#to give ilca another chance
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jadeazora ¡ 2 months ago
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Some rumors are spreading before Pokemon Day, and honestly, I wouldn't be that upset about a faithful remake of BW. (I would just hope it was better-handled by ILCA this time, give them more time to cook.) Imo, what really killed BDSP aside from the wasted potential was that DP weren't good games on their own, they needed that third version buff with Platinum to be good. But BW are pretty solid games already (just a bit dated mechanically and could benefit from a few QoL updates), there's generally not much else I would want to see added in comparison to what I wanted to see done with Sinnoh remakes.
(Most of what I want is some backstory stuff elaborated on with Ghetsis, the Shadow Triad, and N and the formation of Team Plasma, and to see the Original Dragon. It feels like they could do the latter if we ever get a Legends Kyurem game tho.)
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zaptap ¡ 2 years ago
i absolutely think we're due for unova remakes very soon, likely as the next game, but idk if they'll announce them before sv dlc is out of the way. seems like more of a pokemon day "this is what we're throwing out there this year" thing
seen people clinging to the idea that they do remakes every other gen but, so far, ALL first-time remakes (i.e. not lgpe) have happened 2 hardware generations after the originals
gb (rgby) to gba (frlg)
gbc (gsc) to ds (hgss)
gba (rse) to 3ds (oras)
ds (dpp and bwbw2) to switch (bdsp.... and _b_w?)
the ds was just when they started cramming 2 pokemon gens into one hardware gen so now that we're getting into ds remakes they'll probably happen every pokemon gen now
and if they continue having ilca or whoever churn out unambitious remakes then maybe game freak will keep putting legends games out around the same time.
arceus felt to me like it had pieces of what we've come to expect from pokemon remakes--the new stuff--so i think of it as being in a remake-adjacent category i'm calling a "reimagining." meanwhile bdsp avoided having much new stuff and instead provided an overly faithful recreation of the original games with graphical upgrades and gameplay modernizations and little else
are they going to do another ilca remake paired with a legends game? maybe. since legends was kind of an experiment, and succeeded, maybe they could try to work some elements into the actual remake this time. also after how glitchy bdsp was (more specifically, all the weird stuff they had to do with home compatibility to stop those Evil Cheaters) maybe they won't trust ilca with that again. or maybe they'll give them another chance, since game freak started out with a glitch-filled game too and maybe they've learned? idk
and what about bw2? so far they've been able to put things into the remakes to reflect things from the third versions (though bdsp really could've had a lot more from platinum) but how do you do an entire extra story with different protagonists and a 2 year time skip? they can't get away with just giving us bw2 outfits. $60 absolutely should cover both bw and bw2 in one, but i kind of doubt they'll do it. dlc maybe i guess? though that was a popular theory for platinum in bdsp that went nowhere, so who knows
alternatively i suppose they could release a bw remake as a single game and bw2 as another (remember how bdsp was found to be the same rom, just with a marker that determined the version? it would kind of make sense to do) but also that's kind of insane because you've never been expected to buy both games before, but in this scenario you'd have to to get the full experience. evil. too evil for tpci i think, but i suppose they could always get worse. i guess in that sense having a dual release of b+b2/w+w2 seems a bit more likely, dlc or not? if they don't almost entirely ignore bw2, that is
either way, i'm expecting unova soon. one week before black friday 2024 if tpci keeps insisting on their blatantly money-hungry release schedule they've been sticking pretty closely to for almost a decade now. would prefer they take more time, but i don't expect them to
........wait. i forgot. it actually might be johto's turn next. hgss is older than gen v, after all. whether that's going to be something with pokemon go elements mixed in again (isn't that game kind of on a decline now? idk) or something different, they might do something
so i guess 2024 johto, 2025 unova? wow idk. who give a shit tbh. point is both are probably somewhere on the horizon (though, unova is more certain i'd say since lgpe is just one game so we have no idea what kind of pattern those second-round remakes might take. maybe it was just a one-off)
anyway i've been wanting to replay gen v more and more for the past couple years but i haven't been able to make time for it yet. odds are i won't until at least when the remakes are coming. i replayed platinum shortly before bdsp released (actually started a couple months before it was announced...) and that was a mistake. bdsp was ok (though bad by pokemon standards) but it felt like playing the same game back to back except worse (very different from when i played ruby before oras, and yellow before lgpe). don't want to do that again so i guess i'll wait at this point
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randomyounglady ¡ 1 year ago
I mean, it was probably the best idea they could have had. With the outrage behind BDSP, ILCA needed a chance to try again before trying to go for gen 5 (which, reminder, has both a base game and a sequel, as well as a raving fanbase).
Kalos was a smart idea because it wasn't finished and doesn't have that same "better version" issue that came with BDSP and Platinum content (which I don't think they could have gotten done in time even if they wanted to; they would have botched the distortion world and gotten everyone mad anyway). Of course this assumes that ILCA will be making an XY remake rather than some other company, but some way to play XY before the new release necessarily has to exist for newer people to the series (and children born after XY) can have context. Pokemon Z had been cancelled to allow more time for the 20th anniversary games (sun and moon) to really shine. It also has been a sought after game in the community since gen 6.
So, avoid the gen with the brutal fanbase for now, fulfill the wants for another game that was shafted originally, and give the third party developer another chance to build their skill with a generation that doesn't have the same expectations? Really smart play all around. Then just add some red herrings to make the fanbase freak out, and you've got yourself a very strong hype cycle.
One more thing to add is that the switch is at the end of its lifecycle. There are already developers stating that they're working on something for the new system, even though more information has not been released on it. Wouldnt the gen with some of the largest hype, gen 5, be smarter to move to the newer, better hardware? Just my thoughts.
Everyone: "Unova had a bunch of references to it recently and we had gen 4 games not long ago, next mainline game is gonna be in Unova!"
Also Everyone: "Gen 2 would be up for a new game soon after Let's Go did Kanto, and the whole Pokemon Present was FILLED with Johto related stuff. Next game will be Johto!"
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csolarstorm ¡ 3 years ago
The Season of Sinnoh: Reflecting on Diamond and Pearl
Tomorrow a lot of us get to play BrilliantDiamond and ShiningPearl, which kicks off a fun few months where we play our faithfully recreated ILCA renditions of Diamond and Pearl as we wait just mere months for GameFreak's love letter to Sinnoh, Legends: Arceus.
The Sinnoh games are special in more ways than one. They are the culmination of the Japan-based Pokemon games, sort of a capstone to an era before Black and White started the tradition of exploring the globe.
Arguably, Diamond and Pearl are the realization/completion of the region that encompassed all Japan from the 1998 Spaceworld Gold demo; after all in the demo there are several early concepts of later evolutions like Tangrowth, Lickylicky, Leafeon, and Mime Jr.. The demo also had the “Heart Stone” and the “Poison Stone”, which I theorize might be inspirations for the later Shiny Stone and Dusk Stone, mainly because Dark type Pokemon like Umbreon originally started out as more Poison types.
In the long run, HeartGold and Soul Silver cemented the connection between Johto and Sinnoh canonically.
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Paradoxically, Pokemon Pearl is both a really important game for me, and kind of a forgotten one. I was a Freshman in college when Pokemon Pearl came out, and it was perfect timing because I was studying historical symbolism and religious texts. At the time it came out in the west, my class was studying depictions of Hell, so I named my Empleon “Styx”. (It's a body of water, after all.) It...actually wasn't a great year for me. I was suffering depression from health problems, and as you can probably guess, Pokemon Pearl was a refuge for me. It's a tale as old as Pokemon.
That’s why I regret not doing the game more justice. I made the mistake of trading away my Palkia for a shiny Ponyta that my former best friend chained. I had never encountered a shiny before, and I loved blue Pokemon. But even though she was already going to release it, she would only only trade it for my Palkia. And to add insult to injury, she asked me change Palkia's name to “Charlie” after that old YouTube series Charlie the Unicorn. Our, um, friendship wasn't doing too good.
