#Iranian religions
Cosmas Megalommatis, Zurvan: World Mythology-1989
Κοσμάς Μεγαλομμάτης, Ζερβάν: Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία, Ελληνική Εκπαιδευτική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια, 1989
Кузьма Мегаломматис, Зерван (Зурван или Зарван): мировая мифология, Греческая педагогическая энциклопедия, 1989
Kosmas Megalommatis, Zurvan (auch Zervan): Weltmythologie, Griechische Pädagogische Enzyklopädie, 1989
Kosmas Gözübüyükoğlu, Zurvan (veya Zervan): Dünya Mitolojisi, Yunan Pedagoji Ansiklopedisi, 1989
قزمان ميغالوماتيس، زروان : اساطیر جهانی، دایره المعارف آموزشی یونانی، 1989
Côme Megalommatis, Zervan (ou Zurvan): Mythologie mondiale, Encyclopédie pédagogique grecque, 1989
1989 قزمان ميغالوماتيس، زورفان: الأساطير العالمية، الموسوعة التربوية اليونانية،
Cosimo Megalommatis, Zurvan (Zurvan Akarana o Zervan Akarana): mitologia mondiale, Enciclopedia pedagogica greca, 1989
Cosimo Megalommatis, Zurvan (o Zervan): mitología mundial, Enciclopedia pedagógica griega, 1989
Cosmas Megalommatis, Zurvan: World Mythology, Greek Pedagogical Encyclopedia, 1989
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World Press Photo 2023 award winner.
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moonlayl · 2 years
Hijab mandates that forcefully prohibit wearing the headscarf are wrong
Hijab mandates that force women to cover are wrong
Impositions that strip women of agency are neither democratic or Islamic.
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yandere-wishes · 10 months
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I want to use this image to make one thing clear. MANY Iranians (both inside and outside the country) DO NOT support Isreal. MANY Iranians stand and support Palestine, being very vocal about this support. Many Iranians in Iran are donating money, supplies, and food to Palestine and even offering to adopt orphaned children. Many Iranains are standing PROUDLY with Palestine. BUT those Iranians who stand and support Palestine ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for the actions other Iranians take. They are not responsible for what some celebrities or "the royal family" does. Iranians do not deserve not be insulted because some people from our heritage are making bad decisions (standing with isreal). Iranians do not deserve to be called "fake muslims" "traitors" "whores" "sluts" and ANY other insult because some of our people are doing bad things. And I can say this with utmost confidence that the number of Iranians who support Palestine out wight the number of those who don't. "But Genie, why don't we see Iranians being vocal about their support for Palestine?" Well, because most social media platforms are banned in Iran. Even with vpns, many iranains don't have access to insta,tumblr,tiktok,youtube,etc. Especially now that Iran's censorship has started fortify again.
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Don't forget about the women of Iran!
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la-tache-rouge · 2 years
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These are students. They should be studying. Not battling against a dictator and religious slavery.
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shivology · 9 months
okay. one day i will stop talking about islam but it's not gonna be today. anyway, to overcorrect on post-9/11 islamophobia, a lot of liberal spaces infested by the types of muslims who will call you islamophobic and disrespectful of their culture when you call them out on their homophobia or transphobia and who will deny the infestations of misogyny and antiblackness and antisemitism in their (our) communities because Um Actually You Don't Get The Full Context, have started to almost . idk the word but like, deify? whitewash? sugarcoat? islam as if it's like. One Inherently Good Singular Ideology Misunderstood By White People For Racism Reasons. when yes, obviously, islam and muslims who live in the west are oppressed, but that's not all islam is. and it's such disservice to act like Islam cannot be oppressive to so many people who do live in the global south living either directly under islamist rule or just in conservative muslim-majority communities, to say that no actually we're a peaceful religion and we WORSHIP women actually! like to gaslight people who have actually been forced to wear the hijab, who have actually been victims of misogynistic honor-based violence, who have actually been pulled out of school to be married off to a 50 year old man because "the prophet did it so it's islamically ok!"
