#this is technically fem!reader but could be read as gn
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farspaceprincess · 2 days ago
more chubby mc x caleb cause the ppl loved it last time and i do too.
i think he lovessss to pick you up and twirl you around like a princess whenever he can, sometimes for no reason. he quickly shuts down any doubt or insecurity you may have by just picking you up. he’d probably feel a little wounded, playfully asking you if you think he’s really that weak and if you think he needs to go to the gym more.
speaking of the gym, caleb’s always been pretty athletic, but i think a huge motivation that helps him maintain a consistent workout routine is impressing you. he knows he’s good looking and in really good shape, but nothing makes his ego inflate more than catching you checking him out. he’s all too familiar with that cute routine of yours where you’ll sneak glances at him after he gets back from the gym or when he gets out of the shower. he’s like the king of ogling, so he knows every technique or move you think is subtle because he uses them against you constantly LMAO. he teases you whenever he catches you staring, and enjoys it a lot whenever you’re bold and feel him up, encouraging you to press your hands against his biceps or chest. or any part of him, really. he just wants you touching him :p
caleb would definitely let you practice makeup on him. as a matter of fact, i think he knows how to do makeup. its canon (i’m pretty sure) that he did your hair growing up, so he’s skilled at doing your hair, and i think he would’ve started learning and practicing makeup techniques to help you do yours at some point, probably around late middle school/early high school. he’s now resigned himself to being your personal model and makeup tester, letting himself get dolled up whenever you’re bored and want to experiment and test out new skincare or makeup.
in my last post i mentioned how he loves to see you all dressed up in cute frilly clothes, but i also think he goes crazy seeing you in casual, comfy clothing, bonus points if you’re wearing his clothes. honestly he goes crazy seeing you in general. it satiates that possessive side of him, knowing you’re comfortable enough around him to not feel obligated to always look “presentable”, and that you willingly choose his shirts or pants despite having your own personal closet at his house. it’s like you’re kids again, accidentally mixing up the laundry and using his t-shirts and shorts as pajamas. he starts getting in the habit of buying himself clothes for the sole purpose of seeing you in them, and before he knows it he has millions of shirts he knows will hang off your shoulders and sweatpants that will hang low on your waist.
kind of in that same vein, he makes sure all of your clothes smell like him to some degree. anything you leave at his place is going to smell like his detergent, and on the clothes you wear most often, he’ll spray some of his cologne on them. he invites you to do the same to his own clothing too, and if anyone notices that he smells like sweet perfume, nobody dares to comment on it.
caleb loves intimacy (sexual or otherwise), obviously. there’s something especially special to him about those quiet moments you two share, free from the baggage and pressure of the outside world. he wants you all to himself, and this is the closest he’ll ever get, so he cherishes each moment with every fiber of his being. he spends hours practically worshipping you, sososo thankful that you’re even giving him the opportunity to do so.
a/n: idrk how to end this but i hope it was okay LOL praying its not super ooc pls dont stone me if it is. ignore any grammatical or spelling errors its 3 am and i was falling asleep halfway through writing this. i come up with most of these ideas on the spot. my writing process is very simple i fear.
also i write these on my phone on the app bc my laptop is broken so i hope the formatting isnt too weird???? idk how to use tumblr even though i’ve had this account since like 2016.
also would yall be interested in me making more headcanon rambles like these but for the other LIs??? pls lmk and i’ll start thinking of some for the other guys and brushing up on their lore!!!!!!
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the-teufort-nine · 3 months ago
The BLU Chemist Reader returns for their final fic! 11k words and about a week of work and beta reading by @pinkypiechar have led to this! I hope it lives up to expectations!
If you like the idea of a Chemist Reader, please consider checking out my longer, RED Chemist Fem!Reader fic, whenever I actually get around to writing it.
Mercs x GN!Reader | Respawn Malfunction PART 3: Chem and RED's Excellent Adventure
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Hurt/Comfort, Discussion of Poly Relationship, Crossfaction Flirting | NSFW, because while technically no sex happens, its definitely discussed/implied| Cw: starvation, mentions of graphic death/description of a corpse, mentions of pet death (non graphic), possesive behaviours ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Everyone! Even Miss Pauling is here, as well as a particularly charming duo from the enemy team.
Scenario: Having been stranded at the new base with no hope of making it back to their team alone, the BLU Chemist must ask their mortal enemy for help. Thankfully, even a RED Engineer has some good ole' southern hospitality, and the Texan offers to get the BLU back to their team. (Un)fortunately, someone else has joined in on their little quest...
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The RED team's Engineer had seen many things during his time working for Mann Co., but the sight before him now may have been the strangest yet.
The BLU Chemist, whom everyone knew had died during that horrible Respawn failure, was standing on the other end of his trusty shotgun.
Well, standing might have been too generous a word. The Merc was swaying like a sapling in a storm, trembling from the effort of staying upright. Their usually vibrant eyes were dull behind their safety goggles, which didn't hug their face like usual. Everything they wore looked baggy and ill-fitting, barely hanging onto their gaunt, thin form. They looked dead, as though their soul had been dragged back from the afterlife and shoved into their corpse.
“How the hell…” he lowered his gun, blue eyes narrowing in disbelief, “Ain't you supposed to be dead?” 
“I was.” They shrugged weakly, stumbling slightly, “Now I'm not. I actually just died again a few hours ago, and I'm pretty sure my team might think I'm actually dead. Again.”
“Jesus Mary and Joseph.” The Engineer cursed, before opening the door wider. “Well, I reckon since it's a ceasefire, ah ain't bein’ paid t’ kill ‘ya, so y’ may as well come in. Just try ‘n keep the noise down, otherwise you're gonna have 9 curious bastards pokin’ atcha.”
“I'll be as quiet as a church mouse.” The BLU replied, wincing as they stepped into the illuminated interior. “Jesus, that's bright.”
“It really ain't.” The Southerner arched a concerned brow, “You’re just sick as a dog.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Came the Chemist’s grumbled response.
“Where’d you come from? Ain’t much ‘round here that could get ‘ya killed, aside from us.” He asked, extending a hand to steady his unexpected guest as they tilted towards the wall.
“Uhhhh,” The Chemist scrubbed at their eyes, letting their hand drag down their face. Their E/C eyes stared blankly at the wall as they tried to call forth an answer. “Colorado. Yeah, we were in Colorado. We had to stop at this little town called Limon ‘cause there was a tornado.”
“A tornado?”
“Yeah. It knocked down a utility pole. That’s how I died again, actually! Biggggg ole electric shock.”
Engineer let out a low whistle. “Nasty way to go. You are one unlucky sumbitch, huh?”
The Chemist inclined their head. “Or, I’m a lucky ‘sumbitch’, depending on how you look at it. I’ve cheated Death twice now, after all.”
Engineer snorted at their attempt to mimic his accent. It reminded him of his own team’s Chemist, who was tucked away upstairs, sleeping peacefully. She often copied his countryisms, and he would sometimes catch her unconsciously copying the accent or speech mannerisms of whomever she was speaking to.
“Maybe.” he acquiesced, “Yer a right tough bastard, ah’ll give ‘ya that. No wonder yer such a pain in the ass when we’re scrappin’.”
The other Merc grinned a bit. “Being a pain in the ass is my specialty.”
Before he knew it, Engineer found himself standing in the Intel room, where the base’s phone was located. Thankfully, their Intel was still packed away in a secure safe, but even if it wasn’t, the man was fairly sure that this BLU wouldn’t try and snag it.
“Here ‘ya are! Hope ‘ya get through to someone.” He said, offering the phone to the exhausted Chemist.
“‘Preciate it.” They said, taking the phone and punching in a few numbers. They leaned against the wall, head resting on the wood as they listened to the phone ring. After a minute, they frowned, letting out a soft curse.
“Pauling’s not picking up. The storm must have knocked out her signal.” They sighed, “Great. Guess I'm waiting back at our base for them to show up. Whenever that is.”
“Are you gonna be able to hang on that long?” The Texan questioned, “No offense, partner, but you look like yer gonna drop.”
The Chemist sighed again, in a long, drawn out way, the way someone did when bone deep exhaustion finally caught up to them. The way animals do when they've given all they can, and now simply must lie down and wait for the inevitable.
“It's not like I have much of a choice. I mean, what else am I supposed to do?” They asked.
“Well,” The RED Merc scratched at his chin, contemplating if what he was about to do was a good idea, “Ah don't know if you know this, but we're in good ‘ole Texas, and Colorado really ain't too far from where we're stationed. If ‘ya want, ah could drive ‘ya on over there.”
The BLU raised their head off the wall, eyes widening in surprise.
“You- you'd do that? For me? Why?” 
Engineer shrugged. “Ah feel bad fer ‘ya. ‘Sides, if you die, then they're gonna replace you with someone new, and ah rather prefer the enemy ah know to the enemy ah don't.”
The two mercenaries stared at one another for a long moment, the only sound being the cricket song coming from outside. Finally, the Chemist let out a dry, wheezing laugh, their teeth bared in a vicious grin.
“Good God I must be insane, trusting a RED.” They chuckled, “You know what? Sure, I'll take you up on that offer, cowboy.”
They reached forward and playfully tugged down the brim of Engineer's hat, causing him to lightly bat their hand away.
“Cream gravy! Alright, let's mosey on out then. Ah wanna be back before mah team starts wonderin’ where ah went.” He said, starting off in the direction of his truck, which was parked faithfully outside.
The Chemist plodded along behind him, and there were a few times where he had to glance back to make sure that they hadn't fallen behind too much. When they finally did make it to the truck, Engineer let them climb into the passenger seat while he nipped over to the trunk. Flipping it open, he pulled out an old, well loved blanket. It was black and white and gray striped, something he'd gotten for his childhood dog, Bucket. Bucket had been a fat, lazy beagle who did nothing but lounge around and bark at guests, but the man had loved him more than anything.
Bucket had passed away some time ago, but he'd never stopped taking the blanket along with him. Now, it would finally get to see some use again.
“Here,” he passed the blanket to the shivering Merc, “It ain't much, but it should help keep ‘ya from freezin’ over ‘till the heat kicks on.”
“T- Thanks.” The Chemist replied, gingerly taking the offered fabric. They thumbed the worn fabric, setting it across their lap.
“No problem.” Engineer replied, shutting the door to his side. 
For a moment, it almost sounded like one of the back doors had shut as well, and he looked back over his shoulder, eyes squinting in the low light. His gaze lingered for a moment, but when nothing revealed itself, he slowly turned back around and started up the truck.
“Ah’ve got a map in ‘m glove box. Pull it out and let's find that little town of yers.”
The Chemist nodded, and Engineer put the truck into drive.
It was going to be a long drive.
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A couple of hours into their trek, the RED Engineer noticed that his passenger was starting to droop more than usual. Worse than that, he could hear their stomach growling like an ornery gator every few minutes.
Wordlessly, he eyed up the nearby fast food places before pulling off the road they'd been driving on. The Chemist didn't even seem to notice, too preoccupied with just staying somewhat awake.
“You up for a snack, Darl’?” He asked, gently nudging the BLU.
“Mnhm.” They mumbled back, “C’n I have m’ cheeseburger yet?”
“Sure, we can do a McDonald's run.” Engineer replied, turning into the nearest drive through.
He quickly placed an order for both his guest and himself, paying and grabbing the food before finding a spot to park.
“Here ‘ya go. One genuine American cheeseburger.” The Texan said, handing the Chemist their food.
The Chemist stared at the offered meal, gently cradling the wrapped burger in their hands, as though it were some sort of priceless treasure.
“Engie, I could genuinely suck your dick right now.” They said softly, before sinking their teeth into the cheeseburger, not even bothering to take off the wrapper.
The RED Merc’s face turned the same shade as his uniform, and he pulled down his hat to hide his rosey cheeks.
“Don't- y’ cant just-” he stumbled, trying to make words come out of his mouth properly, “Jesus, don't eat the wrapper!”
“Sorieh, ah can't heawr you.” The Chemist replied through a mouthful of cheeseburger and cheeseburger wrapper, “Ahm too buwsy eaghting.”
“At least slow down.” He muttered, tucking into his own food.
And yes, he did take the wrapper off, thank you very much.
“Yes, please do. I have no desire to see you hork down that disgusting slop like a wild beast.”
Both BLU and RED mercenaries choked as a third voice piped up from the back, scaring them out of their wits. 
“SPY!” Engineer whirled around as the Chemist hacked up their mouthful of food, the BLU thankfully having the wherewithal to stick their head out of the window, “What the hell do you think you're doing here?! How did you even get in mah truck?!”
“I followed you and slipped into the back when you were rooting around for that rag.” Spy replied, indicating to the blanket, which had halfway slipped down onto the floor. “What are you doing here, labourer? Having some sort of illicit affair with zhe enemy?”
“If- If you actually thought that,” the Chemist coughed, pounding on their chest, “then you hiding out in the back is super creepy, dude.”
“Yeah, well bein’ a creep is about all this one knows.” Engineer grit out, nostrils flaring like an enraged bull, “But usually, he knows better than to try that with me.”
“I was simply curious as to why you were sneaking off with someone who is supposed to be dead.” The masked man said, producing a cigarette from one of his pockets, “Zhe Administrator is not going to be pleased when she finds out you have been acting rather… friendly with each other.”
“Yeah, well, what is she gonna do, kill me?” The Chemist snarked. “If she wanted me dead, she wouldn't have let Pauling go ‘n get me. I must be worth more to her alive than dead.”
“She ain't got no eyes here anyway.” Engineer added, “Trust me. Ah personally go over every inch of mah equipment and vehicles at least once a week, t’ check for any bugs or cameras. Mah Betsy is as clean as a whistle.”
Engineer moved like a striking cobra, his prosthetic hand closing around Spy's suit jacket. The Frenchman dropped his cigarette as he was jerked forward, a flicker of fear coming over his face.
“And you, spook, ain't gonna breathe a damn word to Her ‘bout anything that happens on this trip, ‘cause if you do,” he tightened his grip, the metal components straining slightly under the pressure, “ah’ll know, and you won't like what happens next.”
Spy rolled his eyes, but both the Chemist and the Engineer could see that the man was sufficiently intimidated.
“Very well, I shall be silent about your little ‘road trip.’” he sneered, “And zhe Chemist's generous offer.”
“Great.” Engineer said cheerily through gritted teeth, “Ah can tell this is gonna be real fun.”
“Yippee.” The Chemist added dully, before taking another bite of their burger.
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Travelling with the RED Engineer had been surprisingly nice. It was almost like being back with your own Engineer, what with the southern man being so kind and polite to you, despite you both being on opposing sides.
Travelling with the RED Spy was not nearly as pleasant.
Him and the Engineer bickered almost constantly, and when they weren't bickering, Spy started semi-flirting, semi-picking on you, which usually led to yet another round of bickering.
Truly, it was almost like being stuck in a car with two overgrown toddlers.
“Is he always this insufferable?” You hissed to Engineer after Spy started listing off all the ways your outfit was offending the very concept of clothing.
“No.” Engineer sighed, looking very much like he'd like to drive all three of you into a ditch, “He's purposefully bein’ more of an ass than usual ‘cause you're here. Usually, he's a lot more quiet.”
“I'd like to see that.” You groused, before refocusing on the map in your lap. Your previous consumed cheeseburger and fries felt uncomfortably heavy in your weakened stomach, but they did help to restore some of your lost energy.
“Okay, it looks like we need to take a left in about 6 miles. We'll be turning onto Canyon Rd.” You read aloud, “We'll be on that one for a while.”
“It's real nice to have someone along who can actually read a map.” Engineer chuckled, “Usually, it's either Scout, Solly, or Pyro who rides with me into town every time we need t’ get supplies, and none ‘a them are any help when it comes to navigatin.’”
“Heh, yeah, mine aren't real great at that either.” You smiled, thinking of all the times you'd heard the three of them bickering on missions.
“Are zhose three good for anything besides destroying zhings?” Spy asked, lounging in the back like a smug cat.
“Sure.” You replied, not looking up from the map, “My Scout's actually really good at impersonating other people, Soldier is a baking whiz when it comes to bread, and Pyro can sniff out backstabbing French bastards like nobody else.”
Spy definitely didn't start pouting as Engineer started cackling like a madman, his shoulders shaking with mirth. You grinned at the sound, your own quiet chuckles joining in.
“Hooo-wee! They gotcha there, slim!” he laughed, wiping at his eye.
Spy glared. “I'm glad you find zhe idea of me dying so amusing, toymaker.” 
“Oh, lighten up, would you.” You glanced back over your shoulder to look at the masked man, “Are you seriously going to tell me you guys don't joke about killing us?”
“I don't joke about killing,” Spy sniffed, “I just kill.”
Engineer snorted as you rolled your eyes, turning back to your map. “Uh huh. Sure. Whatever you say, frog legs. Turn left up here, Engie.”
“No insulting names for zhe cowpoke?” Spy arched his brow.
“Considering he's been nothing but nice to me? No. Maybe if you turn your attitude around, I'll think of something nicer to call you, too.”
“I have no desire to be as, ah, close as you two seem to be.”
You gripped the seat as you whipped around again, eyes widened in anger-tinged disbelief. “Holy shit are you still fixated on that? What, do you want me to offer to suck you off too?!”
Spy recoiled back a bit, stiffening up as the exposed skin of his upper cheeks turned a shade of pink usually reserved for flowers. However,
He didn’t say no.
“Oh, my God.” You said, raising your brows as a smirk pulled the corner of your mouth upwards, “Oh, my God.”
“Merde, no, zhat’s not what I-”
“Well,” You relaxed your grip on the seat and folded your arms, tilting your head slightly as you watched Spy squirm, looking every bit like the cat that got the cream, “you’d have to be very nice to me to get that sort of offer.”
“Je vais t'éviscérer comme un poisson si tu continues à parler!”
“Now, see, I don’t know what you just said, but it didn’t sound very nice.” You turned back around, barely holding in your laughter, “No blowjob offer for you. I guess you won’t have to share, Engie.”
“Well don’t that beat all?” Engineer replied playfully, “You sure yer team won’t mind, though?”
“The way I see it,” You said, readjusting the blanket the man had given you, “you have gone out of your way to bring me back to them, and you let me actually eat the cheeseburger you bought me. They can suck it up.”
“Sounds like you’ll be the one suckin’.” The Texan murmured under his breath, too quiet for you to hear.
“What was that?”
“Nothin!” Engineer replied, “Just talkin’ t’ m’self.”
“Is that a thing all engineers do?” You asked, “My Engie does that too, usually when he’s working on something.”
“Maybe. Mah Pa used to do it fer sure.” The RED Merc shrugged, “Wait, does yer Engineer let y’all into his workshop?”
“Well, he let’s me and Pyro in.” You said, recalling all the times you and the firebug had hung out in the space, “Sometimes Medic is allowed in, but everyone else gets the boot, unless he calls them in to help him with something.”
“Interesting.” Spy said, apparently having recovered from his embarrassment enough to speak, “Zhis one has barred us all from entering his sacred domain. Not even our Chemist get’s zhat privilege. You must mean quite a bit to him.”
“If y’all didn’t go ‘round putin’ yer grubby mitts all over everything, maybe I would let y’ in.” Engineer smacked the steering wheel, frustration in his tone, “Honestly, it’s like herdin’ cats when I let y’all anywhere near mah stuff! ‘Sides, don’tcha remember what happened the last time I let someone play around with mah equipment, Spy?”
“Oui.” Spy shuddered, “I don’t zhink we will ever fully get zhe smell of bread yeast out of zhat base.”
“I’m sorry- bread yeast?” You shot the two RED members a confused look, “What does bread have to do with you not letting anyone near your stuff?”
“It’s a long story, but I suppose we got the time.” Engineer cleared his throat, “It all started one afternoon. We’d just got done killin’ yer team and makin’ off with yer Intelligence…”
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Engineer and Spy’s wild tale of love, RED victory, and bread monsters kept you entertained for the next few hours or so, the three of you eventually getting sidetracked by various other topics. By the time the sun started to rise over the Colorado horizon, the conversation had switched to being about everyone’s favourite foods.
