#If they tell me I need more experience or more professional development I won't even be mad!!! I'd be like you know what sir!!!
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artsekey · 10 months ago
Went to apply for a job, midway through I learned that the person hiring is someone I respect very, very much in my field (who I have never spoken to), then saw the application site was closed (How Did I Miss the Deadline for this Really Cool Job!!!!) and then saw that it was the website's fault and that they were taking applications through LinkedIn DM's. So I did the premium trial & sent my reel in, and they told me they're sending it to recruitment/leads and that it's a good reel!!!! And then the person I have respected for years sent me a friend request!
I'm beside myself!!
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shiyorin · 1 year ago
The Imperium Shelter
Adoption Poster: Angron
Name: Angron (he refuses to answer to anything else)
Species: Primarch
Breed: World Eater
Age: Approximately 3 weeks (though he's been through a lot, so his physiology has aged faster than average.)
Background: Found this one half-starved and raging in the pits of Nuceria. Covered in scars and barking about some nonsense. Took a lot of tranquilizers just to get him home in one piece, let me tell you! His previous "owners" clearly abused him. Poor boy. Or so I suppose…
Anyway, we rescued Angron and have been rehabilitating him through positive reinforcement techniques (definitely no mood-altering neurotransmitter adjustments used, no sir!). No wonder he developed some, er, behavior issues. But with plenty of tender loving care and training, I'm sure he'll learn to curb those homicidal tendencies. I mean, normal primarch tendencies!
Personality: Angry would be an understatement. This one is pure rage walking! Snarls and lunges at anything that moves, frothing at the mouth like some rabid animals. Absolutely no social skills, nearly took my hand off just for trying to give him a treat! I'd be wary leaving small children unsupervised around him, if you catch my drift. Let's just say he takes "aggressive" to a whole new level.
But give him a chance to warm up to you, earn his trust, and I'm sure he'll calm down! Sure, he may try to bite your face off at first, but I promise once he gets used to you he'll stop seeing every interaction as a threat or challenge. Might take a few… I mean, a lot of training sessions. But he means well deep down, the poor dear just wants to be loved!
Skills: Surprisingly dexterous for one so enraged. Could probably handle advanced weaponry or driving vehicles if provoked, so keep an eye on the car keys for sure. He already knows basic commands like "attack," "kill," "Skull for the Skull Throne!" No, strike that, I have no idea where that came from! He's a quick learner regardless. Also seems preternaturally strong, literally ripped the bars off his cage on the first night! And could wrestle a grown man to the ground, break his spine with a chomp. Of course, he would never do that!
In summary, Angron is one angry boy with a lot of special needs. Strict owner only, with experience handling extreme cases. Lots of patience, training and muzzles required. Adoption not recommended for the faint of heart! But who could resist that underbite… He just needs the right home to reach his true potential as a war machine! I mean, loyal primarch. Who's a good boy?!
The Emperor
(Angron tries to bite his hand as he says that last part)
Comments from the employees:
M*******: I wouldn't recommend adopting Angron. He tried to bite my arm off during feeding time.
Big E: Nonsense Malcador, I'm sure you were provoking him. Angron just wants love, you'll do fine!
V*****: With respect sir, Angron is dangerously unstable. He killed three of our security measures. Even with sedatives he's too risky. Perhaps a more seasoned professional handler could manage him, if anyone can.
Big E: Quit scaring people Valdor, he was just playing! Weren't you boy? Angron foams rabidly See, happy as a clam. Next!
O*******: I understand the desire to rehabilitate him sir, but adopting out Angron could endanger lives. For the safety of the public and his own well-being, long term confinement and treatment seem best.
Big E: No Ollanius. Angron just wants someone to show him love. I'm sure with the right owner he'll come around, won't you boy? Angron bites his pants leg Down boy! So what do you say, is he yours?
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year ago
I'm a little afraid the show will go to the Aaron/psy relationship after his therapy end. It was always a weird choice for me to choose someone this young for a psy and their first meeting didn't help. It wasn't "professional". This and the fact it's danielle (the actress). We talked about this one time and the show don't need another regular. I don't like the idea of aaron and celina in couple, I want them to stay platonic bff but ngl I'd rather have them in couple because it save screentime. Celina isn't going anywhere after her rookie year so we might as well saving screentime rather than having aaron and her girlfriend + celina and someone else. I hope alexi don't bring someone new pls and the next rookie will leave after his year. Watch them keeping the next rookie for celina love interest. đź’€
To tell you the truth, I'm a bit unsure of how to read Aaron and Blair's interactions yet. Their first scene had some serious flirty undertones, but I don't know if that was intentional or not. Their latest scene felt more subdued… which could easily be explained by the fact that they were in the middle of a session. In a way, it reminds me of Nolan & Genny : I could feel some sparks between them but it turned out to be nothing. So I'm going to need more scenes between Aaron and Blair before making a judgment. I don't mind her being quite young though - for now! After all, one of the core message of the show is that you shouldn't judge someone on their age or their experience. And I'm also hopeful that Blair is going to play a role in other storylines, not just Aaron's. But yes, a part of me does remain a bit suspicious too… especially after that first scene.
So I get your apprehension. The cast is already at maximum capacity (to put it mildly) so I sincerely hope we won't get more regulars. Not without getting rid of a character or two first. We already barely have storylines for some of the main cast, so let's not add more to the list.
As for Celina and Aaron… I wouldn't be against this pairing, but I agree, I'd rather they stay BFF. This show does a wonderful job when it comes to platonic friendships, so I'd prefer this option. They could even be partnered up once she graduates. Though, I'm still not quite sure what they intend to do with her character after her graduation. I'm not even sure where she is in her training for that matter. As much as I have come to like her character, I kinda wish she would transfer to another station. That way, she could still show up from time to time. But at some point, some of the rookies need to leave. I mean, we have never met any of Angela's or Tim's former rookies. While we're at it, I'm hoping that the next rookie will fail. Not on their first day. But after a couple of months. Or during Plain Clothes Day. We were told that 1 out of 3 rookies washes out, so let's see that instead. And it could give Nolan some much needed character development…
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Hi, I am currently asking therapists specialized in DID for therapy (hugs to me? Because this is really scary... I never talked about this to anybody irl).
It will probably come like this: I'll have some first meetings and then get onto a waiting list which can easily take up to a year or more. That's usually how it works in my country. So I am thinking about what I am supposed to tell them in that first meeting. Because I don't want to open up too much to a stranger who I 1. might not like and 2. don't want to open up some wounds that won't be treated for another year or so. So I have no idea what to tell them. Even describing why I think I have DID involves traumatic experiences and will also take a good amount of time. What would they want to know? What should I ask them? I thought about writing them beforehands, that I'd prefer if they'd ask me questions instead of asking me to just talk about myself, because I find that difficult. But even then, I am unsure what to expect. Can you give me some ideas? Because I think I'd be less anxious if I'd feel like I am prepared.
Hey Anon,
Seeing a professional for DID for the first time can be nerve-wrecking. It's important to remind yourself why you're doing this, and the benefits that will come from it. What's your motivation? Bring yourself back to that when you're anxious or unsure. I'm sending you so many hugs, anon. Your courage is amazing.
In terms of things to mention, you should keep in mind the length of your appointment, and try to stick to the facts. I would encourage you to make an outline, or keep a journal of symptoms every day. Include things like dissociation levels and frequency (include both depersonalization and derealization), periods of memory loss or emotional disconnect, experiences of personality confusion or alteration, the current fronter if applicable/known, and the way it impacts your day-to-day life. I would then bring that journal with you to the appointment.
I would also try to keep your wording to a minimum unless asked for more specifics when it comes to the childhood abuse that may be triggering. Be honest, "I'm worried about bringing up specifics of trauma without long-term support, but I do know that I've experienced a lot of childhood abuse in an emotional/sexual/physical capacity (or whatever capacity you've experienced) without a lot of support from the adults that were in my life. I feel it's definitely impacted me enough that I've developed DID, and would like to seek professional treatment in that."
