#It's Jacob x Bella btw
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nithili · 5 months ago
Just finished "The Movement of the Earth" by @audreyii-fic and I'm SHOOK. I've been CHANGED.
Twilight is a comfort series to me because it's hilarious; watching the movies while talking about everything that could have made this series actually good is something I really enjoy. And one day, after watching Eclipse and thinking about how Jacob was surely lobotomized (yeah I like puns), I stumbled across this fic almost by accident and I couldn't stop. That "one day" I mentioned was today, or yesterday actually. It's 2:52am. I really couldn't stop.
So this is my long way of saying that if you want to read a great Twilight fic, or a great fic in general, go read it. It's amazing. It almost drove the author to insanity and it can do that for you too!
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transannabeth · 4 months ago
i think you're a fan of solving live triangles by having all three people date each other. do you think that goes for twilight as well? i think it would be perfect! jacob and edward have a special connection and bella apparently loves them both. everyone wins
hilariously when you sent this the other day, i was actually in the middle of a conversation about twilight
i'll fully admit that while i do love poly ships, this isn't always where my mind goes to. sometimes i just don't like one of the love interests much, or alternatively: i don't care for the person the two others are fighting for and think the two love interests should leave that person high and dry and date each other
in twilight i think both of them honestly stink and should stay far away from bella. i can't remember them interacting all that much where they aren't fighting (pre renesmee) but i have seen some fun edward/jacob fan content that's doing its own thing
and i mean i personally don't think edward/bella/jacob would be winning i think it would be so wildly messy and disastrous but like. i do love a messy polycule. so,
mandatory "read the truth vs twilight page from the burke museum and the quileute tribe right now" and "consider helping the quileute tribe continue their move to higher ground" note. thank you!
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months ago
Can you do a Plus!Size!Reader x Paul Lahote?
I’m thinking, reader who is Bella’s sister, has been friends with Jacob for years (stayed with Charlie) and she’s always had this massive crush on Paul. Since she is insecure about her weight/ looks, she always avoided Paul at all costs, embarrassing herself too.
One day, she gets dragged by Bella when Bella is mad Jacob. This is where Bella slaps Paul across the face. The reader stays in the truck but when this happens, she gets out of the truck to stop Bella. Paul phases which scares Bella and Reader but he then imprints on reader.
For a while their relationship is just friends (per readers request) until Paul kinda snaps in frustration because he wants to be more and he knows reader wants it too. Lots of fluff and reassurance that the reader is worthy enough for Paul.
Thank you so much, your writing is just amazing and I think you would write this really well ❤️
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You're More Than Your Body
A/n: my thick queens!!! I know for a fact that Paul would be obsessed with them thighs! Oh lawd I can see it already!!! BTW I FREAKING LOVE THIS STORY I AM SO BOOSTING MY EGO BC I DID SO GOOD IN THIS! PLZ, I LOVE IT!
Warning: bad language
Paul. Paul. Paul. Nobody runs through your head like Paul. Even now that you're graduated and so is he, you see him around town. Especially since you and Bella are close with Jacob.
You stare in the body mirror in your bedroom, grabbing your stomach in hopes it'll disappear. It would make this outfit look so much better... your heart pounds as tears want to explode from your eyes. The pain of being the "funny fat friend" and always being the butt end of the joke your whole life has really been weighing on you. Even now, as an adult and being stuck on a guy since school.
"I need you to come with me. This is serious." Bella barges in your room.
"Oh, so the sad girl speaks to me now?" You glare at her.
"Look, I'm sorry for ignoring you and charl-.. dad, it's just been.." She stops knowing that you know what she means.
"Edward. Yeah." You roll your eyes and then smile at her. "Okay, what you got?" You ask.
"Jake has been away. They're saying he's sick. I have to see him." She says.
"He's probably tired of you stringing him along." You reply.
She shakes her head and then walks over to you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you down the stairs.
"Uh! Hey! Stop!" You yell.
"I don't want to go alone." She looks at you, still holding your wrist.
"Fine." You sigh.
You both get in her raggedy truck. She speeds up to Billy's house. The car ride was mostly her panicking, and you telling her to slow the Frick down. But, she pulls in with both of you alive. She gets out of the truck and enters past Billy. He sees you sitting in the truck, and you awkwardly wave.
The sound of whistles is heard toward the trees next to the house. You look over and see Jared, Paul, Sam, and Embry. Your heart races as your eyes fixate on Paul. They don't see you. It seems like they're calling for Jacob.
Bella barges out and goes over to them. Your mind blanks out with what is happening. You notice they're yelling and Paul is getting angry. You decide to be the protective older sister and run out of the truck.
"Bella!" You yell and make your way over there. As you get closer, she slaps him. "BELLA WHAT THE HELL?!" You grab her arm.
Paul is snarling. His body seems to get bigger. Next thing you know, he's a wolf. A silver wolf growling at Bella. She falls on the ground, and you stare at the monster. He looks at you and stops snarling. He whimpers.
"BELLA!" Jacob runs out and turns into a wolf, too.
This caught Paul's attention, and they began to fight, wrestling into the woods. You're breathing heavy in fear, but look down at Bella. She's confused and looking at Sam.
"Hey, bring these girls to Emily's place." Sam orders.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag." Embry mumbles.
That's when you learn everything. Emily and Bella go on a tangent about it all. Embry is cracking jokes, and Jared is kicking him under the table for spilling too much to a 'leech lover'.
Paul walks inside and sits on the chair beside you. He turns back to Bella. "Sorry." He smirks and eats the muffins that are placed on the table. His eyes roam up and meet yours.
You pause. Is he really looking at you?
He sets the muffin down before rubbing his hands on his shorts. He extends a hand and smiles at you. "Paul." He says.
"Yeah, I know." You smile and shakily let your hand reach his. You feel warmth fill up your body. You know your cheeks are burning red.
His smile fades, and he lets go of your hand. "You know me?" He asks, as if he's guilty for not knowing you.
"Yeah. School. We graduated the same year and... you were quite popular with the girls." You snort.
He gulps and looks down. "Yes. Yes, I was." He seems so guilty. But his face turns back to you with a smile. "What's your name?" He asks.
You go to speak but Embry interrupts. "That's y/n. Leech lover's sister." He laughs.
Paul glares at him. "I'd like for her to answer that herself."
Embry lifts his hands up in defense. "Aight, chief. Or should I say.... imprinter..." He snorts.
Jared hits the back of his head. "Bro! That's Paul's story to tell!" He yells.
Sam enters and glares at Embry. "Stop it." He turns to Paul and smiles. "Welcome to the club." He takes Emily by the waist and kisses her.
"What's an imprinter? I'm confused.." You smile and look around awkwardly.
"Friends?" You smile at him.
He stares out at the beach, the waves crashing, and the wind blowing. "Yes. I'm sorry for not noticing you. I'm sorry for everything." He turns to face you. "Friends." He smiles.
You sigh of relief and look out at the water. You want more but you're too big for him in your mind. You accepted the bond, but maybe friends will do. At least you'll be around him, and it won't be so bad.
"C'mon. Let's go get food." He stands up and takes out a hand for you.
Yes. You've barely eaten today, and it's four pm. You take his hand, and he helps you stand up. When you're on your feet, he grabs your waist to steady you. That touch has you SPINNING.
"Where do you want to go?" He asks.
"Hm, I'm totally feeling burgers." You giggle.
"Oh, fuck yeah! My kind of girl!" He yells and takes your hand, kissing your knuckles.
He leads you to his truck and takes you to a small diner. It's actually the one you, dad, and Bella used to go to growing up. Now that she's back, the trips here have been more frequent.
He opens your door and helps you out by holding your waist. He seems to love grabbing you there. Honestly, you don't mind, but at the same time, them love handles are ugly to you. He leads you inside and you both get a seat and order.
Paul looks over your face.
You awkwardly look around and smile while blushing. "What?" You ask.
"Nothing." He chuckles and sips his Dr. Pepper. "What's it like being Bella's sister?" He asks.
"Nothing but drama. But I love her. She's very giving to family." You smile.
He nods. "I don't have anyone but my asshole father. I don't live with him, thank God." He rolls his eyes.
