#Indian education system integrity
townpostin · 2 months
Education Scandal Rocks Kolhan Schools
Hundreds of teachers found with fraudulent credentials State-wide investigation uncovers widespread certification irregularities among para teachers, prompting official action. JAMSHEDPUR – Kolhan division authorities are grappling with the aftermath of a shocking revelation in the education sector. A recent probe has exposed a disturbing trend of fake certifications among assistant teachers in…
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writer-meesha · 1 year
Late nights and sleepy eyes. Midnights integrating and differentiating. Scientific mind; hypothesising and calculating. Early morning with books - volumes - spread open. Biting the edge of the pen. Lab coats and labs.
Oh, to be a science student.
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cutebrains · 23 days
Transform Your School with India’s First Moodle Integrated System – CuteBrains!
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In the rapidly evolving world of education, having the right tools can make all the difference. CuteBrains, India’s first school management system integrated with Moodle, is revolutionizing the way schools operate by merging the best of administrative efficiency and innovative learning. Designed to cater to the unique needs of Indian schools, CuteBrains offers a comprehensive solution that not only streamlines administrative tasks but also enhances the learning experience for students and teachers alike.
Why CuteBrains?
CuteBrains sets itself apart by being the first in India to integrate Moodle, the globally recognized learning management system (LMS), directly into school management. This powerful combination ensures that schools have a robust platform that handles both academic and administrative needs seamlessly. Here’s how CuteBrains is transforming schools across the country:
1. Seamless Administration and Academic Integration
CuteBrains integrates Moodle’s extensive learning tools directly into the school management system, allowing for a unified platform where administrative tasks and academic activities work hand in hand. Teachers can manage subjects, assignments, and grading within the same platform used for attendance, fee management, and student records. This integration eliminates the need for multiple software solutions, simplifying the workflow for teachers and administrators.
2. Enhanced Learning Experience
The Moodle integration in CuteBrains brings a wealth of interactive learning tools to the classroom. Teachers can easily create and share study materials, assignments, quizzes, and more, all within a digital environment that students find engaging and intuitive. The platform supports blended learning, online classes, and even virtual discussions, making education accessible anytime, anywhere. By incorporating these advanced tools, CuteBrains empowers teachers to deliver personalized and effective learning experiences.
3. Administrative Processes
For school administrators, CuteBrains offers a host of features that reduce the daily workload. The platform automates attendance, fee collection, timetable management, and transport tracking, allowing staff to focus on more strategic tasks. The integration with Moodle means that data flows seamlessly between administrative and academic sections, providing a complete overview of each student’s performance, attendance, and progress.
4. Simplified Communication
Communication between teachers, students, and parents is made easy with CuteBrains. Announcements, grades, attendance reports, and important updates can be shared instantly through the platform, keeping everyone informed and engaged. The integrated messaging system allows for direct communication, reducing delays and enhancing collaboration.
5. Advanced Analytics and Reporting
CuteBrains equips schools with powerful analytics tools that provide insights into student performance, attendance trends, and administrative efficiency. These data-driven insights help educators identify areas that need attention and enable administrators to make informed decisions that enhance school operations. The integration with Moodle ensures that academic data is always up-to-date and easily accessible.
6. Secure and User-Friendly Interface
Security and user experience are at the heart of CuteBrains. The platform is designed to be intuitive, ensuring that all users—from administrators to students—can navigate and utilize the features with ease. Data security measures ensure that all information is protected, giving schools peace of mind.
7. Tailored for Schools
CuteBrains understands the unique challenges faced by educational institutions. With customizable features, the platform adapts to the specific needs of each school, whether it’s managing handling complex fee structures, or aligning with national educational standards.
CuteBrains is not just a school management system; it’s a complete solution that integrates the best of administrative management with innovative learning. As India’s first Moodle-integrated system, it offers schools a unique opportunity to modernize their operations, enhance the educational experience, and stay ahead in the digital age. Transform your school with CuteBrains today and discover the future of education management!
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animeraider · 2 months
Project 2025 will kill you. Yes, you. Sections 11-15 (of 30)
So I've been reading Project 2025 so you don't have to, and I'm going to report on everything I find that is alarming, which is a lot. Part One can be found here. Part Two can be found here.
Section 11 - Department of Education
"Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated."
That's the first sentence in this whole section. I think that pretty much says it all.
All student loans and grants are to be moved to the private sector. Move education for military families to the Defense Department and for Washington D.C. to Congress. I imagine that also applies to protectorates like Guam and Puerto Rico but the document actually doesn't say.
Put all education funding under State Control. You should really ask a child living in Florida how that's working out. Reject Gender Identity and Racial studies. Eliminate executive orders in education. I remind you that integration was done by executive order.
Transfer all Native American education to the Bureau for Indian Affairs. Transfer all adult education programs to the Department of Labor. Privatize Student Aid.
Move all civil rights enforcement to the Department of Justice. Transfer all civil service employees to other agencies. Eliminate the understanding that Trans people even exist.
Eliminate any privacy regulations used to protect students from any form of abuse. Rescind all regulations in Equity in IDEA.
Eliminate all food programs for students. All of them.
Phase out income-based student loan repayment programs. Rescind all funding for the National Education Association. Consider "Critical Race Theory" to be racism. 
Here's a crazy one that takes paragraphs to unravel: Allow parents of children over the age of 18 to sue to recover any monies spent on their education. Also, allow families to "opt out" of the education system entirely and for those that do give as a tax break the funding that would have been used to educate that child directly to the parents.
Allow states to opt out of any and all federal education programs. Eliminate Parent PLUS loans. 
There is page after page of basically "end anything Obama or Biden did", but eventually it all boils down to that first sentence. Eliminate the Department of Education.
Section 12 - Department of Energy (and related commissions)
You would expect this whole document to be drill baby drill but in fact it starts with the repeal and elimination of the Biden Administration's Infrastructure Act - the single largest jobs creation bill in the last 75 years. That's followed with not only a dependence upon oil and natural gas but a declaration that the U.S. needs to be the best in the world in Science. Great for a country trying to eliminate the Department of Education.
Eliminate the office of Clean Energy, and the office of Grid Deployment. Yep, they don't want the government looking at the power grid. 
Not only increase a reliance ("dominance") in oil and gas but nuclear power as well. 
Lots of paragraphs on focusing on science, which again - see the section on the Department of Education. Lots of contradictions here. Increase the level of private sector disposal of nuclear waste. What could possibly go wrong?
Fund a rebuilding of the country's nuclear arsenal. New warheads and testing. Eliminate Carbon Capture programs and Carbon offsets. Pursue much more coal, including coal waste as fuel. Increase fossil fuels. 
End the government's focus on green energy and renewables. Eliminate efficiency standards for appliances. In fact, they put this paragraph in the document twice on consecutive pages. 
"End Grid planning and focus instead on reliability." I shit you not, that's a whole topic in here. Say goodbye to grid upgrades and hello to more Texas-style outages. They then spend several pages repeating everything I've already told you about. 
Eliminate the Department of Energy's ability to make loans. Eliminate the Advanced Research Projects Agency. Looks like that better battery for your Tesla is going to have to wait.
Eliminate the Clean Energy Corps. Privatize the Energy Information Administration. Stop all funding for "climate reparations" - i.e. paying for the damage caused by oil production in underdeveloped nations.
Drill in Alaska (of course). Claim the Arctic Circle for the same purpose. Take an "America First" approach at the Office of Technology. 
Accelerate cleanup of all "Superfund" sites (except for Hanford in Washington State - which is where the U.S. government has stored Plutonium Waste for many years) with a goal of completing all work by 2035. That sounds good on the surface but in most of these sites there is a reason that it needs to go slow: fast work actually makes the contamination WORSE and spreads it further. Eliminate some regulations specific to the Hanford site.
