#Ignoring timelines
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Teachers Pet
So, entering into a new fandom with this piece. It's gonna be a mini-series..maybe...honestly who knows. This is set in the Conjuring Universe with some tweaks, and the tweaks being that more then just ghosts and demonic entities exist, think of it as a bit of a Supernatural crossover without the characters. It will be a Ed/Lorraine/femreader fic, it's bit of instant love. Femreader is a hunter, and has some physic abilities that they use to assist when hunting supernatural creatures.
Warnings: Sexual undertones and heavy making out, brief mention of cheating - but not the three members of the throuple.
Prompt List
Chapter Two
The Teachers
You could hear some of the audience whispering around you, the scepticism in their words and tones had you rolling your eyes. If they didn’t believe in the spiritual or demonic why even come to this lecture. The Warrens were well known for being experts in the subjects and had been involved in many cases around the country. You had kept an eye on their work as often as you could, reading every article and watching every news or talk show episode with them on it. But you had never seen them in person and you were beyond excited.
You watched the two of them walk onto the stage and your breathe caught. Your heart raced and you could hear your blood pumping in your ears. They were even more stunning in person, and Lorraine, you could almost feel something surrounding her. You had always been attune to others auras and to spirits. You weren’t a clairvoyant like Lorraine, you had no visions and when you touched things you never felt the emotions connected to the item or saw what happened moments before. But you were something.
You tried to pay attention to what the two of them were saying but you found yourself focusing more on their lips moving, their body language and how they interacted with each other more than the content of the lecture. You were currently busy staring at Ed, thinking you were covered as just another face in the crowd but the next moment Ed’s eyes seemed to find yours. Your eyes stayed locked together, as Lorraine took over talking. You felt your cheeks start to heat, as Ed continued to look at you, his lips slowly changing from the smile he had had the majority of the lecture to a relaxed smirk. Lorraine walked up beside him, her eyes following his line of sight and caught your eyes as well. Just like her husband she maintained eye contact, her smile becoming soft and gentle as her eyes seemed to penetrate right through you. That’s when you finally broke eye contact looking down at your lap as your face flushed deeply. Your fingers fiddling with the rings you were wearing.
You forced your eyes to stay on your lap the rest of the lecture and even through the question segment. You didn’t want to get caught staring at the married couple again. Everyone started shuffling out of the lecture hall, talking amongst themselves, you allowed yourself a moment before standing to trail along behind the others. You refused to look back at Ed and Lorraine as you left the room, breathing normally for the first time since they had stepped onto the stage. There was no way to explain or describe the feeling that those two produced in you, it was like they became the centre of your world. The thing that allowed you to feel others, was drawn to them, it was the strongest it had ever been. Which was why you could feel that they were walking towards you and they were almost out of the classroom, part of you wanted to push through the other people and get out of the building but your instincts raged against that thought, making your head hurt. The normal sign that you were choosing the wrong option, so instead you slowed your steps allowing the crowd to wash past you ensuring that you were practically the only ones in the hallway when you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. Your body shivered at the feeling, as a shock radiated from where her hand had touched.
“Hello,” Lorraine smiled at you, you pouted a little when you noticed that you were shorter than her. Ed and Lorraine shared a look, a heat in their eyes as they took in your lips pushing forward before you quickly forced a calm look over your face.
“Hi,” you said eyes shifting between the two quickly, unsure who to focus on and not wanting to stare at either of them for too long. The pain in your head had disappeared, and in replace of it was a feeling of light, like you were flying almost.
“We noticed you in the lecture, you seemed very interested but we noticed you didn’t have any questions,” Ed said, an eyebrow raised. You couldn’t quite determine the tone of his voice, but it was nothing like the one he used in the lecture.
“Oh, um,” you had never told anyone before that you had had experiences with spirits, the demonic and other creatures of the supernatural. Learning how to deal with them, and help others but you had stayed under the radar not wanting to gain the attention of the Church.
“It’s alright,” Lorraine smiled her hand squeezing your arm, it was odd, normally you didn’t like people touching you but the feel on Lorraine’s hand on your arm calmed you, and that was something you didn’t like. Her eyes were kind and gentle but still had the feeling of seeing right through to your soul. “You can tell us. I feel a similarity between us, don’t you?”
You sighed rubbing the back of your neck, knowing that Lorraine could sense the thing that made you different, just as you could sense it in her. The sound of voices drew your attention to the hallway over the shoulder of the demonologists and you clamped up, drawing further into yourself.
“Perhaps not here,” Ed suggested. “We could grab some coffees and go to the park that isn’t far from here?”
You bit your lip as you considered your options, the light flying feeling you had got stronger when you thought about going with them and the pain in your head returned when you thought about denying the suggestion. You winced reaching up to rub your forehead and quickly brought your thoughts back to going with them.
“Alright,” you nodded ignoring them sharing a look of concern at your wince.
The three of you were walking through the park, aiming for a table on the far side that was away from everyone else that was in the park. You were walking in the middle, having tried to be on the outside but Ed had swiftly moved to your other side the moment that you had left the university and all the way to the coffee shop and to the park. You had also tried to pay for your own drink but again Ed had moved swiftly and ordered his and Lorraine’s drink and paid for all of them before you could pull out the money for your drink. They had made small talk during the walk but you had found it difficult to speak to them, the pressure of what you had to tell them was too much. But you hadn’t felt any pain in your head so you figured you were still doing the right thing.
You sat on one side of the table and Ed and Lorraine sat on the other side, both of them placing their forearms on the table and leaning forward. Not necessarily in your space but definitely letting you know that they were paying attention to you.
“So, I didn’t asks questions because I already knew a lot of what you were talking about,” you explained with no prompting you didn’t want to give yourself a chance to back out, you had in the past ignored the pain in your head and it eventually disappeared but it honestly wasn’t worth it. You knew these two wouldn’t call you crazy but it was still worrisome. Especially if they decided to go to the Church. But there is no way your instincts would tell you to go with them if doing so would endanger you.
“Have you had experience with spiritual beings?” Lorraine asked tilting her head to the side a little.
