small but infuriating small european country problems: I can't just use my country's name when talking about its history because it's existed in its current form for the past 35 years and had like 70 different names in those 1000 years before that, and any potential alternative sounds kinda stupid or pretentious, not to mention vague as fuck
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
no more monarchy restoration au its Czechoslovakia restoration au from now on
NO, no, no fuck that, no fucking way, Czechoslovakia lost all 3 canon lives, it's gone, dead and buried in the backyard and we Do Not have a revive book
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literally i don't care for either of these songs! almost all my favorites are on the right side of the board!
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
Deaf!Reader are struggling to earn money to pay off their rent and living expenses, by handing out leaflets on the street X Mafia!Konig
(one time, I was walking past the metro, and there was this lady handing out leaflets to men. I wanted to take the leaflet as well because I always wanted to help the people who were handing it out, but she looked at me super weirdly when I took the leaflet. Turns out, it was a leaflet for illegal prostitution sites (sex work is banned in Czech Republic) You just needed money. The disability payments are dogshit and wouldn't even cover half of the expenses of renting your own place - but all the other jobs are basically blocked to you on the basis of not having enough resources to support a deaf worker. You know it's just their saying, they simply don't want to hire you even for brownie diversity points - but still, the only jobs that you could get without much of an education is something as shitty paying as handing leaflets. At least you can just not read the lips of people who are clearly cussing you out for bothering them with an abysmal task of accepting a thing piece of paper. Only, the gig is just a bit too shitty. It's illegal; technically, sex work is still as banned as always - you stare at the leaflets with half-naked women printed all over, disguised as dating websites, and you want to puke over how fucking terrible it looks. Still, they were paying a bit more than usual, and cops won't bother you as long as it's not a direct sex work endorsement. The people on the streets are having weird reactions, however... Konig had a shitty day and an even more annoying night. Having to oversee a big drug deal himself because Horangi was out dealing with some transgressors, and Krueger can't be trusted with customer service, he had to stay awake at ungodly hours just to finish the deal...and now there is some dumb girl handling him a leaflet for his fucking sex business like she doesn't know who he is and can't hear that he said he doesn't want it three times already and- He notices the way you stare at his lips and ignore the yelling of other people crowding around during rush hour at the station. Oh. Konig guesses even the illegal business of his had to get more open for workers with disability...although he looks at your cute lips and just knows he is ready to promote you from handling leaflets to never holding anything heavier than his hand (and his cock) ever again. Needless to say, you were terrified when this big, grumpy man in a suit just fucking grabbed you hand and pushed you into an unmarked and clearly dangerous-looking vehicle. Of course, sometimes people are annoyed at receiving brochures, but not to the point of kidnapping...and certainly not to the point of bringing you to their lap and then forcing a hand between your legs, squeezing and playing with the flesh like you were nothing but a stress toy. Not being able to read his lips since you were pressed so closely to him, terrified you even more...although his intensions are pretty clear when you felt a kiss pressed to your forehead, and a gentle hold on your neck until you finally passed out in his hands.
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eowylesbian · 2 years
congrats to everyone getting fob tix. i personally am furious they're not coming to ireland and do not understand their choices in european cities at all
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Astro obs part 9
🐌 The planets in your 12th house indicate your sleeping style:
Sun in 12th house - their sleep schedule is extremely messed up; for them, daylight hours = nighttime hours and vice versa, so they have trouble being themselves during the day; their true self comes out at night
Moon in 12th house - goes to sleep very late; full moons have a special effect on these people; their intuition is more clear at night; as kids, they probably slept a lot with their mother
Mercury in 12th house - loves texting/calling people late at night; they might journal their thoughts before sleep because they overthink a lot and it helps to clear their mind or maybe they just like to relax by reading a book at night
Venus in 12th house - cares a lot about getting their "beauty sleep"; sleeps with sleep masks on, buys expensive bed lingerie, skincare night routine might be very important; loves sleeping in general lmao
Mars in 12th house - enjoys working out before going to sleep, can go to sleep angry because they tend to get into conflict more at night than during the day
I have Uranus in 12th house and i can be both a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, depending on where i am. For example, when i'm traveling, during the first night i wake up several times, but from the second night on i sleep like a baby lmao. Another thing would be that i can't sleep in a quiet car but i don't have any problem sleeping during a thunderstorm
🐌 Mars in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sag) and Mars in 3rd house individuals love riding motorbikess
🐌 While Mars in 9th house peeps would probably love to go on a world tour on their motorbike. The sign ruling their 9th house represents the countries they would love to visit (i'm aware that some of these can only be visited by plane, take it with a grain of salt): 
♈ in 9th house: Ireland, Poland, Japan, Zimbabwe
♉ in 9th house: Cuba, Paraguay, South Africa, East Timor
♊ in 9th house: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Montenegro
♋ in 9th house: Canada, USA, Bahamas, Argentina, Slovenia, Madagascar
♌ in 9th house: Hawaii, France, Italy, The Netherlands, India, South Korea, Peru, Bolivia
♍ in 9th house: Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam
♎ in 9th house: Belgium, Portugal, China, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho
♏ in 9th house: Panama, Spain, Turkey, Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Palestine, Lebanon
♐ in 9th house: Finland, Lithuania, Romania, Tanzania, Thailand
♑ in 9th house: UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Camerun
♒ in 9th house: Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka
♓ in 9th house: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritius, Saint Lucia
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🐌 I have a feeling Pisces Suns like to spend their time in a garage lmao. Mostly because their opposing sign, Virgo, would hate to spend time in a garage due to how dirty it can get.
🐌As a 7th house Sun who's been in love for almost a year now (haha, are we surprised, ofcours not; i'm not even in a relationship with him but ugh we're so perfect for each other), i realised that Sun in 7th house people tend to behave differently with their partner when they're in a healthy relationship vs when they're in a toxic one
Sun in 7th house in:
♈ Aries in a healthy relationship: empowers their partner, knows how to balance me time vs us time in a healthy manner, encourages their partner to take safe risks
♈ Aries in an unhealthy relationship: impulsive, impatient, selfish, dismisses their partner's feelings, often controlled by rage, prone to abusing their partner
♉ Taurus in a healthy relationship: veryyy generous (their love language is gift giving), accommodating to their partner's wants and needs, cooks for their partner
♉ Taurus in an unhealthy relationship: stubborn af, hard to please, focused more on the material gain from their partner rather than the love they share
♊ Gemini in a healthy relationship: curious, always lightens the mood of their partner by cracking up tons of jokes or telling them funny stories, knows that communication is key to everything so they're not afraid to discuss serious topics, teaches their partner a lot of random stuff
♊ Gemini in an unhealthy relationship: superficial, doesn't have a problem moving on from their partner to another person in a matter of seconds, if they're still in school/college, then they prioritize studying over their partner
♋ Cancer in a healthy relationship: nurturing, knows how to balance babying their partner vs being babied by their partner, emotionally vulnerable, feels safe enough to present their partner to their family early on in the relationship
♋ Cancer in a unhealthy relationship: if they don't trust their partner, they tend to become emotionally closed off to hide their deep sadness; defensive, but if their partner attackes them, then they'll hide, worries excessively, avoids presenting their partner to their family
♌ Leo in a healthy relationship: treats their partner like the king/queen they are, keeps their ego in check so it doesn't interfere with the relationship, if they've got artistic talents (music, acting, art etc.), they'll show their love for their partner by performing in front of them
♌ Leo in an unhealthy relationship: egocentric, shows off their partner/relationship too much out of pride, often feels entitled in the relationship and wants to be put on a pedestal by their partner
♍ Virgo in a healthy relationship: selfless to a healthy degree, remembers every lil detail from every casual conversations with their partner just to please them, remembers every important date and plans ahead for it, takes care of their partner when they're sick
♍ Virgo in a unhealthy relationship: critical, overfixates on past hurts and mistakes that their partner made in the relationship (often times their partner doesn't even remember those things because they're usually not that serious), loves their pets more than their partner
♎ Libra in a healthy relationship: romantic, charismatic, truly values their partner and the relationship with them, acts fair in the relationship, teaches their partner lovingly about the importance of honesty, truth and a healthy give and take dynamic in a relationship
♎ Libra in an unhealthy relationship: doesn't prioritize the relationship; instead, they flirt with others despite being in a relationship, emotionally detached, cold and calculated in their current relationship
♏ Scorpio in a healthy relationship: loyal, loves their partner deeply and intensely, but without suffocating them, keeps their partner's secrets like they're a locked safe box with no public access
♏ Scorpio in an unhealthy relationship: obsessive, manipulative, seeks to dominate their partner, displays stalkish behaviour in the relationship, liar
♐ Sagittarius in a healthy relationship: exposes their partner to various cultures, belief systems and philosophies to expand their mind and form their own opinion on certain topics, loves freely but is still able to maintain a long-term relationship, improves their partner's mood, usually brings an element of surprise and excitement to the relationship
♐ Sagittarius in an unhealthy relationship: travels in order to avoid dealing with their partner, parties a bit too much, doesn't take the relationship seriously
♑ Capricorn in a healthy relationship: loves their partner in a mature, serious and secure manner, doesn't shy away from improving their partner's social status and/or career if they can, discusses plans for the future (getting married, having kids, adopting pets, buying a house) with their partner early on in the relationship, they make time for their partner, despite the fact that they're busy most of the time
♑ Capricorn in an unhealthy relationship: displays no emotions or physical affection in the relationship, has a hard time communicating their thoughts with their partner, settles in a relationship for the wrong reasons (money/kids/safety/"i'm getting old and i need to have my life established"), prioritizes work/career over their partner
♒ Aquarius in a healthy relationship: flexible, makes their partner's dreams and aspirations come true (whether they're related to the relationship or not), has got a very open-minded attitude towards their partner's opinions, lifestyle and identity, takes the time to become friends firsts with their future partner because they value a relationship built on solid foundation (often times their partner is also their best friend), knows how to balance couple time vs time with friends
♒ Aquarius in an unhealthy relationship: displays wishy-washy behaviour, emotionally detached, prioritizes their friends over their partner, seeks online validation from strangers and acquaintances to fulfill their needs
♓ Pisces in a healthy relationship: sensitive to their partner's emotions, knows how to balance wearing their heart on their sleeve vs hiding their emotions in unfavourable circumstances, always honest with their partner
♓ Pisces in an unhealthy relationship: prone to drown their relationship problems and sorrows in alcohol, drugs and meds for mental health issues, runs away from problems instead of dealing with them with their partner, displays dishonesty to a fault, prone to self-sabotage
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lunaryugamine · 20 days
I decided to do this edit because someone on twitter did one, and I thought it'd be fun. Was it? Sort of. Here's the original edit.
Artists under the cut and in the reblog because you can only have 100 links on a page on tumblr I guess.