“Look, there ain’t nothin’ better fer breakfast than a nice cup’ a coffee, bacon ‘n eggs with a side of buttered toast, biscuits, and sausage gravy ‘n grits.” Engineer said, voice full of confidence.
“I think I would actually explode if I ate all of that.” You stuck out your tongue, feeling ill at just the thought of eating so much food. If this man ate like that every morning, then it was no wonder that he sported such a plump figure in comparison to most of his other teammates.
Not that you were complaining.
“I agree, mon petit saphir.” Spy said, curling his lip. “Zhat is a disgusting amount of food for zhe very first meal of zhe day.”
“Ooh, whatever that name was, it sounded a lot nicer.” You said teasingly. “See? I knew you could do it!”
“Well would ‘ya look at that? You actually got him to simmer down.” Engineer grinned, ducking when Spy swiped irritably at his head, “Maybe you should come join up with RED. We could probably stash you away somewhere, hand y’ over to Spy when we need him to settle.”
You laughed, imagining yourself with a little service animal harness. “Tell you what, If my team decides to murder me for dying again right in front of ‘em, I’ll switch sides.” 
“Heh, partner, you’ve got yerself a deal.” Engineer stuck out his hand, and you gripped it, giving it the best shake your weak arms could manage. 
“It seems as zhough you’ll be making your decision sooner rather zhan later.” Spy leaned forward and pointed at an upcoming road sign, which read “Limon Welcomes You!”
“Oh SHIT we’re here!” You sat forward quickly, before wincing and holding your head, “Oh, woof, headrush. That was a bad idea.”
“Good Lord, this place has seen better days.” Engineer said, gazing at the many fallen tree branches and damaged buildings, “Where did you say y’all were stayin’ again?”
“We sheltered in an old garage near the outskirts of town.” You replied, wincing at the amount of damage you saw, “I hope they haven’t gone too far, but I wouldn’t blame them for wanting to get away as soon as possible.”
“I doubt zhey wanted to linger around your charred corpse.” You nodded grimly at Spy’s comment, not particularly looking forward to seeing it yourself, but needing to check if your team was still around.
Soon enough, the three of you pulled up to the abandoned mechanic shop. The building looked even worse than when you had last seen it, and the lack of nearby vehicles did not make you feel particularly hopeful that you would find your team here. Still, your temporary RED companion pulled over and hopped out of his truck, putting a steadying hand on your shoulder when he saw you struggling to maintain your balance. Spending so many hours sitting down did not help your already weak legs to support your weight. Stepping inside the building proper, you were careful to avoid the downed utility pole and various cables. Only a few feet away from the door lay an unmoving mass with a familiar colour scheme.
Seeing your own dead body never got any less unsettling. Usually, it was blown into unrecognizable pieces, or shot so full of bullet holes that it resembled red and blue swiss cheese, but this time it was wholly intact, save for the skin that had burned and blackened from the intense heat of the electricity that had rocketed through your body. The stench of burnt clothes, hair, skin, and the early stages of rot permeated the still air, and you quickly tugged your respirator on in disgust. 
“Eugh, thank God I ate earlier, because I think I just lost my appetite.” You scrunched your nose, pulled down your goggles over your eyes, and began gathering chemicals from the various pockets and vials on your person. “Step outside, gentlemen, I’ll have this gone in a moment.”
The two RED’s quickly nodded and left, eager to get away from the smell and knowing exactly how dangerous your materials could be.
After a few minutes and a decent amount of hydrogen fluoride and antimony pentafluoride later, you emerged from the workshop’s interior to see Engineer kneeling on the ground, looking at some tire tracks that you hadn’t noticed before.
“Looks like they turned themselves ‘round and went back the way they came. They’re probably takin’ one’a the nearby backroads.”
“Think you can catch up to them?” You asked, praying that you wouldn’t have to return to your new base without your team. You wouldn’t be able to make it by yourself, and you doubted that the rest of the RED team would be as kind and hospitable as their Engineer had been.
The Texan gave you a sharp grin as he pushed himself up, dusting off his overalls.
“Do sheep wear sweaters? Hop in, and ah’ll show ‘ya just how fast ol’ Betsy can be.”
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If you asked Florence if she knew her mercenaries well, you’d probably end up with a bullet in your skull, because you were not supposed to know about her mercenaries. Well, technically, they were Reliable Excavation & Demolition and Builders League United’s mercenaries, and, really, the Administrator’s above even them, but she was the one who scouted them out, checked in on them, interacted with them, gave them their assignments, and helped cover up their fuck ups. 
So, yeah, they were her mercenaries. And you weren’t supposed to know about them, so now you’re lying in a shallow grave after getting very well acquainted with her hacksaw.
But if she pondered your question after the fact, then she’d say that, yeah, she did. She’d spent almost all of her very limited free time around them for the last few years, after all, and she kept an eye on them through the various hidden cameras almost as much as her boss did. She knew both teams equally well, easily picking out each of their many similarities, as well as all their little quirks and differences. For example, she knew that the RED Scout had far more freckles than the BLU one. She knew that the BLU Soldier was actually slightly more tame than his counterpart, and that he wore earplugs more often than not, though he is dedicated to never ever letting anyone find out. She knew that both Pyro’s were afraid of the dark, and she knew the exact brand of cigarettes the Spies liked to order.
She knew that both teams were full of loud, borderline rabid, bat-shit insane lunatics that enjoyed the thrill of killing almost as much as she did, maybe even more. She knew, from experience, just how difficult it was to get most of them to quiet down.
Which is what made the situation she was in so damn eerie.
She was back in Spy’s car, having taken the now available passenger seat. Her eyes kept flicking to the neatly folded blanket in Spy’s lap, its minky blue fabric still damp from the rain. The car was silent, save for the occasional muffled wheeze from Pyro, who had just about cried themself hoarse. Medic was sitting next to the arsonist, hands folded as he stared out the window. To a regular onlooker, he likely would have appeared chillingly nonchalant or uncaring. However, as has been established, Florence Pauling personally knew the men she hired to kill each other, and so she was able to see the little cracks in the man’s facade; the way his lips twitched occasionally, like they almost started to wobble before he caught himself, the slow, controlled breaths he was taking, the way his eyes were wet behind his glasses.
Spy was much the same; a perfect picture of poise and aloofness, unless you knew where to look. His suit had been left lightly rumpled, his expensive leather gloves creaked when his hands shifted, showing just how hard he was gripping the wheel, and his mouth was set in an unnaturally tense line. Occasionally, one of his hands would release their death grip on the steering wheel and slip down to feel the blanket in his lap, gently rolling the fabric between his thumb and forefinger.
None of them spoke. 
What was there to say? What could any of them possibly say to make this situation better? 
What could she say? ‘Sorry for your loss, let me fax you those application forms Medic shredded?’ ‘I know you’re mourning, but we need to hurry up and get back so you can all go back to killing the RED team, which still has their Chemist?’ 
No, silence was the better option here by far.
The purple-clad woman leaned back in her seat, head resting against the window as she committed to memory the sound of a tired yet happy voice saying her name, and the feeling of gloved hands pushing her back towards safety. It was better to think of that, rather than the sight of the BLU Chemist’s body spasming wildly before collapsing to the ground, their smoking body giving a few last jerking, dying nerve reactions. 
As she stared out into the vast, dusty nothingness of the New Mexico landscape, something odd began to appear in the corner of her vision. At first, she thought it was a mirage, a strange flash of red in an otherwise sky blue and sand yellow landscape. 
But then it didn’t go away. 
In fact, it actually began to get bigger, becoming clearer and more defined as whatever it was drew closer. On instinct, she reached for the radio and tuned it to a specific frequency, drawing confused looks from her fellow passengers.
“Guys, I don’t want to alarm you, but something’s coming at us. Fast.” she said, leaning in close to the speaker.
“What zhe hell?” Spy said from her left, taking his eyes off the road to squint towards the horizon.
Pyro and Medic peered outside as well, squeezing in close so they could both get a look at the strange thing that was approaching.
“Sniper, can you get eyes on that thing?” Engineer asked over the radio.
Yeah mate. Just gimme a sec.” came the marksman’s reply.
Turning around in her seat, the raven could see Sniper’s van through the rear window. The man was in the passenger seat now, holding up his rifle and peering through the scope. After a moment, he jerked back, a look of shock on his face. He ducked his head back down to look again, as though he wasn’t sure he’d seen something right. In the driver’s seat, Heavy, who had taken the wheel, gave his teammate a confused and slightly concerned look.
Sniper lowered his rifle after another few moments passed, sliding back into his seat as he shouted something to Heavy, who’s confusion visibly deepened. The Russian did a double take when the marksman said something else, and he quickly said something back to the Australian, who shook his head and pointed out towards the still encroaching… whatever it was.
“Sniper wants team to slow down.” Heavy relayed, his tone making it clear that he wasn’t onboard with the idea. “Says that he… believes he saw leetle Chemist.”
“Oh joy,” Spy snarled, baring his teeth in clear disdain as he spoke into the radio, “our Sniper has finally lost it. I knew too much time spent in zhat deathtrap of his would eventually get to him.”
“Ah hate ‘t say it, but ah agree with Spy. We all- we all saw what happened to ‘em. Even if they survived comin’ back again, they'd have died of exposure, thirst, or starvation by now.” Engineer added glumly, “‘Sides, how in the Sam Hill would they get all the way out here? Snipes, ah think you should maybe go lie down for a bit while we deal with whatever's chasin’ us.”
“What is that?” Pauling asked in a low whisper, rolling down her window to get a better view.
Tuning out the sound of fully grown men bickering behind her, she focused on the anomaly. It was a bright, almost familiar shade of red, and it was kicking up quite a bit of dust as it moved across the desert. Pushing herself slightly out of the window, she picked up on the faint sound of… an engine?
Wait a damn minute.
Wait a Goddamn fucking minute.
Faster than a striking rattlesnake on cocaine, Pauling whipped her phone out and began dialing, holding it up to her ear. After a few rings, a man answered in a thick, smug-sounding Southern drawl.
“Why hello Miss Pauling! To what do ah owe the pleasure?”
“Engie, you fucking asshole!” Florence screeched, getting a confused, offended yell from the BLU Engineer, who could still hear what was being said over their shared transmission, “Did you seriously find the BLU Chemist and not tell me?! Do you know how mad the Administrator was going to be at me?!”
She could hear the RED Spy's telltale snorting cackles in the background of the call, while his BLU counterpart looked the farthest thing from amused.
“Qu'est-ce que c'est? Il vaut mieux que ce ne soit pas une mauvaise blague, sinon je jure devant Dieu que je tâcherai de rouge le sable autour de moi.” he growled as he began to slow down, shooting a deadly glare at what was now obviously a RED vehicle, likely their Engineer's truck.
“Woah now lil’ missy, we didn't mean any harm by it. You were outta range back at the base, and ah just figured it'd be easier to just deliver ‘em right to ‘ya.” The RED chuckled, “Iffen y'all are lookin’ t’ shoot us as soon as we come near, though, then we can always keep ‘em. They make pretty good company, and ‘ah know Spy likes ‘em well enough to help vouch for ‘em to the rest of the team.”
“Shoot you, what are you-” the young woman turned around, spotting several members of BLU pointing their weapons at the approaching REDs, “Scout, Soldier, Sniper! Put your guns away- Engie DROP IT!” 
The other Texan had been gearing up to toss down a mini sentry, but paused at his boss’s shout. Disgruntled, he acquiesced, dropping the beeping little robot back down onto the seat.
“Now that's a might bit better. Chem, you wanna take over communications?” The RED Engineer said, before sounds of rustling fabric and a quiet ‘Thank you!’ came over the line.
“Hey, P.” Pauling could almost hear the smile in the other's voice, something that was rather impressive, given the explosion of noise that came over the radio at the sound, “Guess who's two for two on kicking Death's ass?”
“Hello, Chemist.” She replied softly, smiling back, “Are you alright?”
“Oh yeah, I'm fine!” The mercenary replied quickly, sounding tired, but cheerful, “These two have been great company. Well, Engie has, at least- Spy I'm kidding- and guess what? I finally got my cheeseburger!”
“Zhose are not vhat you should be eating!” Medic chastised from the back, “Zhey are nothing but empty calories! 
“Shut up! I was hungry, and Sniper didn’t let me have mine!”
“Chem,” Pauling interrupted, not wanting to be caught in the middle of another argument, “I’m happy you’re alive, really, I am, but how did you get here?”
“Oh, I Respawned at the new base. I guess the system kicked on because the other team was already there.” the Chemist explained, “I tried calling you, but it didn’t go through, so Engie offered to take me so I didn’t, you know, curl up and die.”
“I… wow, that was really nice of him.”
“Yeah, it was. I seriously owe him for this. I’ll have to buy him a nice dinner some time, or, uh,” they snickered, clearly trying to muffle their laughter, “do something for him.”
Florence got the feeling that she was missing something here.
Judging by the intense glares and scowls Medic, Spy, and likely Pyro were directing towards the truck, which was now close enough for her to pick out details, she knew she wasn’t the only one who picked up on the Chemist’s friendly tone.
“Whatever it is you two end up doing, just remember that, if you want me to not have to rat you out, the Administrator cannot know about it, which means I can’t know about it.” the purple-clad woman stressed.
“I would certainly like to know what zhat cow-boy analphabète believes our Chemist shall be doing for him.” Spy muttered lowly, finally bringing the car to a stop as the RED Engineer’s truck parked on the dusty scrubland a few feet away from them.
“No fighting guys. We don’t need anyone else having to risk not coming back.” Florence warned.
Like a pack of stalking wolves, the nine BLU mercenaries leapt out of their respective vehicles and formed an almost defensive group, most of them having only heard bits and pieces of the phone call, but understanding that they were not here to fight. They walked with an air of tenseness, hands flexing as they resisted the urge to reach for their weapons, clearly feeling uneasy in this unprecedented situation.
Still, there was a clear feeling of nervous excitement. The emotional whiplash of the past few hours had left their emotions raw and more sensitive than usual. All of them stopped when the passenger door of the dusty red truck opened with a soft ‘click!’, the wearily smiling face of their teammate popping up over the metal as they shuffled carefully towards the road.
“CHEM!” Scout yelled, unable to hold himself back anymore. A fond smile made its way onto Pauling’s face as she watched the young Bostonian dash over and scoop the other mercenary up, spinning them around for a moment before gently setting them back down on their feet.
Like deadly, man-slaughtering ducklings, the rest of BLU followed after, warmly welcoming their missing friend back into the fold. Medic was on the Chemist in an instant, examining them while asking more questions than was probably necessary. Soldier gave them what was likely meant to be a gentle pat on the back, but which ended up nearly sending poor Y/N to the ground. 
Meanwhile, Pauling, Spy, and Engineer moved to greet the RED team members, who were stepping out of the vehicle themselves. The two men at Pauling’s side kept their professional appearances well, but she knew they’d like nothing more than to give into their instincts and go for their counterparts’ throats.
“Hey guys,” Florence started, hoping to make this conversation as smooth and bloodshed-free as possible, “thank you so much for bringing the Chemist back. I’ll arrange for your team to get a bonus or something for this, I promise.”
“Aw shucks,” the RED Engineer replied, tipping his hat, “it weren’t no trouble. Ahm sure y’all woulda done the same if y’ were in our shoes.”
“But of course.” the BLU Spy responded, “We’re mercenaries, not monsters.”
“What you are is lucky. Your Chemist should have never survived zhe first time, let alone a second.” the opposite colour Frenchman said, producing a cigarette to light, “Tell me, has your team figured out why Respawn went down?”
The BLU Engineer frowned. “Can’t say we have. I reckon y’all haven’t either, then?”
“Unfortunately not. It's got our team all twisted up with worry, ‘specially our Chemist. The stress has been makin’ her feel just plum awful these past few days.” the crimson-clad Texan sighed, pushing up his goggles to pinch the area between his eyes, “To be honest wit ‘ya, ah’d somewhat hoped that travelin’ with yer one might’a given me some answers, or at least an idea of what went wrong, but ah couldn’t find one single tell. If yer feelin’ amicable enough, ah’d like to work with ya t’ find the problem, so we can all stop bein’ so damn nervous.”
“Hmm.” the BLU Engineer hummed, resting a hand on his chin before glancing over at his boss, “Would that be alright, Miss Pauling?”
Florence adjusted her glasses and nodded. “Usually it wouldn’t, but under these circumstances, I’m sure the Administrator will understand.”
Suddenly, she jumped, remembering something.
“Oh, shit! Guys, we actually need to get going! I need to give the RED Chemist a contract and, like, a thousand other things that have been piling up since I’ve been gone.” She said apologetically, before turning to the RED team members, “Do you two mind if I ride back with you?”
“‘Course not.”
“It’s always a pleasure to have you around, mademoiselle.”
“Okay, great!” the raven said, smoothing down her skirt. She looked over at her companions, tilting her head slightly, “You’ll be fine getting back, right?”
They nodded, and started walking back over to rejoin their teammates. They explained that their employer wouldn’t be coming back with them, and, to her surprise, Chemist pulled away from the rest of the BLUs, walking as fast as they could over to her.
“Hey, I just wanted to ask if you were alright before you left.” The goggle-wearing chemist said, their worry clear in their voice as they laid a hand on her shoulder, “You were pretty close to that powerline too, and I wasn’t sure if you’d gotten injured or not.”
“I’m fine, Chem.” Florence reassured, giving her friend a smile, “My clothes are going to smell like burned cloth and skin for a bit, but that’s it. You got me out of the way in time. Thank you, for that, by the way.”
The Chemist inclined their head, smiling back before turning their attention to the two RED Mercs. “You two get her back safe, understand? I’d hate to have to kill you permanently after all this.” they joked, pointing a ‘stern’ finger at them.
The RED Engineer raised his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t worry, Darl’, she’ll get there right as rain.”
He stepped forward, took the white cowboy hat off his head, and plopped it down onto the Chemist’s, tugging it down gently to secure it.
A few feet away, the other Engineer’s mechanical hand nearly crushed his gun as he shot daggers at his counterpart. 
“Y’ can give me that back when y’all finally show up at the base.” he smirked, “And, iffen yer still up for it, ah think I’ll take ‘ya up on that offer of yours from earlier.”
The Chemist turned a very interesting shade of pink as they tipped the brim of the hat up slightly, revealing that their pupils were blown wide.
“Mnhm, sounds good.” they replied softly, before spinning on their heels and making a beeline for their teammates. 
“I-” Florence started, before cutting herself off, 
“You know what? It’s better if I don’t know what that’s all about.”
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You watched as the RED Engineer, Spy, and Miss Pauling drove off, waving to them as best you could.
“Well, ain’t you ‘n them real close.” Engineer said in a tight voice. While it was quite hard to tell where the man was looking most of the time, you got the distinct feeling that he was staring at your new accessory.
“I had to listen to them argue for, like, half the trip.” You replied, “If you come out of that having not murdered them or killed yourself, then it's because you learned to like them.”
“Kinda sounded like you didn’t just like ‘em.” Scout pouted, crossing his arms, “What the hell did youse three get up to?”
“Well let’s see.” You raised your hand, ticking off your fingers as you recounted your joyous road trip shenanigans, “I got the ever loving shit scared out of me by the RED Spy, melted my own corpse, got a cheeseburger so absolutely scrumptious I offered to suck off the RED Engineer,”
“You did what now?!” your Engineer yelped.
“I listened to two fully grown men bicker like toddlers, got regaled with a tale of bread monsters, got my outfit called every French insult under the sun, and passed out from, like, severe malnutrition, probably.” You finished.
“Uh, can we walk that back a couple’a steps, mate?” Sniper asked, flushing pink.
“What, you mean the bread monster? Yeah, no, I didn’t believe it at first either, but Spy swears-”
“Not the bloody bread monster, ya daft tit!” Demo groaned, slapping a hand onto his face, “Why the bleedin’ hell are ya offerin’ t’ give our enemy a gobble?!
