#Ironman Cairns
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Ironman Cairns 2014 アイアンマン・ケアンズ2014
(Cairns Esplanad, 写真=ケアンズ観光局) 私の11回目のアイアンアンアン・ディスタンスのレースは、南国の楽園として知られるオーストラリア・ケアンズが舞台となった。暑さ対策ばかりに気を取られ寒くなるのは考えもしなかったが、あいにく一日中雨との戦いとなった。しかし、気温が低い分体力の消耗が少なかったのか、個人的には6年ぶりのPBとなった。レースのレポートは以下の通り。 Overall 13:32:09 (Swim 01:29:12/Bike 07:05:40/Run 04:34:00) No Worries,…
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Cairns Ironman 2023 Race
アイアンマンレース@ケアンズ オーストラリア 2023/6/18 レース編
6月15日木曜日の午後にシンガポールを出発、パース経由かつ夜行便で金曜の朝にケアンズに到着する、という謎の行程で現地入り(バイクをもって、トランジットはなるべくしない方がよいのに…)。こじんまりとした街が総出になって、アイアンマンレースを盛り上げてくれた。 前日・前々日から街中、いたるところにランナーやサイクリストがたむろし始めるのは見ていて励みになる。トランジションの場所が2か所、双方離れていることもあって、幾つかチェックインの作業を済ませなければならないんだけど、両日ともわりとリラックスできたと思う。特に金曜日の夜は、前夜一睡もできなかったために、ものすごくぐっすりと眠ることができた。金曜にウォーキングとプールでのスイム、バイクの試し乗り、土曜日に30分ジョギングをして体を暖めてた。
今振り返っても、本当に大変なレースだったんだけど、挑戦してみてよかった。アイアンマンぐらいすごいレースだと、なんでやるのか?という動機がみんなそれぞれあるんだろうと思う。Jacques Steinberg が書いたYou Are an Ironmanという本を7-8年前に読んだんだけど、参加者は三者三様にそれぞれの思いや理由をもって、この挑戦に立ち向かうことを知った。果たして僕の動機は?,ということだけど…それと、この挑戦を達成した後に見えた景色はどんなものなのだったのだろうか?一言では言えないし、それはひとつでもないと思う。さらっと言えちゃう動機、ではなくて、むしろその大部分は”なんとなく楽しそうだから”、というふわっとした応えのような気がする。そう、一番の理由はそれで良いと思う。だから笑顔で終われたことこそが、何よりも楽しんだことの証明なんじゃないかな。
スイム 3.8km
スイムのスタート地点はケアンズ市内(メイン会場)から車で30分ぐらい北のPalm Cove。予約した送迎バスに揺られ、朝5時半ぐらいにトランジションに到着。大体1時間半ぐらいかけてゆっくりとバイクの最終調整、ワセリン塗ったり、トイレ・着替え・準備体操をして、その後は波打ち際で試泳。そのぐらいになると徐々に明るくなってくる。素晴らしく良い天気。気温もよい具合で、むしろ僕のノースリーブのウェットスーツがちょうどいい気がしたぐらい(ほぼ9割以上は袖ありだった)。前日に試泳してなかったから、この時海に入れたのはよかった。緊張がほぐれる。
バイク 180km
ラン 42.195km
もちろんバイクをやってる頃は、そのあとのランのことなんて一切頭になかった。体力を温存しておく、という考えがあるわけもなく、そのままランへの準備を開始。ここでもアミノバイタルを食べ始めながら、腰ベルト、ゼッケンベルト、カーフスリーブ、キャップ、五本指ソックスを身に着けて、早速出発へ。トイレに立ち寄った(上にサングラスを便器に落とした…から水で洗ってた)時間が加味されているから、トランジションは10分とすごく長くなっている。ランを開始してすぐ、目の前を一位でゴールしたプロのBraden選手が通り過ぎていって、一気に歓声があがった。まじか、、と思った。でもおかげですごくテンションが上がった;頑張ろうって。不思議なことに、バイクの疲労感は一切感じなくて、体の痛みも何もなかった。気温と湿度も影響しているのかもしれないけど、まさに快適そのものだった。逆に、スピードが出すぎないようにすごく気を付けてた。10㎞を4周するコースだから、きっと勝負は3-4周目だろうって感じてた。逆に1-2周目はすごく快調で、いつものごとく、水・コーラ・氷をエイドステーションで調達して、快晴のウォーターフロントと公園を走ってた。30分おきにエネルギージェルもとるようにして(羊羹・マグオン・塩キャンディ・塩タブレット)、いっぺんに食べちゃうのではなくて、10分以上かけてゆっくりと接種してた。お腹を壊して立ち止まってる人も周りにちらほらいたから、それを避けようと思っての対策だった。あと���ったのは、肩と首を1キロおきに回すこと(肩こり対策)、氷の入ったコップを持ちながら走って、溶けた冷たい水を膝や太ももにかけてた(足攣り対策)。30キロ以降は自然な流れでスピードが落ち込んできてた。大体6分40分ペースで走っていたと思う。もちろんスピードを持ち直すことも考えたけど、それはやめといた。日が沈んで、真っ暗な中で走る4周目でつぶれるのが怖かったから。結局、お腹も足も何も故障せずに、最後までいけそうなところまできてた。スタート地点を通過するたびに、ゴールする人たちの歓声が聞こえて、もらい泣きしていたぐらいだから、自分の時はさぞやばいだろう、と思ってた笑。沿道のお客さんの盛り上がりもよかったし、Donnaがハイタッチしてくれるおかげで、気分は最後までめげなかったのかも。そして、最後の直線入ったあたりからが、もうやばかった。笑顔と涙でハイタッチしながら最後のフィニッシュを迎えた感じ。Kenya Endo, you’re an ironman! と言われたときは心の底から嬉しかった。今でも忘れない。タオルをもらって、日本のスタッフさんに労われて、顔クシャクシャだったはず。ランのタイムは4時間17分。キロ6分ちょっとのペースだった。総合タイムは11時間50分で、12時間を切れたことは素直に驚きだった。レース終わった直後は、ゴールエリアで15分以上放心状態で、まったく動けず…でもケアンズの夜はもちろん濡れたままいるには寒すぎて、しばらくしたら、震えが止まらなくなってきてた。友人がゴールするまでの間、いったんホテルに戻って、温かいシャワーを浴びたとさ。
