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All the love for Dr. Bones my beloved, extremely interested in knowing more about the Prez + Indy sequel/pwp 😍
Indy! My goofy idiot son! 😂 Thank you for asking after him. <3
Following No Time For Love, President Loki considers himself done with this strange man, but Indy won't go away, too determined to woo Loki.
In the chaotic way that all of their other chance meetings happened, Loki is visiting some foreign dignitary when he gets tangled up in Indy's latest adventure. There's a car chase, a tomb to raid, booby traps (set off by Loki), and a tumble into mud. All that adrenaline has to be burned off somehow, right? 😏
This began as a Lokius Bingo fill, using these prompts: Wet and Messy Frottage "You talk too much"
Indy’s hands scrabbled for his clothes, adding to the grime already staining them. Loki sat up and slapped them away. “Absolutely not. I'm not having sex in this, this mud pit!” Indy wriggled under him, a reminder they were both hard. “So you want to stop?” He cocked his head, looking genuinely curious. Being wound up with no release was a bridge too far. Hissing through his teeth, Loki grabbed Indy's whip and wrapped it wound his wrists before he had time to protest. “What was that for?” “To keep your grubby fingers off of my horns,” Loki grumbled and bent to kiss him.
From this list. Other answers here.
#wanderingflame wip#tag game answers#president loki#dr indianapolis bones#hmm need a ship name for them#president bones?#Indius?#presidential chaos?#the 'when i catch you' ship#lol
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helloooo so im not a fan of greek mythology or classics or anything like that, but something about the suitors of penelope caught my eye so i just wanted to ask if there are any other suitors named in the odyssey that arent antinous, eurymachus or amphinomus? (i forgot how to spell the last guys name)
+ and if youre willing enough, did any of them have characters / personalities and maybe even the slightest bits of stories of their own, outside of the whole yknow. "trying to make penelope marry and kill telemachus" thing? if thats too much though i completely understand, lovely blog!!
I mean it would be great if you were Anon! Hahahaha but that's fair.
Of course there are several names that appear in the Odyssey. Of course the most known ones are Antinous, Eurymachus and Amphinomus but there are several names that appear in the Odyssey as you remember from my post about Antinous where I mention the misconceptions around the Odyssey,
you see the name of Leiodes. Other names rescued are:
Leocritus, Agelaus, Amphimedon, Elatus, Eurynomus, Euryades, Demoptolemus, Peisander, Polybus and Ctesippus.
Unfortunately most of the names of the suitors are not mentioned in the Odyssey however we have other scoliasts and future writers, for example Apollodorous who also makes a list of several other names in his book "Epitome":
From Dulichium came fifty-seven: Amphinomus, Thoas, Demoptolemus, Amphimachus, Euryalus, Paralus, Evenorides, Clytius, Agenor, Eurypylus, Pylaemenes, Acamas, Thersilochus, Hagius, Clymenus, Philodemus, Meneptolemus, Damastor, Bias, Telmius, Polyidus, Astylochus, Schedius, Antigonus, Marpsius, Iphidamas, Argius, Glaucus, Calydoneus, Echion, Lamas, Andraemon, Agerochus, Medon, Agrius, Promus, Ctesius, Acarnan, Cycnus, Pseras, Hellanicus, Periphron, Megasthenes, Thrasymedes, Ormenius, Diopithes, Mecisteus, Antimachus, Ptolemaeus, Lestorides, Nicomachus, Polypoetes, and Ceraus.
And from Same there came twenty—three: Agelaus, Pisander, Elatus, Ctesippus, Hippodochus, Eurystratus, Archemolus, Ithacus, Pisenor, Hyperenor, Pheroetes, Antisthenes, Cerberus, Perimedes, Cynnus, Thriasus, Eteoneus, Clytius, Prothous, Lycaethus, Eumelus, Itanus, Lyammus.
And from Zacynthos came forty—four: Eurylochus, Laomedes, Molebus, Phrenius, Indius, Minis, Liocritus, Pronomus, Nisas, Daemon, Archestratus, Hippomachus, Euryalus, Periallus, Evenorides, Clytius, Agenor, Polybus, Polydorus, Thadytius, Stratius, Phrenius, Indius, Daesenor, Laomedon, Laodicus, Halius, Magnes, Oloetrochus, Barthas, Theophron, Nissaeus, Alcarops, Periclymenus, Antenor, Pellas, Celtus, Periphus, Ormenus, Polybus and Andromedes.
And from Ithaca itself the suitors were twelve, to wit: Antinous, Pronous, Liodes, Eurynomus, Amphimachus, Amphialus, Promachus, Amphimedon, Aristratus, Helenus, Dulicheus, and Ctesippus.
However one must bear in mind that all these names do not appear in the Odyssey so it is unclear whether Apollodorous has mentioned these names out of other sources or if he came up with a few of them himself! Hahaha especially since Apollodorous seems to be raising the number of the suitors from the standard 108 to much more than that!
But yeah that is food for thought as well even if Apollodorous lived several centuries after Homer.