“Dear GOD, have they brainwashed you?!” Soldier gasped suddenly, “I swear, I will hunt down each and every one of those communist RED bastards if they so much as touched-”
“Woah, woah, woah!” You rushed to clear up the misconception, “Easy, Sol! No one did anything to me, I promise. I’m still one hundred percent me.”
“Zhen vhy…?” Medic questioned, coughing into his gloves as he trailed off.
“It started as just a joke, honestly. I wasn’t seriously thinking about acting on it at first, but when their Spy accidentally revealed that he was jealous, I started thinking about it a little bit more.” You shrugged, “Plus, well… he’s hot! And he’s nice! And he’s clearly into the idea, so… why not?”
“Why not? Why not?” Spy growled, “Because you are ours! You wear zhe same uniform and kill zhe same men as us! You are a member of BLU, and your standards should be higher zhan zhe first, non, not even zhe first, man who shows even zhe slightest interest in you! Il n’y a aucune raison de se prostituer à ce gros, analphabète Texan!”
You threw your hands up into the air, letting out your own growl of annoyance.
“Look, unless one of you is going to help me take care of my needs when I’m better, I’m walking my ass over to that pretty little base they have!” You stated firmly, crossing your arms and tilting your chin up in a petty, almost defiant way. “Maybe I’ll even proposition the rest of ‘em, I don’t know!”
“Oh my freakin’ GOD!” Scout yelled, “We are literally right here! I don’t know a guy on this team that wouldn’t fuck you if you just asked!”
There was a moment of silence after that sentence, the Bostonian’s words echoing slightly in the empty desert scrubland. The ten of you all stood there, turning red from something that wasn’t the harsh New Mexico sun.
Heavy made a sound first, awkwardly clearing his throat. 
“Scout is- what is word- tactless, but he is also… not wrong.”
“Er, yeah,” Sniper scratched at the back of his neck, “the big guy's got it right. It's just we, uh…”
“Mh muph mmnmnh mhmh.” Pyro finished, talking animatedly with their hands.
“The arsonist is correct.” Spy agreed, still looking a bit flustered under his mask, “This is far from something that is easily brought up.” 
You blinked slowly at your team, absorbing the information. Now, technically, you'd heard this all before, right before you'd died, but hearing it again solidified it in your mind as being real. 
“Well shit.” You swore, planting your hands on your hips, “We all could have been a lot happier ages ago, huh?”
The gathered mercenaries made various sounds of awkward agreement.
“Okay, we definitely need to talk about this, and I mean a real conversation, not all of us standing around like idiots, cooking our brains in the sun while we all blush over the fact that you'd all like a piece of me.” You said, “But I think I'd rather talk in the comfort of our base, wouldn't you all agree?”
Your teammates nodded in agreement, dispersing into their chosen groups as they started back towards your vehicles.
“Yo, Chem, you ridin’ with us?” Scout asked hopefully, hooking his arm beneath yours instinctively as you wobbled slightly. He looked as though he was still feeling a bit hot under the collar, but was doing his very best to keep your conversation casual. 
“Sorry, Scout, but I think I’m gonna pass out soon if I don’t lay down.” you admitted. “I promise I’ll spend some time with you when we get back. Maybe I could help you pack when I’m feeling a bit better?”
“Don’t even worry ‘bout it. You should focus on gettin’ bettah first.” Scout replied, leading you towards Sniper’s campervan, “‘Sides, I already packed up most of my crap, and I think Pyro handled your stuff, so you can just take it easy. Pretty sure the Doc is gonna make you stay in the Medbay, anyway.”
“Scout is correct, mein Chemiker.” Medic piped up, matching your slow, careful stride as he came up beside you, “Now don’t give me zhat face; it vill only be for a few days. I just want to ensure that jou are okay after going through Respawn again in jour state.”
Your expression, which had been one of pouty, light annoyance at being forced into mandatory bedrest in the Medbay, softened a bit. You could hear the genuine concern in the German’s voice, and you knew he had good reason to be. You yourself were worried that something might have gotten messed up, and you knew you were due for another round of supplement shots.
Still, it was going to suck to not be in your own room, surrounded by your familiar comforts. You knew that you’d have a lot of pent up energy by the time you got out.
Huh, actually… you could think of a few fun ways to burn off any excess energy.
“Okay, Doc, I’ll come to my appointment, I promise.” you said, smiling, “But this time, I get to choose the operating room music. You’re not cutting me open to Lili Marlén again.”
“But jou said zhat jou enjoyed it last time! Lale Andersen has zhe voice of ein Engel.” Medic pouted.
“Yeah, but if you keep playing it while you're dissecting my spleen, I’m always going to associate it with getting picked apart like a biology student’s frog.” you explained, “I won’t pick anything too bad, swear on my good beakers!”
“Hmph, I vill hold you to zhat.” the doctor warned teasingly, “Zhere vill be no more ‘Sugar Pie Honey Bunch’ in my operating room.”
“Ugh, you’re so boring.” you teased right back, sticking your tongue out at the man as Scout handed you off to Sniper, who had a fond, lopsided smile on his face. “Hey there, Stretch. Mind helping me to the bed?”
“Not at all, mate.” Sniper replied, laying a warm, sturdy arm across your shoulders, “Not at all.”
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Sure enough, after around two weeks of being kept in the Medbay upon your return, your prediction of being just about ready to explode with unreleased energy had proven to be true. Your organs had actually suffered a bit of damage this time around, which had necessitated a longer stay. On top of that, you had needed to move to the new base midway through your treatment, which hadn’t helped things. However, this also meant that Medic could focus on accelerating your healing, and by the time you pranced out of those swinging double doors, you were feeling like your old self again.
Scout and Soldier were waiting there for you, just as they had been on the day you’d failed to come back.
“Heyyyyy, there you are! Freakin’ finally.” Scout whooped, bringing you into a tight hug. You returned it, squeezing back with all your regained strength, “Oof! Yup, you’re bettah alright!”
“Sure am.” you grinned, before releasing the Bostonian to tackle Soldier, who grinned and crushed you to his chest.
“It’s good to have you back in fighting shape, private! Your presence has been missed on the battlefield.” he said, patting you in between your shoulder blades, “Also, I just missed you.”
“I missed you too, Solly.” you replied, knocking your forehead against his helmet gently, “Show me around the base? I saw a bit of it when I Respawned here, but I wasn’t exactly taking in all the finer details.”
“Of course!” Soldier set you down, taking the lead as you, him, and Scout headed off down the hall.
He gave you a tour of the base and the battleground, loudly and excitedly chattering about all the great places to set up ambushes and assaults that this new location provided. You nodded along, adding your own ideas occasionally as you took in your surroundings, inhaling a lungful of warm, apple-scented air for the first time without pain. In a few days, the RED Chemist would be returning from her contract, and you would be returning to the fray, but for now you got to revel in the relative peace of the time between battles.
Eventually, Soldier led you to the barracks, showing you to your room. It had been partially set up; your bed was made and your uniforms had been hung up in your closet, but your casual clothes and personal belongings had been left in their moving boxes. You smiled softly when you flipped open the first box and spotted Pyro’s drawings sitting on top. The firebug had added a few new ones, depicting a healthy you and them frolicking through a shimmering candyland, or petting beautiful unicorns. You snorted with laughter at one of the last ones, which showed you and Pyro sitting aside a golden, fire-breathing dragon, flying high above the base, the arsonist flipping off the RED Spy and Engineer, who were being roasted by the beast.
Speaking of…
“Hey, has anyone seen my hat?” you asked Soldier and Scout, who were peering into one of your, currently empty, terrariums. The two mercenaries glanced at each other.
“Uh, I think Engie took it.” Scout rubbed his chin, “Kept mutterin’ something about the ‘cowboy hat rule.’ He sounded real pissed about it too.”
You tilted your head and frowned. “Cowboy hat rule? What the hell is that?”
“Dunno.” Scout shrugged, “You’d have to ask Hardhat.”
“Maybe I will.” you said, putting the drawings down, “Where is he?”
“The grease monkey is in his workshop!” Soldier said helpfully, “I saw him go in there before I went to wait for you.”
“Perfect,” you smiled, “I’ll be back soon, fellas. Oh, actually, could you two do me a favour?”
The men nodded.
“Tell the others I’d finally like to have that conversation we talked about.” you winked, stepping out the door, “We’ll talk at dinner, yeah?”
Slipping out into the hallway proper, you left two very warm-cheeked mercenaries behind.
“What are the chances we actually score tonight, you think?” Scout asked, biting his lip slightly.
“If Engie doesn’t make ‘em mad?” Soldier grinned, tipping up his helmet slightly, “I’d say I like our odds.”
“God, he bettah not screw dis up.” Scout huffed, folding his arms, “I hope he’s smart enough to just give Chem that hat.”
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“Ah ain’t givin’ you that hat.”
The Texan and the Chemist stood almost chest-to-chest, locked in a standoff. Engineer folded his arms and fixed his colleague with the firmest look he could muster, standing absolutely resolute in his decision.
Chemist set their jaw, squinting in annoyance.
“Engie,” they started, voice firm and tone indicating that they were done with this argument, “that hat was a temporary gift. I need to give it back. I don’t know why you’re being such an ass over this, but-”
“Because it ain’t a gift!” the man finally shouted, gritting his teeth.
Chemist reeled back as if they’d been struck, shocked at the man’s outburst. They blinked, then slowly shifted to a more passive stance.
“Okay, clearly I’m missing something here, and it’s making you upset.” they said, backing up a step to give Engineer some much needed space, “Mind filling me in? Does it have something to do with that ‘cowboy hat rule’ Scout mentioned?”
“It has everything to do with that.” Engineer sighed, deflating slightly as his anger returned to a very low simmer, “A cowboy’s hat is considered an extension of his body, a real special article of clothin’. If he puts it on someone’s head, or if someone takes it and puts it on, then that’s basically the same as sayin’ yer real interested in ‘em. The ‘rule’ is basically that if you wear the hat, y’gotta ride the cowboy.”
He folded his arms again, looking into Chemist’s wide eyes. “Him puttin’ that hat on ‘ya like he did and bein’ all flirtatious was almost like him brandin’ you; a real bold move to pull right in front of all of us. You bein’ so friendly ‘n receptive ‘bout it all was just salt in the wound, and now he’s been down right gloatin’ about it ever since we got here!”
Chemist winced, rubbing at the back of their neck. “Aw, jeeze, I’m- I’m sorry, Engie. I didn’t realize how much that might bother you. This has really been eating at you, huh?”
“It has.” he confessed, feeling slightly ashamed by just how much it bothered him, “Ah know yer a grown adult, and ah obviously can’t control what ‘ya do in yer free time, but as ahm sure you’ve figured out, we’re all rather fond of ‘ya, and I ain’t no exception. Seein’ you with him? And then having to work with ‘im these past few days?”
The man shook himself, scowling. “It’s like swallowin’ glass.”
“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this worked up outside of battle.” the other mercenary said, before reaching out and taking Engineer’s hands into their own, causing the Texan to jolt slightly in surprise, “Look, I might joke around sometimes, but I am one hundred percent loyal to BLU and everyone who’s a part of it. That other Engineer might get me once, but you can have me as many times as you like.” 
Chemist winked, and Engineer’s eyes widened like saucers, his mouth turning dry as cotton as any words he might have intended to say died in his throat. The other BLU leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, and Engineer closed his eyes, burning the sensation into his mind as he swallowed.
“And if you’re still worried,” they whispered into his ear, “you can always leave your mark on me.”
“Careful, Darl’,” he growled lowly, wrapping a hand around their waist, enjoying the feeling of muscle and fat, “you don’t know what yer askin’ for.”
“Oh, I think I do.” they grinned ferally, nipping at the Southerner’s neck. Engineer inhaled sharply and let out a curse, tightening his hold when he felt a warm tongue lave the area lovingly.
Suddenly, the contact was gone, Chemist pulling away with a satisfied grin and leaving the poor Texan stunned.
“You can hang onto the hat for now, but I really do need it back.” they tapped his nose, causing him to blink, “Now, we’re all gonna have that little chat at dinner tonight, so don’t be late.”
And with that, they sauntered right back out the door they'd come through earlier, leaving Engie to try and collect himself. Eventually, he managed to shake himself out of his stupor, a grin coming across his face.
“Well, this ought to be mighty interestin’.”
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The conversation at dinner had been, to absolutely no one’s shock, awkward as all hell to begin with.
Once everyone had gotten a plate of food in front of them to stare at when things got too uncomfortable, you started laying out basic ground rules. You stressed, through your many stutters, the importance of boundaries, consent and communication, and you made it very clear that if anyone was at all uncomfortable with what you were proposing, then they were more than welcome to voice that without judgement. You were firm as you warned that if you caught wind of anyone teasing or pressuring another teammate about this was going to lose any and all privileges, as well as getting a face full of acid at any given time. 
“Any objections or questions so far?” you asked, taking a bite of your dinner, which was macaroni and cheese.
“If ve’re really going to to zhis, I vould like to propose regular STD tests und use of condoms.” Medic said after a few moments of silence passed in the room, folding his hands in front of him, “Zhis isn’t exactly a closed relationship ve’re talking about here, und I for one vould feel a lot better vith zhat reassurance, zhough I know jou’re all clean as of right now.”
Everyone made noises of agreement. No one wanted to take that risk.
“Do we have to do stuff with everyone? ‘Cause, uh, I definitely ain’t cool with that.” Scout asked, rubbing his arm in discomfort.
“No, of course not.” you reassured, laying a comforting hand over his. “You’re free to be with whoever you want, and you certainly aren’t going to be forced into a relationship.”
Scout relaxed, some of the tension leaving his body. Around the table, a few others seemed to relax as well.
“We will have to keep zhis a well-kept secret. If zhe Administrator finds out, zhen I suspect we will be punished in some cruel and unusual manner.” Spy added, resting his chin on one hand.
“Yeah, she’s real good at that.” Soldier mumbled, still sore over the fact that he’d be tricked and threatened into breaking off the best friendship he’d ever had, one that still hadn’t recovered.
“So no flirting, or anything else, on the battlefield or during work hours.” you nodded, “We’ll save it for contracts, ceasefires, and late night meet ups, I suppose.”
Sniper raised his hand slightly, swallowing his mouthful of food. “And how exactly are we plannin’ on deciding who gets to do what, and when?”
“Scheduling.” you replied, having pondered that very same question, “We’ll come up with a schedule. You guys can draw straws or wrestle or something. I’ll leave how the order gets decided up to you.”
“Battle’s comin’ up in a few days.” Demo said, taking a sip of his Scrumpy, “How’s about we use our performances to decide?”
“Heavy likes that idea,” the large Russian man nodded, “it means I will be first.”
“Hey, woah, back it up, tons ‘a fun!” Scout protested, jabbing his fork in the other’s direction, “You musta hit yer head or somethin, cause everyone knows I’m gonna be the one comin’ out on top, as usual.”
“You? Do something aside from running your mouth and getting shot full of bullets? Please, don’t make me laugh.” Spy snarked, picking at his dinner while side-eying the Bostonian.
“Don’t get too cocky, Spook. God knows yer gonna end up on the hot end of the enemy Pyro’s flamethrower more often than not.” Sniper teased, “Meanwhile, I’ll be rackin’ up kills left ‘n right.”
“Hey Py, ah’ll share mah time if y’ team up with me.” Engineer offered, smirking when the arsonist mumbled in cheerful agreement, giving the Southerner a fistbump.
“Ooh, ve’re making alliances?” Medic perked up, “Heavy, team up with me, ja?”
“конечно, доктор.” 
“Oye, that ain’t fair!” Demo shouted, banging his fist down on the table, “Soldier, yer with me!”
“Affirmative!” the American saluted, “We are going to crush each and every one of your pansy asses!”
“This is bullshit!” Scout yipped, realizing that his teammates were absolutely willing to partner up if it meant having a better shot at first pick, “Yo, Snipes, we teamin’ up?”
“Bettah you then Spy.” the marksman leaned over the table and shook hands with the runner. “Alright, jackrabbit, let’s do this.”
“Feelin’ left out, Spy?” Engineer asked, reaching for his cup of sweet tea.
“Not at all.” came the Frenchman’s smooth reply, “I am confident enough in my abilities to not feel zhe need to rely on zhe help of another to win. Unlike you, toymaker, I am not willing to share my lovers.”
“Keep a good hold on that confidence ‘a yers.” the Texan chuckled, “You’ll need somethin’ t’ help repair yer shattered pride once you come dead last.”
You took another bite of your macaroni, enjoying the growing sense of… friendly competition. The next battle was going to be a bloodbath, and you absolutely could not wait to see it.
And, of course, you were very excited to see who came out as the victor.
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The sound of gunfire and dying men was like music to your ears as you finally returned to the battlefield. Your limbs ached from the lack of use, and you could certainly feel the strain now, but you welcomed the pain, grinning into your mask as you lobbed another vial at a passing Scout, your smile widening as you snickered at his howls of pain.
Your team was dominating the battlefield today, each member striving to get the most amount of kills. The energy of the battle was even a little bit lighter than usual today, likely due to the fact that the mystery of the Respawn malfunction had finally been solved on the Sunday before the battle.
Apparently, according to Engineer, the issue had been caused by too many units being active at once, which all but confirmed your theory of other teams existing out in the world. It had nothing to do with you specifically, you’d simply been the unlucky bastard who had come through at the boiling point. The information had come as a huge relief, even if the answer had left you with quite a few questions. You would have to ask Miss Pauling about it the next time she came around the base, though you doubted you’d get any real answers. Something told you that, if the other teams had never been mentioned to any of you before, then you weren’t supposed to know about them.
Actually, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut this time. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction wouldn’t be enough to bring you back, if the Administrator decided to disable your Respawn capability.
Shaking your head, you dashed forward, side-stepping the sizzling corpse at your feet. Running across the dry Texas grass, you threw yourself against the side of the nearest building, a smaller, ramshackle barn at the edge of the treeline. From where you stood, you managed to catch a glimpse of Pyro, Soldier, and Engineer taking a new vantage point to set up a sentry, before the arsonist suddenly spun around, blasting a plume of flame at your helmeted friend. You winced, watching as the RED Spy’s illusion melted away, along with his skin.
Well, you supposed you wouldn’t be seeing too much of him today. That was a shame; the Frenchman could be surprisingly funny, when he wanted to be. You’d hoped to get a chance to tease him and see if you could make him blush again, or perhaps some part of you wanted to provide your own Spy with an easy kill.
Just as you started off towards your teammates, ready to help them secure the nearest point, you saw something whip over your head. Before you knew it, your arms were suddenly pinned at your sides, and you’d been tugged backwards, landing on your rump with a sharp yelp of pain. The white cowboy hat that you’d managed to get back from Engineer, which had been sitting snugly on your head, slipped down over your eyes as you were dragged back towards the trees, leaving you blind.
You panicked for a moment, struggling against the tight rope. However, you paused upon hearing a familiar voice, chills running up your spine, both from fear and from pleasure. A gloved hand plucked the hat off your head, the mechanical movement clicking softly in your ear. You tilted your head back, looking up at the man who was holding the lasso that had left you so defenseless.
“Hello there, Darl’.” The RED Engineer purred, leaning against the trunk of one of the apple trees, “Ready to make good on that offer?”
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Annnnd that wraps up Respawn Malfunction! Again, big thanks to @pinkypiechar for reading along with me in the wee hours of the morning, keeping me motivated and catching any mistakes I made. You a real one pookie. <3
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th3-3d3n-g4rd3n · 8 months ago
Could you plz write a sub!glenn rhee x fem reader fic?
