#It takes a few months before the Bats find out that “Father” has the body of his son inside what they thought was a tool box
miramelo · 2 months
New rogue in Gotham
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dogbites-puppylove · 6 months
Hello! I hope you're well.
Can you do a Damian Wayne x Male reader oneshot? Based on the song "Stacy's Brother" by Mad Tsai.
Damian finds out that Male reader is the little brother of [Big! Sister].
Then Damian decides to approach [Big! Sister], in jobs, projects, etc. All this to get closer to Male reader.
Maybe a sporty, extroverted and clumsy Male reader?
I can't get it out of my head that Male reader is somewhat nervous about being around Damian due to Damian's personality and the fact that he is taller than M!r doesn't help.
Also, Can I be anon 🛸?
Male! Reader x Damian
TW: description of yandere mentalities and actions (obsession, possessive tendencies, stalking, etc)
Tags: Yandere! Damian Wayne x Reader
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Solitude is preferable to irritants for Damian, so to prove useful enough to be a contact of his is difficult. He’s an heir first and a human second,this is fact, every thought he has is spent towards a goal, and every goal to another's gain - this is the natural state of his operations. Much like a king's pristine puppet he is a glorified prize that must maintain itself. If he meets his darling through a sister or really any family member not of his own, the darling has no backing to stand. Simply and utterly he is beneath nothing to Damian - and maybe that's how he got trapped. 
Contacts from his mother provide lethal abilities, contacts from his father are useful and cut throat -expectation and criteria create his world brick by brick - everything has its place of necessity. A contact form outside this world is easy to push off - it's useless and creates nothing but problems for him - but his Darlings sister is needed and to maintain relations he must come to know Darling - so he takes to this as a bat. The Darling is a lesion, a bleeding pus addled wound in his world of rules and he must get you to heal - it's a clinical and medical perspective. He is his own greatest triumph and Darling are the termites that are picking at his puppet strings. 
Diagnosis comes from close observation- and he needs to be perfect to complete his tasks. You are stalked and detailed without mercy - without decorum, for the first few months you aren't even human. Damian takes a while stalking him, perching on the ceiling and staring through windows - devouring every image with curiosity. Like a dog lapping at its bleeding wounds - Damian tends to him with hypothesis and obsessiveness  - laving over him with his tongue until he’s all that he can taste. Every detail is crucial - every twitch of his muscle under his skin and every time his drops of drool on his pillow in the throes of the Darlings sleep. 
It begins with details and ends with praises and reverent prayers - what used to be details of something he needed to heal became the height of his worship. Damian slips from the king's grasp and becomes a tumbling mess of flash and singing blood  - the para social relationship nurses itself into an infection. 
Sporty? Good, keeping himself in shape is the least of the training that his Darling needs to do in order to stay safe in Damian’s own shadows. Not to say he’d ever let anything touch his darling but it's crucial to keep him in good shape. Paranoia runs in his blood - it's how survival is formed, it's passed on heirloom. 
Extroversion is hardly a trait he is foreign to - in fact it's perfect that his Darling seems to seek out others in social situations. As his other half, his humanity given flesh - it's obvious he would have the skills to express it. 
So what if he’s clumsy? It's simply the innocence of untarnished life showing through - Damian has none left - not even in the hollows of his bones - but his darling can make up for it. To him it's an even trade - like heaven and hell to the spirits that pass. 
After sufficiently gathering all he can from the window - it's only so long before he reaches in. He needs you - from the wound is born an infestation and Damian is sick with it - it fills his orifices and body and mind until Darling infect his brain. He won’t blame you for it - how could he - but you’ll have to take responsibility. 
Your sister is a means to an end - from the beginning of her contact to the time he uses her as a ticket into your life. He blows up her phone, her email, her everything - it's intensive and consuming and he won’t stop even if she answers. He needs you awfully, horribly to the point he might bleed out if he doesn't have his hand on your skin. She tries once to pull away - for her youngest brother's sake - she wakes up with a katana and a whispered warning to her ear. She does not try again. Sometimes you can see her eyeing you from the other side of the room with something like an apology on her face. 
Sharing a gender orientation gives him easier access to you - into bathrooms, locker rooms, and a sort of social intimacy that society gives leeway. It's not overly suspicious as he leaves an arm on you - seeks you out - it's what friends do. You're both boys so there's nothing to be shy about Darling. 
Of course he makes you nervous - ha can’t blame you - he's a trained assassin and you're all but a civilian but he’d never harm you. Never dream of it, even, to harm you would be his death. But it doesn't stop his eyes that are far too familiar for a stranger, nor the offsetting way he accommodates you so easily - as if he knows you better than yourself. As if he’s a worm in your brain and was wriggled so far it's made its home - a parasite. It sets you on edge - pulls at your skin until your organs and bones and he still needs to go deeper. 
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Author's Note: Hi anon! I don’t actually have a cohesive list of anons but if you want to identify yourself with emojis i'm all for it :)). Also - my writing in general doesn’t incorporate gender a lot but I hope this is ok. 
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
Oral fixation / 16
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: E
Prompt: "You taste so good."
Contents: Succubus!Dabi, legalized sex work, supernatural AU, lingerie, aphrodisiacs, oral fixation, blowjobs, face-fucking, implied marathon sex, multiple orgasms mentioned, anal sex, cannibalism
You can also read on AO3!
The thing about burning was that it took him from mortal with a few drops of demon blood somewhere in his family line, to a full-blooded demon. He woke up from his coma starving, covered in scars, older, and with horns, wings, and a tail. Best guess the creepy doctor had been able to make is that in a fight to preserve itself, or maybe because his flames reminded that bit of blood in him about the place his ancestor was from, had turned it on and over-ridden his human genes. 
It was just his bad fucking luck that, on top of everything else, the demon in the Todoroki line was apparently one that fed off sex. On the bright side, he figured that out pretty fast, an incubus woman finding him on the streets not long after he'd run away from home for the second time and took him to the place she and a few other sex demons lived in the city. He was too young to start feeding himself, even if he'd wanted to try, his body wouldn't be able to absorb it. But they were able to feed him by harvesting some of the energy from their partners, bottling the crackling lightning in whatever they had around, and bringing that to him to eat. And that really helped. He has a sneaking suspicion the reason it had taken him years to wake up from the coma was because he was healing and starving at the same time. Once he starts getting regular food, he heals up a lot faster, hits his next growth spurt, and starts to feel stronger. His quirk still hurts if he uses it for too long, but he can heal up a little more from it than he used to be able to, so he's happy enough with that. 
He sticks around quietly, taking arson jobs to pay for his room and board, even if the other demons hadn't asked for it, until he reaches maturity. Then they start teaching him how to attract his own meals, how to make sure he rides the fine line between taking too much and killing his partner, or taking too little and needing to find food again in only a day or two. A good session, he learns, will fill his stomach for a week. He can probably survive two on nothing, but it won't be pleasant, and anything after that risks him going completely feral and could have him indulging in the flesh in a far more literal manner than is common for sex demons. 
He also learns, after another two months as his wings pull in tight to his back and get covered in some strange fleshy sacks that he thinks are gross as fuck, that he is a succubus apparently. And succubi get a second growth and shedding as their bat-like wings turn into feathered ones that help to make them seem softer and more alluring to their prey than the bat-wings make incubi to theirs. He has to wait a week and a half for the gross water balloons to deflate and turn itchy and brittle, and then he spends a whole night scratching away the sink with his talons until his new wings are exposed. They're big and black, his feathers softer than anything else he's ever touched, and shimmering the same blue as his flames when the light catches them just right. They're beautiful, and after he takes his first meal once they're free, he's... beautiful too. 
He hadn't given much thought to his appearance before he burned. He knew that he had his mother's soft face and features and his father's bright eyes, but that wasn't really important to him. When he'd woken up he'd been disturbed by how much he changed in his sleep, but he moved on. Once he finishes his transition to maturity, it's different. His eyes nearly glow, his lashes are full and thick, even though they're still pale, and his skin is luminous. He'd always heard that sex demons had skin like gemstones, but he gets it now. The unblemished portions of his flesh seem to have an internal glow that reminds him of moonstone, and the darker sections of his scars are the color of pale amethyst. They don't look piecemealed together even with the staples separating the sections. They look like they belong like that. And with his shiny dark wings, long thin black tail with a heart-shaped spade at the tip, and the more traditional smooth medium-sized devil horns curving up from the top of his head that flash like onyx, he looks like a proper born demon. He doubts that anyone will be able to recognize him like this, but he still dyes his hair black, just in case, before he thanks the demons who'd taken care of him for the past few years, and heads out to make his own way. 
It's not as easy as he thought it would be. Feathered wings means that people, villains, other demons, don't take him as seriously as they would an incubus because they're certain that if they find the right combination of words, he'll roll over for them and beg. He goes eight times past two weeks without food to make sure that whatever crew he was running with at the time, wouldn't get the wrong idea about why he was rolling with them. It's miserable each time, but if it's what he has to do to make sure that no one thinks he's just a pet looking to be leashed, then that's what he has to do. And he manages it for a long time before the Hero Killer goes viral. 
The League of Villains is a mess of... 'personality'. There's the Stain cosplayer lizard who has startlingly worse socialization skills that even himself, a psycho schoolgirl with a vampire quirk and enough demon blood in her to make her more vampire-like than he thinks a normal person would be, a fucking magician, a man whose sanity is literally held together by a paper bag, a guy who wears human hands on his body as an accessory, and Magne. She's got a hell of a temper when someone misgenders her, understandably, but she's definitely the most normal and well-adjusted of the bunch, and honestly a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of their antics. 
And they have definitely not been around demons aside from in vague passing because none of them know how to act around him. There is a constant air of discomfort for the first few days and Dabi steadfastly ignores it. Magne makes a pass at him, but she definitely doesn't know enough about sex demons because she seems to think that because he's a guy he must be an incubus and he has to tell her, 
"No, it's not based on gender, it's based on preference. I'm a succubus." And that seems to surprise all of them. No one else asks any uncomfortable questions about it for three days, not until Shigaraki corners him with Kurogiri, who is definitely not a demon no matter what the others seem to think. Dabi doesn't know what the fuck he is, but he's not a demon. 
"What, handjob?" He's a little snappier than he probably should be given their already rocky start, but he's hungry god dammit. He wants to find something to eat and he hasn't tasted the interest that he's looking for in any of the others yet.
He doesn't get dusted for his tone though, and Shigaraki goes on. "If you need to go elsewhere and find food, Kurogiri will teleport you. When you're finished, you can text him and he'll bring you back, just make sure that no one catches you using his portals." 
Dabi blinks. "Wait, really?" He was pretty sure that he was gonna have to beg one of the others to fuck him if this kept going on. 
Shigaraki isn't wearing the hand over his face for once and frowns slightly, his nails biting into his neck. "Unless you have a way to make sure that no one spots you as you come and go? You didn't expect us to just let you starve, did you?" 
Kinda, yeah. Never had a crew before that was willing to make accommodations for his demonic heritage that weren't just interested in having a toy they could pass around like he couldn't say 'no'. But he doesn't need to tell Shigaraki that. "...Thanks, boss." 
Duster shrugs and turns to head back upstairs. "Just don't get caught." 
For a while after that, Dabi doesn't have any issues taking his meals regularly again. Lots of people are excited by the prospect of sleeping with a sex demon now that so few of them end up dead afterwards. There was a big shift in how sex work was handled and legalized in the wake of the Great Ascension world-wide, so having sex clubs where mortals and demons can negotiate pay and find safe spaces to indulge are relatively common. With the money that he's getting from the League, Dabi manages to actually book a room at La Vénus, one of the nicest of these types of establishments outside of Tokyo, for three days. The League is going to have to be very on their game starting next week, with the last of their preparations being made to go hit the UA summer camp, but in preparation for that, Dabi wants to be well-fed, and Duster and AFO want them all to be well-rested. So he plans on gorging himself and getting a solid chunk of cash for his time. 
The first night he spends pinned between a couple who were eager to try a third, and who the husband didn't think he had to be worried about showing him up. Dabi is still certain that he did from his piercings to how many times he got his wife off with his mouth alone, but Dabi didn't really care much. They were a good meal and they paid well for his time. The second night he ends up with three different people, one girl, two guys, and he ends up feeling buzzed from how much he's had to eat and from the pleasure that's still sitting beneath his skin. He's flush with so much cash that the next day he orders room service to indulge in human food for the first time in... fuck, it's gotta be years now. Not only that, but this is enough cash that if this job falls through for some reason, he'll be able to get the fuck out of Kamino and set up halfway across the country.
He also goes out to one of the boutiques that is nearby and clearly used to catering to his kind and picks up an obnoxious set of deep red pleather lingerie. The club has a no full nudity rule in the open areas, but he's seen people and demons in pasties and thongs, and he wants to really grab attention tonight, maybe find himself a high roller who wants something exotic. The tiny thong, strappy bra that's almost more of a chest harness, and high stockings pair perfectly with a set of black heels that are as glossy as his wings after he finishes preening them for the night. Dabi is well aware of how edible he looks by the time he's ready to go into the main area. 
It's even nicer, then, when he is barely in the room for five minutes before he's starting to get people approaching him. He hears a few offers, but he wants something that is going to make the night memorable, and sends them on their way. For once in his life, he is spoiled for choice, he can choose to be a little picky tonight. 
When he smells someone's arousal crackling through the air like a summer storm his mouth starts to water, so distracted by the smell he fully turns away from the woman who was talking to him. He wants that on his tongue tonight. His nose is sharp, especially when it comes to locating someone who's arousal is calling to him, and he's turned for about two seconds before he finds the source and his face goes hot, his feathers fluffing with his embarrassment. 
He really, really didn't expect to find Shigaraki, dress shirt, blazer, dark dress pants, and no gross dead hands in sight, blinking at him from across the club. Shit. He turns back to the woman and apologizes, saying that he needs to go check in on a friend, and excuses himself. It's humiliating to have Shigaraki see him dressed like this, but he knew from the start what kind of demon he was. This doesn't make him any less effective at his job. He moves across the room to Duster, moving in close and hooking his arm through his, pressing into his side at the bar. Makes sure that it looks like he's schmoozing a potential meal, but whispers, only just loud enough to be heard over the thrum of the music, 
"What are you doing here? Did something happen?" And as if this night couldn't get any fucking weirder, color just barely starts to rise to Duster's cheeks before he quickly turns his attention back to the bar and the drink that's been set down in front of him. 
"No, everything's fine. Everyone is still set to go back to base next week." 
Dabi blinks. "So why are you here then?" A flicker of something bitter pulses through him and he quickly drops the other man's arm. He's wearing his gloves for once, which at least means that there's no risk of him getting hurt when he does it. "Did you follow me?" Wouldn't be the first time someone did, hoping he would be desperate enough to take them into his bed. And Duster still smells really good, definitely interested in him in a way that he's never smelled like before. 
Shigaraki flinches, "No, I had no idea that you would be here-- you never have been before--" Which has Dabi blinking. "I wouldn't have come if I knew you were hunting here."  
"This is my first time here, but it sounds like you're a... regular?" He doesn't necessarily have room to judge. He would have a much harder time finding willing meals if it weren't for places like these, but he would have put a lot of money on Shigaraki being a bumbling virgin. 
Duster looks as uncomfortable with this conversation as he is, not letting his eyes stray from his face. "I like to blow off steam on the rare occasion that I can get away." 
Which, okay, yeah, if he had the self-proclaimed Demon King breathing down his neck constantly, Dabi would be looking for somewhere else to go on his nights off too. "Right." 
"I can leave if it makes you uncomfortable, Dabi. You need this. I don't." 
He is really starting to get annoyed about how quickly Shigaraki can put him on his back foot when it comes to shit like this. He isn't supposed to be nice, or god forbid, understanding. None of his other bosses ever have been before. He opens his mouth without really knowing what he's even planning on saying. 
"Tomura," the voice is falsely high and sugar-sweet, a succubus with skin the glimmering luster of labradorite with a shock of long lavender hair, the bright soft wings of a violet-backed starling, and in a nearly see-through slip of a nightie flouncing over to the bar. He's not sure of the speaker's gender from a glance, and barely manages not to hiss when they step right into Shigaraki's space and press their front against his chest. "It's been ages, are you still looking for a partner?" 
"Reo, it's good to see you-- I'm in the middle--" 
The other succubus flares their feathers slightly, puffing up to try and be bigger when they're a good eight centimeters shorter than both he and Duster. A clear sign of marking their territory that should not make Dabi so ready to snarl back and stake his claim on Shigaraki's arousal. "Who's this?" 
"A work friend." He snaps instead. It wasn't like he was really going to proposition Duster anyway. "I'll see you on Monday?" 
"Of course. Dabi--" he doesn't give Shigaraki the chance to finish his sentence. He doesn't want to hear it. If Shig wants to have some fun with some other succubus, then that's his business. His wings shift with his annoyance, flapping slightly, and he nearly turns right back around when that sends a flash of his ass in the direction of the bar and another wave of that rolling thunderstorm smell pulses out of his boss. Fuck. That would have been such a good meal, too bad it's attached to Duster. Whatever. Plenty of other scents to follow tonight. 
He talks to no less than two dozen people. Two dozen people who are looking at him with their veins drenched in their arousal and not a single one of them makes him hungry. He's never been so apathetic to the option of so many different meals, and he can't even pretend it's because of how gluttonous he's been for the past two days. He knows that he could eat like this every night if he wanted and still never be full. He would just be stronger. But none of these meals are appetizing tonight. 
He's lounging on one of the alcoves pushed off to the side of the lounge, letting people seek him out if they want to try their luck, letting more people send drinks to his table, indulging again and again knowing that the alcohol won't affect him for ages longer than it would take a mortal, and twice as long as it would a demon as he burns it off in his stomach before it can hit his bloodstream. It's shaping up to be a night of nothing instead of one of debauchery, but whatever. He made a killing and is actually well-fed for the time being. He can spend his night alone in the lush bed with his wings spread wide instead of curled up on the tiny cot back at headquarters for one more night of luxury before heading back. 
Is thinking that he's going to head back to his room soon when he catches a whiff of that thunderstorm smell again that sends his stomach growling petulantly. He hasn't smelled Duster since shortly after leaving him at the bar, and it's embarrassing how fast his head snaps up to find him now. Dabi had assumed that he'd gone off with that other succubus earlier when his smell faded, but as he looks up he finds the mortal making his way over to his table, holding two glasses and looking as unrumpled as he had before Dabi departed. 
"You're still here?" Duster's question is tinged with enough genuine confusion that Dabi doesn't tell him to fuck off. 
"So are you," and he reaches for one of the glasses unceremoniously. Shigaraki hands it over, scotch on the rocks, the same thing he usually drinks at base and a far cry from the array of fruity drinks that have been sent to his table over and over throughout the night. "I don't get tired, you know that too much of a good thing can kill you, right?" 
Duster frowns at him slightly. "I'm well-aware, Dabi. I didn't stay before. I figured that you would probably have your evening booked soon and decided to go back home for a few hours so that you could find your meal in peace." 
"You cannot keep being so well-adjusted about this, or I'm going to set you on fire." The words leap out of his throat before he can do anything to stop them. 
Shig blinks at him. "You want me to be... more racist about your heritage?" 
His face burns and he takes a drink to stall as he tries to get a grip on himself. It's so hard to do when Shigaraki is sitting right there and he smells so good. Fuck it. He finishes the drink and then closes the space between them on the bench, checking to make sure he's still wearing his gloves, before climbing right into his lap. He flares and flutters his wings invitingly, wrapping his tail around Duster's ankle and sliding up a little, pushing the spade beneath the hem as he wraps one hand over his shoulder and runs the other up his chest slowly as he speaks. 
"I want you," he purrs, half distracted because there is definitely lean muscle under the shirt that he didn't really expect to feel there, "To stop being so professional and tell me why you bothered to come back over here." He leans in even closer, breathing in his scent as it pulses out from him even hotter and makes his mouth water. Fuck, if he stays like this for too long he's going to start to drip. He can't remember the last time that someone's scent alone could provoke that reaction from him. "Does the lingerie really do it for you that much? Never smelled you like this back at base." 
There's a pause, and for a second he's pretty sure that he's going to get pushed out of his lap or just straight up dusted, but instead, after a moment, Shigaraki's mostly covered hands wrap around his hips and pull him closer. "I'll have to tell the doctor that the scent blockers in my costume work perfectly if you don't already know how much I want you." He pulls him closer and Dabi sucks in a sharper breath as their pelvises go flush. Didn't realize that he was already starting to get hard, and feeling Duster's cock starting to harden against him as well has him trying to bite back a purr. "But you're my subordinate, Dabi. Where you eat, and who, isn't for me to know unless you want me to." 
He doesn't back down now that he can feel how much the other man wants him too. Starts to press kisses along his cheek, trailing down with each word until he's a hair's breadth away from his lips. "What if I want to eat you tonight?" 
The hands around his hips tighten, "What are your rates?" 
He couldn't care less about being paid for his time if it means that he has Shigaraki's cock in him and his thunderstorm arousal behind his teeth for the rest of the night. "Double whatever that other one asks for, and you have to tell Kurogiri to stop hiding the scotch from me." 
"More than worth triple, and if you manage to pull off the summer camp job I'll show you where he hides the stuff he saves for my teacher." Duster wraps a hand around the back of his neck and pulls him into a hard kiss that immediately has Dabi melting against him. Fuck, fuck. His skin may look like gemstones, but Shigaraki's feels like shattered marble against him, cooler than his body as his arousal creeps his temperature higher. It's broken and physically colder than anyone that he's had before, but he's never had a kiss make his venom glands pulse with the need to make sure that his partner will be able to satisfy him again and again. He has to pull away as soon as Duster's tongue flicks over his lips, doing his best to swallow away the bitter, citrusy venom. 
"Do you want--" 
"I want anything you'll give me, Dabi." His mouth moving to press kisses along the staples cutting over his cheek. "Tell me if there's anything you don't like?" 
He nods breathlessly, "C'mon, take me to bed." The words are hot, but the truth is he's scared if he tastes Shigaraki's arousal on his breath, if it gets any more overwhelming when he doses him, then his cock will get harder and the outfit barely covers him as it is. He really doesn't want to get kicked out if he can't fit in it anymore. 
