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hey hang on.
It's so fucked up that the girls in fortnite have to fight instead of frotting and sucking each other off.
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Cheap Vegan Essentials
With everything going on right now, I thought may be useful to repost an edited version of my list of cheap vegan groceries. Most of this is standard stuff but if you’re used to ready meals and faux meats but you can’t get them with the panic buying, this post may prove helpful to you. A lot of these have a really long shelf life as well, so they will be useful if you end up isolating. You may struggle to find some of these items with people clearing the shelves, but it will hopefully help to know what to keep a look out for. Just please avoid stockpiling. It is sensible to have these items in your cupboard but you should only buy what you need.
Rice: Rice is an extremely cheap and filling staple. A cup of rice contains roughly 45 grams of carbohydrates and 4-5 grams of protein. In an airtight container it lasts at least 6 months.
Beans: Beans are one of the most accessible protein sources and have been a staple around the world for thousands of years. Just one cup of soybeans, for example, contains a massive 28.62 grams of protein, while even standard baked beans contain around 14 grams. They also contain lysine, which is missing from most other plant sources.
Chickpeas: Chickpeas can be purchased very cheaply canned, and in large bags in bulk if you’re willing to prep them yourself. Each cup contains about 15 grams of protein, tonnes of fibre as well as magnesium and folate.
Lentils: Similar to chickpeas, lentils can be bought canned or in large bags. A cup of cooked lentils contains a massive 18 grams of protein, they also lower cholesterol, improve heart health and help stabilise blood sugar.
Oats: Oats are very cheap, can be bought in bulk and have great shelf life. They are high in protein, fibre, and B12; they are even thought to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Cereals: Most cereals, especially supermarket’s own brand products are very cheap. Whole grain cereals like bran or oat based products are high in fiber, calcium and iron, and most are fortified with B vitamins.
Pasta: Pasta is another great product to always have on hand, it is one of the least expensive items in any supermarket, can be bought in bulk and has a very long shelf life. Depending on the type, pasta can be a good source of fibre and carbohydrates; it is a high energy food and is very filling.
Potatoes: Potatoes are one of the cheapest foods available in most supermarkets, at an average of just $0.56 per pound. They are versatile, filling and despite their reputation as unhealthy, they are an excellent source B6 and a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are as versatile as white potatoes, are high in vitamins B6, C, D, iron, magnesium and potassium. They’re also a more balanced source of energy than white potatoes, as their natural sugars release slowly, avoiding blood-sugar spikes.
Noodles: Many varieties of noodles are vegan, they are very cheap and last a long time. Noodles are very filling and contain high levels of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, riboflavin, and calcium.
Nut butters: Depending on the type, nut butters can be purchased very cheaply. It has a surprisingly good shelf life, is an excellent source of heart healthy fats and is very high in protein.
Falafel: Falafel is usually cheap to buy pre-made but it is even cheaper when made at home just using chickpeas and spices. It is filling, can be used to make great vegan burgers and is a good source of protein, fat and soluble fibre.
Hummus: Though buying pre-prepared hummus is usually relatively cheap, it is far more cost effective to make your own in larger quantities, depending on the recipe you usually only need chickpeas, tahini and lemon.
Couscous: Couscous can be great in salad or as its own side dish, it is cheap to buy and is a convenient option since it is so easy to prepare. It is a good source of lean protein, dietary fibre and B vitamins.
Tofu: Tofu has an odd reputation for being expensive, quite probably among people who have never bought it. Tofu has been a Chinese staple for thousands of years, it is now widely available in supermarkets and is far cheaper than comparable animal products, averaging less than $2 per pound. It is filling and is high in both protein and calcium. If you find it expensive in your local supermarket, try a Chinese market or world foods store. It will keep for months if you freeze it.
Tempeh: Tempeh is similar to tofu in price and use, but has a different texture and slightly different nutritional properties. The fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fibre and vitamins compared to tofu, as well as firmer texture and a stronger flavour.
Seitan: Seitan is made with wheat gluten and is extremely high in protein, as well as being one of the cheapest sources of protein per dollar when made at home and is around the same price as low quality beef in stores. It has a steaky texture and is very filling.
Frozen fruit/vegetables: Large bags of mixed frozen vegetables can be bought extremely cheaply almost anywhere. Despite popular opinion to the contrary, frozen vegetables are almost as healthy as fresh produce since they are frozen while fresh and don’t endure the loss of nutrients associated with long travel and extended shelf time. Frozen fruit like mixed berries can be a cheap way to prepare smoothies or dessert.
Canned fruit/vegetables: Having a few cans of fruit or vegetables around is always a good idea, things like canned tomatoes or corn can be a side on their own, canned peaches or orange pieces are an instant dessert and canned tomatoes can be used to make sauces.
Bananas: Bananas are one of the cheapest fruits available and deserve a mention based on their nutritional value and their versatility. They can be used in desserts, as a healthy snack and can be used to make cheap vegan ice cream.
Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like lemon, orange and limes are cheap to buy in bunches, especially when in season and can be eaten as a healthy snack or used as a cheap way to add flavour to existing dishes.
Vegetable stock: Vegetable stock is good to have around for a variety of purposes; it will add flavour to any dish from gravies to soups and roast dinners. It is extremely cheap and relatively healthy if you go for a low sodium option. It is even cheaper if you make it yourself from leftovers or trimmings.
Olives: Olives are a healthy source of fat, they are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to good health health, as well as being good sources of iron. They can be bought in large jars very cheaply and can be a healthy snack.
Olive Oil: Thought to be the healthiest oil to cook with, it is heart healthy and can be used to add flavour to a variety of dishes like pastas and salad.
Spinach: Spinach is often called a super-food in terms of nutritional content, it is is high in niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, calcium, iron and a multitude of vitamins. You can also buy large bags of pre-prepared spinach very cheaply.
Kale: It has a different flavour and texture to spinach, but has similar uses. It is a great source of dietary fibre and is packed with nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium. Even a 500g bag should only set you back around $2.50.
Bread: Many new vegans assume bread is off limits, but many breads are vegan. Even speciality loafs are very cheap considering the amount of meals they can contribute towards, and they can be a good source of carbohydrates and protein. It will keep for 3-6 months if you freeze it.
Plant Milks: Plant milks have an undeserved reputation for being expensive, this is only in comparison to heavily subsidised dairy milks, though even then the price is comparable, in fact, some supermarket’s own brands are even cheaper. Plant milks are packed with calcium and are usually supplemented with vitamins B6 and B12.
Non-Dairy Spreads: Non-dairy spreads can be made form a variety of sources, from soy or olives to coconut oil. They tend to be comparable to dairy butter in terms of calcium, but without the unhealthy fats and cholesterol. They are usually priced similarly or cheaper than their dairy counterparts.
Peppers: Peppers tend to be very cheap to pick up in large bags, particularly bell peppers. They can be stretched over several meals, and can add flavour and texture to curries, stir fries and salads.
Nutritional Yeast: Seen as something of a speciality health food, nutritional yeast is actually very cheap, lasts a long time and is one of the best sources of vitamin B12. It has a nutty, cheesy taste, so you can use it in place of anything you’d usually sprinkle cheese on. It is also great in soups and when used to make “cheesy”, creamy sauces.
Flax seeds: Each tablespoon of ground flax seed contains about 1.8 grams of omega-3s. It is included in this list as they make a great egg substitute in baking, can be sprinkled on cereal, yogurt or oatmeal. It is cheap to buy, and even a small packet lasts a long time.
Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is not only far healthier than milk chocolate, it is usually cheaper to buy in the same quantities and is far more filling. It is versatile for use in baking and desserts and is a healthy snack in small quantities.
Selected Produce: Fresh vegetables are not always expensive. Seasonal vegetables are usually cheap in most supermarkets, but some vegetables like carrots, turnips, onions, cabbage and cauliflower are inexpensive all year round, and can often be bought on offer or as “irregular” (but still perfectly edible) for even less.
Herbs and Spices: Having a range of spices on hand is always a good idea; things like cumin and garlic can add depth and flavour to simple meals and they last a very long time. Investing in a good spice rack and some curry powder will save you money in the long term.
Stay safe everyone, and please check in on your vulnerable friends, family members and neighbours. I am always around if you need any advice, resources, accessible recipes or just a bit of a chat to help with the stress. Take care of yourselves and each other.
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Media n Stuff
2/1/2021: American Psycho
Excellent, truly. Has a lot to say about those on the top of our social hierarchy, the wealthy and influential and how our modern system facilitates them at the expense of everyone else. A very stylish film, well edited and directed. Rests upon a truly magnificent performance in the case of Christian Bale’s Patrick Bateman, who does a fantastic job of playing something pretending to be human. Soundtrack is a bop.
3/1/2021: Se7en
All right, not my kind of thing ultimately. There are some thoughts about legacy and what doing good means here but I feel its slightly obscure and could be more clearly stated; perhaps I wasn’t paying close enough attention. Directing is top notch. The acting also is good but nothing truly incredible. The suspense is very effective but on occasion can be defeated by pacing, excess time creating boredom. Further it was partially predictable, which harmed the effectiveness of the piece. Though the point of the state of the victims is to inspire disgust this especially did not fit the remit of entertainment for me.
4/1/2021: The Martian
Highly Enjoyable. As usual, weaker than the novel but not to a Golden Compass level. Any work that bends heaven and earth to save a single life is good in my books. Retains the wit and the scientific backbone to good effect to offset the bleakness. Likewise, the back-and-forth structure between Mars and other locations helps to make the survival scenario less overbearing. Star-studded cast, and I think rightfully so here as the performances are generally very good. Matt Damon as Mark Watney has many moments of excellence. Mars is beautiful and I’m glad Ridley Scott captured that well, on top of doing a job that lives up to his reputation.
5/1/2021: Dredd
Good. Though I worry about the implications of a “Not All Cops Bad” message, it could be interpreted elsewise and is decidedly sympathetic to civilians which works in its favour. There is the aspect of portraying Police and Criminals as two sides of the same coin, with Dredd and Anderson existing outside of said dichotomy to some degree, but ultimately implying that the existing system just needs the right people in it without severe reform, though again that’s up for debate. Otherwise, good spectacle and very nice presentation; the film can be beautiful at times and when it isn’t it has excellent action. Something I appreciate is a clear view of the action, rather than the choppy action of modern superhero films, and an unflinching approach to the depiction of gore even if I was flinching at times. Though I’m unfamiliar with the original work I find this an interesting dystopia, even if Dredd himself can be a little cliché. Performances haven’t left much of an impression though.
6/1/2021: The Wolf of Wall Street
Meh? It’s well made don’t get me wrong, everything looks and feels high quality. Of course, Scorsese is a good director. Of course, DiCaprio’s acting is fantastic, as is the rest of the acting to be frank, but it just doesn’t come together for me. I don’t feel like there was a compelling reason to sit through that for three whole hours. I can see meaning in the depiction of excess; of Belfort’s alienation, losing everything that should be dear to him; of the animal nature of people who just want to make money. I can appreciate the powerful performances and the craftwork on display. I just didn’t enjoy it.
7/1/2021: Enola Holmes
Enjoyable. Has a more juvenile tone than I like, that’s to be expected from a coming-of-age story, but it certainly does a far better job with the gifted sister idea than the BBC Sherlock series did. At times this film was truly joyous and inspiring and I would attribute that to a cast of endearing characters and a strong thematic core which is carried throughout the story. However, from a more radical perspective I cannot endorse a seeming admonishment of direct action, as much as I appreciate the idea that getting new blood in politics is a progressive step forward. Performances are good, Millie Bobby Brown does well in the lead, though I am not so keen on her 4th wall asides, and I always appreciate the sight of Henry Cavill. Also, proud to see Burn Gorman portray the most accurate Normal Englishman I’ve ever seen. I also wanted to make note of what id consider good editing, felt very snappy and effective.
8/1/2021: Shaun of the Dead
Very good, but maybe doesn’t quite live up to its reputation. Very put off by the use of F and N slurs even if the prior is in context with English slang at the time. Id say this is the lesser of the Cornetto trilogy films but with such competition it’d be hard to come out on top. Quite dry humour, I don’t think all the jokes land, but there are a few true laugh out loud moments. Similarly, it works emotionally only some of the time but at moments, especially in Philips last words, there’s some genuine power. I do feel like the pace lulls slightly too much at moments but is generally very good and saves itself for a fun final sprint. The Zombies themselves are true to Romero’s style of zombie and though the satire is light in comparison to character-zombie parallels it is still effective. Performances are good, and serve well in demonstrating the range of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in comparison with the later Cornetto films and Bill Nighy is always a treat. I only ever have praise for Edgar Wright as a fan of all his later works, so I’m glad to see even his first feature demonstrates his ability well, stylish young man is our Edgar.
8/1/2021: Avatar: Legend of Korra: Series 1
Not by any stretch a worthy successor but good by its own merit. Has powerful emotional moments and excellent action, I cannot get enough of any kind of bending in this universe. Some characters are likeable; Korra is a good lead, Tenzin is my personal favourite and I want to hug Naga. Bolin, however, can get shafted. his particular brand of comic relief inspires in me an absolute hatred I cannot fully fathom. I have many little gripes though. I find the love “square” (?) plot annoying and do not understand what purpose it serves. Just be honest with each other goddamn! In universe I wonder at the limits of metal bending, but the police are content simply to launch cables with it. Why are the Chi Fighters such an obstacle in the first half and yet become cannon fodder by the end? I also feel like a lot of the “powerful moments” I feel are dependent on nostalgia for The Last Airbender, such as any moment where the original theme is played, or when General Iroh appears etc. This is particularly egregious with the feature of cabbage corp. Really? It is frustrating to me that Korra spends the entire series past the second episode tell-not-showing us she can’t airbend before having it essentially gifted to her, similarly with the avatar state. As much as she does endure hardship, I feel like the series would be improved even slightly if Korra’s bending is taken away completely and she uses the avatar state to rescue Mako from Amon, when she is actually at her definitive low point. I find with most episodes there are moments which I’m absolutely invested in and really enjoying but then a gripe or two will pop up and marginally ruin the experience for me. But again, these are minor and as much as I fuss over these details the ultimate product is enjoyable and watchable. The setting is certainly interesting but (probably by design) New Republic City clashes too harshly with the magic system, and I think it harms the series. The animators and artists however should be lauded, as the spectacle here is magnificent.
