#I'm tired of not putting down roots
crimsonblackrose · 2 years
I’m absolutely fascinated that when I talk to friends, my aunt and uncle (not the ones I live with), my cousins, my aunt’s best friend about my next goal buying my own place everyone nods like this is a sage and smart decision and gives me advice. Meanwhile I visit my older sisters and ask for their advice and I get lectured on what a terrible idea it is. 💀
#mumblings#I'm tired of moving#I'm tired of not putting down roots#I want a place to be mine and to have an asset#my sisters want me to rent and not buy a place which just feels like a waste of money to me#but I don't know I think I'm disappointed that I came to them with all these plans of things I want to do and accomplish#that I thought was logical and every single one of them was shot down as if they were the dumbest decisions ever#and unrealistic#to be fair my sisters and I have not discussed finances#but damn this was disheartening#especially because the reasoning just doesn't feel...right#like I wasn't given a good reason not to just that I shouldn't...so I'm like ????#it felt like they were trying to prepare me for disapointment but mostly like I was being lectured for no reason?#like you should rent first just to rent?#why?#that was the reason to rent just so I've rented#Like I have rented just not in the states#It's not like I missed out on that experience#ugh I just was hoping for some better advice related to whatever talk my aunt and uncle that I live with are going to have#and I feel like we just argued for no reason and didn't understand one another and it's frustrating#like at least my friends have warned me that interest rates are awful#but that's a logical warning you know#not just rent to have the experience of renting#or like get a car first how is that logical? I don't even know how to drive 😬💀#I wish they'd just have been straight with me about why they thought it was a bad idea specifically#I feel like I didn't gain any advice just frustration
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
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imogen + putting down roots
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keratonin · 4 months
i just finished reading one last stop and 😭 help i'm mOURNFUL about the fact that i'm done reading it and will never read it for the first time ever again
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ilovelickingrocks · 8 months
being at work makes me so miserable
#its not even that bad#but my anxiety is at an all time high here#im just uncomfortable#retail isnt for me i don't like talking to strangers im tired of most of my coworkers I'm just kind of waiting for this place to shut down#i don't want a job at all honestly#i wish i could just perform live music and do art commissions and sell clothes for money#but alas this economy and my depression won't allow that#nothing seems worth doing#i have no motivation and give up on something as soon as i start#i watch too much tv and get depressed i listen to too much music and get overstimulated and i never feel at peace or fulfilled anymore#and capitalism is one of the main roots of that. i just know it#we could all be so much happier. there is so much more to life than this#i want to travel#i want to spontaneously quit my job and take a cross country road trip but my car is not in road trip condition#i need to put new rear tires on before i should be driving it anymore at all#i want to be w my boyfriend cuddling & laughing & i wanna see cool things & see my favorite band in all the cities I haven't been to yet#i dont want... this#whatever this society is#working the day away not being able to be my own person 5 days a week and being too exhausted & depressed to leave home the rest of the day#i want to be able to live#i want my brain to let me function and my body to be at full health#i want to run through the woods on a cloudy crisp fall day#ive become so sensitive to temperature and numb to everything that i don't even get the same joy from being outside that i used to#also global warming lmao#ok vent over
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agueforts · 4 months
yet another stream of consciousness post about how i'm doing nothing with my life and it #sux or whatever
#aspen tag#it's kind of. well. i don't know how to start this off without feeling self-aggrandizing#because as true as it is that a lot of my ego roots in intelligence it's not actually the point rn. it's barely even a part of it#like. achievement doesn't come from talent. achievement doesn't even necessarily come from skill at all#achievement comes from motivation. from meaining. from something being worth doing#and. idk. i'm a thinker. my mind's always moving towards something. there's a stream of thoughts and it never stops flowing#and it's just. i mean. i LIKE thinking for the sake of thinking. i really do#i like working things out in my head and looking stuff over just to get a better picture and doing it just because it's there and i can#but none of it is going anywhere. and i'd like to be going somewhere#the thing about falling out of habits is that they become absences so easily#and it sneaks up on you. all the things in your life that are now not#i like learning and creating and puzzling through something. i like trying new things in new ways and figuring it out as i go#i like diving headfirst into whatever i happen to be working on and just living in there for a while#i like a challenge and i like investing myself and i like engaging and complex and FUN#and i don't. do anything with that anymore#i don't have hobbies. i don't get out of the house. i don't really put passion towards anything regardless of if it's there for me to have#and it's not about wasted potential. it's not about having the skill or the aptitude or the resources or any of that shit#it's about how i LIKE doing it‚ and i'm not. that's the point. that's the problem#it's just. draining. to feel like nothing in your head ever makes it into the world#if there was ever a throughline in my dissatisfaction it'd be insignificance#i have an untapped well of myself i'd so eagerly apply if i had a door or a key or any way to get it where it needs to go#but i don't. none of it seems to move anything#i don't know. i'm tired. that's all of it. distilled down into a pair of words far too simple for the weight they carry#well-worn track in the surface of my mind. every passing day the grooves deepen#and there could be a path outside of it. but i don't know how to make one#i don't know how to start. and isn't that every problem i've ever had in a nutshell#adhd! it's fantastic. i'm going nowhere and i've been going there for a long fucking while#and as far as i can tell i'll be going there for another while yet.#i guess that's all there is to it. or at least as much as i've got. i'm tired of being tired and i don't know where that leads me#but it doesn't really seem like i'm doing anything worth losing. so i might as well just let it do what it does
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siempre-bucky · 3 months
Qimir x Reader
summary: Qimir takes quick action when you get sick on Khofar when you start seeing things
wc: 1.6k
a/n: for the anon that wanted some whump... I hope you like it <3 I'm working on requests rn and they're still open for Qimir!
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You wanted to like this planet. Khofar was a planet you had dreamed of visiting since Qimir gave you a map of the outer rim. The dense forest made you feel so at home, one with the galaxy—or at least you wanted it to feel this way. Your head pounded with every step you took as you trekked behind Mae and Qimir, your lungs struggling to fill with air. You weren’t sure when you began to feel so dragged down and exhausted, you didn’t feel this way often. 
Qimir pulled his pack higher onto his shoulder and looked behind to catch a glimpse of you. His eyebrows knitted together in worry, “You alright?” he asked, tripping over a rock but catching himself gracefully. You looked up with tired dry eyes, they burned as you tried to keep your gaze on him. With a nod, you drew in a breath and powered through to close the distance between you and your friend. 
“Fine,” you answered, masking the illness that took over your body. You wanted to crawl back to the ship and bundle up in the small sleeping quarters that barely slept the three of you. This mission wasn’t about you, Mae was eager to please the master and kill the Wookie. Right now you hated the eagerness that was powering her, it made her walk faster. 
“You don’t look fine,” Qimir sighed, “we can stop.” He slowed his movements as you entered deeper into the forest, his eyes looking at your feet to make sure you didn’t trip over a rock or exposed tree root on the small ledge you had to climb down. 
You raised your hand and put it on his shoulder to reassure him, tempted to lean against him for support as you maneuvered around to get to solid ground. “I’m good. We need to help her find Kelnacca.” He noticed the weakness in your tone, followed by the slight hoarseness that had him wondering when the last time you had water was. “It’s just in front of us.” 
The man looked forward, squinting to see what you were talking about. He knew the exact location and you were nowhere close to the cabin where the Wookie resided. He quickly realized that you were so sick you started to see things. “Hey, hey, hey,” he cooed as it dawned on him. He grabbed ahold of your arm gently to get your attention. You turned to look at him and he was able to take in the sweat on your forehead and the lifelessness in your eyes. “I need you to sit.” 
“I’m fine, Qimir. I feel ok.” 
Famous last words. A wave of lightheadedness crashed into you, and it made you stumble right into his chest. A chill followed, and suddenly you were transported to Hoth; freezing with no solution. Qimir was warm, the thickness of his coat warmed your cheek for a brief moment before he peeled you off of him. Everything was muffled as he sat you down on a rock, you vaguely heard him call out for Mae. The world spun as you watched him give her an empty canteen and urged her to go get water from the creek nearby. You swore you saw womp rats following her closely as she hastily disappeared into the forest.  
You suddenly felt the warmth of his hand hit your cheek, and you leaned into it, your eyes meeting his. His hand felt like a pillow, holding you steady as you struggled to stay conscious. His face finally came into focus. Qimir was just as beautiful as the day you met him, when he was still a gun runner for the Hutts, and you were freshly recruited by the Master for your set of skills.  “I think I’m sick, Qi,” you chuckled, giving in. 
“I know,” he sighed, using the side of his sleeve to gently brush the beads of sweat from your forehead. 
He looked around the forest anxiously, no sight of Mae and he had lost track of when he sent her. He grumbled something about her always taking her time and cursed her lack of urgency under his breath. Qimir felt you slump over and it instantly worried him. He’d never seen you so sick before. You managed to fight off colds with his remedies and hide your sniffles when you needed to. It hurt him to see you like this. 
The world went dark after that, and the next thing you knew, you were waking up to the smell of a familiar remedy. There was something about the spiciness that tickled your nostrils that instantly made you feel better. Qimir made it often when either of you got sick, storing containers of it just in case he couldn’t make it right then and there. He made it the first time for you just months after you met, getting caught in a rainstorm and the doors to the place you were staying wouldn’t budge. You were stubborn and demanded to stay with him after he shouted at you to find shelter while he tinkered with the bolts and screws. You were stuck in bed with a terrible cold for a week and Qimir never failed to bring you the special soup. 
You could hear the metal spoon drag along the bottom of the pot, the warmth of a fire soothing the chill you were still stricken with. A blanket had been draped over your torso, you snuggled in deeper to let it come up over your mouth, touching your nose. It smelled of him, earthy and a scent so uniquely Qimir. With a soft groan, you turned your head to the side to take in the room. It would have made a nice shelter if the Master wanted, it was large enough to hold a few people yet it had a charm to it. You felt as if you could live here for a while, fill up that nearly empty bookshelf in the corner, and bring those rusted-over monitors near the dirty window to life again. Maybe just not now though, your body felt as if an entire ship had been dropped on top of you. You didn't want to move, you couldn’t move. 
Qimir saw you wiggle beneath the blanket out of the corner of his eye. He quickly poured the soup into a bowl and carefully walked it over to you, kneeling beside the makeshift bed. “How are you feeling?” He placed the bowl on the table beside him and placed the back of his hand on your forehead. You were still burning up he noted, he took his hand and crooked his long pointer finger, letting it drag along the side of your face. Your head followed his touch so that your face was looking at the ceiling. It was almost sensual the way he touched you, slow and delicate, taking you in even in this state. He was thankful your eyes were closed or you might have seen the red flush on his cheeks.
“Like I got body slammed by a Wookie,” you answered weakly. “Was there a Wookie?” 
He chuckled a bit and shook his head, hair falling into his face, “No,” he said gently, removing his hand and sitting back on his heels, “You’ve been seeing things all day.” 
“Shit,” you cursed with a small laugh. Your eyes finally opened again and you turned your head carefully so it wouldn’t throb. Maybe he was right and you were seeing things because Qimir had changed? The green and brown baggy clothes you were accustomed to were different. He wore jet black sleeveless robes, well structured and they formed to his well-toned body. Had he always been that toned? You let your hand emerge from the warmth of the blanket and pressed your hand against his chest. His gaze was locked on your hand, watching intently as your fingers danced along the folds of his lapels, feeling the surprisingly soft fabric. 
“I-I have to go,” he told you, voice wavering as you touched the bare center of his chest. 
Your fingers were cold but his skin felt as if it was on fire. Qimir’s watchful eyes flickered over to you and your eyes began to droop closed. He took your hand and placed it gently on your chest, but he didn't let go. Carefully leaning in, he pressed his lips to your forehead.
“Stay—” you don’t know what possessed you to say it. You wrapped your hand around his collar again, this time it felt soft like his beloved brown jacket. Another hallucination, but you liked that one. Sure, Qimir had always been handsome, but him in those back robes did you in. Your heart was racing and it wasn’t from the illness. 
 “Eat that when you wake up please,” he whispered against your warm skin. “I won’t be long.” 