Get all active Nuclear Waste stored at Yucca Mountain already.
As long as we're talking about nuclear stuff again, let's make more nukes. Abandon the Test Ban Treaty. Divest certain programs at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore to refocus on nuclear energy and weaponry. Several pages are spent rehashing the need to get rid of renewables
Refocus transmission of electrical to the state level. I mean, why can't we all be Texas? Eliminate all questions about oil and gas pipelines to only consider the need for the fuels, not environmental or any other concerns. 
Eliminate the guidance of "as low as reasonably possible" for nuclear exposure when considering renewing the licensing for existing nuclear power plants or building new ones. 
Fuck, this was a nightmare to get through. but guess what's next?
Section 13 - Environmental Protection Agency
This whole section was written by Mandy M. Gunasekara, a former Chief of Staff at the EPA under the Trump Administration who in 2023 was kicked off the ballot in Mississippi when she ran for Public Service Commissioner - because she didn't live there.
Let's start that in the mission statement that it blames the lead poisoning crisis in Flint Michigan on The Obama Administration, which is so obviously incorrect that it boggle belief. It also states that every expansion of the EPA since 1972 is unnecessary.
Eliminate the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. Eliminate the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance. Eliminate the Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education. "Relocate" the Office of Children’s Health Protection and the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization - although the document does say where to relocate these agencies to.
Review the grants program to ensure that taxpayer funds go to organizations focused on tangible environmental improvements free from political affiliation (there are no such groups). 
This document goes on for more than 30 pages and makes the same faulty assumptions and rewrites historical data so often that it should be considered a work of fiction. But the key thing is unchanged: That everything that the EPA has done in terms of rulings and regulations since 1972 should be repealed.
Where I grew up you could see the air in 1972. It was grey. That's what they want to go back to.
Section 14 - Department of Heath and Human Services
This whole section was written by The Heritage Foundation. In the first two sentences it proclaims the COVID-19 Pandemic as over (which it isn't) and that life expectancy has decreased since the end of the Pandemic - which we do not yet know as the timing is too recent for statistical analysis. It's a lie.
No more abortions. Ever.
Prioritize families over everyone else. By the way, that's "traditional" families. Mother, father, children, church.
Remove the ability to declare emergencies and provide guidelines for outbreaks of diseases that contradict the political agenda of the administration. Move the recommendations of the CDC on how to treat anything into a separate political agency.  The entire document assumes that the CDC is faulty and corrupt, and not that the people using the CDC to make policy are. This is also a lie.
Remove Generic drugs from Medicaid. Make Abortion pills a controlled substance, with the ultimate goal of making them illegal at the same degree as Meth and Cocaine.
Eliminate chickenpox, Hepatitis, and MMR vaccines that originate from studies and science from fetal tissue. That's all of them, by the way. Also, eliminate vaccine mandates of any kind - you know, the type that for a while eliminated chicken pox, small pox, the mumps, measles and so on and could have been used to eliminate COVID. I notice that all of these are on the rise in the US. Even motherfucking POLIO is back.
Eliminate all research that uses science from Fetal Tissue. Eliminate all science funding and research that involves the fluidity of human sexuality. There are men and there are women and they are born that way. Period.
Several paragraphs are about "Woke" policies, and they encourage an end to diversity in conferences and studies.
When it gets to the Medicare section there is paragraph after paragraph about the bureaucracy of Medicare and how much time doctors have to spend on paperwork. This is a common fallacy that has been around for decades - yes, there is paperwork and there is a lot of it, but it's still LESS PAPERWORK THAN REQUIRED BY PRIVATE INSURERS. 
The truth is that bureaucratic waste in Medicaid is about 2%, where in the private industry it varies from 5% to 10%.
Eliminate the ability to negotiate drug prices under Medicare. 
As for Medicaid, paragraph after paragraph is dedicated to the elimination of problems that don't actually exist, plus adding work requirements to eligibility and actually taking away from states the ability to make programs flexible - which seems like an oxymoron until you realize that most waivers for various programs under Medicaid are for Democratic Party controlled states that are allowed to use these funds to treat the LGBTAI+ community and allow for abortion access.
Under the Affordable Care Act there is an awful lot of focus on redesigning medical care into a Concierge Medicine approach, which most people would not be able to afford. The document calls this stronger health care (true) and more affordable (patently false). It would also eliminate all of the cost controls in the system. There is no language saying that they want to eliminate the ACA, but they certainly would render it useless.
Prohibit travel for Abortion care.
Defund Planned Parenthood, which as I like to tell people is NOT a chain of abortion clinics but is a chain of Doctor's Offices with an emphasis on women's care. Withdraw Medicaid funds from any state where abortion is legal.
Deny gender affirming care for anyone with Medicaid or Medicare. Again, men and women are the only two genders and they are determined at birth.
Rescind all COVID-19 Mask and Vaccination guidelines, and pay damages to anyone displaced (i.e. fired) for not following those guidelines.
Institute work requirements for all recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Most of the verbiage about the prevention of teenage pregnancies is to deter things that aren't happening. Adoptions should be funneled through religious organizations. Crazily enough, the document in the same paragraph also acknowledges that there are 4 times more children awaiting adoption than people who want them, although I believe the actual ratio is closer to 7 to 1.
Move the office of Refugee Settlement to the Department of Homeland Security. Looking back at that document, there is no indication that DHS actually wants this.
Allows for parents who do not have custody of their children to receive a child-tax credit anyway. It actually specifically calls out that it wants the ability to allow deadbeat dads to take the tax credit.
Encourage bad marriages to stay together as a requirement of government assistance. Allow faith-based organizations who distribute this aid to discriminate as they see fit. Implement a national campaign that is pro-father propaganda. You know, to keep marriages together. Think of the poor men.
Eliminate Head Start.
Criminalized Physician assisted suicide, which is legal in 10 states according to this document. Remove requirements that telemedicine be local to the patient. I should point out that this would eliminate the ability to recommend hospitalizations, as these doctors wouldn't have admitting privileges where the patients actually are.
Allow hospitals, doctors and physicians to not provide abortion related care of any kind because of religious beliefs, even in states where it is legal and protected.
No more funding for condoms. No more funding for "Morning-after" pills (which they call "the week after pills" in this section). Withdraw all support for gender affirming/transitioning guidance. 
Stop teaching the medical procedures used in abortion care. I repeat, hinder the educational skills of every doctor in America.
The entire section on Indian Health Care (and why can't they ever use the phrase "Native Americans"?) is full of lies and I won't dignify them. 
Sunset all HHS regulations, which Trump tried last time around.
More bullshit about violations of human rights that never happened (mostly involving twitter and Facebook). They don't want the department to push back against lies on social media.
More verbiage that the administration needs to be Pro-Life and anti-Trans care. This is like the fifth or sixth time in this document so far, making it one of the longer ones I've gone through. This is followed by a series of paragraphs that are mostly lies about the COVID Pandemic, complaining about things that never happened.
It's full of lies.
Restrict and/or rescind funding to any country that supports abortion care. Prohibit overseas personnel from providing care that is in contradiction with administration policy. That's right, overseas care is now a political decision.
The entire rest of the document - several pages - is about how the only civil rights violation in health care is that providers of care of certain religions are not allowed to discriminate in their health care decisions, and that such discrimination should be allowed.
To summarize: No abortions, no gender affirming care, no contraceptives, stay in abusive marriages, no good health care for poor people, let churches discriminate, and lie every third sentence (or more often).
Section 15 - Department Housing and Urban Development
Woohoo! This section was written by Dr. Ben Carson! This of course means it's the shortest section in the whole damn thing, clocking in at all of 14 pages, 4 of which are footnotes.
