#I'm trying with content guys
omgcheez · 1 year
Canon things Bruno does that are kinda stimmy:
Rubs the string of the couch(In the walls when Mirabel talks to him)
Rocks back and forth (Magic Kingdoms game )
nervous arm rub (family reuinited)
wiggly toes (rebuilding casita)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Welcome to the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
#Fear and Hunger#D'arce Cataliss#Cahara#Ragnvaldr#Enki Ankarian#Unlike Dungeon Meshi - I cannot in good faith recommend this game to a broad audience.#My background with F&H goes as follows: I am hanging out with a friend. He says “hey try this game I've been playing.” I say “Okay!”#I have never heard of this game. I pick the mercenary. I go through 5 min of character history and background. I am mauled to death by dogs#It took me 4 resets to even get in the dungeon. But I finally get there. I am caught by a guard. He cuts off all but one of my limbs#I am forced to crawl around in a blood and corpse pit until the game tells me 'give up idiot'.#I reset. I am mauled by dogs again. I realize this is not for me but I am intrigued enough to go home and watch some playthroughs#And WOW what an interesting game it is! I really do appreciate games that blend their design philosophy with the theme it wants to set#This is a game about fear and hunger. And persevering. And penis (my god is there a lot of penis)#I recommend this to people who like extremely challenging games and can handle the many *content warnings* within this series#If the idea of Bloodborne/eldenring and undertale having a little RPG maker baby sounds appealing to you - give it a shot#It's made by ONE GUY and it's a great horror game. I am just really bad at it.#My friends just enjoy putting me in situations where I scream and yell. We don't talk about the corn mazes. Or the other horror game nights#Apparently I'm funny when I'm Scared!#As people who follow me on twitter might know; I am deep in the pits of this series right now. I will be back with more art.
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chubbychiquita · 1 month
also hello sorry for being xtra chaotic lately, it's kitten season, i'm trying to take advantage of my good insurance before i turn 26, and they gave me new adhd medicine that makes me go 😬😬😬😬😬😬 balancing work (getting enormous) vs. work (social media, dms, content creation, taxes, llc formation) vs. cat volunteering vs. other life stuff has been tough
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mintjeru · 8 months
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there is no better advertisement than one of your favorite artists drawing art for a fandom you're not a part of. and by that i mean i finally caved and started reading the orv webtoon
open for better quality | no reposts
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littlekingbergara · 1 year
was just thinking about how amazing it is that weird wonderful world and ghost files exist at the same time from the same company. you have the same minds, the same hosts, the same team and yet the shows are like day and night. www reminds us of the wonder and whimsy and joy all around us while ghost files showcases the world's darker side in its tragedies and horrors. and that they're able to execute both shows each with its own finely-tuned aesthetic and its own little universe is really a beautiful display of how much Talent and Love exists at watcher and it's so so special.
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Charlotte and george enjoying married life 
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 10 months
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
more on the topic of eyes in Hazbin Hotel; -> disguised as a Lucifer character analysis ehehehe
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this is a cool little detail, actually, because Lucifer is often interpreted to have been either a seraphim or a cherubim when he was still an angel -> which are both levels of angels described as having a surplus of eyes :D
there's also a few translations where he was said to be a cherubim that was defeated by the seraphims as well, which just adds even more layers of interest into his character
in short, Vivzie's character designs are everything I aspire to make one day
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jils-things · 2 months
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by the lighthouse.
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arctic-mizikio · 1 year
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I miss Enjou so much, if he came back I would also come back to the game ngl
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neurasthnia · 10 months
a really great wiki for spanish podcasts for learners just dropped, i am in love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Detectives at the Disco (Elysium)
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shirefantasies · 3 months
Hello everyone, unpopular announcement coming...
Hi. I am OVERWHELMED with matchup requests. I have had them closed FOR A LONG TIME and people STILL send them in. Not to be rude, but I have said numerous times that I'm not taking more, but I've been such a pushover my whole life I haven't deleted them either (still considering it). One of them even said 'oh hi whenever you open them again I'm in line' as if that's how being closed works. I feel like a content machine more than a person receiving consideration when I get requests ignoring my attempts at minimizing stress. Bottom line is, I feel a little bit sick even saying this because I fear I'm going to lose my audience, but I don't enjoy doing matchups half as much as the original imagines, headcanons, and one-shots I set out to do and I feel a lot of pressure to complete matchups, get them out fast enough, etc. I am losing my enjoyment of writing on this account and cannot focus on the works I am really excited about because it feels like a task now and I don't want that. My fire is going out and I have been considering inactivity because of it all. This blog was a passion project to put out the content I wanted to see and share thoughts and it has lost all passion.
Matchups are closed indefinitely and any received after this post will be deleted unless you are a friend/mutual. All other types of requests are back open, though it may be a little while for me to complete them just because of the large buffer. But I want to enjoy myself here again and do what I love lest I do go inactive, which I have been considering. Thank you for understanding and I'm sorry if this is a mean post, a rude post, you no longer want to interact with this account, etc. My therapist has encouraged standing up for myself and my own mental health and I have been trying to practice that more.
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Ngl it's weird finishing the Knuckles tv show and going to tumblr about it only for people (even who I consider bigger name fans) who also watched the entire show to claim that it "confirmed Knuckles Wachowski"
I'm sorry
Did you somehow miss the part in the last episode where Knuckles had a whole montage of hanging with the Whipple family and Wade and saying "home" or something?
