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spotaus · 3 months ago
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A second year (or, second time-) of doing a card for the @xpau-official season!! This time, featuring Koda, Ichor, Tulpa, and Pretender!
I like to think that Koda (despite facing gods) is weirded out by the other versions of Ichor, so it's hard to get them to come to events! Tulpa and Pretender have heard a bazillion things about Koda (Ichor's a proud monster,<3) so they're curious to finally meet the little human! Koda was bribed via candy cane.
And! Their sweaters!
Koda: "Ho Ho Holy Shit"
Ichor: "God, Let This Merry Gentleman Rest"
Tulpa: They're just a gingerbread man :]
Pretender: "Gay Apparel"
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spotlightstudios · 2 years ago
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Redraw (resketch?) Of an old wip sketch of my Catacomb!Muffet I found in an old sketchbook.
Obviously it's an improvement cuz the first one's just a sketch, but man do I miss drawing Moneybags over here.
Extra old sketches hehe:
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spotaus · 4 months ago
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Out with the old, in with the new, y'know? (Aka, say hello to my new Banner! Thank u Ancha + Papil + anyone else watching this chaos unfold-)
Ramble about these guys under the cut because I love adding lore to posts!!!
Okay. First things first, it was HARD picking a reasonable amount of ocs/aus to include in this. I left out a few of my pet projects, but settle on (left to right) Phishbone, Pretender, Ichor, Ec-4o!Blue, Tulpa, and New Age!Nightmare in the end. The first 3 are ocs, the last 3 multiverse aus!
Phishbone is kinda just a weird outcode Papyrus. He's the multiverse's conflict resolver, because he'll stick people into his portable pocket dimension (the cube he carries) and make them complete puzzles until they've resolved their problems! He can use any soul trait magic too, just out of sheer luck from what he was taught in his au!
Pretender is a Sans from the au Doppletale, a horror-based au in which the Monsters are doppelganger of sorts, locked underground. In order to escape they have to Be Human, and in order to look human they have to eat human flesh. Pretender is one of the few monsters who has sworn off eating human meat, and he helps the last fallen human (K, from @/oodlesndoodles is usually my go-to human for the True Ending, but Ozzy from @/mylackofgrammeristerrifying is the other human-) His other humanoid form is my baby boy baby, but I can't draw humans like. Ever. So he stays like this!
Ichor is from Catacombtale, an au where the Monsters are Gods and descendants of gods, locked away by Mortals. Ichor (once known as Sans/Punishment) was a God of the afterlife with his brother (Reward/Papyrus) but he had his magic limited by mortals using golden chains. Now he goes by Ichor (or, Pun, to the Hero) and just tries to give any fallen mortals Hints on how to survive the trials of his fellow gods. (Sad old man, my longest-running oc in this cursed place <3)
Blue is from a multiverse story, Ec-4o.verse. It's dystopian, apocalyptic, sci-fi, and post-war, in which monster magic was spread out across the world. This grasp of magic made tech much more advanced, to the point of sentient robots (Ecto). A war broke out, Yadayada, Blue was born during the end of it and grew up in the aftermath. He loves technology and is obnoxiously good at his work, no matter how many people beat him up about it. With his brother and the weird hermit he moves in with (Dust) he can unintentionally unravel the mysteries of the war!
Tulpa is from DreamEater AU, another multiverse story. In this, Dream was injured in a retreat away from his brother, and ended up paralyzed and alone in another au. Fresh, unknowing of who Dream was, decided to swap hosts and use Dream. Ofc, when he bit into the golden apple, he basically got addicted. He sticks around and Dream often wrestles for control, until they come to an agreement that Fresh will move the body, Dream will speak and try to live his life. Over time, Fresh notices just how thinly worn Dream is and decides to give him a hand with starting to say no to people and take rest and think about himself for once. Eventually, the two are so close it's hard to tell where Dream starts and Fresh ends, hense the nickname of Tulpa for the two of them!
Nightmare, from New Age AU, is my newest but one of my favorites. It's a medieval-set au where he abd Dream are princes, set to inherent the throne. Dream will lead, Night his advisor. Only, the 0rophecy meant to lend Dream his power talks of death and sacrifice, so Night acts to stop Dream... by eating the apple that would give him powers instead. Unable to control the magic, Nightmare finds himself much older and much stronger than be was 2 seconds ago. He ends up having to rule like this, sending hid brother away lest sonething awful overcome him. And he's bettering the kingdom, hiring criminals. Until his apple magic... wears off. Leaving him at age 13, the year he was when he took the throne.
