#doc x murphy
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clownieboo · 10 months ago
it feels like nobody in the z nation fandom talks about doc x murphy and that’s really what is shattering my heart into a million itty bitty pieces
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she-wolf09231982 · 1 year ago
Chapter 2- The Talk
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Summary: You find out your first mission is to Carentan with Easy Company. This will be your first jump with the boys, but there's some who are opposed to your tagging along to which Liebgott defends your honor.
Author's Notes: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFemMedic, Pre D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Aggression, Angst, Mentions of Sex, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, A League of Their Own Crossover Characters & Movie References, Mentions of Weaponry, Yiddish/German/Dutch language with English translation, Smoking, Crying, Banter, Pining, FLUFF (Joe defends reader's honor)
German is identified with (g)
Yiddish is identified with (y)
Dutch is identified with (d)
Story takes place mid-late Episode 1- Currahee
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of the historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
May 1944
Easy Company along with allied British forces locked down the town of Aldbourne. You and the only other two females (two aid station nurses) were finally allotted with a temporary hardened facility (instead of a tent) to yourselves just on the edge of the village. 
You shared this space with Doris Murphy, and Mae Mordabito. They each sat on their own tufted lounge chair in their night gowns, gossiping about some of the officers they found attractive.  
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“Ok, so pick one: Spiers, Winters, or Nixon?” Mae purred in a breathy voice while smoking a cigarette. 
“Ooo that’s a tough one, Mae.” Doris cooed with her heavy Statton Island accent.  
Doris paused to think about it. 
“Come on, Doris, it ain’t that hard.” Mae teased. 
“Oh yeah? Who’d you pick then, Mae?” Doris prodded. 
“Spiers for sure.” Mae replied almost immediately with honey in her voice. 
“Ooooooo!” Doris squealed as they both giggled uncontrollably. 
Their laughter was interrupted by you entering through the door in your linen robe and your hair wrapped in a towel carrying a shower caddie. 
“Well, hello there, Y/N.” Doris welcomed teasingly. 
“Doris.” You greet back with a faint smile. 
“So, how’s Joe?” Mae asked sweetly with a shimmy. 
You directed her a look of annoyance and a grin. You remained quiet, removing your hair from the towel. 
“He walked you to the shower, didn’t he??” Doris squawked with shock. 
Mae tittered biting her red manicured fingernail, waiting for you to admit it. 
You ‘psh-ed’ through your teeth trying to suppress a laugh. 
“Yeah, Doris, Liebgott walked with me to the shower.” You confirmed. 
You never call him Joe in front of them or the other guys. 
“And?” Mae pushed after you fell silent again. 
You turned away slowly from your vanity to face them. They waited with excitement and impatience all over their faces, each on the edge of their seats. 
“And he walked me back here.” You finished with a mischievous smirk. 
They both groaned. 
“He’s been walking you around every night for almost seven months now, honey, what’s the hold up??” Mae asked. 
“He walks with me because it was a direct order, Mae. Winters doesn’t want me walking alone when it’s dark because there are hundreds of ravenous sexually deprived wolves out here waiting for the opportunity to get a Little Red Riding Hood all to themselves.” You explained plainly. 
“I wear red under my uniform all the time.” Mae admitted with a wink after taking a long drag from her cigarette. 
Mae being the more promiscuous kind, didn’t see a problem with hundreds of horny men in the general vicinity. 
“Mae!!” Doris said clutching her chest with a gasp. 
You laughed together as you continued to dry your wet hair. 
“But seriously, though, that man’s got it bad for you, hun.” Mae continued. 
“Yeah, real bad.” Doris emphasized. 
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You roll your eyes. 
“I don’t think so, girls.” You argued. 
“Oh yeah? You ever catch how he looks at you?” Doris challenged. 
“Or how close he gets to you so he could smell your perfume?” Mae added. 
“He does nothing of the sort.” You dismissed. 
Doris and Mae looked at eachother. 
“Ok, deny it all you want, Gams, Joe Liebgott is sweet...on...you!” Mae said booping you gently on the nose after each of the last three words of her sentence. 
You huff then shook your head. 
“Sure, Mae.” You say hoping it’ll end the conversation. 
The three of you get into your respectable beds after Doris dimmed the lamp. 
Silence and darkness filled the room and you almost drifted off to sleep until... 
The three of you gasp, sitting straight up frozen from fear.  
You started to hear snickering outside. Specifically, men laughing. You spring out of your bed and throw open the door catching Liebgott, Luz, Perconte, and Malarkey running up the road towards their end of town. 
“LUZ! CONTE! MALARK! LIEB!! GODDAM LEATHERHEADS!!” You yelled out after them, genuinely furious and somewhat embarrassed. 
The four soldiers stopped and turned to wave mockingly back at you, then all howled again. 
You heard Mae and Doris giggle behind you. 
You stood arms crossed staring back at the guys stunned by their immaturity. 
You and Liebgott locked eyes. His playful smirk appearing across his face. You pursed your lips and furrowed your eyebrows shaking your head at him. He brought his fingertips to his lips blowing you a kiss, and winking as he turned on his heel with Malarkey pulling on his sleeve. 
“They must’ve been listening to us.” Doris pointed out. 
“If I’d have known that I would’ve had a thing or two to say about Luz.” Mae declared with a sultry smile. 
You released an irritated breath, shook your head while slamming the rickety door. 
“Idiots.” You whispered to yourself. 
You left the town’s only serviceable cafe with a thermos of coffee and made your way towards the makeshift medical unit to start your day. You see Easy Company gathering in the field nearest to your workstation preparing for convoy exercises. Liebgott and Perconte ran over to chat with you. 
“Hey! Sleep good last night, Gams?” Joe snickered. 
You roll your eyes at him. 
“Hey, why does Mae call you ‘Gams’ anyway?” Perconte asked genuinely clueless. 
You and Joe looked at him perplexed. 
“Really, Frank? Gams? Because Y/N’s got legs for days, you dunce.” Joe explained. 
Perconte just nodded releasing an ‘ahhhh’ after it all came together in his head.  
“And how would you know I have long gams, Lieb?” You interrogated crossing your arms. 
Joe looked at you alarmed at first but recovered quickly.  
“I can tell just by lookin’ at’chya.” He declared flirtatiously. 
“Frank! Joe! Get over here!” 
Lipton called Perconte and Liebgott back from across the field. 
“See ya later, doll, gotta go.” Joe said quickly before rushing off. 
You watch them run off until Mae’s voice breaks your focus. 
“See? Told ya.” Mae gloated. 
You looked at her and began to protest but she winked at you and waved you off before you could get a word in.
You growled lowly to yourself in frustration and proceeded to med storage to start inventory with Doc. 
June 1944
You and Doc were instructed to attend a briefing with Easy Company. You sat in the rear with Doc while Captain Lewis Nixon spoke from a platform, referencing a map on easel. 
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"Sainte-Marie-du-Monte. Causeway number one. Causeway number two. The ultimate field problem. The estuary of the Douve River divides two beaches, code name Utah, here and Omaha, here. Seaborne Infantry will hit these beaches in force at a date and time to be specified."
Nixon proceeded after stepping down from the stage.
"H-Hour, D-Day. Airborne's objective, gentlemen, is to take the town of Carentan or Carentan, thus linking Utah and Omaha into a single continuous beachhead."
Lieutenant Meehan addressed all the companies from the platform, briefing the operation order of when and where to engage the focus targets which was a German garrison just beyond the Atlantic Wall where the troops were to drop 5 hours before the 4th Infantry lands on Utah.
“-Easy Company will destroy that garrison. Each trooper will learn this operation by heart and know {their} and every other outfit's mission to the detail." Meehan scanned the crowd making sure he still had everyone's attention before continuing.
"We’ll be having the best members of the wound care unit accompanying us as our designated field medics. Corporals Roe and Y/L/N. This will be L/N’s first jump with us, so keep an eye out for her, gents.” Meehan added with a fatherly expectant gaze across the crowd before him."
"You’re all released for the day. Police your gear, make sure you have what you need and ready to load up by 0700. Get outta here.” Nixon dismissed. 
The men all rose from their seats and began filing out of the briefing area. 
“Well, that was cheerful.” Luz voiced out loud to Perconte. 
“What really grinds my gears is we got princess to babysit.” Guarnere bleated. 
“Jeezuz Christ, Guarnere, give it a rest, will ya?” Luz barked. 
“You know what your problem is? Your pride is still dented. She put you in your place in front of everyone with some politically correct facts about your bloodline. You just wanna give her shit every chance you get.” Corporal David Webster interjected. 
“You can shut your mouth, Web.” Guarnere sneered. 
“Hey, Guarnere, shut the fuck up.” Liebgott snapped. 
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“Hey, Joe, why don’t you shut the hell up. I wasn’t talkin’ to ya! Just because you wanna bed her don’t mean I gotta be nice to her.” Guarnere spit back. 
Liebgott grabbed Guarnere by the shoulder, swinging him around, grappling him by the front of his uniform. 
“You watch what you say about her.” Liebgott hissed at him. 
Guarnere shoved Liebgott off him. 
“Get your hands off me. And tell your girl that if she sees me in the field bleeding out, to keep her Mick-Deigo hands off me too. I’d rather die. Fuck the bote’of’ ya’s.” (The both of you) Guarnere snarled back, spitting at Joe’s feet before walking away. 
Liebgott stared him down, chest heaving, until he disappeared around the corner. 
“Let it go, Joe.” Bull said patting his shoulder a couple of times. 
Liebgott glanced to the side barely catching you scurrying away towards your barracks. 
“Pretty sure she heard all that.” Bull added. 
“Yeah...I’ll go talk to her.” Liebgott said almost as a growl. 
You sat in a rocking chair that one of the locals left behind in your sleeping quarters. Wrapped in one of the olive drab wool blankets that was standard issue for soldiers. You rocked back and forth gently, lost in the flame of your oil lamp until you heard a knock on the door. 
“Who is it?” You call out. 
“It’s Joe, Y/N.” Liebgott replied. 
“It’s not even time for chow yet.” You responded as you checked your watch. 
“I came here to talk, Y/N.” Liebgott clarified. 
You exhaled loudly as you walked to the door and opened it. You found Joe leaning with his forearm against the trim of the doorway. Your heart danced a little as he looked at you through hooded lids. 
Your breath hitched before you composed yourself. 
“Talk about what?” You queried. 
Joe slowly straightened up rocking back on his heels as he slipped his hands into his front pockets. 
“About what happened back there.” He specified as he gestured with his head behind him. 
“What’s to talk about? It don’t bother me.” You asserted in the most convincing voice you could muster. 
Liebgott chuckled as he looked down at his boots then looked back at you. 
“You ain’t foolin’ nobody, sweetheart.” He stated. 
You looked off to the side avoiding eye contact with him. 
“Can... I... come in?” He dared to ask.  
You look at him appalled, grabbing the front of your robe. 
“Excuse me?” You asked as you narrowed your eyes at him. 
He laughed almost nervously. 
“Look, I just thought it would be better to talk in private. Don’t worry, I won’t try anything fresh, ok? I swear.” He promised placing a hand over his heart. 
The wheels in your head were working overtime. It must have shown on your face because Liebgott felt the need to be more reassuring.  
“Nobody will see me come in or out. There’s nobody around right now anyway.” He pointed out stepping aside presenting the view behind him. You look beyond him and scan the area. He was absolutely right. It was a ghost town because it was getting dark. You look at him suspiciously. 
“Fine.” You say curtly. 
You step aside and let him pass through. 
You secured the door behind you. He put his hands back in his pockets and started surveying the room. 
“This is actually kinda nice.” He admitted with a nod. 
“It serves its purpose.” You reply simply. 
 Liebgott sat on one of the tufted lounge chairs across from your vanity where you sat facing him. He rested each elbow onto each of his knees with his fingers interlock between, preparing himself to speak. You sat across from him, sitting with perfect posture and legs crossed and hands folded on your lap still avoiding eye contact. 
“Jesus, will you relax?” Joe finally urged. “You look like I’m about to yell at you or something.” He added. 
“I’m just waiting for you to talk. You said we should talk, not me.” You reminded. 
He sat up and huffed while rolling his eyes.  
“Ok fine. Du bist azoy ekshn (y) (You are so stubborn.)” Joe said under his breath in Yiddish. 
“Ruf mikh nisht ekshnus (y) (Do not call me stubborn).” You shot back. 
Liebgott looked at you baffled. He wasn’t sure if he actually heard what he heard. 
“You...you speak Yiddish?” He managed to ask. 
“Und Deutsch (g)(And German).” You added. 
He just stared at you, eyes wide and utterly at loss for words.  
“En Nederlands. (d)(And Dutch).” You continued. 
The corner of his mouth curled into a faint smile. 
“That’s...that’s really something. You’re one up on me with Dutch.” He accredited. 
“Well, that’s one of the other reasons I was assigned to Easy Company.” You revealed. 
“Makes sense.” He summed up. 
You took a deep breath to reset your patience.  
“So, before you called me stubborn, you had something you wanted to discuss?” You prompted. 
“Um, yeah. About what Guarnere said. I know you heard.” He expressed. 
“Ok. So?” You reply briskly. 
“So, I know it probably upset you. Bull even noticed. I wanted to make sure what he said didn’t bring you down too much.” Joe explained. 
You walked back to your rocking chair, tucked your knees up to your chest as you rewrapped yourself in the wool blanket. You buried your face in your ‘cocoon.’ Joe got up and squatted next to you, placing one hand on your exposed foot from under the blanket, the other on the armrest of the chair to steady it from rocking. 
“Y/N?” He said softly, his head tilted so he could look into your eyes if you happened to look up. 
You cautiously lifted your head from hiding, only to meet his concerned gaze. Tears had welled up in your eyes, but not from hurt pride or sadness. These were tears of anger and confusion. 
“I just don’t understand...” You began. Your voice was hoarse and scratchy from choking down your tears, and it hurt your throat to speak anymore. Joe waited silently, just letting you vent. The hand he had on your foot gently squeezed and released in an attempt to sooth your frustration. 
“Just because I’m a woman? Because I’m from Chicago? Or that I’m Italian and Irish?” Your words stumble out, as the tears start to flow staining wet streaks down your cheeks.  
Joe was steadfast and quiet, hanging on your every angered word. 
“I feel like nobody takes me seriously, Joe.” You finally make eye contact with him as you sniffle.  “A woman can’t be their own entity in a man’s world without being someone’s ‘girl.’ Like I can’t possibly do anything on my own because I’m a female and in the Army working alongside men.” You concluded your rant by resting your chin on your knee, staring out into the room lost in your own thoughts. 
Joe shifted closer to you. 
“You know that’s not true, right?” He whispered to you, almost in your ear. 
