#It's not that hard
mandos-mind-trick 1 year
This also very much applies to fanfics. Some people need to take a step back and think before they make straight fools out of themselves.
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lady-corrine 4 months
I do think people forget that when Rhaenyra walked the castle battlements of Duskendale weeping, refusing to eat or sleep, she was, in all the ways, heartbreakingly alone. She was a mother with five children lost, a widow too (for some reason people forget this aspect?), a dragonrider who had her dragon with whom she had shared her cradle killed (the canon literally tells us that Syrax's death left her inconsolable). It's just very interesting how for some people everyone else is allowed to suffer and their losses are blown out of proportion, but Rhaenyra isn't, and her total losses (which were devastating) are of little to no value to some.
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I hate the incel debate against female space marines. Former artists from GW have already confirmed that in the past it's solely been a sales decision that they didn't make any, and that was in the 80s and 90s.
(For context, I see the arguments popping up again now that Space Marines 2 is a few weeks away, usually in the comments on tik tok).
There are many lore reasons that already exist to work them in. And you wanna know a secret? If the 8 foot tall post human warrior is wearing a helmet, you'd have no idea. Good, practical armor is sexless. And all space marines are extensively modified anyway. The only real difference would be hair preferences culturally speaking, and maybe, MAYBE, some facial differences. Otherwise? All space marines would be built like a strongman competitor cranked up to eleven.
Maybe just let us have this one extra customization? It wouldn't even change gameplay, it'd be akin to using a different skin in Overwatch. It's just flavor.
For the minis, you could even use pre-existing parts from Age of Sigmars Stormcast Eternals.
And for the counter argument of "why not let Sisters of battle have men then". Okay. Let's do it. They could be men that take an oath of celibacy like monks, and are legally recognized as women after their oaths. Kind of like the Qunari Military, any sex can be a soldier, but the position of soldier is considered masculine to the Qunari. Do that in reverse, everyone is a sister of battle, including boob chest plates, because the role is feminine.
What I'm saying is, femboy sisters of battle.
If you read the whole thing, I thank you. Just getting some feelings off my chest, it's not that deep. If you don't agree, cheers. We can both agree Warhammer is awesome and go our separate ways. Have fun out there.
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kissesfemme 2 years
please remember that the boundaries of dom(me)s and tops are just as important as those of bottoms and subs. this is especially true ONLINE. just because they're a dom(me) or top does not mean that they will be willing to flirt with you or entertain sexually forward messages. posting nsfw content does not mean consent.
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Daily reminder that using "asexual" as an umbrella term for ace-spec identities is fine and good.
But also,
Daily reminder that using "asexual" as an umbrella term for ace *and* aro-spec identities is not.
Aromanticism is not a subset of asexuality, and should not be grouped under the term asexual as if it is. Doing so erases aromantic allosexual people by making being asexual a barrier to entry to being aromantic.
No, it doesn't matter that's how it's been used in the past. Terminology changes. No, it doesn't matter if you don't mean it that way, people trying to figure out their identity will still see that you're grouping aromantic under asexual and assume they can't be aromantic because they're not asexual (partially why it took me so long to figure out I'm aro).
That's all.
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piowasthere 3 months
imma be honest i don't even know what to say here
here's Moon NEXUS in space
it's intense what can i say he's fucking up pretty badly.
but that ain't no Moon. rant for later art now
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blackbackedjackal 5 months
As an aside, I grew up in the 'rofl LOL XD haters gonna hate' era where all we did was clown on people for being weird about other people enjoying things. Especially when it's harmless and not really affecting you. Like you're allowed to not vibe with stuff, but don't go to other people's spaces, say stupid shit, and expect to not get checked.
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murmeloni 2 months
Clark feels so guilty that he confesses immediately his secret identity? Why do Superbat writers almost never read Superman comics. There is no universe in which he would do this.
That's why it's labeled crack, my dude. Neither of them would do this, but I'm playing with dolls here and sometimes it's fun to imagine silly little scenarios 馃し it's not that deep and there are no rules. It's totally valid if you don't like it but what you should do is just scroll past instead of coming into my asks with an attitude like that
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gendrsoup 4 months
i checked the tag before listening today so i knew it was coming but damn sherlock and co i believed in you and you hit us with the "murderous alter" DID stereotype wtf man
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He went there. Good for him.
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rxsewqter 8 months
britain conquered more than half the fucking world for spices and then proceeded to use none of them in their food.
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big-jugged-dinosaur 20 days
i like gravity falls but i do NOT want to see twink bill! i know billford is canon! i'm fine with seeing billford! KEEP THAT TWINK AWAY FROM MY PAGE! I HATE TWINK BILL! I HATE HIM! HE'S SO UGLY!! HE LOOKS SO DUMB!!!! GOD ALMIGHTY JUST LET FORD FUCK A REGULAR TRIANGLE!!
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ilovereadingandstuff 7 months
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Also yes
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iloveacronix 23 days
Sighhh. Dear mutuals. Please stop sending me smut fanfictions, ESPECIALLY the ILLUSTRATED ONES, when you know damn well I'm less than 18, know my SPECIFIC age, and KNOW I do not feel comfortable with smut.
I am VERY uncomfortable when you do this and you, as someone older than me, should know better. I do NOT care if you like the ship, I do NOT care if you think its good, I DONT WANT TO FUCKING READ IT, and I DONT WANT YOU SENDING ME LINKS TO THAT SHIT. I AM NOT INTO IT, BUT SOMETIMES IM CURIOUS AND IT DISGUSTS ME. LIKE COULD YOU NOT?? I do not mind if you mention the word it's not specific at ALL, but if you are going to fully talk about it DETAILED OUT shut up. I don't want to hear it. Don't want to read it. And I do not want to see it. Also don't have the crappy mindset where you think that suddenly because we're mutuals it means we're bestie best friends and you feel privileged to send me inappropriate shit, because that's not how it works. None of you, AND I MEAN NONE OF YOU, are "PriViLEgEd" to send me smut FICS or links, and it will never happen because im not looking forward to reading it. Don't use that excuse again. You know who you are.
So please. Stop. This is the third time. I don't care if you're a friend, if you send me smut FICS or links WITHOUT WARNING, I'm blocking you. I blocked two people already for it, I can do it many more times. Your bullshit only makes me feel more fucking tired and reluctant to make more online friends. So stop. When I say I'm a kid(not that young but still) on my bio, I'm serious. It doesn't matter if it's "just a written story and it's not a big deal," it is for me because it just shows me how much of a freak you are to have the audacity to show it to a minor THAT HAS ALREADY "SAID I DO NOT WANT TO READ SMUT."
Thank you. Good day.
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mercymaker 2 months
"this game is so limited there's no content all of us collectively can use only five scenes we can only copy from each other endlessly there's no other way"
uhhh, dare I say, skill issue?
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ruru-me 5 months
Ok so This blog appears to be of a minor who has been interacting with some Btd blogs (mine include) and content, just warning y'all. block/report and MOVE ON, pls don't harass them
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this crosses my bondaries and absolutely makes me uncomfortable so please DNI
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