Anyways yeah they're all my favorites ever, hope this one is fun!!! (Feels good to put my sillies up on the space instead of N lol-)
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spotaus · 7 months ago
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Ichor's back again! Decided to do some exercises with my silliest traumatized Sans, and the one that ended up sticking was the Cute Outfit doodles!
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spotaus · 2 months ago
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Woag, hey, Ichor content :]
So, context lmao-
Ichor's 'best day' I think was the day Copper (his son) called him 'Pa' for the first time! Ichor (at this time, Punishment) had quite a few children with mortals, but he was never able to stick around to help raise them because he'd be recalled to Mt. Ebott by Balance before he could. Copper is the first kid he was able to stick around and watch grow up!! Copper was also a very quiet kid, didn't speak for a decent section of his toddler years, so him calling Ichor by a parental title?? Ichor totally started happy-crying about it! (This is the era when he fell in love with Eclipse, a mortal prince, and abandoned his godly duties to live with him and raise a family-)
Ichor's 'worst day' was after his best day by about 400 years. A war between the mortals drove a forceful recall of the gods to Ebott, forcing Ichor away from his family without a choice. By the time he was allowed to lead, his bloodline had all died off, and being pissed at his fellow gods, he fled to the far corners of the world. Just so happens, in a town far off, where he was gathering souls for punishment? Ichor ran across mortals with golden chains which could capture even a God and render them powerless. He was the first God captured, the only Major God. After him were dozens of minor gods over the course of several years. His worst day? The one when the mortals slaughtered the minor gods, killing his fellow immortals, permanently. (The only reason he was kept alive was because the mortals feared angering the remaining major gods. Despite renouncing them as divine beings, they still thought they would retaliate with great price if Ichor was killed.) They left him out in the arena to play witness. And, this was the day he got his socket-wound!
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spotaus · 7 months ago
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Hi guys!! This was a wild impulse series of drawings that I had no intention of finishing and yet here we are- uhhh. I'm also finally moving so to my mutuals: I am VERY sorry if I am m.i.a most of this week 🫡
Quick oc Ramble before I finish up with my plans for today!
Favorite Oc: Ichor! I've posted about him before, but he's *technically* also my very first utmv oc. (I decided there were no repeats-) Ichor has been here since the start of my obsession and still haunts me today. He's a Diety of Punishment after death, but was chained in shackles that restrict his powers, so instead of a God of Punishment, he's the self-proclaimed God or Puns!
First OC: I'm almost 90% sure his name isn't actually Scada but we're rolling with it. This was my 2nd-ish oc for utmv! In his universe, instead of Dusting monsters turn into a weird soul-goop. He's always had weak HP so when he almost died to something stupid one day as a kid, he expended a lot of magic to keep himself alive. His father, Gaster, wasn't very happy that his son was now half-dead so Scada was heavily separated from busy places like the capital and the whole family picked up and moved to Snowdin!
Latest OC: Phishbone. Phishbone was a Papyrus from a universe where Gaster (his father) took both him and Sans to the lab. Gaster trained Sans in the soul studies, but taught Papyrus how to weird concentrated human souls. Because Paps loved puzzles, Gaster constructed a rubix-cuve to contain soul essence for Paps to use in emergencies. When the universe corrupted, Core Frisk was only able to salvage Phishbone. He saw turmoil in the multiverse and decided that he'd set some things right! He has a pocket dimension where he can control anything about it, and usually pulls fueding people into it to force them to play games and use teamwork to overcome their frustration and escape!
Easiest to Draw OC: B.G. Sans (Bubble Gum Sans). She was a skeleton monster who just barely survived the war on the surface. Having been blinded by humans, Gaster took her in and helped her to live underground. She was the "Royal Seer", and was only able to see visions of the future (ex. The freedom of monsterkind). Her brother Gaster had two sons, Sans (who was named after her) and Papyrus. One day a human cornered BG and her nephews in the lab, and she was killed protecting them. Her soul was taken to The Void, and everyone but her family forgot her. Now she and Gaster control the void together, and 1 by 1 all the monsters underground escape the resets and join the Void!
Hardest to Draw OC: Ec-4o.Verse Ink. This guy is a menace. I designed him to have several robotic body parts to resemble a chimera, but I forget where they are at all times. + I always hate his outfit design??? He's on my list to fix his outfit.
