#I've never been a shipper
khunismydrug · 2 years
I miss my sunshine children
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booasaur · 6 months
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Renegade Nell (2024) - 1x06
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jamiethebeeart · 2 months
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I don't know where all these Spinaraki shippers came from in the last few months but hello hi welcome thanks for being here I love that y'all are here
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huldrabitch · 24 days
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616 Stevetony relationship moments ❤️ (Based on this) + additional post because I think I'm funny
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assiraphales · 1 year
it's so funny that i have you on one side shipping zolu and a mutual on the other shipping sanlu. feels like i'm in the middle of a war i don't know anything about and everyone is winning
you are walking down the streets of a very peaceful verona
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beautyinsteadofashes · 8 months
The older I get the less I ship the bad boy ships and the more I ship the other option. You don't need romantic love you need prison and therapy. You can have compassion and forgiveness without that person's romantic love. Abuse doesn't make a good foundation for a relationship. All is not fair in love and war and I don't think this person is under any obligation to love you back. I'm rooting for the person trying to get them out of the crappy situation. Not the one who put them in it.
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gayofthefae · 10 months
It's the fact that it's not just that their actions are suspicious/indicative of them knowing they have feelings for each other, but their actual dynamic itself has gotten closer. You can feel the build-up without the plot-pertinent conflict around the romance. The romance itself is at its core there too with the tv-typical buildup.
They weren't this close in season 1. We often talk about it as them always having been different and then realizing but they DO have momentum. They WEREN'T this close. Like any other love story, they have been falling in love in front of us, not just noticing themselves.
They were close, closer than the others it seemed. Then they built on that in season 2 - practicing their close dynamic more and getting more used to it one-on-one, building to Mike telling Will how important he was to him near the climax of the season. In season 3, they fought for the first time, breaking some very important relationship ice, in my opinion, fighting. In doing so, they opened up a conversation about their future. One that, even if they didn't continue it, was now out in the open and they knew that the other knew, and that affects dynamics as well. This ended for the season with Mike purposefully subtextually validating that he wanted that future with Will too. closer. In season 4, they fought again, repeating more directly this new dynamic of saying their feelings out in the open, asking "What am I to you? Am I still important to you? As important as I used to be?" and working their way back. Mike took a big step forward in their relationship by not just letting it be swept under the rug like in the past but coming back to address it and voluntarily iterate how much Will means to him and apologize. That indicated to Will that he might be able to do the same, though he ultimately backed out via the El cover-up.
They have built up. Even if their dynamic has remained the same, they have over the course of the seasons been working more and more up in ability to talk with each other about their feelings. That is what needs a climax in season 5 for their relationship. And for "we're slowly improving at acknowledging the feelings we already have" as an arc, there need to be more unspoken feelings than the "you're my best friend" we've established in past intimate conversations.
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depressedtheatrekiddo · 7 months
Only ten minutes in and I'm fucking radiating of happiness and emotion this is so perfect
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flyingbuddiies · 6 months
the day osc tumblr stops fighting over tacomic is the day we all heal [adding my personal opinion in the tags]
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daydreamingoncloud9 · 2 years
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they're so sick for this
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rosewilsongf · 5 months
okay first of all i love the “written by stevienicks” but i also need to talk bradnate!!
why do they scratch the brain like that!!!
REAL!! (also thank you!) I think it's something to do with that whole dynamic of the king and lionheart? It's a pretty compelling dynamic. like they're loyal to the core with one another but it's not so much spoken as it is shown.
They're both quite reserved about their true emotions, Nate's own reason for this being his job and Brad, I think, is also similar but also because it doesn't seem to be in his nature to really let himself be vulnerable with more 'mushy emotions'? (he's not very good at expressing directly what he really feels like when he was talking about his ex-girlfriend). He also tends to use sarcasm and such to communicate those feelings with the others (aside from Nate, which really plays into the trust between them).