As for the last part yes of course there seems to be several of character development to the suitors that at least are named in the Odyssey for as you see from the post that I made,
Antinous is the leader of the suitors in one way. He is as you see the most outspoken and one of the most arrogant ones and the way I read the passages of his it seems almost as if he is constantly intoxicated. I find it no coincidence that he died when he was ready to get a drink! I also love it, as I mentioned to another post of mine, how his name seems to mean "against all reason" aka "madman"
Eurymachus strikes me as the guy who is the "rich brat" in one way if I am allowed the comparison. He seems to be the richest of them all and he seems to be the one Icarius prefers the most for his future son-in-law because his own wedding gifts were the richest. Eurymachus seems to be a smooth talker and he often gets in the middle between Antinous and Penelope (for example Penelope goes on a full attack on Antinous accusing him and Eurymachus gets in the middle) but in a more slithering way, if that makes any sense. He is also the one who throws Antinous under the buss when he sees Odysseus is up for the kill to them all. He says that Antinous who is just killed was the root of all evil in there and that Odysseus needs to do nothing more. He also suggests they would pay back what they ate. He strikes me as the rich kid that thinks he can solve stuff with money. Eand wine .urymachus also seems to be confident with himself because he seems to have a close relationship with Odysseus and the royal family or at least his family does since Eurymachus mentions how Odysseus used to place him on his knees when he was a child, feeding him roasted meat and wine
Both Eurymachus and Antinous seem to be though capable athletes (they were the best at throwing the javelin and the discus while they were playing together) and like Antinous he seems to have knowledge on weapons such as bows and arrows.
Amphinomus is more of a diplomat material. In fact Homer states that out of all the suitors Penelope liked him the most because he was a smooth talker and he seemed gentle. In fact Amphinomus prevented the suitors from killing Telemachus TWICE in the Odyssey. He didn't deny the suggestion of the kill per se (so that he wouldn't lose the support of the other suitors) but he said that they need to first make sure that the killing was agreeable to the gods as well (in a way he also seems to try and prevent the killing altogether). He said that if gods wanted that then he would kill Telemachus himself but if they do not it is a sin and it shouldn't be followed. He is also one of those who encourages the others to stop mistreating Odysseus (disguised as a beggar) and encourages them to let Telemachus treat him as his guest given that this is the right thing to do. It seems that even Odysseus noticed he has kindness in him for he is the only suitor he actually doesn't only test in order to save him from doom but he ACTUALLY warns him to escape doom but Amphinomus doesn't heed the warning and remains. He also seems to be the suitor that at the end of the day didn't try to harm Odysseus out of hatred but he ran towards him with his sword trying to get him out of the way towards the exit so basically he tried to run away. Telemachus killed him with a spear through the back (his first kill for that day) and again I find it interesting and ironic that his name means "between two rules/shares" because he seems to be in a limbo state between the suitors and Telemachus and in the end he dies between two rulers (Odysseus and Telemachus). Amphinomus strikes me for a good guy that ended up with bad companies. In one way he seems to be in a way reflecting Odysseus too since he does try to persuade others with his words and navigate his way through stuff (plus the fact that Penelope liked him more than the others because of the way he speaks with logic AND Odysseus seeing the potential in him and actively trying even more to save him compared to others).
Leiodes was also called "soothsayer". It was said that he was one of those who was head over the heels in love with Penelope and he genuinely wanted to win her hand. He seemed to be a gentle guy or at least gentler than the rest who really wanted to earn Penelope. He was also the first to protest against bending the bow, realizing the impossible of the task thus earning the angry reaction of Antinous (see at my post that I link). It is also arguably the most shameful out of the killings Odysseus performed given that Leiodes managed to clasp Odysseus's knees begging for his life and also saying that he never bothered or bedded any of his slave girls, according to the customs of employing ritual, Odysseus couldn't refuse him the favor and he should normally spare him his life as he requested (in this case this doesn't apply classically given how Athena was there encouraging). Odysseus though was furious for Leiodes's notion to marry Penelope and he cut off his head.
Leocrtitus strikes me as someone who thinks too high of himself. His name appears technically once in the Odyssey and that is when he fights against Mentor (Athena in disguise) and claims that even if Odysseus himself were to show up in the palace, Penelope would have no joy upon seeing him because they would more or less kill him. Leocritus seems more like the guy that boasts a lot from that line or that is certain of himself when things are certain but only when he is certain that nothing would go wrong. He speaks with certainty they can take Odysseus when he is most certain that Odysseus would never show up because he thinks he is dead.