You mumbled incoherently and let consciousness slip away as soon as his lips left you. Though it didn’t last long, you woke up once again not knowing how long you slept for. Your eyes slowly opened, and a blurry figure was standing in the doorway. He outstretched his hand, his forearm wrapped in a metal gauntlet that glowed in the moonlight. A large black object flew to his hand. 
You blinked once to sharpen your vision. 
Twice to make sure you weren’t hallucinating again. 
The figure had his back turned to you, that object in his hand was a helmet. You watched as he slipped it over his head, his dark hair covered by the metal and he started to levitate inches off the floor. Those robes looked familiar. Qimir, you thought. But then you giggled to yourself—it couldn't be. 
You were just—hallucinating again. It had to be.
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oceantornadoo · 3 months
you: an absolute teeth-aching bone deep want to be loved and to give love. that hollow feeling behind your chest is too familiar and you want it gone. you just want to be in love, to treat someone with gentleness and to be wanted.
your 141 bae who has been in love with you since the moment he met you: ...i'm right here
gn!reader headcanons below the cut:
childhood best friend simon: let's say you knew him before he lost his family. a scrawny-limbed blond, always willing to extend a trip to the park or a cigarette behind school - anything to not go home. you'd visit him when he started part-time as a butcher in high school, wrinkling your nose at the smell of bloody meat but staying anyways, doing your homework at the singular table in the shop. he was there when you moved away from town, for college or a new job or any life-altering decision that he was secondary to, something simon could only hope to grasp. once he leaves for the military, you mourn your relationship and move on. simon is a blur in your mind, a reminder of snow days and sweet tea summers and leaf piles and dandelion picking, on a nostalgic shelf in the untouched corners of your brain. ten years later, you've finally made a name for yourself and truly gotten out; grown roots. but you still have this soul-deep yearning, some unfamiliar-shaped hole in your chest that miraculously fills when you open your door to simon, a grown man who's tired of wanting you from afar. tired of stalking your social media and writing fantasies in his head. tired of picking people to fuck just because they look like you, then going soft halfway through because their voice isn't the right pitch. he's here, and he's ready to do whatever it takes.
best friend gaz: now this is different from a childhood best friend, so keep that in mind. gaz is always this guy-next-door type with a panty-dropping smile and impeccable manners. this notion does him some good, helps him avoid some deep-rooted british military prejudices, but it also turns you away. you check him off as nice and place him in the best friend box. you don't understand how he tracks your every move on a mission, almost always getting caught by johnny or price. you miss how he grips his pint ten times harder when he sees you on the pub floor, dancing with some stranger whose hands are a bit too low. he tells you he gets rejected for being "too nice", but really, he ignores his 27 unread DMs and flirty cafe eye contact in favor of movie nights, prank wars, your shitty reality shows. he's grasping onto straws, can't you see sweetheart? when you're drunk and turn into a cuddler, he can pretend just for a second that you truly mean it. gaz lets your hands wander under his shirt, lets you murmur your darkest fear of never being loved into the quietness of your room, leaving you to sleep on top of your covers with a kiss to the forehead. he doesn't know what's pushed him over: you almost dying on that last mission, you making out with a stranger in a bar, you you you in those pants and that shirt and that's it. he has to say something. has to put it all on the line because gaz can't live like this anymore.
best friend's brother price: it was some one-sided crush, your best friend's brother with his suave teenage ways as compared to your brutal tween phase, acne and braces on the way. it had dissipated quickly, john never the wiser, his presence substituted with trendy band obsessions and first kisses. instead, it happened at your best friend's wedding. you were both in the wedding party, some object of fate throwing you together as your best friend forced you two to dance. you were tipsy on champagne, on the happiness of marriage, that you giddily admitted your fleeting childhood crush and how much john had grown since then. and that was it. john was always going to settle down, always going to have a pretty thing waiting for him back home, he just didn't figure out until right now that it would be you. he tries to hide his affections under friendliness, not wanting to ruin your friendship with his sibling, but john has never been discrete. he's suddenly invading your life with offers of fixing your kitchen sink, painting that one spot you can't reach, moving your couch to fit your latest pinterest board. you're practically family, love - which kills all your hopes for something more, feeling like a familyzone. but john means it differently, means you're predestined to be his, already accepted and loved by his loved ones and how could he not see it before? you refuse to accept his kindness and it absolutely kills him, so he scares off potential dates and any chance of meet-cutes with an arm around your waist and why can't you see him the way he sees you?
friends with benefits johnny: it was just sex, right? you'd been the one to say it, the one to set that boundary with your fellow sergeant. you didn't think johnny was capable of more, mistaking his cheeky smirks and booming laugh for being unserious, when in reality, johnny is as serious as it gets. he tells himself he can fuck you because he'll marry you one day, that cross sitting heavy under his shirts. he doesn't wash his sheets for weeks after that first fuck, too busy inhaling the scent of you cumming around his mouth, his cock. that is, until, you tell him his sheets stink and refuse to fuck him and he pretends you're having an argument as a married couple, all intimate and bored. johnny sees a recruit getting too flirty and pulls you into a supply closet using his best distraction methods. he sways you from joining a month's long solo mission, some stupid excuse about missing your lips too much when really he knows it's a suicide mission. johnny forces you to stay over after a midnight fuck, some bullshit about simon being up at that time and seeing you in the hallway on base. in reality, he treasures cuddling you with his brawny arms, pretending you're his willingly. pretending he's made peace with you, this wild creature, never tamed but understood. he can't force himself to ask for more, too scared to lose the crumbs he's holding onto. johnny tries to hide it with a fiery personality and a thick accent, but inside? he's a complete goner.
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eneablack · 2 months
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shifted again. stayed for years.
to sum it up, it was like those magical ancient movies, like maleficent or similar.
i’ll use google to translate my notes.
🧺🍃🍵 the shift -
I wanted to do the alice in wonderland method because lately I've been attracted by that and then it was recommended to me in a slide on tt ("your month of birth = your shifting method") so I put on alunir's guided meditation. at the beginning I still felt a little detached as if I was visualizing from the outside, but then I remembered "you are already in barbados" so I applied living in the end remembering that I am the creator. when the meditation was making me visualize being under a tree and feeling the grass under myself, I started to feel it quickly, usually it takes me longer but this time it happened instantly, and it didn't take long before I started feeling the wind on my face and the grass under my fingers. it was quick and I found myself there. it wasn't in my ideal reality because the meditation hadn't yet made me choose the doctor, but I found myself in the visualized place.
I didn't get up right away because I felt great down there at that moment. I was lying under a large willow tree with my head resting on a root full of moss. the ground was strangely not too hard because there was a lot of grass, and there were also some flowers nearby. the wind was blowing hard but the sun was high so the heat passed through the leaves, it was really nice. at a certain time I sat down and noticed that I was wearing a light white dress, and that my knees were dirty. in front of me there was a pond with some animals around it, I could hear ducks and I saw two squirrels, and then I also saw some animals that seemed magical, but then I also started hearing voices in the distance, and also some music. I put my feet in the water and tried to play with a small blue animal, which didn't seem to be afraid of me. the music got louder but I still wasn't curious to go and see what was happening over there, but at that moment I turned slightly towards the woods and saw a figure watching me and then immediately hiding. at first it scared me (I almost shat myself) but then I managed to see that it was just a guy, probably my age, and I noticed the clothes from another era. then I approached him but he apologized and told me to stay away, but obviously I was too curious so I went around the tree and we met (even if it was difficult initially because he was shy). when I said goodbye to the boy I followed the noises and found myself at the wedding party of my mother, apparently the queen.
I was there for about some decades, and I had a very chill time initially, but then things got complicated with the kingdom and I decided to come back here, I didn't want to find myself traumatized by another war. the most interesting thing about this shift was the nature part and its magic (I didn't have powers though), and the relationship I had with that guy, Raphael.
I'm still tired, but if you have any questions or curiosities I'll take the time to answer them, also because I really liked that reality, even if it was simple and not adventurous. I took some notes about what happened before I forget due to memory suppression.
(i just realised i said i stayed three years?? it was definitely not 3 but rather more than 13 what the hell sorry i just woke up)
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wheelie-sick · 2 months
cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
-Tyler, the principles of cripplepunk
I feel like far too many people have caused the cripplepunk movement to stray from its original principles. people have begun to treat the hashtag as if it's a general disability tag and not a movement full of people who are united in a cause.
people have forgotten its roots
where the community was once based around radical ideas of disability now even the slightest dusting of radical ideology is smothered by dozens of people dogpiling in an effort to remove the voices of radical disabled people. you cannot express distaste for the actions of ablebodied people without a swarm of so called cripplepunks racing to justify their actions.
"the accessible stall is only for people who need it"
"well, what if an ablebodied person just feels more comfortable there?"
"we can't make a stall exclusive!"
as if I am not more than uncomfortable in an inaccessible stall (I can't get in) and as if ablebodied people haven't made every single other stall in the bathroom exclusive to them.
it's pandering to the ablebodied at its finest. this is a wide spread and growing problem in the community. statements that put physically disabled people first are instantly shut down. it's a violation of the core principles driving the community and the movement.
and this hasn't been without consequences. radical cripplepunks are being driven away from the movement and community by the constant onslaught of harassment by so called cripplepunks. this only furthers the problem as people who cater to the ablebodied become a larger and larger percentage of the community.
and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the constant justification of ableism happening against me, the use of theoreticals to shut down my real problems. I'm tired of watching the same thing happen to my friends and mutuals who are constantly bombarded with hate for daring to say "ableism is bad"
I'm not leaving. but if you're doing this, you should. you don't belong in a movement you can't follow the principles of. you don't belong in the tags you can't follow the principles of. this was a movement created based on the core idea that physically disabled people come first. by putting ablebodied people above us you say that we are lesser. either follow the principles or get out.
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coolyiooo · 11 months
What BSD Men Do For Your Birthday
Pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, Chuuya, and Sigma
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❗WARNINGS❗: SMUT, MDNI, blowjobs, breeding kink, hand job, hickeys, whimpering, moaning, masterbating, etc
❗Disclaimer❗Even if your bday is really cold or hot, it doesn't matter because you got really lucky on ur bday. Use your imagination for the plot 🏃
You were calmly sleeping in your warm, comfy bed when suddenly you felt a pair of lips on your own. You opened your tired eyes and see Dazai with a huge smile. When he notices your awake he squeezes you into a hug and attacks your with kisses
"Happy birthday, my Belladonna!"
You softly smile as he still covers your face with kisses "Thank you, 'Samu" you grabbed his chin to keep him still and kiss his lips
"I got something for you" he says after the kiss
You smirk as you tilt your head slightly "did you now? With what money?"
He puts a finger to your lips "Shhhh that's not important! It's not like I used Kunikida's card" he waves a hand in denial
"Uh- 'Samu-!"
He shut you up by shoving a small velvet box in your face "Oh, here's your gift!"
You rolled your eyes until you noticed it was from a jewelry store. You opened it and saw it was something you've been wanting for awhile. You thanked him and hugged him, delighted with your expensive gift. You liked that he remembered you talking about it and how much you wanted it.
For the rest of the day you two have just been walking around the city and going out to eat at restaurants, nothing too expensive. He was just spoiling you as much as he could, but he had a special surprise for you in the night.
When the moon was up, Dazai took you to the woods. You were stunned when he told you this, but he told you to trust him and of course you do so you followed him. It was dark and kind of scary, trying your best to see and not trip on the roots of the trees
" 'Samu, can you slow down please?" You pleaded
"Hm? Oh, where are my manners?" He chuckles before he suddenly picks you up bridal style and making you gasp. He laughs to your cute reaction and keeps going towards the woods.You felt more protected being in his warm embrace and honestly you could take a nap like this.
After awhile, you start to finally see the moon light off on the distant "almost there, Bella" Dazai tells you
A couple more steps and you found yourself in a flower field with a small little creek, not only that, but also the whole view of the city. You were in awe, too stunned to speak. There were all kinds of flowers and moths around the field. The creek made a relaxing sound. The moon light was a perfect match to the city lights.
Dazai smiles as he puts you down and hugs you from behind, putting his chin on your shoulder "beautiful isn't it?"
