Can i manifest....?
Yessss fucking yesss! You're limitless! Don't you understand that there's no limitation to what you can manifest?? Your imagination is the creation of it all! There's many possibilities! Million and infinite of them! You can manifest having many mansion around the World owned by you, being Richer than Elon musk, having a Magic portal in your room that can lead you anywhere you want, having many sps, dating your celebrity crush, dating a model, having the exact same body as your Pinterest pin, manifesting a fictional character to your world, getting that perfect grade, working your dream job, becoming millionaire overnight and many more, DON'T NOT LIMIT YOURSELF just because some "people" told you that it's impossible, it's their beliefs and Mindset, let's them be, just so you know that you're a pure consciousness, you choose whatever reality you want to experience, you're the creator of your reality, you make the rules! You decide how to manifest and you decide when the 3d gonna conform!
This reality is bend to your every will to control it! It is your story and you can write it! It is your game and you can programme it! You can make any rules to this reality! Anything you want!
You can even change the thought of anyone, the behavior of anyone! Making everyone to treat you like a princess or a queen, getting things for free cause you're that pretty (pretty privilege <3), and even having your SP obsessed with you and kissing the ground you walk on, making your parents lenient, buying you anything you want cause they love you.
You can even decide that affirming once will get you your desires, you can decide that the 3d Always reflect your 4d instantly, you can decide that you Always manifest within 24 hours or less.
This reality will show you what you assumed, this reality is just mirroring your imagination, it is just a dead reality without imagination there's nothing.
The 3d and 4d are not seperated, you made that assumption, they work in harmony.
The Law is Always working either you like it or not, it is reflecting the bad, the good and the indifferent.
So if i ever get an Ask that says "can i manifest..?" I'll smack your ass so hard that you'll understand the Loa really well and apply it!💥😤
Check before sending me an Ask.
Xoxo, Eli
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Today l had my fasted success story ever
so few days ago my notebook died, it doesn't even lights up, and l got desperate because of college l really NEED a notebook or computer, and l couldn't put myself on debt for a expensive computer, l just said "l got a new and better notebook" l visualized how it was supposed to be and what l wanted, one day pass by and l go to my city center not only l founded what l needed but also the money l was waiting to arrive that was coming by the end of February appeared faster than l expected so l managed to make a entrance in money in a good price l l am going to start paying by next mouth, i am so happy right now
also l am writing in my new notebook right now thank you<3
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“Why does [blank] happen when I think [blank]?”
When I say that I don’t mean constantly affirming, I mean consistently thinking that. When you have a clear idea, that should be the only thing you see in that narrow tunnel. Meaning, the only thing you should believe.
“I have long luscious hair”
Then why do you always look so sad and unhappy when you look at yourself. You believe you have long hair right? THEN ACT LIKE IT.
“I don’t have school tomorrow”
Then why do you keep stressing out about that test tomorrow or visualizing all the work you’ll have to do. If you don’t have school tomorrow, you should be feeling relax.
Like baby you not getting no answer because you’re not being clear. If I’m consistently thinking two contradicting ideas, which one do you think will be answered? NEITHER!
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void state challenge
Hi! I know I stopped posting on Tumblr, but I wanted to post this! I was having a conversation with @gorgeouslypink, and we were reminiscing about 2022 void/loa Tumblr when there were so many success stories because there were a lot challenges and methods, and there was overall just a very motivating and good atmosphere on loa Tumblr! Of course you don’t need a method or challenge, but they definitely are helpful and fun to follow! So for anyone who has been struggling with entering the void, I have a fun and easy challenge for you!
Practice deep breathing. The website linked has 10 different breathing exercises that are helpful for minimizing stress. Pick one that you like and do it until you feel calm and not so affected by your circumstances.
Listen to this audio either once or a few times. It's super helpful to clear your mind and it puts you in an ideal state for meditation. (Credit to @gorgeouslypink for finding the audio) It does have music though, so if that's distracting to you, here is a non-music alternative.
Do this meditation. If you look through the comments, you can see that this meditation has gotten a lot of people into the void state or into very deep/relaxed states!
Once the meditation ends, if you don't find yourself in the void, you should anyways be in a very relaxed state of mind. Remain in the position you are in with your eyes closed, as it is likely that you will fall into SATS, and just affirm for the void from there! Try not to force anything, just let yourself relax and fall into the void state.
Don't ever forget, you are the creator of your world! Now, have fun entering the void and getting your dream life! ♡
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Consegui vários sucess stories no mês de novembro e já consegui dois em dezembro
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‼️shifting proof
please read everything that’s on here.
i have more if you want it!
i hope this motivates you to another try.