Agelaus seems to be similar to Amphinomus here for he too seems to have some humanity inside him (although arguably one can also say that he is pretending of that he has his reasons behind it) since he also speaks to the suitors and advises them to stop tormenting the stranger (Odysseus in disguise) or stop bothering the slave girls in the hall (most likely the women who were unwilling to serve the suitors) and he even said that "he hoped Odysseus would come back but that doesn't seem likely" (the latter seems to be more a pretend wish than anything but that is up for interpretation) but he keeps trying to sooth-talk Telemachus to tell his mother to choose the one that brought her the best gifts to which Telemachus says that he "doesn't want to force her and that he hopes the day will never come". Agelaus also strikes me for a very calm fellow for even in the chaos of battle after Antinous, Eurymachus and Amphinomos are dead Agelaus still calls for Melanthius and makes the assumption that Odysseus doesn't have enough shafts for them all and that they should sound the alarm or something and try to find their way out and apparently he was right because Telemachus accidentally left the door to the weaponry open so Melanthius came back holding some weapons for some of the suitors. So yeah that too seems like a great thing not mentioned enough. Also even amidst the chaos he tries to find allies for he turns to Mentor (Athena in disguise) and tries to persuade him not to be swayed by Odysseus's words unknown to him that he is speaking to Athena and when he sees that "Mentor" is not helping, he is showing leading skills and he gathers around the best remaining of the suitors to organize themselves and fight back. The latter gives a meaning to his name as well given how Agelaus means "leader of people"
Eurynomus has no lines in the Odyssey but I find it interesting that Homer decided to share with us that Eurynomus is one of 4 brothers out of whom one of them accompanied Odyssus to the arduous trip, Antiphus, and he was in fact one of his comrades that died in the hands of Polyphemus and in fact he was the last to be eaten by him so Eurynomus for me signifies the visual representation of the people who are left behind and possibly their complicated psychology. His father Aegyptius who was mourning for the death of his son (for he had stopped hoping to see him again) and the other two brothers that helped his father at the farm. Somehow makes me wonder was Eurynomus TOO EAGER to make his father proud? Perhaps he stopped caring? Did he have any recollections of his own brother or not? How was his relationship with his other brothers? Was he, if I may make a random comparison, an "edgy teenager" who just didn't care anymore? And arguably Homer also names him as "one of the best" of the suitors so that shows he did have plenty of potential. Who knows indeed
Amphimedon and Demoptolemus are also not having any lines and are mentioned once and twice respectably in the Odyssey but both were some of those that Homer names "the best" that Agelaus brings close to him again showing their potential.
Euryades is only mentioned when Telemachus kills him so not much is known on him.
Same goes with Elatus who is also mentioned only when he is killed by Eumaeus and nothing else is very much known of him
Peisander is mentioned during the wedding gifts process when Agelaus gathers him close to him as well (again one of those that were praised for their potential) and when he is killed by Philoetius.
Polybus now seems to be mentioned as "wise" but I also see the name being associated as the father of Eurymachus more often. There is only mentions of Polybus as a suitor and that is when Agelaus is gathering around him the best he can find in chaos and when he is killed by Eumaeus. Most likely we talk about two different people that just share the same name. I don't think both father AND son are competing for the hand of Penelope unless Polybus was there just to make sure that Penelope would marry in their family but that doesn't seem likely to me given how Eurymachus gives gifts that are said to be the best so if his father was also there I would expect them to have similar gifts and that Icarius might as well approve of the father as the husband to his daughter plus the fact that the suitors are named as young makes me doubt that Polybus the father of Eurymachus and Polubus the suitor are the same person. But here's some food for thought!
Ctesippus is the one that is mentioned from moment 1 that he has "lawlessness in his heart" so he seems like the most violent or potentially viscous of them all. He stands up and says that he wants to offer a "guest gift" to the "stranger" (Odysseus in disguise) one of the slave girls that belong to Odysseus. He even proceeds on taking an ox's hoof from his plate and throw it to Odysseus but Odysseus dodges it. The move causes the reaction of Telemachus and his reaction also brings forth Agelaus who also says to the suitors to stop abusing the stranger. Ctesippus doesn's seem to be a very potent spearman for he manages to graze the shoulder of Eumaeus in the battle but his spear was deflected by the swineherd's shield so either he is not as good in battle or he was drunk or panicking for he lost his weapon like that.
I hope that helps a little at a small interpretation/analysis on the suitors of Penelope as presented in the Odyssey plus an extra list of Apollodorous even if I do not fully allign with it, I just placed it here for the sakes of the encyclopedic knowledge! Hehehehe!
But thanks for the question Anon because it is important to remember how complicated all the homeric characters are! Even those that are supposed to appear brutes, they have also secret sides that Homer did let us known they existed!
Also yay this is my 5000th post!! 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊
I deeply apologize if I forget someone and I shall elaborate more to reblogs and/or comments if there is one that I missed or forgotten etc.
#katerinaaqu answers#odyssey#the odyssey#homeric poems#tagamemnon#greek mythology#penelope's suitors#the suitors#homer's odyssey#antinous#eurymachus#amphinomus#ctesippus#leocritus#amphimedon#agelaus#ithaca#penelope#odysseus#killing of the suitors#katerinaaqu analyzes#katerinaaqu writing#mentor#athena#elatus#eurynomus#euryades
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Listen: "Grenades" by WYRES
Listen: “Grenades” by WYRES
“Grenades” by WYRES
Fredrik Forell & Arvid Jonsson aka WYRES arrive for the first time to Wolf in a Suit with ab exquisite and eclectic indie pop creation on “Grenades”. The talented duo explores the ins and outs of life and how hopelessness flows with ease through the struggles of our daily lives. It’s strangely inspiring while also melodically haunting and riveting to the senses. It speaks…
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Me again. I'd like to thank you once again for answering my previous question. Kinda building off of that, what do you recommend as a good "starter guide" to reading about/learning more about the Fenian Cycle? Most of my reading/learning about Irish Myth/Lit has been focused on the Ulster Cycle, but recently I've gotten curious about the Fenian Cycle. Any recommendations for where to start? Thank you in advance and I hope you have a great day/night!