United States (Cherokee)- pinkcultgirl
Canada (Cree)- lacking-rodents
Mexico- strxbxrrylxvxr
Panama- tiffycat
Haiti- sumechiayuu
Jamaica- risarts
Peru- kotorinrins
Dominican Republic- pls-explodingstars-pls
Cuba- skronklpus
Caribbean(Guadalupe)- majartsy
Greenland (Inuit)- probablymoons
El Salvador- chiliger
Puerto Rico- lavendett
Colombia- mary-92023
Venezuela- hand-painted-5tars
Honduras- nicotine-boi
Guyana- astrumnm on twitter
Guatamala- sadsquatch-art
Bolivia- by-peachy
Argentina- mypillowpaper
Ecuador- astrid-nyan
Chile- jet-set-go-go
Brazil- garden-variety-jumo
Costa Rica- astroskatcher
Belize- jovialodyssey
Nicaragua- sirnatsketches
Bahamas- artbounddude
Trinidad and Tobago- donutsbagels
San Juan (Puerto Rico)- lazycatartist6
Paraguay- 2funk
Uruguay- clayscence
Suriname- yumiaoi5
French Guiana- myballsitchaurghouchie
Barbados- parkbomdotcom on twitter
Guam- grumfield
Norway- parti-poppers
Sweden- rubenthecatisstupid
Iceland- catastrophe-of-clovers
Finland- antony-art
Germany- mangos-draws
Switzerland- graegrape-art
Austria- qwaxi2o8
Czech Republic- miroslav-hashlerka
Italy- mspaint-flower
Turkey (Kurdish)- bubblbudd
Greece- albinobirb
Poland- thirea
Romania- eternalblizzards
Scotland- laplaces-angel
Albania- isaaa-usb
Ireland- can-of-w0rmz
Russia- bdsmchan
Bulgaria- pastellbg
Saudi Arabia- chiroomii on twitter
Hungary- sidecast
Cyprus- diadoesart
Iraq- coloursdraws
Iran- witchydespoina
Syria- rozeliyawashereyall
Lebanon- erebusbored
Israel (Palestine)- langel2
Jordan- guitoneangel on twitter
Yemen- adenlicpng
Kuwait- obscurecrows
Bahrain- Beautifulnoora on twitter
The Netherlands- fayzart136
Belgium- nousanti
Portugal- m4rlol
France- izkph
England- cyclqnes
Denmark- mariehyde
Spain- annomalysstuff
India (Sikh)- starkitten101
Pakistan- ayzaart
Burma/Myanmar- artsyvamp
Afghanistan- ahriana
Thailand- fumiruku
Nepal- astronite13
Bhutan- orobeori
Kampuchea (Cambodia)- othercrossee
Malaysia- roobiedo
Bangladesh- maleficauraa
China (Uygher)- chronically-ill-psionipath
Korea- iyuray
Mongolia- kenvamp
Laos- justgoji
Tibet- saunabun on twitter
Indonesia- moonieee
Phillipines- puppyeared
Taiwan- huyi-hotdog
Sri Lanka- crabs-brencil
Papua New Guinea- Penmastery28600 on twitter
New Zealand- beastwhimsy
Vietnam- sparkly-s0da
Tunisia- cs34
Morocco- sx1ro
Uganda- moonjumps
Angola- PeepawRichter on twitter
Zimbabwe- jxmuu-nat
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mapsontheweb · 1 month
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Understandability between Polish and other Slavic languages
by NRohirrim
Understandability of Polish with other Slavic languages
Polish language - red:
virtually every citizen of Poland living in Poland knows it
Těšín / Cieszyn area in Czech Republic bordering with Poland
few villages in North-Western Slovakia (although there language is somewhere inbetween Polish and Slovakian)
South-Eastern Lithuania and North-Western Belarus (with Belarusian language influence)
2 dots for major Polish minorities (outside of historical habitat) in London and Berlin
Mutually Intelligible (how many sentences out of 100 you can totally understand when spoken with normal pace) - orange:
Kashubian - 98% (few counties of Northern Poland, inside Pomeranian Voivodeship)
Sorbian (Lusatian) - 97% - few municipalities in Eastern Saxony and South-Eastern Brandenburg
Silesian dialect of Czech language - 96% (Moravian-Silesian Region of North-Eastern Czechia)
Slovakian language - from 96% in the north-east of Slovakia to 95% in the south-west of Slovakia
Ukrainian language - 96% in the western quarter of Ukraine to 94% in the rest of Ukraine
Belarusian language (only some parts of Western Belarus and few municipalities in Podlaskie Voivodeship) - 95%
Understandability of other Slavic languages (how many sentences out of 100 you can pretty much understand when spoken slowly), green:
Czech Republic - 92% in the eastern part (Moravia), 90% in the western part (Bohemia)
Belarusian dialect of Russian (most of Belarus) - 90%
Russian used in Ukraine - 87-88%
Russian used in Moldova - 87%
standard Russian 85%
Slovenia 85%
North Macedonia 82%
rest of former Yugoslavia - 85% in the north-west (Zagreb) to 82% in the south-east (Niš)
Bulgaria 80%
Also included on the map dialects of Polish:
yellow - Kociewie dialect - with visible Kashubian connotations spoken in the southern part of Pomeranian Voivodeship and most nothern part Kuyavian–Pomeranian; descendant of Greater Polish dialect now replaced with standard Polish
light blue - Kurpie dialect - in the north-eastern part of Masovian Voivodeship bordering with Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship (rest of Masovian dialect is mostly replaced with standard Polish)
dark blue - Poddlachian dialect - once far dialect of Masovian dialect, now sort of became dialect of its own in Podlaskie Voivodeship (rest of Masovian dialect is mostly replaced with standard Polish). Polish spoken in Belarus and Lithuania is similar to it.
brown - Poznań dialect in the area of the capital of Greater Poland Voivodeship
purple - Silesian dialect - only one of the historically large Polish language dialects yet not fully replaced by standard Polish - spoken from 20 to 60% in Opolskie Voivodeship and south-western half of Silesian Voivodeship. Polish spoken in Těšín / Cieszyn area of Czech Republic is similar to it.
pink - Góral (Highlander) dialect - surviving Lesser Polish dialect with influences from Slovak language. In the mountains of southern part of Lesser Poland Voivodeship and south-eastern quarter of Silesian Voivodeship. Polish spoken in few Slovakian villages bordering with Poland is similar to it, but with influences of Slovakian that sometimes is hard to make a difference is it still Polish or already Slovakian.
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izzabela · 1 month
Hello!! Soo the most interesting part of my day today is that I got my pants caught on something which ripped my pants so it gave me an idea of what would each of the Lin Kuei brothers would do if their girlfriend/wife approached the embarrassment that their pants were ripped? 😂😂
Apple Bottom Jeans - Lin Kuei x fem!reader (headcanons)
in which you rip your pants in front of each of the boys
ship[s]: bi han, tomas & kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): ripped pants, post-story kanon
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Bi Han
- i genuinely believe he would be the one laughing out loud. why? have you seen him?
- if it takes a lot for him to give praises, i believe it takes a lot more for him to laugh- this seals the deal
- "Bi Han! Help!" you'd cry out, and he'd come running to find your knees touching each other as they face inwards. His eyes would find your hands covering the huge rip on your bum, and your pretty, cotton, everyday panties peeking through
- he'd then trail to the bits of thread that come off your pants, then to the nail that holds the rest of the fabric that came off your butt
- i think he'd have a comic book moment. the moment where the character looks at the other character, back to the problem, then back to the character
- Bi Han would have the deepest, yet whole-hearted laugh of all his brothers. you want to be mad at him, really, you do. how can you with the sound of his timbre voice reverberating in your body with joy? you'd roll your eyes for sure, chuckling with him too
- i think it would make you sad, though. not the situation you were in, but the fact Bi Han doesn't laugh often. not when his only family has left him, and you're the only thing he has left from that bygone time
- after the laugh, though, he'd definitely scold you. something along the lines of "i told you that you wore those bottoms out", or "you missed an opportunity to replace them"
- if you, reader, don't care about the pants, he'd listen to you and toss them out in a heartbeat. if you did like those pants, he'd do his best to get a servant to fix them
- worst case scenario is that he'd have to find the exact brand of pants you wore
- still, he'd go great lengths to cover you up so you'd have some dignity left. he'd take off that outer layer of his uniform and drape it over you, and it'd do the job well because he's two heads taller than you
- if you try to remind him that he laughed, he'd literally deny it til his death
- still, even as he denies it all, you know he's thinking about it when he looks away from you and his left eyebrow (yes, you studied his facial expressions) is quirked up roughly ten degrees
- he'd be the most flustered out of the three
- raised in cultures that regard women to a high standard (slavic traditions of the Czech Republic and the Lin Kuei), he'd put you first for sure. not without feeling embarrassed, if not more, for you
- "Tomas!" you screech from your shared room of Harumi's compound. "Tomas, you get here this instant!"
- he'd show up from a fissure of smoke, face scrunched up in worry as he assesses the situation. you're panicked, and he needs to remain calm or else you'll panic more
- he'd actually find the piece of fabric that ripped off. it'd probably be hooked on a splintered piece of wood from the side-wall of the tatami door. taking it, he'd foolishly look around your bum and leg area to find the rip
- "Hey!" you'd giggle-screech. "Don't be a perv!"
- i think Tomas would be very sad and borderline offended you'd think of him like that. he'd give you a look, that's for sure, and he'd continue to quietly assess your circumstance
- only when he finds the little frills of your lacy undies will he turn the deepest shade of pink possible on the human body. he'd flail around like a fish out of water, stuttering and finding something to cover you
- he'd drape you in a blanket, the one on your bed. then he'd pick you up and toss you right back into the pillowy mattress. he'd rush out and find one of Harumi's handmaidens (or Harumi herself) and discreetly tell her about the situation
- your replacement clothes for the meanwhile would be a kimono, similar to Harumi's. as you'd get changed, Tomas doesn't look at you one bit
- "I am ashamed to have looked..." Tomas pouts from behind the dressing screen. "I apologize, feather..."
- even as he tries to get you new pants, he can't help but think about the situation he was in. he would associate those specific pants to that situation- always
- and unlike Bi Han, you'd hold this shit over his head until the day he dies
- you'd egg him like "remember when my pants ripped and you were hiding from me?" or "remember when you threw me into bed because of my pants?"
- yeah, he would be the one more embarrassed than you. he wouldn't be living it down, either, until the day he died
Kuai Liang
- Kuai might be the most normal in terms of reaction, unfortunately. not without a good chuckle, though
- "Kuai Liang! A little help here, please!" you'd call for him from the living room of Harumi's compound. he'd rush to you almost instantly, definitely wondering why you remain sitting there when there was nothing or no one to be hosted
- "You are just... sitting..." Kuai Liang obviously notes. So much for a seasoned warrior, then again you were really just sitting
- it isn't until he walks behind you a bit, realizing that there is a reason why you're not getting up
- he'd see your hands failing to cover a hole that was right over the middle of your pants
- then, he'd see the bit of fabric that's being held by a splinter in the wooden floor of the room. he'd catch a glimpse of your panties, the color not all too difficult to miss
- "Do you think we can salvage this?" you'd ask him. Kuai Liang would give it to you straight
- "I do not believe I can, dove..." Kuai Liang says softly, kissing your forehead as an additional apology
- this is probably the most awkward situation in your life. since the pants were stuck to the ground, and you didn't want to rip it anymore, Kuai Liang basically carries you out of your pants
- with the help of a handmaid that held your pants legs down, Kuai Liang carries you by your armpits as he gently guides you to shimmy, shake, and maneuver out of your pants
- he'd praise you, a lot. things like "good job" and "thank you for listening to me" or "you did a great job listening", it'd make you very happy despite the loss of a good piece of clothing
- Kuai Liang would also order you new pants. you didn't even get to mention it before Kuai Liang had sent another handmaiden out to a nearby village to find similar, if not, the exact same pants as the ones you ripped
- and the gentleman he is, he would not speak of this day ever again. however, every time he sees you in those pants, he will chuckle to himself
- so in reality, he was speaking about it, just nonverbally
so easy that i finished this in thirty minutes
also update! i got a new job and actually love it there. everyone is so kind and helps me out
also, i love the headcanon ideas you guys are giving me, keep it up! you might see more of those get published first before i do actual fics
see y'all in the next fic!