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“What isn’t?” You asked. 
“That nobody takes you seriously. The guys, well, they like ya. Except Guarnere, of course, but nobody listens to him.” You both chuckle together. 
You dried some of the tears with your blanket. 
“Anyway, what I’m trying to get at here, is that we respect you for what you do for us and glad to have you on our side. Woman or man, you’ve shown us you won’t take anyone’s shit and that we can depend on you to have our backs out there. And I’ll always have yours.” He reassured you. 
You looked at him surprised after catching that last part. 
“I mean, we’ll always have your back.” He tried correcting himself as he leaned back to put a little space between the two of you since he was close enough to your face he could’ve practically kissed you. For a split second, you almost thought he was going to. 
You decided to let his little unprecedented confession slide so you wouldn’t embarrass him or yourself. 
“Thanks, Joe.” you said fondly with a weak smile. 
“Anytime, Gams.” He said teasingly.  
You exchange a smile. 
The door suddenly swung open as Mae and Doris crashed through the threshold. They froze when they saw you and Liebgott next to eachother in the corner of the room. An impish grin spread across Mae’s face as her eyes flitted back and forth between you and him. 
“Hey, Joe, whaddya know?” Mae asked in her playful kittenish tone. 
Doris shamelessly laughed, enjoying the torture you were enduring. 
Joe stood up progressively, then faced her. 
“Hey, ‘All the way Mae’ whaddya say?” He puffed his chest out triumphantly, quite proud of his comeback.  
You hiccupped from shock, covering your mouth to suppress your laugh. You stood up placing a hand on Liebgott’s shoulder gently pushing him towards the door. 
“Thanks for the pep talk, Liebgott. I’ll see you later.” He looked over his shoulder at you. 
“I’ll be back at 1830.” He told you before striding to the door. Mae and Doris were coyishly smiling as he passed them. When the door closed behind him the floodgates opened. 
“Y/N!!” Doris shrieked. 
“Spill the beans, honey! How was he??” Mae asked implying you had sex with Liebgott. 
You could tell the anticipation was killing them. You looked back and forth between both of them, almost considering going along with the ruse that you had slept with Joe, but decided against it because Doris and Mae would tell everyone they knew about it. 
“You two are ridiculous.” You finally said. 
“Awww, so no details??” Doris asked disappointed. 
“Doris, don’t you get it? It means she didn’t screw him.” Mae explained rolling her eyes walking away annoyed and disinterested. 
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You laughed to yourself, then decided to freshen up your puffy face before Joe got back. 
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topazy · 2 years ago
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.02
Doc follows behind George for a few miles as she leads you to Camp Altura. The camp was built around a college campus, which had minimal damage. As you stepped in closer, you were able to see different stalls selling blankets, hot food, hand-made soaps, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
“This place is pretty impressive.”
“Hey, guys!” George calls over from a fenced-off area. “You gotta go to quarantine first!”
She points you in the direction of a tent to revive a medical test that would determine if you were alive or dead. Then you could move onto the second stage and fill out forms to register as a citizen. The third part was being assigned a temporary job until they found a permanent one suited best to the information you’d given them.
Doc and Sarge passed with flying colors, but the doctor checking 10K seemed concerned. “I'm having a hard time finding a pulse,” she says, feeling his wrist. “Any near-death experiences? Going into the white light? Loss of appetite?”
“Sometimes everything’s in slow motion.”
The doctor gets 10k to remove his top half of clothing to scan his body with a UV light. You swallow hard, glancing over to the other side of the tent. You see Doc and Sarge watching with the same expression on their faces, no doubt fearing the same thing as you. What if 10K was still technically dead? The doctor pushes him forward to inspect his back and notices the mark on the back of his neck. “What is that? It looks like a healed-over bite.”
“Oh, that… that was me. I sometimes get a little carried away in the bedroom.”
10k looks mortified at first but then clicks onto your lie. Smiling, he looks up at her and shrugs. “I picked a biter.”
Unconvinced, the doctor begins to feel his neck and then his chest. She roughly pushes her thumb over where his heart should be, causing 10k to wince out in pain. “Any heart problems you’re aware of?”
“Not till you did that,” he says, trying to pull away from her, but the doctor only pushed her thumb in deeper.
After a tense few moments pass, the doctor finally smiles and says, “There we go; we got a pulse.”
When it’s your turn to sit in the chair, you hand the doctor the paper with your name on it. It felt so strange seeing your name in black and white on the medical form. 𝐘/𝐍 ‘𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚’ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐤. You were unsure whether to even include your first name since nobody calls it anymore, but you chose to in case Addy ever came looking for you.
She looks between you and 10k, who was putting his top back on. “Another Beck, siblings?”
“But not siblings?”
Sarge scrunches up her nose and says, “that’s disgusting.”
You nod in agreement with Sarge while opening up your mouth for the doctor to inspect your teeth.
“Anything can happen in the new world,” she deadpans.
“Any zombie bites? Mortal wounds? Organ failure?”
You shake your head.
The doctor feels around the inside of your mouth, giving you a disapproving look. Considering how hard it was to keep hygiene standards up while running from the undead and trying to save the world, your teeth were in pretty good condition. The doctor narrows her eyes at you, then turns to tell Doc and Sarge they should start queuing to register because the lines were long. She asks you question after question without giving you a chance to answer. Frowning, she starts to feel around your stomach before moving her hands further up your body.
You swat the doctor's hands away when she feels your breasts. “Eh, excuse me!”
“Hmm,” she starts to scribble down on the piece of paper, shaking her head. “I’ll organize a scan for you. It will probably be later today so they can do a safety evaluation to figure out the best place for you to work.���
10k steps forward, his eyes wide with worry. “Why does she need a scan? Is something wrong?”
“No, just to see how far along the baby is.”
"I’m pre—” Before you can complete the question, you hear a thud. You look over your shoulder to see 10k has passed out. “I’m not…I cannot be.”
She hands you a small yellow tube to pee in and says, “Let’s find out then.”
Oh shit.
“Okay, so now that you’ve registered for citizenship and are certified alive, you’ll need to wait outside in the line on the left for housing and a work permit,” the doctor explains. She smiles at you. “Well, not you, mommy; you’ll be off work for at least a couple of days.”
This wasn’t happening; there had to be some kind of mistake. You couldn’t be pregnant. You glance at 10k, who was toying with the bandana on his head; he hadn’t said anything since two pink lines appeared on the stick the doctor dipped into your urine sample.
“I know this is a shock, but I do have more people waiting to be processed.”
You stand first. “Uh, thank you.”
Stepping out of the medical tent into the camp, you first spot Doc and Sarge, who are waiting for you both. “Fuck, we can’t tell them.”
10k nods in agreement, “we cannot tell them or anyone.”
You go over to retrieve your bags and weapons, which you made to hand over upon arrival. Soon as Doc waved over to you, you knew it would be impossible to keep a secret like this from him. 10k thinks the same because he says, “I don’t know how long I can be around him before I break.”
“We can tell Doc, but nobody else. I don’t want anyone to know anything until... I don’t even know.”
“Until we are finally sure things are safe?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Our team is our family; this affects them, and I don’t want to freak everyone out until it’s absolutely necessary. How are you feeling about it? Your head took a pretty hard hit when you hit the ground.”
10k Let’s take a deep breath. “I’m not going to lie; I’m terrified. But we’ve made it this far.” Seeing tears build in your eyes, he pulls you in for a hug and kisses your forehead. “We’ve made it through much worse; we just need time to get our heads around it.”
Taking his hand, you walk towards Doc and Sarge in comfortable silence. Just as you reach them, George appears with a large smile on her face. “Hey guys, I’m glad to see you made it in. Did you get your work assignments?”
“Sure did.” Doc replies. “You’re looking at a future intake examiner. I guess they liked my bedside manner.”
“I’ve been assigned gate duty with the volunteer militia,” Sarge pouts.
“So have I,” 10k says.
Sarge seems a little happier that she and 10K have the same assignment, but she struggles to hide her disappointment. George picks up on it as well, “it’s only temporary. Once the referendum passes, you’ll be able to work anywhere in New America. I personally like Pacifia, my home, but there’s something for everybody.”
You liked the sound of that. Personally, you either wanted to live in an open area like a forest or a farmhouse. You knew it would be a long time before that day came, but having that goal reminded you how worthwhile all the shit you’ve been through was.
George’s dark eyes land on you. “What about you? What’s your work assignment?”
“I don’t have one yet,” you shrug.
George nods her head; she looks like she’s going to say something but notices the nervous glance between yourself and 10K and changes the subject. “Well, if there’s anything I can do—one moment.”
You watch as George orders men who are guarding the fences to be less rough on a woman who’s the new type of zombie. She calls for Dante to hand her one of those little black biscuits and feed it to the women, making her much calmer. Without those biscuits, camp would be screwed; it was the only thing that stopped people who had died from turning completely Z.
After a quick shower and a hot meal, you go with the rest of your group while they are on gate duty. You didn’t want your first day in the place to be alone, especially since you’d got an appointment for a scan later on that day. Even though the doctor confirmed you were with a child, you didn’t feel any different; the only difference you felt now was a massive weight pressing down on you for keeping it a secret. But knowing so many things could go wrong, it was best to keep it quiet for now. At least that’s what you told yourself.
“Warren! Murphy!”
“Oh my god! Roberta! You are indestructible! Look at your hair,” Doc says, pulling a brunette into a hug.
It takes you a few seconds to fully register. Warren was standing in front of you. She was alive. You jump to your feet and rush towards them. “I can’t believe Murphy actually found you. I was so sure both of you were gone.”
Warren hugs you tightly. “I’m glad to see you. I’m so glad you guys made it this far; I was worried I’d never get the chance to see any of you again.”
Whatever happened to Warren when she supposedly died changed her hair back to its natural color. You liked it; she looked more like herself again. Murphy’s skin still remained bright red. Although Altura was the longest zombie-free outpost in North America, you couldn’t shake the niggling feeling that it could all change now that Murphy had arrived. Seconds after the thought crosses your mind, Murphy causes a scene by refusing to go for his examination.
Seeing Dante step forward, you jump in between them and say, “Listen, he’s got a phobia of scientists.”
Doc starts to try and defuse the tension but stops talking when Warren and George smile at each other. They walk towards each other and hug. It turns out they were old friends who saved each other's lives at the start of the apocalypse.
The outpost was more impressive than you first realized; it even had its own bar—not that you could drink for a long time, but it was nice that others could. When you first entered the bar, you were pleasantly surprised to meet Simon Cruller, better known as Citizen Z. It was crazy to think how many times he’d saved your asses without ever actually meeting you.
“Oh my god, what is that?”
You try not to barf as a citizen places down a large glass of green tequila before sitting down beside 10k and saying, “Do not let me drink this; I have a wife and kid.”
10k tilts his head and looks at you with wide eyes; you could already see the sweat gathering at his hairline. You had agreed to sit down with Doc and gently break the news to him that night, then, in a few days, tell the others, but the unknown elephant in the room had caught the attention of Sarge, Simone, and Doc, who were all staring at the two of you, waiting for one of you to say something.
Doc suddenly lunges forward, “Reds alive! She’s here with some dude, and they have a kid!”
Before either of you can answer, glass shatters from the other side of the bar, and two drunk men begin to shove each other while arguing. Sarge and Simone go to intervene, while Doc stays behind. A baby? How long have you been apart from her? Keeping track of time in the apocalypse was never easy.
“Sorry kids, I thought you would be over the moon to—”
10K suddenly lunges forward, downing the green tequila he burns loudly before wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He looks at Doc and blurts out, “Astra’s pregnant, with a baby!”
Doc leans back into his chair and says, “Oh my god, I mean congratulations. You guys must be—”
“What’s going on, gang?” Warren asks, walking towards you.
“Nothing, nothing,” 10k scrambled to his feet. “I need some fresh air.”
“Yeah, I’ll go with you.”
“You guys should go talk to her,” Sarge says, motioning her head in the direction Red was going.
While walking around the stall area, Sarge caught up with you and 10K; if she sensed something was going on, she never let on.
“Yeah, it would be nice to catch up with her and find out how she vanished into thin air.”
You start to approach her first, watching as she smiles brightly and talks to someone, but when a man hands her a baby wrapped in blankets, you quickly turn and head in another direction. It was too much. Starting a new life, finding out you were growing a new life, Warren coming from the dead, and now seeing Red with a family—it was too much for you to process at once.
“Astra! Astra, wait!”
You run until you start to feel physically sick and sit down on a patch of grass. Pulling your chest up to your knees, you quietly sob. You lose track of how long you’re sitting for; you only lift your head when footsteps approach from behind. “I’m sorry, Tommy.”
“No need to be sorry.”
“Red?” You wipe away your fallen tears and stand, saying, “You’re really here.”
“And you’re alive!” She rushes over and embraces you in a hug that you desperately needed. “I spoke to 10K; just to be clear, I’m not married, but here you are. Congratulations.”
You pull back and chuckle. “I’d say I wish you were there, but it was kind of chaotic.”
“Isn’t it always? What kind of wedding was it?”
“It was a spur of the moment, word-dying type of wedding.” She laughs, thinking it’s a joke. “Red, I’m so sorry about everything that happened before you left. I’ve missed you so much; I should never have left you and taken off like I did.”
She offers you a kind smile. “What’s done is done. Now we can only look to the future, and for the record, I’m sorry too.”
You squeeze her hand, “friends.”
“Fri— what was that?”
You both look over to the building the voting was going on in to see smoke coming out from the side of it. “I think a bomb just went off.”
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dumb-zombie666 · 4 months ago
The sniper and the archer ~10k x female oc
This is a fanfic I'm writing on wattpad, but I decided to post it on other writing sites, too, like ao3 and on here so far it only goes up to 1×11 but I'm halfway done with the next chapter so it'll be posted soon then I'll post a chapter on here and on ao3
Kaya scoodalo as Riley "arrow" buck
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Nat zang as 10k/Thomas
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Keith allan as Alvin Murphy
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Anastasia Baranova as Addison "addy" carver
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Pisay Pao as cassandra
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Kellita Smith as Roberta Warren
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Russell Hodgkinson as steven "Doc" Beck
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Violet McGraw as Ava McCain
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Warnings: cussing, murder, attempted sa, cannibalism, zombies, gore,spoilers, implied smut
Each chapter will have its own warning
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aphroditeslover11 · 1 year ago
If Robert Oppenheimer was at university in 2023, just as an ordinary student, he would definitely wear Doc Martens and listen to the Smiths.
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dontlookatme121 · 6 days ago
(Smut) Fic Recs
Pedro Pascal characters, including Javier Peña, (mostly) Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Oberyn Martell, Marcus Acacius, and Lucien de Leon.
fic recs from a girl who spends too much time reading smut.