#sonic the hedgehog#knuckles series#knuckles the echidna#knuckles 2024#knuckles whipple#sonic movie#knuckles 2024 spoilers#knuckles series spoilers#fandom wank#Sorry do you just think that this entire show was a sidequest so Knuckles could go back to the Wachowski house and be their kid now like#nothing ever happened?#In the show where episode 1 clearly showed that Knuckles couldn't mesh with the household and that Sonic considered him a roommate?#This place was not home for him. The show was about him finding home. How is the Wachowski household Knuckles' home after he had an epiphany#that his home was with the whipple family??#Ah wait sorry how could I forget. Sonic fans are just used to absorbing canon with a toothpick and picking the parts they like and then#claiming their headcanons for filling in the gaps are canon#Only the things they personally like are what happened of course#Sorry for being salty I'm just annoyed. Like you can have whatever headcanons or fanon you want. Heck I loved all those 'maddie is knuckles'#mom' comics and whatnot. I'm not even saying we have to interpret the media the same way. But Knuckles having a montage and calling being#with the whipple family 'home' happened. That happened.#A friend and I are running a bet that most people won't acknowledge that it happened unless Sonic movie 3 shoves it in our faces#The universe tests me every day by having put me into Sonic fandom. It is a constant test of one's soul not only to exist in proximity of a#community who you often disagree on big points with‚ but to watch a bunch of loud people claim things are canon but only accept textual#evidence when it serves them. Or to explain a little better#to watch a fandom try to build an 'accepted idea' of what canon is like that becomes so divorced from actual canon that you get people#saying that it's canon and ignoring anything that doesn't fit it because 'writing bad anyways'#Like guys please I am grasping your shoulders. If you don't like canon just say 'fuck you I'm going to make content of this because I think#it's better'. You don't have to assert that everything you believe is canon and ignore when it's not#i just be ramblin
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i've said this before but listen, as someone who keeps up with leaks it is INCREDIBLY difficult to not start screaming about Arlecchino. i know this is a Foul Legacy blog but oh my goddddddd
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luimagines · 2 years
Oh thank you! That man has had a choke hold on me for years, can I ask for just fierce deity with a s/o who likes calling him pretty and just all around compliments? Im sure he isn’t use to affection and praise like this, and I’m a simp-
.....Yes, you can. I already know what to do. Just watch.
Content under the cut!
You were... strange, the deity thought. And not necessarily in a bad way, just... different.
“Good morning, handsome!” You called after him when he returned to the camp. He had finished making his rounds around their perimeter and had come back at last. Everyone was awake and waiting for their champion to finish cooking so that may eat for the morning.
He looked your way in acknowledgement but he wasn’t sure what to make it.
You had instantly taken a liking to him, something he wasn’t used to, and had insisted on raining flattery in his direction at any and every waking moment. Mostly at times when he least expected it.
He nods, unsure of the appropriate reaction. 
The boys look at him wearily. Even his old host still had trouble looking him in the eye. He supposes that’s one reason why he’s gotten attached to you so quickly. You don’t seem to mind how he towers over the group or how he doesn’t emote. You were content.
In return, he allows you to chatter his ear off or to hang off of him when you get bored. You don’t weight much to his supernatural strength. You seem to enjoy the way he can lift you with ease and not break a sweat. And with one arm no less.
“Did you have a nice walk?” You saunter up to him and place yourself right next to him.
He nods once more. What would happen if he scared you off? Or should he do something that would push you away? The Deity refuses to consider such things.
“Good!” You reply with a blinding smile. “I’m glad. We were thinking about traveling to the east today and seeing if we can track down the monsters that seem to be congregating near a town.”
He nods once more, hanging onto your words. The youngest, bless him, comes up to him as well. He would be second to be the least afraid of him. However, the other boys pull him away and he feeds off of their anxious energy. The deity wonders if it has shaped the way the boy sees him.
He reaches out to ruffle his hair and he smiles back at him. The deity allows himself to smile back and he hears you gasp by his side.
“Look at that!” You grin. “The very sun itself has blessed us on this day!”
“Oh please.” The one called ‘Wind’ rolls his eyes.
“You’re just as dazzling as a diamond.” You continue. “Who would have thought you looks so pretty when you smile?”
The deity can feel himself lose his control on the situation. This is too much. Why would you say that? How does he respond to that? Are you like this everyone else?
“Do it again!” You grab onto his arm and swing it around. “Come on, pretty boy, please?”
He can’t help but scoff. Now he knows you’re just toying with him. Still... he can’t get mad at the thought when you’re arguably the most adorable of the group. Besides... the attention is nice. It feels good to be acknowledges in ways other than his destructive nature.
He smiles softly again at your request and you look like you’re won the biggest prize at the fair.
“How come you entertain them?” The youngest pouts. “I could have asked you the same thing and you wouldn’t have done anything.”
The deity can’t help but to laugh. The group freezes at the sound. It’s the first time he’s made a sound. Shaking his head, he bends at the knee and looks The Hero of Winds in the eyes to the best ability that he can.
“I am capable of a great deal of violence that this world no longer needs me to extend.” He says. His deep voice booms in the otherwise quiet camp. It command attention even though he is speaking at a relatively quiet volume. From the corner of his eye, he sees you pause, go red in the face and sit yourself down.
Strange, he’ll figure that out later.
“However-” He continues and smiles more openly. “They amuse me. How could I not amuse them in return?”
Wind bite his lip and sighs. He continues to pout. “Not fair.”
“It’s completely fair.” He chuckles. The deity turns to you and smirks. “Right, Gorgeous?”
You begin to look at everything but him with a deliciously red face and he thinks he’s figured something out.
You cough and bite your lip. “...Yes. Agreed.”
The deity continues to smirk. “Perfect.”
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