幾つか細かいことを列挙すると、Personal Needs Bagは両方とも結局使わなかった。まあ保険としてはありかなと思った。
空港から市内までの送迎は、僕は行きは空港付属のTransfer serviceを使って30ドル(乗り合い)。帰りはUberを使って同じぐらいの値段。
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#ironman #cairns #indoortraining come on sunshine where are you. (at Palm Cove Jetty) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZPrf6gOLY/?igshid=grzljcy5q746
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Ude og udforske Cairns, bla. den botaniske have, samt se min søde værtinde løbe halv ironman!
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@ruderainbow_ USE code BIRDS15 - 15% off ... Triathlete @imdangwill rocking our green festival sunnies for @ironmanoceania in cairns! 😎🔥💦 . . . #ironman #triathlon #sunnies #festivalvisor #spirt #fitness #endurance #swimwear #mensswimwear #mensfashion #running #swimming #cycling #ruderainbow (at Sidney Austrailia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQV16InntXv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Good luck to all those competing in Ironman Cairns today! Drop in to @paradisocairns and grab a coffee and snack when you're ready! * * * * * #imcairns #imcairns2017 #cairns #cairnslife #discoverqueensland #queensland #thisisqueensland #thisismyparadise #paradisocairns #repost #fnq #fnqmagazine #ironman #cairnscafes (at Paradiso Cairns)
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The SQUAD Tyler Cairns art 2020 02/07: Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) 02/21: Bloodshot (Sony) 04/03: Untitled DC film 04/03: The New Mutants (new date) 05/01: BLACK WIDOW 06/05: Wonder Woman 1984 07/24: Untitled DC film 07/31: Morbius (Sony) 10/02: Untitled Sony Marvel sequel 11/06: ETERNALS 2021 02/12: SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS 05/07: DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS 06/25: The Batman 08/06: Suicide Squad 2 11/05: THOR LOVE AND THUNDER TBD:: Marvel BLADE #marvelcomics #Comics #marvel #comicbooks #avengers #avengersinfinitywar #xmen #gotg #captainamerica #ironman #thor #hulk #spiderman #uncannyxmen #wolverine #jeangrey #houseofx #gambit #rogue #powersofx #deadpool #cyclops #avengersendgame #magneto #thanos #storm — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2OZEv1E
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Cairns Ironman winner in disbelief over easy victory | Ironman Cairns
TRIATHLON and rowing coach Dan Plews has put in a great performance to take out the Ironman 70.3 event in Cairns. This weekend's Ironman Asia-Pacific Championship Cairns offers the winner a guaranteed Kona slot along with a $30,000 pay day, making it one of five such opportunities on Ironman's regional championship calendar. Tim Van Berkel is back to defend his title, while Sarah Piampiano may be on track to taking out the win for the women. Achieving your dreams is possible at any stage of life.