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With my Pokemon transferred to Pokemon Black, I eventually sold Pearl, and that too was a really bad idea in retrospect. It was a different time. So ironically I’m kind of glad to have a “faithful remake” so I can have another chance to play Pearl. Back then I was so busy training older Pokemon from LeafGreen that I didn’t even train a lot of Sinnoh Pokemon besides Styx. There are so many Sinnoh and Hisui natives that I can’t wait to give attention to now.
It’s no secret that BrilliantDiamond and ShiningPearl struggle in the shadow of Legends: Arceus. Heck, BDSP weren’t even finished until the patch about a week ago. Even though we’re hyped for Legends: Arceus, it is technically a risky move for the Pokemon Company. It’s not the straightforward Sinnoh remake the older fans have been clamoring for, and a lot of the younger fans haven’t played Diamond and Pearl, so they don’t know the context for the prequel.
So as insurance, the Pokemon Company went to ILCA, the developer of Pokemon HOME, and hired them to develop a very safe, relatively cheaper Diamond and Pearl remake using the free Unity engine. In short: BrilliantDiamond and ShiningPearl probably wouldn't be around if the Pokemon Company didn't need safe alternatives to Legends: Arceus. If you’re disappointed with BDSP playing it safe, wait for the full experience of both games.
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Regardless of why, it’s pretty cool that The Pokemon Company is celebrating Sinnoh with both a prequel AND a remake. It’s clear that Diamond and Pearl were important Pokemon games not just for us, but for GameFreak too. They close out the foundational first four generations of the Pokemon games, fulfill the promises that earlier Pokemon games couldn’t yet achieve, and brought fans across the world together with WiFi for the first time.
The Season of Sinnoh has started. Let’s have fun with our faithful remakes while we count down to a trip back in time, to the old region of Hisui.
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talpup ¡ 4 years ago
Ok but with the description on threading and the part where "teris' feeling that were not her own" (im so sorry im trying to analyze this while drunk) i am guessing that shes gonna end up with shouta? Like the threading is naturally pushing her towards kai but she's headstrong enough to reject it and go for shouta instead?
bUT---- the whole " dragon king and griffon queen secretly spelling their young to be fated to each other in order to bring peace" is hIGHKEY ROMANTIC AS FUCK. I LOVE IT. - but also i think my 2d dragon love would so severely fuck that up by trying to use his Ilca to start ANOTHER violent grab for power. And uhhhhhhhh theres a whole ass council against him..... and uhhhhhhh idk. Maybe the one red cap dude has SOME things wrong (i mean like, he's one lil dude right?? I need multiple sources here to build an essay) I am dreaming for a nice peaceful storybook ending but also i love stories that put my emotions in a blender on the high setting and forgetfully leave it running overnight. And the stories involving kai are usually blender-y.
Threading of Lost Song and whether or not to believe characters:
Threading opens one up to the possibly of love, it doesn't force or make those threaded feel any sort of emotion. So Teris' feelings for Kai are real. She truly does like him. All her being threaded to Kai has done is make her much more patient and understanding of him and willing to give him a chance.
So when Kai acted the way he did in the last chapter, Teris being threaded to him had her much more forgiving his behavior than she ever would have been. It had her unwilling to leave, when she normally would have left, and wanting to give Kai a chance.
Likewise, it's the same for Kai. Where Kai likely would have been more forceful with Teris. Especially in his getting her to understand that she's his chosen mate, Kai probably trying to somehow convince if not force her to be his mate (despite there being no way to force such a thing); their being threaded has made him more patient and accepting. Thus giving Teris time to adapt and learn about Oblvi, and find her place in this world. Their being threaded is also why Kai hasn't put Teris in her place yet, and was so "kind" to her in the last chapter instead of backhanding her when he really wanted to and just bending her over, spanking her ass raw, and reclaiming what was his.
As for Teris ending up with Shouta... All I'll say is, for the most part, my fics have a "happy ending" for the fics main lovers. Since Teris is basically lovers with both Shouta and Kai, I'll leave you to guess who she'd be more or truly happy with.
In regards to Kai severely fucking things up in trying to use his Ilca in a violent grab of power. Kai's already using his Ilca and loyal Dragon followers to try to grab power and reclaim the lost Dragon throne. He's just been working in secret and hasn't been caught yet, so there hasn't been wide spread violence. But that may change, as Shouta doesn't trust Kai and is ever watchful, well aware Kai is up to something.
I love where your head is at in thinking that the Red Cap has some things wrong. I'm not saying Ptick has everything right or some things wrong. But unless verified by a flashback, another character's thoughts or words, or general fic narration; it would be wise to take certain character's words (and even some of their thought's) with a grain of salt. Cause just like in the last scene of the latest chapter where Kai "realizes" Hawks is there because the Council somehow found out Teris is his chosen mate and wants to use her to get at him, sometimes character's get things wrong or just flat out lie.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and musings! I really appreciate them, and it was a lot of fun to answer.
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polkscastle ¡ 4 years ago
That New Pokemon Direct, Though (My Thoughts)
Pokemon is now 25 years old!! With this momentous occasion, we have received a new Direct video about Pokemon's up-and-coming developments!! It came and went in a snap but, still gave us a look at a brilliant and shining future, while providing a taste of a legendary history. My Thoughts: ----- New Pokemon Snap: I don't believe I have ever talked the Pokemon Snap revamp on this site so, here we go. I've never played the original Pokemon Snap game so, I have no personal nostalgia for this spin-off. However, I am kind of excited for it. I think it could be a full little side adventure. No battles, no enemy teams, no big save-the-world journey; just looking for Pokemon doing fun Pokemon things and taking pictures of em. Sweet!! I may or may not actually buy it on release (I'm trying to be tighter with my budgeting). Still, I hope it turns out to be fun for a lot of people. Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: OoooooooooooooOOoooOO!! THIS IS IT!! We've finally got some Gen 4 love in here!! No joke, Generation 4 is my all time favorite era of Pokemon. Diamond was the first main game I ever played and was what really drove me into becoming a full on Pokemon fan. This maybe fueled by blind Nostalgia but, SWEET ARCEUS, I AM HYPED AS HELL!! That said though, I do feel I need to address some criticism/concerns I have as well: - I will count myself among those who expected GameFreak to give us the same game story of the originals delivered with the graphics/art style of the current generation, like with previous remakes. Color us surprised when we're shown gameplay footage and see the return of chibi-fied overworld characters and grid-based environments. Now this really isn't an issue for me. I don't need the end-all-be-all of video game visuals as long as the game can still function properly. Honestly, I kinda missed the little blocky little overworld people. They were cute. Still, it's bit weird that the main games of the two most recent generations have consistent full scale models and more organic environment layouts but, these remakes appear to be recreating the old games' style as closely and as strictly as possible. Why this is, maybe explained more by my next point. - Despite being co-directed by Masuda himself, the remakes are not being developed by GameFreak's staff but, by a partner company, ILCA. This has me concerned. Not that I think that they'll do poorly or change the games in any bad ways. They're already working off of a solid template. However, that is my concern. That since they're not the usual staff, they're going to be too cautious with changing anything from the original games. Whether out of reverence to Masuda and GameFreak or, out of fear of the nostalgia blinded fans, they'll stick strictly to adapting Diamond and Pearl exactly as they already were. I know that is kind of the point of remakes and remasters (giving old and new fans another chance to play the original) but, since I've already played the originals, I wouldn't mind some alterations. I like it when a remake can look at its older self, keep and enhance what was great about it, change or take out what doesn't hold up well anymore, add some new things for little spice, and ultimately give its consumers a fresh new take on a older property. Things like the Delta Episode (a new epilogue adventure building off the old main story) were my favorite parts of playing through Alpha Sapphire. So, I am hoping for something like that to appear in these games. However, this is just the announcement. I can't truly say that GameFreak/ILCA sticking so close to originals (if that is indeed what they're doing) is a pro or a con for these remakes until I play them. And yes, I will be playing these remakes because my love for Gen 4 is that strong!! One of my main boys isn't a Luxio for now reason!! Heck, I've even thought about streaming my playthrough of it!! Nah, never mind. No one would watch that. Still, I am a bit disappointed that I won't be able to explore a full-scale, open area Sinnoh region... ...unless... Legends Arceus: OH MY... okay, just listen. Within the back corners of my mind, this is the Pokemon game I always wanted. A Pokemon adventure taking place in a far earlier time in the world's history; SIGN ME UP!! Years ago when I tried coming with ideas for a fake Pokemon game, my biggest idea was an adventure that was half set in the past (time travel shenanigans. I blame Pokemon 4ever and its steampunk Pokeballs). So far, I love what I am seeing of the game. The old world versions of the Gen 4 protagonists look great and, I'm stoked to see an untamed version of Sinnoh. What's the story? How does Arceus come into play? Could the story possibly be about the older conflict between Dialga and Palkia? This actually gives me hope that Legends will continue on as a series with the other regions!! Possibly even one for Johto that depicts the story of the Legendary Beast Trio... ...please? No major criticisms or concerns so far, except maybe two. First is that, from what we were shown in the trailer, the game still needs polishing. The overworld Pokemon animations look a little janky to me. Second, and by far the most important thing, is HOW DARE YOU MAKE THE STARTERS THREE FAVORITES OF MINE!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE!!!???? ----- TLDR; I thoroughly enjoyed the new developments shown in this Direct but, I'd still like to keep up an attitude of cautious optimism for these new releases. They may not end up being perfect but, I'd like to keep hoping they'll still be enjoyable to play. Thank you for stopping by, Friends. Hope you're all staying safe and well. Have a wonderful day. ^w^ (*sigh* that was a long one. Thank Arceus, I no longer have to deal with all those nagging REMAKE GEN 4 comments ever again... ...they've already started screaming about Gen 5 now, haven't they?)
