#It means Guardian or Keeper
literallyjusttoa · 1 year
I love your work so much i can't even describe it, it's giving me a warm and comfy vibe <3 I recently remembered Apollo is the god of mice, so i was wondering... can you please draw him holding a lil mouse and being amazed by its preciousness ? I would be so blessed if you did
Ooh ohh this isn't exactly what you said but this gave me an idea.
When those close to the Lord Apollo pray for his presence, he will often come with a companion. Sometimes, it will be one of his sacred red cattle. Sometimes, the divine wolf, Kitrinomavros. Sometimes, he will fly down with ravens, or his arrival will be punctuated by the trilling song of locusts. But with only his closest circle, Apollo will arrive with ...
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His pet mouse.
Apollo insists that this mouse is very important, but no one has quite figured out what he means by that.
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supershot73199 · 3 months
Dpxdc demon siblings au prompt
So standard demon twin/sibling setup where after dying for dissapointing Ras Danny is thrown into the pit where he doesn't surface. Damian mourns his brother but never tells the bat's at first because it's to painful but then because he doesn't want to cause his family pain with the knowledge that they have a brother/son/grandson respectively. (I personally like Danny being the older one in this whether it's just the first born twin or he's a couple years older is up to you all)
The rest under a read more.
So we cut to an older Damian as Robin and the batfam are fighting a exiled member of the League of assassins who wants revenge on something Ras did and decide that they will hurt Damian to hurt Ras.
So this exile uses a magical ritual to summon the ghosts of every assassin Ras turned on and killed (its a lot of them) so the bat's are not able to stop the ritual in time because they couldn't get a skilled enough magic user to Gotham in time (is there some other threat? Just out of contact? Performing at little Jimmy's birthday party? Who knows.)
So the bat's are getting what anti ghost gear they can (nth metal weapons magic doodads whatever) when the last and most powerful ghost is pulled through. Damian freezes because he knows that face, he's older and he has an unnatural glow, but Damian will never forget his brother.
The exile is laughing taunting the Bats about the dead son come for revenge on his brother who betrayed him Damian is emotionally distraught crying, apologizing, telling his brother that they tried to bring him back but the pit took him from them.
The other bat's are freaking out in their own way because holy shit this is true?! Meanwhile Danny is staring silently at Damian face completely blank. While the feral ghosts of the assassins are trying to break out of the summoning circle.
One ghost manages to find a crack from where it was weakening from the thousands of ghosts trying to break it and rushes to attack Damian who is too distracted and too far from the others to react. He throws himself back scrambling for his sword as the assassins lunges forward to rip his heart out with his bare hands.
Yet as is seems he's about to meet his doom the assassin jerks to a stop before his momentum is reversed and he's thrown back into the circle. Everything is silent because the one who saved Damian was his own brother who was not even slowed by the magical protection (because he's half ghost not that anyone knows this but him)
The insane assassin starts going on about clearly his betrayed brother has decided that only he is worthy of striking down the heir to the demon. Except as he's mid monolog a ice knife is thrown into his leg missing all the arteries but causing a lot of pain. Then Danny speaks.
"I never blamed you little brother. Now dry those tears and Al-Ghul never shows weakness to an enemy."
As he says this for the first time since he's summoned Danny no longer has that blank face instead he has the most affection filled smile you can imagine while he wipes his brothers tears before he turns to the massive swarm of ghosts.
"Any who would seek to hurt my brother must first go through me, The Phantom, Pariah's bane, keeper of Balance and guardian of the mortal realms, but if you think you can take me by all means just do me a favor, let some other poor sap try first."
Now if the ghosts heed his warning or not is up to you if they do then Danny just opens a portal to the ghost zone for them to flee into, if not then he proceeds to beat the unliving shit out of them before tossing them through a portal anyway.
After everything is said and done Danny goes over to Damian talking about how proud he is to see him growing into such a good person and how it's so wonderful to see him again after all these years. Just really heartwarming stuff there's hugs Dick is crying into Jason's shoulder everything.
Then Danny says it's time for him to go he can't stay forever. Damian is upset saying he can't lose him right after he gets him back. Danny then laughs and says..
"This isn't a goodbye Damian it's just a see you later, I promise we'll see each other again before you know it."
And the batfamily are all crying thinking this is him saying that he'll be waiting in the after life for Damian. Before he goes through the portal closing it behind him
The bat's all handle the clean up and police for the crime scene before returning to the manor and getting explanations from Damian.
After all that the family come together to make a shrine to their departed brother with Damian being the last one to walk away to get some sleep.
The next morning everyone feels lighter with this secret no longer between them as they chat and laugh as they get ready for breakfast.
As they are all sat together ready to eat one of Damians siblings asks if there are any pleasant memories about Danyal Damian wants to share and Damain decides to tell a carefully edited version of one of their escapades (conveniently leaving out that he was responsible for the situation in the first place) only right as he finishes a voice chimes in.
"That's not how I remember it little brother." And standing there leaning against a wall is Danny himself.
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copperbadge · 2 years
TIL that the English word “Lord” in the sense of the head of an estate comes from an Old English word of Germanic origins, hl��fweard, later hlāford, later lord. 
Normally I wouldn’t remark on my romps through etymology, but “hlafweard” is a compound of hlaf, or loaf, and weard, which means guardian (see also Ward or Warden, etc). Meaning that when you call someone a lord you are calling him an esteemed keeper of the bread. 
Lady also derives from hlaf, but in this case hlafdige or bread kneader. She makes the bread, he monitors it. Women have to do all the work as usual. 
Now, the reason I was looking this up was that I wanted to develop a gender-neutral analogue to lord/lady; there are analogues already out there naturally, but the Shivadh must be different and anyway I didn’t like the ones I’d seen suggested online. 
Given that the origins of Lord and Lady aren’t all that strongly gendered anyway (they’re about what the person does, not what their gender is), I decided that if a woman is a bread-kneader and a man is a bread-guarder, a nonbinary person should be A BREAD EATER, which would be Hlafetan.  
Thus I present to you the gender-neutral analogue to Lord or Lady: Ledan.  
ETA: because many have asked, yes this is fine for anyone to use for any reason, I give it to the world. If it’s convenient to link back to my tumblr (or to my author website at extribulum.wordpress.com) that’d be lovely, but don’t feel obliged. Use it in good health, my ledans! 
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velvet4510 · 2 months
Instead of yet another stupid apocalypse, you know what the final “battle” of Season 4 actually should’ve been?
The Umbrellas (including Ben) vs. Reginald.
No Cleanse.
No Keepers.
No durango.
None of that nonsense.
We should’ve had all of the Reginalds merge. So in the end, he remembers all the events of the previous seasons. Including the original timeline. He is the Reginald who raised and tormented and abused the Umbrellas.
The same should’ve happened to Ben; the Umbrella and Sparrow versions merge, and he has the memories of both versions. He is the Ben they once lost.
We should’ve learned the full extent of Reginald’s alien powers. It should’ve turned out that he is in fact a one-man army when he wants to be.
We should’ve seen Reginald’s plan backfire - the “tools” that he created in a selfish plot to get his wife back rebel and take back their autonomy from him. All his years of child abuse come back to haunt him as he is given no choice but to acknowledge that the Umbrellas are actual people, that they have found the real meaning of love in each other and his efforts to control them have truly failed. That there is more to these people than his own selfishness. All of his teachings come back to haunt him as their powers are used against him.
We should’ve had the siblings - plus Lila since she’s part of the family and also hates the man who abused her beloved Diego - finally face off against Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Both a physical and verbal battle.
Luther uses his super strength. Diego uses his trajectory tricks. Allison uses her rumoring for mental torment. Klaus conjures ghosts as backup. Viktor’s energy blasts bring Reginald’s worst fears to life. Five’s teleporting and time manipulation make their victory inevitable. Lila’s mirroring only doubles the effects.
And, through teamwork, the family win the battle and kill Reginald. (In Guardians of the Galaxy-type fashion.)
Together, the traumatized children finally conquer their abuser together.
Maybe they kill Abigail too, or maybe she sides with them and expresses disapproval at the atrocities that Reginald committed because of her.
Maybe Reginald is holding Sloane prisoner on the moon in Abigail’s place, and the final battle also operates as her rescue.
But definitely, the climax needed to be a confrontation between Reginald and his “marigold” children.
At least that would’ve been an actual emotional payoff to the 3 seasons of buildup and character development.
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milswrites · 6 months
The Sweetest Company
~ Azriel X Reader
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Summary: When opening your new bakery doesn’t bring as much success as you’d have hoped, Azriel comes to save the day.
Warnings: Like the teeniest bit of angst but it's mainly just fluff :)
The day had finally arrived, one that had been weeks in the making. After long painstaking days filled with re-decorating the crumbling building you had purchased and perfecting the art of baking your recipes, the time had finally come for you to open the doors and share your passion with the rest of the world.
You'd poured your entire heart and soul into this project, spending the last of your savings to make sure that the final result would be everything you had ever dreamed of.
It wasn't just you, of course, who worked tiresomely at making sure that the bakery reflected your vision. After encouraging you to take the leap and pursue your childhood dream, Azriel had stepped up to help with the refurbishment. Spending the rare hours he had free from work with you getting things ready, reassuring you that this big change had been the right decision.
By no means was this an easy move to make. Whilst baking had always been a hobby of yours, you had never once done it in a professional setting, let alone own running your own business. But Azriel had been your guardian angel, never failing to let you know just how proud of you he was and how pleased the male felt at the fact you were finally sharing your joy with the world.
Which is why after the months of working together to create your dream, you were starting to panic over the fact Azriel had yet to arrive on what was perhaps the most important day of your life.
His absence was as difficult to miss as a hole in your heart. The cruel silence of your empty bakery tormenting you as you told yourself he would be here any minute now. That anyone would be here.
A tediously long two hours had passed without a single customer, and without Azriel there to comfort and reason with you, your anxious thoughts were running wild.
What if you forgot to send out the advertisements? Whilst you remember going round all the other shops in Velaris handing out flyers, what if the keepers laughed behind your back before disposing of them?
What if the one thing you had dreamed of since you were a child had always been destined to fail before it ever even got the chance to open?
It was difficult to keep your tears at bay as you patiently waited for a customer to arrive. Your eyes stinging with tears as you moved to sit down on a chair at one of the empty tables, anxious hands coming to rub together on your lap. Failing to hide the way your gaze filled with hope whenever you watched someone pass by, only for your stare to turn to disappointment as they walked away from your bakery without so much as a glance in your direction.
When three soul-crushing hours had passed still customer-free, and Azriel had yet to make an appearance, you decided enough was enough for one day.
There was only so much embarrassment you could take and with the exhaustion of waking up early to prepare the goods for the day starting to creep in, you made to lock the door and leave to go home and wallow in your defeat.
Turning your back to the window as you allowed your tears to finally fall at the prospect that maybe Azriel didn't turn up because he knew today was going to fail.
Though it was only when you began to pack away your things in the back room of the bakery that you heard a hurried knock at the door. Wiping the silvery tears from your cheeks you composed yourself, opting to take a moment to calm down and gather your wits before moving to answer the door.
However, luck didn't appear to be on your side today as another round of incessant banging broke the silence of the bakery. Frustrated at the rotten day you've had, the impatience of the person outside aggravated you. Curses spilled out from under your breath as you moved through the bakery to the door.
Only to be stunned into silence as you saw who it was waiting for you outside.
Azriel had come.
Tears released from your eyes once more at the joyous realization that Azriel hadn't come alone. No, the male was surrounded by his beaming family and friends, all craning to get a good luck at what was waiting for them inside the bakery.
Even as you turned the latch, your words still failed to come. Your lost ability to speak not returning even as Azriel swept you into his arms, the male pulling back to take in your reddened eyes and trembling lips.
"What happened?" he blurted in concern, cupping your face in his large hands as his searching gaze found your eyes, "Did something go wrong? Why weren't you open?"
You let out a teary chuckle at his worried flurry of questions, moving your shaky hands to grip his own. "I'm perfect. . .it's perfect Az" you promise, because it was impossible to be anything else when the male had brought his entire family along to share in this special day with you. Your heart pleasantly aching with the realisation that he cared enough about this to want to bring them with him.
"Great!" Azriel smiled so widely that his teeth were almost bared, "Better get to it then, we've got customers to serve!"
It was a beautiful chaos, serving Azriel's over eager family. The tables no longer sat empty and the creeping silence had dissipated. Instead the room was filled with satisfied groans and merry conversation. Each member of his family coming back again, and again, and again. All wanting to try a slice of everything you had to offer.
