#Its not that it was boring or anything it’s just that its really really late
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader Summary: Spencer doesn't matter where life leads you, as long as it takes you back to him. Whatever it is between you, he doesn't want to let it go, even though he can't speak those words. WC: 3k Warnings: pining. pining. pining. oh and there's also drinking and brief mentions of a case. nothing too hard. fluff with an open ending. <3astronomy metaphors<3 A/N: I'm a tad obsessed with bittersweet pieces lately. Feedbacks are highly appreciated! <3 Masterlist | dividers by the lovely @cafekitsune <3
From the other side of the street, an elderly woman watches two people sitting and talking. It happens periodically. Weeks would go without her seeing their young, bordering naive faces. Sometimes, their lips move alternately. Simultaneously, at other times, voices mingle together excitedly and hurriedly, even though she can't hear them. The exchanged smiles and stolen glances don't go unnoticed by her either, but the young duo seem to ignore them altogether. When the young woman drinks, the glances would linger for just a moment more as they sat closer to each other — it seems as if that their senses become heightened, asking, demanding for more of each other.
Across the old woman's house, up on the roof of the building of the apartment you share together, you and Spencer sit together, like you do many nights when you have the time and he is at home. The chilly wind makes your hair stick in every direction and the warm beer is oddly soothing, but what really gets to you is your companion. Next to you, Spencer has his legs crossed as he rants about the last book he had read about the solar system. It is a sight to behold. You, a little inebriated, and Spencer speaking to his heart's delight, not a care in the world. If anyone who knows him were to witness that moment, they would twist their faces in confusion as to how could such different people be around each other so naturally, so peacefully?
The answer is one neither of you are ready to acknowledge. Perhaps it is better to let it pass unnoticed.
On one side, you, who drinks much more alcohol than anyone he knows (he doesn't know many people). Secretly and selfishly, you live with an aching relief that he is the one you get to share your space with after searching endlessly for an apartment and a companion who wouldn't annoy or bore you to death. Then, came Spencer. Quiet, soft-spoken, endearing and full of unique... quirks. At first, you thought it was better to leave him be, not to pester him with your bad habits. But as fate would have it and since things don’t ever go your way anyway, you found your way to him, because of course he was the kind of person to light up and fuck up your entire world as you gradually get to know him. It was with you that Spencer learned how to throw in the towel, since you always have a very compelling way to show him he’s not always right. So, this is what you have, a delicate routine, both of you dedicated to your unique choreography of pushing and pulling away from each other, aware and respectful of each other's boundaries. It worked, for the most part.
Things started to get ambiguous when Spencer began to toss and turn, unable to sleep, unable to hold himself together. Then, it became your job, for some nights, to comfort and lull him to sleep. Spencer, who was so composed and serious all the time, clung to your side like a baby who was too afraid to live life with and through its own limbs. You would always wake up before him, dazzled by the sight of his parted lips and by the small noises he let out while he was sleeping. You never complained, too afraid he would pull away from the brightness your heart would show if you were to ever say anything to address the situation. No, it is better like this. Sitting together, him by your side, you felt happily bitter — at this point, you wouldn't know what to do without him in your life.
Now, though, this is getting out of hand, the way you struggle to absorb his words, unlike you normally can. You blame it on the alcohol. You are lying. Mostly, to yourself.
As you smile at him, your silent way to tell him you were listening, Spencer feels seen. Your tousled hair, the flush in your cheeks and your sparkly eyes makes the universe and its complexities seem so simple compared to the maelstrom of feelings brewing inside him. He looks at your lips and remembers the day he quietly traced them with his fingertips as you slept, allowing himself to the simple action of touching, without feeling wrong or disgusting for wanting it. Long before he slept on your bed for the first time—your offer and his reluctant acceptance, fearsome of what it could lead to inside his own head—, Spencer daydreamed about you. Something about you makes something inside him snap and light up. Almost as if reading his thoughts, you ask softly, "Tell me about supernovae."
At that, he perks up, eyes brimming with excitement and joy. You and him, alone, together.
You, you, you.
Your question felt fitting. So he answers.
"There are two kinds of supernovae." He starts, as if warming up for the word vomit that was about to make its way out of his lips. You smile, already familiar with the sight and the fluttery feeling in your heart when you knew he was going to explain something to you, especially. "The first type, which is the one most people know about, happens when a star collapses because it runs out of fuel. Um, when that happens, the pressure drops, which makes the star explode." He continues, gaze unwavering. "What keeps a star together are two forces that are mutually opposite forces. The star's gravity tries to keep it as small as possible whereas the nuclear fuel, burning in its core, creates pressure. The two forces, when imbalanced, hence why I talked about the drop of pressure, cause a supernova. It is the biggest explosion us humans have ever taken notice of."
A swig of beer and your heart drops to your stomach at his soft, content features. "What about the other type?"
"Oh, this one happens between two stars. When they orbit one another." He replies, almost bashfully now, having your sole attention on him. "One of them has to be a white dwarf whose size has to be similar to Earth's. If the white dwarf pulls too much matter from the other star or collides with another, it can explode. Supernovae are not very common, but when they do happen, the explosion is so bright that it can outshine galaxies for up to months." He finishes, looking up at the sky above you.
Don't they sound like us?
His hyper-focused mind makes up the question, but he suppresses his lips from muttering them. He shrugs, almost imperceptibly, as you take another sip of the warm beer. Suppress it. It's for the better. "Hey, uh, I was meaning to talk to you about something," you begin.
"Of course. What is it?"
"I'm leaving for a few days," you say, face lighting up in sheer joy after a flash of something he couldn't quite figure out. "Godmother-slash-aunt duties."
Spencer feels confused, a mix of feelings taking over his senses. On one hand, he is happy for you for having somewhere safe to come back, for having a good relationship with your family, for being important for them. On the other hand, he feels almost betrayed and sick with the bubbling jealousy to the point of mentally scolding himself from thinking it. You are important to him, too. He is already used to your quiet yet steady presence around the house — you have a very stable routine and it’s rare for him to come back home after working hours and not seeing you right away. Spencer, albeit knowing it was nonsensical and selfish, feels almost abandoned. He attempts a smile, but his heart isn't in it. "Okay... I'll... I'll take care of the apartment."
"Oh, you better," you quip, trying to shrug off yet another ambiguous moment. "If I come back and there's a pile of dishes in the sink, you'll regret it."
He winces, attention diverted briefly to the shame about his sluggish ways when it comes to household chores. "Okay, okay. I will keep an eye on it. Or don't eat anything at home—"
"You better not survive solely on take-out food."
Spencer groans, but it isn't half as serious as he tries to make it out to be. "Fine. Fine."
He could do it. Or at least, he thinks so.
Countless days, countless cases, an inhuman amount of sheer violence and grief. Two weeks. Fourteen days. 336 hours. 20160 minutes. 1,290,600 seconds of not seeing your face.
Yet, Spencer has had time to lay at night, sometimes wide awake, wondering what were you up to, wondering what you two would be doing if you were here, in your apartment. His mind is always wandering to all sorts of possibilities that revolve around you, but he brushes aside the one about telling you everything. It is far too risky, and he finds that he wouldn’t be able to deal with the aftermath if things ever went wrong between the two of you. No. He would not be responsible for it.
The loneliest night thus far hits him hard. The team had just finished what had been truly an awful case at work and his mind was all over the place, sleep deprivation stopping him from making connections and defining patterns as he normally could. Getting home, he feels tired, guilty, angry, upset... He plops down on the couch, burying his face in one of the cushions and groans loudly. A few moments of external silence go by, even though his mind thrums with the sense of failure.
Begrudgingly, he stands up and takes a long shower—the running, steaming water does little to quench his turmoil. After putting on a fresh change of clothes, he finds his way into your bedroom instead of his. Soon enough, he is buried in your covers, holding a shirt you'd forgotten to put in your suitcase. Lying on your bed, he feels as if he was there for ages, the restlessness and cortisol levels giving way to a steadier breathing rhythm and a slower, calmer pace in his heartbeat. Smelling your shirt softly, he processes what longing feels like. An undeniable force tells him that you exist in a bigger space than you cared to think, that your gravitational pull is too strong on him. A poor single, lonely star amidst the galaxy.
His cellphone—a much too technological device, that he had bought upon your insistence of being able to reach him faster— rings. He picks up after reaching for it, not minding to see whoever was calling. Spencer figured that it would be someone close enough to not mind his overall moodiness, so he picked up either way.
It was your voice. "Hi." It makes him shiver in relief, but he brushes off as a coincidence, the way you two are so connected that upon his discomfort you were the one to reach out for him.
"You were going to bed, right?" He hears the question, a hint of hesitation covering your tone. "Sorry, sorry."
"No, I... I'm glad you called."
"Oh, okay. I just wanted to check on you. How are you, Spencer?"
"I'm... I'm doing good," he says, clutching your shirt tighter. He clears his throat, willing his voice to not crack. "How are things going over there?"
"I think the best part about being a godmother is that I can return her to her parents whenever she gets too much," you quip, chuckling, which brings a small grin to Spencer's face. "But, yeah, things are going great."
"I'm happy to hear that."
"You're not busy, are you?" You try again, fearing having ripped him from his job or his rare moments of free-time.
"No, no," his voice trembles as he denies it, and he inhales the lingering perfume on the shirt, which rests just against his face. "I'm... I'm happy you called."
I miss you.
Talking feelings—despite knowing pretty much everything about them, such as what caused them—is not very familiar in Spencer's life. The words never feel right, so he often decides to not say anything. Tonight, though, it's different. Like he fears you're not coming back, so he tries. "You never mentioned... You never said how long you'd stay with your family. When... when do you fly back?" He asks, a glimmer of hope blooming in his chest at the thought of having you close to him again, even as his voice cracks at the last word.
"In two days." You answer, and he wants let himself believe there's relief in your voice. "I'll be back in two days."
"You better be there to welcome me," you jest, and his heart feels a lot warmer with the joy in your voice.
"I will," he replies, not entirely sure whether he'd be able to. He wants to believe he will.
He isn't there. You don't hold it over his head—there are several miniatures of your favorite pastry sitting on the counter. Your heart swells at the thoughtfulness, and you know he had done them wishing he could be here to talk about the process firsthand. He isn't. So you wait for him to come home.
You're unpacking in the living room, humming to Drops of Jupiter, when Spencer walks through the door and you wish you could photograph when his face lights up at the sight of you—not that your expression was more subtle. Relief floods his being when he sees you, and it's clear that your absence was deeply felt, but you won't give space to such a thought. Instead, you become hyper-aware of how your bodies mold together as he approaches and hugs you, burying his head on the crook of your neck and sighing. It had been a fortnight, yet it had felt like years. Spencer wonders if you feel the same way when he's away on his cases. Probably not.
Now that she's back in the atmosphere...
"You're home," he addresses and it comes out as if he's talking about the weather, but the words and their meaning hold a deeper significance to him.
"You baked for me." You respond, giddily, squeezing him a tad bit stronger.
Pulling away, just enough to catch a glimpse of his pretty, tired face, you grin. "I missed you."
Affection was a common, safe ground for you. Something so simple that you dominated so effortlessly, and he feels a little jealous of how easy it is for you to just speak up your heart. He wonders if that's all you feel and if you're completely honest, given your comfort. He wonders if he'd be honest if he could see the world through your eyes.
Instead of answering, he rests his chin on your shoulder, unable to keep away any longer. And the closest still wasn't close enough. He pushes you gently into the couch, laying on top of you and closing his eyes as he feels your scent invade his senses and a deep feeling of tranquility wash over him. It's truly like being home. It is being home. The weight of his body presses yours on the couch, and even though your limbs may get numb at some point, you don't find it in yourself to move. No, you don't move. Instead, you gently rake your fingers through his hair, brushing a little against his ears, and the touch makes shivers erupt on his skin—thank God for his long-sleeved shirts.
He mumbles in his sleep, but you don't hear it. Missed you too.
Nevertheless, his actions are enough to tell you how he feels, but his lack of verbal confirmation leaves you hanging, but your heart feels lighter as you fall asleep under him.
Leaving work, you make your way to the nearest museum, where Spencer is waiting for you with one of his colleagues—they're not tagging along, don't worry. As you hurriedly make your way through the crowds, too careful to not step on anyone's foot, you look up and immediately find Spencer on the staircase. It's magnetic, the way his gaze pulls yours and it's addicting how neither of you have the strength required to look away. The coincidence makes you want to run to him, but instead, you blindly stride, the strong stare of his eyes like a tightrope over which you could walk with closed eyes. He wouldn't let you fall. If he did, he'd catch you before you hit the ground.
Here you are.
The sculptures are mesmerizing. Both you and Spencer are speechless at the beauty of it. The preciseness required to sculpture marble doesn't go unnoticed by either of you, and Spencer finds himself wishing to have you as his muse. Not that he was an artist—but he could, if he tried it—, but the thought of having you at his mercy, your body as his temple of inspiration to be passed on for infinity makes something inside him stir. His mind is suddenly plagued with thoughts of being the one to capture your beauty and turning it into art.
As you comment on trying to fight the urge to touch the marble, Spencer closes his eyes and he's able to picture your face and its expressions. The way your smile reaches your eyes, making them almost close in the shape of crescent moons... The way your lip quivers just slightly before you get emotional.
The way your lips would be plumper if he'd kissed you relentlessly, just like he dreams of doing.
Reality comes crashing faster than he anticipated when your hand unconsciously grips his bicep, unconsciously both grounding him to reality and sending his senses into overdrive. His skin dips with the gentle pressure, and he thinks of you two as statues, frozen, touching, always in each other's orbits.
Supernovae are essential to create life, despite their lethal brightness that might eventually turn into a big, black hole. Those are dangerous, sucking everything around them, dragging it inside to never return again. Nevertheless, even though you're strong, too strong, too blazing, pulling him in and he nearly tips over the edge, he musters up the strength to pull back before he's burning up in you.
Spencer, at least for now, settles for small slivers of your blinding brightness, happy to watch it happen—your life—from afar.
It's as close as he'll allow himself to get as he hopes you'll draw him in.
Tonight, the woman who sits by her window catches a glimpse of the two shadows dancing in one of the apartments through its window. It's one of her few certainties at this point in life: the young, in love couple across the street.
#spencer reid#dr spencer reid#doctor spencer reid#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid fic#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid angst#spencer reid x oc#spencer reid oneshot#spencer reid one shot#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfic#cm fanfic
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more chubby mc x caleb cause the ppl loved it last time and i do too.
i think he lovessss to pick you up and twirl you around like a princess whenever he can, sometimes for no reason. he quickly shuts down any doubt or insecurity you may have by just picking you up. he’d probably feel a little wounded, playfully asking you if you think he’s really that weak and if you think he needs to go to the gym more.
speaking of the gym, caleb’s always been pretty athletic, but i think a huge motivation that helps him maintain a consistent workout routine is impressing you. he knows he’s good looking and in really good shape, but nothing makes his ego inflate more than catching you checking him out. he’s all too familiar with that cute routine of yours where you’ll sneak glances at him after he gets back from the gym or when he gets out of the shower. he’s like the king of ogling, so he knows every technique or move you think is subtle because he uses them against you constantly LMAO. he teases you whenever he catches you staring, and enjoys it a lot whenever you’re bold and feel him up, encouraging you to press your hands against his biceps or chest. or any part of him, really. he just wants you touching him :p
caleb would definitely let you practice makeup on him. as a matter of fact, i think he knows how to do makeup. its canon (i’m pretty sure) that he did your hair growing up, so he’s skilled at doing your hair, and i think he would’ve started learning and practicing makeup techniques to help you do yours at some point, probably around late middle school/early high school. he’s now resigned himself to being your personal model and makeup tester, letting himself get dolled up whenever you’re bored and want to experiment and test out new skincare or makeup.
in my last post i mentioned how he loves to see you all dressed up in cute frilly clothes, but i also think he goes crazy seeing you in casual, comfy clothing, bonus points if you’re wearing his clothes. honestly he goes crazy seeing you in general. it satiates that possessive side of him, knowing you’re comfortable enough around him to not feel obligated to always look “presentable”, and that you willingly choose his shirts or pants despite having your own personal closet at his house. it’s like you’re kids again, accidentally mixing up the laundry and using his t-shirts and shorts as pajamas. he starts getting in the habit of buying himself clothes for the sole purpose of seeing you in them, and before he knows it he has millions of shirts he knows will hang off your shoulders and sweatpants that will hang low on your waist.
kind of in that same vein, he makes sure all of your clothes smell like him to some degree. anything you leave at his place is going to smell like his detergent, and on the clothes you wear most often, he’ll spray some of his cologne on them. he invites you to do the same to his own clothing too, and if anyone notices that he smells like sweet perfume, nobody dares to comment on it.
caleb loves intimacy (sexual or otherwise), obviously. there’s something especially special to him about those quiet moments you two share, free from the baggage and pressure of the outside world. he wants you all to himself, and this is the closest he’ll ever get, so he cherishes each moment with every fiber of his being. he spends hours practically worshipping you, sososo thankful that you’re even giving him the opportunity to do so.
a/n: idrk how to end this but i hope it was okay LOL praying its not super ooc pls dont stone me if it is. ignore any grammatical or spelling errors its 3 am and i was falling asleep halfway through writing this. i come up with most of these ideas on the spot. my writing process is very simple i fear.
also i write these on my phone on the app bc my laptop is broken so i hope the formatting isnt too weird???? idk how to use tumblr even though i’ve had this account since like 2016.
also would yall be interested in me making more headcanon rambles like these but for the other LIs??? pls lmk and i’ll start thinking of some for the other guys and brushing up on their lore!!!!!!
#love and deepspace#lads mc#lads caleb#chubby mc#chubby!reader#love and deepspace x mc#love and deepspace x you#love and deepspace caleb#love and deepspace x reader#caleb x mc#caleb x you#caleb x reader#this is technically fem!reader but could be read as gn#im head over heels#i hope this isnt super ooc#i projected a lot in this one yall pls dont stone me#caleb pecs and biceps 🤤🤤🤤#author is sleep deprived#its 3am#i hope i dream of caleb pecs snd biceps 🤤
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I’d do anything for a part two of “A Crown Of Two Realms”… I have never been more intrigued in a fic and its absolutely killing me AAHHH!! If you have the time, or ideas, I’d be forever grateful. Your writing is absolutely spectacular!! It encapsulates emotion so well, drawing me in like a typhoon 😵💫 /GEN !!
Awwww, thank you! I didn't really plan to do a second part of this since I wanted readers to create their own ending (loveless marriage vs. following your heart), but what can I say? I hate a sad ending, even if you choose it. So, this part has you choosing loki, perhaps some spicy scene, supportive Thor and living your life.
A Crown Of Two Realms Pt. 2
pairing: loki laufeyson x małe reader pairing: reader is set on loki, spicy scene (basically revelation of feelings), I just loved Loki's face here, like he looks quite innocent and adorable, anyway, loki hates himself, you strive to show him he's worthy
In the days after your eavesdropping of Loki and Thor's argument, you tried to distance yourself from the younger prince, hoping that avoiding each other would curb the tempest in your heart. Instead, it only made the longing sharper, more irresistible. That was the cruel paradox of it all: the very man you swore you couldn’t see again was the one you couldn’t stop thinking about.
One late afternoon, you were alone in one of the palace’s many colonnades, gazing across Asgard’s gleaming city. A soft breeze teased the edges of your ceremonial robe. The endless swirl of court responsibilities had left you little time to think, and yet here you were, thoughts anchored to one person alone: Loki.
You sensed Thor’s approach before he spoke—a shifting in the air and the distant echo of his surefooted stride. When you turned, he was already there, bright blue eyes studying you with an uncharacteristically thoughtful expression. “Has Asgard bored you so thoroughly?” he asked with a hint of a smile, though concern etched his brow.
“I wouldn’t say bored—just overwhelmed.”
Thor leaned against the nearest pillar, crossing his arms. “I fear I may be part of that overwhelm.” He glanced toward the horizon. “Sometimes, I wish these marriage negotiations were less complicated. It weighs on me, too.”
You stared at him, heart twinging with guilt. “Thor, I—”
He silenced you with a gentle wave of his hand. “Let me speak first. I’ve been thinking much since your arrival, and I’m not so blind as most people assume.” There was a sad twist to his grin. “You’re handsome, powerful, and wise—anyone would be honored to marry you. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also taken by you.”
Surprise fluttered in your chest. Of all the things you expected Thor to say, that wasn’t it. “I’m flattered,” you replied quietly.
“But,” he continued, “I’ve seen the way your eyes wander during feasts—like you’re searching for something or someone.” Thor cleared his throat. "Our union guarantees peace between our families, but I'm not naive enough to believe my father’s match is the one your heart truly wants. And I will not be the one forcing you into a joyless union. That’s not how I want to rule, nor how I wish to live.”
For a moment, you could only stare. Of all the outcomes you’d dreaded, you never thought Thor would willingly step aside. “But what of Odin? The treaty?”
