#im so excited for them to meet again in the tournament arc
khunismydrug · 2 years
I miss my sunshine children
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dbzebra · 4 years
I want to know more about your latest project! I’m especially interested in knowing which MarTen fic ideas you have coming for the future 👀
hey Maiika! :D
thanks for sending this! I’m gonna @ediblenonsense because these 2 are basically the same answer!
Anyway, my main WIP I’m working on/most excited to work on is the End of Z canon divergent fic, Surpassing the Strongest. Basically ignores everything DBS, movies, just the original manga/anime for this. Only difference being is (besides MarTen lol) s that Goten and Trunks started training again around ~2 years prior to the Tournament, unlocked SSJ2 and pretty much mastered it. 
Goten’s main goal is to get SSJ3 and finally surpass his dad. Trunks is more or less the same, but he cares more about the former rather than the later. He struggles with not feeling strong enough//unable to live up to his dad’s legacy despite wanting to be the one to protect Marron and his family if someone ever showed up again. 
Goku is more than happy to hear that he’s entering, between him and Uub, since I’m trying to continue the character arc he had in Cell/Buu Saga, about him wanting the next generation to take over since he wont be around forever. So the Tournament itself is a bit different than canon as well. Not going to spoil much, but Goku doesnt leave with Uub. the whole thing plays out! Plus we have guys like Tien and Chiaotzu, plus Piccolo fighting too so its in some ways a big reunion of the past.
Also, I’m planning to rectify a problem i had with Buu Saga is that nobody remembered the Z Fighters despite everything that hapeend with the old Tournaments, DKP, and the Saiyans. Like nobody even acknowledges Piccolo as the same Demon King from years ago,and thats not something people should forget lol. Gotta bend things a liiiitle bit to not cotnradict too much, but yeah people wont be like “lol whos the green guy”
I’m thinking it’ll be around 10-12 chapters? Depends how the fights go. they cant be too long cause its for fun + tournament ring only, but DB managed to make them super exciting either way so I hope to keep that up lol
As for other ideas, there’s the twins time travel AU, where they got back in time for the lols and meet kid Goten, and then shenanigans ensue (total gag fic lol)
I also want to do a Baby Saga marten oneshot where, im not sure how I’d do it, but after Baby vs Goten in GT and he gets possessed//infected she like instantly knows thats not him and all that. idk more drama than anything else ive really done, but i cant get rid of the idea lol
Lastly, I want to do a confession+first date fic (prolly combine it into one big oneshot or a two shot) plus Not Just A Fling part 2 where they tell Gochi and K18 about getting engaged lol
sorry i kinda got carried away with all this but again thanks for this!!
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rubi-morgana · 5 years
So we are now seeing kageyama ushijima vs oikawa and hinata rivaly on professional stage... Wtf. Now seriously if this is the main Fokus (also miya tossing to hinata, kourai waiting) why making this unessasery timeskip., why not making this on high school, where it would make sense. Who wants this things to happen after high school another things waits for you. It more plausible if we are watching this on high school back then, this were things there should be solved then. . How random is it even that oikawa meet hinata. And kageyama are playing on the Same team like ushi, this isn't even logic. You cannot take this little thing in world stage where you have to play against real monsters.
The next question what happens to the realistic part and logic of this manga!! Furudate wasnt this kind of unpredictably, because she simply followed the rules of sport. Sport is unpredictably. Even with hard work and talent doesn't mean you can make it far. Even the best team doesn't quarrant you to win tournaments. If you watch world cups of different sport arts, you know what I mean. Even the best favorite team can be losing in the very first round. Haikyuu simply followed this rule, and has a more realistic part of it. Like Takeda saying to sugawara he will never make it in pro was brutal but so it works in sport business. Like hinata has an disadvantage with his small body is also true.(but it's possible, lot of people with disadvantage still make it on high pros stage. Because. Like most sportist say the most important thing is will and spirit) With this arc furudate literly trash her own manga. How are oikawa, ushi, kags on international lagues. In no sport(ask sportist) you can make it international I a spam of 3 years. This is irrational.. Implausibly. And they sure can't play as regular in a foreign country at first when coming to the team new. Foreign lagues wants their people to represent them(there is also the east lagues, west lagues, Ost league). A hard fact but sport is also a lot of politic. And for lands to make their name better, and unfair. If you make yourself a name than you maybe have a chance, but read autobiograoghi and watch sportist. You must spent years first playing in Olymp and wold cups. The most sportist became famous after a period of time. Because in sport if you have a bad day and fuck up its hard. It's not like if you are once good ad a tournament you can say "ohh I'm going here because their are the best", simply because there are different circumstances. If your are good only because others have a bad shape or are not playing good, you're win doesn't count this high. And this is much harder if you play a Teamsport...like volleyball American football, football ice hockey. Because in every different team their need different players, who fit for their style of play.