Your heart aches for him. You can't imagine not having anyone. "I'm so sorry." You reach out and touch his hand.
His eyes dart toward your contact, and he smiles. "Nah, it's no big deal. I have my boys."
"I guess that makes things better." You smile and let his hand go.
The waitress places your guys' food down, and you both enjoy the night getting to know each other.
It's dark out now, and you're in his truck watching the roads as he brings you home. You're startled when you feel a hand on your thigh. You look down and see his fingers on your flesh. His thumb is rubbing your skin. You look over at his face. He's just watching the road.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Paul is at your window. You know it's him because he HAS to show up every night after patrol. You get up from the bed and open your window. He climbs up and closes it behind him. He hovers over you with a smile.
"Hey." He whispers, pushing hair behind your ear.
"Hey." You blush and soak in the warmth of his body heat.
He slowly leans in, looking in your eyes and then to your lips. No. No. You're too ugly. He's just into you because of the bond. Shit! You don't want to be used. You back away and awkwardly laugh. He gets the message and looks at you.
"Wanna see what I've been watching?" You plop on your bed and pull out your phone.
He smiles and lays beside you.
You show him the YouTube videos you've been addicted to until you fall asleep.
You're eating the brownies that Emily made while sitting at the bonfire. Everyone is talking and you're stuck in a debate with Sam.
"No! You're wrong!" He smiles, pointing at you.
You laugh and put your plate on the ground to get focused. "Sam, listen! I'm telling you, the grass is wet in the morning because of the dew!" You yell.
"It's because of the rain!" He yells back.
"Aren't you out all night? On the nights it doesn't rain, why is the grass wet then?!" You're laughing so hard.
Paul, from beside you, gently touches your knee. "He thinks he's always right. You won't win." He laughs in your ear.
"Love birds." Jared smirks.
You look at him. "No, we're just friends." You smile.
"Still?!" Jared asks, shocked. "Damn, Paul! You're taking your time." He laughs.
"Dude.." Paul shakes his head in annoyance.
After the bonfire, Paul brings you to his house. You're super freaking tired, and you fall on one couch in exhaustion. Paul puts a blanket over you and sits on the other couch that's next to your head. The couches are in an 'L' shape. He sits there while you fall asleep. Your arm falls out, and he looks down at your hand. He slowly takes it, holding onto it while you sleep.
You wake up and feel a body underneath you. You look down to see that you're on a snoring Paul's chest. You look around and see that you're in his living room. You panic and sit up, going onto the other couch. Your movements wake him up.
"You alright?" He asks in a tired and low voice.
"I.. don't remember falling asleep." You awkwardly giggle.
"You were shivering, so I joined you." He yawns and sits up. "Was that alright?" He asks worriedly.
"Yeah.. yeah, that's okay. Thank you." You smile.
He smiles back and checks his phone. "What you want for breakfast?"
"How about I make something here? If you have anything." You stand up and walk to his kitchen.
"Yeah, I've got stuff. You sure you want to cook? I can do it." He stands up and leans on his fridge, watching you.
"Yeah, no! I've got it." You smile.
He smirks and walks up to you, grabbing your waist. "You're beautiful." He whispers.
Your breath hitches in your throat. You look up in his eyes. "Friends.." You whisper.
He sighs and lets you go. "You know, I can't with you. You hold back so much and you won't let me in." He says in frustration.
You put the stuff on the counter and look at him with worry.
"I want you and I know.. I KNOW you want me, too. Why can't I have you?!" He smiles but is still aggravated.
You gulp and cross your arms. "I'm not good enough for you. All through school, you wanted the skinny girls. You only want me because you imprinted on me." You say quietly.
He starts laughing with anger. "Are you serious?!"
Tears threaten to escape your eyes. He notices and frowns. He pulls you into him and rubs your back. "Nobody will ever compare to you. You're more than your body. And if I didn't imprint on you, I would still think you're fucking hot." He says. "Let me prove it." He pulls away and looks at you.
You smile, hopeful, and touch his cheek. "You mean that?" You ask.
He grabs your waist and picks you up effortlessly. He tosses you on the couch while you giggle. He hovers over you and touches your stomach. "I love this." He smiles. His hand lowers to your outer thigh, and he squeezes. "I love this." He continues to squeeze your thigh. "Oh, the way these will be my pillows." He chuckles. "I love..."His hand moves lower, "may I?" He wants to touch your ass. You nod, and he happily grabs your ass. "Jesus, I love this." He bites his lip and looks over your face. "Most importantly," his hand touches your chest where your heart is rapidly beating, "I love this." He says. "You're absolutely stunning." His eyes scan your features. "I'd show you off to the universe."
You're smiling, blushing, shedding tears, and lowkey screaming inside. Your heart is swollen with love and affection. You never want this to end. Now, you understand, you are perfect for him. You grab the back of his neck and pull him down to your lips.
His lips meet yours, and the kiss is gentle and loving. Your lips move perfectly, and he finally pulls away. "What an amazing kisser." He smirks. "Mine, now?" He asks.
You laugh and nod your head wiping away your tears. "Yes, Paul. I'm yours, now."
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 6 months ago
hil, love ur writing!!
could i request a Paul Lahote x Bella's Younger Sister! Reader (Luna Swan). y'know how in new moon Jacob does this like parkour climb into Bella's room (Imao). maybe like reader is doing her night time routine to get ready for bed then hears pebbles being thrown at her window and she already knows it’s her bf paul is out there. she opens the window for him and he climbs up showing off his strength. he immediately wraps his arms around Luna’s waist and puts his head into her neck/shoulders. she reciprocates his deep hug, rubbing her hands up n down his back and shoulders (bc he shows up shirtless in true werewolf fashion😌). she asks him all coy “what are you doing here” so he just explains how he needed to see her and be with her bc ofc we all know how protective of an imprint Paul must be. it’s all cutesy then they kiss and cuddle to sleep.
btw… obsessed with ur writing🫶🏼. literally im always checking back on ur account for updates💞
Paul Lahote x reader
Now Playing: Ho Hey by The Lumineers
I hummed to the song on the radio as I sat at my vanity, applying creams to my skin and oils to my hair. It had been a long day; school was tiring, I had a million assignments, and work was… well, it was the service industry, so about as good as could be expected.
The sun had set already. Dad was on a hunting trip for the winter break, and Bella had taken the opportunity to stay with Edward for a few days. This left me alone in the house, but it wasn’t all that bad.
I had gotten up to dig around under my desk for a face mask, finding it and sitting back on my bottom as I read the back for instructions.
A thud made me look over towards my window. I watched for a long moment as nothing happened, until a small pebble hit the window again. I got up, making my way over to see who was there.
I peered through the glass, only to see a familiar face staring back at me. I smiled as I saw him, pushing my lacy curtains back to unlatch my window and open it.
“What are you doing?” I call coyly, laughing at Paul as he grinned up at me
“What, I can’t come see my girlfriend? Can’t make sure she’s okay after a long Monday without her?” He teased, adding, “Watch out, I’m coming up.”
I take several steps back, watching as he takes a running leap up to the ledge of my window. I watch as he shimmies his broad shoulders and long legs through the small opening, laughing as his foot gets caught in the curtain.
He scowls at me, taking long strides forward to envelop me in a hug. He presses his face into the crook of my neck, bowing his body over mine to reach, and his arms circle my waist tightly.
I sigh with content as I wrap my arms around him, one over his shoulder to take through his hair and the other around his torso to run my hand up and down his spine.
“You’re lucky Charlie isn’t here,” I murmur, “If he saw you climbing up here, he’d bust in to kick your ass, and also to give you a shirt.”
He snickers, complaining that “Shirts are restricting, and I run hot.”
“‘It’s a werewolf thing’.” I quote, smiling as I add, “I was about to put on a face mask, you want to join?”
He pulled his head back to eye me, suspicious of my proposition. I only laughed at him, pulling away and reaching for the tube of “Green Tea Detoxifying Face Mask Gel”
We end up cuddled together on the bed, the fan blowing towards both our faces to dry the mask.