9/1/2021: Ex Machina
Magnificent piece of work. This is what I imagine is actual good cinematography, rather than the usual “pretty stills equals good cinematography” take. Every frame a painting indeed, aided in that way by fantastically beautiful set work. Each actor deserves applause but I feel especially Alicia Vikander. As Ava she does brilliant work and at times uses an alien affectation which is an impressive highlight of attention to detail here. The director knows exactly what they’re doing, the whole thing has a kind of spotless professionalism. Special Effects are minimalist but used so very well, especially the work of making Ava and the other AI look so real. I love that this is a film which doesn’t stoop to explaining every little thing and treats the audience as an equal, and how the tension is reflected in all aspects of the piece and builds to such a mighty crescendo, though I was quite put off by the self-harm scene and would rather that were not a thing. Not only all of that but its deeply meaningful with a lot to say about our own minds (I don’t think Nathan passes Turing test) with a decidedly feminist angle too. It really is a treat.
10/1/2021: Sourcery (unfinished)
Even as a fan of early Pratchett, this ain’t it chief. I don’t like it. The jokes don’t land, the only character I like is The Librarian and the whole thing just kind of bores me, so I’ve stopped somewhere just past halfway as I can’t be fussed for the rest. I don’t care about Coin, or the wizards, or Rincewind, even the Luggage has lost that pariah charisma it usually has. Conina feels weird? I feel like there this constant unnecessary sexualisation of her and Rincewind’s affections seem more than mildly inappropriate. I’ve been reading it a week and I’ve barely been able to drag myself to it these past couple of days so I feel its time for something a little fresher.
10/1/2021: The Two Popes
Very good. There is excellence in all aspects of this films craft. Johnathan Pryce gives an endearing performance; Anthony Hopkins is likewise very good as you’d expect. I think this is a film to listen to through a good sound system, the sound work struck me as exceptional in its attention to detail while the soundtrack is good fun. Direction is dynamic and effective most evidently in the camera work which tends to feel Just Right. Dialogue is very well written and feels very organic. I enjoy the themes of change and reconciliation and feel contrasting the character of the two popes expresses this very effectively, however I would much rather see evidence of genuine change that surely must’ve occurred rather than a simple implication of change as we see. There is the argument to be made that fully reconciling the old and the new without altering material reality, beyond giving speeches encouraging others to do so, represents the will to change being co-opted and perverted by the conservative establishment. But its still a nice sentiment and a well made film regardless.
#film#books#series#opinion#american psycho#se7en#the martian#dredd#the wolf of wall street#enola holmes#shaun of the dead#avatar the legend of korra#ex machina#sourcery#the two popes
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The 10 healthiest vegetables on the planet
To count the healthiest foods, vegetables are known. Most vegetables are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals and vegetable fiber. However, some vegetables stand out among the various vegetables. This article introduces the ten healthiest vegetables and why they should appear in your diet.
1. Spinach
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This leafy green vegetable is one of the healthiest vegetables on the chart, thanks to its impressive nutritional content.
1. A cup (30 grams) of raw spinach can provide 56% of your daily vitamin needs, plus your daily vitamin K needs-all of which only require 7 calories.
2. Spinach also contains a lot of antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
3. A study found that dark green leafy vegetables like spinach contain a lot of beta-carotene and lutein, these two antioxidants can reduce the risk of cancer.
4. In addition, a 2015 study found that the consumption of spinach may be beneficial to heart health because it can lower blood pressure.
Summary: Spinach is rich in antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases because it can reduce risk factors such as high blood pressure.
2. Carrots
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1. They contain β-carotene and antioxidants, which give carrots a bright orange color and help prevent cancer.
2. In fact, a study showed that eating a carrot a week reduced the risk of prostate cancer among participants by more than 5%.
3. Another study showed that eating carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Compared with those who ate carrots at least once a week, people who did not eat carrots had a three times higher risk of lung cancer.
4. Carrots are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium, which supplement the trace elements needed by the body.
Summary: Carrots have a particularly high carotene content, which can be converted into vitamin A. Their high antioxidant content may help reduce the risk of lung and prostate cancer.
3 .broccoli
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1) Sulforaphane is an important discovery. It has been shown to have a protective effect on cancer.
In an animal study, sulforaphane was able to reduce the number and number of breast cancer cells while also blocking tumor growth in mice with breast cancer cells.
(2) Eating broccoli helps prevent other types of chronic diseases.
An animal study in 2016 found that eating broccoli sprouts can protect the heart from disease by reducing the level of oxidative stress by up to 10%, thereby protecting the heart from oxidative stress caused by disease.
(3) In addition to preventing diseases, broccoli is also rich in nutrients.
4 garlic
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The main ingredient of garlic is allicin, a plant compound that provides various health benefits of garlic.
(1) Several studies have shown that garlic can regulate blood sugar and promote heart health.
1. In an animal study, mice with diabetes were given garlic oil or diallyl trisulfide, which is a component of garlic. Both types of garlic can lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.
2. Another study fed garlic to people who participated and did not have heart disease. The results show that garlic can reduce blood cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, while increasing the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol of the two groups.
Summary: Studies have shown that garlic may help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. Some studies have also found that although more research is needed, it may lower blood sugar levels and may have anti-cancer effects.
5, Brussels sprouts
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(1) Brussels sprouts also contain an antioxidant, which is particularly effective in preventing cell damage.
An animal study found that kaempferol protects animals against free radicals, which cause oxidative damage to cells and can lead to chronic diseases.
(2) The consumption of Brussels sprouts also helps to enhance the detoxification function.
A study showed that eating brussels sprouts can cause a 15-30% increase in some specific enzymes that control detoxification, which can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.
(3) In addition, the nutrient content of Brussels sprouts is very high.
Each serving contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin a, vitamin C, folic acid, manganese and potassium.
Summary: Brussels sprouts contain an antioxidant called "kaempferol" (kaempferol), which can prevent cell oxidative damage and prevent chronic diseases. They may also help enhance the body's detoxification function.
6, kale
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Like other leafy green vegetables, cabbage is known for its health-promoting qualities, including its nutrient density and antioxidant content.
One cup (67 grams) of raw cabbage juice is rich in vitamin B, potassium, calcium and copper, which can meet your daily requirements for vitamins A, C and K.
(1) Because it contains a lot of antioxidants, cabbage is also good for promoting heart health.
1. In a 2015 study, 32 men with high cholesterol drank 150 ml of cabbage juice daily for 12 weeks. By the end of the study, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol had increased by 27%, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol had dropped by 10%, and antioxidant activity had increased by 10%.
2. Another study showed that drinking cabbage juice can lower blood pressure and help lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar.
Summary: Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, C and K as well as antioxidants. Studies have shown that while increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, drinking cabbage juice can lower blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
7, peas
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Peas are considered starchy vegetables. This means that they eat more carbohydrates and calories than non-starchy vegetables, and they may affect blood sugar levels when consumed in large quantities.
(1) However, green peas are very nutritious.
1. One cup (160 grams) of cooked green peas contains 9 grams of fiber, 9 grams of protein and vitamins A, C and K, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folic acid.
2. Because they are rich in fiber, peas can strengthen the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, promote intestinal peristalsis, and support digestive health.
(2) In addition, peas are rich in saponin, a plant compound known for its anti-cancer effects.
Studies have shown that saponin can fight cancer by reducing tumor growth and inducing cell death.
Summary: Green peas contain a lot of fiber, which helps maintain the health of the digestive system. They also contain a plant compound called saponin, which has anti-cancer effects.
8. Swiss chard
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Swiss chard is low in calories but high in many essential vitamins and minerals.
One cup (36 grams) of beet juice contains only 7 calories, 1 gram of fiber, 1 gram of protein and a lot of vitamins A, C and K, manganese and magnesium.
(1) Swiss chard is famous for its unique ability to prevent diabetes.
1. In an animal study, it was found that by reducing blood sugar levels and preventing cell damage (29), Chard's extract can reverse the effects of diabetes.
2. Other animal studies have shown that the antioxidant components of beet extract can protect the liver and kidneys from the negative effects of diabetes (30, 31).
Summary: Some animal studies have shown that Swiss chard can prevent the negative effects of diabetes and may lower blood sugar levels.
9, ginger
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Ginger root is a major ingredient, from vegetables to desserts.
(1) Historically, ginger has also been used as a natural medicine for the treatment of motion sickness.
Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of ginger on nausea. In a review of 12 studies and nearly 1,300 pregnant women, ginger significantly reduced nausea compared with placebo.
(2) Ginger also contains effective anti-inflammatory properties, which can help treat inflammation-related diseases such as arthritis, lupus or gout.
In one study, patients suffering from osteoarthritis received a concentrated ginger extract treatment, which reduced knee pain and other symptoms.
Further research has shown that ginger is also helpful in treating diabetes.
A 2015 study investigated the effects of ginger supplements on diabetes. After 12 weeks, ginger was found to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels.
Summary: Studies have shown that ginger can reduce nausea and inflammation. Ginger supplements can also help lower blood sugar.
10. Asparagus
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As long as half a cup (90 grams) of asparagus can provide one-third of the folic acid you need every day.
This amount also provides a large amount of selenium, vitamin K, vitamin b1 and riboflavin.
Getting enough folic acid from sources such as asparagus can prevent diseases and prevent neural tube birth defects during pregnancy.
Some test-tube studies have also shown that asparagus can benefit the liver by supporting its metabolic function and protecting the liver from toxicity.
Summary: Asparagus is particularly high in folic acid, which may help prevent neural tube birth defects. Test tube studies also found that asparagus can support liver function and reduce toxicity.
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Naturopathic Treatment For Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a relatively common condition that can cause massive amounts of pain and discomfort, especially around your period.
Like many other chronic illnesses, endometriosis comes with inflammation – it’s this inflammation that may be the cause of endometriosis pain.
If you’re dealing with endometriosis, you aren’t alone — and there are naturopathic treatments to help alleviate your symptoms.
Today, we’re going to look at some of the most effective natural treatments for endometriosis.
What Is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a chronic disorder that causes tissue to grow endometrial tissue on organs outside your uterine cavity.
This tissue can grow on your ovaries, pelvic lining, and bowel.
Your uterine lining, or endometrium, is lined with a similar tissue.
Menstruation causes your hormone levels to fluctuate, which inflames this extra tissue.
The misplaced tissue will grow and thicken, eventually breaking down without any means of leaving your pelvic area.
This can lead to a number of uncomfortable and painful symptoms, which often spike around your period.
What Causes Endometriosis?
Unfortunately, the exact cause of endometriosis is unknown.
There are some theories that have circulated for years, such as "retrograde menstruation".
Retrograde menstruation occurs when menstrual blood enters your pelvic cavity via the fallopian tubes instead of leaving your body through your vagina like normal.
Another suspected cause theorizes that hormones cause the cells outside your uterus to transform into cells similar to those inside your uterus.
Others speculate endometriosis may be caused by an issue with the immune system, the transportation of uterine cells through the lymphatic system, or cell tissue misplaced during the fetal period reacting to hormones during puberty.
There are so many potential causes and yet, we do not ultimately know what causes endometriosis.
What we do know is it ranges in severity, which we track through four stages: minimal, mild, moderate, and severe.
Like many other chronic illnesses, the symptom severity can vary.
However, the degree of pain or discomfort you feel does not necessarily correlate to the severity of your condition.
Let’s look at the signs and symptoms associated with endometriosis.
Symptoms Of Endometriosis
Regardless of severity, the most commonly experienced symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain.
There are a number of additional symptoms caused by the inflamed misplaced tissue, including:
Fertility issues
Severe pain during menstruation
Lower back pain
Scar formation
Adhesions (tissue binding pelvic organs together)
Digestive issues like bloating, diarrhea, nausea, or constipation during menstruation
Endometrial cysts
Stress and low mood
If you’re experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor to investigate whether endometriosis may be the cause.
Naturopathic Treatments For Endometriosis
Endometriosis can be immensely painful, especially during your period.
The efficacy of treatment options varies depending on your specific symptoms, and your naturopathic doctor or other medical provider can help you find which one is right for you and your body.
Endometriosis presents both acute and long-term issues, so some treatments are geared at reducing overall inflammation while others are meant to help with current symptoms.
Overall, it’s important to ease pain and your stress response while also tackling the bigger issues like supporting your immune system, balancing hormone levels, and encouraging a healthy inflammatory response.
Let’s look at five effective natural treatments for endometriosis.
1. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Hormone levels are crucial when it comes to managing the inflammation and symptoms of endometriosis.
Endometriosis has been connected to high levels of estrogen, which is responsible for endometrial tissue growth.
Reducing or limiting estrogen production can be beneficial for endometriosis treatment.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, is the supplementation of two of your body’s natural hormones – estrogen and progesterone.
Progesterone is a hormone that counteracts estrogen, limiting the production of endometrial tissue and ultimately reducing your symptoms.
BHRT may be an effective natural solution for endometriosis, because it targets the problem at its source: fluctuating hormone levels, and improper tissue growth.
The natural progesterone used in this kind of BHRT is derived from plant oils and fats, and modified to be identical to the progesterone produced by your body.
If you’re interested in pursuing the benefits of this hormone therapy, talk to your naturopathic doctor for more information.
2. Curcumin
Known as the main compound in turmeric responsible for its bright orange-yellow hue, curcumin is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant.
Not only that, but it also slows the growth of endometrial cells by inhibiting estradiol production.
Estradiol is one of three types of estrogen produced by the human body.
Studies have shown how curcumin supplementation suppresses endometrial cell growth, thereby alleviating the symptoms of endometriosis.
Turmeric is the best dietary source of curcumin, though to ensure maximum absorption you should look to consume black pepper alongside turmeric.
This is because the piperine in black pepper boosts curcumin absorption.
Consuming turmeric alongside healthy fats also increases its effectiveness by causing the curcumin to be absorbed straight into your blood stream.
3. Omega-3 Oils
Inflammation can be caused and worsened by a variety of factors, but one of the main causes is prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins are a group of fatty acids responsible for menstrual cramps and endometrial pain.