Shigaraki gives him a chaste kiss against his lips before he lets him get out of his lap. Dabi wraps his tail around his wrist, pulling him along towards the exit, to the elevator. He doesn't care if he's being too needy, he feels like he's starving in a way he never has before, especially not since he's been gorging himself for the past few days. As soon as they are in the relative privacy of the elevator, Shigaraki has his hands back on his hips, pushing him up against the wall and capturing his mouth again. Dabi can't help the whiny moan that escapes him as his mouth immediately fills with venom, spilling bitter across both of their tongues. Duster doesn't care, licks inside anyway, swallows it away, and shivers as it starts to work its way into his system. Then his tongue is moving against his, along the sharp points of his fangs, along every place that he can like he's trying to find more of that taste or memorize every place that makes him squirm. 
They nearly miss their floor, but Shigaraki manages to extract himself for long enough to pull him out of the elevator. "Just have to get to your room, baby, and then I promise to give you your fill." 
He is very, very glad the room is spelled to open for him because if he'd had to fumble with a key car, let alone fit one somewhere into his outfit, he would have been screwed. Instead he drags Shigaraki along and all but yanks him inside. But as soon as they are, as soon as all the other sounds of the club are blocked out, he doesn't want to be in charge of anything else. He presses into Shig's chest, nearly whimpering, 
"Hungry-- Shig, please." Moans when that makes the human's scent go so, so much hotter. Dabi's cock is straining against his thong now, slick starting to drip down his thighs as his wings quiver. 
"You can use my first name, sweetheart." Tomura tells him, hands catching his hips, and directing him back towards the bed. "Fuck, you're so beautiful all flushed and needy in my color, Dabi." 
He's been called beautiful a million times before by people high on his venom. But he believes it a lot more when Duster says it as he scrambles to try and get the other man out of his clothes. The jacket is shed easily enough, but Dabi can't be bothered with the buttons, his talons tearing through the fabric instead and reaching for his belt immediately after. Tomura catches his wrist in a hard grip. 
"If you do that again you're going to have to be punished, baby boy. I'm going to make you wait." And even knowing that his venom is making Tomura want it as badly as he does, the tone, the hardness in his eyes, assures him that he really will make good on the threat. His whole body feels feverish with his need. It's been so long since his instincts have felt satisfied like this. Knowing it's Shigaraki, that he really does have power over him, it's making his hunger ravenous. 
"I'll be good--" he leaves his belt alone for the moment, chasing more of that dynamic, trying to find a heady helplessness that he's never been able to give himself over to because he's never... trusted anyone else he's ever made a meal out of like this. He hooks two fingers under the edge of Duster's glove. "Do you have to wear these?" It's been three months of being at base together. He's never seen him slip, but sex is different. He doesn't know if that control carries over here. 
The smell of his arousal nearly makes Dabi collapse. "You want them off, precious?" 
He's going to cum completely untouched at his rate, his body so desperate to give the other another, more potent, dose of venom through his seed if he doesn't actually start to feed him soon. "Tomura, please," he begs like he hasn't eaten in weeks.  
"Show me that you can be a good boy first. On your knees, baby." 
His wings automatically fluttering is the only reason he doesn't hit the ground hard enough to jar his knees, immediately nuzzling into the bulge his clothed cock is making against his pants. It's a big bulge, and his arousal smells so, so good that he can't help opening his mouth and licking at him hungrily through the fabric before his hands are even back to fumbling for his belt. He hears Duster breathe a curse before his hand is in his hair, stroking and toying with the locks between his horns. Normally people grab at those like handles to get him here or there, but Shigaraki ignores them as Dabi manages to get his pants open and finally, finally gets his fingers around his thick, heavy cock. 
He's nearly drooling, but forces his eyes back up to find Tomura's nearly black his pupils have blown so wide from his venom. "Please, sir?" Tries that, has a few that he filters through to see what makes his partners hottest. This one definitely works for Shigaraki if the smell of his arousal is anything to go by. 
"That's it, sweetheart. Come on, I know you're hungry." 
Starving. Is moaning as soon as his tongue flicks over his flushed skin, still cool compared to his overwhelming heat. Ravenous as his venom floods his mouth again and he smears it all along his length, a little thicker and more slick than his saliva, coating his skin and making it so much easier for him to wrap his lips around the thick head of him. He'll need whatever help he can get trying to get him into his mouth. And he wants him all the way inside, into his throat if he can, bound and determined to show the other man why succubi are credited with the origin of the phrase 'sucking the soul' out of their victims. 
The hand in his hair never goes sharper, never grabs onto his horns and forces him to take him faster, it just keeps stroking, letting him go at his own pace so long as he stays right where he is. Dabi can't even taste his skin, too much venom on his tongue and the crackle of his arousal sitting just beneath assaulting his senses, all he can do is go hazy with how good it feels to have someone so big on his tongue. Stretching his mouth so wide that he's tempted to pop out a few staples so that they don't tear, but he can't force himself to pull off for long enough to do that. Instead, he just goes as slowly as he can force himself to, taking him in inch by inch until he's finally, finally feeding him into his throat. Takes him in and swallows him until his nose is brushing his pelvis and only stops then, just keeping the heady weight of him there, choking away his breath deliciously, until Tomura does finally knot his hand into his hair and give it a light tug. Just enough that he’s blinking hazily up at the mortal. 
He's never seen anyone's face be that soft with affection when they're dosed with his venom, when he has their cock buried in his throat, but Shigaraki is looking at him like he's the most amazing thing in the world. "You feel so good, baby boy. But I need to know if you want to take it slow or if you want me to be rough with you." 
He couldn't do slow right now even if he wanted to, and his tail wraps around Tomura's thigh to try and pull him even closer as if he can even get his cock any deeper in his throat. 
"Tap my thigh if you need me to stop, precious." Never heard his voice like that before, but Dabi can barely pay attention, because the next second his hips are moving. One hand keeps him in place, but the other moves to one of his fluttering wings and then he starts to fuck his throat properly and Dabi is gone. 
He's never been able to give himself over to his instincts entirely. Never had someone who he recognized in that primal part of him that made him a succubus instead of an incubus, as being someone worthy of giving over his pleasure, his hunger, his sanity to while he was taking his meals. But Dabi is floating beyond words when he lets Tomura take control. By the time his cum is spilling down his throat, Dabi has never felt like he was both further and more deeply rooted in his skin than he does right now. As soon as Dabi has swallowed up all of his cum, Tomura is pulling him off of the floor, getting one bare hand in the front of his chest piece and turning it to dust even as he pulls him closer so that he can kiss him, breathing the crackling lightning that his orgasm tore out of his life force directly into Dabi's mouth and that has him squirming as he aches with how empty he is.
"You taste so good," he whimpers, needing more, desperate for it. He's never had someone who he's ever wanted seconds of, but he thinks that he could indulge in Tomura every day for the rest of his life and never tire of him. It earns him another hot kiss as he's pushed down onto the bed, his panties going the same way as his shirt before Tomura's deadly hands are wrapping around his thighs to spread them even wider. He holds onto him as his eyes drag over every exposed line of him, the smell of his arousal going even thicker as he sees his hole flushed and dripping his need all down his thighs, his cock achingly hard and drooling against his stomach now that it isn't being restrained in the confines of his thong. "More, Tomura, more, please," he begs, his wings spread, opening as invitingly as they can in this position against the mattress, his tail pressing up along his back to make sure it's out of the way, his head tilting back against the bed to expose his throat. He needs it. Needs him. Needs to be nothing but a receptacle for his mate's pleasure. 
Tomura gives him every inch of it so many times that Dabi passes out right alongside him when neither of their bodies have anything left to give.
It's not often that he wakes up with his meal still in his bed, but in the morning he's curled up against something nice and cool, his wings splayed out loosely across both of their bodies, relaxed and open in a way he's never let himself do before. He shifts slightly and feels Shigaraki's hand along his spine. His whole hand, but clearly he'd put his gloves back on at some point before they'd passed out. He's careful to not gore the other man on his horns as he looks up and finds the mortal already awake and there is an ocean of words building in the few inches between them that he doesn't want to acknowledge. 
"That was a brand new set." Is what falls clumsily off of his tongue. 
"You can add it to my tab." Not expecting his hand to cup the back of his neck and draw him in, a lazy, subtle curl of arousal in the air before he kisses him languidly. Takes his breath away again. "What now, Dabi?" 
"Wave last night's fee if you extend the room and order enough to eat so that I can have seconds today." 
It makes the scent of his arousal a little more intense and Duster wraps an arm around his waist so that he can roll Dabi onto his back and settle between his legs again. He leans in to capture his lips again but Dabi twists his mouth away. Doesn't stop Tomura, kissing along his jaw instead, down his neck, teeth skimming over his pulse point tantalizingly. He wants nothing more than to let Shigaraki make him fall apart like he did last night, but-- 
"Stop it, if I accidentally kill you with sex, AFO will have me hunted down and castrated." 
Duster hums in the back of his throat. "He would probably take your wings too." The confirmation of that is horrifying, but he does just give him one more kiss before getting off of him and reaching for the menu that's on the nightstand. "Anything in particular I should eat to make sure that doesn't happen?" 
He presses along his back to look at the menu over his shoulder and doesn't let his thoughts linger on that. He has more important things to focus on. 
They go back to work on Monday and everything is the same as it was before. Except that when Dabi gets peckish he goes and slips into Duster's room, and every time, as soon as those gross hands and his uniform come off, he envelops him in the thunderstorm of his arousal. He never treats him any differently afterwards during their meetings, but it's very, very nice to have someone ready to feed him. He is feeling stronger than he ever has before the Summer Camp job. He is stronger than before. He sets the entire forest ablaze and has complete control over it as it happens. He doesn't even make his seams ache over it. He doesn't see even the barest flicker of recognition in Shoto's eyes when they see each other, and they get the kid. Dabi is planning on seeing if he can steal Shig away for a celebratory meal after they finish making their offer, because they won whether the kid accepts the offer or not, but they don't get that far. He should have known they wouldn't, nothing ever goes well for him for this long. 
Two months. He thinks it's been two months since he ate. After Kamino and the clusterfuck of the fallout with that, and the Overhaul job, and then Duster going off to train against the baby, too much time has passed. He didn't even notice it at first. He had been so well-fed leading up to the disaster that he wasn't even starting to feel hungry until about three weeks in. Shigaraki and he aren't exclusive, he doesn't think. They haven't really talked about it. It's just been three months since he's had anyone else. Whatever, not important. 
Not until he tries to find someone else to eat and he's struggling. Too many of the potential meals have a tang to their arousal that speaks of worse intentions. He can't trust them now that he's one of Japan's most wanted. He can't go to any reputable, or even any skeevy establishments for demons like him because everyone in the country knows he's a succubus. There will be heroes or cops waiting around looking for him. He manages a back alley blowjob like a hooker from half a century ago, but even then the guy tries to pin him down for the reward money while he's off-balance. He burns him to cinders and manages to get out, but it was barely anything. Not nearly enough. It just makes him hungrier. 
When he gets the call to make his way to Deika he's nearly out of his mind. He barely notices the others, doesn't hear anything even as there are frantic words spoken around him, as he goes straight over to Shigaraki who looks practically dead on his feet and kisses him. He presses the whole length of his body against Tomura's with a needy moan, his hands immediately pushing under his coat to try and get to his waistband to drag their hips in even closer. His mouth is full of his venom and he tries to lick into Tomura's mouth, needing it so badly--
Duster catches him firmly by the chin and keeps the kiss chaste before he pulls away and Dabi nearly whines. "Not yet, firefly. You just have to wait a little longer, can you do that for me, sweetheart?" 
He's so hungry, but the command rolls through him and makes his wings quiver. "...yes, sir." 
He wipes away the venom from his lips, and goes right back to addressing the others, "We'll need to make our way through the city to the tower at the center. That's where they're holding Giran." 
"Oh, so we're just gonna pretend that didn't happen? Cool, cool," Spinner mumbles, blushing right through his scales. 
"You didn't know?" Toga sounds genuinely flabbergasted. "They've been in love for months!" He can't even take umbrage with that when he's so deliriously hungry. When her words help him come to the distant conclusion that the reason no one tasted good was definitely in part because he didn't want any of those people to be his mate the way he wants Tomura to be.
Maybe that realization is what has him fighting so hard in Deika. There are so many of the MLA trying to get to them and he wants to make sure that his potential mate is safe and this stupid fucking ice user is getting in his way. 
"Mister? Are you still being useless?"
"I am only half-armed!" 
"Fucking whatever, your mask doesn't have a respirator does it?" 
"Scram then." and he sends up another wall of flame against the ice freak and then cups his hands beneath his mouth. This is not a particularly well-practiced move of his, but it's worked on a smaller scale before, and he's never been this starved before. Hopefully it will be more potent like this. He bites at the inside of his cheeks until his venom glands are pouring their contents into his mouth, into his open palms. It takes an embarrassingly short time before he has a large pool of the slightly purplish-tinted liquid in his hands. He throws it out into the air in the direction of the popsicle and as many of the MLA as he can and then lights up his hands, vaporizing it mid air and blasting it towards them. 
In the past it wasn't incredibly effective. It made people a little feverish and more inclined towards sex, but his venom this time is so potent from his need that it's like a fountain has been opened. The tantalizing scent of arousal starts to pulse around the city street. People try to stay focused on the fight, but women are starting to squeeze their thighs tight around their dripping arousal, men pulling at their rapidly tenting pants, and even the ice user is on his knees on top of his mount. It's only one street worth of goons, but it's enough of a distraction that Dabi is able to turn and start to move towards the tower again, towards his mate. 
Compress moves up alongside him. "That was disgusting, but effective. Have you always been able to do that?" 
"I wish you had told me, we could have made a few marbles with that." 
He doesn't normally use his wings to actually fly, it's definitely more of a noticeable mode of transportation, but he does not want any more grunts trying to get at him. Dabi takes to the sky and watches as Twices start to spill out across the streets as he tries to track down Tomura. 
He manages to catch him and stop him from breaking a leg or neck in the altercation between he and Re-Destro, but it doesn't do much to keep him from being battered to hell and back when Tomura is nearly crazed, lost in some haze of memories, exhaustion, and adrenaline. And by the time he's standing, bloody and victorious, his quirk awakened, and his new empire of resources started, he, Toga, and Twice are in dire need of medical attention. 
They rush him to the doctor, and Dabi stays hungry. 
Another week and a half passes and Dabi manages to do everything he needs to help ensure that the PLF rebranding will go over as smoothly as possible with as little input from Duster as possible. He wants him rested and healed as much as he can with the doctor's freaky procedures, because he needs Tomura healed enough to be able to sate his appetite. 
They do the fucking announcement and he hears Ujiko trying to goad him into going back for a fresh round of experiments instead of treatments and Dabi pulls the comm from his ear and crushes it into little plastic bits with a growl. 
"Alright, firefly, you've been so patient, come on, let's take care of you." 
He all but latches onto his arm, his tail even coiling tightly around his wrist as he pulls him along towards his room, ignoring everyone else who wants to talk to either of them. He might actually snarl and flare his wings and quirk along his horns and feathers to make people scatter.  As soon as they're behind a closed door he's in Duster's face, barely able to stop himself from wrenching his mouth open to get his venom down his throat, but thankfully, Tomura doesn't make him wait any longer. His hands are around his hips, even with the bandages, and he pulls him in, swallows away the bitterness all over Dabi's tongue without a complaint. 
His arousal spikes sharply and Duster gasps against his mouth. Dabi doesn't know if his venom has ever been this potent in his life and he doesn't bother to worry about any of their new clothes, shredding through Shigaraki's belt and his one in a rush to get his cock inside of him as quickly as possible. The venom is doing a lot of the heavy lifting getting Shigaraki as needy as he is, because he helps with the rest of their clothes, both of them kicking out of their shoes, their coats, and Dabi's claws catching on the bandages corded around his chest as they go. He manages to climb onto the bed, laying back and spreading his legs as slick immediately starts to make a puddle on the blankets, as he begs with short chirpy purrs and guttural sounds that are in a language so old that mortal scholars can't makes sense of it and demon ones can't even translate it properly anymore. 
Tomura moves between his legs and doesn't make him wait. He presses inside his body and Dabi's tail coils tight around his thigh to pull him in faster as he arches and moans, his whole body trembling with his need, his hunger so aching and high that he can't even feel the pleasure of being filled because he's not full. He is empty. His stomach is completely hollow with it and he needs food, energy, life. He wraps one hand tight around the back of Tomura's neck, his other clawing bloody lines over his shoulder. He needs more, he needs to eat--
His teeth sink into the junction between Tomura's neck and shoulder, breaking through fragile human skin easily and filling his mouth with life. The blood gushes over his teeth and tongue as he sinks them in deep, cutting through muscle and sinew and taking away a chunk of his flesh, swallowing it away and then opening his mouth to lean in and get more because that is finally, finally something in his stomach--
Tomura shoves two of his metal fingers between his teeth and Dabi can't help it, he gives a weak sob, blood bubbling up from his ruined tear ducts and the seams beneath his eyes. He's so hungry, and he feels helpless to it, to being beneath the mortal in a way he never has before, even as his blood spills across his skin and drips onto Dabi's, he isn't getting what he needs and he's going to die without more of the human. But he keeps his fingers shoved between his teeth, one deadly hand curled around his throat, one finger just barely raised from his skin, and keeps fucking his cock deep into his desperate, hungry body. Even with his venom, it takes longer than he wants it to before he feels Tomura's cock twitch and spill inside of him with a gasp. The ball of lightning that crackles up out of his throat is bigger than any he's gotten out of the other before, and Tomura finally takes his fingers from his lips so that Dabi can devour it with another broken sob. 
Tomura has always been the best tasting meal he's ever had, but the way his thunderstorm arousal spills across his tongue now is intoxicating, and he is leaning forward again to try and get more of his blood between his teeth too as he swallows it up. 
"No, baby boy, no more biting," He's not expecting the other to sound so soft and sweet as he restrains him with four fingers around his chin. Dabi whimpers. 
"Hungry, Tomu, please," out of his mind with it. He just needs him. Just wants this. 
"I'm going to give you your fill baby, but I can't do that if I'm dead," He murmurs, holding him still so that he can press kisses to the tracks of blood streaming across his temples as he cries. His hips roll into Dabi's deliberately, letting him feel every inch of his still-hard cock deep inside of him, how drenched Dabi is with his slick and his mate's cum already, and lighting up those nerves again. A little spark of pleasure that is fighting through the gnawing ache in his stomach. "Just keep holding on for me, firefly." 
And he goes right back to fucking him. He keeps Dabi restrained for the next two orgasms, until Dabi stops licking at the blood over his mouth and trying to arch up to get more between the spill of lightning from the mortal's lips, and is instead a writhing, moaning mess on the bed as his hole is fucked so roughly, filled so deeply that he can't keep his cum inside, more and more of it leaking out of him with each thrust. It takes until the fifth or sixth of Tomura's orgasms for him to manage even one of his own with his cock, and what spills across their stomachs is more venom than cum, gone lavender from how much comes out at once. The splash of that against their skin has them both moving harder, faster, shifting their position to make sure that Tomura's cock is going deeper, so that he can wrap his hands around Dabi's tail and wings, and bring his pleasure higher and higher, until there's no room for the hunger in him anymore and his brain feels like it's floated away. 
He has no idea what time it is when he feels Tomura trying to shift out from the circle of his arms and wings, his tail tangled tightly around his leg. Dabi does immediately start to growl though, his claws pricking at Tomura's skin to try and keep him right there. Not going away again. Not abandoning him to starve again. 
"Firefly," his voice is gentle, and he presses a kiss carefully between his horns. "I need to check on how deep the bite went and bandage it." 
Only then manages to activate the intelligent part of his brain that isn't just a tangle of his instincts and he shoots upright, nearly taking out Shigaraki's eye and reaching for his shoulder with a distressed cry, "Fuck, god, I'm sorry--" Can't believe he got so hungry he ate Tomura's flesh alongside his lifeforce. Would have kept doing it if he hadn't stopped him. 
Really not expecting the human to cup his cheek in his hand and pull him in for a kiss to silence his panic. "Shh, firefly, you don't have anything to apologize for. I made you wait so long, I'm sorry. I didn't think," he hesitates, thumb stroking over his cheek, eyes searching his questioningly. "I didn't think that you were only relying on me for your meals." 
And maybe if he hadn't taken a literal bite out of him last night, Dabi would have tried to play that off, but now his wings tighten nervously to his back and he forces himself to answer the question the other didn't quite ask. "I tried, but... none of them were as good as you. I thought I could just wait. I didn't realize how out of hand it got." 
"Dabi, this can't happen again." His heart turns to dust as surely as it would have if Shigaraki had put his whole hand against his chest. Of course it can't. Of course he wouldn't want to ever be in bed with him again after he ate his skin. The bite is a jagged, deep, awful thing crusted over so thickly with blood that it looks black. It must hurt. He must have bled even more than that. It was lucky he hadn't bitten any higher or he might have killed him. He could have killed him-- "I need to know how often you should be eating, so I can be sure that I'm around to take care of you." 
"What?" He doesn't know if his voice has ever been so soft, so scared, so confused. 
Tomura strokes his thumb over his cheek again. "I'll have to talk to the doctor-- if he can't get the treatments done without needing me to be away for weeks at a time, then I'll tell him that I don't want them." 
"But you do." 
Duster frowns at him a bit. "I want you more, firefly. I want you to be strong and healthy. I don't want you to be hurting like you were last night." The arm around him goes a little tighter and he pulls him in close enough he can rest his forehead on Dabi's shoulder, other hand shifting to the back of his neck to hug him close. "I'm so sorry that I put you through that, Dabi." 
He tangles his hands in Tomura's hair and tugs, forcing his head back up and kissing him. No venom this time, he doesn't want this muddied, wants to know that the other man fully understands him when he gasps into the space between breaths, "Mate me. Be mine. Own me, please, Tomura." 
Duster kisses him back but catches his chin to hold him in place long enough for him to look at him, brow furrowed, "...I didn't think that was something succubi still did." 