“Yes,” you nodded. “I…feel things, not quite like you, Lorraine, and I have…dealt with beings that have been causing havoc with people. I know the Church frowns upon such things but why should people have to continue to suffer if I can help.”
“That can be very dangerous,” Ed started, his brow furrowed. You felt a flare of anger but also something different at his words. Anger that he felt the need to tell you that what you were doing was dangerous, it was almost condescending. And another part of you, hummed. Happy that someone was concerned for you, it had been a long time since anyone had thought about you enough to be worried.
“I am well aware however, it is far safer for a person like me to do it then you,” you pointed out defensively. “You do not have…let’s say extra senses. I do. Plus my instincts have never let me down, they have a way of telling me if I am making the wrong decision.”
“She does have a point, Ed,” Lorraine laughed, poking her husband in the arm grinning cheekily at him when he looked at her. He rolled his eyes before planting a kiss on her cheek. Your body warmed at the smile on her face when she looked back at you and winked. “How does it work?”
“Well, when I choose the correct option I get this light, almost flying feeling,” you had never had to explain that feeling to anyone before so do so now it was difficult. “And when I even so much as think about the wrong option I get a pain in my head, and it stays until I change my mind. Sometimes when I decide to ignore it the pain can last for several days.”
“So coming with us was the correct choice?” Ed asked, his eyebrow raised again and a teasing glint in his eyes. His lips were quirked into the same little smirk he had when he had caught your eyes in the lecture.
“How do you know I didn’t just decide to ignore the pain?” raising your eyebrow you found your own lips quirking up into a teasing grin.
“You looked in pain until you agreed to come with us,” Ed responded, his eyes dropping to your lips for a split second before he sent a look to Lorraine who seemed to soften even more. The humming in your body slowed to a softer hum from what it had been, the light feeling that normally only stays in your body for a few minutes after you follow through on the correct option had stayed, burning brighter than normal and slowly moving out from the centre of your body.
“I guess you have me there,” you muttered pouting again, you caught Lorraine’s eyes dropping to your lips this time.
“What else do you feel? You said it wasn’t quite like my feelings,” Lorraine inched her hands towards yours that were resting on the table but you moved back. That connection was not something you wanted, you knew Lorraine would be able to sense something and you didn’t want to know if that was a good thing or not.
“Yes, I don’t have visions or feel emotions that are connected to items or memories,” you shrugged. “But I am attuned to peoples auras, which is helpful when people are being targeted by the demonic or spirits. And I tend to be able to sense even the smallest presence of the supernatural creatures.”
“That would be incredibly helpful,” Ed nodded.
“It is, and I can’t explain how but it tends to help me deal with them as well,” you continued. “I have created ways in which to handle the supernatural creatures.”
“You keep saying supernatural creatures?” Lorraine asked, confusion clear as day on her face.
“You believe in spirits and the demonic, surely it can’t be too much of a stretch to think that other creatures of myth exist?” you teased them both.
“We have never encountered them,” Ed stated, a hint of the tone he used to lecture entering his tone.
“And yet they still exist, you do tend to only take on cases that the Church asks you too, and they only hear about possessions, and demonic,” you rolled her eyes. “And I also hate to break it to you but demons are capable of a lot more than what you realise.”
“And you exorcism them?” Lorraine appeared to be getting more and more concerned.
“If I can,” you nod. “There are ways to trap them and limit their power. You know, I am not the only one who is out there helping those that the Church ignores.”
“The Church-” Ed’s tone had become as defensive as yours had been moments before.
“Only takes on cases that they are able to get proof on, and only look at potential hauntings or demonic presences,” you interrupted leaning forward getting passionate. “And they don’t even consider looking at anything else. I have helped people who have gone to the Church and been turned away, no-one even went to look. And don’t even get me started on the fact that they are less likely to help those who haven’t been baptised or don’t go to church.”
Lorraine was studying your face, you knew that she was most likely sensing something. Another clairvoyant you had met once mentioned that when you feel any emotion with an intensity, this presence tends to appear alongside yours. You were cautious when you asked them what it felt like. They had said that it was different, almost like nothing they had sensed before, it wasn’t dark or malicious but in the same breathe it wasn’t light either. It was there but they mentioned feeling a strong sense of protectiveness from the presence.
“Don’t worry about that,” you waved your hand at her.
“Worry about what?” Ed asked looking between the two of you.
“She has a presence,” Lorraine’s voice was distant as she was still focusing on you and whatever the presence was.
“And before you even suggest it I am not possessed or being tormented by a demonic spirit,” you drawled tone blank. “A clairvoyant I met a few years ago sensed the same thing you are when I got angry. They said it was neither malicious or light, it merely protective of me and just there, and they weren’t worried and neither am I.”
Ed closed his mouth, a huff of amusement leaving him as you correctly predicted what his next concern would be. He looked to his wife for confirmation, and saw that she wasn’t worried more curious than anything. His eyes switched back to you and scanned the part of your body that he could see. You were a very attractive young woman, maybe around ten years younger than Lorraine and nearly twelve years younger than him. He knew Lorraine thought the same if the way she was with you was any indication but he knew his wife and he knew she was draw to you and not just for the fact that you had similar abilities. For he was drawn to you as well.
“Alright I will concede the point I wanted to make about the Church,” Ed turned the conversation back to the point before it had been sidetracked. “Other than your gifts how do you know how to deal with these supernatural creatures?”
“From others, there are a number of, they call themselves hunters, that had gathered information from trial and error I suppose and they pass it on,” you explained. “Some keep journals to pass on when they decide to “retire” and whenever we meet each other we give ways to communicate.”
“How do others not know of these things?” Lorraine had finally refocused on the conversation and not on the presence inside as it had disappeared once your passion and anger had simmered down.
“We don’t allow it, we deal with them without any fanfare, we don’t discuss it with anyone who isn’t already aware to some degree of the supernatural,” you took the final sip of your drink. “It’s better that way, prevents a panic. I mean can you imagine what would happen if people actually believed in demons and ghouls and vampires?”