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WARNING: PLEASE read the warnings on these fics; almost all of them contain smut, dark themes, and other sensitive topics. read at your own risk. EXPLICIT 18+, MDNI.
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Javier Peña
FYBF by @almostempty | javier x f!reader
Just Friends by @punkshort | Javier Peña x f!reader
Maneater by @probablyreadinsmut | Javier Peña X Afab!Reader
Murphy’s Sister by @absurdthirst | Javier Peña x F!Reader
Not So Secret Santa by @lincolndjarin | javier peña x fem!reader
Purgatory by @gothcsz | Javier Peña x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC
Strangers by @joelmillerisapunk | Stripper!Javier Peña x f!reader
Thoroughfare by @gothcsz | Javier Peña x Original Female Character | (Ongoing)
★ my fav fic. you should read it & everything else by Kat!
Fantasize by gothcsz | javier peña x fem!reader | (Ongoing)
Neighbors by gothcsz | javier peña x f!reader | (Complete)
Salvatore by @devilmademewriteit | javier peña x afab!fem!reader | (Last updated 03/2023)
(Un)Faithful by probablyreadinsmut | Rbf!Javier Peña x Married F!Reader | (Ongoing)
Unscripted Desire by gothcsz | Pornstar!Javier x Pornstar!OFC x Fem!Reader | (Ongoing)
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Joel Miller
blurred lines by stellamarielu | joel miller x female reader
But daddy, I love him! by @sanarsi | older boyfriend!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Cherub by @thechaoticcherub | Priest!Joel Miller x reader
Dusk by gothcsz | No outbreak!Joel x Fem!Reader
Euphoria by sanarsi | professor!Joel Miller x student!f!Reader
For Cryin’ Out Loud by @gracieheartspedro | post-outbreak! joel miller x fem!reader
handsy by @stellamarielu | joel miller x female reader
I'm Happy Where The Devils Are by @dilf-docs | dbf!joel miller x younger!reader
Just This Once by punkshort | dbf!joel miller x f!reader
love thy neighbour by @ace-turned-confused | joel miller x f!reader
Middle of the Night by @frannyzooey | Joel Miller x f!Reader
Not Your Daddy by @celiababy | Pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
october's end. by @salingers | joel miller x f!reader
room for three by @morning-star-joy | joel miller x f!reader x arthur morgan
The Christmas Auction by absurdthirst | Joel Miller x F!Reader
TRICK OR TREAT by @maiamore | No outbreak!Joel x Fem!Reader
Tomb rider by @joelspeach | dbf!Joel x female reader
feels so right by @fake-bleach | dbf!joel miller x reader
You're a Daydream, Stay A While by dilf-docs | joel miller x younger!reader
cowboy like me by @macfrog | dbf!joel miller x f!reader | (Complete)
Dark Shades of Innocence by @mermaidgirl30 | club owner/pleasure dom! Joel x fem! reader | (Complete)
Fourth of July by jrrmint | dbf!joel miller x f!reader | (AO3 Complete)
Give in Again by @pocketfullofkouhuns | No-outbreak!Joel x f!reader | (Complete)
i'll be home for christmas by punkshort | (Hallmark) Joel Miller x f!reader | (Ongoing)
My Burning Sun Will Someday Rise by @littlcdarlin | DBFJoel x f!Reader | (Complete)
right kind of dream by almostempty | joel miller x f!reader | (Complete)
slasher joel by @toxicanonymity | dark!Joel Miller x f!reader | (Ongoing)
Smooth Operator by @penascigarette | Joel Miller x F!Phone Sex Worker | (Ongoing)
swept away by punkshort | Joel Miller x f!reader | (Season 2 ongoing)
The F*CK IT LIST by @auteurdelabre | DBFJoel x f!Reader | (Ongoing)
unbeneath and you under my skin. by @tokkiwrites | mom's fiancé/bf! joel miller x f! | (Ongoing, last updated 11/2024)
worship by @mssalo | Joel Miller x married!f!Reader | (Complete)
i’ve read a lot more joel miller smut than i could’ve ever anticipated (ily dbf!joel)
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Frankie Morales
The boyfriend act by @capuccinodoll | Frankie Morales x F!reader | (Ongoing)
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Oberyn Martell
The Watcher by absurdthirst | Modern!Oberyn Martell x F!Reader x Ellaria Sand
What’s Love Got to Do with It by almostempty | oberyn x f!reader
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Marcus Acacius
III by gothcsz | Marcus Acacius x Fem!Reader x Lucius Verus Aurelius
Blood Favor by @pedgito | Marcus Acacius x f!reader
Prima Nocta by @fuckyeahdindjarin | Marcus Acacius x F!Reader
The Farmer's Daughter by punkshort | Marcus Acacius x f!reader
The Future of Rome by absurdthirst | Marcus Acacius x F!Reader
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Lucien de Leon
Shameless by @milla-frenchy | Lucien de Leon x fem reader
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there are some of the fics i've read and enjoyed since getting back into fanfiction in july 2024. it's a lot more than i expected, approximately 55. ill attempt to update this as i read more!
PLEASE share your recommendations! my TBR is always growing and i have to feed it.
thank you to all these fantastic authors who keep me up at night as i consume unreasonable amounts of smut. you're all amazing <3
dividers by @enchanthings
(updated 2/23/2025)
647 notes · View notes
floralcyanide · 2 months ago
ᴡɪɴᴇ ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ — ᴄɪʟʟɪᴀɴ ᴍᴜʀᴘʜʏ
cillian murphy x fem!reader (nsfw)
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you and your best friend Cillian get wine drunk to celebrate his new role.
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✣ warnings: smut, mentions of alcohol, drinking, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, nipple play, female anatomy described, no prep, (not proof-read at all sorry oops)
✣ word count: 1.5k
✣ author’s note: this is short and sweet and I wrote a quarter of it like a year and a half ago and wanted to finish it when I stumbled upon it in my docs. I hope yall enjoy and happy new year (:
masterlist | divider credit: @cafekitsune
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏ��ᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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You always told yourself you’d never go after someone who didn’t want you fully. They had to want your everything, love your everything, and show it. Yet here you are, in your best friend’s bed, wondering what the hell you’ve gotten yourself into. And wondering whether or not this was just a one-night type of thing. Even if it is, everything about your friendship has definitely changed. 
It started as a typical night at Cillian’s, sharing a bottle of wine and discussing roles he wanted to play this coming year. He already snagged a role as Johnathan Crane in the upcoming Batman movie, and you were beyond proud of him. But with the dim lights, candles lit, and the wine warming the two of you up, there was an undeniable tension in the room. A tension that had been building for a while and was now spilling into the night. Cillian was sitting across from you on the couch, leg crossed over the other. You were curled up, knees to your chest, as you sipped your wine. He stared at you, his gaze unwavering. You stared back, searching his eyes for an inkling of his thoughts. Warmth spread through your limbs and across your face as his eyes darkened. 
“What’s on your mind, love?” Cillian asked, his voice slightly raspy.
You cleared your throat, biting your lip and keeping eye contact, “You.”
“Really?” Cillian hummed, “What about me?”
You unravel your arms and legs, crawling over to where he was sitting, “Just you.”
Cillian pushed his hair from his face, looking you up and down with drowsy eyes.
“Gonna keep it a secret, huh?” Cillian chuckled, reaching a hand out to touch your hair.
You watched as he twirled it around his finger, “Maybe,” you looked back up at him, “What’s on your mind?”
“You,” Cillian blinked at you, “But I’m not gonna hide it.”
You inhaled sharply through your nose before groaning and covering your face with your hands, “Don’t do this to me.”
“Do what to you?” Cillian asked, pulling your hands away from your face.
“Tease me,” you huffed, “What are you getting at here?”
“Maybe it’s the wine talking or the fact you look absolutely perfect right now,” Cillian said, keeping your hands in his as he stroked your knuckles with his thumb, “But I need you.”
You froze, “Need?”
Cillian looked down, laughing, before he set his eyes back on you, “Yes. I fucking need you, darling.”
You needed him to spell it out for you. So, you looked at him, puzzled. Cillian’s hands moved to your hips, pulling you onto his lap. 
“So,” Cillian massaged your skin through your comfy pants, “What about me were you thinking of?”
“How proud I am of you and how good you look in these sweatpants,” you blushed.
Your mind was swimming from the wine, and you knew you were treading in dangerous waters by being so outrightly flirty with your best friend. But you no longer cared because he was now flirty with you, too.
“Ah,” Cillian smiled, “I knew there was something naughty floating around up here,” he carded his fingers through your hair, scratching at your scalp playfully.
“And how did you know, exactly?” you wondered out loud.
“I see how you look at me,” Cillian whispered, pulling his hands from your hair and putting them back on your hips, “With a burning desire.”
You gulp nervously. Was it that obvious?
“Is that so?” you quirk an eyebrow, your shaky voice shrouding any faux confidence you were displaying.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Cillian leans into the side of your head, his lips brushing your ear as he presses his hips into your core; the feeling of him hardening underneath you makes your skin prickle, “I feel the same way about you.”
“Really?” your voice cracks, and you inwardly wince at your nervousness.
“Really,” Cillian replies, his teeth grazing the shell of your ear, his tongue gliding down until he reaches your lobe, gently nibbling on the flesh.
Your hands that were by your side, afraid they’d shake, slowly wrapped around Cillian’s neck. He travels down your neck, leaving soft, open-mouthed kisses as he occasionally licks your skin, relishing in your scent and taste. You give your hips an experimental swivel, and Cillian groans into your neck as he grows harder against your clothed core. He begins to toy with the hem of your shirt, sliding his hands underneath the fabric to feel your warm skin.
You wordlessly remove your shirt, tossing it to the floor. Cillian tries his best to keep his eyes glued to yours instead of letting them roam your body. But when you let your hands wander behind your back to unclasp your bra, Cillian fails at his task. His palms move from your sides to your bare breasts, his thumbs brushing against your nipples, causing them to harden. You moan quietly at the feeling, and he repeats the action. Cillian squeezes your breasts as he toys with them, your back arching in pleasure. Before you can react, Cillian latches his warm mouth onto one of your nipples, provoking you to let out a whimper as he laps at the bud with his tongue. 
Without much thought, you grind down on him. This elicits a moan from Cillian, causing a vibration against your delicate skin. While his mouth is on one nipple, his fingers play with the other, and every few seconds, he’ll switch which one is rolled by his teeth. Your hands find Cillian’s hair, but only for a moment. He tugs at your pants, and you slide off his lap to remove them in haste. While you do so, Cillian slips off his shirt and sweatpants, and you can’t help but notice the bulge in his underwear. It’s been a while since your last sexual endeavor, and you hope he can fit inside you.
Cillian pulls you back onto his lap, and the thin fabric of your underwear is the only barrier between him and you. You put your hands on his chest as you bare down on his cock, bucking your hips back and forth. Cillian grips your hips softly as he guides you along him, his eyes cloudy with lust as he stares into yours, also clouded with desire. Cillian halts your movements. If you keep going, he’s going to cum in his underwear. You hover over him as he pulls down his last item of clothing, and you hurriedly shimmy yours off as well. Resuming your previous position, you grind your clit against Cillian’s hardened cock, feeling yourself grow wetter. Cillian bites his lip as he watches you pleasure yourself on him.
It doesn’t last long, however. Cillian pulls you up so he can place his tip against your entrance.
“Is this good?” he asks, his fingernails tracing shapes on your hips.
“This is great,” you smile, placing your hand on the back of his neck, “I want this.”
Cillian presses his fingertips into the flesh on your thighs as he pushes himself into you slowly. You sigh as the feeling of fullness burns delightfully until he’s fully seated inside you. You bite your lip as you adjust to Cillian’s girth. It’s everything you had hoped for in your imagination.
“You’re so tight,” Cillian groans, his head leaning back on the top of the couch, but his eyes are still level with yours, “Feels so good.”
You wiggle your hips to move him further into you, and you both moan at the feeling. Cillian pulls out slightly before pushing back in, gaining a rhythm as your wet cunt welcomes him, his length moving in and out of you with ease. You move your body along with his, grinding your hips on his as you fuck. Your head is nothing but lustful mush from the wine and the feeling of Cillian dragging inside you. Cillian isn’t far off, his brain buzzing from the alcohol and how you clench around him with every thrust.
Cillian grasps your breasts as you begin bouncing on his cock, your heavy breathing and moans making him desperate to cum inside you. He has always wondered how it would feel to fill you up with his cum, whether it be your cunt or your mouth. Soon, he won’t have to wonder. 
“I’m gonna cum, Cill,” you whine, your hips stuttering from the exertion.
“Gonna cum on my cock, doll?” Cillian groans, driving his length into you even faster, “Want me to cum inside? Hmm?”
“Yes,” you whimper without missing a beat, “Please cum in me, I want you to fill me up,”
“Good girl,” Cillian sighs, feeling himself grown closer to his orgasm.
You cum a lot quicker than expected, thanks to Cillian’s praise. You tremble as you fuck yourself on his cock until your body goes limp. You allow Cillian to continue, purposefully clenching around him to spur him on.
“Fuck,” Cillian curses, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, Cillian,” you purr, bouncing your overstimulated cunt along his throbbing cock.
With one final thrust, Cillian spills into you with a gasp. You’re both sweaty, out of breath, and high with bliss. You can’t help but laugh.
“What?” Cillian’s face breaks into a smile, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” you shake your head, “I just wasn’t expecting this to happen tonight, is all. I’m glad it did, though.”
Cillian moves your hair out of your face, “Me too.”
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dixons-sunshine · 6 months ago
Irish Man In A Closet | Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
A/N: Welcome to the first installment of “Murphy Mondays”! I’ve decided to dedicate Mondays to my favourite Irish man to get some more writing done for him. Anyways, I hope y’all like this!
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The sound of rock music playing could faintly be heard through the walls of the supply closet. Joyous laughter and calls for more shots could be heard as well, though those sounds were drown out by the more prominent sounds of gasps and light moans that traveled between you and Murphy.
“Murphy,” you gasped out when he nibbled lightly on the sensitive spot right below your jaw. You tilted your head back against the wall Murphy had you pinned against. “I gotta get back to work.” Murphy simply hummed and continued his onslaught of kisses, trailing down your neck. “Murph, I’m serious. I can’t lose this job.”
“Nah, you won’t,” Murphy denied in a murmur against the skin of your neck. “Doc loves ya. He’d rather come to work naked than fire you.” His lips trailed back up your neck, up your jaw and stopped to hover just above your lips. “It won’t matter if you decided to bail now to, I don’t know, come back home with me?”