Like, in that sense, they really get each other. The nature of their positions as leaders mean they have to hold back a lot and through the looks and gazes, it's like letting each other know that the other sees and understands on a deeper level. And like that speaks louder than words. They both see the human underneath and when they interact, it's the human underneath they're talking to and not the persona they each put up.
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microwave-core · 11 months
The Leon Post
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It’s my lesbianism and I get to pick the fictional man to obsess over
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I don’t know where to start so I guess I’ll just throw whatever at the wall and see what sticks. Not that I don’t normally do that, but like, more than usual.
Simplest thing that comes to mind: Leon is tired. This man does his best to be a good influence, telling everyone to get a good eight hours of sleep each night. Meanwhile, he only gets about four or five hours on a good day. He’s busy so he goes to bed late, takes forever to actually fall asleep, and then wakes up early. He’s good at dealing with the lack of sleep, at least.
Or he usually is anyway. Every now and then, that sleep deficit catches up with him, leading to him conking out for about eighteen hours straight. The first time it happened, everyone was worried out of their minds because it was three in the afternoon and no one had heard anything from him. Eventually, they just had to send Raihan to his apartment to make sure he wasn’t dead or something.
Being bad at directions is a given, but my opinions on this are… conflicted. In general, he just has bad coordination (dyspraxic Leon is near and dear to my heart), so he does just get lost. That being said, I also think that Leon purposefully gets lost at times just to get a moment to himself. He doesn’t do it often, but sometimes he just needs a second to breathe.
Speaking of naturally getting lost, when that happens he kinda just wanders around until he sees someone he knows or, by sheer luck, ends up where he needs to be. If it takes too long for one of those two things to happen, he’ll resort to texting Raihan or Sonia, or anyone else that would be close by, really.
He loves his friends. He tells them that all the time. That’s it. That’s all I have to say about this. He would do literally anything to help those he cares about, and he goes out of his way to make sure they know that.
HOWEVER. Leon himself is absolutely terrible at reaching out for help. He’s supposed to be the best of the best, he’s not supposed to have problems or issues. So, he just bottles everything up, does his best to work things out by himself, and hopes that things don’t overflow at a bad time. Even when it’s obvious something is wrong, he will take forever to admit it. These things have to be pried out of him.
The whole Eternatus situation weighs heavy on him for several reasons, mainly because he wasn’t able to protect Hop and his friend, but also because it made a lot of people realize “oh, Leon has problems and really needs help” and he hates that. Again, he will deny needing help for as long as he can before caving. Deep down, he feels like asking for help makes him a burden on others, and no amount of reassurance will make him think otherwise.
Speaking on a lighter note, Hop. If there’s one thing I like more than Leon, it’s Leon and Hop. The Postwick bros are incredibly close, even if Leon can’t be physically around all that often. He calls home several times a week, talking to Hop and mum and his grandparents (and Purrloin), just checking in to make sure everything’s okay. He tries to visit whenever possible, but things get canceled often because his schedule suddenly fills up, and even when he makes it home he isn’t around for long.
But when he gets the time to actually stay for a day or two, without any league interruptions? He spends all day with his family. He plays around with Hop and Wooloo, and helps out with farm work, and helps his mum make dinner and deals with the dishes afterwards. He gives Purrloin plenty of scritches and tells all kinds of stories to his grandparents. He’ll even check in with Sonia and Magnolia if he gets the chance. It’s not much, but Leon takes what he can get. Also sends money home all the time.
And on the topic of family, Leon and Iris are cousins. I know that one screenshot of Masters where Iris says that they’re related is edited and not real, but they’re cousins. Canon is my bitch and it bends to my whims. And while we’re at it, he and Hop are descendants of Laventon. 
And because I’m already bending the canon because I said so, Leon and Sonia are still close friends. At least once a week, they get on a call for about 2-3 hours just to chat and catch up (and complain). Childhood friends from small towns are just built differently. I won’t dump all of my thoughts on this right now, but I will at least say that the two definitely grew up getting lost in the forest and hitting each other with sticks.