Not all prostaglandins are "bad", however; there are also "good" ones known to decrease inflammation.
The important thing is to ensure there is a balance of these fatty acids within your body.
Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for those with endometriosis because your body converts them to anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
Plus, they help reduce the production of "bad" prostaglandins that cause inflammation (which can be found in red meat and dairy).
The best dietary sources of omega-3s are fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, as well as nuts and seeds.
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are also easy to find at most dispensaries and health food stores.
4. Acupuncture
The benefits of acupuncture are wide-reaching and may be an effective treatment to help with endometriosis.
Acupuncture, one of the main components of traditional Chinese medicine, is a process in which tiny needles are inserted along certain points of your body.
This treatment may alleviate inflammation and reduce stress, as well as reduce the abdominal and pelvic pain associated with endometriosis.
Additionally, acupuncture has an impact on the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus.
5. Dietary Changes
The foods you eat can have a big impact on your health, especially if you’re suffering from a chronic inflammatory condition like endometriosis.
Studies have shown the link between diet and endometriosis, with foods like fruits and vegetables decreasing your risk of developing this disorder.
Certain foods are known to increase your chances of developing endometriosis and worsen inflammation in existing cases, such as red meat.
Another reason to avoid meat as well as high-fat dairy products is due to toxins known to accumulate in animal-based fats.
These toxins, dioxin and polychlorinated byphenyls (PCBs), can exacerbate endometriosis symptoms and severity.
High-fibre foods are a great option to help regulate your gastrointestinal system, which has a strong overall impact on inflammation.
You may not have heard of isoflavones, but they are a powerful tool in your fight against endometriosis and its associated symptoms.
Isoflavones are plant-based chemicals that inhibit the conversion of androgens to estrogens, and they block more potent natural estrogens from binding to the relevant receptor.
Good dietary sources of isoflavones include:
Beans such as soybeans, chickpeas, and fava beans
Peanuts and pistachios
Indoles, an organic compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, have similar anti-estrogen effects.
Book An Appointment With Annex Naturopathic
The pain of endometriosis can be unbearable, and it may seem like you’ve run out of options.
There are naturopathic treatment solutions that can have a profound impact on your condition, thereby improving your overall quality of life.
For more resources and information on natural endometriosis treatment options, contact us at Annex Naturopathic.
Our women-lead team of experienced naturopaths would love to work with you on a personalized treatment plan that fits your lifestyle.
You don’t have to suffer in silence — we’re here to help.
Book an appointment with Annex Naturopathic today.
If you’re curious to learn more about this subject or would like to consult with one of our NDs feel free to book a visit or contact us.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Tanya Lee, N.D
Annex Naturopathic Clinic
572 Bloor St W #201, Toronto, ON M6G 1K1 -https://goo.gl/maps/uVRBvcyoUa62
Annex Naturopathic Clinic is a clinic in Toronto that offers integrative healthcare solutions from Drs. Marnie Luck, ND, and Tanya Lee, ND
See more tips on health, wellness, naturopathy, and medicine at: naturopathic doctor
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Food And Food B.S.
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve's Tumblr. Find out more at my newsletter.)
If you follow me or know me, you know I'm a nut for healthy eating (punctuated with intermittent chocolate and pizza because not giving those up). However as I get into eating healthy, I also find tons of BS, bad advice, and ignorant ideas. I'd like to cut loose on a few.
Read on. It'll probably give you ammo next time some pretentious git gets up in your face.
Please note that, since so much BS surrounds food, I'm SURE some of my ideas are flawed as well. I did my best to cover the ones I'm sure of, but no doubt I'll have some regrets later, at least from what I didn't include.
Anyone pitching the perfect diet is wrong. Even people I admire or who are 90% right about stuff tend to do this, and its sad and irritating and wrong. Some diets are so wrong for certain people they're unhealthy.
We all have different needs, situations, challenges, and advantages. We have to find the diet that works for us. This is where reading up and a good doctor help.
(I also take this personally as it's hard to recommend a book to someone, then add "but this part is BS.")
The best advice I ever heard for diets that is applicable across the board boils down to:
Eat diversely (my fave is the power plate, equal amounts of grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables. If you add animal products its just a part of that)
Eat the least processed food you can.
Gods save us from the stupid "X food will solve your problems" diets. Yeah, they are usually obviously BS but still people fall for them and then the BS makes its way into mainstream though. This is simply not true.
This doesn't mean there aren't absolutely AWESOME foods that are great for various reasons. its just they won't solve all your problems. I do recommend finding awesome foods you like, but none is your perfect food.
By the way my perfect foods are:
Cabbage - Low cal, so many nutrients, so easy to use.
Chickpea flour -You can make anything with it, it's got protein and fiber.
Garbanzo beans - Serve them straight up, mash them into hummus, make them into a casserole.
Peanut Butter - Protein, fats, delicious.
Spinach - Just a good green.\
Anyway, find your own superfoods.
We often hear eating out is bad for us, but that usually focuses on restaurants delivering highly prepared calorie bombs. But that's only one kind of eating out - going to some pricey place that loads you up with unhealthy stuff.
First, delis and supermarkets and local markets often have tons of great premade food. This food, prepared there (or nearby) is close to home cooking on a larger scale. Read labels, ask about preparations, and see if they do anything custom.
Secondly, plenty of places that make food have cold or frozen premade meals of equal quality to their deli (usually, they're the deli in a package).
Finally, some restaurants make healthy food, post calorie counts and ingredients, and will do custom stuff for you. This lets you eat reasonably healthy.
Let's face it, going to a deli, eating out, etc. is sometimes easier. So don't feel guilty. Heck, in some cases it doesn't cost much more than doing it yourself.
By the way, some of the best places I've found are specialty and ethnic markets. The food there is often fresh, well-made, and uses good ingredients. I usually go to a local Asian market for quick locally-made bentos, and another local market is my go-to for guacamole.
Look, I'm for decreasing unneeded packaging. I hate waste. I know that buying pre-cut foods and such may be excessive.
Know what? Some people need that.
Maybe you're in such a rush you don't want to shred a damn cabbage. Fine, buy pre-cut.
Maybe you've got a physical challenge and aren't up for cutting vegetables for thirty minutes. Fine, buy pre-sliced.
Maybe you're stressed or facing other mental challenges and don't want to plan preparing something complex. Good, get something pre-shredded.
Yes, it involves waste, so recycle the containers properly. Sure, it'd be nice if you could take reusable containers to stores to get a quart of cut onions or something. Maybe we can work towards less waste as a people.
But until then, don't shame people for using pre-cut food and the like. Life's tough.
Look, as noted I love fresh food. It's the best thing for you. Sometimes you have to get "fresh-ish" with canned or frozen foods. Look, I dunno about you but I'm not going to spend a ton of time preparing garbanzo beans just to mash them into hummus.
From what I can tell canned or frozen vegetables, prepared properly and right after harvest, are pretty good. Just make sure its not got a lot of added stuff that's not good for you (added salt, preservatives).
Also cans are easy to store, take on trips, last long, and don't use power to keep. So extra advantages.
Cookbooks and cooking magazines have lovely spreads with all sorts of beautiful foods. Then you read the recipes and some of them take a load of time and effort which you don't have.
I love to cook. I love to make food. I also know sometimes we don't have the time or ingredients or want to make an effort. Know what? It's OK to not make fancy stuff or complex meals, no matter how the magazine pictures look.
Let's take a look at a poki bowl, that food fad popping up everywhere. Know what it is? A bunch of stuff in a bowl with a sauce. "Stuff in a bowl with a sauce" is a common form of food all over the place, but we act like it's fancy or special if we slap a name on it and charge fifteen bucks.
A few ideas for you:
A classic "bowl meal" Idea I've seen is just mix a cup of cooked rice, 1-2 cups of greens (probably steamed in a microwave), and half a can of beans. Then throw on some spices or flavoring, and you're done.
Kimchi allows you to transform any pile of stuff into a spicy pile of stuff. It's a staple for me.
Chazuke, the classic Japanese quickie of rice+green tea gave me plenty of ideas. Basically I make a bowl meal, but add an herbal tea (usually lemon or ginger) and a few spices, and instant soup. By the way, lemon tea and garlic tastes a lot like chicken for some reason.
Sometimes I have sat down to a pile of greens with lemon juice for dressing and a bowl of garbanzo beans in soy sauce. Done.
So that's my thoughts on food and food BS. Hope they help out. Feel free to add other ideas, or tell me where I'm wrong - it's not like I knew this stuff immediately, I had to learn it.
Steven Savage
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Weight Loss Juices
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1. Pomegranate Orange Juice
Your body can get plenty of fibre from pomegranates. Additionally, it’s fantastic for your skin because it contains antioxidants and other skin-nourishing elements that keep your complexion glowing. Pomegranates also include linoleic acid and polyphenols that aid in weight loss.
Pomegranate juice can increase metabolism and reduce appetite when consumed in its entirety. Numerous other health advantages come from this hydrating and low-calorie beverage. This beverage can also be used in place of the ones that are loaded with sugar. This drink will drastically minimise your calorie intake, even if it doesn’t reduce your belly fat. Compared to soda, it is considerably better and healthier.
2. Amla Juice
Anyone interested in the process is aware of the effectiveness of amla juice for weight loss. Additionally, you need to add amla juice in your daily diet if you are fresh to the process of reducing any extra flab. Amla is also a good source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.
Your digestive system anxieties will be put to rest if you start your day with a glass of amla juice. However, it is recommended to consume amla juice on an empty stomach. Therefore, prepare a glass of lukewarm water with 2–3 spoons of amla juice and drink it first thing in the morning. Amla juice is therefore beneficial for losing weight in a variety of ways.
3. Carrot juice
Carrots are a superfood for weight loss since they are low in calories and high in fibre. One glass of carrot juice can keep you full till lunch and prevent bingeing because of its high fibre content. Bile is secreted more easily when carrot juice is consumed, which promotes fat burning and weight loss. To improve the flavour, mix with a half an apple, an orange, and some ginger. The best course of action would be to consume it without straining.
4. Cucumber juice
You can also drink cucumber juice, so it’s not just for salads. It will assist you in staying cool and collected during the summer. Consuming cucumber juice is beneficial for weight loss due to its high water content and low calorie count.
Cucumber juice is a fantastic meal filler since it is high in water content and makes you feel full quickly. You only need to add a few mint leaves and a squeeze of lime juice to create a nutritious, hydrating summer beverage.
5. Healthy Bloody Marys
Alcohol can hinder weight reduction, and without it in this Bloody Mary, you have a simple, vitamin-rich, savoury juice composed of tomatoes and other veggies. She advises that you exclude the alcohol and enjoy this savoury juice drink as a mocktail rather than a cocktail. This juice is a simple method to consume more vegetables while consuming less sugar and carbohydrates.
6. Kale Apple Juice
A healthy, high-fiber substitute for sugary, commercial fruit juices is kale apple juice.
In fact, one cup of kale has almost 1 gramme of fibre (21 grams). It helps maintain blood sugar levels after meals in both humans and animals, according to studies.
Additionally, apples include a lot of additional minerals and fibre. According to research, both children and adults who consume them experience enhanced weight loss and better diet quality.
Simply combine a few sliced apples and a few handfuls of kale leaves to create kale apple juice at home.
By including other ingredients like carrots, celery, lemon juice, or ginger, you can intensify the flavour and health advantages even more.
7. Cabbage Juice
Vitamins K and C and other elements are abundant in cabbage juice. Daily use of cabbage juice has been linked to enhanced intestinal health, hormone balance, reduced inflammation, and bodily detoxification. Additionally, it contains few calories, which aids in weight loss. Additionally, indigestion and bloating are among the stomach issues that cabbage juice is known to treat. Its high fibre content curbs the desire to eat. Every day, one should have 4–5 ounces of cabbage juice.
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How to maintain a strong Lymphatic System
Ignoring the health of your lymphatic system means your immunity will suffer, and you’re more likely to deal with common illnesses and long-term health problems.
1. Reduce Inflammation and Improve Circulation
Eating a healthy diet, exercising, not smoking, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress are all critical for lowering oxidative stress and supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. The circulatory system and lymphatic system rely on one another. While blood circulates around the body via vessels, some fluid naturally leaks out and makes its way into tissue. This is a normal process that brings nutrients, water, and proteins to cells. The fluid also gathers cells’ waste, like bacteria or even dead or damaged cells like cancer cells.
Tissues around the body can become inflamed and painful when circulation slows and inflammation builds. A healthy lymphatic system nourishes muscle, joint and other tissue because lymph vessels have tiny openings that let gases, water and nutrients pass through to surrounding cells (interstitial fluid). The fluid drains back into the lymph vessels, then goes to the lymph glands to be filtered and finally to a larger lymphatic vessel located at the base of the neck called the thoracic duct.
The thoracic duct dumps cleaned lymph fluid back into the blood, and on and on the cycle goes — which is why circulation is important for keeping the system running smoothly, otherwise tissue can become swollen with excess waste. To keep circulation pumping and the lymphatic system functioning optimally, it’s important to load up on vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants.
2. Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
The more nutrient-dense your diet, and the less chemicals enter your body, the better your lymphatic system can work. Foods that put stress on the digestive, circulatory and immune systems include common allergens (like dairy, gluten, soy, shellfish or nightshades), low-quality animal products, refined vegetable oils and processed foods that contain chemicals. Anti-inflammatory foods supply much-needed nutrients and antioxidants while also lowering free radical damage (aka oxidation stress) that ages the body and lowers immunity. Some of the key high-antioxidant foods to focus on include:
— green leafy vegetables
— cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.)
— berries
— omega-3 foods like salmon and wild seafood
— nuts and seeds (chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin, etc.)
— unrefined oils like extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil
— herbs and spices (ginger, turmeric, garlic, for example)
3. Exercise
The lymphatic system works best when you move your body, which helps keep fluids circulating and nutrients reaching your cells. There’s a reason why being stagnant causes you to feel more achy, stiff and prone to becoming sick. Any type of regular exercise and movement (such as simply walking more) is good for keeping lymph fluid flowing, but some exercise seems to be particularly beneficial, including yoga (which twists the body and helps fluid drain), high-intensity interval training (which is great for improving circulation) or “rebounding.“
Rebounding is growing in popularity and involves jumping a small trampoline that you can keep inside your house. It only takes up a few feet, and just five to 10 minutes of jumping daily can really get your heart rate up and help keep your lymphatic system running smoothly.