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spotaus · 1 year ago
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Once upon a time I had an AU where Ichor ended up working with Nightmare, and I wanted to do some doodles for it!
I think that Nightmare only puts up w/ Ichor in this because Ichor still has his Godly powers, and being God of Punishment really helps pull in more negativity. Also, Ichor's more unhinged in this AU because his AU was destroyed. Here he really has it out for the "good guys" because they're trying to keep Balance. (In his AU, the God of Balance gave him so much grief and suffering.)
Also, he'd be unafraid to step between his co-workers disputes. Hense him scruffing Killer and holding back Dust in the second doodle.
If Night is Dadmare, Ichor is like a weird Uncle who's bumming on their couch and teaching them gambling games.
Also, shout-out to shadowed-hood and hat Dust designs, because I'm adopting that as a side-headcanon. It's really fun to draw!
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spotaus · 8 months ago
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Stickynote Ichor doodles because my brain got rolling 😔
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spotaus · 4 months ago
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Hmm, I seem to be overcome by Ichor Doodling again.
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spotaus · 23 days ago
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Oh wowzer, the guys ever as humans? Crazyyy.
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So I'm ngl. The Pretender sketch was meant to be a warm-up doodle for a different sketch, but I got kinda invested because I missed drawing him. Then I thought about it and went 'what if I draw Ichor's human design too?' And. Well. We see where that landed me-
Tender always makes me so giddy to draw, he's one of my few 'human' ocs I get excited to see every single time- I had a great time with him (I didn't give him his robes because I didn't want to hide any hair lol-)
Ichor just... Ichor's design makes me really happy. I've always wanted a human look for him but it was never quite right. Too tall, too skinny, too young, too... something. This time I started with the eye-shape, the scar, and let my hand just start moving. The beard, the short-cut hair, the receding hairline, none of it has been present for his other human designs. I usually have him with white or black hair. I usually make him have more energy. But that wasn't him. This version *feels* like Ichor. Idk, this guy's been with me for 6 years and getting to finally give him crow's feet and laugh lines and worry creases and graying hair? It just does something to my emotions lmao. Point is, though, I think if Ichor got to look like a human, even with his godly magic, he'd choose this. Every time.
And! You guys have seen me, I'm predominantly a furry/skeleton artist. Humans aren't my comfort zone. I just had a really really good time with this one...
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spotaus · 1 year ago
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N and Ichor in the same environment once more. (They do not like eachother 👀)
N is my skele-sona, and she's pretty much just an omen of bad news in the multiverse. Whenever they show up, it's a sign that sonething's gonna happen (and N revels in the knowledge that their presence is a source of discomfort). In particular, she loves to trail Ichor around, since he's the Favorite of the multiverse. He hates the attention, because it usually up-ends his story. Also, N is annoying an antagonistic.
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spotaus · 1 year ago
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My newest and oldest Sans in the same image??? Woag...
Anywho, Pretender is my newest guy, and Ichor is my oldest! Just thought it'd be fun! Plus, I wanna doodle Ichor more again. I always think he'll be harder to draw than he is lmao-
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spotaus · 7 months ago
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Coda and Ichor! (Catacombtale Style!)
These two don't have a *ton* of interaction in the Main story, but since Ichor and Balance are the only two characters I've fully designed, Coda gets stuck next to him, haha!
BONUS art jumpscare:
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These two actually exist in another project I'm working on too called Codex, which is basically just removing the UT aspects of Catacombtale and doing a lot more worldbuilding and character design!