Overall, keeping your responses more factual, concise, and honest can be helpful, as can having a record of symptoms and the way they impact your day-to-day life. I would ask them anything you want to know, like what it takes to get a diagnosis, how a diagnosis would impact you, what you can expect in wait times, or if there's anything specific they need from you in order to make this process easier for you or them. If you do get into trauma things, I would ask for a psychologist to be in the room, keep some grounding and comforting items on hand, and make sure you're aware of some good coping skills that work for you.
I hope this helps, anon, and I hope you know how proud of you I am. Sending lots of love and good vibes.
~Mod Night
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kyoshitargaryen · 2 months ago
Hey, I recently read a post of yours talking about "letting go" and also about people with OCD and such... and I wanted to share a few things if that's okay.
I also have OCD, anxiety, and depression, etc... and it was really hard for me to accept that I loved someone I "created" in my mind, but I believe in the Loa and everything... However, because of OCD, I can't rest or set limits for myself. I know I need psychological treatment, but I'm afraid that the psychologist might hospitalize me or tell me what to do since I'm still underage.
But I do believe that I can get through this, it's just so hard... Can you give me some advice?
Thank you!
hey, anon!! I'm so sorry you're struggling, and I really hope I can help or reassure you somehow. to be honest with you, I really do think you should get help — if not therapy, then psychiatry. for me personally, therapy didn't help since I over-rationalize my experiences and emotions rather than feel them, but psychiatry literally changed my life. I cannot express to you enough how night and day the change was, especially for my ocd and adhd. I promise you that intrusive thoughts are so much easier to handle and brush off when you're being medically supported. the best part is, you don't need therapy to get psychiatry.
I recommend looking into telehealth, as that's what I use.
I hope that one day you reach the point where you can get help in spite of your fear. if you had a broken bone, you'd go to a hospital. if you had a busted engine, you'd go to the mechanic. your brain is the engine of your body, and sometimes it needs a tune-up.
I'm not a psychologist or professional by any means but below I'll list some things that helped me
I totally get your experience with your ocd and anxiety interfering with your overall belief and experience with LOA. I did a few things to help me get over my issues with the same;
immediately invalidate my intrusive thoughts with positive affirmations
I've spoken about this before in other posts, but I'll reiterate here. your brain doesn't recognize when you're doing something ironically or sarcastically, it only records the fact that you're doing it. so when you affirm positively, even when you don't believe in it, you're re-wiring your brain to think positively, and then you end up believing it.
this makes it so even when you do get an intrusive thought, it doesn't shake you as much if at all. the more and more you persist, the easier it gets. you won't be fighting against your brain, it'll come naturally to you. but you have to work towards that to get there.
self-soothing + self-care
some days are worse than others, so it's important that you don't blame yourself for them. do the things that you enjoy, and treat your body softly and kindly. watch a comfort show, listen to music, read.
document your triggers
learning how to recognize your triggers is so important. once I noticed what repeatedly triggered me into an ocd loop, I was able to avoid them until I was in a mentally stronger place, and then teach myself how to act in spite of them or outright invalidate them.
learning nervous system regulation techniques and skills
nervous system regulation, to put it in a very condensed way, is the practice of adjusting to various sensory and emotional information in order to prevent becoming overloaded or stressed.
as for setting limits and allowing rest, I'm not entirely sure how to help you effectively. there are some apps that make you stay off your phone, usually to study, that you could use to give you a set amount of time to decompress, meditate, realign with the LOA, etc.
the last thing I want to say is, you're a kid still — you're not meant to carry this on your own. no one, not even adults, should have so much weighing on them. it's okay to ask for help, and there's no shame in it.
believe me, I know how frustrating it is to have your medical choices in other people's hands, I've been there. but being a teenager means your brain hasn't developed enough to be responsible enough for that kind of power. the best you can do is advocate for yourself and your wants. there's also a job called patient advocate, they're at most hospitals, and you can call on them to act as your defense and to make sure that everything going on is fair.
obviously, I can't give advice on how to trust in the doctors or your family, as I have no idea how that dynamic works. don't put yourself in dangerous positions re: your family. if you have worries about your safety regarding them, it may be best to wait until you are 18, have moved out, or have medical emancipation.
I really hope this helps you, anon <3
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beevean · 2 years ago
I remember how a long time ago you made a top 10 list of your favorite characters ever.
Wanna do another one? 'Cause I think there have been a couple of new additions in recent times :P
Oh yeah, I did, a lifetime ago! Yeah, it needs to be updated :P but I won't rank them, I'll put them in chronological order of when I decided "yes they're my blorbo now"
Sonic the Hedgehog
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If fictional characters can be considered your childhood friends, Sonic is mine :D
He's a simple, but nuanced character. He's freedom incarnate, he has an attitude and can back it up, he's cocky but kind and friendly. The only principle that binds him is helping people in need, not because he has to, but because he wants to :)
Dr. Eggman
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You can't talk about Sonic without talking about Eggman :P much like Sonic, he's a simple character but quirky and compelling enough. Dude just wants to conquer the world because he thinks his genius needs to be appreciated by everyone, and he will prove it to you.
He's one of those villains full of style, bombastic, both lighthearted and cruel without one trait overshadowing the other. Sometimes the games simply show you his personality through the environment, such as CD's wretched Bad Futures or Adventure's colorful Egg Carrier. He's a destructive force of nature with an amusement park as his evil lair. An icon.
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My favorite protagonist of all time. What can I even say about him? A character with 30 years worth of development, the symbol of the eternal, perhaps futile, struggle against fate, the incarnation of determination in the face of the whole world that wants you dead. He's more than one of the most iconic manga characters in history: he's an inspiration.
Bojack Horseman
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Another one of my favorite protagonists, and almost the complete opposite of Guts. If Guts is an ideal, even with all his flaws, Bojack is painfully relatable. Bojack throws all of your flaws and bad thoughts and mistakes in your face and you will see yourself in him whether you like it or not. Still, he's charming and sympathetic enough that you always cheer for him to finally find the happiness he so vehemently struggles to reach.
Samus Aran
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The her <3 the woman of all time <3
A great example of how you don't need dialogue to showcase personality. With all games combined, you can tell Samus is a serious, professional person, confident enough to explore hostile alien planets all by herself, cold and efficient during missions but still with some empathy. Metroid games have an unique environmental storytelling, and Samus is the emblem of this. Also, you know, she's super cool :P
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou
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You'd think Ryuu is nothing more than Phoenix 2.0, and yes, they're similar. But I very much love his own character arc, how he started out as nothing and then ended the first game declaring that he's willing to become the enemy of the whole British Empire if it meant protecting a young reject of society. He also grows out of Asougi's shadow, fights him with everything he learned from him and his experiences, and his relationship with Susato is so cute, and he forms a strong bond with Barok dragging him out of his depression... favorite AA protagonist bar none.
Barok van Zieks
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I once used Edgeworth as my favorite AA character. His Dracula version beats him by a landslide for me :P
I mean, obviously he relies a lot on Edgyboy: he's cold, painfully sarcastic, has a similar backstory of the death of a close relative making him jaded... but I prefer Barok both for his own character arc, for how much he suffered in 10 years and shouldered the moniker of the Grim Reaper because he thought it was the best thing for London, blaming the entire Japanese population to flee from the truth he secretly suspected (which, uh, is not good at all, but it makes sense in universe), until Ryuu shows up and turns his whole world upside down, revealing finally what kind person he is - oh, the way he showers Ryuu with praise <3 and also, most importantly, this guy is hilarious, the absolute peak of quirky prosecutors. Legjection, anyone?
