#It's just like. idk I really like Wally and I grew up with him in the cartoon
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pumpkinrootbeer Ā· 3 months ago
say what u will about barry allen but no other superhero has had a worse time. you come in, take up another heros mantle, be a hero for however many years, DIE!!! actually die not comic death but die to the point you are functionally irrelevant for 20 years you completely cease to be that character and the vast majority of people grew up with a different flash, get resurrected you're back now (yay?), writers don't know what to do with you because there's already another flash and there has been for the past two decades so the entire universe kinda hems and haws about what to do with you until they take you out of your main comics and just have you chill in the justice league, then you lose your powers and are once again no longer the flash.
I need a "where are they now" but for Barry Allen flash. dead for Twenty Real Life Years. come back to life. reset the universe. just to lose your powers and be booted again from the superhero title. God himself hates this man
"Oh wally got erased from existence" "well x happens to Batman" it's not even about what happens in the narrative it's like. you're the only mainstream superhero ever that stopped existing for two decades and when they do decide to bring the character back they have no idea what to do with you so you're eventually forever relegated to the sidelines And also you're not the strongest or the most skilled or the fastest flash and they keep retconning all the special stuff You did in specific and refuse to let your narrative exist beyond Dead Mom. bartholomew baby I'm so sorry
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cartersblogabtnothing Ā· 3 months ago
my friend and i were talking about plushies, so i had a thought about what kind of toys the bat boys would own:
bruce grew up being raised by alfred, who was a proper british man (probably idk) so i think heā€™d play with weird model trains and planes for no reason. thomas probably got him started on it, and it was probably one of the only things bruce and alfred really connected on. he still has them scattered around the cave or the house, but the kids assume theyā€™re thomasā€™ and not bruceā€™s.
dick was a circus boy, so iā€™m a firm believer in the fact that heā€™d own homemade plushies or claw machine plushies and toys. cheap but durable, all of them are stained and disgusting but he keeps them around because they remind him of his mom and his dad. now, as an adult, he collects figurines. like funko popā€™s! he has a collection in his main safe house in ā€˜haven and sometimes wally drops in to add a new one for fun.
jason didnā€™t have much growing up, so whatever he did have was dirty and falling apart because his father got it from the trash or it was found in some bag from the thrift store or a donation center. he specifically liked warhammer and dnd, they were cheap and no kid really liked either of them so he got new figurines and rulebooks to learn. he still has them to this day, but theyā€™re just for display. he doesnā€™t collect any other toys outside of the ones the kids in the Alley give him, which he loves and adores just as much.
tim had everything growing up, being the kid of two archeologists with endless money would do that to a person. so, he grew up with the latest figurine or toy car or hammer ā€” typical ā€œboyā€ stuff his parents swore up and down their kid loved, even when he didnā€™t. he preferred the weird looking plushies heā€™d get from his nannieā€™s or drivers, heā€™d name them and give them genders and sometimes heā€™d talk to them and pretended they talked back to feel a little less alone. he still has the collection, and he still talks to them and remembers their names and genders he made up. sometimes he adds to the collection, sometimes he shares them. he loves his stuffies like heā€™d love his own child ā€” like his parents shouldā€™ve loved him, but failed to.
(alternatively, i also think heā€™d get awful lego sets and spend hours taking them apart just to put them back together. it kept his brain and hands occupied so he couldnā€™t think about how alone he truly was.)
damian wasnā€™t allowed trivial things such as toys while under his grandfatherā€™s thumb, let alone something of comfort like a stuffed animal or whatever it is drake keeps so close to his chest. the only toys damian was allowed were voodoo dolls that he still isnā€™t 100% sure were faulty or not. after moving in with his father, he was given more leeway with the things he enjoyed in his leisure time. he still thought toys were ridiculous, but after jon had won him an ugly looking unicorn stuffed animalā€¦ damianā€¦ opened up to the possibility of toys. he began collecting a very small amount of them, discreetly of course. then he found out about justice league action figures, and began collecting them too. discreetly. he couldnā€™t let the rest of the family know. that would be mortifying.
(they all know, but theyā€™re far too scared of the possibility that damian might get rid of his toys if they mention it. he deserves to be a child for once and if that meant keeping their mouths shut, so be it.)
duke grew up on ā€œthe wrong side of the tracksļæ½ļæ½ but his family wasnā€™t dirt poor. sometimes he got new toys when he didnā€™t need a new pair of shoes or his hair redone, but most of the time they were hand me downs or dirty action figures he found in Goodwill or sketchy thrift stores. he didnā€™t keep any of them, mainly because they fell apart within the year, but also because they were bittersweet to look at after what happened to his parents. now he prefers to collect things like merchandise rather than toys. things like shirts or keychains or posters. he has one or two mini figurines, but he doesnā€™t keep them on display. theyā€™re just there. posters and stickers are his personal favorite because theyā€™re not permanent, they can be moved and stuck around wherever he wished. he liked that. the control it gave him.
(the control he lacked over his parents, over what the joker did.)
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royboyfanpage Ā· 11 months ago
how do these pannels make you feel. they make me feel sad
Hi anon!
For context these are the panels Anon sent me-
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For starters, it's totally understandable that these panels make you feel sad! That's clearly what they were written to do.
I can't take it seriously because it's RUDY WEST. Rudy West is not comparable to Oliver Queen! Rudy West is absolutely not a better father than Ollie!
I mean, aside from the fact that it's pretty hard to be a worse father than Rudy West and Roy would absolutely not be "a better person" if he was raised by the Wests, like. Ollie and Roy didn't have that much of a bad relationship when Roy was a teenager. Obviously Snowbirds happened and that changed their dynamic and created a whole lot of tension they had to work through, but this is clearly pre-Snowbirds, and since Ollie still has money+Queen Industries it's also presumably pre-Hard Traveling Heroes, which is where the idea of Ollie not being around stems from. Was there conflict? Sure! But not to the extent that the Teen Titans would be blaming Ollie for how Roy is (actually, the "its not his fault the way he was raised" angle is more accurate for Dick than Roy, but I'm not gonna get into that). And I am doing a lot of explaining and defending for a man who's competition is Rudy West.
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Fundamental misunderstanding of Ollie and reducing him to "Batman with arrows" my beloathed.
Also another big issue is the fact that Roy's meant to be some spoilt rich brat, which doesn't really make sense?? I mean, Roy grew up on a reservation, and at this point he's living with Ollie who, based on this panel, is implied to still be at least kinda socialist in this timeline. He's not gonna be some disconnected nepo-baby who shames Wally for his parents' financial status, even at his most insecure, which I guess is the angle they're taking here.
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And also why is Garth the one defending Roy? Garth doesn't care about Roy at best at this point, and actively dislikes him at worst. Especially considering Roy's treatment of Garth is arguably worse in this than in the original Teen Titans run. Idk, it feels like it's trying to make Garth into the quiet emotionally mature kid in this scenario, which i don't feel is very accurate to who Garth actually is (I'll admit I'm only recently getting into Aqua comics so I don't have a complete grasp of Garth's character, but I get the impression that he's definitely not as much of a pushover as this comic presented him as- in the original Teen Titans run he was bantering as much as the others were, and he did have moments where he'd get aggressive, such as when the Titans refuse to help him because of their 'vow')
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I'm not gonna say I hate this comic. There are some parts of it I really love, like
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These panels are cute as fuck and I adore them. I think that the comic really works as its own story outside of the main Teen Titans continuity, with its own interpretations of the characters and their stories. But if you try and apply it to the original Teen Titans series, it does get kinda messy.
So yeah, in conclusion, the panels are sad if you look at them within the story, but I just can't take it seriously in a broader scope because y'know. Rudy West. I'm not even that big of a Flash fan and I still know Rudy West is the worst guy.
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chokingonunluckyclovers Ā· 10 months ago
More about Hyper pop Punk Wally
Wally's preference: (This is mostly for those who want to ship their OCs with Wally.) His type of romantic partners are the ones that can kick his ass or are just kickass baddies. It's one of the quickest ways to win his heart. beside sharing the same interests and food.Ā 
He has a big sweet tooth, so he eats a lot of sugary drinks and foods. Bro needs those calories because his metabolism is whack. He likes milkshakes, sugary coffee drinks, battery acid (the drink), cakes, donuts, and the like.Ā 
He typically likes hard candy because it dilutes in his mouth, and he hates chocolate. He doesn't really like how they taste. especially dislike chocolate by themselves. He isn't a fan of gummies, as he can't consume them properly (he can't really consume solids through his mouth). Btw, Wally can eat through his eye (like the og), but he has a habit of biting, sucking the flavor or juices, then leaning his head back and spitting it in the air. which hell then eat with his eyes to properly get the nutrients? Idk why I thought of this, but I want my wallys to share traits with the OG Wally.
He likes mint candies as they hide (or mask) his smoker's breath.
Now, he doesn't take any drugs of any kind, aside from the medications his home gives him. Also, yeah, Home acts as his caretaker, making sure Wally doesn't end up getting himself killed by getting injured badly (Wally can get very badly injured at some of his fights). He doesn't take drugs, mostly due to the fact that he was pumped full of drugs in his teen years, and any recreational drugs like weed will give him a bad trip and just a bad time in general. No pharmacological drugs work on him because his body practically grew resistant to them. He refuses to do coke or meth, cuz no.
Also, the meds home give him are kind of strange cuz, 1, they can't be bought from seeming anywhere. 2. Home just seems to have a huge supply of them (not sure if I want to have home be the one making them or something). and 3, the meds are kind of scary as they make the person feel no physical pain, and weirdly enough, they seem to help relieve it as well. But the meds come with a warning (somehow it has a warning, idk) that says they are very easy to overdose on and are highly addictive. Thankfully, at home, make sure to keep Wally in check for his medications.
