,” he said, bringing his hand up to brush his thumb along Magnus’s cheekbone.
Magnus dropped his glamour, though he wasn’t sure if it was entirely by choice. He felt overwhelmed, like his heart might float up out of his chest. He said a silent prayer to every god and angel for bringing him his Alexander. He heard Alec’s intake of breath as he saw Magnus’s eyes, the smile growing on his face.
“I love your eyes,” Alec whispered. He lowered his hand to take Magnus’s, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Magnus whispered, barely trusting himself to speak.
Alec looked at him for a moment before nodding to the little bench. “Sit down,” he ordered.
“Yes, sir,” Magnus quipped.
Magnus studied Alec as he began to paint. His movements were steady and sure, as if painting someone’s nails was second nature. There was something oddly poetic about a Shadowhunter--an angelic being whose entire life was centered around fighting and demons and blood and war--being so artfully skilled at something as simple and domestic as painting someone’s nails. He smiled, imagining a younger Alec helping his little sister paint every color imaginable on her small fingers.
“What?” Alec asked, looking up and catching the weight of Magnus’s gaze.
Magnus shook his head. “Nothing in particular.”
Alec quirked an eyebrow, and Magnus was happy to notice the tension his eyes had held earlier seemed to have evaporated.
As soon as Alec finished, Magnus used a quick burst of magic to dry the nails quickly. “Hey that’s cheati--” Alec exclaimed, but Magnus cut him off, surging forwards to kiss him.
“Never mind, cheating is okay. Just this once,” Alec said breathlessly when they pulled apart.
“Shut up,” Magnus said, crashing their lips together again.
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