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Dicas para ajudar você a criar um s/p ou s/o do zero! / Tips to help you create an s/p or s/o from scratch! ♡
pt-br - eng!
"Oh, i love this view! Which view? Your eyes!"
Olá a todos!!
Vou dividir essa thread nas seguintes partes:
1‐ Físico.
2- Mental.
3- Relacionamento.
4– Hobbies.
5 - Dicas extras.
s/p: specific person ( "cr" )
s/o: significant other ( dr )
1 - FÍSICO..
Eu acho que uma das partes mais "complicadas" de fazer um s/o / s/p do zero e pensar no seu físico! Isso inclui, aparência, porte físico, altura e etc. Minha dica para isso é: Use personagens de desenhos ou livros!!! Sério, isso ajuda tanto no físico quanto no mental e no relacionamento de vocês (próximo tópico).
Eu por exemplo, usei o Príncipe Naveen como base principal para criar meu s/p! Eu não tinha uma fc 100% igual a ele mas tem um ator que no momento que eu vi, já sabia que era o meu s/p e desde desse dia eu uso ele de fc única do meu s/p.
A parte de porte físico e altura vai de pessoa para pessoa! Meu sp é jogador de basquete profissional, por isso que eu coloquei que ele é alto e tem um porte atlético! Mas você pode mudar e pôr do jeito que quiser, não existem limitações para isso! 😉
2 - MENTAL..
Chegamos no tópico que para mim, é muito importante!! A parte mental, é de grande importância que você pense bastante em como você quer seu parceiro, não adianta dizer "Ele/a/u é obcecado/a/e por mim e me ama muito!!" Você tem que especificar! Depois que aparece um doido stalker, vem dizer que a culpa é minha!!!
Agora é sério, criem pessoas saudáveis, compreensivas, calmas, pacientes, de preferência que tenham maturidade o suficiente para estar em relacionamento! Alguém mentalmente estável!! Dependência emocional não é bonito, viu? Nada de por que ele/a/u "não vive sem mim", tenham consciência!!
Eu, por exemplo, fiquei bastante tempo nessa parte porque coisas que eu achava "saudáveis" na verdade eram bem problemáticas, recomendo vocês fazerem uma profunda auto investigação antes de criarem seus amores!! Uma relação para funcionar, precisa de duas pessoas 100% mentalmente saudáveis! ☝🏻☝🏻
Outra coisa importante, idade!! Escolham uma idade de boa para vocês se conhecem, onde você já tenha mentalidade e maturidade para estar em um relacionamento, eu como exemplo, vou conhecer o meu sp quando eu tiver 19 e ele 21, porque eu sei que lá eu estarei 100% bem para estar em um relacionamento e ele também.
Agora vem a parte bonita, como vai ser o relacionamento de vocês??? Como é a dinâmica??? Quem é mais o que??? Tudo isso é importante na hora de produzir essa parte!! Dica: usem casais de desenhos, filmes, séries, livros ou até mesmo músicas (eu fiz e recomendo!!) Eles são os melhores modelos que vocês podem usar se não tiverem em mente como querem o relacionamento de vocês! (Usem casais e músicas com relações saudáveis, pelo amor!)
Minha dinâmica com meu sp é Tiana e Naveen, um pouco de Lara Jean e Peter Kavinsky, Love Maze do BTS, Serendipity do Jimin, Trivia: Love do Namjoon, BTBT do B.I e entre outras!! Nossa relação é algo leve e calmo, algumas vezes é agitada mas não é algo cansativo, eu sempre quis algo calmo então estou satisfeita com a nossa dinâmica!! :(
4 - Hobbies...
Essa parte é tranquila, se tiver seguido minhas dicas, a personalidade dele já deixa claro os hobbies, você pode colocar que ele/a/u tem os mesmos hobbies que o seu ou diferentes! Vou deixar alguns exemplos aqui:
– Esporte (natação, futebol, tênis...)
– Leitura.
– Jogos digitais.
– Fazer algo artesanal.
– Karaoke (meu hobbie com meu sp ♡)
– Pintura e desenho.
– Culinária.
– Jardinagem.
E entre outros! Fica tudo a sua escolha!! 😉
5 - Dicas Extras..
– Situação financeira e emprego são coisas para serem colocadas e pensadas!
– Relação entre a família de vocês, se aprovam o relacionamento ou se eles gostam de vocês!