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Shadow if I liked him :P
I think I said everything I needed to say not long ago - gorgeous design, effortessly cool attitude, a likeable personality that evolves through the X and Zero games, aloof but honorable to a fault, loyal to the few friends he has. I can't really explain what makes him so charming, but let's just say, no wonder he stole the show :P
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How did this happen? When I finished CoD my thoughts about Hector were "oh he's cool, he's kind of like Guts if he looked like Griffith lol", and now I am drowning in fanfiction and analyses and dying on the most lonely hill that he's the best character in the series D:
Impeccable design - sure, he's yet another Long Haired Pretty Boy in Kojima's arsenal, but his silver hair is iconic and his outfit is super cool and says everything about his seriousness and no-nonsense attitude. Beautiful character arc, of him starting out as jaded and cold and willing to participate in genocide, but slowly reclaiming his own humanity, the nature that rejected him through no fault of his own, and affirming his own agency, and selfishly throwing everything away and that being the best choice he could have made. He said that he wanted power, but in reality he just wanted a place to belong to, and he finally found it in a peaceful cottage. Also his powers are so fucking cool and he can swing all sorts of weapons, from the Dragon Slayer Killer to a Piko Piko Hammer, the range <3
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He may be doomed to be second favorite. But not in my heart <3
Fucked up babygirl of a war criminal who can wear makeup better than me. He takes you in because hehe funny emo guy voiced by Liam O'Brien going full tiddies out and wearing the most pathetic excuse for pants. Then, oh, he's actually Hector's foil in nearly everything. Oh, he started out from the same place of wanting to exist in peace, but he chose loyalty to an ungrateful Lord over freedom and he dearly paid for that. Oh, the tattoos might symbolize how far he'd go to give himself to Dracula. Oh, he saw himself as a weapon and saw nothing wrong with it. Oh, Hector carelessly destroyed his whole life in one feel swoop and no wonder he hated him so much. Oh, the Curse brought to the surface the darkest parts of him but he didn't use to be this way. Oh, he might have suffered from one hell of an inferiority complex. Oh...
He's cool and he's campy and both a shameless asshole and a tragic victim, I couldn't ask for more <3
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jesterguy · 1 year ago
Lots of lamenting about my body and developing hypochondria under the cut! Feel free to read but im just venting
I heard recently (i don't know where and that bothers me but I'm too scared of the topic to actually hunt down further information) that breasts of my size aren't really possible to self screen for early stage breast cancer in an effective manner, and that even professionals may struggle. This is information that I already knew through personal experience, because when I try to self screen myself I will inevitably start to panic just due to the textures and tissues I'm feeling. Everyone says, "When you have a lump, you know", but ive been concerned for years that I will NOT know and while it's validating to hear that I'm right it's mortifying to have my fears confirmed.
I've gained a fair amount of weight as I age into my adult body and I grapple with this in a visual sense as an ED survivor and trans man. But separate from that is the FEAR I feel with my breasts being where my weight gain is most apparent. More and more fat and muscle tissue being packed on to and area I'm already scared of becoming diseased.
As this growth has been happening my breast tissue aches more often- from sagging, from being laid/leaned on, from just sheer growing pains- its added a whole new layer of anxiety I didn't feel just a couple months ago. Every time I feel a pang of pain in my chest I go to massage it and identify it and sure enough, there's a lump- but my breasts are full of unidentifiable lumps! WHAT am I supposed to dooooooo
The added factor of not having health insurance is the real driving fear here. If I were sick, who would tell me? If I were sick, how would I pay for the aggressive treatment id need? Every time I get a weird body sensation I have to try not to panic. Like a week ago I took my shirt off at the end of the day and there was a visible and really scary looking lump in my right breast. After I calmed down and double checked it was gone, and hasn't reappeared since, so all I can do is assume it was a stress hallucination...
And of course of course I want them off anyways for gender reasons. I won't even go INTO how fucked up it is that this is happening to me at all. I shouldn't even Have these damn things
I dont know where I'm going with this I just had to get the thoughts out
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themomsandthecity · 7 months ago
Parent Coaches Are on the Rise. Should You Hire One?
Toddlers aren't the only ones who have tantrums. As the adult in charge, it's often tempting to scream or cry alongside them. Enter: parent coaches. This growing profession is here to help parents raise their kids in a more intentional way. "It's kind of crazy that so many parents say parenting is the most important job that they have, and yet there's not a lot of education for parents, understanding childhood development, understanding emotional regulation," says parent coach Kiva Schuler. There's a general belief in our culture that if you're a good person, you should naturally know how to parent. But anyone who's ever had a kid (or was a kid themself) can probably tell you that's not always the case. "One of the benefits of social media is that a lot of parents are realizing that what comes naturally is how they were parented," Schuler says. "So if they want to do it differently, they need support." As parenting advice on TikTok and Instagram has exploded, more parents are admitting that the role is not always intuitive, and many of them are seeking the support of a parent coach who can help refine their approach at home. --- Experts Featured in This Article Kiva Schuler is the founder and CEO of the Jai Institute for Parenting. Gloria DeGaetano is the founder and CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute. Sean Donohue is a parent coach with 11 years of experience. --- What Are Parent Coaches? Parent coaching is not so much about dealing with children as it is about training the parent. "We have very little education on how to get your kids to behave. Our work is really focused on teaching adults healthy communication skills, emotional intelligence, values-led leadership, calming their own nervous system so that they're not having their inner 5-year-old fight their actual 5-year-old," Schuler says. Parent coach Gloria DeGaetano makes the distinction of calling the professional a "parent coach" rather than a "parenting coach" because she says that "we are the partner to the parent, the whole person," she says. The actual work of parenting, she says, is left up to the parent themself. A good coach won't feed you answers or tell you what to do - they simply ask good questions that help you figure out what makes most sense for you and your family and how to harness the strengths you already have to work through challenges, DeGaetano says. "Instead of just telling them what to do, I like to tell people my job is to give you some great tools to create connection and cooperation, and then you won't need me anymore," says parent coach Sean Donohue. Parent coaches differ from family therapists in that they're focused on developing skills and identifying core values; they're not aiming (or qualified) to make a mental health diagnosis or heal past wounds. "Coaches really are about defining an action plan going forward," Schuler says. That said, sometimes family therapists or child psychiatrists become parent coaches to assist their practice. How Can a Parent Coach Help? Many people come to parent coaches because they want to raise their kids differently from how they were treated growing up, and they want to improve their go-to instincts and reactions. Sometimes they're dealing with a particular challenge they don't feel equipped to handle. Donohue says clients come to him for everything "from everyday sassiness to disrespect to sibling issues, screen addiction, substance abuse, trauma, blended families, the anxious or angry child." In private sessions, group coaching calls, or sometimes even quick texts, a coach will act as a sounding board for parents' concerns. They might work to help couples better understand the strengths of each other's parenting styles, or do role-playing exercises meant to build emotional-intelligence skills. Mostly, they will ask questions meant to help parents reflect on their values and what might be helpful in their family. "There's an invitational stance,"… https://www.popsugar.com/family/what-is-parent-coach-49330479?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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solufyerp · 10 months ago
How ERPNext Can Transform Your Business
ERPNext is an open-source ERP that's comprehensive, which means it can handle everything from finances to inventory in one place. This cuts down on the complexity of needing a bunch of different systems and makes everything run smoother.
Another perk? It's cost-effective. Being open-source means businesses don't have to pay a ton for licensing fees or customizations. Plus, the open-source community is constantly working on improvements.
Here's the thing, every business is different. ERPNext is flexible and can be customised to fit specific needs. Whether it's tweaking workflows or building new modules, ERPNext can adapt and grow with a business. Plus, it provides real-time data access, so everyone can make informed decisions.
Collaboration is also a big benefit. By centralising everything, teams can work together more easily and share information. This means better coordination and problems get solved faster.
Now, you might be thinking, "Should I partner with someone in India for ERPNext?" There are actually some good reasons to consider this:
Local Expertise: Partners in India understand the local business environment and regulations. This ensures your ERPNext system works within the local compliance standards.
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If you're in Ahmedabad, that's a thriving business hub in India, you've got even more advantages. Local partners there can provide:
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ERPNext is a powerful tool that can transform your business. Partnering with an ERPNext expert in India, especially Ahmedabad, can make it even better. You'll get local knowledge, cost savings, and solutions designed for your business.
Stuck with a clunky ERP system or looking for a new one altogether? Let me tell you about ERPNext. It's like a Swiss Army knife for businesses, handling everything from finances to inventory. Plus, it's open-source, so you won't break the bank on licensing fees. There's even a whole community of developers constantly making it better.
The best part? ERPNext can bend and flex to fit your exact needs, unlike some of those one-size-fits-all systems. It's like having a custom suit made for your business.
Ready to streamline your operations and take your business to the next level? Look up an ERPNext partner in Ahmedabad and get started on your journey to becoming an efficiency machine!