“Nothing good I imagine,” Ed agreed reaching out to grab your cup and Lorraine’s before standing up to throw them in the bin that was closest to your table. Leaving you alone with Lorraine.
“You don’t want me to touch you,” it was a statement rather than a question.
“It’s complicated,” you sighed rubbing the back of your neck. “The last time a clairvoyant touched me my instincts flared, they didn’t like him touching me. And I also don’t really like knowing that that touch can give you a deeper insight into me.”
“I touched your shoulder before-”
“Over my shirt,” you interrupted again. “I think clairvoyant gifts only work on me if they touch my skin. My clothing provides a bit of a barrier…I think. And I did get a bit of an electric shock.”
“Hm, that is an interesting theory,” Lorraine smiled. “Before my husband comes back, if we needed your assistance on a case, would you be willing to help us?”
“On the condition that the Church never knows about me,”
“Of course,” Lorraine agreed. “We’d keep you completely away from that side of things.”
“Will your husband agree?” you raised an eyebrow. “I know how to completely disappear, so if there is-”
“I wouldn’t tell a soul,” Ed’s voice interrupted coming from your side as he took a seat beside you instead of back with his wife.
You inched a little away from him, under the guise of giving him more space. You dutifully ignored all the happy feelings his presence brought up in you. And you also ignored the warmth you could feel from his body as he followed you, not quite touching you but also leaving little space between your bodies. You risked a glance at his face only to find him already watching you, his blue eyes were captivating. You flushed as you tore your gaze away to find Lorraine watching you again, her own blue eyes seemed to gleam with a knowing look but you noticed that she didn’t seem put off by any of it. You cheeks heated further as Lorraine continued to watch you and you could feel Ed’s gaze on you as well, the combination of their attention was both too much and not enough. Lorraine’s gaze was soft but you could feel a heat behind it especially when you poked your tongue out to wet your lips, her eyes tracing the movement.
You quickly thought about leaving and when no pain followed you stood up startling the two demonologists with your movement. The light flying feeling you had dimmed leaving behind a cold emptiness inside. But that was preferable to the pain and to the humming that your body was doing in their presence.
“I need to get going,” you declared stepping over the seat and striding away.
“Wait!” Ed called after you. Your body froze without your say so, the empty feeling starting to fill with warmth again. You refused to turn back around however your fingers tangling together in-front of you.
“We have a case that we may need your help on,” Lorraine started. “We could discuss it over lunch?” Lorraine had moved closer to you, standing to your side and trying to catch your eye. You hung your head and sighed.
“Tomorrow?” you asked. “I do actually have some errands to run today.”
“Tomorrow,” Ed agreed.
Lorraine past you a folded piece of paper. “Our address, come by anytime after 11.”
Nodding you started walking again the cold empty had gotten smaller once you had agreed to meet up with the married couple again. You truly had no idea what to make of your instincts and why they were reacting the way they were, nor did you have any idea what make of how the two demonologists had acted around you. Hopefully, lunch tomorrow would get all of this shit sorted but you wouldn’t be surprised if it only made it worse.
“She is certainly something else,” Ed muttered watching you walk away, Lorraine noticed how his eyes seemed dropped once or twice to watch your hips sway before he tore them away.
“Yes, I did rather notice how she seemed to captivate you from the moment you saw her,” Lorraine teased.
“Honey, as if you can talk,” Ed wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked off in the opposite direction. “I saw you watching her lips while she talked.”
“We did always have the same taste,” Lorraine grinned. “You want her.”
Ed was aware of the fact that his wife wasn’t asking, she was telling him. He squeezed her tight to his side and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
“So do you,” Ed responded. The two of them were incredibly in sync with each other, knowing the other well enough to know when they wanted something.
“It has been a while since we found someone that interested the both of us enough,”
“Shall we test the waters?”
“I think we can be certain that she is interested in the both of us if her adorable flush was anything to go by,” Lorraine chanced a look over her shoulder and was rewarded with one last look at you before you disappeared around the corner. “Maybe we can be not as subtle, in testing the waters tomorrow.”
“She doesn’t like touch too much, but we can come up with a way,” Ed grinned.
“Why couldn’t I have been born without this shit?” you asked yourself as you sat in your car outside the Warren’s house.
It was a beautiful house in a beautiful suburb, which just reinforced the fact that this was a married couple, with a daughter. You thumped your head against the steering wheel before the tugging that had started in your chest grew stronger and you couldn’t ignore it any longer. The humming started back up and kept getting stronger the closer you got. As did your light flying feeling, which told you that you were doing the right thing. The door opened just as you reached it, you didn’t know if that meant they were watching out a window or if Lorraine just knew that you had arrived.
“Welcome!” Lorraine happily welcomed you in to their home. She moved towards you before she pulled back. “Please come in.”
You tilted your head as you realised she probably wanted to hug you but remembered that you weren’t always comfortable with it. But the humming seemed to deflate a little when she didn’t hug you. You smiled at her and it wasn’t as forced as you thought it would be, you also couldn’t help but notice how the clothing she wore today hugged her curves quite nicely.
“Hi, thank you,” you were again a little soft spoken, it irked you a little that two people could have this effect on you, when nothing ever had before. “You have a lovely home.”
The inside of the house was as beautiful as the outside, there was signs that they had truly made this house their home. There were books and records everywhere. Photos of them and a young girl who you assumed was their daughter and an older woman, who looked like Lorraine so you assumed was her mother. You noticed paintings on the wall and upon closer inspection saw Ed’s name signed down the bottom of all of them.
“Oh my, these are,” you breathed eyes taking in all the details. “Beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Ed’s voice finally got your attention away from his paintings. He stood next to Lorraine, his arm wrapped around her waist as they both watched you in their house as you were taking everything in. “Welcome to our home.” Just like with Lorraine you couldn’t help but notice how nicely his clothes fitted to his body, he was wearing more causal clothes then the suit he wore yesterday. The clothes he wore today displayed the muscles in his arms so nicely that you had to force your eyes away from them.