You nod your head, still in awe of the view "of course no view beats your beauty, but I thought you'd like it" Dazai says
You turn around to face him and give him a loving smile "I didn't expect this from you not gonna lie" you say while wrapping your arms around him.
He wraps his arounds around your waist "Darling, I'm the most romantic person alive" he responds in an exaggerated tone
"Right" you respond back sarcastically
He was about to say something, but you kissed his lips to shut him up. It was a gentle and loving kiss. After the kiss he sits down and sits your on his lap. You both talked for a long time just about random things and enjoying the others company. You both laughed and smiled while enjoying the view, well the only view he enjoyed was you smiling and laughing because of him
When it was time, you both walked back to your shared apartment. While you were taking your shoes off he immediately picks you up bridal style, it startled you at first but you then giggle
"I haven't given you my special treat~" he gives your a devious smirk
After a couple minutes, You back was against the wall as your arms and legs were wrapped around his body. His hands were busy carrying you as he thrusted into you. You were both moaning from the pleasure "God, you feel amazing~ ngh~! just sit there while I take care of you, okay?" Dazai grunted in your ear
He was hitting all the right places. He was so deep inside you that it was hard to speak "I-it feels really good~ ah~ faster 'Samu, please~" you moaned while pulling on his hair gently
He smirks "Hah~ As you wish, bella~" His pace was immediately faster just as you wanted. Your nails clawed his back which turned him on. You both moaned louder as you felt your orgasms near. He decided to kiss your lips which you obviously kissed back
He pulled away from your lips "Where do you want it, bella~?" He pants
"I-inside~!" You responded almost in a begging tone
He leaned in for another kiss. All you heard was muffled moans and his hips slapping against your thighs. His breathing became for rapid as he felt his release. With one last thrust he came inside you, making you cum with him. You felt the other twitch and breath heavily. he finally pulled away from your lips as he pulled himself out. His cum dripping out of you and onto the floor
"So perfect~ maybe it's my birthday and not yours" he teased while smirking at you
You decided to ignore his snarky comment and just hug him "Thank you, Osamu"
He was surprised at first, but then he smiles warmly while kissing your head, hugging you back "May you have many more birthday's, my belladonna "
You just woke up without Ranpo next to you. You just thought he was in the kitchen eating, so you decided to go say good morning to him, but before you could even get out of bed, Ranpo burst through the door, giving you a heart attack
"Happy birthday, sugar!" He came towards you to hug and kiss you, ignoring your surprised face "I have so many plans for today!"
You chuckled "really?"
He nods his head up and down vigorously. He then grabs your hands to force you out of bed "now, get up so we can go!"
You were dazed, but after getting ready and driving to the places he told you to go, you finally realized why he was excited to get out of your shared apartment. He took you to a very big and popular bakery "YAY! we made it!" He yelled after he saw the logo
To be honest you weren't even that mad, or surprised, because you've been wanting to try some of the desserts from this place for awhile.When you walked in, it was like Willy Wonka, but fancy. Pastries were everywhere and they all looked delectable.
"Your lucky it's your birthday, sugar. I'll pay for half"
You scoffed with a smile as you rolled your eyes. Of course he'll only pay for half. You both got whatever you wanted. He might as well bought half the store. And to top it off you got a cake of your favorite flavor and went back to eat in the comfort of your shared apartment
You both just ate together while watching a movie or show. When he brought out the cake with a candle on top. You saw he used his finger to lick some of the frosting off the side of the cake. You ignored it while he sang happy birthday to you in a fast pace with a big smile. When he finished the song, he took a bite out of the cake
"hey!" You took the cake out of his hands and began to tackle Ranpo. He only had a smile on his face with frosting on his lips, his laughter being muffled. "I was making sure it hasn't gone bad or poisoned!" he said while being tackled
You began to laugh "your just making up excuses!" He then pecks your lips, leaving frosting on them "taste it! It tastes amazing"
You got off him as you tasted the frosting. It was the right amount of sweet and perfect taste of your favorite flavor of frosting. " It is good" you said in awe. He just smiled at you.
He put a finger to your lips and said "But before we eat the cake-"
"Too late-"
"I got something for you!" He said to cut off your sentence.He went to a closet to get the gift. When you saw the, shockingly, perfectly wrapped present you got excited. You opened it and it was something you've been wanting for so long. He is the world's greatest detective, so of course if anybody was going to give you the best gift, it's gonna be your boyfriend. You had the biggest smile on your face as you hugged him. You thanked him and gave him a kiss.
You both ate the cake together while watching the movie, sometimes talking to each other over the movie because of Ranpo's random commentary.You also ordered some food to eat after the desserts. After the food was finished,
Ranpo spoke "that was so good..but I'm still hungry"
"We have plenty of food, Ranpo" you responded.
You were surprised that he was still hungry after eating so much "I'm only hungry for you, silly" he got closer to your face with a smirk
You knew what he meant and blushed "consider it a birthday gift!" He said
You rolled your eyes again. You know he loves eating you out so it's not like anything really special "Righttt, well I wouldn't mind " you smiled
He immediately got in between your legs and began to pull down your pants. He sighs in satisfaction as he kisses your thighs "so soft.." he mumbles against your skin
He put your thighs on his shoulders to get better access to your cunt. You started to get turned on by the sight. Ranpo finally began to lick your pussy, immediately whimpering against your clit and sending vibrations. You legs already began to quiver from the pleasure
"so sweet~" he whimpers
His pace became vulgar and impatient. His tongue moving fast and skillfully to get more of a taste from you. His tongue went to your clit to suck on it gently and flick it. You pulled on his hair gently which only made his moans louder. You moaned from the amazing sensation only turning him on even more. His grip on your thighs became tighter and so did his pants. While eating you out, he louder his pants to stroke his hard cock. He moaned even louder
His whimpers and the state he was in turned you on so much. You felt your release "R-Ranpo~ ah~ I'm gonna~"
His tongue only went faster. He needed you to cum on his tongue. His hand stroked himself faster and his whimpers became louder. Your moans were also loud but the pleasure was too much to handle. You moaned his name before cumming on him. He was so turned on that he came with you too. He moaned loudly against your clit only adding more pleasure to you.
You both panted heavily and twitched. He pulled away from your cunt as he looked at you smiling "tasty as always~" he teases "What do you say if we take this to the bedroom? It is your birthday after all, sugar"
You didn't wake up to Fyodor next to you. You walked around your shared house to look for him, but couldn't find him. You just decided to make breakfast for yourself when suddenly you felt a kiss on you cheek
"happy birthday, lyubov" his tone was calm as he gave you a small smile
You turned around to give him a hug and kiss him on the lips with a huge smile "thank you, Fedya"
Lucky for you, he cleared his schedule for today just for you. He took you to any store you wanted and got you whatever you wanted. He even dressed in something different which was a white button up shirt and black pants, mostly to not be recognized by the public.
It didn't matter if it was expensive or a priceless, whatever you wanted he got it for you. You both just enjoyed eachothers company for the whole day. Finally for dinner he took you to one of the most fanciest restaurants you have ever been to.
It was extremely exquisite. The ceiling was detailed and painted like a Renaissance painting. Chandeliers so expensive that you'd have to sell your heart to get and it still wouldn't be enough. A fountain was in the middle of the restaurant and even fake cherry blossoms were set out as decorations around the area. The walls were outlined by painted gold. It was definitely something But of course no view could beat seeing your boyfriend in a suit.
He wore a black tux with black pants. He wore a grey button up shirt and put a black vest over it and to top it off with a black tie. Why doesn't he ever dress this good normally? Because the world wouldn't be ready for it.And of course you were wearing a beautiful dress of your favorite color. You hair and makeup done. Freshly painted nails. And new jewelry you just got earlier that day.
You both looked more than just a million bucks When you both got to the place, you wrapped your hands around his shoulder and smiled at him "The greatest gift is finally seeing you in a tux"
He tilts his head slightly "You don't like how I dress? You wound me" he put a hand over his chest in a slightly dramatic way
You rolled your eyes "I mean you've been wearing the same thing since I met you how could i-"
"Excuse me, We have a reservation" you sentence was cut off when Fyodor went to the front to get a table for you two.
You scoffed as Fyodor chuckles at you teasingly. A waiter led you two to a table for two. It was literally a candle light dinner. Even though the food and wine was expensive it was extremely delicious. You both just talked the whole night and making the other smile, just happy to be in the others presence and happy to be with your boyfriend, especially since he usually is always busy but made time for you today.
Lastly he got you desert and paid for everything in the end.You both got home and just started taking off your shoes. He kisses your hand "I hope you enjoyed yourself, my love"
You smiled while blushing "Of course I did, this is better than I could've ever asked for, but there is one more thing I want"
He hums out in curiosity as you smirk. You take his hand and sat him on the couch to straddle him. You both smiled at eachother as you begin to kiss his neck, slowly unbuttoning his clothes.
"Shouldn't I be the one taking care of you on your special day?" He asks
"But shouldn't I do whatever I want since it's my birthday?" You asked while taking his tie off
He looked at you for a few seconds before smirking, he was quite intrigued "Do as you wish, lyubov"
In a couple minutes, your clothes and his were on the ground. You were jumping on Fyodor's cock. His hands were on your hips and yours were on his shoulders. You both moaned from pleasure. His neck was covered in hickeys and his shoulders had red scratch marks. It honestly turned him on that you were marking him as yours.
"How does it feel, Fedya~?" You moaned
"Mmn~ not bad at all~" he smiles slightly while his head falls back
You smirk "You look so cute like this, Fedya~ ah~" you begin to kiss his neck again
"I can say the same about you ngh~" he liked seeing your hips move desperately just the ride him
"Mmn~ Just sit there and take it, love~" you kiss his cheek
"Don't get too confident, Myshka" he smirks
Your pace became faster and rougher. He let out a muffled grunt as he grips your hips. He felt his release approach the more he felt his cock being rubbed by your wet, tight cunt You clenched a fist around his hair to turn him on more
"Your moans are so beautiful, Fyodor~ Your twitching so much~!"
He couldn't even respond. He was too focused on the pleasure to think of a response. Feeling how much he throbbed inside you and becoming slightly bigger, you knew he was about to cum"Ah~! Cum as much as you want inside, Fyodor~ I love it when you do~"
After those words, he slammed your hips onto his to shoot his cum inside you. He grunted as he came and you moaned loudly while cumming with him. Both of you were in ecstacy from the orgasm and trying to catch your breaths.
While panting, you hugged Fyodor "Thank you for the best gift, Fedya~" you kissed his lips
He chuckled softly "Happy birthday, moya lyubov"
You woke up and immediately smelled something amazing. You were about to get up to find out what the smell was until Atsushi came in with breakfast on a small table
He looked at you slightly with wide eyes at first, he thought you were still asleep, but he immediately gave you a bright smile "Happy birthday, y/n! I've made breakfast for you"
You smiled widely as he brought the breakfast to you on bed. The food was on a small breakfast table to eat while in bed. He made you your favorite breakfast food "thank you so much, love" you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you to kiss him.
"Of course! It's your day after all, so it's no problem" he smiles at you
He asked you if you'd like to have a picnic with him later in the day. You thought it was a cute idea so you agreed. After you finished eating, you both walked around stores. He got you a couple of things you wanted, nothing too expensive because he doesn't have that much money, but he splurged a bit just for you.
After a bit of shopping you eventually got hungry again and he took you to the place to have the picnic at. It was a very beautiful park. The park has a pond where koi fish were. The grass was green and bright. The day wasn't too hot or too cold, it was just perfect. The trees were big and beautiful, so you decided to have you picnic next to a tree and the pond. He brought you your favorite food, drink, and dessert for the picnic.
Lastly, he got you a small cake for your birthday and got you some candles to make a wish. You both ate while talking for a long time and feeding the koi fish. Everything he said always brought a smile to your face and you'd always manage to make him laugh and his heart swoon.
After eating at the picnic, You both decided to go to the ferris wheel. You both went during the sunset to get a beautiful view of the city when on the top of the wheel. You both held hands the whole time while admiring the city and enjoying the ride. He kissed your cheek when you got to the top of the wheel, but you kissed his lips. The rest of the time on the ride you talked while watching the view.
