#holy shit this took a whole ass while cnmdndmd
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sure king share evry deets abt ur trainer hcs
Dope ouo
Buckle up tho this is probs gon be long af hahaha
Kanto Trainers
Red, Green (m), and Blue (f) are all there, Red and Green are neighbours and are childhood friends and Blue is someone they met in Cerulean. All three of em are in their mid to 20s w Green being the older one between em
Personality wise, Red isn't the silent protagonist that peeps are used to, no in my hcs he's talkative af and is probs the one who challenges both Blue and Green to battles, when he discovered about Triple Battles during their visit to Unova, he and the other two tried it and he had the most fun
Green is,, well kinda the same really, chill but also arrogant, never let Lance live it down that if he wasn't Gym Leader then he could still take on that Champion title, but he does care abt Red and Blue tho, he's like the sunshine protectors
Blue is like the one in LGPE, she wants to complete the Dex and discover more about other pkmn in different regions, she's the one to drag the boys w her searching for legendary Pokemon and she's try to post it on her socials that she found Lugia while surfing around the caves in Johto. Also kinda arrogant really, but in a more teasing way not in a looks down on others way like Green
For teams
Red - Venusaur, Poliwrath, Arcanine, Lapras, Snorlax, Raichu
Green - Charizard, Gyarados, Alakazam, Tyranitar, Machamp, Scizor
Blue - Blastoise, Gengar, Clefable, Ninetales, Kangaskhan, Dragonite
Johto Trainers
Gold, Silver, and Kris are in my hcs, I so wanna add Lyra but I also do not vibe w her so I'm gon do a pokespe and make Kris like Crystal. Anyways, Gold and Kris are childhood friends too, Gold took on the gym challenge and the league and Kris focused more on completing the dex and being the prof's assistant. Gold met Silver first and Kris met him while she was in the Ruins of Alph. All of em are in their early 20s
Gold is kinda the same as his pokespe counterpart, but a bit more calm. He loves helping around the daycare and taking care of eggs that trainers don't want. He does train and evolve them tho, and some did get to his final team to beat the league
Silver is still the same, arrogant lil shit but finally realized how shit he was in the end. Still has that snarky and sarcastic personality tho, but at least now he knows when to bite his tongue hahah. I also wanna add that Silver and Blue are still kinda siblings in my hcs, and they do love each other and Blue does look out for him as best she can
Kris is like Blue but tenfold, once there's news abt outbreaks or new locations pokemon are seen in, she'd be the first one rushing there to catch em and register them in her Pokedex. Altho, she's actually not one for keeping them, rather she'd catch them just to register their data in the dex and release them after, it's the mons who decide to stay w her or not
For their teams
Gold - Typhlosion, Electivire, Togekiss, Quagsire, Sudowoodoo, Ambipom
Silver - Feraligatr, Crobat, Weavile, Gengar, Magnezone, Alakazam
Kris - Meganium, Arcanine, Jinx, Xatu, Metagross (she doesn't really have a full team, just enough to ward off any trainer that wants to battle her)
Hoenn Trainers
Honestly just the same as in the events of RSE/ORAS so like yeah,, tho Brendan is more outgoing and May's more introverted and quiet. Brendan and May are both 19 while Wally is 18
Personality wise,,,, ah idk, I honestly just see them as like,, the same?? Like Brendan's there happy to help his dad, the prof, in his field work and such.
Wally's still a lil shy but grew a bit more confident as they went on their journey.
And then there's May, I honestly see her having daddy issues and she kinda hates Norman w a burning passion, and honestly just beat the Gyms and the league to spite her father, even went to the Frontier to beat the Frontier Brains there just to rub it in his face more how she's better than him, she is a mama's girl tho through and through the boys tease her abt it
For their teams
May - Blaziken, Aggron, Gallade, Walrein, Salamence, Metagross
Brendan - Swampert, Mightyena, Swellow, Magcargo, Breloom, Tropius
Wally - his canon ORAS team
Sinnoh Trainers
Look okay these mfers, as much as I hate Sinnoh, these three along w prof Rowan, have like angst in my hcs hahaha and it's not really on them, rather it's just Rowan seeing Cynthia, Cyrus, and Augustine in em and yeah hahah, well anyways just like in the main game, Barry and Dawn are neighbours and Lucas is the prof's assistant, all of em are around 18
Barry is just the same, also Lucas, but Dawn is more like,, she's more like a mix of people's version of Red and my version of Green, I wanna say that she does want to reach the top and be a strong trainer but she doesn't really show it and make it obvious like Barry
For their team
Dawn - Empoleon, Togekiss, Magmortar, Mamoswine, Lucario, Garchomp
Lucas - Torterra, Snorlax, Shieldon, Cranidoss (like Kris, doesn't have a full team, just enough to ward off other trainers and fight Galactic)
Barry - his canon Platinum team w Infernape as the ace
Unova Trainers
Starting off w BW, it's the same except that Hilda and Hilbert are twins in my hcs, Hilda is more on trying to stop Plasma while Hilbert was more on beating the league ofc he did help w Plasma as both of em befriended N. They're in their early 20s while N is at least in his mid to late 20s
N, Cheren, and Bianca are the same so hey. Hilbert is like his manga self, while Hilda is kinda just overall pissed at Plasma, mainly Ghetsis, that she was the one who fought him in the end. After the whole Plasma ordeal tho, she did finish the gym challenge as she didn't have the last two badges, and Hilbert waited for her, so the two could try and beat the league together