We chatted to Tim about all things Cairns. "It's a beautiful course, but it's very tough. With the Asia Pacific Championships only 2.5 weeks away, Fettell is working directly on strategy. "My coach decided we'd target Port Macquarie, Cairns and Hawaii. It is one of two major races that I'm aiming for this year.The New Zealand age group athlete crossed the line ahead of several professionals in the field. Men's winner Dan Plews crosses the finish line on the Cairns Esplanade.
Michael Fox is making his mark on triathlon, and his sights are set on the podium at this weekend's Ironman Asia-Pacific Championship in Cairns. Holly Hopkinson, Simon Mulligan, Liz O'Sullivan, Jo Van Ewyk, Leigh Brown and Amanda Fraser ahead of this Sunday's Ironman Cairns.Brisbane's Amberger emerged victorious yesterday afternoon from the 3.8km swim, 180km bike and 42.2km run in a stunning time of eight hours, two minutes and 16 seconds to claim victory on debut in the Far North. Ironman Cairns is just over one week away, and the field is fierce. The Cairns Adventure Festival, which includes Ironman Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef Masters Games are predicted to tip more than $10 million in the local economy. Elite athletes from TNQ and around the world are gearing up for Sunday's Ironman 70.3 and Ironman Asia-Pacific Championship Cairns challenges, and even if you're not taking part, there's still plenty to see and do. A 67-year-old tests his spirit and endurance at the Ironman Cairns, and comes up tops. With Ironman Cairns just two weeks away, Tim Van Berkel has his eyes set on defending his title. There are two events which run simultaneously on Sunday June 11, the half course and full. Over its six year history the Cairns Airport IRONMAN Asia-Pacific Championship Cairns has become known as the IRONMAN in paradise and a 'must-do' on the IRONMAN circuit. The Cairns Airport Ironman Asia-Pacific Championship Cairns is back again for 2017 and has international accreditation with over 3,500 registered competitors.
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Seit wir die Wüste verlassen haben, begleitet mich das Gefühl, dass etwas zu Ende geht. Eigentlich endete diese Reise für mich dort, an der Stelle, als wir den letzten Wüstenabschnitt hinter uns gelassen haben. Es gibt immer noch große Weiten, lange Wege, aber die Straßen sind allesamt asphaltiert, die Anwesenheit der Menschen allgegenwärtig. Die Wüstendurchquerungen waren meine liebsten Strecken. Das berauschende Gefühl der absoluten Einsamkeit. Die Connie Sue Highway, auf dem wir auf tausend Kilometern ein einziges Fahrzeug getroffen haben. Auf der Tanami Road waren es dann zwei-drei mehr. Der wolkenlose Sternenhimmel über uns. Millionen von Sternen, die wir in Europa vor lauter Lichter gar nicht mehr sehen können. Und wie um das nahende Ende zu unterstreichen, zieht sich der Himmel zusammen, die Sterne sind nicht mehr zu erkennen, die Milchstraße, die Magellanic clouds, the southern cross. Die Regenzeit ist im tropischen Norden ausgefallen. Dafür regnet es im Sunshine State Queensland. Am Great Barrier Reef. Wir warten auf die Sonne, um die Riffe sehen zu können. Auf Windstille. Hoffen auf Sonntag, haben eine Tauchtour gebucht, vor der ich ziemlichen Respekt habe. Bis dahin soll es pausenlos regnen. Gut für die Teilnehmer der Ironman Veranstaltung, die an diesem Wochenende in Cairns abgehalten wird. Die Sterne der Südhalbkugel sind also hinter der Wolkendecke verschwunden, und wenn ich auf die Wettervorhersage der Ostküste schaue, glaube ich nicht, dass wir sie noch einmal sehen werden. So wie in der Wüste. Er wird mir fehlen, der Sternenhimmel Australiens. Die Wüste. Das Alleinsein.