Were glenn is like dry humping the readers leg and cums and he feels like really embarrassed but he can’t stop because it feels so good, and the reader is teasing him and low-key making fun of him but not like actually if that makes sense
i’ve had a flow of inspiration babe and i hope you enjoy because i did
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s1! glenn rhee x grimes daughter! reader
(i think this is technically gn reader i don’t think readers genitals are described)
(i know i said i don’t write age gaps… just pretend lori had her when she was like 16 guys idk 😔 - both characters are 18+)
also it’s not specified but the events of this take place in an RV, not just out in the open… thought i’d clarify
cw: (kinda) enemies to lovers, hinted that the reader is taller than him or same height (he’s 5’9 and so am i… i did that purely for me however, it can be ignored so my short queens can still read), dry humping (obvi), cumming in pants, there’s no definite consent but it’s obviously consensual (if that makes sense), shane slander (deserved), reader is like low-key mean… reference to masturbation, he cums twice (so like overstimulation?), they don’t get caught as such but people know what they did after
1826 words
It was a chilly Friday evening, most people were gathered around the campfire but, you weren’t. You were told by Shane to make dinner for yourself, him, Lori and Carl and this pissed you off relentlessly. Who the fuck did he think he was? Him banging your mum didn’t make him your dad so, why on earth did he think it did? So of course, an argument ensued which ended up with Lori siding with Shane and just telling you to stop making a scene and to just make the dinner. Obviously, it wasn’t a big deal… you just don’t like Shane.
You were so enveloped in anger that you didn’t notice the footsteps approaching you. “Hey…” a voice spoke from behind you, practically making you jump out of your skin. “Jesus, fuck!” you shout, “don’t fucking sneak up on me! What the hell?” You don’t mean to come off so aggressive, you’re just so angry already that this was like pulling a block from an already falling jenga tower.
“Shit… my bad I thought you heard me come in…” he mumbles, eyes widened from the unexpected reaction. You only roll your eyes and turn back around to keep making the nasty pasta salad that Shane wanted. “Um… Can we talk?” he says cautiously, noticing that this probably isn’t the time but, continuing with his point anyway. All you do is grunt, he assumes in agreement as you looked a bit less aggressive than before.
“Why… do you hate me? Did I do something to you that I don’t know? It just seems like you get on with mostly everyone else but not me. Like, what did I do?” he questions you, seemingly genuine. You roll your eyes, “my God, not everything is deep. I don’t hate you, just don’t exactly like you” you mumble, “you just kinda annoy me sometimes.”
“And, you’re annoying me because you won’t give me a proper explanation! Can you just give me a real answer?” he exasperates, raising his tone slightly. “Fine, you want an answer? You’re literally perfect and it’s really fucking annoying. Also, not everybody had to like you all the time. Grow a backbone, man.” you explain.
His eyebrows are furrowed and he wears a confused expression, “wait… what? You think I’m… perfect?”
“I’m glad that’s the only thing you listened to.” You state sarcastically, rolling your eyes at him. “Of course it is! You just said I’m perfect! I thought you hated me!” he reciprocates the same sarcastic tone that you used.
Suddenly, you turn around to him and shove him against the wall and walk over to him menacingly, taking a silent note of his adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Did you come here just to annoy me?” you raise you eyebrow at him as you tilt your head.
He puts in a fake angry face, trying to badly mask the flustered feeling that’s creeping up inside of him. “Maybe I did” he smirks, basking in the attention you’re giving him right now.
See, the thing is, he’s had a crush on you since he’d first seen you at the beginning of the apocalypse. It’d been a few months now and his feelings had just been getting stronger and stronger. It was so obvious. I mean, you pretended to be oblivious because the more people you loved, the more people you had to lose. It was the best for both of you. You tried so desperately to try and make him dislike you because the truth is, you’d begun to get feelings for the man too but, his feelings were relentless and nothing seemed to work.
“Yeah, I knew you fucking did. What else do you do but annoy me? Huh?” you start to raise your voice, adjacent to the heat raising within you. “You don’t know me as much as you think you do.” he grumbles, looking at the floor to avoid your piercing gaze. “Don’t underestimate me.” you bark bluntly, “I know a lot about you, more than I need to.”
He glances up at you in confusion and fear. Did you… know? “Like what?” he questions suspiciously. You slam your foot against the wall in between his legs, placing your thigh awfully close to his groin, he sure hopes you don’t notice his-
“I can read you like a book, Glenn. You’re a people pleaser, even though you pretend you’re not. You like to pretend that you know more than you do because it makes you feel better about your wasted potential. Oh, and you’re hard as a rock right now” his eyes widen at the last sentence. It had left your mouth so casually, making him question every experience he’d had with you over the last few months. Had you known this whole time? What had you seen? Had you seen him touching himself? Heard him moan your name under his breath? He shakes the thoughts out of his head, of course you hadn’t, you’d of brought it up by now, made fun of him, teased him mercilessly. After all, you hated him… right?
“I’m not a people pleaser!” his grumbles out, “a-and… I’m not hard!” he continues, sounding less and less convinced as he carries on the sentence. “Come on, you do whatever people tell you to do! Oh and-“ you cut yourself off before taking your leg that was placed between his and pulling yourself so that you’re closer to him, your thigh now pressed against his attentive crotch. “Not hard, huh?” You push your thigh against him, creating a grinding motion.
“S-shit…” he groans out, his head falling into the wall behind him. He scrunches his face, as if bracing himself, before lifting his head back up, “I… I don’t do everything I’m told! Shut… ugh- up” he grunts out in between weak mewls. You grab his face by the cheeks, your nails digging into him and you were sure there’d be little crescents etched into his skin once you let go. You pull his face towards you, going nose to nose with the man that you were looming over, “do me a favour, Glenn. Stop talking and do what you’re told, okay?” you sneer at him as he looks up at you, his expression conveying anger but his eyes twinkled with lust.
His heart pounding in his chest, he could feel your warm breath on his lips, the lips that he so desperately wanted to lock onto yours. He feels dizzy from the dull stimulation your thigh was giving him. It simultaneously felt like too much and not enough and it made the poor boy feel his knees weaken. He nods his head, acknowledging that your question was rhetorical but deciding to answer anyway, “okay… I’ll do what you tell me to” he whispers out, silently cussing at himself for how easily he gave in but also, how easily his pride was bruised.
You chuckle at how quickly you seemed to have wrecked the man, scoffing under your breath “don’t do what you’re told, my ass.” All he could do is look down to the ground, ashamed at the links of moans that he was producing from the increased pressure that you were putting on him.
Finally kissing the man, you hear his muffled whimpers; his desperate hands clawing at your shoulders, trying to stabilise himself as he feels his orgasm approaching. You stop moving your thigh, hoping he’ll take the initiative to keep going and, he does. His head falls back as he ruts against you needily.
You take advantage of his exposed neck, kissing and nipping down it until you find the spot that makes him moan especially loud, giving that spot special attention - licking, kissing, biting. You can tell he’s enjoying himself from the erotic noises he was making. As much as you loved to hear it, the walls of the RV were thin and your little brother was outside. You placed your hand over his mouth and your other hand on his hip, supporting his movements.
“You’re so hot” you mumble in his ear, “keep going for me, cum in your pants, pretty boy.” The mixture of your commanding tone and the adrenaline he was feeling at the risk of being heard/ caught tips him over the edge. He cusses under his breath, body shaking and spasming under your touch.
He looks up at you, eyes half closed as if he was tired. Still breathing heavily, he leans his forehead on your shoulder to stabilise himself.
You chuckle at his fucked out state before realising something. He was still humping you, you look up at him with your eyebrow raised, feeling a wave of surprise course through you. His eyes are glossed over, starting to feel the effects of overstimulation. “Jesus, pretty boy, still horny?” you tease. “C-can’t stop, feels too good” he whines out, sending a pool of heat to your lower regions.
“Shit shit shit shit- ah.. ah” he starts to whine loudly from his extreme sensitivity. You place your hand over his mouth as you hear him release high pitched moans that people could DEFINITELY hear outside. He starts shaking and you can tell that he’s quickly approaching his 2nd orgasm, coming to the finish line much quicker than he did last time.
He shivers as he feels the pleasure rush through him, as if it was coursing through his veins, his legs become weak and his knees give in. He falls to his knees on the floor and rests his forehead by your knee. You take his face in your hands as you bend down to him, “shit, are you okay?” you worry that you’ve pushed him too far. “How did you do that? It’s like I was under a spell… I didn’t know I could feel that good…” he looks up at you with half lidded eyes and you see that light tears decorate the inner corners of his eyes. You swipe them away with your thumbs and whisper to him, “told you I can read you like a book, darlin’. You believe me now?” you smirk at him as he nods weakly.
You stand up once more, helping him stand up too as he regains his strength. “Would you like to stay for dinner? It’s almost done and you’re here anyway…” you offer and he smiles at you, “that’d be nice.”
He stands up to help you serve up the food before looking down, noticing that he has a large wet patch on his pants, “I may need to change these though…” he murmured, mildly embarrassed of his actions.
You couldn’t help but chuckle when you looked down before nodding over to your mum’s bedroom, “take some of Shane’s jeans, he has enough anyway, he won’t notice” you roll your eyes, thinking back to the annoying man that was trying to take your father’s place. He nods and giggles slightly, “anything to piss off Shane!”
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writeyouin · 1 year ago
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Stories and Dolls
A/N – Okay, so I just quit my job and I’m freefalling right now. Time to channel my anxiety into fanfiction. Also, this chapter is darker so I’m raising the rating to M.
Rating – M
TAG-LIST: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe @koirb @usernameunavailable2 @lavenderkita @kannakanan @mcueveryday @amarokofficial @mbruben-stein @tyrythewolf @lasagna-501 @bizzardvark @firefirefeline @kaylanotkk @missme-07 @memontica @angelsdemonsmonsters @tj4shy
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Lucifer had to admit, he was getting used to you. He enjoyed making breakfast a show in the morning, entertaining you with his parlour tricks and general showmanship. You were like a child, easily amused by flashing lights or some sleight of hand.
And of a night, he also found your company less than objectionable, whether you were reading a book in the library with Spick and Span curled up at your feet, in front of a roaring fire (you had conjured them medallions with their names on them, so as to tell them apart), or those nights when you came back from visiting the hotel and regaled him with the tales of its inhabitants. Lucifer was starting to like Angel Dust, even if he didn’t believe the porn star actually had a chance at redemption. Nifty also seemed entertaining, Husk could be a source of wisdom and comfort in equal measure, and Alastair… Well, he was there too, taking up too much of your attention.
Yet, despite his newfound almost-friendship with you, he couldn’t help thinking about what you had said on your first night in the manor.
‘You don’t even know why I’m down here, and you don’t want to know, right? ‘Cos all of us filthy Sinners must be the same.’
You were right. He didn’t know why you were there, and that was driving him crazy. He wanted to like you. Truly, he did. But how could he like you when he didn’t know your sin? People got sent to Hell for a reason! They wasted their free will. They sold drugs to kids, murdered people, trafficked victims, tricked and swindled others. For all Lucifer knew, you were there for drowning puppies.
The thought made him deeply uncomfortable.
Okay. He would ask you about it. No big deal. People probably talked about why they went to Hell a lot right? That was a normal conversation for Sinners, probably…
Lucifer wasn’t entirely wrong in thinking that. However, nearly all Sinners lied about what they went to Hell for, making it even more brutal or horrifying to try and earn some extra credit among their fellow Demons. Someone who had killed one person would claim to have been a serial killer. A low-life drug dealer would paint themselves as a mafioso with a drug empire, and arsonists… They didn’t have to lie much, as fires tended to spread quickly and they generally were as psychotic as they claimed to be.
It was all basic self-preservation in Hell. Be the toughest person there, so nobody could find new ways to hurt you. Kill or be killed (figuratively, since Demons couldn’t technically kill other Demons), sink or swim, do unto others before they did unto you.
Right. When Lucifer next saw you, he would ask.
“Hey Lucifer,” You said upon returning to the manor from the Hotel, “You doing okay?”
Lucifer froze. He hadn’t expected to see you so soon. Fuck.
“Hey bitch,” Lucifer greeted, feeling entirely awkward, yet trying to feign confidence.
“Uh… Back at ya,” You reciprocated confusedly.
“Sooooo,” Lucifer started, steepling his fingers together, and holding them to his mouth, his brow knitting together worriedly, “I have a question for you.”
“Oh.” You were surprised by Lucifer’s admission. While the two of you generally made conversation, he didn’t tend to ask too much. Besides, in the preface of announcing his question, it seemed that he was likely to ask you something personal.
You waved your hand casually, indicating that he was free to ask away.
“How- Uh how was everything at the Hotel? Is my little girl doing okay?”
As you smiled and fell into a description of how Charlie was doing and her general excitement about her meeting with Heaven, Lucifer cursed himself. He knew that what he wanted to ask was important, but it was just so personal. Well, at least he was happy to hear about his daughter. There were also some other colourful stories included in your conversation.
Finally, you wrapped up the conversation, effectively ending it when you casually said, “Anyway, I’m going to get ready for bed. I’m real tired, you know?”
Lucifer didn’t say much as you left, he was still pondering whether you might be a puppy killer or relative and accomplice to that Jeffrey Dahmer fellow, or something equally disturbing. If not… Why were you there?
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Having gotten ready for bed, you sighed, letting the day’s events wash over you, lifting a weight off your shoulders. You were tired, but the day had been a good productive one. Moreover, it was nice to end the day by standing out on the balcony, overlooking the rest of Hell.
There was a time when you had died, during which you stood atop a building in the main streets watching all the fights, looting, and maiming, and you were horrified. Then, you met Charlie, and she had been so wonderfully pure, good, and non-judgemental that you had to agree with her. Hell could be a home to you, and all the other Sinners who lived there, and Sinners could always change for the better.
While you held onto the balcony railing, leaning over it, and staring at the red horizon, Lucifer approached your open door at the entrance of your room, knocking despite the open invitation to come in.
You turned and smiled at him, your smile putting him at ease.
“Come in,” You offered.
He did so, crossing the large room and taking quick mental notes of the changes you had made. They were minor, but they spoke of your personality. You had lit scented candles, brightening the room – the official scent name was Tapioca Tit-play.
Subconsciously, Lucifer worked his magic to remove the off-smell that he had placed there; it was redundant when your candles covered it, and he didn’t mind your company so much anymore.
He also observed several other items. There was a photograph of everyone at the Hotel, though you had drawn Alastor on the end in crayon since he didn’t love to be captured in photographs (he could bear it unlike being filmed, but he didn’t care much for it.)
Wrapped around your bedposts were nightlights to keep out the dark. On your bed, you had a teddy of one of Sir Pentious’ egg-bois, a gift from him. Husk had gifted you with a bottle of his best Whiskey, though it remained unopened on the nightstand. There was a cockroach/daisy hybrid necklace wrapped around a book. The candles were from Angel Dust. Beneath your pillow was a dagger, gifted by Vaggie, for your protection. Alastor had given you a collection of books from the store in Cannibal Town, including several that were rumoured to have been stolen from Heaven’s library, though nobody was certain where that rumour started or if it was even true, though there were no copies of the books anywhere else in Hell.
Although Lucifer had no way of knowing these items were all presents from your friends at the Hazbin Hotel, he could tell that you cared deeply for the odd assortment by their placement on the two bedside tables; they had been positioned with care, and were well looked after.
Then, his eye caught the rubber duck, slightly hidden behind the picture frame. He remembered making that one. As a hellhound imitation, it was meant to teleport to whoever needed it most inside the Manor, offering protection should they come under attack. Naturally, he and his family didn’t need such protection, but he had been experimenting with what powers he might imbue unto yet another duck.
He decided not to mention it as he joined you on the balcony, looking you over in your pyjamas.
You also spared him a glance, noting that he seemed more relaxed. Although he was still in his usual attire, he had removed his top-hat-crown and his overcoat, revealing the waistcoat and shirt beneath; the sleeves were rolled up, giving him a more casual appearance.
“Hell’s skies are beautiful, aren’t they,” You stated, returning your gaze to the horizon.
Lucifer looked up, but all he saw was Heaven, the home that didn’t want him.
“(Y/N),” He started, forcing himself to look down, so he wouldn’t have to stare at the painfully beautiful golden glow above.
“How did you end up here?”
Your grip tightened on the railing drawing Lucifer’s gaze to the whites of your knuckles.
Your whole body became tense and you answered with a ragged breath, “I died.”
“Yes but-” Lucifer was about to lead into the question of your sins, but you spoke up again, seemingly misunderstanding the question as you continued, tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
“I was- I was murdered.”
Lucifer could have explained that the cause of your death wasn’t what he had been driving at, but now he was darkly fascinated. If you were the same kind-hearted, warm person in life, why would anyone wish to bring about your death?
He remained silent as you began recounting the manner in which you had been killed.
“I had a friend,” You started slowly, taking steady breaths between each part of the story that followed as if it would make it any easier. “I mean- I- I thought he was my friend. I loved him. He knew that. He counted on it.”
“I thought that he travelled for work. That’s what he told me. It’s why he was always coming and going. But no… He was just looking for more people like me. He found people. Made us fall for him. Then he- he took me out on a date. Blindfolded me. Said it was a surprise. I- I trusted him, but the blindfold just made it easier for him to- He knocked me out.”
You subconsciously touched the back of your head, remembering the blow that had come with no warning.
Lucifer turned to you, one hand holding onto the railing, the other planted firmly at his side.
“Did he-” He started to ask.
You shook your head. “It wasn’t rape. It was worse.”
You shivered, waiting until you were certain you weren’t going to vomit. Then you continued, your skin ashy.
“I woke up in a- It was like a cinderblock cell, but it had been sort of decorated to look like a fancy suite?”
You recalled the room. It was damp, and the floor was cheaply produced concrete, given away by the amount of air bubbles which had never been levelled and now pocked the surface, like a teenager with bad acne. The cinderblock walls were easy to see, though some talented artist had been paid to paint it with the likeness of the Ritz hotel or somewhere equally fancy. While that had made it look better, it was still clearly a cinderblock wall; then again, you can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
You had been handcuffed to a chair in the centre of the room. Your clothes had been taken, and you had been dressed in a skimpy shortened tuxedo, with a fitted vest instead of a jacket. You remembered screaming till your voice was raw. You screamed so much that you ended up spitting flecks of blood, but nobody came to save you.
“I- I was tied up,” You said simply, downplaying the memory to Lucifer, more for your own sake than his, though he could see the pain behind your eyes.  
Lucifer didn’t interrupt your story, but his anger was growing. Behind him his tail lashed furiously, his eyes became flaming red, and his fangs became sharper. You hadn’t noticed, you were lost in memory, and you had yet to look his way since beginning your story.
You sighed, thinking of the torture, humiliation, and suffering which followed, all at the hands of one man. It wasn’t your captor. It was who he had sold you to.
“It- I was- They were making snuff films. I don’t know how many people died there before or after me but- I was sold to an American. He- He liked to cut things. It was a while before- I don’t know if I bled out, or if my heart stopped, maybe both?”
For the first time, your skin changed colour, turning from your regular human shade to a pale seaweed-green. Against the colourful backdrop, Lucifer could see your now blinding white glowing scars. Upon your death they remained hidden, completely invisible, but now you were distressed… You seemingly did have something of a Demonic appearance after all.
You were a ragdoll.
There wasn’t a part of your body that hadn’t been cut, or originally sliced off, only to be repaired in death. In all likelihood, your real body was probably burned, buried, or dissolved in acid. In Hell, your scars were the stitches that held your body together. Lucifer now understood your human appearance since like a real ragdoll, you were good at playing dress-up. He bet that if you explored your abilities, you would have been able to look like anyone, a skin-changer, but you had adopted your appearance in life; it was likely an accident caused by the trauma of your memories.
“(Y/N),” Lucifer said through gritted teeth. He wanted to be comforting, but he was already thinking of all the ways he would punish your killer and any accomplice he may have had. There were worse things than Death in hell; he would torture those bastards for eternity, and then when he finally grew bored, he would end them with angelic weaponry, wiping their souls from existence, leaving no trace of such monsters.
You didn’t turn to face your King, who was now in his full Demonic form, his rage at its peak.
“Just go,” You murmured despondently, staring over the balcony, and down to the ground. A long drop and a short stop… It was a shame it wouldn’t kill you; at least the pain would end if you died.