Also, unlike previous chapters, the first 4 pages are only about what the department does who what the department posts and responsibilities are, and has no policy directives save for the basic concept that the department needs an overhaul.
Replace all career officers with political appointees. Issue an executive order making the HUD Secretary a member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S, to counter the Chinese threat that they are buying to much real estate in the U.S. Seems highly reminiscent of the same language used against Japan in the 1980's.
Reverse all protections for LGBTQIA+ persons implemented under the Biden Administration. Reverse all property appraisals done under the Biden Administration, because you know they did them all wrong. Eliminate any programs that have any mention of Climate Change. Eliminate the use of special-purpose credit authorities. Eliminate the new Housing Supply Fund.
Non-citizens, even those households who are comprised of both citizens and non-citizens, are to be denied housing assistance. Anyone with mental issues or drug assistance issues need to be treated before considered for housing. 
"Statutorily restricting eligibility for first-time homebuyers." That's the EXACT wording.
Finally, create an office of CFO for the department, who will do most of the work. Not bad for the laziest cabinet secretary in all history.
14 pages, only 6 of which are policy, all of which is designed to not actually do anything.
Next posting will cover the Department of the Interior, the Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, and the  Department of Veteran Affairs.
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softgentechnologies · 6 months
Mobile App Development Services in Lucknow
Mobile application development is indeed the process of creating software applications specifically designed to operate on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It involves a series of steps, from conceptualization to deployment, aimed at creating a functional and user-friendly application that meets the needs of the target audience.
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Why Choose Lucknow for Mobile App Development
Lucknow, the capital of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is emerging as a leading hub for mobile app development. It boasts a vibrant tech ecosystem, with a growing number of startups, established IT companies, and skilled professionals. The city's favorable business environment, cost-effective resources, and access to top-notch talent make it an ideal location for mobile app development. Additionally, Lucknow's rich cultural heritage and modern infrastructure provide a unique backdrop for innovation and creativity in app development.
Our Expertise in Mobile App Development
Our team of seasoned professionals excels in developing mobile apps across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions. We specialize in creating user-centric, visually appealing, and high-performing applications that cater to diverse industry verticals. From brainstorming the initial concept to delivering a polished, market-ready app, our expertise encompasses every stage of the development lifecycle.
Our Development Process
iOS App Development: We specialize in developing custom iOS applications tailored to meet the unique requirements of businesses in Lucknow. Our team of skilled developers uses the latest technologies and follows best practices to create high-quality iOS apps that provide an exceptional user experience.
Android App Development: With expertise in Android app development, we create feature-rich and user-friendly applications for the Android platform. Whether it's a consumer-facing app, enterprise solution, or mobile game, we have the capabilities to develop innovative and scalable Android apps for businesses in Lucknow.
Cross-Platform App Development: Our cross-platform app development services enable businesses to reach a wider audience by developing apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter, we ensure consistent performance and user experience across different devices.
Custom App Development: We specialize in developing custom mobile applications that address the unique needs and objectives of businesses in Lucknow. Whether you need a mobile app for e-commerce, healthcare, education, or any other industry, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
UI/UX Design: Our team of experienced designers creates intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces (UI) that enhance the user experience (UX) of mobile apps. We focus on creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and easy to navigate.
Integration Services: We offer integration services to connect mobile apps with existing systems, such as CRM, ERP, or third-party APIs. This enables businesses to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide a seamless experience for users.
Testing and Quality Assurance: We conduct rigorous testing throughout the development process to ensure that mobile apps are bug-free, secure, and perform optimally. Our QA team performs various tests, including functional testing, performance testing, and usability testing, to deliver high-quality apps that meet industry standards.
Deployment and Support: We assist businesses in deploying mobile apps to app stores and provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that apps remain up-to-date, secure, and perform optimally.
Our Team in Lucknow
Dedicated Professionals
Our talented team in Lucknow comprises experienced developers, innovative designers, and proficient project managers dedicated to delivering excellence.
Creative Minds
We foster creativity and innovation within our team, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking and inventive solutions for app development.
Collaborative Approach
Collaboration is at the heart of our team, ensuring seamless coordination and communication throughout the development process.
Contact Us
If you're ready to embark on an exciting mobile app development journey with us or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us through the following channels: Email: [email protected], Phone: +91 8188886786, 0522 3510038 Alternatively, you can visit our office located at 68B, Smriti Vihar, Sector K1, Ashiyana, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh to discuss your project requirements in person.
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proctur2024 · 8 months
Evolution of Technology and Its Impact on EdTech
In today's digital age, technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, transforming various aspects of our lives, including education. With the advent of EdTech (Educational Technology), traditional educational paradigms are being reshaped, leading to more interactive, accessible, and personalized learning experiences.
Evolution of Technology: A Brief Overview
The evolution of technology has been marked by significant milestones, from the invention of the printing press to the rise of the internet and beyond. Each technological advancement has revolutionized how information is accessed, shared, and utilized, paving the way for transformative changes in education. From chalkboards to interactive whiteboards, from textbooks to digital learning platforms, technology has played a pivotal role in shaping modern education.
Integration of Technology in Education: The Rise of EdTech
As technology continues to advance rapidly, it's crucial for us to stay ahead in the ever-evolving EdTech industry. With this in mind, we've developed an incredibly advanced EdTech software Proctur that offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the needs of schools, teachers, and parents. We understand the importance of having everyone on the same page, and our platform ensures 100% transparency by bringing schools, teachers, and parents together onto a single unified platform.
Here's a glimpse of the key features our EdTech software offers:
1.User Role Management :Customize user access and ensure data security with ease using our User Role Management feature within our School ERP—empowering efficient administration and peace of mind.
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2. Visitor Management : Transform school safety and efficiency with our innovative Visitor Management system! Elevate security while simplifying check-ins for a smarter school experience.
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3.Zoom Integration: Facilitate interactive live classes seamlessly with Proctur's ERP Zoom integration feature for enhanced educational engagement.
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Bus Tracking System:
We understand the importance of student safety, which is why our software includes a bus tracking system that allows parents to track the whereabouts of their child's school bus in real-time.
At our core, we believe in creating a supportive and inclusive educational ecosystem where every stakeholder – schools, teachers, and parents – plays a vital role in shaping the future of our students.
EdTech Market Size: A Global Perspective:
The global EdTech market has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by increasing digitalization, rising demand for online education, and advancements in technology. According to market research reports, the Indian EdTech market size was valued at over $20 billion in 2022, and it is projected to continue its upward trajectory in the coming years.
EdTech Market in India: Trends and Opportunities
In India, the EdTech sector has witnessed remarkable growth fueled by factors such as a large young population, increasing internet penetration, and government initiatives promoting digital education. The market size of EdTech in India is estimated to be around $4.3 billion in 2022, with notable players offering a diverse range of solutions catering to different segments of the education ecosystem.
In conclusion, as technology continues to revolutionize the education sector, Proctur, as showcased on their website proctur.com, exemplifies how advanced EdTech solutions can streamline education management processes and foster transparency between schools, teachers, and parents. Through Proctur's innovative approach to education management, schools can efficiently manage their resources, track student progress, and enhance parent engagement. With Proctur leading the way, the future of education management looks brighter than ever before.
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May Intake in UK Universities 2024 – What You Need To Know
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Embarking on a journey to study in the UK is a significant decision that opens doors to world-class education and global opportunities. For aspiring Indian students, the May intake in UK universities is a lesser-known yet advantageous option. In this comprehensive guide brought to you by Nationwide Overseas Education, we delve into the intricacies of the May intake, including why UK universities accept May intakes, top universities for the mid-intake of 2024, application procedures, essential documents, visa requirements, and tips on securing scholarships for the May 2024 intake.
Why do UK Universities Accept May Intakes?