He likes bright, guady, colors, and fashion. Also, like alt fashion, most things are similar to punk and scenekid. He doesn't like plain white or pastels, as they remind him of the insane asylum. And he just doesn't really like soft colors or plain fashion. He likes it extreme so that he is stimulated. also doesn't do well when he has nothing to do, especially when it's quiet and calm, because he then feels like he's going insane.
He has fears of needles, being restrained, and being alone (again because of his past). Unfortunately, despite not really being a mean person at heart, he does have some anger issues (understandable so) and will at times push some boundaries, but never intentionally. but he's not afraid to insult those who kind of deserve it.
He is very affectionate with his loved ones and will shower them with love once his feelings are reciprocated (this applies both romantically and plantonically). Sometimes he gets a bit too excited about love and gets into the habit of biting. but if he is told not to do that again, he won't bite again. He respects his partners or friends boundaries and won't cross them.
but he does have a bit of a possessive side to him (which is kind of feuled by his parionoa, need for affection, and care).Ā 
For one, he will keep an eye on them but never fully follow them around. Just whenever paths cross, he will definitely have his attention on them. He'll keep little tracks of information on them, and if ever he is invited to their place, even once, he will memorize the path. but only in case he needs to drag them back home after getting drunk or something. (He had too much experience with not knowing where to bring his drunk friends.) He will attempt to put a "tracker" (aka a little doodle of an eye or a swirl) and watch through it. So this way, he always has his eyes on them. This does come in handy when some of his friends get jumped, and he will then come running to help.
In terms of romantic relationships, he does have boundaries. Hes fine with a crazy and obessive partner, just not to the point where they try to hurt anyone who is close to Wally (does not like yanderes). But if he realizes he entered a relationship based on a lie, was used, abused, or is dating a friend's sibling (happened with Eddie's sibling Daisy), he will end the relationship.
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punnifullife Ā· 9 months ago
I wanna hear your headcannons
Hmm i wasn't sure where to start, so apologies if this feels really jumbled. Also keep in mind i am cherry picking things from what dc has considered canon or not canon anymore sooooo:
- Her personality is a mix of the bubbly one she has in TT03 and her NTT comic version. Warrior that will beat you to death if you wrong her, but can be very compassionate and considerate to those she loves. -struggles with social queues and human lingo (this isn't just for english, but any language. if you ever see the trouble in tokyo movie, she speaks Japanese for a scene but you can clearly hear/tell she's fluent but there's still a distinct way on how she talks/enunciates things). Since there really wasn't a "dialect/accent" for Tamaraneans, I like to think how she speaks IS the dialect/accent. And it's why her sister, Blackfire, seems to be much more "fluent". Some people can drop their accent/dialect when speaking another language, while others, no matter how much they speak in their 2nd language, will still have that accent/dialect there. (also bc i think it's a bit silly that to become MORE fluent?? you have to keep kissing? idk) - I love how she was a model for donna troy's photography gig, so i thought that would be cute to continue that (and her relationship with Donna!! bc wow did i fall in love reading about them in NTT)
Dick/Nightwing - He and batman had a fallout (he did not get "fired", but he left of his own volition. albeit on bad terms at first from differing views/ideals. I like to think that's partially why he was so moody in tt03 and why slade was such a great villain for him since slade(tt03 version) was very similar to batman at the time.
- He DOES grow out of that moody edgy phase, but he still has that bad habit of hiding his emotions/thoughts with others. While he's grown to trust them more and rely on them for missions, there's still that emotionally-constipated person that struggles to take off that "mask" and doesn't usually wear his emotions on his sleeves. And this continued to cause strain with all of his relationships. And if say a member of his team is hurt due to complications on a mission? you bet he struggles to not fall back on old habits to do things alone bc he can deal with it all by himself.
- When he's with TT, he's more relaxed and serious, but when he's back in the batfam, he ups the fake smiles and quips otherwise he might go crazy with how brooding everything is (especially being away with his found family and going "OH things don't have to be this damn depressing all the time. cool")
- remained the leader of TT in Jump City but as the team grew older and TT grew in members, things changed:
TT team:
- the older members (the ex-teens of the group) would all move on to managing their own cities or helping the younger generations (so dick in bludhaven, keystone city for wally, as well as other older members working at the east or west tower to help with younger generations not just be good heroes, but help them become capable of withstanding on their OWN. bc i like the idea the first members who [most of them] came from being in a shadow of someone else, so making sure future teen heroes don't fall into that ig?) so i guess like the JL where there's still a main core (with dick as the "leader" but the other main core can all step up to the plate too when necessary)
I know the new52 and crisis and yada yada has retconned and changed so much for all of their characters/stories (thanks DC). but again, these are just my AU/headcanons and anyone can disagree with what i gotta say:
- Jason todd becomes Robin ("unofficially") while Dick is a member of the tt03 team. TT03 is like... a 2 year story in my eyes? so by the end of the tt03 series, Dick becomes Nightwing and passes the mantle onto Todd. Todd is robin for like 1-2 years before his death. Tim takes up the mantle of Robin and then would either become red robin or put up the cape as he attended college AWAAY from gotham with duke and stephanie bc that would be fun (red robin, signal, and spoiler as a trio? sheeesh). Damian either joins before Tim leaves or something idk.
-babs is a bit was batgirl during dick's robin run. Would eventually become oracle and i think either staying in gotham or going to bludhaven could work.
- i know we all love the shenanigans with the batfam but i think a lot of these characters and relationships do better when they get to be independent. (which is kinda funny bc thats what bruce would want, even if he can be hypocritical and try to hold onto them due to his own trauma and unhealthy attachment.) but i would like to think eventually they could come together to help out in gotham every now and then. but who knows ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ bat stuff isnt my biig focus hehe.
So robstar/dickory stuff:
- on the fence if they stay together after the tt03 movie or at some point they do break up but it's more bc i always felt like star/kory was giving a LOT to dick and dick still had those emotional pull-back tendencies. and what i love about these two is that we have one character who is so in tune with her emotions vs a guy that struggles not to deflect a positive remark. and while she sees through a lot of what he puts out as a front and can always recognize when he's hiding something, she can't be doing all that heavy lifting (even if she's a warrior alien princess with super strength lool). So, if they get together during their tt03 era, can they work through that? Idk ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ (i also lowkey would love for some angst and rekindling as adults who've matured and have better ideas on what they want vs when they were just kids crushing on each other but it could go either way bc the tt03 did a lot of development between the two of them. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ)
- Dick grounds Kory. He's her sense of humanity. He's the first person she meets coming to Earth. He was always patient with her and loved showing her the world. Kory reads dick like an open book and he finds comfort in someone who can see through that facade TT03: There's a reason he hesitates to shoot her during the slade arc. why he picks her to search for slade. He can be vulnerable with her, even if it's in his weird way.
- a big fight involves moving forward in their relationship like marriage and children. To date is one thing, but to commit to something like that? To put his loved ones in danger? especially a child? He would have the fear of losing them OR his child losing HIM and kory. ofc kory would be understanding but i do think she would also get mad like "I was born to a race of warriors. Trained by the Warlords of Okaara. Am i so weak to need constant protection? I have respected the human morals to not kill, but I do not hold such beliefs and will do what is necessary to protect who I love most."
- Bruce wasn't necessarily confident in their relationship. It's a jumble of emotions that can be confusing. happy for his son to find happiness/love, sad/hurt/fear of his son moving on/away, a possessive/jealousy to keep dick around. But I do think when bruce and kory meet, he may soften a bit. I think it's why i like the idea of Tt03 star/kory meeting bruce bc she can be gentle and theres a charm about her.
Eventually they have mari! (and jake years later).
-Dick's job is to take her to school. but he's always sleeping in due to late hero shifts so it's usually a piggyback and acrobatic journey across the city to get to school on time.
-If she's hanging out in Gotham, then the public eye spread rumors bc they see her as another "black haired kid adopted by Mr. Bruce Wayne" and after 4 of them, people have just accepted the normalcy of it. ive also thought itd be interesting if she (and kory) were given some kinda tech like a watch that could disguise their appearance since big green glowing non-pupil eyes are kinda a give-away.
-jake doesn't get his powers until he's a teen. so while both kids were combat trained, he would take on the mantle of flamebird to go alone with nightwing!
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obsessedftshit Ā· 1 year ago
Young Justice Ep 1 - 6 Review
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I started watching Young Justice for the first time. Like I always heard about the show but I never actually watched it other than a few clips. I watched Justice League when I was little but I don't remember it that well and I'm getting a little tempted to watch it but first I'm gonna finish Young Justice. Tbh, I only actually started watching it cause of all the thirsty edits of Nightwing on TikTok. The animators knew what they were doing with him but he hasn't showed up yet so I'll be waiting patiently for him.
Episodes Review
So far the episodes are perfect as usual to any normal cartoon show. Nah but I actually miss the old cartoons like Ultimate Spiderman or the Avengers Assemble cartoons. I've always been obsessed with that style of animation. It's not too anime looking but also not too realistic. Just perfect. The plot and story line is also really good. I kinda regret not watching this as a child but then again, I always did rewatch the old cartoons I grew up watching.
Character Reviews:
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I love his character. I've always loved him in the old Batman series (I gotta rewatch that too). Nah but I forgot he was so young. I thought he'd be 15 but he's 13 and Kid Flash is 15. Nah but he's so smart for a 13 year old. He knows how to hack shit and is literally a mini version of Batman. One thing I don't like is how he keeps wearing shades when he's not in his costume and there's nothing wrong with that but I wanna see his eyes. Like I know what he looks like but I still wanna see his eyes.