He’s laying on his side, his hand propping his head up. His other arm is wrapped around my waist, keeping my back secured to his chest as we watch reruns of old movies.
I yawn, so comfortable that I’m almost falling asleep.
“Tired?” He asks quietly, and I shrug.
“Comfortable,” I reply, “You’re so warm, makes me want to fall asleep.”
He laughs a little, reaching up to poke my cheek, “Mask’s dry, let’s take them off.”
I groan as I roll to my feet, padding to the bathroom to peel off the mask. I do mine first, leaning over the counter and carefully taking the dry, rubbery substance off of my skin and throwing it in the trash. When I’m done, I haul myself up to sit on the counter as Paul props his arms on either side of my legs.
I take off his mask, careful of his eyebrows and the short hair on his chin and jaw.
“You didn’t shave this morning,” I comment, turning to throw the part of the mask I had gotten off into the trash.
“Ran late today, Sam dragged me to school before I could,” He replied, his eyes glued to my face, “Jared hogs the bathroom trying to fix his hair.”
I smile, peeling off the nose strip now.
“Tell him to quit sleeping with his hair wet, and he won’t have to fix it as much in the morning.”
He sighs, “I’ve tried. He’s stubborn.”
I hum, “Reminds me of someone else I know.”
He rolls his eyes, pinching my thigh and making me laugh.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” He says sarcastically, “But the only stubborn hot-head you love is right here, letting you torture him with face masks.”
I laugh, “You know you love them!”
Again, he rolls his eyes, leaning in to press a kiss to my lips as he says, “I love you, I tolerate the masks.”
I giggle as he presses dozens of quick kisses across my face, never more grateful for life than I am in this moment.
Thank you so much for the request!! It was super cute and I had so much fun writing it 🥰
And I’m so glad you like my writing!! That made me so happy 😁 I really hope you enjoyed this, and lmk if you have any more requests 💕
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lemon-woos · 2 months ago
2000s Emo BF!Hongjoong
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there is a severe lack of content for alternative atinys on here so i will be the one to supply it hehe
✩ I just know he’d love Twilight. He’d get so into the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob (he’s Team Edward btw. You know…Edward Kim). He’d try to convince you to go as Bella for Halloween because, “Baby, look! We’re soulmates, and so are they! It totally works out.”
 ✩ Goes to all of the local basement shows with hardcore music. Eventually, he makes a name for himself by designing posters for the bands. 
✩ Saw guyliner on Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy one (1) time and is literally obsessed. Wears eyeliner 25/8 and only takes it off when the old liner gives him an eye infection. He knows he looks good, and he knows you love it, too. 
✩ He’d get pretty popular on Myspace because of all his fashion ideas. He looks like he just popped out of the music video for “Helena” by My Chemical Romance. 
✩ Speaking of, he loves My Chem, especially when they drop the Danger Days LP. He loves their artistic inclination and their ability to make any genre work in their favor. He just about had a heart attack when they broke up. 
✩ His favorite bands are MCR, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Static-X, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, and Gorillaz. You were able to score tickets to see Evanescence in concert and he totally did not cry during “My Immortal.” 
✩ His mom won’t let him get a tattoo, so he asks you to do a stick-and-poke one night in your bathroom. You have no idea what you’re doing, but it doesn’t actually look too bad. He asked for some Fall Out Boy lyrics on his back so that no one else can see it but you. 
✩ LOVES LOVES LOVES Hot Topic, but it’s so expensive sometimes that he just starts making everything himself. He makes you matching beanies, and you make him some pins to put on them.
✩ You take turns dying each other’s hair as date nights. You never tell the other what color you’ve picked until the dye is on their head. It’s messy and your bathroom is stained with rainbow colors, but it’s worth it.
✩ Also loves Supernatural. He’s hopelessly in love with you, but he’d marry Dean Winchester given the chance.
✩ Guys I love emo!joong sm. 😭
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kwop-kilawtley · 24 days ago
Fuck Twilight reddit tbh. Twilight tik tok is right up there too but I at least encounter some team Jacob accounts that are popular and clap right back in the comments so thats at least smth 😭
istg there's so much coping and bending over backwards to defend their favorite white cullenizers lmfao 🥴🥴
"he's frozen at 17!!!" yeah but he's been 17 for DECADES. if he had time to get medical degrees then you'd think he'd know better than engage in creep behavior. Also, Jacob is 16 and unlike Edwin, has only been 16 for an ACTUAL while. But sure, keep defending the 100+ year old "17 yr old" vampire who had all that time to learn is supposedly soooo "mature" vs the 16 yr old who's an actual teenager.
"he learned from his behavior/prejudices!!" bitch WHERE?? even after he claims to Bella he's "learned", he STILL calls Jacob dog, mutt and mongrel even at BD, does NOTHING to stick up for Jacob/the pack when the visiting vampires look down or insult them. FUCK the cullens for that. If they were smart they'd get together literally ANYWHERE else, and NOT anywhere near where the tribe who's people are forced to shift when vampires are around. "B-but Alice's vision says they'll gather there! 🥺" Change the meet up, then!! It's not like the Volturi will leave you alone if you don't show up! Dumbasses.
"jacob assaulted bella and kept forcing himself to her when she wasn't interested!!!" this one makes me laugh the most tbh. They ALWAYS use the Eclipse KissTM as a gotcha every time someone even says they're Team Jacob or defends him. Also, so many of them revise history to where they act like it was Jacob who kept pursuing Bella in New Moon when really it was BELLA who went to him FIRST (with the intention of using him for the bikes to feed her Edward delulus), and it was BELLA who kept leading him on (btw, twilight reddit also copes about how she "didn't" 🙄) and didnt set firm boundaries. Then again, most Team Edweirdos skip New Moon and only read the "vampire parts" so it's not our fault they conflate Eclipse (where Jacob actually disrespects boundaries in some parts) and New Moon (where he's being an honest friend). Maybe don't make up events against Jacob if yall dont know what your talking about!! 🥴🥴
sdkjhkjrwiu sorry for the longish rant it's just,,,The mention of Twilight reddit opened the flood gates for me lolll
also, it's funny how a lot of hardcore Team Edward weirdos bend over backwards to defend Bella's bland ass characterization and Smeyer's writing. 🤓
CULLENIZERS!!!!! HOW HAVE I NEVER USED THIS TERM OMFG ckskdksk. Yeah it’s legit everywhere… on Instagram I commented on a Jake x Bella post saying something like “god I love them.” And just by saying that someone replies being like EWWWW WHAT??? BUT WHAT ABOUT ECLIPSE KISS TM
lmfsofksk I’m like so jaded by now idgaf
im so goddamn tired of Jacob being the only one in the saga who gets ripped on to this extent.
Everything you’re saying I’m just nodding along like yes, yes, yes TELL EM ANON!!
luckily I blocked so much out of BD cause to me my BD rewrite fic is actual canon so I forget so much of it. But When I’m reminded I’m like just disgusted… like the fact there’s like a million new 13 year old wolves or some shit bc of all the new vamps that came to visit??? Fuck off actually oh my god CAN YALL FUCK OFFFFF. Someone asked me why I don’t have Brady and Colin or whatever their names are in my fic im like cuz LET THEM BE CHILDREN I’m not entertaining this idc idc. The pack has gone through enough smh.
The cullens and bella actually have learned nothing throughout the story and nothing changed whatsoever. The only thing that changed was Bella became a vamp and Jake imprinted. Things that are both horrible tragedies imo. So it forces them to change who they are but it’s not like a natural character arc nor is it a development. It’s plot convenience that strips Jacob and Bella’s character completely.
completely agree lmfao legit they just hate Jacob cause he gets in the way. A lot of them admit to skipping new moon entirely or Jacob parts. And that’s fine they can do that but like don’t make weird ass shit like talking about BELLA NEVER LOVE JACOB LIKE THAT SHE LOVED HIM LIKE A BROTHER. Ummmm okay! You need to go back and reread some parts otherwise you’re lookin kinda weird cuz that was NOT no brother sister relationship lmao. Bella and Jacob are literally dating without the label starting New Moon. Be fucking serious like… they almost kiss, they’re always cuddling holding hands. She sees a future with him with kids and explicitly they both say they are IN LOVE with each other. Now listen yall gotta take it up with smeyer why the fuck she wrote them like that all for Bells to be his godmother 💀💀💀💀💀 why did she make Jake a love interest for Bella if she knew she was gonna do that the whole time.