When the ride was over, it was basically dark outside. He knew it might've been late, but he got you a small bouquet of flowers for you. He just wants you to have an amazing birthday. You kissed him and smiled from the small, but thoughtful gift
You both walked home to your shared apartment. When you got back, you both just watched your favorite movie together while cuddling on the couch. While watching the movie you wanted to thank Atsushi for everything he's done for you today
"Thank you so much for today, love. It's a birthday I'll cherish forever" you said while looking at him with happiness
He looked at you while blushing "of course, y/n. You don't even have a to thank me. I just wanted to make sure you feel loved today"
You smile even more "well I appreciate everything you do and I do feel very loved"
He felt his heart beat fast. Hes happy that he's being appreciated and that he's made you happy. He blushed even more. You thought that after everything he has done for you today that you should return the favor.
You kissed his cheek "let me thank you in a special way~"
you began to kiss his neck to let him know what you meant. If it was even possible he blushed even more "i- you don't have to if you don't want to, love" he stammered
"I would love to if your ok with it of course"
"O-of course I wouldn't mind if it's you" he was slightly embarrassed
You both looked into eachothers eyes and slowly leaned into each other's lips. The kiss was slow and passionate. Your hand slowly palmed his clothed cock which made him moan softly into the kiss.Your hand went into his pants to stroke his bare dick. He gasps quietly from the sudden sensation.
"S-shouldn't I be the one treating you?" He stutters
"There's nothing more I love than me pleasuring you so I don't mind~" you kissed him again
Your hand began to unzip his pants to free his hard cock. You kissed his neck while starting to get on your knees and in between his legs. He was flustered, but of course he wasn't complaining. He always loved how your mouth feels. If this it was what you want to do then he'll let you do whatever you want.
You kissed the tip of his cock and began to lick it. He was already throbbing and whimpering quietly. You then suddenly invited his cock into you warm, wet mouth. He moaned while gripping onto the couch cushions. You sucked his dick at a good pace
His legs twitched from the amazing pleasure. You really did know all his weak spots. You moaned quietly against his wet dick, sending vibrations to his throbbing cock."It feels so- ngh~! Good~" he whimpers while his head fell back
Your pace became faster and he was getting close to his orgasm. He moaned louder. His cock throbbed against your tongue. His moans turned you on so much you started to get wet.
"I-im- oh god~ I'm cumming~" he moans while thrusting his hips slightly into your mouth
A couple more seconds of sucking his dick with your tongue wrapped around him, He came into your mouth with a satisfied, loud whimper. His cock throbbed aggressively in your mouth as he filled more of your mouth with his cum
You swallowed every bit of it and popped his cock out of your mouth. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm down from his climax. He held your chin to make you look at him. In a breathy voice he said "now it's my turn to return the favor"
Your a lucky son of a bitch. He told you a couple days before that he was going to take you to a city you've always wanted to go to. You were so excited and happy. When he told you, you hugged him tightly and thanked him over and over again. He convinced mori to give him a couple days off just to celebrate your birthday. With him, it was like you were celebrating your birthday for a whole week.
He booked presidential suites at hotels, he bought whatever you wanted, took you to the most delicious and expensive restaurants and took you to any place you wanted to go.You felt like royalty and that was his intentions. He didn't mind spending a couple thousand dollars just for you birthday. This was his way of showing how much you mean to him.
On the day before you were both going to leave the city. You both woke up to breakfast ready for you (Just remember your at a presidential suite)
The employees made you one of your favorite breakfasts and drinks. Before you ate, he kisses your cheek and puts a hand around your waist "good morning, doll. Is there anything you'd like to do today?" He said in his morning voice
You put your head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek "I'm fine with anything that includes us being together" you responded
He chuckles softly "of course we'd be together, love. Do you just want to go to stores and eat some place?"
You agreed to that and then finally ate your breakfast. After getting ready, you both went to stores you have yet to go to. He bought you whatever you wanted. If it was jewelry, books, clothes, collectables, or accessories, he will get it for you.He really spoiled the hell out of you this week.
After shopping he took you to another fancy restaurant, even getting a private room just so you wouldn't be bothered by the public. The restaurant was gorgeous. It had a perfect view of the city. The whole place had fine details, but your private room was breath taking.It was a dome shaped ceiling that was painted as vintage porcelain tea sets. And a huge golden chandelier in the middle that compliments the painted ceiling. The walls weren't even walls, they were windows that showed the view of the city. Words couldn't even begin to describe the restaurant.
The food was just as amazing as the room. If it wasn't so God damn expensive, you'd come there everyday if you could. While eating, you and Chuuya talked about whatever comes to mind. You could tell him anything and he feels the same. Your were both just that close.
After dinner, you both walked around a part of the city you haven't explored yet. Being in a city you always wanted to go to and being with Chuuya was the best thing you could've ever asked for. You both found a bench to sit and admire the view just one last time before you guys go back to Yokohama. After a long day, you were finally back at the hotel in the comfort of the bed.
You went to go take a shower after another long day and before you knew it, Chuuya joined you in the shower
He hugged you from behind and kissed your neck and shoulders "I hope this week was everything you deserve and ever wanted" he says
You laugh "are you kidding? It was more than I could've ever asked for, Chuuya"
He smiles against your neck "that was the point, dear"
You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck "thank you, Chuuya. I mean it" you smile as you kiss his lips
"Anything for you, y/n" he responds before kissing your lips again.The kiss started to get heated. His hands were on your waist while he groaned into the kiss. The kiss was passionate and making you two horny. He suddenly picks you up. Your legs wrapped around his body. He used his ability to hold him steady so he won't slip.
"The night is still young, doll. What do ya say we have some fun?" He says while smirking at you
You smirk back at him "I would like that"
He kissed your lips again. His cock already became hard and he rubbed it against your clit "someone's been waiting all day~" you teased
"What can I say? you drive me mad, doll" he responds
He kisses you again. His cock rubbing faster against you clit. You both moaned quietly into the kiss. He couldn't hold back anymore and he aligned his cock to your entrance, pushing it inside you slowly. You both moaned from the sweet sensation and twitched.His pace was quick. You moan loudly from the sudden wave of pleasure that flowed through out your body. His cock couldn't get enough of how your walls rubbed him.
His moans were shaky and breathy. His grip on your thighs were tight. He pulled away from your lips to leave hickeys on your neck"Fuck, doll~ ngh~ why do you feel so amazing~ I cant get enough of you- ah~!" He whimpers against your neck
"I can say the same- mmn~ I'm so addicted to you, Chuuya~ please, go faster~" you moaned
He loved whenever you moaned his name or praised him. His cock throbbed inside you as his pace became rougher and faster. You both moaned loud from the ecstacy. You are the only one whole could make him so weak in the knees. He couldn't hold much longer from your tight walls and he felt his release
"Fuck~! I'm going to cum, doll~" he moans loudly
His cock kept hitting your womb, making you also fine your climax "don't stop~ ah~! I'm cumming too~"
With a couple more thrusts, he shot his huge load inside you with a loud groan. You came with him while moaning his name. You both hugged each other tightly from the orgasm. You were both breathing heavily, but he smiles and kisses your lips. You smiled into the kiss as well He then puts his forehead against yours and says with a smile "Happy birthday, my love"
You woke up with Sigma's arms wrapped around you. You smiled softly and slightly started to move. He woke up to hold you tighter and closer. "Happy birthday, dearest" he said in a sleepy voice
He kisses the top of you head. You chuckle softly and hold him back "thank you" you said in your sleepy voice
He sighed deeply before he slowly got out of bed "we should go get breakfast, love. We can go anywhere you'd like to go"
"Really? " You smiled brightly
"Of course, it's your birthday. So we can go anywhere you'd like all day" So then you both went to go get breakfast to anyplace you want to go to and he paid. Then after he took you to stores you'd want to go to a got whatever you wanted. He does own a casino so he's got some coin.
Later on you both went to get some lunch anywhere you wanted to go. If you wanted to go to a fancy place he'd get the most gorgeous and delicious place. He told you he had a surprise for you after lunch. You were excited when he told you.
After lunch he took you to a huge lake. It was glorious. The water was actually clear. The color of the water was bluish mixed with green. The sun light made it glistening. Fish were seen in the water. The trees were tall and the leaves would fall on top of the lake.It was breathtaking.
He then showed you a small little boat "I hope you don't mind going to the surprise on a boat ride " he told you
You didn't mind obviously. It was actually really romantic and sweet. You felt like Ariel from the little mermaid. On the boat ride you admired to view and talked with Sigma. You always made each other fill whole. It was so easy talking to him and he felt the same towards you
The sun was going down and he finally set the boat on land. You both walked up a hill and out a blanket down. He told you to lay down on your back which he did the same after you. When you looked up at the sky, it was filled with stars. It was astonishing "This was the surprise I wanted to show you. I hope you like it" he tells you
You smiled and hugged his arm "it's beautiful. I love it" you put your cheek against his shoulder
He smiles and blushed. He's Glad that you enjoyed the view and loved the surprise. He kissed the top of your head and put the arm that you were hugging around your shoulder. You both just star gazed into the sky while having some deep conversations. It was an amazing day
He took you back home after a long day. You were both exhausted, but as you got back home you hugged him from behind "thank you so much, love" you said with a gentle smile
He blushed "there's no need to thank me, dear. It's the least I can do. I'm glad you had a fun day"
Ugh he's too precious. He turned around to face you and peck your lips. He pulled away, but you brought him back to your lips to have a longer kiss. He kisses back, obviously, and places his hands on your waist. The kiss escalated and became heated. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close.
Your bodies slowly moved towards the bedroom and to the bed.Your body was on top of him and began to kiss his neck. His heart beat was racing "let me take care of you today, dearest"
He tried sitting up, but you pushed him down on his back again " there's nothing more I'd like than to hear you moan, darling" you said just to embarrass him
He blushed and looked away "i-if that's what y-you want, dear"You smirked as you unzipped his pants. His cock was already hard and ready to cum. You stroked his dick at a good speed while kissing his neck, leaving small hickeys.
He was moaning softly. His eyes were closed. You kissed his lips again and stroked him faster. His moans were muffled by the kiss but they were still louder than before. Precum was drenching his cock and it made it easier for your hand to move.
You pulled away from his lips and made your way to his cock. You made eye contact with Sigma as you kissed and licked his pretty cock. He twitched from your warm tongue against his tip.You then began to suck his dick. He moaned and whimpered from the amazing euphoric pleasure. Your tongue was wrapped around him. He honestly thinks he's addicted to how your mouth feels.
His whimpers turned you on so much and made your pussy ache for a cock
"Ah~! It feels so good~ mmn~ don't stop~!" He moans
His words encouraged you to deep throat him. This made his legs tremble. He whimpered louder while clenching on the bed sheets. His back was slightly arched. You felt too good that he already found his release "Fuck~! I'm close~ ngh~ I'm so close~" he whimpers loudly
You kept deep throating him which eventually made him cum inside your mouth. The whimper he let out as he came almost made you cum. You drank all of his cum. You felt his cock throb roughly on your tongue.
His chest was rising up and down quickly. His grip on the bed sheets was slowly becoming relaxed.You pulled him out of your mouth which made him sigh in satisfaction "your.. too good,dear "
You chuckle softly "that's good to know.. I hope you don't mind if we do the real thing now, love. Your whimpers were so beautiful~"
His cheeks were bright red "i- W-well.. I wouldn't mind at all, love"
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moonselune · 3 months
Mayhaps, if you'd like to do one with all the companions, (if not just the ladies are fine^^):
Comforting Tav over something seemingly insignificant, a small inconvenience (dropped food, easy to repair broken item, a shop not having the one thing they're looking for, ECT), but it's just the thing that broke the camel's back, and all the stress and worry and hardship catches up to Tav
this one took a while to do but I hope its okay ! Added Rolan to it but not Raphael as I genuinely think he would simply just magic you away because he would just not want to deal with that - not very order and decorum of you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You and Karlach had been on the road for weeks, dealing with countless threats and challenges. Today, you had looked forward to a simple pleasure: a meal cooked over the campfire, a small respite from the chaos. But as you carried the pot of stew to the table, you tripped over a root and spilled it all over the ground.
Karlach saw the accident and rushed over, her eyes wide with concern.
