#In Search of Z
xtruss · 3 months
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Percy Fawcett poses in a 1911 photograph. Photograph Bridgman/ACI
The Man Who Died Searching For The Lost City of Z
In 1925, Explorer and Surveyor Percy Fawcett Disappeared In The Amazon Basin Looking For An Ancient Civilization. Although He Was Inspired By Questionable Sources, We Now Know If His Search was in Vain.
— By Jordi Canal-Soler | June 13, 2024
When the Spanish first ventured into the Amazon Basin in the 1540s, they recorded Indigenous accounts of a lost city of fantastic wealth that they called El Dorado (“the golden”). Over the centuries, many vain attempts were made to locate a lost civilization in the Amazon rainforest.
The last significant attempt to find such a culture was undertaken by British explorer Percy Fawcett. Between 1906 and 1924, Fawcett made seven expeditions across the Amazon Basin, concluding with his doomed quest to find the city he called Z. Fawcett was inspired by his extensive reading of historical sources, including a mysterious document known as Manuscript 512.
A man of extraordinary mental and physical stamina, Fawcett was working at a time when the Amazon region was still largely undocumented by Europeans who sought to explore its jungles and waterways, seeking ancient cities and riches. His disappearance during his search for Z in 1925, in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil, continues to intrigue writers and filmmakers.
Yearning To Explore
Percy Harrison Fawcett was born in 1867 in Torquay, Devon, the English county that had produced many famous explorers and mariners, including Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh.
The son of an aristocrat who had lost his fortune, Fawcett described his childhood as lacking in affection. At age 19, he was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery and sent to outposts of the British Empire.
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This image was taken by Percy Fawcett on the upper Acre River in Bolivia, near the Brazil border, during an expedition. The region had suffered greatly at the hands of rubber exploiters. Royal Geographical Society/Getty Images
In 1901, Fawcett joined the Royal Geographical Society of London and traveled to Africa as a surveyor in the service of the British state, tasked with gathering military intelligence. In 1906, he was commissioned by the society to lead an expedition to the Amazon.
Arriving in South America was the moment his whole life changed. Setting out from La Paz to map the vast territory on the borderlands of Bolivia and Brazil, Fawcett often faced hostility from Indigenous peoples angered by rubber barons, who had invaded their lands to extract rubber for use in car and train manufacturing.
For nearly a decade he roamed the Amazon Basin, often the first European to record geographical features such as waterfalls. His writing gives a sense of the awe he experienced:
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Fawcett’s Last Journey: After completing seven South American mapping expeditions for Britain’s Royal Geographical Society, Percy Fawcett returned in 1925 to search for the lost city of Z. He left from the same camp where his horse died on a previous expedition and was never heard from again. Source: David Grann, The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon | NGM Staff
————Route of Fawcett’s 1925 Expedition | ++++++ Railroad
Above us rose the Ricardo Franco hills, flat topped and mysterious, their flanks scarred by deep quebradas [ravines]. They stood like a lost world, forested to their tops, and the imagination could picture the last vestiges of an age long vanished.
The outbreak of World War I interrupted this rich period of exploration, forcing him to return to Europe. Although in his 50s, Fawcett was in peak physical condition, and he proved to be an outstanding soldier.
A Mysterious Manuscript
Fawcett could not shake off the allure of South America, however. So, when the war ended, he returned to Brazil, where he would pursue an idea that led him to his last great adventures and, ultimately, his mysterious death.
Although Fawcett often relied on racist tropes and ideas when he wrote of Brazil’s Indigenous peoples, he also made great efforts to understand their customs and languages.
He lamented the effects of colonialist greed on these societies and became convinced that Spanish and Portuguese accounts from the 16th and 17th centuries of complex civilizations in the rainforest may have had merit. Such accounts mention “very large settlements” as well as “fine roadways in the interior.”
One document in particular fascinated Fawcett. Known as Manuscript 512 and written in Portuguese, it is purportedly an account by adventurers and fortune hunters. In 1753, in search of precious metals, the adventurers found a ruined city boasting monumental buildings, roads, and a plaza, in “each corner of which is a spire, in the style of the Romans.”
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Mystery Manuscript! The document that partly inspired Fawcett’s search for Z is kept in Brazil’s National Library. Manuscript 512 is considered a forgery by some scholars, although Fawcett was not the only one who believed it was authentic. Explorer Richard Burton was intrigued by it during his travels in Brazil in the 1860s. National Library, Brazil
Scholars are divided about the manuscript’s authenticity. Skeptics consider it a forgery. Brazil achieved independence from Portugal in 1825. It would have been useful for a new, insecure republic to “discover” a document that described ancient civilizations in its territory—akin to the great Maya sites in Central America. Many at the time, however, accepted the manuscript’s authenticity, including Fawcett, already convinced that early accounts of complex civilizations in the rainforest were accurate. He became obsessed with finding such a place.