The presence of the High Lord visiting your establishment certainly didn't go unnoticed, pools of willing customers flooded into your shop all with the goal of trying the food that Rhysand was so openly enjoying. Taking their fill of your goods until all the tables were filled and all the evidence of your hard work this morning was gone. The only sign that anything was once there being the smiling face of satisfaction which was worn by everyone in the room.
A slightly red-cheeked Azriel approached you, the male almost panting with exhaustion after helping you with the final rush, that same charming smile taking its place on his face as he spoke, "I think we may need to find you a few new helpers."
"I think I'm going to need to bake more" you laughed in return. Your anxieties from earlier in the day having melted away, a warming smile had now settled on your face in its place.
"Damn" Azriel cursed, a pout forming on his lips as he stared at the empty displays which were once lush with pastries and cakes, "I forgot to put something to the side for me to try. . .If only Cassian didn't eat all the cookies."
"Actually," you grin up at the disappointed male, "I may have something for you!"
You reach under the counter, pulling out a cake which you had meticulously decorated with blueberries. Azriel's eyes grew wide, yet despite his surprise his lips grew into small smirk. "You made this especially for me?" he asked, carefully taking the cake from your waiting hands to admire it.
"A thank you, for helping me achieve my dream. Maybe now we can start working on one of yours instead" you replied, words failing to express just how grateful you were to the male before you. Overwhelmed by just how incredible this opening had turned out to be, all thanks to him.
"I already have everything I want" Azriel answered, hazel eyes locked onto your own, "why wish for more when I already have you."
A rosy blush dusted your cheeks at the shadowsingers words, his stare so intense you could have sworn you were melting.
Slowly leaning forwards, you move to place a gentle kiss on Azriel's equally blushing cheek, only for the hypnotic moment to be broken by the boisterous Lord of Bloodshed.
"Az, you didn't tell me there was some more cake!" he cheered, stealing the plate from Azriel's unsuspecting hands before whisking it away to the table where his family was sat, eyes hungrily staring down the cake made for their brother.
Azriel grabbed your arm to stop you from chasing after the male. His warm lips coming down to meet your cheek, softly kissing you before he moved his mouth to whisper in your ear, "Don't bother. There's something sweeter I've got my eyes on."
Notes: Anyone else picture Az in a cute pink frilly apron or was it just me?
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bambisnc · 4 months
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i'm like some kind of supernova [ft. u.ae]
⤷ pov : literally all of the clocks of your house stop working and a random girl falls into your house?? she says she's like .. a goddess?? and now you've agreed to help her find her colleagues that disappeared?? or else she might torment you for all your life???
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pairing : timekeeper!giselle x reader genre : serious codedish + crack cw/tw : talks about dying/not dying + giselle talks old timey-ish for a couple mins + lowk this is a fever dream + uneditted womp womp wc : 914 woooo !!
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the strange quiet should’ve tipped you off.
when you woke up from an (unusually) dreamless sleep, your first instinct was to fight the urge to look at your phone and instead focus on the digital clock situated to the left of your bed. 
you were trying to make a conscious effort to “stop being dependent on your phone” and metaphorically touch grass.
and, obviously, that was your first mistake. 
the flashing numbers of the screen looked back at you, almost defiantly. 00.30.
one look at the sunlight streaming in through a conveniently located window proved that incorrect immediately. 
the clock appears to be broken.
pretty normal occurrence, could happen to anyone.
but when you venture out to the dining room, another clock, one of the analog variety, proudly displays the hour hand at 1 and the minute hand at 8. 
the clocks in the living room, guest room and kitchen all respectively seem to believe it’s around 2.45, 3.06 and 4.58 am respectively.
you can no longer put this off to a coincidence and the realization that there may be some foul play at work shakes you to the core. 
until, of course, there is a loud BANG! and a girl falls right on top of you. 
by then, your only coherent thought is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
the girl groans, likely in pain from the fall (where did she fall from??? is she a neighbour and did your ceiling just … break down??). she’s quick to regain composure however.
“greetings mortal. be not afraid for i am merely a being that most humans desire to have control over, despite knowing how utterly unattainable it is.
i am giselle; the keeper of time, in its purest essence.”
“your name tag says uchinaga aeri though.” you gesture with your eyes as she still has your arms pinned down with just enough strength to render them completely immovable.
“and also,” your fight or flight reaction shows itself by a means of ceaseless curiosity, “isn’t time supposed to be .. an old bearded man holding an hourglass? wasn’t he called father time?
the time keeper/uchinaga aeri/giselle/ looks pissed. or is she just flustered??
“the name tag is just a slight error, okay?! and i actually DO have an hourglass. also assuming that time is “male” is sexist.”
“no that’s not what i meant-” you try to defend yourself, but she brushes it off with practiced ease.
“my colleagues and i recently faced a … misfortunate incident. they all disappeared soon after.  the thorough investigations i carried out right after lead me nowhere for quite a while. 
but now… my sources have led me to you, mortal.”
the way aeri giselle speaks is enough to show you that she would not hesitate to resort to any means necessary to bring back the people she’s lost. they are obviously much more to her than just “colleagues.” 
you admire that. but also … according to her “sources” doesn’t she think that you are the one responsible for the disappearances? 
giselle’s grip on your hands eases only slightly while your brain busily tries to make sense of the events; wondering if she perhaps terrified you into silence. 
you do not let that opportunity go to waste.
with a slightly awkward, not as suave movement as you would have liked it to be, you flip over so that the timekeeper is now below you. 
“mortal?!” she gasps out, “you dare manhandle one of the 4 Supernovas, the guardians of the universe?! why i should-”
“hear me out please, before you burn me to a crisp or whatever you’d like” 
giselle’s eyes twinkle. 
she snaps her fingers. and all the lights blink out.
you find yourself … in your bedroom? almost like you’ve been sent back in time to earlier the same day…
the time keeper sits at the edge of the bed, rather nonchalantly, for someone who looked like they were merely seconds away from..
“letting you age and age and age some more, until all that’s left of you is a shriveled husk and all you can think of is the sweet release of death; but alas you’ll never find respite, because i will simply ensure that you remain undying. i think that’s what i’ll do to you if you don’t cooperate <3 arson’s not really my thing, ningning however,-”
you interrupt her once more, probably not the best decision but you need to make your offer as soon as possible if you have any hopes of getting out of this alive, “i’ll help you.”
you ramble on about how all the clocks had stopped working and how you were 99% sure that this meant you were definitely a key part in helping to find the people who had disappeared.
it almost feels like an interview; trying to convince giselle to hire you as a helper and also, as a side bonus, not torment you for all of eternity. 
and surprisingly, it works.
as you’re ending your pitch, she suddenly leans forward so that her forehead almost touches yours. 
“rest up for now, then.” she says, “you need all the energy you can get for our mission. and if you even think of backing out…”
“i won’t!!” you affirm quickly, which makes her smile and
god she’s really pretty isn’t she? 
beep. beep. beep.
the digital clock on your bedside says it’s 00.30. 
you grab your phone.
the Contacts app opens up. the first saved number is of a certain timekeeper.
o giselle (NOT aeri.) xxxxxxxxxx
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notes : I HATE THE TITLEEE IM MIGHT CHANGE IT IDK THO + [m.list] song rec : man idk i was js watching danny gonzales videos/horror video game playthroughs + supernova - aespa???
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𐙚 . regulars : @skriri ⋆
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royal-wren · 3 months
Hestia, goddess of the hearth (of flame/fire), of the home, sacrifices, of buildings, of architecture, of festivities/parties/feasts. The Goddess found at the center of every room sadly does not have a lot of remaining epithets to her name, so I will attempt to give her more that ties into her domains.
Aidios - Eternal
Kloomorphos - Verdant
Polymorphos - Multi-Formed
Polyolvos - Rich in Blessings
Potheinotati - Beloved
Prytaneai - Of the Prytaneion/Prytaneis (Prytaneum, Town Hall)
Basileia - Queen
Boulaia - Of the Council
Rheia eukomos thugater - Daughter of rich-haired Rheia
Parthenos - Maiden
Khrysothronos - Golden-Throned (Of the Golden Throne/With Throne of Gold)
Pyribromos - Roaring with Fire
Pyrimarmaros - Sparkling Like Fire
Pyristephēs - Fire-Wreathed/Fire-Crowned Xenia - Hestia of Hospitality, Hestia of the Guest, Hestia of Friendship, Hestia of the Foreigner, Hestia the Protector (of Protection). The goddess that looks after everyone, who is generous, benevolent, she who is epichthonic in nature, closest to man who dwells closest to us and supports us endlessly in all our endeavors, she who gifts and gives without a second thought with much joy. Everyone will find her presence so warm, peaceful, and calming.
Philia - Hestia of Friendship.
Agathe Thea - The Good Goddess.
Arkhitríklinos - Lit. The Superintendent of a Banquet. Governer(Ruler) of the Banquet/Master of the Feast/Director of a Feast/Who Presides at the Table
Panakhaia - Of all the Greeks. Common to, or worshipped by all the Hellenes. While in the modern day we aren't any of the above for a good chunk of worshippers, I think we can all agree to apply the sentiment and use it simply as "Common to all and Worshipped by All."
Hypate (Hupátē)/Hypsistos (Hypsiste) - Supreme, Most High.
Ktêsia - Of the House/Property
Ekkleisíā/Ekklēsíā - Hestia of the Political Assembly. Lit. Gathering of Those Summoned, basically an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating. In place of Guardian of Parliments
Prôtogonê - First Born
Presveira - Oldest/The Oldest
Próti kaì Eskhátēs - First and Last (Chances are that I did butcher this one, I'm just trying my best here)
Mêkhanitis - Skilled in Inventing. As the one who provides a roof over everyone's heads, the gift to make buildings and homes to live in and dwell in. The one who shares the gift Hermes created with so many of us, and the means to avoid the harshest of storms and weather.
Sekos - Of the Courtyard, or Of Sanctuaries. A Sekos (plural: Sekoi) was a sacred enclosure, sanctuary, or cella in a temple.
Lā́ïnon - Made of Stone/Rock
Líthos - A Stone, or a large rock or stone block, used as a seat to a speaker's platform, especially in the Assembly or in the Athenian agora, where archons, arbitrators and certain witnesses swore oaths
Pyrônia - Of the Fire
Pyrphóros - Fire-Bringer or Fire-Bearer
Pyrkaeus - Fire-kindler
Polias - Of the City. Polioukhos - Protector of the City. Poliatis - Keeper of the City.
Anêsidôra - She who Sends Forth Gifts
Thermasia - Of Warmth, of Heat
Pronaia - Of the Fore-temple
Sources/Further Reading:
terpsikeraunos' tumblr
Theoi.com's epithets pages
gone-arai's Hestia info dump
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a-single-white-crow · 4 months
Graveyard Etiquette
“If you take from a graveyard, you’ll leave more than you took.”
Graveyard vs. Cemetery-
A Graveyard is a burial ground attached to a church.
A Cemetery is any burial ground.
[For simplicity, I will be refering to all burial grounds as "cemeteries."]
As a paranormal investigator first and a witch second, I find cemeteries to be the least terrifying places to interact with the dead. Yes, there are bodies all around you, but in almost all cases, cemeteries are not haunted. That being said, this does not mean the cemetery is empty. In fact, it's far from it.
Every cemetery has a Spirit designated as the Gatekeeper. They are the Guardian/Protector of the land and spirits within. This Spirit is usually from the first person buried there. Though, the job as the Gatekeeper may be taken by a physical visualization of protection for the cemetery, such as a statue (e.g., a gargoyle or angel).
When visiting a graveyard, it's always a good idea to bring an offering for the Gatekeeper.
Each cemetery has its own rules and preferred offerings. This can become more detailed when focusing on a specific spirit within the cemetery. Like people, each spirit has its own personality and tastes. When visiting a cemetery, make sure to do your research. An example: reading the Torah to the spirits of a Catholic cemetery would be seen as useless at best and rude at worst.
Offerings Ideas-
Clean the graveyard- pick up litter, and debris left behind by guests or just blown in.
Apples (an Irish tradition)
Flowers (Chrysanthemums, Hyacinth, Red Poppies, Lily, Cypress Tree, ect.)
Stones (Jewish Tradition)
When in a Cemetery-
Interact with the Graves that have less visitors
Have respect while acting normal
When dealing with children-spirits have fun, play games, or share some jokes
Walk over the Graves
Lean/sit on tombstones
Take anything without permission
Take anything off of a grave with permission or otherwise (unless the family or keeper allows you to)
[Opinion] Whistling - Some believe this act will summon a doppelganger or forerunner to appear, and if one hears whistling, this may invite Death.