Kid Flash
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I screamed when I saw him and Flash in the first episode. I literally love the CW Flash series so seeing them show up made me so happy. And I love how Wally is literally like a 15 year old. Sassy and playful. When I first saw him without the costume and mask, I freaked out cause he had freckles! He looks so adorable with freckles. I also love how he flirts with Megan. It's so cute and funny.
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Ok when I first saw him I gasped. Like have u all seen this fine ass man. And the way he talks šŸ˜©. It's so soothing and calming. I also knew he would be the leader cause leadership radiated off of him. I'm glad they ended up making him the leader officially but damn, he's fine as fuck.
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When I first saw him in the tube thingy I was in shock. He's so handsome compared to Superman like damn. But one thing I don't like about him is how he's full of rage. He's technically the Hulk but DC version. There's nothing wrong with his rage but he just seems to not think and let his emotions control him. I also didn't like how mad he got at Megan when she read his mind by accident to comfort him that they'll find a human name for him. Like boy chill. She's being nice and you're acting like a little bitch. I also feel bad for him cause so far Superman has been avoiding him and leaving him alone. He's not acknowledging Superboy making him feel as though he's not worthy. But I also understand why Superman is doing that since this is technically his son but he obviously doesn't want to think that. I hope Superman helps him out though.
Miss Martian
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I like her especially how she's the first female member in the Young Justice. But what I don't like about her is how she likes Superboy. Idk but I don't see any chemistry between them. Like I get she has a crush on him and it should stay like that in my opinion. I don't want them 2 to end up together cause I really don't see it. Also, I didn't like how in one of the episodes the members were treating her as if she's not ready. Superboy was especially being extra rude to her, that's why I don't want those 2 to get together.
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Ever since I saw her in the intro, I've been in love with her cause I knew she'd be related to Arrow somehow and I love Arrow, especially the Arrow CW show. Idk y but I thought she'd be serious like Arrow but I realized in the cartoon Arrow isn't that serious but also a little playful where she is similar in that way. I also love how she and Kid Flash argue like little teenagers. Tbh, I ship those 2. I actually hope they end up together.
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I had no idea he was Roy but his personality is exactly the same as it was in the Arrow CW series. I want more of him. I love how he stands up to the adults and started being a solo hero. I need more of him.
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I know he's not in Young Justice but I love him so much. Like I love whenever he and Batman show up in the episodes like ahhh.
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Omg I forgot how cool Batman looked when he had his whole cloak down on him. Idk y but I was always obsessed with Batman instead of Superman. I liked Superman but I loved Batman more. I love his personality and monotonous tone. So good.
Well that's all I have to rant about Young Justice for now. So stay tuned for more updates about Young Justice.
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goldscoyne Ā· 1 month ago
Maddie didn't seem that into Xavier because he never let him in her house. It's like Wally is someone special to her I can't not talk about them I just need them to be endgame. ngl Simon and Xavier are a much better fit idk their scenes together were cute first time I liked Simon is when he's with Xavier and not being obsessed with Maddie like last season.
it's been a minute since i rewatched all of season one, but, if i remember correctly, i think she never had xavier over because she didn't want him to know about her mom? as someone who also grew up with an alcoholic mom, i don't necessarily think that means she wasn't into him. she kept that part of her life away from most of the people she was close to, like simon and claire. i mean, simon knew but she tried to keep the extent of it away from him too. it's kind of like a protection thing. your parent has ruined so much for you, you don't want them to ruin your relationships with the people you care about as well. i also think there was probably an element of embarrassment. you don't want people to see your parent's behavior so you keep them away
that said, i also don't think she was that into him. i do think she liked xavier, but i felt like they made it a point to show that she didn't want to be intimate with him. she also got over it pretty quickly which, like, she had bigger problems to deal with by the time she found out he was cheating on her, so that probably sped up the process as well BUT i think the point still stands
back to the mom stuff though--maddie did voluntarily share that information with wally at the homecoming game, which when she was making it such a point to keep it a secret from xavier, claire, and simon does feel pretty significant and special. she obviously has trust in wally and felt comfortable sharing the ugly parts of her life with him
simon and xavier this season are really bringing it. they have such a fun dynamic. they were both so broody and tortured last season, it's like a breath of fresh air to watch them banter and lean on each other. i'm definitely into it and i hope we get to see more of them
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ceciliamarier Ā· 2 years ago
we have some hangings ya know and wally at the bottom not hung looking at us or at least straight ahead. and a gray barnaby taking his head off like a mascot with some creepy looking guyunderneath you can only see his chin and smile and barnaby's eyes are kinda wonky one half close the other 3/4 open him and his fedora? his half colorful circle and half black with thin gold vertical line vest cool
theres julie's old design she looked more like a monster muppet this time i like the design. she and frank are icing a triple layered cake theres a clock i like with big eyes half lided at the top then you notice how where 12, theres a closed eye at 3 theres a half open eye at 6 its fully open and at 9 its 3/4 closed reminds me of moon phases i dont expect everything to mean something like some deep meaning but things can still have meaning and deep personal meaning to me.
i think her hair is part of what makes her her.im not sure what she has in her hand its not a worm but kinda looks like one like that striped puppet one. the cake candles say NEW and the quote at the bottom of the page says What a wonderful Merry Day! in relation to that id say theyre celebrating a new day. thers pink striped wall paper two shades maybe this is julies house
a thing at the top of the fridge thats probably part of the fridge says something with a D and 197somethinng what number looks like a sideways capital M like a backwards or maybe a different looking seven idk. on the clock the the dots between a given eye where number should be are deliciously different very nice when zoomed in also i can notice a crack in the wallpaer julie's very fuzzy hand. there are sprinkles on julies side theres also a picture of someone on the fridge hung upside down with a flower magnet as a digital page it looks brownish like a page out of an old book interesting julie does look straight out of something like that. frank is trying to be consistent with his design and has dressed / is dressing the bottom layer and biggest in an organized way whilst the rest is random julie stuffing candles on the sides of it which is very cartoony.
picture books i never really grew up massively liking them like i do cartoons but this stuff makes me want to idk see this kinda stuff
i had so much to say about the julie and frank one
one image seems like mind convincing or control first the you're going to get rif of it children have seen it and now they know what to doā€¦.im wondering
it also says the neighborhood exists! which is the opposite of what i got shadow readign aka me "home doesnt exist"
in the first image theres a figure that is unrecignizable its not poppy but very fuzzy and big and has a lanky neck
the neighborhoods happiest little blue bird flies in with a dance in his heart! It's like he's really here! So we're going to get rid of it for good! We're all going to get rid of it! We're all going to get rid of it! We're all going to get rid of it! We're all going to get rid of it! You're going to get rid of it! You're going to get rid of it! You're
i think of bot ai. maybe i should get rid of it and if everyone did we'd forget about it. i dont see that happening though but who knows
the blue bird has hair like poppy but is blue theres a toy of him with his neck sticking out of like a top decorated with musical notes looks like a toy to me. and a hand reaching for it. i guess its happening gettig rid of blue bird
theres a logo like those smiling face logos except one eye is wonkily looking up to the middle of the forehead kind of the other staring straight they never show those logos looking like that above it says MARLO in a red circles and circled R to the right this page says opposite cards. okay so frank is like a grumpy character and these are just teaching cards. a bit rude that the example is Hello! to blue bird ooh and Goodbye. on franks card not hostilly though
featuring emie dorelaine's playfellows
they both have phones franks is light blue with a frown personalized huh? and happy center face for blue bird whats his name i like his chest feathers sticking out of his shirt kinda like shadow's chest fluff. he got a long beak. music notes on his shirt damn was he gonna be a musical artist neighbor the only medium obviously missing by the neighbors his shirt colorful has diagonal stripes an he's wearing jeans jeans arent that impressive he has birdy arms and humanish hands. so in the story theyre like lets get rid of him but he's also not part of the website sigh
at the bottom it reads copyright @ Dorellaine Inc, 1970, 1971, 1972
clown says blue bird is gone because "whatever my mans Wally wants he gets."
puppet horror #rip to u sonny
was that gonna be his name?