Let’s break more into the territory of friends/coworkers, gonna start quick firing some of these. He relates to Milo, country boy solidarity. Has high respect for Kabu and looked up to him during his gym challenge. Acts like an older brother to Bea and Allister. Get along fine with Opal, but neither of them can get a good read on the other. Also gets along fine with Gordie. Meloney reminds him of his mum. Oleana still kinda scares him. His feelings towards Rose are complicated.
Going in longer with some because I have more to say. Nessa is within his closer friend group, but she’s, like, a double friend of a friend. They’re both friends with Raihan and Sonia, so they end up hanging around each other pretty often as a result. She hates the cape.
Pretty good friends with Piers because big brother solidarity. They’re obviously pretty different people, but the kind of different that mesh well together. They organized a play-date for Hop and Marnie when they were much younger. Marnie bit Hop. Hop cried. Neither of them remember this. Leon also just likes his music.
Obviously, he’s close with Raihan because they’re rivals and all. They trash talk each other constantly, but there’s no hard feelings and it’s mostly just for show anyways. He tries more than anyone to break down Leon’s walls and help him with his issues, although the effort normally goes nowhere…
But Leon’s closest friend of all is, of course, Charizard. They’ve been together since the start, after all. Their dynamic is closer to that of brothers who annoy each other at times, unlike most of his other pokemon, where he’s more parental. Tends to drag Leon by his cape when he takes a wrong turn, and is also prone to begging for food. He always sleeps on the bed.
Okay, talking some more about his other pokemon. In general, he lets them roam around his apartment when at home. They’re well behaved for the most part. 
Dragapult likes to hide in the shadows and creep through walls, so it’s a good thing that Leon doesn’t get startled easily. Both Dreepy like to float around together and are usually tethered to Leon. Haxorus is a big ol’ baby who likes to be held, and she also likes to sleep on the bed. Aegislash likes to people watch and is also highly curious. 
Whichever starter ends up raising, he will baby, even when they’re fully evolved. He raises all his pokemon with tender love and care. But they won’t be his true baby, that’s Haxorus.
Leon loves his job, even if the constant excitement of battle and roaring crowds drain him, and he loves Wyndon dearly, but he can’t help but yearn for a simpler life, sometimes. He loves the charm of small, sleepy towns and the mundane, stability they bring. He just misses home.
SO, he planned on moving back to Postwick or even Wedgehurst if he were to ever lose  the champion title. Of course, that didn’t happen, because Rose did a little fuck up and turned himself into the police, so he was basically pushed into becoming the chairman in his place. It’s not what he planned, it wasn’t ideal, but he was happy for a change of pace, at least.
But I don’t think he would hold the chairman’s seat forever. I think he’d eventually step down, happy to let someone else take over in his stead and do Galar and her people good. And what do I think he’d do? Set up a bakery. That’s right, I just made you read everything before this just to read my Leon is a Baker Propaganda. 
Leon loves to bake. He didn’t pick up his mum’s cooking skills, but he’s got her baking skills on lock. Whenever he has an off day (or just can’t sleep at night), he’ll whip something up just for the hell of it. That being said, he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, so he normally gives the baked goods to his family or friends. He has texted people at 3am asking if they wanted a loaf of pumpkin bread and refused to elaborate. 
Let me tell you, if you’ve never really made headcanons for characters before, sometimes you conjure one up that just, like, festers. It just keeps growing as you put more and more thought into it. That’s what baker Leon is to me, because now all I want is for him to step down as the chairman and open a quaint little baker in Wedgehurst, spending the rest of his days in peace.
It’s such a funny image, too. Imagine walking into a bakery in a small town and the owner was one of the strongest champions the world had ever seen, and he ends up being one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met. Then he sells you a loaf of bread, and it’s out of this world. Incredible. Anyways, sorry for cringe posting, let’s move on.