Well, here’s what actually happened and why team Jacob even exists in the first place. There’s a clear split as to what this series is. There’s Twilight and Forever Dawn and then there’s New Moon and Eclipse. She wrote Jake cuz her publisher needed more and she ended up naturally writing the better love interest for Bella, became attached to his character and couldn’t stop writing him. But then she changed Nothing about forever Dawn… so that’s what BD is and why it doesn’t at all match up with the last two books. This is why it’s so easy for me to discard BD like it’s a rotten ass fruit…..
Like I love Jacob cause he’s flawed, nuanced and the only one with common sense in this damn series. He starts as a sweetie sun boy in new moon and then he turns into a dick and an asshole sometimes. I think this is an unpopular decision but I actually like this about Jacob lol. Could you imagine he was sunny boy Jake throughout the shit he’s put through? For what? For him to get even MORE walked on? Nah fuck that. He should be angry. It IS shitty that smeyer made it so that the wolves cant control their anger and are supposed to be hostile though cause this contributes to even more problematic shit. But I certainly understand Jake being an angsty dick when he is. Now, this makes him flawed. He is not perfect and I know that and that’s what I like about him.
He’s actually a fuckin idiot especially with the eclipse kiss and he shouldn’t have done that. I get called an assault apologist solely for being team Jake or whatever like it just makes me roll my eyes in the back of my head. Everyone seems to think that Jacob is just “trying to get some” with Bella. He’s not a fuckin rapist like they make him out to be idgaf. He did not force himself on Bella in new moon. They almost kissed but he didn’t force the kiss. He’s a stupid teenager that doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing, let’s be real. The eclipse kiss happened not because he was “trying to get some” but because he was trying to make Bella see she did have feelings for him. This is dumb but this was his thinking. Essentially trying to wake her up from the vampire thrall she’s under and maybe make her see she doesn’t have to die and stay human. I don’t believe he would’ve kissed her like this if Edward hadn’t come back in the picture and she tells him she’s going to die or WORSE become his enemy that he may have to KILL in only a few weeks. Jacob even says it didn’t matter she chose someone else over him, it wasn’t about that. It was because she was GOING TO DIE. This is just his perspective and it wasn’t RIGHT. He shouldn’t have done it. Smeyer also tried to make Edwin look better too and tried to make him look like the “mature” one and Jake to be the out of control one. Which again, problematic.
But yeah I’m just tired of the eclipse kiss being the only thing brought up lol. But the confederate and his shitty control freak wife are angels<333 they’re the good guys! Edward’s obsessive stalking a week into knowing Bella I feel is horrible and violating but ok go off! He legit watches her from the bushes at her house, snoops through her things, watches her in her sleep. She doesn’t consent to any of this. But this is “fine” because Bella had no reaction to it? Uh yeah cause she is a teenager who hates herself and is obsessed with edwin. and throughout the books he’s just overall manipulative, pretentious, condescending and controlling. But no, he’s the good guy okay lol. Like I’d prefer if they were just honest about it. Like can’t we agree they’re both morally grey… it just annoys me that they make it seem like Edward is a perfect angel?
The appeal of vampires in general is that they’re toxic and morally grey. I love a toxic vampire. It’s all about how a story is written tho. the issue is that the cullens pretend that they aren’t? This is what is annoying as fuck about them to me. They are made out to be perfect and innocent, especially in Bella’s pov. This is why I don’t like them. Bc they ARE toxic mostly in the non-hot ways (colonizers, racist, billionaires who treat bella like some doll) but try to mask this and it’s seen as good? This is also what makes Edwards stalking not hot.. he just seems like a fuckin pathetic creep LMFAO. Sitting outside her house thinking about meteors hitting it and shit 🙄🙄 like it’s all under the guise of protection. No. Just be a vampire freak. Be honest!!!! It’s not about protecting Bella lol you’re just goddamn obsessed. Edward pursued her cause her scent and he can’t read her mind. It really is that simple but I’m supposed to believe it’s love? And Bella fall for him because literally ANY human would fall for a vampire. It’s like in their design. Like just be honestttt. And then the edwinos wants to talk about shitty things Jacob does but thinks the stalking and shit is fine? Like it doesn’t make sense to me lmao. Just admit that Edward is a toxic freak and that’s why you love him. That is perfectly fine. But no… they see him as he can do no wrong. I prefer the volturi and nomads. Give me an evil little vampire who is honest about their intentions.
Also never apologize for screaming into the void that’s my inbox. It’s a safe space here <33333
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scarefox · 1 year ago
Scrolled through pavels tiktok reposts which are full of the fan event and his last live stream.
When suddenly....a random af Twilight edit 😅 thought it's your classic Bella x Edward thing....
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I am not a Twilight fan. But I am a fan of Pavel enjoying chocolate bars 😏
Always funny to see him sharing random sexy tiktoks out of the blue (of guys and girls btw). Last time he did share one of a woman. People went crazy in the comments. Assuming he accidentally reposted it... yall you don't accidentally do that you have to press at least 2 buttons for reposting. He also shared a Porsche (Apo) x Babe edit 👀
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dawllick · 1 year ago
How I would remake Twilight:
1. First and foremost, there will be no imprinting on babies here. Not even a no but HELL NO
2. The 5 Cullen “kids” are not already in relationships when the story starts. Emmett and Rosalie are on the verge but angst keeps them apart. Alice can’t see who she falls in love with. Jasper is in the closet. Edward is still pretty but bitchy.
3. Bella isn’t the bestest most specialish girl when she arrives. She is observed for the shiny new thing she is but is quickly forgotten as she is not sociable and has weird fascinations.
4. Jacob is there, but he is older (like by two years or smth) and gives off more big brother vibes to the audience, but Bella is smitten with him.
5. Carlisle and Esme are married, but tend to lead a more open marriage life style (consensually from both parties and neither feel like full commitment to the other), but have no plans to introduce another into the relationship. They do see Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward as their own.
6. Carlisle is less nice and more strict but not in a dickhole way. Like…could you imagine being a vampire dad to 5 fully grown monster toddlers…
7. Charlie is there and single still. But after Bella and Edward start dating, he begins to see the good doctor more. I think it would be hilarious for Charlie and Bella to both know about vampires but try to keep it secret from each other.
Charlie finds out via his budding friendship with Carlisle and his lovely wife Esme somehow idk maybe Carlisle saves him bc he is a cop. Charlie 10/10 develops a crush and gets to have all the internal dilemma that has nothing to do with sexuality but “but he’s married” kind of thing
Idk what the resolution needs to be here but yeah
8. Bella meets Edward who reacts the same but mainly due to his thirst. He misses one day of school, and returns but acts stiff and uncomfortable around her.
MEANWHILE Alice introduces herself to Bella and they become friends. Alice spending time with Bella draws in Angela and Jessica, very heavy implications that Angela is not straight.
9. Jacob shows up from time to time and there is weird tension between him and Alice. It’s where he is a werewolf and doesn’t know, but Alice has a hunch as he reeks of them. Since this is my silly AU, Jacob x Alice are long game, insane slow burn, ETL. You get forbidden romance, they can fight each other and not die, but also have so much chemistry and tension to drive people crazy. They won’t even kiss till like the final arc, won’t even be nice until like…season 3.
10. Btw in my head, each season covers 1 book, and the final battle/epilogue will be a mini series (4 seasons, and a few episodes to make up a “movie”)
11. Season one finale ends like the movie, BUT it ends with Carlisle being summoned to the Volturi.
12. The werewolf thing will be treated more as a family thing as opposed to a spiritual animal thing. And oh yeah, after Bella is like for sure about vampires being real she totally asks Edward “hey what else is real that I don’t know about” but he lies (bc he thinks that it’s protecting her)
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littlespidermonkey · 3 years ago
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If i had only known how it feels to be yours...
