#If anyone has any other clips please message me
thelesbiandeli · 4 days
Every Operation Mincemeat recording I could find :D
This started as a list for myself, but I thought I'd share to save other people the hours of scrounging youtube for clips XD
Born To Lead:
Olivier Awards 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJRhdPsVqsA (Original Cast)
West End Live 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJJOVoIvsKU
The Queens Reading Room Literary Festival 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1lkcPxgbOs (Two songs, Unofficial recording)
God That's Brilliant:
West End Live 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Q5ljDokFA (Original cast, Small introductory scene)
Musical Con 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyzR7__elbE (Original cast, Unofficial recording)
Musical Con 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FaXa4YL-2Hg (Original Cast, Short Clip)
The Queens Reading Room Literary Festival 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1lkcPxgbOs (Two songs, Unofficial recording)
Dear Bill:
D-Day 80 at the Albert Hall - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar3w0yEsOv4 (Christian Andrews)
Fortune Theatre - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1j9cyCEPxQ (Jak Malone, Unofficial recording)
Spilsbury Reprise:
Fortune Theatre - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pY3b-PaDms (Original Cast, Small scene in the middle, Unofficial recording)
Musical Con 2023 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnT8FnOv4Qg (Original cast, Unofficial recording)
Bonus Stuff:
Big Night of Musicals 2024 Featurette - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ7hUMwmTxA (Cast interview, Jak Malone talking about his quickchanges, and clips from various songs)
Bows - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buE2yJ-Q9qQ
Ending bows jump - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NZALj25D4Hg (Original cast, Short clip)
Operation Mincemeat wins Best New Musical at the Olivier Awards 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jY5gj9VVyo
Jak Malone wins Best Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical at the Olivier Awards 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDpwLeIN8WA
Hester Plaque Unveiling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsVS4J1Yj0I (Speeches from the cast)
Hester Plaque Unveiling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oiRnZaRWg (Sky News Coverage)
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noctvrnal9999 · 8 months
Got a private message asking me to comment on the whole Neil stream thing so I guess here goes. Excuse my thoughts, they are never coherent.
What I liked about the stream is not what Neil said, but what he didn't say. I'm not big on watching streams, his or anyone's, but I watched some and I noticed Neil is very very careful when discussing Astarion. If anyone is aware how deranged the fandom can get - it's definitely him. I saw him dance around the topic multiple times either in streams or in clips I've seen all over the internet. I highly respect him for that because unlike someone (cough cough) he's not telling people what to think or what narrative they should take for any reason. A true professional unlike someone (cough cough).
So while he addressed operatic vs theatrical and there's no arguing that he delivered it wonderfully, what we really have is Larian saying "yeah, AA is still same Astarion, just with his most awful traits amplified" and then we have Neil saying "oh yeah, the mask is off". And that's... extremely important. I said this in tags before - what Neil doesn't say, to me, is important as well. He doesn't tell that Spawn is maskless just as AA, he just... skips over it, emphasizing that AA is the complete mask-off version of Astarion. I'm not going to cling to this because this is just something I immediately noticed and might not have been intentional on Neil's part, but... I don't know, I personally think it was done for a reason.
But this is what I've been saying too. Astarion is a bad person from the very beginning. I got people insult me over this take, I got told I'm a horrible garbage person for this take. But I stand by it. And even without personal interpretation you have proof of that within the game. You have a very good-aligned character (Karlach) and Astarion is at the opposite end of that spectrum. Every other companion (sans Minthara) fall somewhere between the two.
What Ascension allows Astarion is not only to live his life fear-free - it allows him to be himself. As Spawn he's constantly acting. To either get protection or simply not to turn into a mind-flayer. And Tav can take the route of trying to convince him to be better and he starts aligning his views to Tav along the road but he's still the same person. Just going to say this - nobody changes this drastically in just couple of months without pretending (which is presumed timeline for entire BG3). And people don't immediately get all better from major mental trauma in 6 months only (just sayin').
Point I'm trying to get at is this - to me Neil confirmed what I have been saying all along - Spawn is coping and still lying. Because he has no choice but to adapt. Maybe he's not lashing out or yelling, but seeing the epilogue he came off to me as grieving for things he will never have.
And then we have Ascended - a fully unleashed Astarion, who's confident and not apologetic for being himself.
That is true Astarion.
Astarion who isn't guilt-tripped or chastised into needing to change, Astarion who does not need to listen to people telling him how he's awful, Astarion who can do as he pleases without needing to explain himself to either his master or houlier-than-thou Tav.
Astarion who he was always meant to be.
Because he's a vampire. There's a reason why vampires in every single media piece are portrayed as evil. As a Spawn he's evil, as a Vampire Lord he's just doing what vampires do best - gain power and exploit that power for his own benefit. He's not just some cute boytoy with fangs, he's a vampire and he will never not be a vampire in BG3 (you can headcanon whatever you want in what happens after but that's not relevant here).
Ascended Astarion is true Astarion not because it's one of the routes we can take and headcanon that way, but because he's a vampire, and as Vampire Lord he's his own man at last, not needing to rely on anyone or to be defended by anyone. He has power now, to be whoever he wants and be true to himself while he does it. Without the fear of judgement, without the fear of being discarded if he's "too much" or not "good enough".
And with Tav at his side - he has everything he ever wanted: vampiric power that has never been witnessed before and a beloved who vowed themselves to be by his side forever, giving him ultimate assurance that there's someone there for him and will be there for eternity.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
SBMS Clowning Series ☀️ v.4
I can’t believe we’re so close to the finale which is episode 36. It’s always so fast when these dramas are released but i’m not complaining that we got it faster than his other dramas. We also have a lot of content — from photos, bts and interviews. 💪🏼
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The reason why I want to make this part of the round up is this scene in SBMS, it’s the last scene that the crew shot which is when SY and JB were watching fireworks. Especially the line JB said. I think i’m not the only BXG who thought of XZ’s wish for WYB when they heard this : “I hope you don’t come to the complicated and boring world of adulthood soon. It means i hope you grow up slowly.”
It’s a pretty popular CPN that the long bday messages are made by ZZ so to hear something similar in the show is sus. You can say that it’s a usual “wish” or that ZZ is not the scriptwriter. and that’s right. However, ZZ has improvised a couple of scenes in this drama. ZZ has worked closely with the scriptwriter and director of the drama — so we cannot remove the possibility that he may have brought up this line or idea.
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there are instances in this drama when we CPNd and thought that ZZ improvised it and we were right. for example accidentally holding JB’s hand @ the subway or the thing about you s/o being your “charger”. so i’m not gonna be surprised if one way or another we get a confirmation about this. 💓
anyway, moving on to other stuff…
• “Eating” the tissue after eating. Normal people will just wipe it or will do that but not for long like they do. With the examples, it looks like WYB does this more and GG was infected. Lol.
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• The BGM of recent douyin posts from both sides is the same 🙃. I don’t know how popular this song is now in douyin, cause this is tiktok after all certain sound clips become popular and everyone start using it. But it’s interesting that it’s videos posted the same day.
some are saying that since the SBMS post was “romantic”, this is WYB’s answer. He is matching the BGM. Also the caption ( YBO official ) had a star emoji in it. Why didn’t he just make it the sun 😂😂😂 I think the star can be connected to the Douyin update from the day before, where ZZ was holding a star toy.
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• This will make the most sense to those who watched the recent episode, but there is a scene where SY asks the “bear” if Jian Bing is the most beautiful and it lights up meaning yes. Lol. That kind of shamelessness in praising reminded us so much of WYB!!!!!
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• XZ WHERE DID YOU LEARN THIS MOVE HUH? Is this one of your improvs? I’m screaming!!!!
