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jadeazora · 2 months ago
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Some rumors are spreading before Pokemon Day, and honestly, I wouldn't be that upset about a faithful remake of BW. (I would just hope it was better-handled by ILCA this time, give them more time to cook.) Imo, what really killed BDSP aside from the wasted potential was that DP weren't good games on their own, they needed that third version buff with Platinum to be good. But BW are pretty solid games already (just a bit dated mechanically and could benefit from a few QoL updates), there's generally not much else I would want to see added in comparison to what I wanted to see done with Sinnoh remakes.
(Most of what I want is some backstory stuff elaborated on with Ghetsis, the Shadow Triad, and N and the formation of Team Plasma, and to see the Original Dragon. It feels like they could do the latter if we ever get a Legends Kyurem game tho.)
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satoshi-mochida · 8 months ago
One Piece Odyssey releases today for the Switch. It is also available for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and Steam.
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turboacek-blog · 1 year ago
BDSP was fine, y'all just mean
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Kinda kidding but not really as I know it's a hot take
Written Feb 6th 2024
Not saying some of the dislike wasn't worth it
But the problem wasn't with ILCA it's the base game of Diamond and Pearl
A lot of people's complaints basically sum up that they didn't incorporate Platinum into the game
Mainly from Pokemon available, with some mentioning the Giratina distortion world and such plus other changes that platinum had from DP like battle frontier differences
On one hand yes it would have been nice if they did make some more changes like implementing more Platinum story elements making it more of a definitive Sinnoh experience
But also it's DP remakes not Platinum remakes
Similar with ORAS and FRLG they had some new stuff and revamped stuff. But it's not like FRLG had Yellow elements (that's lets go) and ORAS had a lot of Emerald. At most the Delta episode for ORAS was their workaround for no Emerald so if you want to group that as the full game then sure BDSP needed some DLC but then you have the DLC dilemma is getting the platinum stuff worth an extra $20-$30 dollars and have that dlc debate
The underground solved a lot of the issues imo
The underground having Pokemon down there personally solved a lot of the Pokemon availability problem
For example, I picked Turtwig so I wasn't just limited to Ponyta for a fire type since I didn't pick Chimchar I had options as Magby and Houndour were now available, which fixes the fire type problem imo
And I think people overreact about the changes to the bases and flag capturing as yes it would have been nice if they were the same but I think the changes outweigh it greatly. Plus if ORAS showed anything people really didn't care to have the secret bases as secret bases and just liked it for nostalgia mainly
Not saying BDSP was perfect but I do think in a lot of aspects it is the definitive Sinnoh experience as you're basically just missing the Giratina story which isn't as necessary to the plot imo
As it kinda just seems like Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum were seen as definitive because they don't have the dual version conundrum so they seem more complete in compariso. But when the dual version games get additional content is the additional usually third legendary plot really worth it?
Maybe maybe not
And I know a lot of rumors about potential Johto or Unova remakes have been going on and people are worried as they didn't like BDSP
But if for example ILCA makes the remakes and has the chibi style and etc
But they fix the level scaling in Johto or something like Pokemon availability for Unova I think those would be better even if minimal changed
I do have my own hopes and wishes for potential remakes but I will wait until they are officially announced
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wevelocityteampresents-blog · 4 months ago
A Fancier of Ribbons!
While I was at speech therapy last week, I decided to go back to training Pokémon in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Version. Before I even chose which Pokémon to train, I caved in and brought Nyaruma the Gorgeous Royal ribbon. I had the money, so I thought that if there was a better time to get it for her, it would be right then and there.
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Now she practically has every ribbon she could ever need in Sinnoh!
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I don't know what I'll do next with Nyaruma. Maybe I'll try and participate in some online contests with her for the fun of it. For now, though, I'll just stick to getting more friends I could use in battles. (If the next Pokémon games have new ribbons to obtain, Nyaruma will definitely get those too!)
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capsulecomputers · 11 months ago
Sand Land Review
Developer: ILCA Publisher: Bandai Namco Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox Series X/S (Reviewed) Release Date: Available Now Price: $59.99 USD
Based on #DragonBall's creator Akira Toriyama's one volume manga, is BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment's #tank and exploration focused Sand Land worth your time? Read our review inside to find out.
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vitorhugoguariento · 1 year ago
Lista: Os Melhores Games de Pokémon no Nintendo Switch
Pokémon é uma franquia do entretenimento eletrônico capaz de mover montanhas que nem Maomé. Iniciada em 1996 como uma versão do mundo real de Satoshi Tajiri (田尻 智), Pokémon hoje é capaz de render mais grana que o PIB de algumas nações. No Nintendo Switch, o híbrido que mistura console de mesa com portátil da Gigante de Kyoto, as entradas são as mais diversas. Além das regiões inéditas de Galar e…
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badvgopinions · 2 years ago
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"The Gen 4 remakes were made to be bad on purpose" is the most pathetic coping I've seen to justify ILCA's piss-poor excuse for a remake, and they're still finding a way to blame Game Freak for it.
