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topazy · 4 months ago
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, vomit
Chapter: 5.07
The awkwardness while you, 10k, Warren, and Addy walk in almost complete silence is almost nauseating. You feel a migraine coming on from so many unspoken thoughts running through your mind. It was only the four of you now searching for the person behind the disgusting, foul, brainy biscuits.
10k keeps giving you knowing glances; he is wordlessly asking you to say something since the bad vibes are coming from you and Addy. You sigh, “Anyone else feel uneasy about not knowing where the hell Murphy is?”
“Yeah, I do,” 10k snorts. “It’s like the good old days. He disappears, then reappears to stab us in the back.”
“What’s the deal with you two?” Addy asks. “I know Murphy's an ass, but I’m surprised things are so bad.”
The bite still hurts.
If Addy had stuck around longer last time, she would have seen how badly 10k was affected by what Murphy put him through. But you bite your tongue and don’t say anything.
10k looks uncomfortable with you and Addy on either side of him. Addy didn’t exactly congratulate you when she found out about the baby; she seemed in shock and hasn’t mentioned it since. A few moments pass, then 10k suddenly laughs, “The first time we saw him in years, your sister punched him in the face within two seconds of talking to him.”
“He still doesn’t think he did anything wrong!” You point out.
“Biting people, manipulating them… trying to take over the world—just a normal day in the life of Alvin Murphy,” Addy says jokingly.
When the step road you’re walking down reaches the edge of a town called Heartland Warren stops walking. “These fields need to be harvested; they’re going to seed.”
“A friend of mine helped me move a few talkers from here to limbo, but… I don’t know how many lives humans are left to work the fields.”
At some point you’d need to find out how your sister met all these people and lost her eye.
“Well, it seems like the perfect time to find out.”
Heartland was like every other town you ever came across, abandoned. “What’s the plan, Warren?”
“We make contact with the locals and see what we find out about what’s in these bizkits.”
“And then what? What’s our end game here?”
“Help George with this idea of hers. A new country.”
“I don’t think we’re the nation-building types. You know? More like the tear-shit-up types.”
While Addy and Warren talk, 10k looks over at you and mouths, ‘I told you so.’ He was convinced Warren had romantic feelings for George, which you failed to see. But you also thought Red had a crush on 10k… he was probably right.
“Bodies up ahead. At least two of them,” 10k says before running over to a body lying in the middle of the road. “It looks like he was given mercy.”
The four of you split up to search on either side of the road to look for more bodies. Both humans and talkers had been shot in the heads execution style. According to Addy, they were all farm workers, which meant someone had targeted them deliberately to stop more biscuits from being made.
“Do you guys hear that?” 10k asks.
You shake your head.
“Something's not right.” He walks over to you and stands in front of you protectively. “I can definitely hear something.”
A few seconds pass before all of you can hear the faint whispers of talkers asking to be fed. It made you nervous that you could hear them despite no talkers being viable. You whisper, “Anyone else getting the feeling they are trapped in a horror film?”
You were half expecting a talker to pop up from the ground, grab hold of your leg, and try to pull you back down the hole with them.
Warren gets your attention and points towards a car park full of old, run-down cars. With each step you took, the voices got louder, and the feeling of being watched caused goosebumps to spread across your arms.
You see… something or someone pops up from behind the back of a truck. “10k, heads up.”
He turns and aims his gun in their direction, but before he pulls the trigger, Addy stops him. “Wait, that’s a talker.”
“He looks pretty bad.”
“She’s right; if he’s stalking, he might know something,” Warren adds. She puts her gun away. “Follow my lead.”
You hated it when she said that; usually it meant something bad was about to happen. Gulping down, you follow suit and hold your hands up to show you weren’t holding onto any weapons. More talkers come out of hiding and surround you.
“We come in peace!” Warren calls out. “We hear that you’re hungry! But we don’t have any bizkits.”