“But-” Lucifer reached you to put a hand on your shoulder, his wings almost curling around you as if to envelop you.
“I- I would like to be alone. Please.”
Lucifer hesitantly withdrew his hand, “I’m sorry.”
That was all he said before walking away, leaving you alone.
You wished that you could have been left to wallow, but your phone soon buzzed and you opted to check it in case it was an emergency.
Retrieving it from the bed, you found a message from Charlie.
Damn it! If Charlie was texting you for this, it meant that Husk was either the cause or he wasn’t around to be the solution. Moreover, while Charlie would want to assist her friend, she was likely the last person Angel Dust wanted to see; sometimes, though she was well-intentioned, she just didn’t understand such issues or she could be a bit much.
Still stuck in your ragdoll body, you ran back to the balcony and vaulted over the edge. It wasn’t a smooth landing, and it hurt a lot. Anyone else would have broken their bones, but when you were like this, there wasn’t anything else that could be broken. Everything had already been torn off you. Ignoring the pain, you ran until you found a taxi. You took it to the Hotel.
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crisco-babe · 2 months ago
Platonic Yandere!Jackie Taylor
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Fem!reader (technically, but there's no pronouns used so can be read as GN), Manipulation, toxic friendship, Jackie lowkey, highkey in denial about everything, destruction of property???, swearing, gaslighting, emotional abuse, implied physical abuse, a bit of angst, anything I missed, let me know!
Jackie is not obsessive!
Can she be a bit controlling? Sure, but that's not a bad thing! She's a natural born leader. Headstrong. Confident. A good, no, a great friend that just wants the best for you!
She's only ever wanted to help you. Has only ever wanted to take you under her wing, like Shauna, and mold you into the best version of yourself.
So when you say you don't like soccer and don't want to join the Yellowjackets, it's simply because you're just scared of not being good enough, that's all!
Don't worry! She makes sure to come over after school with Shauna and help you practice every day until you're comfortable trying out again.
When you ask to take a break, panting and sweating as you let yourself fall onto the grass. Jackie isn't being mean when she tugs and pulls at you. She's being motivational, she's not letting you give up on yourself.
When Shauna tries to get her to "dial it back a bit" it's just because she doesn't understand. She doesn't get what you need.
And sure, she could have been a bit nicer, a bit softer with the way she played, but how would you learn? How would you become a true YellowJacket?
Luckily, it only takes two or so weeks before you're willing to tryout for the team again! All the sweat, tears and accidental bruising paid off!
She may not be the captain of the team yet, but she can very persuasive.
Don't worry, there's always a spot open and ready for you to take, even if that means pushing out a weak link to make room.
Freshman, sophomore and junior year go by rather smoothly.
Sure, sometimes you guys aren't fully on the same page. There's one or two petty fights here and there, sometimes with you, sometimes with Shauna.
It's usually about Jackie being too "pushy" or whatever, but it's simply because you're just not seeing the big picture.
You just didn't understand how hideous that shirt really was. Yeah, yeah, your aunt bought it from Paris as a gift, but that doesn't mean you have to wear it.
And yeah, she's gets that you were "really into" them, but if they really liked you, they would have taken that prank letter she got Shauna to write pretending to be you with a grain of salt. Jackie would have forgiven it.
Regardless though, much to her dismay, fights with you were different then her fights with Shauna. With her all it took was an apology, maybe even a few days of distance for the bigger disagreements and then Shauna would come back, tail tucked between her legs and apologetic
But with you, she has to try a little harder then she deems fair. If she's controlling, it's only because you're so fucking stubborn!
She doesn't like how comfortable you seem to be without her, without her guidance.
The way you seem to be almost relieved when you are given space to 'cool off' really annoys her.
She hopes using Shauna as leverage is enough to have you getting over it. That you'll realize how easy life is when you have them by your side.
"Who's side are you even on, Shauna?"
Sometimes though, the Shauna card isn't enough and she has to resort to actually coming to you. Even when she shouldn't. Even when it's not even that big of a deal.
"Come on, we're a team, remember?" She'll even let one of Jeff's more tolerable friend's flirt with you just to sweeten the deal.
Most of the time, that's enough.
But for those rare, and few and between fights that happen where it isn't...
Well, she has to get a little more creative, a little more personal.
Her critiques are more frequent and a little harsher during practice
Soon she starts forgetting to invite you to team meetings
notebooks start disappearing before study sessions, your bag once rips open on the way home from school. Your car starts stalling every morning..
It rarely gets to this point but that doesn't mean she'll hesitate to take it there when she needs too.
By the time Senior year rolls around, you and Shauna are content in your roles. Life is easier with Jackie in your corner.
You still hate soccer, still hate prep rallies and keg parties with Jeff and his buddies, but you'd never tell her that.
You're hoping with college, you'll be able to grow some much needed distance
Jackie has of course already decided where you'd all be going, her and Shauna sharing a room the first year, you and her the second.
You told her you'd applied, hoping to buy yourself time to hear back from the colleges you actually applied for
'One more year' The thought both a mantra and a prayer
Jackie hadn't been too bad the past month or so, preoccupied with nationals and Jeff.
You hoped your "misplays" would be enough to stop from getting into nationals. That they'd be small enough to miss her radar but significant enough to slow down the game.
You loved the other girls, truly, but the idea of having to get on a plane and spend even more time with Jackie made your stomach churn.
Unfortunately, your teammates picked up your slack easily.
That doesn't mean that in between the cheering that Jackie didn't make sure to send you a glare of disappointment.
"You really gotta focus." She said sternly, Shauna - like always - stuck in the middle, tension thick around you all. "Do you need some extra practice time?"
The small scar above your knee throbs at her words. Even Shauna starts to shift uncomfortably.
"No, I was just a bit nervous." You try to keep your tone casual, try not to flinch back when Jackie moves closer and lets a hand fall onto your shoulder in what you assume to be understanding. "I promise, it won't happen again."
Jackie sighs, fingers digging into your shoulder just for a moment, just enough for you to feel the meaning of it before she moves back, arms folding as she leans against a locker.
"You're right, it won't."
Jackie knows she can be a bit rough with you, a little too harsh. But it's just because you need it more.
Shauna's always been more fragile, like a bird with clipped wings.
You have always been stronger, have always been able to handle more
It's one of the things she loves most about you. Your fight for freedom, your willingness to be better.
But it also means sometimes having to pull you back. It's for your own benefit, even when it doesn't feel that way.
Even when it hurts
What kind of friend would she be if she didn't help, didn't mold, you into being the best version of yourself?
It's all for you, it's always been just for you..
Hi all, this was suppose to be both pre and during wilderness Jackie, but it would have been mega long so I'll post part two at a later date. Also wanting to write for all the yellowjackets, but we shall see...
Also first time writing in two years so be gentle!!!
Hope you enjoy! Feel free to message me about anything, happy to answer any questions!
Love Ya!!!
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rollinouttahere-writes · 5 months ago
Yandere werewolf Wyper x female farmer reader
Worse Fates
Yandere Werewolf Wyper x Fem Reader
3.6k words
Summary: After finding your livestock brutally mauled, you decide to stay awake throughout the night to try and catch whatever could be doing this.
Warnings: violence towards the reader (gets bit), mild gore, non-consentual touching, mild yandere elements, reader is technically fem but it never actually comes up so you can read this as gn too tbh
There were plenty of trials and tribulations that came with working in ranching. It was very hard work that came with minimal reward. Some years your family made enough to live somewhat comfortably, but plenty of years left you all barely scraping by. Last year was particularly rough due to severe flooding drowning a lot of your livestock, and this year was setting itself up to also be deadly to the cattle your family raised.
Not because of flooding this time, but because you kept waking up in the morning to find your livestock brutally mauled to death. While this is hardly the first time you’ve found one of your animals dead, no one in your family had ever found one in such a grisly state. You’ve seen the result of wolves or coyotes killing a cow, but this looked like it was done by a bear. A huge one at that. It was confusing, but terrifying more than anything. What was doing this? None of your family had ever seen a bear around the ranch, so what if it was something else? Some other unknown beast that was mauling your livelihood.
With everything going on, you felt desperate enough to pay your neighbors a visit. The Shandia Farm specialized in agriculture, growing a variety of crops to make a living. Despite them being the people nearest to you, your families really didn’t interact much. Both of you were busy with your own jobs which left little time for mingling and socializing. Which was fine. You got the impression that you weren’t particularly welcome over here. Wyper, the perceived man in charge, was always quick to tell you to leave so he could get back to work on the few occasions that you did try to get to know him.
And what would happen if one of you were outside when it came stalking onto your property for another meal? 
Ideally, you would encounter Raki once you got there. She was always much more willing to talk and be courteous to you. You knew that your reason for being there wasn’t particularly great. All that you wanted to do was ask if they’ve seen anything strange lurking around these parts, but you figured that was pretty unlikely given that they didn’t have any animals to attract a large predator.
The dust of the dirt road kicks up as you walk quickly. A large gate was just ahead of you with a log perched on top of it with the words “Shandia Farm” carved into it. The gate was fortunately already open, making it easy for you to walk right in.You quickly glance around, trying to find anyone you can talk to. All that your eyes can see is the large, partially harvested field of pumpkins, with a wheat field wrapping around the distance. No people, though.
“What are you doing here?” 
Hearing a gruff voice coming from directly behind you startles you. You jump a bit and whip around to find Wyper uncomfortably close behind you. He’s staring down at you with his arms crossed over his bare chest. His teeth grind against a cigarillo and his eyebrows raise slightly as he waits for you to explain yourself.
Oh, right. The question you had about if any one here had seen anything. It seems like you’re going to have to settle for speaking with Wyper afterall. You clear your throat as you take a decisive step back to put some distance between you two.
“I, uh, I have a question for you.” You fidget with the worn fabric of your clothing as Wyper stares at you in silence. “We’ve been having trouble with something killing out livestock, and I was just wondering if anyone over here has seen anything strange recently?”
The second the words were out of your mouth, Wyper scoffed and turned away from you. “It was probably just a wolf or something, you don’t need to bother me over such a simple matter.” He began making his way through the empty parts of the pumpkin patch, walking around the remaining vines with a practiced ease. He was seemingly done with the conversation.
You weren’t ready to drop the subject so easily, however. With only a brief moment of hesitation, you follow him into the field. While he was effortlessly avoiding the vines, you were left stumbling as they snagged your boots and tried to trip you. You call out to him as you lag behind him, “But there’s no way a wolf has been doing this! Not even an entire pack could mutilate a cow the way we’ve been finding them.”
It takes noticeably longer than it should have, but you do eventually catch up to him. He’s bent over and using a shear to cut the stems of the pumpkins. When he makes no move to refute your point, you start to speak again, only to immediately get cut off by him.
“If you’re going to be here and pester me, then at least help out.” 
Before you can squeeze the shear, Wyper’s hand juts out to grab yours and moves it further up the stem. He looks annoyed and huffs quietly. “Don’t cut so close to the pumpkin, that makes them go bad faster.”
Without even waiting to see if you would agree to the demand, he digs a spare shear out of a pocket on his pants and shoves it into your hands. For a moment, you balk at being forcibly recruited into harvesting, but your desire to get even a scrap of useful information out of him wins over. You heave a sigh and move to the row next to him and crouch down to cut the stem.
“Oh, okay. Sorry.” You glance down to confirm how high up he repositioned your hand. You feel like you get about where you’re supposed to cut, and you want to, but there’s a problem. His hand is still tightly clutching yours and he doesn’t appear to be letting go anytime soon. You turn to look at him, “Cut a few inches up the stem, I got it… You wanna let go now?”
For a moment, his grip only tightens, but then he lets go and returns to cutting pumpkin stems in his own row. He quietly grumbles under his breath, “Just making sure you got it…”
That was… weird. You shake your head and start quickly cutting stems to catch up to him. Given that he didn’t immediately kick you out like he usually would, you take that as an invitation to keep pressing him. “As I was saying, whatever is killing my cattle can’t be a wolf. The bite marks are too big, and there are these huge gashes from claws that no one in my family has ever seen before. Have you guys maybe seen a bear or something like that lurking around here?”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Wyper freeze up and stop his work. His jaw tenses and bites down on his cigarillo to the point that it’s bitten all the way through and half of it falls to the ground. While you may not know Wyper on a personal level, you feel confident in saying that this is strange behavior for him. 
You hesitate for a second, then decide to speak up, “Are… Are you okay?”
He snaps out of his stupor and stands up straight. He spits out the remaining piece of his cigarillo and quickly replaces it with a new one from a pack in his back pocket. He fumbles for a moment while trying to light it. Once it’s lit, he takes a long drag from it. Not once has he looked at you, and you’re about to ask if he’s okay again when he abruptly snatches the shears out of your hand.
“Don’t go out at night.”
That wasn’t what you were expecting to hear. Your brain stalls out for a second, then you quietly utter, “Excuse me?”
Finally, he turns to face you, and he’s back to his usual stern expression, though you can’t help but notice the sheen of sweat coating him. Your eyes follow a drop of sweat that runs down the tattoos covering his face before he wipes at it with his bare hand. He takes another drag and exhales it right into your face. You cough as the smoky, yet oddly sweet smell assaults your senses and burns your eyes.
“You and your family shouldn’t go out at night… Whatever has been doing that is probably something you don’t want to encounter. Now get going, I have work to do.” With that, he returns to harvesting pumpkins as if you two didn’t have an incredibly odd exchange.
The way that he vaguely acknowledged your struggles while giving terrible advice really rubbed you the wrong way. This wasn’t a problem that you had the luxury to simply ignore. “We can’t just do that! Our livestock is being massacred! We’re going to lose the farm if we lose much more!”
“There are some fates worse than that.”
All that you can do is gawk at him after saying something so ominous. Your mouth opens and closes a few times before you point a trembling finger at him, “You know something about this, don’t you?”
Wyper keeps his back to you and speaks in a curt tone, “I don’t know anything, I’m just offering some advice based on what you told me.”
You want to argue with him and push him more, but you know that won’t get you anywhere. It’s nothing short of a miracle that he spoke to you as much as he has, not that any of it was particularly helpful. You turn on your heel and stomp your way out of the pumpkin patch, trying your damnedest to not trip over any vines and make a fool of yourself. Whatever. He can keep his secrets. It would seem that you and your family were on your own when it came to dealing with whatever was plaguing your humble ranch.
That night, you found yourself settled into the old rocking chair on your farmhouse’s front porch, sipping on a cup of coffee to help keep yourself awake. A hunting rifle was propped against the wall next to you as you idly rocked yourself with one foot. Your family had come to the decision that one of you would stay awake all night until whatever was killing your livestock was gone. You offered to take the first shift, mostly due to the eerie conversation you had with Wyper that was very much still on your mind. It was unlikely that you would have been able to sleep anyway, so you might as well put yourself on nightwatch. 
The thing that stood out to you the most from your earlier conversation was the specification that you shouldn’t go out at night. If this was all the work of a bear, that made no sense. They were active during the daytime as far as you were aware. He would only specify nighttime as being dangerous if he knew precisely what was doing this, but why wouldn’t he just come out and say what exactly that was? Why keep the answer hidden behind vague words? What did he have to gain from doing that?
Instinctively, you look over to where the pastures are. A pointless thing to do in the middle of the night. The only light out here was coming from your lantern and the full moon glowing in the sky above you. Hardly enough to illuminate the sprawling fields your livestock lived on. 
All was quiet, something that part of you knew was a good thing, though you couldn’t help but feel a tinge of frustration. You don’t want to wait around for days or even weeks to identify the threat to your family’s farm, you want to take care of this here and now so this can be behind you instead of a looming problem.
You take another sip of your lukewarm coffee when you suddenly hear something. In an instant, you perk up and halt all movement so you can strain your ears. In the distance, you can hear cattle bellowing and running.
The blanket draped over your shoulders flies off as you spring out of the rocking chair. You slam the coffee mug down and grab the rifle and lantern before sprinting in the direction of the commotion. 
Grass crunches under your feet and the lantern rattles as you run. You easily vault over the fence and keep going. The sound of bellowing cattle grows louder and your eyes are able to make out cows running away from where the noise was coming from.
This had to be it. Whatever was making them run had to be the thing that’s been preying on them! You allow the lantern’s handle to fall to the crook of your arm as you pull out the small bag of gunpowder from your pocket and pour some into the pan of your rifle. You slow down to carefully stalk towards the predator that is about to become your prey and take aim.
Not far ahead, you can hear the wet, visceral sound of flesh being torn apart and curse under your breath, knowing that whatever this thing was had already managed to get its teeth into another one of your cows. And from the lack of noise coming from the cow itself, you knew that it was already dead.
While it’s still very dark, you can make out the shape of something hunched over the carcass of one of your cattle. You point your gun at it but don’t shoot. The creature is little more than a silhouette to you, but you notice something about it that makes your heart stop. It has arms.
The gun is lowered as you strain your eyes to try and make out more details. That… That thing couldn’t be human. There is no way a human being has been doing all of this. It’s just not possible! You creep closer, taking advantage of that thing having its back to you and not yet noticing your presence. You can tell that it’s covered in a dense fur with what appears to be a mane around its head. 
What… What the fuck are you looking at?
In an attempt to figure out what that thing is, you take another step closer and a twig snaps under your foot. The second that the noise cuts through the air, the creature whips around with a loud, reverberating snarl. You yelp and stumble back while raising the rifle again, but the animal- no, the monster is much faster than you. Before you can pull the trigger, it lunges forward and tackles you to the ground. Your lantern shatters on impact. Glass shards stab into your arm, making you scream in pain as the grass begins to catch fire.
You try to hit the monster with the gun but it clamps its maw around the barrel and rips it out of your hands, hurling it away from you and leaving you completely defenseless. You stare up at it as the growing fire around you sheds light on the monster and your mouth goes dry.
This creature is nothing like you’ve ever seen before, but that isn’t the worst part. It has tattoos on its face, ones that you would recognize anywhere. Everything fell into place. The odd behavior, the cryptic words, the way that he let on to knowing more than he told…
The words are barely even a whisper, you’re too shocked to be able to even begin to process this. You can’t believe what you’re seeing. You don’t want to believe it, but you can’t argue with the evidence right above you. Especially when you see the tattoos continue onto his shoulder and chest, just like Wyper’s do.
Saying his name makes the beast- Wyper, growl and lower his face closer to yours. His face was severely distorted, and you never would have been able to recognize him if it weren’t for the distinct tattoo. He had a snout like a wolf and was covered in a coarse, dark red fur. His ears were pointed, though they remained about where a human’s ears should be. The “mane” that you had seen was really just his hair, though it appeared to be thicker than usual and running all the way down his back.
You cry out and struggle under him as he presses his snout into the crook of your neck. You kick your legs and pound on his chest while pleading with him not to do this, to not kill you. Tears pour down your face as your mind begins to predict how it’s going to feel when he sinks his teeth into your throat and rips it out.
Instead of making your fears a reality, he does something that completely throws you off. He starts sniffing you. Hot puffs of air coat your neck with condensation as he takes long, deep breaths, each one feeling more desperate than the last. Wyper presses his wet nose against you so hard to the point that it’s almost painful, and you can’t help but cringe as you realize that the wetness is the blood from the slaughtered cow.
You push on his chest harder, but he doesn’t budge. He doesn’t even appear to be registering that you’re doing anything as he huffs in your scent. You shriek as you feel his tongue lap at your skin. In a desperate attempt to get him off of you before he can kill you, you grab a fistful of his hair and yank on it as hard as you can.
Wyper snarls loudly right into your ear in response and abruptly bites your shoulder. Your shrill scream cuts through the night air as large, pointed teeth sink into you. Rather than ripping you to shreds, he starts to drag you through the grass. Your screams continue as the fresh wound on your shoulder is repeatedly tugged at with each pull. You desperately try to find anything to hold onto to keep him from taking you wherever he has planned, but there’s nothing. All that there is to grab is grass.
“(Y/N)?! Where are you?!”
