#Impulse engine
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whirligig-girl · 1 year ago
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Guzcomic 12
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Digital art comic. 6 panels. panel 1: Guz is climbing down the ladder with her head right-side-up. Rutherford is looking forward to the back of the deck. Guz: Clearly something has gone wrong with the Driver Coils. But that doesn't explain the water. Panel 2: We look back at the glowing red impulse engine as a bolt of lightning shoots out from the back of the engine towards the front, past the camera. Guz and Rutherford look at it in shock. Rutherford: I've never seen anything like this in my… he's interrupted by the lightning Rutherford: oh my god! Panel 3: Guz: Comms are out, so we have to cut power to this impulse engine manually so we can… Panel 4: Guz turns her head fast. Guz: "Rutherford!" Panel 5: Rutherford falls to his knees into the water, grasping his face. His implant turns red. The engine is glowing yellow-hot. Panel 6: Glitchy distorted panel border. We see younger Rutherford in the same pose as panel 5 while his hobby-scale impulse engine overheats, sparks, and throws objects around.
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pearlsforthesoul · 2 months ago
PAUSE for CAUSE (a good time-out)
What is the hurry about anything you are doing? Is your life one big game show with a clock ticking giving you so many seconds to respond or you will miss out on the Grand prize? Relax and consider the following: Slow down and assess what is actually going on by being aware, listening, and attuned to the moment. WORTHY NOTE: We want to take ownership of our lives, then the mastery of it RELAX A…
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old-type-40 · 2 years ago
I'm guessing Diane Carey is not someone who's a science enthusiast. Or she simply may not have wanted to delve into physics and rocketry terminology. Back when Star Trek was created in the 60s, the production team consulted science fiction writers and scientists. I assume they told the production team that "impulse" is a term from physics used to discuss how force creates acceleration. And the efficiency of any engine that generates thrust through expelling reaction mass is called "specific impulse". Star Trek eps through the years (including TOS) have implied that the impulse engines generate thrust via nuclear fusion.
Ever wonder why are they called "Impulse engines"?
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Diane Carey has the answer, from her 1988 novel Final Frontier. They are actually Internally Metered Pulse engines. I.M. Pulse. Impulse.
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tls12lessthan3 · 5 months ago
who has more dramatic suicide attempts yoo joonghyuk or kim dokja star stream reddit thread locked at 13759 comments and resulting in multiple doxxings
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tiger-in-the-flightdeck · 2 years ago
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A Bird, A Speedster, and a Super, and a holiday in Metropolis
Part 1 | Part 2
Social Media AU Masterpost
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naneki-maid · 7 months ago
“And yet it moves.”
Attributed to Galileo Galilei, in response to being forced by the Catholic Church to recant the idea that Earth orbits the Sun.
-The Sky Atlas (2019) by Edward Brooke-Hitching
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avispraeda · 23 days ago
The incredible force of returning to an old passion project slamming headfirst into the brick wall of what the hell do I do about Trey Clover's siblings
Like all things considered for how often he's mentioned them, we don't actually know a whole lot about them as people. It's mostly just what Trey has done for them in the past. Hello? Trey? Can I please get a CRUMB of a personality trait from them? Just something with a little more substance than "brother wanted to see a Spelldrive game once" and "boys vs girls opposing opinions on whether Trey looked cool or mean without glasses."
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yea-baiyi · 2 years ago
how do u write hua cheng pov. that boy doesn’t think. he knows everything and he is running a million different operations simultaneously and he is full of anxiety but. not a single forethought passing through his head at any given time. he lives off vibes and the aesthetic. never had an impulsive thought he didn’t just blurt out. introspection? never heard of it. nightmare pov character
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darklight-owl · 9 months ago
Parti you're eighty BILLION leaves in debt you can't just buy a random boat because you felt like it- PARTI-
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Yeah he's insane
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energonnaccinos · 2 years ago
coneheads involuntarily think other things topped with points are incredibly cute. only instinct that can't be overridden
crested cockatoo? cute. child in a party hat? cute. traffic cone? cute.
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whirligig-girl · 2 years ago
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Guzcomic pt10.
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More of Eaurp Guz: [Link]
Mirror on Archive of our Own: [Link]
After like almost 6 months they've finally reached the Impulse Field Regulator :P I have for a while now had a script written out for most of the rest of Guzcomic... but it's gonna be a lot of pretty complicated artwork from here on out. Here's hoping I can power through!
Begin Image ID.
Page one. Two panel comic. Panel 1: Guz and Rutherford in the Jeffries Tubes. They have a dull, bored expression. Guz says, "OK. We're here. Impulse Field Regulator in Impulse Deck Starboard Beta-3. Panel 2: Same shot, but the door has opened offscreen to reveal a striking red glow which casts shadows on the wall of the Jeffries Tube. Guz and Rutherford are now shocked. Rutherford says "What the Heck?" and Guz says, in large green gooey letters, "WHAT?"
Page two. Four panel comic. Panel 1: Looking down the impulse engine deck. The impulse engine is comprised of two spherical fusion reactors, a set of warp coils, and a rocket engine-like nozzle. Through large windows we can see the adjacent impulse engines. Various pipes seem to be glowing red-hot, and there's electrical sparks and arcing, and a strange floating loop of clear fluid or water is arching over the impulse engine. Rutherford and Guz look down the deck, we see the back of their heads. Panel 2: Rutherford is climbing down the ladder to find that the floor of the deck is waterlogged. Guz is climbing down, but upside down, above him. Panel 3: Close-up of Rutherford. He taps the combadge on his chest. "Rutherford to Main Engineering." The badge makes a chirp-bzzzt! sound. Panel 4: Guz, still upside down, taps her combadge. It makes the same chirp-buzzing error sound. Guz says, "Internal comms are down; and there must be too much subspace distortion."
End Image ID.
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moonlit-mask · 2 years ago
that's it i'm making a visual novel
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puzzlewagon · 10 months ago
thinking about buying a soldering iron and a voltmeter and fucking around with my old + broken electronics... why did i decide to study the one kind of engineering where you dont take any electronics classes i am going to electrocute myself by accident
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andromedasummer · 10 months ago
trying to get back into poetry so i can go into my new translated copy of the Iliad and the copy of the Aeneid i thrifted in the correct mindset and i am very glad that Poetry 101 and exists. was a great reference guide and tool for when i studied poetry back in 2020 and needed to deconstruct poems and use different techniques to analyze and then write my own. highly recommend anyone whos never read it but wants to get into reading more poetry to look to see if they can find it at their library (like i did) or see if its available online somewhere
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sw5w · 1 year ago
The Bongo Hangs Perilously
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: The Waterfall Sequence 00:40
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guitarbomb · 1 year ago
Two Notes Genome - Affordable Professional Guitar Tone
The Two Notes Audio Engineering Genome is a revolutionary digital ecosystem designed for guitarists and bassists. It seamlessly integrates a wide array of post-processing effects, from amp simulations and dynamic impulse responses (IRs) to pedal emulations and correctional tools. This all-in-one suite provides every digital tool a musician needs in a single, streamlined environment. Genome With…
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