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vestaignis · 4 months
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Замок «Соколиное гнездо».
Чешская Швейцария – это часть Эльбского Песчаникового горного массива, расположенная на территории Чехии. Здесь настолько невероятно красиво, что государство объявило в 2000 году это место национальным парком Чехии. Парк имеет много интересных мест, но самая интересная достопримечательность - это Правческая Брана или Правчицкие Ворота (Pravčická brána), которые  представляют собой самые большие естественные ворота в Европе, образованные из скалистого массива - пролет арки 26,5 м, высота - 16 м.
В 1881 году австрийский принц Эдмунд Клари-Альдринген решил создать на территории своего имения в непосредственной близости от Правчицких ворот одну из самых первых туристических достопримечательностей Европы. Он нанял итальянских мастеров для строительства внушительного замка под названием «Соколиное гнездо». В нынешнее время в замке на втором этаже расположился музей Национального парка Чешская Швейцария, кстати, единственный. На первом этаже есть ресторан с сохранившейся до сих пор оригинальной отделкой деревянных стен и такими же оригинальными потолочными росписями. Интерьер заведения выдержанн в стиле 100-летней давности.  С замковой площадки открываются чудесные виды на национальный парк.
The Falcon's Nest Castle.
Czech Switzerland is a part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountain range, located on the territory of the Czech Republic. It is so incredibly beautiful here that the state declared this place a national park of the Czech Republic in 2000. The park has many interesting places, but the most interesting attraction is The right Brane or Pravchicka Gate (Pravčická brána), which is the largest natural gate in Europe, formed from a rocky massif - arch span of 26.5 m, height - 16 m.
In 1881, Austrian Prince Edmund Clary-Aldringen decided to create one of the first tourist attractions in Europe on the territory of his estate in the immediate vicinity of the Pravchitsky Gate. He hired Italian craftsmen to build an impressive castle called the Falcon's Nest. At the present time, the museum of the Czech Switzerland National Park is located in the castle on the second floor, by the way, the only one. On the ground floor there is a restaurant with original wooden wall decoration and the same original ceiling paintings. The interior of the restaurant is designed in the style of 100 years ago. The castle grounds offer wonderful views of the national park.
Источник:/m-just-m.livejournal.com/246797.html, /www. tripadvisor . ru/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g274694-d4722298-i130392589-Czech_Saxon_Switzerland-Hrensko_Usti_ nad_Labem_ Region_ Bohemia.html,/pragagid.ru/letnij-zamok-sokolinoe-gnezdo-cheshskaya-shvejcariya-6157,/tired-tourist.livejournal.com/22927.html, /pbrana.cz/ru/,/gidpraga.eu/product/ceske-svycarsko-from-prague/.
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hollandsfavbabe · 7 months
Peter's Precarious Polyjuice Potion - part 1
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
synopsis: in which you and peter are forced to take extreme lengths to protect your secret relationship with the help of your shape shifting powers
warnings: a little suggestive language, lot's of fluff, lack of impulse control, extreme secrecy
word count: 5.7k
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a/n: Just a quick psa: this is the first of two parts! I tried to make it a one shot, but it was wayyy too long. There are some mentions of Harry Potter, obviously by the title, but no major spoilers and I want to make it very clear that I DO NOT support JK Rowling nor her transphobia. Trans women are women and trans men are men🏳‍⚧! That being said, I have another little surprise in the works that may have something to do with the wizarding world...
If you want to know what it is (and maybe get a sneak peak) comment your favorite character from the series and make a guess as to who you think mine might be. I'll reveal it with the next part of this series.
Thanks and enjoy!
Was there anything better than a chilly winter morning with the one you love most? Absolutely, a chilly winter morning with the one you love most and Harry Potter in the background. That’s all you could think of as your fuzzy sock clad feet padded across the campus floor. 
The festive season’s aroma invaded your senses as you managed to steal the first four films from your father’s extensive DVD collection without being caught, the cover of the first one glinting in the light that flooded in from the wall of windows encasing Avenger’s campus as you admired how young the cast used to look and made your way to your boyfriend’s bedroom.
Suddenly, the usual quiet of the campus in the early morning was disturbed by the sound of footsteps of another Avenger in the distant halls and using your powers you immediately concealed the DVDs into a stack of school notebooks and a folder of overflowing miscellaneous papers as a facade. It wasn’t unusual for you to use your gifts this way.
It was only five years prior during a mission in the Czech Republic that you were introduced to Peter Parker and while everyone had expected the two of you to get along as teens of the same age, no one knew just how close you and Peter really were. The rule had initially started at Stark Tower as a branch off of one of your father’s household rules: no dating superheroes. You thought he would be less strict as your life became centered around them, as did his, but you had no such luck. There was little chance Tony Stark would ever change the rules set for his little girl. So you were left to bend them instead.
While you and Peter seemed like close friends, you only started out as a platonic couple before your relationship escalated faster than either of you could’ve anticipated into something more fulfilling than you could’ve ever hoped for. Peter became your everything. Before you knew it, he was your rock. He was the first person you wanted to share a new dirty joke with or an unlocked childhood memory or even complain to when your father became too restricting. It was so much easier for the both of you to be together during high school. Being a college sophomore made your relationship much more complicated. Especially seeing as Peter stayed close to home at NYU and you left town to attend MIT (your father would never let you go anywhere else).
With campuses that were over a 4 hour drive away from each other, you and Peter only got the occasional three day weekend to spend with each other and that was only when you were able to evade spending time with your dad by making up an excuse as to why you couldn’t come home and held your ground until you had to eventually cave to his demands. The only time you and Peter really got together was during holiday breaks when you two could both be at the campus and sneak around like smitten teenagers all over again. With only three weeks, you were determined not to waste a single second with so little time, even if it meant using your shapeshifting ability to disguise wizard school movies as chemistry homework. What could be suspicious about two close friends sharing notes about stoichiometry?
You felt your heart start back up as Natasha passed you in the hallway instead of your father, shooting you a smile. 
“Morning, y/n.” she greeted pausing to look at your stack of folders with a look of confusion.
“Uhh, good morning.” you croaked, praying that there wasn’t some defect in your ability that allowed her to see a portion of the one of the movies you were disguising. Thankfully, your facade held.
“Homework? Really? This early on a saturday?”
You gulped as you nodded.
“You know me,” you forced a smile. “I’m actually on my way to wake Peter up so we can review together.”
“Good for you,” she nodded, impressed. “Breakfast should be in a couple hours if you two want a break. Try not to get bored!”
“Thanks?” You shrugged before continuing off to where you knew Peter’s room was, conveniently all the way on the other side of the building from your own. Soon enough you were at Peter’s door, turning the knob and entering without knocking, quick to shut it behind you to prevent anyone else from seeing how eager you were to ‘study.’ Surrounded by the comfortable closed walls of privacy, you let your platonic friend disguise fall and set the stack of papers on the edge of Peter’s bed.
Your boyfriend was still tucked beneath the covers, as was expected. You two had made your marathon plans ages ago and after losing several rounds of rock paper scissors, Peter’s room was made the place of the marathon meaning it was your job to wake him up. Overall you thought it best as you were more natural at lying (literally as you were aided by shape shifting powers) and a little more strategic when it came to social interaction and plotting.
You neared the stirring boy, his sleep disrupted by the clatter of the discs and the movement of his bed as you sat down to kiss him.
“Peterrr…” you whispered, hovering above him with an unshakable grin etched upon your face. “Wake up.”
You awoke him by placing a soft kiss on his nose and smiling down on him as he furrowed his eyebrows in aversion. It wasn’t until his eyes fluttered open that he grinned as he saw you and craned his head up to kiss you properly, his lips soft against yours, slipping a hand up from under the covers to cup your cheek.
“Morning.” he greeted, smiling affectionately as he sat up against the wall behind his pillow, pulling you into his lap so that he could kiss you once more. That was until he took a look at what you had brought, books and paper for studying. He cringed, pulling you closer and kicking up his covers in disgust.
“Oo no. I refuse to study on a Saturday. Can’t we save that for the last minute like every other time we’re together?” his lips turned into a sly grin as they neared yours once more.
You laughed as his complaint sparked many memories, most of you both tangled up together out of what started as procrastination, but ended up in unbridled desire that poured out after being built up each time you were away from one another for too long.
“Nice try, Parker. And here I thought we’d have a nice time today. Don’t you remember our plans?”
As you gesture to the folders and notebook on the edge of his bed they instantly shrunk back to their original form. All of a sudden, instead of the obnoxious red notes and blue folders filled with paperwork were the four DVDs with their easily recognizable covers that screamed nostalgia. Peter’s face lit up instantly, a mix of excitement and relief as his morning amnesia faded away. But even still, his seductive grin returned as he slid you further up his lap.
“We can’t start just a teeny bit later?” he teased, his fingers sending chills down your spine as they glided up the sides of your thighs. One of the downsides of how long you two had been together was that Peter knew exactly how to bend you to his will. “I think I’d rather spend our first morning together a little differently.”
He leaned in for another kiss, but instead of meeting your lips in the middle, his mouth was met with your finger as you pulled away and sat next to him, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek before shuffling into his comforter. It was by luck that your Stark genes made you extraordinarily stubborn and resistant to his persistence.
“Maybe later. Right now I am seriously craving a Hogwarts escape,” you lightly pushed Peter towards the DVDs, hinting that he would have to be the one to pop it into the reader. You teased him as he left his bed, grinning wickedly. “Besides, Harry’s wand is way bigger than yours.”
Peter’s head whipped around as the previews started to roll on the flat screen TV behind him that could be found in every resident room on the campus.
“Hey,” he pouted, though there was still enough of a smile left that you were sure he knew you were only kidding. He settled beside you, tucking an arm behind your head so you could rest on him as you normally did when you shared a room. “It’s hard to compete with 11 inches.”
After skipping through each advertisement for movies that had come out over a decade ago and finally selecting the play option on the movie menu, Peter planted a soft kiss on your forehead as the movie finally began and the familiar notes of the main theme played from the speakers.
“I think you should wake me up like this every morning.” he mumbled into your skin.
“I think that would be nice.” you agreed and nuzzled closer into him.
You two spent the entire first movie just like that, two nerds wrapped up in each other so close that you could hear each other's heartbeats, but so involved in the film that you didn’t get distracted by the distant pulsing of them.
“I think I'd make a great chaser.” you confessed during Harry’s first quidditch game.
“No, I think you’ve got it all wrong,” Peter argued. “I’d make a great chaser. You’d definitely be a beater. I mean legally hitting people off of flying brooms in a competitive wizard sport? If that isn’t right up your alley, I don’t know what is.”
“You’re right.” you agreed right before Harry crash landed into the sand, the golden snitch popping out of his mouth.
It was after the first movie that you started feeling peckish and by the way Peter squirmed to change positions every few seconds, you could tell he was feeling the same. Two hours awake without any food was an abnormal event for you and as a result your stomach was growling loudly. As you had other needs to attend to, you excused yourself and offered to grab the two of you something from the kitchen to snack on during the rest of your marathon.
“I’ll get it babe, you can stay in bed.” Peter offered, sitting up with you as you stood from his bed.