Of course he knows. His father was the 'Demon King'. Of course he knows that succubi used to be summoned and forced into contracts, owned by a mortal so that they couldn't feed any other way, so that the human could harvest functional immortality and youth, their body kept at its prime until the succubus escaped their chains or were killed. Of course he knows that after the ascension, bound succubi were tracked down and their keepers killed to try and bury that secret so that no one would be able to force them into servitude again. They worked so hard to have the ability to choose the way they do now. He would give it all up if it means that Tomura won't die unless he does once he's extended his life past a human lifespan. He would stay alive for eternity if it meant he got to stay at his side. 
"I love you." He didn't even know he was capable of that, but he doesn't know if any words he's ever said felt so true. He didn't even realize that was what this is, but he's certain of it. Somewhere between trying to kill each other to being one of the only people in the world he trusts with his life, he fell in love. 
Tomura pulls him into another kiss, this one hot with his emotions, with the starting threads of arousal and there is nothing sour or bitter in it to speak of manipulation. He knew that Dabi could give him immortality and he never cared. Would give up being a nomu, getting access to all of All For One, to make sure he stays fed. He kisses him and there's an aching complex sweetness layered in the taste of his storm. 
"I love you too, firefly." And he means it. "But are you sure you want that? It's dangerous--" 
"Only if... the human uses me. You won't. You would let me leave if I wanted, wouldn't you?" Even if that's not for another century, even if it would kill him. 
"Dabi, I will never make you do anything that you don't want to." He kisses him again, holding on tight, both of their arousal surging through their veins, seems very invested in having his mouth against his skin, breathing the words against his lips and nearly smothering away his answer as he starts to move his hands along Dabi's back. "How does this work?" 
"I," he whines as a hand goes to the base of his tail and curls around it, stroking deliberately and making his whole body tremble with pleasure. "I have to invite you-- Fuck, Tomura, wait. Your shoulder--" 
"It's fine," definitely not what he said earlier. "I'd let you eat me whole if I knew that it made you happy, firefly." 
He is going to turn into a puddle, he is dangerously close to starting to make one as his arousal grows and his body starts to produce his venom-ladened slick. "Tomura, you have to eat. Can't until you do, not going to kill you by accident." 
"Only on purpose then?" 
"Alright, come on, baby boy. We'll go clean up and then I'll eat whatever you want me to. And when I'm finished, I'll do whatever you need me to to make sure you know that I'm going to take care of you for the rest of my life." 
It's very, very hard for him to get out of bed after that, but it ends up being more than worth the wait. 
Thanks for reading!
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
I sent the boarding school Tim ask lmao (tbh I almost wanna list all the asks I've made that you've so graciously and beautifully answered, but that's for a different ask lmao)
It's funny bc after I sent it I realized there were some pieces missing that I wanted to add, so this kind of works in my favor! I'll try my best to recreate it:
The idea was Tim being knocked up and slutting around his boarding school, but I originally intended for it to start in a different, more innocent way.
His boarding school is an uppity, high class one, and it's grades k-12. So when Tim starts attending at 8, he becomes familiar enough with it. He's a normal student, flies under the radar, and there isn't anything that stands out about him. The only weird thing about Tim is his obsession with the bats
The summer Tim turns 12, he runs into Jason Todd one night and they become... close. They're normal friends for about a week before Jason initiates making out. Within two weeks of hanging out, Tim has popped all of his cherries. He's given a blowjob, a handjob, had his ass fucked but above all else, he's had his pussy pounded to a pulp, his little womb filled full to bursting with 15 year old Jason's cum. They don't realize Tim is pregnant until after he's gone back to boarding school in September, and Tim has no idea how far along he is. He could have gotten pregnant at any point during the summer. But then Jason dies and Tim is so sad, never having gotten the chance to tell him about the baby Tim is pregnant with.
This happens around the time he starts showing, so rumors spread that Tim is a dumb slut. And without Jason, knowing his Robin is dead, Tim decides what's the harm in feeding into that? The student body thinks he's a slut? He'll show them a slut.
So he goes around and sleeps with his peers, starting with those his age, letting most of the boys in his class lose their virginity in his tight, pregnant pussy. Then he starts propositioning older boys, and before long, he has the juniors and seniors spitroasting him in his bedroom when he's 8 months pregnant. The timing of his pregnancy works out that he gives birth to his and Jason's baby a week after he goes home for summer vacation.
He tries to focus on taking care of his baby, but he can't help how empty he feels, and how much he aches for Jason. So he gets a baby sitter for a few nights a week and goes out and gets knocked up again, right in time for the newest school year to start.
He manages to blackmail/payoff the dean of the school into letting Tim continue attending and bringing his sweet baby along with him (maybe he convinces the dean that Tim's second pregnancy is his, and he'll leak everything to the press unless the dean listens to everything he says). So every school year, like clockwork, Tim swells and swells with a baby and then pops them out, no idea who the father might be (save his firstborn, ofc).
The timing eventually works out that Tim gives birth in April, earlier than usual in the school year. He's gonna be 15 in July and this will be his 4th baby, his other 3 absolutely perfect and thriving. He's healed up from his delivery in time to be marathon fucked by half the school (staff included) the two weeks before the year ends and summer starts. Tim goes home with his toddler, babies, and newborn, already pregnant again, so when he comes back to school the next year, he's already just barely showing, delivering in March, and then pregnant again by the time he and his children return home for the summer.
Maybe Jason eventually comes back and finds Tim and meets their baby? Maybe Bruce catches wind of Tim and his little army of babies who are rumored to all be fathered by strangers (which isn't entirely a lie, but not entirely the truth either) and takes him in out of pity (and then sends him to his final year in boarding school four months along with twins, babies 7 and 8 when Tim is just 17 years old)? Or maybe Tim just stays in the boarding school, constantly pregnant and being fucked full of cum by anyone who will give it to him, and his teachers and peers wonder what kind of fate awaits him after he'll graduate, having been turned into a cumdrunk baby factory.
So many possibilities.
So anyways, tldr; basically Jason's death makes Tim spiral into becoming a constantly pregnant teen slut who spends his every waking moment in boarding school pregnant and lugging around his little brood of babies 🤤🤤🤤
!!!! tim and jason meeting in the summer and starting up with jason teaching tim how to fuck and take a cock. jason loving how willing and eager the little neighbor boy is and making sure to fuck him plenty before he goes back to that crummy boarding school because tim had been unsuccessful in getting his parents to transfer him to jason's school like jason had asked him to do.
tim's firstborn being jason's kid!!!!! tim's latest pregnancy before jason comes back being bruce's kid(s) is soooo good!!!!!!!!!!! the fact that tim was knocked up by both of them because tim was turned into a sweet little baby factory all because jason got him hooked on needing to be full with a baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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maknaesketches · 1 year
aaaa i never post on here but oops here i am! a quick intro abt me- hewwo! i'm jisung! a small story writer (sometimes) and fanart maker! i'm into de, kpop, anime, kamen rider and super sentai! the styles of stories i write are mostly romance ones! and today i got a romance one for ya!
yes yes normally ppl try to make character × reader ones; and i would try to as well but for this particular one i had used my oc because i wanted to write a oneshot for her and my boi tim drake! ik i'm prolly not the best at writing but i try my best!
anyway enjoy this short info abt my oc b4 we start!
Name: Elizabeth "Liz/Lizzy" Vail
Hero Name: Pyrite (not mentioned
Age: 15 (takes place prior to the start of YJ season 3)
Parents: Nick Vail/Spark (deceased) and Lexi Vail (deceased Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (adopted father) and Dinah Lance (adopted mother)
Love Interest: Tim Drake/Robin
Powers: Fire and Crystal
TW!!: death, mentions of killing, mental abuse, gore, self doubt, anxiety, and depression. let me know if i missed any!
Word Count: 5959
Plot: 10 years ago a supervillain by the name of Arid would kill two superheroes, he sets out to kill their child as well, but before he can he gets locked away in Belle Reve. 10 years later he escapes prison and teams up with the Joker in hopes of finding now 15 year old Elizabeth Vail, the last known Vail in existence. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is a “powerless” girl who thinks she can’t do anything right and has been experiencing nightmares for the past few months, only for them to be true. Can Elizabeth manage to find herself and save everyone form Arid or will Arid have his way and kill Elizabeth? Only reading it will reveal the answer!
Haze covered the ground as moonlight shone down onto the lonely streets of Gotham, under the light laid a body on the ground with blood seeping around it. Darkness swallowed the moon with eerie clouds as a male wearing a clown mask would lick blood off a knife he held and howl with laughter.
Waking up in a puddle of sweat on the other side of Gotham, a young female no older than 15 would breathe heavily as she looked around for something to cling onto, though too late because her palms were bleeding due to them being clenched for so long and hard. She would get up, going into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror; her yellow eyes had bags under them while her hands were bruised. Sighing softly she would sit on the closed toilet and wrap them with gauze that was sitting out, assumingly from her parents who forgot to put it away. “That stupid dream again… Elizabeth Vail what’s wrong with you…”
“… You don’t think it’s a dream huh?” A female with blonde hair would ask a female that had green skin and red-brown hair. The two stood in the Watchtower alongside the green one’s lover.
“I don’t believe it is, from the sounds of it happening so frequently it could be a warning.” The green skinned female would say as she ran her fingers through her short hair. “If she will let me look through her brain I can probably get a better idea.”
“You know that’s not right, M’gann, she isn’t the type of person to let someone sort through her memories.” A male wearing a skin tight black tee shirt with the superman logo on it would say with a slight annoyance seeping through his voice. The green female— M’gann would roll her eyes as she heard the Zeta Tube announce a few members' arrivals into the tower. Nightwing— Richard would enter followed by Eclipse— Ava, Batman— Bruce, Robin— Tim, Green Arrow— Oliver, and Elizabeth would enter, talking amongst themselves.
“I never knew you could throw a punch like that, if I hadn’t dodged that would’ve hurt.” Green Arrow huffed a chuckle as he ruffled Elizabeth’s hair, “babe, you should’ve seen her in action, she was amazing, Liz took down two villains by herself today.” The arrow user said as he would walk over to Black Canary— Dinah, the first female, holding her hand as he looked at the bat family and his daughter. Superman— Clark followed by Helix— Amelie would quickly follow, the two talking amongst themselves when entering before noticing everyone else, making them open up more.
“How was your mission, Ba—“ Superman’s words would be cut short as Helix placed a hand on his chest, signaling him not to speak.
Black Canary would watch her adopted daughter, she would be holding onto Robin’s shoulder, steading herself from falling it seemed. “Lizzy, what’s wrong…?” The bird heroine would ask as she watched the child let go of her friend's shoulder, before stumbling, almost falling if it wasn’t for Robin grabbing onto her again, pulling her against him.
“Elizabeth?” He asked as he slowly moved into a sitting position on the ground, letting her sit in his lap.
“I-I’ll go get some ice!” M’gann said as she ran off, Superboy— Conner/M’gann’s boyfriend would rest a hand on Elizabeth’s forehead, sighing,
“She’s warm, but she seems fin—“
“Guys, give her some space, crowding around her like this is making it impossible for her to speak.” Eclipse would sigh as everyone would scoot backward. Elizabeth would sigh softly, thanking Eclipse before looking at the room.
“I just… I haven’t slept well, I think it’s because of the dreams I keep having.” Elizabeth said as she would stand up, with Robin holding onto her still, worried almost.
“What dreams?” Superboy asked.
Elizabeth would clench her fist as she looked down, sighing. “It’s been happening for like a month now, there are nights when it’s just this guy holding a balloon repeating the words ‘I will find you.’; and then there are nights where he is actually killing people… I see the reports on the news about a mysterious killer out on the loose and they look the same as the one in my dreams… recently when he just stands there his words are now ‘I’m closer now, you will die soon!’ a-and behind him there is a wall with the word die on it written in blood…” Her eyes would shake slightly as she felt her hand shake. “I-I don’t know who this person is or why they’re after me…” She would whimper softly. Robin would grab her shaking hand and rub it soothingly.
“Whoever this guy is, he will be turned in.” Robin would say as Batman went to the computer, he would sigh in a complaining way.
“This is the guy?” He asked as Elizabeth confirmed it, Batman and Superman’s eyes would sharpen on their faces. “Arid. He worked alongside the Joker for years before he abandoned the Joker and murdered two superheroes before getting locked up in Belle Reve… 10 years ago. It seems someone paid his sentence fee and now he’s free from jail… out to kill you.”
“Killl me? Why me?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because… your parents were the two superheroes he murdered the night he was arrested.” Green Arrow sighed as he looked at the young female. “Ember and Spark; respectively the fire warrior and the crystal warrior; Your father, Nick Vail/Ember was a firefighter in his human life, but as a hero, he was one of the best, meanwhile your mother, Lexi Vail/Spark was a meteorologist in her human life; They fought side by side, they ended up having you even before they got married, when you were just born, they wed one another… and when you were just 5… they were slaughtered on their anniversary night… me and Dinah were watching you that night while your parents were out… but they never came to get you, then the worst happened… and after that, we kept you, the league wiped all existence of Ember and Spark, not wanting to relive the trauma from that night.”
Elizabeth would look down as she would lift her hand, trying to summon any bit of power she contained, though nothing came out. Helix would watch in silence letting her face fall, worried for Elizabeth. Robin would take her hand in his as he peeled his mask off, “Let’s go out for a bit, get some fresh air, you need it.” He would say as he dragged her off to the Zeta Tube. Black Canary sighed and turned away from everyone, her eyes shaking as she looked down clenching her fists.
Walking through the streets of a carnival, music playing softly as lights flashed to the music, Elizabeth walked alongside Tim, the two of them holding hands still, smiling like the goofs they are. “Tim…” Elizabeth’s gentle voice asked as she looked at him. Tim noticed her facial features drop, saddened.
“Liz..? What’s wrong?” He asked as the two stopped walking, facing his school friend. Elizabeth felt her face sink more into sadness as tears began to well up in her yellow eyes. Tim’s blue ones widened as he pulled her into a calming embrace letting the girl cry.
“I-I don’t want to be the worthless, weak, unpowerful daughter of heroes…” Elizabeth would say through her tears as she buried her face against his neck trying to calm herself. Tim’s face would blush gently as he looked around, sighing softly.
“Liz, you’re not worthless or weak.” Tim said as he rubbed soft circles on her back, a gentle smile crossing his lips as he loosened up some, calming himself. He felt the girl calm down after a moment, though they stayed in the position, smiling softly against each other’s hold. “You’ve trained every second you can with us, you also literally took down two— not one but TWO— supervillains today even without powers.”
Elizabeth would finally bring herself away from Tim’s hold and remove the sunglasses the boy wore, placing them on his head. “Thanks, Tim.” She said finally bringing a smile to her cheeks. Tim would blush gently before placing a hand on her head, ruffling her hair gently. After playing games and chatting all night, the two finally decided to head home. Tim would keep his hands fiddling with a fidget toy to keep his mind sane while Elizabeth fiddled with the zipper on the boy’s jacket, smiling like a goofball as she wore it. A sudden eerie vibe set the two back some as they glanced at one another. “C’mon… let’s hurry back…” Elizabeth said as Tim pocketed the fidget toy, taking Elizabeth’s hand.
The sound of something falling made Tim quickly pull Elizabeth against his body as a metal sign fell next to them. “Run!” Tim yelled as he held her hand, running in front while she ran behind him. They suddenly came to a stop at a cliff making the young bat boy’s eyes widen as he looked around. “Shit…”
“Glad to see you again, my boy.” A maniacal laugh would pierce the two heroes' ears. Tim would make a mix between a weak/angered face as he saw the white faced, green haired villain appear right before his eyes. Tim turned to Elizabeth and quickly placed his grappling hook in her hands.
“Get out of here, quick, go find Batman and tell him he’s back.” Tim said quickly as he pulled his mask from his pocket and placed it on the girl's face. “No questions— just go!” Elizabeth watched as the boy turned back around getting into a fighting stance holding some batarangs. “I won’t let you take me again!” He yelled at the Joker, his face turning enraged.
The Joker would laugh and point his gun at the two, “Bang~” Tim watched as a golden bullet flew past his eyes, watching the bullet graze Elizabeth before she fell backwards off the cliff.
Waking up after who knows how long, Elizaberh would slowly open her yellow eyes, blinking slowly as she sat up, flinching. “Oh thank god you’re okay Lizzy…” Black Canary would breathe out as she would hold her daughter’s hand.
“We were so worried when we found you on the ground unconscious with a bullet wound.” Green Arrow said. They were in the batcave…? But why? Nightwing stood to the side looking at the computer with Oracle and Eclipse while Batman was standing with his kids. Superman and Helix were leaning against the wall near Elizabeth’s bed, smiling softly as she awoke.
“Tim…?” She would softly ask, looking around. Green Arrow and Black Canary would both tense and look at one another.
“He… isn’t here.” Green Arrow said as he took his mask off, placing it on his daughter’s bed. “Liz… you fell off a cliff with his grappling hook and mask clenched in your hand… Tiim wasn’t anywhere.” Elizabeth would look to the side table and feel her eyes widen. They filled up with tears as she took the mask into her fingers feeling the fabric. He was gone… Frustration took over her feelings before they froze in a matter of seconds seeing the computer screen change to a video from the Joker and Arid.
“Ah~ Batman; good to see ya.” The Joker’s mincing laugh would pierce everyone’s ears, “I got something here that you may want~” The Joker would step back and reveal a bloody Tim. “If I don’t see you, hand over the girl to Arid… Then the boy dies.” The Joker would say as he walked over to Tim, throwing him onto the ground. “Guys don’t do it I—“ Tim’s words were cut short by blood trickling from his lips, clearly in pain. “6PM, at the Gotham Park, not a minute late or the boy dies, JUST Batman, the girl and Nightwing.”
As the video ended, Green Arrow would hold Black Canary close to him, Nightwing was shaking with anger while Eclipse tried to calm him, Batman had an enraged look on his face and Elizabeth, she was in pure shock, hands shaking as she felt like screaming, throwing up and crying all at once. “I’m going.” Elizabeth said standing up, she ignored the pain as she clenched the grappling hook in her hand before walking over to all of Batman’s supplies grabbing Tim’s utility belt, placing it on.
Eclipse would grab her shoulders and make her face her, “Elizabeth, calm down. You’re not just going to rush in there.” She said, Elizabeth shook her head and showed her the time. 530.
“I have 30 minutes to be there to save Tim before he dies! Eclipse, I can’t let that happen.” Elizabeth would push Eclipse off her shoulders before putting the belt on.
“Elizabeth, you HAVE to stop.” Helix would say walking in front of her. “If you go, there’s a chance it could be trapped, Nightwing and Batman can’t always protect you.” She would state the obvious.
“You don’t think I can beat them?” Elizabeth asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Honestly? No. I don’t think you can, two supervillains that have been around for who knows how long want you dead and you think— as powerless as you are right now— that you can beat them?” Helix would scoff and hold her hands into the air, “You're so wrong.”
“Helix—“ Superman said as he sighed, walking up, placing a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back. “You gotta stop.” He said rubbing his temple, “—looks Liz, what Helix is trying to say is that she doesn’t want you getting hurt, none of us do.”
Elizabeth would look to the metal ceiling of the batcave, tears welling up in her eyes, “I know it's risky, but I can't bear the thought of losing him too. I have to face the Joker and that stupid villain, for my parents and for us. I can't let fear stop me from trying to save him… Tim has been there for me countless times, it’s time I do the same for him.”
Superman would gently wipe away Elizabeth's tears and sighed again, “I understand your determination, Elizabeth. We'll do everything we can to help you save Tim and keep you safe. Just promise me you'll be careful.” Elizabeth would nod softly and look at Batman and Nightwing, both slightly on edge, but also ready to go.
“Let’s do this…”
Standing in the blocked off park, Batman and Nightwing both stood in front of Elizabeth, determination and anger firing in their eyes. Standing across the way was The Joker and Arid, as promised, with Tim on the ground, dried blood covering his body. “Oh Tim…” Elizabeth whispered as the bat boy rolled over, making eye contact with them.
“L-liz…?” He uttered, shocked to see her.
The Joker would look at the clock and smirk softly, “Time’s up, Batman, hand the girl over or my partner here will kill him… and I’m pretty sure you don’t want him to die, not like your last Robin.” Batman and Nightwing’s faces turned darker than normal, both of them seeming to hold every urge to not fight. Elizabeth looked down, stepping past the two elder bat boys, walking in between both groups. Arid would also step forward holding. his hand out to her,
“Come here, Vail.” Hearing the commotion from Nightwing and Tim to stop, she closed her eyes and gave her hand to Arid, who pulled her roughly to him, laughing. “Finally! The last Vail is mine!!!” He would look to the Joker, “Let the bat boy go, we have what we want.”
“Elizabeth!” Batman would yell, the Joker sighed and threw Tim down.
“I can’t believe I agreed to this…” The Joker would grumble walking to Arid’s side, “lets go.”
“Wait—“ Arid looked at Elizabeth and cocked an eyebrow, “—let me say goodbye first… please…” She whispered, her eyes pleading. Arid would look to the side and loosen his grip, letting go.
Elizabeth bolted to Tim and helped him stand, her arms wrapping around his waist, tears welling in her eyes again, “Tim… you’re… you’re okay… you’re okay…” She whispered, hiccuping as she hyperventilated slightly, her hand running along his cheek and back. Tim flinched, but smiled hugging her back.
“Liz… I’m okay… you didn’t have to do this though, I would’ve been fine… now you’re going instead of me…” Tim would rub her cheek, moving a tear. Elizabeth would think for a moment and take off his jacket, confusing Tim, even more when she placed his jacket in his hands before backing up, next to Arid, “L-liz—“ His eyes would widen, shaking as he tried to reach out for her. Elizabeth would look down, clenching her eyes as the Joker kicked Tim back, Nightwing and Batman both caught the boy,
“Shit— ELIZABETH!” Nightwing yelled, watching the three disappear.
Looking at the unnaturally fancy room Elizabeth kept her arms close to her body as she looked around, posters and famous paintings everywhere. “Making yourself at home?” Arid asked, walking around her, he was a slender dude with slicked back black hair, a black & red eye while the other was white & green, his skin was tan and he had a black handlebar mustache.
“W-why haven’t you killed me yet…” Elizabeth asked softly.