spooky sesame street
It'll have its own page up when i got the time
search >>> having two tags for the same thing is too much
@ partycoffin on tumblr
Jul 13, 2020
0 notes
cheemken Ā· 2 years ago
sure king share evry deets abt ur trainer hcs
Dope ouo
Buckle up tho this is probs gon be long af hahaha
Kanto Trainers
Red, Green (m), and Blue (f) are all there, Red and Green are neighbours and are childhood friends and Blue is someone they met in Cerulean. All three of em are in their mid to 20s w Green being the older one between em
Personality wise, Red isn't the silent protagonist that peeps are used to, no in my hcs he's talkative af and is probs the one who challenges both Blue and Green to battles, when he discovered about Triple Battles during their visit to Unova, he and the other two tried it and he had the most fun
Green is,, well kinda the same really, chill but also arrogant, never let Lance live it down that if he wasn't Gym Leader then he could still take on that Champion title, but he does care abt Red and Blue tho, he's like the sunshine protectors
Blue is like the one in LGPE, she wants to complete the Dex and discover more about other pkmn in different regions, she's the one to drag the boys w her searching for legendary Pokemon and she's try to post it on her socials that she found Lugia while surfing around the caves in Johto. Also kinda arrogant really, but in a more teasing way not in a looks down on others way like Green
For teams
Red - Venusaur, Poliwrath, Arcanine, Lapras, Snorlax, Raichu
Green - Charizard, Gyarados, Alakazam, Tyranitar, Machamp, Scizor
Blue - Blastoise, Gengar, Clefable, Ninetales, Kangaskhan, Dragonite
Johto Trainers
Gold, Silver, and Kris are in my hcs, I so wanna add Lyra but I also do not vibe w her so I'm gon do a pokespe and make Kris like Crystal. Anyways, Gold and Kris are childhood friends too, Gold took on the gym challenge and the league and Kris focused more on completing the dex and being the prof's assistant. Gold met Silver first and Kris met him while she was in the Ruins of Alph. All of em are in their early 20s
Gold is kinda the same as his pokespe counterpart, but a bit more calm. He loves helping around the daycare and taking care of eggs that trainers don't want. He does train and evolve them tho, and some did get to his final team to beat the league
Silver is still the same, arrogant lil shit but finally realized how shit he was in the end. Still has that snarky and sarcastic personality tho, but at least now he knows when to bite his tongue hahah. I also wanna add that Silver and Blue are still kinda siblings in my hcs, and they do love each other and Blue does look out for him as best she can
Kris is like Blue but tenfold, once there's news abt outbreaks or new locations pokemon are seen in, she'd be the first one rushing there to catch em and register them in her Pokedex. Altho, she's actually not one for keeping them, rather she'd catch them just to register their data in the dex and release them after, it's the mons who decide to stay w her or not
For their teams
Gold - Typhlosion, Electivire, Togekiss, Quagsire, Sudowoodoo, Ambipom
Silver - Feraligatr, Crobat, Weavile, Gengar, Magnezone, Alakazam
Kris - Meganium, Arcanine, Jinx, Xatu, Metagross (she doesn't really have a full team, just enough to ward off any trainer that wants to battle her)
Hoenn Trainers
Honestly just the same as in the events of RSE/ORAS so like yeah,, tho Brendan is more outgoing and May's more introverted and quiet. Brendan and May are both 19 while Wally is 18
Personality wise,,,, ah idk, I honestly just see them as like,, the same?? Like Brendan's there happy to help his dad, the prof, in his field work and such.
Wally's still a lil shy but grew a bit more confident as they went on their journey.
And then there's May, I honestly see her having daddy issues and she kinda hates Norman w a burning passion, and honestly just beat the Gyms and the league to spite her father, even went to the Frontier to beat the Frontier Brains there just to rub it in his face more how she's better than him, she is a mama's girl tho through and through the boys tease her abt it
For their teams
May - Blaziken, Aggron, Gallade, Walrein, Salamence, Metagross
Brendan - Swampert, Mightyena, Swellow, Magcargo, Breloom, Tropius
Wally - his canon ORAS team
Sinnoh Trainers
Look okay these mfers, as much as I hate Sinnoh, these three along w prof Rowan, have like angst in my hcs hahaha and it's not really on them, rather it's just Rowan seeing Cynthia, Cyrus, and Augustine in em and yeah hahah, well anyways just like in the main game, Barry and Dawn are neighbours and Lucas is the prof's assistant, all of em are around 18
Barry is just the same, also Lucas, but Dawn is more like,, she's more like a mix of people's version of Red and my version of Green, I wanna say that she does want to reach the top and be a strong trainer but she doesn't really show it and make it obvious like Barry
For their team
Dawn - Empoleon, Togekiss, Magmortar, Mamoswine, Lucario, Garchomp
Lucas - Torterra, Snorlax, Shieldon, Cranidoss (like Kris, doesn't have a full team, just enough to ward off other trainers and fight Galactic)
Barry - his canon Platinum team w Infernape as the ace
Unova Trainers
Starting off w BW, it's the same except that Hilda and Hilbert are twins in my hcs, Hilda is more on trying to stop Plasma while Hilbert was more on beating the league ofc he did help w Plasma as both of em befriended N. They're in their early 20s while N is at least in his mid to late 20s
N, Cheren, and Bianca are the same so hey. Hilbert is like his manga self, while Hilda is kinda just overall pissed at Plasma, mainly Ghetsis, that she was the one who fought him in the end. After the whole Plasma ordeal tho, she did finish the gym challenge as she didn't have the last two badges, and Hilbert waited for her, so the two could try and beat the league together
For their teams
Cheren - his canon team w Samurott as the ace
Bianca - her canon team w Serperior as the ace
N - his canon team
Hilbert - Emboar, Braviary, Bisharp, Galvantula, Caracosta, Krookodile
Hilda - Hydreigon, Mienshao, Excadrill, Archeops, Seismitoad, Zekrom
I wanna say the Deino they had was a gift from their father before he left, but since there's only one, Hilda was the one who got it as she's the older one between em, and Hilbert had to wait for his own starter. That Hydreigon does listen to Hilbert still
Now for BW2, just the same it, Hugh still being the embodiment of rageā„¢, and Nate's there trying to help him stop Plasma while also beating the Gyms. In my hcs, Nate actually has no plan on taking on the league, rather he just loves to travel around and help however he can, sometimes he'd join in Rosa in the Battle Subway to try and get to the Subway Masters. As of Rosa, well, she's a determined trainer, but I wanna say like Nate she has no plans on trying to be Champion, rather she just took on the Gym challenge and liked being in the Battle Subway battling other trainers. But yeah they're like just a bit younger than the BW kids around a year or two younger w Hugh still being older than Nate and Rosa
For their teams
Nate - Emboar, Lucario, Ampharos, Watchog, Haxorus, Unfezant
Rosa - Serperior, Mienshao, Beartic, Bouffalant, Lilligant, Mandibuzz
Hugh - his canon team w Samurott as the ace
Kalos Trainers
God there's like a ton of rivals here omfs but like,,,, I'm just gon say that the rivals all have the same personalities as in the games, and then Calem is this calm and cool boii that went on to challenge the gym and the league but lost to Diantha, and then Serena's there also challenging the gyms but stopped after getting the final badge as she and Shauna ended up participating in contests together. So hey I wanna say they're around the same age as the BW trainers
Calem is the same as Dawn, quiet but competitive, he also did try to complete the Pokedex, but he gave up halfway through bc he said it's not worth it as theres already a ton of pkmn to register and find
Serena is also a bit competitive in both battling and in contests, look she just wants to win, and she will win, plus she's like,, trying to impress Shauna during contests ouo
Anyways their teams and such hahah
Calem - Chesnaught, Charizard, Tyrantrum, Hawlucha, Manectric, Aegislash
Serena - Delphox, Blastoise, Aurorus, Goodra, Sylveon, Gengar
Shauna - Greninja, Venusaur, Espeon, Sylveon, Glaceon, Delcatty
Alola Trainers
Ough, almost done omf, anyways Hau's the same, and as for Elio and Selene,, I wanna say that Elio already lives in Alola and Selene is the one from Kanto. The three became friends along w Gladion and Lillie, and yeah just the stuff that happened in the games. I wanna say they're around,,, 13-15
Ik they kinda made it canon in PokeMas that Elio and Selene still has those blank stares and such and I think it'd be comical if they still have that in my hcs hahah. But y'know more on Elio actually spacing out most of the time bc he has an active imagination, and Selene just not caring much but also trying to show people she kinda does care so they won't get offended. Selene is a bit more competitive than Elio, as he's just happy being w friends
For their teams
Elio - Incineroar, A. Persian, Wishiwashi, Mimikyu, Crabrawler, Shelgon
Selene - Primarina, Dusk Lycanroc, Salazzle, Kommo-o, A. Ninetales, Toucannon
Hau - Decidueye, A. Raichu, Vaporeon, Kommo-o, Noivern, Midday Lycanroc
Galar Trainers
Hop is the same, Gloria and Victor are siblings tho, w Victor being the older one and got his starter first before Hop and Gloria. Victor is around 18 while Hop and Gloria are around 15
Victor did take on the Gym challenge, but didn't take on the tournament himself, and instead just travelled around Galar, training in the Isle of Armour and got himself a Kubfu which he then evolved to an Urshifu
Gloria is just as determined and competitive as Hop, and actually felt a bit guilty when she beat Hop during the tournament, as she knows that his brother is the Champion, so people probably expected more from him too, but that's just the way it is. She is capable of beating Leon, but ended up losing bc she still wants to hang out w Hop and not be stuck like Leon being alone in his own tower and such
For their teams
Victor - Cinderace, Urshifu RS, Corviknight, Grimmsnarl, Dragapult, Dracozolt
Gloria - Rillaboom, Corviknight, Hatterene, Dracovish, Sirfetch'd, Zamazenta
Hop - his canon team w Inteleon as the ace and Zacian
Paldea Trainers
Ah finally hcmdnd
Idk much abt these trainers actually but I do love their dynamic so I'm keeping that hahah, just gon give Florian an actual personality, but I also want him to be like that Jack of all trades kinda guy where he does know a lot of things and it surprises everyone else that he kinda knows a lot. I wanna say that Penny and Florian are around 14 at most while Arven and Nemona are around 15-16
But yeah Florian, the kinda guy that knows a lot but also pretends he doesn't bc he doesn't want people to bother him that much. Not to say he's a mean spirited kid, more like he just doesn't want people to rely on him so much so he stays quiet whenever he can. Basically just embodies Burr's line in Hamilton being "talk less, smile more"
For their teams
Florian - Skeledirge, Garganacl, Roaring Moon, Tinkaton, Koraidon
Nemona - her canon team w Meowscarada as the ace
Penny - her canon team
Arven - his canon team
0 notes
a-tale-of-legends Ā· 2 years ago
You know I feel like I'm just giving the Legendverse rivals longer hair as time goes on. If not that then I'm cutting it.