– Relação entre os amigos é SUPER IMPORTANTE! Seus amigos gostam dele/a/u ??? Gostam em que nível?? Se ele curtir alguma foto de alguém do deu grupo, eles vão ficar tirando print e mandando no grupo de vocês para dizer que seu s/p ou s/o não presta?? 🤔 (específico, eu sei! Mas pense em tudo!)
– Higiene pessoal é de EXTREMA IMPORTÂNCIA!! Você pode pensar que não é necessário, mas anjo kkk é sim. Você não quer ficar perto e nem se relacionar com alguém que não sabe ter higiene básica, não é?
– A fidelidade do seu s/p é importante sim!! Construa alguém com bom caráter e que nunca iria fazer coisas assim.
– Respeite as decisões de ambos quando o assunto for construir uma família!! Apenas mude se tiver certeza disso!
English Version!
Tips to help you create an s/p or s/o from scratch! ♡
"Oh, I love this view! Which view? Your eyes!"
Hello everyone!!
I'm going to divide this thread into the following parts:
1- Physical.
2- Mental.
3- Relationship.
4- Hobbies.
5 - Extra tips.
s/p: specific person ( "cr" )
s/o: significant other ( dr )
I think one of the most "complicated" parts of making a s/o / s/p from scratch is thinking about their physical appearance! This includes appearance, physical build, height, etc. My tip for this is: Use characters from cartoons or books!!! Seriously, this helps both physically and mentally and in your relationship (next topic).
For example, I used Prince Naveen as the main basis to create my s/p! I didn't have a 100% identical FC to him, but there's an actor who, the moment I saw him, I knew he was my s/p and since that day I've used him as my s/p's only FC.
The physical build and height part varies from person to person! My sp is a professional basketball player, that's why I said he's tall and has an athletic build! But you can change it and put it however you want, there are no limits to that! 😉
2 - MENTAL..
We have reached the topic that is very important to me!! The mental part is very important for you to think carefully about how you want your partner. There is no point in saying "He/she is obsessed with me and loves me very much!!" You have to be specific! After a crazy stalker appears, he/she comes to say that it is my fault!!!
Now seriously, raise healthy, understanding, calm, patient people, preferably those who are mature enough to be in a relationship! Someone who is mentally stable!! Emotional dependence is not nice, you know? There is no reason why he/she "can't live without me", be aware!!
I, for example, spent a lot of time on this part because things that I thought were "healthy" were actually quite problematic. I recommend that you do a deep self-investigation before creating your loves!! For a relationship to work, it needs two people who are 100% mentally healthy! ☝🏻☝🏻
Another important thing, age!! Choose a good age for you to meet each other, where you already have the mentality and maturity to be in a relationship. For example, I'm going to meet my partner when I'm 19 and he's 21, because I know that by then I'll be 100% ready to be in a relationship and so will he.
Now comes the good part, what will your relationship be like??? What is the dynamic like??? Who is more what??? All of this is important when producing this part!! Tip: use couples from cartoons, movies, series, books or even songs (I did it and I recommend it!!). They are the best models you can use if you don't have in mind how you want your relationship to be! (Use couples and songs with healthy relationships, for the love of God!)
My dynamic with my partner is Tiana and Naveen, a bit of Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky, BTS's Love Maze, Jimin's Serendipity, Namjoon's Trivia: Love, B.I's BTBT and many others!! Our relationship is something light and calm, sometimes it is hectic but it is not tiring, I always wanted something calm so I am satisfied with our dynamic!! :(
4 - Hobbies…
This part is easy, if you followed my tips, his/her personality already makes his/her hobbies clear, you can say that he/she has the same hobbies as you or different ones! I'll give you some examples here:
– Sports (swimming, soccer, tennis…)
– Reading.
– Digital games.
– Doing something crafty.
– Karaoke (my hobby with my s/p ♡)
– Painting and drawing.
– Cooking.
– Gardening.
And so on! It's all up to you!! 😉
5 - Extra Tips..
– Sexuality and gender of the person are parts to be thought about too, don't ignore who YOU ARE for someone!
– Financial situation and employment are things to be considered and thought about!
– Relationship between your family, if they approve of the relationship or if they like you!
– Relationship between friends is SUPER IMPORTANT! Do your friends like him/her??? Do they like him/her to what extent?? If he likes a photo of someone in your group, will they take a screenshot and send it to your group to say that your s/o or s/o is no good?? 🤔 (specific, I know! But think about everything!)
– Personal hygiene is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! You may think it's not necessary, but angel, lol, it is. You don't want to be around or have a relationship with someone who doesn't know how to maintain basic hygiene, do you?