For their teams
Cheren - his canon team w Samurott as the ace
Bianca - her canon team w Serperior as the ace
N - his canon team
Hilbert - Emboar, Braviary, Bisharp, Galvantula, Caracosta, Krookodile
Hilda - Hydreigon, Mienshao, Excadrill, Archeops, Seismitoad, Zekrom
I wanna say the Deino they had was a gift from their father before he left, but since there's only one, Hilda was the one who got it as she's the older one between em, and Hilbert had to wait for his own starter. That Hydreigon does listen to Hilbert still
Now for BW2, just the same it, Hugh still being the embodiment of rage™, and Nate's there trying to help him stop Plasma while also beating the Gyms. In my hcs, Nate actually has no plan on taking on the league, rather he just loves to travel around and help however he can, sometimes he'd join in Rosa in the Battle Subway to try and get to the Subway Masters. As of Rosa, well, she's a determined trainer, but I wanna say like Nate she has no plans on trying to be Champion, rather she just took on the Gym challenge and liked being in the Battle Subway battling other trainers. But yeah they're like just a bit younger than the BW kids around a year or two younger w Hugh still being older than Nate and Rosa
For their teams
Nate - Emboar, Lucario, Ampharos, Watchog, Haxorus, Unfezant
Rosa - Serperior, Mienshao, Beartic, Bouffalant, Lilligant, Mandibuzz
Hugh - his canon team w Samurott as the ace
Kalos Trainers
God there's like a ton of rivals here omfs but like,,,, I'm just gon say that the rivals all have the same personalities as in the games, and then Calem is this calm and cool boii that went on to challenge the gym and the league but lost to Diantha, and then Serena's there also challenging the gyms but stopped after getting the final badge as she and Shauna ended up participating in contests together. So hey I wanna say they're around the same age as the BW trainers
Calem is the same as Dawn, quiet but competitive, he also did try to complete the Pokedex, but he gave up halfway through bc he said it's not worth it as theres already a ton of pkmn to register and find
Serena is also a bit competitive in both battling and in contests, look she just wants to win, and she will win, plus she's like,, trying to impress Shauna during contests ouo
Anyways their teams and such hahah
Calem - Chesnaught, Charizard, Tyrantrum, Hawlucha, Manectric, Aegislash
Serena - Delphox, Blastoise, Aurorus, Goodra, Sylveon, Gengar
Shauna - Greninja, Venusaur, Espeon, Sylveon, Glaceon, Delcatty
Alola Trainers
Ough, almost done omf, anyways Hau's the same, and as for Elio and Selene,, I wanna say that Elio already lives in Alola and Selene is the one from Kanto. The three became friends along w Gladion and Lillie, and yeah just the stuff that happened in the games. I wanna say they're around,,, 13-15
Ik they kinda made it canon in PokeMas that Elio and Selene still has those blank stares and such and I think it'd be comical if they still have that in my hcs hahah. But y'know more on Elio actually spacing out most of the time bc he has an active imagination, and Selene just not caring much but also trying to show people she kinda does care so they won't get offended. Selene is a bit more competitive than Elio, as he's just happy being w friends
For their teams
Elio - Incineroar, A. Persian, Wishiwashi, Mimikyu, Crabrawler, Shelgon
Selene - Primarina, Dusk Lycanroc, Salazzle, Kommo-o, A. Ninetales, Toucannon
Hau - Decidueye, A. Raichu, Vaporeon, Kommo-o, Noivern, Midday Lycanroc
Galar Trainers
Hop is the same, Gloria and Victor are siblings tho, w Victor being the older one and got his starter first before Hop and Gloria. Victor is around 18 while Hop and Gloria are around 15
Victor did take on the Gym challenge, but didn't take on the tournament himself, and instead just travelled around Galar, training in the Isle of Armour and got himself a Kubfu which he then evolved to an Urshifu
Gloria is just as determined and competitive as Hop, and actually felt a bit guilty when she beat Hop during the tournament, as she knows that his brother is the Champion, so people probably expected more from him too, but that's just the way it is. She is capable of beating Leon, but ended up losing bc she still wants to hang out w Hop and not be stuck like Leon being alone in his own tower and such
For their teams
Victor - Cinderace, Urshifu RS, Corviknight, Grimmsnarl, Dragapult, Dracozolt
Gloria - Rillaboom, Corviknight, Hatterene, Dracovish, Sirfetch'd, Zamazenta
Hop - his canon team w Inteleon as the ace and Zacian
Paldea Trainers
Ah finally hcmdnd
Idk much abt these trainers actually but I do love their dynamic so I'm keeping that hahah, just gon give Florian an actual personality, but I also want him to be like that Jack of all trades kinda guy where he does know a lot of things and it surprises everyone else that he kinda knows a lot. I wanna say that Penny and Florian are around 14 at most while Arven and Nemona are around 15-16
But yeah Florian, the kinda guy that knows a lot but also pretends he doesn't bc he doesn't want people to bother him that much. Not to say he's a mean spirited kid, more like he just doesn't want people to rely on him so much so he stays quiet whenever he can. Basically just embodies Burr's line in Hamilton being "talk less, smile more"
For their teams
Florian - Skeledirge, Garganacl, Roaring Moon, Tinkaton, Koraidon
Nemona - her canon team w Meowscarada as the ace
Penny - her canon team
Arven - his canon team
#holy shit this took a whole ass while cnmdndmd#long post#srs btw this is really long it took me an hour or so to finish this hahaha#but hey yeah hahah#pokemon#pokemon trainers#pokemon hcs#an ask and an answer#anon
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