Sorry it's taken a little bit of time! Finn Cycle stuff isn't as much of a focus, and so I wanted to gather my thoughts a little more.
As with anything Fionn related, I have to recommend the work of Natasha Sumner over at Harvard, she's put a truly phenomenal amount of effort into Fionn and the Fianna, and she's compiled an excellent bibliography here that includes a section dedicated to intros and general overviews.
Kevin Murray's work, of course, especially his book The Early Finn Cycle.
Joseph Flahive's "The Fenian cycle in Irish and Scots-Gaelic literature" -- I haven't read this one, but it's gotten good reviews and it's apparently designed for both students and laypeople, which is always a nice bonus.
Joseph Falaky Nagy's The Wisdom of the Outlaw is a standard for a reason. It's currently out of stock or insanely expensive everywhere I go, but I'll keep looking for options and update as needed. (Another victim of the Great Celtic Studies Book Shortage.)
Mark Williams' book The Celtic Myths That Shape The Way We Think has a chapter on Fionn as well. My disapproval of the lack of citations aside, he's a good scholar, with a great command of his material and a writing style that's rich enough for academics and accessible enough for the layperson.
For retellings, Lady Gregory is....the standard. Like, we KNOW that I criticize her on occasion, but, at the same time, I can almost guarantee that you are not going to get a compilation of works on the Fianna in the 21st century that is not at least somewhat inspired by what she did, so I'd cut to the chase, get her retelling, and then compare it against the primary source materials. Like, you have Rolleston, you have Sutcliff, just now you have Daniel Allison's book, but my overall takeaway is that they didn't seriously add anything that Lady Gregory didn't already do.
For primary sources, the ones I'd recommend:
Duanaire Finn: 1 2 15th century compilation of lays -- some extraordinarily varied material in here that isn't very often talked about (it was released after Lady Gregory's retellings, so a lot of this material is less well known.) Honestly recommend paging through the table of contents and seeing what sticks out.
Tóruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Gráinne - Obviously, I can't physically make you, but I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend the Ní Sheaghdha edition. I know it's 42 Euros, believe me, I know (I intend to order it myself...one day), and I know that that + shipping can cover a lot, but just. Just trust me. The versions you see online overwhelmingly rely on the 19th century edition done by Standish Hayes O'Grady, which was good for its time, but is incredibly outdated and often gives people the wrong idea.
Acallam na Senorach - I personally recommend the Ann Dooley translation, which you can get really cheap online.
Oenach indiu luid in rí (Find and the Phantoms) - Irish Sagas Online (wonderful source, by the way.)
Cath Finntrágha (The Battle of Ventry) - You can get the Meyer edition here, Cecile O'Rahilly (of Táin fame) did her own edition + translation that's available here.
Battle of Gabhra - Standish O'Grady, on Mary Jones
Finn and the Man in the Tree - Unusual for being one of the earlier Fenian Cycle stories we have. Also features an early example of Finn and his signature thumb. (Which is a very strange statement out of context.)
Obviously, there's a TON of other material out there, but I feel like this should be enough to get you started. Mary Jones obviously has a ton of Fenian material under the Finn Cycle heading, Iso has other material, and the scholars I mentioned refer to a lot of other material, both folkloric and medieval, but I feel like this SHOULD be enough to give you a grounding in it.
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Lorica Sancti Patricii (St. Patrick's Breastplate), Old Irish
Attributed to St. Patrick, Lorica Sancti Patricii, St. Patrick’s Breastplate, is one of Ireland’s oldest surviving pieces of literature. In the Lorica’s famous verses, St. Patrick prays for divine strength and protection to surround him: ‘Christ beside me, Christ before me... Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of me’.
The Lorica’s repeated phrase ‘I arise today’ (atomriug indiu) resonates profoundly in a time when getting out of bed and facing another day in lockdown is a challenge and a victory in itself.
The work is a collaboration with Old-Irish specialist, Dr. Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh of University College Cork’s Roinn na Sean- agus Mean-Ghaeilge (Department of Old and Middle Irish). Dr. Caitríona’s expertise facilitated approximate pronunciations and the conservation of the Lorica’s unique and ever-changing meter.
The irregularity of the Lorica’s meter more closely resembles a spell text rather than a Christian hymn.
Composed and performed by Fiachra Ó Corragáin Old-Irish consultancy: Dr. Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh Production: Fiachra Ó Corragáin Mastering: Pete Maher
https://fiachraharp.com/ https://www.instagram.com/fiachraharp/ https://www.facebook.com/FiachraHarp
A good article on St. Patrick: https://saintsbridge.org/2018/11/18/st-patrick-of-ireland-guest-post-by-dr-michelle-p-brown/
Pictured is St. Patrick carved into a wall at Askeaton Friary in Limerick.
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Wearing technology on human or robotic skin
credit: University of Houston
By Shardell Joseph
A small, flexible, wearable device has been created that can provide band-aid style human interface, monitoring health or environmental conditions. The human-machine interface (HMI) consists of a small strip of material that can attach to the skin.