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study-diaries · 10 months ago
I need your opinion if you don't mind... I'm in my last year of highschool and in four days, there is going to be the responses to all the uni I applied to (if they accepted me or not...). And I don't really have a subject or a job that I really like. Don't get me wrong, I'm a very curious person and I'm interested in many things. But my main goal for a job is not my passion or the things that I like. My main goal is financial. So I'll chose my studies upon the salary that it will get me in the future. The thing is, everyone around me is telling me that I'm thinking wrong and that I'll hate my job if I chose my studies that way....idk what to do and I need your help on that. Thanks and I love your blog btw :) sorry if that was too long....
Heyy! :)
Okay so... First of all, congratulations on passing out highschool alive cause I'm serious, it's a huge milestone! Second of all, that is believe it or not, something that I can very well understand and related to.
And it's okay. Like, definitely okay to have a whole different approach for selecting your majors and jobs. Now, I'm assuming you've already have a vague idea about what major you want to choose since you've applied already.
Generally, if you've taken professional majors (medicine/law etc) then the general pay is good and higher than usual but you need to atleast have an element of interest in it since the majors itself are difficult.
If you've gotten into something that pays alittle lesser etc etc then i can suggest you to take up some part time jobs or even gain experience or develop some skills that could be helpful.
Basically, you can take up something with the idea of getting a high salary but try your best to find some amount of interest in it, make sure you won't get bored with it. (And there's absolutely nothing wrong with your pov about choosing based on the salary or pay!)
I personally think that you can experiment with your subjects and the career options cause I know many people that studied one thing and took a completely different career field. And just because you have the idea of only gaining financial security and stability from your major/job doesn't mean you'll end up hating it.
It's not about with what idea you're choosing your major, it's about how you can steer your major according to what you need and like you said, you're a curious person, you're interested in many things so i believe that you'll do good :)
And the fact that most of the time, we come to love something that we're constantly doing. Passion or interest just doesn't arise out of nowhere, sometimes force is important too and not to mention, hardwork.
Whatever you're choosing, with whatever belief, whether passion or with the idea of financial belief, it doesn't really matter because if you have a really good determination to achieve the end goal, you'll find a way to enjoy the process.
For now, I'll stress on the fact that you focus on choosing the major (if you can check what papers you're having in each semester it's better) and then after you choose your major, experiment more, like research about job opportunities in and around the field, develop skills, gain experience, explore because it's all an experiment, isn't it?
I hope you'll be content and happy with whatever you choose and don't really mind what everyone says, if you want something badly, there's no shame in working towards it. I hope i didn't confuse you even more. And I'm glad you like my blogs, i really appreciate it :)
Take care 🎭✨
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jameslawrencegonzales · 11 months ago
i pursue my college because i believe that education is an important part of life and that being educated has many advantages. i pursue this high education because i want to become a professional so i can use all my skills to achieve all my dreams, i want to continue this journey towards college i am driven by a multitude of reasons that intertwine my aspirations, values, and ambitions. i elucidate why i am committed to pursuing my college education, education is the key to be opened to opportunities. i pursuing a college degree i am equip myself with the knowledge skills. college provides a platform for intellectual exploration and personal growth. It offers an environment where I can engage in critical thinking, challenge conventional wisdom, and broaden my perspectives. Through interactions with peers and other people i anticipate enriching discussions that will expand my horizons and foster a lifelong love for learning.
So it’s very important to be ahead in life and for me to be focus of my career goals and what i want to accomplish. College also gives me great experience in the fields and real life training, college can also enhance skills. it’s important for me to get the education i need, and also can provide me the things that i want. Being a first generation college student, my parents always tell me to study hard because this is what they want me to finish school, they also always remind me that even if life is hard to keep going i am also in my college studies, and my parents and relatives and gf are still there to support me, i also want to pursue college so that when i finish my college education, i can immediately find a job and help also to my parents, no matter how i can repay the days and time they spent taking care of me and i can also give them a good life that i myself will give them money. I am the first among three siblings to go college, so i want to take responsibility to be an example to my two younger siblings, and show them that it is important to have goals in life to improve oneself as a person through education, so i really want to pursue college so that when i finish school, i can help my two brothers with their studies and inspire them to pursue their dreams.
College offers invaluable personal and social experiences, It is a time for self-discovery, where i can explore my interests, passions, and values, college provides a myriad of avenues for personal development and self-expression. i am motivated by my dreams, being more success and also living a better life. college educations have challenges at that time, but the elders say that if you can't finish your studies, you won't be able to achieve your dreams in life, and it will be difficult to find a job so, as a senior high student, i want to pursue my college education so that i can learn more and be successful in life, fulfill all my dreams for myself, my parents, my two brothers and my loved ones, my relatives. after college graduate i want to be a seaman because i want to, while I'm working, i've also been able to travel to different countries, like USA, Germany, Korea and so on. i also want to travel or feel the snow, so i really want to be a seaman. so now as senior high student i pursuit that going to college is one of the best decisions you can make in my life and finishing college is an even grateful feeling, in my spare time i talk and advice my friends, siblings to go school and get a better education because it can help you in the long run, so i won’t be a dummy ill stay in school and now i’m following my own advice.
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greython2b · 1 year ago
General contractors near me
Greyton will respond to you once he has finished his meal. We would be happy to tell you more about who we are and what we've done if you're interested. Their help will allow you to unwind and rejuvenate.
After businesses and industries, retail sales have historically been the nation's second-most dependable source of income. Within the building industry, this enterprise is referred to as a "general contractor."
Greython Construction serves a diverse range of global clients by offering owner's representative, construction management, and general contracting services. Clients can obtain assistance here for their construction-related needs. Greyton Construction has prospered for many years because of the exceptional caliber of its work. We offer our construction assistance services to anyone who might find them useful. In addition, Greython Construction has built a global network of commercial alliances.
It is highly recommended that GREYTHON be contacted right away.
If you are looking for a licensed contractor to assist you with a job, please enter your contact details in the box below. It's a good idea to consult an expert before making a decision that could change your life. My years of experience as a builder, handyman, and carpenter allow my clients to rest easy. general contractors near me If there is any way we can help you find a qualified specialist, kindly let us know. If this occurs, a senior corporate representative will contact you to ensure you are informed and linked to the appropriate individuals in your area. If your supervisors are unable to reach you, they will cease attempting to communicate with you. It won't be as difficult for you to find help as you might imagine. They will go above and above to maintain contact if they genuinely care about one another. You will be successful if you work hard enough. We now have influence over the United States.
The three biggest cities in the US are located in just three states. The United States of America is home to all of these cities. Greython Construction operates on a national scale. If you are worried about us, don't hesitate to ask where we are. With the government's consent, Greython Construction can now operate there legally. Moreover, the group's influence is seen across the country. There is never a premature arrival or departure at Greyton Construction. The business has received numerous accolades for its excellent work on a range of projects. If these goals are not met, the company's future is at risk. There might be fewer failures if every business operated on an even playing field. Almost any type of cuisine can be brought straight to your door. Greyton Construction's steadfast dedication to its clients has allowed it to lead the industry. One of the main reasons for our company's success is the dedication of our staff. The two teams' cooperation has resulted in a multitude of information.
With these assurances in place, we can proceed with the Project without any worry.
We are available to assist you in any way we can. You must demonstrate your competence in your current position if you hope to progress at Greyton Construction. It would be an understatement to suggest that we are happy with the result. The current state of affairs has us ecstatic. We have complete faith in the building company, and we are glad to collaborate with them. We promise that things will become better if you decide to work with us. We may be able to have more candid discussions in the future. There should not be any issues if you follow our instructions. Greyton Construction has a track record of completing projects within budget and on schedule. Remain persistent; in due course, your diligent efforts will yield results. Our committed team will always go above and beyond to make sure you're completely satisfied. Much has been invested in their professional development by us. I will never be able to repay you for all that you have done for me.
Greyton is a wine that has shown good aging characteristics. The education I received at Greyton was essential to my success in the workplace.
If you have any inquiries or remarks on the Greyton Building, kindly email us. When customers learn about the swindle, they hardly return. In recent years, the region has seen the opening of several new hotels, eateries, and retail establishments. For your subsequent construction project, we can operate as your owner's agent, general contractor, construction manager, and designer/builder. Perhaps the group will still think highly of them.