A light laugh escaped your lips, one that was muffled when Murphy slanted his lips across yours again. His hands trailed up from your hips, all the way up to your face to gently and tenderly cup your cheeks in his hands, the gesture a stark contrast to his rough, calloused hands. You slightly pulled away from the kiss, your hands on his chest to halt him when he tried to chase your lips with his. You giggled and shook your head.
“Woah there, cowboy. I’m serious. I’ve gotta get back to work.” The look on Murphy’s face was both amusing and almost made you give in to what he wanted. His ocean-coloured eyes looked deep into your own, the man behind them trying his best to convince you with his version of puppy dog eyes. However, you managed to hold on to your resolve. “That isn’t going to work on me, Murph.”
A mischievous smile broke out on his face. “Can’t blame a man for tryin’, las.” He sighed and took a step back, reluctantly forcing himself to be rational. What you said was true. You did need to go back to work. It certainly didn’t mean he had to like it, however.
You smiled at him and stepped away from the wall. Your hand came up to gently cup his cheek, your thumb rubbing over his skin affectionately. “I get off in an hour. How about you take me home?”
Murphy could instantly understand the implication behind the otherwise innocent statement. He nodded his head vigorously. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do that.”
“Good.” You leaned up to press a chaste kiss to his lips before withdrawing. You began to fiddle with your clothes and hair, hoping to fix your disheveled appearance. “How do I look?”
Murphy couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips. “You look like ya just made out with an Irish man in a closet.” He laughed when you sent him an exasperated look, one that clearly told him to be serious. “Ya look fine, love. I promise.” He gave you one final kiss before turning towards the door. “Don’t forget whatever Doc sent you in here for.” With that, he left the supply closet.
You exhaled deeply and quickly grabbed the thing you had been asked to go get—the mop—before exiting the supply closet as well. You walked back into the main area of the bar and behind the counter, when you heard Connor’s voice ring out from the other side of the counter.
“Well, well. Would you look at that? I was right. Murphy did follow you to the supply closet, didn’t he?”
“Shut up, Connor. I told you, I went to the bathroom.”
“Oh? Didn’t realize Y/N changed her name to ‘the bathroom’.”
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bingbongsupremacy · 9 months ago
Drunken Mistakes Pt. 1
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Pairing: John Murphy x Reader
Warnings: Use of Y/N, Pregnancy, Reader can get pregnant, swearing, throwing up.
Summary: It was a one night stand. That's all it was. Little did you know that it'd lead to something else.
*Not Proof Read*
This Fic does not mention body type, weight, race, gender, etc. If I happened to mess up and add a pronoun or anything that could define the readers appearance, please let me know so I can fix it. Ty!
" How long has this been going on? " Clarke asks while casting me a sympathetic look.
I brush my hand over my mouth, trying to wipe off any remaining vomit off of my lips. The bitter taste of stomach acid lingers in my mouth, something that almost causes another round of vomiting.
" I'm not sure. A few weeks? " I try to create some distance between me and the nauseating smell a few inches away from me. I lean back against a rough fallen tree, taking a few deep breathes.
" Have you been feeling extremely tired lately? "
I nod. " I think it's just a cold, C. I'll be fine in a bit. "
I hope it's just a cold. Clarke saw me running out of the drop ship to puke and decided to follow me. Ever since then she's been asking question after question.
I just want to go lie down.
" When was the last time you had your period? " Clarke's question catches me by surprise.
My eyes widen. " Whoa. Look, I appreciate your concern but I don't remember scheduling a consultation, doc. "
I hadn't really thought of that. These questions...she can't be serious, right?
Clarke takes a seat on the tree next to me, her body turned to face me. " Y/N, I think you might be pregnant. "
" No, no. " I shake my head. " No fucking way. "
Clarke sends me a small smile. " I think so. All the symptoms...I've seen this before. I'm guessing your chest has been hurting and you've might of had some cramping? "
I think back to the past few days. She's not wrong. My body's been very weird the past few weeks, especially in the morning when I seem to have my daily puke fests.
" You're pregnant, Y/N. " Clarke softly states again.
" I can't be. " I shake my head. My chest begins to develop a tightening feeling. I pull my knees towards my chest so I can hug myself. " I can't be fucking pregnant. Fuck no. " I bury my head into my knees.
" Look, I can't be one hundred percent sure on this. At least not yet. If you start to show, then we'll know for sure. " Clarke gently pats my shoulder to try to deliver some sort of comfort. " For now, just try to relax, okay? We'll figure this all out when we know for sure. "
This is the last thing I wanted. I knew I shouldn't have gotten drunk.
But everyone did. I mean, we were all so excited to be on earth for the first time. What else is there to do in a place like this but party and hang out with the people around us?
Should I tell John?
We don't know for sure. Not yet. Besides, who knows how he'll react. He's on some weird power trip. Who knows what he's capable of doing.
What if he doesn't want the baby? What if decides to convince Bellamy to banish me or has his friends kill me or something?
Plus we don't know anything about this planet. At least not about how it is now. Is it even safe to bring a kid into a world like this? We don't know what's fully out there. What if there's more than just mutated animals.
Relax. You don't know what's going on yet. It could just be a cold.
Hopefully it's just a cold.
" You were right. " I blurt after bursting into the drop ship.
Clarke looks up from her heated conversation with Bellamy, her brows furrowed in confusion. " What? "
" You were right, Clarke. " I state again, my words beginning to wobble. " You were fucking right. "
Clarke's eyes widen as she realizes what I'm saying. She immediately abandons her conversation with the man in front of her, instead rushing to me.
" What's she talking about? " Bellamy calls after Clarke.
Clarke ignores him and grabs my arm, gently leading me out of the now suffocating drop ship. Clarke leads me into the forest, just far enough for our conversation to be private.
How tears of frustration begin to flow down my cheeks. " I can't believe this, I'm pregnant. I'm fucking pregnant. "
Over the past few days I started to notice a small protrusion in my stomach. Originally I'd thought it was just bloating. It's not bloating. I'm showing.
" What the fuck am I going to do, Clarke? I can't raise a baby. Not here! Not without my mom. I'm all alone and I don't fucking know what to do. " I cry.
Clarke gently takes a hold of my shoulders. " Hey, hey listen. You're going to be okay. You're not alone, I swear. We're here to help you. I'm here to help you. And, you have the baby's dad, don't you? "
The mention of Murphy causes me to let out a small sob. Do I? What if he accuses me of sleeping with someone else, claiming it's not his kid? What if he wants nothing to do with it? After all, it's not like we're dating or even friends for that matter. It was a one time thing. I can hardly stand him as it is.
" I don't know. " I shake my head.
" What do you mean you don't know? You don't know who the dad is? " Clarke asks in confusion.
" No! I-I know who the dad is. I just don't know if he'd want to help. " I pull away from Clarke and sit down on the ground, pulling my knees in to tuck into myself.
Clarke sits down next to me. " Who is it? "
" Murphy. " I mumble softly.
" Who? " Clarke asks again, apparently not hearing me the first time.
" It's Murphy. " I say louder this time.
Clarke is silent. She doesn't know what to say. She's not his biggest fan and I think part of her is thinking the same way. He might not want anything to do with the baby at all.
" I don't think I can do this. It's danger out there, Clarke. There's people we don't even know. What if I get the baby killed? What if we're attacked and I can't defend it? " I air out my worries. " Or what if I'm such a bad parent that they end up hating me? "
" Don't think like that. You don't know what's going to happen which is terrifying but also beautiful. Your baby will love you no matter what happens. And even if you don't have Murphy, you'll still have me and the others. We're a community. We're not going to let you deal with this alone. " Clarke reassures me.
" I don't know, Clarke. " I sigh.
" Listen-" Clarke begins before she's interrupted by one of Bellamy's lackies.
" Clarke, Bellamy needs to speak to you in the drop ship. "
Clarke lets out a small huff in frustration. " What is it now? " She mutters while standing up. She turns to me once more before leaving. " We'll finish this later. Just try to go relax. Maybe take a nap or something. Stress isn't good for the baby. "
This world isn't good for the baby.
Clarke follows the boy back towards the drop ship, disappearing after a few minutes.
I'm going to need bigger clothes in a few months. Where am I going to get them? What about baby clothes? Or toys? Or books? Medication?
I force myself to try to calm down. It's going to be okay. It has to be.
I head back in the direction of my make shift sleeping area. Maybe some sleep will help.
Before I'm able to make it very far Mbeige stops me. " Where do you think you're going? " He asks, his voice stern.
" None of your business. " I spit, trying to walk past the boy.
He doesn't let me pass. " It is my business. We need this wall up by nightfall. Get to fucking work. " His voice is venomous, his eyes glaring into mine.
He's not playing.
" I need to go to my tent. " I try to push, not daring to back down from his stare. I fucking hate this guy. He and a few others including John, make it their daily goal to make the lives of everyone shitty.
" You don't need to go anywhere but the wood pile to start putting up the wall. " Mbeige persists.
I glare at the man for a moment, scanning his eyes for any signs of a possibility for him to let me through. Nothing.
" Fine. " I spit, turning on my heals. I walk towards the nearest wood pile and begin to pick up pieces of heavy, thick wood. I manage to drag a few pieces towards the wall and set them up before I feel sweat start to build up from the heat. I need water.
I struggle to pick up one particularly heavy log when one of Mbeige's friends shouts at me.
" Pick up the fucking pace. We don't have all day here. " He snaps.
Annoyance and anger burn up my face. Maybe they should get off of their lazy asses.
" Y/N! " Clarke's voice shouts from out of no where. " Put that down! " She demands while running over to us.
" Stay out of this, Clarke. Y/N's a big kid. They can handle a little weight. " Murphy smirks. He was alerted to the situation from Clarke's yelling.
I try to ignore the snickers from Murphy's friends as I continue to drag the log over to where it needs to be used.
" I'm serious! Y/N can't be carrying shit like that! " Clarke doesn't back down.
Murphy's eyes flicker over to me as he observes my struggle. Humor is evident in his tone. " And why would that be? What makes Y/N so different than the rest of us that they get special privileges' while we have to work? Hm? "
Clarke's expression is furious. She storms towards Murphy before whispering into his ear.
Murphy's friends immediately flock to his side, ready to force her away.
Murphy's eyes widen as they meet mine. His cocky smirk slides off his lips and his face falls into one of surprise. The malice in his eyes fades away and is quickly replaced with shock.
He knows. Clarke told him.
What the fuck.
" Take the wood from Y/N. " Murphy's words surprise me. His demeanor is very different now, his shoulders unusually tense. His gaze doesn't leave mine as he orders his friends around. " Now! For fucks sake, Mbeige, take the fucking wood! " He shouts.
Mbeige doesn't need to be told again. He swiftly takes the wooden log out of my hands and begins to pull it towards the wall.
Murphy's friends cast confused looks at each other.
" You need some water. " Clarke breaks the silence. She walks over to one of the pouches of water and picks it up.
" You're not seriously going to let them drink water when they just barely started fucking working. " One of Murphy's friends complains.
Murphy still hasn't taken his gaze away. " Mind your own fucking business. " He snaps aggressively.
Clarke brings the water over to me and I hesitate to drink it. Everyone around us has paused their jobs, instead choosing to watch us.
" I'm okay. " I shake my head and refuse the drink I so desperately want.
" Drink it. " Murphy orders again.
I meet his gaze again.
His eyes slightly soften. " Please. "
Feeling very uncomfortable, I accept the pouch from Clarke and take a sip. The cool liquid immediately soothes my thirsty throat.
" Back to work everyone! " Murphy orders to the people who are watching us. " This wall better be up by tonight or no dinner! " He threatens.
Once I've had my fill of water, I turn my attention back to Murphy. He walks towards me before stopping a few feet away from me.
" I think we need to talk. "
Oh shit.
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angelwings-crossbowstrings · 3 months ago
I’ll Throw Away My Faith, Babe, Just to Keep You Safe
Part 2
Pairing: Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Allusions to violence; Blood and injury; Poorly written smut; That damn iron again
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You rubbed your forehead, a headache brewing behind your eyes. You would definitely have preferred to be at the bar with Doc. Instead, the boys had left you at the church while they handled the threat, a job in which they excelled without you being used as a pawn. Now they were pissed, seeking something beyond justice.
The worst part was the silence. Without the distraction of sound, your thoughts were free to wander, a myriad of conceptions that stretched from your childhood to your current predicament, pivoting back to the scene with Murphy; his arms around you, his breath hot against your ear, the way he had leaned into your touch. If only you could have stayed—
The door flew open and smacked the wall. You were on your feet before you even realized what it was you were doing. The least you could do was ensure you were worth the battle Murphy and Connor were facing. 
Your clenched fists relaxed as the brothers—Romeo in tow—entered, Murphy limping heavily and Connor cradling an arm to his chest. “Oh, thank god!” Your face was buried against Murphy’s neck within the span of a heartbeat, your arms beneath his, squeezing his torso. He let out a gasp—one that nearly had you jumping away—before you felt his warmth surround you. 
“Hello, love.” He murmured into your hair, his hands softly rubbing your back. You were forced to swallow the whimper pushing against the hind side of your teeth, concealing just how worried you had been. What if he had never returned? 
“Are they all—” You began, the words trailing behind the softest of sniffles. 
“Always be people like them in this world, lass.” His lips pressed against your temple before he hobbled back a step and placed his hands on your upper arms. “But aye, they’re gone.”
With a nod, you dropped your head and wiped at your eyes. He had seen you cry plenty of times, seen how the risks he took weighed so heavily on your shoulders. Regardless, it seemed more difficult now to allow him audience with your tears. 
“Grab the iron.” Connor elbowed Romeo with his good arm and stalked into the room, falling heavily into the chair you had previously occupied. 
“Always with the iron!” Your lips drew straight into a pinched smile as he passed, waving you off with his uninjured arm. 
Watching him walk—really seeing him—you turned back to Murphy. His face was bruised and littered with cuts, flecks of blood splattered on tanned skin. A crimson pool had puddled around his boot. 
“Murphy!” You exclaimed, grabbing his wrist. “You’re hurt!” The bullet had tagged his thigh, the metal a dense pressure in tissue and muscle. He was fortunate it had missed the artery. “Sit down, come on.” Guiding him to the single bed, you glanced toward Romeo and did a double-take. He was plugging in a compact iron. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
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You couldn’t stop pacing. How could they ever think you’d feel comfortable in a hotel while they remained in the church? You should have been with them, helping clean up the mess, taking care of them. They had refused, claiming your safety was priority number one. 
Your life as you knew it was over. Murphy had mentioned a new apartment. He had been adamant that you needed to be kept at a distance, not seen with them again. It would be a miracle if your existence remained unnoticed by other threats when such a prominent mob had discovered your ties to the MacManus twins.
