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pdfradiomamuals · 9 months ago
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blueleads · 2 years ago
tag drop 2/3
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averysmallcetacean · 2 years ago
I love bowhead whales!
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Elements of Zoölogy: A Text-book. Written by Sanborn Tenney. 1875.
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ven10 · 7 months ago
Something about the Baudelaires+the tragedies they face being associated with fire (the fire that destroyed their home, the fire at the Caligari Carnival, the fire at the hotel Denouement…) vs the Quagmires+their tragedies being associated with water (Duncan+Isadora being kidnapped+stashed inside a statue of a fish then later inside of a fountain, the Baudelaires finding Quigley in the Hinterlands surrounded by ice, Quigley+Violet having a key moment on a frozen waterfall, Quigley+the Baudelaires escaping via said waterfall, Quigley being seperated from the Baudelaires by the Stricken Stream, Quigley sending a telegram to Violet whilst she is in a submarine fully submerged in water, the Baudelaires almost reuniting with Quigley after travelling in the depths of the sea in ‘The Grim Grotto’, in ‘The Penultimate Peril’ when it’s revealed that Duncan+Isadora are in danger of drowning as eagles attack their self-sustaining hot air mobile home which is flying over the sea and,of course, all three Quagmire triplets becoming lost (in the sea) to the great unknown.
This is especially evident in ‘The Vile Village’ when the Baudelaires have just rescued the Quagmires who at that point were “two dripping figures” bc of the “rushing water” of the fountain they were trapped in which is then contrasted, merely one paragraph later, by the man who causes the majority of the Baudelaires troubles brandishing fire, “Detective Dupin, holding a torch and heading straight toward the Baudelaire orphans.” [evidence taken from pages 210+211 of ‘The Vile Village’.]
This could represent a number of things:
1: The Quagmires trying to help the Baudelaires like how water extinguishes fire.
2: The cold way in which Olaf uses the Quagmires solely for their fortune and his own sadistic purpose as opposed to his hunting down of the Baudelaires being fuelled by burning revenge.
It’s also interesting how Duncan+Isadora are associated with water whereas Quigley is initially associated with ice in TSS until he+the Baudelaires begin to rely on each other and then he is associated with water (the ice of the stricken stream cracking and Quigley being carried away with it). Due to this, there is solid reasoning to view water in asoue as a metaphor for friendship (at least in the case of the Quagmires).
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apoloadonisandnarcissus · 2 months ago
Understanding Tolkien Legendarium: A Mythology of its Own
Canon vs. Legendarium
On several of his letters, Tolkien uses the expressions “my myth”, “my mythology”, ��mythological-theological”, “mythological world” and “a monotheistic but sub-creational [literary] mythology” (Letter 181) to describe his world-building:
I am interested in mythological 'invention', and the mystery of literary creation (or sub-creation as I have elsewhere called it) and I am the most readily available corpus vile for experiment or observation. Tolkien Letter 180
Dr. Corey Olsen, an American Professor, who specializes in Medieval literature and on Tolkien studies, recently made headlines because of his affirmation: “First thing to specify is that there’s no such thing really as canon in Tolkien.” Precisely because there’s a legendarium (or "lore"), and it's organic and ever involving, allowing for multiple interpretations within it.
This statement enraged many in the Tolkien fandom, who promptly accused Dr. Olsen of “selling out” and “lying” on Amazon’s behalf. Because, of course, some random people on-line think they know better than a college professor with a PhD in medieval literature from Columbia University (2003), and a prolific academic career. To advance Tolkien research and make it accessible “to the masses” Dr. Olsen started a website on 2007, a podcast on 2009, and founded the Mythgard Institute in 2011.��
May I say that all this is 'mythical', and not any kind of new religion or vision. As far as I know it is merely an imaginative invention, to express, in the only way I can, some of my (dim) apprehensions of the world. [...] I have, I suppose, constructed an imaginary time, but kept my feet on my own mother-earth for place […] Middle earth is [...] not my own invention. It is a modernization or alteration (N[ew] E[nglish] Dictionary] 'a perversion') of an old word for the inhabited world of Men […] I imagine the gap to be about 6000 years: that is we are now at the end of the Fifth Age, if the Ages were of about the same length as S.A. and T.A. But they have, I think, quickened; and I imagine we are actually at the end of the Sixth Age, or in the Seventh. between ice of the North and the fire of the South. [...] Many reviewers seem to assume that Middle-earth is another planet! […] I have deliberately written a tale, which is built on or out of certain 'religious' ideas, but is not an allegory of them (or anything else), and does not mention them overtly, still less preach them [...] But I might say that if the tale is 'about' anything (other than itself) […] t is mainly concerned with Death, and Immortality; and the 'escapes': serial longevity, and hoarding memory. Tolkien Letter 211
The denial of a “canon” doesn’t mean everything is fair game, mind you. There’s still a legendarium, and while, yes, it allows for different interpretations (or “playing around” as Dr. Olsen puts it) they still need to be aligned with Tolkien lore; follow the themes Tolkien embodied on his world-building and work. Tolkien created a living mythology, yes, but these are still his characters, his story and his world.
The adaptations of Tolkien work can afford to play with the legendarium if they keep the core message, themes and symbolism, and this is what Peter Jackson did, and what “Rings of Power” is doing; the latter more successfully, actually, because Peter Jackson delivered a very wholly evil vs. wholly good type of story, when Tolkien himself rejected this notion (Letter 183): In my story I do not deal in Absolute Evil. I do not think there is such a thing, since that is Zero. I do not think that at any rate any 'rational being' is wholly evil.
A Myth not an Allegory
The fastest way to misunderstand Tolkien is trying to see allegories where they don’t exist. His work is not an allegory for WWI, WWII, industrialization, totalitarianism, nor any other present day or 20th century event. Sauron is not Stalin, the Orcs are not the communists, and Mordor is not the Soviet Union. Nor anything of that sort. Sauron is Sauron, and the Orcs are the Orcs, period. There is no allegory here, and Tolkien himself rejected this idea.
Tolkien expressed his dislike for allegory and denied his work is one several times on his letters: there is no 'allegory', moral, political, or contemporary in the work at all (Letter 181); my story is not an allegory of Atomic power, but of Power (exerted for Domination) (Letter 186); there is no 'symbolism' or conscious allegory in my story (Letter 203); I have no didactic purpose, and no allegorical intent. (I do not like allegory) (Letter 215); I am not naturally attracted (in fact much the reverse) by allegory, mystical or moral (Letter 262).
