#I've kinda been in the zone ngl
nostrildamus · 2 months
them: so what have you been up to recently
me: oh yknow drawing nose porn
them: what
me: what
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qhypnos · 1 year
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Some 2021 Ethersea fanart that never saw the light of day
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boonsmoon · 9 months
hey i was thinking about a romance by mu qing × f!reader, in which she is xie lian's older sister and in the old days mu qing had a huge crush on her, but because of the things that happened she didn't It has been seen more since Xie Lian was first expelled from heaven. in fact she was wandering all this time and became a supreme ghost queen, and then at the end of the book she would appear again and mu qing would see her and how would he feel? Would your feelings come back? Would he feel abandoned because she had been gone all this time?
With how this is written in ~questions~ I'll write this in hc format Also, I haven't finished the manhwa or anything, I've literally only watched season 1 of the donghua, so sorry if this is inaccurate
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎊🥀💞🧪
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Unrequited Love Headcanons
Let's state the obvious, Mu Qing will under no circumstance confess within his comfort zone
Emotions? Feelings? Never heard of her
So when he was loving you, it hurt to watch you choose a banished god over himself
To put it simply, choosing Xie Lian meant abandoning godhood, and in turn you were also banished from Heaven
Xie Lian was family after all, and you had no beloved that was tethering you to heaven
Back in ye olden wanderer days, the goal was actually to keep Xie Lian from completely going insane; however, after his second ascension you lost track of his whereabouts
Your conviction to family though is actually what kept you out of heaven, because after being banished never sought out to ascend
Eventually after centuries of wandering you become a Supreme Ghost Queen
Rumors from gods and goddesses have compared your power to that of the Crimson Rain Sought Flower
It wasn't until you heard of the current state of your brother and the Supreme Ghost King that you would seek out your reason for banishment again
What you didn't expect was to find Mu Qing during this journey
You felt surprised, but nothing negative against the God or leaving him
That part of your life was long ago, you have no reason to dwell on it
This was no the same for Mu Qing; however, at first he felt relief in knowing you were alright
But then he felt betrayal, like a knife was stabbed through his chest a hundred times over
You abandoned your rightful throne for a family you haven't seen in hundreds of years, centuries of happiness you could have with him were lost with that singular choice of yours
While your feelings did not initially return, Mu Qing made it his mission to set aside your past decisions and rekindle your bond
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kinda yikes ngl
hope yall liked this one because angst is NOT my strong suit
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mrabubu · 2 months
Soo do Ana and Leo ever actually get married in the end or nah? Cuz ngl the thought of the movie occurring when the resistance fails and that thing is very much left unsaid and unfulfilled is so very sad to me 😭I get that it’s a war zone but in a way also all the more reason why they should cuz ya know never know when you gon bite the dust
Sooooo... I've been thinking about this for some time, but since I have in mind kinda a bad end option for this story's end, I'm still not certain xdd.
Though I kinda had an idea of them making something more symbolic, just for the two of them.
Like, in the movies I remember there were moments when characters are getting married during battle or just during difficult circumstances, like that moment from the third Pirates of the Caribbean, when Elizabeth and William got married during the impromptu ceremony.
And for the ring, I can't remember the exact example, but I've seen during episodes like this a couple would use something to replace the ring as there's no other option, like a piece of wire or something like this.
So I think their "ceremony" would be something like that. Nothing big or official.
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autumnbrambleagain · 8 months
Hi, first time reader, first time caller. I ended up reading proselytize in between my various beginner runs in qud to keep me motivated. It's really good! You're a very talented writer with a great sense of pacing, character and style! I was just wondering though, do you have default builds for all the daughters of nafpor, or are they more like archetypes?
oh gosh thank you! i am always stunned at how well received proselytize has been, i'm glad people are enjoying it so much
i experiment a lot with them when i play them, so i have a lot saved, although TBH a lot of them are older characters from over a year ago
here's suir softbeast's canonical build, although this is just like. her base, larval form without any of her chimera stuff. there's a mod that lets you pick what your chimeric limbs are when evolving so you can have the exact same suir softbeast experience, the randomization of it means any future suir i play without that mod is going to be a radically different suir
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you'll notice her intelligence is like, pretty high! it's said in the game she ends up being one of the best tinkers in qud and just convinces herself she's only good for being a blodshedding hedonist. my suir build strats were pick every physical mutation i could get, get extra limbs, the usual chimera stuff. i used swords as my main for the DV bonus and lunge action economy stacking, and axes in all the other offhands for dismemberment procs
it uses the marshtaur sprite, although i'd wish in a tattoo gun and recolor her in all white and gray. if i ever played her again i'd probably modify the sprite to make her look more like herself
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here's tiyu-yutep's last build. psychometry isn't actually Very Worthwhile, but it was thematic and i'm the kind of idiot that will make a build for theme rather than efficiency. this is, in fact, a pretty BAD build, which I think is on its own level thematically important. the daughters of nafpor aren't all supertwinked hyperspecced characters, some of them just Played Good
normally i'd replace her sprite with a cat cherub sprite, but at this point next time i ever end up playing her i'd just make my own sprite for her
in actual gameplay i'd use precog and nectar to reroll mutations so i have a bespoke list of mental mutations stacked up as high as i can, and complement them with a ton of tinkered nonsense. tiyu-yutep's build is about maximizing options in every situation. something bad is happening? that's fine, i have 12 kinds of grenade, 10 mental mutations, and eight guns to solve it.