You knew that they’d never be able to keep you away. Deep down, they knew it too. It was a codependency. They needed you just as much as you needed them. Safety be damned, no one would take that away from you: Italian mob, police, the Pope himself. 
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, the phone became the centerpiece of your attention. Their instructions were clear: do not call until they could get a burner phone. The risk of being traced and found was just too great. 
Damn them and their vigilante lifestyle. 
Just as the war within found a victor and you reached for the receiver, there was a knock at the door. Startled, you jumped and nearly struck the lamp off of the nightstand. The last time someone had knocked, it had been the precursor to one of the most terrifying nights of your life. 
“Shit.” You whispered, creeping toward the door with a cautionary edge. The soft rapping didn’t sound again before you peered through the peephole. 
“It’s only me.” Murphy grinned, leaning in as if he could see you on the other side. 
Rolling your eyes, you disengaged the lock and opened the door. “Ass.” He was limping over the threshold before you had even fully stepped out of the way, invading your space with his warmth and the intoxicating scent of smoke and something that was just so incredibly Murphy. “What’re you doing here?”
“Making sure everything’s okay.” He picked up a room service menu from the desk and glanced at it. “Needed to know that you’re safe.”
You suddenly wanted your hands on him, beyond intimacy, but to ensure yourself that he was really here. Thoughts drifting and lingering on that first day in the hall, your focus settled on how Connor must have felt. As seasoned as he was, there had been a fear in his eyes, a stricken terror that he was going to lose Murphy. 
And now, you knew how that felt. So many times, since that day, you had sat around your apartment and wondered if that would be the day he didn’t return. If that would be the day the god in whose name he fought would take him from you. If you could have done something, done more. And once he was home, you agonized over how you could ensure you never had to feel that way ever again, how you could keep him safe. 
“Hey, lass.” You blinked and met the brilliant blue of his gaze, only in that moment realizing that he was rubbing your upper arm. “Where’d that pretty head of yours take you?” It should have been easy to say all you wanted to express within the confines of your own head, but giving actual breath to the words was next to impossible. 
Especially when he was looking at you like that. 
His expression was different. It lacked the mildness of an alcohol-induced calm, but his eyes were the same. The same intent observance as the night he had bid you stay. Sobriety would bar those words from ever crossing his lips but his eyes said it all. 
It took you a moment to realize it had been your tongue to utter the word and a moment more to realize how many different ways you had meant it. Stay in your life. Stay with you and give up the mission. Stay at the hotel.
His hand had stilled. “Y/N?”
You swallowed hard past the newly formed lump in your throat. “Stay with me tonight.” The vulnerability that you had attempted to avoid built up its glass walls, and you suddenly felt the intense fear of the stone that would shatter them. “I mean, if you want to. I’m just worried that—well, you know—you and Connor—what if—”
Your lips burned from the moment his touched them, a scorching buzz that you were certain you’d feel long after he pulled away. You had barely anticipated that moment when he stepped closer, his hands on either side of your face. You melted into his touch, knees unexpectedly weak, his right hand abandoning its position to press against the small of your back and keep you standing. 
When he did end the moment, your eyes remained closed, lips chasing his as you held tight to the feeling you had just experienced. You nearly whined when the silence willed you to look at him. With a second of trepidation, you blinked your eyes open—and nearly gasped. 
The same pregnable hesitation you had felt only moments ago reflected back at you, bathed in radiant blue. There was a sparkle in the dance of his gaze, his search for permission to continue. When your words refused to find breath, Murphy stepped back. 
“I’m sorry, lass.” He murmured, quickly withdrawing his hands. “I’m a right proper eejit.” He pursed his lips and nodded, affirming the statement to himself even as you shook your head and stepped forward to close the space once again.
“No, no, no. Murphy, I was just—taken by surprise.” His eyes narrowed, that adorable expression that meant he was working something out. “I want this. I want this so much!” It was you to seal your lips over his this time, your arms thrown around his neck. Murphy chuckled against your mouth, his smile forcing you to kiss his teeth before he pulled back. “What?” You asked breathlessly.
“Nothing, love. Just,” he reached up to rub your upper arms, his hands gliding down over your ribs to settle on the curve of your waist, “slow down, yeah?” Tilting his head, he craned his neck to follow your gaze when you nervously attempted to look away. Your cheeks flared pink with embarrassment. “Unless you’re late for the next lad?” He teased. 
You huffed a laugh through your nose. “Shut up.” 
“Gladly.” His right hand abandoned your hip for his fingers to instead clasp your chin and guide your face back toward his. Leaning forward, he nuzzled his nose against yours before claiming your lips, a slow dance that coaxed you to sigh and relax into his hold. When he started walking you backward, you were too enthralled with the taste of him to realize where he was guiding you until the back of your knees hit the edge of the mattress.
Thrown off balance, you began to tumble back, eyes shooting open and an indignant oomf sounding against Murphy’s lips. You separated from him with a deep breath just as your butt hit the soft padding behind you. He was grinning down at you, peeling his peacoat from his shoulders to let it slide off his arms into a pile on the floor. 
It wasn’t the first time you had appreciated how well the man wore a t-shirt. Murphy was lean with whipcord muscles beneath tan, inked skin. His biceps flexed while his hands grabbed the back collar of his shirt to pull it over his head. Your mouth went dry and your brain blanked for a moment, the neurons only firing once again when his knee pressed into the mattress between your thighs. Wide eyes blinked up at him.
He went still. “This okay, love?” You nodded with an almost comical enthusiasm, eliciting a chuckle from the man above you. His mouth had barely opened to say something, but snapped shut the moment your hands seized the hem of your shirt to yank it over your head (with only a small amount of difficulty). “Eager,” was all he managed. 
You bit back a plea, though the desperation to touch him was dangerously close to unbearable. Murphy’s tongue dragged across his bottom lip, followed by his thumb, the digit hovering at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were glued to the curve of your breasts above your bra, the skin flushed with arousal. You were ready to pounce the man. Self-control was not an easy feat at that very moment.
When neither of you moved for a lingering heartbeat—just long enough to make it awkward—you let your fingers touch the skin that seemed to be mesmerizing him. He was helplessly following the movement of your hand. You pressed both palms against your sternum and carved a trail down to the waistband of your jeans, tapping the button with a single digit. 
“Need some help there?” He asked, a hungry edge to his tone. The way he squinted and shifted his eyes to your face, it was certain he had already mentally done all the undressing. 
“Mm-mm.” You declined with a sultry grin. Your stomach fluttered with something akin to anxiety, his undivided attention calling forth insecurities from your past relationships. But this was Murphy. You wanted him in a way that ached. A bone-deep desire that needed him to satisfy the primal urges he had awakened within you. 
You popped the button and watched his fingers twitch at his side. You could practically hear his heart pounding a tattoo into his ribcage, a smirk curving your lips.
Capturing your bottom lip between your teeth, you drew down the zipper and began to shimmy the fabric down over your hips. There was only a single pause—jeans hugging your thighs—when his breathing quickened. It was the slightest alteration and hitch. 
“Bloody hell, lass.” Murphy raked his fingers through his short hair, the skin of his cheeks and chest roseated. 
You giggled—actually giggled—and rid yourself of the garment in one quick motion, carelessly tossing it to land somewhere unknown. Beckoning him with a finger, you allowed your legs to fall open. He appeared to hesitate before it became abundantly clear that he was simply admiring the sight of you. Then his knee was denting the mattress once again and he crawled up the length of your body not unlike a predator stalking its prey. 
His weight settled on top of you, breath against your skin, the taste of a last cigarette clinging to his kiss. Your nails traced up and down the perfect slope of his back, feeling the muscles ripple and relax as his hands mapped the landscape of your body.
Unfortunately, Murphy’s jeans were still very much settled on his narrow hips. You would have to remedy that if you could remember how to make your body obey your brain.
“Mm, Murphy.” You breathed, arching into him to bare your throat. He hummed against your pulse, nipping at the exposed flesh. You mewled below him as he moved again, brushing his lips against yours without claiming them. When you leaned up, desperate for his mouth, he pulled back and grasped your chin. 
 “Are you sure, love?” 
You drew back against the mattress, angling to see his face. His eyes were so blue, pupils blown wide, and he was looking at you like you were the queen of his fucking castle. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.” 
Murphy said nothing as he leaned in to take your lips, urgent and heated. You smiled against his mouth as he pulled against the front clasps on your bra and parted it. He pulled the lacey fabric down your arms, exploring the treasures underneath, his desire building with every moan, every whine. You raised your hips as his capable fingers slid your undergarments down your legs, wasting no time in discarding them somewhere on the floor. 
His lips explored your chest with more fervor than before when he suddenly pulled away and stood, saving you the effort of being the one to rid him of the remainder of his clothes. You reached for him before he could settle back above you, twisting your fingers in his short hair to bring his lips back to yours.
Murphy nipped at you playfully and trailed wet kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach before he ventured lower, pausing just above where you needed him most. He brought your left leg up over his shoulder, angling his head to kiss your inner thigh. You shivered and bit your lip, arching off the mattress as he continued to work his way back up. When he settled between your thighs and reached down between your  bodies to line himself up with your entrance, your stomach knotted in anticipation.
He pushed into you slowly, the glorious stretch of accommodating him dragging a moan from somewhere deep within your chest. It was everything you had been yearning for, connection and pleasure intertwining into something you could not describe, much less name. 
Hypnotic blue orbs stared down at you. It was not until that moment, you realized he wasn’t moving. No words were said. You raised your head to meet his lips, calm and inviting, and slid your hands down his back while winding your legs around his calves. To Murphy, that was ‘green light: go.’ 
The first roll of his hips, the pleasant burn of adjustment, was exquisite. An involuntary shudder passed over him, silently communicating that it was he found it just as pleasurable. Your breath caught with each deep, deliberate drag along your walls, your toes curling. You felt like you were going to come apart, split right in two. 
His lips found yours again, his tongue drawing across your bottom lip to bid you grant him access. He had no more than locked into your mouth before retreating, dipping his tongue into the hollow of your throat. His mouth ventured to where your pulse was hammering, teeth grazing the flesh there while he pushed deeper into you. Your back curved upward, trapping your breasts against his chest while your fingers pressed roughly into his back, nails leaving crescent moons in the skin there. 
“Fan go teann, a ghrá.”
Blinking lust-fogged eyes clear, you had no chance to question before you were shunted upward by an ardent thrust. The pace he set was intense, but far from brutal. Your hands scrambled between white knuckling the headboard and digging your nails into any piece of flesh you could grip. 
Oh, the way he purred your name; you felt the heat of his tone searing into your core. The consistent spearing against that spot deep within you had your eyes rolling and your lips parted in quiet gasps. His breathy moans in your ear were swiftly catapulting you towards the edge much too soon. You once again bit your lip as a familiar tension began to coil and burn with each push and pull of him. 
Before you could reach your peak, he rolled and brought you with him, hands resting on your waist. You wasted no time and began to grind your hips, grinning as Murphy bucked off the mattress and hissed. His fingers tightened their grip, urging you to continue. You obliged, leaning forward to grab the headboard and earning sounds from the man that you didn’t even know he could make. You would surely have finger-shaped bruises later, but the sight of him writhing beneath you and breathing your name like a mantra was intoxicating. 
You found a perfect rhythm together, your hips snapping back and forth as his ground up into you. When your muscles began to flutter and hug him, he did nothing to hinder your gratification this time. Stars exploded behind your eyes as you crested with a cry of his name. Murphy followed, groaning hoarsely, head pressed back into the pillows with blissful agony carved harshly in every tensing muscle.
Dizzy and floating on a cloud higher than nine, you unceremoniously toppled over beside him and were immediately gathered to his side, lips pressing into your hair. Still lost in the post-coital high, you vaguely felt him shifting and smiled as the blankets came down over you. 
“That was—wow.” You marveled in a breath, blinking up at the ceiling while reorienting yourself with reality. You felt Murphy’s deep chuckle vibrate through his chest. 
“Aye.” He agreed, his throaty tone traveling straight to your lady parts. Down, girl. The second kiss you felt on the crown of your head was sobering, and you turned into him, your ear over his heart. 
“Murphy.” You uttered, your fingertips exploring the planes of his chest and stomach. He responded with a drawn out hum. Maybe he was falling asleep. “I—this was everything I’ve wanted for so long.” His breaths paused.
“Really?” He probed. Murphy pulled back and angled his head to regard you. 
“Mhm.” You tilted your face upward with the softest of smiles, watching your words turn about in his head. “Can I tell you a secret?” You grinned. 
“I think I fell in love with you a while ago.” Admittedly, fear vibrated behind your teeth in an attempt to trap the words before you could voice them. “No. I know I did.”
The expression he wore frightened you, a stoicism you couldn’t decipher. “You love me?”
You didn’t miss a beat. “I do.” 
“Huh.” He smiled, staring off somewhere over your bare shoulder. “I often wondered about that.” 
That wasn’t really the answer you had hoped for, but you would take what you could get with him. 
“Well, now you know.” You couldn’t disguise the disappointment hovering densely over the words. You made to rest your head against his chest but he caught your chin between his forefinger and thumb. 
“I love you, too, lass. Have from the moment I laid eyes on you.” Bending awkwardly, he caught your mouth with his own, chaste but no less passionate. You were slow to open your eyes once the absence of his lips left yours cold and wanting. “bhí mo chroí agat i gcónaí.”
“I’m not sure what that means but I like the sound of it.” You chuckled before biting your lip when he rolled you onto your back, your legs bracketing his hips. 
“Maybe I won’t make you ponder on it for too long, but for now,” he kissed your jaw. “Let’s do that again, yeah?”
Laughing, you weaved your arms beneath his to pull him closer. “Oh, yeah.”
Murphy would definitely be spending the night.
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whocaresstillthelouvre · 5 months ago
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Suburban Sparks
Javier Peña x Steve Murphy's Sister Reader A moodboard and teaser for my next fic. Created for the lovely @goodwithcheese and @jolapeno's Coffee House.
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You climb into your beat-up car to head to his and Connie’s annual harvest bonfire. The world turns from narrow streets lined with brick buildings to wide roads with large homes and playgrounds. Buses and pedestrians are traded for SUV’s and minivans.  
Steve only lives twenty minutes away from your tiny apartment in the Adams Morgan section of DC. Your kitchen is the size of his closet. Whenever you take the drive to his perfect suburban home, you feel like you’re traveling to a different world, especially once you pull up to his house. His pristine suburban castle with a driveway bigger than your whole apartment feels like a whole world away, not less than a half hour.
The wooden gate creaks as you push it open, the sound immediately catching Olivia’s attention.
“Auntie!” she shouts, running toward you with her arms flailing in excitement.
“Hey, Liv!” You hug her tight and kiss the top of her head as she giggles. 