4. Massage Therapy and Foam Rolling
Foam rolling and massage therapy are both usual for preventing swelling, pain and fluid buildup with tissue. Foam rolling, also called self-myofascial release, is a type of self-massage that many people do before or after exercising. Its purpose is to help tissue repair more easily and break up muscle and tissue adhesions that can cause tightness and injuries. Foam rolling also increases blood flow to your muscles and is used to help with quicker recovery and better performance.
“Lymphatic drainage massage” is a type of specialized massage therapy that helps cells release toxins and breaks up lymph congestion. Studies have found it’s beneficial for lowering pain intensity, pain pressure and pain threshold. Massages can activate the lymphatic system and help flush excess fluid from within tissues. Some massage therapists are specially trained in manual lymphatic drainage, but any type of deep tissue massage is also beneficial. You can even massage yourself to help reduce pain in swollen lymph nodes, muscles or joints.
5. Infrared Sauna Treatment
Never heard of infrared saunas? This simple treatment is one of the best ways to naturally detox the body and support an overall healthy immune system. Infrared sauna therapy works by increasing sweat production so more toxins are removed from tissue. It can also improve blood flood and help with tissue healing, which is critical for lymphatic health. Studies show that regular infrared sauna treatments can improve the quality of life for people living with chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and congestive heart failure. People who use sauna therapy love it because it’s relaxing, healing, cost-effective, can be done within your own home and really works. Infrared saunas use heat lamps that generate infrared light waves, which make their way into tissues and promote cell regeneration along with sweating.
6. Use Supplements that Support Your Lymphatic System
Certain essential oils can be beneficial for improving blood flow and reducing swelling in lymph nodes. These include lemon, myrrh, oregano, cypress, and frankincense oils. Omega-3 fish oils and turmeric are also beneficial for improving blood flow and lowering inflammation. Supplements that can further help lymphatic drainage and detoxification include burdock root, digestive enzymes, activated charcoal and milk thistle.
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Trying to lose weight? 20 Best Foods To Eat.....
1. Whole Eggs - high in protein, healthy fats, and can make you feel full with a very low number of calories. One study in 30 overweight women showed that eating eggs for breakfast, instead of bagels, increased feelings of fullness (satiety) and made participants eat less for the next 36 hours. 2. Leafy Greens - include kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards, and a few others and are low in both calories and carbohydrates, but loaded with fiber. Very nutritious and very high in all sorts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 3. Salmon - contains high-quality protein, healthy fats and nutrients. Iodine is important for proper functioning of the thyroid and is important to keep the metabolism running optimally. Also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, which is known to play a major role in obesity and metabolic disease. Mackerel, trout, sardines, herring, and other types of oily fish are also excellent. 4. Cruciferous Vegetables - include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussels sprouts. Like other vegetables, they are high in fiber and very fulfilling. Also contain good amount of protein, although not as high as in animal foods are high compared with most vegetables. 5. Lean Beef and Chicken Breast - high in protein which is the most fulfilling nutrient, and eating a high-protein diet can make you burn up to 80 to 100 more calories per day. If you’re on a low-carb diet, then feel free to eat fatty meats. But if you’re on a moderate- to high-carbohydrate diet, then choosing lean meats may be more appropriate. 6. Boiled Potatoes - contain a diverse range of nutrients. High in potassium which is good for controlling blood pressure. You will naturally feel full and eat less of other foods. If you boil the potatoes, then allow them to cool for a while, then they will form large amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have all sorts of health benefits including weight loss. Sweet potatoes, turnips, and other root vegetables are also excellent. 7. Tuna - low in calories and high in protein. A lean fish with little fat. Popular among bodybuilders and fitness models and a great way to keep protein high, with total calories and fat low. If you’re trying to emphasize protein intake, then make sure to choose tuna canned in water, not oil. 8. Beans and Legumes - can be beneficial for weight loss and includes lentils, black beans, kidney beans, and some others. Tend to be high in protein and fiber that have been shown to lead to the feeling of fullness and the suppression of hunger for a period of time after a meal. People with a problem tolerating legumes should ensure they are prepared properly. 9. Soups - meals and diets with a low energy density tend to make people eat fewer calories. Most foods with a low energy density are those that contain lots of water, like vegetables and fruits. But you can also just add water to your food by making a soup. 10. Cottage Cheese - high in protein with very little carbohydrates and fat and is a great way to boost your protein intake. Makes you feel full with a relatively low number of calories. 11. Avocados - contain healthy fats and particularly high in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil. Also contain many important nutrients, including fiber and potassium. 12. Apple Cider Vinegar - very popular with the natural health community. Used in condiments, like dressings or vinaigrettes. Some people even dilute it in water and drink it. Can be useful for people who are trying to lose weight. Taking vinegar at the same time as a high-carb meal can increase feelings of fullness and make people eat 200 to 275 fewer calories for the rest of the day. Vinegar has also been shown to reduce blood-sugar spikes after meals, which may lead to all sorts of beneficial effects on health in the long term. 13. Nuts - Despite being high in fat, nuts are not inherently fattening. They’re an excellent snack, containing balanced amounts of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Studies show eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even cause weight loss and people who eat nuts tend to be healthier, and leaner, than the people who don’t. But just don't go overboard, as they are still pretty high in calories. 14. Some Whole Grains - non-gluten, whole grains that are loaded with fiber and contain a decent amount of protein as well include oats, brown rice, and quinoa. Oats are loaded with beta-glucans, soluble fibers that have been shown to increase satiety and improve metabolic health. Rice, brown and white, can contain significant amounts of resistant starch, especially if cooked and then allowed to cool afterward. Be careful with refined grains, sometimes foods that have “whole grains” on the label are highly processed junk foods that are both harmful and fattening. You may want to avoid grains if you’re on a very low-carb diet as they are high in carbohydrates. 15. Chili Pepper - Eating chili peppers may be useful on a weight-loss diet. They contain a substance called capsaicin, which has been shown to help reduce appetite and increase fat burning in some studies. 16. Fruit - Most health experts agree that fruit is healthy. Numerous population studies have shown that people who eat the most fruit (and vegetables) tend to be healthier than people who don’t. Of course, correlation does not equal causation, so those studies don’t prove anything, but fruit does have properties that make it weight-loss friendly. Even though fruits contain sugar, they have a low energy density and take a while to chew. Plus, the fiber helps prevent the sugar from being released too quickly into the bloodstream. The only people who may want to avoid or minimize fruit are those who are on a very low-carb, ketogenic diet, or have some sort of intolerance to fructose. For the rest of us, fruits can be an effective (and delicious) addition to a weight-loss diet. 17. Grapefruit - One fruit that deserves to be highlighted is grapefruit, because its effects on weight control have been studied directly. In a study of 91 obese individuals, eating half a fresh grapefruit before meals caused weight loss of 3 1/2 pounds (1.6 kg) over a period of 12 weeks. The grapefruit group also had reductions in insulin resistance, a metabolic abnormality that is implicated in various chronic diseases. So, eating half a grapefruit about a half hour before some of your daily meals may help you feel more satiated and eat fewer overall calories. 18. Chia Seeds - Chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. They do contain 12 grams of carbohydrates per ounce, which is pretty high, but 11 of those grams are fiber. This makes chia seeds a low-carb-friendly food, and one of the best sources of fiber in the world. Because of all the fiber, chia seeds can absorb up to 11 to 12 times their weight in water, turning gel-like and expanding in your stomach. Although some studies have shown that chia seeds can help reduce appetite, they have not found a statistically significant effect on weight loss. However, given their nutrient composition, it makes sense that chia seeds could be a useful part of a weight-loss diet. 19. Coconut Oil - Not all fats are created equal. Coconut oil is high in fatty acids of a medium length, called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). These fatty acids have been shown to boost satiety compared with other fats, as well as increase the number of calories burned. There are also two studies, one in women and the other in men, showing that coconut oil led to reduced amounts of belly fat. Of course, coconut oil still contains calories, so adding it on top of what you’re already eating is a bad idea. So this is not about adding coconut oil to your diet, it is about replacing some of your other cooking fats with coconut oil. Extra virgin olive oil is also worth mentioning here, because it is probably the healthiest fat on the planet. 20. Full-fat Yogurt - Another excellent dairy food is yogurt. Yogurt contains probiotic bacteria that can improve the function of your gut. Having a healthy gut may potentially help protect against inflammation and leptin resistance, which is the main hormonal driver of obesity. Just make sure to choose full-fat yogurt — studies show that full-fat dairy, but not low-fat, is associated with a reduced risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes over time. Probiotic yogurt can increase your digestive health. Consider adding it to your weight loss diet but make sure to avoid products that contain added sugar. This content does not constitute a medical consultation. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis.
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Ekologický Záhradnictví (Gardening, cooking, and generally living green in the Czech Republic)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ddd14dfc35dd642ece3122f97cf85f49/tumblr_inline_pal624I6Ge1tuexw2_540.jpg)
(above: some herbs and garlic on my host family’s kitchen counter.)
HERE’S something I’ve been meaning to write about for awhile: environmentalism in the Czech Republic, and in Europe in general.
Now, the Czech Republic doesn’t have the eco-friendly reputation that some European countries like France or Austria do. However, from the perspective of someone from the US, the lifestyle is still a LOT greener. Here are some differences I’ve noticed:
1. Transportation. Mainly, public transportation. For a city of 100,000 people, České Budějovice has a remarkably convenient and efficient bus network, one vastly superior to the one in my home city of over 800,000. The whole country is well connected by trains (yeah, there are delays sometimes, but it’s better than nothing) so I could travel to any city in the country or even abroad for a pretty low price. South Bohemia also has fantastic bicycling paths, which in many cases are as well marked and maintained (if not better) as the roads.
Speaking of roads, Czechs don’t like to drive. So when possible, they make use of all these public services, as well as private bus lines. (Also, shoutout to neighboring Slovakia, which provides free train service for students. Good idea Slovakia.)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fb80340048d92f460e3001cf84e02793/tumblr_inline_pal62a8pG61tuexw2_540.jpg)
(above: some vegetable leavings in the compost box.)
2. Waste
Czechs are so, so diligent about how they handle waste. With a few exceptions, almost every Czech household I have been in has sorted out plastic, paper, and biodegradeables. Even when a household doesn’t have its own compost, there is often a city-provided compost box to dump your stuff in. However, my second host family composted their own, and used the wonderfully rich soil in their garden.
Another way that Czechs (and Europeans in general) reduce waste is by simply not buying as much. Rather than always trying to be stocked up on everything and anything, they buy ingredients as needed. The only time this can result in a loss is with fresh bread. Almost no one eats packaged sandwich bread, bread is NEVER frozen, and so a fresh loaf often goes stale before it gets eaten. However, all my host families have then saved that bread, dried it out, and fed it to birds or given it to people they know with farm animals.
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3. No electric dryer. I thought it would bother me, but honestly, I don’t mind at all hanging clothes outside (especially with my view now- spot the castle turret in the background.) In the winter, we hung our clothes on a rack next to the fireplace.
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4. Gardening culture! This one is my favorite.
One of the very few pieces of information I picked up before coming to the Czech Republic was that Czechs like to garden. When I arrived in August this didn’t seem to hold true, but now that spring has come, it certainly does. Gardening just looks a little different here. Rather than rows of identical houses with a big green lawn and a large rectangular planter for colorful, decorative flowers, Czech gardens feel more practical. Many avid gardeners live in city apartments, and hold property elsewhere for gardening. For example, my host grandmother lives in a flat, but bicycles about half an hour to her garden near our house. This allows the garden to be much bigger than if it were tucked onto a city street.
And rather than filling planters with frilly, brightly colored seasonals, most Czech gardens I have seen have been mostly edible. (Don’t get me wrong, seasonal flowers are beautiful. But I personally like the Czech way better, because if I’m going to go to all the trouble of cultivating a plant, it’s much more rewarding to have something to eat in the end.) On their garden plots, Czechs grow cabbages, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, lettuce, potatoes, pumpkins, raspberries, blueberries, currant fruits, strawberries, and apples. They plant herbs and spices to use in the kitchen, and then they actually use them in the kitchen. (My family has a bay leaf plant in the living room. I had no idea what it was until my host mom told me to go get some of it for the soup.)
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I recently read Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food, and it has given me a lot to think about. But I think many of his ideas would seem painfully obvious to a Czech grandmother. Pollan argues that gardening and preparing fresh food inevitably improves both the quality of what we eat and the impact we have on the environment. I am convinced, after reading his book and after helping in gardens here, that it would be a thousand times easier to make people care about soil and water quality and climate, if those people were paying attention to all those factors and how they affected the raspberries they wanted to put on their waffles.
This year in the Czech Republic, the winter was extremely mild and spring came early. Everything is blooming and becoming ripe a full month in advance. This is a big deal, because people expect to eat things when they are fresh. Last week, cherries became ripe, and I immediately noticed that every fifth person seemed to be carrying an enormous number of cherries down the street with them. Before that, it was strawberries. Soon, Czechs will go out to the forests to harvest blueberries, and in the fall, mushrooms.
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(above: freshly picked mini-strawberries and some early forest blueberries on a poppyseed cake.)
I’ve found it difficult to express this observation of greater connection to nature to Czechs. Much of the younger generation, for one, doesn’t garden or forage, and isn’t nearly as interested in the seasons as their parents or grandparents. When I have gushed to older Czechs my admiration for the freshly cooked meals, the carefully tended gardens, the bakeries with cheap, whole grain bread, and the composts, their reactions are generally along the lines of, “um... thanks?” To most Czechs I’ve spoken to, local, unprocessed food isn’t some kind of hipster luxury- it’s just what makes the most sense. That isn’t to say that Czechs don’t import pineapples year round or eat processed things, they definitely do. But there is a recognition that what is better for the environment is also healthier and tastier. I firmly believe that, for the long-term health of the planet, that is a subtle culture difference which matters.
