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the-carnival-of-time · 1 year ago
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crusty · 14 days ago
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Ikana @ocnintendoverse
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unironicallycringe · 2 years ago
dying trying not to share wips but I'm excited to finally be tackling the Demise mural/manuscript thing again that I just like, Stopped doing last year
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it's uh, for the whole origin mythos of Ikana Kingdom in a style similar to the opening scroll of WW, so I'll smack that on the TMM page when it's all done whee
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themask-maker · 2 years ago
Ikana Kingdom: Timeline Overview
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Here is a brief visual of the history of Ikana in this AU. Some pre-TMM stories will be posted and given a reference back to this timeline for ease of understanding their placements.
A detailed explanation is under the cut.
Pre-Ikana [~2000BAW - 200BAW]
The Tribes remain in their own separate regions and are generally at odds with one another. Demons worship local deities specific to their Tribes, but also collectively revere the Golden Goddesses as the original creators of the world.
Ikana's Founding [200BAW]
The Golden Goddesses are predicted to leave the world for Somewhere Beyond. In their wake, it is said they will leave a blessing for a Tribe that will take stewardship of the land, but only the Tribe which embodies a balance of their own virtues: courage, wisdom, and power. The Demon Tribes elect to have a tournament to decide which of them should meet the Goddesses and accept the blessing, and they erect Stone Tower for the winner to ascend into the Sacred Realm. Demise of the Gerra wins and goes to the Sacred Realm, only to find that the Golden Goddesses have seemingly chosen Hylia as their steward instead. Furious, the Demon Tribes turn their backs on the Goddesses. They band together under Demise's rule as Ikana Kingdom and declare themselves the gods of their own land instead. They add the suffix "-kana" to their Tribe names, to indicate that they are peoples under a united banner.
The First King's Era (Demise of the Gerra) [200 BAW - 9 AAW]
An era of rapid growth, but also cold war. Ikana becomes a formidable and wealthy Kingdom. Tensions rise steadily between Ikana and Ancient Hyrule. Over time, trade restrictions develop into outright embargoes and travel bans. Hylia erects the Goddess Wall. The Sheikah and Igo develop a secret alliance for their own gains - the Sheikah receive illusory Magicka and the Igo receive Timeshift stones. War becomes inevitable when the Sheikah are caught attempting to smuggle a significant resource out of Ikana. Igo leadership abandons the Sheikah and obscures their involvement.
The Ancient War [0AAW - 9AAW]
Demise declares war, claiming Hylia unfit to be Steward of the Triforce. Ikanan forces circumvent the Wall, instead inventing Twilit Doors to teleport their forces directly into Hylia's territory. The war rages for years, but eventually, both Demise and Hylia are "killed". The conflict destabilizes Ikana and practically decimates Ancient Hyrule. Remaining Ikanan leadership declares the areas beyond the Goddess Wall as off-limits and sacred ground. Demise's sword is retrieved and regarded as a sacred symbol for the Kingdom.
The Second King's Era (Vaudan of the Massu) [9AAW - 433AAW]
An era of rebuilding. Ikana emphasizes collectivism and patriotism in the face of their losses from The War. Sorcery colleges and standardized schooling established. Ikana assists Orq'oten in Lizalfos conflicts and annexes their land.
The Third King's Era (Calypse of the Twili) [433AAW - 901AAW]
An era of knowledge. Ikana emphasizes intellectual advancement to bolster their understanding of technology and sorcery. Minor skirmishes over land with non-Demonic Tribes - Deku in Woodfall, Rito in Cragmaw, Lizalfos in Tempore, etc. Cracks are beginning to form from a flawed foundation, but not enough to feel like a widespread problem for the powers that be.
The Fourth King's Era (Majora of the Igo) [901AAW - 1014AAW present day]
An era of unrest unity. Infrastructure falls into disrepair and citizens become displeased that their taxes are vanishing to frivolous uses. Court Lords become ruthless and greedy, willing to kill other nobles over resource disputes in the pursuit of more wealth. Most of Woodfall and Great Bay nobility disappear without a trace to no apparent consequence. Orq'otish Gerudo call for independence. Ikana forcibly emphasizes unity, but focuses on the symptoms instead of the problems themselves.
