#Ida manson
taptrial2 · 1 month
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a commission for @this-is-z-art-blog of sam and her grandma bonding! they both like fiber crafts, so i thought it would be cute if ida taught sam how to knit ^_^
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lolottes · 9 months
Ida pendant
Ida Manson is Constantine's ex
that ended badly and she created magical distancing pendant and a silencing spell that prevents him from talking about her
When Justice League Dark sends Constantine to Amity Park, he can't even enter the city
he sighs, how is he going to be able to explain this without mentioning ida
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pricklenettle · 9 months
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eight ecto nights: light
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #87
Sams grandma was smart, almost too smart. She knew Danny was Phantom long before his parents found out and oh boy were they not happy. Ida talked to her long time friend about housing Danny to keep him safe from all parties that wished him harm. Alfred Pennyworth was never to turn down a child in need so of course he and Bruce were willing to take Danny. Ida helped sneak him out of the city and set him on a private jet to Gotham.
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Dp X DC prompt. Asterix and Obelix in the Midwest but make it ghostly.
The whole world considers ectoplasm a life-threatening toxin but Amity Park is..different.
Maybe you heard that the magic ecto-potion brewed by Getafix Fentons gives the Gaulish warriors civilians superhuman strength.
When another supervillain uses his super-powered army to take over the world the Justice League is preoccupied with protecting the Cities. So heroes end the battle with a heavy heart and approach Amity Park, far from other settlements, thinking that all they can do is try to save possible survivors
..but they see the villains running in terror from the crowd of green-eyed schoolers.
Maddie and Jack Fanton stand outside their house with a tub full of ectoplasm and give a shot of a spetial coctail for everyone.
Maddie: The Justice League? But we didn’t call anyone...I mean, you all are doing some pretty dangerous stuff, and we’ve got nothing but a little Level F attack in the morning.
The Flash sees the old lady which takes her purse from freshly battered outlander.
Old Lady: I'll teach you some manners!
Maddie: Ida! Nice to meet you. Sam didn’t let Danny drink ectoplasm again?
Ida: Maddie, how can I know? Teenagers are so active.
Maddie: Sorry, Mr. Flash, I'm losing this conversation. Our Danny fell into an ectoplasm tank as a kid, and Jack and I have been trying to control how much he drinks since. Where were we? Whatever, we promise that ectoplasm does not have a poisonous effect in therapeutic doses.
Flash: What about Danny, huh?
A teenager with white hair turns his neck at an unnatural angle and hisses at the hero.
Jack: What do you mean? My boy is absolutely fine.
Flash: Okaaay. But can I talk to the mayor? Jack: Sure, wait till Vladdy’s done fooling around with Danno.
The man points his head to a freak who looks like Dracula and also fight with the teen who disappeared before Flash’s eyes. He swears the kid was just here.
Flash: You know what, I'm not gonna bother them.
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picturejasper20 · 3 months
Let's talk about Sam's parents and their relationship with Sam because, just wow, it gives quite a lot of context to Sam's character. I'm going to analyse the episode ¨Control Freaks¨ since that is the episode we get to see the most of Sam's family and her relationship with them.
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Okay, so, at the start of the episode we have Pam suggesting to Sam to wear a different type of dress- one that is pink with flowers- that resembles the way Pam and Jeremy usually look. They both have more colorful clothes and are more chirpy.
There doesn't seem to be any exactly harmful in this scene- it is Pam just suggesting to Sam to wear something different, she isn't exactly ordering her. However, based on other things they do later in the episode, it wouldn't surprise me that they ¨force¨ these things on Sam, from things she should like to her fashion. Meaning we are already seeing some... questionable aspects of the Mansons parenting.
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Danny later shows up in the Manson's house bringing a ¨anti-social¨ music cassette/CD for Sam and Pam and Jeremy look at Danny this way.
Throughout the episode they show their clear disapproval of Danny hanging out with Sam. They see Danny as a ¨bad influence¨ to their own daughter even though is Sam the one who suggested to skip school to see the circus.
They clearly don't like the Fentons, something i can't fully blame them because Jack and Maddie can leave a mess wherever they go to and usually end up shooting the Mansons when they are nearby. But just because they dislike the Fentons, they don't want Sam to be meeting with Danny, not caring how that makes Sam feel.
Like i want to believe this part of the series humor but they go so far to filling a restraining order for Danny to not get near Sam. Just trying to impose certain fashion and likes on Sam wasn't enough, they want to control who she can and can't meet up with.
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If they weren't giving wrong vibes already, then lets talk about that ¨anti-goth protest¨ they organized in front of the circus to ¨protect the children¨ that shows up during most of the episode.