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crystalelemental ¡ 3 years ago
“patchun: idk to an extent i still do like it! like... the idea of the league being truly on another level is nice to me. i think the thinking was good, but i just think ILCA needed to also give us the tools throughout our playthrough to be on a more even playing field.“
I think challenges should matter too, but they have before without this kind of approach and it was never a problem.  Platinum and Gen 5 had plenty of challenge.  Despite minimal movepools, some fights in like Emerald and FRLG could have bite to them.  It’s not like the game needed to go this far for the sake of challenge, especially when we’re limiting tools to just the first four gens, and only what the original Diamond/Pearl had available, with a few hand-picked additions we think are okay for some reason.  Your approach to a challenge is a well-built team.  Again, they did that.  Heracross is scary without max speed EVs.  Drimblim is an asshole without whatever it got.  All of them already had tools that made the fight harder than anything before it, and made them feel on that other level.  They just overdid it tremendously.
Hilariously, it also kinda kicks Volkner’s whole ennui-ridden pout-fest in the teeth.  “Ugh, there are no good challenges, maybe I should fight the league,” and we’re supposed to think he stands a chance because he’s buddies with Flint and they hang out and battle together, but motherfucker you don’t even have max IVs let alone natures and EVs.  Sit your ass down.
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jadeazora ¡ 1 year ago
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Since it's common guess that we're getting a Johto or Unova game next, I figured that I could weigh in too.
I'm willing to give ILCA another chance if they don't go the faithful, low-effort route. (My issue with BDSP was that DP needed Platinum's improvements to characterization and pacing, it kinda was mediocre on its own. BDSP added a few niceties, but I would still prefer to play Platinum because I think it had better flow. There's also Masters giving me more that I had wanted from a DP remake than the the actual $60 remake did.
Give ILCA more time, don't constrain things so much and make things more unique in other ways than just adding some basic gameplay stuff.
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talpup ¡ 4 years ago
Lost Song:12
Summary: The war between the Dragons and Griffons ended 233 years ago, and both races right along with it.
Or so it was believed. There are three individuals that will soon change that.
Kai is the last of the Dragons and he seeks to take what he sees as his rightful place and rule over all of Oblvi. Meanwhile, Shouta, the last Sphinx, wants nothing more than to do his job; keep the peace and and teach the young Fourth’s to hopefully avoid the mistakes of their ancestors. And Teris, a Foundling who is just trying to understand and survive in this strange new world that is supposedly her own.
All three have their own wants and desires, but Kai’s plans, Teris’ existence, and Shouta's past mean that none of them may get what they want.
This fic is rated explicit and has warnings of sex, violence, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Kai exited a side door and met up with Hari.  Whiffs of smoke blew from the Dragon’s nostrils at the memory of Teris and Shouta's arms brushing while the two stood side by side, the Sphinx regularly moving to shield Teris from his view.  Teris might be part of Shouta's Ilca.  But she was his.   And yet Shouta had managed to keep her by him the entire gathering.
He had no doubt Shouta had given Teris that dull, disgusting bracelet. The thing wasn’t even worthy of being on some detestable mutt Hybrid like Nedzu.  It certainly didn’t belong on a proud, pure blood Beast like Teris.
Kai swore that if he hadn’t killed the Sphinx by the time he reclaimed his throne.  The first order of his reign would be to end Aizawa, finally do away with all Sphinx kind.
The only thing that had gotten Kai through the trying afternoon was imagining what he would do to Teris this evening after Ryuu left.  He imagined her pretty lips wrapped around his cock.  Making her look at him as he fucked her sweet face.  She had done well in combating Shouta's attempt at keeping her from agreeing to dinner.  But she had stayed by Shouta's side.  Had accepted Aizawa's gift and worn it.  For that she would be punished. And Kai could think of no better punishment than having her choke on his cock.  It wasn’t as if he could punish her more directly.  At least not yet.  Though the thought of spanking her ass raw and fucking her from behind while she screamed his name and cried out in apology was something he looked forward to doing when things progressed.
“Did you find out who was doing the inspection?”  Kai questioned.
Uneasy as he was, Hari bravely met Kai’s eyes.  “We did our best.”
“And was your best good enough?”  Kai asked, knowing if it had been Hari would've answered with a name.
Hari swallowed and shook his head.  “No, Sir.  I’m sorry and take full responsibility for the failure--”
Kai’s hand wrapped around the Arepyiai’s throat cutting off his words and air supply.  “You’re damned right you’ll take full responsibility.  I left it to you to see the Ilca learned who was doing Teris’ inspection. Yet you’re telling me you’ve failed.  That out of my nine Ilca members no one was able to discover a simple name?”
Hari gurgled, but to his credit didn’t attempt to fight off Kai’s choking grip.
The Dragon’s eyes slitted.  Gold scales appeared along the back of his hand.  Nails lengthened into deadly talons that pierced Hari’s skin.  “How am I suppose to threaten or buy a person off if I don’t know who they are?  Do you like the idea of my future mate being subjected to some filthy Fourth's roving gaze?  Maybe you’d prefer Teris undress and walk the grounds of Traverseen Hall for all to see?”
Hari shook his head as best he could.
“What part of mine do you not understand?  Teris is mine. No one should be allowed to look upon her but me.  And yet because of your failure--”  Sensing someones eyes on him, Kai turned.
Hizashi sucked in a breath, emerald eyes widening further. He had been waiting out in the garden for Oboro to return.  The Venti said he had a gift for him.  Hizashi hadn’t meant to listen in.  In fact he hadn’t heard anything.
Teris had said Kai was kind and gentle.  But what Hizashi saw was far gentle and kind.  He stupidly ducked behind a shrub as if he and the Dragon hadn’t already locked eyes.  He had wondered why Shouta didn’t like Kai. The Sphinx always admonishing Teris on what time she was to return from lessons with Kai; as if she were some child with a curfew.  Was this why?  Because Shouta knew Kai was violent and harsh?
Kai’s eyes returned to human.  The scales on his hand disappeared.  Talons shrinking back to nails.
Releasing Hari, Kai took out a handkerchief and he wiped his hand clean. “Return to the dorm.  I’ll deal with you later.”
“Yes, Sir.”  Hari nodded.
“And Hari.”  Kai called.
Hari turned back.
“Set another place for dinner.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Cursing his lack of care, Kai made his way to the distant shrub. “Hizashi.  Isn’t it?”
Hizashi’s eyes squeezed shut.  Where was Oboro?  He sheepishly stepped out from behind the bush. “Yeah.  And you’re Kai, right?  The one tasked with instructing Teris.”