It can't be that they're just bad at developing a game. These people are so full of copium they had to make up some shitty theory that implies that ILCA are a lot better than they are.
Game Freak doesn't even have the power to make that call. The Pokemon Company does. Game Freak didn't want to make the gen 4 remakes so The Pokemon Company got their mobile app company to do it for them while Game Freak made Arceus and Scarlet and Violet.
So I guess technically you can blame Game Freak for why the Gen 4 remakes are so shitty in comparison to the others, but only because they didn't want to be the ones to remake it.
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rainthetrain · 1 year ago
Model trains are so cool :0, I do a LOT of music (and sailing if that counts but it feels like a job at this point)
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@gxrtyz @femboy-expert
that tiktok that’s like “name a single hobby of yours outside of media consumption” she got em a bit why lie
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floatmagazin · 9 months ago
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crazygamecommunity · 11 months ago
SAND LAND, il titolo sviluppato da ILCA e pubblicato da Bandai Namco, basato sull'opera omonima di Akira Toriyama, è ora disponibile su PS5, PS4, Xbox Series e PC (Steam).
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thejazzywaffles · 1 year ago
Personally, having had time to think about it critically and with some temporal distance, I don't see as much of a problem with BDSP reusing DP's code as a base. That's honestly a great idea that cuts a lot of the work out of remaking the games by making it a remaster instead.
Buuut the execution was awful. The art style is gross, the Platinum content that made Gen 4 bearable is gone, they ruined Super Contests, they failed to fix old, known bugs while adding tons of new ones, etc etc. They took the best-case scenario and made a mess.
I personally would love to see more remastered titles that have more effort and passion put into them and with less behind the scenes communication/oversight nonsense. Also, with an art style that I don't hate.
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jadeazora · 1 year ago
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Since it's common guess that we're getting a Johto or Unova game next, I figured that I could weigh in too.
I'm willing to give ILCA another chance if they don't go the faithful, low-effort route. (My issue with BDSP was that DP needed Platinum's improvements to characterization and pacing, it kinda was mediocre on its own. BDSP added a few niceties, but I would still prefer to play Platinum because I think it had better flow. There's also Masters giving me more that I had wanted from a DP remake than the the actual $60 remake did.
Give ILCA more time, don't constrain things so much and make things more unique in other ways than just adding some basic gameplay stuff.
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satoshi-mochida · 11 months ago
SAND LAND- ‘Sandstorm’ trailer.
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chi-niclus · 1 year ago
Funny how we only had ILCA remakes once and people immediatly thought that would be the new way for them to remake games, to call ILCA to do so, and people started adding it to their presents bingos, even tho we only had ILCA remakes once
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wevelocityteampresents-blog · 2 months ago
Polishing Up The Past
Pokémon HOME was under maintenance yesterday. Apparently, this was because the developers added new rewards for when you complete the Pokédexes for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl and Pokémon Legends Arceus in the game. Which means you have to transfer the Pokémon caught in those titles to Pokémon HOME. Naturally, I went transferring the species I had in Pokémon Legends Arceus.
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It's been a while since I last saw Grand Oak.
For essentially beating the game, I was awarded with a shiny Enamorus.
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To be honest, it's a fitting reward for a game like Pokémon Legends Arceus. Even more, considering I had to wait 2 years for something like this. Another rare shiny Pokémon I can add to my collection!
I wanted to do the same with the Sinnoh Pokédex. But I decided not to since I already completed it in Brilliant Diamond version a year ago. If you want to know what you get for transferring each Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex to Pokémon HOME, you're given a shiny Manaphy. A shiny variant of a Pokémon I already hatched in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. I think I'll pass on this one.
Part of me wonders what Pokémon the game will give you for transferring Pokémon from Pokémon Sword and Shield and Pokémon Let's GO! Pikachu and Let's GO! Eevee. They might give you a shiny Mew for the latter games. But for the Sword and Shield versions, it could be anything. Since Zacian, Zamazenta, and Eternatus have been given away officially as shiny Pokémon in the past, that just leaves Calyrex, Zarude, and Urshifu. Then again, they could give away Pokémon that can't be caught in those games like with Meloetta.
Since I've got Enamorus, I guess I'll go back to playing Pokémon Violet and train for the new online competition. I'm still mad about what they're doing for tournaments this year. But I'll rant about it some other day.
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rainthetrain · 1 year ago
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