It’s like he got tips from the things WYB did before, who was younger than him and what worked to make him like/love the gremlin more. 🤣🤣🤣
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• For some next level clowning, in ZZ’s weibo video post — what number do you see? 8? 👀
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Interview highlights. This covers ZZ’s recent content for SBMS promos. Ones that remind us of bjyx clues and symbols. Just to disclaimer that the purpose of this is not to portray ZZ as someone who can’t be his own person. How we always have to connect things back to WYB in everything he says does not mean any harm. It’s all CPN. We are very much aware that ZZ is his own person. 😌
What stood out to me was when he talked about evaluating himself everyday so he can improve. This is something similar that he has with WYB. They only want to be better and expand their skill set. They are also open to criticism.
There was also a part where he talked about equality in relationships when there is an age gap.
“being equal in any relationship, no one is higher or lower than anyone else, everyone is in a very fair and equal relationship and in getting along.”
Do you have some experience in this ge? I have to say they are equal — especially in spoiling each other. ^^
AND LASTLY HOW HE expressed his interest in playing a charming and cute villain. Lol. He said a couple of times already, someone please listen. WYB already did Mister Ye who is sort of the villain. I hope ZZ can play something like that too.
His answers tend to very similar in these interviews and i think that’s largely because the questions are similar. Especially they ask about his experience in the drama or his interpretation of Shengyang as a character.
But in this interview, he was asked about being an actor and his answer 😭😭😭
I’m definitely still on the road to acting and becoming an actor myself. This road is still very long. I have to walk it step by step in a down-to-earth manner. It’s more interesting to me.
I mean. Just look at the tagline of my blog. Yep, the road ahead is long. We will be here for you ^^
How he talked about memorizing his co stars line as well. Some CPFs are speculating that this started with CQL. It’s because him and WYB were sharing one script book. Which btw, he never did again with his other co stars.
THIS PART which made me giggle. They were asking about the heroine he would want to play with and he completely goes back to his desire of playing the villain 🤭 If you don’t wanna answer it, just say something else. Of course a co star is important, but I think for ZZ, he is more into his role as an actor. He is focused on himself.
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Also this one. A very thrifty GG! Practical. It’s in line with the fake rumors that he scolds WYB for impulse buying 😅😅😅
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sawtastic-sideblog · 8 months
Bringing this back for part 6. I haven't been writing lately and just needed something fun and easy to do to bring me back into it. Enjoy.
Jill: Birthday dinner for John tonight at 7. Don’t be late.
Lawrence: Do I need to bring anything?
Jill: If you want to bring a side or a dessert. Oh and some plates.
Lawrence: Sure thing. Do you have a preference of what dish it is or brand of plate?
Amanda: aren’t all paper plates the same?
Mark: No, apparently some are stronger and some are thinner. 
*Adam Standheight sent a photo*
Jill: Adam, I normally don’t ask questions I don’t want to know the answer to, but what the fuck?
Amanda: MY EYES!!!!!
Mark: Could’ve gone my whole life without seeing that.
William: It looks broken?
Logan: How did you break it?
John: Have you been to the doctor?
Adam: It was meant for Larry only. I wanted his professional opinion on if I should go to the doctor.
Lawrence: Adam, you have a compound fracture in your forearm. How are you not at the hospital yet?
Adam: Because I am stuck. 
Mark: Where? I’ll come get you.
Adam: Funny story. I stopped a robbery. Two big dudes were trying to rob a lady of her purse. I took pictures. They saw me and chased me. They left the lady alone.
Amanda: And they beat the shit out of you?
William: Did they do this to you?
Adam: No. They never got the chance because I ran fast. I made it to the rich people lake houses and went to jump over a canoe. 
Jill: Did the canoe somehow break your arm?
Adam: Technically yeah. My foot clipped it and I landed weird on my arm. I rolled down the bank a little and I’m now caught in a net of some sort. I panicked and now I’m just here.
John: Do you know where you are?
Adam: In a net. I feel like a fish. Or a butterfly.
Adam: Oh shit. I hear voices. 
Adam: It’s the homeowners!
Lawrence: Adam?
Mark: Adam?
John: Are you okay?
Amanda: What if they killed him?
Logan: I’m sure he’s fine. The homeowners are probably shocked.
William: Mark, you’re a detective. Detect where Adam is.
Adam: I still live. The homeowners helped me out of the net and gave me ice. They called an ambulance for me so now I’m waiting outside on the front porch. 
John: Are you okay?
Adam: My arm is throbbing.
Lawrence: Naturally with a compound fracture. Any other injuries?
Adam: None that I can feel right now. My body has pretty much gone numb except my arm. 
Lawrence: Try no to move your arm anymore. I’ll meet you at the hospital. 
John: Me too.
Jill: Lawrence, what do we need to do to make Adam a bit more comfortable when he gets home?
Lawrence: Make sure he has something to prop his arm on, we’re going to need ice, some cloths to put between the ice and his cast, over the counter pain medicine. 
Lawrence: Adam, did you break your dominant hand?
Adam: Whatever the left one is.
Lawrence: You’re right handed so you’re good.
Lawrence: If anyone has a small stress ball, kind of like the ones you use when you give blood, he’ll need one. 
Adam: What is all of this for?
Lawrence: You. You’ll need to prop and ice your arm to try to prevent any more swelling, the pain meds is to make sure you don’t get too dependent on the heavy stuff the hospital will more than likely prescribe, and the stress ball is to keep your hand moving.
Adam: Hey Chris and Pam’s daughter just came home. It’s the girl I helped.
Adam: Her name is Claire.
Adam: She hugged me.
Adam: We’re all hanging on the porch. I hear sirens.
John: I’ll meet you at the hospital.
Lawrence: I’m out front, John. You can ride with me. 
Adam: I feel bad. What about John’s birthday dinner?
John: We’ll postpone it. You’re more important.
Jill: I’ll order us some pizza. Extra cheese, Adam?
Adam: Yes please.
Amanda: I call dibs on signing your cast first.
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Spilling All the Secrets
Oscar Piastri x OC!Grid Psychologist
No one knew exactly who was the cause of the newly employed "grid psychologist", they just knew that one had been hired and the entire grid was required to sit down for a meeting to establish a "baseline".
There was a reasonable amount of pushback, but with a lot of convincing from the team principles, everyone had agreed to their individual meetings, they all just had to be introduced first.
"Ok folks, the responsibility has been given to me to introduce you all to the FIA appointed psychologist that you will all be meeting with once a week between media duties on Thursday," Toto explains, glancing to Christian who stands behind him, the two most imposing of the principles assigned to wrangle the drivers. "This is Ms. Beatrix, she pursued a degree in psychology from Harvard, earning her masters from the same institution, digitally."
"Given her degree and understanding of human behavior, as well as a special knowledge of Formula 1, she will be a fantastic addition to the paddock," Christian adds, nodding offstage to a woman with blonde curls piled on her head in a clip, a white button up tucked into black pants, absolutely no clear association to any team. "Come on up, miss."
"Please, just call me Bea," Bea addresses not only the principles but also the crowd, consisting of 20 men who devote their lives to speed. "And hello, it's a pleasure to be here with you all," She greets the boys in what sounds like a Dutch accent. "As you have been made aware, you will each be meeting with me once a week, just to chat. Whether you want to tell me all your deep dark secrets, " Cue an elbow to Max Verstappen from Lando Norris, "Or just use the time to cool down, either is perfectly okay with me. I'm not here to force you to talk, I'm here to make sure you're all in your best head space to safely do what you love."
"Does anyone have any questions for Bea?" Toto questions, looking over the boys.
"Don't be afraid boys, I don't bite," She assures, accent getting even thicker as her smile grows.
"Where are you from?" Logan is the one to speak up, Oscar shoving his shoulder at the bold question.