“Teris makes it more of a pleasure than a task.” Kai said, wondering what if anything the Hybrid overheard.
Hizashi's eyes darted about looking for someone to come to his aid.  He was usually great with meeting new people.  But after what he saw...
“About what you heard--”
“I didn’t hear anything.”  Hizashi said.
Relieved, Kai went on.  “Well, I’m sorry you had to see that.  I tend to take sterner measures when the protection of a ladies virtue is at stake.”
Hizashi's lowered ears lifted and twitched.  “A ladies virtue?”
“You don’t think I go around treating my Ilca so cruelly all the time do you?  What has Teris been telling you about me?”
“No, no!” Hizashi shook his head.  He laughed, relieved.  Though still unsettled, it gave reason to what he saw.  “Teris speaks rather highly of you.”
A low hummed sounded in Kai’s throat, such things always nice to hear.  “You wouldn’t happen to know who ‘s doing her inspection.  Would you?”
Hizashi frowned and shook his head.  He didn’t know what Teris’ interview and inspection would entail.  But the words coupled with Shouta's darkening mood as today drew near told him it wouldn’t be pleasant.  “I wish she didn’t have to go through it.  It’s all because they can tell she’s some pure blooded beast from an ancient species.  If she were a Hybrid like me and had some telling marker in her human form.  Like my ears.  Maybe they would have some idea what she was and wouldn’t have to go through it.”
Kai’s lips tightened a fraction.  The thought of the dirty Hybrid feeling sorry for Teris and wishing such a disgusting disgrace of mixed blood on her was an insult. “I’m hosting a dinner for her this evening.  Hopefully it will help take her mind off today's ordeal.”
“That—that sounds really nice.”  Hizashi said, wishing he’d thought of it. Maybe Kai wasn’t so bad.
“I’d like for you to come.  I know Teris thinks you a close friend and having you there would undoubtedly make her happy.”
Hizashi brightened.  “Is Shouta going?”
Kai paused but was able to keep his irritation with Hizashi and hate for Shouta from showing.  “The aim is to lighten Teris’ spirits and make her happy.  Do you think his presence would aid in that?”
Hizashi's smile fell.  It would if the two quit being so stubborn and admitted their feelings for each other, he thought. But as things currently stood, Kai had a point.  “Do you like her?”
“That’s a rather personal question.”  Kai replied.
“She’s my friend.”
“Which is why I would like us to get to know each other.”  Kai said.
“So you do like her.”  Hizashi said.
Kai wasn’t about to belittle his feelings to something as juvenile as like.  Nor was he willing to tell Hizashi his plans to Bond with Teris; fully aware the Hybrid would tell her and Teris wasn’t ready to hear it.  Instead, Kai said.  “I want to see Teris happy and think she deserves the best, same as you.  More than that I can and will give her those things and more.”
Hizashi wasn’t sure how he felt about Kai liking Teris.  Sure he had suspected it.  And with the way Teris talked, he could tell she had a bit of a crush on Kai in return.  But he had seen Teris and Shouta together.  They could be so perfect if only they stopped being so stupid.  Still, it was Teris’ life.  If she chose to be with Kai either for friendly release or as a companion, Hizashi would support her.  So long as Kai was a good guy.  And accepting Kai’s invitation to dinner was just  the chance Hizashi needed to decide if Kai was a good guy.
Thinking a short apology to Shouta, Hizashi smiled. “Thanks for the invite.  I’d love to go.”
“Good. I’ll see you and Teris at six.”  Kai turned away, pleased with the exchange.  Distasteful as it would be having a filthy Hybrid in his Ilca dorm, he was well aware what Hizashi meant to Teris. Winning Hizashi over would only help speed Teris’ sense of ease and comfort which would quicken her acceptance of their eventually mating.
Shouta glanced at the window gauging the passage of time.  It had been nearly an hour but Teris’ interview felt like it had gone on much longer.  Seated beside her, Shouta hoped the questioning was near its end.  That was until he remembered what awaited her after.  Sharp eyes looked over the five visiting Council Elders seated at the table before them.  He wondered which Elder would be doing Teris’ inspection.  Much as he hoped it would be His Purple Highness, Shouta wasn’t holding his breath.  He was never that lucky.
Along with the five visiting Council members was Elder Yagi.  Also a member of the Council, the Talos was acting more as host for these proceedings than anything else.  At the end of the long table was Director Nedzu and Arbitrator Todoroki Enji, who were there more as witnesses to the interview and hadn’t said a word unless direct questions were asked of them.
Facing the line of Council members felt more like facing a firing squad. Though few questions were asked of him, Shouta couldn’t shake the invading memories of his own interview.  The fear his younger self had felt got the best of him twice already.  Making his heart hammer till the rush of blood drummed in his ears drowning everything else out.
“Tell us, Aizawa.  Has Teris shown any hinting of her true form?  Scales? Feathers?  Fur?”  Destro asked.
“No.” Shouta lied without pause or regret.
“Why don’t you speak plainly and just ask if she’s shown sign of being a Griffon, Dragon, or Sphinx?”  Ryuko asked the Basilisk.
Eyes on Shouta, Destro prodded.  “Well?  Has she?”
“No.” Shouta said.
“Having once served the Dragons and raised one myself.  I can say with certainty that our young Foundling here is not a Dragon.”  Ryuu said.
“Nor is she a Sphinx.”  His Purple Highness put in.
“And what about a Griffon?”  Destro questioned.
Shouta’s fingers twitched, eyes on some distant detail in apparent disinterest.
His Purple Highness looked at Destro. The Basilisk’s might’ve served the Dragons during the Dragon-Griffon war.  But Destro had become leader of the species after the Fall of Crowns.  Whether it was because Destro had been leader for only 233yrs and felt the need to prove himself. Or because the Basilisk truly held such beliefs. Destro had been the most vocal Council member when Shouta and Kai faced the Elders. He vehemently argued the then young Sphinx and Dragon should be put to death for the sake of continued peace.
“The Griffon’s are dead.  A lost species.”  Mera said, wishing for the interview to end so he could go to his rooms and sleep.
“So were the Sphinx's and Dragons until Ryuu and His Purple Highness found and saw different.”  Ryuko said.  The Amphiteres might’ve served the Dragons during the war.  But Ryuko liked to think she and her species had lost their servant mental to the Dragons; while holding no animosity against Kai for his species past deeds.  “What’s to say Elder Yagi hasn’t done the same?”
Yagi coughed.  The Talos’ long ago injury that was slowly killing him making him cough blood into a handkerchief.
“May I remind you, Yagi didn’t find Teris.  She was found in earth and brought to Oblvi by a Derrick.  You can hardly fault Yagi for that.  Or did you young ones forget Traverseen Hall was build near one of the only two physical gateways connecting Oblvi to earth?” His Purple Highness asked.
Ryuko didn’t mind being called a young one. When one had lived as long as His Purple Highness, everyone was young.  Still, she didn’t like her intelligence being called into question.  “I’m aware.”
“So why question if Yagi’s done the same?  Surely you’re aware any Foundlings or issues coming through either gateway are handled by the area Elder.  Yagi just happened be unfortunate Teris was brought through the gateway here. It’s not as if he didn’t inform the rest of us immediately.” His Purple Highness said.
“Unlike some.”  Destro remarked.
“I informed the Council of my finding Shouta as soon as I was able.” The Dryad King said.
“After you unspelled him.”  Destro said.
“I’m flattered you think my physique strong enough to carry a stoned Sphinx through an untamed forest and back home.”  His Purple Highness sarcastically flirted.  “It’s not as if I secretly hatched a Dragon egg and raised the youngling for several years before informing the other Elders.”
Ryuu frowned at the Dryad.  “Your species served the Griffons during the war.”
“And yours served the Dragons.  Save for the Sphinx's, there isn’t a species of Fourth that wasn’t guilty of choosing a side.  And every single one of us here helped hunt the Sphinx's down for it during the war.” His Purple Highness said.
“Is that why you unspelled the Sphinx?  Out of some sense of guilt?” Destro asked.
“This is an interview about the Foundling.  Can we please stay on target and get this over with?”  Mera murmured, tired eyes slipping closed.