“That’s alright,” you assured him, handing him the disc to the second movie and the sleek black remote that controlled the monitor. “I’ve got to go to the bathroom so I’ll grab it on my way back.”
Peter laid back, his hands coming behind his head on the pillow as he eyed you on your way to the door. You smiled at him in confusion, wondering why he was admiring you so when all you were doing was fetching food.
“What?” you questioned, sliding on a sweatshirt over your pajamas.
“Sometimes I can’t believe we’re together,” he admitted. “You’re way too good for me.”
You giggled at his honesty as you moved towards the door.
“Are you still trying to sleep with me?” you teased.
“No,” he admitted, shaking his head adamantly. “...but I’m not opposed to the idea.”
You rolled your eyes playfully as you turned to leave, chuckling to yourself.
“I’ll be back soon. You can save the sweet talk for then.”
Though you couldn’t see his face, you could picture Peter’s smile as you shut the door behind you and meandered to the bathroom closest to the Avenger’s kitchen before starting towards the food.
As promised, the breakfast feast awaiting you smelled gloriously of hot buttered pancakes, sweet maple syrup, and so many other wonderful items. You prepared a lie to explain Peter’s absence as you entered the kitchen and grabbed a plate, when suddenly, the voice of your dad sounded from behind you.
“Ahh, y/n!” he startled you, causing you to drop your plate back on the stack of white porcelain where you had just barely plucked it from.
“Hi dad,” you forced a smile, turning to face him. “What’s going on?”
“I’ve been looking for you. C’mon, it’s family meeting time.” he stated casually. You realized then that the dining hall was eerily empty for a Saturday morning. The weekly buffet was normally packed with superheroes or at least a starving Thor. You furrowed your brows in confusion, never before having heard of any such meeting as you followed after your father.
“Family meeting? What about breakfast?”
“It can wait. I’ve got something we need to discuss.” you dad explained as he opened the tempered glass door to one of the many meeting rooms at the campus which was normally reserved for more professional causes.
“Okay. I’ll get Peter.” 
“No time, come with me. Peter’s not invited to this one.” your father informed you as he grabbed your arm, pulling you with him inside of the meeting room where every chair was already filled by various heroes who also resided at the campus. You gave a small wave to those who cared to acknowledge your arrival and wandered to stand in a corner at the back of the room while your father took up the front. From what you could tell, everyone else was as confused as you were. You pulled out your phone just before it commenced, giving you enough time to shoot Peter a quick text explaining your prolonged absence.
 I might be awhile
That’s fine. Take your time.
You fought the urge to smile at your boyfriend’s message as you slipped your phone into your pocket and looked up to your father who was commanding everyone’s attention.
“Thank you for coming, everyone. Really, I appreciate it.”
You recognize a feminine scoff from the right of the table, Natasha shaking her head, a fearful gesture from your main combat trainer. It was a general rule around the Campus, along with don’t introduce Steve Rodgers to ASMR: don’t get Natasha Romanoff angry unless you want to be dead.
“Cut the bullshit Tony. We’re all too tired and hungry to be here for longer than necessary. Get to the point. Why are we here?”
Others voiced their agreement and Tony put his hands up.
“Fine. I prepared a nice little welcome speech for you all, but I guess I’ll skip to my main point. You’re welcome by the way.”
Natasha rolled her eyes.
“The reason I’ve gathered you here today is to discuss a serious matter concerning one of our youngest recruits who I’ve purposefully made sure is not in attendance - ” he stated as he pressed one of the buttons on the controller to the meeting room monitor, the picture popping up on the screen of a face that was all too familiar to you with tousled brown hair and chocolate eyes. “- Mr. Peter Parker.”
Your heart stopped as you heard your boyfriend's name roll off your fathers lips. From a lifetime of knowing him you were sure whatever he wanted to discuss couldn’t be good. You tried your best to not look so shocked and managed to keep a neutral expression as you mirrored Bucky who did not care for the conversation whatsoever. In fact, his expression resembles that of someone who was desperate to deck someone.
“Ah yes! The Man of Spiders!” Thor called out, quite possibly the only Avenger who seemed to be not in the least bit irritated.
“Yep, that’s the one. Here’s the thing,” Tony began as you braced yourself. “It has been two years since he graduated high school. That means he’s had two whole years of college life to get out there and make some new connections, to be a kid! But instead he comes home late every night and is always so exhausted. He’s working way too hard. So I propose that we help our little spiderling find someone he can lean on and turn to. Someone who can really help him slow down and start to be himself. It’s time we help Peter get a girlfriend.”
Your eyes shot open as his words hit you, you had to force your hands to stay down and try not to react too much. You looked around at the reactions of the others, searching for someone who may agree with you, but much to your disappointment, no one seemed as against it as you were. It seemed the topic of helping Peter made the annoyance of the meeting more tolerable and many Avengers were nodding their heads in agreement. Thor especially as he hollered in his seat in clear support.
“Yes! Wonderful idea! A lady spider! Tis like those Midgardean movies that are so popular around this time of year! What do you call them? Wrong-Cons?”
Everyone looked around in confusion.
“Thor is referring to the movie genre of romantic comedies or rom-coms.” Vision explained. With the confusion cleared others started agreeing more.
“Yes, the boy needs a break,” Wanda concurred. “And I love a good rom-com.”
“He works too hard.” nodded Nat.
Others started muttering to their neighbors how they also agreed as you shook your head in utter disbelief.
You pushed off from your place on the wall, quickly gathering the attention of the others as you joined your dad at the front.
“Are you guys crazy?” you laughed nervously. “Peter doesn’t need a girlfriend! Yes, he can be hard on himself sometimes and I agree he needs a break, but that doesn’t mean you should try and shove something in his life that he has never shown any liking towards.” you explain, trying your best to sound as unsuspecting as possible. 
Here in the crowd of adults, you were only Peter’s best friend and you wished to keep them in the dark for as long as possible, especially considering your father forbid you from growing a closer connection to Peter.
To your surprise, another Avenger stood to back your point as the Winter Soldier himself took on the crowd.
“She’s got a point, Tony.” Bucky agreed.
“Yes! Thank you!” you smiled, gesturing at Bucky a little too excitedly.
“We shouldn’t force the boy into something if there’s no confirmation of his own interest,” the Winter Soldier restated, earning a nod of encouragement from you. “There’s probably a reason he hasn’t gotten a girlfriend and I think we should leave him to discover himself if you know what I mean.”
“No, no that’s not what I meant,” at once you started refuting his claim. “Peter’s not gay, he’s just not interested in dating.”
“So he’s asexual? Is that what it’s called nowadays?” Steve asked, his tiny notebook of modern definitions at the ready as he pulled a pen from the pocket of his flannel pajama bottoms. He too had only just woken up.
“No. I mean yes that is a real and valid sexual identity and some people don’t have a desire to be with someone romantically, but that’s not Peter. He’s interested, just not right now.”
“How can we trust that the Tiny Stark knows what she says of the Man of Spiders?” Thor quirked a brow at your claims. You nearly blew up at him as he asked, glaring at the rest of the room on the edge of insanity from the thought of them shipping off your boyfriend to be with another.
“I’m his best friend, okay?! And I know him better than any of you so I know for a fact that he doesn’t need a girlfriend right now!”
Your father grasped your shoulder gently, a weak attempt at calming you down.
“That was exactly my next point. You’re his best friend and you’re right. You know him way better than any of us.” your father agreed. You gave him a thankful smile, glad to finally have him on your side.
“Thanks, dad-”
“That’s exactly why you’ll be out intel and our connection to Peter in ‘Operation Pair Parker.’ That way he won’t suspect anything.” he interrupted with a proud expression.
You stared at him with wide eyes.
“You already named it!? You’re kidding right? You have to be kidding. You all know this is just unbelievably crazy right?” you asked the crowd.
“I don’t see a reason why not. It’ll be good for the kid to have someone.” Natasha disagreed and by the disapproving looks from the others, you could tell her opinion was shared by the majority.
“Exactly. See everyone gets it and we need you to carry it all out,” your father continued. “I already have a few people in mind that I can pair him with. The only reason to not to would be if you know something we don’t. Peter isn’t seeing anyone, right y/n?” your father eyed you, suspicious of your relentless attitude towards his thought out plan. You knew you couldn’t own up to it, the risk of discovery was much too great, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t anything you could do to shut down Operation Pair Parker.
“Well, I didn’t want to expose Peter since he’s only just barely told me-” you began, hardly believing the words were leaving your lips. “-but he has been seeing someone and I think it’s getting pretty serious.”
“Oh really? And who is this girl?” your father interrogated.
“Or boy.” Bucky added.
“It’s a girl,” you clarified, hurrying to think of exactly you could pin Peter’s secret relationship on without creating too much damage. “Her name is um, MJ!” you exclaimed as the name came to you. It was perfect too as she was one of your best friends and someone Peter could’ve easily hypothetically gotten with ages ago.
“You mean the overwhelmingly unenthusiastic girl that Peter has only ever talked about once?” You could tell by his raised eyebrow and narrowed eyes that Tony didn’t believe you, but there was still time to convince him. And you would do anything to end this scheme.
“Yep,” you gritted your teeth, letting out a fake laugh that you hoped sounded convincing enough. “That’s the one, good old MJ. You know what they say, opposites attract.”
Tony wasn’t fazed as the intensity of his suspecting expression lingered on.
“You sure he isn’t seeing someone he’s closer to? You’re not dating him right?” he questioned, reminding you of the age old rule. Under no circumstance were you and Peter allowed to see each other. No matter how many battles you had fought together nor how many times he had protected you from harm. Not even if the world was on the brink of collapse. Never.
“Yeah, you’re acting pretty suspicious.” Sam chimed in.
“Is something up, y/n?” wondered Nat.
You burst into nervous laughter as you thought of a plausible excuse and your web of lies deepened.
“Oh, you guys are too good. You’ve got me! I have been seeing someone.”
“I knew it! Lady Stark is with the Man of Spiders!” Thor pointed accusingly towards you.
“You did not know that.” argued Wanda as Thor had been the least suspecting of all the Avengers up until your false confession. It didn’t help that he was also the most gullible.
“No! No, no, not Peter,” you scoffed, choking out a laugh. “His name is um… Flash!”
Your face burned red as you realized who’s name had just slipped out of your mouth. Oh why hadn’t you said Ned? At least you actually enjoyed spending time with Ned. But as your father’s face shifted and your lie began to work, you knew it was too late to go back now.
“Flash? You mean that boy who’s been mean to you and Peter since you were kids?” your father knew exactly who he was through years of his name popping up in counseling sessions Tonty provided to help you figure out how to defend yourself in public without using your  powers.
“Yeah. He’s actually really nice once you get to know him and we’ve been together for a little while now.” you tried, changing your voice to match the same doting pitch it took on whenever you talked about Peter.
“Huh,” Tony pondered, but eventually shrugged the confession off as your lies snapped into place. He turned off Peter’s image on the monitor, leaving a blank black square in its place. “Well, in that case, the operation is off.”
“Alright, I guess that means I can go…” you smiled, ready to sneak off to finally grab some breakfast and more hidden moments with your real boyfriend.
“And date night is on!” Tony cheered unexpectedly.
Your eyes widened as your stomach dropped in realization of what you had just done. You and Peter were really in trouble now and it was all because you couldn’t admit the truth.
“Date night?” you repeated uneasily.