“But we can help,” you say, hoping they don’t try and eat you instead.
The talkers easily outnumbered the four of you, and soon the four of you were standing back to back, with the undead walking around you in circles, like a shark swimming around its prey before attacking. Skittish, 10k asks, “What happens when talkers stop talking?”
The talkers start to snarl the same way Z’s do, and when they get closer, a female talker reaches its hand out towards your stomach, but you lightly slap their hand back. Cautiously you pull the blade from your belt and grip hold of it tightly. Your voice shakes, “Back it up, back it up.”
“Don’t hurt them!”
Addy’s comment riles you up. You didn’t want to hurt any of them, but you couldn’t take it on good faith that they wouldn’t attack first. She should know by now you’d only use a weapon in self-defense.
“As long as nobody tries to touch my stomach again, I won’t!”
“Ok, look. There’s a farmhouse in the distance,” Warren says. “Let’s make this non-lethal. On three. One, two…”
“Someone’s coming!”
A car speeds forward and stops close enough that all the dry dirt on the ground is blown into the air when the car comes to an abrupt halt. To your relief, it was a familiar face.
He waves at you from behind the wheel. George leaps out from the passenger side. “Get in!”
Since the car only has five seats, you get in last and sit on 10k’s lap with your legs outstretched across George and Addy’s. “Good timing, guys,” you pant. “That was too fucking close.”
10k leans his forehead against your shoulder, and the flat of his palm rests over your stomach. Quietly he asks, “Where are we going to next?”
“There’s a farm not far up ahead,” Addy says and points in the direction Doc needs to drive.
“Good, 'cause that’s about all the gas we got left.”
The rest of the drive is in silence, but you feel George’s eyes on you, or more specifically on the way 10k keeps caressing your nonexistent bump. She had probably guessed what was going on but was being too polite to ask.
George catches you staring at her staring at you and smiles. “So you guys are married; that’s pretty cool. Doc said you guys meet on the road?”
“No, not really,” 10k mumbles, his forehead still pressed against your shoulder. He had fallen asleep during the short distance and sounded as if he hadn’t fully woken up yet. “We got married under a black rainbow.”
“A black rainbow?” Addy asks, her voice full of skepticism.
“Doc, Warren? Black rainbow?”
“Ohh yeah,” Doc says fondly. “I married the kids after Warren, the aircraft Warren was on, exploded with her in it. Murphy got sunburnt, and we thought the dead was gonna eat us. All in all, not a bad day.”
You chuckle while twisting the silver band on your finger; Addy looks extremely confused to the point it’s verging on frustration. George chuckles, “That information did nothing but give me more questions. When this is all over, we’ll need to have a drink one night so you can tell me how you all met.”
10k tilts his head to the side to face George and points between you and Addy, “Their sisters, like, share a mom and dad.”
“We should definitely have a very large and strong drink,” you say, ignoring how shocked George looks and how drunk 10k sounds. “But in at least six or seven months time.”
The more you think about it, the harder it becomes to remember your last period, so it was really just a guessing game to figure out how many months it would be until a drop of alcohol touched your lips again, not that drinking was something you did often; however, not being able to drink made you want it more.
Addy taps on the window and points towards a farmhouse, “just up ahead.”
When Doc drives up to the house, you gently nudge 10k and feel how warm he is. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just tired.”
When everyone is out of the car, Addy leads the way into the house, trying to be as discreet as possible. Once inside, 10k puts an ugly floral chair in front of the door.
You go over to the window with Warren, and she opens the curtains enough that you can see. “There are talkers in the field; they look hungry.”
“What are they eating then?”
“I know, I know.”
You both jump when a strange-looking man appears in front of you. He takes his hat off, showing everyone that part of his brain is missing. The smell and sight of the inside of your head are too much for you; turning to the side, you vomit all over the floor.