Looking at His Purple Highness, Ryuu went on. “You were quite high up the ranks, if I remember. A close and trusted friend of the Griffon King.”
“That was a long time ago.”  His Purple Highness said.
“But surely you remember well enough what the Griffon species smells like. All we’re looking for is some assurance Teris isn’t one.”  Ryuu said.
Shouta's eyes lifted to his mentor.  Air catching in his lungs he force himself to breathe.
Everyone at the long table, seated across from Shouta and Teris, turned to the Dryad King.  Destro and Ryuu leaned forward to get a better look at the Fourth.
His Purple Highness stared at Ryuu.  There was a toying glint in the Tengu’s challenging gaze.  With a blink His Purple Highness realized Ryuu somehow knew Teris was a Griffon.  How?  And why wasn’t he outing her?  Was Ryuu setting him up to deny Teris was Griffon in attempt to claim he was a sympathizer to the fallen crowns and traitor to the Council?
“Well?” Mera pressed, eager to be done.
“Teris’ hereditary scent smells like no Griffon I’ve ever smelled.”  His Purple Highness truthfully said.
Ryuu’s shimmering eyes smiled at the Dryad King.  His Purple Highness expected a follow up question to try and ensnare him.
Instead Ryuu blocked further questions before anyone could ask them. “Well, I’m satisfied.  If no one has anything further?  Good.”
Mera was already standing and gathering his papers.  “In that case. We’re done.  Director Nedzu, thank you for the use of the room. Thank you everyone for your time.”
“And her inspection?”  Destro looked after the already departing Mera.
“Happening in the next room over.”  Mera said with wave and a yawn.
Mera gone, Ryuko looked at the fellow Elders. “So who’s doing it?”
Shouta's shoulders sunk.  There went his hope Teris would be inspected by the sole woman in the group.
Teris was so relieved the interview was over she didn’t hear the name of the Fourth inspecting her.  She felt Shouta tense beside her.
Lips hidden by his capture weapon, Shouta attempted to assure the both of them. “It’ll be alright.”
Teris barely heard Shouta’s murmur.  His deep timber a comforting balm while his words set her back on edge.  What had she missed?  Who was doing the inspection?
Getting to his feet, Shouta turned and held a hand out to her. “Just keep the bracelet on.  Understand?”
Teris nodded.  Her eyes lowered to Shouta's upturned hand.
For a second Shouta thought she wouldn’t take it.  He silently cursed himself for the unthought action.  But then Teris’ warm hand nestled in his. Shouta's nerves ignited in delight. His fingers curled around hers.  He pulled her to her feet and didn’t let go.  Turning around he led her out the room and down the hall to the next door.
Teris rushed to keep up with Shouta's longer stride.  Grateful when he stopped, she faced him, breathing hard.
“Out of breath from a short trek.  We should train more.”  Shouta murmured.
Teris weakling tried to pulled her hand out of his. “I know you’re an ass.  But you’re just saying that to irk and take my mind off things.”
“Is it working?”
Shouta stepped to her, hand letting go of hers to wrap around her waist. “How about now?”
Teris’ face heated.  The Sphinx wasn’t playing fair.  “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” Shouta hummed.
Teris shivered, feeling the deep vibration of his chest.
Shouta's other hand slinked up her arm.  “Should I up my game?”
“Are you capable of it?”
Shouta chuckled, lowly. “Oh, Kitten.  I’m getting up right now.”
He held her tighter.  His hardening length prodding her pelvis.  Teris sucked in a breath.  Her legs squeezed together, hips dancing.
Shouta bit back a groan.  There had been something he wanted to tell her. Something important.  But he couldn’t think with her rubbing against him.  The smell and warmth of her overwhelmed in the best of ways, drowning everything else out.  “Keep the bracelet on.”
“You already said that.”  Teris breathed.
Shouta swallowed, trying to remember what he wanted to say.  His head began to dip, eyes focused on her tantalizing lips. Teris’ head lifted, tilting ever so slightly.
The door behind her opened.  Shouta's head jerked up. Teris turned.  Eyes widening, she pressed back into Shouta.
Remembering what he wanted to say Shouta whispered into the back of her head. “Whatever the reason, if it becomes too much.  Leave. I’ll be waiting out here and will deal with whatever may come.”
Teris looked back at him.  She knew Shouta, like Kai, was watched by the Council.  But until today she hadn’t realized the Council's goodwill still determined their continued existence.  If Shouta went against the Council…
“Are you ready?”  A male voice asked.
Shouta looked at the man, fighting a low growl.  How the hell was the Anzu preforming the inspection?  He wasn’t an Elder.  He merely worked for the Council.
Straightening her back, Teris turned and met Hawks’ gold eyes.  Shouta felt a wave a pride at the way she fearlessly faced the Anzu.
Hawks watched Teris step to him. Holding her breath, she passed him and entered the room.  Hawks’ eyes flicked to Shouta.  He smiled at the Sphinx.  Shouta's lip twitched, battling a snarl.  The Anzu cocked his head at Shouta's unaffected stare.
“Feel free to go about your day.  This may take a while. I plan on being exceedingly thorough.” Hawks goaded.
Shouta's hands balled into fists in his pockets.  Claws formed and embedded in his palms.
Hawks’ eyes narrowed a fraction at the non-reaction.  He smiled crookedly and shrugged. “Or stay and use your imagination.”
It took every ounce of restraint Shouta had not to bust down the door as soon as it snapped shut.  The Elders exited the interview room drawing his attention.
While the others filed off in the opposite direction, His Purple Highness made his was to Shouta.
The tension in Shouta's shoulders eased. Annoying as His Purple Highness could be, the Dryad had been something of a parental figure.  Well, more like the embarrassing Uncle that made open innuendos in polite conversation and forgot children were around.  Still, His Purple Highness had done more than unspell him and argue for his life.  He had given Shouta a home.  The beginnings of a new pack to help ease the pain of the one he’d lost.
The Dryad King smiled warmly. “That interview couldn’t have been easy for you.  You did well.”
“It was Teris’ interview.”  Shouta said.
“She did well too.”
“She did.”  Shouta agreed.
“You should tell her.”
“Tell her what?”
“That she did well.”  His Purple Highness said.
Thinking the too proud Griffon likely thought she did well in everything she did, Shouta huffed.  “She already knows.”
As he spoke, the Dryad added, voice mixing with the Sphinx.  “And that you love her.”
Shouta looked at the Fourth and blinked.  “What?”
“What?” His Purple Highness echoed.
Shouta's eyes narrowed at the Dryad’s overly innocent expression.
Certain Shouta had heard him, His Purple Highness went on.  “Still, her interview had to have brought back memories of your own.”
“Maybe a bit.”  Shouta begrudgingly admitted.
“I remember the day I found you hidden in a crevice deep inside that mountain cave.”  His Purple Highness didn’t speak of the cave-ins, rubble, or multiple bones that had once been Shouta's home and pack.  “Curled up and put to stone, you looked so tiny and helpless.  It was clear you had been spelled not just for protection, but out of a great love and sense of hope. Even being put in hibernation during what had surely been a terrifying time, you looked peaceful holding that--”
Shouta's eyebrows furrowed.  He had been holding something?  What?  He didn’t remember holding anything.
His Purple Highness chuckled, trying to cover and divert from the slip. He would tell Shouta about and give him the Griffon feather he’d found him with.  But not now.  It was far too dangerous for both Shouta and Teris.  “You were a dirty mess but still one of the most beautiful and precious things I’ve seen in my life.”
Shouta’s scowled with an embarrassed blush.  He ducked into his capture weapon trying to hide his flushed cheeks.  Grateful his hair covered his warming ears.
“You’re getting sentimental in your old age.”   Shouta muttered dryly.
“Deciding what to do with you was one of the hardest and easiest things I’ve done in my existence.”  Thinking again of Teris’ feather clutched in Shouta's small hand, His Purple Highness said.  “As soon as I unspelled you I thought I’d regret it.  But I never did.  Not even when faced with the fear and anger of my fellow Council Elders.  Even now, after everything. I don’t regret it.”