"I grew up in Zonhoven, Belgium until I was thirteen, and then went to boarding school at Château de Rosemont in near Paris," She answers, having no issue. "The accent just never got the message, if that's why you were asking Mr.Sargent."
"So you know who each of us is?" Carlos asks, one thick eye brow raised in question.
"I do. I was informed on the basics of each of you, Mr.Sainz."
"Will you be traveling with us?" Oscars voice is the next to ask, a faint blush covering the woman's face.
"I will," She answers, nodding gently. "My daughter and I will be traveling with you from race to race."
"Daughter?" Checo asks, accent as thick as his judgement.
And she can't help but sigh, "Yes, my daughter. She's almost 8 months," She confesses, and although you can sense the insecurity, the twenty-two year old smiles at the thought of the baby, their baby.
"Well, I think I can speak on behalf of the whole grid that we look forward to sitting down with you," Lewis says, making her smile.
"As I all of you. Prepare to spill all the secrets."
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 86,931 others
oscarpiastri is thrilled that his wife and babygirl will joining him on the GP circuit this season (does this count as spilling all my secrets?)
landonorris ... is this the same baby as the one that belongs to psychologist.bea?? are you married to our psychologist??
oscarpiastri i can neither confirm nor deny?
psychologist.bea i can. he's my husband, much to logansargeant's chagrin
logansargeant i will be talking about this in my session.
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ericeffiorg · 1 year
it’s taken me 3 seasons to realise this but the only people on ted lasso that are allowed genuinely complicated stories are the white characters and it’s been the case the whole time, this third season just kind of confirmed it.
as nice as sam’s story felt, it was really nothing more than surface level and just felt like a replica of what we’ve already seen in the media. portraying real stories is what can makes television really compelling, but when the televised story is basically a cut and paste of a news article or a documentary without giving the characters depth and long-term storytelling, then what is the point? it was a surface level story to get the clicks and the viral moments that can capture the heart of people who watch a random clip on tiktok or twitter and don’t need any more context, because there isn’t really much else needed. unlike the build up of jamie and roy’s hug, ted’s panic attack, keeley’s first kiss with a woman, or ted being betrayed by nate, sam’s story can literally be chopped up into a single clip at a time and no more context is needed to get what’s going on because it really wasn’t given any detailed aspects. and to be honest that’s what sam’s character has been this entire time.
the notion of the show is to fight evil with kindness and that works when your friend is being mean to you or your mentee betrays you like it is with ted’s stories. but it doesn’t work that way with someone like sam. his role in the show since the beginning has been “the good immigrant” that fights violence with kindness, despite being confronted with more violence than anyone on the show. he was told to stop speaking about his people by the prime minister and his restaurant was vandalised, yet it only made up to no more than a 1/3 of the episode. other much less important moments had more screentime in an episode that depicted a very real scenario that we literally saw happen a year ago. and even then, ted got to interrupt his moment with his dad and steal the shine, and then it was made about the entire team coming together rather than the deadly discrimination against immigrants and violent racism.
the people of colour on this show are only really used for quick gags and to show that men can be silly and goofy too and to have a big middle finger to toxic masculinity - which in turn is kind of just repeats the same toxic masculinity points because other than jamie and roy, the other men’s “anti toxic masculinity” messages are just covered in humour and never taken seriously. isaac’s journey to becoming the captain of richmond was all about roy and we never really saw his point of view other than a few scenes. and then it felt rushed. dani is just like sam, except the only time he ever speaks is to have a funny moment where his kindness is the butt of the joke. and even though he’s not a person of colour, colin’s coming out story has been so incredibly surface level that i don’t even know why they bothered to do it. nothing new was given, it was just a white man in the closet who has a boyfriend and gets caught. you can describe his story to a stranger and they could probably find it done on riverdale but with more screentime.
and nate’s redemption arc is about a white woman finally seeing him as a human despite the fact that he was never actually mean to her and just wanted to please his parents in a place he never really felt welcome. he was horrible to ted and richmond, but that jade lady was horrible to him from the get-go and we’re now supposed to see this as very sweet and sentimental.
the show is written for white audiences and doesn’t do anything daring, and i feel like it never actually did. maybe it was because it premiered during such a dark time and it was nice to see grown men in typically toxic environments be the opposite, but i don’t think the show is nearly as clever or as groundbreaking as it has gotten the credit for.
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tommos · 2 years
one direction history post: strange merch
hi everyone! i'm starting a small series of one direction history posts just to combine my interests in both history and the boys. these won't be super in depth, more so showing and telling. this first post is about some weird and strange merch choices one direction's marketing team has attempted to sell us throughout the years. i got these screenshots from the wayback machine looking at onedirectionstore.com, their official store. they are separated by era solely based on what was present on their shop at the time of each of the boys albums. these merch items are not a reflection of the albums themselves (which you'd think their merch team would try to appeal more to the aging fanbase as years went on), they all seem to me to be more geared toward how much they can attempt to get us buy. i now present to you the weirdest, most dated one direction merch i could find <3 enjoy
X Factor - Up All Night
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what is this for, who is this for, why is this one of the first accessory items ever posted on the one direction store??? what was the initial demographic of the one direction fanbase?? idk when i was 10 i didn't need this, i would enjoy one now though
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if you guys remember silly bandz, you are a veteran.. also give us toledoans credit where it's due because one of ours invented these bad boys
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finally my iphone 4 will be decked out in the one direction collectors set
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this was also the start of their personalized messages section of merch you could buy. surprise your loved one with heartfelt messages such as 'birthday girl' or 'merry christmas daughter'
Take Me Home
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from here on out, this and two other photos are the only photos their team decided to make merch with. there is two other duvet sets that use those other photos, even in their later eras
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sometimes i wake up in a cold sweat remembering these existed. if i can find my louis mask, i will wear it to fitfwt
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if any of you have this keyring or the singing toothbrush, send me a clip of it singing please or if it is able to sing. i am so curious im on the edge of my seat
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Midnight Memories
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i literally do not know what this has to do with music, one direction, or anyone associated with one direction
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i need to point out, these one direction watches came in literally every single color you could imagine. i do not know why they are merched inside of a can?? but they were the it-girl of their merch during this era
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speaking of cans, WHAT IS THIS
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would any of you fine people want to buy a 1d girls glitter strap shoe? it is merch like this that really reminds me one direction was moreso a brand than a band to their team
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kudos to their team for picking a more recent photo for the era, but also who would want this
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do you guys remember the craze of this specific type of lamp
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if the scooter isn't your speed, how about this one direction 16" cruiser bike make with old uan era font, color schemes, and photos?
Made In The AM
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i am only putting this mitam find in here to point out something that i found crazy. this shirt was on the one direction merch website only one month after march 25th, you can see how quickly their merch team shelled out merch without zayn on it. i didn't include anymore, but even their on the road again tour merch on the website quickly had zayn erased
i hope you guys all enjoyed this weird trip down memory lane if you can call it that, and liked looking at some of the weird merch their team used to sell. this is only stuff that stood out to me, i'm sure there's a lot more somewhere so if you have any, send them to me or feel free to add onto this post. if you own any of these, ESPECIALLY THE BIKE, please add a pic of them to this post lol
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
big ol' worry dump, i promise i'll post something rebloggable soon but i'm still processing everything and have not had time to write it coherently! cw queerphobia from the pulpit, church hurt, verbal violence, and brief csa mention (not a specific case)
SO. for anyone not keeping up, this past Sunday i visited my childhood church in ohio, and was devastated when near the end of his homily (Catholic word for sermon haha) my childhood pastor suddenly switched from celebrating the Spirit who bursts through closed doors to proclaiming that The Church Is Under Attack from people like the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. :/
After he finished and sat down, i stood up and got behind the lectern/pulpit to remind him and everyone in the room that queer and trans people have the Holy Spirit too, because his words implied otherwise. And i could not risk that any other person there felt suddenly and utterly alone — i had to make sure they knew that not everyone agreed with our priest's message.