“To celebrate my children finding love, I want you both to invite your sweethearts over and we’ll have a big dinner so we can get to know them. Let Peter know he has to invite MJ.” specified your father which could only mean he expected you to invite Flash.
Oh shit. There was no getting out of it now.
“What a splendid idea.” deadpanned Vision who you could’ve sworn knew the truth about you and Peter as his room was next door. You almost glared at the android, but caught yourself.
“Yep, sure thing,” you grimaced, knowing that your lies would soon catch up to you. “And when is this whole thing supposed to be?” you asked, hoping it would be after the break so you and Peter could retreat to your separate schools instead of owning up. By then, you’d probably be able to come up with two break up stories so heart wrenching that the Avengers would understand why you would never want to date again.
“Let’s do tomorrow if we can. The sooner the better.” Tony proclaimed, pulling out his device from his pocket so that he could put the dinner into the following day’s agenda, scheduling it as a mandatory event.
You felt like you were gonna pass out.
“Great! I’ll just go tell Peter then. We’ll be ready!” you fake laughed as you walked off, truly dying inside as the crushing weight of what you had just done hit you.
Once you were out of sight of the Avengers (all of which started voting on what theme your dinner would be), you completely spaced picking up something to eat and sprinted down the hallway to Peter’s room. You stumbled in when you arrived, closing the door behind you and leaning on it, gasping for air from the rush.
“Hey baby,” Peter welcomed you back from his bed, lifting the remote to turn down the TV volume by a couple notches. “I hope you don’t mind, I started the second one, but we can totally rewind if you want…”
Confused by your lack of a reply, Peter looked at you and immediately sat up in bed, ignoring the film with a worry riddled face. The remote fell from his grasp and into the twisted sheets of his bed, never to be found again.
“Are you okay?”
You shook your head as you caught your breath, sliding down the door until you collapsed on the floor.
“No, Peter. Something terrible just happened and it’s all my fault.” you cried and curled to tuck your head into your lap. You weren’t quite to the point of tears, but it was enough distress to alert your boyfriend.
Peter sprung off his bed with a start, swinging his legs to the edge so that he could fully face you, but he was apprehensive about approaching your sullen form.
“Is it your period? Is that why you took so long? I knew I should have come to check on you…”
“No, I’m not on my period and I didn’t spend all that time in the bathroom. This is so much worse than that.” you lifted your head to speak so the words didn’t come out jumbled, but as soon as you had finished, your face returned to your lap.
Peter stood and neared you slowly, placing his hands on your forearms and squeezing you comfortingly as you lifted your head.
“I’m sure it can’t be that bad,” he assured you. “What is it?”
You inhaled deeply before rushing out a summary of the events that had taken place only moments before.
“Long story short, my dad was trying to hook you up with someone because he thinks you're so sad and lonely lately so I tried to get him off your back and now he thinks that you’re dating MJ and I’m dating Flash and we have to invite them to a big dinner with all the Avengers tomorrow.” you sputtered in one breath, gasping by the end.
“How are we supposed to do that? I mean maybe MJ would agree if she were even in town… maybe, but we can’t invite Flash here!”
“I know!”
“Why didn’t you say Ned?!”
“I don’t know! That’s not the point, Peter. What I’m saying is that we need to come up with something fast.”
“I think we should just tell him.” Peter confessed, not one to share your disregard for the truth. Instead, he imagined a future where he could be more open with his teammates about the love you shared, maybe even rub it into Sam and Bucky’s faces as the three held a long standing rivalry since an opposing battle at a German airport. “Better fess up now.”
“NO! Peter, my dad will KILL US if he finds out we’re together!” you shut down his suggestion, too afraid of the consequences to even contemplate telling the truth. “We’ve got to come up with something better, I can’t let him win this.”
“Ugh, you Starks and your stubbornness.” Peter groaned. While he was well informed of your father’s rule, he didn’t understand why the two of you were so competitive, especially when it came to ethicality.
“I just wished there was a way we could pull it off without inviting either of them.” you pouted, staring off into the distance when the scene playing on the screen caught your eye.
The meeting had lasted so long that while you were gone, Peter had managed to watch up to Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s secret potion escapades in the abandoned girls’ bathroom.
“Add the hairs.” directed Hermione as the golden trio sprinkled the strands into their separate goblets of green sludge, so young in only the second film in the saga.
“You're right,” Peter sighed, his attention turning to the movie at the same time as you. “Things would be so much easier if we were wizards and could make Polyjuice Potion.”
Suddenly an idea popped into your head.
“Peter! That’s it! You’re a genius.” you exclaimed, pulling away from his hold and running across the room to his closet, flipping excitedly through his collection of colored flannels.
“Thanks,” Peter blushed, moving to sit on his bed once more. “Why exactly am I a genius this time?”
Your smile widened as you came upon it, Peter’s darkest flannel that distantly resembled something your dear friend MJ would wear. You pulled it on and discarded the hanger, throwing it haphazardly to another corner of the room as you looked at your boyfriend. You beamed at him as if you had just won the lottery. For a skilled liar, stringing together a new fake story was almost as accomplishing.
“Can I borrow this?” you asked.
“Of course,” Peter obliged. “You know how I feel about you wearing my clothes. Can I just ask why this in particular?”
“We can’t ask MJ or Flash to attend themselves so we’ll just have to become them instead!”
“What do you mean?” Peter asked.
You closed your eyes and concentrated, picturing MJ in your mind and spreading your arms out from your body as the familiar tingling sensation started and your body began to change from the will of your shape shifting powers. Before long, you began to resemble the quiet girl from your school. Your hair grew longer and curled into her familiar pattern as your jawline sharpened and your limbs lengthened until the girl standing in front of Peter was no longer his girlfriend, but the one and only Michelle Jones.
You opened your eyes that now resembled her dark brown ones and smiled at him, something MJ would never do. Peter’s own face lit up as he realized what you meant.
“That’s even better than Polyjuice Potion!” he grinned, watching you nod as you looked yourself top to bottom, satisfied with the extent of your abilities.
“I think we can make this work.” you stated, moving towards Peter who was gazing at you with admiration.
“You just need to master her facial expressions. MJ would never smile that much.”
You closed your eyes again and took a deep breath as you let your smile fade away to capture MJ’s unwavering neutrality.
“That’s perfect.” Peter complimented once you had mastered it. You chuckled out of pride as your usual smile carved back onto your face along with an affectionate look as you glanced at Peter. You leaned into him, lips at the ready to peck his perfect pretty face until you were stopped by his outstretched hands.
“What?” you questioned, unused to being denied by your boyfriend.
“As much as I would love to kiss you right now, you still look like one of our best friends.” Peter explained with reddened cheeks.
“Oh right.”
Quickly, you shook off your disguised form and shifted back into yourself. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed Peter and allowed him to pull you in closer by your waist, his hand sneaking up to meet the skin under his flannel. It seemed at last he would get to have his own rendition of a perfect first morning with you.
After a few moments, he lifted away from your lips with a heavy breath to ask, “Does this mean I have to be Flash?”
You sent him a guilty smile.
“Sorry babe, but we’ve gotta do what we’ve gotta do.”
part two out now!
172 notes · View notes
liver-f4ilure · 2 months
2023 Prague Shootings
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(NOTE: I’m working on the Academy Maniacs post I promise!)
David Kozák was born August 12th 1999 in Hostouň, Czech Republic. Little is known about his early life.
After graduating high school Kozák started studying at the Charles University in Prague, specifically studying the history of Poland. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree and successfully defended his thesis, earning an excellent grade from his professor, František Stellner.
According to Czech police chief, Martin Vondrášek, Kozák had a gun license and owned 8 firearms at the time of the shooting. In the Czech Republic in order to obtain a gun license one must get a medical examination, amongst other things. Kozák’s friend, only named ‘Alice’, had become concerned with Kozáks mental state in summer of 2022. Due to this, Kozák underwent 4 psychiatric visits. During which he stated his suicidal tendencies before later stating his murderous thoughts aimed towards his parents and unassuming people. By the Psychiatrists advisory, Kozák visited the Psychologist once in December of 2022. In Czech Republic, psychiatrists must forward their reports to the patients general practitioner, if it is known to them, however Kozák did not disclose it, so no report was issued.
With this lack of knowledge, Kozák was able to obtain a gun license with the only rule being that he must wear glasses.
Police stated that Kozák had been planning the shooting for a while. On his search history was research about mass killers, including the ‘Forest Killer’ a spree killer in Prague who killed 3 people. He had also researched the teaching schedules of classes on the fourth floor and downloaded the schools layout and other surrounding buildings. Lastly, he made note about the possible amount of students in each classroom.
Kozák had told multiple friends about his gun purchases, especially Alice whom he told about undergoing shooting practices and his plans to start exercising saying that he’ll need to lift heavy bags in 2-3 months. Kozák also received a gift of CZK 300,000 (13,000 USD) from his grandmother and withdrew CZK 400,000 (17,000 USD) from his savings account. Both of which he used to purchase ammunition and other related equipment.
On December 15th 2023, Kozák was believed to have murdered a 32-year-old man and his 2 month old daughter in the Klánovice forest. He was one of many suspects in the case but it has not been confirmed.
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On December 21st 2023 Kozák murdered his father, Stanislav Kozák, at their home in Hostouň, accomplishing his ideas of murdering his parents. Kozák then drove to Faculty of Arts, Charles University. He entered the main building and began shooting at students and teachers, he killed 14 people and wounded 22 others. Kozák also fired at police and bystanders from the fourth floors balcony, like he had planned. The attack lasted 20 minutes before Kozák shot and killed himself on the balcony.
His (used) weapons were 9mm semiautomatic pistol (Klánovice forest) .380 ACP Škorpion semi automatic pistol (Hostouň) 9mm Glock 47 semiautomatic pistol, Sig Sauer semi automatic pistol (classrooms) .308 ZEV AR-10 semiautomatic rifle (balcony) and a 12 gauge Francolin Guardian pump action shotgun (suicide/balcony)
In the aftermath, Kozáks home was searched and there police found a letter confessing to the murders in the forest, as well as improvised explosives. In a post- Mortem examination Kozáks personality was found to be “schizoid with narcissistic and antisocial traits and a very solid IQ”. Police determined the motive was simply that he felt misunderstood and that the attack was revenge to society.
As of today the shooting has been the deadliest shooting in Czech history.
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enricobratta · 3 months
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On April 19, 2016, scientists confirmed that Freddie Mercury had one of the most extraordinary voices ever.
A team of researchers from Austria, the Czech Republic and Sweden dedicated their research to the voice of Freddie Mercury.
Dr. Christian Herbst of the University of Vienna, in his article published in the journal Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, wrote:
"The emergence of subharmonics helps create the impression of a vocal system pushed to its limits, used with extreme mastery. These characteristics, combined with a fast and irregular vibrato, may have contributed to creating Freddie Mercury's eccentric and theatrical character ."
Scientists discovered that Freddie Mercury's vocal cords moved at a faster speed than others. His vibrato, typically oscillating between 5.4 and 6.9 Hz, reached 7.04 Hz, a frequency so high that it vibrated the throat in a way that not even Pavarotti was able to replicate.
Freddie demonstrated a mastery of subharmonics, a singing style only manageable by Tuvan singers, and did so with disarming ease.
The conclusion was unequivocal: Freddie Mercury possessed a unique voice in the Rock 'n' Roll panorama, making him one of the most singular artists ever. (A truth we already knew)
Unrivalled, unmatched, extraordinary - A Legend!
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still plagiarizin'!