That there is no allegory does not, of course, say there is no applicability. There always is. And since I have not made the struggle wholly unequivocal: sloth and stupidity among hobbits, pride and [illegible] among Elves, grudge and greed in Dwarf-hearts, and folly and wickedness among the 'Kings of Men', and treachery and power-lust even among the 'Wizards', there is I suppose applicability in my story to present times. But I should say, if asked, the tale is not really about Power and Dominion: that only sets the wheels going; it is about Death and the desire for deathlessness. Tolkien Letter 203
This might indicate that Tolkien doesn’t mind having his work interpreted as theological allegory on occasion (for different sins/vices). However, political messaging is something that, as Tolkien tells us on his Letter 299, is “entirely foreign to [his] thought.” 
Meaning: everyone who tries to imprint political issues (whatever they might be) onto Tolkien legendarium is missing the point, and completely off mark with their interpretations. Over the years, many accused Tolkien of racism arguing the Orcs were meant to symbolize countless non-white peoples. No; if the Orcs would to be any allegory to real life, they would be corrupted/possessed men by the Devil.
On his Letter 131, Tolkien writes about his dislike for “conscious and intentional allegory”, and, once again, states his work is not one. However, he did used “allegorical language” because it’s almost mandatory on myths and fairytales. 
The main inspiration to the legendarium is, evidently, Christian-Catholic theology, since Tolkien was, himself, a devoted Catholic.
“The Lord of the Rings” is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, consciously in the revision […] the religious element is absorbed into the story and the symbolism. Tolkien Letter 142
The struggle between “good” and “evil”, in Tolkien legendarium, is personified by Eru Ilúvatar (“The One”) and Melkor/Morgoth (the source of corruption/evil), and the all other characters must choose (Free-will) with which one to align themselves with. And this is where Tolkien employs allegorical language:
Eru Ilúvatar is the Christian God, and Tolkien himself refers to Him as such on several of his letters: gift of Ilúvatar (God) (Letter 131); denies the existence of God, saying that the One is a mere invention of the jealous Valar of the West (Letter 131); part of the World, which is God's and ultimately good (153); special gifts of God to the Eruhini (Children of the One); 'There is only one 'god': God, Eru Ilúvatar. (Notes on Letter 156).
Melkor/Morgoth is the Christian Devil, the corrupter of God’s creation, and Tolkien calls him “diabolus” (Letters 153), and describing his actions as “satanic”: absolute Satanic rebellion and evil of Morgoth and his satellite Sauron (Letter 156); substituted a Satanist religion with a large temple [devoted to Morgoth] (Letter 156); Satan fell. In my myth Morgoth fell beasts and monsters, and the Unknown (Letter 183); Melkor became the rebel, and the Diabolos of these tales, who disputed the kingdom of Arda with Manwë (Letter 211); the Prime Dark Lord (the Prime sub-creative Rebel) Morgoth (Letter 153). 
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The whole of Middle-earth was Morgoth's Ring: A shrine to Morgoth on the Southlands (Rings of Power, 1x05)
What is Sauron’s place in all of this? Sauron is a follower of Morgoth/Satan and his chief agent on Middle-earth (Tolkien Letter 183). He’s a “satanic demon” and a satellite to Morgoth (Letter 156), but “by the end of the Third Age (though actually much weaker than before) he claimed to be Morgoth returned" (Letter 183). Allegorically speaking, Sauron is, in essence, the Devil’s wingman and the head of the Church of Satan.
The Ainur: Valar and Maiar
The Ainur (Valar and Maiar) are not “Catholic saints” in Tolkien legendarium, as many wrongly assume. They are of angelic nature, as Tolkien describes them several times on his letters: the first creations, angelic beings (Letter 156); 'angelic' gods (Letter 159); angelical First-created (Letter 257) and angelic immortals (Letter 325). The Valar are "regents under God" while the Maiar are "of the same order but less power and majesty" (Letter 325).
The Valar's function is to exercise delegated authority in their spheres (of rule and government, not creation, making or re-making). They are 'divine', that is, were originally 'outside' and existed 'before' the making of the world. Their power and wisdom is derived from their Knowledge of the cosmogonical drama, which they perceived first as a drama (that is as in a fashion we perceive a story composed by some-one else), and later as a 'reality' (Letter 131).
'The immediate 'authorities' are the Valar (the Powers or Authorities): the 'gods'. But they are only created spirits – of high angelic order we should say, with their attendant lesser angels – reverend, therefore, but not worshipful; and though potently 'subcreative', and resident on Earth to which they are bound by love, having assisted in its making and ordering, they cannot by their own will alter any fundamental provision.   Tolkien Letter 153 
The Valar are similar to Christian archangels in the sense they can intercede next to Eru (God) on the Faithful’s behalf. This is very much in line with Christian-Catholic tradition: the devotees pray to the archangels (especially to St. Michael the Archangel) to deliver their prayers and pleas to God: the Valar lay down their delegated power and appeal to God, and receive the power and permission to deal with the situation (Letter 131). The Maiar are associated with lower-rank angels, servants to the Valar (archangels).
We are in a time [Third age] when the One God, Eru, is known to exist by the wise, but is not approachable save by or through the Valar, though He is still remembered in (unspoken) prayer by those of Númenórean descent. Tolkien Letter 297
Like Tolkien tells us, the Valar (like the Christian archangels) are worshipful, but they aren’t like the Pagan Gods (Polytheism), because "there is only one God” in Tolkien legendarium, and that's Eru Ilúvatar (Monotheism).
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And with this is why Melkor/Morgoth (a Vala), like Lucifer (archangel) is in open rebellion against Eru/God’s authority: it’s a Satanic rebellion like Tolkien describes it, because Melkor wants to usurp Eru’s place as "the God" and "the creator" of the legendarium. But the power of Creation is God’s alone, and, so, Melkor, like the Christian Devil, devoted himself to corrupt it, in every way, shape or form.
But this is where things get misinterpreted, as well, especially when it comes to the Virgin Mary, with many attempting to associate her with the character of Galadriel. There is no Virgin Mary “equivalent” on Tolkien legendarium, nor could ever be. The “Holy Virgin” is the highest Catholic devotion, and Tolkien was not only a devoted Catholic but he lived during the time the Vatican consecrated the Church and the human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1942). Him associating the “Holy Virgin” with a symbolic human character (Elf) is not only absurd, but pure blasphemy, because he describes Galadriel as “penitent”, a repentant sinner: I think it is true that I owe much of this character to Christian and Catholic teaching and imagination about Mary, but actually Galadriel was a penitent (Letter 320).
No Catholic would ever describe the Virgin Mary a “repentant” because that goes against everything Catholics believe ("Mother of God"; “Assumption of Mary”, "Immaculate Conception"; "The Sinlessness of Mary"), and Tolkien himself talks about this on his notes of Letter 212: The Assumption of Mary, the only unfallen person. To Catholics (and other Christian branches), the Virgin Mary was born without the stain of the "Original sin" (The Fall), she's sinlessness because she's the "Mother of God".