Blue is pretty much the same as it's always been so I'm not counting him. Same hors for Hugh cause idk what the fuck to do with that hair anyway....same for Barry.
Wally ends up growing out his hair slightly, being able to put it into a tiny ponytail. Silver's hair also grew out compared to his he had it in hgss ( it was only up to his neck, now it's down his back). He switches from leaving it out or having a ponytail. He might have an undercut I have yet to decide.
Bianca cut her hair a bit. She either leaves it in a bob, puts it in a ponytail or she cuts it into a cute pixie cut. Cheren, after some encouragement, grew out his hair. He wears it in a low ponytail with an orangish red bow. N did a spur of the moment hair cut after looking in the mirror too long ( feared he looked too much like Ghetsis). Jazz( the twins mom) helped him cut it properly. He now doesn't hate his hair being long, but really likes it short so he's keeping it for now.
Hau I feel his hair stays relatively the same. Well, I can see his hair growing longer, but not super long. Gladion on the other hand grows out his hair a lot and keeps it in a ponytail or messy bun ( bun usually seen in his Aether Foundation wear). Lillie is not a rival but I'm gonna talk about her anyway. Her hair has changed s lot over the years. During her time in Kanto and for usum she actually cuts her hair with an undercut and adopts a more alt fashion akin to her brother. As they get older she probably grows it out again but keeps the blue streak in her hair. Her longer hair is in a cute braid.
....okay I'll be honest, I haven't thought that far with the XY and Swsh rivals. Shauna I can see growing it out ever so slightly, and changing the style of her hair. But Trevor and Tierno I have no clue. For the swsh rivals I haven't thought past Bede growing out his hair, wearing it in a low ponytail+ bow like Cheren but the ponytail kinda goes over his shoulders + one of his eyes being covered by the hair cause why not. Marnie and Hop are kinda difficult for me to pin down right now. I've seen lots of fanart of them as adults but I'm not 100% sure for me though. So they're a work in progress.
So yeah! Most of the Legendverse rivals end up either growing out or cutting their hair. Makes sense, time has passed so they all might want some change, but it kinda funny to me that hair growth or haircuts are the default for me it seems lol.
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flashfuture Ā· 4 years ago
hello do you mind explaining all the amazons?
All of them????
Okay uh I'll break down the ones i at least know about anyone who's deeper into the WonderFam please jump in I don't really interact with them that much.
But we've got
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
Our Golden Age Princess of the Amazons. During the Golden and Silver ages she came from Paradise Island. She was truly animated clay here and several hundred years old by the time of WWII. During the Golden Age Diana married Steve Trevor and they had a daughter named Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor. (My break down of Lyta would be an essay in itself and she's not really an Amazon so). Diana was a member of the JSA here.
During the Silver Age Diana also married Steve but no kids. She rescued Donna Troy from a fire and sent her to Paradise Island to be raised by Hippolyta making Donna and Diana sisters. This is the first timeline to mention Ares is her grandfather technically as he made Hippolyta. Diana lost her powers at some point. She got really really good at martial arts and then two years later got her powers back. She supposedly died during Infinite Crisis but then you know didn't. During Convergence she killed a vampire Joker. That was fun. In this timeline Diana was a founding member of the JLA.
Okay and post crisis New Earth Diana is the first one to say Diana is from Themyscira. It was still called Paradise Island sometimes. She was molded from clay. Diana in this time was not a founding member of the JLA but came to America after it was founded. (I think Infinite Crisis retconned her to be a founding member but idk) Diana has become a member of the Trinity alongside Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Superman (Clark Kent).Ā 
The Prime Earth Diana is the one from Flashpoint and onwards. Sheā€™s now the daughter of Zeus. In New52 if I recall right she was made much much younger like in her 20s and explored mankind in the modern era. The Doomsday clock thing reestablished her WWII origins. She was also said again to have been born during probably the Hellenistic Period (they said classical antiquity and thatā€™s you know just a few thousand years) She just helped out in Death Metals and is now doing something with Infinite Frontier unclear I donā€™t really know what Prime Earth Diana has been up to lately.Ā 
So on Earth-Two, Earth-One, and New Earth Diana was the granddaughter of Ares and as such her life span was greatly extended. On Prime Earth as the direct daughter of Zeus she is immortal.Ā 
Donna Troy: Troia/Wonder GirlĀ 
Donna is a tricky one. She was introduced real quick to fill the girl role on the Teen Titans cause the boys were getting a little too gay. So started Silver Age Earth 1. Okay so basically her origin kept changing but the one thatā€™sĀ ā€˜canonā€™ is she was created to be a playmate for Diana but was abducted and kept being cursed to live tragic lives in New Cronus. Right around the Titans era okay Donna was rescued by Diana and brought back to Earth. Donna was the one to suggest the Teen Titans name. Donna is a member of the Fab Five along with Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Aqualad/Tempest (Garth of Shayaris), Kid Flash/Flash (Wally West), and Speedy/Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Donna married Terry Long when she was 19 and they had Robert, got divorced, they died in a car crash.Ā 
After Crisis on Infinite Earth Donna sorta realized all thoseĀ ā€˜livesā€™ she led were other version of her which she was all of now. And also Donna was believed to be the Goddess of the Moon. She had to stop a sun-eater or whatever but failed (Hal came in with a clutch it itā€™s cool)
Donna also had to fix some shit during Infinite Crisis and ended up on a Universe Hopping road trip with Kyle Rayner and Jason Todd to find Ray Palmer for Final Crisis or something. She was killed by a Superman Android during the Teen Titans/Young Justice Crossover. (Edit thanks to that anon for this I legit couldnā€™t remember how she died)
And Prime Earth Donna was made to destroy Diana. She you know didnā€™t.Ā 
Look Iā€™ll be real I know next to nothing about what the New52 tried to do with Donna. I just go by her original origins of being Dianaā€™s sister.Ā 
On Earth-One and New Earth Donnaā€™s life span was greatly extended and on Prime Earth she is stated to be Immortal as on Prime Earth Amazonianā€™s on Themyscira were granted immortality.Ā 
She is like Dianaā€™s twin made from darker clay on Earth-One which is the silver age Earth. Nubia was actually slightly older than Diana but she was stolen as a baby by Ares who was going by Mars. Mars/Ares is Nubiaā€™s grandfather and he wanted her help in taking down the Amazons. Nubia was raised on Floating Island (or slaughter island as Mars/Ares called it). Nubia fought Diana and hesitated to kill her leading to a draw. Nubia returned to Floating Island and at some point Supergirl had to save her life from poison of some sort.Ā 
On New Earth she went by Nuā€™Bia and was just a random Amazon, her job was to guard the Doomā€™s Doorway which is an entrance to the River Styx. She was not Dianaā€™s sister.Ā 
On Prime Earth Nubia is the daughter of Hippolyta and the half-sister of Diana not her twin. Nubia went undercover pretending to work with Darkseid before Themyscira could recover and rally to fight. Nubia is currently the Queen of the Amazons. She was given the crown by her mother, Hippolyta during the Dark Metals event.Ā 
As with Donna on Earth-One and New Earth Nubia had a greatly extended lifespan and on Prime Earth Amazons are immortal.Ā 
Cassie Sandsmark: Wonder GirlĀ 
She is a New Earth entry who was for the new Young Justice team. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dr. Helena Sandsmark. Here as Ares is Cassieā€™s half-brother and technically the father of the Amazonā€™s this means Cassie is Dianaā€™s great-aunt.Ā 
Cassie as a girl was able to request a Boon of Zeus who she didnā€™t know was her father at the time I believe and demanded real superpowers. Her mother Helena was able to turn off Cassieā€™s superpowers at the start as well. Cassie was trained by Artemis for awhile. Cassie became Wonder Girl in honor of Donna Troy who handed over her old suit. Cassie joined Young Justice as a teenager and would later be on the Teen Titans. Cassie has become a part of the Core Four for Young Justice alongside Robin/Red Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent), and Impulse (Bart Allen).Ā 
Cassieā€™s best friends outside of the core four are Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette). Cassie and Conner Kent used to date as well and she was in love with him before he died during Infinite Crisis.Ā 
On Prime Earth Cassie is the daughter of Lennox and the granddaughter of Zeus. In this version Diana is Cassieā€™s aunt not the other way around. Cassie is still a member of the Young Justice team here. I donā€™t exactly remember what was happening during the New52. She was still Cassie unlike Kon and Bart whoā€™d been replaced. But during Rebirth she went with the other members of Young Justice to rescue Conner Kent from Gemworld. She is currently still a member of the Titans.Ā 
On New Earth as the daughter of Zeus, Cassie is an immortal who would not age further once she reached her prime age (like 27 or so). On Prime Earth as the granddaughter of Zeus and the daughter of Lennox Cassieā€™s life is extremely extended.Ā 
Artemis Grace:
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall comes from a separate group of Amazons not on Themyscira or Paradise Island. Bana-Mighdall is a tribe of Amazons in Egypt who left Greece millennia ago.Ā 
On New Earth Artemis left her home at 14 and wound up working for Raā€™s Al Ghul before returning to her home. There was a competition to see who would be the next Wonder Woman as Hippolyta foresaw Wonder Woman die and wished to spare her daughter the fate. Hippolyta ensured Artemis won the competition. Artemis was shunned by most of the world including the Justice League who refused to see her as the true Wonder Woman. Artemis was also thought to be too violent. Artemis would later die in a battle with a demon fulfilling the prophecy of Wonder Woman dying.Ā 
Artemis got out of hell eventually and was given the job of training Cassie Sandsmark by Diana and would later train Supergirl in combat as well.Ā 
On Prime Earth Artemis was raised being told she would be Queen of the Amazons. She was desperate to prove herself and wanted to be the Shimā€™Tar of the Bana Amazons. Artemisā€™ best friend and lover Akila was chosen instead. Without Akila by her side Artemis felt her home had nothing left to offer and set out on her own. She helped stop an invasion of Qurac into Bana as well.Ā 
Artemis then joined the Outlaws and worked with Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Bizarro, a botched clone of Superman.Ā 
On New Earth Artemis had a greatly extended life span. On Prime Earth he Amazons were gifted immortality but those who left for Bana-Mighdall lost this gift so it is most likely that Artemis has the same extended lifespan from New Earth.Ā 