Arid would laugh and circle the wine he carried in his cup, he would lift it above her head and pour the wine over the girl's body making her yelp at the cold feeling rushing over her body, the room getting significantly colder on top of that. “Because, Miss Vail~ I’m going to enjoy killing you, I had to give you parents a quick death, but you? I can torture you to death… I think today… Let's start with some… mental pain.” He would laugh as he left the room. Elizabeth slid to the ground as she shivered, tears staining her cheeks as she noticed the room becoming foggy, memory gas. Her eyes would widen as she tried to hold her breath, scared. The gas would fog her mind, and everything else as she felt herself struggling to breath, she looked towards a window feeling her tears well in her eyes before everything went black.
“Elizabeth, what do you think you’re doing!” The high pitched scream coming from Helix who looked horrified, confused, she would look down to see Superman, struggling to breathe, he had a stab wounds to the heart, choking on something as well. Helix would shove Elizabeth aside and bend down, “Clark? Clark!” Helix cried out as she shook the dying hero. “Clark, c-come on wake up… CLARK!” Elizabeth shook her head and stepped back, shaking. She would bump into a chest turning around quickly, Batman. He looked at Elizabeth and swung at her, the female dodged quickly, heavily breathing, scared.
“How dare you kill him!” He screamed as he swung again. Elizabeth dodged before getting hammered in the back by a tomahawk, followed by a bo staff sending her flying into the black void, struggling to stand. Once she managed to get to her feet she saw Tim.
“T-tim!” She whimpered standing up, grasping his shoulders. “I-I didn’t do it! I didn’t kill him!” She would cry, shaking him. Tim would shove her off of him and back up, joining a dashing male’s side, holding his hand.
“You didn’t just do that… you destroyed everything, you destroyed our home, your parents, us, all of it, thrown away because of you.” He grumbled.
“Hey hey…” The dashing male would say, rubbing his hand, “Let’s go Tim, she’s not worth your time.” He said, walking into the void, leaving Elizabeth alone.
The scene would whirl around to her standing in front of her parents in her dad’s house, yelling coming from both of them… but it was all directed at her. The house was badly destroyed on the inside, burns and blood everywhere as spit flew from her raging father and high pitched shouting from her mother. Tears just fell as she held her head, covering her ears crying. Nothing was right. It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense.
The scene would change again, with her back in the void, staring into the darkness for miles and miles. All she did was scream, that’s all she could do, scream. She didn’t kill Superman. She didn’t ruin things with Tim. She didn’t do anything to make her parents mad. So what happened!
“Elizabeth…?” Fear struck the girl as she turned around slowly, gentle glowing figures who she couldn’t really make out were standing in front of her now. “I know things seem tough… but you will get through it… just hold on a little longer, my little flame you’re doing so good…” A masculine voice spoke, he glowed a reddish-orange color.
“I’m so proud of you baby, you’ve become an amazing hero even with your dormant powers.” A feminine voice spoke, she glowed a pinkish-purple color. Elizabeth stretched her hand out to them with a sad smile on her face, the figures floated back though, “It’s not time.. Not yet, Lizzy.” The female mumbled sadly before they both vanished with a poof.
Awakening in a puddle of sweat, Elizabeth looked around the place, locked in the lonely room still. She had purple marks on her arms, seemingly from herself. “Did you enjoy that?” Arid asked over the speakers in the room. Elizabeth just shook her head, soft whimpers escaped still.
Stepping into the Batcave after cleaning up, Tim kept his hands on the bo staff, a familiar comforting feeling taking control of him. “It’s good to be home…” He said as he shrunk his staff placing it into a strap on his back.
“Good to see that you’re awake.” Ava would say.
“It really is, Alfred, said you didn’t have as many injuries as we anticipated.” Richard would say and smile softly, rubbing the current Robin’s head. “Bruce isn’t happy that you sacrificed yourself though.” Richard said, making a face.
“It’s better than letting him get Liz…” Tim quickly said as he looked down, “I was abused by the Joker… but I was never his target…” Tim felt tears sting his eyes, “I overheard him talking to this guy, Arid, he killed Liz’s parents and is also after her life… but instead of the quick death, he is going to torture her..” He would clench his fist and punch the wall next to him, it made Ava and Richard jump in shock at his reaction.
“He’s gonna torture her…?” Dinah would ask in shock as she overheard the conversation, her eyes shook as she sunk onto the ground, crying, overwhelmed by emotions.
Oliver would rest a hand on his fiance’s shoulder and let his mind run quickly with every idea springing through his brain. “Did he take her to the place you were held at?”
Bruce would enter the room and shake his head, “Arid is a lot smarter than that, there is no way he would take her there.” Bruce would go to the computer and start searching things up.
“Dad, let me.” Ava said as she would join his side, she bent down next to him and started searching, quicker than him. Richard would watch, smiling softly at his girlfriend's behavior to her father.
As the bat dad and daughter worked Tim sighed and turned to everyone, “Arid mentioned that he used to be a hero.. Dr. Medical I believe he said that he used to love Spark, who is her mom.. He worked on a team with Spark and Ember, until Ember fell in love with Spark and they ended up getting married, it left Arid fuming… he ended up killing Spark when he was trying to kill Ember instead… then… he became mad knowing Elizabeth was still alive, since her hair color and skin tone match her father while her eyes match her mother… all he sees is her father and that's why he wants to kill her.” Tim would sigh softly, running a hand through his hair. He would look at the belt that sat in his hand and sighed, “We’re going to get her back, I can promise that.”
A few days would pass by and Elizabeth could hardly stay awake, her pink tee shirt torn, her shoes burned as well as her pants. She would look down at the dried blood along her legs making her unable to stand as she eyed the bruises and burns. Everything hurt as she laid there with a hand over her yellow eyes, tears unable to fall due to over crying. She would close her eyes feeling the room get even colder, her body shivering. Parts of her body turned purple with the coldness. “I’m really going to die here… huh…” She whispered as she felt the overwhelming sensation of death awaiting her. “I failed everyone… Helix was right… there is no way I could’ve won… I’m not strong enough to take care of myself, I haven’t trained for as long as anyone else… Dad tried to train me, Zatanna and Eclipse did as well… Helix tried too but none of it worked.” Elizabeth would lift her hand off her eyes and stare at the unfriendly looking hand. “I guess I’ll get to meet my parents… sooner than I thought…” Closing her eyes, she finally accepted her defeat. She would feel herself go…
Waking up in the oh-so-familiar black void, Elizabeth looked down at her clothes, a simple whitish-green dress with her long light brown hair tied with a pink bow. Her yellow eyes would blink at the surrounding empty void. Elizabeth's heart skips a beat once she turned around and saw two familiar faces in front of her. Confusion and disbelief wash over her as she realizes that these strangers from earlier “I-i know you guys!” She gasped out.
The one glowing orange-red would chuckle and shake his head, “Are you sure you remember us? I don’t think you do.”
“You didn’t even recognize her at first!” The one glowing pink would scold the orange-red one and sighed, hissing in annoyance. Elizabeth would hesitate, unsure of how to react, but a glimmer of recognition flickers in her eyes. Slowly, the pieces start to come together, and a mix of emotions floods her. It's a bittersweet moment, filled with shock, curiosity, and a longing to know more about these people who share her blood.
“Mom… Dad… no way… W-wait this means… I’m dead OMG!” Elizabeth would gasp out as she held her face, hyperventilating. The purple-pink one would quickly grab Elizabeth’s hands and pull them off her face, blowing on her face trying to calm her down.
“Hey hey— no no no, you need to calm down… Elizabeth— look at me!” The purple-pink one— Lexi Vail/Spark would say. The orange-red one— Nick Vail/Ember would sigh and rub Elizabeth’s head.
“Lizzy, you’re not dead… not yet anyway, look… we’re here to help you.” Nick said as he backed up and crossed his arms, smirking. “This is going to hurt… maybe.” He said and tilted his head, chuckling gently before filling it with flaming fire. Lexi rolled her eyes at her husband before holding her hand out with freezing crystals. “Take our hands… come on little one.” He said gently. Elizabeth looked down at their hands and shakingly grabbed both of them, her eyes widened as she suddenly screamed feeling power raging through her body, purple-pink and orange-red energy flung through her body, glowing. Everything hurt as the girl fell to her knees feeling her body absorb the energy.
After a few moments, Elizabeth would open her eyes, both of them glowing the theme colors of her parents. “Wha… What is this overwhelming… power…” She whispered as she stood up; the left side of her body flooding with the cold beauty of the crystal powers while the right side of her body surging with the hot gracefulness of the fire powers. “I…I feel so alive!” She yelled out as she shot powers into the void, jumping in surprise. “Oh my gosh! I just did that!” She gasped before looking at her parents who smirked in admiration at their daughter.
“Now… Liz hun, you’re going back to the living side…” Lexi said as she rubbed her daughter’s cheek before holding her husband’s hand; the parents opening a white void behind them. “Go home Liz, please… you’re not meant to be dead.”
Elizabeth looked at her parents confused. “Won’t.. won’t you two be gone then…?” She whispered as her dad pushed her toward the white void.
“We will… but we are apart of you now, we awoke your powers… at the cost of our lives… well what is left of us anyway.” Nick laughed before he bent down and kissed his daughter’s forehead. Lexi would do the same thing. “Go on.” He mumbled as he gently pushed her forward. Elizabeth smiled at her parents before mumbling a thank you before going into the white void.
Awakening in the pitch black, freezing room. Elizabeth would sit up, in the torn clothes making her sigh. She questioned if the dream she had was even real, but she felt better, more alive… She would look down and watched her right hand flare up, making her yelp softly, “It’s real!” She gasped. She looked around and stood up slowly as she rolled her arms, warming up her body. She would smirk and hold her hand to the wall and watched it catch fire. A snicker would escape her lips before watching the room start burning. She would laugh and throw her head back, her eyes glowing the colors of her powers.
“Woah— a massive fire just broke out at the old abandoned manor…” Helix said in shock as she scrolled through the news on her phone. Superman made a face and leaned over the former villain's shoulder.
“The fire is pink— how can a fire be pink?” Superman asked, making a confused face.
Richard would take the phone and look at the article, “No signs of any gas lines or oil around there… the only way to start something—“
“Police and Firefighters say nobody can get inside… that fire is over 500 degrees…” Ava added.
Tim would look down, sighing in annoyance. “Guys we HAVE to find Elizabeth, this fire isn’t any of our business.” He said, making a face.
“Tim, we’re trying… let's try to deal with this fire, it may lead us to something.” Bruce said, “Superman, Helix, Green Arrow, Nightwing and Robin, go. Oracle, Canary, Eclipse and I will keep searching.”
“But Bru—“ Tim would receive a glare from Bruce making him go quiet. “Fine… let’s just get this over with…” He grumbled.
The team would arrive on to the scene, Superman and Helix taking to the sky, “Robin… something isn’t right… yes this fire is hot but… there’s someone standing inside of it.” Superman would utter to the bat boy who looked confused.
Squinting his eyes in the pink flames he made out a figure in the flames. A white and pink hair ribbon fell infront of his face fragily making his eyes widen as he quickly rushed forward. “ROBIN!” Nightwing would yell as he tried to grab the panicking 16 year old.
“No… no no no…” Robin would yell as he ran. Helix and Superman would fly to try to grab the boy, but before they could the fire made a path open up. Helix would quickly pull Superman back, holding onto him. Robin would rush into the pathway making him confused when he came to a stop infront of a female. Her hair was down all the way as her clothes were ripped and tattered. Tears stung the young boy’s eyes. “Lizzy…” He gasped out as the fire closed behind him, leaving the two unharmed.
Elizabeth turned her head back to see the cleaner up bat boy prior from the other day. “Tim…” She whispered in awe as the girl would stop the fire on her hands before looking him up and down. Overwhelmed with emotion, she would step back, scared. Robin would take a step forward and grab her hand.
“It’s me.. in the flesh.” He whispered as he placed her hand over his heart. “I’m alive… and this beating heart proves it.” Robin would pull her into a hug as Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears, Robin would tighten the hug as the two slid onto the ground, the fire around them disappearing.
“Robin!” Nightwing called out again as he made his way over to the two followed by everyone else that was there. A smile fell onto the blue bird's face, “Lizzy… you’re okay…” He spoke as Helix quickly flew down, followed by Superman who held Helix in his arms as the girl would feel her body shake.
“S-something… isn’t right…” Helix mumbled as she laid in Superman’s arms. The muscular hero would notice a stone on the ground making him hold Helix closer.
“Because this place is surrounded with Yalex energy… it’s hurtful to you.” Superman said as he looked at everyone. “C’mon; we saved Elizabeth, now we need to go, before things get worse.” He said as he flew back, trying to save the weakened girl in his arms. Everyone else would retreat back, Robin holding onto Elizabeth. A swoosh sound would be heard resulting in Elizabeth quickly turning around, throwing up a massive crystal, blocking the attack.
“Have fun getting through Obsidian.” Elizabeth smirked softly before screaming was heard on the other side, the crystal breaking.
“You— You stupid girl get back here!!!” Arid yelled as he ran at Elizabeth. Robin and her made eye contact, ready to fight. An arrow pierced Arid in the stomach before it was followed by 3 more arrows.
“Hurt my daughter again… and I won’t miss your heart next time.” Green Arrow growled as he lowered his bow. Elizabeth turned to her adopted father and bolted into his arms, “I missed you so much baby…” Green Arrow whispered as he picked up his daughter into a tight hug.
Once he released her, Elizabeth rushed to Nightwing and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re back kiddo… Tim hasn’t slept well these few days.” He said and patted her head.
“Who says Tim sleeps even when I am here?” Elizabeth commented; the two sharing a small laugh before the younger turned to Helix and Superman, walking over to them. “Helix… Superman… I’m… I’m sorry… for acting the way I did and not upholding my promise. I thought I could beat Arid, and save Tim without any issues… but look at the mess I caused.”
Helix would lean down and gently pull Elizabeth into a hug. “I’m not mad… I was just worried… me and Clark may not be your parents, or adopted parents, but we both see you like a daughter we don’t have…” Helix would rub her cheek and smile softly. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Superman would nod in agreement as he watched Helix stand back up and join his open arms.
Elizabeth would feel arms wrap around her back making her flinch but lean into his hold. She smiled, not even needing to turn around, knowing who the back hug was from. She would rub his cheek and smile softly, feeling her tears fall freely again. The painful memories of the feeling of death… now to this moment of standing here around the people she loved, it was all so much. She would turn around in the bat boy’s arms and hold his cheeks. “Tim…” Just with the whisper of his name, nothing else and nothing more, the masked boy melted as he leaned in and did what he should’ve done along ago, kiss her.
(drawings are mine btw!!)
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ravenrose18 · 9 months
My Personal Savior
Chapter 1- Negan and Raven Meeting
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(Trigger Warning: Rape and abuse)
She was born into a family that didn't care about her at all. She doesn't know why they even had a kid if they were just going to abuse her and treat her like trash, and most don't act like she's even here. She had a terrible childhood being abused, and getting told that she didn't matter or was worthless she went through school being bullied, and when she had boyfriends they would cheat on her, abuse her, and rape her, once she got to her senior year of high school she dropped out she couldn't handle being bullied and not having any friends. So she spent most of her days learning martial arts, using a crossbow and knives, she needed to learn how to defend herself against anybody especially from her parents, when she got a job at a tattoo parlor she learned to draw and give herself tattoos.
She lived out on the streets at the age of 18 years she didn't have a place to stay so living on the streets was the only option unless she had a boyfriend at the time she lived with them but anytime she started getting abused by them and being cheated on she left and went back to living on the streets. She kept working at the tattoo parlor and saved up her money to try and find a place of her own but then one day a man named Negan brought her into his home and let her stay with him and his wife Lucille.
She stayed with Negan and Lucille for a few months, getting to know them and becoming very close. She was grateful that they let her into their home. Negan would cook them dinner, and they would drink even though she was not 21 years old yet, but she needed a drink after all the hell she had been through. She sang songs alone and didn't realize they had heard her sing. Negan also slowed dance with her to comfort her when she woke up from her nightmares he even got her a necklace to have something of him when he wasn't around, they got a tattoo together, and he gave her her motorcycle as well; Once Lucille found out her illness she didn't want to get in the way or be a burden she decided to leave.
A few weeks later, the beginning of the apocalypse
When she was out on the streets trying to get back home realizing walkers were walking around, she decided to ride back home, once she got home her parents were so high and drunk not realizing the apocalypse was here. She got so angry knowing how they are and how they treated her over the years she couldn't take it anymore so she brought out her knife, and she stabbed them both so much in the chest she didn't want to be a murderer she didn't want to do it but they put her through a living hell so she had to kill them. After stabbing them, however, many times they stopped breathing, and they started to reanimate as walkers. She decided to grab her father's old baseball bat and bashed their heads in until they were unrecognizable She dropped the bloody bat after killing her parents, grabbing her things and whatever supplies were in her house she put them in her bag and she walked out of her house and never looked back not regretting what she did.
She can't trust anybody because she is alone in the apocalypse. Once she got on the road on her motorcycle, she had to stop at a weapon store to grab arrows once she grabbed the arrows. Once she got what she needed, a couple of men walked in. She hid behind a counter, hoping they wouldn't see her. She tried sneaking past them outside, but a walker saw her, and they heard the commotion outside. She stabbed the walker. They came outside and grabbed her by my arms as she struggled to get her jacket yanked off her body. Once they saw her body, they started being rough and touching her. She has been through this situation before.
"She has an awesome body man, let's have fun with her, then kill her and take her stuff." one of the men said, and the other man agreed. Since she knew martial arts, she waited for the perfect moment to make a move. She punched them in the throat, backed away from them, and had her knives out, they started charging at her. She ducked and stabbed them both in the dick. After that, they were moaning and groaning in pain. She grabs her crossbow and shoots them both in the head with an arrow. She stares at their bodies realizing she has killed four people but she has to protect herself, she grabs her jacket from the ground puts it back on walks away from the scene gets on her motorcycle not looking back.
Next Chapter
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thankssmitin · 1 year
Dad For One but with a twist.
cw: filicide, major character death, angst, semi-graphic violence (I.e., description of an arm going through someone's body but no gore mentioned)
As soon as his eyes locked onto All For One standing in the middle of a half-destroyed building, Toshinori knows that this will be the final time they would see one another. He cannot allow this man live, not after the pain and suffering he's caused and continues to cause. Not when his boy now has One for All, he refuses to leave Izuku with the same burden that had been left on his own shoulders at a similar age.
So he locks Toshinori away and brings All Might to the forefront. He does not engage in the banter All For One tries to start, ignores the jabs thrown at himself, his mentor and now his successor - he won't allow himself to become distracted. Not now. With each hit exchanged he feels his grasp on One For All growing weaker and knows he needs to end this sooner rather than later, before All For One gets the upper hand.
He manages to get the other man on the defensive, his punches desperate but no less effective and briefly thinks that this is it. He's finally going to do what he thought he'd achieved ten years ago. His fists will end a man who's legacy is drenched in the blood of thousands, but in the end, all it takes is one mistake, one punch thrown too wide and he leaves his chest open to an attack.
And All For One takes full advantage.
The fist is so fast, so efficient that he almost doesn't register what has happened, at least until the pain comes.
Hundreds of voices scream, echoing through the area, Izuku's shriek of 'All Might!' loudest among them, but he cannot think beyond the agony radiating through his chest. His legs become weak and he finds himself falling forward, hand reaching to grasp All For One's shoulder. The man himself is strangely silent, allowing Toshinori to touch him without any mocking words. Instead, All For One places his own hand on Toshinori's shoulder and leans in. Blood gathers in his throat as the movement jolts his body, and it's all Toshinori can do to cough in an attempt to clear his airways, staining All For One's already filthy suit with an obnoxiously dark splatter of blood.
"It's okay my boy," All For One whispers into his ear, pulling him further onto the arm embedded in his chest. There's no malice in his words this time, just a quiet resignation that would be unsettling in any other situation. "Just let go."
His words are familiar in a way that should unsettle him, yet do the opposite. For a minute Toshinori finds himself giving in, wanting to experience the unspoken promise of the weight being removed from his shoulders, and then he hears him.
Izuku shouts his name, calls for him not as a hero but as a man, as the person Inko had quietly informed him Izuku had come to see as a father figure in the last few months.
No. He can't! He can't let him win! Not like this! He needs to protect the people who were looking to him to save them, to protect the foolish children who came to save their friend, to keep Izuku safe as Nana had kept him. But it hurts and it's becoming harder to breath as All For One violently moves the arm embedded in his chest one last time, sending an agonising jolt of pain through him that results in a cry of pain that Toshinori cannot swallow.
He feels his body falling backwards, All For One's bloodied form standing tall over him as he falls onto the concrete. Voices cry out in horror, he sees a flash of green (Izuku-!) that All For One bats away without averting his unseeing gaze. Toshinori's fingers twitch, desperate to get up and stop the hand that hits his student a second time, but he cannot move.
And he cannot breathe.
The world seems to fall quiet as he lay amidst the rubble, gasping for breath that never comes. Sirens fade into silence, the lights from the emergency vehicles casting an eerie glow over the area just as water drips onto his fingers.
"Dad! Dad look!" He calls out to the man sitting on the bench while he tries to swing as high as possible, little legs pumping with the extra effort required to get him that extra foot.
His father chuckles, a deep sound that seems to echo around the area, but he sets his book aside, finger between the pages, to look over at him.
"I see you Toshinori," He replies with a nod, reclining against the park bench. "Try not to fall off."
"Yes Dad!" Toshinori giggles, he's not stupid! He's five now, that's a big number, mama said so, and he knows how to use the swings safely! That's why Dad's sitting on the bench reading a book. He's just about to get to a height where he can see over the fence on the other side of the park, wondering what is in the person's garden, when he feels himself slip.
The ground hits him hard, and steals his breath away. It's terrifying and for a moment he lays there gasping, the fingers of his left hand still clinging onto the swinging metal chain of the swing as it comes to a halt. And then his father is there, concern on his face, and speaking words that Toshinori can't hear over the rushing of blood in his ears.
A hand gently brushes over his head and then the shock of what has happened wears off, the noises of the world and pain in his back hitting all at once.
"Toshinori! It's okay, it's okay." His dad is saying softly, fingers running through his hair, "You're okay. I've got you."
All For One continues to stand over him as Toshinori feels his body begin to fail, and for a brief moment he imagines another man standing in his stead. Pure white hair caught in the wind and a warm smile on his face.