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5. Forests. Disclaimer: Slovaks will laugh at me for being impressed by Czech forests. Also, I googled “Czech forests” to find statistics for this post, and this was one of the first results: http://www.radio.cz/en/section/panorama/environmentalists-ringing-alarm-bells-over-ailing-czech-forests
That said, the World Bank estimated that in 2015 34.5% of Czech land was forest, and that percentage is increasing. Numbers aside, Czech forests are great because they are accessible. Trails are numerous and well marked. Every castle I have visited- and there are many, many castles- have at least a small woods around them which someone living in the castle used as hunting grounds at some point. It is never difficult to get to the woods, living in South Bohemia. That is something I appreciate a lot, not just for the climate benefits.
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A lot of hair loss at a young age? Demystifying the essential causes of hair loss, these aspects are the most critical!
Nowadays, frequent hair loss is no longer the patent of the elderly.
Many young people have frequent hair loss. The reason why they often lose hair is inseparable from the ever-increasing pace of life.
So what is the reason for frequent hair loss, and how to avoid it? First, let’s take a look at how the Hei Leya anti-hair loss growth expert describes the cause of frequent hair loss.
Why do you lose a lot of hair at a young age? Demystifying the essential causes of hair loss, these aspects are the most critical Five factors are inseparable from hair loss
enough sleep
Adequate sleep can promote the normal metabolism of skin and hair, and adequate sleep can promote normal metabolism of hair.
Conversely, the loss of hair metabolism and nutrition will lead to female hair loss.
Therefore, if you want to prevent female hair loss, you should try to sleep at least 6 hours a day, and develop the habit of regular sleep. Therefore, this is one of the reasons leading to female hair loss.
Chemicals and explosives
The cause of female hair loss is related to hair damage. Do not use irritating hair dyes, perming agents, and low-quality shampoos.
The interval between hair dyeing and perming should be at least 3-6 months. In summer, we should avoid sun exposure, swimming and sunbathing should pay more attention to protection, in order to achieve the purpose of preventing female hair loss.
Work and life are stressful
Daily anxiety can lead to the appearance of female hair loss. The deeper the depression, the faster the hair loss.
For women, maintaining a proper amount of exercise will make their hair shiny and black and full of vitality.
Pet and mold infections
Pets at home are prone to mold infections. If they like to sleep with the pets, they can easily cause scalp infections, redness, itching, scaling and even hair loss;
In addition, there is another type of seborrheic dermatitis that occurs on the scalp, which has similar symptoms to tinea capitis, but does not lose hair.
Electronics become hair loss boosters
In addition to genetic factors, smoking, surfing the Internet, playing games, browsing Weibo, and staying up late have a greater impact on male hair loss. The longer men who use the computer every day, the more likely they are to lose hair.
At present, the popularization of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers has also caused many damages to our hair.
In addition, during pregnancy, postpartum, adolescence, menopause, menstruation and other special periods, the human body will have different changes in hair due to changes in hormone levels.
In addition, incorrect washing, excessive dyeing and perming, smoking and drinking are also important reasons for hair loss.
Natural growth life of hair
Hair has its own lifespan. When it grows to a certain length, it will die of old age by itself and will fall off naturally. This is a normal phenomenon.
Abnormal hair loss is because the growth of the hair is affected. The growth of hair requires nutrition, and nutrition is transported by blood. If a person is chronically ill, the body is weak, the blood gas is insufficient, and the body's nutrition is poor, the hair will be short-lived due to lack of nutrition and poor growth.
Such people are prone to hair loss and more often. After a serious illness in life, hair falls sparsely, which may be the reason.
Why do you lose a lot of hair at a young age? Demystifying the essential causes of hair loss, these aspects are the most critical What are the ways to prevent hair loss
1. Pay attention to the ventilation of the hat and helmet. Hair is not resistant to sultry heat, and people wearing hats and helmets will make the hair airtight for a long time, and it is easy to suffocate the hair.
2. Quit smoking. Smoking will shrink the capillaries of the scalp, thus affecting the growth of hair.
3. Nylon combs and head brushes are not used, because nylon combs and head brushes are prone to static electricity, which will cause bad irritation to the hair and scalp.
4. Eat more vegetables to prevent constipation. It is necessary to insist on eating more grains and fruits all year round. If the intake of vegetables is reduced, it is easy to cause constipation and "stain the blood", which affects the quality of hair. Hemorrhoids can also accelerate hair loss on the top of the head.
5. Wash your hair frequently. The best interval between washing your hair is 2-5 days. While shampooing, you need to rub and massage at the same time, which can keep the scalp clean and invigorate the blood.
6. Be cautious when blowing perm. The hot temperature blown by the hair dryer reaches 100 degrees, which will damage the hair tissue and damage the scalp, so avoid total blowing.
7. Do not use strong degreasing or alkaline shampoos. These shampoos have strong degreasing and dehydration, and are easy to cause dry hair and scalp necrosis.
8. Restrict drinking. Liquor, especially hot liquor, will produce heat and moisture on the scalp and cause hair loss.
9. The air conditioner should be suitable. Both warm, humid and cold air-conditioning can be the cause of hair loss and gray hair. Too dry air or excessive humidity is not good for protecting hair.
Why do you lose a lot of hair at a young age? Demystifying the essential causes of hair loss, these aspects are the most critical What food is good for hair loss? Eating these 7 kinds of foods will let you say goodbye to the troubles of hair loss
Hair loss has a lot to do with the nutrient solution, so if you understand what nutrients are lacking in hair loss, you can replenish the lack of nutrients in your daily life and get rid of the shadow of hair as soon as possible.
Protein-rich foods
The main component of hair is protein, so the human body must have sufficient protein to ensure healthy hair growth. Under normal circumstances, the protein we take in from our daily diet is enough to meet our needs. However, some people who lose weight excessively, undernourished people or picky eaters may suffer from protein deficiency. At this time, we should add more beef, eggs, etc. Foods containing protein.
Foods containing iron
According to clinical research, people with hair loss often lack iron in their bodies. Therefore, people with hair loss can appropriately add some iron. Foods that contain a lot of iron include spinach, bananas, black beans, shrimp, eggs, carrots, hairtail, cooked peanuts, soybeans, carp, potatoes, and so on.
Foods containing vitamin E
Adding vitamin E can help resist hair aging, promote rapid cell division, and help hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin E include fresh lettuce, cabbage, black sesame and so on.
Iodine-containing food
The gloss of the hair is definitely related to the thyroid gland in the body, and the addition of iodine can help enhance the secretion function of the thyroid gland, which is conducive to the health of the hair. Foods containing iodine include kelp, seaweed and oysters.
Kidney food
Some head drop phenomena are caused by kidney deficiency. This condition is also called kidney deficiency alopecia. You can take some kidney-tonifying foods to regulate kidney-deficiency hair loss. Compared with Shouwu, animal liver, black sesame, black beans, etc., some Chinese medicines also have a good kidney-tonifying effect. .
Blood circulation food
Hair absorbs nutrients mainly from the blood. When the blood circulation is not good, the hair is also prone to lack of nutrients and leads to hair loss. Therefore, you can eat some blood-replenishing and blood-promoting foods, such as mulberries, medlars, jujubes, and so on.
Miscellaneous grains
Cereals are also a good food for preventing hair loss and hair growth. Its characteristics are that it can regulate the digestive function of the human body and supplement the dietary fiber lacking in some other foods. Especially nowadays people have a heavy taste and love to eat greasy and chili. Cereals are a good adjustment. Way.
Are you still troubled by frequent hair loss? Introspect the cause and take effective methods suitable for you to effectively improve the nutritional environment of the hair roots, cure the frequent hair loss from the root cause, and give you confidence in life.
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Why People got to Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods?
Research has proven that chronic inflammation often have an explanation for many serious illnesses that affect our body. Inflammation plays a task far more than we thought with reference to certain maladies. These include heart diseases, many cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis et al. For example, once we hurt our skin, along with the regular symptoms of redness, heat, pain, and swelling- a simultaneous healing process also takes place inside our body too. This process is generally boosted by antioxidants and is a subsequent objective of the body’s immune booster needs, so inflammation is that the cornerstone of the body’s healing response. Bringing inflammatory cells to a site of injury enables that injured part to receive nourishment and directs immune activity to its targeted purpose. This inflammation is useful for a particular period of your time but when it becomes prolonged it cannot serve its purpose and instead starts to harm the body and cause illness. That is why the body needs to be steadily fed with an anti-inflammatory supplements diet, that helps with keeping your immune boosting on track, thereby helping the body fight ailments and infections through the daily rigmaroles.
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There are many factors which promote such harmful inflammatory processes inside our body. These include stress, lack of exercise, the genetic makeup of the body and exposure to varied toxins (like passive smoking). The most important contributing factor, however, is that the dietary choices that we make. Special food substances can contribute to inflammation and certain food items can act as anti-inflammatory and immune booster agents. As a quality health supplements store, NutriEssentials ensures to deliver the best quality anti-inflammatory supplements and immune booster tablets that help keep the body’s needs on track, on a daily basis.
Anti-Inflammatory Diets: What does one Eat?
According to a number of published studies in India and abroad, eating a diet high in Omega 6 and low in omega-3 are often related to increased levels of cytokines (proteins released from cells that cause inflammation). There are a couple of principles that you should religiously follow so as to adopt an anti-inflammatory and immune booster diet regime. You ought to aim for variety in your food choices and check out to incorporate the maximum amounts of fresh fruits in your diet as is feasible. Also, put a full stop on the consumption of processed food products and nutriment items and eat many fresh fruits and vegetables, to supplement your anti-inflammatory and immune booster diet. NutriEssentials can help some of these needs out, with their quality anti-inflammatory supplements and immune booster tablets.
Eat a majority of less-refined, less processed carbohydrates, flour and sugar like bread and packaged snacks or those containing high fructose syrup. Also, you ought to eat more whole grains like rice and bulgur alongside beans, squashes, and sweet potatoes.
You should reduce your intake of saturated fat products like butter, cream, high fat cheese, unskinned chicken, fatty meals, and products with palm nut oil. Attempt to use extra virgin vegetable oil for cooking and avoid using regular safflower and sunflower oils, corn oil, vegetable oil, and mixed vegetable oils. Include avocados and nuts like walnuts in your diet or butter made up of these nuts. Eat salmon, sardines, herring, black cod, hemp seeds and flax seeds to get omega 3 fatty acids. Decrease your animal protein consumption apart from fish, yogurt, and natural cheese. Also, eat more vegetable protein from beans like soya beans. These act as fresh sources of anti-inflammatory and immune booster agents, making your diet supplemented well with necessary nutrients. And don’t forget your anti-inflammatory supplements and immune booster tablets from NutriEssentials, made out of quality natural ingredients and plant-based nutrients!
Top anti-inflammatory Foods List
· Cruciferous Vegetables: This group of food items includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, or kale. They're loaded with antioxidants and in this manner, they assist to curb the method of inflammation happening in our body. They act as natural detoxifying and anti-inflammatory supplement agents helping our body obviate harmful waste substances.
· Extra Virgin Olive Oil: It provides an honest dose of healthy fats which helps as an anti-inflammatory supplement and hence lowers the danger of diseases like asthma or arthritis also as acting as protecting our heart and blood vessels through immune booster capabilities.
· Blue Berries: These berries not only help as an anti-inflammatory supplement but also protect the brain from aging and helps prevent diseases like cancer and dementia.
· Turmeric: This spice is documented in Asia for its natural anti-inflammatory effects. It contains a substance called curcumin which is meant to possess an equivalent effect as over the counter pain killer. It helps relieve pain and inflammation when rubbed over wounds also.
· Sweet Potato: This food item may be a good source of complex carbohydrates, fibre, beta-carotene, manganese also as vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. This rich cocktail of nutrients also helps as an anti-inflammatory supplement and immune booster agent in our body effectively.
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5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism
Just the thought of wading out into the ocean of conflicting diet and exercise information across the internet is enough to make you want to throw on some noise canceling headphones and pull the bed covers back over your eyes.
Here we’ve simplified the top five things you can do to achieve your perfect weight—and no, it’s not the same for everyone. They’re easy and natural, with an emphasis on no-fuss.
1. Choose the Right Foods
Choosing the right foods is one of the single most important aspects of reaching your perfect weight and boosting your metabolism. Think of these foods as clean-burning fuel or even solar power; standard fuel pollutes its environment (your body) with smog and harmful chemicals, while solar power burns clean and leaves no harmful residues behind. While the “right” foods may be slightly different for everyone, these basic guidelines are a starting point from which you can further customize by listening to your body.
Wild and Grass-fed Proteins
The quality of the proteins you’re consuming matter as much as the quantity when it comes to boosting your metabolism. This is because grass-fed animals naturally contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), both of which are anti-inflammatory and promote fat loss. (1)
In fact, studies have shown that a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in modern diets has played a huge role in the rise in obesity rates. Specifically, getting too many omega-6 fatty acids from vegetable oils and grain-fed meats has been shown to promote fat gain by increasing inflammation and halting fat burn. (2)
Balancing your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 by consuming wild-caught and grass-fed meats, eggs, and fish will help reduce inflammation and encourage your body to start burning fat for fuel. As a bonus, consuming a serving of wild protein (about four ounces) at each meal shuttles in essential amino acids to your muscles, aiding in repair and growth. (3)
Healthy Fats
The era of fat-fearing is over. Instead, we’ve entered the age of healthy fat abundance. From proper nutrient absorption to optimum brain health, healthy fats play an important role in nearly every function of the body.
When it comes to boosting metabolism, healthy fats go a long way in helping the body enter that fat-burning sweet spot by balancing hormones. In essence, healthy fats—even the historically demonized saturated kind—increase levels of testosterone and growth hormone, both of which are needed by males and females to promote leanness. (4)
To drive this point home, studies have shown that participants consuming a high-fat diet rich in healthy fats from fish and olive oil gain less fat and weigh less than those on a low-fat diet. (5)
Healthy Carbs
With the rise of low carb diets, it’s easy to fall into the mindset that carbs are the enemy when it comes to weight loss. Unfortunately, while going low carb might work as a temporary way to shed a couple pounds, it can backfire over the long term, especially for some people.