While the traditional September intake remains popular, UK universities increasingly offer May intakes to cater to the diverse needs of international students. The May intake provides flexibility for those who might have missed the September deadline or wish to expedite their academic journey. It also aligns with the academic calendar in some UK institutions, allowing students to seamlessly integrate into ongoing programs.
Top 5  UK Universities for Mid-Intake 2024:
Here are some top universities for mid-intake in the UK:
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
University College London (UCL)
When to Apply for May Intake in UK Universities?
If you are considering applying for the May intake at a UK university, it's crucial to be informed about the application deadlines. The timing for submitting application forms for May/June intake universities in the UK doesn't adhere to a fixed schedule. Typically, UK universities welcome applications between October and February for students intending to commence their studies in May.
Explore universities in the UK offering May admission and narrow down your choices based on the available courses.
Prepare for any necessary entrance exams, such as the IELTS, required for postgraduate study in the UK starting in May.
Research to ensure you meet the qualifications for enrolling in the May intake at UK universities. It's essential to submit your application for a student visa to study in the UK by January.
Complete your application and gather any additional enrollment materials requested by your selected university.
Organise your finances, plan your trip, and ensure that all your visa paperwork is in order for a smooth transition into your UK academic journey.
Documents You Need to Apply to UK Universities for Mid-Intake:
Proof of completion of the 10th and 12th grades in school.
Previous qualifying exam transcripts (undergraduate or graduate level, if applicable). If the official certificates are not available at the time of application, the provisional ones will be accepted in their place.
Test results for the Graduate Management Admissions Test or the Graduate Management Admission Test. (If relevant to your current study)
Scores from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required for admission to universities in the United Kingdom.
Include a 2- to 3-paragraph personal statement and 2 recommendation letters with your university application.
Your Passport
Recent photos in passport size
The Process of Applying to a UK University in Mid-Intake:
Before the admission portal becomes accessible, ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and eligibility verifications in order if you plan to enroll in UK universities with a May intake in 2024.
Consider the following guidelines for the UK May application period:
Generate a comprehensive list of universities offering courses during the specified intake in the UK, and carefully choose the one that resonates with your preferences. Avoid procrastination, as last-minute actions often lead to chaos.
Once you have selected your major and university, consistently monitor their official website for any updates, announcements, or changes.
Take any required qualifying exams well before the enrollment opening to streamline the application process.
Applying early enhances your chances of securing admission to your preferred university. Stay informed about the admissions site opening date to seize this opportunity.
Once accepted, initiate the visa application process, adhering to UK visa requirements for Indian students.
Upon submitting your application, expect a confirmation email. As soon as you receive it, initiate the process of applying for a UK Student Visa. 
Application Deadline for May Intake:
Application deadline: Please note that the application deadline is the first week of April. So don’t miss the date for the May intake.
Deposit date: Second week of April, when prerequisites are met and a deposit should be made. 
Pre-CAS interview: We recommend scheduling your pre-CAS interview for the third week of April. Mark the date because it is very important.
CAS release date: First week of May (CAS release)
Training and orientation date: The start of training and orientation is the second week of May. 
Scheduled beginning of class: Third week of May.
Also Read:[Top 5 Indian Government Scholarships for Studying Abroad in 2024]
How to Get Scholarships for May 2024 Intake:Various UK universities, including those affiliated with UCAS, offer scholarships and grants to international students. The allocation of scholarships is contingent upon specific criteria established by each institution. Typically, this decision is influenced by the applicant's academic performance and financial needs.
Scholarships usually cover the following expenses:
Tuition Costs: The scholarship often contributes towards the student's tuition fees.
Allowance: Recipients may receive a regular allowance, distributed either on a monthly or weekly basis.
Accommodation and Food Costs: Scholarships may assist in covering the expenses associated with housing and meals.
Health Insurance: Premium health insurance is often included as part of the scholarship package.
In the United Kingdom, students can benefit from scholarships for a duration of up to 36 months. 
Final Thoughts:
The May intake in UK universities is a golden opportunity for Indian students to experience world-class education in a diverse and vibrant environment. With careful planning, timely applications, and the support of a reliable consultancy like Nationwide Overseas Education, you can venture on a fulfilling academic journey in the UK. Stay focused, stay prepared, and let your aspirations soar in the land of academic excellence.
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tysiaradz · 9 months
class notes
Climate theory (of racism) - the colder the weather, the smarter the human (read: stamped from the beginning). The theory suggests that black people in Africa had no way of being intelligent
Simian traits - “ape like”, connected to black portrayal and Irish portrayal: JFK significance: he was Irish and catholic
White people made themselves feel racially secure by making themselves the ideal face shape and differentiating themselves from other races “you are not white!”
“Wide sargasso sea” jean rhys
Darwin, the father of modern evolution theory, was himself religious and was antagonised by the church for disproving the creationist theory. He was also not pleased with how his theories were being used to persecute other races and nationalities
What were the four different categories of people introduced under the Race classification laws?
What was the pencil test and what purpose did it serve?
If a pencil was placed in a students hair and fell, they were white. If it stayed, they were not white enough
What was the Sharpeville massacre and what was it caused by?1952
A protest forcing law enforcement to arrest them in the hopes that they would collapse the jailing system ended in thousands being arresting
March 21st 1960
Police opened fire on unarmed protest killing 70 and wounding 180
Passbook - document that black people had to carry at all times to be able to travel
The protest was to abolish passbooks
What is (somewhat) ironic about Nelson Mandela having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
He won the Nobel peace prize despite not being a pacifist
Imagine you educate someone online about systemic racism. Feel free to rant
Website is down
What factors increased the tensions between the blacks and the whites in the SA, and caused the later to want to control the former?
Black people were allowed to work in white spaces as many of the white population went to fight in ww2
Black people had to move into some white spaces such as living and work
ANC - African National Congress
4. He won the Nobel peace prize despite not being a pacifist
Dei steigers- “the sixties generation”
Brinks book was the first book to be banned by the south african government
How brink outwitted the censors
1979 printing: 3000 copies through a private publishing press in Johannesburg
Detected 2 weeks later - too late to confiscate the first printing, but the book was banned
Simultaneous publication in uk - a great success
Black June
Multi-day youth riots in Soweto started on the 26th June 1976
Brutally suppressed - armed personnel carriers, machine guns and helicopters against sticks and stones
SA internationally condemned for the massacre of the youth and the use of the violence at a mass scale
According to official statistics 175 killed (official citizens), 1140 wounded, 1300 arrested
A moral obligation
a dry white season illustrates the thesis made by brink in his article “after Soweto” 1976
following the massacre, the white citizens of SA shoulder a tremendous moral responsibility, which each should fulfill no matter the personal consequences.
Ben du Toit is an example of a person who took this moral obligation to the end.
Torturing political prisoners was frequent in SA in the 70s
The 1973 report of the UN Special Committee
Against Apartheid described over 100 cases of mistreatment of prisoners
Often used by Special Branch, specialised in detecting and fighting anti-government activity (methods near-identical with the Gestapo's)
According to the Western press, in 1977 alone at least 20 arrested people died in shady circumstances.
The author inspired some of the stories that happened to the protagonist from the experiences of others such as;
mohammed salim essop
Stephen bantu biko
Ahmed timol
Donald woods
James Thomas Kruger
To research: Steve Biko / Stephen Bantu Biko
Birth date: 18.12.1946
Death date: 12.09.1977
Founder of the “Black Consciousness” movement in South Africa
BCM was an anti-apartheid movement that was started in 1960. The movement started after the South African government outlawed the Pan-Africanist Congress and the African National Congress following the Sharpeville Massacre.
In his life, Biko was part of numerous anti apartheid movements. He began his efforts in protesting while at university (he first studied at st. Francis College and then at the University of Natal Medical School where he joined the multiracial National Union of South African Students).