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that's one of my igwashim builds, unlike tiyu and suir being kinda jack-of-all-trades (my preferred style ngl) ig is very much a "scry, teleport in, blast everything to sleep, axe axe axe axe axe axe axe" build
mutation points aren't spent on new mutations at all, and exist just to fill out the efficiency of her existing mutations. i use a mod to make teleport more accurate at very high levels, because teleportation is my nonsexual fetish and i crave being able to pinpoint teleport after i hit level 10
still she isn't just a bump-attack character. maximize information gathering and ambush tactics, never play fair. appearance change wish to turn her tile into a crypt ferret's, naturally, although now that i've started fumping about with modding, i'd just like. actually make a clade so instead of it saying "Mutated Human" it'd say "Mutated Ferret" or something. make it so dromads don't call me human they call me "ferret" or something
her having Socially Repugnant would be appropriate narratively but i never bothered with it since she didn't need it, 10 ego is enough to represent her being a talking animal
i don't have any specific build saved for Savithvyr, she was one of my first Qud characters and was just a Fuming God-Child specced around agility, willpower, and intelligence, mostly using gas grenades of various kinds alongside the billowing conch. also not an optimal build! but it was fun. flood the zone with gas and just sorta stand back and pick at the survivors with a gun or stab them with triple-element gaslight kris
there's a mod that lets you play goatfolk which i used for naara, but in version updates i don't have it installed right now and i'll be honest i don't remember what i did with her much other than mental mutations
ooo-ho-OOO-EEE-ah and Buwofu-gawufoo were actually companions that Savithvyr and Suir picked up in-game, they were never characters i played directly but as companions they lasted so long they felt like they were part of those characters' identities and so they had to make the transition into the game proper.
the brambled fae's original build is NO LONGER POSSIBLE because they increased the cost of horns, which i think is HILARIOUS because why shouldn't it be an actual illegal build?
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not that it hasn't had a dozen different builds ANYway. it's my go-to most-used build and based off of one of my fursonas at its core, so it's the culmination of my bullshit jack-of-all-trades obsession.
MILD SPOILERS but ive posted it before on this blog anyway, it DOES have its own sprite since i still play variations on it regularly enough i made a sprite for it
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although that doesn't really represent what it looks like in the story
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that's getting a BIT closer to what it looks like when we finally get to the brambled pass
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crabonfire · 2 years
hi . twirls hair nervously . idk if you're still taking requests but it would be so Awesome to see how the mercs would react to their s/o being an artist, like they see em painting or smth . preferably amab if That's ok .. (ngl im mainly doing this for more scout stuff .) + I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM makes me kick my feet with joy
heyyyyy!! giggles like a schoolgirl
TOTALLY! I'm always down for requests, just as long as they aren't too specific / out of my comfort zone :)
also I'm so glad you like my stuff!!!! it makes me very happy that you do heheheheh :) I'm also an artist so I'd love to write this!
ps I love scout so I understand we need more scout stuff tbh!!!
Mercs reacting to an artistic S/O!
warnings: none!
characters: all mercs
note: reader is amab in this one, gender isn't specified much but just wanted to let u know :)
oke so the situaaation ‼️‼️
Merc had noticed that for some reason you would be in your room all day, before and after matches. He didn't really ask about it, because you still spoke to him a ton. One day though, he walks in on you...doing art??!?!?!?! Wow!!!!
• omg!
• without saying anything, he comes closer to see what your painting. he admires it for a moment, it's so...wow
"Woah, this is amazin'...you neva told me you could paint!"
"Well...yeah! I do paint. It's just a hobby to release some stress, you know?"
"A hobby??? I thought Picasso made this or somethin...this is so good!"
• Hes also pretty artistic himself! He draws a ton, so he's very excited to find out that your just like him fr!
• He will be so enamoured by your art, asking if he could see more and even ask if you could teach him. The way you so delicately work on the canvas with that glimmer of creativity in your eyes, he can't help but be head over heels by it.
"That painting is so cool babe, just like you."
"Man, what's up with you today? Your so corny."
He pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist making your hands rest against his chest.
"Yer so handsome too, you know? Even more than the painting."
"You dork. Your just egging me on."
"Nah, I really mean it. Your the real masterpiece here."
He peppers you with kisses making you giggle at the sensation. What a guy.
• when he enters your room to find you sitting at your desk, he thinks your working at first.
• but when he steps closer to see your drawing, oh my lordie lord
"OHFUCK-solly you scared the living shit outta me- I'm uhh...drawing."
• he takes the paper and inspects it carefully, a grin on his face. wow! this is so cool S/O :)
"It's just a sketch, but I've been meaning to practice more on my anatomy."
"Ah, thanks but nah. I'm not finished with it...plus I think my art kinda sucks."
"Huh...thank you Jane. I appreciate it."