“Hey kid!” Connie calls from the patio, making her way down the steps carrying two bottles of beer. 
“Evening. One of those for me?” you ask. 
“Nope, we had some help setting up,” she tilts her head towards the gazebo. Steve sits next to… Javier Peña. Crap. 
Suddenly, you're hyper-aware of your outfit: an oversized flannel thrown over a plain white tee, faded jeans, and your scuffed Doc Martens. You dressed for a lame party hosted by your lame brother, never thinking the man that used to star in all of your teenage fantasies would be here. 
Your heart races as you approach the gazebo and try to keep your cool. Javier's eyes meet yours, and for a moment you forget how to breathe. He's even more handsome in real life, his mustache is perfectly groomed with sideburns that frame his chiseled jaw. Fuck, he’s so much better than that ripped picture that lives in your bedside table drawer. 
"Hey sis," Steve calls out, breaking the spell. "This is Javier Peña, my old workmate in Colombia."
Yeah Steve—you know all about him.
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I made the moodboard to take part in the challenge, but the actual fic will not be part of it as your girl wrote almost 3,000 words of Javi and reader hookin' up in Steve's guest room.
A special thanks to @saradika-graphics for the cute pumpkins. As well as the always patient @maggiemayhemnj, @mothandpidgeon, @beefrobeefcal, and @schnarfer for letting me word dump and overthink things.
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star-wrote · 7 months ago
Mo Stór
ao3 link
Characters: Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
A/N: loving the energy in this request, anon. if you had a tail, it would be wagging LMAO. i’m sorry this took AGES, but i hope you enjoy anyway! <3
Warnings: cussing, bad irish accent writing, fluff, domestic bliss, seriously it’s so fluffy
Word Count: 817
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Dating Murphy MacManus isn’t the easiest thing in the world. In fact, if you were to ask his brother, he’d say something along the lines of “Dunno how ya put up with us being vigilantes and shit, lass.”
You and Murphy have had countless talks about him and his brother’s “hobby,” half of them ending in you begging to join him. He would never let you, it’s too dangerous.
So you work your job to support yourself and the boys. You don’t mind it really, they treat you like their queen. Usually, they’re home when you get off work. Walking in to a warm dinner, even if it was a frozen pizza, was a feeling you wish for every good person on earth.
Other nights, like tonight, the brothers wouldn’t be home. You couldn’t help the feeling of anxiety that went to that pit in your stomach. You rush to the note on the refrigerator, ripping it from the magnet that also held up a picture of you and Murphy kissing. Both the picture and the magnet fell off the fridge as you read the note.
“Went to grab Chinese takeaway for dinner. Be back soon x.”
You sighed in relief as you read Murphy’s chicken scratch handwriting. You remembered the magnet and picture that fell, and quickly retrieved them off of the floor. You smiled as you pinned the picture back to the fridge and silently thanked Connor for capturing that moment on camera.
It had been a long night at McGinty’s, and Doc had kept the rounds coming. You had somehow convinced Murphy to dance with you; it must have been the David Bowie song playing. At the end of the song, he dipped you down like you were in some kind of romance movie, and gave you one of many kisses that you two have shared in that bar. Once he heard the click of the camera, he gently dropped you to the floor and shoved his brother, trying to grab the camera. You laughed on the bar floor as he successfully got the camera and pocketed it. He must not have been too upset about the picture since he printed it out the next day.
You heard the door open while you were reminiscing, interrupted by the familiar sound of the twins bickering; this time about chopsticks.
Connor calls your name as he shuts the door. “Are ya gonna use chopsticks?”
You smile as Murphy rolls his eyes and sets the food down on the table. He makes his way over to you and kisses your cheek.
“Yeah, of course,” you answer Connor, “are you?”
He pulls two wrapped pairs of chopsticks out of his pocket and hands you one. “Of course! Murph here wouldn’t let me grab three because he doesn’t know how to use them.”
You look at Murphy who rolls his eyes again as he grabs your hips to slide past you and take a fork from the drawers. He grumbles out “I’m fuckin’ Irish, don’t need to know how, eejit.”
You giggle as you hug him from behind. “I’m pretty sure the Irish didn’t invent the fork either, Murphy.”
He tried to frown, but one side of his mouth lifted. “Are we gonna eat this shite or not?”
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After dinner and the nightly movie, you and Murphy retired to your shared bedroom. You were glad that the movie finished because it was Connor’s night to pick, and he picked the worst possible movie on earth, as usual.
You had both changed into your sleep clothes, and brushed your teeth together, smiling at each other in the mirror.
This was your favorite part of the day. You and Murphy got to cuddle in bed and just look at each other. His hand was on your cheek and his thumb was smoothing out your skin.
“Mo stór.” Murphy interrupts the silence.
You smile at him. “What’s that?”
“My darling.”
You kiss his forehead. “Yeah, I am.”
He smiles and kisses your lips gently.
You rest your forehead on his. “For a second I thought you were asking me to marry you or something.”
Without hesitation, he answers, “I would.”
You bring your head up from the pillow and lift your eyebrows in surprise at him.
He notices the shock on your face and scrambles to say something else. “I mean I don’t have a ring for you or anything. But I would get one. I just know that God sent you to me. I may be a saint, but you’re an angel, lass.”
He grabs your hand and kisses the top of it.
“It seems like it would be a pretty divine marriage if you ask me.”
You feel a tear fall from your eye. “Oh my god.”
He smirks as he wipes the tear from your face and chides, “Lord’s name, love.”
You giggle and then nod.
“Let’s do it.”
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topazy · 2 years ago
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, minor violence
Chapter: 4.12
Your hair fell over your shoulders as you pulled clumps of blood out of 10K’s hair with your fingers. It would make cutting his dark locks, which had grown to just under his ears, that much easier without pieces of Z still in them. You were both drenched in blood and in need of bathing in the nearby river, but it was safer to wait until all the thick smoke from the explosion had cleared.
“It meant what I said.”
“I know; that’s why I agreed to marry you.”
10k tilts his head around, looking up from over his shoulder; his eyes almost have a pleading look in them. Just over half a year had passed since your group had all gone their separate ways, but it never became any easier to accept; out of everyone, 10k had taken it the hardest. Growing up, he only had his mother, so gaining a family he never had just to lose it was difficult to adjust to, especially with how it ended. 5K was dead, Murphy had gone AWOL, which was concerning considering he tried to build his own army last time, you and Addy weren’t on speaking terms, Warren was untraceable, and Doc decided he needed to do more and left to join a Z hunting party. He promised he’d be back, but I still hurt when he left. You were grateful that Red chose to stay with you and 10K, but all the new memories you were making didn’t ease the pain of the old ones.
All of this, combined with 10k’s body trying to function as normal after being bitten, had made him paranoid; he was scared anything that was too good would suddenly disappear.
“I love you, Tommy.” You kiss him on the only blood-free part of his face, which was his left cheek.
“I love you too,” he smiles. “When the time is right, we will get married, and hopefully our old gang will be there.”
“How will we know when the time is right?”
He shrugs and says, “I don’t know; I guess we just will.”
“You seem lost in thought; what are you thinking about?” 10k asks as you walk through a plot of land that was mainly rumbling from collapsed buildings and abandoned vehicles.
“One day in the future, when we have our own home again, I'll have the note you’d written me framed and hung up on a wall.”
10k raises his brows, smiling, and says, “That's a very hopeful thought to have, although I’m surprised that note has lasted so long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I treat it as if the paper were made from gold.”
“You know,” Murphy says loudly for Warren, who was charging in front, to hear. “If you just told us what you were looking for, it would be a lot easier to help you find it.”
Warren takes a moment to reply as her eyes scan the area, “I’ll know when I see it.”
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. You’d been relentlessly flogging Warren for days, and she had shared nothing useful about the location or any other information that would help you help her. It was growing increasingly frustrating, especially with Murphy dragging the zombified president behind him. After a while of walking, Warren zones out again, but then comes to and orders Murphy to stand in one spot while holding his hands in the air.
“How long do I need to do this for?” He moans, “I haven’t showered in three weeks, and my arms are tired.”
“It’s definitely longer than three weeks,” you snort.
After making Murphy change his arm position and holding up a sign post, Warren spots something no one else can see and somehow finds a hatch that had been hidden beneath the dirt and rubble leading to your next location.
Your mouth twists in irritation as you struggle to lower the dead president, who was surprisingly heavy, into the room the hatch led to, which was part of an underground army base. 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Doc had already gone in first to make sure it was clear, leaving you and Sarge alone for the first time in days. Neither of you had attempted to utter a single word to one another before this, but now you were forced to.
“Easy, steady,” she says, looking down. “Take it slow, nice and slow.”
“Easy for you to say.” You grit your teeth as you feel the rope burning the palms of your hands. You feel yourself startling to lose your grip. “I’m going to drop him!”
Sarge quickly grabs the rope that’s slipping and says, “Holy shit, he’s heavy!”
Even with the two of you trying to keep him steady, the president's weight became too much when he began wriggling about in the makeshift harness, causing the rope to slip from both of your hands. Hearing the thud below, you share a shocked look before both moving to stare down the hatch. Luckily, he was still moving, which meant you hadn’t re-killed him.
You let out a soft chuckle while getting to your feet. Sarge looks at you nervously; she motions for you to climb down the ladder first, “after you.”
10k takes your hand as he helps you jump off the end of the ladder, giving you a knowing look that says, “My bad.” You clear your throat. “So where to next?”
“That way,” Warren says before exiting the room.
As you go down different hallways, you come across a handful of Z’s that have gone blind due to the lack of sunlight, which meant it was easy for you to show mercy to time. Not wanting to create any noise, you shot them in the head with arrows. Your group remains silent until you reach a staircase and try to figure out the best way to get the zombie down it quickly.
“Maybe we could make a stretcher?” Doc suggests.
“That’s a good—” you stop talking when you hear a loud thud, and you glance over your shoulder to see Murphy standing suspiciously alone. “Murphy, did you just push the zombified president down the stairs?”
“Ex-president,” he points out. “And it saved us time, and besides, he’s already dead.”
Warren shakes her head. “We better go get him before he wanders off.”
You finally find the president after going down thirty flights of stairs to find two Zs eating the organs from his stomach. “I got it,” 10k says before using a slingshot to fire a sharp blade that goes through the two Z’s heads. He clicks his tongue and says, “Eight thousand, four hundred fifty-two.”
While Doc and Murphy tried their best to fix the president up as best they could so the zombie could walk again, your eyes remained glued to Sarge, who was staring at 10k so lovingly. You felt as if something was finally clicking into place as an uneasy feeling set in your gut.
“Let’s go,” Warren says, interrupting your thoughts.
You go into a control room and look around until Warren spots a red sign with a black message saying fourth strike and declares that’s the way to go.
You manage to fight your way through a small herd of Z’s without anyone getting bitten or hurt. While you all catch your breath, another Z appears suddenly behind you. Quickly, you stab it in the head and ask, “Where did that come from?”
10k points to the floor above, “up there.”
“I don’t think God has anything to do with this,” Murphy says sarcastically.
“No, I mean someone is pushing bodies over the edge.”
You look up as more Zs are pushed over and spot an older man with glasses about to push another Z over. “Hey!” You are behind him, firing arrows at him while Warren begins firing shots; however, the man is able to duck behind the wall. “Son of a bitch! Who the hell is that?”
“Possibly the same zona bastard who hacked the northern lights, then he had the launch codes,” Warren says, sounding panicked. “We can’t let him get to the drone before us.”
“Looks like it’s a race to the finish, then.”
A few things became more obvious to you while looking for the drone, including that Warren had apparently picked up a number of skills she had no memory of, including speaking Latin and hacking computers; the missions were growing increasingly dangerous as the minutes passed as more Z’s appeared; and Sarge most definitely had feelings for 10k. Seeing her stare at him with puppy-dog eyes made anger swirl inside you, but you had no right to be angry when she hadn’t acted on her feelings or had any control over them.
“Anyone else seeing this countdown?” Doc asks as a beep fills the room.
Warren remains silent as she clicks away at the computer, which now shows multiple CCTV footage of a small aircraft as gunfire fills the room. You join 10k and Sarge as they try to hold off Z’s from entering the room.
“Warren, we need the door code to close it!”
She doesn’t answer and sits, talking to herself instead.
“The code! Now, before the Z’s kill us!”
When she doesn’t answer, Doc tries his best to push the door closed, but he only manages to push it so far.
Suddenly Warren snaps out of her trance and back to reality, “It was Teller.”
“Dr. Teller?”
She explains that she remembers that Dr. Teller from Mercy Labs was the one who woke her from her coma to tell her about the black rainbow and how to stop it. She passes on instructions to both Doc and Murphy before saying she needs to go alone for the next part of the mission.
“We go where you go, boss.”
“Doc’s right, we can’t split up now. It isn’t safe.”
“You guys need to stay here and turn the keys in the computer,” she says, glancing down at the ground. “Where I’m going, no one can follow.”
Your jaw drops as the feeling of sorrow spreads through the room; it felt as if Warren was saying goodbye.
Warren pulls 10K in for her hug. She holds onto him tightly and says, “When you get to Newsmerica and find Addy, Sun Mei, and Red, tell them I love you from me.”
This was wrong. It felt as if Warren had already accepted that she needed to die in order to save the world.
With tears in her eyes, Warren steps back from her hug with 10k, turning to Doc and hugging him before embracing you tightly. “You’ve done good, kid,” she whispers. “I want you to go on and have the best life possible, with lots of little babies and at least one named after me.”
You let out a broken chuckle as you held back from crying. Throughout the years, Warren had been a massive part of your lives and was the reason all of you had survived so long. Losing her was going to be devastating.
“I’ll see you soon,” you sniff.
10k rests his forehead against the back of your shoulder as she leaves. The only thing you could do now was watch the screen on the computer.
“What is she doing?”
“Changing a cylinder on the aircraft,” Doc answers. “Apparently one saves the world and the other destroys it.”
“Okay, but once she’s done that, she can leave, right?” Deep down, you knew the answer but desperately wanted someone to tell you you were wrong.
“Uh guys!” 10k says, “we aren’t alone!”
When a Z forces itself through the crack in the door you fight to kill it as the others turn the keys and press the alarms as Warren had instructed causing red lights to start flashing and another countdown.
When Murphy spots the man from before who’d thrown the Z’s down on the screen he rushes from the room, despite Doc trying to stop him.
Your eyes flicker between screens as you watch Warren climb back into the drone and try to watch for Murphy on the other. The countdown reaches the final ten seconds causing you to panic, “what do we do? The drone is going to take off with Warren inside.”
“We can’t stay here,” 10k says, opening the door.
The four of you race down to the landing strip just as the drone dissolves into little pieces in the air, leaving behind what looks like a black rainbow in the sky.