You sit on the opposite side of the living room while Charlie, who’s feeding his own brain to the talkers, speaks with the rest of the group. Just the thought alone was enough to make you want to hurl again.
“You feeling any better?” George asks, rubbing at your back.
“Yeah, thanks, just the smell is pretty strong in here.” Seeing the sadness in her eyes, you sigh, “I’m really sorry about Dante.”
“I just can’t help but feel like it’s my fault.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is thought he put his trust in me and what I believe in, and that’s what got him killed.”
“What?” Addy suddenly appears on the opposite side of the couch. “You got Dante killed?”
“Easy, Addy, we don’t know what happened.”
George becomes so emotional that she can’t explain what happened, so Doc steps in and answers for her. “Vigilantes got him. Killed the captain and his guard too. Probably the same bastards that killed the others.”
Warren goes over and hugs George while she sobs. “They chopped him up into pieces and put him in a trash can. I had to mercy him. Who would do something like that?”
“Humans,” Addy hisses.
You feel sorry for your sister finding out her friend had died in such an awful way, but this couldn’t be the only thing bothering her. She was on edge more than normal.
“Maybe not, maybe talkers,” Doc says quietly. “They left a sign saying this is what happens to traitors.”
“NewAmerica would be a much better place if you just got rid of all the people.”
“Enough,” you snap. “The world has been full of sick fucks who kill each other for years. This isn’t George’s fault.”
Addy shakes her head and goes to storm off. “I’m going to check the rest of the house.”
“So what was that about?” 10k asks as soon as you step into the kitchen.
“George was crying, and Addy was just making her feel worse.”
10k pulls a face; whatever he was thinking, he most definitely wasn’t sharing it. You get a whiff of something that is off and scrunch your nose up while glancing around the room; you didn’t want to be rude, but you smelled the same thing earlier in the car.
“How’s your wound?”
“It’s… healing.”
“Let me see.”
Reluctantly, 10k starts to remove the bandages covering his stump. You felt bad knowing how much he hated looking at it, but it had been days since it was cleaned properly. His stump is covered in dried blood, and what you suspect is a sticky substance caused by an infection.
“Oh Jesus, kid, that looks bad,” Doc says when he walks over to join you.
You turn on the kitchen tap, but nothing but dirty water comes out. “Oh boy, we really need to find something to clean that with. We need to find a first aid kit and antibiotics.”
Doc says something to himself, then disappears.
You start searching the kitchen drawers and cupboards for anything useful that could help, but unfortunately you find nothing.
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it.” Doc runs back into the room. “Hold his arm over the sink.”
You do as he says and hold 10k’s arm over the sink while Doc pours a clear liquid out of a jar and over the stop, causing 10k to wiggle in pain. His face turns bright red as he tries to not make too much noise.
“What is that? Water?”
10k grabs the jar and drinks the remaining hooch in one large gulp. His eyes gloss over. “I feel great.”
He definitely didn’t look it. Suddenly he lunges forward and starts to vomit; at least he made it to the sink, unlike you.
Hearing the commotion, Warren comes over. “Everything okay?”
“Just a little alcohol poisoning,” Doc says casually.
You press your hand to his forehead as he starts to sway on his feet. “Tommy's starting to burn up. Quick, help me get him into a chair.”
It takes the three of you to get 10k into a chair without him falling. George puts a bin in front of him just as he starts to vomit again. “We really need to get fresh—“
“I need help!” Addy bursts through the door while helping a man you’ve never seen before walk. “This is my friend Finn; he’s been shot.”
“I’m fine, really.”
Doc gives you a light tap on the back. “Guess we are back in business, partner.”
“Thank you,” Addy says. “I mean it; Finn means a lot to me.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Since Doc was buzzed from drinking hooch straight and kept getting distracted easily, you managed to stitch the wound on Finn’s side up. Thankfully they did have a first aid kit. Afterwards Finn explained someone shot him and then stole all the ingredients they had for making bizkits.