Grace Choi:
Grace on New Earth comes from the same group as Artemis in Bana-Mighdall. Graceā€™s mother is an Amazon but her father was a Korean American. Grace grew up in America in the foster care system. She ran away at 9 but was kidnapped and sold into a child prostitution ring. She managed to escape at age 12 after her powers kicked in. Grace began fightining both for pay and for fun and worked as a bouncer at a meta club in Metropolis.Ā 
Grace worked for the Outsiders for awhile at the request of Roy Harper an ex-fling and good friend of hers. She helped rescue Lian from the same child protsition ring she was in as a child and generally had lots of adventures with the Outsiders.Ā 
Later it was revealed she had Bana roots but Grace refused to join them as they were currently you know sieging down the US. Batman was briefly worried about her loyalties but Grace proved she had no loyalty or ties to the Bana Amazons.Ā 
Grace has returned to the Prime Earth in Infinite Frontier and in Festival of Heroes and it seems like nothing has changed with her so far.Ā 
Grace has increased longevity of her life. She is listed as half-amazon because only her mother is a Bana Amazon but all Amazons only have their mother who are Amazons so I donā€™t really see why she isnā€™t a full Amazon. Anyways increased life span.Ā 
He is Dianaā€™s twin on Prime Earth. He was sent away cause you know no men on Themyscira. Jason was raised byĀ Glaucus who was a member of theĀ Argonauts crew and worked under the original Jason of Greek Myth. Who Jason was named for.Ā 
Jason was raised on the Aegean Coast by Glaucus and became a Fisherman. Jason was trained in his youth by his half-brother Hercules.Ā 
Jason worked briefly with Diana but wasnā€™t sure how to be a hero. There was a period where Darksiedā€™s daughter tricked him but Diana talked him down. And Jason saved Dianaā€™s life during the Dark Metals event.Ā 
He is currently in the Dark Mutliverse living with a boyfriend on the Aegean Coast.Ā 
As the son of Zeus, Jason is an immortal.Ā 
āš”ļø Also for fun the Weapons:āš”ļø
Lasso of Truth: Wielded by Diana Prince
Originally imbued with itā€™s power by Aphrodite and Athena later after crisis forged byĀ Hephaestus and powered by Hestia, this lasso forces the truth from whoever it has ensnared. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Persuasion: Wielded by Donna Troy
This Lasso forces someone to do what the wielder demands. This requires Donnaā€™s or whoever wields the lasso to have a stronger will then who theyā€™re using the lasso on.Ā It is indestructible.
Lasso of Lightning: Wielded by Cassie SandsmarkĀ 
This lasso was created by Ares and gifted to his half-sister Cassie Sandsmark on New Earth. This lasso channels Zeusā€™ lightning and can make someone experience intense rage if they are caught by the lasso. The power of the lasso is directly correlated to Cassieā€™s rage levels.Ā 
Lasso of Submission: Wielded by Artemis Grace
Originally from Earth-3 this lasso has the ability to make someone obey any commands even those to inspire false love. After Superwoman (Lois Lane) of Earth-3 was killed Diana took the lasso and gifted it to Artemis.Ā 
Bow of Ra: Wielded by Artemis Grace
The Bow of Ra was a gift from the Egyptian sun god, Ra to the Bana-Midghall Amazons. This bow goes to the Shimā€™Tar and forges a special bond with them. Those who are not the Shimā€™Tar cannot wield the bow and further if you are not a candidate to be a Shimā€™Tar the bow will harm or even kill you. The bow requires intense willpower to use or it can drive the wielder mad. Akila was driven mad with the power of the bow and had to be killed by Diana and Artemis. It is said to have the power to destroy stars so this bow is incredibly dangerous and powerful if not wielded by the right person.Ā 
(Bonus Donna used to use a lasso that was golden but held no specific magical properties.)Ā 
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hintofelation99 Ā· 4 years ago
Headcanon #10
Batfamily Sexualities
Happy Pride Month! Here are my headcanons for batfam sexualities and my fav pairings.
Dick: Pansexual; Wally/Dick
I also love Dick and Kori (Cause Teen Titans nostalgia) but the way their relationship ended in the comics sorta ruins it for me.
Jason: Demisexual; Roy/Jason
I do think Jason is still figuring some things out but overall I think of him as demi.
Pre-death I think he was really scared of being gay or liking men, cause growing up with Willis wasn't exactly an accepting environment.
But post-death he was able to come to terms with he sexuality and feel comfortable in exploring it (mainly emotional exploration).
Tim: Asexual/Homoromantic; Kon/Tim
Am I projecting? Probs. Do I care? Nope!
Tim loves physical affection and he isn't sex repulsed, but sex just it's not it? Like it's a thing and sure it's, uh, interesting? But like it ain't all that.
Being ace was super confusing for Tim cause for a long time he didn't realize you could be ace and still like cuddling/kissing. It was so confusing to him until he finally talked to Jason (who had been researching sexuality and shit) and Jason actually explained the ace spectrum.
I always see him as a bby so he hasn't thought about it.
But when he's older I tend to think of him as ace or demi (mainly cause I want more characters on the ace spectrum. Like represent me pls).
Duke: Bi-curious
Duke is also on the younger side and hasn't thought a whole lot about sexuality in my mind.
Steph: Aromantic/Homosexual
She's a gay disaster and I love her.
Also she has a huge crush on Black Canary (mostly in an idolizing way tbh).
Cass: Questioning
I'd imagine that after her not so typical childhood Cass is still trying to figure out who she is as a person and honestly has sorta put romance/relationships on the back burner. Because of this she hasn't put much thought in to it.
She thinks she might be pan so she's been talking with Dick about it, but she's still confused.
Barbara: Fluid; Kara/Babs (based on The New Batman Series)
Babs doesn't really associate her self with a specific sexuality.
Usually she goes for more masculine ppl but she'd not quite straight.
Bruce: Straight
I can easily see Bruce being bi or pan, but tbh I just love imagining straight Bruce who never knew anything about the queer community trying to figuring out how to support his children
Like Bruce going to pride for the first time absolutely decked out cause he maybe emotionally constipated but he will always support his queer disaster children.
Just a quick little side note: Sexuality is complicated and confusing. I have struggled most of my life trying to figure out where I fit in on the spectrum of sexuality. But, now that I've had more time to become comfortable with my sexuality and my self, I've realized I will never fit one label perfectly. Sexuality is a spectrum nothing is perfect, labels have flaws, and we are all just human. So, if you're struggling with your sexuality, I get that and I know it's rough, but it does get easier. And if you're weirded out by me assigning sexualities to random characters, well... idk what to tell you, sucks to suck? Like I grew up with almost no representation so of course I want to see my favorite characters fit into a community I am apart of. Also if we're being honest comic books are basically company approved fanfiction. Like timelines are bullshit, characterizations change constantly, and there are a shit ton of random pairings. So in my mind comics are made to be fucked with.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
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jostenneil Ā· 4 years ago
who are your fav titans and why?
kory and wally! idk if wally counts bc even if he is technically a titan itā€™s not like any titans book has ever rly done him justice as a character but heā€™s a founding member so ig i will include him anyway. thereā€™s so many good things to say about kory but namely i love that sheā€™s a character with so much conviction. sheā€™s very upfront and forward about whatever she believes in and seeing how that translates simultaneously into her care for her friends and her aggression for her enemies is a rly interesting dichotomy to see play out. bc itā€™s not like sheā€™s some reckless, ultra passionate loose canon who only acts on emotion without logic coming into play. logic is absolutely present within her decisions and attitude, itā€™s just a different kind of logic, bc sheā€™s not from earth and bc she learned to do things differently where she grew up. but that logic and conviction are also what allow her to develop a rly sturdy, complex philosophy about how to go about heroing on earth bc she can take the time to make smart social decisions that combine both methodology from where she grew up and where she lives now. sheā€™s one of the most well balanced members of the team for that reason, and that says a lot bc i mean. who on the titans can really say theyā€™re well balanced and always thinking straight? not many people. i havenā€™t gotten to that point in comics yet so i donā€™t know what her leadership stint was like when portrayed but i honestly rly wish she was valued as much as the fab five in the mainstream bc to me she reads as the more capable leader. sheā€™s so intimately in tune with her emotions that she knows exactly how to keep them in check and channel them in the most productive manner and, again, thatā€™s not something a lot of titans can say imo. so lol
my reasons for loving wally all stem from non-titans comics but contribute to what i think he should have been in titans comics. wally growing up is a really sweet, smart kid who has to learn a lot of self sufficiency as a hero bc he operates in his own city separate from barry for years. thatā€™s a unique experience that actually sets him apart from the other founding members which i think would have been so interesting to capitalize on but. lol. obv we know where titans comics take him and how heā€™s more or less broken down into nothing by the time his solo starts. thankfully, the initial baron and messner-loebs runs of that volume aside, what mark waid does to rebuild wally as a character is develop him into this person who is once again acutely sympathetic to the suffering of others and very reverent of the people to come before him in the flash fam legacy. the wally of flash comics idolized barry, iris, and jay. being a hero was a huge honor for him and he did everything to live up to the responsibility, and thatā€™s something waid marvelously brought back to wally after titans comics destroyed it. wally cares so much about doing right by the legacy and about saving people, and most importantly, heā€™s not someone to let his personal life work as an obstacle to his heroism (at least, in circumstances other than barryā€™s death, and even then, i think baronā€™s disastrous starter run took a lot of pointers from wolfmanā€™s characterization, so i honestly still hated it). if anything, he uses his dedication to his heroism to reflect on his personal life bc if heā€™s not being a good hero who cares about others and helps others as best he can, then how can he be a good person to the people in his life who matter? thatā€™s what forms a huge basis of his relationship with linda, is that integrity and faith and dedication, and i think itā€™s what ultimately makes him such a stable character. heā€™s so grounded in that belief in doing whatā€™s right and it reflects on every good thing heā€™s managed to find in his life
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aeligsido Ā· 4 years ago
šŸŒ— šŸ’• šŸŒ šŸŽ¤ for the ask <3 <3
šŸŒ— fluff or angst?