Thor squared his shoulders, determination burning in his gaze. “Leave Father to me. If the alliance stands by a marriage with Asgard’s royal bloodline, then it need not be me. I won’t pretend this is easy, but I’d rather see you and Loki happy than see us three torn apart by a forced bond.”
Emotion welled up in you—gratitude, relief, and lingering guilt. “Thor, I—I don’t know what to say.”
He gave a sad, yet sincere smile. “Say you’ll follow your heart. Go to Loki. He may be a stubborn fool at times, but I suspect you’re the one person who can convince him he’s worth loving.”
The weight that had settled over your shoulders since your arrival lifted, if only by a fraction. You clasped Thor’s forearm in gratitude. “Thank you.”
Thor nodded. “Now go. Quickly, before someone else demands your time.”
Without hesitation, you set off through the grand corridors, heart pounding with renewed purpose. At first, you checked the corridors and library where you’d often crossed paths with Loki in quieter moments. He wasn’t there. The banquet hall was alive with courtiers, but there was no trace of the dark-haired prince. Finally, you ventured to a secluded section of the palace gardens—a space often overlooked, where a trickling fountain stood surrounded by tall hedges.
You found him there, leaning against a carved marble ledge, staring into the water’s rippling reflection. The setting sun cast a gold halo around him, accentuating the angles of his face. Anxiety churned in your chest, but Thor’s words echoed in your mind.
You cleared your throat softly, stepping into view. Loki stiffened but didn’t turn around. “I wondered when you might show up,” he said, his voice cool, almost brittle.
Your chest tightened. “We should talk—”
“Oh, should we?” Loki let out a sharp, humorless laugh. “Let me guess: you’ve finally come to tell me everything is over, haven’t you? Perhaps the glorious Thor awaits, and you’re here to deliver my official dismissal.”
“That’s not—” You tried to interject, but Loki pressed on, eyes flashing with a raw, self-deprecating fury.
“Because that’s your duty, isn’t it?” he sneered. “To fulfill the alliance, marry my perfect brother, keep the Nine Realms content. And me? I’m the sideshow, the one you dallied with—”
“I didn’t—”
He cut you off again, voice cracking with hurt. “It’s cruel, you know, tempting me like that. Letting me believe—for a moment—that someone powerful and stunning as you could want the lesser prince. I was a fool to think otherwise.”
Blood pounded in your ears. “Loki, just listen—” But he wouldn’t. He hurled his pent-up anguish at you in a torrent of bitter words, each one slicing deeper than the last.
“Tell me, was it sport for you? Some fleeting interest in the ‘trickster,’ so you could see how far I’d chase after a dream?” His laughter was hollow, eyes shimmering with tears he wouldn’t let fall. “I almost let myself believe you saw more in me than everyone else does. But now, you’re here to confirm I was just deluding myself. Well, hurry up, then! Deliver your grand speech of sympathy, or pity, or whatever nonsense you’ve conjured—”
“Enough!” Your patience snapped, voice rising in a rare shout that echoed across the courtyard. Loki blinked in shock; you’d never raised your voice before.
Chest heaving, you advanced on him in three swift steps, your normally composed demeanor shattered. You seized Loki by the lapels of his cloak, yanking him closer. “You don’t know a damn thing about what I’m here to say,” you growled. His eyes widened, the tirade in his throat dying unspoken. Before he could counter, you closed the distance and pulled him into a bruising kiss.
At first, Loki stiffened in disbelief, a trembling exhale escaping against your lips. Then, as if gravity itself shifted, he melted into you, slender fingers clinging to your embroidered robes. Everything about him—his taste, the warmth of his skin—flooded your senses, drowning out the world.
Your heart thundered in your ears, and you pressed closer, the height difference letting you tilt his face up to deepen the kiss. He made a small, desperate sound, arms snaking around your waist as though afraid you might vanish.
When you finally tore your mouth away, your breathing was ragged. Loki’s chest rose and fell with equal intensity, his eyes brimming with confusion, longing, and a fragile hope.
“Why—” he rasped, voice unsteady, “why are you doing this?”
“Because I love you, you stubborn fool.” The words spilled out in an impassioned rush. You grasped his chin, forcing him to meet your gaze. “I spoke to Thor. He knows everything. He told me to come find you.”
Loki blinked rapidly, tears threatening to spill. “Thor—Thor knows?”
You nodded, thumbs brushing his cheeks. “He knows I never wanted this alliance with him. Not in the way Odin planned. He knows my heart belongs to you.”
His breath caught in his throat, tears threatening to spill over. “Do you realize what you’re risking?”
You answered by leaning down to kiss him again, gentler this time—an unspoken vow. “I know precisely what I’m risking. And for you, I’d risk more.”
Loki managed the faintest of smiles, a trembling little expression that held more hope than you’d ever seen on his face. Slowly, he looped his arms around your waist, resting his head against your chest. He was noticeably smaller under your protective hold, and it dawned on you how easily you could cocoon him from the rest of the world.
“You’re unbelievably stubborn,” he muttered, attempting a wry tone but failing to mask his emotion.
A relieved laugh rumbled low in your throat. “I could say the same about you, trickster.”
#x male reader#male reader#marvel loki#marvel mcu#marvel comics#marvel cinematic universe#avengers#mcu#the avengers fandom#marvel#loki laufeyson#loki odinson#loki series#loki x reader#loki fanfic#mcu loki#loki marvel#loki#loki laufesyon x reader#loki laufeyson fanfic#loki laufeyson imagine#loki laufeyson x reader#loki laufeyson x you#Loki laufeyson x male reader#male reader insert#male reader fanfic#male reader imagine#thor#thor odinson#iron man
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okay sorry for the terrible as sin picture quality but it’s 4:25 in the morning and Amazon prime doesn’t let you screenshot from its app and I’m as slaphappy as I am literally exhausted but I just got done watching the ace attorney movie and I stayed awake just enough to catch shu takumi next to Larry in the audience when Phoenix wins the trial in the movie’s expansion on 1-4

Bonus people sweeping up the confetti after the trial and miles with a guitar for some reason

#OKAY EVERYONE GOOD FUCKING NIGHT MY ASS IS TIRED HERE YOU GO TAKE THIS IS ALL YOU GET!!!!#I’m gonna have to rewatch this because even though I know the story I don’t want to be. Literally falling asleep during it#Its not that it was boring or anything it’s just that its really really late#ace attorney#ace attorney movie
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guys ive been drawing so much lately I've been starting to actually hate it 🙁
#i LOVE drawing and always wanna do it#but lately I feel like I'm being forced to draw stuff 🥲 even if it's of my own doing#art class. the school project I just started. the animations I make. other stuff.#I feel like I'm constantly on time limits for them (and for some of them i AM 😭)#even if there's literally 0 reasons for me to rush myself i feel SO guilty if I don't#especially when I share the wips here and ppl leave rlly sweet comments like “this is awesome! I can't WAIT to see it done <3”#those comments make me SO happy#but once my motivation starts to wane after working on a wip for days I'm like “no I HAVE to continue I've basically promised everyone this#even if I didn't... actually promise anything to anyone.... 😬#when I asked for drawing requests a few days ago I was like “haha I'll probably only get one or two ☺️”#then they just kept on coming and coming and I'm like “FUCK. WE'RE REALLY IN IT NOW 😨 SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL WHAT HAVE I DONE”#and even though i KNOW I can take my sweet ass time on them#I'm still like “fuck. I NEED TO DO THIS NOW. I basically begged for drawing requests and it'd make them sad if I don't 😭😭”#if someone sent me a request and I havent drawn anything for you yet I'm sorry 😭😬#I know the logical answer to EVERYTHING would be “take a break doofus”#but the idea of *NOT* DRAWING OUTSIDE OF MY REQUIRED ART STUFF!!??? shiver me timbers#and now I'm just drawing. drawing. drawing. drawing. drawing. guilt. procrastination. more guilt.#I draw for SO MANY “pick how you do it” school projects outside of my art classes mostly bc its the easiest option LMAO#but then I get home after doing that all day and im like. fuck. there's more to draw. more to do. I don't wanna do it.#but I'm extremely bored and dont know what to do without it 🙁#you could probably write a poem out of that or something ngl LOL#anyways sorry for being a bummer. I'm gonna keep drawing for my school project after this bc I havent learned a thing 🥲 ciao ✌️#rant#rant post#vent post#artist vent#blog#*falls over dead*#I'll post like normal after this dw
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Stayed up too late and now I’m scared
#I’m fine. I’ll be fine#I’m gonna dieeeeee I will be behind on school work!!!#actually anxiety canceled it’s now time to be a bitch#not even really but this person I went on a weird date with I thought it’d be chill if we stayed friends and I straight up don’t like them#first date was fine. we talked a lot and they spent the night BUT we didn’t have sex or even kiss#we cuddled in the morning a little but that was also weird. since then I have not loved our hangs#I feel like they aren’t nice Enough to service workers and make weird judgy comments and the last time we were out their backpack was sooo-#in the way of the staff at the restaurant and it didn’t need to be and they just like let their hair get EVERYWHERE and it’s nasty#I showed up 20 mins late to our last hang#I barely text them back and it’s ALWAYS them reaching out first and I do one text responses#but they just texted asking to get drinks on Sunday if I’m bored. NO? also I think they didn’t let me pay on the first date#one of us has to or it’s not a date to me. we take turns or we’re not even friends#and we’re not really friends the hangs are not that fun like maybe I’m just too much of a sweetheart but. the conversations are dry#its like coworker talk to me. that’s not fully true it’s sometimes more interesting but it’s also so nothing#whatever I could communicate better but I think I’ll just ignore the text bc the only thing I want to send rn is ‘busy’#I wish they would drop it but also that makes me feel kind of hypocritical as someone who tries to reach out to people a lot#also for those who don’t know I almost always fuck on the first date - the fact that they came home n we didn’t have any sex?#we even talked abt practicing safe sex so we acknowledged that we both have it. we just didn’t. I dont wanna with them but still how boring#‘if you’re feeling bored n wanna get drinks again or smth’ shut uuuuup!!! i don’t know you and I don’t respect your time!#they deserve better bc i literally don’t care abt them or respect their time. like if i were them id drop me.#thats not negative self talk or anything either i just have been a bad friend cuz I don’t care. so go talk to sm1 else!
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finished a long-ish comic for @jancyweeks … now time to try and write some fic?
#actually so in love with my sketches#drawing has been so easy lately its very weird#meanwhile im really struggling with the whole writing thing#because i start writing a scene but get so derailed with the characters side thoughts#doesnt matter if its jonathan or nancy or whoever i just make them have so many thoughts#to the point of it truly hindering anything happening in the scene and everythings just weird introspection#mainly because i write about v mundane moments and really plotty things are too hard for me#i mean i can only write in my downtime i cant just get in some writing between shifts or meetings or whatever#its for downtime downtime#thats how i operate#but i have no downtime#so all my fic ideas are essentially - what if they kissed#what if they said this thing to the other person and the other person said something back#what if they held hands and walked down a street#what if i make them kiss what if they make out#what if they breathe#what if they sleep#and then when it does have a plot its like what if they breathe but its her BIRTHDAY#what if she takes a nap but she also gives him a HAIRCUT#i just love boring things im so sorry#sleepy teenagers doing simple things while overanalyzing the hell out of each other and saying petty things about hawkins high#its all i can offer#stranger things#jancy#writing#personal#text#and yes this is a cry for help#social battery drained from halloween and writing tumblr tags helps me recharge apparently
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aughh man its like. i want to watch something but nothing on youtube is good and everything being recommended to me feels like mindless slop but also i dont feel like there's any good shows out right now that i could watch and i also dont really want to rewatch anything and at its core i think im bored and a little bit creatively unfulfilled
#jaytalking#like gem put out a new hermitcraft and i normally would enjoy it (started watching her this season and its been nice) but i watched the fir#first eight or so minutes maybe less. and i just was like. eh.#i dont know why but its like. i just want to watch something good#really i should rewatch the bear or severance but really i should probably just go read a book. thats probably my issue#or play pokemon bc that will give me a dripfeed of dopamine or w/e. im no brain chemist#also this is gonna sound so lame but we didn't do anything mentally challenging in calc today which was nice. but also its nice for me to#have math that i can do bc genuinely im like. oh im bored? might as well go do some math because its just like doing a puzzle. that rewards#me (green check and points) for being right.#also ive been thinking about maybe getting a degree in math lately. but i dont even know what id do with it. fuckin not statistics#and i dont want to teach or go into academia. really i just want to have fun little puzzles to do because really that's all math has been#and also i want to watch dunmeshi or frieren but also i dont and man. its really just boredom that's the killer#also i had a coffee earlier and i don’t know if that’s also part of this lol. like i got so much stimulation and now it’s warm off im like.#well what now.
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: fem reader ノ established relationship ノ sexual content: riding dick ノ playing dumb for a boy ノ some light humping ノ reader has kinda long hair ノ size difference.
you’re so desperate for clueless CLARK KENT’s attention that you play dumb and get him to mansplain his video game to you while you sit in his lap. he’s been busy lately and to get him to take the hint you wear one of your shortest skirts, invite yourself into the best seat in the house, and ask, “what’s this?” gesturing to his lit tv screen.
he explains it all, some boring lore he’s really into and the controls and the tricky part he’s stuck on right now.. and you resist the urge to roll your eyes at him. his pretty girl is sitting in his lap and he’s not even paying it any mind. but clark is paying it mind. he’s rambling bcos he’s nervous, and if you’d turn your head you’d see the pink dusting his cheeks. he can feel your bare thighs through his denim, and your floral shampoo fills his nose… he trails off mid sentence when he focuses too hard on the growing interest in his pants.
“i wanna play.” you say when you’ve had enough of his aimless babble, and without thinking it through, clark places the controller snugly in your palms, while his larger hands overlay yours.
“alright, so this button…” his thumb atop yours presses down in a click, and you see the avatar swipe air with his sword because of it. “is your attack move… and this—“ you’re not paying any attention to what he’s teaching you. instead, your brain conjures up evil memories of everything you’ve been missing. your eyes wander to the corner of his bed he’s sitting on, and you wish he’d fold you over on it like before. wrestle you down and pin you so he could flip your little skirt up and get to work. you’re tuning out his words while he’s playing the game over your hands which dampen with sweat, suddenly hot and bothered at the thought of him fucking you in this position… if only he were brave enough to unbuckle his pants.
your lips press together, your heart rate quickens, and clark’s ears perk up. thump thump… thump thump… thump thump…
he inhales sharply, right as the sting of what it feels like to be filled by him shoots up your core like lightning. you jump in place a little at the cruel trick your mind is playing on you, and the friction of your ass bumping against his halfie makes it twitch as it chubs up. the avatar’s HP lowers little by little as its enemies overwhelm it, but neither of you move.
“why didn’t you say anything?” clark’s breathless words come out husky and sultry as he chuffs them out of his teeth, lifting you up and down by your hips like you’re nothing more than a weight at the gym. your hands lay atop his, twisting your face as that cock buries itself right where you needed it, bullying that spongy spot in you sore from neglect. “i’ve been thinking about you, too…” he fills the silence, paired with the wet sounds of an eager pussy swallowing him up. he yanks you back, and you land on his chest still clothed, your hair bunches up on his shoulder while his lips find your ear. your hips now married with his, he rolls yours, screwing his dick into you like he’s rediscovering all your nooks n crannies.
one arm rounds you to secure you against him in a warm embrace, seeking out your clit between your spread legs, toying with it like taffy and it makes you whine.
“you didn’t have to act like you cared about my game,” he’s taunting you, right in your ear, ending it with a gentle nip of his teeth to your shell. the point of his canine sends a shock through you, and your legs straighten involuntarily. he keeps you where he wants you with overpowering strength, you can’t raise yourself when he’s got you in a vice. his thumb and index feel cruel against your bud, as if chastising you for trying to trick him.
“well, it worked, didn’t it?” you exhale, leisurely squirming against him desperate for some movement. there’s pride in your voice.
“this skirt worked.” he corrects. the skirt now bunched up around your waist about the same time he’d pushed his denim out of the way so he could free his cock and give you a new seat. “could hear your heartbeat, you were so obvious… c’mere.” he grants your wish for more, pushing you forward so he could gather your arms behind you. bent, your feet barely toe the ground while he uses your wrists to leverage you, tugging you back while he bounces you up with the force of his hips.
#4k#ch: clark#clark kent drabble#clark kent smut#clark kent x reader#clark kent x fem reader#clark kent x you#clark kent x y/n#clark kent imagine#clark kent fanfiction#smallville smut#smallville x reader#reader insert
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a flicker, a push

synopsis: it’s a stupid, reckless game—glances that linger too long, touches that almost don’t happen, a silent challenge.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader
⊹ ࣪ ˖ notes: this is the giveaway fic won by @obs3ss3dd! I hope you like it 🩷 if you want to request a fanfic like this one then feel free to check my kofi! <3

it’s a stupid game. really, it is, and it shouldn’t be this fun.
sneaking around like you’re doing something wrong—even when, technically, you are—shouldn’t make your heart race like this. but it does.
it always does.
it starts the way it always does—at lunch, in the middle of the crowded cafeteria where no one pays you much attention.
kaminari’s halfway through a story you’re sure is exaggerated, mina’s flopped against your shoulder complaining about midterms, and the smell of overcooked rice lingers in the air.
it’s loud and chaotic, the kind of place where things slip by unnoticed.
or they would—if he weren’t sitting across the room.
bakugou looks bored. always does. he’s leaned back in his chair, tray untouched in front of him, answering whatever kirishima’s saying with a grunt.
his eyes should be on them—on his friends, the noise, anything but you. but they aren’t.
you know because you can feel it—feel him—even before you glance his way.
and when you do, he doesn’t look away.
it’s brief—just a flicker of a glance beneath his lashes—but you catch it. the sharp, knowing edge of his stare. the heat behind it.
you shouldn’t react. you know that. but your foot still shifts beneath the table, brushing against the boot that’s somehow found its way to yours.
his boot presses back.
you swallow down the urge to kick him. barely.
“are you even listening?” mina groans, dragging your attention back.
“mm?” you blink, playing innocent. “yeah. something about midterms, right?”
her groan turns dramatic, collapsing against your side like she’s personally offended.
“you’re the worst. I was saying that if I fail math again, it’s your fault for not tutoring me properly.”
you laugh, the sound easy—normal—but you still feel the weight of his stare, heavy across the room. “not my fault you don’t listen.”
mina huffs, but she’s already moved on to her next complaint. you let her words blur together, leaning into her shoulder just enough to keep up appearances.
beneath the table, katsuki’s boot bumps yours again—harder this time. like a challenge.
you press back.
by the time lunch ends, you’re halfway to your next class when a hand catches your wrist. rough fingers curl around your skin—not tight, not pulling, just enough to stop you mid-step.
“you’re gonna make us late,” you murmur, even as he tugs you into the alcove behind the stairwell.
“don’t care,” he says, but it’s softer than it should be.
you roll your eyes, but you don’t resist when he moves closer.
his grip loosens just enough for your fingers to slide between his—solid and warm, even as his scowl deepens.
“why do you always pick the most obvious spots?” you ask, tilting your head up at him. “someone’s gonna see.”
his other hand moves to your back, pulling you into the solid warmth of his chest before you can protest. “then let ‘em,” he mutters.
it’s not fair, how good he smells—like caramel and something sharp underneath. the kind of scent that lingers, even when you try to shake it off.
you stay like that longer than you should, face tucked against his collar as his fingers slide absently along the curve of your neck.
“you’re annoying,” you grumble against his shirt.
“yeah?” he leans down, his mouth brushing your temple. “you’re worse.”
you snort softly but let your arms curl around his waist anyway, the warmth of him seeping through his uniform.
his grip tightens. just a little.
you should pull away. you really should. but when he’s like this—quiet and warm, his heart thudding steadily beneath your ear—it’s hard to think about anything else.
and maybe it’s reckless. but you don’t let go.
the day drags on, and the sneaking doesn’t stop.
in class, when the teacher isn’t looking, he taps his pencil against your arm until you glare at him.
when you try to ignore him, he does it again—this time with a flick of paper that bounces off your shoulder.
you shoot him a look, but all he does is smirk, mouth twitching like he knows exactly how much he’s getting under your skin.
it’s worse when you catch him watching.
and it’s always when you least expect it—when your focus dips, or when you’re too busy pretending he doesn’t exist. he’s subtle about it, too, barely moving.
but his gaze is heavy—always heavy—and when your eyes meet his across the room, there’s something sharp and electric humming beneath his skin.
you pretend not to notice.
you’re not sure you succeed.
the next time it happens, it’s at the vending machine.
you’re waiting for your drink to drop, tapping your fingers against the side impatiently, when he moves in behind you. too close for an acquaintance you ‘barely’ interact with.
close enough that his arm brushes yours when he reaches for the button next to yours.
“you’re in the way,” you say, but your voice isn’t half as sharp as it should be.
he doesn’t budge. “your fault for taking so long.”
you scoff, grabbing your drink, but as you step back, his hand catches yours—quick and deliberate, his fingers curling between yours just long enough to make your stomach flip.
it’s brief. so brief no one else would notice. but when you glance up, his eyes are already on you—hot and daring—and your breath stumbles in your chest.