When Tolkien talks about the “Christian and Catholic teaching and imagination about Mary” he is talking about Catholic Mariology and Marian devotion in Catholicism (which is a female-centered devotion praticed, mostly, by Catholic women). Which means, Galadriel is not “the Virgin Mary” of the lore; she’s a devotee of the Virgin Mary, and follows the Holy Virgin example as penitence for her former sins in Tolkien legendarium. And this should be obvious to any Catholic or, in my case, anyone who was born and raised in deep Catholic countries.
Children of Ilúvatar: Elves and Men
Elves and Men [are] the Children of God (Letter 156), and they were Eru’s addition to the Design, the Eruhîn [...] The Firstborn (Elves) and the Successors [or Followers] (Men), whom the Valar were forbidden to try and dominate by fear or force (Letter 257).
The Valar played no part on their making, but Elves and Men are “the object of the special desire and love of the gods” (Letter 131), or the ideal material for subjects and slaves, to whom the corrupted as Melkor/Morgoth and his followers (mainly Sauron), wanted to become masters and “gods”, envying the Children, and secretly hating them, in proportion as they became rebels against the One (Letter 212). 
It was because of this pre-occupation with the Children of God that the spirits [Valar and Maiar] so often took the form and likeness of the Children, especially after their appearance. It was thus that Sauron appeared in this shape. It is mythologically supposed that when this shape was 'real', that is a physical actuality in the physical world and not a vision transferred from mind to mind, it took some time to build up. It was then destructible like other physical organisms. But that of course did not destroy the spirit, nor dismiss it from the world to which it was bound until the end. Tolkien Letter 200
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Maiar in human form: Olórin (Gandalf) and Mairon (Sauron). As Tolkien tells us, these physical forms are real, and made of flesh. They are not visions these Maiar conjure on the minds of others.
Elves and Men are related and similar races, but partly different, and wholly divergent from the Ainur, like Tolkien tells us in Letter 131. Neither Men or Elves are of “divine nature” nor "higher beings". Immortality and Mortality are special gifts from Eru to His children, and no Vala can alter this pre-destined condition: meaning, the Valar can’t grant immortality to Men, nor make an Elf mortal.
The cases of Lúthien, Túor and Arwen were a direct act from God, because the entering into Men of the Elven-strain is indeed represented as a part of a Divine plan for the ennoblement of the Human Race, from the beginning destined to replace the Elves (Letter 153). 
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In Tolkien legendarium, “Men” and “Elves” represent different sides of Human nature, mainly connected to Death (mortality vs. Immortality). Both are rational creatures of Free will in regard to God (Letter 181):
In this mythological world the Elves and Men are in their incarnate forms kindred, but in the relation of their 'spirits' to the world in time represent different 'experiments', each of which has its own natural trend, and weakness.   The Elves represent, as it were, the artistic, aesthetic, and purely scientific aspects of the Humane nature raised to a higher level than is actually seen in Men. That is: they have a devoted love of the physical world, and a desire to observe and understand it for its own sake and as 'other' – sc. as a reality derived from God in the same degree as themselves – not as a material for use or as a power-platform. They also possess a 'subcreational' or artistic faculty of great excellence. They are therefore 'immortal'. Not 'eternally', but to endure with and within the created world, while its story lasts.  When 'killed', by the injury or destruction of their incarnate form, they do not escape from time, but remain in the world, either discarnate, or being re-born. This becomes a great burden as the ages lengthen, especially in a world in which there is malice and destruction [...] Mere change as such is not represented as 'evil': it is the unfolding of the story and to refuse this is of course against the design of God. But the Elvish weakness is in these terms naturally to regret the past, and to become unwilling to face change: as if a man were to hate a very long book still going on, and wished to settle down in a favourite chapter. Hence they fell in a measure to Sauron's deceits: they desired some 'power' over things as they are (which is quite distinct from an), to make their particular will to preservation effective: to arrest change, and keep things always fresh and fair. The 'Three Rings' were 'unsullied', because this object was in a limited way good, it included the healing of the real damages of malice, as well as the mere arrest of change; and the Elves did not desire to dominate other wills, nor to usurp all the world to their particular pleasure. But with the downfall of 'Power' their little efforts at preserving the past fell to bits. There was nothing more in Middle-earth for them, but weariness. So Elrond and Galadriel depart. Gandalf is a special case. He was not the maker or original holder of the Ring – but it was surrendered to him by Círdan, to assist him in his task. Gandalf was returning, his labour and errand finished, to his home, the land of the Valar. The passage over Sea is not Death. The 'mythology' is Elf-centred. According to it there was at first an actual Earthly Paradise, home and realm of the Valar, as a physical part of the earth.  Tolkien Letter 181
In the legendarium, the Elves are representative of the intellectual and artistic-driven humans, more concerned with understanding the world around them than with power itself (safe a few exceptions, of course). However, they desire to stop change and cease the passage and decay of time, wanting things to stay the same forever; and that’s their greatest weakness. And this is visible on their two “Falls” on the legendarium (first in Valinor, and later on Middle-earth). 
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Men, on the other hand, are more ambitious and power-driven, and their unacceptance of their own mortality is their greatest weakness, in Tolkien legendarium. Aligned with Christian theology “mortality” was the punishment for “the Fall of Men”, however, Tolkien doesn’t consider it that way because “a divine 'punishment' is also a divine 'gift', if accepted, since its object is ultimate blessing” and a 'mortal' Man has probably [...] a higher if unrevealed destiny than a longeval one (Letter 212). 
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Hobbits belong ot the race of Men in the legendarium: the Hobbits are, of course, really meant to be a branch of the specifically human race [...] They are entirely without non-human powers, but are represented as being more in touch with 'nature' (the soil and other living things, plants and animals), and abnormally, for humans, free from ambition or greed of wealth. They are made small (little more than half human stature, but dwindling as the years pass) partly to exhibit the pettiness of man, plain unimaginative parochial man – though not with either the smallness or the savageness of Swift, and mostly to show up, in creatures of very small physical power, the amazing and unexpected heroism of ordinary men 'at a pinch' (Letter 131).
Hobbits were a breed of which the chief physical mark was their stature; and the chief characteristic of their temper was the almost total eradication of any dormant 'spark', only about one per mil had any trace of it [...] hobbit virtues: shrewd sense, generosity, patience and fortitude, and also a strong 'spark' yet unkindled Tolkien Letter 281
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Children of Aulë: Dwarves
The Dwarves are called the “Children of Aulë” because this race was created by this Vala as companions, but their existence was allowed by Eru Ilúvatar (the ultimate authority on the legendarium).