In the distance you can hear your younger brother screaming for you, likely drawn out of the house by your own scream. You’re torn between feeling relief that you may be saved, and terror that he’s going to die with you.  
“I lost the gun! It should be near the fire!” You still aren’t sure if him coming to your rescue would be a good thing, but if absolutely nothing else, he will be safer if he has the rifle. While your family used to have several, you were forced to sell all but one just to survive last year, and now that one remaining gun is sitting somewhere in the blazing pasture.
Another scream is ripped out of you as Wyper drops you. Blood is gushing out of your shoulder now that his teeth are no longer there to slow the bleeding. You frantically scramble to get to your feet and run, but he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder. One of your fists pounds on his back while your other hand tightly clutches your wounded shoulder. You look up to see your brother coming into view as he runs around where the fire is in search of the rifle. His eyes keep darting up to look for you, but you’re too far from the light of the fire to be visible to him, meaning that all he has to go off of is your pained screams. You can see your parents and other siblings running towards you, terror and confusion on all of their faces. All of them are carrying random household objects like kitchen knives and fire pokers in lieu of proper weapons, with your father wielding the only other viable weapon in the form of the axe you use for chopping firewood.
As much as you want them to save you, you don’t know if they can. Wyper’s new form easily towers over even your tallest family member, and considering how easily he disarmed you, you’re terrified of what will happen if they actually try to fight him.
“Get back in the house! You can’t fight it! He’ll kill you!”
“Fight what?! Who’s here?! Who did this?!” Your father was completely undeterred by your words and continued to follow the sound of your voice, only stopping when he abruptly slipped and fell in a puddle of your blood. His face paled as he realized what he had fallen into and saw the trail of blood created from when Wyper was dragging you. Just as quickly as he fell, he springs back up and charges into the darkness, following the blood and yelling your name. 
At the same moment, your brother calls out that he found the gun and races to follow your father with everyone else not far behind him. With the gun found, you feel a tinge of hope that they’ll be able to save you. 
Just as you allow yourself that little bit of hope, it’s snuffed out. Wyper breaks into a sprint with you firmly held in place on his shoulder. You kick and scream, crying out for your family, but it’s all for naught. Wyper is running so fast that their voices begin to fade into the distance almost immediately. Sobs wrack through your body as a wave of hopelessness crashes over you. Was this really how you were going to die? By being carried away and eaten by the monstrous form of one of your neighbors?
The answer felt clear to you as your vision faded and you began to faint from blood loss. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months ago
Pocky game w/ various HH characters part 1/3
I want pretzels so bad rn it's not even funny
Characters: charlie, vaggie, angel dust, husk, sir pentious
Notes: read is GN for everyone but vaggie and angel, Angel's reader is male, vaggies reader is fem, bonus hcs of what i think their favorite flavor would be- take it with a grain of salt because admin has only tried the og flavor and the cookies n creme
CWs: edit
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oh she loooooooves stuff like this and shes definitely going to bring it up if you dont bring it up!
very understanding if you tell her you dont want to play the game, she doesnt want to force you- however she is over the moon if you agree
meets you in the middle and gives you a kiss, probably does a little "mwah!" sound to add to the general light heartedness of the activity
excited and she loves sweets so she might eat her portion a little faster than you
likes all the flavors but always finds herself coming back to the original, can never go wrong with a classic
not much of a sweets person but if she doesnt have anything going on shes likely to do a game or two with you
is aware of the game but has never played it, at least if this is a timeline where she doesnt date charlie because charlie 100% would get her to do it with her
unsure if its supposed to end in a kiss but she does keep that in mind when playing the game- neither works too slow or too fast on her end- she doesnt want to come off as too into it... not that shes not into you of course! she just doesnt want to come off as desperate if that makes sense
does it for you most of the time because she knows it makes you happy and it doesnt bother her
i think she would be an almond crush enjoyer!
it should come as a shock to absolutely no one that hes going to use this as an excuse to try to flirt or tease you; even more if you clearly show some feelings for him or if you two are already in a relationship
sighs.. he would make it a point to nibble on the stick in a way to try to get under your skin in one way or another.. its like when people get freaky with popsicles
game ends with a kiss, hes well aware of it when you take the pocky out and he is READY
comments on how nice it tasted, likely winks, can see him asking to do it again
i feel like he would like the strawberry flavored ones.. though im unsure if thats because of his color palette making me think that or if he would actually be a strawberry enjoyer.. maybe a crunchy strawberry enjoyer
has no idea what the game is so youre going to have to explain it to him, he gets way too into it because of what it implies- if you were suspecting he had a crush on you this is kind of a confirmation because theres no other reason he would jump at the oppurtunity
all talk until the game actually starts, he kind of just freezes up or slows his tune a lot... didnt actually expect you to agree, or think about what would happen if the game actually started
barely meets you in the middle due to his nerves, and i can honestly see him pulling away at the last minute
its not like he doesnt WANT to meet you in the middle, its just that its a little overwhelming! and this would technically be his first kiss with you! if its going to happen he wants it to be more special!
dork... but it doesnt help him in growing the nerve to approach you to ask you out
has never heard of pocky so im unsure of what flavor would be his favorite
i dont think he would be all that interested, he might think the game is a little dumb actually.. on top of that i dont personally see him as being much of a sweets enjoyer so its more likely for him to turn you down
while derailing from the posts prompt, if you were to substitute the pocky with something thats more up his ally he might be more inclined to give it a try... though im unsure of what you could replace the pocky with and keep the basis of the game intact
actually, he doesnt really partake in games like that- the ones that can lead to something thats typically romantic. its just not his cup of tea
i can see him being a bit of tease, but i dont think this meshes well with his style... might do it to humor you though
does NOT eat much of the pocky, and he prefers the bit with no chocolate- might take one nibble to please you but thats it
if you two are already dating, though, hes going to lean into the kiss
no favorite flavor due to the above mentioned "hes not a sweets guy"
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 7 months ago
Sidequests and Shenanigans
Jake x Fem!Reader (could be read an Gn! if wanted since the word girlfriend/she is used sparsely), Best friend Ni-ki, Protective Sunghoon
Warnings: Cursing, Injury, Mentions of Hospitals
You and Jake were spending some last-minute quality time together before he left for a fashion show. It was a significant event for him, and you were excited for Jake, even though you would miss him terribly. You curled up next to him on the couch, enjoying the comfort of his presence. He smelled good, like the shampoo you loved so much and clean laundry. He was overall soft. Something you loved so much about him. He was so comforting.
So, it would be hard not being with him for the week or so he would be gone.
"Are you sure you’ll be okay while I’m gone?" Jake read your mind, his fingers gently combing through your hair.
"Of course," you reassured him, smiling up at him. "Ni-ki said he’d keep me company, and we’ll probably just hang out and watch movies, play video games. That sort of thing."
Jake chuckled, his eyes filled with affection. "Just don’t get into too much trouble." A small giggle escaped you as Jake planted a soft kiss on the corner of your lips.
"I’ll try my best," you teased, leaning up to kiss him fully. "But you know how Ni-ki and I are."
"I do," he sighed playfully. "You guys feed off of each other. If you two weren't so alike that you're basically the same person, I'd almost think he was trying to steal my girlfriend from me." He squeezed your shoulder. "Just be careful, okay?"
You nodded, promising yourself you’d keep things low-key. But little did you know, things were about to get a lot more chaotic than you intended.
"I’m so bored," Ni-ki groaned, sinking further into the couch.
You guys had already played through all the games you had wanted to play through. Raided Jake's snack bin and his fridge - which you figured he probably wouldn't have been too happy about considering he just did groceries - and prank called everyone on your respective contact lists, plus the edition of some of the executives of companies Ni-Ki didn't belong to. Which was worth the 27,000 won Seungmin from Stray Kids had sent in exchange for a call to his superior and namesake of the company. Which was a call cut short once you managed to scam him.
"We need to do something fun." You guys were star-fished on Jake's living room floor, staring up the ceiling fan, Layla laying on her back as well copying the both of you.
"What do you have in mind?" you asked, a smirk coming to your face as you sat up, knowing that Ni-ki’s definition of fun usually meant something adventurous, a little reckless - and occasionally slightly illegal.
Ni-ki’s eyes lit up as he leaned closer, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "How about a side quest? We sneak into that abandoned building downtown?"
You blinked in surprise. The building he was talking about was notorious for being off-limits. There were rumors of it being haunted, and it was technically illegal to trespass there.
"You mean the one we’re not supposed to go near?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Exactly," Excitement bubbled in his voice. "Think about it! We can explore, take some cool photos, and maybe even find something interesting. Like a ghost."
You hesitated. It was risky, but the thrill of doing something so reckless was tempting. And with Ni-ki there, you felt a bit braver. "Alright, let’s do it. But if we get caught, I’m blaming you."
Ni-ki laughed, already grabbing his jacket. "Deal."
The two of you arrived at the abandoned building as dusk was settling in, adding an eerie atmosphere to the already creepy location. The entrance was easy enough to find, and Ni-ki expertly picked the lock- a skill you only slightly questioned- allowing you both to slip inside unnoticed.
The interior was even more dilapidated than you expected—crumbling walls, broken furniture, and a thick layer of dust coating everything. It was both fascinating and unnerving. Ni-ki led the way, shining his flashlight around as you carefully followed.
"Look at this place," Ni-ki whispered, clearly in awe. "It’s like stepping into a horror movie."
"You know you're literally risking your career for this?"
"Ughhhh stop being super a party pooper Y/N. This place is quite literally never patrolled. And I've seen other idols post pictures here."
"Yeah, but they get permission- something that we don't have."
"Are you trying to be lame?" He said rolling his eyes. "You're acting like a boomer."
He hopped onto a set of slightly sunken in stairs walking up; and without a second thought you followed.
They creaked under both of your guy's weight, but you didn't think anything more of it as you bantered with your best friend.
"I'm only six months older than you. We're basically the same age."
"You may have the body of Gen Z, but you have the soul of a Karen."
"Hey take that back-"
As you further climbed a set of rickety stairs, the wood beneath your foot gave way. With a sudden, terrifying crack, the stair collapsed, sending you crashing down to the floor below. You landed hard, pain shooting through your leg as you cried out.
He rushed down after you, his face pale with worry. "Are you okay?"
You groaned, tears streaming down your face as you clutched your leg. "I think… I think I broke something." You whimpered.
Ni-ki’s eyes widened, panic setting in. "We need to get out of here. Can you move?"
With his help, you managed to stand, but putting any weight on your injured leg was excruciating.
And the sound of your scream was excruciatingly heartbreaking to Ni-ki. It was his fault you were hurt. If he had never proposed this idea...
Jake was going to kill him.
But he wasn't worried about that at the moment, he was worried about you.
Ni-ki wrapped your arm around his shoulders, practically carrying you as you hobbled out of the building. The adrenaline was wearing off, and the pain was becoming unbearable.
Once you were safely back in the car, Ni-ki allowed himself to panic. "We need to get you to a hospital."
"No!" you cried out quickly, shaking your head despite the pain. "If we go to a hospital, they’ll ask questions. And Jake will find out. He's my primary contact." You winced to the throb of your leg.
You placed your head back and closed your eyes. The pain was so bad you were feeling nauseous, and dizzy from the complete shock of the injury.
Ni-ki looked at you like you were crazy. "You can’t just walk this off, Y/N. You need help!"
You winced, knowing he was right but still not wanting to worry Jake. "Let’s just go back to my place. I’ll figure something out. If you take me to the hospital, I'll never forgive you. And Jake will absolutely murder you. And how will you explain it to the company?! They're gonna question it. We can go home and say it was caused by something else and have the ambulance take me or something."
The large gash was slowly dripping thick, red liquid from your thigh and it plopped onto the dog hair mat Jake had placed in the backseat for Layla. You look up at Ni-ki with wide eyes and you both groaned.
"Jake is gonna kill us."
Back at your place, Ni-ki helped you inside and onto the couch. Your leg was throbbing, and it was clear that you needed more than just rest. But the thought of Jake cutting his trip short because of this made you even more determined to keep it a secret.
Ni-ki wrapped your leg as best as he could, using makeshift bandages and ice packs to reduce the swelling.
When you were discussing what your story would be, and unexpected visitor showed up, thwarting all of your plans.
Sunghoon stood in the doorway, watching Ni-ki struggle with the gauze and band-aids, Jake's apartment keys dangling from his keychain.
"Fuck." Ni-ki's voice seemed to echo the American curse word he loved so much in the silence.
Sunghoon stared at the two of you, with a disappointed look on his face, the worry he had masked by his calm demeanor.
“What happened to your leg?” Sunghoon questioned, scanning your poorly dealt with leg, and placing a hand on it gingerly.
You and Ni-ki exchanged a panicked look, but before you could come up with an excuse, Sunghoon was already dialing Jake’s number.
He let it ring on speaker, and placed it in the front pocket of his flannel and hoisted you up off the couch.
Neither you nor Ni-ki dared to speak while the phone rang.
Jake didn't answer the first time, so Sunghoon buckled you in the back of his car, and turned to Ni-ki.
"Y/N and I wanted to do something fun so we thought it would be a fun idea to sneak into the abandoned building downtown and everything was okay and fine, and it wasn't illegal really or anything but then all of the sudden we were walking and then Y/N kindasortafellthroughasetofoldbrokenstairsandshegothurt." Ni-ki rambled out, his head dipping the more and more disappointed Sunghoon looked.
He motioned for Ni-ki to get in the front seat and buckled himself in and started to head towards what you could only assume was the hospital.
Not even a second after he pulled into the main road, his phone rang. Sunghoon connected it to the car speaker. He gripped the steering wheel with one hand and waited for the connection while furiously working his gum between his teeth.
"Hey, Sunghoon! How’s everything going? Did you check on Y/N and Ni-ki?"
Sunghoon's lips were pressed into a thin and irritated line, and he popped his gum.
"Guess what your little devil spawns were up to when I walked in?"
The sudden shift in his close friend's tone immediately put Jake on edge slighlty.
"What happened? Did Ni-ki, Y/N and Layla destroy my home? Ni-ki steal my girlfriend?" He joked.
Sunghoon huffed and snapped his gum once more, maneuvering through traffic with one hand on the steering well, a muscle in his jaw twitching. His tone dripped with frustration, but you knew it was because he cared deeply for you and Ni-ki, and was upset at the thought of you being hurt- and at the thought of the possibility of the risk for injury Ni-ki could have had.
"I walked in on Ni-ki trying to play doctor, roughly bandaging Y/N’s leg after they snuck out to that abandoned building downtown. Turns out, she's got a broken leg, Jake. I’m driving them to the hospital right now."
There was a long pause on the other end.
"You're kidding."
Sunghoon didn't answer, instead he flicked his blinker and seamlessly merged lanes.
"A broken leg?! Why didn’t you call me sooner? How bad is it? Is she in a lot of pain?" Jake's voice was frantic, and it made you and Ni-ki wince at his worry.
Sunghoon's tone was curt but controlled. "Yeah, she’s in pain. And honestly, Jake, you would’ve lost it if you’d seen the mess I walked into. They were trying to hide it from you- like that was going to work. I’m just glad I got there before things got any worse." His gaze shot to the rearview to check on you, and then over to Ni-Ki as he took one last turn onto the street the hospital was on.
Your boyfriend's tone was strained and filled with frustration and unease. "I’m heading back right now. Please, just take care of her. And make sure Ni-ki isn't hurt either. I can’t believe they’d do something so reckless…" You heard shuffling in the background and the opening and slamming of drawers.
"Believe it, Jake. They were both in over their heads, and now we’re dealing with the fallout. But right now, my focus is getting her to the hospital and making sure she’s okay. You can handle the scolding when you get back."
Jake exhaled sharply. "Best believe. Ni-ki and Y/N are in for it. And I know they can both hear me." The youngest member and you turned to each other; eyes wide. "I've been gone for three days. Three days and they've gotten themselves into a situation!"
Sunghoon swerved into the Emergency Room lot. "We're here, Jake, I'll carry her in."
"Thank you, Sunghoon. Please, just make sure she’s alright. And check on Ni-Ki too." You saw the guilt wash over your best friend's face, that even in anger, and in worry of his girlfriend's serious injury, his Hyung was still concerned for him as well.
"I've got it under control now. I’ll keep you updated on her condition. But Jake, get back here as soon as you can.”
"I’m on my way, staff just booked my ticket. Just… keep watch on both of them until I get there."
Sunghoon issued his goodbyes, and soon enough you were whisked into the emergency room.
Sunghoon rested a hand on Ni-ki's shoulder and pet your head softly as you waited to get to the X-Ray.
"I know Jake and I seem upset but it's because you guys could've been hurt even worse. We love and care for you both deeply and to see you guys put yourself in a risky situation and then not ask help because of the fear of consequences is stressful."
Later on you were laying on Jake's bed with your leg propped up by all the pillows Sunghoon an Ni-ki had collected. You and Ni-ki ended up curled together and asleep, like two little kids who were worn out from a long day of playing.
Jake was sitting next to the bed with Sunghoon and looked utterly exhausted.
"I don't want to wake them up. They look tired." Jake frowned and ran a hand through his hair.
"You have to talk to them though. They can't think they're gonna keep getting away with these shenanigans. They're stunts are getting a bit too reckless. We can't risk them getting any more hurt. And if you aren't going to talk to them then I'll get Heeseung Hyung or Jay Hyung. But I'm sure they'd rather hear it from you."
You stirred awake when you heard their murmurs, and due to your shifting Ni-ki woke up as well, stretching and elbowing you in the face in the process.
You guys both stopped when you felt the stares of the two older guys. You tried to sit up but then realized that wasn't necessarily the easiest thing.
"Hi, baby..." You said quietly. Jake brushed a piece of your hair off of your forehead, placing a kiss there.
Ni-ki sat up and Sunghoon sat back, waiting for the talk Jake was about to give.
"I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but what you both did was dangerous. You could’ve really gotten hurt—or worse. I love you both, and I know you were just trying to have some fun, but you’ve got to be more careful. You can’t just go breaking into places like that. Especially with all the physical risks." He sighed. "You guys are lucky the fashion show was on the first day, and the rest were able to be missed. You had me stressed." He groaned and put his hands on his face.
You and Ni-ki simultaneously let out an apology and Jake chuckled.
He kissed your cheek and ruffled Ni-ki's hair. "I'm letting you off easy this time. But next time, I'm making sure that you guys get a babysitter."
Sunghoon opened his mouth and made that little clicky sound he always did. He turned his phone to Jake.
"Goodness." Jake chuckled nervously. "I may have let you off easy but Heeseung and Jay told Sunoo and Jungwon saw you landed in Korea and asked what was up and they told him. They're all on their way now. Jay Hyung already said he knows I went easy on you two so prepare for a lecture."
You both groaned and Ni-ki hit his head back on the pillow with a thump.
"Well, if you didn't want a lecture than maybe next time you shouldn't have gone off on your side quests. Maybe just stay home and raid my fridge. Which speaking of I'm starving." Jake got up, placing one last peck on your face.
"Uh Hyung, why do you think we went on the side quest in the first place? We ate all your food."
"Well, I can deal with that. At least its not like last time when you prank called the entire staff team of ATEEZ. The amount of damage control I had to-"
Jake's phone started to buzz wildly in his pocket and when he pulled it out he looked confused at first but then smiled slightly. "I wonder what Chan is calling me for?"
Sunghoon's eyes met the eyes of the two troublemakers and you winced as Jake's face fell more and more that longer he stayed on the phone.
"You guys are getting an earful, alright." Sunghoon mumbles, opening his phone to type out a message.
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Please keep spreading word about letting Enhypen rest! The boys are visibly tired! Don't stop until the boys get the rest they need and deserve!
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onewmin · 2 years ago
so it goes | kim mingyu
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Pairing: idol!Kim Mingyu x idol!(implied)fem!reader (but can be gn!reader)
Summary: Perhaps, you shouldn’t be thinking about Mingyu at your friend’s party. Perhaps, you have to stop reminiscing about the night you spent with him. Perhaps, it’s too late for you to fall head over heels for someone. Or maybe, you’re not too old for the sweetest guy you’ve ever met.