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I don't know, but they give me the impression of those parents that would try to censor certain type of music or videogames because they are ¨ruining¨ the children. And from what it is implied, this isn't the first time they have organized these type of protests, so it could be assumed they could have done more extreme things in the past.
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Honestly, i'm not sure how Pam and Jeremy turned out like this, because Ida is a lot nicer and open minded than they are. In fact, at some point of the episode she shows Sam that she was like her when she was around her age and lets her sneak out to look for Danny.
On last point, one thing i found quite messed up is how at the end of the episode they force Sam to wear that pink dress that Pam suggested her at the start with the condition that she could see Danny again if she did.
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Things like these makes me wonder if they usually impose Sam to act and be feminine since she acts differently in contrast to how other girls of her age usually do. There isn't much indication of this, but based on what i have seen so far, i wouldn't rule it out.
Now, look, in spite of everything i'm not sure if i would call Sam's parents downright abusive- they were right about getting mad at Sam for skipping school among other things- but they still come off as controlling and they take things to the extreme. It isn't right for them to forbid Sam for meeting with some of the few friends she has nor force on her how identity and likes should be.
Sam has a lot of issues as character for not changing and having a proper arc, but i can't fully blame her for the way she often acts in the show because, with her parents being like this, i can understand why she would hate authority or show a dislike ¨girl stuff¨. Honestly, i'm surprised that she is okay as a person, since she could turned out a lot worse.
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this-is-z-art-blog · 11 months
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Introducing a new Danny Phantom Hanukkah event, Eight Ecto Nights!
What: An eight day Danny Phantom prompt calendar celebrating Hanukkah! See here for what's Hanukkah?
When: Thursday December 7- Thursday December 14, the span of Hanukkah*
Where: Use the tag #eight ecto nights 2023, posts will be reblogged to this blog
Rules: • You do not have to be Jewish to participate, all are encouraged! If you're concerned about doing something respectfully, feel free to reach out to me, I'm always available to answer questions. • Headcanons welcome! This event is not restricted to the show's few canonically Jewish characters. However, there is no erasing the Jewishness of those characters ○ ie you can make a headcanon/au where Paulina's family is Jewish, but not one where Sam's isn't ○ The canonically Jewish characters are the Mansons: Sam, her parents Jeremy and Pamela, her grandmother Ida, and her presumably passed great-grandfather Izzy • Angst and crossovers both allowed, but must be tagged properly. If you have questions about tagging guidelines, please reach out ○ If you are not Jewish, I would advise caution when considering telling a story about the experience or effects of antisemitism
You do not have to do all eight, do whichever and however many speak to you! However, if you do complete all eight nights, you will receive a small prize of art or a short ficlet!
The Prompts: 1) Fire - Thursday Dec 7 2) Laughter - Friday Dec 8 3) Fried Foods - Saturday Dec 9 4) Giving - Sunday Dec 10 5) Community - Monday Dec 11 6) Games - Tuesday Dec 12 7) Identity - Wednesday Dec 13 8) Light - Thursday Dec 14
With special thanks to @jus-a-lil-mouse and @glow-and-vamp for helping me put this event together, y'all are the real mvps
*technically it's nightfall of the 7th through nightfall of the 15th, but these are the days we light hanukkias at night, so for simplicity, the 7th-14th is when we're holding this event!
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ghostlyglimmer · 28 days
Missing for three weeks, Danny finally escapes, only to be found dead and taken to a funeral home. But death isn’t the end—Danny awakens on the embalming table with his jaw wired shut and terrifying new powers. Disoriented and desperate, he must find his way home, knowing nothing will ever be the same again. CW: Gore
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Chapter 1: Bring me to Life
By GhostlyGlimmer
Anita Grayves stretched her back, each vertebra popping with a satisfying crack as she exhaled a long sigh. The dim, sterile light of the embalming room cast a clinical glow over her as she donned her PPE, the familiar rustle of the fabric and snap of the gloves a ritual she knew too well. Her technician, Dalton, rolled in the gurney with the next client, the wheels creaking slightly on the cold tile floor. With deliberate care, he unzipped the black body bag, revealing the still form inside.
Danny Fenton, just seventeen years old, lay before her. His once vibrant eyes, now milky white and clouded, stared unseeingly at the ceiling. The raven-black hair that had probably once been meticulously styled was now disheveled, a sharp contrast to the pallor of his skin. He was small for his age, almost fragile-looking, and Anita couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow as she gazed down at him.