"Easy soldier, you got mouths here, to feed not the ants," she said, trying to sound upbeat but she noticed you were very much not sharing the same vibe as her. "Hey, it's okay! We can make more,"
But something inside you snapped. The spilled stew was the final straw. You dropped to your knees, staring at the mess, and felt tears welling up in your eyes. All the stress, the exhaustion, and the constant battle against the odds suddenly came crashing down on you. Karlach immediately knelt beside you, her large, warm hand on your shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's alright. It's just stew. We'll figure it out," she said softly.
You shook your head, unable to hold back the sobs. "It's not just the stew, Karlach. It's everything. I'm so tired. I'm so stressed. I can't keep doing this."
Karlach's eyes widened in panic. She wasn't used to seeing you like this. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"Shh, ssh, it's okay. Let it out," she whispered, stroking your back awkwardly but tenderly. "Shhh,"
You clung to her, the warmth of her embrace grounding you as you let the tears flow. Karlach continued to hold you, her voice a soothing murmur in your ear.
"We're in this together, okay? You don't have to carry it all by yourself. I'm here. We'll get through this."
Her words, combined with her reassuring hold on you, slowly began to calm you down. As your sobs subsided, you leaned back and looked at her, seeing the worry and care in her eyes.
"I'm do sorry," you mumbled, wiping your eyes. "I didn't mean to break down like that. I-"
"-Don't apologize. You're allowed to feel overwhelmed." Karlach shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "You're allowed to need a break. We'll take it one step at a time, okay?"
You nodded, feeling a little lighter, and Karlach pressed a kiss to your forehead. The two of you sat there for a little while longer, basking in each other's warmth and slowly you began to feel all of those broken pieces start to mend together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You were in a bustling market, searching for a specific ingredient for a potion. After hours of looking and dealing with the noise and chaos, you finally found the stall that supposedly had it. But as you reached the front, the vendor shook his head. "Sorry, sold out."
That was it. The final straw. You felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. "What do you mean sold out, we need that-"
Before you knew it, tears were streaming down your face. You tried to hold them back, embarrassed by your reaction, hiding your head in your hands, hoping nobody would notice but it was too late. Minthara, who had been silently watching your back, noticed your distress immediately. She stepped forward, her eyes narrowing at the vendor before turning to you. You were now shaking, unable to move, stuck in a cycle of crying, trying not to show yourself crying and crying more. Minthara put a hand on your shoulder, glaring at the vendor before you both.
"Excuse us," she said coldly to the vendor. Without another word, she scooped you up effortlessly and slung you over her shoulder. You were too overwhelmed to protest, your emotions a tangled mess. She carried you to a quieter, more secluded alley away from the bustling crowd. Once there, she set you down gently and knelt before you, her eyes searching yours.
"What happened?" she asked, her voice demanding but surprisingly soft.
You tried to speak, but the words came out in a choked sob. "It's… it's just too much. Everything is going wrong. I'm so tired, Minthara. I can't keep doing this."
Minthara's expression softened, and she reached out, gently cupping your face in her hands.
"You are strong, but even the strongest need a moment to breathe," she said, her voice steady and calm. "You don't have to carry this burden alone."
You leaned into her touch, feeling a mixture of shame and relief. "I'm sorry. It's such a small thing to get upset over. It's shameful."
"It is not." `Minthara shook her head and as you tried to bow your head, trying to hide from her gaze, but Minthara was relentless, jerking your head up and back to her. " And it's not just the small thing. It's everything that led up to it. You are allowed to feel overwhelmed."
She pulled you into an embrace, her strong arms holding you close. "Rest here for a moment. Take your time," she murmured. "We'll face this together."
Her words and presence brought a sense of calm over you. You clung to her, letting the tears flow as she held you. In that moment, you felt safe and understood. Minthara's quiet strength and unwavering support were exactly what you needed.
After a while, you pulled back, feeling a bit more composed. Minthara looked at you, a hint of a smile on her lips. "Feeling better?"
You smiled, wiping your eyes. "Yes. Thank you, Minthara."
"Good. Though my only request is that next time you share your worries with me." You nodded and she stood up, offering you her hand. Now, let's find another way to get what we need. We won't let this defeat us."
"Minthara?" You call out to her quietly and she looks at you, her eyes wide, waiting on your every word.
"Yes, my love?"
You didn't answer her, just leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips, pulling away with a smile. "I love you, entirely."
"I love you too."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The day had been a long string of battles and challenges, leaving you exhausted. When you finally made it back to camp, you realised your weapons had grown dull. Pulling out your dagger you began to sharpen it, but either from the strength of your frustration that had built over the past few days, or the excessive use of it, it snapped.
You stared at the mess, the broken pieces of dagger on the floor, glinting back at you almost mockingly in the evening sun. You felt the weight of all your stress and fatigue crash down on you. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you dropped to your knees.
Lae'zel, who had been sharpening her own blade nearby, looked up at the sound of the dagger breaking. She saw you kneeling by the broken pieces, tears streaming down your face. With a determined stride, she approached you and knelt down beside you.
"This is but a minor setback, a weak dagger clearly" she said firmly, her voice calm and pragmatic. "I have many, have one of mine. The battle is not lost."
You shook your head, unable to hold back the sobs. "It's not just the dagger, Lae'zel. It's everything. I'm so tired. I can't keep doing this."
Lae'zel's eyes softened slightly, and she placed a hand on your shoulder, her grip firm and reassuring. "You are stronger than this, and we will face these challenges together. Allow yourself a moment of weakness, but do not let it consume you."
For once her practical approach, and slight criticism, began to ground you. You took a deep breath, trying to regain your composure.
"We will rise above this," she continued, her voice steady as she awkwardly pat you on the shoulder. "Together, we will face whatever comes our way. You are not alone in this, I am here, place your burdens upon me."
''I don't want to do that though-'
"-Do you not think me strong enough? You think your burdens above me?" Lae'zel asked in slight outrage and you couldn't help but laugh at her sincerity.
"No, of course not, my love." You smiled as you rested your head on your shoulder, feeling a bit more in control. She helped you to your feet, her grip never faltering.
"We will clean this up and get you a new blade, one worthy of your strength" she said, her tone decisive. "And we will succeed."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The branch whacks you across the face, a stinging reminder of the day's endless frustrations. It's the final straw. Rage bubbles up, hot and uncontrollable. You raise your hand, the words of a fireball spell forming on your lips. This stupid, unyielding piece of nature is about to feel your wrath.
"Stop!" Shadowheart's voice cuts through your fury, sharp and commanding.
You freeze, your breath coming in ragged gasps. She steps between you and the offending tree, her dark eyes filled with concern. She places a hand on your arm, gently but firmly.
"Calm down," she says, her voice softer now, soothing and she raises her brows at you. "Starting a forest fire isn't going to help us on our travels and it's just going to annoy the two druids."
The fireball dissipates in your hand, and the anger that fueled it ebbs away, leaving behind a hollow emptiness. The tears come then, hot and bitter. You collapse to your knees, the weight of everything crashing down on you. Shadowheart kneels beside you, her arms encircling you, holding you close.
"It's alright," she whispers, her voice a balm to your wounded soul. "I'm here."
You sob into her shoulder, the days of pent-up frustration and exhaustion pouring out in a torrent. She holds you tight, her presence a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions.
"I'm so tired," you manage to say between sobs. "So tired of everything."
"I know," she says, her hand gently rubbing your back. "I know. But attacking nature won't help. You can always come to me. Let me share your burden."
Her words are like a lifeline, pulling you back from the brink. You cling to her, the warmth of her body grounding you. Slowly, your sobs subside, and you lift your head to look at her. Her face is filled with such tender concern that it makes your heart ache.
"Thank you," you say, your voice hoarse but sincere.
She smiles, a small, gentle curve of her lips. "Anytime, my love."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The past few days had been a relentless series of challenges, and your nerves were already frayed when you entered a small shop in Baldur's Gate. You were searching for a particular herb that Jaheira needed for her potions, a task that should have been simple. When the shopkeeper informed you that they were out of stock, it felt like the final straw. Your composure shattered, and you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
You tried to hold them back, but the weight of stress, exhaustion, and frustration was too much. You turned away from the shopkeeper, not wanting to make a scene, but the tears started to fall. Jaheira, who had been examining a display of potions nearby, noticed your distress immediately. She approached you with a quiet urgency, her eyes filled with concern.
"What's wrong, my heart?" she asked gently, her voice steady and soothing. You shook your head, unable to speak as the tears continued to flow.
"I… I can't do this anymore," you finally managed to say, your voice trembling. "Everything's just… too much."
Without another word, Jaheira wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a firm, comforting embrace. She didn't offer empty platitudes or try to tell you that everything would be fine. Instead, she simply held you, letting you cry against her shoulder. Her presence was solid and reassuring, a rock in the storm of your emotions.
"It's okay to let it out," she murmured, her hand gently stroking your hair. "You've been carrying a heavy burden. Let me share it with you."
You clung to her, feeling the warmth of her body and the strength of her support. Gradually, the tension in your muscles began to ease, and your sobs turned into quiet sniffles. Jaheira continued to hold you, her calm and steady presence providing a safe space for you to release your pent-up emotions.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice still shaky but filled with gratitude. "I needed that."
Jaheira pulled back slightly, cupping your face in her hands and wiping away your tears with her thumbs. "We all have moments like this," she said softly. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. We'll get through this together."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The day had been a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities, leaving you mentally and physically drained. When you finally returned to camp, you decided to prepare a simple meal for everyone. However, as you were carrying the pot of stew to the fire, you tripped over a loose stone and spilled the entire pot onto the ground. It was a small accident, but it was enough to push you over the edge.
You stood there, staring at the ruined meal, feeling a surge of frustration and despair. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you began to shake, overwhelmed by the stress and exhaustion that had been building up for days.
Gale, who had been organizing his spell components nearby, noticed your distress immediately. He rushed over, concern etched on his face.
"Hey, what's wrong, my beloved?" he asked gently, his voice filled with worry.
"It's just… everything," you said, your voice breaking as tears started to fall as you gestured to everything around you. "I can't handle it anymore. I'm so tired, and now this…"
Gale's expression softened, and he reached out to take your hand. "Come here," he said softly, guiding you to a nearby log to sit down. He knelt in front of you, still holding your hand, and looked into your eyes with a calm and steady gaze.
"Let's do some breathing exercises," he suggested. "It might help you feel a bit better. Just follow my lead."
You nodded, too overwhelmed to speak. Gale began to breathe slowly and deeply, and you mimicked his actions. Inhale… exhale… inhale… exhale. The rhythmic pattern of his breathing, combined with his presence, his love, it started to soothe your frayed nerves.
"Focus on your breath," Gale said gently. "Let the tension flow out with each exhale."
As you continued to breathe with him, you felt your body gradually begin to relax. The tears slowed, and the tight knot of anxiety in your chest started to loosen. Gale's hand remained steady in yours, a grounding force that helped you find your center.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice still shaky but calmer than before. "I love you."
"I love you too," Gale smiled, a warm and understanding expression on his face. "We all have moments when things become too much. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. But please, my love, do not suffer alone. It breaks my heart to see you shed tears like this."
"I'm sorry I-"
"-I do not need you to apologise," Gale whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours. "I just need you, no matter how you feel, okay?"
"Okay" You weakly smile and bury your head into his shoulder, your tears staining his robes but he couldn't care. He just held you and slowly everything seemed to be alright.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The day had been long and grueling, filled with minor inconveniences and stressful encounters that had worn down your patience. You found yourself in the middle of camp, trying to prepare a simple meal. As you were chopping vegetables, your knife slipped, and the entire bowl of carefully prepared ingredients tipped over, spilling onto the ground.
It was a minor accident, but it was the final straw. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you felt a wave of frustration and hopelessness wash over you. Your hands trembled as you stared at the mess on the ground, unable to hold back the sobs that were threatening to escape.
Astarion, who had been lounging nearby, noticed your distress immediately. He stood up and approached you, his eyes narrowing in concern. "What's wrong with you now?" he asked, his voice a mix of irritation and worry.
"I can't… I just can't do this anymore," you choked out between sobs. "Everything's going wrong, and I can't handle it."