"Dad," He mouths, unable to gather enough air to say the word aloud. And as his enemy, the man who took away his secondary mother - the woman who'd raised him after the loss of his own parents when he was six, kneels beside him, ignorant of the heroes attempting to get closer, Toshinori doesn't feel fear, just exhaustion.
A hand brushes a strand of hair from his face, tucking it gently behind his ear just as Endeavor's flames are quickly redirected by an unseen quirk.
Then, quietened by the sound of his own heartbeat and distant voices, his father speaks, "I've got you. Let go."
And Toshinori does.
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midknight-hour · 2 years
Aight bet
Tell me about Erduite I'd love to hear about people's OCs
I see she has the last name Nygma? Is she his kid or his partner? Or sister. Who knows
Ok here we go!!!!!!!!
Erudite is an Arkhamverse OC I made awhile back who I’ve tweaked a bit to fit in other universes (specifically 2022) but I mostly still associate with the game Arkham City.
She’s actually an android! She runs on Lazarus in place of blood, as she was a very early experiment into immortality by Ra’s Al Ghul back during his Wonder City years. He was never quite able to perfect her, so he abandoned the project in favor of his own preservation through the pit,
She lay incomplete and broken down in the old city until a few months before the events of Arkham City, when Edward Nygma discovered her “corpse” amongst the rubble. Being who he was, he became obsessed with perfecting and reworking the abandoned project, unaware of who had initially created her.
Then boom. One night while he’s working on her, those pitch black eyes blink open.
Edward stumbled back in shock, not ever fully believing in his own ability to repair such an old artifact, but in an instant… she’s awake.
And fully aware.
She has the mind of a bubbly young woman in social intelligence, but her mind, he could immediately tell, was unbelievably bright beyond her years. And despite his initial plans to simply power her down or use her as a prop in his traps, he finds himself feeling rather strong paternal urges towards her.
He named her Erudite, so she could also take up the mantle of Enigma, and now he brings her around as a sort of assistant. The other rogues know of her- Harley especially finds her adorable and is a bad influence on her. Jervis has been threatened several times after referring to her as Alice. Harvey has taken her under his wing several times, and is the sole other person who Edward deems responsible enough to babysit. She hasn’t met Selina yet- Edward is nervous she would blabber to the bat about her whereabouts. Ivy is weary of her, but they bond over their appreciation of flowers and wildlife, as Erudite loves studying plants as a stark contrast to her mechanical body.
Jonathan acts indifferent, but makes sure no harm comes to her. Besides, if she was to be damaged, Edward might lose that last bit of his sanity, and Crane would need his insufferable schemes in the coming months.
But then… Ra’s finds out about her. And immediately recognizes his own handiwork, despite Nygma’s butchering of his initial design. But he is still intrigued, and despite his other daughters’ disdain for the android, he begins to seek out her return to him as another asset to his cult following. Custody battles ensue. Edward tried very hard not to admit he loves her like a daughter and only wants to keep her safe from harm, disguising his need to hold onto her as a mere curiosity.
Btw her design is that of a perfect victorian girl, almost doll-like, with lines that indicate her panels connecting across her smooth face. Edward let’s her dress herself how she likes, and she has taken to Harley’s style of clothing with a greener aesthetic.
She’s v sweet and fascinated by the world around her, and simply wants a normal family dynamic. But she is also enthusiastic about helping around the city with whatever plots her father and his “friends” come up with.
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For @aguilaguerrera10, I’m so sorry for making you wait this long. But here is the first part of your request. I hope you enjoy it.
TW: ANGST, ABANDONMENT, FEELS, EMOTIONAL. (it's about to be 3 AM as I write this. I'm braindead atm) if there is anything here that triggers you that I didn't mention, please let me know.
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[Art found on Zerochan and it's made by: Smileaotic1]
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Between the two of you, you are the runt.
Your brother had taken almost all of your energy at birth, leaving you weak and frail. 
It was unlikely that you were to survive. In Talia’s eyes, that meant you were useless. Ra’s, on the other hand, believed in second chances. He believed that with perseverance and ambition, you would be equal, if not, greater than your brother! 
That didn’t matter to Talia. Why waste all that time and energy, if you were going to die anyway? Ultimately, the choice was hers. 
She left you in an alley on a cold, dark, rainy night in nothing but a dirty, old box. 
Alone to cry, alone to die…
Only a few nights after, maybe less, someone heard your cries and searched you out. 
A man decked out in a leather, brown jacket, combat boots, and military pants with straps, and holsters wrapped around his legs. A red symbol of a bat is plastered across his chest and his red helmet with angry, pupil-less eyes gave a menacing aura, giving a face to fear for those sorry criminals who knew him. 
You weren’t fazed by the intimidating gaze the helmet gave off; you were hungry, you were thirsty, so very cold, and your loud cries had turned hoarse and quiet. 
Jason removed his leather jacket, picking you up and wrapping your tiny body with it.
Anger bubbled inside him - what kind of monster leaves a child, a baby, to die out here? A slow, agonizing death of starvation?
The vigilante bounces you in his arms, holding you close to his chest, and shielding you from the rain as he walks out of the dingy, dark alleyway where he and you were once in. 
Originally, he was gonna place you in an orphanage. Jason wasn't fit to be a father, he doesn't believe so. Unfortunately, there aren't any orphanages nearby - none that he could trust, at least. So he kept you at his apartment for a few days. 
During those few days, Jason had to learn a thing or two about taking care of a baby. He knew the basic necessities - diapers, blankets, wipes - but things like finding the right formula, baby-proofing his apartment, and strollers are things that Jason has no idea about. 
He remembered carrying you in his arms swaddled in whatever blankets he could find around his home to his nearest grocery store. Jason was unsure, lost, and understandably, nervous. Carrying a baby to the store was very foreign to him, at the same time, natural. With the help of a few kind samaritans and some nice neighbors though, Jason was able to get through it smoothly. 
You were a very happy baby anyway. A curious one at that. 
Your eyes would wander everywhere and anywhere. You always wanted to see what’s going on, you always wanted to know what’s going on. 
One time, Jason had come back from a very rough night of patrol. You were fast asleep in your crib, that is, until the door to you and his shared bedroom opened. 
You had slowly opened your eyes as Jason tiredly and grumpily took off all his gear, throwing them to the side without care. You watch as Jason sits on the edge of his bed, seemingly staring at nothing as he sighs. 
You were only a few months old at the time, and you didn’t hesitate to babble out your nightly greetings, making yourself known to Jason. 
Jason looked over at you, before turning back and sighing, then standing up. “Sorry, did I wake you?” He walks over to your crib where you smile happily and excitedly mumble gibberish. 
Jason couldn’t help but smile as well. 
He had to admit it. You are a pretty cute kid. Your radiant smile was just too contagious. 
He picked you up then laid on his bed with you resting on his chest. You continued to smile and babble on, almost as if asking about his day. Jason chuckled and simply nodded to whatever you were saying. “Yeah.. I had a pretty rough day..”
Your little conversation continued, until he heard a crash below that frightened you. Loud shouting and yelling resumes afterwards, and before Jason knows it, you start whimpering. Jason never liked it when you cried, he found. It ignited something in him, an almost feral protectiveness over you. 
He tried to comfort you by patting your bum and hushing you. “It’s alright, kid.. I’m here.” 
But the noises never stopped. It only dragged on with more crashes, more shouting, more yelling. It was so loud, Jason is sure he isn’t the only one that’s hearing it. 
For you, it got to be too much and so you whimpered, and gripped his tank top. “Dada..” 
Jason stops and looks down at you. “What?”
You nuzzle your head into his tank top in hopes you could either block out the noises or hide in Jason’s arms. “Dada..”
Something erupted in Jason that day. He isn’t sure how to describe it. Like a spark that fired something up in him. 
Jason remembered putting back on his gear for a moment and going straight down to where the noises were coming from. You were swaddled in a red blanket, nuzzled to his chest as he held you close. 
He barged into that apartment and found a couple fighting.
For what reason? He didn't know, and he didn’t care.
He aimed his pistol at them, and it was all it took for them to go silent.
“Would you kindly shut the fuck up?” He demands coldly. 
“There are children in this building.”
From that day on, Jason promised you he would never leave your side. He promised to forever be with you and never leave you alone like he had been his whole life. 
As you grew, your curiosity and happiness grew with you, culminating into great energy with which you ran around the apartment ever since you took your first steps. Your joy was full of childish innocence and naivety, but your curiosity kept you hungry for knowledge thus making you more aware than kids your age. 
“What’s that?”
“It’s a gun.”
“What does it do?”
“It shoots and kills people.”
“...Can I touch it?”
At first, Jason thought you wanted to know the basic things that all kids your age wanted to know - which was true, but you wouldn’t ask the typical questions he expected. 
“Why is he in cuffs?”
“Because he murdered his family.”
“Why did he do that?”
“Because he’s a sick man, Angel…”
Jason slowly started to realize you had a morbid sense of curiosity. It came natural to you.
“Yeah, kid?”
“Why do men eat other men?”
“Because they get off on it.”
On one hand, he’s proud of your desire to know everything. On the other hand, he’s worried that your curiosity can lead you to doing things that could get you into trouble, dangerous things.
God forbid he’ll ever let that happen. So Jason would try to be upfront with you about it. Sure, it isn’t something young kids should know, but it’s better that he tells you the reality instead of sugar coating it and letting you find out for yourself. Plus, if it does scare you, it keeps you by his side at all times - it’s win-win for him. 
Around ten years old, you wanted to join Jason on his nightly patrols. 
He outright rejected you. You weren’t too happy about it, of course, he expected this. But he’ll be damned if he puts you in danger - there was no way he was gonna let some fuck-up criminal come anywhere near his baby girl. If he touches them, Jason, for sure, will see red. 
But this is Jason. You were raised by him, and although you went along with whatever he told you to do, whatever warnings he gave to you - you weren’t going to go along this time. 
You needed to know what it was like - the vigilante life!
A few failed attempts to keep you from home was all it took before Jason gave up and decided ‘fuck it.’ “If you insist on doing this with me, then I’m going to train you how to work with me.”
And train you, he did. 
Jason taught you boxing, karate, taekwondo. He was ruthless in his training, often you came home, bruised and exhausted. He’d wake you up early to teach you basic defense skills and sharpen your reflexes. He’d test you on your ability to take down a knife, to incapacitate someone, to pin someone to the floor. 
All of it was tiring, but you were persistent, and so desperate to know that it ended up becoming your goal to become another hero for the people of Gotham City. 
By the time you were twelve, you became the new sidekick to Red Hood, going under the alter ego - Scarlet.
You mostly stayed on the sidelines, acting as more of a scout for sneaking into buildings and looking for any possible evidence, ways for Jason to get in, overhearing any juicy drug plans ect. 
You were kept away from combat, rarely ever getting into fights, Jason made sure of that. 
You didn’t mind. The entire experience of hearing and watching all the interesting crime scenes, the investigations, and the cool ways your father took down thugs - all of it was so thrilling and exciting to you!
Jason, however, was paranoid. It was always a risk to send you in by yourself, and sometimes his fear would become too much, and he just decides to keep you on the look-out. Good thing though is that you were a good kid. You listen to your father most of the time, and rarely get yourself into danger. Everything seemed normal, in your own ways.
Then Jason met your grandfather.
He learned of your existence, your birth, your father, and most of all, the parent who abandoned you - Talia. 
Jason has some ‘history’ with that woman, and he isn’t really fond of her, but now. 
Oh, now he despises her. 
Ra’s was hoping to take you back, raise you under his wing and become part of his League of Assassins.
Jason won’t have it. This man allowed his own granddaughter to be left for dead and now he expects to have her back as if he didn’t let you be killed?
“That kid is mine.” Jason spat. 
“She’s not yours. She never was and never will be.” Jason turns his back on Ra’s, beginning to walk away as the man watches him blankly. 
“And if you or any of your little posse come anywhere near my girl. I’ll make sure every single one of you is buried six feet under.”
And with that, he left. 
He never mentioned it to you, but little did he know, you had heard his conversation with Ra’s.
You heard everything. 
Did that change anything? No. 
Jason is still your dad, you were his little girl and you two love each other very much. 
You guys are family, no matter what. 
And speaking of family, you met your father…
[DISCLAIMER: This work and any other works I do is purely fiction and fantasy. I do NOT condone any behaviors like this or other yandere behaviors in real life. If you experience something like this, I strongly advise you get help. Again, this work is purely fantasy and should not be done or supported in real life.]
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
Listen. I like a good ‘Comics Tim gets turned into Joker Junior’ fic as much as the next angst-loving Batfam fan. But given that Batman: The Animated Series Tim is just Jason Todd under a different name, on all counts - backstory, place in the Batfamily timeline, personality, right down to his career as Robin ending with his capture, torture and in at least one sense murder by the Joker (literal death vs the death of his sanity and identity) that doesn’t stick - I maintain that if we’re transferring this plot to the comics continuity, it should be Jason. Fifteen-year-old Jason. Aka Robin II, adopted by Bruce out of poverty with a dead mother and criminal father who was killed by Two-Face, aka exactly who Tim is B:TAS. It just makes more sense! And it’s no less interesting!
A warehouse explodes in Ethiopia. Bruce searches through the debris, shouting for Jason, his only thoughts the need to hold his son and a growing banshee wail that he’s too late, too late, too late. He can’t even find a body. Instead he finds Sheila, with minutes of her life to spare. She uses her last breaths to tell him the Joker took Jason away somewhere. Alive. His son is alive. Bruce can - no, will find him, whatever the cost.
He and Barbara, and Dick the moment he returns to Earth, devote every available second (and many that really aren’t available) to looking. For Jason, Joker, his associates, his sightings, any hint or scrap of evidence they can find. But they can’t find much. How they long for Joker’s usual obvious calling cards and attention seeking. Now it’s like he’s vanished into thin air, taking their Robin with him. It speaks of a higher purpose; this isn’t simply luring Batman into a trap, Joker has designs for Jason himself. Bruce shudders to imagine them. That only makes him more determined to find his child. He eats and sleeps as little as possible, lashes out and communicates more with glares and growls than words. He can’t take joy in anything. He can’t give up, he can’t… he doesn’t know how he’ll go on if he’s lost Jay forever.
In the movie, Tim’s captivity lasts three weeks. In the comics, Bruce’s downward spiral after losing Jason lasts six months before Tim interrupts it. I think it’ll need to be a few months here to be long enough for Tim to get involved - you can go with the full six if you want, for maximum angst. Barbara was also already Oracle by the time Jason died, attending his painfully small funeral in a wheelchair, so Dick is out on the streets with Bruce. Tim Drake observes Bruce’s declining mental health and wants to help, as in the comics. He doesn’t become Robin here, but he does volunteer his detective services to aid in the search and grow close to the Bats.
They find Jason. The Joker dies. He takes a part of all of them with him.
Think of the fanfic potential! How does Jason’s recovery go? Does he want nothing to do with vigilantism anymore, not trusting himself to be a hero due to having such severe lifelong trauma, or eventually invent a new heroic identity like Flamebird or Phoenix? If he doesn’t resume fighting crime, what does he do instead? How does the Batfamily as a whole recover and evolve? Does Bruce ban child vigilantism or try to? To what extent do the others agree? Does Jason give Tim his blessing to be the next Robin? When Steph, Cass, Damian and Duke show up, how do their journeys unfold with Jason present as a sibling and role model and Bruce wanting perhaps even more to prevent or at least delay them from frontline crimefighting? How does how the expanding Batfamily operate? Wait, now there’s no Joker to poison Elaine and Doug Thomas’s minds, does Duke even get into crimefighting or associate with the Bats, and if so, how and why? You see how many questions I got just out of the aftermath? How are there no fanfics about this already?!
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keepdreamingbilly · 2 years
Blindness I’m Condemned To
ahhhh this is the first time I’m posting any of my writing so please be kind!! also posted on ao3!!! 
inspired by the song Cassandra by Florence + The Machine. I could NOT stop imagining Billy stuck in the upside down to this song. ("Well, can you see me? I cannot see you. Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view in this blindness I'm condemned to..."). Watching Steve get pulled into the upside down sparked this idea and I will be pretending it is exactly what happened from here on out thanks!!! SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4
Background: Steve and Billy had a secret relationship post season 2 but Billy kept getting scared his father would find out so would often call it quits for a few weeks before always coming back to Steve, but the last time Billy ran away was the start of summer and they didn't see each other until Starcourt when it was too late :(
Steve Harrington had lost almost all regard for his own well-being. More so, he had a personal vendetta against the hell that had permanently ripped away the guy he was in love with, terrorized his friends and haunted his home town. So when things started happening again after months and months of agonizing emptiness and anger he had no idea what to do with, he was almost relieved to be able to dive back into it. Literally.
Steve swam with solemn determination and found exactly what they were looking for - a gate. He reaches out a hand to touch it, to make sure, but something moves underneath the glowing red surface and it spooks him enough to let out the air he had been holding, forcing him to swim back up. Steve breaks the surface of the water, lets them know he’s found it and barely gets a few breaths in before there’s a tug on his ankle. He realizes something freezing cold has wrapped itself around his leg with surprising strength and he glances up at his friends one last time right before it drags him under.
The next thing Steve sees is the dark gray sky, lighting up impossibly red every other second as he’s dragged along the ground by his leg, only coming to a stop when he crashes into a pile of vines. He lies there for a moment, gasping and confused, before standing and taking in what looks like scorched earth all around him. The lake is dried up and he’s standing on solid ground. A screech echoes above him and that’s when the bats come.
Steve reaches into the abandoned boat next to him to grab an oar, using it to fight off the first bat that gets close enough. He’s not as lucky with the next as one of their tails wrap around his neck and pulls him to the ground. More bats come and their teeth are razor sharp as they bite into flesh, over and over, and Steve’s losing air as the tail tightens further around his neck. Somewhere through the panic and fear, past his body’s natural adrenalin to fight to keep alive, Steve wonders if there’s not the tiniest bit of relief.
Before the thought can fully take hold, another all too familiar demon from this hell tears the bat off his left side. Steve’s mouth drops open to cry out at the pain of it, but no sound escapes. He’s sure he’ll die from lack of air before the demodog can eat him instead and decides he’s at least thankful for that.
A sickening squelch sounds right above his head before the pressure is suddenly released from his neck. The black spots clear after a few gasping breaths, but Steve thinks he must have died anyway because the next thing he sees as his vision returns is Billy Hargrove’s face.
“Billy?!” He barely whispers, doesn’t even feel the pain in his throat as he looks up at the familiar stranger staring back at him. It’s Billy, somehow alive, but so different; his hair tied back and displaying his more angular features, sharp hardened eyes with black shadows lining them. He’s lean, nothing but muscle and grit, looking angry but unafraid with an axe in his hand.
Billy reaches down to grab Steve’s arm, pulling him up to his feet, and before Steve can revel too much at the contact, he remembers the demodog and turns to find it tearing into another hellbat.
“Is Max alive?” Billy asks gruffly, ignoring the chaos around them and Steve jolts at the sound of his voice after having to live so long without it.
“What?” He asks, foggy brain struggling to keep up, and Billy reaches out his other hand to steady him when he sways to the side.
“Max,” Billy repeats, voice hard but urgent, eyes tense and focused. “I saw-”
“Billy?!” Another familiar voice cuts through the static in Steve’s head and he turns to find Nancy, Robin and Eddie ten feet away and frozen in shock.
Steve’s eyes meet Robin’s and she knows - her eyes widening as she takes in the two of them standing together, Billy’s hands still on Steve’s arms, before her face crumples into something like sad happiness for her best friend.
Steve’s not processing a thing until Nancy’s eyes zero in on the demodog, raising the oar Steve must have dropped and starting to charge but Billy steps into her path, whistling sharply and pointing to the ground beside his foot. The demodog immediately obeys, sitting next to Billy and ready for another command. The group stares in shock but Steve wants to laugh because of course, of course only a wild thing like Billy could figure out how to tame a wild thing like that.
“Dude, didn’t you die?” Eddie asks, and before anyone can respond, there’s a shriek from an incoming flock of hellbats. They all tense but the bats circle around the opening to the gate instead of attacking. The demodog seems to chitter in warning and Billy looks up, the rest following suit and finding a much larger amount of bats coming their way.
“Follow me,” Billy says darkly, whistling again before taking off at a run towards the woods with the demodog at his side.
“What the fuck -” Eddie says but follows after glancing back up at the sky and deciding the better option was following a living ghost. Robin has to grab Steve’s arm to get him to move and they’re all running until they stop at Skull Rock because of course Billy knows where it is.
They quickly make their way under the rock, finding cover and waiting for the coast to be clear. Billy takes Steve by the shoulders again and maneuvers him to sit against the rock. He takes off the backpack he’s carrying and digs around before pulling out gauze and tape - first aid supplies.
“How is this possible?” Nancy asks quietly, watching like a hawk as Billy inspects Steve’s wounds, and Steve thinks there’s no point because he’ll probably just die from shock.
“I’ll answer all your questions, but I need to know about Max. Is she alive?” Billy demands, his eyes only leaving Steve’s abdomen for a second to meet hers with an intensity Steve had missed every single goddamn day. “I don’t know how to explain it but I felt… a rift? And when I got to the graveyard I heard her yelling out, but before I could get to her she just… disappeared, and I -”
“She’s okay,” Nancy tells him, her fierce and curious eyes begging for an answer and with her and Billy standing in the same place Steve can pinpoint exactly why he fell for them both.
Billy lets out a breath of relief before his eyes meet Steve’s, something completely unreadable in his expression and Steve wants to scream because there’s so much, so much, but it’s not the time or place and nothing is making any goddamn sense anymore but he wants to cry because he never really came to terms with Billy being gone and now here he was, alive and breathing, and looking at him with those blue eyes that never missed a thing.
“This is going to hurt,” he tells Steve, and barely gives him a second before pouring antiseptic onto the wounds and Steve grunts at the pain, relieved to feel something sharper than the hurricane inside his head and heart, but it still hurts like a bitch. Billy places the gauze and tape before wrapping a bandage around Steve’s midsection and reaching back into his bag to retrieve an extra shirt. Nancy’s explaining the details of what the group knew so far in terms of the Upside Down to Robin and Eddie while Steve’s been permanently dumbfounded into silence.