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This legend is present on “The Silmarillion”, but Tolkien refers to it on his Letter 212: 
Aulë, for instance, one of the Great, in a sense 'fell'; for he so desired to see the Children, that he became impatient and tried to anticipate the will of the Creator. Being the greatest of all craftsmen he tried to make children according to his imperfect knowledge of their kind. When he had made thirteen, God spoke to him in anger, but not without pity: for Aulë had done this thing not out of evil desire to have slaves and subjects of his own, but out of impatient love, desiring children to talk to and teach, sharing with them the praise of Ilúvatar and his great love of the materials of which the world is made.  The One rebuked Aulë, saying that he had tried to usurp the Creator's power; but he could not give independent life to his makings. He had only one life, his own derived from the One, and could at most only distribute it. 'Behold' said the One: 'these creatures of thine have only thy will, and thy movement. Though you have devised a language for them, they can only report to thee thine own thought. This is a mockery of me.'  Then Aulë in grief and repentance humbled himself and asked for pardon. And he said: 'I will destroy these images of my presumption, and wait upon thy will.' And he took a great hammer, raising it to smite the eldest of his images; but it flinched and cowered from him. And as he withheld his stroke, astonished, he heard the laughter of Ilúvatar. 'Do you wonder at this?' he said. 'Behold! thy creatures now live, free from thy will! For I have seen thy humility, and taken pity on your impatience. Thy making I have taken up into my design.'   This is the Elvish legend of the making of the Dwarves; but the Elves report that Ilúvatar said thus also: 'Nonetheless I will not suffer my design to be forestalled: thy children shall not awake before mine own.' And he commanded Aulë to lay the fathers of the Dwarves severally in deep places, each with his mate, save Dúrin the eldest who had none. There they should sleep long, until Ilúvatar bade them awake. Nonetheless there has been for the most part little love between the Dwarves and the children of Ilúvatar. And of the fate that Ilúvatar has set upon the children of Aulë beyond the Circles of the world Elves and men know nothing, and if Dwarves know they do not speak of it. 
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The Corrupted: Orcs
On his letters, Tolkien describes the “Orcs” as a “race of 'rational incarnate' creatures, though horribly corrupted”, ruined and twisted by Morgoth/Melkor during the Elder Days, when the Diabolus subjugated and corrupted some of the earliest Elves, before they had ever heard of the 'gods', let alone of God (Letter 153). 
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They would be Morgoth's greatest Sins, abuses of his highest privilege, and would be creatures begotten of Sin, and naturally bad. (I nearly wrote 'irredeemably bad'; but that would be going too far. Because by accepting or tolerating their making – necessary to their actual existence – even Orcs would become part of the World, which is God's and ultimately good) [...] I have represented at least the Orcs as pre-existing real beings on whom the Dark Lord has exerted the fullness of his power in remodelling and corrupting them, not making them. That God would 'tolerate' that, seems no worse theology than the toleration of the calculated dehumanizing of Men by tyrants that goes on today.  Tolkien Letter 153 
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"Rings of Power" gives a bit of insight on the corruption of the first Elves by Morgoth, in the character of Adar (2x01)
In the chapter “Myths Transformed” of  “Morgoth’s Ring”, we have more insight on the Orcs: the idea of breeding the Orcs came from Melkor, not at first maybe so much for the provision of servants or the infantry of his wars of destruction, as for the defilement of the Children and the blasphemous mockery of the designs of Eru. The details of the accomplishment of this wickedness were, however, left mainly to the subtleties of Sauron. 
In that case the conception in mind of the Orcs may go far back into the night of Melkor’s thought, though the beginning of their actual breeding must await the awakening of Men. When Melkor was made captive, Sauron escaped and lay hid in Middle-earth; and it can in this way be understood how the breeding of the Orcs (no doubt already begun) went on with increasing speed during the age when the Noldor dwelt in Aman;“ 
Morgoth had the idea, and entrusted Sauron with overseeing the breeding of the next generations of Orcs: who reproduce sexually like all “incarnated creatures” in the legendarium; so the "Orc baby" from “Rings of Power” is very much lore accurate:
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However, what kind of dark sorcery, twisted sex magic Sauron used to breed more Orcs out of the first Elves corrupted by Morgoth remains a mystery. “Rings of Power” tried to answer this enigma by creating a “father” to the Orcs (Adar) to whom Sauron “gave children”, but this created more weird questions than actual answers. 
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Core Themes
The core themes of Tolkien legendarium are: the Fall [of Adam and Eve; of Men], Mortality/Immortality (Death), Machine (magic), and God, from which the others branch: like Free-will, and God’s authority (theological).
Anyway all this stuff* is mainly concerned with Fall, Mortality, and the Machine. With Fall inevitably, and that motive occurs in several modes. With Mortality, especially as it affects art and the creative (or as I should say, sub-creative) desire which seems to have no biological function, and to be apart from the satisfactions of plain ordinary biological life, with which, in our world, it is indeed usually at strife. This desire is at once wedded to a passionate love of the real primary world, and hence filled with the sense of mortality, and yet unsatisfied by it. It has various opportunities of 'Fall'. It may become possessive, clinging to the things made as 'its own', the sub-creator wishes to be the Lord and God of his private creation. He will rebel against the laws of the Creator – especially against mortality. Both of these (alone or together) will lead to the desire for Power, for making the will more quickly effective, – and so to the Machine (or Magic). Tolkien Letter 131
Side note: Tolkien uses the word “stuff” as in its oldest meaning. Probably meant to signify “literature” or “literary work” (meaning from the 1500s). 
Tolkien tells us that “The Fall” [of Adam and Eve], mortality and the machine (“magic” = "power") are connected in his legendarium, as he explains on his letter. In short, it's the lust [The Fall] to "cheat death" [Mortality] that leads his characters to chase power [the Machine], and in doing so, they are rebeling against Eru Ilúvatar (God).
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The Elves cheating death by the means of the rings of power: these rings allowed them to stay on Middle-earth instead of returning to Valinor like they were meant to
In "The Lord of the Rings" the conflict is not basically about 'freedom', though that is naturally involved. It is about God, and His sole right to divine honour. The Eldar and the Númenóreans believed in The One, the true God, and held worship of any other person an abomination. Tolkien Letter 183
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Rebellion against God's divine honour: folly and blasphemy
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Power as a means to immortality
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The Fall or corruption; every being (Maiar, Elves, Dwarves and Men) are susceptible to it, due to their own Free will (choice).
I plan on doing a series of posts exploring each one of these themes, separately.
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footballerimaginess · 1 year ago
Instagram File | Christmas
This is based on all the stuff you can do in December. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a lovely day, thank you for the support this year. Hope you like this instagram file, support by reblogging and would love to know what you think of it. Credit to these pictures that have been found on pinterest!
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liked by: pablogavi, frenkiedejong and 87,912 others yourinstagram: i stole pedri hat just for this photo, thanks u!! view 541 other comments pedri: good job i love you! annalewandwoski: the cutest!!
