#It's Marc
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It's not Jake.
I'm going to tackle this bit now. It will forever bother me. I think it will forever be a point of argument in the fandom until the word of god (Diab) comes down and explains it all. Even then, there will always be room for argument.
So let's argue.
Marc with Dr. Harrow. I missed it the first time I watched it. (It was on a small screen with poor sound. I should have turned on the subtitles.)
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He doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know where he is but he feels terrible and he's in a situation he's been in before.
Marc knows how to play the game. He might be bad at social situations, but Marc is stubborn and despite his self destructive tendencies, he's a survivor.
From knowing how to please his mother to keep her happy to knowing how to keep the school happy to keeping his father happy.
He also knows how to keep the doctors happy.
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You can see the wheels turning as he figures out what Dr. Harrow is looking for and what the right thing to say is. You see him looking around and taking everything in the room in.
Something he learned in the military and then as a mercenary. What is around him? Know the land. Know the space. Know the tools. Know the exits. Know the enemy.
It's so subtle how his eyes move and stare. Every movement of his body is absolutely still and stiff except his eyes. Don't move. Don't draw attention. Don't give yourself away.
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He talks about the talking hippo. Corrects him stubbornly. Like a child correcting a parent that gets their drawing or story wrong.
He talks briefly about Steven. He really doesn't want to discuss Steven with Dr. Harrow. Even now, he's trying to protect Steven.
Honestly, Marc is probably unsettled by how Quiet Steven is being. He can't hear him. He can't feel him. He was reaching for him before in his reflection.
Has this happened before? Are the drugs messing him up? Is this even real? You can see it in his eyes as he is trying to work out what has happened. What if it's real? What if Dr. Harrow is right and all of it was in his head?
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But he knows things are off. You see him look at the cane and the sandles. He KNOWS something is wrong, but he can't place it.
And then Dr. Harrow asks about the boy.
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Now Marc knows this is wrong. He would never have talked about Randall. This is the last thing he'd ever willingly bring up.
You see him instantly shut down and he's made his decision.
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I've seen a LOT of arguments that this is Jake. But I don't think so. We, the audience, have not been properly introduced to Jake and his face has been purposfully hidden from us each time he does flicker in. This is not Jake. Jake is still hidden. And Jake would NOT have tolerated Dr. Harrow.
Even if Dr. Harrow was a new alter (persecutor?) created after being killed, Jake would have put him in his place. As protector and possible Gate Keeper, NONE of what's going on would have been tolerated at all. Jake is organized and patient. Jake takes charge when needed and gets the job done.
This is Marc. This is the Marc Spector that you don't see.
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As I mentioned in a previous post, Marc cannot mask in the Duat. Every piece of Marc you see is pure and uncensored.
You see Marc play the game but the second Roro comes up, Marc is done.
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This is the Marc that is dangerous (Mercinary, special forces, Marines, skilled beyond reason in combat) and also the Marc that is desperate. He's cornered and he will chew his own leg off to get out.
He doesn't know what's out there, but he knows that Steven is being kept away and he needs him.
So why does Marc grab the sharp pointy pyramid? Why does it look like he's trying to first stab them then stab himself?
Well, up to this point, Marc has figured out that he's been shot. He's found Steven outside of his body in a very unlikely situation, and nothing feels real.
He's also jumping scenes. From being with Dr. Harrow to being with Steven.
A part of him is scared it's real. A part of him is scared it isn't.
If it isn't real, how can he get out of it? Perhaps if he takes more damage he'll go somewhere else. Perhaps he'll go back to Steven. Perhaps he thinks it's a dream and he'll wake up next to Layla.
Look at his face. Beaten up. Broken nose. Heavy bags under his eyes. One pupil even looks larger than the other. Severe bodily trauma. (From getting shot? From getting into fights? From some form of brain damage?)
Now, speaking of Jake... I wonder how much of Teenage Marc was really Teenage Jake trying to keep them safe. I can't imagine their teen years being good at all. There's a good chance that their teenage years were utter misery and things probably escalated to terrible depths.