Cairns im Regen. Frierende Pelikane :)
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Credit to @hayley_lister : 1500m easy this morning 🏊🏼♀ getting ready for another big training weekend! My first half marathon is just 2 weeks away (or my second if you count a 70.3 😉) and Cairns Ironman is 6 weeks after that! So we’ve got some big sessions in anticipation of that 😬🤪🥳🎉 Happy Friday all - let’s get it done 💪🏼 . . . . . posted on Instagram - https://newaveswim.com/2uXQ6oC
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Ironman Cairns 70.3: The Bike & Run...
He put his arm around me and leaned in, talking low.
“This isn’t me being mean, this is just what we need to do.” I couldn’t be sure, but I think I recognized him as the man who asked last year in the middle of a monsoon in Indonesia, if I had another lap left. He continued gently, raising his voice just slightly to compete with my sniffles, “You’ve missed the cut-off, we don’t make them to be mean I promise,” I nodded, miserably. “But look, love,” I’m 99 percent sure he said something like that, if not the actual quote — the sentiment. “You are welcome to continue. You will be an DNF, but the course is open. Get out there and give it a go!”
I nodded again and carried my squished, hotel-made onigiri to the Run Out.
He wasn’t the only angel in T2, but we need to struggle through 90 km of biking before we meet her.
Where were we? Ah yes, fresh from having our hopes dashed in the inky foam of the Coral Sea. I found out after that Ryan had dialed up my mom on FaceTime to let her watch me pedal out, and when he saw that I was in a full hysterical breakdown, realized that there is nothing about my performance in any given triathlon that is safe going live. In the weeks since the race, I’ve had a realization about my relationship with the sport.
Being pregnant and giving birth is like a universally horrific and painful experience, right? And yet, there’s all these people out there with more than one kid. I was told it’s because “It’s so worth it in the end, you forget how awful it is.”
I remember every last excruciating millisecond of those 257 days. For that experience, that old yarn does not add up. BUT. Apparently I can spend a whole race scared and crying, and FAIL in the strictest sense of the word and come home and immediately pick races on the two continents I’m missing. (Ecuador and Cape Town, I’m coming for you.)
ANYWAY. We’re on the bike. I’d heard in the little performance art piece about the course the day before, that there’s a dude who just travels the world doing every single IRONMAN event, and he’s declared that the Cairns bike course is the most beautiful.
Oh, you beautiful tropical fish.
You can look anywhere but at the pavement right in front of you while you’re riding? What is that even like?
Someday, I’m going to start a very important translation service: taking the official Course Description copy and making it REAL. Here’s how they described it:
The undulating, and winding course will take athletes past Thala Beach Resort and Hartley’s Croc Farm to the turnaround point, approximately 6km south of Wangetti, before heading back to Port Douglas.
Here’s what it is:
Undulating STRICTLY means up and down, but there’s an undertone of gentle that… let’s just say on an out-and-back loop, there is no rejoicing in racing a downhill, there is only knowing that it will soon be a grueling uphill. The constant hills were tough, but what really ripped me to shreds was the texture of the road and the headwind. In the course brief, we’d been warned that the roads were “county roads” and that we’d be best to try to ride in the left-hand wheel rut. Like the pioneers did. I did not know much about the types of pavement before this race, but I now know that peculiar specifically to asphalt, is a soul-crushing theft of effort. I could NOT get a leg up on it. I pedaled and pedaled and watched my speedometer and worried.
I managed one successful water bottle exchange while still moving and felt like a (slow and wobbly) boss. The road up the coast and back was closed, blessedly. It took 30 miles or so, but eventually I stopped cringing and remembering the awfulness of last year with every course monitor’s scooter that roared up behind me, and I pedaled.
On the way back, I crested a hill and saw a tent. By this point, I was already doing the complicated math as to whether I was going to make it to T2 in time, and a guy stepped out from the tent and motioned with his hand.
“I just need to let you know,” he started…
“That this is the top of the last hill!” He looked triumphant and helpful.
I started crying. Again.
I don’t know, fam, but I’m probably going to need some kind of special warning vest for next race.
Eventually, I was out of the winding coastal road, and on back roads in to town. Then, the wind kicked up. Now of course I didn’t expect the race to be a glassy pool and a spin bike in an air-conditioned room, but DANG. When they say Australia basically just wants to kill you, you don’t imagine your death will be from all the effort needed to overcome inertia, but here we are.