“Sis, I—“
“Why are you being so hostile towards George?”
Before Addy can answer your question, 10k and Doc step out of the farmhouse dressed as cowboys. You start to laugh; they had only been left alone for ten minutes, and how someone managed to ransack the wardrobes.
“Everybody,” Warren clicks her fingers and whispers. “Look alive, we’ve got company.”
Charlie comes out of the house and stands on the porch and starts to ring a bell to distract the talkers closing in on you. Addy grabs your hand. “Get in the car with me and don’t come out until it’s all clear.”
You sit in the front seat while Addy and Finn sit in the back. After a few moments of silence, Finn leans forward to shake your hand. “I’m really glad to meet you.”
“We’ve met… inside, I stitched you up.”
“Oh yeah, I know,” he laughs goofily. “Addy talks about you all the time, and it’s nice to finally put a face to the girl I’ve heard so much about.”
You smile politely, “It’s nice to meet you too, Finn.”
You sit in the car while Finn and Addy start tying up talkers to feed them Charlie’s brain and start to worry when you lose sight of 10k and Doc.
The car door opens, and Addy bites at her lip; she was thinking hard about what to say next. “I don’t agree with the things George has done. It’s done nothing but get people, including Dante, killed.”
You knew how George felt; you blamed yourself for years after what happened with Cassandra. “She already feels guilty enough without you adding to it. Regardless of NewAmerica some asshole would still be trying to stop bizkits from being made and killing talkers.”
“Why do you keep defending her?”
Addy steps aside so you can get out of the car. “Because we’ve all done shit we aren’t proud of, including hurting someone we care about.”
You notice Warren talking with George and Finn by the farmhouse. When you start to walk towards them, Addy clears her throat. “I think you’re being reckless.”
“Bringing a baby into this world…”
You spin on your heels so fast it makes you feel dizzy. “Don’t go there, Addy—actually, you know what? Do go there. Tell me your expert opinion on being a parent when you’ve never been one yourself.”
Hearing your voice getting louder, everyone turns to stare, even some of the talkers.
“I think you and 10k will be great parents, but it is careless. War is on the horizon; people are being picked off one by one, and truthfully I think it’s a massive mistake to have…” She trails off, realizing what she’s just said.
Tears of anger start to form. “Fuck you.”
You bury your face into the side of 10k’s neck as Finn mercy kills Charlie, who had fed most of his brain to the talkers to keep them from turning into Z’s. His sacrifice was incredibly brave; you just hoped it wasn’t in vain.
“Addy looks pretty upset.”
He was right; she was crazy, but in that moment you didn’t care. What she said about the baby really hurt. Addy had been absent for so long that she didn’t have a right to comment on it. When you lived in isolation, 10k spent nearly a year trying to get you pregnant and was gutted each time it didn’t work. Things may be bad now, but they weren’t then, and you weren’t going to let her sour something so positive for the both of you.
10k brushes stray hair out of your face, “You look lost in thought. What are you thinking about?”
“Do you think Red was able to hear us doing it when we lived in the tree?”
“I still feel as if my hand hurts even though it’s not there.”
You, Doc, and 10k walk behind Addy, Warren, and George. The six of you were walking through grassy fields to reach the water dam to find out why the water supplies had been stopped.
“Oh, there’s a name for that. Phantom limb syndrome. It’s when the brain still thinks the hand is there, so it keeps sending these pain signals. But eventually it works itself out.”
“I don’t think my brain is ever going to get used to this.” 10k sways on his feet again.
“Oh my god.”
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not; you’re burning up again.”
Doc catches him before he falls. “The kid needs antibiotics. Was there any back at the farmhouse?”
“No, I think we used the last of it up a while ago.”
“What about holistic medicine? You know stuff about that, right, Doc?”
In unison, Doc and 10k say, “We were nowhere near the Grand Canyon.”
Suddenly there’s a loud noise coming from the direction of the farmhouse. “A distress signal; it’s Finn!”