Now for ushijima he has power but this may be top for Japan but sure not for foreign countries where they. Have much more strengt and are taller. You can say that ushijima is average outside of Japan. Same for kageyama only because he is Japan top setter doesn't mean it international. Talent doesn't bring you to everything, you must work hard, face walls over and over again, there are other more experience. Player. Out there. . Kageyama playing in Olymp, than gets literly handheld everything on a silberpalet is a joke. He was playing V_LAGUE. This lagues they play only against other Asia lagues, how can a foreign lague than take interest in him. but Like hinata his arc was trashed) same as oikawa. You think this guy's can play in foreign AS Regular. No the first 5 years player plays in their lagues if their side(Asia, Western, Ost) to make a name it takes time. One good shot at Olymp doesn't mean your. Good it could be also pure luck. If he was at 25 age playing in different east lagues of Asia, than OK I would not say anything.
Also you guys get that Japan has the worst lague. If you don't believe me then read what this coach said from U19 at chapter in 210: the old clique Japan will always fall apart in the face of overwhelming height and power." Wich means foreign countries, Also in the manga aspect don't think height of Asia volleyball players. And his speech in 363:it needs time for THIS Country to raise tall skilled players.". That also why in this manga everyone is searching more strict for tall people, because of the quote from 210. Japan hasn't tall people it's. Simply(I always thought that was the reason why shouyou is so short to show Japan you can fight without strength. I think at first this was the meaning of the manga)
Im telling you now what... This wasn't planned as everyone claims it to be, and furudate herself knows are unplausible this is.. Furudate take this arc because she wants to match Olympics. 2020 the Olympic starts in Japan, so to match this with her manga. And it's clear she has no desire for this manga to continue, that's why ecerything now doesn't make sense(it feels like a completely different story) , that's why this suddenly announce of the final arc... And why the most Manga suck in the finals arcs is simply because the clique, the final has to outdo everything, more action, more drama, MORE FANFIC, MORE FANSERVICE. To sell it out. Because Most people are shippers who don't care about plot or storyline. (honestly why do you think their make this popular polls, to find the favs of the fans and to marketing the shit out of it. Taking now all the favs to international stage is furudate meaning of unlogic epicnes
Most Mangaka end their manga of reasons like they are burned out. Like you became sick of drawing one thing for years. Or the company forced them a limit at chapter. And their must rush things. Or they try. To make new stuff to add in the story(like Naruto with aliens),
I know people will start complain, but this manga is going to end soon with the worst ending. I don't hat this turn because of the timeskip, I was one of the only who first were very excited to the new route, but looking how it tournt out. is what makes me hate it. If she now makes it end with their rivaly she in my eyes should make their final arc in 3 year of high school.
I also can nit believe how most Fandom of haikyuu is simply hyping because they get to see their favs, about the haircuts. Like no one, really no one is talking about the plot anymore.
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grimtwin · 6 years
What are your favorite and least favorite parts about the arcs of Yu Yu Hakusho?
I’ll break down the “Spirit Detective Saga” down into the smaller bits. 
Surprised to be Dead:
Favorite part is by far and large, meeting Botan. I have no clue if I would have been as involved with this series without a fun character like her to draw me in. The premise of the series was solid and completely new to me, but Yusuke was not at all an exciting looking character.  
Least favorite part of this arc is without a doubt the lack luster art/animation. Being a new series that wasn’t promised a long run and could be canceled at any time, there wasn’t going to be a lot of money put into it at first, and Togashi still had room to grow with his art. 
First Case:
Favorite part of this arc would be the introductions of the villains, and future protagonists of the series, Hiei and Kurama. Yusuke, all of a day into getting his powers or something like that, is sent off to get the Artifacts of Darkness back from Hiei, Kurama, and Gouki, all of which could kill Yusuke without trying very hard. And jumping into that, Yusuke needed all the help he could get in order to get the artifacts back, and “solve” this case. If not for Botan and Kurama, Yusuke would have died again. It’s not often that you see the main character need help or have to use some strategy to win a fight, especially since before dying, all Yusuke had was brute force. 
Least favorite part was Hiei’s demon form. It’s obvious that he was meant to be a one time villain because this is the only time we see it in the series, and I’m not including the Poltergeist Report movie. It’s ugly as hell, fills Hiei’s body with the anti-climatic Legend of Zelda weakness, and was never brought up again. 