The Events of Skyward Sword [1011AAW]
The First King's Sword is stolen from Stone Tower. The last Woodfall Lord disappears.
The Events of The Mask-Maker [1014AAW]
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mascamaiorum · 11 months ago
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Knossos Palace / throne room
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Ikana Castle
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randomwriteronline · 2 years ago
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A Comprehensive History Of Ikana Canyon, in 14 steps + bonus thoughts
the best part of ninetndo never returning to termina is that its free real estate for headcanoned worldbuilding and general insane thoughts to have
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arcadetheatre · 1 year ago
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good-advice-ganondorf · 10 months ago
So while I do think it is important that Majora's Mask doesn't have a direct Ganondorf counterpart, it is really interesting that it does have another red haired king trying to get a powerful artifact inside of a temple. This starting a battle that he continues to lose for hundreds of years, surrounded by a kingdom so far declined that it's nothing but death and rot. A king who also has two bickering subordinates, defeated shortly before him. A king who teaches Link how to become a shell of himself, like how someone would feel if they lost 7 years of their life, and then were forced to fight and kill a man when they were only a child...
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jullbnt · 1 year ago
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Linktober 2023 – Day 11. Monsters
This one is a bit special I guess! I’m still not over the damn Redeads throwing a party in Ikana Castle, they were both horrifying and absolutely hilarious to me. I love it!
This part of the game was incredible and Stone Tower Temple might be my favorite dungeon ever.
(Fun fact: in French we call Redeads 'Effrois', which is French for terror or dread 🧐)
Previous (Day 10. Zelda) | Next (Day 12. Princess)
Linktober 2023 Masterlist
Linktober 2023 Majora's Mask
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the-carnival-of-time · 1 year ago
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errorwarblesrr · 2 years ago
I feel like moments like these are important. It solidifies that after everything he has been through in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, he is still a child. In OOT, he really was a child trapped in an adults body.
He doesn't consider himself a grown-up and doesn't really understand what's going on in the Anju and Kafei sidequest. He isn't motivated by the stakes or to help two lovers reunite but rather to just help for the sake of it.
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In Great Bay, there are, unfortunately, a bunch of weirdos. He looks at a Zora man weird, but I think rather than just finding him gross, he doesn't get it as seen in the Fish Wish sidequest. He finds them weird, but he doesn't have a full understanding of it. This showcases his innocence in the game.
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Along with that, there's also a moment where Sakon the thief tries to take advantage of Link. He talks about Link's sword and how cool it is, gives advice, and compliments the sword again, asking to just see it. It's obviously suspicious to the player, but if Link says yes, Tatl immediately gets hostile and attacks Sakon to drive him away instead of letting Link hand over his sword. If Link says no but tries to talk to him again, Tatl will immediately become hostile at Sakon anyway. I feel like this can show how niave Link can be.
There's also when Link receives a Keaton mask. He doesn't really get the meaning behind it and doesn't think accepting it if it makes sense, but he does it anyway. This doesn't really further any points other than he really is just a niave kid going through the motions.
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Point is Majora's Mask highlights how he is still a child at heart. He thinks and acts like one still after Ocrina of Time. He didn't just grow up when he was asleep for 7 years. After everything he's been through, he's still him: a child.
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jpspamleys · 2 months ago
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I want the Majora’s Mask itabag from Box Lunch to put this shit in, but for right now…I’m sorry but this COOKS
I got the second keychain from the left TEN YEARS AGO!!! most of this was drawn by me but the selfship keychain was by laioswife on Instagram 😍😍😍
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goddesstrolls · 15 days ago
Ikana Canyon [Tag]
An ancient, abandoned city-state located in a deep desert canyon. The city is partially below ground, within a massive cavern rife with magic-inundated flora and fauna. The Garo are the sole inhabitants, living in two hidden villages separate from the main cavern. They were originally a secret tribe of warriors who served the royal family of the ancient city-state. Though the kingdom has long since fallen, the tribe still remains. Okahni - Rustblood - A member of the Garo tribe and one of the last warriors who follow the tribe’s original purpose.