I hit what had to be one of the last aid stations, and wanted water badly. I hadn’t done a great job of eating on the bike, because eating at 20 mph is freaking hard, but I’d been hydrating pretty good. I considered trying to exchange bottles and then just stopped.
“I’m not good at this usually, and I’m really not good at it tired.” I explained to the nice volunteer.
Those last five miles… were peak struggle. Everything was screaming, I was sick of the wind, and I just wanted off the bike. Eventually I started seeing people on the run course. Oh yeah, I feel like THIS, and I have a half marathon to run now.
Fun vacation.
Bike: 4:22:55
All I remember about getting to T2 is that it was full of bikes already. Suddenly, a lady in a volunteer shirt materialized next to me.
“You all right? Brilliant job, let’s get you to your spot.” She steered me through the racks as I walked my bike in a daze of tears.
“I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m just going to… I’m okay.”
I was trying to tell her my dismal scene needs I must act alone, but she wasn’t having it. She stayed next to my spot, chatting as I wobbled to get my bike shoes off. “Here’s the good news!” She continued. “While the cut-off has technically passed, you have loads of time!” There it was, the official proclamation that I’d busted. “One year,” she continued, “I only made it with ONE minute to spare. Another year, one of my friends took 12 whole hours to finish the Half, but he did it!”
Wait, I might be crying again…now.
“Why don’t you see what you can do? Start the run and see how it goes.” I got my running shoes and visor on, and slipped on my fuel belt. “You all right? Good luck, you’ve got this!”
I headed out, and got the official okay to keep going from the kindly course director at the beginning of this saga, and gingerly started to trot. This is where I finally felt like there was a part of me that could do this. All of the running off the bike all training cycle kicked in. I’d been WRECKED on the bike, and now I felt…okay?! What’s even happening?
I ran past Ryan and Frankie and told them I was going to give finishing a go, and trotted on. I WAS DOING THIS. The run course was flat as a pancake and packed with spectators. I started to catch up on the fuel I missed on the bike, and relished the full-fat Coke at each aid station. I wouldn’t touch the stuff if I wasn’t trying to kill myself physically in other ways, but when you are? It tastes like heaven. I had it on my Fuji climb last weekend, and can confirm — Gatorade, who?
There were still tons of 70.3 competitors out there when I started, but as they dwindled, I was VERY careful to make myself as invisible as possible. I stayed well out of anyone’s way racing the 140.6, hugging the shoulder of the path and waiting at the aid stations until they were totally clear before I approached. (The run course was on an esplanade with splash pools, which Frankie took full advantage of.)
Omg those aid stations when you’re not the last one on the course? STOCKED. The run was two laps of the same loop, so the second time through — finally feeling like I was going to very maybe finish this thing — I thanked the volunteers handing out watermelon, “This is my favorite restaurant in Cairns!” I had a lot of time to think on the course, and while I spent a lot of time feeling bad about taking so long, it occurred to me that if the race was only the fastest people, they would miss out on a heck of a lot of entry fees from us back-of-the-packers. While it’s weird to do a sport with professionals out there at the same time, I’d like to think by virtue of it being inclusionary, they can offer more amenities and support to everyone.
I don’t know exactly when I knew I would finish, maybe after the first loop, when my feet were still dry, there was no monsoon, and I was kind of feeling physically… fine? Fine-ish? I was IN THIS. No, I didn’t strictly run the entire way, but I kept moving forward, every single step that much closer to the finish line. Finally, I could hear the announcer and the bells and drums and cheering of the end.
Here’s where I put my finish in humiliating perspective: The woman who won the FULL had a faster time that me doing the HALF. I don’t know what to tell you guys, I’m slow AF. But I have a heck of a lot of Don’t Quit. I ran down the finish line shoot, with the guy on the microphone announcing my name. I got to the end, and he said, “It’s all right to stop now, you made it!”
And then I cried a little more.
Run: 3:30:24
Total: 9:11:22
I did all 70.3 miles of it this time, and THIS TIME, I got a daggone towel.
Triathlon takes a LOT of time. Not just racing one when you’re slow like me, but training. This was Ryan and Frankie’s race too. They let me disappear for half of every weekend day, they helped me get my bike on four different planes, they spent all day figuring out where I’d be when to cheer me on, and hung out on the esplanade for hours while I struggled away at the last 13 miles. And my coach, who kept me honest and on track and encouraged me the whole way, I couldn’t have done this without them.
Triathlon IS a team sport, if you do it right.