why it is always fluff or angst but never hurt/comfort????? i want my hurt/comfort guys that's all i ask,
šŸ’• favorite ship to write?
iorhfui honestly i don't think I have a favorite ship to write?? like, in general i like writing ship and i find them all interesting to write odifh it depends how much i like this particular ship i guess????
šŸŒfave type of au to write?
uuuuuh... any au? no but really, they all can be interesting as long as i have the ideas to go with it odfih
BUT in general i like modern au/no capes au (depending on the fandom), i also like fantasy au veeery much. I recently discovered my love for some fairy tales au (wait, not so recently actually now that i think about that)... like all of that is so much fun to write. AND!!! the worldbuilding!!! i love the worldbuilding!!
so, yeah. i'm staying with these one!
... except if canon divergence works..... i do like writing about it....
šŸŽ¤fave line in a fic you wrote?
oh seriously i had to go find a fic and a line odufhu
ā€œSo,ā€ said Ashley, swallowing hardly on her breath. ā€œYou have two moms, and a dad. It's nice.ā€ Not what she expected, but not unheard of.
ā€œFive,ā€ corrected Lian.
ā€œ... Five?ā€
ā€œYes. Five dads.ā€
I just really like this one bc it's very funny to me. It's from one of my WIP called "titans' babies vs the world", and in this one you have Lian talking about her parents lmao. Talking about that, here's Bobby talking about their parents as well:
ā€œYeah. The one who was with dad before, the dad who's Mar'i's dad dad and kind of mom's twin ā€“ or, well, they tell everyone they are even if they aren't really, I don't know, it's complicated ā€“ and now mom is with mom and they love each other very much. Like dad love mom and mom but in another way, you know?ā€
If it's extra confusing, it's the point LMAO. I just love these kids so much.
Stephanie flourishes on the road, cheeks reds from the wind and smiling, hands calloused under the work, her bag still light on her hips. This curse is turning into a blessing, even if she doesnā€™t say it out loud, even if she barely allow herself the thought.
But, for the first time since her motherā€™s death and what she feels is forever, Stephanie is truly happy.
This one is from another WIP!! A Fairy Tale AU with Steph as the main character :D idk, i just really like the way it flows, maybe it's just me lmao
Dick led the way toward the gardens, keeping Koriā€™s hand in his. The moon reflected on Koriā€™s hair in a bright, eerie way. He loved it.
It wasnā€™t too warm outside despite the summer night; a light breeze was creeping around and chilling the air in a pleasant way. The stars were shining.
Dick still had a ring in his pocket.
listen i'm a romantic at heart... i just really like this part. AND YES it's also for another one of my WIP. Well technically not WIP since it's finished but on its way to be betaed lmao
The last time Tim had seen him was years ago, when Jason was still Robin and Tim a stalker following the Batman and his allies. In his death, he somehow managed to grow up to be tall and bulky, towering close to Bruceā€™s height - and weight. All in all, Jason was terrifying, extremely competent, and there was no way for Tim to beat him in a fight.
After all, Tim knew that fighting wasnā€™t his strong suit, despite - or in spite - of all the training he had been put through. But, well, everyone said he had one thing for himself, and it was his brain. Or making wonderful plans on the spot, just like Kon told him two hours ago during their tag game. (That they won, for the record.)
Now was the perfect time to discover if Tim Drake could outsmart Jason Todd.
i just love it because it screams that Tim is about to do something very stupid lmao. AND!! this one is actually from a published fic, aka Checkmate :fingerguns:
ā€œBecause youā€™re Robin.ā€ [...] ā€œAnd Robin was me. My family colors. My name. I created it to honor my family - and by putting on this costume, you became a part of my family. You became mine, Jase. Not Bruceā€™s. Not anyone elseā€™s. And you still are, will always be. Robins are a family, and Bruce has no say in that.ā€
Jason - Jasonā€™s heart was breaking and healing at the same time, full of tiny shards of glass and soft bandages.
Jason never realized the consequences of being Robin, but this - being part of Dickā€™s family - was probably the best of all. It was worth it - worth everything else.
listen i'm extremely emotional about Jason and Dick and especially this fic. Anyway, it's from A Nest of Love and Robins, this one is posted too!
Wally missed it, sometimes. Missed the thrill of being Kid Flash, of being a Titan, of fighting and having movie nights with his best friends. When he looked at Bart, at Conner, at Cassie, at Cissie, at Tim ā€“ Wally wondered whose legacy they're carrying on. Of course, people automatically thought it was the Justice League's ; but Wally watched them and remembered and thought, 'Maybe they got it from us, maybe they're our legacy'. And that was a weird thought ā€“ because the Titans had never been about having a legacy or being one, but always been about being a group of friends and becoming a family in between two punches and a slice of pizza.
this one make me emotional too. I honestly don't have anything better to say, i just... really love the whole things. It comes from Watch Your Past!
Okay now last one but i'm really in love with this whole fic and yes i know i'm the one who wrote it and????
But- It was nice, too, in it's own way. They grew up together, faced death and life together. They knew each other so much they couldn't really hide anything, and sometimes it felt like they were an extension of his own soul.
He had thought, once upon a time, that maybe he was a tiny bit in love with his best friends. He loved them more than anything, after all; that didn't really change, he just added more people to this category. Their children. His siblings.
It hadn't been true, though ā€“ not entirely. Because if his interest in them wasn't romantic, it didn't mean he couldn't be in love with them. There are a lot of ways to be in love with people. Maybe it was just another one.
It didn't really matter, in the end, as long as they could stay together ā€“ in this life and the next.
They laughed, loud and clear ā€“ like all those years ago in Titans Tower or in the middle of a fight or standing proud against their enemies, mentors, whoever would try to go against them. They laughed, freely and with not a care for the world around them, like they still owned it after all these years. They laughed like they were young and innocent, ancient and tired, alive and free.
They laughed, loud and clear, in the same heartbeat and soul.
(Maybe they were all a little tiny bit in love, in the end.)
idk it's kind of poetic and full of feelz for me, so, yeah. It's from the fic home is where the heart settle, about the Fab Five!
AND THAT'S IT. Thanks again for the ask, ask list here!
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california--poppy Ā· 4 years ago
book recommendations for each 911: lone star character
okay this is just something iā€™ve been working on for fun but i feel like sharing it! i picked books based on similarities between their content and the characterā€™s storylines (or in some cases, what i wish their storylines were), so maybe some of these only make sense to me. i wanted to have two books for every character but for some of them, i could only think of one for so maybe iā€™ll add more to this list later based on season 2b. if you have any of your own recommendations iā€™d love to hear them!Ā 
TK: a little life by hanya yanagihara (sad boy hours) or the great aloneĀ by kristin hannah (moving far away and facing a parentā€™s mortality hours)
Carlos: memorial by bryan washington (dad issues! dad issues! also, you know my favorite character was gonna get one of my all time favorite books.) or on earth weā€™re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong (idk. i just feel this one in my soul.)
Owen: the great believers by rebecca makai (i know the show has never once referenced the 80s or even owenā€™s backstory before 9/11 but itā€™s rob lowe so i had to go with a book that partially takes place in the 80s + deals with some complicated parent/ child relationships) or lily and the octopus by steven rowley (cancer is sad. cancer is scary. i donā€™t care for the character of owen but god. cancer is so fucking sad.)
Grace: the hour i first believed by wally lamb (okay hear me out on this one. this book is about a man whose wife is at columbine high school during the 1999 school shooting and the resulting fallout of both of their trauma. heā€™s in another state when it happens and it takes about a day for him to find out that sheā€™s okay. grace was stuck on the other side of the phone during the factory explosion! how long until she even got to be with judd?? how scary was that?? and i know we saw a little bit of her struggling with juddā€™s recovery and ptsd and i know her character is calm under pressure and handles difficult situations well, but i canā€™t help but want to see her make a mistake or be a little mean. supporting someone with mental health problems is hard! nobodyā€™s perfect! arenā€™t you tired of being nice, grace? donā€™t you just want to go ape shit?)