“You mean after I’ve grown into a gruff grouch?”  Shouta said with a toothy smile most found creepy.
“Well… Now that you mention it…”
The two chuckled.  Shouta's low and short.  His Purple Highness’ light and long.
“I’m almost sorry you’re leaving tomorrow.”  Shouta said.
“Well, now that you mention it.”  The Dryad grinned.
Shouta's expression darkened. “I said almost.”
“A King has duties to his people, Shouta.  There’s a Harvest Moon tomorrow.”
Shouta cursed.  With everything going on, he’d forgotten.
Oblvi had four Harvest Moons a year.  One for each season.  While most species only celebrated one Harvest Moon.  Many elementals and species carrying a tie to the land celebrated all four.  The fall Harvest Moon would be celebrated with bonfires and dancing.  And of course release.
Many revelers would attend in their true form.  It’s why humans took to wearing masks on the day.  To appear like the ‘evil spirits’ they saw and not be set upon.  But that was a long time ago.  Thankfully travel to earth was now limited and illegal without proper pass. Though their were occasionally those that snuck through.
“You should come.  You could use some fun.”  His Purple Highness said.
“Walking around a forest full of loud, excited Fourth's is hardly what I call fun.”  Shouta remarked.
“Hizashi is half High Elf.”
Shouta cursed again.  High Elf’s were connected to the land.  Of course Hizashi would want to and should participate.  The celebration was more than just a festival. It had a physical effect on the Fourth's linked to nature.
“Teris should attend too.”  His Purple Highness said.
“No.” Shouta's heckles rose at the thought of Teris accepting some revelers invitation to participate in the orgy known as the Sowing.
“I understand that Kai is instructing her.  But as her Ilca leader you should be taking part in her learning.”
Shouta's lip twitched, biting back a snarl.  Mind still on the Sowing, he imagined all the ways Kai was instructing her.  It certainly didn’t help that Teris had returned yesterday smelling of sex and Kai.
“Bring your Ilca and just attend for the tamer beginning festivities.” His Purple Highness said. “Think of it as a lesson for Teris, and way to support Hizashi.”
Though he had denied His Purple Highness in the past, Shouta didn’t like to.  He owed the Dryad.  Even now His Purple Highness looked out for him.  The least he could do was suffer an hour or two at the Harvest Moon Festival.
“Fine.” Shouta growled.
“Alone again.”  Hawks smiled, seductively.
Trying to hide her unease Teris blustered.  “If you kiss me again I’ll kill you.”
“I’m hurt.  Like that lip you bit when I kissed you.  I’m nothing if not professional, Teris.  Now undress.”
“What!” Teris shrunk back clutching the neck of her tank top.  She wished she’d worn more covering clothes.
“It’s an inspection.  What’d you think I’d be looking over?  Your resume?”
Teris swallowed.  Her show of fear was giving him too much power.  The Anzu’s toying smile and dancing eyes told of his enjoyment at her discomfort.  Lowering her hand she met his shimmering gold eyes.
Hawks’ eyes narrowed.  Anger and distress often caused a small show of a Fourth's true form.  It’s probably why the Council Leader decided he would perform Teris’ inspection.  Because he was good at playing with emotions and getting under peoples skin.  But if Teris was going to bury her unease thus denying the opportunity of some display of her true form, then he had no other choice but to go through with the inspection.  Not that he minded.
Teris looked Hawks over in judging distaste.  “So are the Anzu some newly recognized species?  I thought Hybrid’s were the only ones incapable of perfect human form.”
“Wow! Do you speak to Hizashi with that mouth?”
Teris grimaced.  She really didn’t care.  But given how much Kai made of it, thought it would be a sore spot to needle Hawks with.
“My species is a new old.”  Hawks said, conversationally.
“A what?”
“Not new.  Not old.  And definitely not ancient.  The wings and eye markings a show.”  Hawks said of himself.
“Show of what?”  Teris asked.
“You can put on that robe.”  Hawks nodded to a covering hanging off the back of a chair.
“Show of what?”  Teris pressed.
“Do you really wanna draw this out?  Aizawa’s probably stayed standing outside.  Waiting.  Wondering.”
Teris lifted her chin.  “I just want my question answered.  Show of what?”
Hawks smirked.  Proud.  Stubborn.  Entitled.  He ticked the traits off in his head for later scrutiny.  “Undress.”
“Turn around.”
Hawks’ smile grew.  “I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”
Teris huffed.  Hawks slowly turned away.  She took a tentative step to the chair.  Hawks looked over his shoulder making Teris pause.
“Just don’t go stabbing me in the back.”
“I’ll do more than that if you look back again.”  Teris snarled.
“Ooo. Promise!”  Hawks enthused.  His wings opened and lifted creating a sort of screen between them that put Teris at ease.
Teris pulled off the tank top and hastily put on the robe.  Her skin prickled at the touch of the cool silken fabric.  It was shorter than she would've liked.  Coming to just above her mid-thigh.  But at least she wasn’t left in just her underwear.  Not trusting Hawks, Teris turned away undoing her belt and pants.
Red feathers parted ever so slightly, a single gold eye peeking through. Hawks observed Teris’ movements more than her undressing.  There were moments where she was fluid and graceful; like a cat.  And others that reminded him of himself when agitated; quick and staccato.  Bird like.
Back turned to the Anzu, Teris bent and pulled off her pants. Straightening, she felt a presence behind her and spun around.  When had Hawks moved?
“Shall we begin?”  Before Teris could respond, Hawks dropped into a squat in front of her.
Suddenly Hawks wrapped a hand around the back of her ankle and lifted her leg. Teris squeaked.  Her body jerked, toes curling.  Arms stretched out trying to help balance.  She wobbled for a second but quickly steadied herself.
Hawks noted her reactive timing.  And how she didn’t need the nearby chair.  Though there was still no physical display of her true form.
“What the hell!”  Teris squawked.
Interesting. While most voices took on a higher pitch when startled.  There was a melodic chirp to Teris’ voice.
“Just checking your reflexes.”  Hawks sung, Teris’ chirp bringing out the beastly bird in him.  He set down her leg, hand and eyes running up the smooth flesh.
Teris shivered at the touch.  When he got to her mid-thigh she stepped away.
Hawks met her glare with a smile.  “I guess it would be rude to go any further without first buying you dinner.  Other than Kai have you sought release with anyone else?”
“I’ve already done my interview.”
“So that’s a no.”  Hawks declared.  He got to his feet.  “Since I’m staying on at Traverseen Hall for a while.  Feel free to seek me out if you tire of Kai.  Or just want some variety.”
“That’s never gonna happen.”
“I make it a point to never say never.  Extend your arm.”
Teris did so.  Allowing Hawks to push the sleeve of her robe up.  He rotated her arm, hand and eyes examining the same way he had her leg. His fingers skimmed over the bracelet Shouta had given her.  Teris tensed.
Hawks’ eyes narrowed and lifted taking in every minute expression.  His fingers trailed down her palm, opening up her hand.  Head lowering to the pulse point of her wrist, he breathed deeply.  Her hereditary scent was definitely less distinct than it had been yesterday.  And there was a muddled something to it that hadn’t been there before.
While it didn’t matter to him since he’d been unable to recognize her species scent.  He wondered if any of the Council Elders would've been able to tell what she was if not for the obscuring difference.
His eyes focused on the bracelet she wore.  The bracelet that hadn’t been on her wrist yesterday when her species scent was clear and distinctive.  He wondered who gave it to her.  Aizawa was the obvious choice since she hadn’t had it when she’d come from Kai, smelling of sex and the Dragon.  Why would Kai want to muddle her species scent anyway?  Then again, why would Shouta?
A talon sprung from his nail-bed, pricking the pad of Teris’ finger. Teris’ hand jerked back.  She licked the small puncture.  Hawks marked her treatment of the wound.  The list of possible species she could be narrowed by small degrees.
“Take off the robe.”
Teris bared her teethed.  “No.”
Hawks met her challenging glare with a mask of stern command.
“Why’d you give me the thing if you were gonna make me take it off?” Teris asked.  “Trying to lure me into false comfort?  Or do you just like toying with people?”