His involvement lessened when he realised he found the NUSAS focused less on merging the rights of black and white people, but rather on viewing black people as the rightful majority. This was his reasoning for founding the SASO and becoming its president. The organisation was founded on the philosophy of black consciousness.
He drew censure in 1973 when SASO, its members and statements were restricted and banned. He reverted to operating covertly and, as a result was arrested and later died of died due to the torture he experienced while under arrest. He was found at the age of 31 outside a hospital naked, shackled and having experienced a brain haemorrhage.
Police denied responsibility for what happened to Biko, however, in 1997, five former officers admitted to being responsible for Biko’s death and applied for amnesty to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (a way of getting consequences for their wrongdoings and committed atrocities).
216, 262
Dark, uncertain
Charcoal metaphor
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2023 Trends in the Services Offered by the Best Study Abroad Consultants
Studying abroad offers a profoundly rewarding experience to individuals. It opens up a world of possibilities that let students and professionals widen their horizons, gain enriching experiences and immerse themselves in different cultures. In an era of increasing globalisation, the world is becoming more connected, and aspirants have more opportunities at their disposal. New destinations are coming up, costs are stabilising, and educational institutes are adopting a hybrid model, making the experience accessible to a broader audience.
English-speaking nations are actively seeking alternatives to attract more students and minimise language barriers. The other factors that influence students' choices are environmental sustainability and social impact.
In this blog, we will discuss 2023 trends that have been observed in the industry by the best study abroad consultants.
1. Mainstreaming hybrid overseas education
Hybrid, sometimes referred to as 'blended' learning, has been in the system for a decade, but it became popular only after the epidemic. The pandemic has made educators realise that a certain amount of flexibility is necessary for both the current situation and moving forward into the future.
This method involves teaching and learning both face-to-face and through online activities. Hybrid courses allow the student to align with the changing dynamics of the modern world, where digital skills and adaptability are increasingly crucial.
It helps students living in remote areas to progressively transition to self-motivated learning, where they can learn at their own pace while under their teachers' direct guidance. A number of international educational institutes are offering the option of hybrid model courses to make education accessible and cost-effective.
Mainstreaming hybrid learning is a positive transformation in the way education is delivered. MSM Unify is one of the few abroad education consultants in India who have a hybrid model operating, with esteemed colleges on board.
2. Integrating AI into education
Artificial Intelligence is a rich technological advancement that has entered into every industry, including the education industry.
By incorporating AI into the educational systems, educators can unlock new avenues for student engagement, optimise learning resources and create tailored learning experiences that cater to the unique needs of each student.
2023 has seen the acceptance of AI and how it has gradually changed the impartation of education. Therefore, institutions are now planning to include AI in their course.
3. Other trending overseas education destinations
Canada and the United Kingdom have always been popular for Indian students to study abroad. But abroad education consultants have seen 2023 has seen a rise in the demand for courses in destinations like Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, and others.
4. The STEM demand in India and overseas
STEM education encompasses four critical disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It encourages critical thinking,problem-solving skills, innovation, and tech-ready individuals. It requires students to use logical and analytical thinking to solve complex problems.
STEM jobs have been in high demand and are expected to continue in the coming years.
5. Saving time with integrated programs
Integrated programs are becoming popular as they empower students to explore two academic disciplines in less time than usual. Like traditional learning, which takes four to five years for a bachelor's degree and two for a master's degree, Integrated Program lets students pursue both levels of education in five years. It expedites their academic journey and opens the door to multiple opportunities, making it an attractive choice for forward-thinking students.
6. More colleges and universities
The number of private colleges and universities has increased the competition among institutions, which has led them to adopt forward-thinking strategies. Consequently, there will be a proliferation of private colleges and universities in the future.
MSM Unify is prudent in its selection of partner colleges. It ensures that institutes with exceptional faculty are welcomed on board. This commitment ensures that students have access to the best educational opportunities and the support they require to achieve their dreams.
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squaresoneastasia · 2 years
Hinduism in China
Jeff Walker Intro. East Asian Studies Blog #3 26 November 2022 Hinduism in China I decided to write this blog to help educate myself and my classmate more about Hinduism. Even though I know Hinduism isn’t a popular religion in China, I have also heard about the small pockets of people there that do follow the religion. I am also aware that Hinduism and Buddhism have many similar teachings such as reincarnation, and karma, but also have key differences. The biggest difference is how Buddhism rejects the caste system in Hinduism. Even though these religions have many similarities, Hinduism has never caught on in China the way Buddhism has. A deeper dive into why this is a topic that should not be ignored. Hinduism is one of the biggest religions in the world and over a billion people practice Hinduism around the globe. This powerhouse of a religion dates back thousands of years and is very deeply rooted in Indian culture in particular. Even though there are so many followers of Hinduism in India, the religion never picked up the same kind of traction in mainland China. There is only an estimated 1.3 million followers of Hinduism in China today, despite there being over a billion people in the country. Even though Hinduism does not have widespread followers in China, as it does in the neighboring country India, the religion has still had a cultural impact on the country over the centuries. The link between China and India dates back thousands of years. One of the best examples of this is the word “Mandarin” which originated from and Sanskrit was brought from India to China originally. Even though the Hindu religion is only practiced by less than 1% of the population in China, Hinduism ideas were once widespread in many regions in China. These Hindu ideas originally spread through China by getting mixed in with Buddhist ideologies and Chinese myths. Many of these ideas and texts were brought by Hindu monks that traveled to China along the Tsung Ling route. The Tamil merchant guilds of Ayyavole and Manigramam were a group of Hindu communities that once thrives in south China during medieval times. They built many Hinduism temples and motifs. These communities were welcomed by the Chinese because of the wide range of goods they had to offer, and therefore brought many of their beliefs with them. This integrated into some cultures here and helped to establish some of the Hindu roots in China. There is also a village in China named Chedian, which is very close to the city of Quanzhou, that houses more than a dozen Hindu shrines and temples. The residents of Chedian pray to a goddess that is described as having four arms and sitting cross-legged. There are two servants by the goddess’s side, and a demon laying at her feet. Even though the identity of this goddess is unknown, the residents of Chedian are still active in their worshipping. Even though Hinduism has not caught on in China as Buddhism has, there are still deep roots there of the Hindu religion.
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townpostin · 3 months
Paper Leak Scandal: Roti Bank Chairman Demands Life Sentences for Culprits
Manoj Mishra calls for removal of Education Minister and CBI probe into competitive exam irregularities Social activist highlights exploitation of youth, criticizes political parties for neglecting future of young voters. JAMSHEDPUR – Manoj Mishra, Chairman of Roti Bank, has demanded life imprisonment for those involved in leaking question papers of NEET and other competitive exams. Speaking at a…
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quickensol · 1 year
Exploring the Top ERP Providers in India: Streamlining Business Operations
In today's fast-paced business environment, effective management of resources, streamlined processes, and data-driven decision-making is critical for sustainable growth. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as powerful tools that integrate key business functions, enabling seamless collaboration and boosting overall productivity. India, with its vibrant business landscape, hosts a multitude of ERP providers offering comprehensive solutions. In this blog, we will delve into the top 11 ERP providers in India, exploring their key offerings, strengths, and how they empower businesses to achieve their goals.
Here Is The Top 11 ERP Providers
SAP India :
SAP, a global leader in enterprise software, has established itself as a frontrunner in the Indian ERP market. Renowned for its comprehensive suite of ERP solutions tailored for diverse industries, SAP offers modules covering finance, supply chain, human resources, customer relationship management, and more. With a strong focus on scalability, robustness, and the ability to handle complex business processes, SAP India provides reliable support, extensive training resources, and regular updates to help businesses stay ahead.