“Is that thing… safe?” Eddie asks, and Steve looks over to find him and the demodog staring each other down, or at least they would be if the creepy fucking thing had any eyes. And it’s not until then that Steve notices there’s something else wrong with its face, one of the petal-like sides had been ripped clean off and left it with the side of its mouth partially open. “What’s wrong with its… face?”
“Kreuger won’t hurt you,” Billy responds, zipping his bag up and tossing it back on before checking if the coast is clear. And again Steve wants to laugh and maybe cry; Billy and his fucking horror movies. “He’s an outcast too, we stick together. Come on, we need to move. This place… it can sense your presence.”
“What we need is guns,” Robin responds and Steve can’t look at her because he’s raw and she knows everything. “We should ransack the police station! I’m sure they have grenades and shit, all the guns we need?”
“No guns,” Billy responds, reaching out an arm and pulling Steve up to his feet yet again. “Too loud; attracts more of them. Come on, I’ve got a stash of weapons we can use.”
Billy’s moving before anyone can protest, seeming to know this place way too fucking well, and before too long Steve realizes where they’re headed.
The group runs up the driveway to Steve’s family home and Billy lets them into the house, his demodog running ahead and Eddie’s the last one in, shutting the door behind him and leaning against it.
“Yeah, so where are we?” He asks, because he’s the only one who’s never been there before and Steve watches, fascinated, as Billy seems to let out a breath and some tension releases from his shoulders. He couldn’t possibly think…?
“Steve’s,” Nancy answers, watching Billy just as closely before her eyebrows raise in surprise and she seems to put it together. Steve has to look away when her eyes try to meet his.
“This way,” Billy says, not offering any form of explanation as he leads them upstairs to Steve’s bedroom.
Steve looks around in confusion as his childhood bedroom sits there, mostly untouched apart from the items Billy had obviously been stockpiling and the relatively clean bed Billy must have cleared up.
“Wait…” Steve says, speaking for the first time in what feels like ages, and Billy can’t seem to look at him now. “How is this possible?”
Nancy’s looking around in confusion too before moving towards the desk, grabbing a sweater she must have left there ages ago and meeting Steve’s questioning eyes with her own.
“What do you mean?” Billy asks, eyes on the sweater with a look of familiar disdain. 
“I moved into an apartment last August,” Steve tells him - well, tells the floor because meeting Billy’s eyes isn’t an option right now. He couldn't tell him how impossible it was to live in this room when it still smelled like Billy and so many of their memories haunted the space. “All this stuff shouldn’t be here.”
“This shouldn’t be here either,” Nancy confirms, eyes searching the desk and starting to sort through the discarded papers. “You gave it back years ago.”
“Wait, I…” Billy starts, looking up at Nancy with new clarity. “That makes sense, actually. When I went to my house none of our stuff was there, I thought everyone had moved out… Maybe we just hadn’t moved in? And the mall, I thought it had burned down but maybe it just hadn’t been finished being built?”
“We’re in the past,” Nancy concludes, holding up a couple incomplete school assignments dated two years ago, eyes alight with the new discovery and Steve just wants to lay down.
“Back to more pressing issues,” Robin prompts, looking to Billy expectantly, and Nancy opens her mouth to protest but stops herself, too curious not to find out too.
Billy sighs, leaning against the wall beside Steve’s old window, eyes keeping watch as he takes a deep breath, his demodog settling down on the floor beside him. “I don’t remember that much of it, to be honest. I remember that I… hurt people. Hurt Max and her friends. Hurt others. It felt like a bad dream until the end. El? That’s what you all call her? She pulled me out, and I remember thinking… at least I can do this. Save her. Try to stop what I’d started. And I remember the pain… I remember the cold floor, I remember Max and -” he cuts himself off but Steve and Robin both knew what he was about to say because Steve had been there. Had bolted down from the second floor but hadn’t made it in time. Had to watch as the raging fire that was Billy Hargrove fizzled out to nothing.
Steve blinks hard, jaw clenched as he tries to repress the memory scorched into his mind and every nightmare. He feels Robin take his hand quietly, supporting him the best she can while everyone’s attention is on Billy.
“When I woke up, I thought I was in a hospital. They’d patched me up and there were all sorts of monitors, but it was… strange. No windows. No other people. I didn’t realize I was locked in until I finally had the strength to get out of bed. And then there were these… tests. Experiments. They realized I had some sort of connection to this place and wanted to exploit it. I figured no one knew I was alive, or at least if they did, they’d have no idea where to find me. I was stuck. I have no idea how long I was there. And then one day, they wanted to try something else. They sent me through a gate and I figured it was my only chance. So I cut the cord, ditched the tracker and took off.”
“You’ve been living here all this time?” Nancy asks softly, unbelievingly.
“Hell of a choice I had,” Billy scoffs, but the bitterness isn’t directed at any of them. “Either be a prisoner here or there. At least here I’ve been free.”
“Why didn’t you try to come back?” Steve tries to demand, finally speaking again only to have his voice break on the last word. Billy’s eyes snap up to his and Robin’s hand squeezes tight.
Billy’s jaw clenches, eyebrows coming together briefly before he swallows. “I only knew one way in and out. And like I said, it wasn’t much of a choice.”
“But if you were here, I never…” felt you, Steve wants to say but stops himself. As if it isn’t obvious enough to the rest of them now, but he’d promised forever ago that it would always be their secret. Robin already knew too much and Steve lets the guilt of betraying that promise chew at him now.
“You said yourself you moved out,” Billy reminds him gently, arms crossing against his chest and Steve wishes they could be alone right now. Wishes he could close the space between them and wrap his arms around the other boy. “There’s no real sense of time here. How… how long has it been?"
Steve looks down at the floor, tears threatening to spill and feels Nancy’s eyes on him before she turns to answer Billy. “It’s late March. Almost nine months since Starcourt.”
There’s a long silence before Billy speaks again. “It was quiet for a while. I think they were right; I’m connected to this place somehow. I can feel changes. I knew something was happening and I tried to keep a lookout for any signs. Max was the first person I’d seen… I felt another rift and thought maybe it was her coming through again, that’s how I was at the lake in time.”
“Thank you,” Robin says, hand squeezing once again as she looks at Billy with her chin raised high and tears threatening her eyes. “For saving him.”
Billy looks from her to their entangled hands and back again before nodding. His gaze returns to the window for a moment before he sighs and stands up straight. “We’ve got to get you guys out of here.”
“What?” Steve chokes, because he can’t mean what Steve thinks he means.
“Whatever my connection is, it seems to camouflage me for the most part. I just lay low and I’ve been able to get by okay. But it knows you’re here. I can feel it. You’re not safe.”
“Billy -” Steve starts and Nancy opens her mouth to protest too.
“Harrington -” Billy tries, but Steve isn’t having it.
“Can you guys give us a minute?” He asks tightly, and there’s barely a second of pause before Robin grabs Nancy and Eddie, leaving the room and it’s too quiet.
“Do you have any idea what it’s been like?” Steve demands quietly, tears finally spilling and he’s shaking with anger and sadness; a million feelings swelling up in his throat. Billy’s jaw clenches and his nostrils flare but he doesn’t look away. “And now I find out I haven’t really lost you, and you want to send me away?”
“That’s not -”
“There is no way in hell I am leaving this goddamn place without you, Billy Hargrove.”
“I can’t go back,” Billy says, shaking his head with finality. “Not after what I’ve done.”
“That wasn’t you, Billy!” Steve tries to tell him. “Everyone knows that. Max has been a wreck without you! I’ve been -”
Billy looks up at Steve, waiting for the rest, but Steve can’t talk. Steve can barely hold himself together. “I watched you die.” He whispers instead, arms wrapping around himself in a last ditch effort to keep from falling apart.
“Stevie,” Billy says softly, taking a step towards him and Steve can’t breathe.
“All that wasted time last summer,” Steve lets out a watery, bitter laugh. “You were so scared of your old man finding out and I was so hurt you were staying away… I didn’t even know you were flayed. I saw you follow Heather into the locker rooms one day when I came to try to convince you to talk to me and I just figured…” Steve’s laughing but it hurts, his hands reaching up to press into eyes that won’t stop crying. “It was so stupid. I was jealous and the whole time you were… I wasn’t there. I didn’t know and I wasn’t there for you. And then it was too late. I hated myself, I…”
“Steve,” Billy says again, this time from right in front of Steve. His hands drop to his sides and Billy pulls him into his arms. Steve’s falling apart in earnest now and Billy’s the only thing keeping him upright. The guilt and sadness and confusion eating him alive because none of it has ever been fair. All the time they spent hiding and meeting in secret. All the time they spent apart because of miscommunications and the opinions of people who never really mattered. Not when what they had was the most real thing they had ever known. “It’s not your fault. I got scared and left you again when I said I wouldn’t. There was no way you could have known anything different was happening.”
“Billy, I can’t” Steve cries, shaking because it’s all too much. “I can’t lose you again, I can’t take it. Please. You have to come home.”
Billy squeezes him tighter, and it hurts his wounded sides but Steve wouldn’t mind if Billy crushes him into dust at this point. He presses his nose into the side of Steve’s head and inhales for a long moment before letting out a sigh. “How are we gonna do this, Stevie? Everyone thinks I’m dead. And what if the people from the lab find me?”
“We’ll go to California like we always talked about or I’ll hide you under my goddamn bed, I don’t care. We’ll figure it out. You’re coming home with me. If not for yourself, then for me. For Max. We need you, Billy. You’ve suffered enough.” Steve pulls away, determination making him strong because this time he’s going to fight. He wasn’t going to let Billy run away or continue paying a price way too high for all the wrongs he’d tallied against himself. He wasn’t going to let Billy sentence himself to isolation, nor was he ever going to lose him again.
Billy Hargrove had died abused, scared, confused, alone, but still used his final act to save everyone he could in that moment. Steve was going to make damn sure he got to start finally living a life he deserved after all that sacrifice. And it sure as hell wasn’t going to happen here.
Billy presses his forehead to Steve’s, fighting the tug of a smile as his hands move up to either side of Steve’s neck, holding him close. “I’ve fucking missed you, Harrington. Kinda figured you’d have moved on by now.”
“You’re an idiot, Hargrove,” Steve tells him before pushing forward, lips meeting Billy’s for the first time in too long and it feels like he can finally breathe again. “Let’s get you home.”
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lovely-angst · 3 years
single dad!dabi
a/n: i KNOW dabi’s cannonly(?) can’t cry, but let’s just ignore that fact in this fic :^) also ty for waiting patiently for me to post! <3
genre: angst
pairing: dabi x f!reader
summary: dabi had started a family with you, but when he suddenly becomes a single father, now what?
word count: 2.4k
The sounds of an infant cry filled the small apartment as the night grew on. The sun had long gone and the moon filled its place in the sky as the city fell into a slumber—it seemed as if the only ones up were Dabi and the small child in his arms. 
Her mouth opened wide as her powerful cries rang in Dabi’s ears as he tried cooing the young girl back to sleep. A bounce in his step as he paced around the small bedroom he shared with his three-month-old daughter, Aya. 
Dabi tried shushing her gently, attempting to soothe her, but to no avail. 
He felt as if he was going crazy. He had tried everything at this point—a warm bottle, a change of fresh diaper, heck, even some snuggles, but nothing seemed to work. 
Dabi could feel his eyes sting with upcoming tears as his frustrations grew and grew. Setting Aya down in her crib, her wails grew louder before Dabi turned around and slumped against the crib, defeated. 
Reaching over towards his nightstand, Dabi gently picked up the photo of you before bringing it closer towards him, his glossy eyes running across your familiar features before he brought his large hands towards his face.
And cried. 
He cried and cried and cried.
“I can’t do this, (Name),” he sobbed into your photo, his wails mixing in with those of his daughter’s. “I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t help Aya, she needs you,” he stated, pulling back to stare at your photo once more. 
“I don’t know how to do this without you. You were supposed to be here with us—we were supposed to do this together,” his cries had died down, allowing him to wipe the photo dry of his tears. 
Leaning his head back on the crib, Dabi’s eyes roamed over the small bedroom. It was messy, just as messy as his life was currently without you. Picking up one of your shirts from the floor, Dabi let the fabric rest in his hands before bringing it up to his chest to hold. 
It still faintly smelled like you.
His daughter’s cried came back to his ears and Dabi stood back up, tucking the shirt in his young daughter’s arms before watching her cries gently soothe away from your scent. 
“Yeah,” Dabi started, bending down to pick his daughter up before bringing her towards the bed with him, “I miss her too.”
It felt like yesterday when you told Dabi you were pregnant. It came as a shock to him of course—he was just hitting his twenty-fifth birthday and he was about to become a dad?
He was never really the one to think about kids or even having kids himself—but that all changed once you came into the picture. 
“I know you’re scared, I’m scared too,” you say, grabbing hold of his hands before giving him the prettiest shy smile, “but if I’m honest, I’m really excited to become a mom. I love you so much, Dabi. I can’t wait to love our baby.”
You were so excited and he couldn’t help but anticipate the day his baby would be born. 
Dabi knew you would be a great mother. On the other hand, he was nervous—but if you were going to put in all this effort to love and raise this baby with someone like him, then Dabi knew he had to give it his all too. 
He’ll make sure that his child lives a better life than he ever will. 
He decided to cut his ties with the league, ending his time as a highly wanted villain. It wasn’t easy getting Shiggy to agree, but with a little bit of convincing and a little explanation about his tragic backstory, Shiggy finally agreed. 
If he was going to be a dad, he wanted to do it right. 
Everything was going great throughout the pregnancy. Dabi was there for you as much as he could, helping you, providing for you and his baby. Basking in those little moments of realizing that he was going to be a dad. 
Reality began to hit when you had gone into labor. It would have been fine if Dabi were a normal citizen, but Dabi was a villain and because of that, he wasn’t able to be with you when you were giving birth in the hospital. 
It crushed him more than you could have known—to have his unofficial wife alone during such a difficult, excruciatingly painful and life-changing journey. There were times Dabi wished he could be a normal citizen like you, and this was one of those times. 
It wasn’t until you got discharged a few days later when Dabi was able to see you again. It was also the first time Dabi had gotten to see his baby. 
You were finally back in the apartment, Dabi helping you up the stairs to the apartment as he eyes the little bundle in your arms. “You can hold her too, you know,” you say with a smile when you caught him staring for the millionth time.
“Her?” Dabi asked voice caught in his throat. “Welcome Aya to the world,” you say, placing her in his arms the moment the two of you sat on the couch together. 
His breathing stopped the moment Aya was placed in his arms. She was tiny. Dabi didn’t know that humans came this small. He was scared of accidentally breaking her, and from the way you laughed, he could tell you knew. 
Dabi watched you closely as you taught him how to carefully bathe her, change her, feed her, and even burp her. He remembered the times your laughter would fill the air whenever Aya spit up all over him, or even the times her little body was able to create such a smelly masterpiece for him. 
He always thought he would hate being a father, yet here he was. Sleeping soundly with his baby girl.
Three months into having his baby girl were some of the best days of his life. Sure they were tough and going off practically no sleep was rough, but he wouldn’t trade this domestic life for anything. 
It made him feel like a normal person.
But all good things come to an end.
As Dabi strolled along during one of his scouting missions, his phone rang and vibrated in his pockets before he reached in for it. He really only had the phone, so you could contact him if you were in some deep waters, which he hoped would never happen.
To his surprise, it wasn’t you who called, but Hawks.
“What? You better have a good reason for calling, or I’ll-”
“It’s about (Name),” Hawks cuts off, “you better come quick,” and with that, Hawks ended the call, leaving Dabi’s thoughts unanswered. A small ping resonating in the air as Hawks left him with a single address.
Though Hawks’ call was brief and left a lot for Dabi to figure out himself, he knew it bad news awaited him. He just hoped it wasn’t as terrible as his thoughts led him to. 
“What was so urgent?” Dabi asked as soon as he stepped around the corner of an empty alleyway only to find Hawks’ red wings filling his sight. “Where’s (Name)?” 
As soon as your name left Dabi’s lips, Dabi could see the way Hawks’ feathers shifted before the winged man himself, turned towards Dabi, finally giving him the view of what he most dreaded. 
There you lay—eyes closed and chest unmoving. Dabi’s eyes widened before he ran towards your body, where thankfully, it rested on Hawks’ thick jacket and not on some dirty alleyway like this. 
“(Name)? Hey, wake up, I’m here,” Dabi tried, gently shaking your shoulders and brushing your cheek with the back of his hand. 
“Dabi,” Hawks started, voice strained, “she’s gone.” 
Those words seemed so unreal that if Dabi blocked them out of his head, then it surely wouldn’t be true. Stared at your limp body in front of him, it was all just a bad dream.
“I...I was with her during her last moments. I found her while on patrol, it was a gunshot wound,” he informed, watching Dabi caress your cheek. 
“I made sure she left peacefully, I talked about you to her.” Hawks tried, “and she smiled. She told me to tell you to take care of Aya for her.” 
As Dabi turned around, his eyes quickly focused on Aya, who was sound asleep in Hawks’ arms. Taking a step forward, Hawks placed Aya in Dabi’s arms before Dabi began quietly sobbing while clutching his daughter.
Hawks had never seen Dabi look so broken and desperate before and it was quite painful to see. Villain or not, Hawks never wanted anybody to go through this. 
“I’m sorry for your loss, Dabi.” 
Though the two weren’t good buddies in any way, they both had you in common. As much as it hurt to see you go, Dabi asked Hawks to take you away and give you a proper burial as you deserve. And Hawks didn’t bat an eye at his request. 
Giving you one last final kiss goodbye, Hawks lifted you in his arms, ready to take flight. “Hey,” Hawks starts, catching Dabi’s attention, “if you ever need anything for Aya, just let me know.” 
Dabi couldn’t help the slight curl in the corner of his mouth at Hawks’ words. “I don’t want to owe favors.” 
Hawks smiled back at the man in front of him, throwing his visor on, “You don’t have to worry, she’s in good hands,” and with that, his large red wings spread and he took flight into the air with you. 
And it was the last time Dabi would ever get to see you.
It had nearly been a month since you left—Dabi doing his very best trying to raise Aya as a single father. It was hard. No, more than hard. Being a single father to a three-month-old with no mother was the most challenging thing Dabi has ever done. 
And he was starting to doubt his abilities as her father. He was running low on money to provide for Aya and himself, and there would be days where she just wanted you instead, which would break his heart. 
Dabi felt like a failure; to you and Aya. 
As he cradled a drowsy Aya on his chest, Dabi glanced over at the fridge that held up a little note with an address written on it—the location you were resting at.
Hawks had sent that note to him, but Dabi had never mustered up the courage to come out and see you. He didn’t want you to see him like this, struggling to his core. Because if you were here, he knew he wouldn’t be struggling like this.
But for some reason, that note was calling out to him. 
Walking into the bedroom, Dabi began searching the closet where Aya’s dresses were hung up. Holding her small body in one of his arms, he went through each little outfit with a slight smile on his face. 
You loved shopping for Aya, and all of these cute outfits were the product of that. 
Taking a dress off the rack, he held it up before glancing down at Aya, “Do you think your mama will like this on you?” His low voice vibrated through his chest and onto Aya, causing her to open her beautiful blue eyes up at him.
She glanced over at the outfit before making a face, tears filling her eyes and Dabi immediately out the dress back. “Your mama always did say I had bad fashion sense.” he chuckled before searching for a new outfit. 
And did he find the perfect one. 
Setting Aya down on the bed, he changed her into the outfit before smiling at her once he laid eyes on her fully dressed little chubby body. Boy, did you and him make a cute kid. 
“Okay, let’s go. Mama’s waiting.” 
Before making his way to you, Dabi bundled himself up well in his wind breaker, mask, sunglasses, and gloves. He took the less populated route, but he couldn’t avoid everybody. Thankfully, Aya was able to distract them from the fact that they were beside a wanted villain. 
Dabi followed Hawks’ instructions on the note before finding himself in front of your grave as he entered the cemetery. His heart fell from the reality of the situation—being here in person just made it all the more real that you were gone. 
Placing the flowers that he got you down in the little holder, he let out a heavy sigh, “I’m sorry it took so long to come see you, (Name).” 
His eyes continuously read over your name engraved into your tombstone as he sat down with a heavy heart, “It’s so hard doing this without you, you know? Aya really needs you.” 
Dabi didn’t want to seem like he was complaining to you, never. He had a lot on his chest, and simply, he missed talking to you. 
He went on about his days and the new milestones Aya has been hitting, telling you how much you would’ve loved to see her smile. “She looks so much like you, it’s crazy. Even though she’s just three months old, I’m glad she does.” 
It was weird to Dabi how much peace this was bringing him. Yes, he knew you were no longer with him, but talking to you like this, being with you like this, made it seem like you never left his side. 
With a final sigh, Dabi leaned over and pressed a kiss on your tombstone, bring Aya closer so she could also mirror his actions, “I love you,” he whispered, brushing his fingers across your engraved name, “we’ll be back soon.” 
It was quite an experience there, a healing one. Dabi knew his struggles and knew that he needed to reach out for help, and talking to you gave him the courage to do so. He didn’t want to seem weak, but building this strength to ask for help, made him stronger than anyone else. 
So, Dabi walked until he reached a familiar place and when he stepped inside and the eyes of his old comrades focused on him, his shoulders softened. 
“Thought you’d never come back,” Toga said with a toothy smile as she ran over to hug her old friend, “sorry to hear about (Name).” 
“So, this is what’s kept you so busy,” Kurogiri states as he glanced down at the little girl in Dabi’s arms. A hand landed on Dabi’s shoulder and he turned and noticed those bright red wings of the pro hero, “It’s nice to have you back. (Name) would be happy to see you like this.” 
Though they may be seen as criminals from the outside view, Dabi knew these would love and support his baby girl with their lives—and that’s all that mattered.
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keiarchived · 4 years
Come To The Back | 18+
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bodyguard!Dabi x rich spoiled!Reader x bodyguard!Hawks
warnings: dubcon/noncon, drugged, intoxicated, somnophila, breeding kink, split roasting
words: 1.6k
note: Decided to take part in BNHA Degeneracy discord server’s 9 to 5 collab last minute 👀 one of the nastier stuff I’ve written 💦 scummy duo ahead, read with caution ⛔️
Babysitting spoiled brats like you can never be less annoying, all you ever really wanted to do in your spare time is to party, get wasted and high. Whilst the duo have to follow you around all day because it is your daddy’s order after all, ‘Keep my daughter safe or I will have your heads.’ He made sure the consequences were known if they failed, Keigo and Touya were merely bodyguards send to protect this spoiled brat daughter of this billionaire. They have no influence like he does, sure they could run but they can’t hide forever. You are supposed to be good for your daddy, stay out of danger since his rival is out to get him and his family.