Leon doesn’t have too many hobbies because work and training takes up so much of his time, but he does spend a good deal of time working out. It’s good stress relief for him, an outlet to blow off some steam. It also gives his team a break, which they more than deserve. In general, he is pretty damn strong. He’s not on par with Milo or anything, but he can pretty easily move, like, furniture and whatnot. He can easily pick up all of his pokemon and cradle them like babies, no sweat. 
I like to think that Mustard’s Dojo doesn’t just teach pokemon battles, but also, like, regular fighting. I choose to believe that Leon’s been taught to throw a punch. Probably owns a punching bag and gets some pretty good use out of it.
He also likes to read. He has plenty of books at home in Postwick, and even more within his own apartment. When he has a slow day and his social battery is completely drained, He’ll curl up on the couch and read something. Fast reader, too, the kind that can get through a pretty thick book in a day if he finds it interesting enough. Fantasy is his favorite genre. He’s also smarter than people give him credit for.
Always wanted to play an instrument when he was younger, but didn’t have the time. He tries to pick the guitar up after becoming chairman, but it takes him a while to get the hang of it because he’s not the most dexterous. When he’s more skilled, he totally jams with Piers.
His apartment doesn’t have a ton of decoration. It’s not a male living space or anything, his mum raised him right, but it’s not super interesting. Except for the hats. My god, the hats. He has at least an entire wall covered in them, not counting the one’s stationed in Postwick, and he just keeps collecting. He also really likes collecting patches. 
Not very good at video games. Never has been, and probably never will be, but he does like playing them with other people. He’s naturally competitive, but he’s also a good sport, so he won’t complain when he loses. He typically prefers co-op, though. I think he would really like Pikmin. I’m not projecting, he told me himself.
Massive nerd. He would absolutely love DnD if he ever had the time to play. When he and Sonia were younger, they’d reenact all kinds of fairytale and mythological scenes that they memorized by heart. It was pretty hard to do with only two people, but they made do. When Hop got a bit older, they involved him, too.
I don’t know if this makes sense, but he feels like “the generational gap between me and my friends who are of the same age” when it comes to his relationship with Raihan, and also Nessa and Sonia to a lesser extent. Which is not to say that he’s out of touch. Sorry if this didn’t make sense I just needed to write it out.
His alcohol tolerance is pretty high. He’s Galarian, after all. Doesn’t drink all that often, much less get drunk, but when he does he gets very touchy. He’s already a pretty affectionate guy by default, but when he’s drunk he’ll practically drape over the nearest person. Terrible with hangovers, but he at least gets some halfway decent sleep when he eventually passes out.
Also as a Galarian, he is a tea drinker, but he also drinks coffee. Coffee is his drink of choice in the morning, tea is his go to later in the day. He would probably drink his coffee black, because he doesn’t really care for sweet things, and I think he would like ginger tea. I’m not sure if I really feel that way or if I just have ginger tea on the mind because of the sheer amount of ginger I have in Sleep, but, uh, you didn’t ask. 
Okay, more romantic things. His love language is physical touch and quality time. He’s naturally a touchy-feely person. He often places a hand on another's shoulder, gives out the best hugs, and is a huge cuddle bug. His free time is pretty scarce, so he revels in what time he has to be around his loved ones.
When I put him in the wife guy (affectionate) section on my wife alignment chart, I knew what I was doing. Mans absolutely adores his partner. Just like Cynthia, he would totally be like “I love my girlfriend/boyfriend with my whole heart and soul” in interviews, and everyone makes posts like “get you a man who loves you as much as Champion Leon loves his partner”. Also, bi king.
He’s vocal about his love, but he also goes to great lengths to keep his love life private. He doesn’t get much privacy, and would prefer to keep the press out of his more intimate life if at all possible.
His favorite pet name is pumpkin. 
Lowkey repressed. He didn’t get into many relationships during his teen years because he wasn’t really allowed to explore parts of himself due to being champion, so he’s not very experienced. Tries his best, though.