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irrevocablys · 2 years ago
me last night rewatching new moon when bella almost kisses jacob and then the phone rings
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leahclearwlwater · 4 years ago
Her first love had been, funnily enough, dance. It didn’t make any sense—Bella was a horrible dancer and had begged her mom while sobbing to let her quit ballet—but when her mom would wrap her arms around her, pick her up and swing her little body back and forth as The Rolling Stones ‘She’s a Rainbow’ tickles her ears.
Funny that she fell in love with dance that way. The feeling of her moms arms around her and laughter in her voice.
She danced, once, with Edward. Her feet on top of his and him controlling their movements, stiff and odd. So unlike the dance she fell in love with. Bella has wondered, as his lips lingered near her neck, if she had ever loved dance at all. Maybe she just loved her mom, sweet and simple, like all girls do. Maybe it was a lie her little mind warped after so long: she fell in love with dance; dance was alright.
But. But.
Gwen Stefani’s voice ringed in her ears as Jacob set a hand, warm and large just like the smile he gave her, onto her shoulder and took her hand. The dance was slow and uncoordinated and each time Bella stepped on his foot he laughed, bright and as warm as him, and she glanced up at Jacob and thought: oh. She loved dance. Always did. Love the warmth it bright. Loved how Jacob held her close and let her lead, singing along to the song with his less than stellar voice. Bella laughed as she glanced up at him, as she fell in love all over again with her lost love.
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ginwhitlock · 5 years ago
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- Nathaniel Orion
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years ago
could u do dating bella swan as a werewolf!fem!reader?<33 loved your galadriel headcanons
𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓:
Pairing: Bella Swan x fem!werewolf!reader
Warnings: a bit angsty
Notes: tysm for the request your so sweet! Sorry this took a little while to get out btw. Requests are open and feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
- Coco ❤️
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You were Jacobs cousin but spent most of your time with him and Billy rather than your family.
You had seen/met Bella once or twice but you were very little and don't remember much
But you have met Charlie Swan, he always seemed like a nice man and often invited you and your family over to watch a baseball game.
When news of the infamous Bellas moving to Forks you were relatively unfazed.
But Jacob was chomping at the bit to get to know her.
You met her the same time jacob did and it was hard to watch the two interact, but she seemed sweet(and very pretty).
Unlike your cousin you actually attended Forks high-school, it was closer to home.
You noticed Bella was a bit shy and socially awkward so you invited her into your friend group and hit it off well.
And when she started taking a interest in a certain blood sucking freak you were sure to steer her in the right direction.
And she listened to your advice
For three days.
She had said some bs about how you wouldn't be able to change her mind about seeing him so it's not worth the fight. And you gave up because you rlly wanted things to work between the two of you.
And you didn't really mind, I mean yes it was dangerous but Bella could take care of herself[and the fact that you had a real big crush on her]. You didn't mind that is until she started ditching you.
"Oh sorry y/n I can't tonight... I'm going to the movies with Edward"
Or "I promised Edward I'd study with him, can't jacob help you?"
It hurt you to say the least and Bella was so blinded by her crush for Edward she didnt even notice.
By Bellas birthday your relationship had practically withered away but you still got her a present. A handmade booksleeve in her favorite colour.
And then...the accident happened. The Cullens left Forks abruptly leaving a heartbroken Bella and a confused town.
You didn't really know what happened but according to Billy, nothing good.
And as selfish as it sounds you were glad you got to get back in touch with her.
You helped her get over her stupid breakup, reminding her that Edward didn't deserve her whatsoever.
You comforted her and let her cry in your arms
You made sure she ate well and got enough sleep
And you even made a bonfire with Jacob and your friends to burn all of Bellas photos, clothing and memories of Edward.
Things were going great until you started distancing yourself.
Making up illnesses and just flat our ignoring her seemed better than the truth, I mean you just couldn't tell her.
She thought that you were ignoring her because of how she treated you before. She felt like a jerk.
So of course when she shows up to Jacobs and demands to see you, things don't go swimmingly.
She finds out and she's...honestly not as shocked as she should have been
" look Bella I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore, I'm surprised you can even look at me-"
"Y/n I've already been through the whole my friend is a mythical creature thing. Besides who will I complain about the rain to?"
And then she realized she really did eff up pretty badly with you when she was dating Edward and it wasn't ok.
You were studying- or at least trying to study when you were interrupted by bella throwing rocks at your window.
You looked down onto the yard where she was standing and holding up a sign that read "I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS SOONER BUT WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME? p.s im sorry for being a jerk :(" And a bouquet of your favorite flowers to top it off.
You excitedly nodded and quickly got ready for a impromptu date.
You guys went to a drive in movie, sat in the back of her truck and kissed under the stars~
Ok but Bella would be really good with dates
Like hiking to some obscure spot just cuz there's pretty flowers? It's a no brainer for her
You help her cook for her dad and Charlie loves you like a seccond daughter
You read and stargaze together on her roof
You make picture albums with the camera her dad got her for her birthday.
And she constantly finds she keeps "misplacing" her sweaters and flannels
You guys are really the power couple of Forks no matter what the creepy homophobic old guys say🏋‍♂️
Your families already get along great with each other so there's really no fuss when it comes to that.
Jacob is a little miffed that you "stole" Bella from him but she reassures him that he'd never stand a chance.
You get engaged 2 years after high-school, which seems pretty early but you know you'll never ever find someone as great as bells in Forks
The wedding is small but that's the way you both wanted it
It's in her backyard, in the forest and the reception is at her house.
Ok I lokey hate her wedding dress(no shade if you like it tho!) So let's say she wore this one, it's close enough but much better(in my opinion)!
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And ofc u wear whatever u want!
Bella lokey loves wolf version of you, I mean the piggyback rides are insane.
And your just so fluffy, great cuddle material.
You guys have a quiet simple life but it's never boring.
If you decide to have children I'm thanking the God's it won't be named Renesme.
You guys love to cook together and try new recipes
She eventually gets used to the rain and gloom of Forks. It seems to be growing on her tbh
Sometimes you'll be sitting on your bed watching a old movie and both of you will just sit and laugh about what life would gave been like if Edward had stayed in Forks.
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kwop-kilawtley · 2 years ago
FANFIC IDEA: A Jacob x Bella twilight rewritten the way it would’ve happened in the real world & what truly should have happened because I will never subscribe to the fact that Edward & Bella were soulmates & that it was true, meaningful love. EDWARD NEEDED TO FACE CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS ACTIONS but alas he never did. He was not meant to be with Bella, he forced himself into her life & manipulated the situation. It was not fate, it was BLOODLUST, selfishness, obsession & stalking. Anyway, this is what should’ve happened tbh.
NOTE THIS IS A WHOLE ASS MESS AND STARTED AS A CONCEPT BUT I GOT CARRIED AWAY. I will be finishing it the concept. But if someone would like to write out a fully fleshed out version of this.. PLEASEEE DO. I have ideas about where it continues too but my hand is about to fall off.
Bella moves to forks Jan 17. Edward meets Bella in bio Jan 18th. 25th van.
(This would be Chapter 8: Ghost in Midnight Sun. This part is in iguana-Edward’s POV. So this is before port Angela’s happens but is after the van. March 7th, 1 month & 2 weeks after Bella moves to forks. Bella goes to the Blacks house every weekend since she moved)
Charlie catches Edward stalking Bella in the bushes while she’s asleep reading her book on the lawn (the fact this is canon btw 🤢) Ofc in canon he is a vampire so he got away with it because of his speed & mind reading but nah that shouldn’t have happened. But in this fic it is a SECOND too late where Charlie already saw him from driving down the block so Edward has to stay & not run bc it’s either Edward getting caught stalking or Edward revealing his secret of being a vampire. Charlie wakes up bella and he confronts him. Bella is very confused by the situation. This time, Edward is able to charm his way out of it making up some excuse that he was coming by to drop off a book of Bella’s that she left in biology (the fucking creep had it in his pretentious little peacoat jacket)but it was a book from her room he took (ok Joe goldberg go off) Charlie let’s it go this time but is still sus.