Genre: Fluff, suggestive (if you squint), overall, two people are falling in love
Word count: 2184
Warnings: AU (cause in no way I’m saying it’s real), the reader is torn apart, mentions of cheating, slightly suggestive, the reader is older, mentions of social pressure
Author’s note: idk what it is but here we are. it’s pretty short and is mostly focused on the reader (it’s becoming my signature mark I guess lmao). Hope your enjoy it! Tell me what you think <3 p.s. the pictures are taken from Pinterest, so if you know the owners, please let me know so I could credit them! header cr — @/minzvk on Pinterest.
Disclaimer: the names and the appearances of real people are taken for the writing purposes only.
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You did something bad. It’s not something illegal that could get you in jail, nor it is anything to be ashamed of. Well, technically, your media persona would be destroyed in an instance if they found out what happened.
As you glide through the chitchat, giving sweet smiles, bowing and trying to hold two drinks in your hands, you look for Jihyo, who seems to be lost in the crowd. It was her party, the celebration of her solo debut, and the club was filled with every other idol possible. The person you did the bad thing with included.
“Ah, there you are'', you panted, shoving a drink in Jihyo’s hands, “it’s impossible to get through here”.
She nodded, taking a sip, and immediately engaged in a conversation with somebody else. No matter how happy and supportive you were of your friend, your mind couldn’t help but wander, couldn’t help but think about the bad deed that happened two days ago. How horribly brainwashed were you to think doing that thing was the end of the world?
Sipping on your drink, your eyes wandered around the room too. Not wearing your contacts was a terrible idea as now you couldn’t recognize anybody unless they were close to you. Or unless they stood right in front of you, waving their hands closely to your face. Perhaps, it was for the best — you wouldn’t be able to see his face as well.
Your phone buzzed in the pocket of your jeans. Reading the message, you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, as you nervously ran your hand through your hair.
“Can’t stop thinking about you”.
You raised your eyes from your phone screen, turning your head in desperate attempts to find him. To notice him from across the room didn’t even require you squinting your eyes — he was the only person who stared directly, shamelessly. You could swear he smirked when you looked back at him; however, maybe it was your imagination, playing dirty with your already burning mind.
You ran your hands through the hair again, sighing deeply and staring at your screen. Scrolling up your almost one-sided texting with the contact ‘Mingyu’, your brain couldn’t focus on anything but the memories of him from two nights ago.
‘Please don’t ignore me’.
‘Mingyu, we can’t’.
‘Please answer me. Please’.
‘Just tell me why. Tell me why and I won’t bother u ever again’.
Easier said than done. Why, Mingyu? The answer is both simple and overcomplicated at the same time. Because you were older than him — not too much, he was just three years younger. Three years younger, super popular and way out of your league. That’s what you were confident about; although, Mingyu was absolutely different in his opinions. But just to think about it… You debuted almost twelve years ago, when he was, what? Thirteen? Fourteen? Isn’t it weird?
Only in your head, perhaps.
But in these twelve years you did your absolute best to never be caught in any dating scandals. Even with your ex-boyfriend of nine years, who was an ex-trainee turned into a dancer, you never went public. First because you both were too young, and your agency didn’t allow dating (who listens to them anyway, right?); second — you were too busy with your schedule, singing, blooming acting career and university studies to even consider having a public relationship; and third? Because he didn’t want to. He enjoyed living in comfort of being incognito, of having no responsibilities publicly. He could flirt with girls, get on dating apps, go out with random ladies and eventually, as you found out later, sleep around in your shared bed. In the bed that you bought. In the house that you paid for. Yeah, it was hurtful to catch him red-handed, but hating him helped come through the breakup faster. A year and half with the therapist's help, moving from the house to the apartment, getting a dog and a cat, and gaining new hobbies and friends — yeah, you were much better off without his jealous ass.
To consider dating after him, though? Wasn’t possible. Building up trust from scratch after you’d spent almost a decade with one person wasn’t even on the table. So you thought.
You knew Mingyu long before you changed agencies, almost right from their debut. He never failed to tell you how much of a fan he was, his cheeks turning rosy, while he was fiddling with his fingers. He seemed like a nice, sweet boy. Until a month ago.
“Oh, Mingyu!” Someone exclaimed, pulling you from your ever-wandering thoughts. “Good to see you!”
Oh god, he was right in front of you now. The black baggy T-shirt he wore was probably the exact same one from two nights before. Yeah, it was that tee. Oh shit.
“Mingyu”, you whimpered, back pressed to the wall, as his hands were roaming around your body.
“What, love?” He murmured, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your neck. The unexpected pet name he’d given you sent vibrations down your spine, turning you into a melted vanilla ice-cream under a scorching sun.
“We…can’t”. Your words came out as a whisper when he stopped all of his movements to look at you. His dark chestnut eyes magnificently bewitching — as if he had put a spell on you.
“Why?” He uttered, hands squeezing your waist. “We’re both attracted to each other, why not?”
You sighed, unable to give an answer. Your reasoning seemed to fall down at his feet, as it started to appear stupid at the moment. Who cares if you are three years older? He’s not far behind, a responsible adult, who’s also the most attractive person you’ve ever met. Not to mention he’s super smart, ready to pull up in his car to any place you call him from and makes the best homemade pasta in the world. When he holds your hand, gently rubbing your palm, you could swear it fits his big ones perfectly, and when he puts his arms around your waist, chin resting on your head, the heat of his body warming you in cool late August nights – as if you were born to eventually be loved by him. One night with him, preceded by a couple of months of pining, of watching him dance, talk, laugh, run, smile, blush, run hands through his hair, sheepishly bring you a coffee because he thought of you in the coffee shop… Mingyu drove you home endless times when your car was being repaired, and every time he did, he would walk you right to the door of your apartment, to make sure you got home safely. You couldn’t, you can’t count the moments when you thought of him. Every day. Every night. Every minute of your day, even those you spent in the studio. And when the pining was too much, it resulted in a cheek kiss turned into a heavy breathing and making out against the wall of your living room.
You hand touched his cheek. His eyes were clouded with desire as he observed your every move, leaning into your touch. “No reason”. You didn’t let your doubts take over the moment. Not with him.
And now Mingyu was standing right in front of you, a silver chain on his neck glimmering in the dim light of the club. The thought about this same chain, dangling on his neck and sending shivers all over your body every time it touched your skin when he was kissing you in the dark of your room, seemed to absolutely absorb you. And your shameless staring didn’t escape Mingyu’s attention either.
“You seem busy these days”, he said, obviously hinting at you ignoring his texts. You let out a sigh, not having the slightest idea what response you could give him.
“I have a comeback soon”, you cleared your throat, “so there’s a lot to do”.
He nodded. “Avoiding me included?” That horribly smug smirk made you close your eyes and take a deep breath. He did not just say that here, where multiple people could hear him.
“Let’s not talk about it here”, you leaned in to almost mumble it in his ear. He glanced at your lips, a slight head tilt away from his. It was too late when you realized how close you were, but Mingyu didn’t let you get away easily when he grabbed your hand.
“As you wish”. He almost dragged you from the spot you were hanging around, his hand squeezing yours a bit too hard. You felt as if you were under scrutiny, when every other person in the club was eyeballing the scene that Mingyu created. However, no one seemed to take notice of him taking you out of the club. Hopefully, none of your girlfriends did – otherwise, you’d have to deal with their constant taunting forever. They always joked how you were the ‘least scandalized’ concerning your dating life (and less experienced, as you spent your younger years being practically married to one man). And if they find out about Mingyu? A never-ending saga it would be.
When you were outside, a group of paparazzi almost caught you – or so you thought – but Mingyu was quick enough to move to the opposite direction, where no photographers or strangers could catch you. He took you to the parking lot, right to his car.
The place was empty, not many cars were occupying the parking spaces. At one point, when you observed the area, you dropped his hand. However, it didn’t help: Mingyu took both of your hands in his immediately, gently rubbing your palms once again.
“Did I do something wrong?” He muttered, eyes glued to your hands. An immediate string of pain poked your heart, as you heard his brittle voice. He was too good to make him feel this way.
‘No”, you shook your head, cupping his cheeks and bringing his gaze back to your face, “it’s not about you, Mingyu”.
“Then what’s wrong?” He asked, his hands sweetly squeezing your wrists.
You looked down, unable to meet his eyes. That was so stupid, so… You couldn’t even find the words to describe what you were feeling. No matter how much you liked Mingyu, the thought of public going mad about the two of you dating was eating you from the inside. And the fact that you were slightly older than him… The whole stigma of women being older than their boyfriends was so terribly bizarre, to the point when even your cousin (whose partner was a year younger than her) was dragged by the whole family and called ‘too old’ for him. And you were three years older! What would they do to you? And what’s most important, what would the public do? How horribly would they tear your career apart? And what would they do to him?
“I don’t think..” You stuttered, looking down at your feet, “I don’t think I’m a good match for you”.
“Why would you ever think that?” It was his turn to cup your cheeks now to make you look at him. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted”.
“But the age-“
“Are you, like, what? Eighty?” The corners of your mouth quirked up. “I… I have feelings for you. I like you, I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you”, he said under his breath, “and I know you feel the same way”.
The eye-contact seemed to be a non-verbal communication for the two of you; otherwise, if your gazes could speak, they would declare love poems for the whole world to hear. You weren’t sure what to respond, because, no matter how much the public opinion had altered so many things about you to fit in their idealistic standards, you, from the moment Mingyu and you got stuck in the elevator several months ago, from the moment you noticed his soft smile, had his silky voice be your shy companion for half an hour — from that moment alone you were mesmerized by him. Captivated. Did it really matter what the public would think?
“I do”. You almost gasped when his eyes lit up at your response. An angelic smile adorned his face, a face so delighted you could swear he had a garland behind him to lighten up the darkness of the night.
“Then let me take you home”, he murmured into your lips, “let me take you home every day”.
How in the world could you say no to him?
So it goes. Him, driving his car, stealing kisses from you at the red light and squeezing your hand in his; and you, catching the glimpse of every little thing he does, just so you can savour these memories when he’s far away. It feels different — to be able to fall in love slowly, feeling his and yours palms sweat whenever you hold hands; to laugh at stupid jokes the two of you make, to cuddle on the couch, while watching TV, to go on picnic dates, to finally be loved. Perhaps, this is everything you ever wanted.
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miss-celestial-being · 1 year ago
Drift Away
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request | masterlist
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: eddie munson x fem/gn!reader
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: a stranger dms you about the love of your life
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: mentions of suicide, heavy mentions of death, mentions of cutting, depressed!eddie, reader thinks its their fault
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 919 (basically a blurb)
𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: please please please read the warnings. based on this instagram reel.
Laughter rings throughout the house. Love fills your heart as you watch your little girls play with their dolls--likely plotting the end of the world together. You take a sip from your mug as your phone lights up.
Instagram Notification
You hold up your phone in front of your face to unlock it, frowning at the direct message request.
hello are you y/n y/l/n that lives in the town hawkins?
You quickly send back a message.
Hello Could I ask why?
They reply within seconds.
do you know someone called eddie munson?
The name nearly makes your breath hitch.
Yes. He was an old friend of mine. I'm talking ages ago.
Not technically a lie, you think to yourself.
i found a mixtape made by him and i would like to share it with you
You look up at the girls and smile sadly, imagining what could've been as you type out your response.
That would be great!Eddie was my High School lover. I haven't heard that name in years!
i will send the mixtape now
The three dots pop up again, then fall, and then, after another several minutes, they send an audio message. You look again at those girls, who look so much like Eddie you'd think he was their father. You look down at the dimmed screen in your hand and only now realize how long you were staring dazedly at your daughters. You tap the screen before it goes completely dark and stand up, walk to the comfort of your bedroom, and close the door.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself, putting in your earbuds before you press play. You listen to the calming melody, so far from what you remember Eddie's music to sound like that you almost think the person who messaged you was pulling your leg. However, as the lyrics start, and you hear that gravelly voice of the man you never stopped loving, you feel a sense of gratitude to the stranger for letting you hear this after all these years.
"I think of you all the time, now that you're gone." He sings, and a lump begins to form in your throat, your vision suddenly going blurry. You think back to all the memories you made with the love of your life, think of the happy and the sad, the bitter and the sweet, and everything in between. With Eddie, there was no bad. not even during arguments.
"I've been doin' all kinds of drugs to get you out of my mind." a silent tear falls and you cover your mouth to hide in your sobs. You remember this. You remember all the pain he was going through, all while playing it off so you wouldn't see just how much he was hurting. You remember the final fight you had, the one that ended it all. You remember the way he cut you off from his life after you got mad at him for keeping it all bottled up. You know you shouldn't have, that you should've been more understanding, you know it then too, but you were fed up. You were done seeing him hurt, not only from the pains life put him through but from his own pocket knife and the substances he put in his body.
“'Cause I noticed you don't like me no more and it breaks my heart." You want to go back in time; to tell him he's wrong, that you love him with all your heart and just want to see him get better. But you know that you can't, that it's too late, that you'll never be able to hold him again.
"So I'll just drift away and disappear for a while." At that you finally fall to the floor, your body shaking in time with your cries of pain and grief. You can hear the door open and three sets of feet walking into the room. You can feel the large arms that hold you every night wrap around your wilting frame, the smaller ones cuddling into your sides. But none of this does anything to mend the shattered, trapped heart; none of this brings Eddie back.
An hour passes before you notice the mixtape stopped playing that beautiful, sad voice; before you notice the last message the stranger sent.
do you know how i could contact him? i thought i would share it with him as well
Your fingers tremble, tears filling your eyes again.
I'm sorry but Eddie passed away over a decade ago now. He struggled with his mental health severely.
You close your eyes the moment you press send, letting your phone slip from your hands as you let your tears flow. Eddie's smile flashes through your mind; his laugh plays in your ears; you can almost feel the long, messy curls that draped over his face; you can nearly smell the cologne that he only bothered to put on when you came over; you can taste the salty kisses you shared after you caught him in the bathroom with his knife.
You hate yourself every day for letting him shut you out. You want to scream at the world for taking him from you. You're mad at yourself for not being happy with your current life; for not loving your husband completely; for letting your heart belong to the ghost of your past that still haunts you inside. But most of all, you hate that this was all your fault.
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keresnotceres · 2 years ago
ker’s masterlist:
A list of my works for your convenience. Anything listed that is not underlined is unposted but is in the works! This is a working post, so it will update. As a result, more fandoms may be added.
This account is a side blog! If you get a reblog/like/follow from miloticaquarium i promise it’s me!! just like,, a less cool version of me lol
I also take requests :) Rules + Information under my works!
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TF 141: General HCs [sfw]
TF 141: NSFW HCs [nsfw]
TF 141: Civilian Lover [sfw]
TF 141: Realizing They Love You [sfw]
TF 141: “I Love You” [sfw]
MW2 Characters: as Lovers [sfw]
MW2 Characters: as Lovers (Angst) [sfw]
Valeria & Alejandro: 3some HCs [nsfw] (afab reader)
Ghost, Soap, & Gaz: Tattoo Artist Lover [sfw]
MW2 Characters: High School AU [sfw]
You, With the Watercolor Eyes (Ghost x GN!Reader)
While on deployment, Ghost has nightmares in which you, his lover, fall out of love with him. The emotional turmoil from this causes him to fall into old, self-destructive habits. [sfw]
Good, Good, Great (Ghost x Fem!Reader)
The two of you are roommates. You’re a bottle girl for the local strip club Myth, Ghost had been coerced into discussing information at the strip club. You’re miraculously on shift, and you’re flirting your way into a damn good tip. Just so happens that Ghost doesn’t like to share (even if you aren’t really his). [nsfw]
Say You're Mine (Ghost x Fem! Reader Good, Good, Great pt 2)
A few months later, Ghost takes his leave without telling you. He shows up to Myth unexpectedly on a busy Friday night while you have a plethora of tables to attend. Ghost doesn't seem to enjoy how you're serving a bachelor party, and he chooses to do something about it when the two of you get back to your shared flat. [nsfw]
Team Natsu: General HCs [sfw]
Sabertooth: General HCs [sfw]
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I usually stick to headcanons, but I sometimes stray to a one shot occasionally, requests are open for both! Please read the information below carefully before you request :)
I WILL WRITE: (I will gladly take requests for these)!
FEM and GN readers: As a cis girl, I am not particularly comfortable writing a male reader. Keep this in mind when requesting, please. If you don’t want a feminine reader, please let me know to write with a GN reader in mind and I’ll happily do so!
Fem and Masc characters: I will write for both! I like both so why wouldn’t I write for both?
Angst: My FAVORITE thing to write!! Please send me sad things to write about and I will literally speed right through it like a child mowing through a bag of apple slices.
Fluff: Sometimes consuming copious amounts tooth-rotting fluff to cope with the depressing content you just consumed is just what you need!
Smut: I can and will do it because I am nothing more than a simp; but you better look at the thin ice and will not write sections before you even think of asking me. Generic kinks and light BDSM are okay, see other categories for constraints.
Mental Health Struggles: Reader or character! Can include mental illnesses, coping mechanisms, and things like self harm or eating disorders. Not technically mental health related, but insecurities and family issues are also welcome.
THIN ICE: (I could write it, but it icks me).
Pregnancy and/or Breeding Kink, Somnophilia, CNC, and Cheating.
Throwing up/Vomit: I am extremely emetophobic. The only way I'll accept anything with something like this is: a) it's previous to what I am writing and/or b) it relates to an ED.
Slowburn: Not really my thing. Like, I could try, but it won’t really end up being a slow burn. Maybe like a going-the-speed-limit burn.
I WILL NOT WRITE: (If you ask me for any of these, you’re getting blocked!).
MALE reader: I’m sorry but as a person who is not and will not ever be a man I just don’t feel comfortable writing in the perspective of one.
Certain kink/fetishes (DDLG, ageplay, scat, uro, & other such bodily functions, feet), Incest, Pedophilia/Underage, Rape, Sexual assault, and Yandere/Stalker behavior.
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KER is the singular form of KERES, a female spirit of death from Ancient Greek mythos. CERES is a dwarf planet named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility, and motherly relationships.
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i-smoke-chapstick · 1 year ago
I was grazing through the jervis x reader tag when I stumbled across your account. I read over your rules and what fandoms(characters) you write for and was wondering if I could either get headcanons or just a story, whichever is easier, if Jervis tetch (Benedict Samuel’s version) spotting fem or gn reader who has dwarfism( and if you’re not sure with writing this, it can just be a really short reader), hanging about with Jim (Either can be Jim’s sibling or close friend up to you) and is instantly just “😍🫣”. This can be during the breakout episode with the j squad. He starts trying to get close to them without getting arrested by Jim, leaving rhyme like letters for them, flowers, etc. Reader takes the letters to Jim who instantly knows who it is cause who else rhymes like that? Reader is then unsure about Jervis’s actions, thinking they aren’t real feelings since he is technically mad and messed up in the head and they are hella shy and insecure for obvious reasons.
I just realized I’m reflecting a little here. Sorry 💀. Basically I have dwarfism and it’s lovely to read others interpretations on people who have it. Not just readers who are short but actually have the disability.
You can either continue from here or cut it to an ending btw. Sfw or NSFW is both fine with me. Thank ya tons! And I’ll understand if ya can’t or just don’t want too!
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Jervis is intrigued, obsessed, and very deeply in love.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x dwarf!female reader. Anon who sent this- thank you for entrusting me!! I absolutely love obsessed Jervis teehee. warning for pretty obsessive behavior. (jer has no sense of boundaries)
♫ “Tonight, you're mine completely. / Can I believe the magic of your sighs?” Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? by Amy Winehouse
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You've heard the whispers from Jim. He's been freaking the fuck out, for lack of better words. Not just one mad man on the loose- but three. You tell him there's a mad men on the loose every other day...it's Gotham. He just sighs.