(So I think in the whole “you forget how bad giving birth is” is because babies are so delightful? I mean, talk to someone who has both given birth AND eaten their first meal the day after a long-course race — this is not a comparison that works out well for babies if that meal is artisanal avocado toast and a Bloody Mary, I’M JUST SAYING.)
Part 1: The Swim...
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Cairns Ironman 2023 Training
アイアンマンレース@ケアンズ オーストラリア 2023/6/18 トレーニング編
義務感、みたいなものを背負いながらトレーニングしたくなかったからじゃないかな。僕の場合、かなりメンタルがフィジカルに及ぼす影響が強いのかもしれない。やる気を維持する楽しさ / 手軽さ、が必要で、逆にそれに直結しないことはそんなに大事じゃない。
その反面、最も手を焼いたのはバイクの練習だった。週6時間は乗れ、というコーチのアドバイスを実践し始めたのは4月に入ってからだったと思う。180キロも本当に走り切れるのか (でしかもその後走る…)?、という恐怖心がどんどん大きくなっていった。やっぱりフルを笑顔で終わるには、準備が全然足りてないことに気づいたのもその頃。経験者を見ていると、やっぱり生活自体を変えないと、と思った。
ランに関しては、3月のダバオの仕上がりが思いのほかよかったことが一つの収穫だった。 5月の海外出張が続いた時期でも、ランはコンスタントに続けてた。でもそれも今思うと、ただ闇雲に走ってただけだったかもしれない。
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#ironman#ironmantriathlon#cairns#ironmantri#imcairns#ironmancairns#coast to coast#west coast#tri#tt#triathlon#carbon#wheels#aero#bike#speed#speed is not expensive#timetrial#cycling#letsdothis
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#ironman #indoortraining #2weekstogo #cairns (at Miami Aquatic Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx22oONgxOg/?igshid=xx5yw5i8aosx
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Kona Slots Ironman South Africa 2019
The IRONMAN World Championship in Kona is the hardest race in the world for a triathlete to earn a spot in. Thousands of age group triathletes begin the year looking to qualify and only a fraction of them make it to the start line.
Athletes - IRONMAN African Championship
CoachCox | Ironman South Africa Results And Articles
Kona Slots Ironman South Africa 2019 Swim Start
The qualifying process is strenuous, not just the training involved, but the logistics of picking your qualifying race can be a headache. What location offers the best course? Not necessarily the fastest, but the one that fits your strengths. What location has the most qualifying spots in your age group? What is the qualifying time you need to hit in order to have a chance? How about the depth of competition in your age group? These are just a few questions one considers when looking to qualify for Kona.
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Just how difficult is it to qualify for Kona? Approximately 100,000 triathletes try to qualify, only 2,000 triathletes end up on the start line. That’s 2%. Every IRONMAN event around the world offers a minimum of one qualifying spot per age group. More spots are given to a race depending on registration numbers and age category. Typically, the 35-39 and 40-44 age group are the most populated, therefore they offer the most qualifying spots. So, you don’t have to win your age group to earn a berth, however, winning does secure your chances.
Qualifying for Kona on the 2019 P5X. Photo Courtesy of Cervélo
Ironman Mont-Tremblant. Photo: Cervélo
How many spots are there? In 2017, the races with the most entry spots (75) were Brazil, Cairns, Frankfurt, South Africa and Texas. Just because there are more spots, doesn’t mean you have the best chance of qualifying. The more spots that are given likely means the greater the competition. The number of spots given to races can change from year to year, so it’s best to research this before you register.
So, what races give you the best shot of qualifying? Picking a race that is around the same time as Kona is a smart idea. With all the Kona qualified athletes not present, you’ll be able to take on a diminished field. IRONMAN Taiwan, Barcelona, Louisville and Florida all take place roughly two to three weeks before or after Kona. In 2017, there were less than 800 participants at IRONMAN Taiwan. So, if one is willing to travel to Asia, your odds of qualifying exponentially increase.
Just because these races have fewer Kona bound triathletes, still doesn’t mean they’re “easy.” The average qualifying time across these four races (40-44 age group) was 9:20 to 10:10 for men and 10:10 to 11:10 for the women.
Once September comes along many of North America’s top age group triathletes retire for the season. But if you’ve got Kona on your mind, this is your shot to qualify. Plan your training right, maybe do a few late-season training camps in some warm climates, you can peak for a number of the November/December Ironmans around the world.