“Thank you,” you found your smile growing in Ed’s presence making you freeze for a moment before turning back to look at the paintings. Your cheeks heating again.
“Lunch will just be another ten minutes,” Lorraine detached herself from Ed and walked beside you, she was careful not to touch you as she placed her arm behind your back. Even though there was space in-between her arm and your back plus the material of your clothes you could have sworn you felt the heat from her arm.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” you asked. You always found it a little odd to just sit or stand around while others prepared meals.
“You can keep Lorraine company while I finish up,” Ed smiled falling in step behind you and Lorraine after you past him. “There’s some drinks at the table.”
“Okay,” you agreed as Ed pulled out two chairs beside each other, Lorraine gently nudged you into one before taking the other. Ed’s hands stayed on the back of them as you pulled them back in. You felt a quick swipe of his thumb on your back before it was gone, your body shivered at the contact. A simmering heat started at the point of contact and moved outwards warming your body as it went.
“We’re having some crispy shredded chicken, with some potato salad,” Lorraine said taking a jug and pouring some into a glass. “Do you drink?”
“That sounds delicious,” you smiled, your mouth watering at the thought. “And yes I do…”
“How does a margarita sound?” Lorraine grinned, sitting the glass in-front of you and pouring herself one and then another glass and setting it across the table where a third plate was set.
“Delicious,” you nodded taking a sip, a hum of satisfaction leaving your lips at the taste. “Did Ed make this as well?”
“He did,” Lorraine grinned turning a little in her chair to face you, propping her head up on her hand. “Isn’t he talented, he can cook, make amazing drinks and paint?”
You blinked a little confused by the tone of Lorraine’s voice but you agreed with her statements, Ed was incredibly talented and if lunch tasted as good as it smelled you would be in heaven. Your body warmed, and it wasn’t just from the cocktail, Lorraine was being very careful not to touch but kept a small amount of space between the two of you. You could hear Ed in the kitchen, humming a little to the song that was playing in softly in the background, your smile becoming gentle as you took another sip of your drink.
“Yes he is,” you agreed, unable to maintain eye contact with Lorraine as you looked down at the table. “You are very lucky, as is your daughter.” You forced yourself to remember that these two were not only married but had a daughter.
“Indeed, Judy is out with my mother,” Lorraine provided without any prompting. “They’re enjoying a day in the park before going back to my mother’s for the night.”
“That’s sweet, I bet they’ll both enjoy that,” you looked back up at her, you couldn’t help but watch her lips as she took a sip. Your blood felt like it was on fire, and as hard as you tried to ignore it your pussy had started to throb a little, from the moment you noticed how the Warrens looked in their clothes.
“They should do, which give us plenty of time to discuss our case and also to get to know each other,” Ed responded entering from the kitchen with three plates of food balanced perfectly. “And I hope you enjoy this.”
Ed placed the first plate in-front of you and the second in-front of Lorraine, making sure to kiss her lips as he did, you quickly looked away before you could be caught staring. Ed then took the seat across from the both of you, his lips pulled back into a smile.
“It smells delicious,” you assured him, picking up your fork to taste the chicken. Your eyes shuttered closed as a moan left your lips at the taste of the chicken. It was so beautifully tender and seasoned.
Ed had to shift a little in his seat at the sound that left your mouth, it was positively sinful. Lorraine squeezed her legs together as she felt her panties get a little wet. They shared a heated look both thinking how much they wanted to hear that noise in a different setting.
“I take it you like it?” Lorraine asked, a teasing tone to her voice that you missed entirely.
“This is amazing, Ed,” you praised any concerns you had previously about why these two had such an effect on you forgotten in the face of really good food. It was the easiest way to get through your walls, good food.
“Thank you,” Ed grinned. “I’m glad you like it.”
You eagerly dug into the meal, taking a sip of the margarita in between every few mouthfuls. This was one of the best meals you had had in a while, you mostly grabbed take out or frozen meals, seeing as how you couldn’t cook at all. It was in the best interest of everyone if you never touched a stove. Ed and Lorraine watched, they both rather liked the image of you at their table enjoying a meal cooked by Ed. Lorraine had even inched closer to you her leg slowly pressing into yours bit by bit when you only glanced at her a little, a soft smile sent her way before you went back to eating. Ed stretched out one of his legs to tap your foot with his. Neither of them touching bare skin, as Lorraine was wearing a pair of pants, the material soft against the skin of your leg. Your body seemed to settle from the contact between the three of you, the humming settling down.
You settled back into your chair nursing the last bit of your drink, content from the delicious meal you had consumed when you noticed Lorraine and Ed watching you. Your cheeks heated at their attention, you carefully placed your glass back on the table and looked down.
“Sorry, it’s been a while since I have had a home cooked meal, I normally just get take out or a frozen meal,” you muttered, unsure why you felt the need to explain why you absolutely devoured that meal. You weren’t going hungry but there is something that is just superior about home cooked meals.
“No need to apologise,” Ed smiled, deciding to test the waters a bit more and reached out to cover your hand with his, pausing with his hand hovering above yours to give you time to move away. When you didn’t he gently placed his hand over yours and squeezed softly. “It’s a great compliment to the chef when people enjoy their food so much they can’t stop until its gone.”
Lorraine noticing that you didn’t pull away from her husband’s touch leaned into you, gently placing an arm over your shoulders, her fingers softly stroking the skin of your arm. She too moved slowly, waiting to see if you would move away from her touch before she actually touched you, when you leant into her side she grinned. An electric shock went through both of you the moment she touched your skin with her fingers, your body heated from the inside out, in a very pleasant way.
“Oh,” Lorraine maintained the contact, as her body started to heat and that feeling she got when she felt the presence yesterday returned. It wasn’t unpleasant at all, in fact it made her feel safe, the thing seemed to wrap around both her and Ed, extending its protective circle around them.
“What?” Ed asked, you had been worried that he might feel left out from not being able to feel what you and Lorraine were feeling but he mostly appeared curious as he stroked you hand.