But it was the Y-shaped scar on his chest that made her pause. Her brow furrowed in deep thought. She had seen countless autopsy scars in her career, but this was different. The coroner’s report had mentioned it wasn’t a typical dissection; it was a vivisection. The word sent a chill down her spine. She had heard stories, whispers of unsanctioned procedures, but she never thought she’d be the one to witness the aftermath.
Taking a deep breath, Anita began the embalming process. The familiar hum of the pump filled the room as she attached the trocar to his abdomen, starting the slow, methodical draining of blood from the body. The crimson fluid seeped out, replaced with embalming chemicals that would preserve what remained, ensuring the semblance of life for his final viewing.
With the embalming fluids circulating, she moved on to setting his face. It was important that he looked peaceful, almost as if he were merely sleeping. She began with his mouth, loading the needle injector with a barbed-tipped wire. The tool clicked as she pressed it against the maxilla, the wire piercing through the bone with precision. She repeated the process with the mandible, then twisted the wires together, securing his jaw in place. There would be no risk of it coming loose during the funeral, sparing his family the distress of seeing him slack-jawed in the casket.
Next were his eyes. Anita carefully pulled back his eyelids, reaching for the eye caps—small, clear discs with barbed spikes on the inside. They would help his eyes maintain a natural, slightly closed appearance, preventing the sunken look that so often accompanied death. She was inches away from placing them on his clouded eyes when her stomach let out a loud grumble.
“Damn it,” she muttered, the sudden urge reminding her of the coffee she had downed earlier.
Reluctantly, she pushed back her rolling chair, the casters scraping against the tile. She stripped off her PPE, each piece coming off with a practiced flick, and headed for the bathroom. The small, clinical space echoed with the sound of her footsteps as she entered, the door clicking shut behind her. She hurried through her business, then paused at the sink, methodically scrubbing her hands. As she looked up into the mirror, her reflection stared back at her—haggard, with dark circles etched under her tired eyes. She grimaced, making a mental note to try and get some sleep tonight.
Just as she turned off the faucet, the lights flickered, followed by a low, otherworldly groan that seemed to reverberate through the walls. Anita froze, her heart skipping a beat. It was a sound unlike anything she had heard before—something between a wail and a whisper, as if the air itself was being torn apart. A chill ran down her spine, and she stood there, paralyzed, staring at her own reflection, waiting for something—anything—to happen.
Anita jolted at the horrific sound, the air around her vibrating with an unnatural, bone-chilling resonance. Her hands flew to her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the noise, but it was too late. A searing pain shot through her head, her vision darkening as her eyes rolled back. She crumpled to the cold, sterile floor, her body limp, blood trickling from her ears and pooling beneath her head in a dark, crimson stain.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton’s eyes shot open in terror. His pupils contracted painfully against the blinding fluorescence of the room, his breath catching in his throat. His mind, sluggish and disoriented, struggled to make sense of what was happening. His hands moved instinctively to his face, rubbing his eyes as if trying to erase a bad dream.
But this was no dream.
As his vision cleared, he looked around, taking in the stark white walls and the cold steel surfaces of the embalming room. The air was thick with the acrid scent of formaldehyde, stinging his nose and making him gag. Panic surged through him as he realized he was completely naked, save for a thin cloth draped haphazardly over his waist.
But it was when his gaze fell on his chest that the true horror set in.
There, etched into his skin, was a large, brutal Y-shaped scar, stretching from his shoulders to his pubic bone. The sight of it made his stomach churn. His face contorted in terror, a scream tearing from his throat, raw and primal. His chest heaved with ragged breaths, each one more desperate than the last, as he clutched his head in his hands, trying to comprehend the impossible. The room seemed to close in around him, the sterile environment suffocating, the silence after his scream deafening.
Danny was alive—but something was horribly, irrevocably wrong.
As Danny’s scream echoed in the sterile room, he froze, realizing something was terribly wrong with his voice. It wasn’t his voice. It was distorted, hollow, like a death rattle echoing from the depths of a crypt. The sound made his skin crawl, every hair on his body standing on end. It was the kind of voice that belonged to something not of this world—something dead. He slapped his hands over his mouth, horrified, tears welling up in his cloudy white eyes.
He felt something hard under his lips and pulled them open, trembling fingers probing inside his mouth. His breath hitched when he encountered metal wires, woven cruelly through his teeth. Panic surged through him, and he tried to wrench his jaw open, but it wouldn’t budge. A sharp, searing pain shot through his skull, and he winced, the realization of his confinement crashing down on him.
Tears streamed down his face, his entire body quaking with fear and confusion. Sobs wracked his fragile form, the reality of his situation suffocating him. This couldn’t be happening—this had to be a nightmare. What the hell was going on? Why was he connected to this machine? Why was there a grotesque wound carved into his chest? And why, oh God, why was his jaw wired shut?