Restricting healthy carbs can lead to hormone disruption and elevated cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, which can cause the body to hold on to fat, especially around the middle. It can also cause a drop in thyroid function, which can actually slow down metabolism and cause weight gain. (6,7)
Now, this doesn’t mean a free-for-all when it comes to carbs. It simply means choosing carb sources wisely and moderately. Sweet potatoes, plantains, taro root, starchy squashes, carrots, and veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and leafy greens are all high-quality carb sources that can promote healthy weight loss and hormone balance.
3 Major Foods to Avoid
Generally, if you’re eating fresh foods as close to nature a possible, you’re more than likely in the golden zone for weight loss. However, since there are so many “health” products on the shelves today, it helps to take a look at ingredients you should regularly avoid, even if you aren’t trying to lose weight.
1. Processed Sugars
Sugar is everywhere. In fact, if you aren’t careful, you’ll quickly discover that you’re eating above and beyond normal levels just by having a daily glass of vanilla almond milk and a protein bar (tip: always make sure almond milk is unsweetened and, in general, avoid bars).
The problem with processed sugars is that they cause repeated spikes in blood sugar levels, which is a recipe for stalled fat loss. When blood sugar is consistently elevated, the body is constantly attempting to burn off the excess sugar. When it becomes overwhelmed (i.e., after one too many cookies or candies) it begins to store the excess as fat. The cycle then continues in this pattern and fat never falls off because your body never gets a chance to dip into its energy stores. (8)
Instead of processed sugars, try adding small amounts of raw honey for sweetness, or even stevia, which has no calories or sugar. Also, always check for added sugars in products, even if they’re advertised as healthy.
2. Vegetable Oils
Vegetable oils like canola, high-oleic sunflower seed, rapeseed, cottonseed, palm, and soybean oil are highly inflammatory, and have been shown to promote obesity. (9) Most of these oils are heavily processed and many are also hydrogenated, meaning they’ve undergone a process that creates trans fats and raises bad cholesterol. (10)
Instead, use metabolism-boosting coconut oil for cooking and extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil for salad dressings. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil in particular have been shown to increase fat loss and reduce waist circumference.(11)
3. Grains
Grains contain inflammatory anti-nutrients like phytates that interfere with mineral absorption and irritate the gut lining. Most grains are also processed or are high in quickly-absorbed simple carbs, raising blood sugar in the same process as simple sugars. (12)
If you find yourself craving things like bread and pasta, try adding more starches like sweet potatoes and plantains to your meals, or even bake your own bread using coconut flour, almond flour, or cassava flour. You can also get your pasta fix by spiraling zucchini into noodles and topping them with homemade spaghetti sauce, or by roasting up a spaghetti squash topped with herb-seasoned chicken.
2. Try High-Intensity Interval Training
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating periods of high intensity workouts with periods of low intensity rest. Think sprinting for 15 seconds, walking for one minute, then repeating for a total of a 15 to 30 minute session.
To date, studies have shown HIIT is the ultimate workout when it comes to fat loss, showing that people lose more fat doing HIIT than spending hours doing long, steady cardio. (13) This is because HIIT not only burns calories, but also ramps up the body’s production of fat-burning hormones for days after the workout is over, keeping the body in a fat-burning state for longer.
The other great thing about HIIT is that it can be applied to almost any workout. You can use it in a bodyweight circuit, alternating periods of pushups or jump squats with periods of rest, or even in a jump rope routine.
To get the most out of HIIT without overworking yourself, aim for just three 15 to 30 minute HIIT sessions a week.
3. Get Some Sun and Shut-Eye
Extra sun and extra sleep: sounds like the beginning of an amazing vacation, right? In truth, you should be making sure you get adequate sleep and sun exposure every day if you want to optimize your metabolism and lose extra pounds. Studies show a direct link between obesity and reduced serum vitamin D levels, and also between obesity and less sleep. (14,15) Make sure you get your eight hours and 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure daily when seasonally appropriate.
If you live in an area where sun exposure year-round isn’t possible, supplement with a high quality vitamin D3 and regularly get your vitamin D levels checked to ensure you’re taking an appropriate dosage.
4. Try Intermittent Fasting
Many have experienced extremely positive results using intermittent fasting for weight loss. Some choose to fast for 24 hours twice a week, while others shorten their daily window of eating to around 6 to 8 hours by delaying breakfast and eating their other meals closer together.
If you’re just getting started, you might want to try the latter method. For an idea of what this looks like, an example might be eating breakfast at 10 or 11 a.m., then having your last meal no later than 6 p.m., no snacking after dinner allowed. This would give you a daily 16 to 17 hour fast.
Studies have shown that intermittent fasting in this way not only increases fat loss but also improves insulin sensitivity and other markers that positively influence metabolism. (16) While this method can he highly effective for many, it may not be appropriate for certain individuals with hormone issues, diabetes, or hypoglycemia, so be sure to consider whether it’s appropriate for your health first.
5. Supplements and Herbs
While supplements aren’t exactly necessary for reaching your perfect weight, studies suggest some might help you get there a little easier.
Research shows that probiotics, or foods rich in good bacteria like coconut yogurt and sauerkraut, promote weight loss. Researchers have noted that the gut flora of obese people differs from that of lean people, and that introducing probiotics helps shift gut flora in the lean direction. (17)
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
CLA is a beneficial fatty acid that has shown in multiple studies to boost metabolism and reduce fat in humans. (18) It is also found in wild meats and eggs, so make sure you’re also getting enough of these regularly in your diet.
Green Tea
You’ve probably heard that green tea is excellent for weight loss. In this case, it seems the rumors might be true. Studies show that consuming green tea and taking the extract can indeed boost metabolism and aid in weight loss, mostly due to its antioxidant and caffeine content. (19)
Whether or not these supplement options are best for you must be determined by a number of individual factors, so it’s also a good idea to seek personalized nutrition counseling when appropriate.
What NOT To Do
Now that we’ve covered everything you should be doing to optimize your metabolism and shed those pesky last few pounds, lets cover what you shouldn’t do.
1. Go On An Extremely Low Calorie Diet
If you’re like many dieters, you’ve probably restricted calories at one point or another and seen results. This makes it tempting to keep restricting and keep lowering your calories when your previous baseline is no longer working.
Unfortunately, by doing this, you actually stress your body out to the point where it starts releasing excessive amounts of cortisol, which causes fat gain, not loss. Excessive calorie restriction also interferes with proper thyroid function, which is essential for weight loss and muscle growth. (20) Focus on nourishing your body with whole foods from the earth and less about numbers.
2. Over Train
In this case, the cliche of “more isn’t always better” rings absolutely true. It might seem like the more you push your body, the more results you’ll get, and while that is true to a point, working out excessively can quickly backfire.
Like excessive calorie restriction, training for hours on end every week can raise stress hormone levels, causing the body to hold on to fat. It can also lower your immune system, increase inflammation, cause sleep disturbances, and lead to extreme fatigue—in essence, everything you don’t want if you are looking to boost your metabolism to lose weight. (21)
Instead of taking this approach, work out hard when you do work out, but then be sure to honor your body with 2-3 rest days a week and other forms of gentle exercise, like yoga.
3. Become Overwhelmed and Stressed
It’s easy to become so focused on losing weight and seeing results that you become consumed with the process. Once this happens, it can turn every fluctuating pound of weight loss or gain into an emotional event, which keeps you on a roller coaster of stress.
This not only creates a cascade of stress hormones, but also psychologically sets you up for failure. Eventually, there will become a point where stressing out so much backfires and you can’t take it anymore and possibly go off the rails on your diet and exercise regime.
Instead, embrace nourishing your body with healthy foods, while avoiding anything processed. Get some sun, do some HIIT, sleep in, and realize it will take a few weeks to a few months for lasting change.
The post 5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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Keto Diet Shopping List
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Keto Shopping List Updated for 2020! | 21 Keto Staples
Use this Keto Shopping List next time you go shopping and stop guessing at the grocery store. These are the 21 keto staple foods you need to get started on your health journey, so read through and take notes.
Planning is everything when it comes to your diet, and you would know how to make a killer weight loss plan if you took the Million Pound Mission Bootcamp on The Curve. Whether it’s planning your keto cheat strategy for an upcoming social event or meal prepping for the work week, Adam Schaeuble has the answers.
Keto Grocery List
One of the best plans you can make is a keto shopping list. Pretty soon you will memorize this list, knowing which foods make you feel the best and fill you up the longest on your keto diet. Let’s get started.
1. Butter
This might come as a shock to you, but butter is actually a health food. That’s right. You’ve been lied to your whole life. Butter has adequate amounts of all of the fat-soluble vitamins as well as CLA. In America, butter is often the most widely available form of quality animal fat. Some good brands to look for at your local grocery store are Kerrygold, Vital Farms and Organic Valley.
If you’re looking for a dairy-free alternative to butter, see if you can find some ghee. Ghee is clarified butter which means the milk solids have been removed, so it is suitable for a dairy-free diet. Our favorite brand for ghee is 4th & Heart.
Keto Shopping Tip: A deeper colored butter means it is more nutrient dense. Butter will be dark yellow or even orange if the cow is pastured on nutrient-dense grass, rich in carotene.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is high in saturated fat which makes it suitable for cooking with, and it comes with a long list of proven benefits. This oil will go through varying degrees of processing so you will have some decisions to make in the grocery store. Look for virgin, unrefined or cold-pressed. Cold-pressed is the least processed form, but it will also have the strongest coconut taste. If you prefer a more mild tasting oil, you may want to opt for refined coconut oil. Our favorite brand is Nature’s Way.
3. Lard or Tallow
We always prioritize animal fats over plant fats as the foundation of our diet, so we are big fans of lard and tallow. Lard is the rendered fat from pork and tallow is the rendered fat of ruminant animals like beef and lamb. The low polyunsaturated fat content of tallow makes it our preferred fat for cooking with. Whenever buying animal fats, quality will be more important than when buying plant fats, so take some time to seek out high quality sources. Our favorite brand is Epic Beef Tallow.
4. Avocados
Avocados are the perfect keto food. They are an instant high-fat side dish that takes no time to prepare. We always have a bunch on hand for when we don’t feel like cooking a complex side dish. Keto beginners will get confused about the carbs in avocado. They do contain a high amount of carbs, but they also contain a high amount of fiber which can be subtracted when calculating net carbs. A medium avocado will only have around three grams of net carbs.
Keto Shopping Tip: Avocados have a high amount of potassium which can help when starting a keto diet and combating the keto flu.
5. Nuts
Nuts are great for snacking on when you start the keto diet. Just about all nuts are keto-friendly in moderation. It can be hard to control your consumption of these tasty morsels when they’re salted, roasted, and pre-shelled, so use portion sizes. Refer to the graphic below for specific carb counts. There’s even some interesting studies that show nut consumption is associated with lower rates of type-2 diabetes.
If nuts are hard for you to digest, check out our Ancestral Recipes course on The Curve and learn how to soak and dehydrate nuts. This process eliminates anti-nutrients.
Keto Shopping Tip: Aside from just picking up assorted low-carb nuts, see if you can find nut flours like almond flour, peanut flour or coconut flour. You can use these to make keto bread and desserts.
6. Heavy Cream
If you’re a coffee lover, then this has to make it on your keto diet shopping list. Instead of using that low-fat, flavored, creamer you’re probably used to, try using heavy cream and some flavored stevia. Or make a Homemade Keto Creamer and use it through out the week.
7. Cheese
Just about everyone loves cheese and it definitely has its place in a keto diet. With cheese, it is important to seek out quality options because the cheapest options are really devoid of nutrition. We always look for cheese made from raw milk. This can be found at most grocery stores in the United States nowadays. Just look for the words “raw” or “unpasteurized” on the ingredients list.
8. Beef
Beef is our favorite protein source primarily because it has a higher fat content than chicken, fish and most cuts of pork. This makes hitting your keto macros a little easier. An added benefit is that beef has the most bio-available form of iron in high amounts. Check out this handy guide for selecting the most cost effective cuts of steak if you’re trying to do keto on a budget!
Pro Tip: 80/20 ground beef is one of the most cost effective foods you can buy. For only a few bucks a pound, you can get a large quantity of calories and nutrients.
9. Chicken
Since 1960, per capita chicken consumption has increased by over 400%. Needless to say, chicken is one of America’s biggest staple foods. Most people will favor chicken breasts over thighs and drumsticks because we’ve been incorrectly told leaner meats are better for us. On a keto diet, you’re going to want to opt for the fattier cuts. Not only are they cheaper, but they taste a lot better too. If you’re looking for new chicken recipes, try the most popular one on our blog – Keto Butter Chicken.
10. Pork
If you don’t like bacon, this might not be the right diet for you. While pork is tasty it also comes along with a strong nutrient profile, most notably in B vitamins.
Pro Tip: Buying bacon can be confusing since most of them are cured using sugars. If you’re willing to pay a premium, you can find sugar-free bacon in most grocery stores these days, but we personally don’t mind buying bacon with a small amount of sugar.
11. Fatty Fish
Fish and other seafood is important for providing omega-3 fatty acids which most Americans are not getting enough of. Some of the highest fat fish are salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring. We like to make sure to get at least one serving of seafood per week at a minimum and typically more like 2-3 servings.
Keto Shopping Tip: If you’re looking for travel snacks that are packed full of nutrients, then pick up some canned fish like sardines, tuna, salmon, clams and oysters. Be sure to check what kind of oil they are canned with. Look or olive oil and try to avoid soybean oil.
12. Eggs
Eggs are another budget friendly food that are packed full of nutrients. They are rich in choline, which most Americans do not get enough of. Four Eggs can cover the daily choline needs.
What type of eggs should you buy? Typically the more you pay the higher quality the eggs will be, so do the best you can. One way to save money on high quality eggs is to get them from a local farmers market instead of the grocery store. That way you’ll save a few dollars per dozen of pasture-raised eggs. Our favorite brand at the grocery store is Vital Farms.
Pro Tip: As with butter, the darker colored yolk indicates a higher concentration of nutrients.