Listen, Leon is literally THE quintessential pokemon protagonist. He comes from a home with an absent father whose absence is never brought up, goes on a journey at the age of ten with a very traditional starter, blows everyone out of the water and is a cut above the rest due to being a freakishly good protege, and becomes the champion.
BUT THEN he has to deal with the fallout that comes with becoming the champion at such a young age. His formative years were on display for everyone to see, wasn’t really allowed to be a kid or grow up at his own pace, and couldn’t be around his family or childhood friend as much as he would have wanted to be.
And ultimately, the only person that could stand up to him, the one to dethrone him, is another protagonist, the only other person viewed as a freakishly good protege who just seems to be a cut above everyone else. And when he loses, he just… accepts it. He moves on, and seems happier in doing so. Fucking king behavior..
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demonsfate · 4 months
lmao I saw that whole discourse about the lili server. you would think that a woman so blatantly obsessed with another woman in a video game wouldn't have such blind stans. i also heard some of them responded by posting asulili fan arts
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this is official art of them btw. like bamco KNOWS they come off as "gay." like bamco knows lili is yuri bait lmao
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undead-knick-knack · 3 months
I know they were doing this before but people have labeled Imogen as a lesbian because Laura liked two pieces of fan art with the lesbian pride flag on twitter, and people have took it as a soft confirmation of Imogen’s sexuality in cannon. And if you dare disagree with them or head canon her as bi they’ll make a tweet saying something along the lines of “omg how can you deny Imogen is a lesbian… or you don’t know the character better than the actor that plays her… sam the stable guy doesn’t count… oh you’re just lesphobic… Omg even Laura is telling y’all to shut up, Imogen’s a lesbian.” Anyway sometimes Imogen stans are fucking annoying and insufferable. Also this isn’t related really, but I really hate that Imogen and Laudna shippers continue to ignore beauyasha being a lesbian ship and saying how “Imogen/Laudna are the best lesbians and best ship…” just because it’s laura and Marisha and they have wanted a relationship between there characters since c1 because you “can’t deny Laura and Marisha’s chemistry”. They ignore beauyasha and the beautiful story Ashley and Marisha told and I despise that. Anyway sorry you can delete this if you want.
Anon you are spitting facts and have clearly been thru the trenches, which for that I commend you o7
ll I'm gonna say is that Imogen is bisexual, Laura and Marisha will never be endgame, and Beauyasha is amazing ✌️
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coquelicoq · 1 year
my ideal makorrasami imagines are always like
asami comes home to her girlfriend and boyfriend after a long day of being a genius engineer and fortune 500 ceo
she picks up bolin on the way because it's mako's birthday so they're having a little get-together
they head to the pool because that's usually where korra can be found when the weather is super warm, and obviously mako will be there too keeping her company
she and bolin hear raised voices as they approach. omg the girlfriend and boyfriend are fightinggggg
it's a very sophisticated argument. they're just saying, over and over, "nuh-uh!" "uh-huh!" "NUH-UH!" "YEAH-HUH!"
asami and bolin round the corner to see korra and mako glaring at each other, cheeks flushed, eyes glassy, absolutely drunk off their gourd
asami's just like "pregaming, are we? i hope you left some alcohol for the rest of us" and raises one devastating eyebrow
korra and mako turn to her and their faces light up immediately. "asami!! you're here!!!"