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loekas · 2 years ago
I couldn't find the fic on Ao3. So I wrote my own.
Enjoy having a Salamence, Rodney.
He'd always wanted a Salamence. The desire faded as he grew older, and specifically, developed a fear of dragon types. A mild fear, nothing big. But it was there. And Salamence is very much a dragon type.
He still wanted one.
But over the years, he resigned himself to the impossibility of that. Bagon were stubborn little bastards who rarely deigned a trainer useful in their quest to grow wings, and Sheldon were even less interested in them. And a Salamence? Left their beloved sky only for as short a time as they could get away with. There's little they find more horrifying than the idea of spending time on the ground, never mind inside a pokéball.
That's without getting into the cost of keeping one. Salamence were big, and their appetite was even bigger. Flying burns up a lot of calories. He wouldn't be able to afford keeping one fed. And as he always tells adopting trainers; don't get a pokémon that your wallet can't hold. It won't end well for anybody.
So Rodney resigned himself to never having one. And that was fine. Really, it was. He had Bart, and honestly, he'd give up a hundred Salamence if it meant keeping this lazy ball of goo.
Still. When their latest case was brought in, his heart skipped a beat.
"That's a Salamence," he says, professionally instead of dumbly.
"No shit, Smearglock," says Beth, unprofessionally and curious. "Big one, too."
"But thin," he says, mind spotting all the irregularities on habit. Professional habit. Because he's a professional. Not a little kid wanting to squeal at the sight of an actual, real life Salamence.
He wants to touch it.
"Wings especially." This observation does make him snap out of his shock. Yes, this Salamence has thin wings. Not quite sickly so, they look like they can hold its weight. But they're not as muscled by far as a Salamence's wings should be.
The answer for why this is so arrives in a coughing fit that sounds like thunder, bedazzled by flashes of fire. Not a lot, thank Arceus. But enough to make him grateful to work in a fire proofed building, and also to be standing a healthy distance away.
The gratitude pales compared to his dread.
"Please tell me it doesn't have asthma." He asks it while looking for the documents given by the pokécenter. They don't often have the luck of their cases having gone through a full check-up before coming here, but they did now.
Beth has already beaten him to it. She's reading the results.
"She doesn't have asthma," Beth says in her I'm lying to make you feel better voice.
"That's horrible." It is. Even at best, it would limit the time she, because it's apparently a she, can spend in the air. In more severe cases, it would keep the poor girl trapped on the ground more often than not.
Judging from how thin the wings are, she's on the ground far more often than any Salamence should ever be. It's honestly heartbreaking. And yes, the reaction is stronger than usual because it involves a Salamence, but he would have felt like this no matter what.
No one should have their dreams torn down like this.
As if hearing his thoughts, the Salamence opens some truly gorgeous eyes. She looks him over.
She lets out an unimpressed snort. And no, that's not him projecting. His job depends on him being able to read pokémon, and by now he has a lot of experience at it. That was an unimpressed snort.
For some reason he's not surprised. He is a little disappointed, though.
He wants her to like him.
But that's the child in him talking. The professional needs to consider how to keep this very big, very dangerous pokémon, content enough to keep from going on a rampage.
A Salamence going on a rampage. Yeah, that's enough to get his mind back in the game.
With a sigh, he turns more fully towards Beth, careful to keep the Salamence within the corner of his vision.
His attention is abruptly drawn to Bart. Bart had just been chilling on the counter, being a happy pile of onze as usual. And he's still on the counter.
He's no longer chilling. Instead he's looking at the Salamence with sparkling eyes. Some might say Gulpin aren't capable of that, but those people have never met Bart.
The word is out before he even realizes it. Then his mind catches up to what his subconscious had already understood, and he repeats himself more firmly.
"Bart, no." They are not adopting this Salamence. They're not. It doesn't matter that without her constantly flying, his wallet can actually hold her. She's still far too big. And she doesn't even like him. See, the derisive snort.
Bart gives him a look that a Growlithe would be proud of. Luckily, Rodney has grown immune to that. No really, he has. It doesn't move him at all.
...Look, it just wouldn't work. Even if he can keep her fed, and even if she does grow to like him and Bart both, she's still too big. His home can't fit her. She'd need to be in a pokéball more often than not. She wouldn't like that.
She might like it more than being stuck on the ground.
No. That's the Impidimp in him talking. He needs to stay realistic. And not be swayed by Bart's sad drooping.
He's not adopting this Salamence.
Not to alarm you, but you have a tag on Archive Of Our Unknown now. And the only story under said tag (for now) is about what adventures you'd have with a Salamance.
if this is true i need this linked to me FUCKING STAT.
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TW= child sexual assualt(?)
Looking for advice and validation ig
I'm not sure if this counts as sa, I want to know if it does count. When I was around 7years old, when I would lay in bed, sometimes my mom would take my pants off and touch,kiss and suck my private parts (I'm a girl btw). I thought it was normal so I let her do it. When she do it she would say that she's sad cuz she won't be able to do this anymore when I grow up, and bc of that she should do it alot rn. My family is very physically affectionate so no one thought it was unusual. Also my memory of this happening is blurry and not vivid, but I'm a 100% sure this happened a lot. I don't know if I'm just overreacting. Now she doesn't do that to me anymore but she still touches my butt even when I constantly ask her not to do it. She said she can do whatever she wants cuz she's my mom. She does the same thing she did to younger me to my younger brother rn, and it makes me really uncomfortable. Can u tell me if this is normal or not? It made me really uncomfortable and even now I'm afraid to change in front of people cuz I'm afraid they might do that to me.
Thank you so much if u answer this, yall are amazing đź’“
- đź’›
Hi đź’›,
I'm so sorry about what happened and please know that her behavior is not normal or okay at all. It's one thing to be physically affectionate but this is much more than that. This can count as CSA, and it's understandable that it made you uncomfortable and anxious.
Consent is crucial in any physical interaction, including within family relationships. No one should engage in any form of sexual contact without your consent, and it's concerning that your boundaries are not being respected, even now. Just because she's your mother doesn't entitle her to your body, especially in a sexual way.
I also want to just point out that while it seems that your family may normalize this kind of behavior, that doesn't make it okay. Language creates ways of thinking and perceiving and so it can be hard to notice or name abusive behavior when the people around us don't frame it negatively. But it's important to know that abusers or those that harm others can be surrounded by people who enable said abuse, and so just because people might excuse this behavior, doesn't make it right.
Please know that you have the right to feel safe and respected in your own body. It's not your fault, and you deserve support and understanding. If you can access or afford it, a mental health professional such as a therapist can help you navigate and process your experiences, as well as develop healthy coping strategies.
I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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meliohy · 2 years ago
My boss read the document before I deleted the "you made me do all the work on my own so don't fucking complain if it's not working properly in the end (((:" paragraph
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animeyanderelover · 3 years ago
How would Yandere Killua, L, Levi, Eren, Kaneki, Chuuya, Dazai and Edogawa Ranpo react to their darling being kidnapped and nearly killed?
I finished D. Gray-Man!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, aged up characters, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, isolation, manipulation, kidnapping, murder, death
Kidnapped and nearly killed
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀​Killua's darling has a target on their back considering from which family Killua comes and everyone who holds a grudge against the Zoldyck family would leap at the chance to perform revenge on someone who isn't a professional and highly dangerous assassin. If it wouldn't be for the silver male constantly lurking somewhere near his darling, things would be easier for everyone because he detects harm from miles away and whatever he categorizes as something that will hurt you will be dead by the next day. When it comes to your safety Killua reduces himself to a ruthless killer, though he believes himself to be in the right. He isn't like his family who kills for fun or money, he kills becaus he loves you dearly and wants to protect you. It makes all the difference for him and no one wants this guy coming after their head, believe me when I tell you this!
🪀​So as long as Killua is anywhere near you, stalking and protecting you, there is no chance in heaven or hell that anyone would be able to do as much as touch you. An opening is only there when he isn't for once with you which only happens when something really important happens. There isn't much time though and anyone who is aware who your lover is knows that because Killua has learned over time to develop a sixth sense when it comes down to something bad happening. A sudden wave of dread washing over him that churns his stomach up, the uneasiness and stress peeking as this bad feeling takes over and he rushes to your place, praying silently for you to be safe. Instead you are gone, he can't reach you on your phone and it doesn't take long for him to find clues that confirm that you've been kidnapped.