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liked by: mikkykiemeney, annalewandowska and 131,431 others yourinstagram: pretending i am a professional ice skater before i fell over and embarrassed myself oops x view 211 other comments katrinefogfriis: i wheezed when you fell, i am so sorry lol mikkykiemeney: oh babe we laughed so much
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liked by: pablogavi, raphina and 134,012 others pedri: winter time view 353 other comments pablogavi: without me? yourinstagram: soz pabs raphina: hard launch??!
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liked by: katrinefogtriis, izakova and 43,043 others yourinstagram: Christmas with you pedri view 454 other comments pedri: love you daniterstegen: have the best Christmas angel! pablogavi: merry Christmas you two!!
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liked by: pedri, marcterstegen and 34,012 others yourinstagram: snow view 32 other comments pedri: love!!
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liked by: daniterstegn, pablogavi and 34,120 others yourinstagram: when you make pedri come out and take photos despite moaning how cold it is lol view 45 other comments pedri: good job i love you, i was so cold lol annalewandowska: so cute
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liked by: coralsimovach, marcterstegen and 89,041 others pedri: doing Christmas with you ❤️ view 98 other comments raphina: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ sergiroberto: have a good day bro!
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airsllides · 3 days ago
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airsLLide No. 9242: C-FDRK, Airbus A320-211, Air Canada, Toronto-Pearson, June 26, 1993.
Still wearing the livery she was delivered in early in 1990, Air Canada's fourth A320 (fleet no. 204, msn 084) taxies to the gate. She is in for a long career with the Canadian flag carrier that'll keep her in Canadian skies until retirement in 2019, during which time she'll wear no less than four different outfits of Air Canada.
In 2014, she'll get painted in Star Alliance colors for the last years of her active career, but before that she'll also get to wear the first mostly white livery with dark blue tail&red maple leaf of the mid 1990s, and of course the ice blue livery of the 2000s.
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bfgunwook · 5 months ago
bfgunwook's enhypen fic rec masterlist
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these nights with you by @elysianeclipxe
boyfriend!heeseung x gn!reader genre - fluff, bf heeseung, established relationship, basketball heeseung wc - 1.3k
JAY 𐙚🧸ྀི
how you get the girl by @jaylver
ice hockey player!jay x fem!reader genre - strangers to frenemies to lovers, fake dating au, college sports au, romance, fluff, angst, secret pining wc - 21k
JAKE 𐙚🧸ྀི
kiss it better baby by @sjyuns
playboy!jake x fem!reader genre - fluff, fboy au, drabble wc - 762
intentions by @sjyuns
popular!sunghoon x fem!reader genre - fluff, high school au, pining, slight jealously, cocky sunghoon wc - 1.5k
sticker of love by @byhees
bf!jungwon x gn!reader genre - fluff, established relationship, drabble wc - 211
99% by @okwons
student!jungwon x student!reader genre - fluff, academic rivals au, high school au wc - 409
cupid's conflict by @amakumos
non-idol!jungwon x fem!reader genre - smau, humour, fluff, slight angst, (onesided) enemies to lovers 30 parts - finished
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emlovessid · 1 year ago
@wolfstarmicrofic december 17, ice, 211 words part two
Sirius catches James’ eye, standing by the edge of the rink holding two cups of what he assumes is hot chocolate, and gives him a thumbs up to let him know he’s on his way. 
He circles around himself to head back towards the exit when a body collides with him. His hands immediately come up to grip their arms to steady them both, thankful that he’s been skating since he could walk because otherwise they would have both been spread out on the ice already. 
Only once Sirius is certain that they’re not about to fall in a heap does he look up, his eyes immediately going wide because Jesus Christ, he’s beautiful; curls poking out from beneath his beanie, snowflakes in his eyelashes.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” the man says, hands on Sirius’ shoulders as he rights himself, but Sirius is too enamoured by him to even remember why he’s apologising in the first place.
“You’re fine,” Sirius chuckles. And gosh, does he mean it. Everything is so fine.
“You’re much better at this than I am,” he says, removing his hands from Sirius before adding jokingly, “Teach me your ways.”
Sirius is more than happy to oblige, and forgets all about James and the hot chocolate waiting for him.
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bratshaws · 1 year ago
through the hourglass 219. brb x oc
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a/n: no rooster in this one but for a good reason (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
She missed the Hard Deck, truly, she really missed this place. She runs her palms over the wood, nicked because of drunk patrons or just her and Shells carrying heavy stuff inside only for Penny to sigh when she notices it. In reality, she knew her maternity leave was still going, but she’d love to return.
Maybe that’s why Penny asked her to come right?
To return?
Not that she’d mind waiting a bit longer, but her mind needed a bit of a break from the constant fear and anxiety that climbed up her brain like a spider monkey ready for a bite…weirdly specific. She left Nikki with Michael - ‘I’m going to take her bank robbing’ ‘Michael,no’- while she came over, hopefully it wouldn’t be long, Mike had no work and Hannah was going to show up later to check on him so her daughter was safe.
Beatrice looked up at the door, blinking when she noticed a camera looking down at her, the whirring of the zoom hitting her ears before it turned away. Beatrice then walked inside, inhaling the smell of known lemon scented products hitting her nose, she remember how that smell used to burn her nose when she started, “Hello?” she calls, placing her bag on one of the seats as she walks further.
She could hear the ice machine on the back,followed by a quiet - yet known - curse, “Shells?’ she calls, looking in the direction the voice came from, “You here?”
“Yeah!” her friend replied, “Can you help me with this? This ice machine is making me regret ever ordering it.”
She couldn’t lift heavy stuff and she voiced it to Shells, only for her friend to reply, “It’s nothing like that! Come on! Rooster won’t kill me because of it.” and so she went. There were new glasses on the shelves, new mugs - undoubtedly some were broken in her absence - and a brand new keg in the back. One she couldn’t help but admire it.
But as Beatrice approached the location where the ice machine was, she just stared at the thing…it was open, very open and Shells was crouched next to it, “...hi…” she points to it, “Are you…fixing it?”
Shells, crouched beside the open ice machine, looked up from her task when she heard Beatrice's voice. Her eyes widened in mild surprise, and a bright smile crossed her face. She wiped her hands on a nearby rag before standing up.
"Hey, you made it!" Shells exclaimed, her tone a mixture of genuine pleasure and slight relief. "Yeah, I'm trying to fix this contraption," she gestured to the open ice machine with a chuckle. "I mean, I didn't want to bother you, but I've been wrestling with it for a while now, and I thought maybe your expert eye could spot what's wrong."
“My…expert eye?’
“I also wanted to gossip,come on.”