The researchers from the University of Houston, USA, have created an ultra-thin electronic device that can collect health, diagnostic, and environment information, with the capacity for medical, personal and professional applications. Focusing on the comfort of the wearable device, an issue that researchers continue to improve.
The researchers explained how the HMI also has potential for uses with prosthetic skin – a robotic hand and other robotic devices – with a HMI. It is this interface that automatically collects and relays information back to the wearer. The researchers described the device in a paper published in Science Advances as ‘ultra-thin, mechanically imperceptible, and stretchable.’
The device was fabricated in a one-step process, which used a metal oxide semiconductor. This was made out of indiu zinc oxide, on a nano-sized polymer base.
‘Indeed, the device has potential for myriad uses not just in wearable technology for humans, but also for robotic applications, to provide a sensor on the surface of a robot that might be able to sense environmental or health conditions, said University of Houston Mechanical Engineering Professor, CunjiangYu.
‘What if when you shook hands with a robotic hand, it was able to instantly deduce physical condition?’ he said in a press statement. Yu claimed that either robots or humans could use the device to test the environment in situations such as chemical spills.
#wearables#wearable technology#human-machine interface#ultra-thin electronics#semiconductor#robotics#robotic hand#prosthetics
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what the fuck
a breifing to anyone who doesnt know what is about to happen: i made a post saying that if that post got 50 notes at 1000 followers i would post my old legolas fan fic i wrote when i was 10. the post got almost 200 notes in 3 days. fuck you. the time is nigh
links to the saga 🧝🏼♂️ 🌿 🏹
ok so i hate to disappoint but i never got to the real action in this because i was lazy back in ol’ 2014. anyway the synopsis:
Cast [who they were based on kill me sdjkhsjdh]:
Eythriel, legolas’s cousin *barf* *kill me* [my old elf fursona]
Illeyis, the sister?? [my friend]
Indius, the grandma [my friend when she would do an old lady voice]
Scarpella, not sure a friend?? [my other hobbit friend]
Haldir, yep him. oh god he was supposed to become the love interest
Migan, i think eythriel’s brother???
the plot:
living deep in mirkwood forest, the author’s self-projected angsty elfsona Eythriel wants something more out of life. That comes in the form of a horrendously worded spider fight scene where she meets mysterious haldir who i guess lives in mirkwood now. He recruits her for the elf army but her stupid family wont let her! >:( ! so she has to decide between family and ???
brought to you by regret and shame
note: i copied this DIRECTLY from the pages doc it was in so i didnt change anything dhjfsgjh and yes it is titled ‘lol’ but i mean it was LITERALLY titled ‘fan fiction” so i mean which is better . have fun getting a stroke from reading the lack of spaces after commas
By Me
"Oh come on, I almost shot it!"yelled Eythriel Fernwood as she opened the door to her house in Mirkwood forest."What in the name of Thranduil are you talking about!?"Her grandmother Indíus said. "I almost shot a deer but someone had to sneeze!"glaring at her sister Ilyeis." come on Eythriel ,I can't help it!"Yelled Ilyeis. "Avo Bedo!"Spoke Eythriel just before she slammed the door to her chamber ."don't worry Ilyeis she'l forget soon enough,now help your old grandmother chop these mushrooms!"
Infuriated Ilyeis threw her dagger into the floor and kicked off her boots,"fine I'll help".
Eythriel heard a knock on her door "go away Ilyeis "she grumbled
"it's just me Eythriel "came her (half?)brothers voice
"what do you want Mígân!?"she said angrily."A messenger bird came today,her brother replied "it's from Scarpella ."
there was silence, then he heard footsteps and the door unlatching.
"give me the letter."she demanded.He handed it to her. She looked at him suspiciously "you didn't read it ,did you?""no......why are you going to Thranduil’s?"he questioned with a mischievous grin on his face"you stupid fool!"she said in a harsh wisper
"thank you Mígân."she said as she shut the door and locked it,She broke open the seal and read:
"Dear Eythriel,
I have told Lord Thranduil
about your offer, we need
as many elves as possible
but he says you must be here
in no more than three moons,
leave at midnight tonight.
We will be awaiting your arrival.
Sincerely, Haldir of Brethil,court of Thranduil "
eythriel trudged through the forest with a cloak to keep away the rain. Mígân could have gone and Eythriel could be at home sitting in front of a warm fire,but she wanted to eat before the next century,just put it this way,Mígân isn't the most graceful elf in Mirkwood. anyway she was wishing she was at home when she saw a party of elves fighting a group of (giant spid-E).Suddenly she forgot the wet and cold of Mirkwood, for being an elf she could not resist a fight.she swooped in start with her sword and shooting with her bow.such skill is only possessed by an elf.as she fought the last spider she felt eyes on her back.when the spider was dead,she looked at the other elves her face hidden in the shadow of her hood.The other elves smile,happy the fight is over.The largest of the three elves steps forward and introduces himself.”I am Haldír of Brethil,court of Thranduil,to who did we have the pleasure of fighting with?”Eythriel doesn’t respond
Haldír reaches out and
Eythriel crept out of her bedroom and opened the front door and ran out into the night .