What about the IRONMAN Legacy Program and the Kona Auction?
As recently as three years ago, there was the IRONMAN Lottery program. The lottery was a way for 100 lucky age group triathletes to get into Kona without having to qualify. But in 2015, the US federal government put a stop to this, deeming the activity to be an illegal gambling enterprise. Without admitting any wrongdoing, IRONMAN paid over two and a half million dollars to the government.
However, there is still the Legacy Program. Created in 2012 as a way to honour IRONMAN’s loyalist competitors. If you complete 12 full distance IRONMAN races over the course of your career, you may be one of a hundred triathletes granted a spot to Kona. To be eligible you must have:
Completed the minimum of 12 IRONMANs (does not include Challenge races or other brands)
Never started an IRONMAN World Championship
Completed an IRONMAN in the last two years
Be registered for an IRONMAN in the current year.
If you meet those criteria you’re then put into a lottery, of which a hundred triathletes are selected.
Lastly, IRONMAN holds an Annual Kona Auction bidding off a select number of slots to next year’s world championship. The minimum bidding price is $10,000 and all the proceeds go to the efforts of the IRONMAN Foundation. The foundation was created in 2003 as a way to “leave a legacy through philanthropy, volunteerism and grant making by supporting various athletic, community, education, health, human services and public benefit organizations around the world.” Auction winner(s) receive;
Race bib to compete at The IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua, Kona
Private athlete registration in Kona
Four VIP packages
Invitations to exclusive race-week functions
The racing gear you need for Kona
The training you put into qualifying for Kona is considerable, but your equipment is just as important, and the bike is a key part of that. Equipment choices can be very individual, but over the past 13 years, Kona qualifiers have chosen Cervélo more than any other bike brand. In 2017 for instance, Cervélo outnumbered Trek and Specialized (2nd and 3rd place brands) by 300 bikes and made up roughly 25% of the field. Riding a Cervélo won’t guarantee your entry, but it just might tilt the odds in your favour.
Daniela Ryf heads the field in Hawaii, once again
43 Pro Women set for the 2019 IRONMAN World Championship
Almost a full-house of the 2018 top-10 returning (Canada’a Angela Naeth is the only athlete missing – ironically, having qualified for 2020 already last week in Chattanooga), for the Pro Women of 2019 Vega IRONMAN World Championship.
As in 2018, both of the defending champions – Patrick Lange and Daniela Ryf – get to start with bib #1, with the M1 and F1 designations, respectively.
Here is the full list of Female Professional athletes that will be competing for the $120,000 first prize.
The Brits
There’s a significant British presence in Hawaii this year – six athletes – of which three are previous top-10 finishers.
Leading the way of course is Lucy Charles-Barclay, second in both 2017 and 2018. Winner this season at IRONMAN South Africa, Challenge Roth, The Championship and IRONMAN 70.3 Staffordshire, a drafting penalty (and eventual fifth place) at the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in Nice may have ended that winning run, but she’ll be good to go in Kona at an event she’s had good experiences at, even winning as an Age-Group athlete prior to her Pro career. Expect her to lead the race for several hours… at least.
Sixth in both 2015 and 2017 (with a DNF in 2016 and 26th last year), statistically at least Susie Cheetham should be due a ‘good’ year. Qualifying in late 2018 (at IRONMAN Argentina) allowed a steady start to her season, while a win more recently at IRONMAN Hamburg suggests she is on track to time her peak form for Kona nicely.
Athletes - IRONMAN African Championship
Corinne Abraham secured her best result in Hawaii last year (ninth) – achieved despite a running injury – she was third off the bike. Quiet all year, Corinne rocked up to IRONMAN Tallinn, Estonia and added another impressive IRONMAN victory to her C.V. If her body is in one piece, she could well be aiming higher than ninth this time around.
Also pictured above – and third in Tallinn, is Kona debutant Kim Morrison. She’s been producing some exceptional Time Trial performances alongside her triathlon racing this season, so the straight roads of Kona could well play into her hands.
CoachCox | Ironman South Africa Results And Articles
Rounding out the ‘Brit Pack’ are another two British IRONMAN winners in 2019. Nikki Bartlett took her first Pro win at IRONMAN Lanzarote in May, while Laura Siddall earned a third consecutive IRONMAN Australia title in the same month.
Kona Slots Ironman South Africa 2019 Swim Start
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