Like toying with people?  Hawks thought.  No.  But I’m good at it. Trained at it.  Along with a host of other things.  Hawks’ mask of determination melted into one of mock sympathy.  “What the Council giveth the Council can easily taketh away.”
Teris’ eyes widened thinking of Shouta and Kai’s lives.  At Hawks’ smirk, her expression hardened.  “You’re not the Council.”
“You’re right.  But I am working for them.  We all must obey and dance to the Council's tune if we wish to keep our lives and freedom.  Now take off the robe.”
Teris paused.  Caught between fearful compliance and proud defiance.
Seeing her hesitance, Hawks took pity and cajoled.  “I told you.  I’m nothing if not professional.”
“You’ve been far from professional.”
“It’s just a job, Little Bird.”
“Names like that make it seem more than a job.”  Teris glared.
“Have you never enjoyed a job?”  Hawks questioned.  He both hated and loved this one.  Teris was fun.  The puzzle of figuring out what she was a unique challenge.  Only trouble he had with the task was Teris was new to this world.  She wasn’t like the others he’d spied on and lured into traps in the past.  She was truly innocent and unprepared for the ways Oblvi worked and was run.  And he had to pray on that innocence to get his answers.
It’s just a job, Hawks comforted himself.  If he didn’t do it the Council Leader would send someone else, and he’d be ruined.  Never mind what his Secret Boss who ordered him to watch Teris would do.
Suddenly Hawks was in her face.  Teris pulled her head back only to have Hawks grab under her jaw, fingers pinching in her cheeks.  He pulled her forward.  Their noses almost touching.  Hawks’ eyes darted over her face.  His hair tickled her forehead.
Teris’ breath caught in her throat.  Her eyes widened, unfocusing.  The action was reminiscent of the way the scarred man use to grab and examine her, spitting terrifying words in her face.
Hawks’ wings sagged.  No sign of her true form.  Releasing her, he stepped back.  “Robe off.  Now.”
Heart hammering in her chest Teris untied the fabric belt with trembling hands.  She tried to steady her breathing, telling herself the scarred man wasn’t here.  He and his blue flames couldn’t hurt her.
The robe slipped from her shoulders.  Hawks watched it puddled on the floor at her feet.  Taking a fortifying breath, he schooled his features and lifted his eyes.  Teris’ hips turned to the side.  She crossed her arms shielding her bra covered breasts.  The action squeezed her tits together enhancing her enticing cleavage.
Stay on target, Hawks told himself.  This is a job.  Not a pleasure. Yeah, but with a sight like that it kinda makes it a bit of both, he argued with himself.  She doesn’t want you and there’s a Sphinx waiting outside that’ll tear you apart if you step out of line, he reminded.
Hawks slowly circled her.  Booted feet deafening in the silence.  Teris shivered.  Though she couldn’t say if it was from the chill or Hawks’ roving gaze.  She felt him stop behind her and bit her lip, fighting the urge to look back at him.
Fingers plucked the waistband of her panties.  Teris spun around.
“Just checking for a tail.”  Hawks smiled, crookedly.  His eyes sharpened.  Still no sign of her true form.
“Are we done?”
“Almost. Just wanna try one more thing.”
“Try for what?”  Teris scowled.  She yelped and turned, something tickling the back of her leg.  It was one of Hawks’ feathers.
Hawks stepped to her.  With a practiced snap of the bra strap he had her bra unhooked.
One arm clutched to her chest, Teris spun back around, other hand lifted. Hawks had but a moment to see the mild display.  But a moment was all he needed.  In place of peach fuzz there were tiny quills gracing Teris’ cheeks.
Her hand connected.  The slap sharp and loud.  Hawks’ head wrenched to the side.  He held his throbbing cheek.  The stinging skin hot under the palm of his hand.
Teris bent, free hand grabbing the robe.  She grasped the fabric to her. “Out!  This so called inspection is finished.  We’re done.”
Feather re-attaching to his wing, Hawks turned to the door.  The inspection might be done.  But he was far from finished.
***This fic will have a LOT more world building than my others.  Please feel free to comment or send me an ask if you have any questions.
Thank you to those who have left hearts. And a special thank you to those who have left comments and/or reblogged. They really mean a lot.
Special thank you to @inorganicone2230 who knows of my love for the mythic and encouraged me to start this fic without stressing about the other two I’ve got going.  Your friendship means the world to me.
9 notes ¡ View notes
talpup ¡ 5 years ago
Lost Song: 7
Summary: The war between the Dragons and Griffons ended 233 years ago, and both races right along with it.
Or so it was believed. There are three individuals that will soon change that.
Kai is the last of the Dragons and he seeks to take what he sees as his rightful place and rule over all of Oblvi. Meanwhile, Shouta, the last Sphinx, wants nothing more than to do his job; keep the peace and and teach the young Fourth’s to hopefully avoid the mistakes of their ancestors. And Teris, a Foundling who is just trying to understand and survive in this strange new world that is supposedly her own.
All three have their own wants and desires, but Kai’s plans, Teris’ existence, and Shouta's past mean that none of them may get what they want.
This fic is rated explicit and has warnings of sex, violence, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Sorry for the delay.  Also sorry this chapter is shorter than planned.   On top of not feeling all that smutty, I've been a bit focused on my Black Clover fic 'Light In the Darkness'.  Hoping to slowly get back into writing this and my other BNHA fics.
Kai was furious.  When he had asked Teris how her first patrol had gone she had answered with a simple ‘fine’.  At first he had thought she was being playful, wanting him to press and pursue.  The thought of her toying him to persuade the answer out of her had amused and pleased him for a time.  But then she had said Shouta ordered her and Hizashi not to speak about their patrols.  Adding fuel to the already angry fire was that his scale had somehow been lost.  The fact that he didn’t know how and she wasn’t allowed to tell him made Kai’s blood.
At the sight of her distress, Kai had swallowed down his anger and told her he could give her another.  Her response had enraged and worried him.  Teris saying that as much as she had liked and appreciated him trying to look out for and protect her; but maybe it was best if he didn’t give her another one of his scales.  It had been a slap in the face.  But one given more by Aizawa and the Sphinx’s gag order than Teris herself.
Something had happened on that patrol.  Kai was sure of it.  Just as he was certain Aizawa had ordered his Ilca not to speak about their patrols in effort to draw closer to Teris, and try to create a divide between him and Teris with this sense of secrecy.  Well Kai wasn’t having it.
He had learned that Aizawa was having an early morning meeting with Nedzu and made his way to the little Rat’s office to confront the Sphinx.  Having Nedzu present would play in his favor.  Even though Ilca leaders were allowed to make such gag orders; Teris being a Foundling created a unique circumstance.  And Kai had just the argument to win his case and get his way.
Undeterred by the Director’s Assistant saying Nedzu was in a meeting and calling for him to stop, Kai entered the office.
In the mist of telling Shouta what he had done with the Red Cap, Nedzu fell silent and looked up.  Shouta turned in his seat.  Seeing Kai, and the expression the Dragon wore, the Sphinx stood.
Ignoring the immediate rise of tension in the room, Nedzu greeted.  “Kai. What a pleasant surprise.  I wasn’t expecting you.  Was I?”
“No. Forgive the intrusion, but I need to speak with you about an order Aizawa gave his Ilca.”  Kai said, mindful to be polite and not to appear like a possessive Beast by making this all about Teris.
“Of course.  Shouta and I were just finishing up our meeting.”  Nedzu gave his Assistant a nod.
Frowning at Kai the Assistant closed the door leaving the three alone.
“Tea?” Nedzu offered.
“No.” Kai answered, moving further into the office.  His eyes darted from Aizawa to the Director, silently cursing.  In his anger he was being rude.  He had to control his temper and win the Director over just as he did with everyone else.
“Care to have a seat?”  Nedzu asked.
“Thank you.”  Kai politely accepted.
Shouta watched Kai, waiting until the Dragon sat before slowly retaking his seat.
“So what is this matter you wish to discuss?”  Nedzu asked.