(Bella’s POV) Bella couldn’t stop thinking about how strange the whole thing was. “Did I really leave that book on my desk in Biology? I could’ve sworn it was the last book on the stack next to my bed.” Alas she believes his gaslighting lies & moves on with her night. That night, Bella & Charlie go to the Blacks house for dinner. She cooks lasagna & it is a cozy time. Jacob is her assistant chef, handing her all the ingredients & of course making her laugh the whole time while their dads watch the game. He is so dizzy & nervous from how pretty she is that he leaves the spice cabinet open & bangs his head in the top corner hinge (cause it’s canon he’s a tall clutz in New Moon). He bleeds a little bit & bella gets nauseous from it but after she pops the lasagna in the oven, she sits him down to blot the wound on his head. As nauseated she is by the blood, she is laughing & he is making fun of her little gags in between. They look in each other’s eyes & Bella blushes a whole lot. She bandages it up (she keeps bandages in her little bag bc of how much of a clutz she is) & then sits at the table next to him. She comments on his long hair, how it’s even longer than hers & asks him about his hair care routine. He gets embarrassed, stammering cause he probably doesn’t take as good care of his hair as he should. He tells her he uses a homemade Quileute shampoo that all the guys get from a sweet older woman on the rez. She finds it sweet. She scoots her chair next to him & starts to braid the lock of hair that frames his face. She asks another question about his hair but he doesn’t answer cause he is just smiling looking at her. He loves her pink cheeks, soft lips, thoughtful & caring nature. He is in heaven. “What? Do you really not use conditioner? And no, grease or motor oil does not count as conditioner, Jake.” He laughs, shakes his head & tells her that he just uses coconut oil. Bella finishes the braid and then runs a finger through his hair. “That makes sense, it’s so soft, maybe I’ll take notes from you. I just use what Charlie gets from the store which is usually something pink and smells like berries. VO5 usually. I DO have a good conditioner though.”She laughs. “I don’t have the heart to tell him it’s probably not the best for my hair. He does his best with me.”
After dinner, they have a bonfire outside with others from the rez, basically whoever wants to show up and join. But bella and Jacob barely notice who is there. Jake gave up his log for Bella & sits on the floor beside her. The height difference still allows him to look down at her. They talk all about their memories as kids making mudpies & Jake brings up how they’d hold hands walking by the water at First Beach because of how clumsy Bella is. “We were so young but I always knew you as the one that would always fall. I was scared that the ocean would suck you up like a toilet or something so I had to hold your hand.” They both blush at this. “No, yeah, I remember. They probably should’ve kept a better eye on us back then because I remember once I DID fall in the water, flat on my stupid face, but you helped me up. Renee definitely did not pack me the right shoes to wear for the beaches & rain.” They talk about Renee a bit & Jake asks how the whole situation made her feel. “Do you think your mom should’ve left like that? I mean, I get it, people get divorced but how does it make you feel. Do you feel better here with Charlie?” Typically this would have Bella get defensive since she is very protective over her mother but it was the first time someone kindly asked her this question & made her think about Renee’s parenting. “I miss Phoenix, its my favorite place in the world and I do miss my erratic mother.” She laughs. “But it’s kind of nice not having to baby Charlie. Sure, I cook for him and help out around the house but I feel a lot more.. relaxed since being here if that’s makes sense? The best way to put it is this: Renee is like my best friend and Charlie is my parent. Is that kind of weird? Renee worries about me like crazy but she’s definitely made me have to fend for myself a lot. It was also pretty lonely living there whereas with Charlie, I think we keep each other company real well. I mean, I think I’m more like him despite me not having spent as much time with him.” Jacob can see the realization in her face that she hasn’t let go in a long time. That she was her mothers emotional support and was generally a lonely kid. They then got distracted because someone brought marshmallows, chocolate & graham crackers. “I cannot remember the last time I had s’mores.” bella says, face all lit up. Jake grabs them two plates immediately seeing how happy she was about it. “Aw man, this is why you shouldve come down here more often, Bells. Life’s boring without s’mores. I’m glad you’ve been coming every weekend though. We got a good little thing going on in our community. Honestly, I can’t imagine what it’s like down at forks high school.” Jacob fakes a yawn. Bella talks about her school and friends and how different it is from Phoenix. “It’s pretty different, honestly. Some of the people are nosy but I can’t blame them cause there’s not much to do here. They were sort of amazed by my mere existence and I kinda of wanted to hide under a rock forever when I first started here. It’s definitely better now but some people are definitely still… strange. Especially that family, the Cullens. I know they have a bad rep here on the rez and I sort of can see why.” Jacob goes wide eyed and then shakes his head. “Man, when will I ever stop hearing about these people. The quileutes have some really out there theories about them. I’ll have to tell you some other time though.” Bella wants to ask what he means but she doesn’t want to pry right now in case anyone listens in on the conversation. She turns dramatically to Jacobs face and burns her eyes deep into his. “Jacob Black, I have a very serious, urgent question for you.”
He looks shocked and his heart races a little bit. He puts his plate on the floor and clears his throat. “Uh, yeah Bells?”
“How crispy do you like your marshmallows?” He exhales & smiles his giant grin as he pops one in his mouth.
Next day is in edwards POV again (y’all know I do not have the STRENGTH to write in his POV rn)He is mentally going insane over bella. It’s been sunny (symbolic of Bella being with her sunny boy Jacob) which has been keeping the cullens from attending school. Edward is running in the woods trying to get Bella off his mind. He eventually gives into his selfish need to see/smell her and excuses it as “making sure she’s safe.” He tracked her scent but it led him to the treaty line. This time he is watching Bella and Jacob hanging out. He knows he can’t pass the treaty line, especially not under the circumstances but he tells himself no one will know. He slips on by to Jacobs little red house and watches behind a car like the iguana he is.
Jacob is working on the rabbit & Bella is watching. They’re eating pizza and she almost chokes from laughing. Edward is losing his mind in jealousy and it’s eating him up to see her so happy with someone else. Someone human, something he could never be. Bella is now acting as Jacob’s assistant with the car like he was doing in the kitchen. But Bella doesn’t know names of tools very well so they just start making up their own names for them. “The pointy one with the red top.” Jacob is teasing her saying he was a much better assistant then she is being. “It’s not fair though! SPICES are very easy to know. They are literally labeled, Jake. I mean what even is this thing?” She holds up a very small tool. They then name every tool a human name. “Okay this one would totally be a Gary. Look at it!.” They then get in a rhythm of this. “Bella, hand me Josephina.” “On it, chief.” She scuttles over to him & he takes the tool. He has grease all over his hands and shirt and wipes some on Bella’s nose. “Hey! C’mon I just washed my face before I got here.” She pouts and scoots over closer to Jacob while trying to rub it off, annoyed. Jacob puts the tool in his hand down on the inside of the hood of the rabbit and looks at her. She sticks her tongue out at him. “Is it off my nose?” She scrubs her nose again & looks the other way, red faced. He puts his pointer finger in one of the belt loops of her jeans and pulls her a little closer. She looks at him a little shocked. Then he lifts his hand up to wipe the grease off her nose. He smiles, strokes her face & says “Xaks óta chi chi”
“What did you say?” He blushes. “Nothing. Just talking to myself.”
Edward was familiar with Quileute & knew what he said. He’s seen enough. Edward leaves the rez and promises never to come back. He will leave Bella alone (he won’t lol)
Then it switches to Jacob or Bella’s POV. A little bit after they got on the topic of Edward & what happened with him just showing up to her house with her book. She doesn’t accuse him of stalking but just says it was odd along with the van incident and the hot and cold behaviors. Jacob is highly disturbed by what bella is saying to him. “Listen, Bella, this isn’t… good. Don’t let that guy get in your head like that. If you think that book was in your stack of books, then it probably was. Does Charlie have cameras? The van thing.. well, it kind of makes sense with what they say around here about them. An adrenaline rush? Come on. And the way he is lingering around you making you feel special some days and then others being mean. If you feel like this guy is actually following you or giving you issues, you can always come here. The cullens aren’t even allowed on the rez because of the legends.” Jacob is trying to make sense of it in his head. Could all of this really be true about them? Bella went on to say that she’s not afraid of him though and thinks he’s just misunderstood. She just can’t stop thinking about that book and the van incident. Jacob is patient with her but tries to put it more in perspective. “If that book was in your room then that means he was in your room. Do you even know what that means?”