🪀​He goes through several stages of emotions. Anxiety, dread, paranoia, fear and a icy rage that fills every cell of his body. Where is his darling?! Are they safe?! Killua tries to rationalize that letting his anxiety get the better of him won't do any good, he has to stay calm and bury his emotions as good as possible so he can think. Time is ticking though as there is this dreadful uncertainty whether or not you're even still alive or if you're being tortured this very minute. Despite this crippling fear, Killua manages to focus quite well since he knows that he will find his s/o again and that the bastards who dared to take you will pay the price. He has experience in collecting hints and hunting down the target. It's just like a murderous hunter going after his prey, a blizzard of hatred and rage storming inside of his heart.
🪀​When he finds his darling, all he needs to do is taking in their sweaty and bloody experience before he finally completely switches over with a haunting and hollow look in his eyes. It's just straight out of a nightmare as he slaughters everyone without making even a single noise. Blood is everywhere after he's done and severed limbs lay around but despite it all Killua manages to come out clean, a single splash of red blood on his face the only hint to the small massacre that just happened.
🪀​Only after he killed everyone does his anger ebb away and terror and fear takes over as he rushes over to his darling, freaking out even more when he notices their bad condition from up close. With his distrust in people newly awakened, the doctors caring for you after have to be especially careful because one wrong move ends with the fatal loss of one limb if his soulless expression isn't already the stuff from nightmares enough. He never leaves your side once, he doesn't sleep and never drops the threatening aura he emits whenever someone is close, so cold and thick that every breath hurts. You stay only as long as necessary before Killua instantly takes you to him and locks you inside of his house, terrified for your safety. He never held the thought of abducting you very high since he used to be imprisoned himself in his old home but he's incredibly distraught, horrified and paranoid to the point where he starts shedding the one or other tear once he's alone with you. He's convinced now, he can't leave you alone ever again.
L Lawliet
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🍰​L is very well aware that he risks something when he starts gaining a rapid interest in his s/o and that potential risk only enhances once he starts actively going out of his usual zone to interact with them. At one point stalking them via trackers and cameras he put in every corner of their house isn't enough anymore, he finds himself craving a real human interaction which isn't very common for him. It is a peril yet meeting you in person and talking with you...feels so nice. L experiences something he normally doesn't experience and like a man addicted he finds himself wanting more and more from this feeling, from you. Having to keep his identity a secret from you, indulging in his hobby of stalking you and simultanously protecting you through his stalking become part of his daily schedule, nothing beats meeting you in person though.
🍰​It would be difficult to track L and you down once the situation has escalated to the point where he has already abducted you and drags you like this to every single country that needs his assistance. The best shot would be going after s/o if they're still a free person, as free as one can be if their entire house is wired and loaded with cameras. L, as much as he'd love having you all the time by his side, has cases to solve and work to do, moments where he can't watch you for a while. It's sort of ridiculous though, testing a detective who is known to be the best and L, as someone who can't really go on for long without catching a short glimpse of you, notices quickly that something is wrong. You're gone, he can't see you on his screen anymore. No camera is showing you on the footage.
🍰​The two dots connect quickly and for maybe just a short moment he is stunned by the fact that someone actually managed to sneak past his security system to the point where he didn't notice instantly. Maybe he is even mildly fascinated if it wouldn't be for the fact that you were just kidnapped which stirs up another unfamiliar emotion inside of him. A feeling of indisposition that makes him physically a bit sick and unpleasant thoughts afflicting his mind. He wants this feeling to go away, wants to have you back safe and sound and so he instantly decides to drop everything else and focus on this current task. There are tons of clues left behind since he is able to get his hands on footage from the entire town and on top of that chances are high that he has a tracker somewhere on you.
🍰​This queasy feeling stays throughout the entire ordeal though, even after he has located you and sent the police and reinforcements after you. He even decides to go personally under a fake alias of course, Watari accompanies him. But it is the moment where he catches a glimpse of you being hastily taken into a ambulance and the red and sticky liquid that the true nausea hits him, eyes following the ambulance like a hawk until he lost sight of it. He just stands there frozen for a couple of moments before he finally informs Watari that he wants to see you.
🍰​His normal goal is just exposing crimes and passing judgement down on those people, but he's experiencing for the first time the need to manipulate everything a bit more to charge the culprits with more evil than they have already done. His mind is made up from that point on, that he wants to take you with him now because this was too close for his own taste. Things are set into motion after you've reached a stable condition in the hospital. A simple transfer whilst you're still in a condition where you can't put up much of a fight combined with a serum to put you out long enough so everything can play out just like L has wanted it to be. He's already thought of a nice little story to explain your sudden disappearance and has already ordered everything to continue your treatment until you're fully healed. The detective decides to wait for you to wake up after you've arrived, to explain everything to you now. He expects defiance but think about it. Would you be willing to go through the same horror again like you just did? Next time he might not make it in time.
Eren Yeager
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👊In Paradise, Eren’s darling is quite untouchable to say the least. The man has his own goddamn cult at this point in time, two rather protective friends who treasure s/o as well and the Titan Shifter himself. Eren is a paranoid man, he has learned that the world isn’t quite what he believes it to be when he was younger and one of the very few pillars he has left now is his darling, a person he clings to dearly. Dangers are everywhere even after Titans are mostly gone and there are only a handful of people he really trust when it comes to you. There are really either two ways someone would want to harm his darling actively. First option would be someone from within the island holding some sort of grudge against Eren or some invader from Marley for whom Eren is the biggest threat to mankind and what better way than to get to him by using you as a bait?
👊There are only that many moments there is a good opening though considering how unwilling Eren is most of the time to leave his darling alone. Most of the time he is glued directly to their side and he is willing to commit homicide against anyone who tries to hurt you. If he isn’t able to be with you because he has to deal with something, he most likely asks Mikasa or Armin to look after you since those are the people he trusts the most. Connor, Sasha, Historia and Jean hold a good amount of his trust as well and the last option, one he discreetly dreads, is asking Floch and the Yeagerists to look out a bit for you. This might seem paranoid in your eyes, but for Eren all of this is necessary to stay sane. When he hears the news though, he suffers a short meltdown and goes into hyperventilation with Mikasa and Armin trying to calm him down.
👊He’s beyond furious as soon as he's calmed down a bit, shaking with rage as fear bubbles up in his stomach as he imagines what you might have to go through in this very moment. Eren can’t waste any time and just storms off like this and anyone who tries to stop him will be yelled at, even if those people would be Mikasa and Armin. Eren is too short-tempered and anxious to wait for any clues, he has to act and find you quickly and his friends and the Yeagerists participate. They all try to stay in contact via signal flares so that everyone knows if someone has found a lead. Whether Eren himself finds your whereabouts or someone else, the moment he knows the direction he is away in his Titan form and at this point he isn’t exactly careful anymore. If it wouldn’t be for Armin or Mikasa who are with him because they know that Eren is currently in a more violent state, he would leave behind a path of fair destruction.
👊He’s already that shortly away from entering a frenzy rage but once he’s arrived at the scene and catches one glance at you, it’s over. Eren completely loses it and lashes out, attacking and crushing everyone he doesn’t recognize as an ally. He’s homicidal, he wants to kill everyone who dared to take you, dared to hurt you and whilst Eren is busily turning people into mush, Mikasa and Armin rush over to escort you away from the bloody scenery unfolding itself right before your eyes.
👊Unfortunately Eren notices this as well and with his mind by now a bit blurry with wanting to gruesomely kill anyone who hurt you and wanting to safe you, he reacts hostile when he sees you being taken away. It’s not like he attacks his friends, he just suddenly moves rapidly over to both of them and snatches you away from them as careful as he can in this form. Only to panic when he finally gets a closer look at your condition, terrified because he doesn’t know what to do and yet also just as frightened of the thought to hand you over. His friends need some time to soothe him enough to start thinking rationally and to bring you to a hospital. As soon as he’s left alone with you, he just bursts out in tears. He actually even starts yelling a bit at you, only because he is on the brink of a emotional breakdown again because he blames himself more than anything for what happened to you. After that experience, Eren seems to glue himself to your side even more than normally and especially whilst you're still healing from the wounds he never leaves you alone.