“move,” you mutter, squeezing his hand before letting go.
he does—but not without brushing his shoulder against yours on the way out.
at last, it’s kirishima who catches on first, somehow.
you’re halfway through the afternoon, sitting with mina on the couch in the dorm common room, flipping through channels, when he drops onto the armrest beside you.
“you two aren’t subtle, y’know,” he says, grinning like he’s too pleased with himself.
you blink, heart stuttering for a second too long. “what?”
he snickers. “you and bakugou. you think no one’s noticed?”
your stomach flips—because, shit.
kirishima, to his credit, doesn’t sound the least bit surprised. if anything, he looks impressed.
“man, I’m kinda proud of you,” he laughs, clapping a hand on your shoulder. “didn’t think anyone could put up with him for this long without blowing up.”
you roll your eyes, forcing your pulse to settle. “I’m a very patient person.”
“yeah, clearly.” his grin widens, too sharp and knowing. “still, you gotta work on your poker face, dude. you’re making it too easy.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie, too quickly.
“uh-huh.” he tilts his head toward the other side of the room—where katsuki’s sitting, looking completely uninterested.
except for the way his knee bounces a little too quickly, the way his eyes keep flicking your way when he thinks no one’s looking.
kirishima snorts. “real convincing.”
you want to deny it. should deny it.
but across the room, katsuki’s boot nudges against yours again—like he knows exactly what’s being said.
and he doesn’t stop.

kofi — navigation — masterlist

do not copy, translate, or plagarize
#bakugou x reader#mha x y/n#bakugou x y/n#bakugou katsuki x reader#bakugo x reader#bakugo x y/n#bakugou katsuki x you#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bakugou x you#bakugou x fem!reader#katsuki bakugou x you#katsuki bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugo x female reader#bakugo x you#bakugo katsuki x reader#katsuki x female reader#katsuki x you#katsuki x reader#katsuki x y/n#katsuki bakugou x female reader
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jealousy jealousy!
when hes just a little (very) jealous of someone else
bllk boys (nagi, rin, reo) x reader: insecurities, fluff!!!!!!!, established r/s except for rin (but you two get into one by the end!), nagis part was deleted and rewritten TT, not proof read + likes n reblog r appreciated <3
nagi seishiro:
“eh… you cleared this level already…? i thought you were struggling with it..?” nagi’s voice muffled against the pile of blankets his face was smushed in, looking up at you confusedly from your phone, displaying the game level cleared.
its not that he doesnt believe you cleared it all by yourself, if anything youre pretty good at this game despite only playing it for him. its simply because you were complaining on call with him about it, and all of the sudden youve finished it? he doesnt quite believe it, hes gone through that level too and he knows its pretty challenging, taking a little more energy than it really should have even for nagi himself.
“ah.. my seatmate cleared it for me this morning when he saw me playing it!” its strange: your bright voice always wakes him up a little, bringing light into his otherwise dull and boring life. yet this time, he feels his heart pang a little.
its troublesome. he doesnt like feeling this way: his heart tightens at your words, he unconsciously grips your phone a little, only realising when the screen protector cuts him a little, and he feels as though hes getting all fired up strangely the same way he gets on the field. if anything, nagi doesnt even know who this mysterious seat partner is, and he sure doesnt want to know: its troublesome to socialise with others after all. and yet, if there’s anything he’s now set on doing as though his life depends on it, as though your relationship with him depends on it, as though his ego depends completely on this: he wants to confront this guy and challenge him in an actual game competition. he knows he’ll win, he has spent his entire life in bed playing mobile game or spending late hours of the night on grinding back to immortal on different variety of games from valorant to league of legends to overwatch. he’s covered his grounds he thinks, that maybe all those time wasn’t wasted at all other than the fact that you weren’t with him during those time: lending him your lap to lie down on when he plays his switch or phone, lending him your support when you sit on his lap on his chair squirming to keep it a challenge to win and carry his team still, even more lending him your accounts when he plays with you, helping carry you in any game you want or even just building your islands together on animal crossing or minecraft on more chill days.
nagi doesn’t get it - really, its the same ego that drives him in football, not wanting to lose. his eyes flicker with sudden fire and intensity that only burns whenever he plays games with you: whether that be when you die in a pvp game and him immediately straightening his back to avenge you, earning aces for rounds straight until the screen flashes with victory, or when someone talks bad about you in the voice channel and is immediately reacted with nagi’s voice that defends your honour as if he’s your knight in shining armour, or even simply the way his hands click on the mouse quickly whenever he sees a zombie go near you in the dark cave whilst playing something as chill as minecraft. if anything, nagi think it might just apply to real life too: his hands tugging at yours as though on instinct in record speed when you trip on another branch to prevent you from falling, his glare at others whenever they bother you too much that is visible through the awkward smile you give and your hands finding its way to fiddle with his shirt.
and the same ego is clear to him now: he doesn’t want anyone else to be yours, he wants to be the only one to help you. selfish maybe, but he’ll deliver - the way he tracks your figure in the map from valorant to minecraft to even genshin, the way he fights to protect you from the enemies, his hands animatedly clicking at his mouse and the other navigating his keyboard all at the same time in order to garner the best and most successful result that he knows will get you to smile oh so brightly that makes his heart pound, or even the way he charges his old switch just to help you play animal crossing on his own account, maintaining your village and neglecting his all to make a cute little house for you inspired by your pinterest board even though it takes him all night.
and to you, its clear: he’s upset at what you’ve done with the way he deflates even more than he already is. and it clicks. a routine and cycle you’ve unintentionally broken - you complaining about a level or rank you can’t get out of, he’ll listen and ask you about it the next day when youre back at his house, and he’ll fix it just as he always down: an unspoken agreement really.
“sorry sei… i still can’t clear the next level.. help me seiiii…” and suddenly he’s back lying right on your pillowy thighs: the way his eyes that was just seconds ago filled with intensity that you think simply doesn’t fit his face closes with comfort as you massage his scalp again with his fingers, the way his face smushes against your thighs comfortably rather than the weird feeling of him hovering on your thigh as though he wanted to get up, the way his hands no longer grip your phone tightly and instead holds your hand, fitting it right in perfectly.
“kay… its not bothersome with you..” he says, a confession of love from himself. he’ll never find it annoying if its you: he thinks he would play the dinosaur game from having no internet for hours on end if you liked watching him play it, he thinks he’d fight against the same boss for even days straight if you said you needed the materials for it for your character, and he knows he will most definitely help you finish any level you can’t. and something he wont say, a quiet confession springs in his mind: he loves you and most definitely he loves to play for you. and based on you willingly passing him your phone, maybe, just maybe, he wont give in to his impulses and actually find that guy - only shooting daggers at him that sends a shiver down his spine when he waits outside your class for you to release after school.
rin itoshi:
its not the first time rin felt this pang in his chest: he felt it when his older brother kicks the ball to any other member of the football team to shoot for the goal, he felt it when his teammates seems to be able to shoot he ball even more accurately than he does, he felt it when his brother praised yoichi instead of him. he’s always regarded that feeling as something football related: he’s never felt too much emotions outside of his passion and hobbies either way - but lately, he thinks he feels it a lot whenever he’s with you. perhaps, the seed from before blue lock has started blooming: the day you boarded the bus with him to the facility that was hours away from yours and his house that made his cheeks stain with pink as he sits right beside you, eating the filling breakfast you made for him, beaming at him so brightly as you wave him goodbye that makes him hesitate for the first time in his life.
and right now, he doesn’t get it. its not like there’s a lack of chocolates at his desk, if anything its quite the opposite. there’s practically a mountain of chocolates of different variety that would surely fulfill his secret sweet tooth - from dark chocolate in a heart shape mold bought from a fancy shop, from milk chocolates in squares sprinkled with heart shaped sweet bits on top, or even strawberries dipped in white chocolate. and yet, if looks could kill, that guy who’s holding YOUR chocolate box would have died, guts spilled right on the classroom door like those cliche horror games he plays. rin doesn’t get it: its not as if youre close witht that guy,youre his seat partner for all the years you’ve spent together since kindergarten, and he’s sure that that guys no one special right? and its out of character when rin thinks harder about a nobody in his class: do you like band kids like that lame guy? (he did learn the guitar for fun when he was younger, should bring it out from under his bed again?) do you like guys who are a little better at math? (maybe he should study for this weeks math quiz he thinks) or do you like guys who have leadership roles? (he’ll ask to be captain of the football team, its obvious anyways, he’s the best in this dull football club in his school)
usually, when he feels this same pang in his chest, he ignores it, keep mum about it and just work harder instead until the glass shards leave his heart - and yet he can’t do that strangely despite the routine between you two staying: where you and him sit together at the back of the class, playing your phone at the back oops the class unbeknownst to the teacher, giggling and whispering about whatever, your feet kicking his occasionally from the lack of distance that makes his face a little pink. yet, here he is eyeing that last chocolate underneath your table, its unlike the others he noted - unlike the mini chocolate cup you passed to that guy who he wishes to punch simply because of the smug smirk that was plastered on his face, unlike the small chocolate bars you presented to the other girls in the class, and even more special definitely from the chocolate candies you sneak into both his and yours mouth during class. its heart-shaped, reminiscent of the other chocolate now angrily thrown into one plastic bag that he plans to eat whilst crying about this the second he reaches home, a ribbon tied messily clearly with much effort too, and even pasted mini heart papers.
and its not until recess when youre alone with rin in class as per routine, everyone leaving for lunch does he do something about it for the first time in his life about this nagging and tugging feeling that makes him feel like a little kid again. and it just might have been the universe way of telling the two of you how connected you two are: as you struggle to find the courage to give him the slightly burnt chocolate brownies inside the heart shaped box.
“i.. like you.” “f-for you rin..!”
its simultaneous, at the exact same time, where the clock struck 1:00pm.
the confession he’s kept all these years, since the first day he’s met you at kindergarten where you two practically were fixed at the hips ever since: seat partners since primary school all the way up until now where youre both now seventeen and about to go to university and him to become a professional football player soon. ten years - ten years of looking at you as if he’s so far away when youre with anyone but him as he feels the friendship bracelet around his wrist for reassurance, ten years of writing confession letters after confession letters and poetries only to rip them all apart, yelling into his pillow and kicking his feet like a maiden in love, ten years of looking at you pass chocolates every single time during valentines except to him. its unlike rin, he’s never been good at expressing himself, believing in action over words - the way he carries your files and extra bags after school, the way he always listens and remembers what you say and even buy things you’ve mentioned offhandedly with his own pocket money, the way he never hesitates to carry you back home even when his leg is all jelly from football practice that he doesn’t tell you.
and its the same for you. the valentine gift you’ve made for him all these years: spanning from chocolate chip cookies you’ve made, to macrons you bought for him from his favourite bakery, or even his favourite blueberry pie your mother bought you - and yet all left underneath the table, secretly placed back in your bag for you to eat it whilst crying about your cowardice. and you hate it: these ten years of watching him carry a plastic bag full of physical confessions without any interest, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth even when youre staying over and opening a pack of these chocolates when you’re hungry, these ten years of looking bitterly at the friendship bracelet that is nothing more than a bitter reminder of how you’ll never be more because of your own cowardice, these ten years of looking at rin accept everyone’s chocolates but yours.
and for the first time in years, rin thinks it’s just right - when he places his lips on yours, melting into this sweet kiss with the brownie in his mouth. and he thinks you might just taste sweeter than the brownie melting between the two of yours mouth.
reo mikage:
he doesn’t get this tight feeling wrapping like thorns around his heart - seeing you so close with a classmate, smiling as he seems to be teaching you something through the windows of your classroom. it’s clearly not the exhaustion from climbing all the way from his class at the first level to yours at the fourth with this being the millionth time hes done this like a instinct every time the bell rings, its not the way your hands seems to linger so close to his practically touching someone’s else hands that gets reo sweating cold beads of sweat down his neck, and its not jealousy at how someone else might just be better than him. realistically he knows, you’re probably just having difficulties in your academics, a normal human thing but he can’t help the bitter bile that rises to his mouth - he can teach you too evident from the library dates where he helps you go through your homework and teach you the same concepts like hes made for it and hes definitely better than that classmate right? hes smarter, he tops the class every single exam without fail with his name always plastered on the results sheet as number one, he’s much more charming he would like to believe with your smile always reaching your eyes that he adores, and he’s much more useful with the way he can teach you whilst helping you with other things like while buying you food on his phone, fixing your broken pens, or something. he swallows the bitter bile, walking into the practically empty class with just you and that.. classmate, scruntising his every detail in his mind all whilst putting on the charming facade hes too used to having on - one that you can tell by the furrowing of your eyebrows at him as he grabs a chair and slides it beside you as though looking at your homework.
“haven’t i taught you this before?” its petty, he knows, its quite literally a new chapter, one that he knows your class just started on. but he thinks it does the job when he sees your classmate suddenly feel uncomfortable - perhaps its the tone of his voice that underlies irritation clearly meant for him, perhaps its the subtle passive aggressive smile aimed at him, or perhaps its the intimidation of having reo mikage right next to you clearly upset with you. he doesn’t really enjoy the title placed on him, if anything sometimes he loathes the reputation that comes with his family name, with people looking at him as only that and never as reo - but just this time does he thank the stars for his luck.
“huh?” he can tell, youre confused, and he thinks youre just so oblivious or maybe hes just weirdly jealous of something so insignificant that even your brain can’t comprehend him at all. but he doesn’t mind it as he glanced sideways at your classmate - awkwardly and quickly packing his bag, leaving just you and reo sitting at your desk.
and its awkward silence, with him looking at your homework that he just received just an hour ago and hasn’t started on too, and you looking confused at him. its not unfamiliar to see reo in your class, its practically routine at this point, except he usually just stands outside until youre done with packing your bag, taking it right from your hands the second you step out of your class.
“so.. who was that?” he cant help the way his voice suddenly sounds so soft, as though its about to crack, as if hes about to cry. he tries to clear his throat to even it out, and even so, he definitely sounded a little too out of character - out of character for how he presents himself: nothing short of perfect. and he knows youve caught it, the cats out of the bag, when he sees the sides of your mouth tug up a little as you zip your bag.
“just a classmate reo really…” your voice a little teasing, looking at him knowingly, as his hands tug at your bag, slinging it around his right shoulder where it should belong. and he thinks its alright: the way you ruffle his hair that feels just so right that he leans in even closer and even bends down a little like a dog desperate for a pat, the way you beam at him that he knows is meant only for him that shifts the rest of your class to be nothing more than just a blur, the way your bag fits snugly on his shoulder as it was meant to be.
“yeah? it better be!~” he chirps, jealousy no longer gripping onto him like a chain tugging at his neck, reminiscent of the feeling he feels in his stuffy and restrictive home. and he knows it’ll be that way until the end of time: the way your hands tugs at his tightly as though you never want to let go either, the way you look at him as though he’s your entire world, the way you understand him even through a few words. soulmates, maybe, and perhaps he has no reasons to ever feel this bitter feeling that burns his throat.
#itoshi rin x reader#rin itoshi x reader#itoshi rin fluff#rin x reader#nagi seishiro x reader#seishiro nagi x reader#nagi x reader#nagi fluff#reo mikage x reader#mikage reo x reader#reo x reader#reo fluff#blue lock x reader#bllk x reader#bllk fluff#rin.<3
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steve harrington's phone number
@steddiebingo prompt: van | 1.7k words | rated T
“Stupid- useless piece of shit!” Eddie barely manages to pull his coughing, spluttering van over to the side of the road before it chokes to a stop with a dying wheeze. “Fucking drama queen.” He gets out and gives the side of the van a good kick, chastizing it for its very loud and inconvenient death.
Just his luck it would decide to break down here, on a nothing stretch of road several miles outside of town. Too far to walk but not all that long of a drive if his stupid car could’ve just toughed it out a little while longer. “You really couldn’t have held on for like ten more minutes?” he grumbles, kicking the van again. The van, of course, does not answer and remains quite dead. Eddie mutters a few more curses and pulls his jacket tighter around himself against the late November chill as he wanders around to the front of the car to pop the hood.
It’s an entirely useless gesture, popping the hood. Even before he opens it he knows he’s still not going to have a single clue what’s broken or how to fix it. The inner workings of a car are utterly foreign to him, an alien language of metal and grease that he stupidly never cared to learn. He stares blankly at the incomprehensible jumble of machinery before him, cursing himself for all those times he’d evaded and complained his way out of Wayne’s attempts to teach him how to do his own auto repairs. His uncle’s boring handyman lessons would’ve really come in handy right now, if only he’d had the foresight to listen.
With a huffed out sigh, Eddie slams the hood back down. He’s going to have to call someone.
Thankfully he can see a roadside payphone not too far off in the distance, about half a mile out maybe. He rummages through his pockets and paws around the front seat of the van for any spare change he could use. He’d just blown through most of the money he had on him at a record store in Indy, but he manages to scrounge up enough coins for one call. Just one. So he has to choose wisely. He starts his trudge to the payphone while he runs through a mental list of options, feeling increasingly frustrated and hopeless as he crosses each of them off one by one.
A tow truck is too expensive. His uncle is at work. Half his friends can’t drive, and not a single one of them knows anything about cars anyways so they wouldn’t be much help beyond a ride home (and he’d really rather not have to just leave his van on the side of the road). He needs someone who’s free, can drive, and has enough of a working knowledge of cars to possibly be able to give his van enough of a second wind to make it home.
Which is how he finds himself in a dingy little phone booth punching in Steve Harrington’s number - a number he’s never called before yet somehow memorized, recalling it clearly in his mind’s eye in the scrawl of Steve’s handwriting on notebook paper.
“Harrington residence, Steve speaking,” Steve’s voice comes through the line, automatic and rehearsed.
“Okay, I’ll make fun of that weirdly formal greeting later,” Eddie decides, “but right now, uh- man, I really hate to do this, but do you happen to know anything about fixing cars?”
“Eddie, hey,” Steve sounds almost startled to hear from him. “Um, yeah, I mean, I’m no expert or anything, but I know enough to get by. Why?”
“My van just broke down on my way back from the city and I was hoping you might be willing to do me a huge huge favor and come out here and see if you can help me get her started again.” Eddie puts all the desperation he can into his voice, which really isn’t hard. His distress is 100% genuine. “Please? I’m desperate here, Harrington. I’d be forever in your debt, I’ll-”
“Okay,” Steve says before Eddie can start bargaining. So simply, so easily. He really wasn’t expecting it to be that easy.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll help you. Where are you?”
Eddie breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god- thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I owe you my life, seriously-”
“Munson,” Steve cuts him off again, repeating his question, “where are you?”
“Right, yeah.” Eddie gives his best approximation of where he is and Steve promises to be there as soon as he can before hanging up. Feeling a little bit lighter now, Eddie treks back to wait by his van.
The sun has just dipped below the horizon, streaking the sky with pink and gold, when Steve’s BMW pulls up and he steps out of the car bathed in the orange glow of sunset, looking every bit the rescuing angel. A dashing hero straight out of a fairytale; Eddie can almost picture him with a sword in his hands instead of a toolbox, a noble steed behind him instead of a car.
He expresses only a satirized version of that sentiment, clasping his hands over his heart and gasping theatrically in greeting, “Harrington, my hero!” And he grins as Steve rolls his eyes in response.
“Hi, Eddie.” Steve approaches, plunks his toolbox on the front of the van and leans against it. “You know, I’m surprised you called me. It didn’t seem like you were ever going to.”
Eddie shrugs, hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I just- I couldn’t think of anyone else who’d be able to help me. I’m sorry if me calling you, like, freaked you out for a second there.”
Steve’s eyes narrow and his head tilts like a confused puppy. “Why would you calling freak me out?”
“Well, I mean, you only gave me your number in case something happened with the kids, right?” Eddie states. “So, I didn’t mean to make you worried at first that there might’ve been, like, a Dustin emergency or something.”
“Oh…” A number of emotions flicker across Steve’s face as he seems to come to some sort of realization, and his expression ultimately settles on vaguely amused. “Right, yeah. Totally.”
Now Eddie’s the one who’s confused, feeling like he’s missed a punchline. “Is that…not why you gave me your number?” It’s not like it had actually been explicitly stated, but they’d just been talking about the kids right before Steve had written his number down, so Eddie had just assumed that was the reason.
“No, it-” Steve shakes his head and smiles, a little bit fond, a little bit like he’s still sharing some kind of inside joke with himself. “It’s not important right now,” he decides. “Let’s just figure out your van first, alright? What was going on with it before it broke down?”
“Well, I don't actually know,” Eddie says, “but she was being very loud and dramatic about it.”
“Huh, I’ve heard of pets developing similar personalities to their owners but I’ve never heard of cars doing it.”
“Oh shut up.”