(Here's a place you can watch a clip of the homily — obviously mega content warning for homophobia, please keep yourself safe and remember you are loved!! — as well as my response)
Not long into speaking, I was escorted peacefully out of the building. Two parishioners followed and found me outside, and thanked me for what i said. They were very sweet <3
As we were talking, another parishioner stormed out and got very, very verbally violent. It was scary shit.
Other parishioners eventually came out and led Scary Man away, thankfully. The church's other, younger & newer priest, Father Jim, also came out to apologize profusely to us. Then i went home. My wife and i flew home to Georgia the next morning.
and...stuff keeps happening.
i did not expect this to make the news, but it did. the Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote on it, and so have other papers across the country.
an officer called me to ask if i wanted to press charges on Scary Man. I don't, because i'm just not convinced the results would be helpful to actually stopping him from doing what he did again.
if anyone has resources or someone smart i could talk to for advice on alternatives to cops & court for a situation like this, please hit me up!!!
after agreeing to an interview with the Plain Dealer reporter, which used my first and last name, folks have been finding me on social media to offer their support, which actually has been so uplifting and i plan to post some of the messages later!
my parents are proud of me and support me BUT my mom is worried sick that someone is going to, like, find out where i live and come attack me. i'd be more worried that they find out who my parents are and go attack them, tbh.
i've had more sudden spikes of adrenaline in the past five days than i have in the past like, 2 years lol
i've also talked with more different individuals on the phone in the past five days than i had over the rest of 2023 so far
i was scrolling through twitter last night and randomly came across a tweet featuring a TikTok of a cut-down version of my priest's homily + my response...i really don't like what parts they cut out, or what they titled it. and it's got over a million views. :OOO
there's a lot of confusion in the replies — people who don't realize i'm a former parishioner, not an active one; people not knowing how to gender me which is fine but it's, you know, getting a little grating; and of course, people resorting to saying Father Tim must be "closeted gay" or otherwise have a Sinister Secret himself to say what he said...I hate that kind of rhetoric.
Not every person who spouts homophobia is secretly gay. The Biggest Homophobes are usually, shockingly, straight.
And flippantly suggesting that anyone, even a Catholic priest, is a pedophile without facts to back that accusation up only serves to harm csa victims — because then when there really is a case that needs to be pursued, people may not take it seriously.
one big thing that's bothering me about how everyone on every side of the debate is interpreting Father Tim's homily is they are focusing mostly on his condemnation of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence — and while I certainly oppose what he said about them, it's actually the first half of his message that scared me more: the stuff about the church being under attack and how Christians must defend it. He ended with a vague reminder to do so "peacefully," without any examples about how that's even done. And obviously, Scary Man didn't absorb that part of the message.
sigh. i was really hoping that agreeing to an interview with the plain dealer reporter who wrote the first article would give me a chance to explain why i felt i had to interrupt Mass, but unfortunately they didn't include those quotes. i'm really disappointed.
that article's title also says "attendee fired back," using exactly the kind of violence-coded language that I had a problem with in F. Tim's homily. So that's really unfortunate.
which is why i want to write up my perspective. i did send a long ass email to father tim the other night explaining what i did, why his message was hurtful AND fueled his parishioner's violence, and asking if we could talk about alternative ways to hold Scary Man accountable beyond the law. he hasn't responded yet.
anyway. yeah. it's been. a lot. good vibes and prayers are so very appreciated! and seriously, if anyone has resources about alternatives to legal action when we're dealing with someone who got very verbally violent and physically aggressive, i'd love some help figuring out what to do. also any thoughts about like, keeping myself safe? yeah
Anyway, gonna end with the affirmation that God made us Good; human diversity is what it looks like to be in the image of an Infinite creator; and queerness is a holy gift that the Body of Christ can't do without!!
Amen and amen.
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dearweirdme · 4 months
I love it when anons write dissertations on taekook blogs just to try and make their relationship seem "normal" and exactly like the other members.
Tae was constantly hanging out with jk in 2023. So it took them 3 years to properly mend their relationship after the soop talk?
So Jk and tae were growing apart and since tae wasn't living with them anymore and jk decided to address Tae's mood and their relationship infront of their fans. Instead of writing that festa message, he would've idk, texted him? Instead of addressing their growing distance infront of multiple cameras capturing every angle, they could've talked privately? It's is what people do IRL isn't it?
"If they intended to make taekook follow a script of “being awkward” like you claim, then why did they basically fill ITS with alot of taekook being soft and affectionate with each other" well according to you there's different kinds of closeness. Physical closeness doesn't mean mental closeness. So why are you even taking a note of them being affectionate and soft? If I have any kind of awkwardness b/w me and my friend, I would not feel as free with them as I normally would. I wouldn't be as affectionate and soft with the friend who I have underlying issues with.
Tae left his own room to go cuddle with jk in its. Not to wake him up, just to sleep with him. Jk sat between Tae's legs, for quite some time bcs there were multiple cuts. The instances you gave comparing this are sometimes done as a joke(re. Jin grabbing tae's crotch) or things done for a purpose (re the water wiping). As for that jk caressing jm's bare skin, I've not seen that clip, but even so, those are seconds of touches, those touches don't last for eternity. That's the difference.
"We have seen Tae kiss or sniff Jin and Jimin on their napes" you've seen tae kiss jimin and jin's napes have you? Bcs as far as I remember he's done that only to jk, twice. Maybe your jk shapeshifted into jm and jin?
"eaten food that has fallen out of each other’s mouths" as far as I remember, only jk has done that, with tae.
"what does Jk consoling a crying tae mean" everyone, including jk, was crying that night. Tae was turning towards joon but jk grabbed his head and put it on his shoulder. He did not console anyone else, jimin did. Jimin went to hobi, tae, jk. He is always hyper focused on tae in stressful/important events. We've seen multiple instances where jk goes completely still when tae starts speaking.
"Jk cares about Tae just the same way he cares about all his members" way to generalize their relationships. Be a little mature about this please. I know people love to say that they love each other equally, but realistically that's not possible. There are members who are closer to one than the other.
STOP WITH THE DIFFERENT CULTURES NARRATIVE ALREADY. God I am tired of jikookers and solos bringing up the different culture thing to try and cancel everything that has no other explanation. They live in sk, not saturn. There might be some cultural nuances that might play a part in some narratives but completely dismissing everything...that's just idiotic.
Tae said he wanted to be closer to members in seasons greetings. But he said he had gone on a trip with jk, in '21. Before the wooga trip that you so happily mentioned. You sound like one of those jikookers who used to try and make tae look like the odd one out bcs of wooga. But he is hanging out with jk and wooga together. His friends supported only jk's solo. Wooshik only followed jk and tae. Idc how many times you all try to spin the "they are all equally close" narrative, tae is closest to jk in BTS. No other member hangs out with Tae's friends. You picked up fringes to prove that tae hung out with every member in chap 2 when even jikookers(atleast the sensible ones)know that tae and jk were attached throughout chap 2. Taekookers have a literal calendar to prove that 😂. Solo era, when they weren't obligated to meet everyday, they chose to hangout with each other. Eg, the day tae came back to sk, he was already making plans to go to jk's to eat makguksu(which btw they can't stop talking about), and he flew for that Celine event the day after that.
Tae has said multiple times that he used to share his troubles with jk, that they used to cry together. This is during the time when he had moved out. But according to you tae moving out was one of the reasons they grew apart. Yoongi texted just those two, they were together even when they received his text, no other member knew about it. During the worst year of their lives, they chose each other. How immature are you to believe that two people who have always been so close, who've always been there for each other, who share such a deep bond, will grow apart bcs one of them stopped being fun?? Are you kidding me?!!