Three of the big bads escaped Arkham last night- only one of which who you'd met personally a few months back. Though, you remember it like it was yesterday.
You were in the GCPD with Gordan and Harvey when it happened. You typically avoided the place- the guys there were assholes. You heard all the same comments before, about how you looked. Thank god for Harvey and Jim- especially Harvey, who had chewed a cadet out for laughing.
Jim had holed himself up with a girl named Alice Tetch. He had advised you came to the GCPD that day, horrible idea, you had to admit. "It's for your own protection." He said, but had left you out of the interrogation room by yourself.
You facepalmed as you watched the officers do there work awkwardly. Every now and again you'd catch one staring and you'd grimace.
It came to a head when you heard a strange circus-like music playing. And then your jaw dropped when two wrestlers stood up on the desks, followed by the loud intercom of a voice overhead.
"Ladies and gentlemen! It is with great excitement that we welcome you to our show..."
And then a cop fell from the top floor and splat on Harvey's desk. Yep. Great idea Jim.
You felt yourself shaking- watching the scene unfold before you in chaos and horror. You backed up into the door- unable to move or run.
Suddenly- turning to your left, a man came into your vision. You had to look up to see him; tall and dark with a top hat.
He cocked his head as he looked down on you, eyebrows pulled together. You swallowed, and after a beat of silence, a strange smile broke out on his face.
He seemed to be studying you, paused in his movements.
"Hello." He greeted, curtly. It was as though he was making a mental note of you. Before you knew it, you were being pushed to the side- and made his way right into the interrogation room.
You feared for Jim, but he always had it handled. So...you ran towards a back exit and booked it.
Your luck would have it that now, in the present, Jervis Tetch (that's what you eventually learned his name was) was fiending for a new obsession. That just happened to be you.
The Arkham breakout happened just earlier last night, and you've found numerous letters, flowers, even an antique pocket watch, and light blue dress tailored to your size. Every where you went in your day-to-day a gift was tastefully and subtly placed.
"With every beat, my soul's unrest,
In dreams of you, I am obsessed,
In Gotham's night, you're my desire,
My precious door-mouse, in this world of fire."
Okay- well, a bit cheesy. The letters read...interesting poems. You found it strangely flattering.
You hadn't figured who it was until you begrudgingly went back to the GCPD to tell Jim- who gaped at you. At first, he was hellbent that this was Jervis trying to lure you in, kill you as punishment for the whole Alice situation.
You too found the whole situation confusing. But as the days continued to go by with more and more and more unique gifts and oddly heartfelt poems, it was getting a tad too real.
No, Jervis was most definitely infatuated with you.
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Now, you're in your apartment. And you hear a gentle knock at the door.
You open a single latch, allowing you to peak out the creak before letting the visitor in.
You have to look up once again to see him, and you're blood runs both cold and hot and the man. He must stand at least two feet taller than you- looking deep into your eyes with the smile of a gentleman.
"May I come in?" He chirps, gleefully. Against your better judgement, you step away from the door, standing on your toes to unlock it.
He makes his way in, hands clasped together. He scans your apartment, noting his gifts strewn about. Even the flowers he bought you in a vase. His smile widens.
"Hello, my dear." He turns to you, happily. "I see you've gotten my gifts."
"Um, yeah." You manage to speak, sucking your teeth and fidgeting. Before you know it, one of your small hands is being engulfed by his own. He kneels down before you, so you're on the same level.
"Well?" He prompts, squeezing your hand gently. "What do you think, my dear door-mouse?"
"They were....really nice, actually." You speak- and flinch out of his hold. His brows furrow when you do this.
The first thing to run through his mind is that you don't reciprocate the feelings of infatuation. That's how Alice was. He wouldn't have any qualms hypnotizing you, that's for sure. But it would be nice to be appreciated.
You can tell by the offended look on his face what he's thinking, and rush to explain.
"No, no! I...I loved them. I guess, I'm just not sure why you're interested in me?" You nod to yourself. Not just referencing your disability- but your lack of any real conversation with the man.
His face lights up again in understanding.
"Ah! Trivial, my dear. On the contrary, I find you maddeningly lovely." He speaks- and forces his hand onto yours again.
All you can do is nod- a million thoughts racing in your head. You're sure he's crazy, but you find it...kind of nice.
He's incredibly handsy, sitting on his knees in front of you, manhandling you a bit. Before you know it, he's pulling you into him, spouting words of affirmation and nuzzling into you like a cat.
Briefly, you think of what Jim might have to say if he finds out about this and tense.
You realize this is just the beginning.
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make-your-own-evil · 2 years ago
Hi I'm new to ur blog and I was wondering if I could have btas dork squad (aka Scarecrow, Riddler, and mad Hatter) with a s/o who has a special pocket watch that allows them to travel to different dimensions at different time periods? And the funny part of that every time they come back home their wearing new clothes from said time period and holding a gift basket full of their dorks favorite items or things s/o thinks they would like? Fem or gender neutral ❤❤
❤ anon
this is such a cool ask??? i have never written anything like this before so i am excited to challenge myself, but im also nervous to see how it turns out! i think ill do a fem reader since ive done gn for the past few asks (im assuming you want headcanons btw)
note: feel free to reblog! just give credit when necessary :)
(ps i ADORE reading tags, comments, reblogs 🥰)
BTAS! Dork Squad x TimeTraveler!Fem!Reader
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Mad Hatter:
he is your number one fan! he thinks you and your fancy, time-traveling pocket watch are truly the bees knees. you constantly keep him in awe
begs you to take him with you :( if youre only able to travel by yourself then he waits patiently for you to get back
travel to the mid to late 1800's England! in the times of lewis carroll, victorian tea parties, fancy attire 😍
you reappear in his hideout, not wearing the clothes you left in, but a beautiful blue day dress with silky fabrics! his face is beet-red and surely there would be smoke coming from under his hat if it were possible!
not only are you dressed head to toe as a noble lady for a tea party for two, but you also brought him gifts?
oh be still his beating heart! when you thought it would be impossible for him to smile any wider, he did! bring him old books, (technically) new clothes, trinkets, hats and new tea sets!
no matter which time period you travel to, he sits you down and asks you a million questions and begs you to tell him everything!
stares at you in awe and wonder while holding your gloved hands as he hangs onto your every word
looks like this the whole time :O
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do you really want to tickle the spooky mans fancy? travel anywhere from 1347-1351 in Europe.
he is fascinated by your pocket watch and demands to know how it works
as a demonstration, you disappear from his lab and suddenly reappear later wearing a red stitched gown that looks more like a long tunic. a white cloth veil covers your hair
he has his clipboard in hand
if he wasnt fully convinced of your time traveling device, you decide to bring him some gifts!
in your little medieval basket you have a mask, blades, gloves and even a jar of leeches!
proposes that you join forces! he doesnt know how you could help him exactly but your little pocket watch is pretty nifty
he asks you to go to more time periods and bring him back things for his "experiements"
YES theyre for his experiments and totally not for self indulgent purposes >:(
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future babeyyy
do you want to truly impress him? bring him back some pieces of tech that he can tinker with!
he doesnt believe you at first when you try to tell him about the pocket watch
once you disappear and reappear with goodies, now hes invested!
you show up wearing a green and black body suit in fabrics he has never seen before!
you bring back a phone that uses a 7G network system, newspapers with major events, a laptop with a 2 petabytes of storage that is no thicker than a half inch, books and movies that havent even been released yet and more!
he asks you VERY technical questions that you probaly dont have the answers to
have you met your past/future self? how does your watch work?isnt this going to destroy the space-time continuum? what if you die while traveling?
like scarecrow, he is probably going to make you go off and scavenge for things he would find useful
i am 100% confident that this riddler could reverse engineer just about anything. with your powers combined, nothing stands in your way
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n0t-vzin1s · 2 years ago
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bf!armin x fem!reader
guys i won't hesitate to admit that i'm head over fucking heels in love with armin and if you disagree, fucking fight me
also sorry to my gn or male readers!! these hcs would only make sense with a fem!reader due to how it was written (i am so tired i didn't even realize)
aot manga spoilers
god where do i start with this maaan
you more or less likely grew up with him, eren, and mikasa
so one day
when you know
he was with you and eren that day
and istg the scared look on his face had you IN TEARS
fuck your parents, armin is all that matters
i would sell my left kidney for armin
during training, you were almost certain that armin was gay
like absolutely in love with eren LOL
so you brought it up
"yo homie are you gay?"
and he looked at you with the most PUZZLED expression like 😨
but he was like "nah fam"
and he whipped out the "i.." awkward ass gulp "like someone else"
and you already knew it was either you or mikasa but mikasa seen him as brother
and let's b honest
who wouldn't have a crush on armin!!
yeah you were one of em
time skip to god fucking knows where
bro grows some balls and kisses your goddamn ass
halfway thru, it was ruined due to eren and mikasa walking in like "woah. who is THIS BABE??"
until they realized it was you and that they were screwed lmAo
armin is extremely soft
like not even in like his skin is soft
he's just
he's so gentle and scared to hurt you
and he's constantly checking up on you and making sure you're okay
often brings you things to show you
he LOVES reading books with you about the outside world
esp b4 he seen the ocean!!
i could see him and you taking horse rides into the large forest against levi's wishes
he feels rebellious when he's with you
random hc buuuut i feel like he would LOVE to dance in the rain
or lay in the grass and watch the stars all the way to the sun rise with you
he knows every single constellation
no doubt abt that
for your birthday, he gets you books!! it's more of a gift to himself, really, but you don't mind cause it's cute!!
for HIS birthday?
you get him books.
for valentine's day?
it's always fuckin books
but it's armins hobby and you love him for it
armin is extremely awkward and constantly needs praise
he has a fear of yoh leaving him for some one who he considers "better"
and you have to remind him
"armin honey there is no one better than you"
he constantly has to be near near you on the field cause he's scared of losing you
but you have to remind him that you can handle yourself
he finds it hot when you take down a titan
cause like
your muscles are flexing against the tight suit and he just likes the way it looks
he will stand up for you with his life
cleans your injuries for you since he's a goddamn doctor
what kind you may ask?
he often writes stories abt you
they don't explicitly say your name, but you often realize that they describe you
he actually wanted to be a writer at some point in his life before everything went down
during the time you visited marley, the two of you got some quality time in like eren and mikasa had
but the two of you often sought out the other for comfort when eren started changing
cause like
you grew up with that boy
and to see him change his life so drastically kinda hurt the both of you
his dreams kinda went down the drain like eren life did
he was so happy that he got to see the ocean with you of all people though
when sasha died, he cried in your arms
as well, when he hange died and he technically became the next commander
he needed a lot of comfort
cause he wasn't sure he was going to do good
but armin struggles to talk abt his feelings!! so to have him open up to you and let himself feel vulnerable infront of you is a huge step for himself
he often doubts his self-worth!! like way too often to be considered normal
when the rumbling started, his priorities were both you, and mikasa
and he did his best to keep you safe
but hot goth mommy mikasa honestly did better
don't tell him that tho
he never talked about the future
like what would happen after all the titans went away
omg how could i forget
when he became a titan, he started closing himself off for weeks at a time cause he didn't like killing innocent people
but when he opened up you felt bad for him
cause he was so exhausted
like he hadn't slept for weeks at a time
armins trauma is so overlooked
anyways back to the future
he honestly wanted to travel the world and write about what he'd seen over the years
he also wouldn't allow himself to get into a relationship with you until the whole thing was over
cause even tho it would hurt, atleast you or him would've died knowing that there wasn't a future for either of you
buuut it still hurts lol
anyways when he killed eren, he literally sobbed for weeks
regardless if he was seen as a hero in others eyes, he didn't see himself as one
but during the aftermath, when he gets to finally settle down with you, he feels ecstatic
mikasa, you and him (as well as the other living cadets) often visit erens grave and leave things there
armin usually leaves little notes telling him about his life and how things are doing
and they always end in the same way
"how are you doing up there?"
and he usually gets a sign back from the universe somehow, sometimes it'll be a bird landing on him, and other times it could be leaves swirling around him
regardless, it leaves him happy and you in tears every damn time
whenever there's a thunderstorm, armin always says (without failure)
"oo, someone pissed eren off again" while laughing
and you can never understand how he's not sad by his death
he is
god i wrote this with the intention of it being happy but i'm fucking sobbing i hate this
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gvtted-ratz · 1 year ago
read all our tags/ratings. they are important and give you all u need to decide if you wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
want 2 see all the fics? find em: here!
Ache in Your Blood
Alex Kralie x GN!Reader
Last Edited: 04/04/2024
TW: blood, stalking, bodily harm, kidnapping, canon-typical violence, reader is technically dead, reader is not the good guy
Requested: no
Word Count: 1,297
Notes from @gvtted-ratz (writer/creator): We made it as vague as we could, but know that the reader’s build has Alex’s own in mind. When it says “you may be able to best him” etc., we mean that  both him and the reader can be evenly matched, strength wise, although the rest of the reader's body is left up to interpretation. Another title is “Happy Birthday, Alex.”
Notes from @rppik (editor/co-writer): happy hunting!
You watch Alex from the shadows. He’s recording again, hoping to document the horrors you’ve all been through, although you were never included in this broken film project of his. You’ve been watching him from the very beginning, from the very moment Tim came into his life. The Operator followed Timothy, but you? Following his influence, you ended up going for someone else, someone who The Operator could benefit from.
The videos. The paranoia. The fear. The madness. All of it came from just one man who you have decided to watch and follow, just as The Operator has done with Tim and Jay. It’s not like that being, who has torn you apart just to remould you into what it thought would benefit it most to lure others, has any say in it. All it wants is pain, terror, and people’s life essence. You, on the other hand, want only him.
It’s hard not to when he has all that you lack. A real body, one that hasn’t been corrupted and tainted by The Operator. His life, despite it being pursued by your twisted creator. Lastly, his will to fight on. If you had any left, you’d put a stop to the thing that tore away your humanity.
You can tell Alex's intentions are good, or at least, were. You knew he was doing this to try and help his friends become free from The Operator. As more time passes, however, his actions have become warped as the sickness takes over. You know he cares for his friends, but being in constant proximity of The Operator changes people.
Likewise, you don’t remember making the mask on your face, the memories all but lost due to the scrambling of your being. However, deep in your fragmented mind, you can recall it being made some time before your untimely death at the hands of the eldritch horror. You had become obsessed with covering your face, plagued by the idea that it was horribly wrong. Now, the mask is your face. You rarely take it off after the events that led you to here, watching Alex.
He’s so loud, stomping through the foliage with that dingy camera of his. It has scrapes, bumps, and dirt all over the thing. If you hadn’t been keeping an eye on him this entire time, you would have thought the camcorder was just found at a junk sale, bought for a dime for the videos he takes. You can’t help but find it a little bit funny and maybe endearing.
Then again, those feelings of infatuation could just be another form of the obsessive tendencies that your past therapist talked to you about. The Operator’s influence on your mind likely isn't helping you form healthy connections to others, either. Regardless, you won’t be getting any answers from the doctor any more; you’re considered legally dead, after all.
Alex’s voice has grown a tad bit breathless from all the walking he's been doing; you see the exhaustion and tension within his posture. In his current state, you know you may be able to best him. You keep to your hidden spot, watching and waiting for him to get closer.
When he’s just about to pass you, you shoot up from your crouched position in the brush. The noises you create prompt the man to turn towards you entirely, trying to capture it all on film. You know the device doesn’t have a chance to actually catch your full figure, as you’re too close; not to mention, you’re actively tackling the man to the ground.
You can hear the air get knocked out of him as his back hits the ground, the camcorder falling into the weeds close by. In the next beat, you’re climbing on top, shoving and pushing away his flailing hands as he tries to fight back in a panicked manner.
You know that, in the past, Alex was never able to fight off the fear and pain your creator has caused him. So for him to experience this with you, some unknown attacker, you can only imagine it makes him feel even more helpless. You're sure it won’t be long before Alex is able to effectively defend himself again, however— This puts you on a very strict time limit to take advantage of his compromised state.
Your gloved hands reach for his throat, hoping to choke him out while he’s down. The punch to your mask puts that idea out of your head, however, as you feel your nose gush blood in response. The taste of copper only fuels you further, however, as the both of you try to incapacitate the other. You quickly realize you’ve underestimated his ability to recover from your initial attack, as he soon is able to sit back up. At this point, the both of you are using brute strength to try to best the other.
You smack him on the side of his ear, trying to disorient him enough to get the upper hand. You can hear his breathing grow ragged as he keeps fighting back. You’re forced to bite down on your tongue to keep from talking, not wanting to reveal your voice to him just yet, but in the conflict you bite into your tongue hard enough to draw blood– The force of his punch to your cheek nearly makes you bite the entire tip of your tongue off. A hiss of pain escapes you, but the sight of his  lips and teeth stained red makes you smile a bit behind the plastic barrier over your face. You’re not sure if it’s the sight of his blood, or him being so close, but you can’t help but nearly whine at the sight of the man in this state.
In rapid succession, you aim a few blows to his face. He’s strong, but he's not as quick as you were recreated to be successful in these hunts for The Operator. While more blood is spilt, you don’t mind getting his blood on you, seeing it roll along his skin…. As he pauses, stunned by the rapid onslaught of pain, you’re able to slam him back down on his back. Unclenching your fists, you grasp his exposed throat in a death grip, staring down at your prize: His coughs sound wet from the blood flowing down into his mouth from his split lip, and one of his eyes is closed to keep the blood out from the split eyebrow.
As his struggling starts to die down, you lean close to him, your voice distorted from The Operator’s treatment of your body. “ ̸̳̍I̷̲̿ ̷̼̋a̷̮͂m̶̬̄ ̴͇͂t̵̫́h̵̲̀e̶̙͌ ̸̜̂a̴̼͋c̶̣͗h̸̰͘e̷͊ͅ ̶̲̐î̸̮n̸̋ͅ ̴͍̒ȳ̵͉õ̶̡u̷̺͠ŗ̴̿ ̵̬̏b̶̮̓l̶̲̽ȯ̵ͅo̷̤͗ď̴ͅ,̶͎̏ ̴̛̖K̴͙͊r̷̫͘a̸͎͘l̸̺̀i̸̠̊e̸̯̓.̸̛̟.” [1]
You continue to sit on top of his stomach, hands keeping his throat clasped tightly, as his consciousness starts to fade. Once his eye closes and his body goes lax, you let go. A loud sigh escapes you, the pain from your wounds finally registering. The buzz under your skin lets you know The Operator is near.
You’re quick to get to your feet and start grabbing the camcorder the man had dropped in the scuffle,turning it off and shoving it in his pant’s pocket; With this most precious item secured, you look Alex over with a hint of pride before squatting down to grab the unconscious man from under his arms. From there, you start to drag him. You know it’ll take a bit, but you have no doubt you can keep him subdued if need be.
With all this in mind, your eyes scan him over again. If one could see past the eyeholes in your mask, they’d see the sickness within them from the entity's control. Quietly, you mumble to your trophy’s form, “H̴̺̓a̶̙͑p̶̘͘p̶̟̊ȳ̶̩ ̸͖͘B̴̢͐i̷̘͘ṙ̵̡t̵̞̂h̸͔̎d̴͎͝ạ̴̛y̴̨͂,̶̣́ ̶̪́À̷̻l̴͚͠ê̴͈x̸̺̿.̴̱͑”. [2]
Word Key:
[1] I am the ache in your blood, Kralie.
[2] Happy Birthday, Alex.
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dashielldeveron · 2 years ago
is it possible u could tag ur fics as fem reader? or at least at the top that reader uses she/her?
it just sucks reading through as a guy only to start seeing she and fem body descriptions :(
of course!!!!
i write fem reader as my default bc that's how i experience the world (and therefore i am uncertain that i would be the best/most accurate/relatable voice for gn/masc persons), and i don't think anything i've written could technically be gender neutral or masculine at this point???? idk
but you're right; just because something is a lens i experience doesn't mean everyone does. i'll label it from now on!!!! thank you for helping me be more mindful!!!!!
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