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Oracle India :
Oracle, a prominent ERP provider, delivers integrated applications designed to streamline business operations. With modules spanning finance, procurement, manufacturing, sales, and customer service, Oracle ERP solutions cater to organizations of all sizes and industries. Its strength lies in handling large-scale enterprises, complex supply chains, and global operations. Oracle India boasts a robust customer base and offers comprehensive support, training, and implementation services to ensure successful ERP adoption.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 :
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a popular ERP provider offering a unified platform for finance, operations, sales, and customer service. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Microsoft products, Dynamics 365 simplifies processes and empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. Its cloud-based nature allows scalability, flexibility, and easy accessibility. Microsoft provides extensive support, regular updates, and a vibrant user community, making the implementation and maintenance of Dynamics 365 a smooth experience
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Quickensol it solutions QuickenSol IT Solutions emerges as a reliable ERP service provider, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs.QuickenSol IT Solutions empowers organizations through its robust ERP services, innovative technologies, and customer-centric approach. From seamless integration to enhanced data visibility, QuickenSol IT Solutions is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their growth objectives and stay ahead in a competitive market. quickensol offers a module covering finance, education, real estate, agriculture, laboratory, e-commerce, healthcare, insurance, logistics, construction industry, project management, and manufacturing. Quickensol offers strong customer support, an extensive knowledge base, and regular feature updates, making it a popular choice for Indian organizations seeking a reliable ERP solution.
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Tally Solutions: Tally Solutions has earned the trust of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in India. Their ERP software focuses on accounting and inventory management, enabling organizations to handle financial transactions, track inventory, and generate accurate reports. Tally's user-friendly interface, affordability, and localization capabilities have made it a preferred choice for Indian businesses. Tally offers comprehensive training, robust support, and regular software updates to ensure effective financial management for SMBs.
Zoho ERP :
Zoho, a prominent player in the business software market, provides a comprehensive suite of applications, including ERP solutions. Zoho ERP covers finance, inventory management, CRM, HR, and more. Known for its affordability, ease of use, and customization options, Zoho ERP caters to businesses of all sizes. The cloud-based nature of Zoho ERP allows for seamless data access, collaboration, and integration across departments. Zoho offers strong customer support, an extensive knowledge base, and regular feature updates, making it a popular choice for Indian organizations seeking a reliable ERP solution.
Ramco Systems :
Based in Chennai, Ramco Systems is an Indian ERP provider renowned for its cloud-based ERP software. Ramco offers modules for finance, HR, supply chain, manufacturing, and more, targeting various industry verticals. Their ERP solutions emphasize mobility, automation, and analytics, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and achieve operational excellence. Ramco provides comprehensive support, an easy implementation process, and regular software updates, ensuring a smooth ERP experience for organizations.
Infor India :
Infor, a global provider of industry-specific ERP solutions has a strong presence in the Indian market. Infor India offers comprehensive ERP modules tailored to specific industry verticals such as manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, and more. Their solutions focus on process efficiency, supply chain optimization, and customer engagement. With an intuitive interface and robust functionality, Infor ERP empowers businesses to drive growth, enhance productivity, and respond swiftly to market demands.
Epicor India :
Epicor is a renowned ERP provider offering industry-specific solutions designed to meet the unique needs of organizations. Epicor India's ERP modules cater to manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services sectors. Their solutions enable businesses to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and gain actionable insights through advanced analytics. With a strong focus on automation, scalability, and digital transformation, Epicor empowers Indian businesses to compete effectively in a rapidly evolving market.
IFS India :
IFS, a global leader in ERP software, serves businesses across various industries in India. IFS India's ERP solutions encompass modules for enterprise asset management, field service management, manufacturing, and more. The company emphasizes functionality, flexibility, and usability to ensure seamless adoption and improved operational efficiency. With their customer-centric approach and industry-specific expertise, IFS empowers organizations to optimize processes, enhance productivity, and achieve growth objectives.
Sage India :
Sage is a leading provider of ERP solutions, offering modules for finance, accounting, inventory management, and more. Sage India's ERP software caters to small and medium-sized businesses, providing them with robust tools to manage core business functions effectively. With a focus on simplicity, customization, and scalability, Sage empowers organizations to streamline operations, gain better financial visibility, and make informed decisions. Sage's commitment to customer support and continuous innovation has earned them a strong reputation in the Indian market.
Conclusion :
Selecting the right ERP provider is a crucial decision for any organization aiming to streamline operations and drive growth. The top 11 ERP providers in India, such as SAP India, Oracle India, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Quickensol IT Solution, Tally Solutions, Zoho ERP, Ramco Systems, Infor India, Epicor India, IFS India, and Sage India, offer diverse ERP solutions tailored to meet specific industry requirements. These providers empower businesses with advanced features, scalability, robust support, and seamless integration, enabling them to optimize processes, make data-driven decisions, and achieve their growth objectives. Careful evaluation of business needs, industry focus, and the unique capabilities of these ERP providers is essential to select the best fit for organizational success.
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Why Australian universities are banning Indian students.
Indian students form a significant part of the international student community in Australia. However, recent concerns have emerged about Indian students being banned from Australian universities due to the misuse of student visas and other regulatory violations. In this blog post, we will discuss the issues that have led to these bans, the impact on the international education industry, and propose solutions to address the problem and create a better educational experience for Indian students in Australia.
The Issue: Misuse of Student Visas and Regulatory Violations
Indian students, along with students from Nepal and other countries, have been found to exploit loopholes in the visa system, abandoning their courses at established universities to enroll in cheaper private colleges. This undermines the student visa granted based on their initial enrollment and affects the reputation of both the students and the recruiting universities.
Another concern is the role of offshore and onshore education agents who manipulate the system to maximize their profits at the expense of students' education and welfare. They encourage students to switch to low-cost private institutions that pay higher commissions, even when no new visa assistance is required.
Impact on the International Education Industry
The exploitation of loopholes in the student visa system by Indian students has led to Australian universities banning them. This not only tarnishes the image of Indian students but also has serious consequences for the international education industry in Australia. The trust between universities and students is compromised, and the integrity of the student visa system is threatened.
Proposed Solutions
Strengthen the monitoring and enforcement of visa regulations: The Australian government should collaborate with universities to monitor student visa compliance closely and enforce strict penalties for those violating the rules.
Enhance pre-departure orientation and support programs: Before leaving for Australia, Indian students should be provided with comprehensive pre-departure orientation and support to understand the rules and regulations, academic expectations, and their rights and responsibilities as international students.
Strengthen partnerships between Indian and Australian institutions: Encourage more partnerships between Indian and Australian institutions to facilitate better understanding and collaboration, promoting student exchange programs, joint research, and academic cooperation.
Improve the regulation of education agents: Establish a strict regulatory framework for both offshore and onshore education agents, ensuring transparency and accountability in their practices.
Provide better support and resources for Indian students: Australian universities should offer tailored support services for Indian students, including academic support, cultural adjustment assistance, and career guidance.
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blowhorn39 · 2 years
2023 Wrapped: Here Are Top 10 Logistics Trends That Defined The Year
2023 has been a year of new beginnings for the Indian logistics industry. It is the year logistics companies bounced back from the post-pandemic slump and set out to recover from their losses. The year also witnessed a steady growth in eCommerce, with the spotlight on quick commerce and last mile logistics. The later part of 2023 saw the government extending generous support to digital commerce and logistics, through initiatives like Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) and National Logistics Policy (NLP).
Looking back, we can confidently assert that 2023 has been a good year for India’s logistics sector. From the increased focus on supply chain sustainability to extensive experimentation with drone deliveries, here are the top trends that defined logistics this year.