Sorry but this thing keeps bugging me. Back when the "professional translation" was first published, they claimed that "unfortunately, the original text [of the epilogue] appears to not be available any more, all we had was a summary which we translated as well."
Their "translated summary" was a sentence-by-sentence rewording of my own epilogue summary, which has only ever existed in English to begin with. That's plagiarism, with some crass lying about it on top. Someone pointed out to them that they'd been found out, they apologized and took it down.
And yet there's still plagiarism in their files.
They added a glossary at the end meant to explain some terms and geographical correspondences (this is not part of the original book and is not marked as an addition. People have posted about it thinking it was penned by Kurvitz). It is also oftentimes wrong. And, as it turns out (thanks @smellslikegeraniums), it is also oftentimes taken straight from this Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/eprvi8/the_real_world_inspirations_of_the_countries_in/ without credit. It is particularly noticeable in some one-of-a-kind takes:
Sur-la-clef: "a French/Belgian blend being the seat for the Nato/Eu coalition." becomes "A France/Belgium blend and the seat for EPIS"
Yugo: "The balkans, former yugoslavia" becomes "The Balkans, former Yugoslavia" (this is notably lifted because "Yugo" by itself isn't a thing)
Vesper: "Czech Republic" in both
Graad: "Some kind of Russian/Polish blend (potatoes for spirits etc)." becomes "[...] also, Russia/Poland blend [...]" (have you even read the damn book. Is Tereesz minced meat to you)
Oranje: "A stronger, militarized capitalist netherlands." becomes "Version Netherlands that is larger/stronger/militarised"
Nobody's ever called it out and so nobody's ever taken it down? Got caught for plagiarism once and didn't even take down all the plagiarism in your work? Come on.
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sillygoosealert · 6 months
how about Smoke x Reader on their honeymoon?
Only one thing happens on honey moons.. sex
Only one thing happens on honey moons..٩(๑´3‘๑)۶
Tomas NSFW, AFAB reader, you were a dress for one sentence.
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Muffled giggles and laughs can be heard as Tomas rolls around on your bed, with you trapped in his arms
You're in the Czech Republic- a sex hotel, in the Czech Republic
You both thought it be fun to try out something new
And what better time than now?
He doesn't get to see you nearly as often as he would like, he's a busy man
So when he can finally feel you up, he’s ecstatic
When he lays you on the bed he bites and sucks and kisses every part of your face he can
You giggle for him to stop- that it tickles but he only continues with a smile
His hands seem to make their way up your dress and takes it off
Then he just stares at your semi-nude body
‘What, is something wrong?’
‘No no, you’re just- really pretty’
You quirk your eyebrow
‘No just- I can't believe that you're letting me see you like this, I feel special’
‘You are special, to me’
He smiles at you while laying his head on your chest
You interlock hands and he starts to kiss your chest, sucking on your Breast slightly while mainly focusing on your nipples
He's grinding into you, rubbing himself on your inner thigh
He hurriedly takes off his pants while you finish taking off your panties
Then he cups your face while staring at you
‘Can I try something new?’
You're a bit hesitant and he knows, but he gives you a little slap on your thigh before placing his head in between them
He gives you a long lick up your cunt, feeling you grip his hair with your freehand
Going to your clit, he sucks on it and pops off with a loud noise
‘Was that good, did you like it?’
‘Yes Tomas, it felt good..’
He always makes sure you like what’s he doing- you enjoying how he makes you feel is one of the hottest things to him
He thinks you are wet enough for him, and he thinks he's ready to progress further
After spitting on your cunt, he lines himself up
Then he slowly slides in
‘You can move whenever you think you're ready’
He starts to hump into you, burying his head in your shoulder
You run your clit and hum into his hair, your other hand running along his back
He cups your face with one of his hands and kisses you roughly
Grunting into your mouth, he picks up the pace and whispers filthy things into your ear
You're both close and with a bite on your shoulder you both finish
‘I’m sorry about the bite baby, are you okay?’
‘It’s okay, I'm alright. Are you fine?’
He nods and very slowly peels off of you
Pulling you on top of him and wrapping his arms around you, the thought of another round or a bath is long forgotten
You are just enjoying each other, at peace with each other
You fall asleep, and what you do when you up doesn't matter as of now
Nothing matters, everything is still and you both are comfortable
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Weak pull-out game fr 🎀
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fic-heaven · 4 months
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All for a pair of tits (Ghost x witty! Reader)
Part 1 / pt 2 "where we left off."
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Not edited/ Nsfw/ Kyle likes reader/ a bit of jealous Ghost/ tourism stuff.
🐥omg I made a part 2 as requested 😩 👐???
🐥I hope you guys like it because the first part rocked my page xd I won't stop receiving notifications and someone asked for a second part on the comments so here we go again.
The mission finished faster than Ghost had predicted with the objective captured and the whole building (and most of his other businesses and properties) sealed and under close investigation.
Price had taken it upon himself to finish all the paperwork that same night and urged you all to do the same, so in compensation you'd have two free days to enjoy Prague. And what a tempting plan that was.
When you arrived here, none of you got overly excited of coming to the beautiful, artsy capital of the Czech Republic, thinking you only came here to accomplish the mission and leave, but the moment John offered two days to unwind and explore the city, none of you protested and eagerly obliged. In consequence, your group didn't get more than three hours of sleep before Price woke you all at seven in the morning to leave the hotel and move to another different one.
"Y'guys gotta pay for your own rooms, this isn't part of the work trip no more, so until we head back to England whatever we buy will come outta our pockets."
All of you groggily grunted, nodded or hummed in reply tiredly carrying everything to the taxies. Of course your group was used to getting little to no sleep, but the flight here and the whole acting, acrobatics and paperwork regarding the mission made your tired bodies melt at the mention of a well-deserved two-day vacation.
"Show me the hotel again, cap." You huffed struggling to get accommodated on your seat as you were squished between Soap and your cases.
"Say that again, (y/n)."
"Jesus. Could you, my sweet dear captain, pretty please show me again the hotel we're staying over?" You rephrased in a sickenly sweet voice.
John chuckled handing you his phone from the copilot seat when Soap quickly snatched it before you could take it. You two started throwing hands at one another with curses and giggles and you swore the driver bit down his tongue trying to stay quiet and professional. Mostly because of how intimidating you all looked. But you were sure this guy was more relieved to drive your group of three, feeling luckier than the woman driver assigned to carry one sleep deprived Ghost and Gaz with the rest of the cases.
Talking about the lieutenant. Ghost missed you.
After the mission, the ball, the persecution, the whole talk with Laswell and the CIA, clearing the misunderstanding with the Czech police, the long hours of paperwork, the short breakfast and finally, the taxies' distribution, you didn't do much than groggily muster a good morning his way. Simon was never sure about what was going through your head because you can be very unpredictable at times, but he couldn't get the intense intimate moment you two shared on Soap's room out of his head and hoped you did as well. Of course Simon couldn't also forget the stench of the monster shit that came out of Johnny's anal rectum and cooked for over half an hour in that small bathroom. But fuck, he only had to remember your tits bouncing Infront of the the vanity's mirror and the nightmare would go away fast. Exactly for that reason, he didn't complain when he was paired up with Gaz because he didn't want to be in between you (the boobies' dream) and Soap (the farting nightmare), at least until you guys arrived to the new hotel.
The place was nice, it had an interior pool and even a small Japanese garden Ghost was sure Johnny would love to visit at night to draw and write on his journal, it also seemed like an amazing place to enjoy breaking his two week rate of not smoking after he also broke his two month rate of not masturbating. Yes, you were too impactful for him and also worth falling back to his additions.
The hotel held just a speck of many art styles Prague was known for. You and Gaz were so eager to explore the city that once all of you were inside, as Price had already booked five rooms, you took your keys quickly, planned to take a very quick nap and meet at the reception to eat out. Soap whined that you two weren't including him so you comforted him and apologized telling him about the plan, John also tagged along offering Ghost to do so as well but he was PISSED and none of you knew exactly why.
How dare you leave him out of the plan? Of course you seemed too tired to explain everything to everyone and Gaz was the one who first offered you to make this trip with him, but didn't you notice Simon's intense stare? Didn't you crave to continue where you two left off? Wait, is Gaz looking at you funny? Maybe he was trying to get closer to you, maybe the young lad misunderstood the dance you two had as you managed to get into the criminal's private party and tried to pursue you. Fuck, Ghost has gone nuts. He can't go around behaving like a jealous teenager with a crush.
"Whatever... Just lead the way." Ghost grunted when you all pressed him to join you instead of closing himself on the hotel's room.
Simon was hoping that after you all took the keys and left to your rooms, he could get a word with you alone. But to his dismay, Gaz had you trapped in the hall eagerly monologuing about multiple topics all from the marvelous places you would visit, your tired brain couldn't keep up with everything so you nodded at anything he said with this cute, sleepy face, struggling to keep your pretty eyes open and your sweet smile breaking from time to time to yawn. Simon decided to take mercy on you putting his steel armor on, marching your way to rescue the sleepy beauty from the sharp claws of the talkative dragon. Ghost didn't say a word just threw his cases inside his room, walked your way, picked you up bridal style breaking Gaz from his monologue and took you to your room's door, you lazily opened it when he let you down slowly.
"Nighty-night..." You yawned before Ghost abruptly closed your door, he had already left your case on the wardrobe next to the door before he left you to rest. You'd thank him properly once you have taken an hour of sleep.
When Gaz knocked on your door you were already dressed with civilian clothes, less tactical, more casual. Price wasn't feeling too sure about leaving part of the gear on the hotel but as it turns out, most of the hotel staff knew the captain as they were Laswell's old friends and longtime contacts, it was Laswell who offered Price this hotel and made it all the more cheaper due to her connection with your unit so all your gear and important stuff was safe and closely watched over.
Prague was beautiful.
Gaz had told you about this strange feeling of wholesomeness and wonder one feels when they travel and you didn't understand it up until now. Of course you had traveled before... But only for work stuff. So getting to explore the Prague had made you giddy to feel such thing.
As you two went to the lobby you met Price and Soap wandering about on the hotel's tiny souvenirs shop. There, you also found Ghost, he was wearing a dark blue, cozy hoody with the England's flag in it under an old black and grey jacket, some jeans and a white surgical mask. You approached him from behind, his dirty blonde hair seemed gold near the old lamp's light that was situated on his left side, his brown eyes were inspecting the beautiful postals displayed on the front wall. He seemed bored but you knew the big lieutenant was as curious about this city as all of you. He was so handsome.
"You're awake." Simon simply said, eyes switching from postal to postal.
"Are you excited we're scaping work for two days?" You purred nudging his shoulder with your head as you faced the same wall.
Ghost looked down your way, a small smile under his surgical mask. He can't stay mad at you when you lean to him this way. It's like you suck up all the anger you make him feel with your mere presence and touch.
"It's... Good."
"Just good, huh?"
"Prague is nice."
Ghost was so dry, but even that was endearing for you.
"But...? You rather stay in the land of tea n' biscuits-"
"I'd rather stay in my hotel room with you." He bluntly interrupted you.
You were expecting a comment like this but to actually hear it from your lieutenant was arousing as hell.
"I thought we weren't supposed to fraternize." You smirked teasingly.
But that seemed to dry the arousal from your lieutenant who now stared blankly at you before he moved away as Johnny called you two from the door announcing you were all leaving the hotel.
Well shit. Fuck. Wrong line.