and it's tricky to talk about because you don't want to fuel islamophobia (which, like antisemitism, is obviously a legitimate tangible thing, but also can be weaponized) also it is so fucking ANNOYINGGGGG to watch discourse on islam be led by people who have never experienced oppression fueled by islam like sure you're a good ally to guys like mohamed hijab but also people like sara hegazy mahsa amini etc etc all these people are real people who were tangibly hurt in the name of islam. there is a reason why a man like andrew tate felt it was ok for a man like him to convert to islam and there is a reason why so many Muslim men welcomed him with open fucking arms. you're sure not a good ally to queer people and atheists and christians and jews who have been tangibly hurt in the name of islam.
and we can discuss the doctrine itself, we can talk about the effects of colonialism, we can talk about how no actually islam doesn't say that lets not conflate between ~ real religion and corrupt regimes but the thing issssss. religion is literally what you make of it. it is an idea. there is a book and you take what you take from it. there is no such thing as "the correct way" to practice religion, especially when all Abrahamic religions have the capacity to be peaceful AND the capacity to be violent. what is REAL representation? who are you to say what real representation is, anyway? who decides what is extremism? why do you, personally, get to pick and choose who and what represents a certain religion?
islam, like Every Religion Ever, manifests itself in different ways depending on ur social context. whether you have the means to exact oppression via religion or whether you are disenfranchised because you're an ethnic or racial or religious minority. religion has and always will be used both as a tool for good (community building, etc) or for evil (daaesh, lol) it's not about religion itself. it's about how you use it and its place in the social pecking order.
anyway. tl;dr. i hate oversimplication and i hate overcorrection. quite frankly, it's orientalist and racist, to assume that an organized religion followed by over a billion people in most countries in the world, all believe the same beliefs. even if u think these beliefs are "good." here's over a billion of us and some of us are bound to be cunts! statistically.
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drondskaath · 1 year
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Aneraxt | Operation Utopia CCCXIII | 2023
Iranian Raw Black Metal
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nyan-bynary · 2 months
Being Iranian fucking sucks bc you can't complain about the very valid things that are wrong without leftists yelling at you to shut up for being islamophobic or racists barging in to go "yeah you're absolutely right we should've nuked you guys in like the eighties"
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torahapologetics · 3 months
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Of all the countries in the world, the Iranian people and the Iranian regime might be the most divergent. You have the barbarous, murderous, genocidal regime on the one hand, and you have the Iranian people cheering on Israel on the other hand.
This is the flag of the Iranian people.
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The flag of the Islamic regime is not.
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acewithobsessions · 4 months
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castilestateofmind · 2 years
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“The Mithraic Mysteries lead to the very heart of the magical Western tradition, a world characterized by self-affirmation, light, greatness, regal spirituality and spiritual regality. ln this path there is no room for escapism; or asceticism; or mortification of the self through humility and devotion; or renunciation and contemplative abstraction. Mithras' path is one of action, of solar power and of spirituality, which is opposed to both the dull and dreamy oriental universalism and to Christian sentimentalism and moralism”.
- Julius Evola, The Path of Enlightenment in the Mithraic Mysteries.
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atheostic · 6 months
Famous Atheists
Ervand Abrahamian
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Iranian-Armenian historian of Iran.
He wrote in the preface of one of his books that, "as far as religious conviction is concerned, [I am] an agnostic on most days - on other days, an atheist."
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beigale-shtuchim · 6 months
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It always has to be you you you you you. Nobody suffers more than you, nobody can suffer other than you, you're the entire fucking center of the universe!! Nobody can talk about anything anymore without these people going "wah wah but gaza" shut the fuck up!!!!!!
I've actually seen people mention goddamn gaza under a grieving mother's post about the loss of her child!! Y'all are fucking deranged!!! Have you no shame??
Also literally nobody has been silent. These useless excuses for human beings have been cheering on terrorists and spreading blood libels for these whole 6 months, making the entire Jewish community feel unsafe and unwanted in spaces they used to be a part of.
Also, funny you're begging Europeans, the biggest colonizers of them all, to acknowledge you. But you don't like colonizers, do you?
And finally, if you really can't deal with the fact there are other problems and injustices in the world and that people aren't dedicating every inch of their mind to you, you might have a bit of a problem. Nobody owes you anything. Let people speak about what they care about and stop policing literally everything.
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whats going on in iran is tragic and it can’t be one of those things that we forget about a month from now. keep fighting. we can make real change.
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