She’s gone. Warren was really gone.
“What the hell?” Doc asks from beside you.
You glance to the side to see Murphy, who looked quite sunburned. You look at him in disbelief before looking back to the sky and saying, “We’re all going to die, aren’t we?”
“Looks like it,” 10k answers.
You stare up at the black rainbow above, finding it hard to believe you’d just lost Warren, your leader, your friend. Behind you, Sarge, let’s out a small gasp, but you don’t pay attention to why. You only look away from the darkness above when you feel something brush against the back of your leg. You glance over your shoulder and see 10k looking as if he’s going to sit on the ground. “What are you—”
10k falls to one knee and pulls out a ring box, “Astra…”
You momentarily freeze, unable to think as you process the unanswered question his shaky voice wasn’t able to get out. 10k opens the ring box, revealing multiple rings, each of them looking a different size. The thought of him saving them all for you causes tears to swell up. You look over to Doc and say, “can you marry us?”
He laughs a little before lifting his head to address Sarge and Murphy, waving them to stand at the side. The sun was setting, the air smelled of smoke, and everyone was covered in sweat, dirt, and blood, but weirdly, it seemed fitting for the type of life you lived. Doc clears his throat: “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two crazy kids. Now in the world before wedding ceremonies were drawn out, but since there’s a chance the dead could gate crash, I'm going to keep it short and cut to the vows.”
You all laugh at his words as 10k, who’s now standing, takes your hand in his. “I have spent my entire life feeling like something was missing, and I didn’t know what it was until I spotted a group of strangers fighting off the undead. That’s when I first saw you and finally found what was missing.”
You wipe away the tears trickling down your cheek while you let out a shaky breath. This was a moment you’d been looking forward to for so long, but it felt surreal finally living it, and it also broke your heart thinking of everyone who should have been there. Addy, Mack, Cassandra, Garnett, Vazquez, Red, and Warren 10k squeezes your hand when he sees you become emotional and gives you a moment before he continues. You wipe at your nose and nod for him to go on, “Sorry.”
He smiles brightly. “I knew from the moment I saw you pull the blade from your belt and take out a bunch of Z’s so fearlessly that you’d be important to me.” He chokes up and takes a deep breath. “My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to find you. I love you and promise to always protect you and stand by your side.”
Your heart melts when you hear those sweet words fall from his mouth. “When the apocalypse began, I lost all faith that anything good could last, but from the day you saved me, I knew our fates were intertwined, but I had no idea how madly I’d fall for you. You’re my best friend, Tommy, and there’s not a line I wouldn’t cross to keep you safe.”
By the end of saying your improvised vows, you are both crying, along with everyone else, including Murphy, who is now holding the ring box. He looks between the rings and your hand before pulling one out and handing it to 10k, saying, “I think this one will fit.”
It was a plain silver band that surprisingly fit as 10K placed it on your finger. You notice Doc's eyes have now gone bloodshot from crying; he claps his hands together and cheers, “You now may kiss the bride!” Your lips collide, and you smile into the kiss as 10k wraps his arms around your waist. When you pull back, Doc announces, “I now pronounce you man and wife!”
You kiss 10k again and mumble into his lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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queenshelby · 1 year ago
An Illicit Affair
Part 11: The Date
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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A week later and about two weeks before the event at which you knew Cillian would be attending, you ran into Max at hospital as he was attending a follow up appointment with James, who was somewhat concerned about his heart murmur. 
Save for a few bruises and cuts that had not yet healed, Max looked relatively fine. 
His face had a gaunt appearance, though, and there were dark circles beneath his eyes. He wore a pair of black jeans and a plain white t-shirt that was wrinkled and loose. It was obvious that he hadn't slept well since the accident happened and you wondered whether he was doing alright.
"Hey," you greeted him cautiously, remembering your recent conversation with him where he asked you out on a date, but you declined. "How are you doing?" you wanted to know nonetheless, and Max glanced at you briefly and gave a faint smile.
"Yeah, I am alright," he muttered, his voice rough and strained. "How about you?" he then asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm good, thanks," you reassured him, hoping to put his worries at ease as James approached you both, giving you a knowing look of admiration before addressing Max in a professional manner.
"Max," said James, extending his hand out to greet him. "You are looking better," he acknowledged while shaking Max's hand firmly. 
"Thanks, Doc," Max replied, shaking James's hand firmly. "I am feeling better too," Max smiled again weekly before James asked you both to follow him to one of the consultation rooms. 
"You want me to come?" you asked surprised, looking at James with confusion. 
"Yes," James confirmed. "If you don't mind," he went on to say before asking you whether you could take some vitals and run an ECG for Max while he was reviewing Max's records. 
"Sure, James," you stammered reluctantly, feeling a little uncomfortable by the prospect of performing medical tests on your very own ex-boyfriend. "Of course," you added nonetheless, glancing at Max who shrugged casually.
"Alright, then," said James, leading you both to a consultation room.
Once inside, James gestured for Max to sit down on the examination table, while he busied himself with paperwork.
You eyed Max skeptically before explaining the procedures to him.
"So Max, I will start by taking your vitals and then we will perform an electrocardiogram to monitor your heart's electrical activity for about 15 minutes," you shared, handing him a consent form. "This should show whether your murmur has resolved or not," you explained, and Max hesitated for a moment before signing the paper and handing it back to you.
Knowing what was required from his days at med school, Max then took off his t-shirt and James walked out of the room in order to get another file from his office. 
"Isn't he a bit old for you?" Max asked as soon as James disappeared and you began attaching electrodes to his bare chest. 
"Excuse me?" you asked, puzzled by Max's sudden question. "What are you talking about?" you
asked Max, curious to know whom he was referring to.
"The cardiologist," Max answered, his reply raising an eyebrow. "You called him by his first name, and I can see the way he is looking at you," Max added, his gaze falling on the floor before returning to meet yours. "He is like what? Mid-thirties?" he finally told you, rolling his eyes in disgust. 
You stared at Max for a second, feeling slightly annoyed by his insinuation. "He is in his mid-thirties, yes. But we are not dating, if that's what you're implying," you retorted defensively, picking up the clipboard hanging on the wall and scribbling numbers down. "And even if we were, it wouldn't be any of your business, Max. We are not together anymore," you retorted firmly, placing the clipboard back on the wall and taking out a stethoscope to listen to Max's heart.
"I get it, you're hurt because I ended things between us, but don't try to make me feel guilty about men who show an interest in me," you snapped while placing the bell of the stethoscope on Max's chest, listening closely to his heartbeat.
"Please don't flatter yourself Y/N. I don't care about who you are dating or sleeping with these days. I was simply curious," Max argued, staring directly into your eyes with an unreadable expression while you continued to listen to his heartbeat, focusing on the rhythmic lub-dub of his pulse. "In fact, I have been seeing someone else too," Max revealed, his words catching you off guard. "Someone who actually likes me for who I am," he added, a hint of smugness creeping into his voice. "Not for who they want me to be," he finished, casting a pointed glance at you.
You recoiled in disbelief, feeling annoyed by Max's judgmental comment. You tried to brush off the hurt, maintaining your composure.
"Well, that's great, Max," you said, feigning happiness. "I am happy for you," you forced a smile just as James walked back into the room and started some shit-chat after noticing the tension between you and Max. 
"I have seen your father's movie the other day. I thought that it was really good," James commented, shifting the topic abruptly while reading the vitals. 
"Yeah, it was okay," Max responded dismissively before asking about his health.
"So, Doctor, what's the verdict?" Max asked nervously, crossing his legs.
James, still distracted by your heated exchange, cleared his throat loudly before responding. "Well, Max, based on today's tests, your heart murmur seems to have improved on the medication," he announced, his tone optimistic. "We can continue monitoring your condition with regular check-ups to ensure it doesn't cause any problems. It usually doesn't if it's mild, but it is always good to keep an eye on these things," he advised, reaching for a pen to write something down on Max's chart. Max visibly relaxed, relief washing over his face.
"That's great news," he exhaled, cracking a genuine smile. "So, I can go, yeah?" 
Max asked, already reaching for his shirt.
"Yeah, but don't forget to take your antibiotics for another week," James reminded him.
"I won't," Max promised, waving goodbye to both of you and vanishing into the hallway.
"You guys got beef or something?" James teased once he was gone, his voice horse but sarcastic.
"What do you think?" you rolled your eyes, seeing that James knew about the issues between you and Max. 
"Well, I think that you shouldn't have gotten involved with this kid in the first place," suggested James, his voice light but serious. "He seems too immature for you and seeing that his mother already called me five times for a letter to the insurance company, I believe that he is also quite a mommy's boy which is a major red flag, wouldn't you agree?" he continued, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, well, we aren't together anymore, aren't we?" you replied vaguely, thinking about your past relationship with Max.
"No, luckily for me, you are not," James then winked at you, squeezing your shoulder teasingly. "Which brings me to my question again," he added. "How about dinner tonight, after work?" James asked suddenly, changing the subject entirely.
"Just dinner?" you asked shyly, eager to escape the awkwardness lingering between you and, after James nodded in agreement, you accepted his invitation. 
"Great, I'll pick you up at seven," James confirmed, flashing you a warm smile before leaving the room quietly.
The afternoon dragged on endlessly, and your thoughts kept drifting back to the dinner plans and the upcoming event with Cillian. The anticipation of seeing him again made your heart race with both, excitement and dread, while, at the same time, you looked forward to your date with James and found yourself constantly checking the clock, eagerly awaiting the end of your shift.
By six o'clock, you rushed home to freshen up and change into something more comfortable and appealing.
You opted for a black dress that hugged your curves in all the right places - it was simple yet elegant, perfect for a casual dinner with a colleague.
After applying minimal makeup and tying your hair up in a messy bun, you checked your reflection in the mirror.
Satisfied with your appearance, you grabbed your purse and locked the door behind you.
Outside, the air was chilly, but the scent of summer lingered in the atmosphere.
You hurried down the steps and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw James' car pull up in front of the student accommodation complex.
"You look beautiful," he complimented as you climbed into the passenger seat. You thanked him with a bright smile that showed how much his kind words meant to you.
"So, where are we going?" you asked excitedly, fastening your seatbelt.
"I booked a table at Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant in town," James admitted proudly, grinning ear to ear. "It's supposed to be amazing, and, at this stage, you only get in with connections," he added, adjusting the rearview mirror.
"But, hey, don't worry," he quickly added. "I've got friends in high places," he chuckled confidently, knowing that his reputation often opened doors for him.
"Right," you responded quietly, adjusting your seat belt while cringing internally at his arrogance before ignoring the comment nonetheless. 
"Anyway," you changed the subject lightly, "thanks for arranging this for us. I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience," you forced out a smile before leaning forward slightly to observe the busy streets of London passing by as you drove to the exclusive eatery.
"Oh, you're welcome," James replied humbly, turning the key in the ignition and pulling away smoothly and, within less than 20 minutes, you arrived at the bustling restaurant.
"Ready, gorgeous?" James asked flirtatiously, opening the car door for you to step out elegantly, and you nodded, feeling your nerves kick in as you followed the maître d'hôtel inside.
"Welcome to Gordon Ramsay's new venture," the hostess greeted you politely, guiding you both to a cozy corner booth and, without even giving you the chance to look at the menu, James ordered a bottle of champaign and two set banquets. 
"Thank you," you whispered softly, taking a sip of the crisp sparkling wine whilst watching the waiters scurrying around, serving the patrons with deft precision. Intrigued by the culinary creations, you peeked at the dishes served around you and, as you gazed around appreciatively, your gaze landed on a familiar figure who sat across the room.
"Fuck," you whispered under your breath, a knot forming in your stomach.
"What's wrong?" James asked worriedly, swiveling in his chair to look at the source of your distress.
"Nothing," you lied, averting your gaze, but James had already noticed who you were looking at. 
"Shit, is that Christopher Nolan?" James asked, squinting across the restaurant where Cillian was sitting, accompanied by the famous director and his wife.
"I don't know," you mumbled, averting your gaze and sipping your champagne. "Maybe," you agreed, desperately wanting to change the subject as you noticed Cillian spotting you. 
Cillian's gaze met yours almost instantly and his eyes widened in recognition while the knot in your stomach tightened, and you prayed that he would not come over and talk to you. 
Unfortunately for you though, fate had different plans, and Cillian stood up after seemingly excusing himself from his companions.
He crossed the restaurant toward you, and as he drew nearer, your heart pounded against your rib cage, threatening to burst free.
You sucked in a deep breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable collision with Cillian while James appeared cheerful to meet the famous actor again. 
"Y/N, how are you?" Cillian murmured before also greeting James. "Doctor Connor," he addressed your companion politely while shaking his hand in a professional manner. "It's nice to see you again," Cillian greeted him warmly, his gaze then shifting over to you, waiting for an answer. 
"I am good Cillian," you managed to squeak out, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat. "How about you?" you asked Cillian, trying to remain composed. 
"Not bad," Cillian responded shyly, running a hand through his cropped hair. "Just busy, I suppose," he admitted, casting a fleeting glance at James before turning his attention back to you. "So," he continued, his voice dropping to a lower register. "I guess I will see you at the charity dinner in two weeks?" he asked, his gaze locking onto yours.
"Yeah, I guess so," you responded weakly, feeling cornered by the situation.
"Great," Cillian replied, his voice sounding triumphant. "Looking forward to it," he added, his eyes twinkling inadvertently. 
You swallowed hard, forcing a weak smile back at him while nodding politely. Without saying anything further, Cillian bid you both farewell and returned to his table.
"Well, that was unexpected," James uttered, looking dumbfounded. "And he seems rather weird around you," he added, his brow furrowing. "Why is that?" James then asked curiously and you shrug your shoulders.
"Yeah, probably because I used to date his son and things didn't end well. I don't know," you sighed, scratching your head nervously. "So, I guess it's complicated," you added, gulping down your champagne and, luckily, James did not enquire any further. 
Instead, he decided to steer the conversation towards more pleasant topics, such as your favorite movies and TV shows.
As time passed, the restaurant filled up quicker than expected, and the ambiance grew more vibrant. The laughter and clinking glasses merged with a lively musical score, adding to the enchanting evening and it wasn't until 10 o'clock that you called it a night. 
James asked you whether you wanted to come back to his place and stay there for the night but you declined his offer, insisting that you wanted to return home alone.
Thus, just a like a gentleman would, he drove you back to your apartment complex, dropped you off at the door and gave you a kiss on the cheek, promising to see you again tomorrow.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he said before driving away, leaving you standing there in the dark, staring at his car disappearing into the distance.
A sense of unease washed over you as you let yourself into your building, thinking about the encounter with Cillian earlier. He seemed distant yet oddly aware of the connection between you.