Judd: east of eden by john steinbeck (i did not think i would like this book when i started reading it but i really, really did. much like judd himself.) or things you would know if you grew up around here by nancy wayson dinan (did i think of this book because it might be the only book iā€™ve read that takes place in texas? yes. but it works, trust me. a book about texas, but also the lengths you will go for the people you love)
Tommy: red at the bone by jacqueline woodson (a book about motherhood and figuring out what you want and how nothingā€™s just one thing. about how all of the members of a family affect each other. i really love tommyā€™s storyline and the ups and downs in her dynamic with her daughters and husband, and how itā€™s not bad, but itā€™s not perfect either) or separation anxiety by laura zigman (a much lighter, funnier option still with the themes of motherhood and changes within a family)
Marjan: less by andrew sean greer (marjan spent more than half of her life knowing who she was going to eventually marry and now thatā€™s just gone. whatā€™s next for her? iā€™m dying to know! i kinda want to see her lose herself a little before she figures out what she really wants from life.) or circe by madeline miller (it boils down to this: i want marjan to go on a journey)
Paul: beach read by emily henry (okay hear me out again. i thought this book was a little annoying because the character of gus was this brooding, bad boy type who also was soooo in touch with his feelings and always wanted to talk things out when there was a conflict and always said the right thing and it just felt a little flat to me. BUT i feel like a character like paul would work a little better-- sensitive and intuitive because of how heā€™s had to live his life, wants to be open but has a hard time navigating how to discuss his past with people heā€™s dating-- plus weā€™ve seen that dating and relationships are important to him. whereā€™s paulā€™sĀ ā€˜this is totally NOT a basic romance novelā€™ but then it fucking is!!! i canā€™t believe i fell for that!! moment??)Ā 
Mateo: oksana behave by maria kuznetsova?? (idk i had a really hard time coming up with one for mateo. i settled on this one but iā€™m not 100% happy with it. a book about trying to do the right thing but it doesnā€™t always work out that way.)
Nancy: girl woman other by bernadine evaristo (haha jk unless.............)
happy 9 days until 2b everyone!!
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hyperfics-ation Ā· 5 years ago
(6 Underground fic. idk what to call it. shameless oc insert.) *Police brutality mention*
Films: 6 Underground 2019
Word Count:Ā 1,752
Pairing: billy!four/oc
Description: You were Arianna's first friend in New York City which is why One helped you fake your death when you get into trouble. It's never stated in the story but that's why.
Without anywhere to go, he gives you a home at the base while he assembles his team. Eventually you meet Four and he makes "dying" worth while.Ā 
When One cut all ties to his old life it was because he had a mission. A purpose to fulfill. Same goes for the rest of the team. Each member was handpicked.
Except for you.
You were never part of the plan so you didn't get a number.
Obviously this made introductions a little complicated when One introduced you to Two.
The CIA spook, already dubious about One and his motivations, raised one eyebrow and sized you up quickly.
You smiled awkwardly, sensing that a formal handshake was out of the question. "Just call me Zero," you joked halfheartedly, trying not to fidget under Two's critical gaze.
Just as you broke out in a nervous sweat, Two finally looked away and motioned for One to follow her out of the trailer. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted to discuss privately.
Did One seriously believe it was a good idea to involve a civilian on what was most likely going to turn out to be a suicide mission?
What did a nobody like you really bring to the table, skill-wise?
You didn't have a good answer to either of those questions and honestly neither did One.
Anyway, faking your death had been an experienceā„¢ and the adjustment period after had been hard. One hadn't been the most sympathetic. Not outwardly. After all, you were never a part of his grand plan. You were the wrench that got thrown in the plan. You felt kinda bad about that sometimes.Ā 
When One was ready to go recruit Two, he thought it best you stay behind.Ā 
"Sure. I'll be fine," you reassured him with a soft smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.Ā 
The expression on his face made it very clear that he did not believe you. But he said nothing, already behind schedule.Ā 
You woke up the next morning bracing yourself to face the next couple of weeks on your own. Except you weren't alone. A big ass dog sat patiently at your bedside, tongue wagging and panting softly with a note tied to his collar.Ā 
Take care of the dog while I'm gone. P.S. Don't let him eat my stuff.Ā  -One.Ā 
You named the dog Wally.Ā 
Three's arrival was really something.Ā 
He was the complete opposite of Two. His easy going nature actually reminded you a lot of One. They were alike in a lot of ways, but maybe that's why they did not get along very well. Honestly, you could only stand the both of them in the same room for so long.Ā 
But he was nice. And he talked to you. Your conversations weren't anything particularly deep. One's rules forbid any of you from revealing personal details about your old lives. Mostly you discussed movies and TV shows.Ā 
Regardless, you lived for those benign conversations. They provided a brief intermission to the insane turn your life had taken.Ā 
One could tell you were struggling.Ā 
Wally the dog was only so much company.
You were adrift with nowhere to go, no one to turn to.Ā 
Your old life was gone and the only people left in your life was One, Two, and Three. They all had their own issues and it wasn't like you had any shared life experience with the older adults.Ā 
So maybe One had an ulterior motive when he recruited Four.Ā 
The first day the Skywalker showed up with his still healing bruises and luminous blue eyes, you laughed until your face turned red.Ā 
"Skywalker? We're not seriously going to call him that are we?" you wheezed in One's direction, swiping tears from the corner of your eye.
One opened his mouth, the perfect retort poised on his tongue before you swiftly cut him off.Ā 
"Is he a fucking Jedi? Are you are Jedi?"Ā 
Your raucous laughter had faded into barely stifled giggles as you looked at Four.Ā 
He sighed. "Are you done? I need a drink."Ā 
He brushed past you as you were still reeling from the spine tingling deep tenor of his voice paired with that accent. Now your face was flushed for a different reason.Ā 
"Hey, be easy on him. He just watched his own funeral, which was somehow more depressing than a normal funeral should be," One told you, making you feel like a dick.Ā 
Five was a godsend. Though, if One ever heard you admit it, you were sure his ego would explode at being compared with a god.Ā 
You were just happy to be around the closest thing to a civilian.Ā 
ā€œYou like him, donā€™t you? Number Four?ā€ she asked you with a knowing grin.Ā 
Almost immediately your face went red. ā€œI donā€™t know what you mean. Who? Me?ā€Ā 
Wow. Real subtle, you thought, cringing.Ā 
Yeah, you werenā€™t fooling anyone, especially Five. You wondered if any of the other ghosts knew about your crush on Four.Ā 
They did. But no one said anything.Ā 
Six figured it out within hours of meeting you and proceeded to tease you relentlessly.Ā 
So much for millennial solidarity.Ā Ā 
The longer he was around, though, heĀ  became like an older brother to you. You couldnā€™t imagine what life would be like without him.
With Oneā€™s team of ghosts finally assembled, Two insisted on a mandatory training exercise to assess how well everyone worked together. You had no fucking idea why she wanted you to attend this exercise. One had already made it very clear that you were not part of the mission. But you suspected she was actually trying to do you a favor.Ā 
The self defense pointers were useful, you supposed. Being paired with Four wasā€¦ embarrassing and definitely Twoā€™s idea of a joke.Ā 
On the other hand, you were finally seeing a different side of Four. A more arrogant, carefree side that made you laugh not to mention pine a hundred times harder than you were before.Ā 
Just when you were starting to have fun throwing Four around on a mat, Two steered you towards a makeshift gun range.
It had been a while since you held a gun and considering what happened the last time you didā€¦
Needless to say you were pretty shaky afterwards, teetering on the verge of spiralling into a flashback and Four couldnā€™t help but notice.Ā 
Later, when you were hunkered down in Oneā€™s office mindlessly rewatching Leave It To Beaver episodes Four surprised you by joining you.Ā 
He didnā€™t say anything for a while, content to just sit and watch the little TV as you tried to ignore him.Ā 
"So how did you get pulled into all this, really?" he spoke up, finally as the credits started rolling.Ā 
You took your time answering. That was the billion dollar question that One had repeatedly forbid any of them from answering. Except, you wanted to tell someone if only to justify being a ghost. If you could get anyone on the team to believe that someone as unremarkable as you wouldn't be here if you had a choice.Ā 
You steadfastly avoided looking into his curious green eyes.Ā 
"I grew up in a small town. I was fairly popular in school. Got good grades. I was accepted into a good University in a big city..."Ā 
Oh boy, you were veering into monologue territory and you could feel the old wounds tearing open.Ā 
"There wasā€¦ this cop. At a protest. He assaulted me and it was... bad. I woke up in the hospital with this guy telling me to keep my mouth shut. Heā€¦ he threatened me. For weeks. Him and his buddies. Painted me as a criminal even though I didnā€™t fucking do anything wrong.Ā  Finally I just said 'fuck it' and made a whole video about what this asshole did to me. Which turned out to be a mistake. Shocker, I know. He cornered me the next day and he was drunk-"Ā 
You bit your lip hard, desperately fighting back tears. Fourā€™s gaze burned where you could feel it on your face. God, what was he thinking right now? You wanted to know. He had been silent so far, listening intently as you told him about the worst moment of your life.
ā€œFucking pigs,ā€ he muttered under his breath, his lip curling in disgust.Ā 
Swallowing the lump of emotion building in your throat, you continued, "I defended myself. And that's how One found me. Over this cop's dead body. I was going to go to jail because who would ever believe I killed a cop in self defense? So, One helped me fake my death and gave me a second chance. To this day, I still have no idea why he was there when I needed him the most. It wasn't even to recruit me. He just helped me because he could. The whole Turgistan thing came later."Ā Ā 
At last, you glanced at Four from the corner of your eye to see his reaction.Ā 
His brows were knitted together and he had a serious expression on his face you werenā€™t accustomed to seeing him sport before.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m glad One was there to help you or I might not have ever met you.ā€Ā 
This boy was too good to be true.Ā 
ā€œI'd like to get to know you better, if thatā€™s alright.ā€Ā 
You were quietly crying at this point, but you nodded, smiling through the tears. ā€œIā€™d like that.ā€Ā 
Read Part II here
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