She felt the cold autumn air on her cheeks,"this is what it feels like to be free!"she thought suddenly an arrow flew right past her head. So close that the fletching cut her face near her cheek bone.with extreme speed and skill,she turned,her bow drawn and ready to lose an arrow. But much to her relief she saw the beautiful elvish face of Scarpella.
"Scarpella!"she cried "thank goodness it's you!"she smiled at Scarpella then flinched and touched the place where the arrow cut her face. There was no blood,for it is not easy to make an elf bleed. "Did I hurt you?!"Scarpella exclaimed,her voice full of concern."im fine"Eythriel replied.At that moment a small beam of sunlight crept through the tall ancient trees."is that the time already?!"Eythriel said"well,we'd better be on our way!"
Indíus had followed Eythriel. She was worried this day would come. Eythriel was like a daughter to her since her parents left.since her own son left for Thranduil's Court and died in battle,she didn't want the same fate to befall Eythriel.
The sight of the two girls calmed her slightly,at least Eythriel wasn't alone. She thought.
Still she followed them closely.
Ileyis woke with a start. Her dreams had recently become strange,she new there was a meaning,all elf dreams have one in some way or another. She could hear Mígân snoring from his chamber. "Stop it Mígân!"she groaned. She out of bed and went into the hallway to make him stop. She was just about to force open his door when she noticed something odd,Eythriel's door was slightly open. Curiously she glided over and peeked inside,horror overcame her,Eythriel was gone.
She ran frantically to indíus' room,only to find it empty as well. Her sister and grandmother were gone!She cried out shocked. Mígân and Kiele her other(half?) brother."What is it?!"they asked concerned"(gramma-e)and Eythriel are gone!"
but for real thank you to all of my main hoes (lotr or otherwise):
@verycorrectlotr @panpervinca @70sdeakylesbian @angelatwell @hatsoff-forgandalf @lothlxrien @harmless-hobbit @bronweathanharthad @boromirthedad @finwe-the-disappointed @jewishfemme and @ladylouoflothlorien who needed to be tagged so here you are
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Names generated from backwards Finnish forenames and Brythonic deities
Aattretnaa Abellil Abnos Adiinthus Adius Adsus Aerelleim Aeriarvet Agraattios Ahualavtia Aidia Aileh Ailivleh Ajiaranej Ajiek Ajiekkuoj Ajlimat Ajliv Ajraa Ajrabnoba Ajrajra Ajrigannam Ajris Ajrius Ajryj Ajryyl Ajryyt Akkellyyl Akker Akkie Akkiek Akkimrama Akkirut Akkretii Akkrius Akkryylyk Akkuoj Aliattret Alihravee Alimleh Alivittna Allaus Alleem Allev Alliv Allos Allotam Allyk Alotus Alsamar Alsapaap Amara Amaus Amleh Amleteev Amlip Amsonua Anahua Ancam Andara Andiiv Andina Andonus Andram Androj Androonus Anerenaas Anerissia Anetio Aniania Aniara Aniek Aniekkrim Aniev Aniissna Anios Anius Ankouterij Annamme Annericura Annessnap Annuu Anoonnam Anoonuns Antarama Antii Antir Apomos Apotasia Appis Aprip Arakas Aratsia Arduis Aresso Ariilylyyl Arinnos Arneh Artasirnet Artiae Artir Artreterev Artridat Aruam Arudia Arudiak Arutee Arveleh Arvellu Arvous Asgus Asiamraka Asihrut Asivelav Asivraat Asleh Asleivret Aslev Asnak Asnakkris Astam Astepotam Ataaslev Aternus Atiara Atlaunap Atlie Atnahusul Atnas Atoneh Atout Atouttris Atsis Attnas Attre Atuut Avelat Avintia Avisucas Avreleh Avretna Avtio...