A few days pass, edward is outside her house at night debating going into her room again. “One last time. I have to say my goodbyes.” He climbs through swiftly while she’s asleep. He searches through her things and makes note of the book she is reading, does her homework for her in her handwriting that he perfectly emulated. He gets close to her and breathes in her hair. He starts to pout beside her on the bed. “She had said my name in her sleep. She dreams of me. She feels this too. We were meant to be.” He has a full blown breakdown with himself driving himself mad. He had not been careful though. He was so deep in his thoughts & heartbreak, completely consumed by Bella’s scent. Driven into a frenzied state of obsession & bloodlust, he made a grave mistake. he turns around behind him with Charlie’s gun in his face. He almost instinctively ran, since that is what he does best. But again, being caught as a stalker is better than being revealed to be a vampire.
“What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. In. My. House.” Charlie grabs edward and pushes him into the hallway. Edward obviously was not pushed but he had to pretend to be human if he was going to get out of this. “It isn’t what it looks like, Charlie. I’m so very sorry that you had to catch me like this. You see, your daughter is very accident prone and I-“
“Shut the fuck up. ITS EXACTLY what it looks like. I know exactly what kind of sicko you are. I’m taking you down to the station.”
Bella appears at the door, mouth agape. She stumbles backwards.
“Edward w-what are you doing here. DAD! Why do you have a gun?!”
“Bella get back in your room. I’m handling this and filing a restraining order against this creep. DAMNIT, BELLS, Get back in your room.”
Bella has tears welling up in her eyes and runs back into her room, shaking.
Edward is trying to barter with Charlie on the way down the stairs but he’s having none of it. His gaslighting dazzling bullshit is NOT going to work this time. Charlie drives to the station & arrests Edward Cullen for stalking & breaking & entering. He is disturbed by how cold Edwards hands are when he’s getting his fingerprint.
Bellas POV
She’s crying still in her bed. She starts looking all over her room and notices things out of place. She notices the books out of order, her homework done, her clothes perfectly folded, her shoes polished and cleaned. She has never felt so violated in her life. The guy who has been playing with her emotions since she’s been here had just been a stalker all along. She thought she even was catching feelings for Edward. She was completely fascinated by his beauty & charm. The way he saved her life and said her name. She was intoxicated by him, nervous around him. But now she understood why. There was something off from the very start, the way he hated her so much in biology was not normal. She couldn’t understand it at all. She started shaking as she reached for her cell and called Jacob. He picked up after 2 rings.
“Bella? Are you okay? What time is it?”
“I-Jake I’m so s-sorry for waking you. I… cant believe what just happened.” She explained and Jacob spit out “Lock your window. Lock your front door. Do not open it until I call you. I will be right there.”
Her phone rang but she was already at the door since she heard him pull up. She opened the door and came in, locked the door immediately behind him. She threw herself at him sobbing. “Oh, Jacob. I don’t even know what happened. How stupid could I be? He was STALKING me! In my room, watching me sleep. He even cleaned my room and did my homework. I mean what the hell is that!”
“Shhh, Bella, honey. Calm down. It’s okay, Charlie is taking care of it. I’ve got you. Come here I’ve got you.” He lifts her up in one swift movement and pulls her on his lap on the couch in the living room. He pets her hair and holds her close.
“Listen to me right now. He won’t get away with this. He violated you and your trust. How the hell did he get in here?” Jacob peered around and looked for an open window or sign or forced entry. She continued to sob in his hair.
“But I just don’t… understand. He saved my life, Jacob. I’d be dead from that van without him. Why would he be a creep? I just don’t understand it. I cannot understand it.”
Jake signs “he was obsessed with you. And I- I think it’s possible he only saved you from that van so he could have you all to himself.” He gulped. Bella looked up and blinked through tears. “What?”
“The stories, Bells. Have you really never heard them. My dad thinks the Cullens are fucking vampires. I think, maybe, that could be part of it.”
Bella cocked her head and shook her head “and I repeat.. WHAT? Did you really just say VAMPIRES? Jake do you hear yourself?”
“Do you think I don’t know how crazy that sounds. I’ve been hearing this my whole life. I never believed it, but maybe that’s what’s going on here too. Or I’m just sleep deprived and going insane like Billy.”
Bella shakes her head again. “Those are just scary stories. Come on.”
She felt a chill through her body and things started to add up in her head. She looks up at Jacobs concerned face.
“Thank you for coming. Im so sorry you look exhausted.”
“Are you kidding? Of course I came. This is some crazy stuff. I can, uh, stay too. If you want? I can sleep on the couch or we can just stay up or something.” She nuzzled her face in his chest. “I doubt you’ll be able to sleep though. I’m so sorry this happened.” He strokes her hair and cradles her even closer. “I promise I would never, ever hurt you.” He says. “Seeing your face every weekend has sort of been the best thing that’s happened in a while. Just saying.” She looks up at him. “Really? You’re not sick of me yet? Im so sorry for dragging you into my drama I really don’t mean to bring you down.” He puts his fingers to her lips. “Shhhh.”
“I really like seeing your face too every weekend. You know, Jake, you’re sort of beautiful?” He turns beat red and laughs.
“Okay, now I think YOU’RE a little sleep deprived now.”
“You really are. You also make me feel.. safe. I mean I’ve been getting stalked and watched in my sleep by an alleged vampire who I thought I liked and you are the only one I’d trust to be around right now.” Bella forces out a laugh but shivers at the possibility of that even being remotely true.
“You are safe with me. Hey, if the dude is actually a fucking vampire, maybe Sam Uley & my old man will stake him when they hear about this. They get all serious about the “cold ones. We all got your back.”
She grabs his big hand and bites it then hisses like a vampire at him. “What if he bit me in my sleep, oOoOo.”
“God, always coming through with the gallows humor. Only you would be able to laugh in a situation like this, Bells.”
“Only because I have you here, my own personal sun.” She kisses the same spot on his hand where she bit.
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therealvinelle · 4 years ago
could you go more into what you think bella's gift entails? (your meta is incredible btw)
Sure thing!
Before I do that, though, I should warn people that the following meta contains major spoilers for mine and @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin‘s fic Carlisle and Bella’s Bogus Journey. Fans of that story who don’t want to be spoiled are hereby advised not to click the readmore.
With that out of the way, we have three anomalies about Bella, and the shield is only one of them. These anomalies have the common denominator that they’re all in place to keep Bella safe, one way or another. Put together, these anomalies point to Bella’s gift being something far more elaborate and powerful than a shield.
One note before we begin - we know from Victoria’s gift that Alice isn’t the only precog, as her gift feeds her data based on intel she has no way of attaining. She knows when X location is dangerous, or how she should maneuver Y situation to escape unscathed. I think Bella’s gift works in that same way of utilizing data Bella herself doesn’t have.
Prophetic dreams
Bella has prophetic dreams on four separate occasions in the series, each time giving her vital information. In Twilight her dream tells her Edward is a vampire, in New Moon she is told Jacob is a werewolf, in Eclipse the dream spells out for her that Victoria is the one behind the newborn army in Seattle and that she’s got a Jasper of her own, and in Breaking Dawn she has a dream before the wedding about a vampiric child she must protect from the Volturi. That last dream wasn’t entirely correct, as it told her Renesmée would be a boy (which I think is what led to Bella’s conviction that she was carrying a son), but apart from that these dreams appear aimed to arm and prepare Bella.
Hallucination Edward
If Bella was a normal crazy girl and the hallucinations were more arbitrary, I would be inclined to these hallucinations being just that. However, these hallucinations take the form of the person Bella is most likely to listen to, they appear when she is in danger and not at any other times, and they give sound advice (re: lie to Laurent). Now, these hallucinations have the complete opposite effect, as they make Bella seek danger out instead, but it’s notable.
Here’s what we know of Bella’s shield:
It shields her from Edward, Aro, Jane, Alec, Kate, Eleazar, Zafrina, and Chelsea. If Carlisle has a gift, she’s shielded from him as well.