• he watches you draw a lot, and gets so happy when he finds out you draw him. if you give him any of your art, he will frame it in his room and show it off like a trophy. he finds it so cool you draw, wow.
• oh m gosh...u draw...like...like he does..??? OH MH GOOOOODSSSHHHHHHHSH
"mmmfhh mffhh mmhfhh mmmfhhd!!" (This is so cool!!"
"Oh thanks man! I appreciate it."
"Mmmh mmh mmhhhf mmhd mmh? mmhfh??" (Can I draw with you? Please??)
"Yeah! That'd be nice. I've always wanted to draw with someone."
" the happiest squeal that has ever come out of any man "
• you two draw together all the time, heck youll even collaborate on the same drawing and it always makes him so happy when you do. if you ever draw you two together, he will cherish it forever and just like soldier, frame it. Though he wouldn't show it off, he would wanna keep it to himself :)
• hold up wait a minute
• you paint? oh my god you paint?? you...you paint???!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!!??!
• he's very surprised and very proud, he's like "HELL YEAH MY BOYFRIEND PAINTS LETS GOOOOOO!!"
• "Lad, you did this?"
"Oh-pff yeah. I don't paint as much as I used to but it's fun to do."
"This is amazing. Your so amazing, why haven't ye told me ye painted?"
"I didn't really think it was a big deal, nobody really knows."
"Big deal? This is gorgeous. You should show off some more."
"Hahdhfh thank you."
• talks about it a lot, practically shows you off like a medal when the topic is even related to it. He loves watching you paint and will even ask if you can paint him so that he can keep it and show it to his mother. He's so supportive of it and buys you the best art supplies, encouraging you to paint more. he's so proud of u omg.
• when he finds you drawing he's very interested! he doesn't ask much about it, but watches you sketch. how you lightly press onto the paper when you want a soft feel to it, and when you press rougher for a thicker line, it fascinates him how you can be so talented.
When your done, he'll ask about it.
"May I see?"
"Oh, of course!"
He inspects the drawing, admiring how well you cleaned the linear and how well the shading blends in. He smiles softly
"This is beautiful. You are very talented."
"Aw-thats sweet, thanks babe."
"Da. Do you have any other drawings?"
"Oh totally! Wait lemme get my sketchbook."
• he let's you ramble on each piece, listening intently as he carefully flips the pages over. he's so amazed by it all, even asking if he can keep some of them.
• if he ever finds out you drew him, he will be so so soooo happy! he will have a very big smile and give you a big big hug. he will keep it secure, and tell his family about it. even giving some pictures of your art to show them in letters. he's very into your art, please draw for him more.
• woah, you draw? that's so cool.
• he's very happy, he draws himself but it's mostly blue prints for his machines. your art is so sick! my guy this is like...the shit that belongs in like...a fuckin museum. so...so cool
"Darlin'...this is amazing! Did you draw this?"
"Oh yeah, I draw when I got the time to."
"I had no idea, this is wonderful. Whyd ya never tell me?"
"Oh, I thought it wouldn't be interesting."
"Sweetheart this is too good to not be talked about, its an amazing talent and I guarentee I'd love to hear about it."
"Aww, Dell..."
• show him your art please. he loves to just admire your stuff, inspecting every single like and so appreciative of how much time you put into each drawing. even if it's a small doodle or an unfinished piece, he will cherish it and motivate you to do more.
• draw for him? actually freaks out. Will keep a special folders full of all the drawings you give him, keep it in the special safe he made just for stuff you give him. draw any of his machines? bro will actually smooch you so hard man...pucker up LMAOOOO
• fascinating!
• he watches your painting, your quite focused on the strokes and he finds it very cool. he doesn't say anything, just watches you. it feels a bit awkward but he's honestly just really into it.
"Zhis is wonderful! Jou should sell zhem. I bet zhey would be bought by anyone who saw zhem."
"That's sweet Medic, but I don't think I'm that good."
"NONSENSE! Jou are an excellent painter, I am delighted to know jou have talent in such fine arts. Zhis is not a small thing, mein liebe."
"Haha, thank you Ludwig."
• he will ask if you can paint for him, not forcing or anything but he is obsessed with your style. if you ever paint him something, anything at all, it will be in somewhere safe, probably his room. By his desk, so he can look at it while he works.
he thinks it's awesome you can paint, will ramble to heavy about it.
• WOAHHHHH BUDDY YOU DRAW???@??!?!?@?@!?!?!?!?!?!? that's so fucking cool!!! Holy smokes
• he will be amazed, how did he end up with someone as hot and talented as you? My GUYYYYYYY he's even more in love with you than before which he thought wasn't possible.
"Roo...this is...amazing. I didn't know you could draw."
"Well-yeah! I just do it in my spare time."
He sits by you and continues to watch you draw, he likes the expressions you mimic when your drawing it on the paper. he thinks it's adorable.
if you ever draw him or for him, he will be a bit flustered.
"For...for me?"
"Yeah! I know it's sorta random but I really wanted to draw you something. Sorry if this is uh...weird and stuff."
"NO! no no, it's...its amazing. Thank you love."