Graveyard Dirt-
In certain spells and practices, the ingredient graveyard dirt may be needed or mentioned. This, as one would assume, is dirt from a cemetery.
Always ask for permission before taking anything out of a cemetery, including the dirt
Graveyard Dirt Alternatives-
Dirt from a deceased plant
Used coffee grounds
Cinnamon powder (for protection based spells)
"The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death, to think that one should be buried in so sweet a place." -Percy Bysshe Shelley
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thelostpretzel · 4 months
hello!! i just wanted to pop in and say that i really really love your ocs, their designs are all so fun and creative!!!!! esp the heroes of the city waow :00 also deeply interested in whatever lore they have so if you ever feel like dropping crumbs,,, *hands outstretched*
*cracks knuckles* thank you for asking dear stranger i would love to ramble about my children (the?) Heroes of the City (sorry, I still don't understand how article THE works) is a story in the genre of LitRPG (like literature + RPG or manhwas/novells about rankers) and it's about Players who are trying to save The Sentient (?) City from self-destruction (or help it destroy itself if a Player feels like hating the world) so the main cast is Eki (she/them) aka The Leviathan Slayer aka The Hero she smol she kind she could kill a god if this god is a threat to her found family but only if said god is a physical threat she is a beating pillow for every morally gray/black character in The City and will never win against charismatic-based villain (she's very naive and soft hearted and everybody uses it)
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Black Silver (she/her) aka The Witch or The City's Shadow
the hottest and the deadliest villain of The City and i have nothing else to say
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Rex (he/them) aka [data deleted]
he is one of The City creators and his main mission is to be a threat to his ex-soulmate - Black Silver who is actively destroying The City
they are the Most Toxic Couple of the project and i feel terror every time i think about them
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Little Box (she/her) aka [???]
i don't know what she is and i'm lowkey scared to know so she's just vibin' here and there (i think she's dead)
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Coffee Fox (he/him) aka The Keeper aka The Guardian
a barista of a tiny coffee shop and The Retired King of The City
he brings comfort and love to every Hero but can only watch The City fall because he's forever locked in his coffee shop
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Magnolia (she\her) and Glitches (they\them) aka The Healer/The Parasite
ah yes a cool badass parasite with no morale compass and an absolutely miserable host with terrible anxiety disorder i love it (Glitches also often flirts with The Bitch i mean with the guy who is hated by the whole City and Magnolia lives in constant fear because of it)
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Midas (he/him) aka The Bitch i mean The Cursed King
The Bitch of The City (and he's fucking rich and hot too i hate him so fucking much i don't even draw him consistently WHYYYYYYYYYYY)
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Adam (the fuck/that) aka The Emptiness
the mute horror of the City (he likes Little Box and Magnolia though)
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aaaaaand the last one
42 aka Zwai (man/failure)
he's just funny little guy with horrible medicine trauma and a cat
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thats it thank you
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bonefall · 22 days
Is there any one particular bit in Ivypool's heart that really stands out concerning wanting to tackle it in BB (be it lovingly or with violence)?
I'll do you two; a loving tackle and a violent tackle!
Dovewing and Ivypool do NOT have a good relationship in BB, and furthermore, I absolutely refuse to let Ivypool be a healthy and well adjusted individual at this point in her life. ABSOLUTELY not. The Erins have dropped a raw steak at my feet and given me an opportunity to display BB!Ivypool's Dovewing Derangement Syndrome on full blast and I am shaking it like Whistlepaw shakes a newborn baby.
I was really craving someone on this journey not being patient with Ivypool, and seeing her act unreasonably on her pain and loss.
I wanted to see her get nasty with someone, and have them fight back. I wanted to see someone get angry that she was insensitive towards them when they've ALL gone through similar things. It kinda felt like everyone on this journey was there to give Ivypool therapy, not work out their issues as a group.
For BB, I also want to give Dovewing and Ivypool some soft moments of mutual understanding, but... in the end, they do not reconcile because Dovewing does not want to.
And that's okay.
Ivypool will think she NEEDS her sister and her acknowledgement to move on, to have her accept an apology (which, truthfully, Ivypool doesn't entirely believe in) because it's SOME kind of closure when she won't get that with Bristlefrost... but she doesn't.
Moving on and healing is about the life you make in the wake of that loss. It's not Dovewing's responsibility to give her sister what she craves, it's up to Ivypool to make meaning in her own life. It's about the friends she will find, the wide world there is to discover, and the ways she can make things better for the Clans in Bristlefrost's name.
Even when the bridge is burned... the river still runs.
(As a side note, I've also TOTALLY gotta work in a moment where Ivy and Dove come across their mom, Cinderheart, while she's out traveling with their aunt/stepmom Fallenleaf. This is the perfect opportunity for Ivypool to let out a bunch of anger she has towards them, but also have them get a little involved in the new supernatural stuff!)
Special mention to the Sisters stuff; in BB they are not Evil Neglectful Bad Moms Who Hate Men. Beach and Slate will be tweaked. I am already imagining a scene where Rootspring gets to have a Cool Older Brother moment and show off some cool tricks he figured out with his talisman.
(in BB, the male sisters don't genetically inherit the ability to see ghosts, they have a special necklace crafted for them that lets them call spirits without the need of a large group.)
(Slate also will not be needing a rename, because Slate DOTC has a full name now-- Slate Keeper. I'm still working on her, but she's essentially The Wind Runner's secretary.)
DEFINITELY the "River of Souls," along with StormClan and the Wildcats. I'm still wary of the Wildcats and the way the Erins could possibly dip into some weird "genetic superiority" stuff in the future, but they actually did a pretty good job introducing them!
I love the way that Wildcat religion is essentially that everything is connected by three elements, and that their unique belief system allows them to travel between afterlives. I adore this so much that I'm going to start thinking of the various "afterlives" in BB as having a primary element which influences how they behave.
Silverpelt and Skypelt are primarily Wind-Element systems. This makes them mobile and powerful, but highly subjected to the whims of the living.
The Tribe of Endless Hunting is primarily a Water-Element system. It's a very present element, flexible and easy for individuals to access while also allowing spirits to interact with the mortal plane.
The Guardian's Firmament is primarily an Earth-Element system. They require setup and investment on behalf of their followers, in return for giving worshippers a very powerful and intimate connection to the land.
All afterlives contain a mix of elements, but have "affinities." I also immediately saw a juicy opportunity to introduce the idea that Wildcats dance around addressing "fire" as an element, considering it forbidden, or at the very least, wild and unpredictable.
One Eye, who created the Dark Forest as a curse, is a God of Summer. So the Place of No Stars is absolutely a Fire-Element-- and I'm going to keep it loose until I understand what that looks like better. I want to save a little bit of wiggle room for future Wildcat appearances.
I'm also warming up to the idea that the Sisters have some Wildcat influence. I'm probably going to adjust their lore a bit to make them a mixture of Tribe culture and Wildcat culture. I've got a budding idea that, because Wildcats are rare and their population is scattered, they have a sort of concept of like... "Making A Home Where You Are," no matter where that is, or what culture they become part of.
So I like the idea a lot that this "river" is part of that. They maintain a connection to each other, across distances. The Guide of a Wildcat kitten is their mentor, both in terms of spiritual and physical training.
I'll also be needing a new name for this rework. Part of me really wants to call it "Ivypool's Loss," both for the angle of grief and also for the meme lmao. But, "Ivypool's Catharsis" also works very nicely... and if I go with "Ivypool's Awakening" the abbreviation is IPA and I can make beer jokes.
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Can we PLEASE consider the IMPLICATIONS of the new doll quests for the keepers?!
Like, I’m assuming Erissa is using them to spy. Not super worrying, you might say. Who cares if she’s keeping an eye on the castle or on a runestone that’s no longer active. Or on a location where something happened to occur once.
But I’d like you to consider some of the other locations here.
This is a HORRIFYING development for the keepers! Do you understand the implications of this?! Erissa is surveilling all these locations which means she KNOWS about them! Places that were supposed to be secret and that hold powerful artifacts!
AND YOU CAN’T EVEN FIGHT IT PROPERLY! Yes you can scare them off. FOR A DAY. Then they RETURN!
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folksaga-if · 1 year
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“It is a long story, and it does no credit to anyone: there is murder in it, and trickery, lies and foolishness, seduction and pursuit.  Listen."
- Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology
You are a human. A totally normal one.
You’re a human. You’re a bartender, which is a very normal job for a human to have, and when you walk down the winding streets of Akureyri you can blend seamlessly into any crowd of people which is, without question, only something that a human could do.
The fact that you came here two years ago with nothing but the clothing on your back doesn’t mean anything; you’re hardly northern Iceland’s first wayfaring soul. That you had no money to your name, no friends or family to speak of — that’s a fairly average human thing, too. And that little craving you have, that quiet urge to dig your teeth into any passing stranger’s throat? It's completely, entirely mundane.
It’s manageable. You’re managing.
Or you were, until someone — someone who's decidedly notas good at this human thing as you are — begins leaving a trail of dead bodies at your doorstep, and a trio of god-like siblings take a seat at your bar.
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No doubt the mightiest of his siblings, the eldest child of Thor is exactly the sort of person you would expect him to be: a giant (half-giant, in fact) asshole with a smoulder and a knife-sharp jawline to match. He’ll match your every word with a cocky grin and a joke that’s nowhere near as funny as he thinks, and he’ll look every inch the prince that he is all the while.
(Well, the prince that he was. Just don’t let him hear you say that.)
For the supposed embodiment of his father’s wrath, the God of Thunder’s second son is surprisingly…not that. He’s no picnic, mind you — he’s broody, he’s secretive, and he's fucking intense, but that hardly equates to fury incarnate. You’re sure there’s something hiding under that moody surface; whether or not you want to uncover it is a different story entirely.
(Looks like even gods aren’t immune to middle-child syndrome. Who knew?)
Valkyrie, seidhr,paragon of strength — with all of her mother’s best traits (and a few of her father’s worst), is it any wonder that Thor’s youngest child was also his favourite? Smarter than her half-brothers and more likeable by a longshot, you might find yourself forgetting how easily the fortune-telling goddess could break you in two. You might, but she’ll be happy to remind you if you do.
(Maybe a little too happy, in fact.)
KATLA B̶͍̏L̸̝͑O̵̟͠M̴̳̓Q̴̯̔V̵̺͆I̷̗͛S̵̠͒T̸̬̒ .
A fellow nomad and your coworker at Black Thunder, the first friend you made in Akureyri has remained your closest. Mischevious, magnetic, and often up to no small amount of trouble, there are times when you think you might know Katla better than you know yourself. You even know about her…well, you know that she…sorry, what were you talking about again?
(It's just that it’s nice, being close to someone who’s so very human.)
There’s a voice in your head and a shadow in your dreams, and they’re telling you to run. You probably shouldn’t trust them.
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Customize your monster character. New life, new you! Choose your gender identity, change your name, cut your hair, and remember: if you’re starting to grow tired of running from your past, try on a new outfit and start running faster.
Play as one of three runway creatures from Norse mythology — a cunning keeper of the forest, a charming warden of the lake, or a formidable guardian of the mountains. Each has its quirks (would you prefer a hollowed-out tree for a back, or webbed fingers and forearms covered in scales?), but they all have two key things in common: they’ll killto protect their homes, and you’redefinitely not one of them.
Choose your own fate, out of the countless that are presented to you. Had oatmeal instead of skyr with your breakfast this morning? You might have just brought about Ragnarök 2.0. Nice one, asshole.
Multiple romance options, with each available to pursue regardless of your gender or background. Ever wanted to kiss a god under a starry sky? Now's your chance! Or maybe you’re through with immortal beings and desperate to ask the pretty server on a date? Go for it! She’s definitelya human too. Totally. You’d be able to tell if she wasn’t. Wouldn’t you?
Save the world — or don’t.It's your choice, and isn't that what true freedom is all about?
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Folksaga is inspired by The Edda, Norse mythology, andTwin Peaks, with a bit of tweaking to the myths as needed for the sake of plot. MC backgrounds have been adjusted to fit for all players regardless of gender identity, and creative liberty has been taken with some smaller points for a smoother storytelling experience. All changes will be explained in an FAQ post (too be added in the links below ASAP!)
AS OF AUGUST 21 UPDATE: The current demo consists of the prologue (introductory lore + character creation), + chapter 1, about 70k words total.
I expect it to be somewhere in the range of 600,000 to 700,000 words, but this is subject to change (and likely will due to my propensity for rambling text. oops.).
I’ve written  short and long-form original fiction as well as a lot of fanfic (say hello @ pentaghastly on AO3, and @kendallroynsfw on tumblr!), but this is my first IF! Bugs and coding issues may appear in the demo; please let me know if any issues arise during your playthroughs.