FV (Fishing Vessel) Argus [Tag 1] [Tag 2]
The FV Argus is a modified fishing trawler, now equipped to chase, fight, and haul giant aquatic fauna. It’s equipped with two mounted, electrified harpoon launchers, plus an electric net. They have a psionic generator for the net/harpoon launchers, as the ship’s normal generator isn’t enough to handle it. They use electricity to stun/immobilize creatures they’re hauling, because bringing them back mostly alive is better than dead. Anagyn Felwal - Purpleblood - Captain and main sales negotiator. He mostly handles the paperwork and finances stuff. Doesn’t like to lose money. Winnet Ackvee - Tealblood - Sales / Financial advisor. She tends to avoid the rest of the crew and often stays on shore. Domheo Tehein - Rustblood - Operations Control; Basically he’s one of the ones at the control board, manning radio/sonar + keeping everyone in contact and on the same page Ketler Dobayl - Bronzeblood - Operations Control, Medical Specialist Haelia Fehran - Violetblood - Medical Specialist, Rescue Eryeit Yiheim - Bronzeblood - Mechanic, Psionic Specialist, Labor; She powers the psionic generators when they need electricity Dsirel Terebi - Yellowblood - Mechanic, Labor; He’s very grumpy and he and Eryeit bicker a lot; The two of them have worked together for a long time. Nebale Kaivis - Violetblood - Hunter, Labor; Nebale chases their marks to the surface within range of the ship’s harpoons, allowing them to be hunted without requiring bait.
SV (Sailing Vessel) Thunderstroke
A barque ship currently serving as a private merchant vessel. About half the crew of 20 are temp workers. Many of the crew share jobs. Anirus Hyderi - Goldblood - Captain. After inadvertently causing a mutiny against the former captain, Anirus was voted into the position by the remaining crew. Anaste - Rustblood - Serves as medic and cook, and repairs the ropes and sails as needed. Has been on the ship since the previous Captain; Sweet, but strong-willed. Heil - Violetblood - First Mate, general advisor. He’s spent most of his life on a ship and has been on the Thunderstroke since the previous Captain. Well-meaning and generally relaxed but can be a bit coarse. Domura - Bronzeblood - Sailor with no specific role. Has telekinesis.
The Fangs [Tag 1] [Tag 2]
A mutant-operated gang with a number of lowblood members, without a single member above olive who isn’t also a mutant. Most members go by multiple different nicknames. The gang operates across a single city, but generally avoids stepping on the toes of other gangs, with its primary focus just to provide safety and income for mutants and lowbloods. Members often have one or more tattoos of fanged animals baring their teeth, and maybe hemoanon or wear multiple colors to rebel or obfuscate their true color. Intel, drugs, fight rings, and illegal weaponry are how the Fangs make their money. They are headed by the One-through-Four, a group of four mysterious trolls who are unknown to most members and the authorities. They own and operate several bars (namely Dogbite and Adderhead) which also serve as safe areas for their members, and sometimes also host fight rings. One - Fuchsiablood - A land-dwelling fuchsia and one of the four heads of the Fangs. Three - Goldblood - A bug-winged mutant with future sight psionics. Often warns of attacks on the gang’s places of operation and is something of a bleeding heart. Silans (AKA Lectro or Champion) - A candy red mutant who holds the title of Champion of Dogbite, which is the Fangs’ main bar. He provides advanced weaponry and cybernetics for the Fangs. Missah (AKA Missy, Sis, or Shotgun) - A limeblood who bartends at Adderhead. She secretly reports directly to the Numbers. Doc (AKA Jackal) - An oliveblood with black horns, a tail, and digitigrade legs. Serves as the fight ring doctor of the Adderhead fight ring. Lloric - Former Champion of the Adderhead fight ring. No longer a member of the Fangs. Whistler - A bronzeblood and the main bouncer of Adderhead. Usually wears a hat which shades his eyes. Has sight-based psionics which allow him to never miss a (still) target when using a ranged weapon.
Gaia [Tag 1] [Tag 2]
A long-standing organization whose main purpose is to anticipate and prevent world-ending catastrophies and other major calamities, especially of a magical, eldritch, or otherwise supernatural nature. Gaia employs many mages, mutants, even otherworldly entities, providing safety, comraderie, and income for those who would otherwise struggle on hostile Alternia. Begrudgingly, the Empire turns a blind eye to their illegal members for the protection that the organization provides.