1. Greener transportation and supply chain
The amount of greenhouse gases generated by India’s transportation sector has nearly tripled since the 1990s, accounting for over 14% of our total energy emissions. The problem is quite severe if we take into account the massive carbon footprint left by India’s booming supply chain.
In 2022, there was a rise in awareness around cleaner and greener logistics practices, with a nudge on electrifying India’s cargo transportation. Logistics and transportation startups unveiled their fleet of electric (EV) and clean energy vehicles. At Blowhorn, we converted 30% of our fleet to clean fuels and took the pledge of running 100% of our fleet on clean energy by 2025.
In addition, other green practices like solar-powered warehousing, eco-friendly packaging and paperless invoicing were also adopted widely.
2. Third party logistics
The concept of third-party logistics (3PL) took off in India only a few years back. In 2022, India’s 3PL market reached a staggering $58.4 Bn in valuation, with a projected annual growth of 7.42%.By 2027, the market is estimated to reach more than $83.53 Bn.
The 3PL market is primarily driven by manufacturing, FMCG, retail and eCommerce sectors — all of which experienced commendable growth this year. Keeping in mind the needs of the modern Indian entrepreneur, 3PL service providers are also improving their operational speed with the incorporation of technology.
In the coming days, development of infrastructures like logistics parks, dedicated freight corridors, free trade warehousing zones, and container freight stations are expected to improve the efficiency of the Indian 3PL market.
3. Higher investment in technology
With higher investment technology seeping into eCommerce, retail, education, hospitality, finance, and all other sectors, why should logistics be left behind? With increasing market demand for superfast delivery, Indian logistics startups invested more on modern technology to boost their operations.
Experts believe that India is headed towards a technological revolution in logistics. Tech like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) are optimally benefitting the supply chain in terms of seamless management, improved route planning, warehouse automation, digital payments and much more.
At Blowhorn, we are already speeding up our deliveries with AI-powered route optimization software. Our automated warehouse management system helps in seamless handling of stored inventory and order dispatch, while we offer a real-time tracking system for all our orders. We have also adopted novel technologies like geo-fencing to reduce the menace of fake delivery attempts.
4. LaaS (Logistics as a Service)
We are well-acquainted with Software as a Service (SaaS) companies. This year saw the emergence of companies following a similar model in fulfillment, offering Logistics as a Service (LaaS). Ideally, this presents a plug and play model for your business’s logistics needs, which you can avail via a simple integration with your 3PL partner.
Blowhorn has set the ball rolling for LaaS in India, offering end-to-end logistics solutions with warehousing, transportation and hyperlocal delivery.
5. Greater supply chain transparency
With rising consumer concerns, logistics stakeholders worked towards improving supply chain visibility and transparency in 2023. Companies are striving to become more transparent with regards to the sustainability of their supply chains. Globally, 2023 saw more companies offering insights on their labor practices, job creation, sourcing methods and compliance with regulatory requirements — in a bid to enhance their brand image among the conscious modern consumer.
6. Blockchain in last mile logistics
While AI is helping to improve speed and efficiency, blockchain has been deemed as a viable solution for more transparency and visibility in last mile logistics. In India and abroad, companies have started incorporating blockchain to optimize the last mile deliveries. The technology has found best use in high value inventory tracking, secure invoicing and payments, fraud detection, improved supply chain transparency, dispute resolution and creating a fair freight marketplace.
With the launch of Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) by the Indian government, there is hope that we will witness further adoption of blockchain in the digital commerce and logistics space. In fact, ONDC itself is a blockchain-based protocol which aims to create a fair and transparent marketplace for small and medium-sized businesses across India. With Blowhorn being one of the early participants of ONDC, we too are waiting and watching the best use case for blockchain in our fulfillment services in the near future to help our customers.
7. Micro-fulfillment > Traditional Warehousing
2022 saw a rise in demand for same day delivery, which is quite difficult to fulfill if your inventory is stocked in a warehouse far away from the customer's location. The longer the delivery distance, the more the delivery time — a simple thumb rule to keep in mind.
This is why top in 2023 opted for micro ecommerce-fulfillment centers or micro-warehouses. The concept of micro-warehousing follows a just-in-time inventory management approach, with goods never staying here for more than a day. The limited inventory is stocked in a network of collocated storehouses at high-demand pincodes. Not only does the process help in reducing a brand’s capital spend on inventory, but it also improves efficiency and decreases resource wastage.
Much before the pandemic, we launched India’s first micro-warehouses or micro-fulfillment centers as an experiment in 2018. Now we maintain an expansive network of micro-warehouses across 28 cities of India. Read this article to find out why more eCommerce startups are choosing micro-fulfillment in 2023-24.
8. Automation in shipping
When it comes to automation in shipping, the process works on a predefined pathway involving packaging, warehousing, material handling and security. In India, the adoption of automation in logistics and shipping has been steadily increasing since the pandemic.
In 2023, 3PL fulfillment companies like Blowhorn incorporated automated solutions to boost efficiency by** reducing overhead costs** and time, streamlining the supply chain and minimizing the chances of manual errors.
9. Extensive focus on hyperlocal logistics
2023 saw a high growth in the hyperlocal space with the emergence of newer players in the quick commerce sector. Meanwhile, eCommerce giants and existing logistics players focused more on faster deliveries to not miss out on their customer needs.
Improved internet penetration led to the growth of fast fulfillment in suburbs and rural belts, thus creating a need for hyperlocal elements like dark stores, micro-ecommerce fulfillment centers along with local delivery jobs.
At Blowhorn, we have developed a platform-agnostic technology to be able to integrate with a wide range of businesses ranging from D2C, marketplaces and omni channel players. Our hyperlocal strategy is defined by AI-based dynamic route planning, real-time order clubbing, automated warehousing, blockchain and even drone deliveries. We are aiming to build a sustainable hyperlocal delivery system to tackle small profit margins, high overhead costs and ever-evolving consumer expectations.
10. Experimentation with Drone Deliveries
Delivery by drones is not new. The idea has been widely explored by logistics providers across India but is yet to be adopted at scale. The idea of mapping a three-dimensional delivery route via drones holds immense potential and has excited the Indian government authorities as well. Jyotiraditya Scindia, the Union Minister for Civil Aviation, has stated the administration’s objective to turn India into a major drone hub by 2030.
Leading logistics players like Blowhorn and others are already chalking out the blueprint to make drone delivery an everyday reality. Gartner predicts that by 2026, more than one million drones will be carrying out retail deliveries, up from 20,000 today. Last year, the Indian government also released the draft of The Drone Rules, 2021, aiming to liberalize drone delivery while fulfilling the safety regulations. Autonomous last-mile delivery via these mini flying machines will significantly determine the growth trajectory of Indian logistics in the upcoming future.
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vidhyamacademy · 2 years
M.Ed. Admission Consultant in Delhi NCR
Vidhyam Academy Education Consultant offers professional services to help students take admission in their chosen courses in the best colleges and universities in India. Our B.Ed. M.Ed. An admission consultant in Delhi and BA, and LLB admission consultant in Delhi. We also give you admission in various other courses for M.Ed. BBA, MBA, Engineering, and Higher Education and Medical University throughout India.
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M.Ed. Or Master of Education is a 2 -year PG professional course that opens many opportunities for educators or existing people who have been involved in the field of education. Candidates who want to expand their understanding of education choose M.Ed. To develop teaching methods, leadership skills, and research abilities.
It consists of four semesters with options to choose from various special subjects; The course structure is based on norms given by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and controlled by the National Higher Higher Education Council (NCHE).
To be eligible for appearing in M.Ed. The candidates must pass a bachelor's degree (B.A, B.Ed. B. Com. BSC, etc.) or integrated course (B.A. B.Ed., B.Sc., etc.) with a minimum percentage of 50-60% (relaxation of 5% for the category ordered) and meet the entrance exam requirements.