Beatrice couldn't help but laugh at Shells' admission. She approached the ice machine, her hands instinctively moving to her hips,  "I’m not the best at this,Shells,I’m not sure what I’m looking at.," Beatrice said, her tone lighthearted. She bent down to peer into the machine, her fingers tracing over the exposed components. “In fact,I don’t even know why you called me when Penny could do it.”
Shells made a noise through her nose, lying down on the floor to unscrew something out of Beatrice’s sight, "Well," Shells began, her voice slightly muffled as she worked, "Penny's great with tech stuff, but she's been busy with some security upgrades around here. Plus, I want your company."
As Shells continued to tinker with the ice machine, Beatrice couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her. The familiar scent of the bar, the sound of Shells cursing playfully, and the sight of the Hard Deck's interior all brought back memories of her time here.
"So, how's everything been going?" Beatrice asked, her tone casual. "While I've been... away."
Shells glanced over at Beatrice as she continued her work. "Oh, you know, the usual. We've had some rowdy patrons, a few broken glasses, and one memorable night when someone decided to try their hand at bartending, aunt Penny tossed him out. Let's just say it was an adventure."
Beatrice chuckled at the mental image of Rooster behind the bar. "I can only imagine. And what about you, Shells? How have you been holding up?"
Shells paused in her work, looking thoughtful for a moment. "Honestly, it's been a bit different without you around," she admitted. "But we've managed. Penny's been a huge help, and Jessie too but…It's not the same, though."
Beatrice smiled warmly, touched by Shells' words. "I've missed all of you too," she confessed. "But you know,” she shrugs, “I can’t come back so soon.”
“Yeah,I know.”
‘I thought Penny wanted to talk to me too?”
Shells made a face, then let out a ‘oh!’ “Yeah,something about,” and she tugs a wire from the outside, holds it in front of her eyes and mutters ‘eh,we won’t need it’ before tossing it away, “About something she saw? Not sure,she didn’t tell me.”
“Something she saw?’
“Yeah,’ she gestures around the bar, “I’m sure you noticed the amount of new cameras we got all over, aunt Penny is getting…a bit paran-well, not paranoid. I think she’s being careful, more than normal. Those corpo guys really fucked her mind up.”
"Yeah, I saw them," Beatrice said, her expression thoughtful. "I guess it makes sense, especially with everything that happened. But if Penny wants to talk to me about it, I'm all ears."
Shells nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think she just wants to fill you in on what's been going on, get your perspective maybe." she shrugs, “Dunno.”
Beatrice considered this for a moment. She knew that her time away had created a gap in her knowledge about the bar's operations and the current state of affairs. It might be a good opportunity to catch up and see how she could help, even if she wasn't quite ready to return to work full-time.
Or how she could help in any way.
"Alright, I'll talk to Penny when I get the chance," Beatrice said with a determined nod. "In the meantime, let's see if we can figure out what's wrong with this ice machine. Two heads are better than one, right?"
Shells grinned. "Absolutely. And if all else fails, we can always call in the professionals."
Beatrice chuckled. "You mean Penny?”
“Yeah, of course.”
As Beatrice and Shells continued to work on the ice machine, the sounds of laughter and camaraderie filled the Hard Deck once more. It felt good to be back, even if it was just for a visit, and Beatrice couldn't help but feel a deep happiness in being around the same surroundings as before. 
She sits on one of the chairs and helps Shells by handing her over tools while watching - ‘you are not going to lie down or do anything, just stay put will you?-  hands on her knees and head tilted as she paid attention to what was going on, “So, besides that, how’s your life?’
“You know, your life,” she smiles, “With Bob, how are you two?”
Shells whole demeanor appeared to change, which was odd because she never seemed nervous talking about Bob, “Well,” she laughs nervously, “He uh, mentioned kids a few weeks back?”
“Yep.” Shells mutters, “I told him that,well,kids aren’t in my schedule right now and honestly I thought he felt the same way about it. Then we uh…had a bit of an argument? And now I’m just, staying with Penny for a little bit.” considering how much Shells loved Bob it was surprising how she wasn’t just breaking down and crying.
Even more surprising was that she didn’t call Bea! She parted her lips, “Shells! Why didn’t you tell me??”
Shells, still focused on the ice machine, sighed. "I didn't want to bother you with my problems, Bea. You've got enough on your plate with Nikki and the twins and  everything else."
Beatrice reached out and gently placed a hand on Shells' shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Shells, you're not bothering me. We're friends, remember? I want to know what's going on in your life, especially when it comes to something as important as this."
Shells finally turned to look at Beatrice, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and sadness. "I know, but I didn't want to add to your worries. And honestly, I didn't know what to do. I care about Bob a lot, but I'm not ready for kids, not yet."
Beatrice nodded in understanding. "It's okay to have different priorities and timelines," she said gently. "You and Bob just need to have an honest conversation about what you both want and where you see your future together."
Shells nodded, her shoulders sagging with relief. "I know you're right.I know that…we just,didn’t come to a consensus, per se.” she flexes she fingers, “Also…it’s kinda weird being the one friend without kids, yknow? I mean,I love being the crazy aunt, don’t get me wrong, but…I mean,holy fuck, it’s weird.”
“Oh,ah,” well, she didn’t know how to reply to that, “Well I–”
"Nah,Bea,” Shells waves her hand, ‘Don’t worry about it, we’ll resolve this one way or another.”
Beatrice nodded, understanding the complexities of the situation. "I get what you mean, Shells. It's a big decision, and it can feel like you're swimming against the tide when everyone around you is on a different path.”
“That’s kinda deep,huh?”
“ But you're right; you and Bob will find your way through this together. And don't worry about being the 'crazy aunt.' You're an amazing friend, and you've got plenty of time to figure out what's right for you."
Shells offered a small but genuine smile. "Thanks, Bea. Your support means a lot to me. And I know you've got your own challenges to deal with right now, so I didn't want to burden you."
Beatrice squeezed Shells' shoulder again. "You're never a burden, Shells. And besides, catching up with you and helping with this ice machine is a welcome break from my own worries."
Shells chuckled. "Fair enough. It's good to have you back, even if it's just for a little while."
"It's good to be back," Beatrice replied with a smile. "And who knows, maybe I'll be able to come around more often soon.”
“Well,” she sighs, her shoulders dropping, “I’m not sure…I want the twins to come home, you know?”
“...right…how are you and Rooster dealing with it?”
Beatrice purses her lips, “Well…” she smiles, ‘He’s just…amazing, you know?”
Shells looked at Beatrice with an knowing smile. "I can imagine he is.” she leans down to pick something from the ground, “You two are gross.”
Beatrice nodded, her eyes distant for a moment as she thought about Rooster. "He's been there for me through everything, especially during the pregnancy. It hasn't been easy, but he's made it a lot more manageable."
"That's love, Bea," Shells said softly. "Real love." and she sounded serious.