Coda is older in Codex and is marked by an old God (which should get him jailed or killed, as it means for everyone else) but he hides it for years and years before he finally flees the complex he's living in to go confront the gods and stop their destructive path. Meanwhile Ichor is much the same, only he's much more ready and willing to help Coda without much prompting. Here he's also sort of a Koi Fish! (His brother is a Betta Fish)
#utmv#utmv sans#utmv oc#my art#spot!drawn#utmv art#Catacombtale#Ichor Sans#Coda#ichor#Ichor is so funny to me because his Brother (Reward) uses puzzles and then a final battle as his “Challenge” but Ichor?#his Challenge is to tell him the best Pun you know. He is the God of Puns after all!#(I think he hides his true nature as God of Punishment from the player as long as possible. saying his bro is so cool for being a major god)#Coda is a human with a lot of integrity and stubborn morals. even Determination can't escape the Gods wrath. but integrity?#Gods have a code to respect a soul who follows their own nature and still co-exists despite it just like themselves#so Coda is primed to help out.#his sister is about 7 abd she's a soul of Bravery#which means Hearth (who watches over her as a safe-space from the eyes of the other gods) has his hands full#trying to keep her from charging after Coda#Coda is so funny because he'll just walk in sonewhere and start a “Nuh-uh” contest with any given god and like... usually ends up winning???#and usually the Challenges are more gentle because he's still a young mortal. hardly a Hero. certainly not the one of prophecy#everyone figures Asgore or Undyne will kill them but uhhh. yeah. no that doesn't happen.#There's a lot of Lore here but like...#one additional thing is that in the story Coda manages to spend enough time with Ichor to obtain an item#“Sans' Protection Charm.” /Ichor gave it to you. Says to keep hold of it when facing danger. It seems like an old keepsake./#that charm is one that Ichor carved years and years ago and he only gives out charms to mortals he cares for#not only has the underground seen his rage boil (even while chained) but they have also seen his sorrow. no one wants to be the one to kill#the mortal he has deemed harmless. some fear he might have another outburst. others worry he'd fall down.#it has no real stat changes but when Coda equips it? it's like turning on Easy Mode for Godly Challenges
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spotaus · 7 months ago
please know whenever you give any ichor lore in either tags or a post, i am going
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i love love love lore drops.
Wooo!!!! It is so freeing to hear that, thank you haha!!! Everytime you rb or ask or smth I always kinda just go
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AND. Y'know- ya know what this gives me the chance to do??? LORE DUMP (putting it under the cut because it might get long lmao-)
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I went back on my old phone (basically my art storage system) to find some old art of Ichor!! Like, the four pieces above are not completely Canon anymore, (I couldn't draw Paps to save my life 😭) but this was from before I had decided how Ichor and Reward were created!
The first one labeled 'Judgement' is actually a pretty accurate portrayal of New God aged Ichor! This was when I had it planned that Ichir was the God of judgement abd he made some poor choices so Balance chipped a piece of his power into Reward and Ichor had to raise him. That's no longer the case, but the design transfers over! In the second one 'Punishment and Reward' you can see that Balance's Halo was going to be on Ichor too! This is technically something he *could* manifest still but he deeply chooses not to. The design from 'Eclipse Era' for Ichor is 100% accurate. This was the Era when Ichor ran away from the god's to go stop a prophecy + ended up falling in love and having a full mortal family. (They- they're dead as hell but uhhh-) Then the training fits were scrapped, but the concept continues. Ichor has to train to keep himself healthy since his godly magic is weakened, abd Reward drags him out to do little exercises once they're trapped in the Catacombs!
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Another thing is this one specific tree? (Looks goofy af, ignore that- it's meant to be a weeping willow but fluffier lmao-) It's on a ridge a few mountains away from Mt. Ebbot, overlooking a mountain village that Ichor always went back to. It's their sacred tree, but Ichor was the one who made it so different. Smth smth his blood got to the roots once. But basically if he's mourning, if he's celebrating, if he has any big occassion he goes to this tree. It would break his heart if this Tree was ever cut down or severely damaged by anything that wasn't Weather related.
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And (old art again, rip my skills-) once upon a time, Ichor could manifest Dragon Features from his magic! Now this translates into a Canon ability to turn into a dragon-ish beast form, but that's more his bones reshaping and less Gold Magic Manifestations lol. He's always had a connection to dragon-vibes, and because he doesn't use gaster-blasters, he *is* the blaster. Only when he needs it though. (And with the chains he can't change shape at all, so that's only a post-story kinda thing or pre-chains thing lol-)
I also have another scheme cooking (two, actually?) One with his Sons (the immortal ones that exist in Catacombtale and escape into the Omega Timeline if that happens-) and the other is Regarding the first drawing I ever made of him and doing a comparison lol- Hoping this was fun lore in the meantime!!
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spotaus · 1 year ago
💙Pinned Post 💙
Hey folks! I'm Spotty/Spot/Spotaus, I'm an artist just doin' art things! I go by any pronouns (<- nb/a-gender/general gender tom-foolery. When in doubt, go with they/them) and I'm ace. I've got this side-blog running for UTMV posts I wanna reblog, as well as my personal art for old/ongoing projects!
If ya want to see my art, check #Spot!Drawn
Yes, I do take Requests, and they are Open
This blog is a Side Account! If you are followed by @spotlightstudios that is me! We might be mutuals, but it only shows properly on my end :')
[Info about Projects, AUs, and OCs below the cut!]