Astarion's expression softened, but his way of comforting was unorthodox. He got you to your feet and held you by your shoulders and looked at you straight on.
"Get it together!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with urgency. He had never seen you like this and he was panicking as it was stirring unexpected emotions in him."If you keep crying like this, I might start crying too, and that would be a disaster, because I am not a pretty crier!"
Despite his harsh words, there was a hint of genuine concern in his eyes. You couldn't help but let out a weak laugh through your tears. His attempt at tough love was oddly endearing.
"Look, darling" Astarion said a bit less panicked now, "Life is a series of unfortunate events, especially for us. But you can't let every little thing break you. You're stronger than this."
He reached out and gently lifted your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. "And if you need to cry, fine. But don't think for a second that you're alone in this. We've all had our moments of weakness, even I - though it may be hard to believe"
You giggle and sniffled, wiping your tears away. Astarion's seemingly tough exterior was still present, but there was a warmth in his eyes that reassured you. "Thanks, my love."
He stood up and offered you his hand, pulling you to your feet. "Now, let's clean this up and make something edible. And try not to spill anything this time, alright?"
His playful tone lightened the mood, and you couldn't help but smile. He pulled you into a quick embrace and gave you a reassuring squeeze and kiss on the head before sending you on your way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
It had been one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. The constant stress and pressure had been building up, and when you finally returned to camp, you just wanted a moment of peace. As you unpacked your belongings, a small, cherished trinket slipped from your hands and shattered on the ground.
It was a minor inconvenience, but it was the last straw. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you felt a wave of despair wash over you. Your vision blurred as you tried to gather the broken pieces, your hands shaking uncontrollably.
Wyll, who had been tending to the campfire, noticed your distress immediately. He stood up and walked over to you, his expression filled with concern.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked softly, kneeling beside you.
"I can't… I just can't do this anymore," you choked out, your voice trembling. "Everything's going wrong, and I can't handle it."
Wyll's heart ached at the sight of your tears. He reached out and gently took your hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring.
"Shh, it's alright," he murmured, his voice soothing. "You're not alone. I'm here."
He pulled you into a gentle embrace, holding you close as you cried against his shoulder. His strong arms wrapped around you, providing a sense of safety and comfort that you desperately needed. He didn't say anything for a while, simply letting you release your pent-up emotions.
After a few moments, Wyll pulled back slightly and cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs gently wiping away your tears. "Sometimes, it's the small things that push us over the edge," he said softly. "But you don't have to carry this burden alone. Let me help you."
His words and his unwavering support helped you find your footing again. You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over you. "Thank you, Wyll," you whispered, your voice still shaky but filled with gratitude.
Wyll smiled warmly, his eyes filled with compassion. "Always," he replied. "Now, let's see if we can fix this, shall we?"
Together, you carefully gathered the broken pieces of your trinket. With Wyll's help, you managed to repair it, and the simple act of working together helped you regain your composure.
"See? Good as new!" Wyll smiled as he presented it to you, you took it with a small smile, nodding your head in thanks as you held it to you chest, the trinket becoming even more cherished now.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The potion fizzles and pops, releasing a pungent, acrid smoke. Your heart sinks as the mixture turns an unnatural shade of green, clearly ruined. It's a small thing, a simple potion gone wrong, but after days of pent-up frustration and exhaustion, it's the final straw. Your shoulders slump, and the tears you've been holding back for days finally spill over.
You drop the vial, not caring as it shatters on the floor. Halsin, who has been quietly reading in the corner, looks up, concern etching deep lines into his kind face. He rises and crosses the room in a few swift strides, his presence warm and comforting.
"Hey," he says softly, wrapping his strong arms around you. "It's okay. It's just a potion."
But it's not just a potion. It's everything. The endless challenges, the constant sense of impending doom, the weight of the world pressing down on you. You bury your face in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. He holds you tighter, his hand gently stroking your hair.
"It's alright," he murmurs. "Let it out. I'm here."
You feel the warmth of his body, the steady beat of his heart, and slowly, the storm inside you begins to calm. You pull back slightly to look at him, and to your surprise, you see tears glistening in his eyes. His lips tremble as he tries to hold them back, but he fails. He begins to cry, his tears mingling with yours.
"I'm sorry," he says, his voice breaking. "I just hate seeing you like this."
The sight of Halsin, this strong, stoic druid, crying because you are crying, tugs at something deep inside you. A laugh bubbles up, surprising you. It's absurd and adorable, and somehow it breaks through the lingering sadness.
"You big softie," you say, wiping away his tears with your thumb.
He laughs too, a shaky, relieved sound, and pulls you into another hug. "I can't help it," he says. "I love you too much to see you in pain."
You cling to him, finding comfort in his warmth and his tears. The moment, though born from frustration and exhaustion, becomes tender and you can breathe easier now. Halsin kissed the top of your head and the two of you stay there for a while, basking in each other's presence.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The day had been a series of small misfortunes, and the final blow came when you discovered that the shop you had been counting on didn't have the one item you desperately needed. It seemed like such a trivial thing, but in that moment, it felt like the weight of the world was crashing down on you. Tears pricked at your eyes, and you felt the overwhelming urge to scream in frustration.
Rolan, who had been browsing a nearby shelf, noticed your distress. His usual confident demeanor faltered as he saw the tears welling up in your eyes.
"Hey, what's going on?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.
You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat. Instead, a sob escaped, and you quickly covered your mouth, embarrassed by your outburst. Rolan's eyes widened, clearly panicked. He wasn't used to dealing with such emotional meltdowns. Bickering nd arguing he could deal with, this he was a lot less prepared for.
"Uh, okay, let's… let's figure this out," he stammered, awkwardly placing a hand on your shoulder.
The small gesture was enough to break the dam. You began to cry in earnest, the stress and worry of the past days pouring out in a torrent of tears. Rolan looked around, unsure of what to do, but his concern for you was evident.
"Hey, it's okay, beloved" he said, trying to sound reassuring despite his own uncertainty. "We'll figure this out. Just… let it out."
His awkward but sincere attempt to comfort you made you feel a bit better. You took a few deep breaths, trying to steady yourself. "I'm sorry," you managed to say between sobs. "It's just been so much, and this… this was the last straw."
Rolan's expression softened, and he squeezed your shoulder gently. "No need to apologize, dearest. We all have those days," he said, his voice a bit steadier now. "How about we take a break and sit down for a bit? We can figure things out from there."
He led you to a quieter corner of the shop, and you both sat down. Rolan fumbled for a moment before pulling out a handkerchief and offering it to you. "Here, use this," he said, his tone gentle.
You took the handkerchief and wiped your tears, feeling a bit more composed. "Thank you, Rolan. I just… I couldn't hold it in anymore."
Rolan nodded, his expression understanding. "It's okay. Sometimes, we just need to let it out. And I'm here for you, even if I'm not the best at this."
You couldn't help but smile at his honesty. "You're doing just fine," you said, grateful for his support.
Rolan relaxed a bit, relieved that he was able to help in some way. "Alright, then. Let's take a few more minutes, and when you're ready, we'll go find that item together."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Hope you all enjoyed it! - Seluney xoxo
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cvnt4him · 4 months
"woah would you look at that, deku just took out that guy with a single punch!"
"he's so amazing!~"
"you're my hero!!!"
So many people chant, root, and holler for even the slightest glimpse of his attention, even a glance.
"Mr deku, what can you tell us about this villain, you hadn't even put up much of a hassle and yet he appears to be tired!" One report gleams.
It's true. He hadn't done too much, one simple practically, light punch and the criminal was already down, he knew that. Deku knew he was good, he knew others thought he was good. He thrived on that kind of energy.
"oh~, well you know, I'm not one to brag nor bring other people down, criminal or not we're all human." He sings to the reporter, hinting at the fact she gave the measly little lowlife schmuck at best, a promotion to 'villian'. cameras flashing everywhere as he heard a bunch of girlish screams, everyone looks over to see a bunch of fan girls rallying to get an autograph.
Izuku tried so hard not to let his smile faulter, its not that he disliked his fans, really he could never, he knows one of the reasons he's here is because of his fans, and he loves them all equally no matter what. However. scrolling on the Internet, especially as a pro hero it's hard not to go down a loophole of your own fans. Izukus fans are nice, sure. But they're also bat shit crazy.
Doxxing people for disagreeing, assuming he was gay for his best friend dynamite, writing fanfiction about him and his best friend dynamite, assuming he had a new significant other because he changed up his style of clothing??
Really his fans are too much, he loves them, he does. But they are just so...smothering?
As he sees the fans hurrying toward him he tries his hardest to jump away as he was stopped by a little deaf girl who wanted an autograph.
Shit. You can't NOT give a little deaf girl an autograph it'd be bad publicity. he sighs deeply in defeat, knowing how easily persuaded he is, he'll most likely be there standing, on his feet, smiling wide and big for fans, for the next hour and a half.
Izuku sighed deeply through his nose as he finally, after 5 more hours of working, made it back to his bed, that's all he wanted. He didn't bother taking his suit off just simply jumping in his bed and groaning at the comfort he longed for.
He grabbed his phone and opened Twitter.. that was the first mistake of the night, he scrolled through his feed coming across a post of a girl just rambling about her ever lasting love for deku.
He shifted in his bed so now he was laying back on his pillows, turning up the sound to hear your beautifully slurred voice.
"- like bro.. I don't think any of you understand how my NEED for this man is like just.. sigh. I'm about to go crazy bro. If I were given the chance I'd do unholy. Unspeakable. Down right horrendous things to this man, i- aHaAVE YOU SEEN HIS NEW HERO SUIT??" You were talking to your friend who had the idea to start recording you while you were drunk, laughing and snorting at you.
The video was posted by you, the caption read; 'my friend started recording while i was drunk and i randomly went on a rant ab my love for the #1 hero 💀'
He snickered at this, genuinely finding it funny, but sooner or later it registered in his brain what you'd said..you'd do what to him.
Before he knew it he was semi hard, he looked down at his slight hard on confused, there is no way this turned him on?? He had been sent so many videos of his fan girls from all ages going down on a dildo with his name slapped on it, he never found it the least but attractive, just kind of desperate..
He watched the video again, his cock becoming fully erect as he sighed at the uncomfortable feeling of his now leaking, completely hard cock, rubbing against his suit pants.
It had been a while since he'd done something like this.. since he had used someone..he needed this, just to relax. Just a couple of strokes to get him to come, that's all.
He let out a shaky sigh, slowly trailing his thick fingers up and down his clothed cock, earning a light squeak to rip from his throat due to the slight pleasure he felt from the gentle actions.
He knew he needed it, he needed this so badly, but he wouldn't rush it. He hated when he rushed things, he says 'they never get done correctly'.
So he would be patient with himself, gently palming himself over his suit pants, letting breathy sighs leave his slightly dried and chapped lips.
He looked over to his phone to see the paused video...
'oh what the hell.' he thought to himself as he grabbed the phone, angling and holding it close to his ear to hear your voice and the loud laughs that he hopefully tried to blur out of his mind. Focusing on your voice fully.
He held the phone close to his ear closing his eyes listening to your slurred speech, and the hiccups and giggles that left your mouth, he bit his lip as his palming motions began to get harder and more rough, "I would do down right horrendous things to this man." That line stuck with him, that's what made him undo his pants and shimmy them off so he could fully touch his leaking, crying cock.
He groaned in embarrassment and disgust in himself at the sight of his already soaked boxers, why did his cock have to be so leaky!!
He whimpered at the sight, pulling his boxers down just enough to have his cock hit against himself. He wrapped two fingers around his cock and rolled his eyes back, biting his lip to sustain the sound that wanted to come out. He stroked himself slowly, letting the precum on his tip continue to drip down his thick cock.
He had listened to the audio all over again this time fixating on the part where you'd talked about his suit. He had changed up his suit a couple of times, never really straying away from the original concept he had in highschool, the green was always there to stay, and he always liked the fact his suit was more of a jumpsuit kind of thing, but changing it over the years, he went with a tighter fabric for his new and improved suit, removing the bunny ears at the back, and adding a white cape, replacing his huge bulky gloves with just as thick, smaller and well fitted ones, the white the painted his suit was now black.
He hadn't done much to his suit really.