Folksaga is a work in progress. I would love constructive feedback when the demo is posted, as well as any bugs or grammar issues to be brought to my attention if I've missed them :) I would also love patience, because I'm a full time health care worker who gets sleepy lots xoxo
A Swedish farmer named Sven Andersson was executed in 1691 for having intercourse with a mountain nymph, or bergsrå. I will neither confirm or deny if his Wikipedia article was the inspiration for this IF, except I will confirm it and it definitely was.
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kwanisms · 1 year
The Library of Illusion — Shelter from the Storm
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➮ alien!Yunho × fem!Reader wc: 7.4k summary: Upon entering the first section, Y/N soon finds herself stumbling into an otherworldly jungle on an alien planet on the verge of a massive storm. Just as she's about to lose hope, one of the planet's inhabitants, a humanoid creature called Yunho rescues her and brings her back to his hut deep in the jungle. genre/themes/au: slight angst, smut, slight fluff; fantasy, science fiction; non idol au, alien!Yunho warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, alien!Yunho, slight body horror, graphic sexual content (18+ mdni), smut warnings under the cut!
permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife @luvsooby @thesolarplanetarysystem
ateez taglist: @2hodefender @cixrosie @pyeonghongrie-main @flowerboykun @sanjoongie @anyamaris @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21 @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @mlysalt @cinnamoon-belle @briannabk22 @is4b3ll3s @hyukssunflower @vampiirose
special tags: @thelargefrye join my taglists! MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED.
a/n: when we first started planning this and assigning genres to each member, I knew I wanted Yunho to be science fiction because I wanted to write him as an alien lol I hope you all like this as much as I do and enjoy it! Thank you for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. Adult content divider made by me from a template by @cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, continuations, or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
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smut tags: unprotected sex (don't do this, especially with an alien lol), oral (f receiving), dom!Yunho, alien genitalia, breeding kink, knotting, tentacles, unrealistic sex (obviously lol he's an alien but also penetrated cervix. Do not attempt to do this, for the love of everything, i cannot believe i need to add this warning). I think I got everything but of course, let me know if I missed anything!
You stared at Seonghwa with one eyebrow raised.
“The Keeper of Keys?” you asked, uncertain if you heard him correctly.
“What does that even mean?”
A smile spread across Seonghwa’s face.
“Just that. I keep the keys to each section. The ones that allow you into the restricted section however were taken,” he explained.
“They are being held in each section by a guardian.”
Your brain tried to keep up as he explained. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” you said shaking your head.
“You mean to tell me you’re the keeper of the keys but some of the keys were stolen from you?”
Seonghwa nodded. “Precisely.”
You tried to fight the smirk that threatened to form on your face.
“Not a very good keeper, are you?”
Seonghwa’s smile dropped quickly, eyes narrowing. In a flash, he’d closed the distance between you, face inches from yours.
Fear erupted in the pit of your stomach. “I could easily kill you,” he whispered, his words sending a chill up your spine. Every ounce of humor left your body and you stood with rapt attention, waiting for him to continue.
“As I was saying,” he said, pulling back and starting to pace slowly around you.
“Six keys were taken, given to the guardians of each section of the library. I was tasked with keeping the keys safe. Making sure they don’t fall into the hands of those who aren’t worthy of the treasure.”
You watched Seonghwa pace around you carefully. “If they are in these sections, then isn’t that better than having them all together?” you asked. Seonghwa stopped in his tracks and looked up to meet your curious gaze.
“No,” he answered. “The safest place for the keys is with me.”
You nodded, dropping the subject immediately.
“If you want to get into the Restricted Section, where the treasure is, you have to collect these keys,” Seonghwa continued. “That is the only way to enter.”
You inhaled slowly. “There really is no other way?” You asked, your stomach dropping when Seonghwa shook his head. “No. There is not.”
You looked at each door, noticing the signs above them lit up in different colors.
“Then I guess I only have one choice if I want to get out of this place,” you answered, drawing Seonghwa’s attention.
“You’ll do it?” He asked, perking up immediately. You nodded.
“If the only way to leave the Library is through the Restricted Section, I don’t have much of a choice,” you replied. “Do I?”
Seonghwa shook his head slowly.
“The Restricted Section is the only way out.”
You nodded, determination filling your body.
“Then I’ll do it.”
Seonghwa looked relieved as he thanked you. “Which section would you like to visit first?” he asked. You glanced around. “Any section?” you asked to which he nodded. “Any section,” he confirmed. Your eyes landed on the neon green sign that read ‘science fiction’ and pointed. “That one.”
Seonghwa led the way over, pulling out a key ring to unlock the door to the section with you in tow. He pulled the door open and you both peered down the long shelf lined corridor that faded to black.
“So, what am I to expect in these sections?” You asked as you looked from the black void to Seonghwa. “Expect anything. There will be a guardian that has the key,” he replied. “It could be anything. Man, creature, machine,” he answered.
“So, do I just need to defeat the monster and claim the reward?” You asked jokingly. Seonghwa didn’t answer, prompting you to glance up to meet his gaze. “Something like that,” he answered. “These guardians are… tricky.”
Your brow furrowed. “Tricky? Tricky how?”
Seonghwa shook his head. “They’re smart. Cunning. Adaptable. They might try to seduce you, make deals with you, or worse. You must outsmart them, take the key for yourself and come back. Only with the key in hand will you be able to return to this Lobby.”
You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Okay,” you replied.
You took a step into the doorway, turning to look back and Seonghwa. “Wait. Can I die here or is there, like, a respawn option?” Seonghwa chuckled darkly.
“Try not to die,” he answered, making your smile fall.
“Thanks. That was really comforting.”
As you continued further into the hall, Seonghwa whispered from behind you.
“Good luck.”
You turned to look back but the door shut with a click. “Prick,” you whispered before turning back to face the void before you.
“One foot at a time, Y/N,” you told yourself before continuing forward.
The shelves extended the length of the hall, disappearing into the darkness. You stopped, opening your pack and pulling out a flashlight you packed. It clicked on with relative ease but did nothing to provide you with more visibility.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you started forward once more, looking around the old dusty and decrepit shelves at the stacks of yellowed pages and ruined books.
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Before long, you caught sight of something that looked out of place.
A plant. Bluish green leaves extended from stems growing out of the cracks in the wooden floor. Your eyes looked over the giant leaf, fingers reaching out to touch before you froze, remembering where you were.
“Probably not the best idea,” you murmured to yourself, getting up and continuing down the corridor.
As you walked, more plants started to appear in your vision. Some the same as the plant before and some with huge blossoms that looked unlike anything you’d ever seen. Vines started to cover the shelves the deeper into the hallway you walked until you no longer saw shelves and only…
“Is that rock?” You whispered, more to yourself as you reached out, placing your hand against the cool, damp stone. “What the hell?”
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud crack in the distance, the ground rumbling under your feet.
Pulling your hand back you continued forward, hoping there wasn’t a cave in. As you walked, bits of light started to shine in between what you assumed were cracks in the stone. ‘What the hell is going on?’
You reached the end of the tunnel and saw your path was blocked by dense foliage. The same vines as before, green with bioluminescent blue wound their way through each other, creating a thick wall of vegetation. You started to pull at the ropes, some as thick as pythons until you were able to create an opening.
You wormed and wiggled your way through the vines until you found yourself outside the cave, blinded by the sudden light.
Blinking heavily, you looked around, taking in the jungle around you.
“What?” You whispered. “How did I end up back in the jungle?”
You spun on the spot, looking around desperately for the sandstone building but only saw the cave you’d come from. There was nothing but vegetation, brush, and trees as far as you could see. Had you taken a wrong turn somewhere?
No, that was impossible. You’d only gone straight. There were no turns.
Maybe you missed a turn then?
No, there were no openings in the shelves. You could remember seeing between the shelves but there were no breaks between them. Just one long aisle that turned into a tunnel and somehow led outside the Library.
“Fuck,” you cursed as you looked around again.
‘I couldn’t have gone far,’ you thought as you turned back in the direction of the cave. “I guess I’ll just backtrack out here and find my way back in,” you said aloud.
Before you could take a step, thunder rumbled in the distance, shaking the ground with its intensity. You took a few steps to the side to look around the cave but saw only more trees. Sunlight was coming from that direction.
Deciding it would be best to just backtrack, you did just that, setting off in the direction you came from, bypassing the cave and walking alongside the stone, covered in moss, vines, and various plants.
As you walked, you noticed something was different about the jungle.
The colors were different.
Instead of the various shades of greens and browns of the jungle from before, the colors were brighter, more vibrant. Purples, reds, greens, blues, and more made up the color palette of this jungle. Plants you’d never seen, even in movies, surrounded you. Even the trees were different.
The tan wood sprung up from the ground in various places, weaving together to create a unique look. Gaps in the trees allowed you to see part of the way to the other side and no doubt provided hiding places for all manner of critters.
Another clap of thunder sounded, this time a bit closer. You decided to keep moving and made your way through the dense jungle foliage, taking note of any landmarks you saw in case this plan didn’t pan out.
You stopped briefly to take a sip of water, the humid jungle heat making you break a sweat. You continued forward, traversing over various plants and other things like rock and bits of branches from the trees until you noticed a break in the trees.
‘Finally,’ you said to yourself as you picked up the pace and hurried forward, breaking through the foliage and almost toppling over a cliff. Letting out a small scream, you grabbed one of the closest trunks and managed to keep your balance, looking down what you estimated was over a fifty foot drop to the forest below.
You looked around, surveying the jungle tree tops. There was no mistaking it. This was not the same jungle as before.
“Where the hell am I?” you wondered as you looked into the distance.
A huge mountain range you’d never seen, jagged peaks capped with snow, a large river that wound through the jungle and was fed by a massive waterfall from a bluff some miles away from you.
Beyond the jungle was the setting sun… wait no. Suns.
There were two. You blinked rapidly before rubbing your eyes and looking back. There was no mistaking it. There were two suns in the sky, both slowly dipping below the tree line. It was then you noticed the clouds.
Above the sunset, thick grayish green clouds had accumulated, looking equal parts dangerous and mesmerizing. Your eyes scanned the sky, the wind picking up and the temperature dropping. Another crack of thunder, rumbling in the distance and a flash of white across the clouds had you jumping back.
“That doesn’t look good,” you admitted. Taking a couple steps back, you watched as the clouds advanced menacingly.
“Ookay,” you said softly. “Time to go!”
You turned in the opposite direction and started to make your way back to the cave but the jungle was dense, the plants all looked the same, and you didn’t remember seeing any landmarks to identify and soon, you were completely lost.
Your head turned in each direction, looking for something familiar as daylight started to fade away, bringing with it minor darkness.
You picked a direction and started walking, hoping you were going the right way.
As you continued, the jungle seemed to come to life around you.
The bioluminescence you’d witnessed in the cave was outside it as well. Plants with specks of light started to light up and even small insects, also glowing, emerged from their hiding places. You stopped, staring in awe at all of it.
The small insects flew around you lazily before taking off in search of food.
Letting out a small laugh you continued on, trying to tread as carefully as you could.
As you went, there was a creaking above you, causing you to stop and look towards the canopy. You could have sworn you caught sight of something dark moving in the treetops but it was too fast. Too blurry.
You pushed it from your mind and continued on, pushing giant leaves aside as you moved through the dense vegetation. The sound of running water met your ears. It wasn’t fast but it might replenish your drinking supply.
Walking forward, you nearly tripped over something large and smooth. It looked like a log but it wasn’t the right color. Carefully, you poked at it, letting out a yelp as it wiggled and moved. Following the length, you were met with the head of a giant serpent peeking at you from the ground.
You didn’t stop to see if it was friendly, instead taking off with a shrill scream as you ran. The snake didn’t seem interested in fast moving prey as it didn’t give chase. When you were sure it was safe, you slowed to catch your breath, wiping your forehead and turning to find yourself at the edge of a small creek.
Walking over, you knelt down and inspected the crystal clear water. You were thankful as you carefully dipped your hand into it, sighing at the cool temperature. You raised your cupped hand to sniff the water but smelled nothing. Tentatively, you took a sip. It tasted no different than the water in your canteen.
You quickly pulled your bottle from your bag and twisted the cap off, lowering the canister to fill it with the cool water before replacing the cap and putting it back in your bag. You were placing your pack on your back when you heard a loud snap and quickly looked over your shoulder.
You scanned the jungle but saw nothing. Slowly, you stood up and continued to glance around until you were sure nothing was around. “Weird,” you breathed, noticing how the tension in the air had changed. The previous sounds of the jungle had ceased. All bugs and whatever other animals had stopped.