“The presence that is inside our girl, it wants to protect us,” Lorraine explained staring at you with wonder. “It feels like safety, and my body is heating up, it feels like electricity is passing between us.”
You thought you had misheard when Lorraine referred to you as “our girl” but when Ed only nodded and looked between you and his wife with awe you thought that maybe that is what you heard. You felt the warmth in your body finally reach your hand that was resting under Eds. You bit your lip wondering if you could find a way to pass the warmth to him as well. Ed’s fingers stopped stroking your hand his eyes growing wide as he looked at you.
“I think I can feel…warmth,” he whispered in wonder. You grinned, though unsure of how you managed it, happy that Ed didn’t have to be left out. “Our girl.”
The presences within you seemed content, in a way you hadn’t felt before, the humming was now a constant low buzz in the background. You wanted to test something, so you thought about getting up and leaving, about never returning to them. The pain that ripped through you head was like nothing else you had felt before, you gasped eyes squeezing shut.
“What happened?” Ed was up and out of his seat, coming around to your side of the table and kneeling beside you, his hand on your thigh. Lorraine had moved her hand that was stroking your arm to the back of your head, gently rubbing through your hair as her other hand fell to your thigh closest to her.
“It’s fine,” you waved their concern away quickly letting the thoughts drop, the warmth returned as did the light. “I…just needed to test something.”
“And it caused you pain?” Lorraine asked. “You thought about a decision that was wrong.”
“Yeah, I thought…I thought about leaving and not returning,” you confessed softly. You had only known these two for a day, if that, and you knew that your instincts were telling you that you had to stay with them but that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t creep out the married couple. They might have both called you “our girl” but that also doesn’t mean anything.
“It would seem that you are meant to be here,” Lorraine told you, pressing a kiss against your cheek, grinning as your entire face went red.
“With us,” Ed added squeezing the thigh that was under his hand. His eyes smouldering when he saw how you reacted to Lorraine merely kissing you on the cheek.
“But,” you saw a photo of them with their daughter and it was like ice water had been dropped on you. Ed and Lorraine gasped, feeling the drop in your warmth from their connections with your skin. “Your daughter, you are married and you have a child.”
“Our child who will understand,” Lorraine assured you. “My mother used to date more than one person, and Judy asked about it one day, poly relationships are easy to explain to a child.”
“But the church,” you tried again only to have Ed gently cup your cheek and tilt your head upwards as he stood up.
“It is a little at odds with the teachings of the church but Lorraine and I have come to terms with it long ago, before we had Judy we use to see other people for either short term or long term,” Ed explained. “But none of them ever felt right enough for it to become permanent.”
“But there is something about you that is different,” Lorraine continued. “We can’t explain it but I think the fact that you were in so much pain when you thought about leaving us just confirms that this difference is a good thing. That we are meant to be.”
You nibbled on your bottom lip, trying to sort through your thoughts, ignoring the humming that had started back up in earnest when both Ed and Lorraine acknowledged that you belong with them and they belonged with you. It was absurd for you all to be feeling so strongly about strangers, even knowing what you know about the supernatural it was weird to you. But that was only a small part of your brain, the rest, well the rest was happy with what you were feeling. It was like pieces of the puzzle finally coming into place, like coming home. And your instincts had never led you astray before, the last time you ignored them when it concerned a relationship you had ended up with a man who cheated on you constantly. You focused back on the couple beside you, they were trying hard to hide their hope but when you smiled at them, their faces blossomed. They seemed to have a conversation between themselves before they both leaned in and kissed your cheeks.
“Our girl,” they both grinned, enjoying the flushed look on you. “May we kiss you?”
“Yes,” you answered softly. Obviously the conversation they had was regarding who was going to get the first kiss. Lorraine nudged your chin up and around to her, with a finger, her thumb stroking your bottom lip. Ed’s hands were gently holding your hips, as he kneeled back down, encouraging you to turn slightly in your chair to face Lorraine.
The first touch of her lips against yours was soft and gentle. Just a press before she tugged your bottom lip between hers sucking it into her mouth, drawing a whine from you. She released your lip, pressing back in, licking your lips to encourage you to separate them, her tongue delved into your mouth tasting you and drawing your tongue to twine with hers. You could feel Eds hands squeezing your hips, before one of them reached around to wrap around your stomach, pressing you against him while Lorraine pressed into your front. Lorraine pulled away, pressing one last kiss to your lips before she separated entirely from you, looking down at her husband to see his darkened eyes staring at the two of you.
“Your turn,” Lorraine whispered nudging you towards him.
Ed stood up, copying what Lorraine did to draw your head up as he bent down to capture your mouth. Where Lorraine’s kiss had been gentle, and calm, kissing Ed was like a storm. It was demanding, he took control in a different way to his wife, his teeth tugging on your lip before he pulled your tongue into his mouth, sucking on it and letting his teeth graze along it before he pushed it back in your mouth with his tongue following. You could feel your clit throbbing as more of your arousal soaked your panties. Ed pulled away from the kiss, scraping his teeth along your jaw quickly before he stood up. He smirked, a little proud of himself for leaving you breathless and your eyes almost glazed over, as your breasts heaved. His eyes dropped to them, licking his lips as he imagined what they would feel like in his mouth. Lorraine was busing dropping kisses along your neck, her hands stroking up and down your thighs as she pressed her chest against your back. Your hands had stretched up to rest against Ed’s stomach, as your eyes dropped from his unable to handle the heat in them. You blinked, eyes widening in surprise when you saw the bugle in his jeans. His cock hard and straining.
“I think we should move to the couch,” Ed almost purred with his suggestion, glancing at his wife before he reached down for your hands and tugged you up and into his chest. You felt his hard cock pressing into your stomach, he groaned at the pressure grinding into you as Lorraine stood up and led the way into the lounge room. Ed squeezed your hands as he tugged you to follow her.
“Anytime you want to stop, just say,” Lorraine said as she sat down, Ed placing you next to her before he took a seat behind you, his hands finding your hips again.
“Promise us, pretty,” Ed leaned in.
“I promise.”