13. Almond Butter
Almond butter and most other nut butters are great for a treat once in a while. If you’re doing a keto diet for weight loss, you may want to avoid these calorie-dense, highly palatable foods. The secret when buying nut butters is to look at the ingredients list on the back. The only ingredients you should see listed is the type of nut and salt. The cheaper brands like JIF and Skippy will have sugar added. We don’t want that!
14. Blackberries
When including fruit in your keto diet, you have to be selective or the carbs can start to add up. Low-sugar berries are going to be your best low-carb fruits. Berries are full of antioxidants and can bring a refreshing flavor to a keto diet. One of our favorite after-dinner snacks is berries and cream.
Pro Tip: Buy fresh berries when they are in season and freeze them. The only time we buy fresh berries at the grocery store is when they are in season, otherwise we will go with the berries from the frozen section.
15. Raspberries
Raspberries are a good keto diet snack, coming in at 7g of carbs per cup. As with all berries, they are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, but more importantly they are delicious!
16. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of our favorite vegetables for a keto diet because it really soaks up all of the fat we cook it in. We’ll usually use butter to give the broccoli some flavor, which makes it easy to hit our fat macros for the day. Not to mention, broccoli is a good source of minerals and fiber.
17. Spinach
It is a good idea to pick up your favorite type of leafy green vegetable on your first keto shopping trip. Kale, collard greens, cabbage and spinach are all good options. We like spinach because it is among the most nutrient dense vegetables and contains high amounts of minerals. It’s great for mixing into salads and omelettes.
Pro Tip: Find out what type of vegetables grow local to your area and prioritize those. We live in Georgia so we will often choose locally grown collard greens over spinach. Even if you’re at a grocery store like Publix, Kroger, or Whole Foods they will usually have some local brands.
18. Asparagus
Interestingly, asparagus is one of the only wild plants that we still consume en masse today. It also pairs nicely with a perfectly cooked steak, and for that reason we eat quite a bit of it. A cup of asparagus only has around 2g of net carbs.
19. Brussels Sprouts
The carbs in Brussels sprouts can add up quickly, but they are so tasty we had to include them on this list. If you’re not familiar with how to prepare them we have a super flavorful recipe that you have to try. Brussels sprouts contain around 8g of net carbs per cup, so keep that in mind when formulating your meals.
20. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is truly the wonder food of the 21st century. We turn it into pizza crusts and rice to make healthier versions of the foods we love. It’s high-fiber content allows cauliflower to be shaped into a variety of healthy dishes that may help you stick to a keto diet, while eating all of your favorite foods. Cauliflower is rich in minerals and antioxidants which make it a nutritious substitution for grains.
21. Dark Chocolate
Chocolate lovers, you’re in luck. Dark chocolate is the perfect ketogenic sweet treat after a long day. When buying chocolate you have two options. You can stick with high cocoa percentage chocolates, all the way up to 100% (although 85%-95% will be more palatable). The other option you have is chocolates that are sweetened with keto friendly sweeteners. The most common brand of these chocolate is Lily’s, but there is a few others such as Choc Zero and Choco Perfection.
Pro Tip: Dark chocolate may take some getting used to since the stuff we eat these days has lots of milk and sugar added to it. Try starting at 70% dark chocolate and work your way up. Anything above 85% is going to be low enough in carbs to include regularly in your keto diet.
A Full Keto Day of Eating
Now that you have all your grocery items, it’s time to plan your meals for the week so you have an idea of how much to buy. Here is an example of a typical day of keto meals using our keto diet shopping list.
Keto Diet Shopping with KetoConnect
If you need ideas for certain stores in particular, take a look at all of the keto grocery shopping lists we have for different stores. We even have videos showing you some of our favorite purchases from grocery stores across the united states like the one below we filmed at Costco.
Costco Keto Shopping List
# Almond Flour – Kirkland Brand is the cheapest option for this keto baking staple.
# Sardines – High in Omega-3 fatty acids.
# Powdered Bone Broth – All the bone broth benefits for just $1 per packet.
# Protein bars – Costco protein bars are keto friendly and cheaper than Quest bars.
# Cheese Crisps – Costco carries Moon Cheese and Cello Whisps, our favorite travel snacks.
Click here for more info on shopping keto at Costco.
Trader Joe’s Keto Shopping List
# Bacon Ends and Pieces – Great fat content.
# Mahi Mahi Burgers – Only one carb per burger and delicious!
# Nuts – Low prices!
# Sunflower Seed Butter – The best alternative to nut butters and perfect for fat bombs.
$ Pre-Cooked Pork belly – Delicious and easy to make. Just heat it up and serve.
Click here for more info on what NOT to buy at Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods Keto Shopping List
# Grass-fed Marrow Bones – Great for making bone broth.
# Kelp Noodles – Crunchy keto noodles for asian style salads.
# Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise – Made with avocado oil, not refined vegetable oils.
# Marinara Sauce – Victoria Vegan and Rao’s Sauces are both low-carb and tasty.
# Zevia – We drink these all the time. Sugar-free and no artificial colors.
Click here for more info on what NOT to buy at Whole Foods.
Sprouts Keto Diet Shopping List
# Keto Yogurt – Kite Hill is a great low-carb brand of yogurt.
# Keto Baking Supplies – Great deals on chocolate chips, flours, and sweeteners.
# Low-Carb Chips – We love Quest Chips as a late-night snack or for munching on the road.
# Keto-Friendly Chocolate bars – Our favorite is Lily’s!
Click here for more info on what NOT to buy at Sprouts!
Publix Keto Shopping List
# Whipped Cream – Great for when we’re in a pinch and need whipped cream.
# Little Chorizo Sausages – The brand is called Quijote Chorizos Caseros and we love them as a movie snack.
# Real Good Foods Products – Publix carries keto-friendly frozen foods like pizza and enchiladas.
# Low-Carb Ice Cream – Their best keto option is Enlightened brand.
Click here for more info on shopping keto at Publix!
Walmart Keto Diet Shopping List
# Duke’s Sausages – Our favorite flavor is Original.
# Mac’s Pork Rinds – Cheapest and tastiest. We like the barbecue flavor.
# Adobo Peppers – Essential to our favorite mexican shredded chicken recipe.
# Chicken Thighs – We prefer thighs over breasts for the higher fat content.
# Baker’s Chocolate – Great for fat bombs, snacking, and baking.
Click here for more info on shopping keto at Walmart!
Aldi Keto Shopping List
# Babybel Cheese – These little cheese snacks are great for on-the-go keto.
# Avocados – Our favorite fatty fruit.
# Lemons – Great for cooking with chicken and fish.
# Heavy Whipping Cream – An essential for many of our keto baking recipes!
# Flaxseeds – The main ingredient in our Pumpkin Flax Crackers.
In Summary
# Choose a high quality fat source and make it a staple of your diet.
# Buy fattier cuts of meat over leaner cuts like chicken breast for a better keto macro ratio and cheaper prices.
# Have snacks on hand like nuts, cheese and dark chocolate, especially when first starting a ketogenic diet.
# Prioritize seasonality and where the food was grown/raised when possible.
#Keto Diet Shopping List#Keto Diet Shopping List 2020#Keto Diet Shopping List update 2020#keto shopping list#ketoconnect
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20 Popular Diets in 2020
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If a diet plan sounds too good to be true—it probably is! And if it sounds unhealthy—it probably is! And if it sounds insanely restrictive and nearly impossible to remain to—guess what? It probably is! There doesn't seem to be hebdomadally that goes by without a flood of people claiming to possess lost a drastic amount of weight thanks to one new-fangled diet or another. While there are benefits to some, many will leave you disappointed or during a worse state than you started. Remember: Your diet should reflect a healthy pattern of eating, not a fast lived weight-loss program.
20. Cabbage Soup Diet
This diet mostly consists of a fat-free cabbage soup, which is eaten two or 3 times a day, in conjunction with a quick list of other foods assigned to specific days (fruit except for bananas at some point, non-starchy vegetables subsequent, and beef and vegetables then, for example).
Bottom Line: "While the soup is simple to make and includes various vegetables, it's a radical diet that's deficient in protein," says Maria A. Bella, MS, RD, CDN. "On the plus side, it does add vegetables to the diet. I'd encourage the soup additionally to regular, balanced meals."
19. Raw Vegan
This diet is extremely almost quite vegan—but additionally, to not consuming any animal products or by-products, nothing consumed are often heated above 104 F. the thought behind not heating foods above this temperature is that you simply maintain the nutritional integrity of the foods you're consuming. However, while this is often true in some cases, some foods are more nutritious when cooked. "Cooking breaks apart fiber and cellular walls and releases nutrients which may otherwise not be available to us," explains Whiteson. "For example, cooking carrots releases beta-carotene and cooking tomatoes releases lycopene and our body is best able to absorb these nutrients when cooked. Cooking spinach makes iron and calcium more available for us to wish in, too." Intrigued
Bottom Line: "I think one should do both: consume cooked and uncooked foods to urge the only of both worlds. One must be very careful to urge in B12, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids with this diet. Another downside to this diet is that some people eat an excessive amount of fruit and acquire tooth erosion," says Whiteson.
18. Weight Watchers
With Weight Watchers, every food gets a 'SmartPoints value' that's supported calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein. Just persist with your budget and you'd wish to start out seeing results. The thought is that it teaches you ways to eat and absorb fewer calories without going hungry, allowing long-term results.
Bottom Line: "Weight Watchers is flexible and should work within your lifestyle; no foods are off-limits," says Whiteson. "The only downside is that some people find it pricey and find that counting the points is tedious. Its several different plans to choose from support your goals and thus the web or in-person meeting acknowledged offers dieters a fantastic amount of support."
17. The Zone
With The Zone, your diet is meant to be weakened as follows: 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. While no food is completely banned, carbs like bread, pasta, and grains are meant to be treated like condiments so that your diet is predominantly protein and fat. Vegetables and fruits are the mainstays of this diet. It’s extremely low in calories; the recommended daily caloric intake for women is 1,200 calories and 1,500 calories for men.
Bottom Line: "My thought is that you simply will probably go hungry (especially if you exercise) on this diet plan," says Whiteson. "Another downside is that it's a regimented food plan for the day. It claims to hurry up your metabolism but there has been no proof that it does this. While it's great that it emphasizes vegetables and fruit, it's not ideal for long-term weight loss and maintenance."
16. Mediterranean Diet
This diet is based on the traditional diet found in Mediterranean countries. It focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, lean protein, and oil.
Bottom Line: "This is one of the healthiest diets and also happens to be low in salt," says Whiteson. "The proteins come from lean sources and fewer from meat, which contains much-saturated fat. Wine is additionally allowed in moderate amounts. this is often an exquisite diet for heart health, it's cancer-protective, it's filling, it has been known to lower sign, help with diabetes, decreases inflammation, help with depression, and also happens to be delicious, nutritious, and well-rounded.".
15. Master Cleanse
This is a liquid-only diet that consists of drinking nothing aside from a concoction that blends juice, cayenne pepper, and syrup.
Bottom Line: "You will reduce on this diet but it'll be water weight, lean muscle tissue, and possibly bone, too," says Whiteson. "You will regain it immediately once you start eating a daily diet again. It’s not a long-term solution to losing weight and keeping it off. Also, there is no proof that it detoxifies your body; that's what your liver does!"
14. Golo Diet
Golo could even be a diet supported getting insulin levels normal meaning it purports to help you reduce on a non-crash diet by eating low carb foods that don't raise your insulin level. This diet requires you to urge the Golo diet supplements.
Bottom Line: "Studies show that the Golo diet is no better than an honest basic diet that has regular exercise. It's expensive to buy for his or her supplements, too. Don't waste your money with this one," says Whiteson.
13. Blood Type Diet
Founded on the principles of a naturopathic doctor, the diet recommends plans for each blood type.
Bottom Line: "Although many people swear by this plan, I find that people who follow it have a hard time eliminating certain foods forever. Which I can hardly find a reason to not eat cantaloupe simply because of someone's blood type," says Bella.
12. Military Diet
This diet claims you'll lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days. (Ahem: you recognize what they assert about things that sound too good to be true.) Each of the meals is clearly defined—think 1 cup of pot cheese, 1 hard coddled egg, and 5 saltine crackers for lunch—and all are very low in calories.
Bottom Line: "This could even be a silly, reducing diet that just revolves around a calorie intake of 1,000 calories per day or less," says Whiteson. "You will reduce following this plan but it's lacking in quality protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats! It is a touch just like the diets of the 1950-60s. It is a gimmick."
11. Taco Cleanse
Believe it or not, the Taco Cleanse could even be a real McCoy. supported the book The Taco Cleanse, which comes with five recipes for tortillas and over 35 vegan recipes for fillings, you're meant to eat tacos for every single meal.
Bottom Line: "This is a more quiet comical recipe book; don't let the name 'cleanse' fool you," says Bella. "This isn't an idea that promotes weight loss, which I definitely wouldn't recommend eating tacos and tequila for each meal. The last word goal isn't just to lose the load, but to develop healthy habits for maintenance." We are getting to provides it a further half point, though, just because it's better than numerous of the opposite 1-rated diets on here; if it is a healthy taco, then you're probably eating an honest balance of protein and veggies.
10. South Beach
This diet aims to stop blood glucose spikes for weight loss by counting on lean protein and heart-healthy fiber. It involves different phases to assist you slowly adjust until you reach your target weight.
Bottom Line: "My concern with this diet is when people think that staying within the initial phase will help them rapidly drop those pounds which they never complete the program because they get exhausted timely," says Bella. "It's important to progress through the stages as instructed. Also, note that the initial stage eliminates most carbs so on reduce the cravings, but may leave many active people too weak to exercise."
9. Paleo Diet
This diet focuses on consuming foods that were eaten many thousands of years ago. It's heavy on lean meat, fruits, vegetables, seafood, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. Dairy, grains, processed food and sugar, legumes, starches, and alcohol should all be avoided.
Bottom Line: "Overall, the diet isn't backed by science and thus the few existing studies aren't conclusive about the advantages of this plan," says Bella. That said, she likes that it eliminates many processed foods and encourages increased consumption of protein and produce, but she notes that it doesn't regulate fat consumption—and the entire amounts of fat consumed find yourself being too high for several females. Calcium deficiency can also be of concern. "We can get all the required calcium from dark leafy greens, nuts, fatty fish, and other foods, but people got to the lookout to include those on the day today. Lastly, there are now many Paleo bars and packaged products, which sorta defeats the first purpose of the diet. I'd suggest counting on real food instead." Whiteson adds that any diet that eliminates whole food groups could even be set up for binge eating and thus the risky all-or-nothing mentality.