So, to answer your question, yes, we do listen to taekook. They are the only ones we listen to. Maybe you should start doing the same. Instead of trying to find receipts that somehow make tae the aloof member, try to focus on your ship, if you have one( I think you do, the one that starts with j and ends with 13 😉)
Hi anon!
To be fair, I don’t think that anon is a jkkr, they usually insert Jm somewhere, which this anon hasn’t done. And I understand that if you don’t pay extra attention to Tae and Jk.. you just believe what is given to you. You take what you think you know of Sk culture and think.. yeah, skinship is just a physical act, it doesn’t speak to their connection.. all of BTS are close. But there are just such big differences between the extent of that skinship and the context around those moments between Tae and Jk and them and other members. When you don’t care to look at the context and the specifics of those moments though.. yeah sure it might all look the same and it fits in whatever you’ve been told to think.
All of BTS are close. Their food and drink sharing is troubling to me 😂🙈. Most of them love an occasional hug, some of them have occasional very little physical boundaries. All of that is a sign of closeness. But Tae and Jk go the extra mile.
If Tae and Jk just had minor awkwardness in their friendship this wouldn’t have been a point of focus in ITS, if Tae and Jk had medium to mayor awkwardness between them we would’ve seen that in the way they interacted physically.
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growsagain · 1 year
Before you follow or message me (updated Mar ‘24)
💙 Tummy kink blog (no minors) run by a gaining 40-something, bi, demisexual, transmasc feedee belly model who’s played a stomach fetish character called Gurgle Goddess for the past ten years 🍟🍔
💜 👉 Looking for feeders! 👈 Gaining is my serious focus right now!  SW: 6 stone (84lb/38kg) ✨ CW: 17 stone (238lb/107.9kg) ✨ GW: 300lb (21.4 stone/136kg)
🩷 My health limits the amount I can work. Updating Patreon is my priority but I share samples, preview pics and bonus clips on social media as much as I’m able!
🤍 SORRY, I DON’T DM! Especially not if you just send ‘hi’ or ‘hey’. Anything else, I’ll maybe check once in a blue moon and ask you to send me an ask or an email instead!
🩵 My posts are often filtered by tumblr so feel free to check my blog occasionally for the things you may have missed!
Before you message me:
Gurgle Goddess is just a character I play - I’m a real person (hi! 🤗) go here if you want to send asks for me to answer in character: @ggmorereal and here where I’m just being myself: @imthemiddleman
‼️ NO TRIBUTES ‼️ Enjoy my content however you like! I just don’t wanna see or hear about it!
🔸Please Don’t:🔸 Flirt, use familiar, cute or feminine nicknames or terms, or talk about touching/doing things to any part of my body, that makes me really uncomfortable
✨💛 Happily taken 💛✨ very devoted to my lovely partner Luce! 🥰 💍 been together over 10 years 🥰
Please don’t send pics/vids - I really appreciate the thought! It just makes me uncomfortable, I’m sorry! the only tummy I’m into is my lovely partner’s 🥵 and a possible exception of maybe two fictional characters (yeah, you know who one of those is 😑😑😑)
I’d rather be complimented than teased/degraded - I’m proud of my body, belly & gains 🩵 I only like the other stuff from Luce 😈
Sorry, I don’t IM, but I love asks!!! especially anons I can post 🤗
Sorry, I can’t do small talk! I’m autistic, exhausted and extremely socially awkward, I’m always happy to answer questions in asks but that’s about my limit 🤯
🩷 My favourite parts of the kink (in current approx order!):
Weight gain (not into unrealistic or excessive/immobility)
Belly noises
Upset tummy
Internal Gas
Object vore (marbles etc)
💜 Lesser parts of my kink (often only of interest in specific circumstances):
Hunger noises (I HATE being hungry so growls are way less exciting to me but are more interesting now I’m fatter and they give my greed away so much more than they used to 🤫!)
Stretch marks
Full bladder/desperation
🖤 On Hold: Farting
Please leave farts WELL alone right now. in addition to the severe health issues that make this impossible rn the way some members of the community have bombarded me about this over the years have at this point destroyed the tiny part of it I found enjoyable. If I‘m ever to enjoy this in *any* way again or have any inclination to make fart content in future it’s really important that I find my *own* way into enjoying this again to even a small degree. Time and space are the best way for that to happen - thank you for understanding 💕
🩶 Personally not into:
Being hungry/starving
Farts (right now)
💔 Turn-Offs:
Vomiting (actually phobic, can only tolerate in written form)
More extreme farting stuff (face sitting etc, big turn off)
Unrealistic weight gain/eating
💚 And if anyone’s interested, here are some of my Non Belly kinks:
Mind control
False memory
Drag (obviously :P)
Body transformation? I mean, weight gain comes under that umbrella too obvs but things like (not extreme) muscle building, body mods, other body changes
I also have a lot of non-con/survival kinks that serve as trauma processing.
Romance/yearning/jealousy/tragic love (I have issues ok??? :P T has done a number on my emotions!!!) (and yes it is a kink, as i’ve come to resentfully admit, much to my chagrin and Lucy’s amusement!!! 😫😅)
Captain Jack fucking Harkness 😑😑😑 I think he counts 😫
Aside from belly stuff I’m total fandom trash, talk to me about Torchwood and I’m putty in your hands :P
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roguemonsterfucker · 4 months
Lui is home and seems to be doing well. She got her first round of medication. Knock on wood, she seems pretty easy to give medicine to right now. Hopefully that doesn't change lol.
So. Basically it seems like somehow a chunk of her feathers were pulled out. Likely due to her wing getting stuck somewhere, though I have yet to truly figure out exactly what happened. What I feel comfortable saying is that I'm pretty sure her cagemate, Lestat, didn't do this to her. Also very unlikely it was self inflicted. So somehow her wing probably got caught on something and ripped her feathers out.
In the short term, she has no feathers there and it's somewhat of an open wound. She's getting antibiotics to prevent infection. She also has swelling and bruises on both wings, which is being treated with an anti-inflammatory which should also help her with the pain. With those treatment ongoing, I don't think she's in any great risk of death or anything. She's very shaken from the vet visit right now, but before we left she was acting very normal. A little more reserved than usual but still pretty normal. So I believe she'll be just fine.
Long term, it probably will take quite a while for her feathers to grow back but thankfully it is just a small area and the vet thinks she should be able to fly decently well even without those feathers. Right now, unfortunately, Lui has clipped feathers (which was done before I got her - I don't clip my birds' wings) so she can't fly at all. Once she starts growing in unclipped feathers, she should do very well.
For now, she and Lestat have been downgraded to a smaller cage, both for her safety while she heals (I don't want her falling several feet to the ground and hurting her injury!) and to make it easier for me to give her medication. She will continue to live with Lestat because they are extremely bonded and being separated stresses them both out. The vet said this is fine as long as Lestat doesn't mess with Lui's wound, which is something I haven't seen yet but will watch for.
I'm confident in saying Lui will be perfectly fine going forward. She has a long road of healing, but I'm not worried about this being a life threatening injury and once she starts growing in most of her feathers, I don't think this small chunk of missing feathers will hold her back too much. She's already surprisingly coordinated for being a cockatiel with clipped wings. Cockatiels are klutzes to begin with and taking away their flight feathers makes it way worse, in my experience (which may very well be one of the reasons this happened in the first place...), but Lui moves with a lot of grace and confidence so I'm pretty sure she's going to be just fine in the long term.
Thank you all for your kind messages of support.
The final cost of today was about $650. We may have to do a followup appointment but the vet said it might not be required if Lui seems to be healing well. They said to email them pictures of the injury and that may be enough for them to judge how she's doing.
