#Iuchi Haruhi
t-u-i-t-c · 1 day
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hakuaryouga · 18 days
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爆上戦隊ブンブンジャー (2022) Episode 26 Subtitles by Over-Time
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jdramastuff · 5 months
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mirai-e-jump · 5 months
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TV Guide Dan Vol.51, April 2024 Issue ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Cast Members Iuchi Haruhi x Hayama Yuki Interview (translations below)
Publication: April 5, 2024
"Please tell us about the other person's role in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger."
Iuchi: Ishiro Meita, played by Yuki-kun, may look cool at first glance, but that's just him hiding his true character. Whenever I play the role of Taiya Hando, he's a character that makes me think, "Ishiro trusts Taiya." Going forward, we'll gradually get to see his cute side.
Hayama: It's true that Ishiro has a wide range of emotions (laughs). My impression of Taiya is that he values his intuition. So far, there aren't that many scenes in the show where the two of them talk together, so we don't know what led to their relationship of trusting each other, but I have a vague idea of what part of Taiya made Ishiro fall for him.
"Can you name some similarities between your roles and each other?"
Hayama: This isn't just me, as other cast members and Director Nakazawa Shojiro have also mentioned it, but Haruhi's personality is getting closer to Taiya's day after day. At first I thought I was the only one who thought that way, but when I told everyone, it seems like they think so too. I feel like he was chosen because he was the one meant to be Taiya.
Iuchi: That makes me happy (he's embarrassed). I didn't know you were talking about that.
Hayama: Taiya's a character who works quietly by himself, and Haruhi's the same way on set. During break time or when he's with the cast, he's always in a talkative mood, but before filming, he reads the script quietly by himself.
Iuchi: Now that you mention it, I think I may be like that. I like to spend time with others, but I'm also the type of person who values alone time. Yuki-kun is…
Hayama: (leaning towards him) I'm cool, just like Ishiro, right?
Iuchi: Uh, y-yeah (laughs). But, to tell you the truth, I feel that both Ishiro and Yuki-kun have a gap. They look cool at first glance, but in reality, they're cute…
Hayama: Isn't that just gap moe?! (*being attracted to the gap between one's appearance and personality)
Iuchi: That's right (laughs). In particular, I was amused by the fact that Yuki-kun recently won a figure and tote bag in a lottery for his favorite anime, and he's been carrying the tote bag with him all the time. He even takes it when moving from the waiting room, where you normally don't have to take anything with you. Seeing him do things like that, even though he's older, I think Yuki-kun is so cute that it's unfair.
"How did you become friends?"
Hayama: My hobbies are to go ramen hopping and going to saunas. When I mentioned this, Haruhi said, "I'm interested!" From there, we started going together for awhile.
Iuchi: Right! I was interested in both and wanted to get into them, but I had just moved to Tokyo and didn't know the city at all…Now, I've started to follow Yuki-kun's example, and made a photo folder with just ramen.
"What kind of ramen do you like?"
Hayama: Basically, I like everything, but I especially love Chinese soba with a soy sauce base. What kind of flavor do you like Haruhi?
Iuchi: Originally I was a soy sauce person, and liked thin, hard noodles, but recently, Yuki-kun took me to a restaurant similar to "Jiro" and I became addicted.
Hayama: It might've been a bad thing that I told you about it (laughs). The next time we have a day off from filming, us four guys, including Saito Ryu-kun and Soma Satoru-kun, should go together.
Iuchi: Yeah! It can be like alittle treat for us.
"To begin with, are you two outdoor or indoor people?"
Hayama: I'm a total indoor person. My hobbies are watching anime and reading manga.
Iuchi: We're the same. I also watch anime, movies, dramas, and have recently gotten into reading, I also play the guitar as a hobby.
Hayama: Well, if we were going to spend time together indoors, Haruhi should play the guitar as background music while I read manga. That way we can enjoy each other's hobbies.
Iuchi: Ah~ I see. But, if we were to spend time together, I'd like to go to Akihabara. I don't really go out if I'm alone, so I'd like to look around at the things we share a similar interest in.
Hayama: Alright! Come to think of it, it might be fun since we have so many things we like in common. The other three main cast members of Boonboomger are outdoor people, so it's good to have people like that by our side!