#writing#imagine#fluff#imagines#The Conjuring#the conjuring universe#The Conjuring imagines#Ed Warren x Reader#Lorraine Warren x Reader#Female Reader#Smut#Ed Warren x Lorraine Warren#polyamourous#polyam relationship#Ignoring timelines#Ed Warren x Lorraine Warren x Reader#Ed Warren x You#Lorraine Warren x You#Ed Warren x Lorraine Warren x You#Hunter Reader
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take a step into my mind palace
#vrailart#i like projecting my aggressive pedestrian habits onto phoenix i think he would take 1 step off the curb to scare cars into stopping for hi#ignore that the timelines off for the apollo one i just wanted to draw him stressed out#ace attorney#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#apollo justice#narumitsu#wrightworth#aa4 spoilers
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Rewatching the 2009 movie and couldn’t get this idea out of my head
#Gaila is so cute to me#I know he only got with her to hack the Kobayashi Maru#but we’re pointedly ignoring that#I have a spirk fic idea where they went from fwbs to good friends#did you know Vulcans are immune to Orion pheromones?#did you Also know that whoever shares a telepathic mating bond with a Vulcan is also immune?😏#my art#james t kirk#gaila#star trek aos#kelvin timeline#james kirk#star trek fanart#kirk fanart
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY Season 4 Episode 6, 'End of the Beginning'
#the umbrella academy#umbrella academy#tuaedit#umbrellaacademyedit#the hargreeves#luther hargreeves#diego hargreeves#allison hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#five hargreeves#viktor hargreeves#lila pitts#dailyflicks#dailynetflix#tusermyra#tusercj#userzaynab#userpolaris#tuserlana#*gifs#tua spoilers#ignoring context and pretending after this they all lived in a timeline where they were naturally born to their parents and were happy#then this scene can become cute to me
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💖 Day 3.5 is now available! 💖
For the last couple of months, only Server Boosters had access to the 3.5 update... Buuuuut now it's available for everyone to play in the 14DWY Discord — and soon itch.io once I'm happy with the QA and state of the game — so please don't feel pressured to join unless you want to!!
The full devlog + even more screenshots are under the cut ^^

What's been added to the 3.5 version?
📺 Streamer Mode!
I've been told that it's difficult to stream and monetise age-restricted videos on YouTube and Twitch, so I added an option to remove the sexual content and strong language used in the demo.
Now y'all can invite Ren into your bed for cuddles without putting your streamer career on the line /silly /lh
This won't affect the 18+ rating or dark themes/elements of the game, however! Although Streamer Mode will prevent you from seeing any "gruesome" CGs in the future, most of the core elements of the game will still be tied to the choices and decisions you make. So you won't miss out on the overall experience by using streamer mode!!
⚙️ Custom Pronouns!
It only took me one entire year to get around to it, but you can finally choose your own preferred pronouns (or use a set of pronouns instead)... At the cost of being able to change them mid-game ^^;
Since the original pronoun screen wouldn't update until a new scene was displayed, I temporarily disabled the feature. But once I find a workaround, I'll bring it back!
💗 Choose how others perceive you!
You can now choose how the cast and narration perceive you! Originally, the narration was kept strictly gender-neutral (outside of pronouns and genitalia picked by the player), but this will soon change in future updates.
For more clarity: you don't get to choose the words specifically, but you can choose between masculine, feminine, and androgynous terms!
📋 Separate top and bottom genitalia!
You can now choose your tatas and pps separately! >:3
Alongside that, you can also choose your preferred body type!
I removed the "both" genitalia option because a few players still assumed it was an obscure version of "intersex". That wasn't my intention and I don't want to mislead anyone, so I took it out for now ^^;
I also didn't want to include a screenshot of the new genitalia choices in action (because it's NSFW), so y'all get the same character menu screen for the nth time instead lmao
📱 Relationship Screen Overhaul!
You can now change your own status for more immersion, and long-term Server Boosters will eventually be able to submit and use their own icon within the game as well!
Stalking finding your friends has now become easier by using "Buddy Maps"; a new app that allows you to see the location of all the cast members!
I want to offer players more incentive to check the relationship screen since they tend to miss the status updates, so hopefully this might help ;v;
It also says it "updates every few hours" so folks don't go overboard and check every 5 seconds to see where Ren is gdsghf (also keep in mind that he's a hacker lol)
🖤 Additional Scenes Update!
Day 2 received a brand new CG!!!!! Originally, I planned on only adding a few CGs sporadically throughout the game, but it didn't feel right to leave Day 2 so... empty... so I added a brand new CG to (hopefully) make things feel more balanced and natural!
If you decline Teo's offer on Day 3, Leon will now call and try to convince you to reconsider. However, players are still allowed to decline, and if they do, they'll reach a dead end.
After listening to feedback on itch, I changed some of the dialogue during Days 1-3 to make it seem more consistent! They're only small changes though, so it's honestly not worth looking for sdgjssga
🎶 Updated BGM and SFX!
I wanted to try out a different style of music to see if it fits the vibe of 14DWY more! The BGM features more acoustics to suit the "beachy" theme of Corland Bay, though I made a conscious effort to include piano elements as well to stay true to the original!!
I figured it'd be better to give players a live example before I make a poll (to see if they prefer the change or not) and publish it to Itch.
Some new SFX have also been added, though it's very minimal and honestly not that noticeable.
How to download and play the update?
(warning: clicking on the following links will open Discord!!) To download the Day 3.5 update, simply join the 14DWY Discord server, verify your age, and visit the "14dwy-updates" channel!