You can see this post about helping me out. Any help people can give me towards animal food would really be appreciated. I had planned my finances around being able to schedule a few vet appointments this month for checkups and to get hormonal implants for some of the birds to help prevent potential egg laying, but this drained the money I had been planning to use for that. So if anyone can help me buy animal food for my babies, that would help me be able to afford the planned vet appointments.
Once again, though, I will say: Please don't feel like you *have* to help me out. These things will get done regardless, it's more a matter of how soon I can afford it and how much it will impact my other spending. The animals most certainly won't go without food, and if another vet emergency pops up they will get vet care, but I may have to delay the planned vet visits a few months (which isn't ideal but we'll be okay). No one is in danger of starving.
Once again, thank you all for your kind words. This really freaked me the fuck out. You never want to wake up and see your baby covered in blood. 😬 So I really appreciate all of y'all!
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jvzebel-x · 2 years
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[ID1: Instagram caption by @iamjuicychild reads, "Please HELP ME We need u world my friend was killed this past Friday in South Central LA near Century and Main There has been no new coverage no nothing!!!! she was a young stripper always about her grind and never in the mix... she either went to work or she was home with the love of her life her cat karey... she had NO family here just close friend... i need to find her mother i know she lives either in Ohio or Florida from what i recall her telling me!! They recently saw each other after ten years of not seeing each other n now i need help to let her know and come claim her body before it's too late!! Please if u have details on who could've possibly hurt my friend inbox me or call me 7185008429... i will do everything i have to do" /ID]
[ID2: text messages that read, "they didn't even put it on the news dude. they just gonna throw her case away cause she was a h** or a stripper or whatever she had no family just close friends out here" /ID]
[ID3: comment by @lovely.e187 reads, "I live down the street where it happened&I didn't even know dammm that shit didn't even come out on our citizens app alert" /ID]
her name was Katrina-- her stage name was Russia. she was a young dancer and she was murdered on Friday, February 3rd, 2023. because she was a young stripper with no family support, her body is in danger of being incinerated by the state (interesting how quickly they're moving to destroy a murder victims body without an autopsy-- or at all, frankly, with how backed up state morgues tend to be). her murder has made no headlines; the only information you will find about her or her murder at all right now is from the video linked here, made by her friend, begging for information about Russia's murder or her family. the comment section is full of dancers who knew her, all devastated&demanding justice-- the only people, as always, demanding justice for another dead sex worker.
please, if anyone has any information on either Russia's murder (which took place in South Central LA, near Century and Main) or any next of kin that can be notified of her death so as to claim her body (her friends only lead is a mother that Russia recently reconnected with who she believes lives in either Ohio or Florida but may live in Maryland), please contact @iamjuicychild on IG or call at 7185008429.
to any&all sex workers, but especially workers in South Central LA right now, i'm sending all my love. stay safe&stay vigilant.
(video dialogue beneath the cut; i can't download the clip, so this is the best i can do):
video dialogue by @iamjuicychild, posted on February 6th, 2023:
"I never thought I would be the one making one of these videos, crying on camera. I don't even like to cry, but listen, I need help. My friend was murdered on Friday. We need to find who the fuck did this to her. If you know her, her name is Russia, her real name is Katrina, we need information, I need this to be shared, please. Like, we need her mom to find out what happened to her so she can claim her body, or else the police is just gonna push her, like throw her case away and not investigate and not do anything. Please, if you guys could please share, if anybody knows anything-- like I know what happened to her, but if you have any info regarding her mom or who could have possibly set her up, please fill me in, you feel me? like she wasn't a bad person, it had to be personal shit. What happened to my friend? She was murdered. Like, she was young, she didnt deserve that. All she cared about, you know, was hustling, working. She didn't hurt nobody, she fucking loved her cat. And now she's gone. And we need her mom to find out, we need to find her so she can bury her and know that her daughter was murdered. Please, share this shit."
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Hi! me again. I'm not sure if I sent my last text or not. So if it has arrived, you can of course simply ignore this message.
As I wrote, she didn't talk much, unfortunately. So I can't say much about her intelligence. She didn't seem stupid at all. Nevertheless, it's not a talent to be smarter than Danneel, lol.
She definitely looked like she was in her twenties, or early thirty’s but I didn't ask her her age.
She also seemed really nice. She had also received a compliment from another girl about her outfit and was like "thank you so much! ohh that's so nice of you! Thank you!". Crazy friendly and obviously touched. 'modest', as you wrote.
I just found it so strange that it was her first convention. She looked so out of place, as if she had just been picked up from somewhere and put in the convention. She didn't have any other photos or autographs. Just the photo with Jensen. She didn't really say how she ended up at the convention, but just said that it was a funny story, pretty spontaneous and we would never believe her anyway. And then she kind of waved the topic off.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7rySkivNnE/?igsh=MWRzc2ZqaWFhYXpl take a look at the video pls and pay attention to Jensen in the second clip. (It’s from the darklight con) I've also noticed that he's always on the lookout at conventions these days, but I think that's a bit extreme. And this tapping of his thighs. He seems impatient and waiting.
I mean, the darklight con isn't far from Purgatory (actual distance Germany/Paris) and many people said at the panels that they would see them (the cast) again next week. (Darklight Con was the weekend after Purgatory Con) Maybe he was hoping to see her again
And please stop me if I start talking nonsense here, but really, since I've been following you, I've been reading so much into so many things. Especially after your posted about how Jensen should somehow meet a woman at a convention.
Speaking of which, she also told me that she thinks “that old dude was hilarious”. Well, she meant mark (sheppard). She “laughed so hard at him, since he was so funny”.
I had to think of your post about how 'Mark's higher self' somehow thought that Jensen should meet someone at a convention.
I mean, I'm just speculating here, of course, but the fact that this psychic guy saw the girl gives me freaking goosebumps...
Whatever was there (I'm still struggling with the blueprints because I don't really understand the whole thing (translating and so on). As I said, I can't get over this picture and the interaction between the two of them. It was just so strikingly 'electric' and I think if others were a bit more sensitive and not full of themselves, they would have noticed it too. Jensen was just as if a switch had been flipped inside him, really sweet with her, almost a little shy.
Did this psychic guy said anything else about her? He must have seen her before this happened if he hasn't been in touch again with you now. Or?
Well, I can definitely tell you that I check in on your blog several times a day and hope that you've posted something new. It's sooo interesting! Believe me, I really care about what you post! I was even happier to actually have a reason to write to you. Above all, you can't go to ANYONE with an observation like that, so thank you sooo much!
Plus, I love how neutral you are. I can see that you’re not some obsessed wish thinking and hatred filled little girl, but rather grounded and attentive.
Hello Anon, I did get the last one but am responding to the more recent one you sent. No worries about double sending, sometimes we forget we send things particularly when it comes to Anon asks :) To tell you the truth, the guy has been on and off with messaging me. I haven't heard from him again in about two weeks when I last messaged him and got no response back ha ha. I'm going to attach some messages he sent referencing her. I couldn't find the description of her for some reason unless I'm just not looking in the right places within the conversation. I downloaded my Instagram data again today, so I could text search the entire conversation, 'cause you can't do that in the Instagram app itself. I do know however somewhere in the context of our conversations he specifically said something about her being in another place in this world and swear at some point he mentioned her hair color being blonde.