"What's something you'd like to ask each other?"
Iuchi: Ummm…when you were a student, were you smart?
Hayama: So suddenly?! why?
Iuchi: Yuki-kun, you seem like a smart guy. However, when I thought you were cool, you turned out to be surprisingly different.
Hayama: I see (laughs). I think my grade level was above half? It was alittle above the average score, but it wasn't really that high…wait, Haruhi! Are you trying to ruin my image with this interview?!
Iuchi: No, no! I'm not! (laughs).
Hayama: (laughs). This is going to be a serious question, but as I mentioned earlier, I feel that in a very short period of time, Haruhi has become more and more like Taiya, and that everyone views him as such. I read the script and make a certain plan before going to the set, but once I saw the way that Haruhi played Taiya after I got there, I changed my plans. When acting, do you do anything in addition to reading the script?
Iuchi: Hmmm…If I had to say so, I'd say that at random moments during my daily life, I think to myself, "Taiya would make a move like this right now." For example, I've always been the type of person who looks down while walking fast, but I think that Taiya would straighten his posture and walk slowly, so I've been trying to do that.
Hayama: Heh~. So, Taiya's character is taken from daily life?
Iuchi: Yeah. Otherwise, even though I'm playing the role of Taiya, I feel like I'd inadvertently come off as Iuchi Haruhi…As an extension of that, from the moment I read the script, I try to read it while keeping in mind that, "I'm Taiya Hando."
Hayama: Amazing. I'd love to learn from you!
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hokkienmee · 5 months
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Random musical edits [1/?] A Part of That (The Last Five Years)
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harukakitous · 2 months
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Our guitar player and leader of the Bunbunz, the dimpled faced boy all the way from Kyoto... Happy 20th birthday Haruhi Iuchi!
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the-writer-mao · 7 months
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Welcoming my new hyper-fixation for the next while 🚘
Iuchi Haruhi as BOON RED || Hando Taiya
Hayama Yuki as BOON BLUE || Meita Ishiro
Suzuki Mio as BOON PINK || Shifuto Mira
Saito Ryu as BOON BLACK || Akuse Jou
Satoru Souma as BOON ORANGE || Bureki Genba
Coming soon Boon! 💥
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godsofbluegodsofgreen · 7 months
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We're just 2 episodes today, yet the ship is sailing.
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nugulover69 · 2 months
Taiya probably would be a better character if he gets comeuppance every time he endangers his team or hiding something. But looks like the narratives exist solely to praise and reward him. He's the ✨S A V I OR✨ even if he's doing the bare minimum. Mira & Genba did more amazing and unique feats but the praise still on Taiya.
I mean narratives in sentais heavily favoring the reds and not putting their actions under a lot of scrutiny isn't unusual. sentais may be ensembles but the reds are still the Main Boys marketing wise, its just for some sentais that favoritism is more apparent if the red isn't interesting or at least fun. kingohger also had heavy Gira Goggles but Gira had a distinct personality. tis the nature of the babie show made to sell toys to babies
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jdramastuff · 5 months
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Iuchi Haruhi & Hayama Yuki - TV Guide Dan Vol. 51.
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mirai-e-jump · 7 months
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Digital TV Guide, April 2024 Issue ft. Iuchi Haruhi Interview (translation below)
Publication: February 24, 2024
Iuchi Haruhi -BoonRed's design leaves an impact!-
Iuchi Haruhi plays the role of Taiya Hando (BoonRed) in "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger." We asked the 19 year old about his enthusiasm for playing the lead role in the historic Super Sentai series.
"How did you feel when it was decided that you had been chosen to appear in the show?"
Iuchi: I went to the office after I received a call from my manager saying, "I'd like for us to talk face to face," and while making small talk, he suddenly said, "You've been chosen to appear as Red in the new Sentai." It didn't seem real at first, it felt as if I was listening to the decision that my friend had been picked, and that I wasn't involved. I played multiple roles at the audition, not just Red, so it didn't really feel as if I had been chosen as Red.
"What kind of character is Taiya Hando, who you were chosen to play?"