Shouta had a moment of worry.  Had Teris told Chisaki about her patrol despite his order?  No, Shouta thought. As unruly and abrasive as Teris could sometimes be she would obey him in this.  Not to mention if she had disobeyed and Kai pieced together what she was, the Dragon wouldn’t be here confronting him and Nedzu. Teris would already be dead.
The thought made the heckles on the back of Shouta’s neck rise.  He forced down a growl.
Sensing the Sphinx’s rise in tension Kai’s golden eyes slid over to Shouta.  “I knew you were unhappy, thinking you were saddled with the Foundling’s.  But as a teacher of the young ones I would have figured you would do your best to help your Ilca along.  Instead you’re, holding them back. Endangering them.  I suppose even I thought too highly of you.”
Shouta doubted there was anyone in Oblvi that Kai thought less of than him; but didn’t address that fact.  Instead he challenged the more stinging insult.  Not that he cared what Chisaki thought.  “I do all in my power to protect both my students and Ilca.”
“Little as that power is, you are far from giving your all this time.”  Kai remarked.
“What is this about?”  Nedzu questioned.
“Aizawa has gone and ordered his Ilca not to speak about their patrols.”  Kai informed.
“As is my right as Ilca leader.”  Shouta told the Dragon.
Kai focused back on the Sphinx.  “But this is a special case.  Your Ilca are still learning.  I’ve been instructed to teach Teris. Hearing about her patrols would further that endeavor.  Your gag order is hindering that and endangering her.”
Shouta stared back without blinking.  “I’ve done nothing but protect her. Your scale is what endangered Teris.”
“I gave Teris that to protect her.”  Kai told.
The shining fierceness in Kai’s eyes told Shouta the Dragon meant what he said.  So it had been more than a flaunting display of claim, but an attempt to protect by claim, Shouta thought. He huffed at the arrogance of it.  “Then maybe Nedzu should find someone else to instruct Teris.  Because you are either too unknowing or foolish to realize the deep seeded hate and pride those who sided with the dragons and griffons still hold. That in giving Teris a dragon scale to wear was akin to putting a target on her chest.”
Kai’s eyes flashed and narrowed.  If the Director hadn’t been there he would have killed Aizawa for daring to call him an unknowing fool.  With his scale around her neck, any past or present followers of the dragons wouldn’t dare touch Teris. The same went for any who had sided with or were still loyal to the dead species of griffons.  Though his work to reclaim ruling control was done in secret, there was no one in the surrounding area that would chance his wrath by attacking his claim.
Nedzu cleared his throat.  “I must agree that a dragon scale is a rather contentious item for someone who is not a dragon to have and wear.”
Validated, Shouta added before he could stop himself.  “The other gifts must stop too.”
Nedzu brightened at that.  “Other gifts?”
Kai’s lip twitched. “You might be able to order her not to speak of her patrols, Aizawa. But you have no say in my dealings with her.”
“You’re suppose to be instructing her.  Yet you’re giving her rare, priceless items; having her believe they’re something you just happened to have laying around.”  Shouta rumbled.
Kai smirked at the Sphinx.  “Well they were something I just had laying around.  Not all of us live like bedraggled cats in squalor.”
Shouta’s chin ducked into his capture weapon.  His piece hiding his snarl. “I know what you’re doing.”
Kai spread his hands.  “I’m an open book with nothing to hide.  What about you, Aizawa?  What do have to hide that you felt the need to give your Ilca a gag order?  Knowing what Teris has dealt with while on patrol would help focus and further my instruction of her.  It would protect and see her better prepared. Unless you want her to fail.”
“No one wishes to see anyone fail.”  Nedzu spoke up.  Eyes on Kai, he told.  “I’ve read the report and agree with Shouta's gag order. Helpful as it may be to your teaching of Teris, and Oboro’s of Hizashi's.  There are times and cases where silence is necessary. No doubt you have come across such cases on your own patrols.  That said, I have faith that you’re capable of seeing Teris well prepared without hearing about her patrols.  Both you and Oboro have done fine jobs thus far.”
Kai’s gaze drifted from Shouta's to Nedzu’s.  So the Rat was for this, he thought.  Fine.  He would do it the hard way and order Hari to send followers out to learn what Shouta was keeping secret.
Kai inclined his head.  “Director. Sorry to have disturbed you.”
Nedzu forgave with a smile. “It’s quite alright.  In fact it’s good to know you care so deeply about Teris to be this passionate.  Keep up the good work.”
With members of the Council expected tomorrow, all of Traverseen Hall was on edge.  Kai’s Ilca even more so since Ryuu, the Tengu that had found Kai’s egg and raise him, would be one of the three Council members arriving.  Despite the already stressful situation, Kai had given his Ilca further orders.
Meeting adjourned, Kai watched his Ilca file out of his office. Unsurprisingly Hari stayed behind.  The Arepyiai was his right hand and most loyal follower.  Other than Kai himself, no one was more keen to see him reclaim the Dragon throne and rule.  It was that long held unwavering loyalty and submission to his cause that Kai occasionally allowed Hari a bit more leeway than most.
“Sir.” Hari tendered.
“I know what you’re going to say.”  Kai said, lacing his fingers on his desk.
Hari didn’t say anything.  Kai was watchful and clever.  He and the Dragon had known each other for so long that it wasn’t a surprise Kai knew what he was thinking. So why had he stayed behind to speak up when Kai surely knew of his concerns?  His complete loyalty usually had him obeying Kai without question.  But with members of the Council arriving.  It put Kai at risk.  Hari’s need to protect his Leader.  Even at the cost of displeasing Kai. Even at the cost of Hari’s own life.  It out weighed everything else and had Hari staying behind.
“You know what giving her a scale of mine means.”  Kai went on.
It was something Kai hadn’t intended to tell his Ilca.  But had been forced to if he were to discover what had happened to the gift.  He wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed.  It was simply none of their business what he did with or gave to Teris.  The fact that he had been forced to reveal the gift and its curios absence to his Ilca, furthered his already sour mood.
Hari inclined his head.  “And we will work diligently to figure out exactly what happened on that patrol.  But to look into immediately? When members of the Council are arriving.  When Ryuu is coming. Would it not be best to hold off until after they left? Ryuu and the other Council Elders will only be here for a few days.  For the sake for your cause and safety--”
“And what of Teris’ safety?” Kai questioned with dangerous calmness.
Hari fell silent.
“She’s to be my mate.”  Kai told. “Something happened on that patrol. Something Aizawa’s keeping secret.  I had thought this some weak attempt by the Sphinx to challenge me and my claim. But Nedzu agreed with the order.  It’s something more.  I want to know what.”
Hari stepped forward.  Concern for his leader made him give one last attempt despite every instinct to obey the Dragon. “And we will discover what happened.  But for your sake, can we not hold off a few days while the Council Elders are here?  You’ve already ordered Nemoto to have someone follow her.  Nothing else will escape your notice no matter Aizawa’s gag order.”
Any goodwill Kai had for Hari broke.  He eyes slitted, showing a hint of his true form.  “The order stands. I suggest you don’t say another word unless you want to be seen as challenging me.”
Hari gave a low bow and backed out of the office.
Door closed, Kai blinked, eyes returning to round.  Hari might’ve been right to worry.  But Teris was to be his mate.  Anything that happened to her may as well have been done to him.  If this had been something directly against him, Hari wouldn’t have questioned it no matter Ryuu and the other two Council Elders arrival. The Arepyiai and others had to understand that as his eventual mate, Teris was to be respected and protected as if she were him.  He would stand for nothing less.
Kai got to his feet and stepped away from his desk.  Moving to a large window, he looked out at the forest beyond. After a light lunch with Teris, he had instructed her to read up on how Beasts tracked their prey. The meeting with his Ilca while she had studied out on the lawn hadn’t calmed his agitated state.  If anything, it had heightened it.
Kai needed to let loose.  To run and fly. He needed to hunt.  And what better thing to hunt than the pretty prey he was courting and wanted to claim?
Thank you to those who have left hearts. And a special thank you to those who have left comments and/or reblogged. They really mean a lot.
Special thank you to @inorganicone2230 who knows of my love for the mythic and encouraged me to start this fic without stressing about the other two I’ve got going.  Your friendship means the world to me.
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