The autumn foliage made Prague look otherworldly, specks of orange here and there sparkled the city and accompanied your group as your eyes marveled on every store you visited and every building you got to see. Gothic, Art Nouveau, Cubism, and Surrealism were the main artistic styles that influenced the architecture and street art of this gorgeous city.
Gaz and Soap had made a list of all the most remarkable places in Prague: Franz Kafka's museum, Tyn cathedral, Prague's Castle, the Spanish Synagogue, the tragic Jewish Museum... Overall, gigantic castles and impressive cathedrals, very interesting museums and street art, it was very hard to pick where to start. You obviously couldn't see it all in two days, but the little time you had was enough to visit some of those places.
You guys spent an hour marveling over anything and everything and were enjoying a second breakfast on a cafe near the very famous Astronomical Clock listening to Gaz fawning over the beauty of Prague saying things like: "Did you know Mozart lived here?", "The second ugliest building in the whole world is in Prague, we must visit it!" Or "Petrin Tower has the best view of the whole city, captain. We'll take amazing pics from there!" Kyle looked so adorable, his young features lighting up in excitement and wonder.
As the clock marked 9:00 the twelve apostles appeared on the clock's building making a show for the tourists to gawk at. Your group included. Gaz almost fell out of his chair trying to capture every second of the show with his new phone (he accidentally carried his old one to this mission and when he got shot, the bloody bullet impacted right on the screen destroying the device but saving his life. Lucky bastard.), Soap also tried to film the show but the dumbass forgot to charge his phone and it died on him just when he opened the camera so you gave him yours instead and he, like a happy kid with a new toy, took it with a grin and begun inflating your gallery with pictures and videos. Price chuckled picking up a new conversation you eagerly joined. The topic? Who was the laziest of you all.
"Soap." Ghost accused running an arm around the back of your chair. You smiled up at him and Ghost gave you a short, soft glance. He didn't seem angry or annoyed anymore, Prague's beauty seemed to work it's magic on calming the Manchester beast.
"ME!?" Soap almost dropped your phone and you smacked his arm so hard his tattoo could have very well left his skin.
"You know why I favor lazy soldiers on hard jobs? Because the muppets always find creative ways to finish shit faster." John smirked behind his cup seeing how that last wip of his made Gaz and Soap actually compete on who of them two was the laziest just to impress Price. The idiots... You loved them.
And your endearment for the two Sargeants you considered little brothers, was evident in your light chuckles and giggles at each story they told about their laziness. Ghost found himself staring so deeply into you enamoured by your light laughter that everything muffled around him. Price shot your way a teasing wink when he noticed Simon's trance, to his surprise, you winked back and looked back at your lieutenant with the same affection, and instead of showing you any embarrassment Ghost simply gave your arm a soft squeeze with the hand that previously gripped the back of your chair and redirected his attention to the conversation as if you two hadn't just shared an intense staring competition.
Back to the OTHER competition of who was the laziest: Gaz won just by sharing the dumbest anecdote of how a few months back when he was flying to visit his parents, he had downloaded a clapping sound on his phone so when people started clapping as the plane landed he just played the sound at full volume.
You all resumed your trip and kept exploring the city before enjoying lunch at a beautiful restaurant and at the very last minute Price offered to take the Big Bus which would take you on a tour around the city and for an extra amount of money you could go on a river cruise across the Vltava River. To your absolute surprise it was Ghost who offered to buy your ticket and so, all of you enjoyed the guided tour until your team stood up to leave the bus at a certain stop. All of them but Ghost. Price shot you two a knowing look before you parted ways with a rushed goodbye just when Ghost gripped the hem of your hoodie to stop you.
"We are not... Joining the others?" You asked a bit baffled and confused, Simon smiled under the plain white surgical mask, urged you to sit down with him and you accommodated yourself by him with his arm firmly wrapped around your shoulders.
"I thought you'd like to see the river with me." He purred and you shot him a bright toothy smile, your eyes widening.
"We're taking the river cruise!'' You exclaimed.
"...Surprise." He lowly said in a sing-song tone, his cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment enjoying the delight in your eyes.
"Simon Riley, I never thought you'd be the romantic type." You teased. God forbid you from ruining the moment with your teases once more.
"I can be romantic." Ghost said looking away as if seeking a reaction out of you, name it surprise or amusement or whatever. But instead you huffed, nudged the underside of his chin with your head and nuzzled closer surprising the Lieutenant.
"I'm sure you can, Si." And you said it so softly, with no mocking tone or sarcasm or anything. It squeezed his heart in ways he couldn't imagine possible. That nickname you just called him... You were so adorable, this couldn't get more perfect.
The cruise was surprisingly emptier than he had expected, perhaps it was because of the date, the weather or how expensive it was, but Ghost was in bliss.
You two were cuddling on the spot you had chosen with Ghost resting his chin on your shoulder as you two enjoyed the view of the river, an earplug on your right ear and the other on his left while you listened to a gentle (very romantic and fitting) playlist Ghost shared from his phone, the boat swings slowly as if lulling you, Prague was breathtaking and the multiple orange leaves that rained down from the nearby trees decorated the surface of the river in such way that entranced you two.
Do you know this feeling you get when you instantly think "This is totally going to be a core memory."? Well, that's how you were feeling. And Ghost? He was so at peace with you on his arms on this beautiful scenery right on his favorite season of the year. His favorite person on his arms in a foreign country just after capturing a mafia boss, this must be a dream. Simon craved to say that he loves you right then and there, the fantasy playing on his head of your warm embrace and your lips against his made him feel lightheaded nuzzling his face closer pressing his cheek firmly on yours. His heart skipped a beat when you quickly moved to place a short peck that landed on his surgical mask above the side of his nose. He leaned back and you cursed lowly thinking you messed up until your lieutenant's scarred hands went to take his mask off. Simon looks at you softly, his thin lips spread into a soft timid smile as some leaves from a nearby tree landed on his hair and jacket. He looked beautiful, and he thought the exact same thing about you.
"I..." You whisper breathless at the sight, and for once in your life you couldn't find your words as they were lost at the beautiful view of Simon with that beautiful stern but softened gaze. He looked angelic even, the memories of his enraged bloodied form during battle were lost and forgotten momentarily to make place for a new memory of this handsome man staring at you with so much love and devotion your eyes begun tearing up. Ghost shivered a bit, his smile lightly widening, he could feel the love overwhelming you so much your tears slid down and his heart beat faster. He knew what you wanted to say. He knew his (y/n).
"I do too." Simon said.
He leaned the slightest bit then and you did as well, suddenly too nervous to say anything until-
"Mister! A rose for the wife?" Said an old man that happened to pass by your seats with a bouquet of gorgeous white roses.
"W-wife?" It's the first time you ever heard Simon stutter but you knew better than to tease him about it.
"Sure!" You chirped buying him a rose and he was so stunned his big beautiful chestnut eyes followed every move you made until the old man left and you were placing the rose on his chest.
"A beautiful rose for my beautiful wife~" You snicker.
"I don't think he meant me, love."
"Why! He was looking at me while he said that!"
"Maybe's cuz' the old man's sight was fucked."
"He didn't correct me though!"
Ghost sighs, his shoulders shagging as he sneakily sniffs the beautiful rose on his chest and he couldn't get more pretty. Your hand shot to your pocket trying to find your phone but couldn't. Soap must have kept it when you two stayed behind.
"Shit-..." You cursed, and Ghost's smile widened again handing you his phone but snatching it back when you were about to take it.
"One picture. But only if you're in it too." He said lowly and you complied.
You two posed for Ghost's cracked camera with a sweet smile holding the rose together as the Charles Bridge came to view from behind you and the orange leaves picked height with the chilly, wet breeze of the season. Simon almost strangled you when after snapping the picture you added a small text that said: "Prague's cruise with my wifey~" with an orange leaf emoji and a white heart. Now he has a new lock screen.
Hours passed and after reuniting with the other three at the gates of the hotel, you all agreed it was best to enjoy dinner at the hotel because you had drained your wallets enough for the day. Ghost smirked under his surgical mask when he noted Gaz's bitterness at the sight of your hands tangled and how you were pressing your body against his lieutenant's every chance you had. This really had to be the best break Ghost has ever had.
The buffett from the hotel was pretty nice, although Johnny was so excited of showing you the multiple pictures and selfies he had taken with your phone he sat right in between you and Ghost not noticing the chastising look Price was giving him or the murderous glare from the other broody Brit. Gaz also joined the conversation further separating your attention from Ghost but he'd give you the space, after all, this wasn't a two-people trip.
Price and Ghost ended up chatting together about serious matters implying the CIA and Ghost's worry of being recognized by other gang members if they felt vengeful about the guy they captured during the mission. Ghost was a stern man that took his job very seriously and feared nothing for his life but if something happend to you, specially now that his bond with you had deepened and strengthened, he'd loose his god-damned mind, still, it was a weakness he embraced. To his relief, Price reassured him that everything would be alright and it was them who should fear if they got recognized, that he should leave the matter of the mission be, at least until tomorrow when they left Prague to go back to the base in England. Price's confidence was a huge comfort for Ghost, so he then decided to take his word and enjoy what was left of the trip to focus on you and himself instead.
After dinner, you felt a pang on the chest at the realization that you didn't want this trip to ever be over. Of course there was still work to do and you missed your crappy neighbours and the stripped stray cat you used to feed on your porch each morning and night during deployment.
You sat on the patterned emerald carpet next to the large window that overlooked the city at the beginning of the hall where all your rooms were. It was eleven in the night and you didn't want to sleep, so after some tossing and turning you decided that pondering over your current situation with Ghost near the window like an angsty teenager wearing your cozy pajamas was the best option to kill the time until you felt tired enough to sleep. The others had gone to their own separate rooms half an hour ago, all of them but Ghost, who had left the dining place the first, you thought he was on his room but when you knocked there was no reply. You guessed he needed some space, maybe you had overwhelmed him a bit.
You stared at the night sky from the slightly damp window, looked back and when you saw you were alone you cracked an unholy sneeze that could have woken up the whole building.
"Fuckin' hell. God-fucking-bless you, the hell was that?" You heard someone growl coming from the stairs.
"Woops... Sorry n' thank you. It's fuckin' freezing in here. You know? I should tie you a bell of something, LT. You caught me sneezing now but next time who knows."
You heard Ghost sigh lowly as he finished the rest of the way upstairs joining you on the window. He was still wearing his street wear, you picked a slight smell of smoke on his jacket. He must have gone to enjoy his nightly cig break on the beautiful Japanese garden near the hotel's parking lot after dinner.
"What are y' doing here?" Ghost asked and you slowly turned to give him a side glance that spoke volumes of your turbulent mind. He understood.
He wordlessly sat down near you, heavy arms supporting his weight behind his back. Brown eyes looked across the window and lastly, to you. You noticed how relaxed he had gotten every time you were on his eyesight, it made the pang in your chest worsen.
"Shit... I really don't wanna go home." You sighed mindlessly with a bitter, forced smile. Ghost stares at you again, big, wide eyes picking every detail of your face illuminated by the moonlight coming from the window. "You know, I think that... for me, you are the best part of this trip, Si." He hanged his head low a little baffled by your words but quickly lift his chin to look back at you again. "Today was really fun. Excluding the part when we got lost on our way to the hotel and had to use Google's translator to ask our way here." You spoke lowly with a smile on your lips and a barely noticeable lump in your throat.
Ghost brushed it off with a dry chuckle and shook his head swiftly removing his facemask. "That was one of my three favorite parts."