Barus Beleh Belle Bellugus Bellyk Borelat Borvos Bridii Buxens Cadiiluam Cadsukrip Camlessnam Camlip Camouttrej Ceterio Cicuram Cidius Cocis Cocius Colataraj Conus Coviose Covremateh Damlim Dampes Datuun Ellatuoj Ellottna Elluxov Enneime Ennobius Ennuuns Enuali Enusileh Eremee Erios Ernetniir Ernuar Ernus Essih Essoo Esucim Fagrojra Fagronus Fannej Gramul Huetiarav Husanlev Ikkeris Ikkie Ikkii Ikkim Ikkina Ikkira Ikkirimleh Ikkli Ikkrikkris Ikkuuluj Iksedam Iksis Ileucamos Ilima Ilitaa Illavius Ilugus Iluina Iluisriar Imarvee Imbis Imbrimra Imerneiv Imleik Imlili Imullaj Imulus India Indius Indoni Iniara Inirenius Inirij Inius Innaasooj Innam Innaprus Inneh Innemeet Innos Innus Inosej Intiir Intiros Intuo Inusucere Inyyt Ipattla Ipattretna Ipmer Ipomappih Iranos Iraus Irebius Irellim Iricuramna Iriganie Irikra Iriskepaa Irius Irnus Irooj Isris Itaroj Ittlatis Ittniilluj Ittous Ittras Ittrip Ittucer Ittuj Ivanii Iveenus Ivellivraa Ivens Iventiarus Ivernus Iviovhos Ivittat Ivittnia Ivittrip Ivius Ivlakkra Ivlatliv Ivleter Ivleucetis Ivliarak Ivrebius Ivretiry Ivrij Ivrip Lakkrem Latla Luamleh Marajriat Masooj Matio Mogmiamose Mosteris Mouojie Mouta Mulle Nemas Neteh Nextiir Nooriak Ohlih Ohnej Ohnete Ohnetee Ohnextio Ohual Oipatia Oipomis Oipona Ojianooj Ojrius Okelat Okelis Okerip Okerneh Okkie Okkileivee Okkilem Okkinnah Okkirim Okkre Okkriganko Okkry Okkunualia Okkuo Okkuul Oksama Oksaniania Oksenna Oksia Oksive Oksivetnak Oksivus Olatucas Ollim Omapplivee Omara Omaunnos Omiirneh Omikkryj Omleimiim Omlis Ommee Ommia Omoguna Omore Omraak Omraat Omrakkiir Omroboret Omroj Omronualim Onettut Onextis Oniluara Onius Onnap Onnem Onooj Onose Onrenyt Onuartaa Opaatar Oplat Oplatio Oplav Oplia Oplip Oppih Opplaj Opplakkie Opria Oprituoj Orruttrela Oruamo Orveenua Otaraasooj Otarota Othos Othuet Otlavra Otonos Otsulleh Ottia Ottiramul Ottna Ottnapplim Ovaak Ovalis Oventhus Overiganoj Ovhet Oviira Ovrakkre Ovrebissna Ovrebius Rotas Rudinyt Salsis Sennias Senun Siarus Smerip Sucamou Susis Toutanua Trennas Ukasiir Ukirik Ukkieh Ukkiir Ukkunaaj Ukrit Umarudii Umarvos Umere Umetna Unajryj Unnas Unnerim Unnerisa Unnual Unual Unusir Uppis Upplim Usiamulual Usilileh Utajri Utanej Utanna Uterij Utios Uttajris Uttiivis Uttnam Uttnia Uttrankout Uttre Vellev Vinus Viovre Viovus Virat Virojryj Vittris Vouttli Öjrij
#444 names#444names#fantasy names#dnd names#fantasy name#names#markov gen#name stash#markovgen#character names#random fantasy names
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Brazil in the style of Confederate Pernambuco
from /r/vexillology Top comment: The ["Pernambucan Revolution" of 1817](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pernambucan_revolt) was a liberal revolt against the monarchic portuguese domain of northeastern Brazil, that took place mainly in the city of Recife (state capital of Pernambuco). It intended to crate a Republic Confederation among the current states of Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, inspired by the American Revolution. The general layout of the [flag used by the revolutionaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pernambucan_revolt#/media/File:Flag_Pernambucan_Revolt_of_1817.svg) still endures today, as the flag of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. This redesign of the Brazilian flag comes from a scenario where the Republican movement of 1889 decided to claim this previous Republican experience in Brazil and appropriate it's symbols. The color palette follows the used in the current [flag of Brazil](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Flag_of_Brazil.svg/2000px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png). The stars, following the american tradition, represent the current 26 Brazilian states, but instead of displaying a [celestial sphere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Brazil#Stars) over Rio de Janeiro in the 15th of November 1889 (date of the [Proclamation of the Republic of Brazil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proclamation_of_the_Republic_(Brazil))), it displays the celestial sphere over Recife in the 6th of March 1817, date of the Pernambucan revolt, following the position of the sun in the orginal flag. The constelations appearing in the sky are Lacerta, Cygnus, Equuleus, Capricornus, Indius and Tucana (checked with Stellarium). The Crux constellation is also displayed in the place of the the Cristian cross of the Pernambucan state, replacing the catholic symbolism as state religion of the confederation with a symbol of unity among Northern and Southern Brazil. Tha national motto, "Ordem e Progresso", is written over a white strap, in consonance with the Federative Republic flag. I intended to make this redesing as of the 202th birthday of the Pernambucan revolution, ten days ago, but I hope you still enjoy it.
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SAVIO spustilo zbierku na pomoc zasiahnutým pandémiou v Indii
SAVIO spustilo zbierku na pomoc zasiahnutým pandémiou v Indii
Druhá vlna pandémie Covid-19, ktorá v druhej polovici apríla náhle zasiahla Indiu, má ťažký dopad na celú krajinu, najmä v štátoch Karnataka a Kérala. Práve tieto dva štáty sú svedkami neustáleho nárastu počtu pozitívnych prípadov nákazy a úmrtí. Denne hlásia viac ako 35 000 nových prípadov nakazených. Prevzaté automaticky z TK KBS.sk: https://www.tkkbs.sk/rss/domov/
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Saint Patrick’s Breastplate
Atomruig indíu
niurt trén, togairm Trínóite. Cretim treodataid fóisitin óendatad inDúlemain dail.
1. I bind to myself to-day,
The strong power of the invocation of the Trinity: The faith of the Trinity in the Unity The Creator of the elements.