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From what he was saying, it is implied that there was SOMETHING written in their divine blueprints (this woman you speak of and Jensen's). My guides say it was "not meant to be to begin with" like I said in my last answer to you because believe it or not, this relationship with this woman the psychic guy spoke of was actually an unintended "side effect" of someone's black magic who was trying to basically insert herself into his divine blueprints as his "woman of destiny" (in other words, it was NOT Danneel's black magic). When I speak of black magic, divine blueprints, etc. I did talk more about the divine blueprints vs divine plans vs akashic records stuff here in this post I made last April if that will help at all. However, like that guy said before, the "higher powers" do allow certain things to happen as a result of someone's magic to happen to the intended target based on their karma. Or as the guy described it: "Even worse is the "pocket of karma" that Danielle created for Jensen and that woman. They were supposed to go through their trials gradually, but she dumped all the shit on them at once. When she returned him and began to ruin their destinies and prevent their meeting. She was supposed to get a disaster in the future, in about 5-6 years. But she stole the time of their lives, and she's going to get that hit soon. When the sorcerers make a "theft", the higher powers will let them steal the bag, (in accordance with the interests and karma of the victim) but there will be a "surprise" for the sorcerer in it."
In a way, you could look at Divine Blueprints like a so called "bead maze" where you can move beads around on different "tracks" so to speak. See where above he said what I highlighted in orange? In the example below I showed of landmark events and such you can think of them like "beads" on a bead maze.
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Some of them you can move around closer to the other "beads"/events on the timeline below and compare the moving of these beads with a finger to magic moving around these events. Say for example you could move things around so that all new jobs and promotions occur next to each other with black magic and then also move them closer to the "start" of the "bead maze" or life path in this scenario. In other words, make the good things happen sooner. However, this would also move around things like unemployment, significant injury or illnesses, traumatic events, etc. to make all of those bad things happen closer together.
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Whatever was there (I'm still struggling with the blueprints because I don't really understand the whole thing (translating and so on). As I said, I can't get over this picture and the interaction between the two of them. It was just so strikingly 'electric' and I think if others were a bit more sensitive and not full of themselves, they would have noticed it too. Jensen was just as if a switch had been flipped inside him, really sweet with her, almost a little shy.
I hope my description about divine blueprints above helps at least a little bit in understanding the things I'm talking about here and in other posts of mine. I will be honest with you about what you said that I highlighted in pink, many people are full of themselves. When I went to the Charlotte con last year, I myself strangely felt out of place not and like I don't fit in. I agree with you most people who actually go to the cons do NOT notice things like this and it's so unfortunate. It really is.
Well, I can definitely tell you that I check in on your blog several times a day and hope that you've posted something new. It's sooo interesting! Believe me, I really care about what you post! I was even happier to actually have a reason to write to you. Above all, you can't go to ANYONE with an observation like that, so thank you sooo much! Plus, I love how neutral you are. I can see that you’re not some obsessed wish thinking and hatred filled little girl, but rather grounded and attentive.
As for my page here on Tumblr I get A LOT of asks and PMs about Jensen's match this lifetime and who she is as you probably have noticed. Frankly, it's just about always wishful thinking on their behalf because the demon that is "latched" onto Jensen is making them believe they have a chance and possibly also their own respective demons. I said before in my case personally I'm aware he isn't for me and I'm totally okay with that, as we have different love languages, different lifestyle preferences, his focus on image is too much and I personally don't care about what others think of me mostly, etc. He would straight up drive me crazy as anything besides a friend period.
As I wrote, she didn't talk much, unfortunately. So I can't say much about her intelligence. She didn't seem stupid at all. Nevertheless, it's not a talent to be smarter than Danneel, lol. She definitely looked like she was in her twenties, or early thirty’s but I didn't ask her her age.
I do have to say I think many women who do not like Danneel are really resentful she is married to Jensen and not them (hell maybe even some men). Hey, I don't like her overall demeanor at times and I certainly wish she'd do something different besides that awful shade of orange and not to mention she could educate herself better overall. I laughed when I read the highlighted part above because it's very true, not going to lie. She's not the most well-spoken woman, which we know is evident in her speaking of how Dean learned everything from his mom who obviously died when he was just 4 years old. Good grief woman, didn't you watch more than 5 episodes of the very show your husband was on for 15 years?!
I see the flaws in just about everyone and also the good in a lot of people, no one is going to escape my criticism. It's just who I am and I'm not afraid to write about it. I do think overall I manage to avoid AAs swarming to my page because I don't really give them a heated, knee jerk kind of response they look for in trying to incite arguments that just go round and round like a hamster wheel. Jensen overall definitely needs real spiritual guidance, not like the idiotic priests Danneel invites to their homes that tell them to use rice to ward of spirits (hello free bird food story!). I believe in seeing the reality of things, no matter how ugly the truth is. I love hearing you appreciate me and my blog, it really does mean a lot to me you enjoy my content so much ♥ I know my stuff isn't most people's cup of tea and that's okay but it is nice that there's people like you who really actually enjoy what I have to say, even if it's crazy to most people ^_^
She also seemed really nice. She had also received a compliment from another girl about her outfit and was like "thank you so much! ohh that's so nice of you! Thank you!". Crazy friendly and obviously touched. 'modest', as you wrote. I just found it so strange that it was her first convention. She looked so out of place, as if she had just been picked up from somewhere and put in the convention. She didn't have any other photos or autographs. Just the photo with Jensen. She didn't really say how she ended up at the convention, but just said that it was a funny story, pretty spontaneous and we would never believe her anyway. And then she kind of waved the topic off. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7rySkivNnE/?igsh=MWRzc2ZqaWFhYXpl take a look at the video pls and pay attention to Jensen in the second clip. (It’s from the darklight con) I've also noticed that he's always on the lookout at conventions these days, but I think that's a bit extreme. And this tapping of his thighs. He seems impatient and waiting. I mean, the darklight con isn't far from Purgatory (actual distance Germany/Paris) and many people said at the panels that they would see them (the cast) again next week. (Darklight Con was the weekend after Purgatory Con) Maybe he was hoping to see her again And please stop me if I start talking nonsense here, but really, since I've been following you, I've been reading so much into so many things. Especially after your posted about how Jensen should somehow meet a woman at a convention.
I find this entire story you shared with me to be very interesting and one reason I love writing on Tumblr. I did watch the clip and do find it interesting he seems to be looking around the actual room when he's not talking, as opposed to one or two spots when not speaking then back to Jared or whoever he is talking to on the stage (or directly at a person if he's being asked a question). I do not think you're talking crazy here. Ba'alat Mark's higher self did say what you said about him hoping she'd be there is actually true. I thought that was very interesting for sure he said that... Man, I do wish she would have told you this funny story because I would've loved to have heard it myself! Sigh... guess we'll never know unless she ends up here on Tumblr or you hear from her somehow ha ha.
Jensen's divine blueprints are definitely more complicated than a lot of other people's possibly because his were "tampered" with by so many "witches" if you will. I think that if he were to run into her again, I do have a feeling he would want to converse with her more. I do believe what you observed is true. My guides did also tell me that this woman the psychic guy spoke of is one of those things where "it could happen" should Jensen choose a white road not a black road. Jensen's been on a black road for a long time, maybe not intentionally. I don't really like the path he is on now and I do hope with his new projects (Tracker, Countdown, etc.) he starts to get back on the right track.
Thank you for sharing, please do share more things even if it's not Jensen related. I am of course open to many topics of discussion as you are probably aware :)
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xaharadesert · 2 years
Collector (TOH) MC - Headcanons
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: this one is for @fluffybearsblog! Heads up, I have never actually seen The Owl House, and know nothing about the Collector outside one really short clip where he (spoilers?) kills Belos (?), so this might be a little off. If anyone wants to send a message correcting something in this post, please do! I have no problem rewriting. Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are open!