"Three? Do tell, Lt."
Ghost took some time to reply, seemingly gathering the courage to speak again. "First was the cruise."
"When I called ya my wifey?" You jested.
"Don't push it." He growled but you two knew the real truth. "Second was when we got lost." When you asked why he quickly responded as if it was the most obvious thing "Why. 'cuz I got to spend more alone time with you."
Your heart beats faster in sync with his, you leaned forwards sitting a bit closer with your legs crossed and a loving smile lifting your cheeks, your hands went forwards and Ghost didn't waste a second softly squeezing them with his calloused palms.
"What's your third favorite moment?" It came out as a whisper, your features softening, both yours and his cheeks were lightly dusted in red.
"When Johnny fell downstairs after dinner."
You bursted out laughing breaking contact from his hands to cover your mouth and trying to lower the volume of your laughter. It surely had woken up some hosts because you could hear some bangs on distant walls and doors.
"Really? He fell!?"
"Landed on his butt, he looked like a kid. Now that I think 'bout it, I may have a fourth favorite moment..."
You were about to ask when did he see this if he was supposedly on the garden all this time, but instead you nodded urging him to continue. Ghost was silent then, he seemed to be staring deep into your soul like a toddler on the line of the grocery store, you giggled sweetly at this missing the light tremble on his hand when he reached to pick both your hands with his left one as the other went backwards to his pocket. He pulled out a postal of Carlos bridge, on the corner of it was taped a dry leaf, Simon lowly commented that he picked it from your hair when you two arrived to the hotel. Your eyes were tearing up as you took the postal, an ugly sob scaping your lips as you tried to dumbly smile up at him with a pathetic "For me!?" Ghost smirked at your reaction trying to hide his embarrassment. This explains why he left so soon after dinner, he wanted to rush to the souvenir shop before it closed to gift you a tiny piece of Prague, something to remember the beautiful moment your hearts touched.
"When we were at Johnny's room before the mission, when we were about to..." He coughed a little awkward "That's not how I wanted it to go. That wasn't how I wanted this to start." Simon explained motioning a hand between you two.
You smiled softly inspecting the postal and letting out a chuckle filled with affection when you saw that in the back was scribbled: "Prague made me your wifey, and you my white rose." With a tiny doodle of a skull with a rose on its eye socket.
"I love you." Simon blurted and your eyes snapped up to see him smiling at you so softly you felt like you'd faint right then.
"I love you too... Shit I... Wow." You laughed once more perplexed by how deep and emotional this was getting, you shook your shoulders trying to compose yourself "But I didn't get you nothing back..."
Simon stood up and offered you his hand, you took it without hesitation. "You gave me this." He murmured pressing a finger to your chest.
"My tits?"
"Idiot... Your heart. Come on, (y/n)..." He growled annoyed and you snorted.
"I also gave you a rose." You reminded him and that brought his smile back quickly. Ghost mauled at his cheek with a nervous smile looking down the carpet between you two, his hands were now on your waist and yours rested on his shoulders.
"Wanna... Pick up where we left off?" You offered and Simon squinted his eyes a bit confused until he realized what you meant. "This time without Johnny's shit n' the way." You mused.
"By all means..." He joked as well. And you two smiled softly at each other, relief clouding your senses as if a weight had lifted from your shoulders.
His lips were on yours quickly, it startled you at first as your arms went to his neck, one of your hands deliciously tugging at the hair from his nape. He growls in your mouth, tongue licking at the line of your lips demanding you to open it for him and you comply engaging your tongues into a beautiful slow dance.
You two kissed and moaned into each other's mouths as Ghost blindly guided you to his room, one of his hands pawing at every part of your body as the other froze to firmly grip at your right breast squeezing with enough force that you hissed, but then your own moan broke your complains when he bit your lower lip, fingers pinching at your nipple, his right hand abandoned your ass to quickly unlock the door. It was a tedious task when your hands were feeling everywhere they could. With little struggle you opened the door with a kick and rushed inside, both of you taking your clothes off with each step you took closer to the bed as giddy laughs followed scaping your mouths involuntarily. You looked crazed as if what you were doing was a first, as if you both hadn't gotten mistaken for a married couple a few hours back, as if what happened in the other hotel before the mission was nothing but a beautiful fantasy you had made up while getting ready and waiting for Soap to finish his business. How silly but how heartwarming it felt when the moment you turned back fully bare to look at Simon, your naked lieutenant hurried to lift you by your ass and tackled you to the bed bouncing together at the abrupt drop, loud chuckles erupted from your smiling faces. Simon looks at you from above, golden locks ruffled with a smile so wide it shapes his eyes crescent, soft pants followed the rhythm of your own heaving chest.
"You are so beautiful..." You don't know who said it, as this moment felt so surreal your bodies went autopilot.
He caged your body with his then, hard shoulders lowering so he could press a loving much slower kiss to your mouth, your eyes flutter closed, the atmosphere turning more sensual and heavy. The darkness of the room hid your bare, battle-marked bodies from the world, only a speck of moonlight that came from the window to your left badly covered by the curtains, it helped you see a little of Simon's blissed, flushed face as he kissed every inch of skin from your higher half until his face was right above your breasts, his kisses went slightly longer tasting your skin, his warm tongue lick at your chest as if you had poured sweet honey over your nipples. You arched your back bucking your chest to his mouth with a moan when you felt his teeth brush the delicate surface of your hard nipples. He went feral then, big hands massaging your sides, he nudged his head from side to side switching from tit to tit kissing and licking feverishly at every inch of skin he reached. You gasped loudly when his hands shot to grab both your breasts to sandwich his face compleatly, he loudly growled with a "Jesus fuck..." when your legs tangled with his and your wet cunt kissed the underside of his hard cock.
You two were so excited and lost on the foreplay that you missed one crucial detail, Gaz's room was right behind you. So when Simon slid inside you (easily with how wet you were), the gasp that left your lips and the loud grunt that scaped his startled Kyle while the Sargeant was reading his ebook while listening to music. His new music now consisted on a rhythmic thudding on the wall, the headboard of his lieutenant's bed quickly picking pace mashing against the paper wall that separated the two rooms, your sweet moans turning desperate and high pitched when he heard a loud curse coming from the other male.
Simon lifted his chest from yours leaning his whole torso backwards with the support of his left arm, his right hand groped and massaged your thigh while his hips feverishly snap up to hit at your sweet spot. You two were already panting as if you had been at it for hours and not minutes the intensity of the shared feelings (and Kyle's ear pressed against the wall as his hand went under his pants). Your chest heaves, you struggle to contain your sweet moans as Ghost pistons his hips against yours, loud claps and curses fill the room, Simon's enormous sex pulsates inside of you feeling the way your walls squeeze him painfully hard.
"Fuck you feel amazin'... Keep squeezing me, baby... That's it-"
And you wanted to do it, you really did, but you knew that if you did, this would end up quickly. You two were already sweaty, lust-filled eyes fixed on one another until you slightly moved your thigh out of his field of view and quickly his eyes shot to your bouncing breasts and Simon no longer cared of you weren't squeezing his cock, his pace picked up and deepen, the head of his cock punching a whole on your stomach. You squirmed, loving moans turning urgent seeking more and more of the delicious pain his giant cock was giving you. It was a struggle to move your waist closer to his while he was shaking the whole bed with the force of his thrusts, Ghost launched forwards, both hands gripping at the headboard with delicious growls and moans of his own, his pace slowed when he felt your legs wrapping around his waist and your nails dig on his back. He saw heaven in your eyes while you bit on your lower lip, your hips moving upwards milking him for your life, the sweet gasps and groans that he graced you with as he allowed you to do the job caused your cunt to squeeze his cock so hard you managed to push it out.
"Fuuuuckin'-..." He groaned out halting you with his hands roughly gripping at your hips and bullying his cock inside you. "-Hell.....!"
You yelled when he picked up a violent pace, the smacks against the wall stopped abruptly making Kyle groan, Ghost had smacked a hand on the surface and pushed the whole bed a few inches backwards because he swore that the way the forniture was hitting the wall with your lovemaking was making a hole.
Lucky for Gaz, he could still hear pretty well the bed bending and fucking breaking as well as your sweet voice singing a song only dedicated to Ghost who was smashing your cunt so hard, squelching and slapping noises could be heard with clarity. A few moments later, with Simon pining you into a breeding position pushing his hips downwards rubbing his balls on the underside of your sex and his hot mouth firmly pressed on your left breast muffling the loud moans he tried and failed to contain, you panted out you were about to cum, so Simon, with few slow but hard and calculated thrusts, managed to find your end before he quickly lifted himself from you and rushed to your upper half stroking his red cock with angry fast strokes. Beads of cum covered your chest and hit your tongue when you opened up your mouth expectantly. "Jesus... Shit... You vixen..."
You giggle breathlessly swallowing down his cum and try and help guide him back into the bed when the poor lieutenant winced and almost fell backwards when he tried to take a step back.
"We'll be leaving tomorrow... Might as well recover quickly, Lt. The night is long." You whisper on his ear when Ghost tucks you on his chest. "I need your cock inside me again as soon as you can get it up again." That earned you a shiver from the behemoth of a man who, with a quick peck to your temple moved to hover up your body.
"You are one insatiable bitch with a whimsy kitty..."
"Tell me you don't love it." You say licking his ear.
"I love it, and I love you." He said with finality, his thumbs brushing your cheeks lightly and you sighed softly.
The night went on quicker than you'd have liked. By the morning, poor Ghost had to put cream on his whole genitalia with how far you two had gone. Still, he had the best few hours of sleep he has ever had, with your bare body spooned by him, head on his arm and his other hand cupping your tits. You didn't know, but he had taken a selfie with you gently snoring a few seconds before you had awoken and instantly rolled to face him and cuddle properly with a groggy "mornin'..."
Ghost loved this. He imagined himself awakening every night on with you on his arms and he felt a kind of peace and tranquility he never thought he'd be able to feel. Sadly good things don't last, and it was Johnny who had awoken you two by the door to have breakfast and leave to the airport.
All of them were a little surprised but played it nice when they saw you freshly showered and with Ghost's oversized clothes rushing to get dressed in your own room. Price had this look of amusement that never seemed to leave him, Johnny was confused as hell and Gaz had this big bags under his eyes that said enough about his restlessness the night prior.
Some hours later, your group was flying to England where Nikolai claimed he'd wait in the airport to take you all to the base.
Now, If you remember the long conversation about who out the lot of you was the most lazy, it was Gaz.
So when the plane was reaching London and the passengers started clapping and congratulating the pilot, you all turned to Garrick who lazily rolled his head your way with this bored look, lift his phone and pressed a finger on the screen without even looking, instantly, a clapping sound came from it and your team started laughing, classic Gaz. Though Ghost's low chuckles died slowly when he got to see a tiny glimpse of the screen, the clapping came from a video that showed total darkness until he managed to make out the shape of Gaz's hotel room wall. That same wall that connected to his room. So the clapping came from behind the wall, when Ghost was balls deep inside you.
The Sargeant noted the sudden lack of laughter from his lieutenant so his eyes pointed his way, face still bored and slightly exhausted from the flight, the kill shot was when Gaz made this casual shrug that made Ghost remind himself of the oath he made to always be loyal to his team so he wouldn't strangle Garrick right then and there.
"Guess I was also too lazily not to clap my own hands on the video, y'two made me the favor." He winked and Ghost launched his way. Fuck his oath.
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