There was a sense of longing in his eyes, a desire hidden beneath layers of restraints and, with that, your thoughts drifted to him now once again. 
You longed for him too and, as if he was reading your mind, a message from Cillian popped up on your phone at 10.35pm.
"You looked beautiful in that dress," was all that he wrote and, yet, somehow, those few words had the power to stir up a whirlwind of emotions within you, causing you to be both upset and smitten by his comment. 
Still standing at your doorstep, your fingers hovering over the keys, unsure how to respond to Cillian's message, you felt a strong urge to confront him about how abruptly he had ended things between you, but then again you also understood where he was coming from. He was a married man after all. He was much older than you too and, let's not forget that he is also your ex-boyfriend's father.
The odds were against you, but there was something magnetic about Cillian, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
But how could you give in to your desires? How could you possibly risk breaking up a family for the sake of your own selfish needs? And what about James? Was he just a distraction or could he become something more than just a friend?
These questions remained with you for the next two weeks leading up to the charity dinner, filling your mind with constant uncertainty which, however, in the end, evolved into nothingness when you saw him again at the event, looking handsome as ever, wearing a grey suit matched with a white buttoned up shirt. 
To be continued...
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phoenix761fics · 1 year ago
Getting Mouthy
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Much longer ago than I care to think about at this point, I hit 400 followers on my main blog and decided to celebrate by taking smut requests. I wrote three and posted one before the huge ass block that shut me down for years settled in for real. She's not active anymore, but the lovely lovely kitkat-589 requested Murphy MacManus and dirty talk. I held off on posting in the hope I could finish a few more pieces and make it a proper event, but finally setting it loose sounds like a much better idea.
Pairing: Murphy x reader
Summary: Murphy isn't the only one in trouble when he runs his mouth
Word count: 1100ish
Tags: language, teasing, dirty talk, Murphy MacManus is a little shit
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The crowd at McGinty's was loud and rowdy, but Murphy leaned in closer so she wouldn't miss a word. "Ye look fuckin amazing," he whispered, smiling as she giggled at the way his breath tickled her skin.
"I barely cleaned up after work," she argued as she gave him a playful shove back over onto his own barstool.
"Ye cleaned up just fine, love," Connor assured her on Murphy's other side. He winked at her as he tapped ash off the end of his cigarette and leaned against the bar. "Ye know ye always look lovely ta us. Now, this fucker, on the other hand…" He jabbed an elbow into Murphy's ribs, and Murphy smacked him over the back of the head in retaliation.
"Just fine," the dark-haired twin scoffed. "Fuckin jackass. Ye're a lot more than 'just fine.' Ye're the finest fuckin thing I've clapped eyes on, an that's a fact."
"How drunk are you, Murph?" she asked with a smile.
"Not even close." He finished off his beer and Doc replaced it without a word, but he hardly noticed, focused as he was on the woman beside him. "So...fuckin...beautiful," he said, and he leaned forward to bury his fingers in her hair and pull her close for a long kiss. She melted into it with a sigh before he drew away again and added, "If we weren't at this fuckin bar, I'd already have ye outta those clothes an beggin me ta fuck ye."
"Murphy!" The admonishment was in a sharp whisper, but her pleased smile belied her reprimand.
"Aye," he went on, "it's true. Been hard for ye since ye walked in here."
"Ssh!" She glanced at Doc, the closest potential eavesdropper, but he had already moved down the bar. "What if someone hears you talking like that?"
"Fuck em. What if we sneak off ta the bathroom an lock the door, an I eat yer pussy til ye're moanin my name? Ye think they'll hear us then?"
She made frantic shushing gestures with her hands, her expression caught between scandalized and aroused.
Murphy edged his barstool closer to hers and wrapped an arm around her, and she was tempted to take him up on his offer by the way he bent his head to her neck and kissed, bit, and sucked at her skin. "Christ, love," he murmured, "the things I wanna do to ye…"
"Lord's name, Murphy," she reminded him. She glanced over at Connor, watching them from his place on Murphy's other side, and he merely shrugged at her with a look that said he'd be in his twin's place already if Murphy hadn't beaten him to it.
"Not ta worry, lass, there's always confession." Murphy's hand slid under her shirt, palm warm against her soft skin as he moved to the small of her back and drew her closer. "An speakin a which," he added softly, "I need ta confess…" His mouth moved up along her neck until he could whisper directly into her ear, "I haven't stopped thinkin about how fuckin good it feels when ye come on my cock since the last time I had ye."
"Murph, that was last night."
"Aye, an I've been thinkin about it ever since."
"You need a hobby."
"Shaggin the livin daylights outta ye is my hobby."
"You need another hobby."
He had all but pulled her into his lap, and she braced with a hand against the bar as he leaned in for a kiss, lips and tongue still tasting of Guinness. "If no one was watchin…" he murmured.
"They are," she reminded him, though she couldn't say if she really cared anymore.
"I'd strip ye bare a little at a time," he went on, "and taste every inch of ye as I did, until I could get ta that beautiful pussy…"
She felt dizzy just listening to him and imagining him doing everything he was saying, or maybe Connor as well, because he still hadn't taken his eyes off her and Murphy.
"I'd tease ye open with my tongue," Murphy continued, pausing to kiss her again and run the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips, "then I'd get a proper taste of ye, an ye'd be so sweet I couldn't help but devour ye."
Her breath caught in her throat, and she shifted slightly on the barstool. God, she was wet…
"I'd suck yer clit until ye squirmed, and fuck ye with my fingers, but I wouldn't let ye come right away."
"Why not?" she asked. She probably knew the answer, but the way he was talking, he might as well say that, too.
"I'd get ye close," he answered, lifting his hand to trace her mouth with the tip of his thumb. "As close as I dared, over an over again until ye're ready ta rip me fuckin lungs out for teasing ye."
She nodded and bit her lip as she tried to ignore the needy ache in her cunt. "Yeah?"
"Aye. An just when ye couldn't take anymore, ye know what I'd do?"
He was killing her… "What would you do?"
He leaned in closer, his eyes piercing into her. "I'd get the fuck outta my clothes as fast as I fuckin could, an I'd ask ye…"
That gaze was so intense…
"I'd ask ye, between me an Connor, who do ye think has the bigger cock?"
Connor burst out laughing.
She stared at Murphy, rattled by the conversation and blindsided by the sudden turn, then she turned back to the bar. "Doc!" she called. "Murphy needs to close his tab!"
"What?" Murphy asked, brow furrowed. "What the fuck for?"
"Because," she answered as she looked him over, "you and I are going to get out of here and go home, and I'm going to wind you up and drive you batshit fucking crazy, then leave you hanging until you've had a taste of your own medicine."
"I've warned ye, Murph," Connor chimed in from the stool next door, "ye keep teasing the lass the way ye do, it'll bite ye in the arse."
Murphy glanced between his brother and their lover, his stunned expression nearly comical.
She leaned in and combed her fingers into his hair to pull him close enough to whisper in his ear, "You still want a taste of my pussy, right?"
He swallowed audibly, and she could have laughed at how quickly the tables had turned. "Aye," he answered, "I do."
"Well, then." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and slowly walked away. "You better come get it."
Murphy only hesitated another moment before he paid his tab and hurried after her to leave Connor sitting at the bar, watching after them and shaking his head. He'd give them some time alone before he headed home. She deserved her revenge, and Murphy had earned some payback.
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thatwriterchaotic · 2 years ago
Noisy Neighbors Chapter 4
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Summary: It had been two weeks since you last saw Murphy at his apartment, your job was going well and you two have been calling back and forth. It was Saturday finally, the night you planned to share drinks at McGintys to celebrate.
Pairing: Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: [18+], slow burn, complicated feelings, miscommunication, fluff, little bit of angst because why not. drinking, cursing, mentions of drug use, smoking.
Your POV:
It was Saturday, the weekend. The one thing you where looking forward to all week. You where excited about your job. Happy that you found something that paid well. But a certain MacManus brother was keeping your attention. You and Murphy had been calling back and forth. Talking about anything and everything.
Hearing your phone ring made you so excited. Hoping each time it was Murphy on the other side. It was just easy to talk to Murphy, and you both bonded over similar interest. Happy that you where getting closer as friends. You both had agreed to meet at McGintys tonight for drinks. You had been spending all afternoon trying to find something to wear. You were so nervous about this. But it was just drinks with Murphy!? You shouldn't be this nervous.
Finally deciding on a nice pair of jeans and tank top. You threw on your jacket and grabbed your purse. Hearing your phone buzz near by, you looked around and found it laying on your bed. You grabbed it and answered. “Hello?” You said with a small smile on your face.
“Hey there las, miss me yet?” You herd Murphy's voice through the phone. Making your heart flutter, feeling your nerves just wash away. Something about him just made you feel calm and relaxed. “Murphy I just saw you this morning in the hall” You said giggling through the phone. Hearing his chuckle come back, only made your stomach flutter with butterflies. “Meet me in the hall in a few minutes? Got a little surprise for ya” Murphy said to you before ending the call. A surprise? You wondered what it could be.
That's when there was a knock at your door. Slipping on your shoes, you opened it. Seeing Murphy stand there with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands. He looked so cute, the mix of flowers just made his blue eyes pop. “Got you these to celebrate getting hired, hope ya like them love” Murphy said as he handed you the flowers. You took the flowers and walked back into your apartment to put them in water. Murphy followed you. “Oh their beautiful Murphy, but you didn't have to buy me anything” You said as you set them up.
“I wanted too, you deserve them lass” Murphy said as he stood next to you leaning against the counter. You couldn't stop smiling. Murphy was such a sweet guy. He made you laugh. You looked up at him, wanting to kiss his cheek for being so kind to you. You didn't even give it a second though. You leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. Seeing a smile appear on Murphy's face. “Thank you Murphy” You said softly. He offered his arm to you. “Ready to go las?” He smiled down at you. You took it and grabbed your purse. Ready for the night a head. “Let's go” You said as you both walked out of your apartment.
Tonight you thought it would be with Connor and Rocco as well. But they weren't around when you had arrived with Murphy. Maybe they would come by later. You and Murphy got seats at the bar. It was quiet packed. Being the weekend and all. Music blared from the stereo near by. It was quiet nice actually. Seeing everything be so lively. “There's someone I want ya to me, This is Doc. Don't mind his cussin he can't help it” Murphy said with a small smirk. An older gentleman behind the bar greeted you both.
“Aye, shut it boy. Didn't know F-Fuck- you were bringing a lady tonight” He said with the sweetest smile. He kind of reminded you of your grandfather. “Hello it's nice to meet you Doc, I'm (Y/N)” You said with a polite smile. Wanting to be nice towards Doc. Murphy asked Doc for his regular and whatever you would like. Doc nodded his head and already started on it. Helping other customers as well. You and Murphy talked back and forth for a bit. Just about how your days went and your new job.
Then Doc came back placing your drinks on the bar. “On the house! M-Murphy told me all about your new job” Doc said with a smile. You didn't know Murphy talked about you. You thought it was really sweet of him. You looked over a Murphy, noticing a small shade of pink on his cheeks. “Awe thank you Doc! That's really kind of you” You thanked him as you took a sip of your drink. You where happy to finally have nice people in your life. It had been lonely these last few months. When you first moved to Boston.
That's when Connor and Rocco came crashing into the bar. They greeted you both with big smiles. Connor gave you a hug, happy to see you. Rocco pulled up two extra chairs for them to sit next to You and Murphy. “Hey you said you had plans with a girl, I didn't know you meant (Y/N)” Connor said as he patted his brothers back. “Yeah! We came in here just to make fun of ya and get some drinks” Rocco added on as they sat down. Getting drinks from Doc behind the bar. You noticed a annoyed looked on Murphy's face. He shoved his brother a bit making him stumble. “Told ya both to find somewhere else tonight” Murphy said getting irritated with his brother and close friend. You gently touched Murphy's arm with a small smile. “How about we go play darts? They can sit here and get drunk” You suggested wanting to make the situation better for Murphy.
You felt him relax a little under your touch. Grabbing both of your drinks, Murphy turned to follow you. You lead the way walking through a small crowd of people. Eventually getting to the dart board at the side of the room. Murphy set your drinks down at the near by table. “Thanks for that lass, I just wanted to spend time with you to be honest” Murphy said with a small smile. He walked up to the board and pulled out the darts handing some to you. “It's okay Murphy, I wanted it to just be us too. Kinda missed you with everything going on” You said as you took the darts from him. You threw back and forth, not really keeping track. Just enjoying each other's company. “Yeah I know, I like spending time with you” Murphy confessed. You felt your cheeks flush a little as you took sips from your drink. “Really? I mean we don't do much besides talk on the phone Murph” You said with a laugh. Setting your drink down. “So? Hearing your voice is the best thing about my days” Murphy looked at you with after he threw another dart. Stepping closer towards you. “Makes everything else just wash away” Murphy said making you smile.
“Are you always such a flirt with every girl your friends with?” You said teasing Murphy, almost making him spit out his drink. You giggled at his reaction. “Oh shit, here let me help” You said as you grabbed a napkin. Standing infront of Murphy you wiped at the small wet stain on his jacket. Murphy smiled and gently lifted your chin, making you look up at him. “Only if she lives next door and has the prettiest smile I've ever seen” Murphy said softly to you. Your hands rested on his jacket. Holding him close by the edges. You felt like it was just You and Murphy standing in this bar. The sounds around you faded out. A small gap was between you two. Your noses almost touching.
You kept looking down between his lips and those beautiful blue eyes. That's when Murphy leaned in and closed the gap between you. His lips felt so soft against yours. You kissed Murphy back until he quickly pulled away from you. “I'm sorry lass, I really shouldn't have done that” Murphy quickly started apologizing as he let go of you. His cheeks flushed red. You quickly cupped the side of Murphy's cheek wanting him to calm down. “Hey, Murphy it's okay, I wanted you too” You said softly. A smile spread across your face. Murphy looked calmer once you told him it was okay.
“You wanted me to kiss you?” Murphy said with a big smile on his face. You gushed at his dorkiness. Nodding your head as you laughed. Murphy leaned down and kissed your cheek this time instead. “Maybe I should kiss you more than” Murphy suggested as he nuzzled himself into your neck. You loved the attention from Murphy, you really did but you also didn't want to ruin your friendship. Worried you would become a one night stand to him.
“Murphy, look I really like being with you, but I don't want to be someone's one night stand” You said. Making him move away from your neck. Standing infront of you so you where face to face. Like he would ever treat you like that- Murphy wanted to worship the ground you walk on. Not ever wanting to break your heart. “How about I take you on a date? Do this the right way?” Murphy said wanting to make all these negative thoughts go away. You smiled a little and nodded your head. Excited about what's to come with Murphy..
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