He will be so red and so honored, he will have a bunch of your drawings lying around in the camper, one pinned to the wall of the van for him to look at. He keeps a doodle you made of the both of you in his pocket and looks at it whenever he misses you. He loves you soo much ughhhshhdfhfhf SNIPER MY BELOVEDDDD
• mf
• just when he thought he couldn't adore you even more than he already has, and you decide to be incredibly cool and awesome by your art
• you fucking DRAWWWW???? OH MH GODDD
He sneaked into your room to surprise you but he's the one surprised to find you drawing him. He stands by you as you smile at the finished product. Dammit you fucking KILLED HIM
the smile you have on your face at the drawing you made of him is actually fucking murderous it's so fucking cute he's going into cardiac arrest
he reveals himself, leaning into the table and taking a look at your drawing.
"Ma cher, this is wonderful. I never knew you had such a talent."
"OH-uh yeah! I draw...but also my fucking god dude your gonna kill me one day."
"I apologise, I merely wanted to surprise you. But it seems you have surprised me with your artwork. Do you draw me often?"
"I...uh...well-i mean-"
He finds it sweet you drew him, watching you get nervous and tounge tied. He will stop the teasing though, to admire your artwork. he's so...ighdhdhfhf why do you do this to him he's literally freaking out internally rn
like bro might be all cheeky and sly abt it but he's so...he's so jsjjf..HEHSHSHDHD... the urge to kiss you is strong
• he will buy you the best art supplies. after all, you deserve only as such. he will actually frame every single drawing you give him. I'm serious like they're gold plated, some are in his smoking room for him to admire and some are in his room to wake up to. bro is so INTO YOUUUU UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH stop it!! stop being so fucking cool!
I hope u enjoyed this! Sorry if its shorter than my usual ones, but yea!!!!!
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mikanandpotato · 3 months
Lets talk about ship again. Because i can't sleep again lol.
- KaiAo irk me if romantically, however i am fine if it's platonic. I can't tell what's i hate or what's could it been. But probably it is because of how i set my ocs in similiar situations.
- AkaAo, honestly i don't know what's the shipname and i feel like i am the only one who ship it. Honestly this ship feels like yaoi for me. There are post that is calling that "You gay because you love women. I am gay because i hate men" yeah probably because of that.
- SaguAka, i don't really sees their chemistry on 1412 but detco specials does make me thinking a little. I am suprised that recent manga mentioned this, but the problem is Akako and Saguru haven't officially clash prior on the manga. So i think Gosho is taking the Detco specials as his canon because he forgot.
- Shinran, i think i already tell that Shinran is feel Yuri to me. And i have personal hc that Ran loves when Shinichi in sweat especially after he is playing football. She loves Shinichi's back (also included his ass), legs and how tender he looks on sunsetty situations (im sorry if it's ruin the image of Ran for you🙏)
- Kaishin, ngl.. My starter ship of this fandom. Still like it but not really has the strong feels anymore. Probably m27 ruins this ship for me that unconsciously i've been evaded this ship eventhough it was my favorite ship.
- Coai, i love it mainly because of Ai herself and she is enjoying her life.
- Kaishi (and Kaishinshi by extends) start as crack but honestly both would definately shares braincell and bullying Shinichi together. Just like how i sees Komahinanami.
- Sagushin, also an crack that kinda sound possible and make sense in my head. Though havent really thought of how yet.
- Heishin, i enjoyed it. I tried to shares any Heishin that i could find. It's giving me wishshipping.
And now the problematic zone :
- Reishin, as expected, Pixiv and/or Jp fandom in general. There are lots of interesting Reishin comic, especially with Bourbon or an what-if if Shinichi were BO members. There are lot of possibility and ideas to explore. But this would ended up problematic on western fandom... Im sorryyyy
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maskthesimp · 9 months
Okay, so I played Resident Lover
Cass' route. Duh.
AND I GOT THE BAD ENDING 💀 Or one of them
I assume there's a few bad endings and a few good ones for each route. I got the one where we get blood spilt on us, and she uses me as a sacrifice (or is implied to cuz the game ends when she pins me against a wall after getting that crazy look in her eye and talking about a fourth sacrifice for the ritual)
Here's the thing, though. I'm afraid of upsetting people. So, of course I ignored the fucking shadow and decided to get on with the show instead CUZ I FIGURED IF I INVESTIGATED THE SHADOW, IT'D DELAY THE SHOW AND PISS HER OFF!! BUT NO!!
It's fucking fine I reloaded the game and investigated, then told her what I saw and shit turned out fine and she fucked me in her dressing room >_> I'll take it but that music and the art of her going all crazy-eyed saying she was gonna basically kill me is gonna leave some trauma, babes, I'm ngl
Istg I genuinely was unsettled and freaked out over it. The music does a lot for the game, and the composer(s) did a great job at making me piss myself in fear. Made me feel genuine anxiety and fear. Also, because I couldn't do anything about it, it made it so much harder to watch. Feels like Subnautica without the water. Or sea creatures. Or space ship. Or anything except the overwhelming sense of "you fucked up" that I get when I hear the music after getting drenched in blood, or the "approaching ecological dead-zone" message. It's the same vibe that makes me wanna cry from anxiety, and I applaud any game that evokes that reaction from me.