Steve grins, pushing himself off the front of the car so he can open the hood and take a look. He immediately starts to tinker around with some stuff. Eddie has absolutely no idea what he’s doing, but he sure looks good doing it. There’s a cold breeze in the air, getting colder by the minute with the slowly darkening sky, but something about watching Steve’s arms as he works a wrench into the machinery has Eddie feeling strangely warm.
Steve’s talking, probably trying to explain what he’s doing or what’s wrong with the van, though Eddie’s not catching a word of it. He couldn’t pay attention even if he tried, and not just because he’s distracted by Steve’s arms. The other half of his mind is still stubbornly stuck on the whole thing about Steve’s number, racking his brain trying to figure out why the hell else he would’ve given it to him.
He spends way too long replaying that moment, and all their previous and subsequent interactions, over and over again in his head before his memory finally starts to give notice to all Steve’s lingering glances, subtle once-overs, and suggestive smirks.
“Holy shit, you were flirting with me!” Eddie blurts out the realization as soon as it hits him. “When you gave me your number - you were trying to hit on me!”
Steve, who had been interrupted mid sentence, barks out a laugh. “Now he gets it,” he teases as he glances over at Eddie. “You know, I couldn't figure you out for a while. All this time you never called but would still say hi to me when I picked the kids up from Hellfire, I figured it was some sort of soft rejection. But you really were just completely oblivious, huh?”
“No yeah, I just have fucking rocks for brains apparently,” Eddie says, shaking his head self-deprecatingly as he rushes to reassure him, “I was definitely not rejecting you. Definitely, definitely not. Believe me, if I’d’ve known- I would’ve called so fast, man. I mean, trust me, your phone would’ve never stopped ringing.”
“Good to know.” Steve smiles, his eyes so golden and warm in the dusk it almost seems as if the sun is on its way back up. He returns his attention to the van, just for half a second to give the machinery one last tweak, and then he straightens and closes the hood, wiping the car grease from his hands off on his jeans as he announces, “Well, your car should start now, if you wanna test it out and make sure. And then we can, uh, continue this conversation?”
Eddie nods, hops back in the van, and turns his key in the ignition. It rumbles to life, and he lets out a laugh like a cheer. “You’re a goddamn miracle worker, Stevie!” he shouts.
“Glad I could help,” Steve calls back proudly.
Eddie revels in the sound of his not-dead van for a moment longer before he takes a deep breath, turns off the engine, and jumps out to stand in front of Steve again. “So.”
There’s a brief beat of buzzing silence. Eddie finds he doesn’t have all that much left to say, and he’s feeling far too giddy right now to be able to stand through some sappy discussion about how they feel about each other when it’s entirely unnecessary. He suggests instead, “Do you wanna just skip the conversation and go make out in the back of my van?”
Steve grins at him. “Absolutely.”
#oblivious eddie my beloved#he's just like me fr#steddiebingo2025#steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie fic#steddie fanfiction#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#ficlet#mine#1k
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Steal Your Way To My Heart - N.R (Part 1)

P: Bankrobber! Ni-ki X Fem!Reader
Requested by: @badtzsan (hope you like it <3)
Warnings: Teasing, Pursuing, Murder, Kidnapping, Violence, Obsession, Stalking, Flirting, Ni-ki just wanna cover you in jewels tbh.
Synopsis: Your life was boring—until a visit to the bank changes everything. Now you find yourself under the attention of one of the criminals. Now what do you do when the criminal's attention isn't just on the job but on you?
a/n: inspired by false alarm mv by the weeknd pr request :)
See request here
Your days were always underwhelming.
You’d wake up to the sound of your alarm, drag yourself out of bed, and go through the same motions: school, then work, then home. Over and over, like clockwork. And somewhere along the line, it became suffocating.
Each morning felt heavier than the last, your feet dragging like you were wading through wet cement. You found yourself staring out windows more often than not, watching the world pass you by. Same streets, same faces, same everything.
You craved something more. Something to set your blood pumping, your heart racing. You didn’t just want change—you needed it. The kind of adrenaline that would make you feel alive again, remind you that there was more out there than just this monotonous cycle you’d been stuck in.
But nothing ever happened.
You’d given up on expecting it. Change, excitement, anything—it wasn’t in the cards for you. At least, that’s what you thought.
Until one morning.
You were running late for work, your bag slung haphazardly over your shoulder as you weaved through the crowded streets. The morning rush wasn’t anything new, but you were moving too fast, too distracted, and you didn’t even notice the figure walking toward you until it was too late.
You crashed into him with enough force to make you stumble back a step. Your bag slipped from your shoulder, scattering its contents onto the sidewalk.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” you gasped, immediately crouching to gather your things.
“No, it’s my fault,” came the response, a smooth, low voice that made you pause mid-grab.
You glanced up, an automatic, polite apology ready on your lips—but it never made it out.
Your breath caught.
He was tall, towering over you even as he crouched to help pick up your things. Dark hair framed a sharp jawline, his skin smooth and flawless in the morning light. But it was his eyes that held you captive—piercing, intense, like they could see right through you. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe.
“You okay?” he asked, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You blinked, snapping out of your daze. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry again, I wasn’t paying attention.”
He handed you your phone, his fingers brushing against yours for the briefest moment. “Don’t worry about it. Happens to the best of us.”
You stood together, and now that you were face-to-face, the sheer presence of him was almost overwhelming. There was something about him that felt… off. Not in a bad way, but in a way that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Like he wasn’t supposed to be here, in this moment, colliding with you.
“Well, uh…” you began awkwardly, suddenly hyperaware of how plain your uniform looked compared to how effortlessly cool he was. “Thanks.”
Before he could respond, the distant chime of your phone’s clock reminded you that you were late—really late.
“I have to go,” you blurted, clutching your bag tightly.
He smiled again, softer this time, and nodded. “Of course. See you around…?”
You didn’t answer, too flustered as you turned and hurried off. But as you glanced back over your shoulder, he was still standing there, watching you with an expression you couldn’t quite place.
You didn’t know it then, but that moment would change everything.
You didn’t know it at first.
How could you? To you, it had just been a fleeting moment, an odd yet strangely thrilling encounter with a handsome stranger. Sure, his face had lingered in your mind longer than you’d like to admit, but life didn’t stop just because you ran into someone attractive.
Day after day, you returned to your routine: school, work, home. And yet… something felt different. Subtle, at first—like a faint whisper at the back of your mind. You’d catch yourself glancing over your shoulder as you walked down the street, or feeling your pulse quicken when a shadow flickered in your peripheral vision.
But you brushed it off. You were overthinking things, you told yourself. It was probably just your imagination playing tricks on you.
You didn’t know that it wasn’t.
Because he was watching you.
The same guy you’d crashed into that morning. Day after day, he followed you. He was careful, almost eerily so. He stayed just far enough away that you’d never notice. Blended into the crowd so seamlessly that you’d never think to look twice.
But he was there. Always.
He saw the way you rushed into work, cheeks flushed from the cold or the stress of running late. He saw the way you smiled politely at customers, even when they were rude to you. He saw the way your shoulders slumped when you thought no one was looking, the weariness of your routine weighing you down.
He saw you.
And every day, he learned more.
Your patterns, your habits. The exact time you’d leave your apartment in the morning. The small café you stopped by occasionally, ordering the same drink every time. The way you lingered outside the bookstore window after work, staring at the same display of novels you never seemed to have time to read.
You were fascinating to him.
But it wasn’t just fascination—it was something darker. Something possessive.
And it wasn’t long before the distance he kept began to shrink.
One night, as you left work later than usual, the streetlights barely illuminating the empty sidewalk ahead of you, you felt it again—that nagging feeling, like someone was watching you.
You glanced behind you, but there was nothing. Just the empty street stretching out behind you, silent except for the faint hum of distant traffic.
You shook your head, scolding yourself for being paranoid.
But as you turned back around, you didn’t see the figure slipping into the shadows, just a few steps behind where you’d been standing.
He was getting closer. And you still didn’t know.
He kept his distance, always careful, always calculated.
Day after day, he followed you, studying every detail of your life like it was a puzzle he needed to solve. But he never showed himself. Not yet.
He learned the way you brushed a strand of hair behind your ear when you were deep in thought, the way your lips pressed into a thin line when you were frustrated, and the soft laugh you let out when you read something funny on your phone. He memorized your patterns as if they were sacred—your favorite routes, the way you adjusted your pace when the streets were crowded, and the shortcuts you took when you were running late.
And still, you didn’t know.
But you began to feel it.
The unease settled in your chest like a stone, heavier each passing day. You couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was there—watching, waiting. When you walked home at night, the silence felt too loud, the shadows too alive. You found yourself glancing over your shoulder more often, your heart racing for reasons you couldn’t explain.
But no one was ever there.
You started locking your doors twice before bed, pulling the curtains closed even though you’d always liked the city lights spilling into your room. You told yourself you were just being paranoid. That nothing was wrong.
But he was getting bolder.
One night, as you walked home, your bag slung over your shoulder and your headphones in, you felt it again—that prickling sensation on the back of your neck. Your steps faltered, your hand tightening around the strap of your bag.
You paused and looked around, the dim streetlights casting long, eerie shadows on the empty road.
There was no one there.
You shook your head, muttering to yourself about how ridiculous you were being, and picked up your pace.
Behind you, in the shadows, he stood perfectly still, his head tilting ever so slightly as he watched you disappear down the street.
He could have reached out. Could have closed the distance between you. Could have made himself known.
But he didn’t. Not yet.
The bank was quiet, save for the faint hum of the air conditioning and the occasional shuffle of feet. You sat on a plastic chair near the wall, scrolling aimlessly through your phone, half-distracted by notifications you didn’t care enough to open.
It was late on a Friday, and the place was nearly empty—a few tellers behind the counter, a couple arguing softly over paperwork, a man in a suit sitting near the door, tapping his foot impatiently.
You weren’t expecting much. Just another mundane errand to tick off your never-ending list of obligations.
Then they walked in.
The doors burst open, slamming against the walls with a loud bang that echoed through the room. You looked up instinctively, your fingers freezing over your phone screen.
There were four of them, maybe five—it was hard to tell in the chaos that followed. They were dressed head to toe in black, their faces hidden behind masks: a snarling wolf, a grinning clown, a featureless white face, and a grotesque demon.
And they were armed.
“Everyone on the floor!” one of them barked, his voice distorted through the mask, the barrel of his gun sweeping across the room.
Your heart dropped, your body reacting before your brain could catch up. You slid off the chair and onto the floor, your phone slipping from your hands as you pressed yourself flat against the cold tiles. Around you, the other people in the bank were doing the same—some crying softly, others frozen in stunned silence.
“Hands where we can see them!” another one shouted, their voice sharper, more aggressive.
You obeyed, trembling as you stretched your arms out in front of you. Your breaths came in short, panicked gasps, the floor suddenly feeling too hard, too cold, too close.
One of the masked figures strode past you, their boots heavy against the floor. You flinched as they moved, your body instinctively shrinking in on itself.
You tried not to look up, to stay small and invisible, but your gaze flicked upward for just a second—and you saw the wolf-masked figure staring right at you.
The mask tilted slightly, as if they were studying you. You froze, your blood running cold as your eyes locked with the dark voids of the mask’s eye holes.
“Keep your head down,” the figure growled, their voice low and menacing.
You dropped your gaze immediately, your entire body trembling as you pressed your forehead against the floor.
Behind you, one of the robbers barked orders to the tellers, demanding cash. The sounds of drawers opening, paper rustling, and the muffled sobs of a teller filled the room.
“Move faster!” another one snapped, slamming their hand against the counter.
The tension in the air was suffocating, every second stretching into what felt like an eternity. Your mind raced, a whirlwind of panic and fear. What did they want? Would they hurt someone? Would they hurt you?
You didn’t dare move, didn’t dare breathe too loudly.
But amidst the chaos, a thought nagged at the back of your mind—this wasn’t random. The timing, the masks, the precision. Something about it felt deliberate.
And then, you felt it again—that same sensation that had been haunting you for days.
The feeling of being watched.
Slowly, carefully, you shifted your eyes to the side, just enough to see the wolf-masked figure standing a few feet away. Their head was turned toward you again, their stance unnervingly still compared to the chaos around them.
It was like they weren’t even focused on the heist anymore.
They were focused on you.
The chaos continued to unfold around you, the masked figures shouting commands and waving their guns as the tellers scrambled to fill duffel bags with cash. The sound of drawers slamming and the occasional muffled sob of a hostage filled the air, but all you could focus on was the crushing weight of fear in your chest.
Then the clown came closer.
You didn’t see him at first, too focused on staying still and small, but you felt the shadow looming over you. A pair of scuffed boots came into your view, stopping just inches from your head.
"Well, well, look at this," the clown mask sneered, his voice dripping with malice.
You barely had time to flinch before he noticed your phone lying on the floor, just by your head. He chuckled darkly, lifting his boot and slamming it down onto the device with enough force to shatter it into pieces. The crack of the screen echoed through the room, making you jump.
“No phones!” he shouted, crouching down just enough to get in your face. His mask’s grinning expression felt mocking, his gun now pointed directly at your temple.
Your blood turned ice-cold as you froze, your breath catching in your throat.
“What do we have here?” he taunted, leaning in closer. “You trying to be a hero? Huh? Recording us, maybe?”
“No!” you choked out, your voice barely above a whisper. “I wasn’t, I swear!”
The barrel of the gun pressed harder against your temple, and you clenched your eyes shut, shaking uncontrollably. “You better not be lying to me,” he hissed.
But before he could say anything else, a hand shoved him hard, knocking him off balance.
“Back off!” the wolf snapped, his voice sharp and commanding.
The clown stumbled but caught himself, turning to glare at the wolf. “What’s your problem?” he spat.
“The money’s the priority,” the wolf said, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Not wasting time threatening some random girl.”
For a moment, the clown hesitated, his finger twitching near the trigger as he glanced between you and the wolf. You held your breath, terrified of what he might do.
Finally, with a frustrated growl, he stepped back, lowering his gun. “Fine. Whatever.” He shot you one last glare before storming off toward the counters, muttering under his breath.
The wolf lingered for a moment, his masked face still angled toward you. Even though you couldn’t see his expression, you felt his eyes boring into you, assessing you, as if silently telling you to stay put and stay quiet.
Then he turned and walked away, joining the others as they stuffed more cash into their bags.
Your heart was pounding so loudly you were sure everyone in the room could hear it. You stayed frozen on the floor, trembling, as the chaos continued around you.
Before you could even begin to process what had just happened, a gloved hand yanked you up by your arm.
“Get up!” a rough voice barked behind the grotesque demon mask.
Your legs wobbled as you were hauled to your feet, your body stiff with terror. “Wait—what are you doing? Let me go!” you stammered, trying to pull away, but the grip on your arm was like iron.
The wolf approached swiftly, his movements precise and deliberate. He didn’t say a word as he reached into his bag, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. You froze, your breath hitching as he grabbed your wrists, forcing them together in front of you.
The cold steel bit into your skin as the cuffs clicked shut.
“W-Why are you doing this?” you pleaded, panic rising in your voice.
The wolf didn’t answer. He only exchanged a glance with the demon, and before you knew it, they were dragging you toward the counter, your shoes scuffing against the tiled floor as you struggled.
“Stop! Please!” you cried, thrashing against their hold, but it was no use. They were too strong.
They pulled you around the counter, past the terrified tellers huddled on the floor, and toward a back door you hadn’t even noticed before. The demon shoved the door open, and that’s when it happened.
Gunfire erupted, the sound splitting the air like thunder. You screamed, instinctively ducking as chaos exploded around you.
The cops were here.
Bullets tore through the doorframe, shards of wood and plaster flying everywhere as the robbers scrambled for cover. The wolf yanked you to the side, his grip on your arm unrelenting as he pulled you out of the line of fire. The demon cursed loudly, returning fire with his assault rifle as the clown and the others shouted orders.
You were caught in the middle of it all, your heart pounding so hard it felt like it would break through your ribs.
“Move! Move!” the wolf barked, dragging you further back into the bank as the others laid down suppressive fire.
You stumbled over your own feet, the cuffs cutting into your wrists as you were manhandled left and right. The gunfire was deafening, each shot sending a jolt of terror through your body.
“Let me go!” you screamed, tears streaming down your face as you tried to resist.
But they didn’t listen. The demon shoved you forward, almost knocking you over, while the wolf kept a firm hold on your arm, steering you toward what looked like a service entrance.
“Take her through the alley!” one of the robbers shouted—maybe the clown, you couldn’t tell anymore.
“No time!” the demon snapped. “They’ve got the back covered too!”
More gunfire erupted, and you ducked again, your ears ringing from the sheer volume of the shots. The smell of gunpowder and fear was thick in the air, suffocating you as you were dragged further into the chaos.
The fire exit door slammed open, and chaos followed you into the cold night air.
Gunshots cracked like thunder around you as the masked robbers fired wildly at the police closing in from all sides. You stumbled as they dragged you forward, your wrists aching against the cuffs, your legs barely able to keep up.
“Cover me!” the demon barked, his assault rifle spraying bullets toward the flashing red-and-blue lights in the distance.
The wolf, still gripping your arm, yanked you harder, pulling you toward a white van that screeched to a halt just ahead. Its tires skidded on the asphalt, smoke billowing around it. The sliding door flung open, and you barely had time to register the driver—a figure in a grotesque zombie mask—before the robbers began throwing the bags of money into the back.
“Get in!” the clown yelled, his voice sharp and frantic.
You resisted, digging your heels into the ground as they tried to force you forward. “No! Let me go!��� you screamed, thrashing wildly.
The demon growled in frustration and shoved you forward. “Quit fighting, or I’ll give you a reason to stop!”
Your body collided with the hard interior of the van as the wolf hoisted you up and shoved you inside. The smell of leather and gasoline filled your nose as you landed on your side, your hands still bound in front of you.
“Move!” the zombie driver shouted, his voice muffled but commanding.
The demon and the clown scrambled into the van, slamming the door shut as the wolf climbed in last, still holding his weapon.
The van roared to life, its engine growling as it sped off, tires screeching against the pavement.
You were thrown to the side as the van lurched forward, and you struggled to push yourself upright, your heart racing as panic set in. Outside the windows, flashes of blue and red danced in the dark, and the distant wail of sirens grew louder.
“They’re right on us!” the clown shouted, peering out the back window.
“Then lose them!” the demon snapped, slamming a fresh magazine into his gun.
The zombie swerved the van violently, narrowly avoiding a blockade of police cars as bullets ricocheted off the metal exterior. The robbers fired back through the open windows, their weapons deafening in the cramped space.
You pressed yourself against the corner of the van, your knees tucked to your chest as the chaos unfolded around you. Your ears rang from the gunfire, your body shaking uncontrollably as you watched the masked figures shout and fire, their movements chaotic yet disturbingly practiced.
One of the cops’ vehicles pulled up alongside the van, its siren blaring as an officer leaned out the window, aiming a weapon.
“Take them out!” the demon ordered.
The clown let out a sharp laugh, rolling down the window and leaning out with his rifle. “With pleasure.”
The van swerved again as he fired, the sound of bullets tearing through the air making you scream. The police car veered off course, skidding to a halt as its tires blew out, sending sparks flying.
“Hell yeah!” the clown shouted, slapping the side of the van as he ducked back inside.
The wolf, sitting closest to you, glanced your way. His mask tilted slightly, as if he were studying you again, his body unnervingly calm compared to the others.
You pressed yourself further into the corner, your breath coming in shallow gasps. “Please,” you whimpered, your voice trembling. “Why are you doing this? Just let me go!”
He didn’t answer.
Instead, the zombie yelled from the driver’s seat, “We’re clear for now, but they’ll be on us again soon! Where’s the next checkpoint?”
The demon pulled out a map, spreading it across the floor of the van. “Couple miles out. We ditch the van there and split up.”
“And her?” the clown asked, jerking his head in your direction. “What do we do with her?”
The air in the van grew heavier, the question hanging like a loaded gun.
“She stays,” the wolf said firmly, his voice low.
The others exchanged glances, but no one argued.
You stared at him, your mind racing. Why? Why did he insist on keeping you?
You pressed your back harder against the cold metal wall of the van, your knees drawn up to your chest. Every fiber of your being screamed to fight, to yell, to do something—anything—but you didn’t. You stayed quiet, hoping that silence would keep you alive.
The robbers kept moving, the van swerving sharply as the zombie masked driver navigated the dark streets. Every turn jostled you, the cuffs on your wrists digging into your skin.
“Are we clear?” the clown asked, his voice tense as he peered out the back window.
“Not yet,” the demon growled, his rifle resting on his lap as he reloaded. “They’ll catch up. We need to move faster.”
“They can’t keep up,” the zombie argued from the front. “I know these streets. We’ll lose them soon.”
The van fell into a tense silence, the occasional crackle of the police radio chatter outside filtering through the open window. You kept your head down, your breaths shallow, trying to make yourself as small and invisible as possible.
But the weight of the wolf’s gaze was still on you.
You could feel it without even looking up, the way he sat so still compared to the others. It was like he was watching you, studying your every move, even though you weren’t making any.