In Search of Z
Although Fawcett was inspired by Manuscript 512’s claims, he never intended to find the city it described. The settlement in that document lies, supposedly, in Brazil’s northeast. Citing other sources (which he did not name), Fawcett became convinced that a lost civilization existed in the wild, central-western region of Mato Grosso. He named the city Z.
In April 1925, Fawcett set out from Cuiabá to find it, accompanied by his eldest son, Jack, and his son’s best friend, Raleigh Rimell. The last news from them was in a letter Fawcett sent to his wife: “We shall disappear from civilization until next year. Imagine us ... in forests so far untrodden by civilised man.”
And then they really did disappear. Were they killed by animals or people? Several expeditions were launched in an attempt to clarify what happened, including one headed by Peter Fleming, brother of the James Bond creator Ian Fleming. Many of these ventures also ended in tragedy. And none shed any light on what happened to Fawcett.
In 1952, anthropologist Orlando Villas-Bôas announced he had found the bones of the explorer and that Kalapalo Indians had confessed to killing him. Later forensic analysis showed the remains did not belong to Fawcett.
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For a decade, Fawcett roamed the Amazon Basin. His writings, which his son compiled in this posthumous 1953 book, give a sense of the awe he experienced.
Fawcett’s story has had an enduring cultural impact. He is one of the inspirations for the character Indiana Jones. (The Walt Disney Company is a majority owner of National Geographic Media.) The English explorer was also the subject of David Grann’s The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon, the basis for a 2016 feature film. In his book, Grann quotes Kalapalo Indians, who insist they had not killed Fawcett. They had seen the smoke from Fawcett’s camp for a few days until it stopped. They say he likely died at the hands of “hostile” people in territory to the east.
Although the mystery of his last days may never be fully resolved, Fawcett’s quest for a lost city may be at an end. In the decades since his disappearance, exploration of northeastern Mato Grosso has uncovered the remains of large urban settlements, now located in Xingu Indigenous Park. Named Kuhikugu, the complex includes remnants of streets, bridges, and large squares. Modern lidar scans further suggest that between 1,500 and 400 years ago, this part of the Amazon was indeed the site of a large settlement. While Z’s exact identity and location are still a mystery, Fawcett’s hunch about a hidden ancient city in the region seems to have been correct.
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fishareglorious · 8 months
Me playing chess against a 12 year old with the intent of killing her friends: Yeah i'm a total grandmasterpilled chesscel. I'm basically going chess mode and i'm giving checkmatecore vibes My subordinate Z, chief of staff: Vice President I think God should kill you
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pastatrolatrash · 2 years
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I'm incapable of making a move on harvey yet i somehow managed to get flirty with the dude who's been insulting and being an ass to me for half a year.
I guess I'll smooch 🤷
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habitscapes · 2 months
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Du g this out of my files And cleaned it up a Litle bite.. I present to you: Conch Z
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gabbyzvolt25 · 6 months
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she-is-ovarit · 11 months
People from the boomer generation finally retiring from positions they have been overworked in for 30+ years, taking all their extremely complex and nuanced knowledge of the role with them:
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Millennials being hired into these jobs for the first time out of college and being tasked with overseeing massive budgets while realizing there has been little to no documentation of critical processes and complex systems, in addition to figuring out the social culture:
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The other half of the millennial population:
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The subset of older gen Z who managed to find a way out of customer service and retail being hired into internships and entry-level jobs supporting newly-hired millennials:
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Drew this shit post based on a "draw your OCs like this" meme I found and originally wasn't gonna post it, but I liked it so much I cleaned it up 🤣
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jane-lynndrake-t · 9 days
... reading your own obituary is.. a weird experience.
I see that I really did well for myself. All in all... It's not so bad of a life to live.
Survived by a son. Survived by a husband...
Z let me print it out. I keep thumbing their names...
Tim. Tim. Tim.
I'm a Drake. Janet Lynn Drake.
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misscalming · 1 year
I was watching the search for Spock with a friend and like- how tf was Spock supposed to predict his body regenerating like that? Like did he just transfer his soul to McCoy like “my parting gift to thee…. Autism” JUST TO BE A BITCH LIKE????
“You are suffering from a Vulcan Mind meld” YOU MEAN AUTISM!!!??