Iuchi: He's a genius in development and modification, is wealthy, and has a passionate heart but doesn't show it. Boonboomger is initially made up of three members, Red, Blue and Pink, but he's the most mentally mature out of all of them. However, I couldn't express it well at first, as Director Nakazawa Shojiro, who was in charge of episodes 1-3, always just told me to, "Up your mentally. Be less childish." I have the image that he's 5 years older than my actual age. It's difficult, but I think I'm gradually becoming able to express this, and I get the feeling that I'm starting to grasp Taiya's character of being "calm but not cool."
"Please tell us your impressions of BoonRed's design, Taiya's form after transforming."
Iuchi: I thought, "They're going with this, huh?" (laughs). I kept thinking about the tires being stuck on the front of the face. There's been Sentai with car motifs in the past, but these designs are way different from those, so it leaves an impact.
"What are some memorable moments from the episodes that have been filmed so far?"
Iuchi: We've had clear weather since filming began, but on the day when all five members of Boonboomger assemble for the first time, it snowed and filming had to stop. While we were waiting, everyone played around and made snowmen.
"For the next year, you'll be playing the role of a hero."
Iuchi: I talked with Mori Hirotsugu-san, BoonRed's Suit Actor, and asked him to show me the poses he does in action scenes, which I would recreate, and I also asked Mori-san to do the poses that I came up with to match the dialogue. I'd like to continue to work together to create the hero named Taiya Hando. I want to do my best so that children who watch the show will think, "The Boonboomger's are my heroes." _
-What are the conditions for being a hero?- Iuchi: Yuuri-san and Eve-san (singers) are the ones who have my back. Whenever I feel like I'm lacking confidence and want to give up, I listen to their music and become encouraged. For me, the conditions for being a hero are……I guess it's to never ask for anything in return.
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zachbiller · 7 months
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Taiya Hando/Bun Red is a kind hearted man who loves cars. A master of developing and modifying cars, he works as a "delivery man" using the tuned-up red car that he built. When he likes someone or something, he generously and energetically acquires it. He has a strong competitive instinct, and has the ability to see through the essence of things. He is able to carve out his own by making quick decisions, and even in difficult situations, he is someone that you can rely on! Lastly, he is skillful with both rods and guns, and is good at creative battles that suit the situation. 
He is played by Haruhi Iuchi,
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harukakitous · 5 months
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"Finally! The five of us are all present!"
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mirai-e-jump · 2 months
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Monthly The Television, August 2024 Summer Special ft. Iuchi Haruhi Interview (translation below)
Publication June 26, 2024
Fresh sensibility and will
Iuchi Haruhi made his leading role debut in the Super Sentai series "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger." In this interview, including a filming story for the movie set to be released this Summer, we'll report on how he made his debut as an actor, stories from before his debut, and more, as we get a fresh and energetic look at his true self.
-The tokusatsu hero admirer will make his silver screen debut this Summer-
"Iuchi Haruhi made his leading role debut as the leader in the currently airing Super Sentai series Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger. He plays the role of the Boonboomgers leader and "deliverer" named Taiya Hando."
Iuchi: When I heard the decision that I'd be appearing, I was wondering when they'd reveal that it was all a prank (laughs). That's why my first thought was, "I can't believe it." Personally, I still remember the hero shows I used to watch when I was little, so I was anxious about whether I could really handle it. Still, once the show actually started airing, I received alot of calls from my friends saying, "We're watching!" It made me happy, and now I actually feel that I'm apart of Super Sentai.
"As you performed, you found similarities with Taiya and points you could learn from him."
Iuchi: Taiya's someone who has his own views and mentality, which I think are similar to my own. However, in my case, I have the type of personality where I don't hesitate once I've made up my mind to do something "in this way." Still, while maintaining that strong mentality, Taiya listens to other people's opinions and never rejects them without giving them a chance to explain. I think that kind of flexibility is what makes Taiya so appealing, and it's also what I like about him. I want to be as flexible as Taiya someday, and I'd like to think that I'm improving little by little as I perform (laughs).
"For Iuchi, Boonboomger was his first time on a film set. He said he was surprised by many things."