Finally, the clown broke the silence with a loud sigh. “This is getting boring,” he muttered, leaning back against the van wall. “We should’ve left her behind. Dead weight.”
You flinched at his words, your hands trembling as you clenched them tightly together.
“She’s insurance,” the wolf said coldly, his tone cutting through the air like a blade. “In case things go south.”
“Insurance, huh?” the clown sneered, tilting his head toward you. “She doesn’t look like much. What are you gonna do? Use her as a human shield?”
The wolf didn’t respond.
“Enough,” the demon snapped, silencing the clown with a glare. “She’s here. That’s the end of it.”
The clown grumbled under his breath but said nothing more, turning his attention back to the window.
You glanced up briefly, your eyes darting to the wolf. He was sitting across from you, his posture relaxed yet somehow alert. His mask tilted slightly, as if he knew you were looking at him.
You quickly looked away, your pulse quickening.
The van suddenly jerked to the side, making everyone lurch forward.
“Checkpoint’s up ahead,” the zombie announced, his voice calm but firm. “Get ready to move.”
The tension in the van grew heavier as the others prepared themselves, checking their weapons and adjusting their masks.
You stayed frozen, your mind racing. What would happen at the checkpoint? Would they let you go? Or was this just the beginning of something worse?
The wolf shifted in his seat, leaning closer to you. You tensed as his gloved hand reached out, grabbing the chain of the cuffs around your wrists.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he said quietly, his voice low enough that only you could hear.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you nodded shakily, unable to muster the strength to speak.
The van slowed to a stop, the sound of gravel crunching beneath the tires.
The demon opened the sliding door, his rifle at the ready. “Move,” he ordered, gesturing for everyone to get out.
The clown and the wolf exited first, guns drawn as they scanned the area. The zombie stayed in the driver’s seat, his hands gripping the wheel tightly, ready to bolt if things went sideways.
Then the demon turned to you.
“Let’s go,” he growled, grabbing your arm and yanking you out of the van.
The night air hit you like a slap, cold and sharp, as you stumbled onto the gravel.
The wolf was by your side in an instant, his hand on your arm again, steadying you. It wasn’t comforting. It was a reminder that you weren’t going anywhere.You were then half-dragged, half-pushed toward a row of hidden vehicles parked in the shadows of the industrial area. Engines roared to life as the robbers split up, each group climbing into separate cars.
The wolf steered you toward a sleek black car, opening the passenger door and shoving you inside with startling precision. Before you could even think of resisting, he leaned over, pulling the seat belt across your body and fastening it with a decisive click.
The movement was quick but strangely careful, as if ensuring you wouldn’t get hurt. You stared at him, breathless and wide-eyed, as he settled into the driver’s seat without a word.
The clown slid into the back seat, slamming the door shut behind him. “Let’s move!” he barked, his tone impatient.
The wolf didn’t reply. He simply started the engine, his gloved hands gripping the wheel as the car roared to life. Without hesitation, he pressed the gas, the tires screeching against the pavement as the car sped off into the night.
Through the rearview mirror, you could see the other vehicles peeling off in different directions, each taking a separate route to evade the cops.
The silence in the car was deafening, broken only by the hum of the engine and the faint sound of sirens fading into the distance.
You sat stiffly in the passenger seat, your hands clenched in your lap as you tried to steady your breathing. The wolf’s presence beside you was overwhelming, his calm demeanor in stark contrast to the chaos you had just witnessed.
From the back seat, the clown let out a sharp laugh. “Man, did you see the look on those cops’ faces? Like they didn’t even know what hit ‘em!”
The wolf didn’t respond, his focus entirely on the road ahead.
The clown leaned forward, resting his elbows on the back of your seat. “So, what’s the plan with her, huh?” he asked, jerking his thumb toward you.
You flinched, your shoulders tensing as his attention shifted to you.
The wolf’s grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly, but his voice remained steady. “She’s coming with us. That’s all you need to know.”
The clown scoffed, sitting back again. “You’re getting soft, Wolf. Letting her ride shotgun like she’s part of the team or something.”
The wolf glanced at you briefly, his mask hiding whatever expression might have crossed his face. Then he turned his attention back to the road.
“She’s leverage,” he said simply.
The clown muttered something under his breath, but he didn’t push the subject any further.
You turned your head toward the window, watching the dark streets blur past as the car sped through empty intersections and winding back roads. The reality of the situation was beginning to sink in, the adrenaline fading just enough to leave you with a sick, hollow feeling in your chest.
You were completely at their mercy, trapped with no way out.
And yet, there was something strange about the wolf.
He hadn’t hurt you—not like the others. He hadn’t yelled at you, threatened you, or treated you like a disposable hostage. His actions were calculated, almost protective, even if you didn’t understand why.
But that didn’t make him any less dangerous.
The clown’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “So where are we headed, anyway? Safehouse number two?”
“No,” the wolf said. “Too obvious. We’re heading to the fallback location.”
The clown groaned. “Great. Another night in the middle of nowhere.”
You didn’t dare ask what the fallback location was.
Instead, you kept quiet, your heart pounding as the car sped further and further away from anything familiar.
The engine roared as the wolf pressed the pedal harder, the car speeding down the dark, desolate roads. You gripped the edge of the seat with your cuffed hands, your body stiff as you stared out the windshield, too terrified to look anywhere else.
Behind you, the clown rummaged through the two duffel bags, his gloved hands pulling out wads of cash. The bills rustled as he counted, his voice loud and obnoxious in the tense silence.
“Ten grand, twenty, thirty,” he muttered, stacking the money in neat piles on his lap. “Damn, this haul’s better than the last one. Maybe we should hit banks more often.”
The wolf didn’t respond, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, his hands gripping the wheel with calm precision.
The clown snorted, shaking his head. “You’re no fun, you know that? All business, no celebration. You could at least crack a smile under that mask.”
“I’m driving,” the wolf said flatly. His voice was low, steady, and completely unbothered by the clown’s antics.
The clown scoffed, shoving another bundle of cash back into the bag. “Yeah, yeah, Mr. Professional. Always the same with you.”
You glanced at the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of the clown’s mask—a twisted, grinning face that sent a chill down your spine. He noticed you looking and leaned forward, his head tilting as if he were smirking beneath the mask.
“What about you, huh?” he said, his tone dripping with mockery. “You enjoying the ride, sweetheart? This must be the most excitement you’ve had in your boring little life.”
You stiffened, refusing to answer.
The clown laughed, a sharp, grating sound. “Aw, come on, don’t be shy. You’re practically part of the crew now. Maybe we’ll even cut you a share.”
“That’s enough,” the wolf said sharply, his voice cutting through the air like a knife.
The clown raised his hands in mock surrender, leaning back in his seat. “Fine, fine. I’m just trying to lighten the mood. You’re such a buzzkill, Wolf.”
The wolf didn’t reply, his focus returning to the road.
You swallowed hard, your throat dry as your mind raced. The clown’s teasing was unnerving, but the wolf’s silence was worse. He was an enigma—calm, controlled, and impossible to read.
The car swerved slightly as the wolf took a sharp turn, the tires screeching against the pavement.
The car sped down the empty streets, the hum of the engine filling the tense silence. After a while, the clown’s fidgeting grew louder, and you could sense his boredom brewing. He leaned forward again, resting his arms on the back of your seat.
“So,” he drawled, his tone laced with mock curiosity. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
You hesitated, glancing toward the wolf, who showed no sign of responding. His grip on the steering wheel remained steady, his eyes locked on the road ahead.
“I asked you a question,” the clown pressed, tilting his head. The subtle way his fingers drummed against the gun in his hand sent a shiver down your spine.
You swallowed hard, deciding that staying silent wasn’t worth the risk. You answered him, your voice barely above a whisper.
He repeated your name, as if testing the way it sounded. “Nice. Bet you never thought you’d end up on an adventure like this, huh?”
You didn’t answer, staring straight ahead as your fingers fidgeted with the edge of your seatbelt.
The clown chuckled, the sound low and unnerving. “Not much of a talker, are you? That’s alright. Quiet’s good.” His tone shifted, becoming smoother, almost flirtatious. “But you don’t have to be shy with me. I’m not as scary as I look.”
Your stomach turned, and you instinctively leaned slightly closer to the door, putting as much distance as you could between you and his presence looming behind you.
Still, you managed to force out a stiff response, if only to keep him from getting more agitated. “I don’t really… feel like talking.”
The clown’s laugh was sharper this time. “Come on, don’t be like that. You’ve got a pretty face. Might as well use that pretty voice to keep me entertained.”
Your body tensed, the flirty edge in his tone setting your nerves on fire. Before you could react—or even glance at the wolf for help—the car lurched to an abrupt stop, the tires screeching loudly against the pavement.
The sudden motion threw you forward in your seat, your seatbelt catching you just in time, but the clown wasn’t as lucky. He pitched forward, hitting his head hard with a muffled thud.
“Goddammit!” he cursed, rubbing his forehead through his mask as he sat back. “What the hell, Wolf?!”
“The light’s red,” he said coldly, nodding toward the traffic light ahead.
The clown let out a disbelieving laugh, waving his hand dismissively. “You’ve never stopped at a red light before. What’s the deal?”
The wolf’s grip on the wheel didn’t loosen, but his tone dropped lower, sharper. “I stopped.”
The clown muttered something under his breath, leaning back in his seat with a groan. “Fine, whatever. You’re the boss.”
You stole a glance at the wolf, your heart racing. His mask obscured his face, but his posture told you everything. His shoulders were rigid, his breathing controlled but heavy, and the way his hands clenched the steering wheel made it clear—he was furious.
But why? Was it because of the clown’s behavior toward you?
The light turned green, and the wolf started driving again, the car moving smoothly as if nothing had happened.
The clown stayed quiet for a moment before letting out a huff. “Man, you’re wound up tight tonight. Need to relax.”
The wolf didn’t reply, his focus entirely on the road.
You could feel the weight of exhaustion dragging at you, your body craving rest, but your mind refused to let go. The tension in the car was thick, and every muscle in your body screamed for a break. But you knew better than to trust sleep around these men. The fear of what might happen if you closed your eyes was far too strong.
The road beneath the tires seemed to stretch on forever, and you blinked hard, doing your best to keep your focus. Every time you thought you might drift off, a sharp turn or the sound of the clown laughing from behind you pulled you back into reality.
Finally, the car slowed to a stop, the engine purring to a halt in the quiet night. You blinked rapidly, trying to clear the haze of exhaustion from your vision, but you were still too disoriented.
The clown’s voice broke through your foggy thoughts. “Alright, we’re here. Let’s go.”
The wolf opened his door without a word and stepped out, his heavy boots crunching against the pavement as the clown followed suit. Your door swung open, and before you could gather your bearings, the wolf’s cold hand gripped your arm, pulling you roughly out of the car.
You stumbled slightly, your legs unsteady from the long ride, but the wolf didn’t give you any room to regain your balance. “Move,” the wolf growled, and you had no choice but to follow, your body moving instinctively even as your mind screamed in protest.
The wolf continued leading you, his eyes sharp and watchful as he guided you toward a steel elevator.
You tried to keep your breathing steady, but the fear gnawed at you as the elevator doors closed with a dull thud, the sound of the mechanical gears grinding making you feel even more trapped.
The elevator descended with a slow, jarring motion, your stomach lurching as you were pulled deeper underground.
When the doors finally opened, you were greeted by a dimly lit basement. Concrete floors stretched out before you, and the air felt musty and stale, like it hadn’t been disturbed in ages.
The clown’s voice echoed in the silence as he dropped the bags of money on a long wooden table. “First group here, huh?” He grinned, turning toward the wolf. “We need a bigger place if we’re going to keep up with the haul.”
The wolf didn’t answer him. His gaze never left you, and he moved toward a small door at the far end of the room.
“You’re staying here,” he said, his voice firm and low.
You didn’t have time to protest before he unlocked the door and shoved you inside. The room was sparse—bare concrete walls, a single bed in the corner, and a small desk against the wall. There was a single light bulb hanging overhead, casting an eerie glow over the room.
Before you could fully register what was happening, the wolf had locked the door behind you, his footsteps echoing as he walked away.
You stood frozen for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest.
You were alone.
Alone in a cold, unfamiliar room, trapped with no clear way out.
Time seemed to stretch endlessly in that cold, empty room. Hours passed—or maybe it was just minutes, you couldn’t be sure. You paced the small space, trying to think of some way out, but all your thoughts kept circling back to the same grim reality.
But just as the weight of your fear felt unbearable, the door to your cell creaked open. You didn’t move at first, too exhausted and emotionally drained to react. But then you saw him—the wolf.
He stood in the doorway, his presence towering and suffocating, his eyes dark and unreadable beneath his mask.
“Come on,” he said, his voice low and commanding.
You didn’t hesitate, feeling an instinctive pull to move despite the part of you that screamed to resist. There was nothing to gain from defiance—not here, not with him.
His gloved hand grabbed your arm firmly, pulling you out of the room with a force that left you no room to protest. As you were led down the dimly lit hallway, you passed the other robbers. They didn’t speak, their gaze on you. The clown sat lazily at the table, fiddling with a lighter, his gaze flicking up for a brief moment, but he didn’t say anything.
The wolf didn’t stop, dragging you forward with an unyielding grip. He grabbed a bag from the table without a word, his focus fixed ahead.
You were taken back to the elevator, its cold metal doors sliding open with a hiss. The same grinding sound as before filled the air as the elevator took you upward, the quiet hum of its mechanics deafening in the otherwise still atmosphere.
When the doors opened again, you were faced with the world outside, the harsh light of the morning sun streaming in. The wolf shoved you toward a sleek red car waiting at the curb, its engine idling, ready to take you away.
The sun had begun to rise, casting long shadows on the pavement, signaling the end of the night. The city was waking up, but you felt like you were in another world entirely. The red car’s door swung open, and the wolf pushed you into the passenger seat with a firm hand. He climbed into the driver’s side without a word, his movements swift and deliberate.
The car roared to life, pulling away from the curb as the wheels crunched over the gravel.
The wolf’s gaze flickered briefly toward you, but he didn’t say anything. He just drove, his hands steady on the wheel as the car hummed down the road.
The tension in your shoulders, the constant dread you’d been carrying, began to ease—ever so slightly. Your eyelids fluttered, heavy from the exhaustion you’d been pushing through, the lack of sleep catching up to you. You tried to stay alert, but it was harder and harder to keep your eyes open.
And before you realized it, your head dipped forward, your body relaxing into the seat. Your breathing slowed, soft and steady, as you drifted into sleep.
The wolf’s eyes flickered over to you, his gaze briefly softening as he saw your head resting against the window. The corner of his lips twitched into something resembling a smile, though it was hidden behind his mask. There was a deep sense of satisfaction that washed over him.
You slowly opened your eyes, the soft light from the window spilling across the plush linens. The warmth of the bed made you feel disoriented, almost too comfortable, and the moment you became fully aware of your surroundings, a cold wave of shock hit you.
You were in a luxurious hotel suite, the kind you’d only seen in movies or heard about from those who had money to spend. The room was large, with expensive-looking furniture scattered about, dark wood and gold accents giving it a rich, elegant feel. The bed you had woken up in was massive, the sheets pristine white and slightly crumpled.
You sighed, the weight of the confusion and fear coming back. Your body was sore, and you could still feel the faint remnants of exhaustion in your limbs. But somehow, it felt wrong to stay here. You didn’t know where here was, but it certainly didn’t feel like a place you should be.
With a deep breath, you slowly sat up, your feet touching the cold floor. After a moment’s pause, you decided you couldn’t just sit here, unsure of what was going on.
The hallway outside the room was silent, save for the muffled sound of distant chatter. You stepped out and walked toward the elevator, your mind racing with questions. You reached the lobby, the plush carpet soft underfoot, and approached the receptionist desk, where a young woman sat typing on her computer.
“Excuse me,” you said quietly, your voice still raw from the sleep. The receptionist looked up, offering a warm smile. “Can I help you?”
You hesitated for a moment, still trying to gather your thoughts. “I… I woke up here, and I’m not sure how I got here. Can you tell me what happened?”
The receptionist took a moment to study you, her gaze flicking to the key card in your hand. “Oh, I see. You were brought in this morning. A man dropped you off though he didn’t stay long. Just… dropped you off and left.”
You frowned, the confusion deepening. "Did you see his face?"
She shook her head, her expression apologetic. "No, he was wearing a hood. I couldn’t see anything and he didn’t say much.”
You sighed out a breath, feeling a strange mix of relief and frustration. Relief, because at least you weren’t in immediate danger, and frustration because you still had no answers.
“Thank you,” you said, forcing a smile as you handed back the key card.
The receptionist nodded sympathetically as you turned and walked out.
The days that followed felt like a blur of events, each one blending into the next. The shock of the robbery and the kidnapping seemed to hang over you like a cloud, the adrenaline of the event never fully disappearing.
The police had been persistent, asking you question after question, trying to get every detail you could remember. You recounted everything—what you saw, what you heard, how the robbers acted, how you ended up in the hotel.
But what unsettled you the most was the fact that the place they had taken you to—the hidden basement, the garage, everything—was now completely empty. The police had searched the location, but there was nothing. No traces and no leftover evidence. It was as if the robbers had vanished into thin air.
And when they tried to trace the hotel, it was the same story. The receptionist’s memory was all they had, and that wasn’t much to go on. A hooded man had dropped you off. No name. No face. Nothing.
The police had no leads, and you were left with nothing but your own confusion and growing fear.
You tried to keep going. You tried to move on, to get back to some semblance of normalcy, but the feeling that had surged through you—danger, uncertainty, that rush of adrenaline—was a hard thing to shake.
You’d always thought you wanted something more, something thrilling. But now that you had experienced it, now that you had tasted that kind of danger, it felt like an itch you couldn’t scratch. It wasn’t something you could walk away from. It was always there.
You went back to your work, your life, doing your best to keep your routine in place. But nothing felt quite the same. It was like you were constantly looking over your shoulder, waiting for something to happen, waiting for those men to reappear.
Some nights, the fear crept back in, and you’d find yourself unable to sleep, lying awake in bed, the images of the action flashing through your mind. And then there were those moments, when the rush, the thrill, would start to creep in too. You’d catch yourself staring out a window, lost in thought, wondering what it would be like to see one of them again.
It was dangerous, you knew. But it felt impossible to escape that feeling. Something about it was… addictive.
The morning sunlight filtered through your window, casting a warm glow over your apartment, but as you opened the door, the peaceful atmosphere quickly shifted. There, lying on the floor just outside your door, was a bag—an expensive-looking, high-end designer bag, its sleek material catching the light.
You tilted your head in confusion, wondering who could have left it there. Your heart skipped a beat as you crouched down and zipped it open. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw what was inside.
A piece of paper was folded neatly, the words scrawled in neat, precise handwriting: "Wear it for me."
The signature beneath the words read: Wolf.
A chill ran through you, but the bag was filled with more than just a note. Inside, you found an assortment of beautifully crafted jewelry—shiny necklaces, delicate bracelets, and a pair of earrings that sparkled like diamonds. There were also clothes—luxurious fabric, intricate stitching, and garments that screamed wealth.
You felt your stomach tighten, torn between the unease that bubbled up within you and the undeniable curiosity that had you looking over your shoulder. But there was no one in sight. No one watching.
You picked up the bag, feeling the weight of it in your hands. You glanced around the hallway, half-expecting someone to jump out at you. But nothing. No movement, nothing.
Stepping back into your apartment, you closed the door behind you, your mind racing. The room felt stuffy all of a sudden, and your hands trembled slightly as you quickly checked the news, hoping to find something—anything—that could explain this. But there was nothing. No new robberies. No incidents. The police reports hadn’t changed.
You looked at the open bag sitting on the floor in front of you. The glint of the jewelry, sparkling almost like it was teasing you. Each piece seemed to tempt you, daring you to pick it up, to try it on.
Your fingers hovered over the contents of the bag before you quickly pulled them back, shaking your head. This is ridiculous, you told yourself. It wasn’t safe, wasn’t normal. You didn’t know the Wolf’s intentions—what this gesture even meant.
You clenched your fists, forcing yourself to pull back. "No," you muttered under your breath. Whatever game the Wolf was playing, you weren’t going to be part of it.
Leaving the bag on the floor where it was, you grabbed your coat, slipped on your shoes, and headed for the door. You needed to get out, clear your head, put some distance between you and whatever this was.
The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, as you decided to take a stroll, hoping the fresh air would clear your mind.
Walking, your steps slowed in front of a jewelry store. The display window sparkled under the bright lights, showcasing an array of necklaces, rings, and bracelets. The pieces were beautiful, elegant, and impossibly expensive.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear the faint sound of footsteps behind you until a low, familiar voice broke through the quiet.
“Do you like what you’re seeing?”
You froze for a moment before turning your head slightly, glancing over your shoulder. Your breath caught when you saw him—the handsome man you had crashed into days ago.
For a moment, your mind raced, trying to make sense of his sudden appearance. He was dressed casually, hands tucked into his pockets, an air of confidence around him.