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Help! The Ungrateful Youths of Today Don't Appreciate the Value of Anything, and by 'Anything' I Mean the Worthless Shit I Am Trying to Sell Them
Ask A Manager, 12 May 2023:
Several years ago I was frustrated with the way people went about looking for jobs. I’m a small business owner and even before running my own company, I always networked. Through networking I’ve managed to do so much. Today I run six networking groups. Again, several years ago I created a t-shirt designed to network for you. It lists various fields, each with a checkbox by it, and comes with a small sharpie so you can check off the type of job or career you desire. By wearing the t-shirt everywhere you go, it starts the job seeking conversation. I marketed them inexpensively to college grads. I went to colleges, job fairs, and even graduations. Not one t-shirt sold. I was so angry. I was on popular talk shows and in the paper and still nothing. Today I sit with every size t-shirt in my garage. Many ask why I don’t still pursue this idea. They are the ones who got the idea and believe in it. Perhaps I was ahead of my time. I marketed towards college grads who texted as a main form of communication. However, today communication is even worse. Young adults can barely look someone in the eye. Please tell me what your opinion is of my t-shirts. I hoped people would wear them daily and maybe while filling their gas tank this would start a conversation that would change their lives forever. Networking will always be the way to get what you need. Referrals, physicians, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, housekeepers, financial advisors, accountants, babysitters, trainers, real estate agents, tutors, and whatever I have missed. Am I wrong? Would my product help those unable to network?
There is one reason and one reason only that your revolutionary clothing business has failed to see the success it so clearly deserves: young people today are appallingly poor communicators who, for reasons that likely include video games and participation trophies, are actively unwilling to appreciate the awesome one-on-one human connections that can only be made by going about life wearing a t-shirt and hoping someone reads it and decides to enter into a business relationship as a result. Yes indeed, it is specifically and only the modern youths who have refused to purchase your t-shirts who are very, very poor at understanding how to build valuable and meaningful relationships with other humans. There is definitely not anybody else here who is bad at communicating.
Every single person on planet earth who is under the age of, say, 25, lacks the foresight and vision to appreciate the radically lucrative possibilities of wearing the same t-shirt every day every single place they go. Every single person who didn't buy one of your shirts did so because they are young and stupid and don't know a life-changing idea when they see one. But you do! Because you are old and smart, which are the same thing.
After all, you are great at networking and have managed to do incredible things as a result of your great networking skills, such as running six networking groups. If that's not proof positive that networking works, what is?
The only way to know for sure whether your shirts will help poor communicators understand exactly how bad they are at connecting with others may be to try your product out for yourself.
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ahappydnp · 9 months
Everyday I log into Twitter and see multiple people asking “where’s this screenshot from, what’s this clip from?” And it will be content from 2019-2022!!! What has happened to phannie culture. Finding Dan and Phil and not watching every video posted starting from 2009, Reading forum posts from 2013? Do we not care about lore anymore? Where’d the obsession that comes from finding dnp randomly one day and you’re life never being the same. Like if they actually watched phils content they actually know the answers to the questions!!!!!!
i'm not gonna mock people for not knowing something but yeah in the past couple of years there has seemed to be an uptick in people asking others to find the things for them instead of doing any kind of research
not to be an old™️ but i think it's a generational thing and the product of people who are now in their early 20s not having to learn the same online research skills we did? or maybe it's also because social media changed the way they're used to receiving info (as in it's fed to them directly without looking)
but no i agree back in the day if you joined a new fandom or wanted to learn you did your own digging and looked up forums/videos/used basic deductive reasoning. it'll be interesting to see how fandom landscapes progress
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thunderboltfire · 26 days
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Nie ma to jak odrobina urban fantasy do porannej kawusi.
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spilledbeans116 · 7 months
Continuing my rewatching of DBZ and I do not remember them going all over namek for the dragon balls I thought they were in the namekian villages? Where did this tornado come from ????
Vegeta was on screen for ten seconds in a healing chamber and grunted “Kakarot” really quietly before it cut away and that made me lose it it was just so like… anyway… AND GOKU NEEDS TO KEEP HIS ASS IN THE HOSPITAL!!! GOD!!!
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clownieboo · 5 months
it feels like nobody in the z nation fandom talks about doc x murphy and that’s really what is shattering my heart into a million itty bitty pieces
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teayoungg · 8 months
the way they treat them like actual artists😭😭
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
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Horses and girls, SSOBlrites and SSOBlrinas: the again-new and re-improved Zelda Bowsmith <3 (and her darling horsie Noblestep, of course)
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