Alternatively, you can also wait until the update is publicly released on Itch to play it as well!! (It normally gets released shortly after a round of QA testing/getting feedback from the server, though I may release it earlier if I feel like it hehe ^^)
#14 days with you#14dwy#💖 — 14 days with queue.#🖤 — updates.#🖤 — spoilers.#I'm not gonna say much about my current doxxing situation because I've got it under control now + it's being handled privately#Plus I don't wanna give it/the people involved any unnecessary attention. I just wanna announce the update and Get Back To It™️#(''it'' bein the grind 💪 It never stops lmao /silly)#OG followers will also know that these topics aren't the vibe I normally have on this blog (or any of my accounts); so I don't think I'll—#—make ANOTHER public post about the situation and bring more attention to it (when I just want everything to be over and put to rest ^^;)#However I also don't want people to think that I'm... ignoring?? the situation entirely (because gettin doxxed is a very endangering thing)#So I DO want to quickly acknowledge it here and say that it's all currently handled + I'm safe and okay + this won't stop me from—#—continuing to work on 14DWY (and other future projects). I also don't want to give these awful people more power and incentive to continue#—this kind of pathetic behaviour; so the less attention and encouragement being shown will ultimately be better in the long run :3#Aaaaaanways!! 😮💨#My other accounts will be restored shortly and my askbox will be opened once I feel comfortable. I'll get around to following folks—#—again in my own time; so please don't feel offended if I unfollowed you during a moment of vulnerability and anxiety!!#This is all EXTREMELY overwhelming and scary for someone with SAD/AvPD; and I /gen can't handle seeing it all over my timeline ;v;#Sorry this got ranty and personal again hjdsgjsdh T_T I said I wouldn't say much; so I'll shut up now hehe#🖤 — shut up sai.
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Hii pls for the love of God, can you,pake a part 2 of baby fever bucky? And part 3 and 4 cause damn 🥵🥵
I had to do it, I got asked many, many times ( @baw1066 @identity2212)…. So..
Happens to the Best of Us - Part 2
Part 1

Warnings: Pure filth. Breeding kink. Fingering. P in v sex.
“Say please, Doll.”
This pulled a sharp whine from your throat, a pulse beginning to form between your legs. “Hm..please, James..”
And that just about did it, Bucky’s name. His real name. That sent a spark down his spine and he could no longer hold his teasing demeanor, eager to lose control and breed Y/N. He could see your eyes flickering desperately down his body, starting at his neck and eventually landing on the bulge in his jeans.
“G’head, Kitten. Take what you want.” He muttered.
Your hands fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, eager to touch his skin, gasping at the feeling of his stomach, your fingers trace the lines of his chest and abs. Bucky groaned, his cock was practically throbbing now with the need to fill you up.
“Gonna’ make you a mommy.” He lifted your shirt gently yet hastily over your head, revealing your full, soft breasts. After staring in utter adoration for an almost comical amount of time, he cupped them in his hands, his metal thumb brushing over one of your nipples, making them harden into tight peaks.
Letting out a soft moan that lingered in your breath, your head fell backwards. "Buck...please, want your babies in me..."
He quickly acted to dull the pounding ache in your body, capturing your other nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. The hot muscle eased over your taut skin expertly. Your body curved up, hips instinctively grinding against the tough, structured fabric of his jeans. You could feel the moisture nigh-on dripping between your legs, you were aching to be satisfied by his touch. To be filled with his kids.
Bucky slipped his hand under your skirt with conviction, his cool, metal fingers finding the wet heat of your core. He hummed deeply. Slipping a finger inside into you with practiced skill, his thumb and palm messily rubbed your clit, making you grunt with pleasure.
"You're so wet, Y/N," he murmured against the hollow of your collarbone. "Really want my cock, huh? You’re just made to have my babies." Kissing lightly, his lips had a revenant quality as they danced across your chest.
You nodded enthusiastically - breath coming in short gasps. "Yes. Need it. Please..."
James slipped another Vibranium finger inside you, stretching you deliciously and preparing you for his cock. He could feel your muscles retracting around his fingers, your body both tight and begging for more. His mouth explored the expanse of your shoulder, his tongue sliding out and slipping along the arch where your arm joins your neck, continuing to finger you with delicate vigour.
Your body was positively burning, your senses overwhelmed with pleasure. You could feel an orgasm building, a swirling cloud of tension floating south as you got closer and closer to the edge.
"Come for me, Y/N," Bucky whispered, his voice hoarse with a loose clutch on control. "Let me see you come undone, Kitty. It’ll make the seed take better."
With a cry, your body convulsed under the weight of ecstasy, your orgasm ripping through you like a pleasant combustion. Bucky captured your cry in his mouth, his fingers still curling up inside you, drawing out your pleasure.
When you finally rocked down from your release, Bucky lifted you up by the hips and stuffed a pillow under them to angle you upwards. His body covered yours completely. He kissed you deeply and lovingly, his cock throbbing with need as he rubbed it against your pussy.
"I want to feel you inside me," You whispered, darkened eyes locked with his. "I want to feel you breed me, Baby."
Bucky moaned. Not a grunt or a groan, but a true, pleasured moan. His cock was straining painfully by that point. He looked down with nothing but infatuation and lined himself up at your entrance, hands shaking in anticipation. Your hearts were pounding in sync, both sternums moving rapidly.
With one long breath he pushed his hips forward and slipped inside you, his body shuddering at the feel of your slick walls surrounding him raw, with no barrier between you. Your tight body welcomed him in and gripped him tight, causing both pairs of eyes to roll.
“So perfect, Darling…So pretty,” He began to move, his hips thrusting against hers, his cock sliding in and out of her. “M-Fuck..”
"Oh, God, yes," Moaning, your nails dragging down the marred flesh of his back. "Fuck me, James. Fuck me hard."
He obliged, his thrusts becoming faster and harder. You could feel his hips stuttering and faltering after catching your soft spots over and over, his thighs clenching as he approached the edge. He slipped a hand between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit again and stroking it in time with his thrusts.
"Come with me, Y/N," he growled, no longer thinking coherently. "Come with me, baby. I’m ’bout to come inside you-"
With a sob, you felt yourself transcend time and space. Toes curling, back arching, throat bobbing. The air was radiating heat as mingled fluids pooled on the bed.
“Fuck- Yes…Y/N…Gonna’ knock you up, Baby-“
Bucky cried out when your pussy contracted around his cock, your body milking him as he came, his cock convulsing as he filled you with his seed.