Addy starts running back towards the farm with George right behind her. Warren calls out, “You two get 10k to cover; we’ll be right back.”
“We should get down.”
The three of you crouch down and slowly start to move off the main path and into the field. The grass was long enough that anybody walking by wouldn’t be able to see you. “Which way now?”
“Um,” Doc looks around for a moment. “This way.”
You follow him until you reach a small empty drainage pipe. The area has a lot of bricks and dried concrete scattered across it, so you assume it was a construction site at one point.
“I hope Finn is okay.”
You sit down next to 10k. He winces in pain when he pulls the cover off his wound again; his stump looks worse than before and is turning black.
“If the guys aren’t back soon, I think we should go to this water place without them. They will know to find us there.”
“Yeah, they will,” Doc says in agreement. “Plus we really need to get that stump cleaned with fresh water to get a good look at it.”
“It really hurts.”
It was unlike 10k to complain, so the fact that he was made you more worried than normal. You hand him a bottle of water. “You need to drink more.”
While he takes small sips of water, Doc groans out in pain and falls to his knees. It takes you a few seconds to register why he’s fallen and notice the arrow that’s landed in his shoulder.
“Oh shit.”
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koobiie · 10 months ago
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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mediocre-megs · 5 months ago
honestly more media should portray the anti aging industry as horrific and decidedly unhuman. it IS body horror it IS grotesque it DOES go against nature*. it WILL kill you. yes.
*this is NOT anti-hrt or anti-vax or anything of the sort. i love criticisms of the anti aging industry + sci-fi/horror. i also love trans people and vaccines and medicine and science. i also don’t care if you personally have botox. this was a shitpost i made while high and 2/3 of the way through the substance (2024). terfs dni. cheers.
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sidhewrites · 10 months ago
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching “the WORST book I’ve read this year” booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, “Who is this werewolf smut even for?” Omegaverse fans, next question. “Why would you write this?” Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? It’s bad werewolf erotica, but it’s not bad because it’s werewolf erotica like come on
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stevenrogered · 5 months ago
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Dame Maggie Smith as Muriel Donnelly The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
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butchfalin · 1 year ago
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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rhymewithrachel · 6 months ago
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Coordinated outfits and everything
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littlemut · 7 months ago
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dddreamscape · 1 year ago
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Mutuals do this
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badolmen · 1 year ago
48K notes · View notes
topazy · 1 year ago
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and brains
Chapter: 5.06
After bringing the quad bike to a complete stop when you spot a deserted-looking warehouse, 10k jumps off the back first, and immediately you’re missing the warmth of his arm wrapped around your waist. With the sling of his gun over his shoulder, he offers you his hand to help you climb off. If 10K wasn’t a gentleman before, people would probably be catching onto how protective he was being.
You, 10K, Warren, Murphy, and Addy had gone to find the source of bizkit’s and why they seemed to be low rations of it, while Doc and George headed back to Altura to keep an eye on Dante’s trial.
“Is that the bakery? The place looks abandoned.”
“It doesn’t mean nobody is home,” Warren points out.
The five of you stand on the edge of a small hill that leads down to the pathway into the building. The side of the hill was mainly covered in rubble, preventing any vehicles from driving on it.
Murphy looks lost in thought; a look of distress appears on his face. You lightly hit his arm to gain his attention. “Are you okay?”
“I smell brains.”
“This must be the place, then.”
When the five of you started making your way down the path, you were being extra cautious not to trip while walking on such a rocky surface. 10k stays in front of you and continues to glance back, ready to catch you if you do fall.
Murphy walks by you at a normal pace and scoffs, “You two make me feel sick.”
“Just keep walking, Alvin.”
“My biggest fear is losing you. When you were kidnapped, I realized how much I loved you and that there was nothing I wouldn't do to find you,” Murphy says mockingly. “You're my best friend, Tommy, and there's not a line I wouldn't cross to keep you safe.”