But you and so many others thought it was the sexiest thing in the world.
He loved that, that you loved his suit, he whimpered in a pitchy octave, eyes crossing as he shut them, breaths becoming uneven as he wraps his whole hand around his aching, dripping, cock. It yearned for release, he needed it, it hurt so bad but felt so good he couldn't stop, he was sooo close!
So so close, and yet.. not close enough to get him there. He abandoned all self respect and hope for 'not rushing things' he needed to come and the only way he could is if he really touched himself.
He ripped off the top of his hero suit before rummaging in his bedside drawer to grab a Fleshlight, it was a lot more advanced than your normal average pussy shaped fleshie, it had handle and so many different modes!!! It vibrated and wiggled and had a squirt thingy that shot lube inside to make his cock slippery, not that he'd need it, his cock is like a water fountain with so much cum to give.
He turned it onto its highest setting before settling his twitching cock, dribbling with precum, inside of it.
He couldn't contain the line of moans that ripped out of him, he wanted to really he did, he wanted to keep quiet for his neighbors but he just couldn't, he felt so fucking good, he'd felt that he'd never been this hot or bothered before especially not because of some measly audio that wasn't in any way remotely sexual, and yet he was so close to cumming because of it. This video. This person. You.
You were so close to making him cum.. he was right there bucking his hips up into the contraption, shaking, whilst his whole body spasmed as he threw his head back, sweat dripping from his tired and spent body, he groaned and moaned so loudly it was so lewd, he was so lewd. He couldn't believe what he was doing, he felt so dirty, but in this very moment, he couldn't care. He was so drunk off of the immense amount of pleasure he was receiving that all he wanted, needed, was to cum.
And when he finally released with a high pitched moan, globs of tears leaving his rolled eyes, there was so much, ropes of his white, hot, thick cum squirting inside of the toy. It was still vibrating against his softening cock, it made him so overstimulated yet he couldn't move, his orgasm was so strong he didn't have the energy to take his cock out. He just sat there, holding onto the toy that continuously vibrated and massaged his limp, thick, crying cock, crying, sniffing, and whimpering.
Hell he'd probably already came again without even knowing it, his orgasms had gone on for a while, he still couldn't move, just blissfully laying against his bed, covered in sweat and tears streaming down his reddened freckled face.
As he regained his composure, the overstimulation was more than enough, he hiccuped, wiping his face from the tears and sweat that covered it, as he turned off the toy and tossed it off of his bed, he was half naked, hot, and hungry.
He groaned as he draped one of his arms over his face, feeling the sweat and tears cover his forearm, as he heard the video that had been playing over and over again on repeat. His eyes shot wide open as he scurried to grab his phone. he looked at the video in disgust. Had he really just gone to a new low, and came to this stupid video of a dumb drunk girl complimenting him??
His post nut clarity was always bad, especially because he did some pretty down bad, disgusting, sinful things. But this? Yeah he deserved to suffer for all eternity.
He groaned placing his phone under his pillow as he buried his face in said pillow, squeezing his eyes shut at how hard he'd came, his cock still filthy and sticky with his thick ooey gooey cum, now dirtying his bed.
AN: he hates himself for how much and how hard he came, he really does.
I'm making a pt 2🤭
434 notes · View notes
tpwk-formula1 · 17 days
Hii!! Could i get a deep dish with red sauce, sausage, mushrooms, chicken and basil on my pizza. For drinks i would like to have a beer and a root beer. And a dessert, please with Lewis Hamilton. Thank uu
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
Deep dish teammates to lovers red sauce rough sex sausage "better not waste a drop" mushrooms "wrong, wanna try again" chicken "awe you thought I'd let you cum that easy" basil "I love watching my cum leak from that pretty pussy" beer edging/ orgasm denial root beer daddy kink dessert yes
Backstory - the reader is Lewis's teammate and her season is going exactly how George's season is going. Set to be in the hotel room right after the Baku GP finished.
TW - rough lewis, fingering, rough blow job, slight squirting, pussy eating, creampie - MINORS DNI
WC 1900+
AN - I'm not gonna lie I am so excited to have gotten my first request! I was working on a demo "request" to try and bring more attention to my request page since it's so new but then I got this notification and instantly jumped ship on the other fic. lol
To this anon thank you for requesting and I hope you love your fic <3
"Lewis, just shut up," I finally snap after having listened to Lewis bitch and complain for the past 30 minutes. I understood that he had been struggling with his car during the race but after trying to enjoy my podium finish after a rough few races I was getting to my breaking point.
"Are you fucking serious with me right now?" Lewis snapped back and I knew exactly where this was going to lead us.
"Yes," I deadpan staring at Lewis dead in the eye.
"Wrong, wanna try that again," Lewis replied back standing up and crossing the room so he was standing in front of me sitting on the edge of the bed.
"No, I want you to shut up, you're a 7-time world champion you can afford to lose a race," I reply back standing up so Lewis was no longer towering over me. What I didn't take into account was how close that would leave us. I was now chest to chest with Lewis making my breath hitch slightly.
"Get on your knees," Lewis's voice boomed out making me jump slightly before slowly bending to get on my knees.
Lewis and I had always had an interesting relationship, to say the least. We were close on track and knew how to help each other out to get the best outcomes for the team but off the track, we would butt heads a lot. We bicker and we fight but somehow it always ends up with me cumming around Lewis's cock.
He had once asked me if I ever got tired of fighting off whatever we had and I simply just shrugged. I had no idea what we had but I knew I loved the back and forth.
Once I'm comfortably situated on my knees I slowly start pulling down the black Mercedes-branded sweats Lewis had thrown on once we got back into my hotel room.
When I get his sweats all the way off I can see just how hard Lewis is under his briefs. My mouth instantly starts watching wanting to get a taste.
"Please daddy," I whisper taking my eyes from his rather large bulge to making eye contact with Lewis hoping to get what I wanted.
"Go ahead, put your slutty mouth to work," Lewis replied back making he pull him briefs down before gripping onto his hard cock. I lick a strip from the base of his cock to the tip making Lewis shudder slightly.
I pull the tip of Lewis's cock into my mouth making sure to completely coat the sensitive gland with my spit before pulling back and blowing on it slightly watching the goose bumps grow across his skin. I could see Lewis was shaking slightly from the shear pleasure of the cool air.
"Don't be a fucking tease with me," Lewis snapped after a second or so of the cool air.
"Yes daddy," I reply back before taking Lewis's cock completely into my mouth and down my throat not stopping until I've completely bottomed out and I'm left gagging slightly around his cock.
I can feel Lewis's start to tremble slightly letting me know he was enjoying it as much asa I was. When I start bobbing my head and massaging his balls Lewis instantly became a lost cause. He was shaking and gripping onto my hair making sure to fuck nice and hard into my face.
I was a gagging mess letting spit and tear to coat a good portion of my face.
"God, you're such a fucking cock whore for this aren't you," Lewis groans when he looks down and catches a glimpse of my tear-streaked face.
"Fuck," Lewis groaned out before he gave one last hard thrust into my mouth before unleashing a massive load filling my mouth full of his cuk.
"Swallow, better not waste a fucking drop," Lewis said while still softly fucking into my face to ride out the rest of his orgasm. I do my best to swallow the best I can while still having my mouth completely stuffed with Lewis's cock. When he finally pulls out I swallow the last remanding bit of cum before opening my mouth and showing Lewis that it was now empty.
"Good girl," Lewis said while pulling his briefs back up and kicking his sweats to somewhere in the room leaving him in just his briefs having discarded his shirt sometime while he was face fucking me.
Lewis helped me stand before she started stripping me down into nothing but my underwear, which by now are completely soaked through making Lewis smirk before training a finger over my folds making me gasp slightly.
"Please, Daddy," I whine not entirely sure what I was asking for. Lewis just pushed me down on the bed before climbing on top of me and pulling me in for a quick makeout session before trailing his kisses down my jaw, to my tits where he pulls one of my hard nipples into his mouth and starts sucking on it. My back instantly starts arching and I'm already moaning loudly.
When Lewis finally makes it to my soaked pussy he rips my sad excuse of a thong right off my body making me whine at another pair of panties gone at the hands of Lewis.
"I'll buy you new ones soon," Lewis whispers against my heated pussy making me whine.
"Hurry up," I whine and wiggle around trying to urge Lewis to make a move.
Lewis finally starts kissing around my thighs and smooth pussy but never getting close to where I need him the most. When he finally licks a strip from my soaked hole to my achy clit I let out on of the loudest gasps yet.
"Oh," I whine when he continues to tease my clit with the softest and lightly kitten licks possible making me legs shake needy more.
"Daddy please," I whine not being able to handle the teasing.
"God, I love when you get needy for me baby," Lewish whispers before pulling my clit in for a long suck making me moan, finally getting what I had been wanting.
"Fuck," I moan through gasps finding myself growing close to an orgasm already. Lewis caught on which had him speeding up his actions and slipping two fingers into my waiting hole where he finger fucked me right to the edge before pulling back and leaving me to shake in the orgasm that was no longer about to happen.
"Lewis, what the fuck," I groan out sitting myself up slightly to see Lewis better. He instantly set a firm slap down on my pussy for using the wrong name not even having to tell me why I was getting a small punishment.
"Awe, you thought I was gonna let you cum that easy," Lewis said with a smirk before slipping his fingers back into my pussy and pulling my clit back into his mouth giving it a slight nip with his teeth before soothing the slight pain by sucking on my clit again.
"Daddy I'm gonna cum," I moan shortly after Lewis started finger fucking me roughly again. When Lewis pulled back again I wasn't shocked this time but I was just as frustrated.
"Please," I beg not being able to take much more.
"What do you want?" Lewis asks me. "Fuck me please," is all I reply back before Lewis is pulling himself back up to hoover over me and place a few kisses on my lips letting me taste my pussy that was smeared all over his lips.
I feel Lewis shove his cock into me giving me no time to adjust to his brutal pace. I loved when Lewis got like this, it always had me cumming within minutes and gave me the perfect type of soreness to feel for the days following.
Once Lewis got into a comfortable pace he reached his hand between us and started rubbing small but rough circles on my clit knowing it would have me cumming within moments.
"Please Daddy," I beg needing to cum already.
"Cum all over my cock now," Lewis demands making me whine and clench my pussy before cumming all over Lewis's cock.
"Daddy," I scream softly while still being fucked my Lewis making sure I was riding out my orgasm but working on throwing me over the edge again but this time he when he came with me.
"So, good," I whisper trying to catch my breath from the intense pleasure I had just expierenced while also feeling the effects of the overstimulation.
"Daddy, it-s too mu-ch," I stutter over my words through moans trying to push Lewis away slightly.
"You can take it," Lewis told me before slowing his pace ust slightly but still making sure the thrusts were rough and I could feel him hitting my cervix.
When I finally caught my breath Lewis picked up his pace again bringing me towards the edge again. Now Lewis and I were both standing on the edge together waiting to fall over.
"Daddy, please," I moan.
"Cum with me," Lewis finally groans out after having helped us on the edge long enough. I instantly start shaking and twitching all over Lewis's cock cumming hard than I had the first time even quirting just slightly soaking Lewis's skin slightly. My orgasm through Lewis over the edge filling my cunt up with his cum. He continued thrusting in me slightly making sure to ride both of our orgasms out before he slowly slips out of me not wanting to cause me any discomfort.
"I love watching my cum leak from that pretty pussy," Lewis whispers softly while he continues to stare at my pussy that is leaking his cum all over the hotel bed sheets.
Once Lewis caught his breath he stood up before picking me up softly and bringing me into the bathroom that was connected to the room. He softly sets me on the bathroom counter making me gasp at how cool it was on my heat skin.
"Sorry, just give me a minute," Lewis whispers at my discomfort and kisses my lips softly before turning around and drawing a bath for us. This was something we always did when we got like this. If we happened to be in a room that didn't have a bath we would take a shower together.
When the tub was half full at the perfect temp for both Lewis and I he picked me back up before placing us both into the bath together.
Lewis had his back pressed against the side of the tub while sat in his lap facing him.
"You know I care about you a lot more than I would like to admit," I tell him softly while trailing my thumb across his cheek.