– Your s/o's loyalty is important!! Build someone with good character and who would never do things like that.
– Respect both of your decisions when it comes to building a family!! Only change if you're sure about it!
We've reached the end of the thread! I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to me, sorry if there are any errors in the translation! Until next time, kisses!!
Chegamos ao fim da thread! Eu espero que tenham gostado, qualquer dúvida ou sugestão, podem me mandar, perdão se houver algum erro de tradução! Até a próxima, beijinhos!!
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How to Shift: Simplified
This is what I did the time when I was closer to shifting (I'm currently in a break, since like a week after that attempt), and it's also how many people shift.
It's actually pretty simple. I'm going to explain it in steps to make it even easier to understand, although it's not supposed to be a step by step method.
LAY DOWN AND RELAX: Breath deeply, meditate, count your heartbeats... do whatever it works for you. take a few minutes, till your mind is as calm as possible.
IMAGINE: Start imagining the exact place where you'll wake up. It's not necessary to visualise, I personally don't do it. I just imagine everything in first person as I were there. If you feel like it, try adding more and more details, like the breathing of your roomies, the texture of your clothes, etc. However, this is optional.
THINK AS YOUR DR SELF: What are you doing tomorrow? What's that thing you can't forget to do? Do you have to finish your homework? Think in first person, as you were you other self. Daily basic things. Think what s normal person would think before going to sleep.
ENJOY BEING THERE IN IMAGINATION: Once you've imagined it, you're there. So, go on, enjoy it.
That's basically all. It's not a method. You don't have to do it in order. You don't have to remember the steps. Do it naturally, enjoy the process. Do what you feel like to do.
I'm going to tell you the KEY to this.
FORGET YOU'RE TRYING TO SHIFT. Focus on the 4d (imagination) to the point you don't remember you're not there, but attempting to shift there.
And remember, it's not a step by step method (it's like the fourth time i say it i know), but more of a "do what you feel" method. So do it in the order you like the most. If you rather first start thinking as your DR self, do it. If you rather mix imaginacion and thoughts, you're free to do it. The important thing, is that you feel there, and forget you are (not) there, but you are attempting to shift to that place.
Hope this was clear enough:)
Happy shifting
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"open your eyes" ➤ take maximum advantage of the law + don't limit yourself
first, know that there are no limits when it comes to the Law, and to help you understand this i'll be giving you examples:
you can distort time-space.
you can shift to a reality where geometry doesn't make sense (parallel lines meet, circles have sides etc.)
you can break every fundamental law of nature
you can manifest some shawarma to eat idk
you can be unbelievably good at everything you do
you can bring back dead loved ones
you can find out the answer to the greatest world mysteries
you can travel faster than light
you can manifest shawarma perhaps
you can manifest a genie that grants infinite wishes
you can comprehend 4D, 5D, 6D and all that
you can eat infinite shawarmas (perfect)
think of the craziest thing. yes, you can manifest that.
there are no limits to the Law, and
there are no limits when it comes to applying the Law.
these sentences mean different things.
let me ask you, what is the most tiring thing about applying the Law? is it the robotic affirming? the persisting? is it the negative thoughts that come in between sometimes?
back to the statement i made before. there are no limits when it comes to applying the Law. so, that means you could apply the Law to itself?
what this means is you can make assumptions about the Law and by the same Law, these assumptions will be true?
simply, if you assume that you don't need to have a positive mindset to manifest, you don't. if you don't need to constantly repeat one affirmation a thousand times, you don't. if getting into situations where you reaffirm the opposite are not relevant, then they aren't relevant.
don't read this blindly. understand that whatever about the Law gives you some discomfort, you don't need. and you can firmly establish that by making assumptions of this very Law.
let me ask you again. what is the most tiring thing about applying the Law? whatever it is, you can avoid doing.
as crazy as this sounds, it is true. not because i'm saying it, but it is true by Law. it is true by Law.
because what is the Law? "what you assume is the reality right now." this is the basic skeletal structure of the Law. don't add unnecessary extra bones to it. by adding extra bones, you may lengthen the skeleton, when that's not always needed. and this could cause discomfort.
so go ahead, kick and cry and scream out your frustrations. if you keep getting into situations where you affirm the opposite of your desires, go ahead. if you want to only say one affirmation, go ahead. if you want to use 'will' instead of 'is'' in your affirmations, do that. they say time doesn't matter.
robotic affirming, SATS etc., are all just elements of the Law. you are not mandated to do it.