“Yeah,” you said softly, turning back to the window. “They’re beautiful.”
“They’d suit you,” he replied, his tone smooth, yet sincere.
You felt heat rush to your cheeks at his words, your heart giving a traitorous flutter. “Thanks,” you mumbled, looking away from the display and at the ground, trying to compose yourself.
There was a pause before he spoke again, his voice calm but laced with something deeper, something unreadable. “Jewelry like that... it’s meant to make a statement. To say something about the person wearing it.”
You glanced up at him, his gaze fixed on the display for a moment before shifting to meet yours. His eyes held yours, and for a second, you could feel the intensity behind them.
“Maybe,” you said cautiously, your voice barely above a whisper.
A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of his lips, as though he understood something you didn’t. “You don’t think it’s for you?”
You hesitated, unsure how to answer. “I’m not sure it fits my life right now,” you admitted, thinking about the bag sitting untouched back in your apartment.
His smile grew, but it wasn’t mocking—it was... intrigued. “Maybe you just haven’t stepped into the right life yet.”
Before you could respond, he straightened, taking a step back.
“Think about it,” he said simply, giving you a slight nod before turning and disappearing into the flow of pedestrians on the sidewalk.
You stood there, rooted in place, staring after him as your heart thudded in your chest.
Who was he?
After returning home, you let out a heavy sigh as your eyes landed on the bag still sitting where you’d left it. You crouched down and peeked inside once again, taking in the glimmering jewelry and the luxurious clothes.
Scrunching your nose, you muttered to yourself, What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
You closed the bag with a resigned huff and headed to the bathroom, stripping off your clothes and stepping into the hot shower. You let your mind wander for a moment, trying to make sense of everything.
After drying off and wrapping yourself in a towel, you walked back into your room. Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, drawing your attention. Frowning, you picked it up and unlocked the screen to see a text from an unknown number.
The message made your stomach flip:
"You didn’t like the gift I left this morning?"
Your breath caught. For a moment, you just stared at the screen, your heart racing. You typed a quick reply:
"What do you mean?"
It didn’t take long for the reply to come.
"I didn’t see you wearing the jewels."
You froze, gripping the phone tighter in your hand. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who it was. Your suspicion solidified in your mind as you began typing furiously:
There was no denial.
"Out of all the names you could’ve chosen, that’s the one you stick with? I’m flattered."
You huffed in frustration, pacing your room as you typed back.
"Why are you watching me? And why would you even give me this stuff?"
A moment passed before his next reply.
"I bought it out of the goodness of my heart, just for you. Thought you’d appreciate the gesture."
You rolled your eyes, fingers flying over the keyboard.
"With stolen money."
This time, his response took a little longer, but when it came, it sent a chill down your spine.
"You didn’t seem to complain when I kept you safe, sweetheart. Or when I made sure you slept comfortably that night."
You swallowed hard, glaring at the screen as your mind flashed back to that night in the hotel. Despite your frustration, you couldn’t deny the truth in his words. You were alive, and he had been the one to ensure it.
Still, you typed back stubbornly:
"That doesn’t mean I owe you anything."
His reply came quickly, as if he had been waiting for you to say it.
"Oh, sweetheart, this isn’t about owing me. I just wanna spoil you."
You stared at the message, torn between anger, confusion, and an emotion you couldn’t quite place. Your hands trembled slightly as you locked your phone and tossed it onto the bed.
And before you could stop yourself, you grabbed the bag, placing it on the bed. Slowly, you unzipped it and pulled out the clothes first—a sleek designer outfit that felt as expensive as it looked. Next, you took out the jewelry, laying it out piece by piece. Rings, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces all glittered under the dim light of your room.
You swallowed hard as you picked up the outfit and the jewelry, staring at them for a moment. What harm could it do to just try them on?
The thought tugged at your resolve, and before long, you found yourself slipping into the outfit and clasping the jewelry around your neck and wrists. You turned toward the mirror, almost not recognizing yourself.
The person staring back at you looked expensive, untouchable, like someone who had walked out of a magazine.
You tilted your head, running your fingers through your hair. Without thinking, you grabbed your phone, adjusted your pose, and snapped a picture.
Your thumb hovered over the photo for a moment. Should I? The thought sent a thrill of uncertainty through you, but before you could overanalyze, you sent it.
The instant you hit send, regret settled in your stomach like a rock. You thought about deleting it or throwing your phone across the room, but the damage was done.
Not even a minute passed before he replied.
"Knew you’d look good in it."
Your cheeks burned as you stared at the screen. Before you could respond, another message came through.
"You wear it better than I imagined. Stunning."
The compliment sent your heart racing. You quickly typed a response:
"You’re a psycho, you know that?"
This time, the reply was almost instant.
"Maybe. But I know a good investment when I see one."
You frowned, typing quickly.
"I’m not an investment."
His response came slower this time, but it hit harder than you expected.
"You are to me. Whether you see it or not."
Your stomach churned, and before you could come up with a reply, another message came through.
"Enjoy the gifts, sweetheart. There’s more to come."
You tossed your phone onto the bed, staring at yourself in the mirror again. You felt beautiful, sure, but at what cost?
The days that followed after felt surreal, like stepping into a life that wasn’t your own. Every morning, you would find another bag or box outside your door. Each time, the gifts inside grew more extravagant—more jewelry, designer clothes, expensive shoes, even a high-end purse that you’d only ever dreamed of owning.
The Wolf never let you ignore his generosity. His messages always followed soon after, asking if you liked what he’d left and reminding you to send proof that you were wearing them.
At first, you resisted, replying with excuses about being too busy or not wanting to wear such obvious luxury items. But he was persistent, and there was always an underlying threat hidden behind his charming words. Not explicit, but enough to remind you that he was watching.
"Don’t keep me waiting, sweetheart." "I just want to see you shine." "Humor me, or should I drop by and see for myself?"
So, reluctantly, you complied. You’d slip into the outfits, put on the jewelry, and snap a picture. At first, you tried to make it obvious that you weren’t enjoying it—standing stiffly, giving half-hearted smiles. But over time, as you caught glimpses of yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t deny that the attention made you feel… special.
And when you were out, you started wearing some of the items—not all at once, but enough to feel their weight on you. The Wolf noticed immediately, always commenting when he saw you through his texts.
"Everyone’s staring at you, aren’t they? They should. You’re breathtaking." "You belong in things like this, not the life you’re trying to hold onto."
But the feeling didn’t come without guilt. Each time you put on something he sent, you couldn’t shake the thought of how he got the money to pay for it. You knew it was stolen, yet here you were, parading around in the spoils of his crimes.
As you sat on a bench in the park that evening, sipping a coffee and scrolling through your phone, a message from him lit up your screen:
"You’re starting to enjoy it, aren’t you?"
Your fingers flew across the screen as you typed out a response.
"Enjoy it? What, being spoiled by stolen money and manipulated into wearing it? No thanks."
The reply came almost instantly, like he’d been waiting for you to bite.
"Sweetheart, if you really hated it, you wouldn’t be wearing my gifts right now. Don’t lie to me."
You clenched your jaw, glaring at the screen. You could practically hear the smug tone in his voice.
"I wear them because you keep pushing, not because I like them."
It was a weak excuse, and you knew it. So did he.
"Sure you don’t," he replied, adding a winking emoji. "That’s why you’ve been strutting around town looking like you own the place. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the extra confidence."
You rolled your eyes, fingers moving quickly.
"Confidence? More like stress from worrying you’re watching me all the time. Maybe I should toss this stuff out and be done with it."
There was a pause this time, long enough that you thought you might’ve finally gotten under his skin. Then your phone buzzed again.
"You wouldn’t dare. And even if you tried, I’d just buy you more. You deserve to look like the Queen you are."
Your cheeks burned, and you hated the way your heart skipped at his words. "Stop calling me things like that."
"Why? You don’t like being called my Queen? Or would you prefer ‘baby’? ‘sweetheart? ‘angel’?"
You huffed aloud, typing furiously.
"I’d prefer if you left me alone, actually."
"Hmm, yeah, that’s not happening."
You groaned in frustration, leaning back against the bench as his next message appeared.
"C’mon, don’t be mad, sweetheart. You’re cute when you’re flustered."
"You’re insufferable."
"And yet, you keep replying. Admit it—you like our little chats."
You hesitated, glaring at the screen. Part of you wanted to ignore him, to block his number and try to move on with your life. But another part—the one that felt a flicker of excitement each time his name popped up—kept you typing.
"I reply because you won’t leave me alone," you shot back.
"Mmhmm, keep telling yourself that. You’ve got my number saved by now, don’t you?"
Your stomach flipped, and your face burned. You hadn’t saved his number, but the thought that he’d guessed something so ridiculous still made you squirm.
"In your dreams," you typed.
"Oh, sweetheart, you don’t want to know what I dream about."
Your jaw dropped, heat rushing to your cheeks as you stared at the text before locking your phone, you shoved it into your bag with an annoyed groan. He was impossible, and he knew exactly how to get under your skin.
The bell above the jewelry store door jingled softly as you stepped inside, greeted by the glimmer of diamonds and gold under bright display lights. The store wasn’t too crowded—just a few customers browsing quietly, the sound of soft music humming in the background.
You wandered toward the ring section, humming to yourself as you peered through the glass. Your fingers brushed over the edge of the counter as you admired the delicate pieces—sleek bands, intricate designs, and stones that sparkled.
One caught your eye: a simple silver ring with a small diamond. The kind of thing you’d never buy for yourself, but it didn’t stop you from slipping it onto your finger to admire it.
The moment felt normal.
But that didn`t seem to last.
The sound of a door slamming open behind you shattered the calm. A sharp, angry voice boomed through the store, cutting through the soft music.
"Everyone on the ground! Now!"
Your stomach twisted as you froze in place, the ring still halfway on your finger. Panic set in as the store erupted into chaos—gasps, screams, and the clatter of someone dropping their bag as people scrambled to the floor.
Your head turned slowly, heart hammering in your chest.
And there they were.
The same robbers from the bank. The masks. The guns. It was like a nightmare replaying itself, except this time you weren’t just a bystander.
Your gaze locked onto him.
The Wolf.
You couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe.
Behind the mask, his head tilted slightly, as if he were sizing you up, and even without seeing his face, you knew he recognized you.
You swallowed hard, your hands trembling as you raised them slowly, your mind screaming at you to do something, anything. But he wasn’t moving, and the longer he stared, the more you began to feel like his prey.
Then, finally, he spoke. His voice was low, distorted slightly by the mask but unmistakably calm.
"You really do have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, don’t you?"
The familiarity in his tone sent a shiver down your spine. You took a shaky step back, but his gun followed the movement.
“Stay right there,” he ordered, and his voice wasn’t as calm this time. It was sharp and commanding.
You dropped back to the floor, your knees hitting the cold tiles as the others watched silently.
"Good girl," he muttered, almost to himself, and though the words weren’t loud, they hit you like a brick.
This wasn’t a coincidence. It couldn’t be.
The Clown let out a loud, exaggerated laugh as his gaze landed on you, his gun resting on his shoulder. "Well, well, look who it is! Isn’t this just too good to be true?" he teased, gesturing wildly toward you with his free hand.
You stiffened, keeping your eyes down as the other robbers turned their attention to you, their movements briefly faltering.
"Seriously?" the Clown continued, leaning against one of the display cases. "Out of all the jewelry stores in the city, you walk into this one? What are the odds?"
"Focus," the Wolf snapped, his voice sharp as he shoved a handful of necklaces into a bag. But his tone wasn’t as steady as it usually was—there was something strained about it.
A skeleton, standing by the door, glanced between you and the Clown. "What, you two know her?"
The Clown chuckled, his laughter high-pitched and mocking. "Oh, we know her, all right. She’s like our little good-luck charm. Wherever she goes, we hit the jackpot!"
You felt your stomach twist, the heat of their stares making your skin crawl. You tried to stay still, tried not to draw any more attention to yourself, but the Clown’s taunting made that impossible.
"You’ve got to admit," the Clown continued, his tone dripping with amusement as he gestured to the Wolf, "this is kind of funny."
The Wolf didn’t answer, his focus locked on the bags of jewelry as if ignoring the conversation altogether.
Then, before anyone could say another word, a loud pop shattered the air.
The glass window near the front of the store exploded inward, and a thick cloud of gas began pouring in. The cops had arrived.
Chaos erupted instantly.
"Gas!" the Demon shouted, covering his face with one arm.
The Clown cursed, dropping the rings he was counting and grabbing his gun. "We’ve got company!"
The gas spread quickly, making your eyes water and your throat burn. You coughed, trying to crawl toward the counter for some kind of cover, but you didn’t make it far.
Rough hands grabbed you by the arm, yanking you upright. You barely had time to scream before the Demon’s arm was around your neck, dragging you backward toward the exit.
"Shield!" he barked, his voice muffled.
"No!" you gasped, struggling against his grip, but he only tightened his hold, keeping your body in front of his as the store filled with smoke.
The Wolf turned sharply, his eyes—or rather, his mask—locking onto you. "Demon, leave her!"
"No time for this!" the Demon snapped back, holding you tighter as you kicked against him. "You want us to get out or not?"
The Clown was already firing shots through the gas, laughing like a maniac as the police closed in.
Your heart raced as you were dragged toward the back, your screams barely audible over the chaos. The Wolf hesitated for a moment, his gun raised, before letting out a growl of frustration and motioning for the others to move.
"Go! Go!" he barked, his voice laced with anger.
You were shoved through the back door and into an alley, the cold air hitting your face as the sounds of gunfire echoed behind you. The Demon didn’t loosen his grip, dragging you toward a waiting van parked at the end of the alley.
"Let me go!" you screamed, your voice hoarse, but your words fell on deaf ears.
The Clown opened the back doors of the van, waving the others inside. "C’mon, c’mon! Time to disappear again!"
The Demon shoved you forward, and you stumbled into the van, your wrists hitting the cold metal floor. The Clown climbed in behind you, pulling the doors shut as the Wolf took the driver’s seat.
The van roared to life, screeching away from the alley as the cops’ shouts faded into the distance.
You curled yourself further into the corner, trying to make yourself small, your heart pounding so hard it hurt. And then, out of the corner of your eye, you noticed something—or rather, someone.
Another woman.
She was sitting on the opposite side of the van, her face pale, her hair disheveled, and her body trembling. You recognized her from the store. She’d been near the necklace displays, standing by herself. You’d barely noticed her in the chaos, but now it was clear—she’d been taken, too.
Her eyes met yours, wide and terrified, and for a moment, neither of you said anything.
The Clown, seated on one of the metal benches along the wall, noticed the direction of your gaze and snickered. "Ah, don’t worry," he said, waving his hand lazily. "She’s just along for the ride, like you."
"Why?" you croaked, your voice barely above a whisper.
The Clown tilted his head as if you’d just asked the stupidest question in the world. "Because she was there, obviously."
The woman flinched at his casual tone, her hands clutching the fabric of her skirt as she looked between you and the Clown.
"Let us go," you said, the words stumbling out of your mouth before you could stop them. Your voice shook, but you forced yourself to continue. "You don’t need us. We—we’re just witnesses. You got what you wanted—"
"Shut it," the Demon snapped, cutting you off. He was leaning against the side of the van, his arms crossed, the mask over his face making him look even more menacing. "We’re not letting anyone go until we’re in the clear."
You clenched your fists, anger flickering beneath the fear. "This is insane—"
"Insane?" The Clown laughed, leaning forward slightly. "Sweetheart, you don’t even know the half of it."
The Wolf’s voice cut through the tension from the driver’s seat, calm but firm. "Enough."
The Clown rolled his eyes but leaned back, stretching his arms out like he didn’t have a care in the world.
The van hit a bump, and you winced, grabbing the wall to steady yourself. The woman across from you whimpered softly, her eyes darting toward the doors as if she were contemplating throwing herself out.
"Don’t even think about it," the Demon muttered, noticing her gaze.
The van fell into an uneasy silence, the only sounds the hum of the engine and the occasional squeal of the tires as the Wolf took another sharp turn.
You looked at the woman again, and this time you spoke softly, trying to keep your voice steady. "Are you okay?"
She blinked at you, her lips trembling. "I—I don’t know," she whispered.
You nodded, your throat tightening. You didn’t know what to say. What could you say? Both of you were trapped, at the mercy of masked criminals who seemed to thrive on chaos.
The Clown glanced between you and the woman, a grin audible in his voice even if you couldn’t see his face. "Don’t worry, ladies. We’re taking real good care of you."
You glared at him, your fear momentarily eclipsed by anger. "Care? You call this care?"
The Clown laughed again, but the Wolf interrupted sharply.
"Clown, I said enough."
The Clown huffed, leaning back in his seat. "Fine, fine. Killjoy."
As the van turned into what felt like another narrow alley, you clenched your fists tighter, your nails digging into your palms. The woman across from you mirrored your fear, her wide eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Shouts and sirens blared behind you, the chaos reaching a deafening crescendo.
“They’re right on us!” the Clown shouted, gripping the edge of his seat as he leaned toward the back doors, peering through the small window. “There’s three cars chasing—no, four!”
The Demon growled, raising his gun to return fire out the back. Bullets shattered the van’s rear window, glass flying everywhere. You ducked instinctively, covering your head, your ears ringing from the deafening blasts.
The woman next to you screamed, clutching the bench for dear life, her face pale as a ghost.
"Keep them off us!" the Wolf barked from the driver’s seat, his voice sharp and unyielding as he yanked the van into a hard drift around a corner. The tires screeched again, the force slamming you into the wall of the van.
The Skeleton, who’d been silent the entire ride, crouched near the back doors with a rifle in hand. "I’ve got it!" he shouted, leaning out of the broken window to aim at the pursuing cop cars. He fired several rounds, the recoil kicking against his shoulder.
A loud bang followed as one of the police cars spun out, crashing into a parked vehicle.
“That’s one down!” the Skeleton yelled, a hint of triumph in his voice.
But his victory was short-lived.
Another pop of gunfire came from behind, and before you could process what had happened, the Skeleton froze, his body jerking forward violently. Blood sprayed against the inside of the van as he dropped his rifle, clutching his chest.
“No!” the Clown shouted, scrambling toward him.
The Skeleton gasped for air, his body trembling as he collapsed onto the floor of the van.
"Dammit!" the Demon hissed, grabbing the fallen rifle and firing blindly out the back. "They got him!"
You couldn’t take your eyes off the Skeleton’s body. This wasn’t just some action movie or heist drama. Someone had just died right in front of you.
The Clown muttered a string of curses, shaking Skeleton’s shoulder as if trying to wake him up. "Come on, man. Not now. Not like this."
But it was no use. He was gone.
The woman beside you sobbed quietly, her face buried in her hands. You wanted to comfort her, to say something, but no words came.
The Wolf’s voice cut through the chaos like a blade. "Demon, take the rifle and keep them back. Clown, sit down. He’s gone. We can’t stop now."
The Clown hesitated, his body trembling with barely contained anger, but he finally obeyed, slamming his fist against the metal wall before sitting back.
The Demon took Skeleton’s place at the broken window, firing round after round at the remaining cop cars.
The van swerved again, throwing you against the side. Your head slammed into the metal with a dull thud, and your vision blurred for a moment.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the gunfire stopped altogether. The van jolted to a halt in what seemed like another underground garage, and for a moment, everything was silent except for the sound of your own ragged breathing.
The Wolf killed the engine, his hands still gripping the wheel tightly.
The Clown was the first to speak, his voice hollow. “We lost him.”
No one responded.
What the hell had you gotten yourself into?
The Demon barked orders as they moved quickly, unloading bags of cash and weapons from the van and transferring them to a sleek black SUV parked nearby. Every move they made was quick and calculated, their boots echoing loudly in the underground garage.
You and the woman stood there, side by side, both of you trembling for different reasons. Her fear was evident in the way she kept shaking, her eyes darting everywhere like she was looking for a way out. You, on the other hand, were frozen in silent fury, your body stiff as you glared daggers at the Clown, who stood a few feet away, his gun trained lazily in your direction.
“Man, this was a mess,” the Clown said casually, his tone far too relaxed given the situation. He tilted his head toward you, his painted mask cocked like he was grinning beneath it. "But hey, look on the bright side—at least you got to hang out with us again. Bet you missed us, huh?"
You didn’t respond, your glare sharp enough to cut glass.
He laughed, as if your silence only amused him. "Still giving me the silent treatment? You know, you’re gonna hurt my feelings if you keep this up."
Beside you, the woman whimpered softly, clearly unable to handle the Clown’s twisted sense of humor. He turned his attention to her next, his voice mockingly sweet.
“Aw, don’t cry, lady. We’re not all bad. Well...” He chuckled. “Most of us aren’t great, but at least I’m entertaining, right?”
The woman shook her head, her lips quivering as tears spilled down her cheeks.
“Leave her alone,” you snapped, unable to stay quiet any longer.
The Clown turned back to you, tilting his head again. “There she is! Knew you couldn’t keep quiet forever.”
“Shut up,” you bit out, your voice low and venomous.