I'll definitely play through the other routes, probably Belas mostly, and I'll try to get some other results from Cass' route. I didn't investigate the 3rd floor because it pissed her off when I did it, so I reloaded it (don't judge, I'm a people pleaser) and chose to wait for her. Idk what other endings can come from her route. I know I can reject her and stuff, but I don't wanna. That's my wife motherfucker.
I'm most interested in Bela and Cass' routes in this. I like Daniela, but she's not as interesting as I kinda hoped she'd be. I like skater girls, but for Dani, she's too chill. I like the switch in making Cass more of a momma's girl and making Bela more argumentative with Alcina. Whereas in RE8, that'd be the opposite with them.
Cass is the rash child not doing what Alcina wants, and Bela has to pick up the slack and suck up to mother (or at least that's the vibe we got from the lore). And Dani is just...Dani. She's chaos incarnate. But I like the switch of having Cass now be the one who decided to follow in her mother's footsteps, whilst Bela is apparently arguing with her so much.
Btw, I'd adore if there was a mutli-romance option. I'd fall head over heels so easy XDD speaking of, is there any way to meet Bela in Cass' route? She never showed in my playthrough outside of a name drop from her sisters. I've seen screenshots of Bela and Cass in Y/Ns dorm together, I'm not sure what route it's from.
Overall, I'd say I had a lot of fun. I liked the stakes, I liked the romance. Some character depictions could've been better, but maybe they would be if I play again and choose Dani's option during a later playthrough. Maybe I just didn't get enough of a look at her character. Will definitely play again :3
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melodic-haze · 3 months
Hello, it's the overly formal anon from the other day. I got a much more lighthearted question for you today. How are you enjoying ZZZ so far? Any characters you're interested in besides Nicole? I want to open the floor for you to yap all you want. I personally have Grace refusing to grace my account, despite me having both her W-Engine and best support (Rina), so I'm just gonna rob a bank for more pulls.
OMG HELLO :3 THANK YOU SO MUCH but I kinda wish I had a lot to say 😞😞😞 I haven't played it much since release cuz I've been busy :((((( HOWEVER. However. I ACTUALLY LOVE??? ZZZ????? Idk why but it reminds me a Bit of Persona and I fucking LOVE Persona, along with the fact that I adore the comic exaggeration style they're using!!!! It's so emotive and appealing to my brain and it actually kinda gets my attention, compared to the other Hoyo games tbh
Like ok. Don't get me wrong, I love the other games but there's a point where I start to zone out from reading the lines of text and I just wanna be done with it already. The scope of exploration has lessened by a LOT obviously but I personally think it's a nice trade-off, prevents me from getting overwhelmed by chunks upon chunks of text that I just have to kinda imagine what's actually going on myself
AS FOR FAVOURITES BESIDE NICOLE??? BELLA. BELLA MY BABY oh my god she looks so kissable 😭😭😭😭 and I THINK the sassy options are Her Options? Not too sure but I personally think so and I really love that I'm ngl. Hmmmmm Grace and Rina have both caught my eye as well bc GOD they're so pretty AND RINA'S DEMO aughgnhg her fucking ult oh my GOD. But also? Billy. I don't usually care for male characters but hello??? He's so silly he's like the cool gay uncle I really love his character and his VA is acting like he has RENT to pay like??? This might be the only Hoyo game that I won't switch to JP for voice languages cuz of how entrrtaining it is
I HOPE GRACE COMES HOME FOR YOU THOUGH OH MY GOD SHE'S SO FINE 😭😭😭 try reverse psychology cuz it always worked on my Genshin pulls 💪💪💪💪
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confie3babyy · 3 months
I know nobody will read this but life has been hell since the last time I posted here. It just got into a lot more than just losing some self confidence now I'm pretty sure I have depression I find it so incredibly hard to be happy even for a little and it's so rare for me to get out and do anything, I'm always just trying to numb my self. I have zero good thoughts abt myself I even got rid of all my mirrors I just can't bear to look at myself :(.
Lately I have been thinking a lot abt the life I had before and I get excited sloely from the thought of it now it almost seems like it was a dream, I'm thinking abt actually gathering the courage and actually putting in the effort and actually working towards a healed me, maybe get out of my comfort zone or make new friends or make a vision board even, I don't know really. But maybe I have it in me to end this? What if I can actually be excited to wake up one day, I've been delaying sleep later just so the next day would come slower. Maybe if I put in the work I could start to do the opposite. Idk but seeing this blog again kinda gave me hope ngl.
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degloved · 9 months
18, 20, 22, 24 <3
thank you for sending these on your own volition bc i definitely didn't ask you to. or anything. (+ you think you're being slick with the numbers but i see you with my own two eyes)
this one goes under 'read more' it's kinda long ngl.
18. what was the hardest fic to title?
ok so that's an interesting question and i've got two candidates. they were both drabble reqs (checks out, as those had me stepping far out of my comfort zone a lot as far as ships went. also i'm still taking them btw.) one is 500 and the other 1500 words respectively, so i'll give this honor to the longer of the two: falling like ninepins, the hoffheight fic. it's a cute little number, though i stressed over it a fair bit.