Iuchi: First, I was surprised by the number of staff members involved with filming. Then, I was also surprised to see that even a single scene was rarely shot in one take, instead having the camera position change multiple times while the shot was being cut. Still, I don't think there are many opportunities like this to study the genuine production process of the Action Department so closely, and I don't think I'll have the chance to experience dub recording at other production sets, so I'd like to learn more about it and absorb as much as I can over the next year.
"The original reason he wanted to become an actor was because he watched the drama "Death Note" starring Kubota Masataka and became interested in acting."
Iuchi: It was the drama that made me want to try acting for the first time. However, I used to not be the type to watch movies or dramas, so I didn't really know much about acting as a profession. That's when my parents found "Watanabe Entertainment School," which then led me to joining my current agency. Actually, Yamada Yuki-san, who's from the same agency, has always been one of my favorite actors, and he's appeared in "Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger," so he's also a senior that I look up to. As the acting in Super Sentai is often exaggerated, when we met in person, I asked him, "How did you break away from those habits?," and I received some very detailed advice. At that time, I once again realized that I wanted to become an actor who can play various roles, just like Yamada-san, who's known as a "chameleon actor."
"Speaking of, Taiya's a master of "development" and "modification." That being the case, if we asked Iuchi himself, "What are you a master of?" you'd say……"
Iuchi: I guess for me it'd be my passion for the things I love. I've always had a stubborn personality, and I'm the type of person who'll work very hard at the things I set my mind to, so I have confidence in that passion for it. That being said, before I aimed to become an actor, I wanted to be a pro tennis player, and would work extremely hard at tennis at the time. Also, I've always loved to create things since I was little, and was the type who wanted to do my best when it was time for arts and crafts, so in order to bring the piece closer to the perfection I envisioned, I'd ask my teachers, "Can I take it with me and do it at home?" I think that kind of focus to pursue something may still be with me now (laughs).
"This Summer, a double feature film will be released alongside Kamen Rider Gotchard. There, he'll perform together with someone he's admired since he was a child."
Iuchi: The video creator HIKAKIN-san appears as a guest. I started watching Youtube when I was in my second year of elementary school, and at that time, HIKAKIN-san was the one I would always watch, so I was tense when I met him on the film set. There's lots of content to take in, including scenes that were actually filmed at the Fuji Speedway circuit, so please look forward to it. _
Q: When do you feel cranked up?
Iuchi: My hobby is the guitar and to write and compose music, however, the longer it takes me to write a song, the more cranked up I feel when I finish it (laughs). One of my dreams is to someday work not only as an actor, but also as a singer and song writer.
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Animage April 2024 Issue Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Introduction ft. Iuchi Haruhi Interview (translations below)
Publication: March 8, 2024 (between episodes 1-2)
"Receiving the baton from the kings are superheros who drive cars with flair! The new Sentai, with its trademark racing suits, will burst throughout the world!"
Taiya Hando is a "deliverer" who delivers whatever is asked of him. When the Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiryan appears, along with Ishiro Meita and Mira Shifuto, they change into the Boonboomgers! To protect the people, they challenge the Hashiryan to battle!!
The 48th installment of the Super Sentai series, "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger," is now airing. This time, it's a Sentai characterized by the fact that all members are professionals in some way. Taiya, a genius in development and modification, drives a car he tuned up himself and works as a deliverer. Each person plays an active role by demonstrating their own skills. Another important point is that the "usual look" is different, with Ishiro being a freelance spy, and Mira working a variety of part time jobs. It'll be interesting to see what kind of chemistry will be created by these members, who all have different personalities, lives, and areas of expertise.
We also wonder what will happen to Jou Akuse and Genba Bureki. How they'll become members of the Boonboomgers, we can only expect an "explosive" drama! _
Taiya Hando: He's an expert in development and modification, and works as a "deliverer". He makes quick decisions, with his motto being to "take the wheel." He enjoys unexpected situations with a positive attitude.
Ishiro Meita: He's an "informant" who's skilled in intelligence gathering. He's a calm and attentive person who always considers the risks. He puts his full trust in Taiya, and lends his support to whatever he decides.
Mira Shifuto: She's a "driver" who's good at driving and maneuvering. After meeting Taiya, she starts to show her inner strength. She's the innocent mood maker of the Boonboomgers.