Levi Ackerman
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⚔️​Levi...doesn't give off the nicest impression when people meet him at first yet he is insanely protective over his darling. They're the undeniable soft spot this man harbors inside of his heart and that is made obvious with time. Now, Levi is either respected or feared or even both among many since he's someone no one wishes to mess with due to his Ackerman blood. Knowing that he's your partner makes someone think twice whether or not to be rude or do something to harm you because if Levi finds out, and he most definitely will, he will chase the person down and not only force out an apology but also give a warning. It is quite the frightening experience for really just anyone to witness because if looks could murder, Levi would have killed a dozen of people already.
⚔️​Despite his protective side, Levi has to leave quite often for missions and since the people he trusts are part of the Survey Corps just like him, you are left alone whenever he has to go on missions or has some business to deal with. A perfect time and the best time because Levi is ruthless himself when it comes to dealing with people who want to harm his s/o. He is a short-tempered man himself and if someone seriously tests their boundaries, he leaves them with broken bones. He's actually a person who doesn't instantly suspect the worst when he comes home and doesn't find you there, as long as there are no hints indicating a fight that is. You have your own life and Levi respects that. Only after some time has passed on and you still aren't back is the moment where he feels that cold shiver going down his spine.
⚔️​He asks neighbors about whether they know where you went or not, searches in the places you went today and asks around again. No one has an idea where you are and that is the point where he starts connecting spots and assumes a bad scenario. The cue word for him to head out, armed with his equipment and a queasy feeling in his stomach. He's tried to pinpoint roughly where you were last seen and continue from there. It would have been probably wise from him to ask for some help, the man finds himself in a rush, disturbed with the knowledge that there is a possibility that you were kidnapped. Levi manages to stay for the most part rational and calm though which allows him to discover this one suspicious person that lurks around late at night in the streets, headed for an empty storehouse.
⚔️​He follows the man secretly inside and finds you. Tight to a chair, beaten up and wounded. And just like that the silent and suppressed anger he's been keeping under control so far explodes and before the people even get a warning, they get attacked mercilessly by him. Levi actually holds his full furry partially back because otherwise he might end up killing someone. Less out of kindness than his desire to force one of your kidnappers to tell him why exactly they took you before he knocks them out as well. He plans to let the others in on what happened which is why he keeps them alive and ties them up.
⚔️​But before that he frees you and instantly rushes to a hospital, scolding you throughout it all for your own inability to walk through the city without getting in trouble. He's in reality quite distraught, the injuries you sustained more severe than he thought and he tries to somehow keep you conscious. After you're in treatment, he informs Hange and Erwin of what happened since he trusts both people the most so they can take care of the pathetic beaten up bunch in the storehouse. He can't catch any sleep at all that night, too wary that possible allies of those gusy will try to take you again, especially if the whole kidnapping thing is connected to followers of the overthrown regime with the fake king. Levi isn't as stubborn as to permanently glue himself to your side like Eren, there is an increased uneasiness to leave you alone for a longer time though, especially since you're still limited due to your injuries. Orders you strictly to take it easy until you're fully recovered and you're chided like a little child when he catches you doing something you shouldn't do in your condition.
Ken Kaneki
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🔲​Kaneki is one of the most paranoid guys out there, especially since he experienced first-hand how quick things can go the wrong way. It doesn't matter whether you're just a normal person or not, life throws unexpected things at you and the world lets you suffer for something you didn't even do. That's the kind of image Kaneki has from this world by now and he's horrified that his darling will be a victim of this rather ruthless turn of events. Really anything can happen, they could be attacked and killed by a ghoul or be involved in a terrible accident. Kaneki stalks strictly at first, debatting whether or not he should actually take his darling or not. He doesn't really trust himself, fears a terrible rejection and disgust from your side. Why shouldn't you react like this though? He's a monster after all.
🔲​Kidnapping could either be just kidnapping or a more interesting scenario behind it. Personally believe that it wouldn't be the doves since they would rather see you as a victim and resolve to protect you. Maybe a ghoul who holds a grudge against Kaneki after he joined the Aogiri Tree? Or just a sadistic ghoul who likes to toy with his victims? Maybe it was even a human. Considering the fact that the kidnapping was successful means that Kaneki wasn't watching you at that time. Words couldn't even comprehend how he felt when he returned later only to find you gone. You weren't home...you were gone. He assumes automatically always the worst, by now he knows your routine pretty well and normally you're always home at this time. So where are you?!
🔲​It's a miracle that he doesn't lash out instantly. His chest hurts with a stinging pain and his breath is uneven, somehow he still manages to head out to all the places he knows you usually go on a normal day. There is no sign of you though and the more time passes by, the more this pain inside of his chest intensifies as every breath becomes more difficult to draw in. When he trails the way down you usually take to walk home, he finally spots something that has the blood in his veins running cold. Marks of a fight and your phone, broken on the ground. Silence engulfes his senses for a moment, wrapping it's tormenting arms around him as his mind fills itself with gruesome images. Kaneki becomes more and more undown whilst searching the entire district until a small stroke of luck befalls him.
🔲​He smells blood that has his mouth watering shortly before the both you have eye contact. And suddenly his vision turns crimson red and his Kagune pierces the first person. Ghoul or not, Kaneki turns into an absolute madman, ripping apart flesh and bones in a lunatic fashion, his own brain isn't even registering the wounds he sustains in the process. He just keeps on stabbing and stabbing and stabbing until he slowly snaps out of it and realizes that he's standing in the centre of the bloody and bony carnage, a terrified darling staring at him in horror. Something inside of him shatters.
🔲​You aren't taken to a hospital like you should, you've seen him and the damage is already done. Instead he brings you to his house despite knowing that he isn’t exactly a medic. As of now Kaneki is unable to trust anyone though, his rational thinking has ceased to function as he can only replay what he just witnessed. Everyone is as of now categorized as a threat, Kaneki winds up trying to take care of you as good as he can. Of course if he would realize that his knowledge isn’t enough and you have suffered too serious injuries, he wouldn’t just let you die. The only option he has left then is going to Anteiku, a normal hospital is out of question since you could tell everyone what you just saw and that would mean you would be taken away from him. That won’t do it for him. Honestly, after this event Kaneki feels almost justified with the fact that he kidnapped his s/o. He was right after all, it’s like the world just wrote in bold words to him that it’s too dangerous for you alone out there. You need him to protect you.
Dazai Osamu
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🤎You might not even notice it yourself, but Dazai is quite often around you, more than you’d be comfortable with. What can he say? He adores watching you without you knowing, stalking you is by far his favorite hobby so far. Witnessing you being oblivious to all of it is naively sweet and draws him in even more. Of course stalking alone doesn’t satisfy him enough, he makes his move soon at one point and just worms his way into your life. He aims for your heart and under his sweet and goofy facade hides this terrible man who is willing to get rid off everyone who stays in his way and is willing to emotionally hurt and blackmail you if the end result will be that he has you for himself. Considering his position in the past, he has potential enemies who want revenge. They’re terrified though, they know what a demon Dazai is once he decides to rip his mask off.
🤎If we’re going with the scenario of someone wanting revenge then Dazai’s darling is the perfect target. They’re just a harmless and normal citizen of this town and it’s not like Dazai can constantly smother them and glue himself to their hips. He has a job to do and even if he whines about the fact that he has to leave his love alone, he has made a promise to Odasaku and is still a loyal member of the Agency. It’s easy to kidnap his s/o if they’re left alone since Dazai hasn’t restricted their freedom just yet. He hasn’t been given a reason so far since everything has been going smoothly so far. His happiness is rewarded with your freedom. A bad feeling follows Dazai soon and as soon as he’s back, he’s already trying to call you only to not reach you. Friends and family of yours have no idea where you are either and it’s in that moment that he knows that something bad has happened.