10k glares at him and warningly snaps, “Shut the hell up.”
Addy, who’s standing at the bottom, already looks up in confusion. “What is he talking about?”
In a high-pitched fake girly voice, Murphy says, “I knew our fates were intertwined.“
“I swear to god!” You knew Murphy was looking for a reaction, and usually you wouldn’t take the bait too easily, but he had been teasing you since you left for this new task.
“Don’t get wound up; he’s not worth the reaction,” 10k says calmly, but as soon as you reach the bottom where the others are waiting, he presses the long side of his rifle against Murphy’s collarbone, pushing him into the wall. “Lay the fuck off Murphy.”
“Jeez, lighten up, kid.”
10k steps back.
Warren clicks her fingers. “All of you, focus.”
Once you checked, nobody else was in sight. You round the corner, and Addy breaks the lock on the door, giving you all access to the building.
The inside of the building stinks of rotten meat, which is explained when you find human skulls and parts of rotten brains scattered across various baking trays.
The group had split up, but you could see both Addy and 10k going to check out the same area. It saddened you that they no longer had a close relationship, and you felt partially responsible for it, but then it was your sister who left. Since they last saw each other, Addy had lost an eye, and 10k had lost his hand, and they could have leaned on each other for support.
“Astra, I’m really sorry, but it looks like she left during the night.”
You shake your head, refusing to believe it. “No, no. Something is wrong; Addy wouldn’t just go without telling me. She wouldn’t do that.”
When you awoke in the morning to find Addy gone, you assumed she had gone hunting, but when she never returned, a couple of hours later, you, 10k, and Red went looking for her, but you couldn’t find her. You returned to your home to see if she had returned.
Red links her fingers with yours and gives you a sympathetic look. “All her stuff is gone.”
You squeeze your eyes shut to hold back tears. Addy only found you in the first place while looking for someone else. “She’s gone to find Lucy,” you say, clearing your throat. “We should go and let Tommy know; I don’t want him out there looking for someone who doesn’t want to be found.”
You aim your gun in the direction of something being crushed and slowly make your way over to a large mixer, which appears to have turned on itself. You look inside it and almost gag at seeing more skulls.
“You guys seeing this? This place is gross.”
When you don’t get a reply, you spin around to see Warren staring at something with a concerned look on her face. She notices you looking and waves you over. When you do, you see what the problem is.
“Eh Murphy, are you good? You’re practically drooling over a skull?”
“Yeah,” he quickly shrugs your comment off. “This place just gives me the munchies.”
All of a sudden, a man appears and starts firing at the three of you. Quickly, you jump out of the way to avoid being shot and accidentally scrape your stomach on something sharp. You duck behind one of the metal tables and, taking a few deep breaths, look down to see blood appearing on your top.
No, no, no.
Murphy crawls over beside you and says, “What the hell are you doing? We gotta keep moving.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I just—fuck.”
“Did you get shot?”
“No, I’ve just cut my stomach.” The cut wasn’t deep, and you were sure it hadn’t harmed the baby, but it gave you one hell of a fright. Between deep breaths, you start mumbling to yourself, “Tommy is going to freak.”
Seeing how afraid you are, something clicks in Murphy, and he gives you a look of understanding. He knows. Quietly, he says, “Stay behind me; we are going to make a run for it.”
You nod, and the two of you manage to run behind a different spot without being shot.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you try anything stupid.” You say, aiming at the man who was previously trying to kill your head.
While he chases Murphy and Warren off from either side, the man seemed to not care that much about weapons being so close to his head. “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a zombie standoff. You have me; I got him, and my brothers got all three of you.”
You glance around the room; it was more than likely that 10k or Addy had gotten to his brother first.
“We are looking for bizkits,” Warren says. “We have starving talkers that are starting to turn.”