Getting only a few hours of sleep each day because of you had begun to wear their patient, it wasn’t as though they could talk to you about it. Believer me, they tried. But of course, your spoiled brat ass went running to your daddy and complained about how Hawks and Dabi were being mean to you which results in their first warning; wedges cut for a month all thanks to you. They simply don’t get paid enough for this, for putting up with you and your father’s bullshit.
But a job is a job, they needed the money. Let’s just hope this issue your father have between him and some of his acquaintances resolves quickly before one of them snaps out of bitterness.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The taller male huffed heavily, palms resting on either side of his hips as he stared down at your unconscious form. Your so-called friends were long gone after the party at this particular club has ended, leaving you out cold in the VIP booth before moving on with their night. You were mumbling none sense as Keigo went ahead and sat you upright with a soft coo, “Hey, you okay? Just drunk, stupidly high or both? Know where you are an angel?” Of course, the only responses they managed to get out of you were mumbles and grumbles that made absolutely no sense. “She’s definitely out of it.”
“You don’t say, let’s her out of here.” Touya bites back with a sigh, cigarette between his fingers. Seems like tonight will just be another night of them carrying your unconscious form back to the mansion, tugging you back into that warm and cosy cover of yours — or at least that’s what they should and suppose to do.
But rather they end up stripping those slutty clothes of yours, that’s what you want right? For men like them to use this body of yours, just admit it. You had been tempting and playing around with the duo for long enough, wearing these short skirts whenever they are around. Swaying your hips and batting your eyes at them whenever you pass them, you know fair well they cannot touch you because if your daddy knew; they would be gone. Good thing the man himself is gone for a couple of days due to a business trip, oh and they are going to have their fun with you.
One cock in your mouth and another buried deep inside your pussy, the duo wasted no time in stripping you naked after all. With your intoxicated and drugged-out self, it was easy for them to move you around, passing you between the two of them. “Fuck me, this pussy is good.” Keigo chuckled breathlessly, snapping his hips into that tight cunt of yours. Surely this is just an act right, pretending to be asleep so that they can continue to use you and let out their pent up frustration on you. 
A cloud of smoke slipped between Touya’s lips has a low groan rumbled at his chest, stroking that slightly bulge neck of yours whilst a sadistic smirk tugged at his lips. You look much better like this, with cock at either end of your holes and being used them.  “You should try these pretty lips too, given if you can last another round.” Touya taunts, earning a grunt from Keigo as he merely rolled his eyes at the other. “Fuck off.”
Just as the two began to bicker at each other, noises begin to come out of you. “Looks like our princess is awake.” Slowly, Touya slipped his hard pierced cock from those pretty plush lips. Allowing you to take a gasp of air whilst being as confused as ever with those hazy eyes, “Wh-what you doing?” There was a sense of panic in your voice and honestly, either one of them can blame you. Waking up to your bodyguards fucking you into cloud nine doesn’t happen every day and god knows how long they’ve been at it, “Oh don’t worry dove, we’re just taking good care of you. Right Dabs?” It was hard to keep his voice level without cracking as your ridge walls clamps down so tightly around his cock, even harder to hide that shit-eating smirk. Your jaw feels sore from how Touya been using you roughly, pussy feeling full, nice and stretched by Keigo’s cock.
“Exactly, you should be grateful, your highness. We don’t do this often, not free of charge at least.” Dabi’s voice was dangerously low as he mocked, reaching behind your neck and forcing you to take a look at the way his partner in crime’s cock disappearing into your slutty cunt. Even when you were passed out, it didn’t stop you from moaning and gushing slick between your legs. “This is what spoiled brats get when they tease too much.” A desperate whimper fell at those words, now that you are slightly more oriented you could feel the pleasure that comes with every thirst of Keigo’s hard cock. It would be a complete lie if you said you have never fantasied the duo take you like this before, they are handsome and attractive after all. Keigo with his witty charm and Dabi with his mysterious charm, it is hard to say no.
“That’s it baby, take it all! I-I’m cumming!” Keigo unloaded yet another ropes of cum deep inside your cunt, right up against your cervix adding to the growing mess. This totals up to three for his scores, Touya had been keeping track. Your lips hung open with drools tickling down the side of your lips, body reaching its own high whilst Keigo pulled out from your soaked pussy.
“Aw look at you, so pretty and all fucked out.” The sandy blonde man coos almost sympathetically, tugging those loose strands of hair away from your sweaty forehead. Seems like Touya had been doing quite the number on you too whilst fucking your throat open, it must be sore from those smooth metal rubbing and nudging along your velvety walls. You could feel your conscious fading in and out from that orgasm alone, swallowing on your own drool thickly as Keigo’s cum seeps out from you. Too bad this is far from over, Touya’s smirk widens as he leans down to capture those swollen lips. Exploring every inch he possibly can, warm metal swapping across your inner cheeks and lips. After all, you deserve a reward after taking Keigo’s load so good with your well-bred cunt.
“Don’t pass out on us just yet princess, you can take a few more rounds can’t you? For us hm?” Touya coos softly, cigarette scent lingering as he traces over your chin with his rough fingers. Keigo and his partner in crime exchanged a look; the look with a same shit-eating smirk stretched across their lips before switching places with Touya running his cock back and forth between your swollen slit and Keigo nudging at those pouty lips of yours. “Good girl.” One of them praises but you weren’t so sure who it was from, head spinning from the alcohol and drugs you had consumed hours before.
Touya is much rougher than the blonde when it comes to pounding you, with a merciless pace as the tip of his cock continuously hammer at your cervix. Pressing all of the right buttons inside with those round metals of his piercings, “Fuck.. you are good.. should’ve done this a long time ago.” He can barely count the number of time he had wanted to put you back in your places with his hands, forcing them to stay up all night just so you can get home safely — thrust, railing them on purpose — thrust. But Touya managed to hold back, that was until now where the final line has been drawn. It is a risky bet but Touya bet on that you wouldn’t tell your daddy how good your bodyguard fucked you, filled you to the brim with cum and made you into their own personal cumdump. You wouldn’t, why would you when you could have them do it all over again?
Keigo had you choking on a mixture of your own saliva and his essence, quickening his pace once as you could feel the way your throat burns deliciously around him throbbing cock. Maybe you shouldn’t have teased them as much as you had, maybe you should’ve listened to Dabi’s warnings of this dangerous game you had been playing with them. But it’s too late now, they had caught you by your cunt and lips. “Fuck... gonna breed you, see how your daddy likes it when he finds you all swollen with some unknown child.” Touya grunts, letting out a breathy laugh before it turns into something sinister. “You wouldn’t even know who’s the baby daddy would you?” Touya hissed at the way you suddenly squeezed around him when he mentioned it, “Oh you like it huh?” Which only made him grin wider as his climax approached and without a second warning — ropes of warm cum painted both ends of your walls white.
Your bodyguards are now a panting mess as they withdraw from you, sitting on the edge of your now white stained bed whilst a faint chuckle escaped Touya’s lips. “Liked the idea of bearing our kid that much? You slut.” The night is still young and it will be a few more days before you daddy comes home from his business trip, you couldn’t help but wonder what other ways the two of them would use you. Licking over your lips hazily, out of focus eyes gazed towards the two male. You want more, don’t you?
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brownflower23 · 3 years
Not My Father
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
*Mature Content Warning*
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Summary: Reader gets arrested at a bar. Her boss comes to save her, but after months of frustration she doesn't get the response she expects. However, she receives much more than she can handle. 
"That pervert is lucky all I did was break his nose" You roll your eyes at officer idiot questioning you. Treating you as some sort of criminal, when in actuality you put the worst of criminals away. "Well we called your supervisor; you can take it up with him" The officer snickered, a lump instantly formed in your throat.
"You called who?" You yell at the dumbstruck officer in front of you, clearly not expecting your panicked response. Just after the words left your mouth, your boss crossed the barrier into the holding room. Your stomach instantly flipped, as if you had been caught by a parent as a child. Your eyes meeting his; he stared with the same scolding glare you were expecting. The same look you'd seen many times; it always gave you chills. However, you had never been the one sitting on this side of the table feeling its full force. He folded his arms tightly over his broad chest, eyes lingering at the cuffs connected to your wrist.
At that moment, you couldn't find words to defend what he was seeing, you could only imagine his thoughts. Your barely appropriate dress, your makeup, unlike anything he had seen at work. He finally peeled his eyes off of you, somehow that making you feel even worse.
"Please remove the cuffs, I can handle it from here. Thank you again for the call." Hotch finally spoke, but only to the officer, nodding to him. He returned the nod and quickly walked over removing your restraints.
"Thanks." You gripped at the idiot who arrested you, rolling your eyes at him again. Hotch shot you a warning glare, causing you to sigh while massaging your wrists. This night was utter bullshit. The officer finally left the room, you stood expecting to follow.
"Where do you think you're going?" His stern voice forcing your body to freeze, sending chills down your entire spine. "Um, I thought I was allowed to leave." You replied without looking directly at him, you didn't think you could handle it right now. "You have nothing to say for yourself?" Hotch scoffed.
"I'm sorry?" You questioned, failing to sound sincere. He doesn't respond this time, after an uncomfortable moment of silence you finally looked to meet his stare. He let out a frustrated sigh "Let's go. Before I change my mind." He cautions before leading us through the police station, again thanking the captain and same officer.
"Where is my car?" You ask once outside after you were returned your phone and I.D. "I'm guessing still at the bar you were picked up at, or by now at a towing company. You can deal with that in the morning, get in." He answers not stopping his strides toward the black SUV. You hurry to enter, afraid he might leave you here, the cool night air sending additional chills over your body, still buzzing from earlier.
The ride has an eerie silence, you had never made Hotch this mad at you, the feeling honestly made you want to hurl. You notice you aren't familiar with the street signs you were passing. "Can I ask where we are going?" You break the silence. "My place." He answers blankly, not removing his attention from the road. "Why?" You dare to question. "Because it is late, and you were picked up from a bar." He shot back gripping the steering wheel tighter, not seeming to give you another option.
After ten more agonizing minutes, he finally pulls into a parking garage. You quickly jump out of the car, following Hotch through a few hallways. You felt a wave of awkwardness once he finally stopped at the door. He quickly unlocked it and opened the door for you. You look at the open door, feeling like it was a threshold you shouldn't enter.
"Look I'm fine, I can call a cab to take me to my car." You insist, still not crossing the threshold. "No. You shouldn't be driving, you can stay here." He replied like it was an order. "We aren't at work." You spat not believing him. "Lower your voice, your yelling will wake others." He corrected you again, you noticing the clenching of his jaw. You groaned pushing past him into the apartment.
"Look I appreciate this but.." you start to continue your previous argument but his deep voice cuts you off. "You're correct agent, we are not at work. Meaning, that I did not have to leave my home in the middle of the night, coming to save you from being thrown in jail. You're lucky Jack is away or you would've been there until Monday." He chastised you again, but this time he was right. Although; still being a dick to you of all people.
"I didn't ask you to, I didn't even tell them I was an agent so don't try to make me feel guilty." You plead your case as he began to walk away. "I'm not trying to make you feel anything, maybe if you had more control of your actions you wouldn't be in this situation." He argues turning back in your direction. You finally noticed his different appearance, no jacket or tie, but jeans with an athletic shirt, his hair not styled but falling casually onto his face.
"I don't even want to be in this situation, I'll just go to my car." You huff turning back walking to the door. You just reached the handle, when a large hand came in your line of sight, pushing against the door.
"I'm not letting you leave like this. I don't know your mental state." You hear spoken close behind you. You spin on your heels, slightly taken back by how close your boss was to you. "I promise I'm fine. I wasn't drunk, and it's been hours." You roll your eyes again. "Obviously not, I have never seen you act like this." His voice was desperately trying to hide his frustration with you for the evening, you could see his chest rising against the fitted shirt.
"What? Not perfectly following your orders? Not everyone is perfect like you Hotch." You were yelling at this point, and you didn't care. You had never seen a person with more patience and composure than Hotch, but you finally broke him. "You allegedly assaulted someone at a bar drunk, get arrested, risk your career, the reputation of the BAU, and my credibility as Supervisor. You honestly think you should go back out right now?" He yelled back shocking you, feeling his minty breath fan across your face.
"You don't even know my side of the story!" You gasp at his assumptions. "How am I supposed to when you wouldn't tell me?" He hisses, still holding his same position, you had never seen such fire in his eyes.
"You are not my fucking father Hotch" You yell again, refusing to let him overpower you.
Your back hit the door with a thud, causing you to groan into his mouth. His hands gripping onto your hips roughly, pulling your bodies as close as possible. One of your hands latching his shoulder to steady yourself, while your other tugged at his soft hair.
"Then stop being a damn brat" He all out growls directly in your face, not missing a beat. Your not sure who moves first, you honestly think it was instantaneous, but before you blinked your mouths clash desperately, hands frantically grasping onto wherever you could reach first.
You purposely tugged harder, retrieving a groan from him, hearing it igniting a hunger in you. His lips slightly parted, so you took advantage sliding your tongue over his, still determined not to be overpowered.
Your control is short-lived, as he shifts his leg up, making you gasp at the contact, your head craning against the cold door. Even on your tiptoes, you couldn't relieve the pressure, perching you upon his thick thigh, causing your dress to bunch leaving only your damp underwear as a barrier.
"Did you think after your little game, I'd let you control me, sweetheart?" He huffs against your ear, in an even deeper tone than he usually held. You had never been affected by a pet name, but just coming from him made your walls clench, further agonizing you. You finally open your eyes, batting up at his dark eyes innocently. "I don't know what you mean" you smirk. You felt a low chuckle in his chest, and then you were swiftly moved, flipping you to face the door.
"I'm having a hard time believing that y/n. You've spent months purposely teasing and frustrating me. This..." he pauses his sentence, using his foot to spread your ankles, gripping your wrist together. "Is exactly what you wanted correct?" He completes the question as a whisper against your ear, making you shutter against him. You weren't giving in that easy.
"I honestly didn't think you had it in you...old man." You further push him, knowing your slight age difference being one of the things you regularly tease him about. He groans lowly at your words, pushing you harder against the door. "I still remember exactly how to handle a brat like you"
He punctuates the end of his sentence by effortlessly ripping your thin underwear from under your skirt, throwing the torn fabric to the floor. You shook at the cool air hitting your core, finally noticing how wet you were. His fingers brush over your center, gently spreading your arousal. You bite your lip to keep in the moans your body desperately want to release.
"Then why are you so wet for me sweetheart, hum?" Hotch hums in your ear, pushing his thick finger slowly into your pussy. You don't bother trying to hold in your moans this time, overwhelmed by the feeling of your muscles clenching around this finger, attempting to take it as deep as possible.
As if a single finger wasn't enough, he added a second stretching you delightfully. You scratch against his hand, as if some sort of plea, but the last thing you wanted was for him to stop as you could feel the pleasure building in your stomach. "Something wrong?" He coos arrogantly, watching your face morphing, as your pants of pleasure increase.
"Nothing" You manage to smart back without it sounding completely of a moan. By this point, you drenched his fingers, coating them entirely, letting him fuck his fingers into you as fast as he pleased. You hear a faint growl come deep from Hotch's chest, almost sounding frustrated. "Don't you lie to me; If you are not honest you don't get what you want sweetheart" "And what do I want?" You laugh through a heavy breath.
He shifts an unoccupied finger up to graze your clit every time his fingers plunge into you, making you gasp against the cold door. He leans down to your neck, tickling your skin with his beard. "To be fucked like you wish those boys you entertain would fuck you." Hearing your boss talk like that sends you spiraling, throwing your head back onto his chest to support you as your legs began to feel weak. Just as you clench around his fingers he retracts them, leaving you dripping down your thigh, craving satisfaction.
"What the fuck?" You yell spinning quickly to face him, he catches you by the neck placing you against the door again. Your breath caught, you felt like you didn't have a voice with his large hand around your throat. The way he was staring at you, like his prey. It made your knees weak.
He lifts his other hand between your bodies, you could see his middle fingers glistening. He keeps his eyes nailed to yours, you still trying to calm your pathetic pants. Your mouth gapes as you watch him take the fingers in his mouth, he groans out twirling his tongue, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment savoring your taste. You were fucked.
He removes his fingers slowly, still watching you staring at him with big doe eyes. Then wiping the edge of his mouth with his hand. "Watch it, sweetheart. I'm not sure if you haven't caught on... but I always give the orders. You will not cum until I allow." You whimper loudly at his declaration, you had never had a man command you like this, but you couldn't deny the effect it was having on your body.
"I'll do what you say." You whisper, barely audible, looking away from his eyes. Loosening his hand on your neck, using it to make you look back up to him. A faint smirk now played at the corner of his lips. "What was that?" He lightly chuckles. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes.
"I said I'll do what you say. Happy?" You return the smirk. "Hmm, honestly I thought you'd be harder to break. I think you're just trying to get what you want." He informs you, moving his face closer to yours. You shrug your shoulders innocently. "Is it working?" You breathe against his lips before gripping onto his shirt pulling him flush against you.
His mouth explores yours again; it's without a doubt the best kiss of your life. He was so skilled in his movements, and how he taunted you with his hands without actually pleasuring you. Maybe you had been dealing with boys before.
Hotch gripping into your hips, lifting you slightly before walking your bodies away from the door. You hardly notice he was moving you until your legs hit the back of a couch. He instantly spun you around making you a bit dizzy, folding you at the waist over the couch.
You couldn't help the smirk that grew on your face hearing the chime of his belt buckle, you were getting exactly what you wanted. "I wouldn't gloat so quickly y/n" Hotch warns. You try to look back to observe but cannot move from him keeping a hand on your neck, pushing your chest into the oversized cushion.
"And I shouldn't because?" You entertain his warning. "Because this" is the only answer he provides, and you then feel the pressure. That of him forcing his cock in you with a single plunge, burying himself to your brim, ripping through any defiance left in you.
"Aaron!" You scream out his first name, gasping for the air he just knocked from your stomach. He was massive, stretching you uncomfortably, you didn't have to see it to know you had never taken a cock this big. You were also sinfully a sucker for pain.
"Fuck" he groans above you, surly your tightness was affecting him also. You knew that he rammed into you purposely, not wanting you to be able to conform to his size before punishing you.
He made the single motion again, burying himself again and stopping, making you cry out again. "What's wrong sweetheart? A brat like you can take it right?" His breathing is labored now, one hand still tightly holding you down, the other now roughly gripping your hip. He repeats the same hard single thrust, you can feel tears building at your lashes. The way he filled you was overwhelming.
"Please" you beg, squirming under him. You weren't sure what you were begging for at this point, you just needed him. Every time he stills you could feel his cock pulsing deep in you, not delivering enough pleasure to relieve you, but only to further drive you mad.
"Oh, now you want to do what you're told huh? Now you beg like a pathetic whore." He responds with another snap of his hips. You couldn't take much more, you felt as if you could combust at any second. "Aaron I can't..please" you cry, feeling the tears stream over your face, he had finally broken you.
"Go ahead baby, call me what you really want. Go ahead." He groans, pulling your head back by a fist full of your hair. He didn't have to say it, you knew exactly what he meant, and he knew you wanted it. So you let everything out, all the months of frustration boiling over.
"Daddy, please...I'm yours...please" You wish you could've recorded the sound that escaped Aaron at that moment, a loud groan mixed with a needy whine. Matched by feeling his cock twitch inside you, struggling to stay composed hearing that name.
He throws his hips into you again, but this time it follows with another quick thrust, over and over, filling the room with a slapping noise and your moans. He keeps your hair pulled back, making your body hold the arch for him to angle deeper, brushing your g spot with each hard thrust.
"Yes yes yes, don't stop" You scream, him finally giving you what you needed. "Can you take it, baby? You're so damn tight" He grunts, you weren't going to last with him calling you baby. "Yes, daddy, harder please" you plea, wanting him to ruin you. He grants your wish, fucking you harder, you gasping feeling it all the way in your stomach. You would certainly be bruised tomorrow, but the pain would be worth it.
"Fuck daddy. So good... so fucking deep." You cry, feeling your body begin to tingle, your legs shaking against him. He groans feeling you tightening "Cum for daddy sweetheart." He encourages through his heavy breaths, and that's all it takes to make your body snap. He slows his motions slightly letting you ride out your orgasm, your walls still fluttering around his thick cock.
He releases your head, you not having the energy to stay upright you letting it hang down against the couch. "Shit that's was amazing" You whisper, causing him to chuckle and slowly begin to move into you again. Your eyes flash open realizing he still hadn't finished.
"Aaron I can't" you whine, your body couldn't possibly take more of this. "Oh I'm not finished, and neither are you" He growls in your ear, you couldn't help but moan out at his tone. "I can't take anymore" You whine again, only fueling him. He releases the hand that was holding you, now gripping onto both of your hips harshly, definitely leaving a mark. There was no reason to restrain you anymore, he knew you were his.
Hotch returns to the same pace he held previously, causing your eyes to roll back as you yelp, grasping onto the couch for dear life it felt. "Don't forget your place sweetheart. You're done when I say brat..." he pauses his sentence, repositioning one of his hands to your front. "And I think you can give me one more." He states as he set fire to your body rubbing fiercely over your clit, steadily pushing himself deep, determined to make you unravel again.
"Daddy" You scream, feeling your body giving in to him, his thrust becoming frantic, his moans become beastly with each thrust. "Give it to me y/n. Ahh... fuck. I know you want to baby." Is his final pleasuring cry to take you with him, as he made a final slap against your body to sheathe himself fully.
"Oh, Aaron" Is all you can cry as the air hitches in your throat. All at once, your body erupts again, feeling him filling you with his seed. Grasping onto him to anchor yourself to reality, uncertain this level if euphoria is real, or if you'll ever get to relive it again.