Universities approved by UGC such as Delhi University, Hindu University Banaras, and Aligarh Muslim University offer M.Ed. with specialization. However, several universities such as Shivaji University in Kolhapur also offer M.Ed. As a one-year course that can be taken as a regular degree or correspondence.
After completing this course, the candidate is eligible for roles such as curriculum designers, special education teachers, education administrators, soft-internet trainers, principals, etc.
M.Ed. Course Highlights
Course Type - Post Graduate Degree Program Duration of the Course - 2 years Examination Type - Semester System of Examination Eligibility - Undergraduate Degree with a passing percentage of a minimum of 50-60% Admission Process - Merit-based and/or Entrance Exam (based upon the choice of College/University) Entrance Examinations - AMU Entrance Exam, BHU-PET, CUCET, DUET, IPU-CET, JMIEEE, JUET, M.Ed. Entrance Test, TISSNET Average Course Fees - INR 35000 per annum Average Salary - INR 20000- INR 40000 per month Top Recruiting Enterprises - Universities, Colleges, Publication Houses, Schools Top Job Positions - Counselors, Headmasters, Principals, Administrators, Senior Analysts, Corporate Trainer, Transition Specialist.
All About M.Ed. Course
M.Ed. is a PG degree program that is very useful for people who tend to be educated, and who have good communication skills and problem-solving skills.
This can be taken as a regular learning course, part-time, or long-distance and put its focus on various aspects of education, namely teaching, curriculum, leadership, counseling, and educational technology.
This course structure is dynamic by remembering the trend that continues to change in the Indian education system.
M.Ed. is a research-oriented course that helps in developing the psychological basis needed by educators to excel in their profession and lift their careers.
With an M.Ed. degree in their hands, the candidates have an option to go into fields other than education and teaching VIZ-A-Viz Counseling, Analysis, Transitional Management, and Administration, thus, providing a lot of flexibility and growth opportunities to them.
M.Ed. Admission Process
To get admission to M.Ed. Program candidates can undergo an online process, which depends on both, merit basis and entrance exam basis. While some institutions mandate merit in the qualification exam (such as B.A., B.Ed. BSC, MSc. Ed), others prefer written entrance tests. After the university/ university chosen releases the entrance test form and/ or a list of achievements, one can apply easily.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to get a position in the college/institute of their choice:
Complete a bachelor's degree program (B.A., BSC, B.Ed. B. com, etc.) from the university/university approved by UGC with a minimum qualification percentage of 50-60%.
For categories ordered (scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, different candidates) there is a 5% relaxation in the minimum percentage requirements.
Candidates have titles like BA Education and BSC. Education and MSc. Education can be eligible for a minimum mandate of 55% of government universities.
M.Ed. Entrance Exams
Exam Name:-  AMU- Entrance Test,  BHU-PET,  DUET,  IPU-CET,
M.Ed. Distance Education
Distance learning is beneficial for candidates who cannot leave their full-time work to take regular courses or people who live far from the places that offer the program. Distance education has been running far. M.Ed. is one of the post-graduate courses that can be done in correspondence mode. The minimum duration of time for far M.Ed. is 2 years but can be extended to an additional 2 years.
Admission to the distance education program M.Ed. is based on achievement; Signs are secured in qualifying exams such as B.Ed. It takes at least 55% with a relaxation of 5% to the category ordered from the university approved by UGC. Some universities prefer and require professional experience of two years in educational institutions recognized by the government.
M.Ed. Syllabus
Semester I:-  Educational Psychology,  Educational Studies,  Historical and Political Perspectives of Education,  Methodology of Educational Research & Educational Statistics,  Information and Communication Technology in Education,  Human Rights and Education
Semester II:-  Sociological Foundations of Education,  Philosophical Foundations of Education,  Teacher Education in Indian and Global Perspectives,  Curriculum Studies in Education,  Educational Technology, and ICT Semester III:-   Advanced Methods in Educational Research,  In-Service Teacher Education in India,  Guidance and Counselling,  Planning, Management, and Financing of Education,  Comparative Education
Semester IV:-  Teacher Education,  Elementary Education,  Distance Education, and Open Learning,  Peace Education,  Advanced Curriculum Theory  
For more information visit: www.vidhyamacademy.com
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regalunlimited · 4 hours
Ayurveda for Seniors: Harnessing its Timeless Wisdom in Geriatric Care
In an era where modern medicine often takes centre stage in healthcare, ancient wisdom quietly but persistently whispers its relevance. Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine originating from the Indian subcontinent, is finding renewed significance in geriatric care. Let’s delve into how this age-old practice offers a holistic approach to addressing the unique needs of our elderly population, harnessing the power of Ayurveda for seniors.
The Ageless Wisdom of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, a system of medicine with roots dating back over 5,000 years, views health as a harmonious balance between the body, mind, and spirit. In geriatric care, this holistic perspective is invaluable, as it addresses not only physical ailments but also the emotional and spiritual needs of seniors. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on symptom management, Ayurveda seeks to identify and treat the root cause of illness, promoting long-term healing and wellness.
Ayurveda for Seniors: Embracing the Ancient Wisdom in Geriatric Care:
Central to Ayurvedic principles is the concept of “doshas”—three energies that govern physiological functions: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In old age, imbalances in these doshas can manifest as various health issues, from arthritis and digestive problems to cognitive decline and insomnia. Ayurvedic practitioners assess an individual’s doshic constitution and tailor treatments accordingly, using a combination of dietary modifications, herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation to restore equilibrium and promote vitality.
For example, seniors experiencing joint pain due to Vata imbalance may benefit from warm oil massages and gentle stretching exercises to lubricate the joints and improve mobility. Similarly, those struggling with digestive issues linked to Pitta aggravation can find relief through cooling herbs and mindful eating practices to soothe inflammation and enhance gut health. By addressing the unique needs of each individual, Ayurveda empowers seniors to reclaim their health and embrace ageing with grace and dignity, harnessing the power of Ayurveda for seniors.
Embracing Ayurveda:
Explore the rejuvenating power of Ayurveda for seniors in geriatric care. Discover how ancient wisdom meets modern healthcare, empowering elderly individuals to thrive with holistic wellness practices. Learn more about integrating Ayurvedic principles for optimal senior care at KITES Senior Care.
KITES Senior Care plays a pivotal role in this paradigm shift, offering compassionate support and innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life for elderly individuals. By integrating Ayurveda for seniors’ principles into the 6-star care assessment model, KITES Senior Care can provide seniors with a more comprehensive and personalized approach to wellness.
However, the responsibility doesn’t just fall on caregivers. Each one of us has a role to play in promoting holistic ageing and embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda for seniors. Whether it’s advocating for integrative healthcare policies, supporting research on alternative therapies, or simply educating ourselves and our loved ones about the benefits of Ayurveda, we can all contribute to a brighter, healthier future for our elders.
Ayurveda for seniors offers a timeless treasure of knowledge and healing modalities that hold immense promise for geriatric care. By embracing this ancient wisdom and integrating it into mainstream healthcare practices, we can revolutionize the way we approach ageing and ensure that our seniors thrive in their golden years. Let us join hands and soar to new heights of well-being, guided by the gentle breeze of Ayurveda for seniors.
With a successful record of delivering geriatric care to over 5,400 families and providing more than 90,000 nursing days, we are dedicated to ensuring top-quality care. Our facilities include over 160 assisted care beds and 340 specialized care beds, spanning across three cities. Whether in our Geriatric Care Centres or at-home senior care services, we prioritize delivering exceptional care to seniors in need.
Connect with us and talk to our expert for guidance, write to us at [email protected], or visit the KITES senior care centre nearby today to explore more about integrative healthcare in geriatric care. Website
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