(Anyone else notice that three times we see Baby Marc, it's his birthday? I'm willing to bet every birthday his mother came for him viciously.)
I'm willing to bet that any previous clash he had with a mental hospital deeply involved Jake. One of them started fights and one of them played the game. Marc would get into fights, but Marc also knows how to play the game thanks to his mother. Jake would have wanted them out of there. He may have fought or he may have tried to take control to keep them safe.
So in this situation, Marc has been separated away from Steven, his emotional support and protection. He has been separated away from his physical protection and stabilizer.
And Jake DOES stabilize Marc. When Marc flies off the handle in a rage. When he has flashbacks. When he gets drunk and trashes a hotel room... Who steps in to settle things down? (JAKE'S FUCKING GLOVES WERE IN THAT HOTEL ROOM ON THE NIGHT STAND AS IF THEY HAD BEEN WORN AND TOSSED ASIDE. JAKE WAS THERE.)
So without all of Marc's safe guards, Marc is sitting there in a terrifying situation and his biggest trauma is brought up by a man that he knows he can't trust.
Look at how the episode starts. The cave. The running water. The screaming boy for help. His mother blaming him. It's all right there. Right on the edge of his mind like a bad flashback.
The last thing he wants is to be back in that cave again. Is to see his brother drowning again.
He's going to fight. If he wasn't so disabled by the drugs and injuries he would have burned the whole building to the ground if he could have.
I do have to wonder, though... Marc keeps going back to Dr. Harrow when things get too stressful there. Like a sort of time out. A time for him to try to process and make sense of things. He breaks down when Steven demands to go back to the room. Total melt down. The time out forces him to deal with it. To see it.
Even Steven goes there when he becomes overwhelmed and needs a time out to see what's really going on.
Dr. Harrow was very interested in speaking to Steven. He even mentions that it had been a long time since he had seen Steven. That Steven was the one that brought them there.
It's doubtful that Jake ever made it there. Dr. Harrow (and the real Harrow) had no idea about Jake. And Marc doesn't know about Jake, as this is Marc's processing time.
But what if Jake had made it there? What if Jake had it all figured out? What if Jake had gotten locked up on purpose?
Steven and Jake, literally compartmentalized by Marc.
Perhaps a Meta for another day.
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dellovestorant · 6 months ago
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fainlin · 1 year ago
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skarabrae-stone · 7 days ago
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traveller-of-the-knight · 1 year ago
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*ok, but what is Jake's stragle?*
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thatboisus · 6 months ago
reading a good ass fanfic up until it said something that just makes you want to stop reading
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vietsoul · 4 months ago
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Jason Adonis & Marc Stone Man of the Year, 2002 - Jet Set Productions, dir. Sean Raines
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cartoonsbyandie · 2 months ago
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Finally read the Marvel Rivals Moon Knight story and this part made me laugh out loud
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(Wanna get back into traditional art, I've missed inking.)
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l0caltiredgirl · 1 year ago
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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zegalba · 3 months ago
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Marc Jacobs for Re-Edition Magazine (2024) Photography: Hart Lëshkina
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 2 years ago
i want that slut covered in blood and traumatized by his actions
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rana030 · 12 days ago
Pov: you're reading fanfiction and suddenly y/n starts to call him daddy
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pers-books · 4 months ago
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The National Theatre's posted some photos of The Importance of Being Earnest starring Ncuti Gatwa and BOY they are not messing around!
It'll be available to watch in cinemas National Theatre Live from 20 February.
Photos by Marc Brenner.
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dumb-djarin · 1 year ago
so what if I sucked his dick. his knuckles were split and bloody from defending my safety and my honour what else was I supposed to do
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blueumbriel · 2 months ago
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Just hanging out before the next mission rolls in
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itshelia · 9 months ago
My mom to her friends, my aunts, and literally everyone she knows: Yeah, my kid is so smart. She is on her phone a lot of the time, but it's not like you guys think, She is not like how kids nowadays are, She reads a lot of books on her phone!!
Me, a fanfic reader who can survive off nothing but just words and day dreams herself to sleep:
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