20. share your favorite ending line
believe it or not, this was a little challenging! mostly because i love ending things on short, choppy, punchy notes. two-to-four-line sentences that both satiate my penchant for dramatics and wrap everything up neatly and abruptly. that said, one work stood out to me. a short little thing i put together during an emotional mandy moment. the line is as follows: They buried Amanda Young at the Hoffman family plot. Wasn’t that nice?
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
picking up rocks off the ground and chewing them and swallowing. i've been waiting for this moment. chapter five of blood, drying: ruby. “You know, Dr Lecter,” Will slowly leaned forward in his seat, clasping his hands together and interlacing his own fingers. Hannibal’s eyes bore into his, but Will didn’t waver; he didn’t know what he was trying to accomplish. Truthfully, he was only making himself increasingly uncomfortable and antsy—and his stare most certainly did not have the desired effect on Hannibal, who persisted in his ambivalence to Will’s efforts. “You’ve always had a penchant for… peppering thinly-veiled digs and carefully constructed verbal parries throughout conversations. I wonder that this doesn’t count as rude in your book.” Hannibal had the gall to chuckle. “Are you calling me rude, Will?” Will tilted his head, a mirroring and a mockery, as though taking his turn to assess the other. “Do you think you’re not?” A beat. “What fate would you have me suffer for it?” “You invite retribution?” “I do so hope borrowing from your own vocabulary is acceptable,” Hannibal leaned back once more, at ease when he shouldn’t be (when Will didn’t want him to be), “Not retribution, no. Merely tit for tat.” Will’s lips stretched into a sneer, all derision. “Tit for tat? Well, then, your fate would seem crystal clear to me.”
24. what's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
feel like a dummy saying this, but i don't think so??? in a technical sense, perhaps—the amount of writing i can get done in one sitting, the amount of writing i can get down on some abysmally little sleep, the way my motivation can shoot up with one little comment and—on the flip side—the way i can find myself so enthralled by my own concept that external motivation/validation is the last thing on my mind. but plot-wise and such (as this question seems to imply), no!
[ask game]
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hyperbolicgrinch · 5 months
Teehee,,, here she comes,,, to ask,,, questionnnnnsss, (no pressure of course bestie) 1, 5, 12, 13, 16, 25, 29, 33 and 34 !!! But no pressure to anything!!! no pressure to answer either <3 I’m on laptop so this is a v boring ask i apologise it won't let em format this at all :(
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There she is!!!! To ask questions!!! (Bless you for fighting the laptop to send me these, ilysm 💕)
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I simply can't. It's impossible. I never look directly at my writing so I don't know her well enough 😂
Okay, fine, fine, she's mid, that's what I'll say?? So ⭐⭐ ?? Not doing anything spectacular but gets the job done more than not?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Maybe my All Out!!! requested ones because I actually finished and posted them, which was a miracle 😌✌️
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Honestly I'm really excited about a silly modern university One Piece au I'm sort of doing on the side sometimes when I need a breather from other fics. Even though I've barely written anything officially for it, it's a cumulation of all my sister's and my 2am ramblings and silly little biased ideas and I just really wanna bring them to life so she can read them. 😂
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Ooo, if my memory serves right it was One Piece or Supernatural. I didn't ever finish or publish any of them but yeah- gateway drugs.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Let me think, what's at the top of my head right now...
Argh, I guess I like when arseholes catch feelings for each other but still stay arseholes about it adsfggh 😅
Ohhhh and where one of them gets injured or beat up or whatever and the other dickhead is like "tell me who did this to you" while cradling their face or something hnggg 😳👉👈
Or when they've been complete dicks to each other but one of them turns up on the doorstep of the other cause they had nowhere else to go and then they have to deal with each other and they fall in luvvvv 😏
I also really am a bitch for the bastard is in love with and pining for other character (in fiction!!! In fiction!!!!). ugh if done right and pulled off well (in fiction!!!! In fiction!!!), I am unfortunately on the edge of my seat 🫣
Love me a bitch that gets jealous and starts acting out too (in fiction!!!!!) because as a bitch that do get jealous (not to that level, I am not pulling that crap, I promise) it speaks to me a little ngl 🫢
Ooooo and the fuck the whole world, I choose you thing. Like if they damn the whole world for their person/people then I'm there. I'm right there. It's gotta be done right thooooo but to be fair, it's pretty hard to mess up 😌
Okay gonna stop outing myself on main because I could go on adafgdhjy and just end with, not really a guilty pleasure, just a pleasure, but if there's a forehead press I am on the floor every time. The chef's are kissing with tongue!! Nothing like a forehead press!!! 😍
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
Okay so the big One Piece one I'm working on atm, I keep having an urge to make a sequel after it that let's me kinda do a fix it au and teams the characters up again for a joint revenge plot. I can see it in my mind but making it work is going to be a lot. Still love to daydream about it tho 😂
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Hmm. Well atm I'm writing a lot of seggs and I'm not that (pun intended) jazed about writing it because it's not really my thing or in my wheelhouse, so that might count?