He let out a mock gasp, pressing a hand to his chest. "So cold! You really do know how to break a guy’s heart."
The Demon’s voice cut through the tension like a blade. “Clown, enough.”
The Clown shrugged, stepping back slightly but still keeping the gun pointed at you and the woman. "Fine, fine. No fun allowed."
After a few more tense minutes, the Demon slammed the trunk of the SUV shut, signaling that they were done loading.
The Wolf glanced over at you as he walked toward the driver’s side door. His gaze lingered for a moment, and though his mask obscured his expression, there was something unreadable in his posture.
“Let’s go,” he said, his voice calm but firm.
The Clown smirked, giving you a two-fingered salute before backing toward the SUV. “Well, ladies, it’s been real. Don’t miss us too much, okay?”
The woman let out a quiet sob, and you clenched your fists, your nails digging into your palms as you fought the urge to say something—anything—that might provoke them further.
The Clown climbed into the backseat, leaning out the window one last time as the SUV started up.
“Oh, and one more thing...” He leaned out of the window dramatically, throwing a mocking kiss in your direction. "Mwah!"
You glared at him, your jaw tightening, but you didn’t respond.
For a few moments, everything was silent except for the distant hum of the SUV’s engine fading into the distance.
The woman collapsed to her knees beside you, her body wracked with sobs. You stood there, your fists still clenched, your chest heaving as you tried to process what had just happened.
The flashing red and blue lights of the police cars reflected off the damp pavement as the cops swarmed the abandoned van where you and the woman had been left. You watched in silence as the officers questioned her, her voice trembling as she spilled everything she could recall about the robbery.
After hours of questioning and paperwork, they finally let you go. Exhausted, you dragged yourself home. The weight of the day pressed heavily on your shoulders, but even as you sank into your couch, staring blankly at the TV screen, the adrenaline from the encounter still buzzed faintly beneath your skin.
You tried distracting yourself with a movie, flipping through channels until you landed on something familiar.
Then, your phone buzzed.
The sound made you jump, when you reached for your phone and saw the notification, your breath caught in your throat.
It was him.
"Miss me yet?"
Your heart skipped a beat. You stared at the message, unsure how to respond—or if you even should. Your fingers hovered over the screen, torn between ignoring him and diving into a conversation you knew you shouldn’t be having.
Before you could think too hard, another message came through.
"You didn’t tell them about me, did you? Good."
You sat up straighter, your pulse quickening.
"How do you know I didn’t?"
The three little dots indicating he was typing appeared immediately.
"Let’s just say I have my ways."
You frowned, your fingers tightening around your phone.
"Why are you messaging me? What do you want?"
There was a pause before his next message.
"Thought I’d check in."
Your lips parted in disbelief. Was he serious?
"You can’t just ‘check in’ like this. You’re a criminal."
He answered right after.
"And yet, here you are, replying to me."
Curiosity finally got the better of you.
"I have a question."
The reply came faster than you expected.
"Ask away, doll."
"All the stuff you’ve given me… the jewelry, the clothes, everything. Did you really buy it? Or was it all stolen?"
You waited, biting your lip, half-expecting him to dodge the question. But then your phone buzzed again.
"Bought. Every single piece. You deserve the best, not leftovers from a heist."
His words made your stomach twist in a way you didn’t want to admit. But still, you weren’t convinced.
"I don’t trust you."
"I know. That’s fair. What would it take for you to trust me?"
You hesitated, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. Part of you didn’t even want to respond, but the absurdity of it all made you type before you could think twice.
"A mirror picture."
You sent it jokingly.
"Like the ones I’ve been sending to you."
There was a long pause, and you were about to type again when your phone buzzed. A photo popped up in your chat, and you froze.
He was sitting on the edge of a bed, facing a mirror. Black pants hugged his legs, and a simple white shirt clung to his broad shoulders. Silver jewelry adorned his wrists and fingers, glinting under the soft light of the room. A chunky chain rested around his neck.
But his face was hidden—his phone held up in front of it, the sleek black screen obscuring his features.
Your breath hitched as you stared at the image. It was strangely intimate, like you were seeing a side of him he didn’t show anyone else.
You blinked, trying to collect yourself.
"That doesn’t prove anything. Your face is still hidden."
"I didn’t think you’d want to see me yet. You might get hooked."
You rolled your eyes, but your cheeks burned as you typed back.
"You’re so full of yourself."
"And yet, you’re still talking to me."
He had a point, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.
"Don’t you have something better to do than bother me?"
"Not really. You’re the most interesting thing in my life right now."
Your chest tightened at his words, and you quickly changed the subject.
"You didn’t answer my question, though. How do I know the jewels wasn’t stolen?"
"You don’t."
You frowned, unsure if that was meant to be reassuring or not.
"This doesn’t make me trust you."
"That’s fine. I have time to change your mind."
You sighed, leaning back against the couch as you stared at his picture again. There was something about him.. something.
The days after that conversation felt… different. You didn’t know why you kept responding, but something about his persistence kept pulling you in.
His messages started coming more frequently, each one bolder than the last.
"What are you wearing today?"
You rolled your eyes at that one but still replied.
"I’m wearing jeans and a hoodie."
"Disappointing. I was imagining something more exciting."
"Get your imagination in check."
And then there were the voice memos. The first one caught you completely off guard.
His voice was deep, smooth, with an almost teasing edge to it.
"You’re always so defensive, doll. Relax a little. I’m not trying to hurt you."
The moment you heard it, your cheeks burned. You told yourself it was just the surprise of hearing him—not because his voice sent a shiver down your spine. Absolutely not.
You didn’t reply to that one immediately, hoping he’d leave it at that. But then another one came the next day.
"You didn’t respond to me yesterday. Are you mad, or did I just leave you speechless? Either way, I don’t mind."
Your fingers hovered over your phone, debating whether to reply. You told yourself to ignore it. But curiosity got the better of you again.
"Speechless? Not likely. I just have better things to do."
His reply came quickly, this time another voice memo.
"Better things? Like what? Sitting at home in the hoodie and jeans you wouldn’t let me imagine?"
You groaned but couldn’t stop yourself from laughing under your breath. He was relentless.
And it only got worse—or better, depending on how you looked at it.
One night, as you were scrolling on your phone, a longer voice memo came through. You hesitated before pressing play.
"You know," he began, his tone softer but still carrying that teasing lilt, "you don’t have to keep playing hard to get. I like this game, sure, but I’m patient. I’ve got all the time in the world to win you over."
Your stomach flipped, and you hated how much his words affected you.
"Win me over? You’re delusional."
He sent a message almost immediately.
"Maybe. But I think you’re starting to like it. Admit it, doll."
You didn’t admit anything, of course. But the truth was, you hadn’t stopped thinking about him—not his words, not his voice, not the way he made you feel.
And that terrified you. Because even though you tried to ignore it, you were starting to enjoy the attention. Starting to crave it, even.
But how could you let yourself fall for someone like him? Someone dangerous, mysterious, and so clearly off-limits?
You didn’t know. But what scared you most was that part of you didn’t care anymore.
You were crouched in the back of the store, stocking shelves. It had been a quiet day, and you were lost in your routine, mindlessly organizing items when you heard it—a voice that froze you in place.
"You’re really good at this, you know. Stocking shelves. Very meticulous."
Your breath caught in your throat. That voice. That smooth, teasing voice you’d come to recognize through late-night messages and voice memos.
You turned slowly, heart hammering, and there he was. The guy you had crashed into on the street. The same guy who had flustered you outside the jewelry store. But now, seeing him up close, hearing his voice—his voice—everything came crashing down on you like a tidal wave.
It was the Wolf.
Your lips parted, your instinct to scream taking over, but before you could make a sound, his hand clamped over your mouth. His other arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in close.
"Shh, doll," he whispered, his voice low and calm, but there was a hint of steel beneath it. "Let’s not make a scene."
Your heart was pounding so loudly you were sure he could feel it against his chest. You struggled against his hold, your mind racing with panic, anger, and disbelief.
"I knew I’d run into you eventually," he continued, his voice soft but dripping with that familiar smugness. "Though I didn’t expect it to be while you were busy stacking shelves."
You glared at him, your muffled protests pushing against his palm.
"If I let go, are you going to scream?" he asked, tilting his head as if he were genuinely curious.
You nodded furiously, and he chuckled.
"Honest. I like that about you."
You squirmed harder, and finally, he sighed, leaning in closer. His lips were almost brushing your ear now, and his voice dropped to a whisper that sent shivers down your spine.
"Scream if you want, doll. But just know, if you do, I’ll have to leave. And we wouldn’t want that, would we?"
The way he said it wasn’t a threat—it was a promise, one that left you frozen in place. Slowly, he removed his hand from your mouth, watching you intently as if daring you to make a move.
You didn’t scream. You couldn’t.
"That’s my girl," he said with a smirk, his arm still loosely wrapped around your waist.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you hissed, your voice low but trembling.
"Shopping," he replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "And maybe visiting you. Call it multitasking."
You pushed against his chest, breaking free of his hold, and he let you go, though his smirk didn’t falter.
"You’re insane," you spat, taking a step back, your voice rising slightly.
"And yet, here we are," he said, leaning casually against the shelf as if this was all perfectly normal.
You wanted to yell, to shove him out of the store, but all you could do was stare, your mind still reeling. The man who had been sending you messages, giving you gifts, teasing you relentlessly—he wasn’t some untouchable figure. He was here. Right in front of you.
And he was everything you feared he would be. Charming. Dangerous. And completely unapologetic.
You turned away from him, your hands trembling as you grabbed the next item to stock. You focused on the task, willing your racing heart to calm down. Maybe if you ignored him, he’d get bored and leave.
"You’re just going to pretend I’m not here?" His voice was laced with amusement. You didn’t need to turn around to know he was still watching you, his gaze burning into the back of your head. "I didn’t take you for the silent treatment type, doll."
You clenched your jaw, refusing to rise to his bait.
He chuckled softly. "Come on. I get points for effort, don’t I? I’ve been nothing but generous. All those gifts, all those messages... and this is how you treat me?"
You slammed a box of items onto the shelf a little too hard, the sound echoing through the aisle.
"Careful," he said, his tone mocking concern. "You’re going to break something. And then what? Do I have to buy the whole shelf to make it up to you?"
You finally spun around, glaring at him. "What do you want?"
He grinned, clearly enjoying how easily you snapped. "What do I want? That’s a loaded question." He stepped closer, his movements unhurried and deliberate. "But right now? I just want you."
You stared at him, trying to figure out if he was serious—or just messing with you. The way he leaned casually against the shelf, arms crossed, he looked completely at ease, like this was just another day for him.
"You’re insane," you muttered, turning back to your work.
"You’ve said that already," he teased. "It’s starting to sound like a compliment."
You didn’t respond, focusing on stacking the last of the items in the box. He stayed quiet for a moment, and you thought—hoped—he might finally leave.
But of course, he didn’t.
"You know," he started again, "I’ve been picturing this for a while. You, working. Me watching you." His voice dropped slightly, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. "Roles reversed for once."
You threw him a sharp glare over your shoulder. "Do you ever stop talking?"
He smirked. "Only when there’s a good reason to."
You rolled your eyes and turned back to the shelf, but you could feel the heat of his gaze following your every movement.
"You’re cute when you’re mad, by the way," he added. "But you probably already knew that."
You ignored him, determined not to let him get under your skin any more than he already had.
But as much as you hated to admit it, you couldn’t help the way your heart skipped a beat every time he spoke.
You froze as his arm suddenly came up, caging you between the shelf and his body. His other hand rested casually on the edge of the shelf near your head, but there was nothing casual about the way he leaned in, his eyes locked onto yours.
"I’m talking to you, doll," he said, his voice low and teasing. "I don’t like being ignored."
You swallowed hard, glancing around the store, your mind racing. There was no one else in this section—just the two of you.
"What are you doing?" you hissed, trying to keep your voice steady, but your nerves betrayed you.
"Getting your attention," he said simply, tilting his head as his eyes roamed over your face. "Because you’re clearly trying to avoid me, and that’s no fun."
You tried to step back, but the shelf pressed against your spine. He was so close you could feel the heat radiating off him, and the faint scent of his cologne invaded your senses, disorienting you.
"You can’t just—just do this," you stammered, your hands hovering awkwardly at your sides, unsure whether to push him away or keep them where they were.
"Why not?" he asked, his tone infuriatingly calm. His eyes flicked down to your lips for the briefest moment before meeting your gaze again. "It’s not like you’ve told me to stop."
Your mouth opened, but no words came out. He smiled, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you.
"So, here’s the deal," he said, leaning in just a little closer. His voice dropped to a near whisper, sending a shiver down your spine. "I’m asking you out. Right here, right now."
Your eyes widened. "You’re what?"
"You heard me," he said, his smile widening. "Let me take you out. Dinner, drinks, whatever you want."
You blinked at him, your mind scrambling to process his words. Of all the things he could have said, this was the last thing you expected.
"You’re insane," you finally muttered, trying to look anywhere but at him.
"You’ve mentioned that," he replied with a chuckle. "But you didn’t say no."
"No," you said quickly, finally finding your voice.
He raised an eyebrow, clearly unfazed. "Is that your final answer?"
"Yes," you snapped, though it came out weaker than you’d intended.
His smirk didn’t falter. If anything, it grew. "We’ll see about that," he murmured, leaning back slightly, though he didn’t move away entirely. "I’ve got time."
You glared at him, your heart pounding in your chest. "I don’t."
"Then I’ll just have to be quick, won’t I?" he said, his voice dripping with amusement.
Before stepping back entirely, his hand darted out, catching yours in his grip. You tensed, your instinct telling you to pull away, but his hold was firm yet strangely gentle. His thumb brushed over your knuckles, lingering on the ring you’d forgotten you were wearing—the one he had sent in a gift bag just a few days ago.
"Ah," he murmured, his voice low and teasing as he admired it. "You kept it. You do like my gifts, after all."
You opened your mouth to retort, but before you could say anything, he bent down, his lips brushing the back of your hand in a kiss that sent a jolt through your body.
"Perfect fit," he murmured as he straightened, his smirk firmly in place. "Looks even better on you than I imagined."
Your face flushed, a mix of embarrassment and anger. "What is wrong with you?" you hissed, yanking your hand away and cradling it to your chest like it had been burned.
He just chuckled, his gaze never leaving yours as he took a slow step back. "You’ll come around, doll," he said, his confidence maddening.
"Not in a million years," you snapped.
"We’ll see," he said, winking before turning and walking away, his casual stride making it seem like he didn’t have a care in the world.
You stood there for a moment, staring after him, your hand still pressed against your chest.
After that it was relentless. Every time your phone buzzed, you knew it was him. The texts came like clockwork: teasing remarks, flirtatious comments, and, without fail, him asking you out. You rejected him every time, telling him no, reminding him this was never going to happen, but he never seemed fazed.
He started showing up. At first, it was just at your job. He’d stroll in like he owned the place, leaning casually against the counter, that smirk of his permanently etched on his face. He’d make small talk, tease you, and then, inevitably, ask, "Dinner tonight?"
"No," you’d reply sharply, barely sparing him a glance as you went about your work.
"One day, you’ll say yes," he’d say confidently before leaving, and it drove you insane.
Then he escalated.
The first time he showed up outside your school, you almost screamed. You had just stepped out of the building when you saw him leaning against a sleek black car, arms crossed, sunglasses perched on his nose.
"What are you doing here!?" you asked, narrowing your eyes as you stopped a few feet away from him.
"Figured I’d give you a ride home," he said nonchalantly, tilting his head toward the car.
"I don’t need a ride," you said, crossing your arms.
"Didn’t ask if you needed one," he replied smoothly, opening the passenger door with a casual flourish. "Get in."
He sighed dramatically, removing his sunglasses and looking at you with those piercing eyes of his. "Look, we can stand here all day, or you can get in the car. Your choice, doll."
You glared at him, your stubbornness clashing with his. But as the minutes ticked by and other students started to glance your way, you finally relented with a huff. "Fine."
"Knew you’d see reason," he said with a grin as you climbed into the car.
The bickering didn’t stop there. You told him repeatedly to leave you alone, to stop showing up, but he never listened.
"You’re persistent," you muttered one day as he drove, your arms crossed as you stared out the window.
"I prefer ‘determined,’" he replied with a smirk, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t deny the small, traitorous part of you that almost looked forward to his appearances. It was maddening, frustrating, and yet… you didn’t hate it.
The late evening air was crisp as you got ready, the faint sound of distant cars humming in the background. You glanced down at yourself, smoothing out the fabric of your outfit—a dress that hugged you just right.
You slipped on your heels, the soft click of them on the ground echoing as you locked the door behind you. Your purse hung over your shoulder, packed with just the essentials.
Your friends’ car was parked at the curb, the music already blaring as the passenger window rolled down. Yuna was in the front seat, leaning out slightly to wave at you with a grin. "Finally! We thought you’d take forever!"
"I’m here, aren’t I?" you teased, walking toward the car and opening the door.
Wonyoung and Chaewon were in the backseat, laughing over something on Wonyoung’s phone. Yuna turned down the music slightly as you climbed in and buckled your seatbelt.
"You look amazing," Chaewon said, eyeing your outfit with approval.
"Agreed!" Wonyoung added, nudging you playfully. "Who’s the lucky guy tonight?"
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped. "It’s not like that. Let’s just have fun, okay?"
The car roared to life as Yuna stepped on the gas, the upbeat music filling the small space once again. The club was about twenty minutes away, and as you looked out the window, the city lights blurred past.
When the car pulled into the parking lot of the club, you stepped out, adjusting your dress and looking up at the bright neon sign that lit up the entrance.
What you didn’t notice was the black car that parked a few rows away. Inside, a familiar figure sat, watching you intently as you laughed with your friends and disappeared into the crowd at the entrance.
The dance floor was crowded, bodies moving to the beat, lights flashing in bursts of color that left you feeling free, untethered.
You swayed to the music, letting yourself get lost in it, your arms lifting as you spun slightly. Everything felt good—better than it had in a long time. Your friends were nearby, dancing and laughing, but at that moment, you were in your own little world.
Until you weren’t.
A hand brushed your waist, and a figure stepped up behind you. At first, you thought nothing of it—people were constantly bumping into each other on the crowded floor. But then you caught it: the sour, musky scent of sweat and stale cologne. It wasn’t pleasant, and it made your nose wrinkle instinctively.
The guy leaned in closer, his presence too heavy, his breath hot against your neck as he tried to match your movements. You froze for a second, then subtly shifted away, putting some distance between you and him without making a scene.
But he followed.
He pressed in again, his hand grazing your arm this time, and you turned to glance at him over your shoulder. He was taller, with an unsettling grin and eyes that were too confident. His intentions were clear, and the sight of him only made your unease grow.
You moved again, this time more deliberately, angling yourself toward your friends. But before you could take another step, the guy grabbed your wrist lightly, leaning down so you could hear him over the music. "Where you going, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice slurred, his grip tightening just enough to make your stomach churn.
Your heart sped up, and you tugged your wrist away, your voice firm but not loud. "I’m not interested."
He didn’t seem to care. "Don’t be like that. I just wanna talk."
You scanned the dance floor, hoping to spot one of your friends, but the crowd felt suffocating now, the lights too bright. Panic bubbled just beneath the surface as the guy moved closer again.
But then, out of nowhere, another presence loomed behind you—larger, steadier. A hand reached out and clasped the guy’s shoulder, pulling him back sharply.
"She said she’s not interested," a familiar voice said.
Your head whipped around, and your stomach dropped. It was him. Standing there in the middle of the club, his jaw tight, his eyes dark and burning with intensity.
The guy holding your wrist scowled, trying to shake his grip off. "What’s it to you, man?"
His smile didn’t reach his eyes. "Everything."
The guy hesitated, clearly weighing his options, but after a tense moment, the guy muttered something under his breath and released your wrist, disappearing into the crowd.
He turned to you, his hand brushing yours as if checking to make sure you were okay. "You alright?" he asked, his voice softer now.
You nodded, though your heart was still racing. "What are you doing here?"
His lips curved into a faint smirk. "What can I say? I like keeping an eye on what’s mine."
Your eyes narrowed, a mix of annoyance and confusion. "I’m not yours."
But he just chuckled, his hand falling away as he took a step back. "Not yet."
He turned to walk into the crowd, leaving you to stand there.
For a split second, everything felt like it was moving too fast, and then, without thinking, you grabbed his arm. The wolf—no, he—stopped in his tracks, his body going stiff for a moment, surprised.
You didn’t care. You were done letting things happen around you without doing something.
You tugged on his sleeve, pulling him back toward you, and he let you. His dark eyes flickered with surprise as he leaned down, close enough for you to feel his breath against your skin. His presence was intense, like a fire you couldn’t step away from, his hands instinctively falling to your waist, holding you steady as if you might fall.
"Where do you think you're going?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, though it was more demanding than you expected.
His grip on you tightened, his body language shifting from the casuality he’d always shown to something a bit more... intimate. "I could ask you the same thing," he replied, his voice low.