🤎If you still have your phone with you, he might be able to find you quickly since he’s nasty enough to use the tracker app he’s installed to find you. Mainly to know where you are all the time, it would be more than just useful in this situation though. Even if that shouldn’t work, Dazai is still a smart man and can spot small leads and follow them just fine by himself and if worst comes to worst, Ranpo is still there. He doesn’t show it just yet, he’s worried sick though since he suspects if this has to do something with his part in the Port Mafia. If that’s the case, you are in severe danger since such people are never friendly. His anxiety is being accompanied by this truly terrifying and suffocating rage, he almost wants to mock whoever took you away because they just messed up greatly. The place where you’re kept is found a few hours later.
🤎Dazai’s reaction is quite a terrifying one because he acts like a man possessed. Initially he just wants to murder the person who took you, something shatters temporarily inside of him though when he sees the state you’re in. He laughs and cries altogether, a murderous and frenzy look in his eyes and if some members of the Agency aren’t there to stop him, he’ll strangle whoever is responsible for this slowly with a sadistic glee on his face.
🤎The satisfaction is only short-lived though and his darker side fades as soon as he rushes over to you and frees you, stomach churning when he notes all the blood and wounds littering your body. You’re taken to a hospital instantly to be taken care off with Dazai not straying away even once from your side. He’s constantly by your side and as soon as the worst is over and both of you are left alone he tears up again because he is relieved that you’re safe but also feels extremely guilt for what you just went through and also utterly paranoid since he almost lost you. This is the trigger that leads Dazai to the conclusion that you can’t go anywhere alone anymore, he has to be by your side. It starts instantly after you’re out of the hospital that he starts to guilt-trip and manipulate you into letting him go with you and stay with you all the time. He just wants you to be safe, people might still be after you. He’s unbearable and the question remains whether you’ll be able to endure it or not because Dazai is only that far away from locking you away.
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠Chuuya has his reasons to be paranoid, not only because of Dazai. He’s an Executive in the Port Mafia and it is just logical to assume that people who want to know informations about the organization or bribe or blackmail him would automatically use you as a bargain to make a deal with him. It often leads to this typical inner conflict of Chuuya where he is torn apart between his wish to live a normal and happy life with you where he doesn’t have to lock you away or giving you a safe life with the price of your freedom. A normal life sounds to good to be true after all he’s been through and maybe that is why he clings to this idea, wants it so desperately to work so you don’t have to know anything and he can keep you from behind the scenes safe. Between his hotheaded nature and possessive and protective traits he tries to make it somehow work.
🟠He’s a red flag by himself already, messing with his darling never ends well and Chuuya takes always quickly care of someone if they pose to be a possible threat because he can’t and won’t risk anything. Albeit he is clingy, protective and possessive, Chuuya has to go on his own missions and has to do his work. A time where he has to leave and always asks his darling to stay safe. You might see it as a little bit too much worries from his sides but you don’t know what he knows. Honestly, he’s just looking forward to spending the rest of his day with you after he’s finished with work but instead he is greeted with his personal and worst nightmare when he finds the house empty, things thrown around and a few drops of red liquid on the ground. Suddenly he hears his rapid heartbeat drumming in his ears and bile climbing it’s way up his throat.
🟠Where is his darling?! Are they hurt?! Which bastard dared to take them?! Anger is quickly overshadowing everything else and makes his blood boil before he races out of the house. He has to act quickly and has to track you down as soon as possible and that leaves him with few options. Somehow he knows that he can’t just storm off with no clue and so he can only think of two options which will help him to find s/o quicker. The first one is to ask Mori for help since as the leader of the Mafia he has various connections and ways to help track someone down. The second and faster one is asking Ranpo from the Agency for help. Both options are not pleasant for Chuuya, he wants neither to know about you yet he has no other choice. To whom he goes depends on how urgent he is, asking the Detective Agency involves sacrificing more of his ego.
🟠He goes alone anyways since reinforcements would only be in his way. He’s already boiling with rage the moment he kicks the door to the place open where you’re kept, but erupts like a volcano the moment he sees you. He just enters a violent frenzy and goes on a small rampage. Bones are broken, inner organs are damaged and the culprits are by the end either dead or already nearly there, beaten to the point where they’re completely deformed.
🟠On the verge of tears when he frees his darling who is shaken up and crying out of shock and fear. Chuuya tries to comfort them somehow, gives them a needy kiss and tells them that everything will be alright. He’s lying and he knows it, there is no way that he can enable you to live a normal life now and that knowledge just breaks a part of him. He gets you the medical treatment you need with help from the Mafia and after it’s certain that you’re in a good condition, he has to do the part he’s been dreading to do. He has to tell you the truth, or at least part of it, of what he is, for whom he works and what life in the future will be from now on. You will from now on not be able to leave the house without him for a while, you will move to a safer place with him, you will give basically your freedom up for a while. Arguing with him in his current condition might result in him shouting at you because he’s sensitive and overwhelmed right now. He’s terrified for you, upset and disappointed in himself, angry and incredibly hurt. Why can’t you understand that this is the only way to keep you safe?!
Edogawa Ranpo
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👓Ranpo is one of the less intense Yandere to have, mainly because he is usually more carefree and laidback. He is confident in his skills and he doesn’t suffer from paranoia and insecurities unless he has a bad feeling. He can be quite annoying though because he has a bit of an ego when it comes to his abilities. He sometimes tells his darling that they should be happy that he spends so much time with them and turns people off by nagging about them and pretty much teasing them and making fun of them for everything. It is the problematic part of him his darling has to endure, especially the fact that he expects his s/o to dedicate almost all of their time to him. He likes to have your company and since he has no sense of direction and is pretty helpless when he doesn’t use his deducing skills, he just wants you to be his personal guide.
👓He doesn’t look intimidating most of the time and if one ignores his snarky and rude tongue, people might not even take him for much as long as they don’t know just who exactly he is. Being his s/o comes with certain threats and even if Ranpo doesn’t look like it, he tends to keep an eye on you sometimes because he knows of those risks. You’re an easy target after all if someone wants to settle something with the Agency. You have no special abilities and don’t spend as much time around the people working for the Agency. The perfect target for anyone who is too afraid to deal with the Agency personally. In that case this person has severely underestimated Ranpo’s skills as a detective or thinks that they will be quick enough to go through with their plan. It starts with Ranpo not reaching you on your phone before he already starts putting the puzzle together.
👓Ranpo finds his ego taking the first blow because he’s upset that he didn’t see this coming sooner and at the same time he starts to panic on the inside since he has a good picture of your current situation. Despite his fear he is still one of the calmest and most rational guys, he informs Fukuzawa and the others quickly about the situation and asks for help. He knows that even if he is a great Detective, physically he isn’t the strongest, doesn’t possess medical knowledge and he can’t safe you alone. His patience sometimes cracks a bit throughout the quick preparations where he tells everyone to be a bit faster. Ranpo is completely serious throughout the entire event, all traces of his usual playful side are completely gone and he is determined to safe his darling.
👓The operation proceeds fast the moment his friends and him break into the place where you are kept. Whoever kidnapped you isn’t prepared for the attack though as Ranpo has pretty much figured out who where is and how to quickly reach the room where you are kept. Ranpo stays as calm as he can even after seeing your condition. He tries to soothe you, tells you that you’re safe now and that Yosano will check on you before you’ll be brought to a hospital.
👓He acts unusually serious and comforting throughout the entire event, unfamiliar for you to witness after you’ve only ever seen his playful and teasing side. Ranpo acts like your pillar of comfort, he constantly is by your side and helps you to calm down if you’re still in shock or afraid and stays in the hospital. The first thing you see when you wake up the next day in the hospital is Ranpo who fell asleep on the chair next to you, lightly snoring. He won’t be able to stay the entire time with you, he keeps visiting you daily though and has by now regained his carefree side in an attempt to cheer you up. He even brings you constantly sweets and shares them with you. Despite this, Ranpo has gotten visibly more protective after there was a serious danger that your kidnapper almost killed you. During your stay in the hospital, he asks if someone can keep an eye on you so that no one will try something like this again and even after you’ve been released, he keeps you around even more. Ranpo doesn’t become quite as paranoid and doesn’t kidnap you, he just monopolizes your time a lot more and has gotten more careful.
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