(the eyebrow does nothing to dampen their enthusiasm, which is fine, because they're very endearing drunks and she is very much enjoying this)
then they turn back to each other and are like "SHE'LL agree with me. THEN you'll see. i'm right and you're wrong. you're the wrongest forever and ever. no YOU are" etc. etc.
this of course quickly devolves into good ol rough and tumble rasslin
bolin's like "ooh ooh ooh! what are we talking about? i love being part of conversations! i want to have an opinion!!!"
by which point korra has mako in a headlock and they turn in tandem to look at asami (bolin's input is not required) and very earnestly ask her who the best kisser is
they're looking at her so expectantly and korra has forgotten about the headlock so now they're just hugging as they wait with baited breath for asami's verdict
and asami's like oh well uh guys i can't really...that's not...apples oranges et cetera, you're both extremely good kissers, really top notch, full marks for everyone, i uh always love any sort of kissing that we get to do, um, together,
just digging herself into this awkward hole, right. because no one expects that question
mako's mouth drops open. "woah," he says
"yeah," says korra
as one, their heads swivel toward each other
"the BEST kisser...is ASAMI!!!!!" they say in unison
they stare into each other's eyes for a beat
suddenly their mouths are colliding as they LAUNCH themselves toward each other and begin making out frantically and with great fervor
occasionally coming up for air to say such things as "you're so smart" "no YOU" "no ASAMI is" "asami's the smartest" "i love asami" "she's the best ever for always" amidst the most embarrassingly sloppy kissing known to man
bolin's like "soooo. just to make sure i'm getting this straight"
asami: uh-huh
bolin: the reason korra and my brother are kissing in front of us so enthusiastically...
asami: yeah
bolin: ...is because they are in SUCH complete agreement...
asami: right
bolin: ...that YOU are good at kissing?
asami: that appears to be the case, yes
asami can hear bolin facepalm somewhere off to the side, but she only has eyes for the ridiculously adorable and uncoordinated makeout session taking place in front of her
cousin tu's voice comes from the direction of the house. "oh dude they're done arguing? right on"
bolin: how long have they been arguing?
tu: idk, like half an hour? for a while they were just arm-wrestling but korra let mako win because it's his birthday, and he got all cranky about it
bolin: uh-huh. so how did they get from that...to this?
tu: well obviously then korra said it doesn't matter if she's the best arm-wrestler because mako's the best kisser
bolin: wait
tu: and mako was all, "no YOU'RE the best kisser" and korra went "no YOU are"
bolin: so you mean to tell me...
tu: and i got bored after like, five minutes of that so i went back inside
bolin: ...all this time they were fighting because they each think the OTHER person is better at kissing?
tu: well, yeah. i mean if you ask me they both seem to be pretty bad at kissing lol. but whatever, it's not my problem. no offense, asami!
bolin: they're probably better at kissing when they're sober. i mean, this is just embarrassing. right, asami? please tell me this is not what you're working with on a daily basis. asami? hello? asami?
but asami isn't listening. she's gazing at korra and mako with the goofiest smile on her face. her pupils have turned into heart shapes. without conscious decision on her part she clasps her hands and presses them sappily to her bosom
tu: dude, maybe we should, like, give them a minute
bolin: is this even safe? what if they bite each other's lips off?
tu: korra's a healer, right? like, i'm not worried about it
asami doesn't notice them leave. she's so full of love for these two ridiculous idiots that it's spilling out of her in the form of literal tears. she's crying from how much she loves them
this continues until korra and mako in their clumsy enthusiasm actually fall into the pool. korra bends the water away from mako before he can drown and then immediately tries to punch it for endangering him. asami runs over to get them out and they both see that she's been crying. this is followed by a five-minute sequence of mako frantically petting her hair while she tries to convince korra to put away the fire-dagger, no one has been mean to her, everything is all right, korra, no wait, don't go into the avatar state, you're going to suck the cake into the element vortex -
mako thinks it's very unfair that the day after his birthday, he's the only one who wakes up with a hangover. apparently the avatar, who's been up since the buttcrack of dawn merrily inventing the new field of batterbending to replace the cake she and her past lives destroyed, is above such concerns. asami kisses his nose with great affection and, it must be said, terrible morning breath. "how about this," she says. "on my birthday, korra and i will get drunk and attempt to eat each other's faces and you can babysit. sound good?"
yes, that sounds good, he thinks. after all, taking turns has served them pretty well so far.
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