Drained of any energy, your body collapses into his, feeling his arms catch you and lifting you sweetly into his embrace. Although; unable to open your eyes, you feel him carefully carrying you, and then the soft cushion of a bed. You weren't sure how long he was gone, but your body slightly jumps at the feeling of a wet cloth between your thighs.
"Wha..what are you doing?" You mutter against a pillow and hear him softly laugh at you. "I've got you, sweetheart, just rest" He replies in a very tender voice. He softly wipes your leg, erasing the proof of your shared pleasure. Even half-conscious you had never felt so adored. Following; you feel him slide the heels off your feet, and then tug at the end of your dress to remove it. Your dress is finally off, and you feel it would be silly to care about after the deed you two just committed.
You are only naked for a couple of seconds before he wiggles a soft t-shirt over your body, oversized enough to be a nightgown. It smells strongly of him, which comforted you, but not as much as him pulling you into his bare chest, kissing your forehead just as you slip into an exhausted sleep.
Please let me know if this should be turned into a short series! Thanks loves!
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shijiujun · 4 years
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Okay I’ve decided to do a single rec after I finish one novel hahaha because if I wait to get around to it all it’ll never happen! Anyway because @sarah-yyy​​ has been reading it and I’ve gotten a lot of asks/replies on this, I’m just going to do one huge list for one of my faves so everyone knows what’s going on and where to find things XD
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
This is set in a historical setting where men can marry other men, but it’s usually reserved for sons who were not borne by the official main first wife of the patriarch of the family, i.e. a son born by a concubine in a family may be forced to marry a man to keep him from being able to become the next family’s patriarch for example. This is because any family’s next leader needs to be able to have children with a wife who married in as a zheng shi (lawful wife), and not a ce shi (second wife) or any other concubines/mistresses etc. Most of these men who marry other men have to take them as their zheng shi and lawful spouse in a sense, and the same goes for the royal family.
The story starts with third prince Jing Shao, who was forced to marry Mu Han Zhang, a Marquis’ second son, by the Empress and Emperor, thereby officially and effectively cutting him out of the race for the throne. He’s mocked by the public as everyone knows what this means, and for the next 10 years, he neglects Mu Han Zhang, blaming him for his predicament, and deliberately showers his three other concubines with affection in front of him, but 10 years later, when Jing Shao is accused of treason, everyone leaves him except for Mu Han Zhang. They are chased to the edge of the cliff by soldiers, and Mu Han Zhang dies in his arms having taken an arrow meant for him earlier, and Jing Shao jumps off the cliff with his dead body, and promises that if there’s a next life, he will do everything Han Zhang says, and love him.
He wakes up immediately on the night of his marriage with Han Zhang, and realizes that he’s been given a second chance to make everything right. Han Zhang is definitely afraid of him, humiliated and angry when he first wakes up after how rough Jing Shao was with him earlier on their wedding night, and he has no memories of their past life. Jing Shao then sets to SHOWER HAN ZHANG with affection, love and basically everything, because he realized that this is the only person who stayed by his side until the end, and then he falls in love with Han Zhang properly this time, and also deals with every single person who maligned and schemed against him in his previous life, with Han Zhang by his side.
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - Not Available | Novel Translations | Manhua (You’ll have to download the KuaiKan app, the chapters are currently all free)
1. 景韶 Jing Shao - 3rd Prince and is the first out of his three other brothers to be given a title 成王 (cheng wang). He’s referred to as 王爷, and also 小勺 (xiao shao) by Han Zhang. Went out on his first war when he was 14, and was thus given a title before any of his brothers. He’s known for being a merciless, cold and fierce army general/commander, but this was before his second life with Han Zhang, where he puts on like his doting mode and is basically a dumbass XD who listens to Han Zhang with a lot of trust, which is cool and all.
He marries Han Zhang when he’s 19, and in his first life he was very reluctant and resistant, and neglected Han Zhang for 10 years, until he was charged with treason and hunted down. 
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In his first life he wanted to snatch the throne, even from his blood-related brother Jing Chen, but more out of spite than anything else because he felt he was dealt an unfair hand by having to marry Han Zhang. Not only that, but Jing Shao is not his father’s favourite son, and he always felt that the emperor was biased against him. Anyway, a huge accumulation of daddy and anger issues, which is fair.
When he realizes that Han Zhang died for him, he decides he will be good to Han Zhang if they are reborn in their next life.
2. 慕含章 Mu Han Zhang - The 2nd son of Marquis Bei Hou’s, born to a concubine. He’s called by his 表字 which is 君清 (jun qing) by Jing Shao. Official First Wife Bei Wei Hou-furen and her son (who is in line to inherit the Marquis title from his father) has bullied him all his life, and wanted to push him into greater desperation by marrying him to Jing Shao, knowing he will suffer at the hands of the supposed merciless/heartless wangye. He has a weak body because of an accident when he was younger, and in his first life he was really sick after being neglected for 10 years, and knowing this in their second life, Jing Shao does everything he can to take care of him.
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He is incredibly smart, has a brain for business and sales, and is also very good at handling people, especially scheming ones. He aids Jing Shao in the beginning of their second life, and then Jing Chen later as well, as both brothers begin to fight to put Jing Chen on the throne, against the 1st and 4th Princes. Is an incredibly good tactician in war as well.
3. 景琛 Jing Chen - 2nd Prince, Jing Shao’s blood related older brother who is handsome af too. His title, given later in the novel, is 睿王 (rui wang). He was misunderstood by Jing Shao in the first life as Jing Shao thought it was his brother who led to him marrying Han Zhang, and because he’s not very good at expressing himself and shows his concern to Jing Shao by nagging at him, Jing Shao always thought he hated him. In their second life, Jing Shao already knows that Jing Chen loves him and did a lot for him in his first life, and so trusts his brother and supports him right off the bat, because Jing Chen is indeed the most suited person for the throne.
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He has a wife and a concubine, 3 sons and 2 daughters at this point. He ends up helping Jing Shao a lot, and when he realizes that Han Zhang is way more adept at politics and the whole scheming thing than Jing Shao is, he begins trusting Han Zhang a lot more as well! There’s a surprise with Jing Chen hahaha which I loveee and could see, but wasn’t sure until they confirmed it in the last few chapters AHAHAHAHA.
Other Notable Characters:
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1. Song Ling Xin (Second Wife) on the left, and two other concubines on the right
They’re pretty much vying for Jing Shao’s attention, but at this point apparently he hasn’t slept with any of them before. Song Ling Xin is the daughter of the Military Department’s Head Song An, and Jing Shao married her initially out of interest. The right most concubine (I forgot her name oops) was a gift given to him by his oldest brother, the 1st Prince. The two of them played a huge role in Jing Shao’s downfall back in his first life, and so in his second life, he especially detests Song Ling Xin. Plus the three of them keep bullying Han Zhang in the beginning, but thankfully Jing Shao is like: “Anything my Jun Qing wants”. They don’t stay around for long either, watch as Jing Shao gets rid of them like he’s swatting flies.
2. Xiao Yuan & Zhou Da-Ge
This is another male couple who’s been married for 7-8 years if I recall. Xiao Yuan is one of Jing Shao’s important allies and friends in the second life, because in Jing Shao’s first life, this was one of the only young officials in court who spoke up for him when the accusations of treason came about. Zhou Da-Ge is his husband, who is a cook running a restaurant in the city. Whenever Zhou Da-Ge bullies Xiao Yuan in bed a little too much, Xiao Yuan punishes him by making him wear colourful clothes out (pink, bright yellow, purple, etc.) and thus he has a reputation for being eccentric and a weirdo, but oh well, all for love.
3. Gu Huai Qing
One of Jing Shao and Jing Chen’s most powerful allies, and he becomes blood-sworn brothers with Jing Shao without realizing who he is. Later he takes a liking to Jing Chen.
(Will update with photos when they come out, but they’re a bit further into the story so we won’t have them for a few months yet ahahaha)
Amazing Scenes:
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Jing Shao & Han Zhang first looks in the manhua
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Jing Shao being THAT clingy husband and helping Han Zhang to wear his clothes properly so cute!!!!!
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Han Zhang and Jing Shao in their first lives (10 years later), about to die, sad and then Jing Shao jumps down the cliff with Han Zhang’s corpse, regretful cuz he a dumb bij
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Jing Shao unable to resist kissing Han Zhang’s cheek, realizes what he’s doing, and gets embarrassed LMAOOOO 没出息!!!!!!! (This is different from the novel, because in the novel Jing Shao just kisses and is done with that, the embarrassment part is drawn in only in the manhua hahaha)
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
Jing Shao is like, he does a 180 entirely and he is very cognisant of all his faults and what he did wrong previously, and how badly he treated Han Zhang, so he legit forces his brain to go “I will listen to Jun Qing from now on” and he really sticks to it!
Loves kissing and teasing Han Zhang, but doesn’t force him into bed after their wedding night, and instead goes to Xiao Yuan and asks for tips on how to make his partner feel less scared about sex
The both of them end up with a pet tiger?!! That’s called Xiao Huang (little yellow) LMAO
They nap together a lot which I love <3333
Jing Shao knows he’s bullied at home, so when they go back to the Marquis Bei Hou manor, he holds Han Zhang’s hand in front of everyone to let them know Han Zhang has someone to back him up
Brings Han Zhang to war because he “cannot concentrate if Jun Qing isn’t with me at all times” - and asks for special permission to do so
Han Zhang notes that since he married Jing Shao, as the ‘wife’ he is supposed to serve Jing Shao, but it’s always Jing Shao serving him - Getting water for him, bringing him to baths, putting clothes on for him, putting food in his plate if it tastes nice, massaging his back and waist etc. - and best is he doesn’t have to deal with any in-laws?!! HAHAHA
Jing Shao gets revenge on those who hurt Han Zhang when he was younger for him, and the outcome is pretty hilarious but well-deserved
EPILOGUES are cute af!!!!
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sweettodo · 4 years
best friends dad.
levi ackerman x freader.
includes : dub con - [ age gap ] , smut, swearing, daddy kink, squirting. pretty much porn with no plot.
wc : 2,7k
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a/n, thank you for 600 followers !!! <33 i love every single one of you.
She's your best friend, your closest ally, your soul sister.
She has been there with you through thick and thin, since youth, you two took showers together as children, ate off the same plate, went on countless vacations, share the same clothes. What would your life be without her?
Your behavior prevails to be horrendous.
It catches you when you're alone, or when there's nothing to distract you. Creeping up, lingering around your soul- guilt- quite the foe.
You lay on your bed, shame depleting you the more you remained in silence, left alone with your thoughts. Staring at the soft white ceiling, the sun scarcely pouring through the cracks of the shades, rendering it impossible to fall back asleep.
It was eating you alive, it was driving you nuts, you were so selfish. It was too late to go back on this.
And this isn't even the worst part of it all...
Your fathers are best friends, also close since childhood. Being neighbors, your mothers were close too, you all were practically family.
Hence, it boils down to one thing- one simple, and easy question.
That being, why was your 'second father' mere inches away from you, naked, barely covered by a sheet, and sleeping in your bed?
Yet, as disgusted as you are with yourself, you're turning to face the sleeping man, placing a small kiss below his ear, his arms instantaneously fastening around your frame, pulling you closer to his body, he loves when you wake him up like this, you're both accustomed to this routine.
After all, you did sleep in the same bed more often than you'd like the admit.
Living alone in your apartment made it easier for the both of you to be with each other, though your best friend resided here, she was at college, living in a dorm out of state for extended periods.
He told his wife and other children the ridiculous excuse, 'I'll be back in a week or so, on business' and he'd come straight to you. Always. With take-out dinner, a duffle over his shoulder, and a plethora of condoms in his pocket.
Call it disturbing, but it's almost perverse to give his wife kudos, 'no wonder you tied the knot.' because shit, you wish you could.
No one knows about the infidelity, so it was fun to sneak around; since becoming an adult, that's when family dinners with the neighbors took a turn, your body filled with a mix of excitement and angst almost every Friday.
He always sits next to you, to your right, hand secretly placed on your thigh under the tablecloth. He finds himself unable to resist your body.
The second you turned eighteen he was ready to pounce, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
He's so good at what he does, he knows how to sneak around, he always plays his cards right, he knew you couldn't resist the temptation; the temptation of your best friend's father.
How it started was almost too cliché.
"Hey, is y/f/n home? We're supposed to be getting ready to go out, she's not answering my texts."
"She's not home, likely caught up at work."
You nod, "how about you come in and wait?" he allows you in, "what's the occasion?" he laughs, plopping down on the couch, you sit on the other side, placing your dress, makeup bag, and shoes on the floor beside your feet.
"A friend's birthday dinner, she just turned eighteen." He smiles, looking back at the television, "she's always making us late." You chuckle, your phone going off at the same time, Levi watching your thumbs frantically respond to the disappointing message.
"She won't be off for another few hours." Levi sighs, "I'll just hang out in her room until then."
"You can stay down here, you're not in my way." He quickly replies, you accept his offer and slip off your shoes.
"How's your mom?" he changes the topic, standing and walking out of the room towards the direction of the kitchen, "and your dad."
"Both good, how about you and-"
"Good." he interrupts, returning with a glass in his hands, likely a glass of whiskey, that was his go-to.
Oddly enough, you felt unsettled being alone with him, something inside of you remained nervous, but not necessarily a bad sentiment.
You didn't spend much time with Levi alone, most of the time it was with your father and y/f/n, so you sat quietly, both watching the screen mounted on the wall in front of you.
Little did you know, he was feeling the same way, awkward and nervy.
"Do you need to get ready at any particular time?" he cuts the silence.
"Uhm, I didn't expect to wait, because I have to shower."
He hums in agreement, "you can shower here if you want." You didn't even bat an eye, standing and saying 'okay', trotting upstairs towards your best friend's room, dropping all your belongings on the floor.
Leaving the room, you're opening the linen closet to retrieve a towel and head straight for the bathroom.
This was your second home, why leave the bathroom door locked while you showered?
His leg tapped in anticipation, he knew now was such a perfect time, he had to do something about how he was feeling.
Levi told himself that this feeling would pass, he was disgusted in himself.
The first time he found himself with his hand wrapped around his cock, making himself cum to the thought of his daughter's best friend.
He had never thought about you sexually, it was almost like a switch was flipped when you came home, stumbling drunk with his daughter the night of your birthday to avoid your own parents, you were now an adult, and that's when things changed.
He thought about you in so many twisted ways, and the fetish only grew- it grew day by day, month by month.
Now, you were only a few months shy of nineteen, in college, in your own living space, independent, he loved it; and every day, he prayed to God he'd stop feeling so guilty about his vices.
But he was trapped, stewing on his thoughts before he went to bed at night, on the way to work, waking up in the morning- he only thought about you. He needed to do something.
He found his feet quickly moving up the stairs, entering his bedroom, and pacing, this was sure as hell a tough dilemma, but he knew he could get you to see it too.
"Levi, I- uh, need some help."
Like it was a blessing, a foot in the door, he's now knocking before you allow him in, you stand there only in a towel, hair wet and your body dripping with water, "the thing won't turn off, I'm sorry."
He could barely swallow, "I'll fix it."
The hot steam made him overwhelmed, the fresh smell of the strawberry-scented body wash that you had after your shower was sending him into a frenzy.
You stood there, watching him turn the hot water off, you acknowledged how close you were to him, naked except for the towel, he was so close to your legs, your wet body.
He stood straight after fixing the faucet, wiping his hands on his shirt, "thanks."
You step around him, down the hall, and towards your friend's room, "y/n," turning, Levi's there, in the hallway, a few feet behind you, "I need to talk to you."
He knew now was the only time he could fix this disgusting fixation he has on you.
You pursued him, you followed him straight to his bedroom, you allowed him to close the door behind you; you felt his hands grab your own, pinning them above your head against the wall.
You allowed him to kiss you, you kissed him back, and you savored the taste of him. It was almost like you didn't allow your mind to register what you were doing.
"I've been meaning to do this." He breathes, catching up on his lack of oxygen.
You didn't say anything, your towel was coming loose, his free hand encircling around the small of your back, pulling you against him, "Levi." You uttered, his head dips down, kissing your lips as he's whisking you off your feet and onto his shared bed with his wife.
Your legs wrap around his waist, his elbows propped up beside your head, his tongue swiping across your lip, you do the same, what the fuck were you doing?
You pull away from him, "Levi- this is bad." Hand pressing against his shoulder, pushing him off of you gently, "this is so bad."
He moves his hand through his hair, "no one has to know."
"I gotta' go get dressed," yet your legs don't move, "fuck- fuck this is bad, she's gonna hate me."
"No, no she won't," he objects, pushing you onto your back, "you want it, don't you?"
Your stomach was doing backflips, nauseated almost. You saw his tight body, you've always loved it- like a father.
You felt his cock between your legs instants earlier, you didn't comprehend just how willing you were; how wet you were between your legs.
"Let me show you," throwing off his shirt, "don't worry, no ones gonna know,"
He sees the look on your face, stunned.
"Don't you trust me?" your head was spinning.
"I do."
Your head is pushed onto his pillow, making sure he doesn't strip you of your towel just yet.
The feeling of performing something so bad, so disturbing, so sinful, it was driving you nuts, your stomach twisted, filled with butterflies as you saw the man strip in front of you. This was really happening.
Your legs open, but you hold your towel down, feeling his eyes bore into you, "you can show me."
His hands open your legs, gasping, he's kissing you again, laying between your legs with just his boxers severing the direct touch.
"God, this fucking body."
The towel slipping down your chest, his hands instantly cupping your tits, the now, cold droplets of water from your shower making your nipples twice as hard, he smiles, "you've always been so beautiful- so innocent too, you know that?" his hands trail down your sides, feeling your flesh in his palms, up to your thighs.
You felt so dirty, you wanted more, you wanted him to touch every inch of your body, you wanted to feel secure and full, "you want me to touch you don't you. You want it?" he sees your pleading eyes, he sees how hungry you looked, he brings his hand to your beck, squeezing your jugular, "say it, use your words.”
“I do, but y/f/n, Levi.” Your words meant one thing, but your actions were proving another. You didn't know how much you needed this- how much you longed to be touched by a man who helped raise you.
It made you sick, but fuck, it felt so good, “you want it, just as I do,” he pulls back, taking his hand and forcing open your mouth, “here.”
He wet his fingers with your saliva, ripping the towel that barely covered your lower half. “Look at how pretty, so wet too.”
You hiss, his finger pressing down against your clit, your thigh spasming from the harsh pressure against your nerves, “I’m gonna make you cum, you want that, right?”
“Yes, please make me cum.” You plead, his thumb still pressing hard against your bud, “f-fuck!” your legs slamming around his arm.
“Open those legs, I didn't say you could close them.” He commands, getting a better look at your pussy, his hand moving down the threads of his boxers with his free hand, cock springing from his constraints.
“Spit.” He steals more alive from your tongue, using it to lubricate his cock; he was thick, girthy with few veins decorating up the bottom to right below the tip. His chest heaving, hands pinning up your thighs, your legs wide open for him to see.
You whined, his throbbing tip teasing you by soaking up your slick, he was so painfully hard- the way he knocked against the tight hole in front of him.
“You want my cock? You want your other daddy to fuck you, huh?” You nod, eyes begging with every ounce of your entity.
You nod desperately, “please- fuck me.”
He obeys, gripping your thighs, pressing them upwards as he’s leaning down towards you, slowly sliding past your entrance.
Splitting you open, immense pressure brings you to screams, your eyes screwed shut as you spit out the man's name.
“Can barely fit- fuck.” His shoulders lax, cock seeping deeper into your pussy.
He pushes back and forth into you, the sound of your pussy juicing around his cock filled the room as you two take in the feeling of each other's touch.
“S’big- so big, Levi.” Your tongue lols out, he takes it as a welcome to capture your lips, sucking on your tongue as you mewl against his mouth.
He pulls away from you, “say my name,” he groans, “say it, what's my name?” his cock filling you so well, you could say many things; tears brimming your eyes as he's stabbing your cervix with his tip.
You wail, gasping for air, “daddy- please harder!”
His hips piston into you, slamming against yours as he's speeding up, cock ramming into you senselessly, harder thrusts when he hears you call him by his name, fucking you stupid.
“Go on and cum all over my cock, you're so close- fuck- you keep squeezing me-” he can barely contain himself.
But he keeps pace, the sweet spot in the depths of your pussy being abused, pussy squelching with every rut of his wide hips.
You're so close, inching closer towards release, a mantra of his name rolling out of your mouth, you feel so full, packed to the fucking brim.
The weight of his body on top of yours, cock reaching impossible lengths inside of you, sweat dripping down his forehead, chest glistening with sweat, “so good, creaming all over my dick, yeah? You love it.” He boasts, you whined, mouth agape.
“So close- daddy- so close.”
“Do it, you're so tight- fuck, can't get over it.”
The coil in your stomach tightening, your body going numb as he rips an incredible orgasm out of your weak body, “that's right, squirt all over my cock, God this pussy s’ fuckin’ amazing.”
He slowed down, bearing his high, watching as your cum drips down your pussy, his thighs and stomach soaked with your essence as it drips down his thighs. Amazed at the sight, he continues to steadily fuck into your convulsing walls, you're body shaking from the debilitating orgasm.
You squeeze your eyes shut, your eyes surrounded by a starry white, wet noises driving Levi closer to climax, the sheets below the both of you soaked, “open those eyes.” He commands.
You open your eyes, legs squeezing tighter around his sides, “you’re gonna swallow my cum, right baby?” he sees you nod your head, needy to taste him down your throat.
He provides you with a few strong thrusts, before slowly pulling out of you, your hand quickly wrapping around the base of his cock, rolling out your tongue like a whore.
You take his tip on the pad of your tongue, swirling around, his eyebrows scrunching from the sensitive touch, “fuck, so fuckin’ perfect,” hand coming down to caress your head before dipping his fingers between the- still wet hair from your shower.
He twitches, releasing his load in your mouth, the salty taste tainting your tastebuds, he watches it coat your tongue, catching his breath as he's seeing you swallow every drop of cum, his thumb strokes across your bottom lip, smirking.
“Look at the mess you made, now I have to clean these sheets.” Gripping your hair between his digits, he's pushing your head down to look at the damp sheets, you gnaw on your bottom lip.
He pushes you back down on the bed, sloppily kissing your red and swollen lips once more.
“That cunt is just as good as I thought it was.”
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