Beatrice's smile grew warm and affectionate. "Yeah, it is. I'm really lucky to have him in my life. And he's been amazing with Nikki and the twins. They adore their dad."
Shells chuckled. "Well, of course they do. He's a great guy. And you're a fantastic mom, Bea. You're doing an incredible job."
Beatrice's expression turned slightly wistful. "Thanks, Shells. It means a lot to hear that.”
“And,don’t forget I helped,” she points it out, “If it wasn’t for me and aunt Penny, you two would stay ages pining for each other.” she pauses, “Wanna know when I noticed he liked you?”
She was bored, she took her time to drink some water when she was outside the Hard Deck. Beatrice was doing good, she’s been with them with a few months and she managed to get the hang of it. 
She sips her water, nodding at the tall pilot, “Rooster.”
“Are they inside?”
“Yep, they never miss it do they?” she teases, nodding towards the bar, ‘Go on, my aunt is going to see you in a bit.”
Rooster nods, about to go in - his hand is on the door- but he stops and he’s looking at something, better yet, someone inside. Shells noticed his pause, then slowly turned to see where his gaze landed and she slowly lowered her bottle.
Was he looking at Bea?
Oh, ohohohohoho!!!
Shells looked like the cat that just found out the cream was chilled and had pieces of fruit in it, because her gaze moved from Rooster to Bea and vice versa, only to stop at Rooster. He was a statue, a living statue, his jaw was clenched a bit and even if his eyes were hidden by the caravans, it was still obvious where he was staring.
She clears her throat once, nothing, then twice, still nothing, only when she coughs right by his side is that the pilot moves - jumps,more likely. He gives her a confused stare and she smirks ,”Well,aren’t you going inside?”
Rooster blinked rapidly, as if snapping out of a trance, and cleared his throat nervously. "Yeah, yeah, of course," he stammered, taking a step back from the door as if he had been caught in the act of something he shouldn't be doing.
Shells couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. It was clear as day that Rooster had been caught staring at Beatrice, and she was going to make sure he knew it. "You know, Rooster, you can go inside. I won't tell Bea that you were checking her out."
Rooster's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I wasn't... I mean, I was just... um..."
Shells grinned mischievously, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Uh-huh. Go on,Chanticleer, go on.”
Rooster's embarrassment seemed to increase, but he managed a nod and a faint smile. "Yeah, I will. Thanks, Shells."
With that, Rooster finally entered the Hard Deck, leaving Shells outside with her victorious grin. She couldn't resist a little teasing now and then, and now…now she had something to work with.
“Ohhh,” she rubs her hands like a villain, “This will be great.”
Beatrice holds her hand, “Wait, when was that??”
“Like,what, three,four months before you two actually talked?” she shrugged, licking her lips as she sits up,smirking at Beatrice’s face,”You knew he looked at you then,Bea, why are you so surprised?”
"Three or four months? Seriously,?"
Shells shrugged nonchalantly, her smirk still firmly in place. "Well, I did tell you about some stuff but you didn’t want to hear it back then.."
Beatrice shook her head in mock exasperation. "Well,fine, you are right…I didn’t see it. I didn’t want to see he was looking or noticing me.”
Shells grinned. "Oh, he noticed you, alright. Couldn't take his eyes off you, in fact."
Beatrice chuckled, feeling a warm, happy glow inside. "Well, I'm glad he did. Otherwise, we might have missed out on something really special."
Shells nodded in agreement. "You two are a perfect match, no doubt about it. And it's about time you got some happiness in your life, Bea."
Beatrice smiled at her friend, feeling grateful for the support and love she had received from Shells and everyone else at the Hard Deck. "I couldn't have done it without all of you. You've been like family to me."
Shells leaned in and gave Beatrice a one-armed hug. "That's because you are family, Bea. And we're here for you, no matter what."
While the conversation was really sweet and thoughtful, it was Penny’s heavy footsteps that broke it, when she stood by the bar and saw the two her smile - while still present - was strained, ‘Girls,” she begins, clapping her hands together, “...can we talk in the office? Really quickly?”
“Wait,”Shells begins, “Us? Both of us?”
Penny inhales shakily, “...yeah, both of you.”
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ghw-archive · 3 months ago
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A pair of outsized faux tortoiseshell framed sunglasses, French, late 1960s-early 70s
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headsincloud9 · 2 years ago
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Part 2 | Part 4
170. "Would you reconsider if I was sober?"
171. "I'm sure I can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at him if I try hard enough
172. "Don't fucking touch what is not yours."
173. "l owe you one.
174, "You doing anything later?"
175. "I'm not sure if it's a sexual thing or not."
176. "We're... Just friends."
177. "Friends don't do this kind of shit."
178. "How quickly can you cum."
179, "Think you could warm me up."
180. "Touch me and you lose."
181. "There's people here."
182. "Iknow."
183. "I want him fuck you, so you know I can do it better."
184. "I don't care what you do, just fuck me."
185. "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck you-"
186. "I'm up for it if you are."
187, "Don't ruin the (furniture)!"
188. "Guess l'll have to cum inside you then."
189, "I don't know what to do." "Then let me teach you,"
190. "Stop dancing like that or I'm going to cum in my pants."
191. "I'm not going to touch you unless you beg."
192. "You can't tease me like that and expect not to be punished."
193. "We've been At it like rabbits, how are you still horny?"
194. "Wanna bet?"
195. "It was so worth the injury though."
196. "Did you just look me up and down and bit your lip? Cause if you did, we're having sex, Right now."
197. "Your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that stunt.
198, "Dammit now all I can think about is you licking my cock like that damn ice cream."
199. "If 1 have to pull over you won't be able to walk for a week."
200. "Do you think they can hear us through the tent?" "We can."
201. "Please remind me why we're having sex behind a tree."
202. "I know for a fact you can be a hell lot louder than that."
203. "It's not what it looks like." "Yes it is."
204, "Fine. Then you be the judge. Which of us is best?"
205. "If we get caught 1'1l kill you."
206. "Use your mouth."
207, "Show me.
208. "Are you...trying to flirt with me?"
209, "Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.
210. "I forgot my towell"
211. "You're naked aren't vou."
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textsfromthefifthbasement · 2 years ago
Happy Pride!
Here's a compilation of all queer fics I've written over the years!
And All the Things You Thought That I Should Be
Erik receives a phone call letting him know that his mother is dead. To plan her funeral, he returns back to his hometown. T, 1180 words, E/C.
Fine As We Are but We Want More
When Christine comes to New York, Meg wishes to tell her that she loves her, but is afraid to do so and believes it's too late when she sees Christine kiss Erik. G, 1053 words, E/M/C.
I Don't Care if You're Lying
At night, Erik and Nadir spend time together in Nadir's bedroom in Persia. E, 503 words, Pharoga.