8. Baby Food Diet
This plan replaces meals with up to 14 jars of baby food per day. The jars are alleged to be balanced with nutrients and delicate on the gastrointestinal system.
Bottom Line: this might work for the short-term, but the shortage of flavors and texture will make it near impossible to wish care of within the absolute best of the day.
7. Macrobiotic
This diet aims to scale back material consumption and focuses on eating locally grown foods that are in season to limited chemicals within the body. It's high in whole grains, beans, and bean products (think tofu), local and in-season vegetables, soups, sea vegetables, slightly fish, slightly fruit, and a couple of nuts and seeds. Water is that the only beverage allowed.
Bottom Line: "The pros of this diet are that it promotes eating local, organic, and in-season, but it is also very restrictive and doesn't necessarily provide more health benefits than something slightly a touch just like the Mediterranean diet, which can be a smaller amount restrictive," says Bella. "Stress is one among the only predictors of chronic disease, so if you're struggling to urge on such a restrictive diet, it's probably not best for your health."
6. Flexitarian
With versatile combat vegetarianism, a person on this diet will eat mostly vegetarian—but once during a quick time will have meat or fish.
Bottom Line: "An advantage of this diet is that it helps you to include many vegetables and plant protein sources without feeling deprived if you're doing it right," says Bella. "A lot of individuals who eat vegetarian or flexitarian tend to eat more grains, processed carbs, and sugar because there are not any strict guidelines on unprocessed foods and vegetarianism. Incorporating eggs, yogurt, and fish every now then is super beneficial for his or her omega-3s, probiotics, iron, biotin, and essential amino acids that plant proteins won't have."
5. Dukan Diet
This is a four-phase weight loss diet: Attack, Cruise, Consolidation, and Stabilization. It includes many animal proteins and is extremely restrictive with produce and starches within the initial phase. Because the time progresses, more variety is allowed and thus the diet becomes slightly more balanced.
Bottom Line: "The positive aspect of the Dukan diet is that the protein, which has been shown to suppress hunger levels and help preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss. But I worry about restricting complete food groups because the last word results of ongoing, long-term restriction are bingeing," says Bella.
4. Dissociated Diet
With this diet, you'll eat only one quite food a day. For example: at some point only poultry; subsequent day only vegetables without oil or spices; subsequent day any quite dairy product; etc.
Bottom Line: "The issue with this diet is that it claims to 'reshape your metabolism' and 'improve digestion' thanks to the 'food combinations,' however, there's no scientific evidence to repeat these claims," says Bella. "In general, we all know what nutrients are important for overall health which your body requires a selected ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fat to function optimally and stabilize your blood sugar levels to assist in weight loss. This diet is unbalanced and deficient in essential nutrients. It doesn't put restrictions on saturated fat or refined grains. This pattern isn't sustainable or enjoyable and should cause fatigue because of varying blood glucose levels."
3. The Wild Diet
This diet is analogous to the Paleo diet therein it promotes natural foods that are found 'in the wild.' it had been founded on one man's weight loss journey, during which he found that he had lost weight eating 'the way his grandparents ate,' including high-fat foods and animal products.
Bottom Line: "This may enter terms of weight loss for a few individuals, but it fails to acknowledge the scientific evidence that we all know aids in weight loss while simultaneously promoting health," says Bella. "This diet controversially promotes drinking alcohol, eating fatty meats, salt, protein supplements, and artificial sweeteners like xylitol. While eating this stuff carefully is usually okay, this diet won't be suitable for everybody. »
2. Mono Diet
This diet is defined by eating only one food, like only bananas or only baked potatoes.
Bottom Line: "Just, no!" exclaims Bella. "This diet most famously involves eating only bananas. First of all, one banana has about 110 calories and 30 grams of carbohydrates; that's capable of two slices of bread. Eating quite two bananas every day would put you over the daily sugar limit, consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Eating 50 bananas may cause hyperglycemia, sugar spikes within the blood, and eventual weight gain. By only eating one food, you're depriving your body of essential macro and micronutrients and putting your metabolism off balance.
1. Ketogenic Diet
This is a low-carb, high-fat diet that involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. The quality breakdown is 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and only 5 percent carbs. The thought is that this dramatic reduction in carbs will put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis when it'll become more efficient at burning fat for energy.
Bottom Line: "Scientific evidence has proven the ketogenic diet is best for controlling epilepsy in children," says Bella. "It's a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet that forces the body to use lipids as fuel rather than carbohydrates. This diet isn't beneficial for weight loss because it's high fat and should only be heart-protective if fat is restricted to unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s. Exercise should even be an area of a healthy lifestyle and thus the Ketogenic diets often leave people too tired and cranky."
0 notes
Top 7 Best Kitten Foods Review and buying Guides 2020 | Pet Food
Pet4food Top 7 best kitten foods are the best kitten foods in the world. After identifying kittens’ core nutritional needs, reviewing over 80 different cat food brands, and reading customer reviews, we’ve rounded up the seven best kitten foods on the market today. At the top of that list is Wellness CORE Natural Grain-Free Turkey & Chicken Liver paté. This food has everything your kitten needs without excessive carbs, colors, and other additives. It receives positive customer reviews and comes from a trusted company. Keep reading to learn more about your kitten’s nutritional requirements and how we chose the best kitten foods on the market.
#1 Wellness CORE Natural Grain Free Turkey & Chicken Liver Pate Canned Kitten Foods
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Wellness CORE Natural Grain
First 5 Ingredients: Turkey, Chicken Liver, Turkey Broth, Chicken, Chicken Meal Our top pick is this high-protein wet cat food from Wellness CORE. It’s packed with animal ingredients, including turkey, chicken liver, chicken meat, and chicken meal. While some people write off the chicken meal as inferior to so-called “real chicken” and put it in the same category as poultry by-products, those criticisms don’t hold up to examination. Chicken meal appears to be just as nutritious and digestible as any other chicken product. In fact, it packs a harder protein and calorie punch—which is exactly what your growing kitten needs. The inclusions of herring and menhaden fish oil make the food a good source of DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that contributes to brain and eye development. Though it’s grain-free with no potatoes or soy, this pate contains small amounts of certain plant ingredients, including ground flaxseed, dried kelp, chicory root extract, and alfalfa meal. Though these ingredients aren’t essentials in a carnivorous diet, they have a few benefits for kittens. Chicory root extract, for example, is prebiotic. Along with probiotics, this type of fiber could help to support digestive and immune system health. Each 3 oz can has 108 calories, which is about average across all kitten formulas. What We Liked: One of the most protein-packed kitten foods on the marketUltra-soft pate texture is easy for kittens to eatCalorie-denseHydrating canned foodSupplemented with fish oil as a species-appropriate source of DHA What We Didn’t Like: Contains some unnecessary plant ingredients
#2 Instinct Kitten Foods Grain-Free Pate Real Chicken Recipe Natural Wet Canned
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Instinct Kitten Foods
First 5 Ingredients: Chicken, Beef Liver, Chicken Broth, Salmon (Source of DHA), Eggs This kitten food from Nature’s Instinct is made primarily from wholesome animal ingredients and is rich in the amino acids that help your kitten to thrive. It contains salmon as a natural source of DHA, a fatty acid with a role in brain and eye development. The recipe doesn’t contain any of the starches and plant protein that weigh your kitten down and create waste, but it does contain traces of cranberries, pumpkin, tomato, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and parsley. Overall, this food is a low-carb option, with about 9% carbohydrates on a dry matter basis. What We Liked: Rich in animal proteinSoft canned food offers hydrationLow carbohydrate contentRich in DHA for healthy brain and eye development What We Didn’t Like: Relatively expensiveDoesn’t receive consistently positive customer reviews
#3 Fancy Feast Kitten foods Tender Turkey Feast Canned
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Fancy Feast Kitten foods
First 5 Ingredients: Turkey, Liver, Meat By-Products, Poultry Broth, Milk If you’d rather buy your kitten’s food from the grocery than the pet food store, consider this paté from Fancy Feast. This unpretentious formula emphasizes animal ingredients, keeps carbohydrates to a minimum, and has a reputation for palatability. The recipe isn’t perfect, though. It contains both natural and artificial flavors, includes artificial colors, and uses meat by-products. While meat by-products aren’t always bad, they sometimes come with lower quality control standards and may be less digestible than other cuts of meat. Another questionable quality of this food is the inclusion of cow’s milk. Most cats, including weaned kittens, are lactose intolerant and may have diarrhea after eating milk. That said, customer reviews suggest that this reaction is rare. With 95 calories per can, this food is slightly less calorie-dense than some other kitten foods. What We Liked: Features high-quality animal proteinSpecially formulated for kittensHydrating canned foodHas a strong reputation for palatabilityAn affordable choice What We Didn’t Like: Contains milk, which could cause GI upset in some catsMade with artificial colors and flavorsContains meat by-products
#4 Wellness Complete Health Kitten foods Chicken Entree Pate
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Wellness Complete
First 5 Ingredients: Chicken, Chicken Liver, Chicken Broth, Carrots, Natural Flavor This grain-free soft loaf from Wellness’ Complete Health line is slightly cheaper than the Wellness CORE recipe listed as our number one pick. But with protein-rich chicken and chicken liver leading the ingredient list, it looks like a nutritious, species-appropriate option. The food’s biggest flaw is its carbohydrate content. The food contains carrots, which drive its total carbohydrate content to around 14% on a dry matter basis. While that’s low compared to many wet foods and most kibble, we’d rather see carbohydrate percentages in the single digits. The recipe includes menhaden fish oil as a source of the fatty acid DHA, helping to promote healthy brain and eye development. This food is exceptionally calorie-dense, with 122 calories in every 3 oz can. What We Didn’t Like: Calorie-dense with 122 calories per 3 oz canMade primarily from animal protein sourcesHydrating canned foodHighly palatable What We Didn’t Like: Relatively high in carbohydrate matter
#5 Whole Earth Farms Grain-Free Real Healthy Kitten Foods Recipe Canned Cat Food
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Whole Earth Farms
First 5 Ingredients: Chicken, Chicken Broth, Chicken Liver, Natural Flavor, Dried Egg Product Unlike the other products on this list, this food is formulated for “all life stages”. Foods like this are a good option if you’re not sure whether your cat needs kitten or adult food. For example, large breed cats like Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest cats don’t reach physical maturity until they’re four or five years old. An “all life stages” food is usually a safe bet regardless of your cat’s age. The recipe features apparently high-quality ingredients like chicken and chicken liver. It doesn’t contain any starchy plant ingredients, which helps to keep its carbohydrate content low. The food is, however, loaded with thickeners, including guar gum, agar-agar, locust bean gum, and xanthan gum. Salmon oil serves as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, including the DHA so important for brain and eye development. The food is about 13.63% carbohydrates on a dry matter basis, so it’s not the lowest-carb option on the market. Still, it gets primarily positive customer reviews, with many buyers saying that it helped to ease their kittens’ digestive issues. With 133 calories in each 5-ounce can, the food is slightly less calorie-dense than the other options on this list. What We Liked: Calorie-dense with 122 calories per 3 oz canMade primarily from animal protein sourcesA soft, easy-to-eat foodHighly palatable What We Didn’t Like: Carrots and other plant ingredients are somewhat prominent on the ingredient list
#6 Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet Kitten foods Chicken Entree
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Healthy Gourmet
First 5 Ingredients: Chicken, Chicken Liver, Chicken Broth, Dried Egg, Fish Oil (Source Of DHA-Docosahexaenoic Acid) The inclusion of brown rice, carrots, carrageenan, and sweet potatoes keep this food from taking anything but the 5th place spot on this list. That said, it does have some good qualities for kittens. As evidenced by the inclusion of chicken, chicken liver, and dried egg among the first ingredients, it contains a respectable quantity of the animal ingredients your kitten needs. Though the food contains several high-carbohydrate ingredients, it’s carbohydrate content appears to linger around 9% on a dry matter basis, making it an acceptable choice for your carnivorous kitten. Another good quality of this food is the fact that it’s supplemented with DHA from fish oil. Besides being an anti-inflammatory that can promote skin and coat health, this fatty acid plays a role in your kitten’s cognitive and ocular development. With 122 calories in every 3 oz can, this food is exceptionally calorie-dense. What We Liked: Made primarily from nourishing sources of animal proteinSoft pate is hydrating and easy for kittens to eatContains fish oil as a natural source of DHA for brain and eye development122 calories per 3oz can What We Didn’t Like: Contains carrageenan—a potentially-inflammatory additive
#7 Simply Nourish Source Chicken & Turkey Kitten Foods
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Source Chicken
First 5 Ingredients: Deboned Chicken, Chicken Meal, Turkey Meal, Dried Potatoes, Dried Peas Kibble tends to have high carbohydrate content and never provides enough moisture, increasing your kitten’s chances of developing diabetes and urinary tract disease. If you feed him dry food as a kitten, it’ll be harder to transition your cat to a better diet later in life. For all these reasons, dry food isn’t our first choice for kittens. If you’re determined to feed your kitten dry food, consider this kibble from Simply Nourish. The kibble emphasizes meat and animal fat over the starch, oil, and plant protein so common in dry kitten food. The food is primarily made from deboned chicken, chicken meal, and turkey meal—no low-value animal by-products or mystery meats and meals. The food contains chicken fat and fish oil as sources of nourishing fatty acids, including that critical omega-3 fatty acid called DHA. Remember that DHA is crucial for kittens as it supports brain and eye development. Like all dry foods, the product contains more carbohydrates and plant matter than cats need, but it’s much meatier than the average kibble. At 397 calories per cup, the food is relatively calorie-dense to fuel your kitten’s growth. What We Liked: Primarily made with animal proteinSupplemented with fish oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acidsCalorically dense to fuel kittenhood growthAffordable compared to other similar foods What We Didn’t Like: High carbohydrate contentDry food doesn’t provide enough moisture for kittens Read the full article
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