Stormbringer ([REDACTED], “Dragonmom”) - Purpleblood - One of the two guardian deities of Alternia, who provides Gaia members with special protections. Hanabi - Jadeblood - Head of Operations and defacto leader, after the previous leadership betrayed the organization. Mikail - Tealblood - Head of the Investigations branch. Glasya - Purpleblood - Head archivist.
Shattered Star [Tag]
A “freelance” Fleet special ops group which generally performs jobs for the ‘highest bidder’ rather than answering to one authority in particular. Darvai - Purpleblood - Head of the group. Has potent psionics which allow him to view and alter the dreams and memories of those who are sleeping. Zarali - Candy Redbloood - Darvai’s adoptive daughter. Special Ops, specifically assassination and stealth. Has potent illusionary psionics. Two - Blueblood - A genetically altered supersoldier with massively powerful telekinesis. Typhos - Rustblood - A mage with extremely sensitive psychic empathy. Byrron - Blueblood - The ship’s engineer and weapons expert. Enjoys making things go boom. Vallai - Mutant Blueblood (Sky) - A freelance non-Fleet junker who wound up getting caught after saving Darvai’s life. She can turn herself into water. Lilani (Lila) - Yellowblood - The ship’s battery who hijacked the ship’s AI. She communicates via computer-generated voice and images on the ship’s intercomm and screens, and also has access to the ship’s artillery- Allowing it to carry far heavier firepower than the ship’s small size would suggest.
Mad Dog Mercenaries [Tag]
A small ragtag group of mercenaries. They have a small office in the midblood business district which doubles as partial living quarters and a safe zone for its members. They were previously associated with the mob that Nebale worked for, but have since moved cities and gone ‘legit’ since the mob dissolved. Mad Dog typically works in “brute force”, aka providing clients with combatants, chaos, and destruction, but also moves illicit cargo (on the down-low) and has started branching into intel and hacking. Don (Mad Dog) - Candy Redblood/Hemoanon - A hulking hemoanon missing his right forearm, with multiple heavy weapons he uses in place of a cybernetic. Munitions and demolitions expert, and the brains behind Mad Dog’s operations. Nari (Bullets/Blades) - Ceruleanblood - General combatant and field weapons expert. He gets along with Don fairly well, on a professional level. Mattie (Fangs) - Jadeblood - A seven-sweep-old prodigy hacker. Died at 6 sweeps and became a rainbow drinker, and lost his Empire stipend so he had to get a job. Epic gamer and resident tech expert, often acts as the eyes and ears for Mad Dog via self-built camera drones and hacked feeds. Wires - A former semi-integrated helmsman for a private ship. Was picked up by Don when the ship was scrapped. A decently powerful telekinetic and is capable of making simple solid objects (Such as walls, blocks, stairs) out of psychic energy. Ike (Soldier) - Candy Redblood/Hemoanon - An old friend of Don’s and long-time mercenary, even before joining Mad Dog. Wolf shifter and melee combatant for Mad Dog. Tee (Glasses) - Tealblood - One of the first members of Mad Dog. A former legislacerator who ran afoul of the wrong people. Handles accounts, acquisitions, and major mechanic work. Nerizo (Nuke, C4) - Goldblood - Exactly as her callsign implies, Nerizo serves primarily as a professional wrecking ball for Mad Dog. She’s working on other skills outside of combat. Mad Dog appreciates her surprising cooking ability.
Valley Cavern [Tag]
An ancient and massive brooding cavern largely isolated from the surface. The cavern is split into multiple clans which have risen and fallen over the cavern’s long history. There is considerable infighting between the clans as they vie for available resources and positions of power within the cavern. Chel - Jadeblood - An Astaki warrior serving outwardly as a well-respected knight, and secretly serving as a spy for her clan.
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link-is-a-dork · 8 months ago
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mascamaiorum · 11 months ago
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Paul Klee, Ancient Sound (1925)
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legendofrhythm · 1 month ago
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Great Bay Coasting
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