It does not shield her from Alice, Jasper, Marcus, Renée, and Renesmée.
It shields her perfectly when she’s human (as opposed to Charlie’s shield)
When she’s a vampire and needs to learn how to project it on the pain of certain death, she makes miraculous strides in a matter of days
To start with the inconsistency in who Bella is protected from and who she isn’t. Chelsea and Marcus have extremely similar gifts, one manipulates relationships and the other sees them. If Chelsea is blocked, Marcus should be too. He’s not. And what blocks Chelsea, but not Jasper? Why is Edward blocked, but not Marcus?
(Tinfoil hat: if Carlisle does have a power, and taking into account what Renesmée can do, then it could in reality be Chelsea wasn’t being blocked by Bella at all, but by Carlisle and Renesmée. All the people gathered on the Cullen side had been exposed to them, and Chelsea failed because she couldn’t undo the effects of their gifts. Given the way I think Bella’s gift works, I think she was able to block Chelsea, but it’s possible that she didn’t need to)
The shapeshifters and the hybrids prove that Alice can be blocked. Why is she not blocked by Bella?
Renesmée is another interesting case. We are told that she’s a shield penetrator, because... well, she penetrates Bella’s shield, doesn’t she?
There is the psychic vs. physical gift argument, but I take issue with that. It only leads to inconsistencies - Jasper, for instance, how is what he does physical? Or Kate, how is what she does not physical? I think that categorization was just that, an attempt by Aro to categorize gifts, and it’s not to be taken literally.
Bella’s shield is inconsistent if she blocks only psychic powers, or based on the way they work.
But if she blocks gifts based on who is a threat to her, or could in any way lessen her odds of survival, suddenly we’re looking at a different equation.
To take the gifts she’s shielded from:
Edward was definitely a threat. If he had seen her mind and seen an average teen girl fawning over his looks, he would have had no reason to grow invested in her as a person. There would only have been her sweet blood, and he would have killed her for it.
To Aro she was a human who knew the secret, and Edward wasn’t going to turn her. Blocking him proved her gift, and gave him incentive to see her survive. Had they met under different circumstances, he might have seen her thoughts.
Jane and Alec are offensive, they go without explaining. So does Chelsea.
Eleazar had to be blocked to see that she had a gift, which was vital knowledge at the time. Without it, she wouldn’t have known she had a gift to train.
Kate’s gift is inherently offensive
Zafrina’s gift was perfect for Bella to practice projecting her own gift, and gave her motivation. If she couldn’t have blocked Zafrina, she would have doubted she could block the Volturi.
Carlisle himself is not a threat to Bella, but Edward is. And to Edward, the whole point of Bella is their epic love. If Carlisle’s gift makes Bella join the Carlisle fanclub, then Edward would no longer be the sole focus of Bella’s attention. More, Bella and Carlisle barely know each other. If they were closer and talked (and I’m just going to plug this fic), it could backfire on Edward (yes I’ll write a post. In a nutshell, though, Carlisle sees very little of the E/B romance and what he sees is only the wholesome stuff) and that’s bad news for Bella.
Now to look at the ones she’s not shielded from:
Jasper poses a threat to her as a vampire who might drink her blood, but his gift does not. On the contrary, his gift is what helps him remember humans are friends, not food. Had Bella been super delicious and a human he could eat without feeling bad about it, that might have been a problem for him.
Alice’s gift helps keep Bella alive. Blocking it would be exceedingly foolish.
Marcus didn’t see what Bella was told he saw, but his gift wasn’t actually posing a threat to her wellbeing. If anything, Edward seeing in his mind Bella’s level of codependence would convince him even further of how epic their love is.
Renée, assuming she has a gift, is not a threat to Bella.
Renesmée actively works to keep Bella alive. Edward wasn’t planning on turning her, and would have kept moving the goalpost. It would have ended in the Volturi running out of patience or Edward finally eating her (My money’s on the latter). With Renesmée, Bella’s life was in extreme danger, but she was doomed anyway. Dying in childbirth meant Edward was forced to turn her.
Then we have what Bella can use her gift for. It does exactly what she needs it to do to stay alive, the best example being when it proves to be so easy to use that she masters it in a week-long crash course.
So, in summation, I think Bella’s gift is ridiculously powerful, and relies heavily on precognition. It blocks anyone who is in any conceivable way a threat to Bella, gives her prophetic dreams when she needs to, and when all else fails it materializes in the form of Edward to yell at her. 
This also works with Renesmée’s gift, which appears designed for self-preservation. It appears mother and daughter have variations of the same basic survival gift, adapted to fit what each of them needed to survive their respective life situations.
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reputayswift · 3 years ago
Ah please share more of your takes on Wuthering Heights for us WH stans, I’d love to see it
ANON! I just finished last night and loved it! I had a little trouble getting my bearings in the beginning but once I was able to sort out the POVs and distinguish between the Earnshaws, Heathcliffs, and Lintons I was IN (and then they named one of the kids Linton Heathcliff…One Tree Hill prepared me for this moment). Anyway here is my Goodreads review:
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Let’s get into it.
Emily said here are your two main POV characters, Lockwood is vain and judgmental and New Here and Nelly Knows All but plays favorites. Good luck!
Wuthering Heights has everything I love in a story. Goths, gossips, ghosts, liars, vain people, selfish people, annoying people, pathetic people, parallels, multigenerational family drama and, the greatest of these, love <3
I made a handy chart
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(Disclaimer: Tom Hardy is not my ideal Heathcliff but he is the funniest to look at)
ON THAT NOTE: Heathcliff being othered for not being the picture of a (pale-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed) Englishman is so central to his character but most adaptations just slap a wig on a blue-eyed white guy? Which brings me to my next point:
THE TWILIGHT THING: So Stephenie Meyer references Wuthering Heights pretty heavily in the Twilight books and aside from having Bella shut the book once because Edgar and Edward sound similar, she INSISTS Edward is Heathcliff and Jacob is Edgar. Iirc there’s even a scene in Eclipse where Bella finds that Edward left the book open to the page where Heathcliff is saying he’d “[drink] [Edgar’s] blood” if Catherine didn’t care for him. But a few vampire/cannibal references does not a strong parallel make!! I could go on about this but basically I just don’t understand how Stephenie saw Catherine marry Edgar (the pale, wealthy, Perfect Gentleman love interest) and die while giving birth to his (“angelic”) child and then said actually Edward is Heathcliff GSIDHD Like WHAT? Is Bella named Isabella because Isabella marries Heathcliff??? I’m team Jacob btw.
Catherine came, she gave all of the most quoted lines within the span of three pages, she died <3 (and left Heathcliff forever changed!)
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Do you like dramatic irony? Well do I have a treat for you!
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Credit to @julesblackthorns for capturing that, I’m gonna plug her playlist <3
I wish I had Cathy (Jr.)‘s schedule (read, imagine, take my pony out to look at birds’ nests)
The running gag that everyone is repulsed by Hareton even though he’s (according to Nelly) a handsome boy that just can’t dress or read…
*happily socializing with Hareton* “that’s your cousin btw” “TAKE IT BACK I CAN’T—🤢😩 TAKE THAT BACK RN.”
Also they cast Matthew Macfadyen to play him (not pictured: Matthew Macfadyen playing him)
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The word “sl*t” was used more times than I anticipated (the times I anticipated? Zero!)
I genuinely thought there was going to be a plot twist where Linton was revealed to be Not Heathcliff’s bc they drew so much attention to how he looks NOTHING like Heathcliff and I was like what are the chances Heathcliff is a carrier for blonde hair and blue eyes 🤔 Small problem:
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The Cathy and Linton plot is very sweet until it very isn’t </3
The Cathy and Hareton plot is very distressing until it very isn’t <3
That moment when Cathy and Hareton are giddily reading together and both glance up at Heathcliff and Heathcliff sees Catherine’s eyes twice
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Hareton x Cathy Jr. is perhaps the second best ship involving book-reading cousins
I like to imagine ghost!Heathcliff x Catherine are living up to their full Gomez and Morticia potential
“I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you // Give me just a chance, you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you”
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