Going from not really knowing anything about/believing in magic to being brutally corrected by the sheer violent and cosmic power you possess isn’t really a pleasant experience for him
Not only is his entire worldview being dislodged, but he’s also witnessing a jarring display that would make anyone feel at least a little uncomfortable
This results in some pretty complicated feelings for him; he wants to trust you, but your displays of powerful border on terrifying
He’ll need time to come to terms with it, but there’s a high chance that not even your cosmic power will be able to scare him away
In contrast to her brother, Portia just thinks that your indescribable powers are really, really cool
If she didn’t already know you, she might be scared, but as things stand she doesn’t feel even a shred of fear
Really, this just motivates her to pursue magic more than before
If this is the limit, then surely even someone like her who grew up without magic can learn a fair bit
Could spend hours just watching you mess with the fabric of reality
Like Julian, he has mixed feelings, but for a totally different reason
He’s power hungry man, and seeing that you have control over such immense power immediately makes him want to use you for intimidation
But on the other hand, after his deals with the Devil, he has learned his lesson (to some degree)
He knows how dangerous it can be to mess with such powerful beings
And he’s not exactly good at walking the line between demanding respect and giving it when it comes to such people
Nopes right out of there immediately
He’s a smart man, he knows when to stay out of things
Cuts his losses, falls off the grid, probably gets a happier ending than anyone who tries to stay
Yeah, he can see right away that this much power can’t be a good thing
Power leads to corruption; Asra has seen examples of this before
And he can’t stand the idea of it happening to someone he loves
And that’s just the problem; he loves you, so he can’t leave
He’s burdened by indecisiveness
In the end, he avoids making the decision altogether
He reasons that there’s no reason to act unless something horrible happens
But really, he’s just praying it never comes to that, since he won’t be able to make a decision even then
Your abilities make her nervous, to say the least
Technically, you could use your powers to greatly improve the lives of everyone around you with very little effort
But your moral alignment seems to indicate that you wouldn’t choose to do that if given the decision
So she’s wary, to say the least
In her mind, you’re on thin ice
She doesn’t exactly know what she would do if you went rogue, but she’s discreetly trying to set up countermeasures
She loves you, but she’s also responsible for the rest of Vesuvia
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atrwriting · 10 months
understandable. i too, had to pick up my jaw from the floor when i first saw him in that clip behind the scene after the weak punch jace delivered. it changed my brain chemistry.
i feel that way about rhaenyra. i hate her, but at the same time if you think about everything she’s done she’s pretty awful and that makes her interesting to me. any controversial characters end up becoming my favorites because they’re always way more interesting than the good ones. grateful that hotd is full of war criminals.
well twitter has fandoms. once you find one account in that fandom it’s pretty easy to find the rest, and then you’re basically in your own little corner on twitter talking about things you like with mutuals. it’s tumblr if tumblr wasn’t a dungeon where you interact with one person every 5 days.
i have that problem with other creators too, which is why i don’t bother as much anymore. you go out of your own way to send them a message and tell them how much you’ve enjoyed their work and how it’s changed your whole life, and all you get back is an “aww thanks”. very discouraging. like i’m trying to kiss your ass right now and you’re rejecting me? wow LMAO. then again you can’t really force people to engage with you so it’s nothing really
wow i’m putting my whole business on the timeline. i’m shy but i’ll message you if that’s okay because i haven’t spoken to anyone about the things i like in SOOOSOSOSOSOS long like my god i’m about to implode fr lmao
THE WEAK PUNCH!!! I KNOW!!!! like when he was just straight faced. i was like — oh — my god. oh my god. and his eyes are empty besides like registering prey if aemond is a predator? FUCKKK. i was like should i feel unsafe or turned on orrrr???? im not sure lmao
i’m also quite happy that hotd is full of war criminals LOL i think your analysis of rhae is so spot on. like i root for her, but why am i rooting for her?? why do i want to see her win even though i don’t trust her and i want alicent and aemond to just have one slice of happiness and what she has had???
i think i relate to alicent in a lot of ways and that’s why i can’t help but love her. she annoys the fuck out of me a lot — but also she’s so much stronger than me. like i would totally clap back at disrespect but she always remains poised because she knows if she waits for the perfect moment she can execute something way better than if she rushes a plan. i think my favorite scene is after viserys dies and she’s like battling taking the throne and what’s morally right and im like MY QUEEN 🫡🫡🫡
the twitter thing sounds so fun. i don’t see a lot of fandom memes but i would be so excited if there was just a platform (like twitter seems) for memes. what you said about the dungeon is so funny omg i’m cackling
dude i’m so glad you said the thing about rejection. like i know creators don’t owe readers like us anything, but like it’s tumblr — you don’t want to build community? like if you just wanted to write — why aren’t you like writing a book under a fake name or are just on ao3? like sorry to have bothered you ill just go fuck myself 😭😭😂
omg PLEASE message me we will be besties 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hello everyone and
Dear Diary
What a clusterfuck my last mod diary entry was, but like, in the best way possible since I learned a lot of stuff. Have a fully-complete SWAT Connor to celebrate! Here is a small photo shoot and another small photo shoot.
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Here are some corrections and add-ons from my last entry:
SWAT Connor is in fact not something I have to keep private! I thought it was, but here is the full public step-by-step process to achieve SWAT Connor. I would've typed it out myself, but these instructions are from the source: Jamie. Can't get any better than that!
Kayla gave me a little more info about going into outfits and map swapping. Once I get into doing that, I'll definitely write out instructions.
In the comments you'll see a discussion about the DBH modding community. In reference to that, if you discover something or create something, please share it! I personally want to consume your content lol
It's 31/01/2023 and this is my third day posting in a row. (3X KILL STREAK). For measure of progress, I want to reference something I said in my first mod diary entry:
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"I can't find info like this elsewhere. I have to figure everything out myself." Not the case anymore! As I get to know modders, they give me info and support! At the start, it all felt distant and information buried, but it's about looking in the right place and asking the right questions. "If anyone has any information or extra points, PLEASE say something lol." Still the case! If you know something I don't, please correct me! Reblog, reply, private message, ask, I don't mind.
If you need extra help from Jamie's tutorial on how to make SWAT Connor, here are some of my personal notes:
Connor's jacket is 00 00 08 B5 00 00 00 01 00 00 6D 84 (The string you need to find) and then the next 4 bytes you can replace with 99 99 99 99.
Originally, I used the browser model swapper to swap Connor (2) to Markus (Capitol Park). This means you don't have to do Jamie's first step. Additionally, I also swapped their walking animations.
To change Markus' backpack into Captain Allen, I searched for the backpack container (0D 9C 02 E1 08 00 00 1C C0 C7 00 13 17 2B 00 00 00 10) in my hex editor. Then, I copied Captain Allen's DATA_CONTAINER (18 B0 F8 00 00 B5 60 3F 00 A8 D8 EC 00 00 00 0B) from the data list (Steam version). On the hex editor, I highlight the backpack which should already be highlighted, but don't include the first two bytes which are 0D 9C. So only highlight 02 E1 08 00 00 1C C0 C7 00 13 17 2B 00 00 00 10. Press ctrl + R to bring up the replace option and the highlighted part should already be added, but double-check that at the start of the ID, the "0D 9C" isn't included. If it is included, delete it. Click on the textbox underneath and paste Captain Allen's ID into it. Click replace and save the file. File > Save. The backpack will be replaced with Captain Allen.
Basically, all these instructions boil down to this:
Make Markus with a backpack into Connor.
The backpack is like a shell around Markus, so if you put a model of a character in the same slot as Markus' backpack, it will shell around Markus.
The "base" character is who you put in Markus' shoes.
The backpack or "shell" is another layer which can be used for outfits or other model parts.
Make backpack into Captain Allen.
Make the textures of Captain Allen's face invisible so that you can see Connor.
Make Connor's outfit invisible so it doesn't clip through the SWAT armour.
Save your file.
This has unlocked unlimited wizardry for me, kids. Hope this helps!
~ Trinity
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