If you see me posting about these, they're personal projects! (Usually a solo-act, but a few have co-creators.)
#Eternal Ashes is a 2nd Gen story about the ship-children of the Multiverse! Kane, elder son of Reaper and Geno, is killed in a battle between the Star Sanses and Night's Gang. This send the multiverse into a forced truce to avoid more crossfire killing, and Reaper's wrath... Only, Reset, Reaper and Geno's younger son, isn't satisfied with his brother's death. He and Orchid (daughter of Error and Nightmare) team up to bring Kane back to life, and end up settling into motion a multiverse-wide murder spree that spans years.
#DoppleTale is an AU I finally brought to existence recently. The monsters of the underground are all shapeshifters who fed on human flesh, until they were locked away in the mountain. With Humans becoming rarer by the day the monsters feast on Monster Candy and practice desperately to perfect their human disguises (which only get worse the less they remember what humans look like). <- This story is #Pretender!Sans 's origin au!
#Catacombtale is the oldest remaining AU that I have. It follows the story of a Human Hero who is sent to the catacombs of Mt. Ebbott to face the gods trapped within. Of course, sone if the gods are helpful, others can't forgive humanity for dethroning them. (Most of the story is pre-entrapment lore, with worldbuilding and a focus on #Ichor!Sans, my special-est tired old immortal guy who loves mortals more than he should on every given occassion.)
#Ec-4o.verse is a multiverse world (kingdomtale style?) where the earth, in a stage of Robot/Monster/Human co-existance suddenly went into a war. It wiped out a lot of people and places, and sent the world into chaos. Ec4o.verse follows Blue, a young mechanic (Techie) who's skilled in the old ways of robot repair and creation, uncovering the secrets of what started the war he's known all his life. (<- This one is both my pfp, and I draw dustedafterdeath for it pretty regularly.)
#DreamEater AU A self-indulgent Fresh × Dream fic where Dream is hit by an attack during battle that paralyzes his body. But never fear! Your trusty parasite was looking for a new host anyways! Fresh bites into Dream's soul and then realizes he will never run out of magic, so he just sticks around! Pilots Dream's body while also helping him through his Savior Complex trauma! You can also find info under the tag #Tulpa as that is their combined name/identity towards the end of the story.
#New Age AU An au inspired by Real Age AU by @ancha-aus that is set in a land of kings and queens. Night, tyrant ruler of the land, accompanied by his loyal band of murderous knights, finds himself back at Age 13, the Age he was when he first ate the apple of prophecy. Without the power, he's struggling to keep his twin at a safe distance + maintain control. (Very much Found Family here :])
The New Age Masterpost can be found here.
#Timeless AU A story of the underground. What if Dr. Gaster was alive? And living? And raised Sans and Papyrus? And Revived Asriel successfully? And was madly in love with Asgore, and got w/ him after Toriel left? Yeah, it answers all these questions. Basically, Gaster is an unintentional father to all the beloved cast in the Underground, and Asriel grows up with Sans and Paps as brothers.
Then, of course, there's my persona, N!
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If you see this skeleton around, it's just my insert! N (in reflection of me) goes by she/they/he pronouns and is a menace. Most often you'll see doodles of her with my oc Ichor, Killer, or my moots personas (such as Ancha!).
And for the record:
Yes, I do takes requests (They're currently open! Send me an Ask w/ an AU, Oc (<-with ref), or UTDR character!) but I don't always actually complete them. Motivation as a uni student is few and far between.
Yes, you can draw my ocs. I don't think anyone would, but you're welcome to if you get the urge! Just, be sure to tag me! (And obviously don't claim them as your own. That'd be shitty.)
Yes, I do chat. I'm a very anxious person, tho. If you start a conversation or tag response or smth, I'll be ecstatic!
This blog is (as far as I know) going to remain SFW. I don't intend on reblogging nor creating graphic content, especially not of these god damn skeletons, so this is more or less a safe space 👍
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spotaus · 6 months ago
Side-note semi-related to the last post? In Catacombtale when Coda and Cadence survive and escape? Coda ends up becoming a literature major and gets really into writing. Huge nerd, wears sweaters and jeans and old varsity jackets with the Kris Deltarune kinda cut. Cadence? She trims her hair short, rocks beanies and leather jackets and pins + combat boots and skirts and fun socks. She loves riding on Ichor's motorcycle.
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