That only happened when a predator was in the area.
Just as you were about to start off, the brush in front of you rustled. Your eyes widened, breath catching in your chest until a small creature popped out.
It looked almost like a type of squirrel. It had long tufts of fur at the end of its ears, large and powerful back legs like a rabbit and the long bushy tail of a skunk. Its’ fur was a purplish red with a white belly and black fur around its eyes.
“Aww,” you said softly, kneeling down to get a better look. “Hi there cutie.”
The creature looked up at you, sniffing the air for a moment before it made a squeaking sound and disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Just as you were about to comment how weird that was, a loud crash sounded behind you, followed by an earth-shattering roar.
You didn’t have a chance to look back before a force hit you, something grabbing you by the backpack and dragging you across the creek, drenching your clothes before dropping you.
Raising your head, you caught sight of something large and covered in vegetation padding ahead of you. Pushing yourself up you saw the creature was massive. It looked almost like a bear. It turned to face you, giving you a good look at its alien face. Bears had two eyes. Not… six?!
You let out a scream as it stood on his back legs, rearing and showing it’s stomach and brandishing four other muscular arms tipped with flesh ripping claws.
The bear-like creature roared again but before it could lunge, something dropped from the trees above and began wrestling it. You could hear growling, grunting, and a scream of pain before the animal let out a gut wrenching cry as whatever had jumped on it gained the upper hand, stabbing it with what appeared to be a spear.
You watching in terror, chest heaving with labored breathing as the creature that came out on top stood up and slowly made its way over to you.
You gasped as you realized it wasn’t some creature.
It was a man.
You were staring up into the face of a man who was looking down at you curiously.
He closed the distance, kneeling down by your side as he inspected your face.
He opened his mouth and spoke but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. It didn’t sound like any language you’d heard before.
“What?” You whispered. He spoke again in that same foreign language.
“I’m sorry,” you said shaking your head. “But I don’t understand you.”
The man tilted his head, eyes studying you and allowing you to get a good look at them. They were a bluish green with black vertical pupils. ‘Maybe he isn’t human after all,’ you wondered as he leaned in closer, reaching a hand up. You shrank away, eyes shutting before you felt his fingertips gently brush against your forehead.
Opening your eyes, you saw him pull his hand back and inspect it.
It was then you noticed your blood was on his fingers. You were bleeding.
You reached up to feel your head, cursing when you felt the warm liquid trickling down the side of your face from a gash on your forehead, near your hairline.
“Shit,” you hissed, bringing your hand down to look at the blood.
You looked up quickly, meeting the man’s gaze. “What did you just say?” you asked, watching him as he continued to stare at you. “Shit,” he repeated.
You stared in a mixture of shock and amusement. “You speak english?” you asked incredulously.
The man nodded. “I speak some,” he answered. You sighed in relief. “Oh thank goodness,” you replied. The man looked past you, brows furrowing. “We have to go,” he said suddenly, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet.
You stumbled and fell into him, his large hands catching you and steading you.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly. You nodded, looking at him. “Yes.”
The man nodded, pulling you along. “We must go. It is not safe!”
You tried to keep up, stumbling along as he dragged you behind him. “Hurry!”
Behind you, the sound of rain hitting the ground and the leaves as the sky opened up, the rain coming down in sheets while thunder cracked and lightning flashed overhead. The darkness had caught up and the sun was almost completely behind the horizon.
“Come!” The man said, continuing to urge you behind him. “Where are we going?” You called as the sound of the rain and wind picked up, turning into a howling.
“No time to explain! Just run!”
You did as he instructed, running behind him as the rain continued to follow you, the wind whipping and blowing the drops sideways. The trees creaked, swaying against the wind as leaves from the canopy fell to the ground.
The rain had finally caught up to you, the drops pelting your skin and the wind nearly blowing you over, stinging your cold skin. A loud crack overhead caused you to glance up but the man grabbed your hand again and pulled you forward just as a branch fell to the ground from the canopy.
“Do not stop!” He shouted. “Do not look! Just run!”
You kept going, following him as you trudged deeper and deeper into the jungle. Soon you noticed the trees spreading out as you ran, a wall of stone greeted you but the man stopped and motioned for you to follow him.
You hurried forward, squeezing between a gap in the rock which turned out to be some sort of pass. The man urged you to keep going until you came out on the other side where the trees were much thinner. “Over here!”
You ran and ran, your thighs burning as you tried to scramble over the terrain, your boots digging into the mud. Your lungs burned from lack of air and just when you thought you were about to collapse, a light came up in the distance.
As you neared the light, you realized it was a lantern, hanging on a pole outside a hut. The man hurried up to the door, opening it and allowing you inside, shutting the door and bracing it. You doubled over, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. “Holy shit,” you wheezed as the man moved to check the windows.
“Who are you?” You asked as he lifted one of the hatches to look outside.
He turned his head to meet your gaze, face illuminated by the dim light of a lantern nearby. “Yunho,” he answered. “My name is Yunho.”
You watched as he moved around to the various window hatches, making sure to secure all of them. He stopped, glancing over at you, mid action. “What is your name?” he asked. “Oh,” you stammered. “I’m Y/N.” Yunho gave you a quick smile before resuming his motions.
“So,” you said nervously. “Is this a normal storm, Yunho?”
Yunho nodded as he finished securing a hatch while you looked around anxiously as the sound of rain pelted the roof of his home, thunder rumbling close by.
You glanced around but couldn’t see much. “It’s dark in here,” you noted, making Yunho glance up. “Oh,” he said softly, moving to the center of the room where a lantern hung. He reached up with his spear, unhooking the lantern and turned a small dial on the side, light illuminating the room before he hung it back up.
“Is that better?” He asked, turning to look at you.
You nodded with a small smile before shivering. Yunho clicked his tongue and hurried into a doorway leading into another room. He was gone only for a few moments, the sound of him rummaging around before he returned.
“Here,” he said softly, handing you some material. “It’s not much,” he added.
You opened it up and looked over the fabric. It was some sort of tunic. You thanked him and started removing your boots before you looked around.
“Uh… where can I change?”
He glanced at you, having already removed his own top.
“Change?” He asked, sounding confused.
You held up the tunic. “Yeah? Where can I change my clothes?”
Yunho didn’t seem to understand the concept. “You can undress here,” he replied. Your cheeks turned red, burning as he continued to undress. You gasped, drawing his attention. He stared at you wide eyed.
“Your shoulder,” you said softly, noticing the blood which was not the color you expected it to be. He looked like a human but the blue staining his skin said otherwise. You walked over, reaching up to inspect the wound.
“We should clean this,” you said, looking around for some sort of first aid kit. Yunho seemed to sense what you were looking for and nodded towards a shelf on the back wall near the door into what you assumed was a bedroom.
You walked over and grabbed a basket that held a few jars and some rolls of cloth.
“This?” You asked, showing him. Yunho nodded and moved to sit on a stool near a large square table. You used a damp rag to carefully wipe the blood from his wound which you could now see was a bite mark.
“It bit you?” You asked, to which he nodded silently.
“Does it hurt?” You asked softly as you continued to wipe the area. Yunho shook his head. “Not anymore,” he answered. You hummed as you worked, tossing the soiled rag in the basket.
“I’ll wash that later,” you murmured before starting to look through the jars in the basket, trying to discern which was antiseptic. Yunho smiled before he pointed the correct one out. “Use that one,” he said, his voice soft and gentle.
You unscrewed the lid and brought the jar up to sniff. It smelled strong and almost like pure alcohol. You coughed and Yunho glanced up, concern forming on his features until you waved his concern away. “I’m okay. It’s got a really strong smell.”
Yunho waited patiently as you cautiously dipped a finger in the jar and started to smear the ointment over the wound to his shoulder. You glanced up, studying his face as you coated a generous amount of the goo on his skin, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
His skin was smooth and warm, much like a human, but there was no mistaking he wasn’t human. His hands, which were large, had sharp pointed nails which were also present on his toes and he didn’t seem to wear shoes.
It was probably because of his clawed feet. His physique was largely humanoid. He was just large. Tall, broad shoulders, large hands and feet, and muscular. He had short black hair that fell over his forehead. It seemed like a generic cut like the men you saw back home.
His eyes were bluish green with vertical slits. The irises were a little bigger than a humans and you imagined it helped him see in low light settings like the jungle and at night. You suddenly wondered if maybe he was nocturnal or crepuscular.
You thought it might be rude to ask though, so you said nothing. Yunho glanced up, eyes meeting yours. “Are you alright?” He asked, his voice calm and gentle, unlike the erratic beating of your heart.
You weren’t sure how you didn’t spot it before. His teeth were sharp and pointed. His canines and the teeth next to them were like fangs while the rest were more like a human’s. ‘He must be a carnivore,’ you thought to yourself.
“Are you alright?” You heard him ask again and nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. The last thing you wanted to do was make him worry or concerned. ‘Just focus on what you’re doing,’ you told yourself. ‘Stop thinking.’
Once you were sure you covered the wound, you wiped your fingers on the bloodstained rag before grabbing a clean piece of cloth and started to cover the wound. “I’ve never done this before,” you admitted as you tried your best to wrap his wound.
“I can tell,” Yunho said, a small smirk present on his face.
“Do it like this,” he added, showing you where to wrap the cloth.
With his guidance, you were able to wrap and cover the wound while also keeping the dressing tight. “That was not so hard,” Yunho said with a smile as he got up, gathered the supplies and returned the basket to the shelf.
“Your clothes are still wet,” he added, noticing you still hadn’t changed. “You must be cold.” You nodded, grimacing as you moved to grab the tunic he’d given you.
You turned away and carefully started to unbutton your blouse. You pushed the wet garment off, letting it fall to the floor before doing the same with your shorts.
You glanced back at Yunho who still hadn’t put on a shirt and was now busying himself with building a fire. You quickly turned back around, heat rising to your cheeks. ‘Why are you checking him out?’ You scolded yourself.
You glanced back once more, eyes moving over his form as a fire started to dance in the hearth. The light flickered, shadows dancing over his skin and allowing you to see in a different light how his skin was much different than you thought.
While he had a honeyed tone to skin, there was a shimmer to it that was really illuminated as the light of the fire hit his skin. Beautiful was the only word you could use to describe it.
Yunho turned his head, looking mildly shocked as his eyes met yours.
“What?” He asked, curiously. You shook your head. “Nothing,” you murmured.
Yunho slowly stood up. “You said something,” he answered, matter of factly. You shook your head again. “No I didn't,” you replied. He nodded as he stepped closer. “You said the word beautiful. It was soft,” he retorted. “But I still heard it.”
Your heart hammered in your chest. ‘You idiot. Why did you say that aloud?’
You turned back around, facing away from him. “I-I’m going to finish getting changed,” you announced before carefully peeling your wet undergarments off and letting them fall to the floor with your wet clothes.
You heard the floor creak as Yunho moved to pick your clothes up.
“I will hang these by the fire,” he said softly and you heard the floorboards creak as he returned to the fire’s side. You exhaled softly and looked down at the tunic in your hands. “Calm down,” you whispered to yourself.
‘You’re supposed to be finding the key!’
You raised your head and noticed something hanging by the door. It was a large skeleton key with an intricate handle. Wait, was that… the key?
‘Speak of the devil,’ you mused silently.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. You looked over your shoulder to see Yunho at one of the windows, peering through the hatch.
“It's still not safe out there,” he said as he closed the window hatch again, making sure it was properly secured. He turned and caught you staring again.
“You still haven’t put that on,” he said, nodding at the tunic. Your cheeks flushed and you turned away. ‘Why hadn’t you put it on yet? What was wrong with you?’
The floorboards creaked softly behind you as Yunho slowly approached you.
You jumped slightly, turning to look up at the alien creature behind you. This close, you could smell the scent emanating from him. The tips of his fingers danced across your back, eyes taking in the blemishes that adorned your skin.
“Your flesh is peculiar,” he said softly, continuing to inspect you.
Keeping your chest covered, your cheeks burned with embarrassment. Maybe the fact he kept his eyes trained on you was why you felt compelled to not move and uncover the front of your body, hugging the tunic close.
“Could you maybe stop watching me?”
Yunho tilted his head curiously. “Why do you wish to not be seen?”
You glanced around the room like you couldn't believe what you were hearing. “Because I'm naked?”
That didn't seem to phase Yunho.
“Why is your skin changing color? Are you trying to camouflage?”
You shook your head. “No, I'm… blushing,” you explained. “What is blushing?” Yunho asked. You turned your head to look up at him. “It’s what we do when we’re embarrassed.” Yunho tilted his head inquisitively. “Embarrassed?”