Genkai Training:
Favorite part of this arc was Yusuke’s pure and simple, dumb luck. Once again, and it’s a reoccurring theme in this series for Yusuke, but the guy only survives any of his matches in this arc, by getting lucky. He should have been disqualified for not making it on time, but Genkai let him pass because he beat Baldok. He would have lost to Kibano, if Genkai hadn’t gotten pissed off at him and thrown her lit cigarette into the dark room for Yusuke to use. He would have lost to Kazemaru, had Yusuke not slipped into the swamp, which caused Kazemaru’s homing shuriken to explode in his own face. And Rando would have shrunken Yusuke and squashed him like a bug, had Yusuke’s ears not been full of algae from the swamp he slipped into, causing Rando’s chant to backfire on him. Yusuke is a lucky idiot. 
Least favorite part of this arc…hmm….Yusuke never got to go to the Tokyo Dome. Botan bribed him with tickets if he went to Genkai’s, and because he won the damn thing, he was forced into 6 months of training, and didn’t get to go. As a wrestling fan myself, that hurts. 
Saint Beasts:
Favorite parts would be Botan in that smoking hot red tights/leather jacket combo, and the beginnings of “Team Urameshi” being formed. We’d only known Kurama and Hiei as villains, and here they were being…coerced, into joining Yusuke’s mission to stop their fellow demons from trying to destroy Sarayashiki and killing Keiko. We got to see Yusuke show off the results of his training with Genkai, the lengths of Kuwabara’s toughness and loyalty, and better yet, seeing Hiei’s strange honor code and absolutely devastation of Seiryuu after seeing the ice user’s cruelty toward his companion.
I can’t think of anything about this arc I disliked, but I guess Keiko being the damsel? Even then, she and Botan kicked ass in trying to escape a horde of demon insect controlled humans, so it’s not like either woman was defenseless in anyway, just outnumbered and outgunned, so to speak. 
Rescue Yukina:
Favorite parts of this mini-arc would be meeting Yukina, Shizuru, Botan in those tight jeans and brown jacket, and on a more serious note, Yusuke and Kuwabara strolling into this mafia-esque compound full of demons and killer humans, beating the shit out of anyone who gets in their way, until they come across the Toguro Brothers. The seriousness of this situation is kind of lost on us until we find out just how strong the Toguro Brothers are in a later arc, and how easily they could have torn the boys to shreds and stopped the rescue mission. The only reason the YYH group walked away from this fight, is because the Toguro’s allowed them to. 
Least favorite part is just how hideous Tarukane is as a person, inside and out. The anime skims over it, but in the manga, it’s hinted that Yukina has been a prisoner here for a long time, upward of five years. I can only imagine the tortures she’s faced in that time. 
Dark Tournament:
Loved everything about this arc. I’m cheating a bit, but all the fights, Puu being born, the emotional growth Yusuke and the rest of the team were forced to endure, was just spectacular. We got to see the dark history between Genkai and her former lover Toguro, what drove a wedge between them, met new friend that would be showing up later in the series, got to see more of the lovely human and demon world ladies. It was just fucking fun.
Least favorite thing is that Atsuko got left out of the tournament arc for the anime completely. In the manga, she was there through it all. 
Chapter Black:
This arc was fantastic. Favorite part of this arc is Sensui and the rest of the villains in general are amazing. His plan to open a breech into Demon World is so well thought out, that it’s almost total bullshit at times, but still works. He sacrifices his pawns, kills Yusuke, beats the living hell out of our heroes, and gets exactly what he wants the entire time. Sensui won. He may have died in the end, but his plan worked. Not only that, but Togashi wrote him in such a way that we legitimately feel bad for the guy at points, for having his life and ideology destroyed by humans and Spirit World. He’s still an asshole though. Outside of this, I also loved that one butt shot we get of Botan, Botan saving Mitarai, and then Hiei and Yusuke fighting in the forest after Hiei stabbed Sniper. 
Least favorite thing of this arc would be Spirit World in general. They basically caused this whole situation, and when Yusuke was killed, then reborn as a demon, they tried to have him killed as well. Douche bags. 
Three Kings:
I think this arc is generally bad. I don’t particularly care for any part of it besides getting to learn a little about Hiei and Kurama’s histories. Besides a terrible finish, basically removing Kuwabara, Botan, Koenma, Shizuru, Yukina, and Keiko from the show until the final episodes was a very sour note at the end of an amazing series. 
If I had to chose something to like about it, I’d say seeing that everyone got a fairly happy ending. Yukina comes to live with the Kuwabaras, Yusuke and Keiko are sure to be married, Kurama’s working with his father in law, and Hiei’s….in a tree. 
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