Don't know how it turned out cause it ain't finished yet but pray for me. It's a slog but the uglies must be bumped, I guess (instantly regrets saying that) 🙃
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I'd need an audience first, pfftt 🤭
Nah, um, that it takes literal years and none of that shit is written in order. It's all an illusion, babbeyyy!!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Crikey okay everything I'm writing at the moment is pissing me off so here's something I wrote in like 2016 and haven't touched since but that I think about often (even if I would change most of it today) because of a compliment I got on it. 😙
(It was for a Zoro pov zolu ficlet after the timeskip meet up when all the crew gets back together again in One Piece because that arc always leaves me with some damn big feelings and they have to go somewhere 👁️👄👁️)
And he will be.
And Zoro will be there when he does, because oh, he's not leaving this thundering feeling for anything in the world ever again.
He shuts his one good eye, and smiles.
The heavens will hear Luffy's name long before they ever hear his own.
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heartxshaped-bruises · 11 months
TAGGED BY: @lxvefrxmthextherside an eternity ago (( thx <;3 )) TAGGING: @myriadxofxmuses @mxrdershewxote @brokenblondeprincess @cursedvessels @kingdom-of-vanity @fantasycorrupted && everyone who wants to
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                                  ��          ✧・゚ 𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
NAME? ----
MOST ACTIVE MUSE? That usually depends. Most of my interactions are very balanced, but there are times when I have more threads with some over others. Right now it's Alexandra and Rachel. But when it comes to inspiration for writing, my most active ones would be Emry and Joe.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS? I've been part of the tumblr RPC since 2015, so technically 8 years. But I've been writing for two more on ProBoards before that, so all in all 10 years of rping.
BEST EXPERIENCE? There are so many different kinds of experiences and many were great, to be honest. I don't want to single out one. Generally, the best ones are always the connections I make both with the muns OOC and between our muses, building a whole little canon universe around them. It makes it a very immersive experience and I adore that.
RP PET PEEVES? I think this whole 'reblog from the source' thing nowadays incredibly tedious and silly. I get it when it comes to memes, but not inspiration posts etc. What's the point of being mutuals if we can't share our posts with each other?
I can tell if someone reblogs a post from the source after they saw it on my blog beforehand. It doesn't change anything. It just makes it incredibly weird and awkward, imo. Kinda off-putting. Like, as if mutuals feel embarrassed about being mutuals and they want to avoid any trace of their followers on their blog. So please, for the love of the universe, feel free to reblog stuff directly from me. Don't be afraid about that. I don't mind at all <3
Another one that I see spreading on here is sending memes but never or only selectively acknowledging what that person wrote for you. It makes you feel like they only sent the meme for the sake of being a good mutual and not because they actually want to see that interaction.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT? Depends on the muse. Smut definitely comes in last, tho. I think I prefer angst over fluff, but both can be incredibly great to write with certain muses.
PLOTS OR MEMES? I love the whole process of plotting, ngl.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES? Depends on the muse as well. I prefer about three paragraphs somewhere in between. Too short isn't engaging or stimulating enough for my brain, that's why I never do one-liners or shorter than a paragraph. And too long can burn me out sometimes and take me longer to respond to, so I am always worried my partners are getting impatient bc I'm low-activity, mostly.
TIME TO WRITE? I love late afternoon and in the evening hours. Right now, my new time-zone is very annoying, tho.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES? Nah, not really. I think there are some tiny splinters in all of them, but if they were like me, I wouldn't write them. I don't find appeal in writing characters who are like myself. That's kinda boring. Like, take Emry for an example - I adore writing that dork, but he's based on one guy I had the displeasure to deal with in High School. He annoyed the hell out of me and left quite the impression. But Emry is one of my favorite muses to write, soooo... you get the gist.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
but i do have an headcanon for pjsekai [i think it's a little bit basic tho🥹]
i've been thinking about Rui Kamishiro being really fast at videogames, because his fingers are also skilled in creating things that are kinda complicated (like his robots, and all the show things he creates)
so he often likes to play videogames with the rest of wxs, for example, minecraft
i thought (A LOT) about Tsukasa challenging the group in creating something with blocks as fast as they can, and of course Rui finishes first, and his works beat everyone else's
so as a second challenge, Rui is the only one playing againist another one of the group, while the rest would poke or scribble at his tickle spots
and if he doesn't manage to win, they switch to tickle punishment
(and Rui doesn't even try to stop them fjjdjjdjs)
Tysm for sending this in 🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖
@kairoscler some food for the soul uwu
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justaredheadf1fan · 1 year
First one in the US is here
Well, hiyah!
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That gif made sense seeing all the spectacle going on in Miami since yesterday. Not a fan, but what can I do?
I'm starting to think about stopping this blog not even halfway through the season. Just because with a job with such random shifts and maybe only 2-3 free weekends (Barcelona being one of them since we're attending once again) until I'm done in October keeping it up seems kinda tedious ngl. I'll see what I decide in the next few weeks, I'm still getting used to the adult life again 🤣
Press conference - Thursday
I haven't really paid attention to what was said in the pressers, plus they didn't talk about anything interesting whatsoever.
The most interesting thing was about last weekend's drama between George and Sid the Sloth due to Crofty's question. George really is a mood right now. I mean, it was just an inchident, problem with a certain someone is still that he can't take it when someone pulls the same crap as he normally does.