Can't Let Go
After Erik lets Raoul and Christine go, Raoul can't get him out of his mind. G, 100 words, Rerik.
New Ballet Shoes
Meg's feet are sore after getting new en point shoes. Christine tries to help. G, 100 words, Megstine.
Setting Fire to Our Insides for Fun
Several weeks after Erik lets Christine go, Nadir gets worried and goes to check on Erik. T, 592 words, Pharoga.
The Truth You Can't Hide
A heat wave is rolling through Paris. Meg and Christine go buy ice cream to keep cool. G, 615 words, Megstine.
Old Friends
After ten years, Nadir reunites with Erik in the midst of the chaos of the semaine sanglante. G, 808 words, Pharoga.
Quiet Hours
Christine and Meg snuggle in bed. G, 145 words, Megstine.
A New Life
The final lair takes an unexpected turn. G, 453 words, E/C/R.
Fear Can Turn to Love
After the final lair, Raoul returns to settle things. E, 746 words, Rerik.
Nadir cares for Erik after he is injured in Persia. G, 211 words, Pharoga.
Christine and Erik have a short conversation at night. G, 379 words, E/C.
When Will the Blood Begin to Race
Carlotta has had enough of Christine Daae trying to take her place as prima donna. She follows her up to the rooftop. T, 806 words, Carlotta/Christine.
Best Laid Plans
Erik and Nadir's escape from Persia goes horribly wrong. T, 741 words, Pharoga.
Offer Up Your Daughters
When Christine arrived at Silas University, she was prepared to be focused on getting her degree in vocal performance. However, she is soon thrown into a world of mystery while dealing with possibly the world's worst roommate. T, 45k words, E/C.
Merry Crimes
While waiting on a flight back home for Christmas, Christine joins Sorelli, Meg, and Erika in town. But then, an unfortunate incident with the mayor leads them to take shelter in a mysterious bakery. Takes place between the final chapter and the epilogue of Offer Up Your Daughters. T, 1951 words, E/C.
No Spell for You to Right This
After saving Silas University from the dean and her cult of vampires, Christine and Erika want nothing more than to take time to explore their new relationship with each other. But then, when murders begin to happen and new threats appear, they have to deal with enemies both within and without. M, 35k words, E/C.
And for fandoms outside POTO:
The Third Option
Obi-Wan's confrontation of Vader in the season finale goes a bit differently. G, 384 words, Obikin.
Night Terror
Bucky wakes up after having a nightmare about his time as the Winter Soldier. G, 253 words, Sam/Bucky.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year ago
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Official English translated author comments featured in Weekly Shonen Jump 2024 issue #9
The Elusive Samurai chapter 142 - Yusei Matsui
Mission: Yozakura Family chapter 211 - Hitsuji Gondaira
Nue’s Exorcist chapter 35 - Kota Kawae
Witch Watch chapter 141 - Kenta Shinohara
One Piece chapter 1105 - Eiichiro Oda
Blue Box chapter 134 - Kouji Miura
My Hero Academia chapter 413 - Kohei Horikoshi
Me & Roboco chapter 170 - Shuhei Miyazaki
Sakamoto Days chapter 152 - Yuto Suzuki
Akane-banashi chapter 95 - Yuki Suenaga
Kill Blue chapter 38 - Tadatoshi Fujimaki
Green Green Greens chapter 8 - Kento Terasaka
Undead Unluck chapter 192 - Yoshifumi Tozuka
Shadow Eliminators chapter 7 - Kento Amemiya
MamaYuyu chapter 19 - Yoshihiko Hayashi
Kagurabachi chapter 18 - Takeru Hokazono
Two on Ice chapter 17 - Elck Itsumo
Cipher Academy chapter 57 - Yuji Iwasaki
Martial Master Asumi chapter 30 - Kawada
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valti-thin · 4 months ago
WIEIAD for 22.9.24 🍏☘️
So my goal is to start posting these to keep myself accountable!
Where I’ve been fäşțiñg more and more lately it may not be daily, but I will try to do it on days that I do!
And because I tend to babble on about nothing, it will be below the break so I don’t take up too much of your feed 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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So for starters today was the last day of my ✨SUCCESSFUL✨ 48 hr f-st! It has been a very long time since I’ve done one that was over 24 and I am beyond proud of myself!
I had the urge to bïñġe right before it was over. But I held off, kept telling myself “We’ll eat the planned meal first then decide” (Knowing I was lying to myself 😜). And as I cooked I CHUGGED water and didn’t snack at all while cooking!
F-st Break Meal:
115g of 93-7 lean ground beef (172)
Keto Hamburger Bun (50)
Thin sliced provolone (37)
French Fries
229g of potato (211)
Desert (Ice Cream 🍦)
43g of Halo Top Cookies & Cream (50)
All for a total of 520! I am so proud of myself for having the self control to fight off a binge! I just know I’ll get to my GW in no time!! 🍀🍀
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jameswebb-discoveries · 1 year ago
Discovery Alert! In a new discovery released on Nov 28, 2023, James Webb Telescope Captures Stunning Details of Herbig-Haro Object 797. Read the full article here
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🌌✨ Cosmic Chronicles: Unveiling the Drama in Perseus! 🚀🔭
Dive into the mesmerizing cosmic ballet of Perseus as NASA's James Webb Space Telescope captures the breathtaking Herbig-Haro object 797 (HH 797)! 🌟🔍👶 Birth of Stars: HH 797, nestled near the youthful star cluster IC 348, takes center stage, surrounded by luminous shockwaves formed by stellar winds and gas jets. It's a newborn star's grand entrance into the cosmic scene! 🎇
🔍 Through the Webb's Lens: The Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam) of the Webb telescope unveils intricate details, penetrating the cosmic dust and gas. Infrared magic reveals the drama of molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide, showcasing the turbulent dance of celestial forces. 💫🔭
🌟 Double Star Revelation: What was thought to be one outflow is, in reality, a cosmic duo! HH 797 harbors two parallel outflows, each originating from a double star, debunking previous assumptions and adding a new twist to the cosmic narrative. 🌠
🔬 Scientific Insights: Ground-based observations hinted at velocity asymmetries, but the Webb's high resolution now clarifies the gradient across the outflow. The cold molecular gas displays red-shifted brilliance to the south and blue-shifted elegance to the north, deepening our understanding of stellar dynamics. 🌌📊
🌠 Cosmic Neighbors: HH 797 shares its cosmic neighborhood with HH 211, bringing us a step closer to unraveling the mysteries of Perseus. Stay tuned for the cosmic saga's continuation! 🌌📡
✨ Join the Journey: Explore, and marvel at the cosmic spectacle! 🚀🌠 #CosmicDiscovery #NASAWebbTelescope #PerseusUnveiled #StellarDrama
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