You nodded. “Yeah, embarrassed. Ashamed, abashed, bashful, blushing,” you rambled on. Yunho let out a small huff, almost like a chuckle.
“Do you feel shame for being nude?” he asked, eyes looking up and down your body. ‘Not when you look at me like that.’
Ignoring your thoughts as they started to turn, you nodded again. Uncertain why, but his gaze made heat spread from your core throughout your body. ‘What is this feeling?’
“Why do you feel ashamed?” Yunho asked suddenly. You hesitated to respond. Yunho continued to speak. “Is it because you are alone in your nakedness?” Silence again as you found yourself unable to answer his question.
Why were you ashamed to be naked?
“Shall I undress as well?” Yunho's hands moved to untie the drawstring of his pants. You quickly shook your head. "No! That's okay!"
Yunho looked up, the strings still in his hands before he tied them again.
“Would you like to be alone?" he asked.
“I can leave the room if you would prefer that.”
Not wanting him to leave, you shook your head. “I'll be quick. You don’t have to leave. I won't be naked for long.”
Yunho nodded understandingly. “I will wait while you dress.”
The idea of him watching you change had arousal starting to pool in the pit of your stomach but you were thankful when he turned his back and allowed you some privacy to finally pull on the dry tunic.
Once you'd pulled it on, you announced you were dressed and Yunho turned around to face you. He smiled, noting how the tunic looked more like a dress on you. He was just that big.
“I apologize that I do not have anything that fits you better,” he said, closing the distance between you. “That's okay. It's better than my wet clothes.” Yunho smiled again. “Your clothes should be dry soon,” he said before his smile dropped, replaced with an unreadable expression.
You watched as he started to blink rapidly, nostrils flaring slightly as he picked up a new scent.
“You smell different,” he noted.
“I-I do?” You asked, feeling self conscious suddenly. Yunho nodded.
“It's stronger the closer I get,” he added.
You let out a squeak of surprise as his strong hands grabbed you, holding you in place as Yunho leaned in and sniffed you.
First your hair, then down the side of your neck and tickling you. You giggled as he moved further down, sniffing your shoulder, then down your chest and stomach until he was kneeling on the floor of the cabin, sniffing a place you didn't think anyone should be sniffing.
“Yah! What are you doing?,” you whined, gently trying to push his head away from between your thighs.
Yunho then pushed the fabric of the tunic you wore up past your hips, exposing your naked lower half to him. “Yah!” You cried out in shock, trying to push the tunic down, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
Yunho glanced up, meeting your gaze. You could see the desire in his eyes, pupils wide with lust. “Please?” he asked softly. You'd be lying if you said you weren't the slightest bit curious.
After giving him a nod, Yunho gently pulled your hands away before quickly lifting one of your legs to get a better view.
“Someone is eager,” you laughed.
Yunho turned his attention down, eyeing your glistening core. You caught a glimpse of the green tip of his tongue darting out to lick his lips before he unfurled his tongue, the tip quickly slipping between your folds and collecting some of your essence and drawing it back into his mouth.
Yunho ignored your protests, eyeing your glistening core. You caught a glimpse of the green tip of his tongue darting out to lick his lips before he unfurled his tongue, the tip quickly slipping between your folds and collecting some of your essence and drawing it back into his mouth.
You watched in a mixture of shock and arousal as his eyes changed, the reptile-like pupils widening. In an instant, Yunho had pulled you to the floor, legs thrown over his shoulders as his long tongue squirmed around, teasing your clit briefly before dipping to your entrance and pushing into your cunt.
You gasped, fingers tangling in his dark tresses as his tongue explored your walls, digging deeper and deeper until it felt like he could go no further. You were pinned to the floor with an alien tongue buried deeper in your pussy than any human man's cock had been. You let out a moan as the muscle inside you continued to squirm and wiggle.
Yunho had a firm hold on your hips as his tongue continued to explore. You whined, moaned, and mewled as you writhed on the floor of his cabin, incoherent babbles and a slew of curses leaving your lips.
A burning desire unlike anything you'd ever felt started in the pit of your stomach and spread throughout your body like a wildfire. Your walls clenched around the muscle, crying out in pure ecstasy as a white hot heat burst inside you, spreading from your belly to your extremities.
As the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm you’d ever experienced ebbed away, Yunho withdrew his tongue, pulling the muscle back into his mouth before kicking his lips once more. He wordlessly undid the strings of his pants before rolling you over onto your stomach, pushing the fabric up past your waist.
You tried to catch your breath, also trying to push yourself up but Yunho pushed your chest back down with a growl. You felt two smooth fleshy appendages wrap around your thighs near your hips, lifting your lower half off the ground.
“What are you-?” your question was cut off as two more fleshy appendages slowly spread your folds, exposing your hole to the cool air and Yunho's gaze.
Slowly, you felt one of the appendages which upon looking back you learned were tentacles, no more than an half an inch in diameter. The tentacle was warm and pulsating as it explored your walls much like Yunho’s tongue had only this time, you cried out as a second tentacle joined the first.
You moaned as they moved around, inspecting your cunt.
You felt one of the tentacles prod against your cervix before carefully pushing into it, making you scream. Yunho quickly covered your mouth with his hand as the tentacle continued exploring, squirming into your uterus. It was a foreign feeling, definitely uncomfortable as you tried to free yourself from Yunho’s iron grip.
The tentacles around your hips kept you in place while one of Yunho’s hands kept your mouth covered, muffling any sound you might make. You screamed into his hand as the second tentacle joined the first, pushing into your uterus and beginning to explore.
Tears filled your eyes as the tentacles continued to prod around inside your uterus, feeling the walls and inspecting every crevice.
“Hmm,” Yunho hummed. “How strange.”
To your relief, the tentacles withdrew from your uterus, and were now moving asynchronously of each other, thrusting into your velvety walls.
“You only have one uterus,” Yunho said, sounding mildly intrigued.
“Your kind is much different than mine.”
You gasped as the tentacles continued to thrust into you at different rhythms. “What do y-you mean?” You moaned. “My kind, the females have two wombs,” Yunho explained. “It is fascinating that you only have one,” he continued.
“It means we will have to do this a little differently.”
You tried to look back at him. “Do what?” You asked, your eyes rolling back as another moan left your lips. Yunho either didn’t hear you or didn’t care as he didn’t answer your question, instead kept his attention on the tentacles that were now moving faster.
You cried out, head dropped as your second orgasm approached. The heads of the tentacles swelled inside you, suddenly bursting and filling your cunt with a warm, viscous fluid at the same time you came.
As quickly as they entered you, the tentacles withdrew. “Please tell me you're done,” you whimpered, glancing back to find that the tentacles had not withdrawn into his body.
“Oh God no,” you whimpered as the two tentacles that were inside you moved to wrap around your thighs, keeping you propped up and spread for the alien. “Please,” you moaned. “I can’t take it anymore.”
Yunho either didn’t hear you or he simply was ignoring you.
You felt something hot prodding at your entrance and tried to peer back but only caught sight of something green and blue. Craning your neck, you were able to make out that you were seeing what you discerned to be his massive cock.
The base, which disappeared into a slit, was a dark blue which faded into a cyan before blending into a bright apple green at the flared, pointed head. At the base of the shaft was a large knot. A dark blue, thick fluid was leaking from a slit at the tip.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat as Yunho’s hands moved to grab your waist, taking a strong but gentle hold before firmly pressing the tip of his cock into you. The pointed head parted your folds, pushing easily into your leaking cunt.
You let out a deep, guttural moan as the flared head breached your walls. The thick shaft slid further into your pussy until the top of the knot pressed against your lips. Yunho made no further attempt to enter you, merely holding you still as he no doubt needed a moment to adjust to your walls. His cock was impossibly big and you had no idea how it even fit.
Yunho pulled back carefully before snapping his hips forward, making you gasp. There were no comforting words. He didn’t warn you before setting a relentless pace, hands gripping your waist tightly as the tentacles around your thighs held you tightly. It was rough, fast, and animalistic.
This wasn’t for pleasure. Not entirely anyway. This was for procreation and the thought both terrified and aroused you. The idea of Yunho filling you with his cum had you moaning, nails digging into the wooden floorboards.
With each thrust, the top of the knot hit your entrance, reminding you that at some point, he was going to try to fit it all inside you. The thought was less horrifying and more erotic as you imagined how full you'd feel with not only his entire cock but that knot stuffed inside.
You moaned, walls clenching around Yunho's cock and pulling a grunt from him as well. “F-feels so good,” you whimpered, chest still resting against the floor. You tried to push yourself up but Yunho let out another snarl, pushing your chest to the wood again.
“Down," he growled. "Stay. Down.”
You replied with a yelp as his thrusts grew in intensity, the sound of his skin hitting yours as well as the wet sound of his knot slapping against your soaked lips. With each animalistic thrust, you could feel the knot start to stretch your entrance.
A slew of growls and grunts left Yunho as his grip on your waist tightened. Your cunt convulsed around his massive cock as your third orgasm approached, your whines and moans turning into cries and screams of pleasure until Yunho gave one final thrust, the tentacles around your thighs pulling your ass taut against him and driving the knotted base of his cock into your tight pussy.
A deep, rumbling growl emanated from his chest, drowned out only by your shriek of pain from the sudden intrusion of the knot.
You tried to steady your breathing but it was too shaky. Your thighs shook as you felt a gush of warm liquid fill your cunt. It was more than any human sized load and soon you realized it wasn't stopping as Yunho continued to unload a massive amount of cum inside you.
Your belly swelled slightly and you moaned, feeling fuller than you'd ever felt before. The knot at the base of Yunho's cock also swelled, effectively trapping his cock inside you.
You felt something squirming around inside, pushing past your cervix, though not as thick as the tentacles. As quickly as you felt it, the feeling retracted and you were left, the lower half of your body being held up by Yunho’s hands and the four tentacles, with his cock knotted inside your cunt.
Time passed but you weren’t sure how much as the storm outside raged on, rain pelting the outside of the hut and loud crashed of thunder shaking the ground.
Finally, after you felt enough time should have passed, you spoke up.
“How much longer?” you whined, cheek pressed against the cool floor. Yunho softly shushed you, one of his hands moving to rub your back soothingly. “Only an hour more,” he answered.
“An hour?!”
Yunho chuckled, still rubbing your back.
“Yes. Another hour and the swelling will go down. Then you will be free.” You sighed heavily. “Fine. One more hour.”
Yunho hummed in response, smiling down at you.
“Yes. One more hour, and then we can go again.”
Your eyes shot open as you tried to push yourself up only for Yunho to grunt and push you back down against the floor.
“Again?!” you cried out, Yunho gently stroked your hips.
“Yes," he cooed. “We will go again.”
You groaned against the wooden floor. “How many more times?”
Yunho’s fingers on your hip continued to draw circles against your skin.
“Many times,” he answered. “After all, we are mated now.”
Your heart hammered in your chest, realization dawning on you.
“Mated?” You whispered. Yunho hummed, nodding as he looked down at you fondly. “Yes,” he confirmed. “Mated. You are mine now.”
‘Oh you gotta be shitting me…’
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You don’t know how you managed to survive another two rounds of whatever insane mating ritual Yunho’s species had but you did. You also managed to convince him to part with Seonghwa’s key.
With the promise of coming back, he took you back to the cave you’d come out of and after a surprisingly tender and heartbreaking farewell, you were back in the dark tunnel, flashlight in hand as you headed back the way you came.
The walk took almost no time at all, the rock and vegetation giving way for the wood of the bookshelves and books as the door came into view.
You took hold of the doorknob and twisted it, feeling relief as the door opened and you stepped out into the lobby, never being so glad to be surrounded by ruined books and stacks of old paper and dust before.
Seonghwa looked up as you closed the door behind you and turned to face him.
A smirk was present on his face as he inspected your appearance.
“Welcome back,” he mused. “How was your trip?”
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Guardian of the Library | Yandere Raiden Tameemon
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (5/7) | Master List
The thing about being the librarian at The Pantheon College meant you had the beautifully neutral position as a keeper of the college’s extensive library. So while you spent your working days reading what you liked while occasionally checking books and movies out to students, things were peaceful. Now on the off chance the different groups of students decide that the library was the place to fight you had the luxury of calling security and apparently, the mere mention of the job had people running. So you were pleased to rely on this mysterious person to scare the naughty kids away. That is until he came to you. 
The beast of a man easily collided and broke the wall of the raised entryway, tiredly yawning as he scanned the library. His brown eyes slowly take in your slice of heaven until landing on you. From there it was history.