You lay there for a moment without breath, bodies entwined, gasps coming in ragged intervals. Bucky rolled off of you, his body spent, but his heart full of love. He pulled you into his arms immediately, your bodies fitting together perfectly.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered, his voice soft. "I love you so much."
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with love. "I love you too, Bucky. More than anything."
You whine from overstimulation feeling his real hand draw a stripe from your naval to your entrance which was seeping with his release. But before you could reach down to stop him, he tutted. “It’s okay, Doll,” before spreading the liquid stuffing it into you with two fingers, keeping his cum inside you.
“Need to make sure it takes.”
Soooo……what did you think? 🤔
Part 3 is out now!
#bucky x reader#bucky x y/n#bucky barnes#bucky smut#breeding k1nk#my imagination is ignoring canon timelines because civil war Bucky is fiiiine
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21-23 , 24-27 28-31 , 32-35 36-39 , 40-43 44-47 , 48-52 53-56 , 57-60 61-64 , 65-72
#Okay so ignore this if you see it in your timeline lol#I ran out of space in the masterpost and will need to make one of these for each chapter because if I don't I won't have space for links#that's okay tho#because I can add the cover of the chapter hehe#Gonna do one for the prologue later#BTW YEAH I CHANGED THIS COVER A LITTLE CAUSE WINGDINGS LOOKED WEIRD#He looks better now#i think#maybe my eyes are tricking me#made some small changes to the cover
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Meenah: Recommend Tame Impala
#dtawing#hs^2#meenah piexes#karkat vantas#sollux captor#the Funny#homestuck^2#homestuck^2 candy timeline#watch me try and fail to figure out how to draw meenah in real time#ignore the few frames where i forget her fins#ai ben shapiro works weirdly well as a sollux voice actually
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the biggest juxtaposition of adam parrish is that he is, by habit and by nature, extremely practical in all things, except when it comes to his independence and pride, in which case he is often damnably impractical. and this must all come to a head when he starts planning his college essays. because adam is a planner, so he knows very well that he could vastly improve his chances by writing about going through poverty and child abuse and legal emancipation (all of which is, technically, public information following the trial). but also: he would not want to do that. he would, in fact, prefer to do quite literally anything else than (in his mind) invoke pity or tie his own achievements to his parents. on the other hand, he would do anything to go to college and wouldn't let his parents harm his chances any more. anyway he probably has another mental breakdown on the way to self growth and I think that's cool to think about
#adam parrish#the raven cycle#trc#if trk had any coherent timeline this in fact should have happened in the thick of the glendower action#but we're waving the rules of time as per usual#also should take into account that adam needs significant financial aid and so would actually have to declare a lot of it#but ALSO should take into account that he has not once showed willingness to let rational thought get in his way when it comes to this#like literally I cannot imagine him writing an essay about these things.#but I also cannot see him ignoring how crucially this could help when he wants to go to top ivy league schools#this bad boy can fit so much turmoil inside him#v:text
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#geras x liu kang#geras#geras mk1#liu kang#liu kang mk1#mortal kombat 1#mortal kombat#ouhhhggggg been thinking about them a lot lately#my art#im glad geras is his own person in this timeline#pls ignore i didnt draw Geras' tattoo
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the new crystal temp
#steven universe#su fanart#lapis lazuli#amethyst#amethyst su#lapis su#my art#fanart#my posts#comics#described#2024#ignore that i mismatched the timeline on their designs this is the only amethyst i had on quick draw#ive been trying to figure out their dynamic for a fic im writing#i think it in the end itd be like 40% 'its just you and me against the world man' and 60% trying to strangle each other#also hrm i think i gotta start drawing in my own style again after this lmao
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Girl idk I can't write dialogue
#walks away and explodes#brainrotted so bad rn though#hate these stupid ass games 😡#my art#zero escape vlr#zero escape#luna zero escape#sigma klim#phi zero escape#please ignore any timeline ir plot holes i kind of just drew this without thinking too hard thanks
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live footage of killer’s first day at the O.T
Idk man I was bored and this was funnier in my head
@howlsofbloodhounds inspired by you 🙁
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
Color belongs to superyoumna
School was boring BUT my mom gave me her psychology books from college and I’m excited to read them
#ignore how tiny killer is in the first image#I’m just being accurate /hj#sans au#color sans#killer sans#undertale au#utmv#omega timeline#oz doodles
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Omg can we see more of fairy dev?
Here's another Fairy Dev!
The Pixies love pampering Devin, haha. They'll let him sit in all of their meetings as they argue over this or that policy. Any input he gives is given great consideration, and generally, he gets better benefits than other Pixies do.
Whenever a Pixie is about to be scolded, they give the job to Dev. There's just something about a small child yelling at a fairy over his "Adjudication" of them that they find endearing. Dev is the only Pixie who can get away with this.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
#fairly oddparents#fop#fop a new wish#fop dev dimmadome#fop dev#dev dimmadome#asks#itty bitties fop au#if we're ignoring all the terrible facts about becoming a fairy and the suffering this timeline would cause#and all the ways that being a fairy would NOT be a good thing for Dev#and focusing on ONLY the positives#he'd thrive in pixie culture#he'd be a very good pixie!!! but as a morally and well adjusted person? nah.
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bit of a shitpost. sorry
#bill cipher#saul goodman#crossover#crackship#we're going to ignore the timeline okay?#fanart#gravity falls#better call saul#art
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playing around with future donnie’s design and all i can say for sure is this:
1) lose an arm gain three
2) dies
#my bribe has been fulfilled good bye forever folks#ignore how i my lineart is nonexistence i dont actually know her#tried playing around with thin lines though and honestly its kinda fun#personally i prefer the thick ones but thats just me#anyway#future donnie at your first#his design was so fun but also a PAIN TO DRAW THOSE STUPID ROBOT ARMS#hashtag suffering#its ok he dies real soon so its fine <3#ft some conceptualizing scenes from tltc#hopefully#rottmnt#tmnt#donatello#future donnie#future michelangelo#mikey#bad future timeline#i love her actually sm bad future my beloved#kk im done
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