Atomruig indíu
niurt gene Crist conabath]is[12] neurt a croctha conaadnacul. neurt aeiseirgi conafreasgabail. neurt athoiniuda fri brithemnus mbratha.
2. I bind to myself to-day,
The power of the Incarnation of Christ, with that of his Baptism, The power of the Crucifixion with that of his Burial, The power of the Resurrection, with the Ascension, The power of the coming of the Sentence of Judgement.
Attomriug [indiu]
neurt graid hiruphín inerlattaid aingiul. ifrestal nanarchaingiul. ifrescisin esérgi arcend focraici. inernaigthi uasalthrach. itaircetlaib fáthi. ipreceptaib apstal. inirisib faísmedach. inendccai nóebingen. ingnimaib fer fírioin.
3. I bind to myself to-day,
The power of the love of Seraphim, In the obedience of Angels, (In the service of Archangels,) In the hope of Resurrection unto reward, In the prayers of the noble Fathers, In the predictions of the Prophets, In the preaching of Apostles, In the faith of Confessors, In purity of Holy Virgins, In the acts of Righteous Men.
Attomriug [indiu]
neurt nime. soillsi gréine. etrochta ésci. [áne thened. déne lóchet.] luathi gaithi. fudomna mara. tairismigi talman. cobsaidi alech.
4. I bind to myself to-day,
The power of Heaven, The light of the Sun, (The whiteness of Snow,)[13] The force of Fire, The flashing of lightning, The velocity of Wind, The depth of the Sea, The stability of the Earth, The hardness of Rocks.
Attomriug indiu
neurt Dé dom lúamairecht. cumachta nDé dom congbáil. cíall nDé domimthús. rosc nDé dom imcaisin. clúas nDé doméistecht. briathar nDé domerlabrai. lám nDé domimdegail. intech nDé domremthechtus. sciath Dé domimdíten. sochraiti Dé domanacul. ar indledaib demna, ar aslagib dualach, ar foirmdechaib acnid, ar cech nduine midúthracair dam icéin, anoccus inuathiud. isochaidi.
5. I bind to myself to-day,
The Power of God to guide me, The Might of God to uphold me, The Wisdom of God to teach me, The Eye of God to watch over me, The Ear of God to hear me, The Word of God to give me speech, The Hand of God to protect me, The Way of God to prevent me, The Shield of God to shelter me, The Host of God to defend me, Against the snares of demons, Against the temptations of vices, Against the (lusts) of nature,[14] Against every man who meditates injury to me, Whether far or near, With few or with many.
Tochuiriur etrum indíu inna hule neurtasa
fri cech neurt namnus nétrocar fristái dom churp ocus domanmain. fri taircetlaib saebfáthe. [fri dubrechtu gentliuchta] fri saebrechtaib [heretecda. fri himcellacht nidlachta. fri brichta] ban ocus goband ocus druád. fri cech fis aracuiliu corp ocus anmain duni.
6. I have set around me all these powers,
Against every hostile savage power Directed against my body and my soul, Against the incantations of false prophets, Against the black laws of heathenism, Against the false laws of heresy, Against the deceits of idolatry, Against the spells of women, and smiths and druids, Against all knowledge that binds the soul of man.
Crist domimdegail [indiu]
ar cech neim ar loscud, ar bádudh, ar guin conimraib ilar fochraici
7. Christ, protect me to-day
Against poison, against burning, Against drowning, against wound, That I may receive abundant reward.
Crist lim. Crist remam.
Crist imm degaid. Crist innum. Crist ísum. Crist úasam. Crist dessum. Crist tuathum. Crist illius. Crist ipsius [sic], Crist inerus.
8. Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ at my right, Christ at my left, (Christ in the fort, Christ in the chariot-seat, Christ in the mighty stern.)[15]
Crist hicride cech duine rodomscrútadar.
Crist angin cech duine rodomlabradar. Crist iruscc cech duine rodomdecadar. Crist iclúais cech duine rodomcluinedar.
9. Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me, Christ in the eye of every man that sees me, Christ in the ear of every man that hears me.
[Atomruig indíu
niurt trén, togairm Trínóite. Cretim treodataid fóisitin óendatad in Dúlemain dail.]
10. I bind to myself to-day,
The strong power of an invocation of the Trinity, The faith of the Trinity in Unity The Creator of the Elements.
Domini est salus,
Domini est salus, Christi est salus, [Salus] tua Domine sit semper nobiscum. Amen.
(Salvation is the Lord's
Salvation is the Lord's Salvation is Christ's May thy salvation, Lord, be always with us! Amen.)
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IPL 2020: Sanju Samson said this after returning to form, told why his rhythm had deteriorated
IPL 2020: Sanju Samson said this after returning to form, told why his rhythm had deteriorated

Image Source: PTI Sanju samson
Rajasthan Royals batsman Sanju Samson, who lost rhythm after a brilliant start to the current season of the Indian Premier League and then recaptured it in Sunday’s match against Mumbai Indius, said he had kept his faith in him. Sanju scored an unbeaten 54 against Mumbai in a crucial eight-wicket win and added 152 runs in an unbreakable…
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