You swallowed, your pulse quickening. Something about this, about him being so close, felt like it was pulling you in deeper. You’d been fighting the connection for so long, but now, with his arms around you, the fight felt distant.
“I’m not some... object to control,” you said, but even you could hear the uncertainty in your voice.
His lips curled into a faint, teasing smile, and he leaned even closer, so close you could feel the heat radiating off him. "No, you're not," he murmured, his voice a gentle hum against your ear. "But you like when I take control, don’t you?"
Your breath hitched. It was a question, but he was already certain of the answer. Your hands instinctively moved to his chest, your fingers grazing the fabric of his shirt.
He looked at you for a long beat, his gaze softer now, as if he was studying you. "You really don`t want me to leave?"
You didn't answer right away, but when you did, your words were quiet, raw. "I don't know what I want anymore."
He didn’t let you go, his fingers brushing your hair back gently, his lips ghosting over your temple as he leaned down. "Maybe I can help you figure it out."
You blinked, caught off guard by his sudden tenderness. His touch was so gentle...
“I don’t even know your name,” you murmured, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
He pulled back slightly, his dark eyes meeting yours with a gaze that made everything in the room seem a little less important. There was a flicker of amusement in his expression, “It’s Ni-ki,” he said simply, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to give you that piece of him.
You repeated it silently in your mind, the name feeling foreign but familiar, a puzzle piece that somehow fit.
Before you could even process it fully, his hand brushed against your cheek, his thumb gently tracing your skin. "Have fun," he added, his voice softer now.
Then, without another word, he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Before Ni-ki turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd.
You touched your forehead where his lips had been, feeling the trace of his kiss burn even though he was already gone.
What had just happened?
Part 2 here
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Gojo Satoru
TW: yandere, breakup, depression, schemes, manipulation, office au for some reason
can be read as a standalone, but also in compliment to this part 1
fem reader
It’s a funny thing. You’re not really his type.
You dress right for the office—long pencil skirts and buttoned-up shirts—librarian hairstyles and modest makeup. Nothing brazen or flashy or anything at all that garners much attention.
And it’s not like you flirt with him or anything. No, you’re perfectly friendly—funny at times, and nice—covering for him when he runs late, bringing candy for you to share, dishing the new office gossip.
Yeah, you’re his coworker. His work-buddy. Desk-mate. And you don’t try to be anything more—never one to over-share or pry into his personal matters. Your relationship is professional. Nothing more and nothing less.
But it’s only natural, though, right? For a guy to fantasize about a girl when he sees her as often as he sees you—sitting right next to each other during full office hours, bringing each other coffee and lunch, and talking shit about the boss together. It would be strange not to—to imagine what you’d look like on your back or on your knees, what you sound like, what kind of face you make. And your preferences—if you would make him wear a condom or let him cum inside. If you like it rough or would rather, he lay belly up and let you take charge.
Your face is the one constant thing in his life—of course, he thinks about you as often as he does, in more ways than he'd like.
The thoughts don't concern him much in the beginning. It’s just one of those things the mind humors without your consent—it doesn’t mean anything. And it doesn’t matter much, even if it does. You’d never do any of those things with him anyway—you’re too vanilla, and he’s too much of a player. And besides, you already have a boyfriend.
And it’s not like he doesn’t have girlfriends, too—of course, he does—a new one every other week or so. So it’s not like he’s lonely or in any dire need of you.
No, Gojo doesn’t need you. He could have anyone else, and you’re already taken. No, he doesn't need you...
Oh, but he wants you.
It becomes one of those things he can’t ignore whether he wants to or not. Fuck, you’re making his bachelor life feel boring. He could be in bed with a model—sounds of her pleasure filling the room, and all he’d be able to think about is you and what type of coffee he should bring you in the morning.
You’re ruining his style.
He doesn’t know if it’s a tactic to flush you out of his head or a vie to pique your interest or maybe just to spite you for making his life a living hell—but he starts bringing his personal life to work. And by personal life, he means his sexual conquests.
You don’t say much of anything at first. You compliment him on how pretty his girlfriend is, only to be confused once a different girl comes by the next day. You say even less about it, then.
When the third girl comes, you try and make a joke—it’s obvious you feel uncomfortable. But he isn’t sure it’s the reaction he wants. In a way, it seems almost as if you feel sorry for him, which only serves to make him feel even worse.
It’s when your boyfriend comes during your break to take you out to lunch that he feels absolutely worthless. You have this smile on your face he’s never seen before—this glow about you.
Gojo realizes he’s never made any girl look like that, even while making them cum and scream his name. This look is something pure.
It makes him want to strangle your boyfriend to death right in front of you. He can barely muster a smile when you apologize for leaving him to lunch alone.
But in your absence, he musters up a new plan.
Men are fickle things, especially men like your boyfriend—men who’ve been in the same relationship for so long that they’ve all but forgotten the beast within—a dormant beast that's now starved eager to jump at anything that bears its neck.
It’s all too easy. He doesn’t even need to pay the girl to help, she does it all just to please him. Girls are quite disgusting, too, once he comes to think about it—lecherous beings who’ll do anything he says if he promises them he'll stay. He can’t believe he’s had so many of them in his bed—it makes his skin crawl with mites.
You’re nothing like them. You’re genuine. There’s a substance to you—something those whores lack. No, he couldn’t approach you like he would them. You’d only take him for the predator he was. No, for a girl like you to like a guy like him, he’d need to go to insidious means.
The girl approaches your boyfriend on his command—flirts him up, flusters him, makes him dumb—makes him reckless enough to think he can get away with it. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her is probably what he’s thinking as he goes home with a slut that looks nothing like his loving girlfriend.
Oh, but you will know if Gojo wills it. He’s got the pictures to prove all the depraved things your boyfriend got up to behind your back, and he’ll just as easily show them to you.
But no, that won’t break you. Funny enough, if he were to tell you your boyfriend was cheating on you, the heartbreak would be clouded by rage, and you’d break up with him and get back to work. But if you were the one to get dumped. Yes, your poor heart would fall apart and right into his arms. Yes, for a girl like you to want a guy like him, he'd have to make you just as pathetic and desperate.
And so, through his pawn, he blackmails your crappy long-standing boyfriend into breaking up with you with the threat of showing you all the lewd pictures of him getting nasty with a skank in a shoddy motel room.
And it works like a charm.
Your boyfriend does his bidding, and you break.
And the heartache is so palpable it leaves you sick and bedridden. You don’t show up for work for days.
And though it hurts not to see you, Gojo sits well at his desk with a smile on his face, knowing everything is going perfectly according to plan.
Yes, he’ll be a rebound at first, a mistake you make in a drunken sorrow—but soon... you’ll be the cutest office couple in the entire building. He'll make sure of it.
♡ GOJO SATORU masterlist ♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
#yandere jjk#yandere jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu kaisen#gojo smut#satoru gojo smut#gojo satoru smut#gojou satoru x reader#satoru gojo#gojo satoru#gojo x reader#gojo saturo#jjk gojo#yandere gojo x reader#yandere gojo satoru#yandere gojo#yandere satoru gojo#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen headcanons#gojo headcanons
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broke the sweetest promise (that you never should have made)
summary: your relationship with lando ends before it can ever really begin
parings: lando norris x ex!reader x harry styles
vicious speaks: this was supposed to be a cute little fic after i was inspired when listening to ‘electric touch’, and now it’s taken on a life of its own! i hope you enjoy this new mini series 💕 i had to make lando the bad guy, i’m sorry 😭 this is just setting the stage so there’s not a lot of harry but don’t worry, he’s in the next part!!
series masterlist
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liked by yourusername, harrystyles and others
lando we’re so golden ☀️
tagged yourusername
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yourusername we’re saurrr cute 💛
⤷ lando you definitely are 💛
⤷ fan1 can you put us all out of our misery and DATE ALREADY
⤷ fan2 fr!! yn’s looked like she’s been in love with lando for years and he’s been looking the same way lately 🥹
oscarpiastri two pretty best friends
⤷ yourusername missing our 3rd 😔💔
⤷ fan3 lmao oscar saw the shipping comments and said NOT on my watch 😭
⤷ oscarpiastri she can do better
⤷ fan5 oscar PLEASE 😭
⤷ fan6 i fear osc isn’t joking
alexandrasaintmleux yourusername give me your hand in marriage NOW 💍💍 i’m SERIOUS
⤷ yourusername i’m all yours baby 😚
⤷ charles_leclerc i’m literally right here?
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux and?
⤷ yourusername is that supposed to mean something to us?
⤷ charles_leclerc damn okay
⤷ fan7 you got humbled so quick dkgjfjs
fan8 harry in the likes, what the hell 😭
⤷ fan9 maybe he’s an f1 fan
⤷ fan10 ooh i hope we’ll see him at a race!!
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yourusername has added to their stories

fan2 you’re crazy if you think we believe you’re just friends after this
maxverstappen1 oh my God did it finally happen?
fan3 this is basically a hard launch, right?
oscarpiastri you already know how i feel so i’ll just say that if you’re happy, i’m happy ❤️
fan4 you won’t last long, lando will get bored eventually 🤷♀️
yourbff bitch you have some explaining to do
fan5 omg are we about to get love songs for the first time?
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tmz f1 driver lando norris and singer yn were seen in a pretty heated fight at a studio earlier tonight! apparently lando left her alone in tears. for those who don’t know, he and the singer have been best friends for a few years now, with fans recently speculating online about a relationship confirmation coming soon from the pair but those dreams were crushed when lando was spotted kissing a mystery woman on valentine’s day (see last slide).
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fan1 omg he’s such a WHORE
fan3 this is so sad, man. you can tell yn loves him and i thought lando loved her but clearly that isn’t true. she deserves so much better!!
fan4 leaving her alone in tears is such an evil move…lando norris you shall die by my sword
fan5 it was clear lando wasn’t ever going to see her as a serious option. she did this to herself!!
⤷ fan6 yn didn’t do anything to herself, lando is the one who keeps stringing her along, especially lately.
fan7 our girl needs to cut lando off, take time to heal and when she’s ready, move on with someone who actually loves her. ♥︎ by yourusername
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fan1 damn tell us how you really feel 😭
fan2 this isn’t the confirmation post i wanted but i guess i’ll take it 🤷♀️
fan3 the fucking shade 😭😭
yourbff GET HIS ASS!
fan4 leave lando alone you weirdo
maxverstappen1 this is more information about lando than i ever wanted to know but i can appreciate what you’re doing it for
fan5 me when i lie
fan6 this is diabolical
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itsaria has added to their stories
fan1 oh girl this is not it
fan2 this isn’t the serve you think it is
fan3 there’s still time to delete this
fan4 wow you really feel no shame in homewrecking
lando ❤️
⤷ itsaria you need to set the record straight about yn. people are in my dms calling me a homewrecker and i didn’t sign up for that shit, lando.
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lando has added to their stories

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liked by oscarpiastri, itsaria, and others
yourusername i never wanted to bring this to social media but i was made aware that lando released a statement today that as you can see from above, is full of nothing but lies. we’ve been best friends for a few years now and i had been in love with him for almost all of them. we recently admitted our feelings for each other and decided to see where things would go between us. it was new, but we were relationship and he did cheat on me. i don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling but i haven’t seen or spoken to him since that night at the the studio and things between us are obviously not fine. i’m also pretty sure aria had no idea about me so please do not attack her. this is the last time i’m going to speak about this situation, as i want to move on with my life.
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liked by harrystyles, yourbff and others
theynsociety still not over taylor and yns surprise performance last night!!
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fan8 i’ve missed her so much!! she was literally glowing last night 🥹🫶
fan9 the fit!! THE HAIR!!! i have a feeling we’re about to enter her best era yet
fan10 harry’s always popping up in the most random places 😭
fan11 it’s been a long month, but clearly this break is doing wonders for her 😍
fan12 harry styles yn fan confirmed? ♥︎ by harrystyles
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taglist: @pansexualdarling
#harry styles x reader#harry styles series#harry styles x you#harry styles x y/n#harry styles smau#harry styles fic#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fluff#harry styles#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#lando norris x y/n#lando norris smau#lando norris fic#lando noriss angst#lando norris fanfic#lando norris#one direction fic#1d fic#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#formula 1 fic#formula 1 fanfic#f1#formula 1#fake instagram#smau#fake social media
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hii!! :D can you write nsfw oneshot about pervy + nerd!gojo x reader after they had a huge fight?? 😳 pls pls pls ☹☹
Nerdjo pt 2 <3

Pairings- Y/N x Nerd! Satoru Gojo
Word count- 1.7k <3
Proof read- ✅
Warnings- Mating press, Stupid argument, fluff if you squint, doggy style, riding.
A/n- hey guys!! I’ve had some writers block lately but this request helped me come out of it. So thank you so much for your request <3 I've had alot on my plate that delayed me posting this, im so sorry </3 but its been a bit difficult to do anything i want to do lately. Besides being very busy i finally had time to post this. Thank you so much and I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it <3 Nerdjo..save me..Nerdjo..
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“No Satoru, I’ve had enough.” You angrily spit out and walk to your bedroom and shutting the door, sitting behind it as a way to lock it. “W-wait- baby-!” He gasps out, “Please open the door, my love I’m so sorry please let’s talk about it more calmly!” He puts his head on the door trying to hold back his tears from forming.
Maybe you did have enough of your panties being stolen because now you have absolutely none! Anybody would be frustrated that they have no panties ! I mean would want to walk around panty- less???!! Sure, your boyfriend would enjoy it but what if you have to go in public! You sigh in frustration and grumble under your breath.
Satoru felt guilt wash over him, making his throat tighten up and shame for giving into his sexual desires. How could he be so selfish? You're going to leave him for sure. Thoughts were streaming into his head causing him to spiral, his glasses fogging up and his heart thumping against his chest in panic.
He didn’t even realize tears were streaming down his face, but he ignored them sitting in front of the door hearing your breathing that somewhat calmed him down. “You’re not going to… leave me right..?” He says quietly, sniffling softly. You felt your heart shatter a bit, you’d never want that. Ever.
Silently you open the door and peer down at his glossy cheeks and puffy eyes. You felt awful. But that didn’t excuse him from stealing your panties. He did it every day! And your previous panties weren’t returned so each new one you brought was taken by him. It was insanely frustrating but.. maybe you could’ve come about it a different way.
You sigh as you crouch in front of him, his blue puffy eyes boring into yours. “No, I’d never leave you. I just want you to stop taking my panties because I’m out. Again.” You cup his face in your hands, and he nods his head frantically- you're half surprised he didn't get whiplash, “it won’t happen ever again. I’m so sorry. I’ll return them all right now!”
Before he can get up you throw your arms around him in a somewhat hug since he’s still got his knees to his chest, he returns your hug almost instantly- wrapping his arms around you as he shoves his head on your shoulder. “I love you, ‘toru, okay? I’d never leave you. Especially over something stupid like this.” You reassure softly making his grip on you tighten.
“So…. What do you do with my used panties?” You pull back slightly and his entire face turns red. “U-uh..” he stutters out, “Why don’t you show me, hm?” You put a stray hair behind his ear, and he looks like he’s a second away from exploding.
Fuck you really shouldn’t have said that. You find yourself folded in half like a lawn chair and Satoru's swollen cock buried deep inside of you to the hilt. He only pulls out until the tip is left just to slam it back inside of you, hitting your sweet spot deliciously.
He’s got his biceps flexing as he has one hand pinning you in the position and well… the other has your soaked panties on his face as he inhales your scent pathetically. “F-fuck- hah-!” He cries out, “‘m sorry baby- I’m so sorry-ooohhh!!” He gasps out rambling mindlessly, his glossed lips in a constant o shape.
You hitch and moan underneath him, your body felt like it was tingling all over like popping candy was in your bloodstream, your sweet spot being hit over and over again. Was this your 3rd orgasm? or your 5th? You’ve lost count and you never would have thought your nerdy boyfriend was so damn filthy. “I-I’m gonna-!” He whimpers out and fuck you're on the brink of squirting all over the both of you. Again. The sheets are soaked beneath you both and it’s been a couple of hours by now all because Satoru's inhaling your sweet little panties.
“Gonna take it for me like a good girl, huh? Yeah?” he babbles, and you nod your head teary eyed from the sheer amount of pleasure coursing through you. “A-all y-yours ‘toru-! Angh-!!” Before you know it, you’ve soaked your thighs, tummy, his thighs and abdomen. Your eyes roll back, and you feel like you’re on fire, your toes curling deliriously while your eyes roll back and shut. You swear you see the white pearly gates for a good moment. You sob under him and shake as you pathetically grip onto him for some stability.
He pants above you and flips you over. “Wha-more-?” You whimper out and you get your answer as he sinks his swollen cock into you, and he’s balls deep into you again. You grip the pillow beneath you as your walls clench and spasm around his hard, thick cock. He pulls your head up by your hair and shoves your panties in your mouth, “im-sorry- fuck- you wanted me to show you- what I do and-hah- think about-shit-!” Fuck. You think you’re about to pass out at this point. It felt like his cock was ripping your insides apart, you could just feel him. Nothing else. Nothing mattered except the two of you. All you could do was just sit there and take it. “A-and if I..go a bit deeper..and t-thrust up-! I’ll hit your-hah- g spot- again-!” He gurgles into your ear and squeezes your ass cheeks apart to get a better look at his cock in your sweet cunt.
“Shiiiiittt” He whimpers out, thrusting his cock up in need and he fucking laughs when your back arches deeper and you let out a muffled scream. “Found it.” He presses his chest onto your back and wraps his lets arm around your stomach pressing against the lewd bulge in your stomach and his free hand pinches your clit. “hah-! I’m sorry- I’m sorry- im shoorrrrrryyyyy!!” He cries out, “You- wanted this as much as I do- please- please! Please! Anngffhhhh!!” Fuck you couldn’t even find any strength to let out a hum in acknowledgment.
You felt pleasure in so much different places, and you didn’t have anywhere to run. Your clit, his cock deep into you, his arm squishing the bulge in your stomach- fuck it was all too much- your panties in your mouth and your head shoved in the pillow-your body felt half unconscious, but the pleasure was 0h so good and addictive you didn’t want it to stop.
Never in a million years would you have thought your nerdy boyfriend who rambles to you about Digimon or the one that lets you cock warm him while he helps you study or have soft vanilla sex would ever be this filthy. But who were you to complain when you’ve come about God knows how much. 7? 8? At this point your brain felt fuzzy and your body felt every single bit of pleasure coursing through your veins, head to toe like lightning flashing through the sky, the pleasure you were feeling was flashing through your veins deep and sharp. “Baby- love you- love you so much- don’t wanna ever make you upset at me ever again- please- hah- forgive me- please-“ He whimpers and the last thing you feel is his cock releasing thick spurts of cum deep in your womb, and you can barely process it before you’re joining his high and squeezing his cock like you walls wanted to strangle it.
Once your highs are ridden out, he slips his now soft cock out of you and flips you over softly. He takes your panties out of your mouth and presses kisses all over your face, jaw, neck and shoulders. “Are you still with me?” you hazily blink your eyes and adjust to your white-haired boyfriend pressing kisses all over you making a smile tug at your lips. Without saying anything you bring his lips to yours and kiss him softly making him moan softly into the kiss. You push him down with his back against the mattress and he looks up at you with confusion, “You still have energy?” You smirk and take his fogged-up glasses off his face, grinding your soaked pussy against his half hard cock.
You wipe his glasses clean and put them on his face softly, “Now you can see me ruin you this time.” A red blush decorates his cheeks, and he gasps out a breathy moan as you sink onto his once again hard cock, both of your bodies riddled with sweat and sore from your previous intercourse.
His hands find home on your hips as you start bouncing on his cock, slamming your hips down with a lewd wet noise with each slam of your hips, picking up your pace faster; internally smug at how his eyes roll back and shut. You study his body a bit. The way his toes curl and grip at the sheets bellow the both of you, the way his biceps flex and grip your hips like you’re the only thing keeping him sane, the way his abdomen clenches and the way he moans loudly not afraid to show you how good you make him feel.
In reality, Satoru wasn’t keeping it cool at all. He felt like he was going to explode. Incinerate. Into a million pieces. He got nervous whenever he was close to you and now?? He had no choice but to stare into your eyes and he felt so squeamish. His heart going a million miles per hour, honestly... he could handle it before. But whenever you’re on top and staring into his gorgeous blue eyes he can’t handle it. It’s like the first time you both ever met again. His heart flutters at the thought but he’s pulled out of his thoughts when his eyes blink up to focus on you. Fuck your perfect tits bouncing, your ass jiggling from the sheer force of your hips against his. How did you have any stamina left?
You giggle at his unusual quietness and lean down to kiss him, whimpering into his mouth as the two of you kiss harshly, getting messier and messier. Before the both of you knew it you were cumming all over his cock again, squeezing him so tight and he’s filling you up for the nth time tonight. You pull your lips away from his, rocking your hips against his softly. “So, baby, tell me about that new Digimon card you got.” His eyes light up and you softly bounce your hips onto his while he rambles about the amazing new card he scored.
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