even persisting. it's just an element of the Law. you only have to be fulfilled in imagination, and only that matters. not what you show to the 3D, not how you react to the 3D. as for being fulfilled in imagination, it has already happened once you've thought of your desires. you already have it; done. no need to remind yourself a hundred times that you do.
all you have to do is simply assume that you do not associate with your negative states and since we know that our assumptions make our reality, this assumption is now true. draw a line between the way you react to the 3D, and the way you act in imagination. you know that only the imagination matters. now, you are free to react negatively to the 3D. it's okay if you keep reaffirming negative thoughts accidentally (without intention). it will not affect you because you have strictly laid out an assumption that things like this are not going to affect you at all. also, you are free to use whatever words in your affirmation process, because you know that things like that don't matter, only the meaning and idea you hold behind it, like I've mentioned a couple times before.
once again, what you assume is true. that is literally it. avoid doing the things that don't make you happy. i've mentioned this somewhere before, but the concept of hard-work doesn't exist for manifesters. just because you're trying to get your dream life, doesn't mean you make sacrifices or make yourself uncomfortable with what you're doing now just for the sake of achieving your desires. you are happy with what you're doing now, and you will be happy with whatever you're doing in the future.
you could say that what i'm saying is wrong. that's an assumption you're making, so it will be true only for you. not for me, according to my assumptions, i do not have to affirm, do SATS or even persist.
we know that our 3D is not real, it doesn't matter. so why should the way you behave in the 3D or towards it matter? think about it. if only the imagination matters, then you can act like you own this place ... only in imagination? why should anything else matter?
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Stardew valley dr
Name: Charlotte Nilson
Age: 22
Gender: female
Story: the basic plot of Stardew valley, but adding more things I'm her back story. Charlotte was raised in the big city by her parents and no siblings,living a normal life,she studied administration in college wasting 4 years of her life with something that she couldn't stand anymore,as she founded herself lost in her youth,she finds her grandpa letter deciding to move paths, starting a new life.
• she have a great connection with plants and animals since she was little
•she can learn thing fast
•she never gives up
•she (me of course )can't feel pain (no way l will feel pain during a battle)
•shes a bit shit but easy goin is not hard to become her friend
•shes organized and well planed
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Loa • shifting • witchcraft
•Call me Lucy🩷
•20year old
•black 🇧🇷
•Been into loa since 2022
•also likes non dualism
DNI: anti, weirdos, fandom,-16
My drs
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You are afraid of success
Because failure is much more validating. Failure will pat you on the back and say, "maybe next time, hun", it will feed you anticipation and that flutter of trepidation in your chest when you think of success, it will make you feel comfortable in that bog you settled in.
The illusion of productivity keeps you in that mindset and prevents you from facing this fear. It keeps you feeling busy so you don't feel bad about being stagnant. It tells you you're walking in strides while you actually stand still, avoiding the discomfort of fully committing to success. Just like buying a dozen of fancy pens and notebooks instead of writing a book, you busy yourself with useless tasks that keep you from actually applying.
You can shift and manifest with just an intention and without any effort, but some of you are afraid of accepting even that. Just another script for my another DR, just another playlist with dozens of subliminals (do you even listen to them more than twice before creating a new one?), just another small "check" before a big manifestation, just another hour of reading through Tumblr/Pinterest/Reddit/TikTok posts and success stories, just another pile of photographed and screenshotted angel numbers. Are you not tired?
Shifting and manifesting are mundane and trivial to the point of being innate to you. If you have an apple in your hand, do you daydream about it? Do you create playlists named "🐁 🎀 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓁𝑒 🎀 🐁"? Do you buy a special knife that you proudly call "my apple knife"? Do you create moodboards for this apple? No, if you want an apple and you have it, you bite it.
You already have and know everything there is to know, and nothing will happen unless you actually start applying. You may know that only intention works, but did you internalize this knowledge? A lot of you throw fancy manifesting lingo while still persisting in the state of lack. Remembering and knowing is not the same as applying. Don't let this mistake keep you on Shiftblr until 2030.
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───♡ ֪ olá olá
divas divonicas,
não seja humilde na lds, seja exagerada mesmo (se você desejar, óbvio). na lds podemos ter tudo, tudo o que você quiser é seu, seu desejo é uma ordem.
então pra que se contentar com pouco ? você pode ter muito, tenha muita ambição, a realidade é apenas uma ilusão, e o reflexo do 3d é o 4d ( sua mente, seus lindos pensamentos poderosos)
aceite sua grandeza.
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