You were nose-deep in a fantasy novel, the world you were reading about was on the cusp of war the romance finally reaching its peak. It was miraculous that you noticed him when you did. Standing so monstrously tall he somehow blocked out the light from the decadent chandelier that adorned the ceiling above your desk. 
“Can I help you sir?”
“So you like books huh?”
The smile on his face was far too wide and the muscles squeezing at the restraints of his white t-shirt told you this wasn’t going to be a question about books. With a sigh, you tucked your book away and scooted closer to your desk. 
“I do, now what was it you needed sir?”
“Your number if you don’t mind!”
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Rolling your eyes you prepare to reach for the line-connected phone, setting your hand beside it in a silent threat. 
“Look kid I’m far too old for you and if you think harassing the staff is going to get you a date then you’d be sorely mistaken.” Watching his expression drop and his mouth open up, you held your finger up. “If you aren’t here to check out a book, I’ll have to call security on you sir.”
His smile returned again and he leaned on the desk, completely engulfing you in his shadow. 
“So feisty! That is my favorite type!”
“I mean it kid I’m going to call!”
He laughed again and you had had enough, picking up the phone you dialed the number. The ring was audibly loud, making you hope that that would have this student running. But it didn’t. He just stood there smiling.
Then there was ringing again.
But if wasn’t from your phone.
And it wasn’t the default ringing from before.
Instead, it was some J-Pop tune that just kept going on
Until the giant man pulled out his phone declining the call. 
“Well guess I’ve got one of your numbers now. So when’s your lunch?”
Just great.
“I don’t leave for lunch. I eat here. So you’re better off finding someone—”
“Awesome I’ll just come back here for my lunches then!”
You wanted to groan loudly more than ever but there were usuals already watching through the shelves. Relenting you figured it’ll be less noisy to let the giant security guard come in and do as he pleased. 
Plus having the guard dog of the school hanging around might not be so bad.
“Oi, you work here right?”
You’d already been floating around this group for a while now. They weren’t regulars and they came in already looking in one section of the library. 
Tameemon wasn’t here  On account that there was some more violent activity on campus, he couldn’t spend all his time pestering you. He whined about it the first time someone called you since he wasn’t picking up. 
Even if you could call him, you didn’t want to be dependent on that guy.
“Tell this rag that book is mine, I had it first!”
His cronies hovering around all nodded, occasionally threatening the quivering kid clutching a book in the fetal position. One of your regulars. Immediately you recognized the book he was carrying—one of his latest finds. There was no shot these rowdy hooligans had this book first. 
“On the account that I’ve seen him start this book earlier today. I’m quite certain he had this book first.”
“Don’t you see all of us! We’re witnesses!”
“Biased witnesses that haven’t stepped foot in this library before today. Now please if you can’t quietly resolve this I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
The whole group was getting angry, you figured this might cause problems later. Which is why it surprised you when the main aggressor grabbed you by your collar, nearly lifting you off the ground. 
“You wanna say that again to me, booknerd!?”
It’d been a while since you punched someone, you briefly shook your hand at the burning in your knuckles. You’d have to put ice on that later. Holding your forearms up you slipped off your shoes to finally put some of your training to use. 
“Y-you hit me!?”
“Yes, and I’ll do it again if you bother me or the peace of this library.”
The whole group looked irate, some tensing up and getting ready to run. It would be six to one. Hardly a fair fight but one you didn’t mind. If it was for your library you’d be willing to take however many you needed to.
“You’re gonna pay for this–”
Lunging at you, you were ready to take him down or at least do your best to try. That is until a dark shadow overtook you and with a sigh you let your guard down. The large hands took you by your waist, gently putting you to the side before Tameemon stood in front. 
“I can finally go all out on you little rats!”
“W–w-wait no!”
“H-hold on man t-they swung on his first!”
“Y-yeah! It’s not our fault!”
Tameemon cracked his knuckles and tilted his head in a mock stretch. 
“Then all the more reason to join the fight.”
Tameemon pulled some salt from his pocket throwing it up in the air, and then a sadistic smile spread across his face.
Escorting the now uncurled student away from the scene, the screams and hollering of the ones dumb enough to mess around your library bounced off its walls. Sending the students still in the library out you made a call to the janitor, telling him to swing by after the campus classes ended.
Looking at the aftermath trumped any gorey horror book you could enjoy. The remains of the students were beyond battered, some of their limbs looked as though they had imploded. Gooey oozing red chunks scattered around with bits of bone, their faces resembling a cartoonish recreation of eating something sour.
“So did I do good?”
NaturallyTameemon was covered in blood, his shirt in tatters, and his fists drenched in blood. The blood that was on the wall, wasn’t something to be proud of and neither does the blood drenching the carpet beneath his feet. But the bookshelf was clean…. meaning the books were fine.
“If you’re talking about the books then…yes, you did a good job..”
“Enough for a kiss?”
“I don’t know how you are going to explain the bodies to the other side.”
“It’s fine the janitor’s cool! Cool enough to let us make out in their closet.”
“Maybe if you didn’t scar my regular.”
“What?! Come on I’m sure he didn’t see anything. C’mon, baby!”
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writing-with-sophia · 11 months
20 Victorian-era names for boys
Arthur: Derived from the Celtic name Artorius, meaning "bear-like" or "courageous."
Benjamin: Derived from the Hebrew name Binyamin, meaning "son of the right hand" or "son of the south."
Charles: Derived from the Germanic name Karl, meaning "free man" or "manly."
Edward: Derived from the Old English name Eadweard, meaning "wealthy guardian" or "prosperous protector."
Frederick: Derived from the Old Germanic name Frithuric, meaning "peaceful ruler" or "peaceful king."
George: Derived from the Greek name Georgios, meaning "farmer" or "earth-worker."
Henry: Derived from the Germanic name Heinrich, meaning "ruler of the home" or "estate ruler."
Isaac: Derived from the Hebrew name Yitzhak, meaning "he will laugh" or "laughter."
Jasper: Derived from the Persian name Caspar, meaning "treasurer" or "keeper of the treasure."
Leo: Derived from the Latin word leo, meaning "lion."
Nathaniel: Derived from the Hebrew name Netanel, meaning "gift of God" or "given by God."
Oliver: Derived from the Old French name Olivier, meaning "olive tree" or "olive branch."
Patrick: Derived from the Latin name Patricius, meaning "noble" or "patrician."
Reginald: Derived from the Old Norse name Ragnvaldr, meaning "ruler's advisor" or "counsel of the ruler."
Samuel: Derived from the Hebrew name Shemu'el, meaning "heard by God" or "name of God."
Theodore: Derived from the Greek name Theodoros, meaning "gift of God" or "God's gift."
Victor: Derived from the Latin word victor, meaning "victor" or "conqueror."
William: Derived from the Old High German name Willahelm, meaning "willful protector" or "resolute protector."
Xavier: Derived from the Basque place name Etxaberri, meaning "new house" or "bright house."
Zachary: Derived from the Hebrew name Zechariah, meaning "remembered by God" or "God has remembered."
More names
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creeativesimmer · 5 months
Pretty Guardians Legacy Challenge
A Sailor Moon inspired legacy challenge for the Sims 4
I have always enjoyed playing Legacy Challenges and wanted to one day attempt to make my own. While I am certain there are Sailor Moon Legacy challenges out there, I couldn't find one that suited my fancy, so I decided to create my own updated version. I'm also trying to utilize as many packs/gameplay that I don't usually use. So here goes.
~~This is currently in gen 1 of playtesting, so things might get changed or updated. If you have any feedback feel free to share as some changes may be in order. Also stay tuned for my documentation of the playtest.~~
Basic Rules:
Money cheats can be used, but I wouldn't recommend using it extensively since that's half the fun. But who am I to tell you how you like to play
Mods and CC are okay to use. Feel free to make the heirs look as similar or as different than their counterpart.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
All heirs must have a human lifespan unless otherwise stated. Heirs can be either male or female. Just because you're a Pretty Guardian, doesn't mean you have to be a girl. c:
You may have as many children and you'd like unless otherwise stated. Marriage and Live-in Partners are optional, unless otherwise stated in the challenge.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Would recommend keeping the lifespan on normal, but you may play on whatever lifespan or custom lifespan if you so desire.
Feel free to accept any additional self discoveries, just don't switch personalities unless otherwise stated.
Please take advantage of the Reward traits and potions to help you through each generation
Have fun. I personally like challenges, so I'm adding some additional requirements for each generation for a challenge mode. Feel free to adjust the rules to suit your own playstyle better and complete as much or as little of the generation as you please.
Generation 1: Pluto
Optional Colors: Black, Red, Maroon
You are the Keeper of Time and this legacy. The timeline has shifted, and the Moon Kingdom is in danger. You and your companion have been allowed to leave your post in order to correct it. This world is different that what you are familiar with. It isn't the Moon Kingdom, nor is it Tokyo. But you do learn there is a place that teaches you the things you need to know, and you find yourself enrolled in school. You must compile this knowledge to develop a new Door of Space and Time to guard for all of eternity from this new world. But not everything is doom and gloom. When you're not trying to fix the world, you find yourself relaxing by playing chess and making things to wear.
Optional: Start off or Become a Vampire, the goal is to eventually become immortal (You may also cheat this if you prefer to remain human) Optional: Have a feline companion who also gains immortality (with the power of many, many age down treats) and lives with each generation to provide them with the wisdom and knowledge. Traits: Gloomy, Genius, Vegetarian? Aspirations: Academic, (Optional) Good Vampire Career: Scientist Skills: Research & Debate, Knitting or Gemology, (Optional) Veterinarian 
Complete Academic aspiration and get a degree in Physics
Max Scientist Career along with Research & Debate and either Gemology or Knitting Skills
Create and Upgrade the Door of Space and Time (aka the Wormhole Generator) and place on home lot.
Travel to the Moon Kingdom (Sixam) at least once.
Must adopt at least one child
Heir must be human or have human lifespan (can be adopted sim)
Challenge mode:
(Optional) In order to achieve immortality: Become a Vampire and complete the Good Vampire Aspiration
(Optional) Create all the serums in the scientist career
(Optional) In order to achieve immortality for your feline companion, master the Veterinarian skill and create the Age Down Treats. (Purchasing them is also okay, especially in later generations)
(Optional) Have a garden where you grow most of your food source and death flowers
(Optional) Gift at least 3 knitted items or jewelry to friends or family
(Optional) Complete both Knitting and Gemology skills
(Optional) Use the gemology skill to make you immortal
(Optional) Complete the crystal and geodes collection
Generation 2: Saturn
Optional Colors: Purple, Maroon, White
Your guardian was always locked up in a lab seeking answers to life's greatest questions. While they still loved and cared for you, their ultimate focus was on their own goals and mission, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The voices in your head make it hard to be alone, so you spend most of your time reading. When you finally meet someone new, you become close friends. But one day when you have a maniac episode where you completely black out, you ruin the only friendship you had. And to save your friend and anyone else from your unstable personality, you become a shut-in with just you and your books. You dream of traveling, but never trust yourself to leave. So you travel through books and fantasy, writing about the adventures you'll never take.
Traits: Erratic, Loner, Paranoid Aspiration: Best-Selling Author Career: Freelance Writer Skills: Writing, Selvadoran Culture, Vampire Lore, + 1 skill of your choice
Complete Best-Selling Author aspiration and write Book of Life for Gen one.
Max Writing, Selvadoran Culture (will likely need to attend classes to sit on to gain the initial skill), Vampire Lore, & 1 skill of your choosing (preferably one that you wouldn't ever use like herbalism, rock climbing, skiing, etc.) that you must master via skill book only.
Only make your money from Royalties and/or Freelance Work.
Make a BFF and and eventually loose your BFF status due to the decline of your friendship
Never leave your lot (unless for a rabbithole event or absolutely necessary)
Complete the Postcard collection.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional: As a child) Become best friends with the first child (or younger) sim that you meet. Can be a Non-blood related sibling, if you're having trouble.
(Optional Mod) Be homeschooled
(Optional: As a teen) Have a falling out with your friend that goes from BFF into the red.
(Optional: After falling out) Never leave your lot (unless for a rabbithole event or absolutely necessary)
(Optional: As a YA) If you decide to move out, you must stay in the same neighborhood as you grew up. Alternative: Stay in your family's home or Turn your family home into a residential rental and stay there.
(Optional: As an adult) You settle the voices in your head. Should you desire, you may replace the erratic trait with a trait of your choosing (as an adult) or via self-discovery prompt (at any point as a YA or older)
(Optional) After accepting your new self, rekindle your friendship with your former childhood BFF.