His mind spiraled, grasping desperately for memories, for anything that could explain this horror. But everything was a blur, a foggy haze that clouded his thoughts. He couldn’t think straight, his head pounding with the effort of trying to piece together the fragments of his shattered memory.
But through the chaos, one thought pierced the fog: he needed help. He needed to find his family, his friends. He clung to the memory of them like a lifeline, the only clear images in his fractured mind. Sam and Tucker—they would know what to do. They had always been there for him, through every strange and terrifying moment of his life. If anyone could help him make sense of this nightmare, it was them. He had to find them. He had to get out of here.
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briarruler · 5 months
I've seen (and loved) fics were Team Phantom band together and go on the run from the Guys in White. I don't think I've seen a fic were the families of Team Phantom band together and go on the run from the Guys in White.
Imagine it. The kids vanish and the next day the Guys in White are showing up at the door and bundling the parents into vans. The plan was to use them as hostages against their kids. They made three mistakes:
They threatened to harm them.
They promised to harm their children.
They put them together.
The Fentons, the Foleys and the Mansons promptly team up and escape. After that it's Team Parent vs the Government.
Optional characters include:
Ida Manson, assuming that the Guys in White didn't overlook her.
Jazz Fenton, if she isn't already on the run with Team Phantom.
Damon Gray, if Valerie is on the run with Team Phantom.
Their goals may vary depending on how much information they have (and what Team Phantom is up to) but includes at least some of the following:
Evading the Guys in White.
Finding their children.
Dismantling the Guys in White.
Figuring out what is going on with their children.
Leaving the country.
Protecting their children.
Getting the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act revoked.
Although the real challenge might be cooperating long enough to succeed.
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Today's disabled character of the day is Ida Manson from Danny Phantom, who uses a mobility aid
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of an older woman riding a white mobility scooter. She is wearing a pink sweater, yellow button up undershirt, black glasses, and a purple plaid skirt. She has a light skin tone. She has medium length white hair pulled back into a ponytail and blue eyes.]
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1cloudy2stormy · 3 months
Hey, I'm making a fanfic, would you read it?
It's about Danny Phantom. In my au, Sam has witch powers and control of plants, crystals, shadow, fire and dark magic. Tucker is just a techwiz with a futuristic suit and Danny is still danny phantom. It's going to be like a highschool field trip to the phantom zone and the 3 trying to cover up their identity and not get discovered. Also, their parents are joining!
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lolottes · 9 months
Ida is Constantine's good ex.
They separated on good terms after a few months because Ida wanted to start a family and not Constantine (for obvious reasons). Then, despite Ida's efforts to keep in touch as a long-distance friend, she quickly no longer received any news from him.
So when she sees him barely older and seeming lost in his town… she takes him for a ghost who has retained a very human appearance. She rushes to him because she is surely not the only one to notice the presence of a “tourist” in town.
She takes a minute to pity him and apologize. He hadn't ignored him, he was dead!!! Then start explaining to him why as a ghost it's not safe for him here even though it's very nice of him to visit <3
Constantine had not informed Ida about magic, after all it was one of his exes from before his cancer (a little near the time when he stopped responding to her) and his first triple sale of soul for escape death. But he knows Ida well enough not to contradict her. In addition, she gives him all the information in flash notes that he is looking for.
Okay, he also missed Ida. It felt SO strange to see her old. But she apparently hadn't lost anything from a mental point of view
This is how Constantine was invited to have tea and catch up on lost time at Ida's in addition to having a more complete debrief of the Amity Park situation
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pricklenettle · 9 months
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Eight ecto nights: giving
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I can totally see 🦇Sam 👻 be like that in her childhood! @a-sterling-rose inspired me for the added dialogue ! For her look I was going lowkey Wednesday Addams.
You should watch! It’s so precious
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thesoulspulse · 1 year
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I updated some old concept artwork of Sam where I imagined her with red or blonde hair like her parents because for all we know she dyes it. Then again Sam's grandma had black hair though so wouldn't it be a plot twist if Jeremy's hair is naturally black but he got it bleached blonde? Anyways, just thought it'd be interesting.
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Jeremy With Black Hair:
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geekgirles · 2 years
I'm starting to think the reason why Sam doesn't get in trouble at school as often as Danny is because, while the student body remains unaware, the faculty knows her parents are filthy stinking rich because of all the donations they probably make to Casper High. I mean, if being an A-lister usually gives you a free card to do whatever you like, then being loaded probably works on the same principle.
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