Jou Akuse: He's a "police man" who's excessively serious and reckless. He's a kind hearted police officer loved by the people of the town, and usually patrols it on his bicycle.
Genba Bureki: He's a "procurer" who procures what he needs from out of nowhere. While soft spoken and kind, he never shows his true feelings.
Bundorio Bunderas: Also known as Boonboom. He's a car shaped alien, who's usually humanoid and human sized, but when the time comes, he transforms into a giant and fights as the Boonboomgers Robo! _
-What I have in common with Taiya is our strong sense of commitment!-
"Please tell us your impressions of Taiya and what you're mindful of when acting."
Iuchi: Compared to the other characters, he seems to have more optimism, so I thought about how I should express that. When it comes to keeping his passionate heart to himself, if I'm too cool, he'll resemble Chasshiro (Ishiro), but if I show it too much, he'll come off as hot blooded, so I was wondering how to find the right balance. For example, regarding the relationship between Taiya and Chasshiro, I looked for references from my favorite anime and other sources to solidify his image.
"What do you think are some similarities between yourself and Taiya, and conversely, what do you not have in common?"
Iuchi: I think we're similar in that we have a strong sense of commitment for what we do, and that we focus on what we love! I always used to be called stubborn. Once I've made up my mind, I can't think about anything else. What we don't have in common is everything else (laughs). I can't develop or modify anything, and I'm pretty indecisive. I feel like I'm the same as Taiya in that I put all my energy into what I like to do.
"What do you think of the visuals when Taiya transforms into BoonRed?"
Iuchi: The other members have also said this, but the impact of the tires being on the face was amazing at first (laughs). However, when I saw them in action, I slowly began to think, "They're super cool!" Not just BoonRed, but seeing all the Boonboomgers actually moving is really cool. During the dub, you can put your personality into your voice, but that being said, if you don't do it well, it'll end up being mismatched. We're getting some great action, so I want to do my best to make the most of it.
"What are your impressions of the mechs, such as the Boonboom Trailer that BoonRed rides in?"
Iuchi: When I first saw it, it brought back memories from my childhood. My father loved foreign cars, and we had alot of model cars displayed in our house. He bought me alot of miniature cars, and I used to play with them by driving them on the carpet with roads drawn on it. So, I felt nostalgic and alittle happy.
"Please tell us what you remember from filming of the first episode."
Iuchi: The first episode focused on Mira, and although she had her own thoughts and feelings, she was being pushed around……as Taiya said, she wasn't able to "take control of her own wheel." The look and feel of the scene where Mira expresses her determination and passion to Taiya left a strong impression on me. Also, the line, "Whatever you ask me to do, I'll deliver it. That's what a deliverer does." I thought it was an important line for Taiya, where the word "deliverer" is used, so I was very enthusiastic about it.
"For scenes involving Taiya, the relationship between him and Ishiro also leaves an impression."
Iuchi: Even before filming, Hayama Yuki-kun, who plays Chasshiro, and I discussed things like, "What's the relationship between the two of them?" and "How should we go about this?" I'd be happy if we're able to give off the feeling that those two are a pair.
"Other than Taiya, which character are you interested in?"
Iuchi: It's Genba! He's very mysterious, and the vibe he and his outfit gives off is kinda different, huh? I still don't know how Taiya and Genba will meet, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Genba's encounter with the other three will balance things out. He seems like a very appealing character.
"Finally, tell us some future highlights."
Iuchi: Episode 2 is about Mira and Chasshiro, and the line, "Boonboomger is connected to my and Boonboom's dreams" is said. These words are connected to the reason why Taiya is gathering these friends, and I think that everyone's pasts will also be depicted from now on. I'd be happy if you pay attention to it.
"Taiya himself also has a mysterious side."
Iuchi: I guess so, there are still alot of things I don't understand (laughs). We'll be gathering more and more friends from now on, so please look forward to it! _
Q: What's your favorite anime/manga?
Iuchi: Due to the influence of my parents, I've always loved manga! We had alot of manga at home, which led me to watch various anime. In particular, my favorite manga is "Fullmetal Alchemist," which I've reread countless times, and have also watched the anime.
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harukakitous · 5 months
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