“We are just trying to survive ourselves, and it’s crooks like you who have shut down the bakery and turned us into a bunch of dirty dogs. So lower your weapons and kindly waltz out of here, or we’re all going to be crawling brains.”
“Look, I don’t know who you think we are, but we aren’t them.”
“That’s what the last bunch said before they started shooting.”
You didn’t doubt the man’s story for a second; the bakery was covered in a red mist of blood. A door creaks open, and Addy and 10k bring out another man, whom you assume is the brother with a gun at his back.
“Listen,” you lower your weapon slightly, “your brother is still human, and I know you want to keep it that way. Just tell us what we want to know, and nobody else will get hurt.”
The man gulps down, “So, you're in need of some help?”
While the older man, Gilly, looks at his younger brother, Skull's nose, which was cut by your sister. 10K pulls you aside and grips a hold of the bottom of your top, “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine; it’s just a cut.”
He holds your gaze. “Are you sure?”
“We’ll be fine.”
You return to your group just in time to hear Gilly explain that it was their mom who invited bizkits to save their brother, who had been bitten, but then the brother bit the mom when they ran out. And since the bombing, someone has been attacking the bakery so they won’t continue making them. Their mom had turned two weeks ago, and she was the only one who had the recipe.
You look up at the window of the office overlooking the rest of the bakery and see multiple talkers that have turned.
Murphy stands up a table, holds up a radio, and turns the music up to distract the talkers while Skull sneaks inside to get the recipe. The plan was going well until Skull tripped and fell and was bitten by their zombified brother right after their mom ate the recipe.
“I hate to say it, but the only way to keep them from turning might be to feed them actual brains.”
From the doorway at the far side of the room, multiple heavy footsteps can be heard, along with snarling and hissing. All the noise must have attracted the nearby Z’s from outside. Thankfully, only a small number of them came into the building.
You run up behind one of the Z’s and stab it in the head before shooting another two. You notice Addy and 10k working together to take out Z's, which makes you smile.
Warren cuts the head off one and tosses it to Gilly.
You stand behind 10k and bury your face into his back, not wanting to witness Gilly crushing the skull, then cutting up the brains, and then feeding them to the walkers.
When the talkers return to normal, the mom flirts with a creeped-out Murphy, kissing him on the cheek before continuing to help.
Sitting with your legs dangling over the edge of a table, you watch as the brothers bag up the last of the bizkits. Hearing a whistling noise, you look over to Murphy, who was trying and failing to be discreet by waving you and 10k over to him, then looking away.
You and 10k stand on either side of him. “What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to say...” he trails off while tracing patterns in the flour scattered across the table with his finger. Murphy's jaw clenches slightly. “I don’t like either of you, but I do think you will be great parents, even lefty over here.”
With that, he turns and quickly walks away. You share a confused look with 10k. “Did you tell him?”
“No, but I think he figured it out.”
Ultimately, you’d need to tell the others the truth sooner than later. 10k smiles and brushes strands of hair out of your face. “Go for it.”
“Uh, guys, we’ve got something we need to tell you.”
Warren and Addy step a little closer, and you try not to laugh, seeing the worried look on their faces.
“Tommy and I are having a baby.”
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theenemyod · 5 months ago
I think people should be allowed to sleep in the same bed in a non sexual and non romantic way. I think cuddles can happen non sexually and non romantically. I think most acts of affection are non sexual and non romantic until you make it sexual or romantic (other than the obvious things like actual sex is sexual)
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draculagerard · 9 months ago
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Starting a compilation
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spirit-meets-the-b0ne · 7 months ago
For what it’s worth I think Algerian women should be allowed to do quite literally whatever they want on French soil considering the atrocities generations of Algerian women faced during the revolution, like Imane Khelif should be getting free swings at every member of state while she’s in Paris! Hope this helps!
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spr0utsies · 1 year ago
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mroddmod · 4 months ago
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they are like puppies. 2 me
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