Generation 3: Uranus
Optional Colors: Navy & Yellow
Your guardian was a complete shut-in. Always talking about adventures, but refusing to leave home. You're tired of being surrounded by all these books about action and adventure, you want to live and experience it. You develop a need for speed. And since there's no cars in this world, you want learn how to ride. Your guardian begrudgingly allows you to have a horse, but only because they thought it was one of those "I wanna a pony" stages. Turns out, you're pretty decent of a rider, so much so that you can build a living off of it. As soon as you're old enough, you move out of your parent's home and set off on your own adventure. With your career, you have the flexibility to work when you want and travel the rest of the time. While you enjoy riding horses, you're not really about the farm/ranch life. You gain a little fame from work and your adventuring, so you find yourself having to disguise yourself when going out, but it doesn't slow your adventures in the slightest.
Traits: Adventurous, Active, Horse LoverAspiration: Championship Rider Career: None - Make your money competing in horse riding competitions (Alternatively, you can join the Athlete career) Skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, 1 Extreme sport skill (skiing, rock climbing, snowboarding)
Max out skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, 1 Extreme sport skill (skiing, rock climbing, snowboarding)
Finish the Championship Rider Aspiration.
Have at least 2-star fame
Travel more than you work. (ie. compete in competitions 3 days of the week and then vacation 4)
Meet your partner/spouse when traveling
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Live in at least two additional worlds outside of the one you grew up in. Start in Chestnut Ridge and then move somewhere else.
(Optional) Reach 5-star celebrity and wear disguises when going out. (alternatively create an additional look in CAS for your disguise)
(Optional) Climb Mt. Komorebi
(Optional) Complete 2 of the following additional aspirations: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Body Builder
(Optional) Gain the Adrenaline Seeker and/or Frequent Traveler Lifestyle.
(Optional) Complete the Omniscan Treasures collection
(Optional) Vacation in Sulani at least once with your children.
(Optional) Marry someone of the same gender.
Generation 4: Neptune
Optional Colors: Sea green & Navy
You spent a lot of your childhood traveling. While it was enjoyable traveling the world, it was the beach that managed to capture your heart. You heard the ocean's call and you answered with your own. You develop a passion for music and the ocean that you move to Sulani live out your dream to become the siren of the sea.
Traits: Child of the Island, Music Lover, Perfectionist Career: Entertainer - Musician Aspiration: Musical Genius Skills: Violin, Singing, Painting
Master skills for Violin, Painting, & Singing
Max out the Musician Branch of the Entertainer Career.
Complete the Musical Genius Aspiration
Live in Sulani
Summon and Befriend an Island Elemental
Have your heir with another partner before meeting your spouse.
Become a mermaid
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Become a mermaid after maxing the singing skill
(Optional) Complete the Beach Life Aspiration
(Optional) Have a child with an Island Elemental
(Optional) Befriend a mermaid
(Optional) Seduce a local and marry them after becoming a mermaid.
(Optional) Paint pictures of the Ocean and decorate your house with them.
(Optional) Heir should ideally be human, but if you want to keep playing with mermaids, feel free
(Optional) Complete the Buried Treasure and Seashell collection.
(Optional) Clean up the islands and see the turtle hatching at least once.
Generation 5: Mercury
Optional Colors: Blue & Light Blue
You grew up listening to your guardian's voice singing into the night. It made you wonder what all was out there. So you took to the books to study what you could. You were a nerd in all senses, with your nose always stuck in a book. You had an absentee parent, so it made you admire your guardian that much more being able to raise you solo and still dedicate so much to their career and passions. It motivated you enough that you wanted to become a doctor, but along the way in your studies you discovered your love of technology.
Traits: Bookworm, Ambitious, Generous Career: Doctor Aspiration: Nerd Brain Skills: Logic, Programming, Handiness
Max out the Doctor career
Get all A's in school
Complete the Nerd Brain Aspiration
Max Logic, Handiness, & Programming Skills
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Gain the Workaholic and Techie Lifestyle
(Optional) Complete Whiz Kid aspiration as a child.
(Optional) Graduate early if you can.
(Optional) Get a degree in Computer Science before joining the Doctor career at entry level.
(Optional) Join the Bot Savants in Uni.
(Optional) Max out either Rocket Science or Robotics Skill
(Optional) Build a rocket and give it all the upgrades/ Build a servo and all the bots.
(Optional) Complete the Space Prints, Aliens, & Space Rocks Collection
Generation 6: Venus
Optional Colors: Orange & Blue
You grew up surrounded by all the latest technology. But you could care less about the robots and rocket ships, your obsession came in the form of video games and computers. Though despite your knowledge on computers, you were too good for school. You usually would stay up too late at night gaming that you would get caught sleeping in school more than you did actually studying. While you present yourself as lazy in appearance and in nature, you still try to maintain your figure. Because when you aren't gaming, you're fawning over potential interests at the arcade or at school. You seem to cycle through relationships, never maintaining a solid relationship for long. Despite some accidental or unplanned pregnancies, you are determined to be provide a good life for your children, even if it takes a bit of discipline.
Traits: Geek, Romantic, Non-Committal Career: Video Game Streamer, Tech Guru Aspiration: Computer Whiz Skills: Fitness, Video Gaming, Parenting, (Optional) Romance
Must finish the Computer Whiz aspiration
You are a slacker in school so you never get over a C.
Get a part time job as a Video Game Streamer and maintain it at least until your first child is born.
Join the Tech Guru career after quitting the Streamer career. (You don't need to max this out)
Marry at least two different sims
Never have more than one pregnancy with the same partner.
Create a video game based off your alter ego.
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Drop out or get expelled from school. Get your GED before turning into an adult.
(Optional) Finish the Serial Romantic Aspiration
(Optional) Max the Romance Skill
(Optional) Maintain the Streamer Career until you've reached your adult birthday.
(Optional) Max out the Tech Guru Career (eSport Branch)
(Optional) Win the Ultimate Gaming Test and Hackathon at Geekcon at least once.
(Optional) Have a least 3 pregnancies.
(Optional) Always use the highest level of discipline with your children whenever they misbehave. But also encourage them whenever they do something good.
(Optional) Gain either the Supportive or Strict family dynamic with most of your children, but Strict Family dynamic with your heir.
(Optional) Finish the My Sims and Voidcritter Collections.
Generation 7: Mars
Optional Colors: Red & Purple
You grew up listening to the sounds of your guardian yelling at the tv late into the night as they worked to achieve the highest score. Not to mention the revolving door of men and women that would stay over, some of which stuck around long enough to label themselves as step-parent. Even though you still aimed to make your parents proud, you swore you'd never become them. A failed attempt to set you up with another politician to 'assist' your career was the final straw for you. You cut ties with your parents and seek to better yourself. On your path of self discovery, you learn that you are a vessel of power. You diverge from your current path to follow the unknown, learning more about yourself then you ever imagined discovering. You never wanted children, but somehow you ended up with one. You manage but not without a little help.
Traits: Hot-headed, Self-Assured, Proper (Hates Children) Career: Politician, Freelance - Paranormal Investigator Aspiration: Inner Peace, Spellcraft & Sorcery Skills: Charisma, Wellness, & Medium
Complete the Inner Peace Aspiration.
Master Charisma, Wellness & Medium Skills
Join the Politician Career and stick with it until you reach adulthood or both of your parents pass away.
Go on 2 dates with a co-worker, and realize that this wasn't how you wanted to get ahead.
Never marry.
Have only one child(/pregnancy)
'Discover' your inner power by becoming a spellcaster (may also be born as one, you just never use any powers until finishing the Inner Peace aspiration)
Summon Bonehilda and befriend her
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Have a good relationship with your grandparent if your grandparents are still alive.
(Optional) Complete the Inner Peace Aspiration before leaving your politician career.
(Optional) Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery Aspiration.
(Optional) Move into a haunted house after starting Paranormal Investigator.
(Optional) Live in a technology free home (no tvs, no computers, etc.)
(Optional) Complete at least one of each level gigs within the freelance career.
(Optional) Befriend Guidry.
(Optional) Collect a Sugar Skull from every lot that you encounter a tombstone on.
(Optional) Gain the Hates Children personality trait
(Optional) Purchase the Brave reward trait.
Generation 8: Jupiter
Optional Colors: Green & Pink
You had an odd childhood, growing up surround by spirits both good and evil. You spent more time in the care of a living skeleton than you did with your own guardian. Your other parent is no where to be seen. You learned to fend for yourself rather early on. You found comfort and enjoyment in cooking. Your perfect soulmate is someone who is kind and loyal and enjoys to eat your cooking. And after meeting that perfect mate, you are determined to give your children the best upbringing you could possibly give them.
Traits: Foodie, Loyal, Loves the Outdoors Career: Either Chef or Gardening (Floral arranging) careers, eventually own a retail shop Aspiration: Soulmate Skills: Baking, Gardening, & Floral Arranging
Complete the Soulmate Aspiration
Choose between either the Chef or Floral Designer Career
Master Baking, Cooking, Gardening, and Floral Arranging skills.
Buy and own a retail shop to sell your floral arrangements and cakes.
Marry someone with either the Loyal or Glutton traits
Have at least two children.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Complete the Appliance Wiz, Master Chef, and/or Freelance Botanist Aspiration.
(Optional) Live on a lot with Simple Living and you grow most of your food and flowers for your arrangements
(Optional) Complete the Gardening and Magic Bean Collections.
(Optional) Master the Gourmet Cooking Skill as well.
(Optional) Take family photos regularly and hang them all over the house.
Generation 9: Moon
Optional Colors: Blue & Red
You had the perfect upbringing. With parents who loved and cared for you. Even so, you're still a little scatterbrained and quite the klutz. You have a strong justice for your friends, and will stand up for them in any situation. Your grades suffered in school cause you were out late fighting the forces of evil. You secretly fight for justice, but your family is none the wiser and only thinks you're an innocent teacher.
Traits: Childish, Clumsy, Good Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Agent)/Detective or Education Aspiration: Friend of the World Skills: Research and Debate, Charisma, Cooking
Complete Friend of the World Aspiration.
Master either the Secret Agent (Diamond Agent Branch)/Detective or Education Career.
Have 4 Good friends/BFFs that you meet in high school.
Spend several evenings as a teen out on the town with your 4 close friends or partner.
Have two romantic interests, but one of them starts out with your friendship in the negative.
Befriend and eventually marry the romantic interest you disliked initially.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Achieve mediocre grades in school. Never do homework or study for exams.
(Optional) Confront anyone who is mean to you, your friends, or partner. Fighting is an option too
(Optional) You fight justice in secret, but everyone just thinks your a simple teacher. Master the Detective or Secret Agent (DA), then quit to join the Education career.
(Optional) Also master the Education career.
(Optional) Complete the Super Parent Aspiration
(Optional) Have your spouse maintain a better relationship with your heir then with you. (doesn't have to be much)
(Optional) Accept the Jealous personality trait if prompted.
(Optional) Make at least 3 enemies with sims who wrong your friends or family, but later mend your relationships with them.
(Optional) Complete the Holiday Cracker Plushie, Marbles, & Frog Collections
Generation 10: Chibi Moon
Optional Colors: Pink & Red/Pink & Black
You loved and adored your parents growing up, especially one more so than the other. You were sweet and innocent for your favorite parent, and little mischievous with the other. But you still were on good terms with both parents. You enjoy drawing pictures as a child and gifting them to your parent. As a teen, you start to be jealous of the attention your guardian seeks from your other parent. You start to be a little rebellious. You become friends with an unlikely individual who sends you down a dark path as a young adult.
Traits: Self-absorbed, Evil, Goofball Career: Criminal Aspiration: Public Enemy, Werewolf Initiate Skills: Mischief, Painting
As a child complete the Artistic Prodigy aspiration
As a teen, meet and befriend a werewolf.
Follow a path of evil as a young adult and master the Criminal Career.
Complete the Public Enemy Aspiration.
Become a werewolf either towards the end of your teenhood or at the beginning of your YA-hood.
Complete the Werewolf Initiate Aspiration
After completing the above, feel free to accept any personality swaps away from your negative traits.
After completing the above, feel free to change Careers to a career of your choice.
After completing the above, change your aspiration to Strangerville Mystery.
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Befriend a rabbit in your youth.
(Optional) Join Drama Club as a Child/Teen
(Optional) Age up with positive character values.
(Optional) Complete one of the following additional werewolf aspirations: Lone Wolf, Wildfang Renegade, or Emissary of the Collective
(Optional) Complete the Cure Seeker Aspiration.
(Optional) Complete the Strangerville Mystery and repel the forces of evil.
(Bonus) Recruit Pluto in your battle against the Mother.
If you do plan to play this legacy, please share your adventures using #prettyguardianslegacy
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