But that's about it. Maybe tomorrow I'll pay more attention, but there's no promises.
Free Practice 1 - Friday
Well, in all honesty, I've watched the first session without watching it. I was drying my hair while FP1 was on and I didn't really pay attention.
There was some trouble for George apparently that they had to fix before he got back on track, the track is almost brand new since they changed the shitty ass tarmac so they all needed to try different set ups to see what works and what doesn't in this new bore of a circuit. Nothing new, all in all.
Hülkengberg did crash with like 20 or 25 minutes to go and the session was Red Flagged immediately. Quick job for once, wish the FIA took it this seriously every single time.
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Other than that, the only interesting enough information is having George, Lewis and Sharl respectively on the Top 3. What a sight for sore eyes, am I right? 🥹
It might be a little too late to watch FP1 but I need to take advantage of the free Friday although I'm getting up early tomorrow for work...
Free Practice 2 - Friday
Okay, not the day to watch F1, truth be told. I'm getting ready for bed while I watch FP2 🤣 I'm being so unserious today it's actually funny. Anywho.
Grape Scotch (this reference might be too "obscure"), that save from Kevin!!!!! He missed the wall by less than nothing, phew!!!
Besides that especial someone having troubles with his car's insides, the rest has been really quiet. Even though I've been busy while watching, I've been paying more attention to this one, all for nothing.
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Geez, thank goodness it was close to the end and nothing else happened. What a bore. When I wanted some excitement I didn't mean my boy crashing!!!
Anywho, more tomorrow. I might die of lack of sleep but I'll watch from my grave then 🤣
Free Practice 3 - Saturday
Ladies and gents, I'M NOT PAYING ATTENTION. You could say that I dislike this GP and you'd be right. It's not interesting, DRS zones have been shortened, nothing's going on. You name it.
I mean, there's really no point in watching this atm. I couldn't be any more bored. This race for me looks more like a circus than a sport. Well, nowadays all of them are, but Miami is the worst representation. It's more important having celebrities and events unrelated to the sport than the actual race weekend. It's sad. I miss the old F1 so much.
It's been painful to write this crap of a "summary", because you can't even call it that. So unmotivating 🤣
I'm sorry this is such a downer, not proud of it. But I feel like if I don't even try and watch it all and make a post and everything I'd be failing my resolution toward this blog.
Anyway, I'll watch Quali later. I hope it's more interesting. I really hope it is.
Peace out!
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boba-beom · 1 year
DING DING DING! congrats! you are correct!
it's one way for me to socialize with you guys because of
(1) how fast you guys are speaking in discord (ngl i kinda feel left out a lot of times) especially with me waking up to find 200-1000 comments that i have to mute the group chat worrying about my phone battery
(2) how i live on the other side of the world so i can't to you guys as much without losing sleep.
other than that, i hope you learn more about me.
also, me only using youtube and tumblr as my social media platforms is because of the bad relationship i had with others social media platforms. i don't use tiktok at all because of the oversaturation and seeing people around me obsessing about tiktok challenges that it turns me off from joining. i also quit instagram because i use to compare myself with others, even with my friend circle. i also have other social medias like snapchat, facebook, and others i couldn't think about but deleted it because i don't use them anymore, while i used to be active on kpop stan twt before the toxicity comes to me but i still own it because it relates to the monthly minecraft event that i watched lmao. so i delete social media to detox myself and delete myself form the internet as best as i could so that people could only find me based on my internet persona.
i am back on instagram but purely so that i could open a portfolio page for the gfx designs i made for my hellsite fics and others...
do you have any leftover questions you want me to answer???
p.s. hope you're having fun with the cloudbusting fic you're planning. ngl i didn't think you'll be doing it for real hehe
WHOOP I knew my inkling was right! it wouldn't leave me :>
I understand and I'm sorry about that :< I know the group chat blows up so much and time zones are difficult but we do love having you there when you come on! <3
I have definitely learnt a lot about you , considering we have a google spread with all the hits you gave us collectively hehe I get where you're coming from in terms of social media and I think if that's what helps and is better for you then it that's good, you know? I had a social media detox at one point too with only tumblr being my only social but I've been alright everywhere, I just usually dip after I go on it. sometimes social media isn't for everything so I understand!
no question actually, but I just wanna say that you answering your own anon ask threw me off because that was the only thing that held me back from not suspecting you hehe it was fun nonetheless!
I just can't believe that I was super late to catch on that bee is in beabadoobee T^T things came to pretty late because I was busy with family, friends and packing the past week but literally the other night I managed to give myself time to search, link and piece together these things :> it was fun honestly, really pieced these things at 2AM hehe
OMG so I watched palm springs and it's interesting, I just don't know if I would make a long fic based on the movie, a short scenario from the movie (like when the song comes on, but idk how I would write about that without writing a long fic) or I'll just listen to the song and figure out what scenario to write about, but from listening to it a few times it does sound dreamy. still just gonna think of a scenario :> I'll figure it out ^^
thanks again lissie it was fun getting to interact with you this way! just know that you're very much loved in the gc! and in general, you're amazing and so are your works, it's an acquired taste <3
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