"I care about you a lot too," Lewis replied softly taking his hand out of the water and softly pushing my head down to rest on his chest, slightly falling asleep listening to his heartbeat.
I wake up to feel Lewis standing up with me still in his arms making me whine at sleep being disturbed.
"Let's get to bed pretty girl," Lewis says softly before doing his best to wrap a towel around us and making his way back into the hotel room.
Once he dries both of us off he pulls back the cum soaked comforter and gets us a clean blanket from the small couch before climbing into bed with me and pulling me to his chest.
"I'm sorry if my complaining tainted your podium. I'm really proud of you," Lewis said softly making me smile against his chest.
"It's okay, I know I probably wasn't the best after Silverstone," I replied back before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
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huellitaa · 7 months
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girl's guide to academic success: ep 1! ⊹˚. ♡
──★ ˙ ̟🎀 this post focuses on: actively rooting for success! ♡ part 2 -> ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 1. organisation
first off, have something to organise ur academic life with! i personally use notion (which i'll add later) but u can use anything as long as it's cute, convenient, unique and accessible to you, your life and your schedule specifically. especially as a visual learner, i like to have somewhere i can dump literally everything regarding a singular area in my life, so i do this for almost everything along with school and i highly recommend this <3
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 2. recognition of talents & improvements
analyse your strengths and weaknesses. think back on tests, exams, marks, and analyse which ones you got highest and lowest on. dont beat urself up for it, obviously; it's just to check which subjects you're doing good in and which ones have room for improvement. for example i love science but im not the best at it sometimes and we had an assessment recently and i didn't get as high as i'd like so i wrote down a little list on a piece of paper in my pencilcase for the topics i got the least in for me to study on my own to practise later.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 3. laying out goals
set down specific goals; i like to do this week by week accustomed to my schedule that week in my school notion page along with images and vision boards based on the term/semester, but you can do it for the week, the month, the year, anything as long as its helpful to you
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 4. productive planning
plan accordingly based on ur time energy. when creating any to do list or productivity plan dont pile a ridiculous amount onto it that just leaves you stressed and overwhelmed because that defeats the entire point; this works the same for academic plans and goals and lists etc.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 5. extra credit
put extra work in to the subjects you know will help you in the future. for example, for my personal aspirations i need to excel in english, history and textiles so i always try my absolute hardest and put my all into those lessons and do extra studying for them in my free time where i can. school is to prepare you for the future so take advantage of that
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 6. asking questions
please don't be shy to ask questions! that's what teachers are there for and you won't have them forever so take advantage of it while you can! you can even do it in that little window of time just after class if ur too nervous to ask in class. for example, on my last english exam i went to my teacher after class and asked about what i needed to improve on to get the marks i missed next time, and he told me i added too much detail and some other things so i wrote it down and am keeping a note of it to remind me to improve on that next time! (i got top of my class though so i didnt mind. still kind of pissed i added too much detail though)
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 7. participation
participate! ok im saying this as someone who still struggles with social anxiety a fair amount but if u wanna get higher marks and get on good terms w ur teacher i 100% recommend this. i don't do this in every class but i do it where i can and when i'm confident in my answer, and it's really intimidating at first but what i did is i did it first in the classes i felt most comfortable on and continued from there. it gets easier every time i swear, and nobody's judging you; they'll forget about it after five minutes. plus, what would they be judging you for? being smarter than them?
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ 8. prioritising ur health
this is mentioned a lot in these types of posts but if you're tired or burnt out or overworked or just feel like you need to take a break then do. do the best you can and compromise like i said earlier if you need to, just make sure u are prioritising yourself over anything. <3
──★ ˙ ̟🎀inspo
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──★ ˙ ̟🎀my notion
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i also really recommend this layout by @honeytonedhottie ♡
all my love 🩷✨💬🎀💗
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siscon-stsg · 5 months
Can we get Toji’s daughter pleasing him after a stressful job 💗
(CW: incest, name-calling (slut, whore, bitch, brat, etc), toji calls reader 'princess' a few times, toji-levels of bad parenting, daddy kink ofc, chokehold, rough sex, cockdrunk reader, titty slapping, teasing, a weird mix of degradation and praise i think, begging, toji cums on reader's chest and face, toji makes one joke about prostituting reader)
i'll let you guys know i am physically unable to thirst for toji because my daddy issues are just like tHAT, but i did my best for y'all guys, if this ain't a proof of how much i love you idk what is. ~BLOSSOM
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TOJI is not an exemplary dad, though that is something you already knew. it was almost fun how little effort he put into hiding it, even laughing sometimes that you'd expect him to be better. him.
“brat, i'm home,” you heard him grumble from the main door before he slammed it shut. you barely acknowledged with a hum from the comfort of your own cramped bedroom, such as was usual between you two; never the type to interact much. TOJI hadn't been home for well over a week, barely letting you know through a phone call that the job he'd taken proved to be more difficult than it seemed.
for a few long minutes, TOJI was but a ghost in the apartment, the one sound indicating he was even there being the water running form inside the bathroom. and as you made your way to the kitchen, looking for something to drink, he coincidentally walked into the adjacent living room, leaving the bathroom in a puff of steam.
water droplets ran, still warm, down the outline of each muscle and vein and scar; stopped only by the towel that hung suspiciously low around his hip. black hair was damp, carrying with it the scent of that cheap shampoo he'd get on a discount pack.
maybe you focused a bit too long on the other hairs tho, the ones trailing down his belly to his crotch. maybe.
“your brother?” TOJI asked, in a tired mumble, as he plopped down on the couch with a sigh; head tilted back, manspreading even when he didn't have boxers on. you averted your eyes from the hot embarrassing sight your father made, taking a sip from your glass of tap water, throat feeling oddly constricted all of a sudden.
“out. didn't say where,” you answered, honestly. you and your younger brother megumi hadn't been in the best terms since he turned into a teen. knowing TOJI would be home any minute, tho, megumi usually disappeared.
the knowledge that you two were home alone didn't sit right in your belly. though at this point, it was hard to discern whether you loathed these moments with TOJI, or looked forward to them.
thing were never very normal between you anyway.
the non-committal, husky hum your dad made only proved he, and you, were on the same wavelength after all. it didn't require much more than a simple “c'mere” from him to feel your legs, though jiggling like jelly, take you across the kitchen to the living room, to couch, and then to him.
TOJI's hands were always so big, rough and heavy, even when he wasn't applying any force. he squeezed them just right on each of your hips, pulling you down until you took your usual place on your daddy's lap.
“'m tired,” he grumbled, hands absent-mindedly rubbing your thighs, following the curve they made up to your ass. he pushed your body closer, digging his fingers just enough on the squishy flesh to make your breath hitch. “and i won't see m'payment 'til a few more days, cuz the shitty client's mad the job took more days than we agreed on. so,”
without warning, one of his hands tangled in the roots of your head, gently tugging until your mouth slanted over his. his kisses were sloppy, filthy, even when they had no tongue.
“y're gonna help daddy out”
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“who y'runnin' away from, lil' girl?”
TOJI's voice was a husky, breathy mess. a deep growl compared to your high-pitched moans and squeaks; and nothing on the filthy, wet slap of his thighs on yours.
he was spooning you from behind on the couch, both fully naked. but when you tried to run away, TOJI snuck an arm under you and curled it around your neck; thick bicep bulging, chin slotted right in the crook of his elbow. the wheezing sound you let out got a chuckle out of him.
“such a bitch, runnin' from my cock. after i work my ass off f'you and your stupid brother”. TOJI spoke right into your ear, relishing each shiver and whimper he got out of you. it was either the bass his voice doing it, or the slap of his balls against your clit, or his toned muscles practically molded against your smaller frame.
“s-... so-...!” your brain was broken beyond the point of coherency, but still you felt like he expected a response. “AH!” only that this particular one earned your tit a slap and a nasty squeeze.
“don' say sorry, you slut, jus' take my fucking cock. yeahhh, like th'tt”. TOJI growled, momentarily slowing down just to bully his thickness slowly, from fat tip to even fatter hilt, inch by punishing inch. his pubes were a sticky mess of your pussy juices that so unapologetically dribbled down the couch. “pussy's so wet 'n tight, might start t' think you were waitin' f'me to do this”.
TOJI slipped out of you with a nasty squelch, manhandling you onto your back and dragging you like a rag doll to kneel between your open thighs. his fat cock rubbed fast and slick against your drooling slit, your chest heaving each time it caught on your pretty clit.
“yeah, princess?” he hissed, teasing your hole only with the head, then he pulled back and kept rubbing at your sloppy cunny. “what' d's my girl want?”
you could barely even think. when TOJI was inside it felt like you'd never get used to his sheer girth and all, but... now you didn't have him and it just felt like your body was missing something; empty.
whining at this, pathetic and through tears, your hips bucked into his. your daddy answered so nicely by pinching your clit until you cried out.
“use y'r words, slut. or 's your brain fucked out already?”
TOJI hovered over you, trapping your body oh so right under his mass and height. the tenderness in which he sought your lips and tongue only made your fuzzy brain even more dizzy.
“yeah... thatta girl,” he purred when your legs lifted and wrapped around his hips. hissing as his tip caught your hole once again, this time your daddy didn't pull back: instead he grabbed your chin, grazing your bottom lip with his thumb as he said: “now speak”.
“y-your cock, please”. your squeaked plea made him chuckle. “please, need it s'bad!”
“hmm, can' wait?” TOJI murmured; hissing as he slowly, slowly sank back to the hilt. “such a whore for y'r daddy's cock...”
he barely gave you a breath to adjust before resuming his previous pounding. it got you screaming, nails digging into his back and heels into his hips as your daddy battered your cervix to tears.
each thrust made it more and more difficult to breath, you were even surprised the old couch managed to keep up with TOJI FUSHIGURO slamming into your pussy like he hated it. your belly felt more and more tight and stiff, thighs caught in between being tense to break and jittery.
“dad-! daddy!” you wailed between choked gasps. he groaned into your neck, calloused hands bruising your skin from how hard he was gripping onto your hips.
“cum f'me. c'mon, bitch, cum on this cock!”
two or three thrusts more, and your body snapped. all the moans you'd been choking on came out in a pathetic, sobbing, loud whine, body trashing from the sheer strength of your orgasm that made you forget about the neighbors. your eyes rolled back and you floated painfully on cloud nine, for long enough that it made you question if you dreamed the whole thing.
but no, because your pussy squeezed so hard it tore an actual moan out of TOJI and you heard it. he pulled out in a frenzy, kneeling over your chest as his thick fist blurred in vicious strokes and
“shit!” your daddy came. over your chest, some of your face; specially when he nudged your red cheek with the dripping tip, slowing down more and more with each stroke as he throbbed through his orgasm.
TOJI savored it, licking his lips and brushing the hair out of his handsome face: the sight of his pretty daughter with cum, his cum all over her skin, was a sight he'd pay to engrave behind his eyelids.
“fuck... you're good at this,” he panted, grinning down at your fucked out face. “how much would they pay for a pussy like yo-? ow! don't hit me, you fucking brat!”
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dead-boys-club · 2 months
†  kisses : shigaraki.
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❥ scenario: kissing tomura. ❥ no triggers; not rated. ❥ i don't have any beta readers - you get what you get. ❥ requested! it is a whole mess.
✧*̥˚ some stuff *̥˚✧
tomura comes off as a rather aloof person; someone with many walls and deep rooted trust issues. so, if you're kissing me, we can already assume your relationship to him is one build over a good amount of time. it would be a very, very intensely personal experience for him. he's not used to physical touch by any means, so it would put him in an almost awkward mindset. he probably wouldn't fully know how to process being so.. ( god, i use this word a lot, i'm sorry ) vulnerable and close.
kissing him would be soft and slow. he would be hesitant, like you were something fragile, also trying not to fuck something up. he's navigating something new, so it would take time for him to get the hang of it. and, it would make him smile - which is a feat all in it's own. he would show you this small, gentle smile; a genuine expression of warmth and adoration that's incredibly rare.
i can't even put into words how soft this man would be over kisses. and, he's not going to be picky once he gets the hang of it. he would really, really enjoy:
moth kisses
forehead kisses
jaw kisses
slow make out sessions
in the beginning, he would ( idk, is this surprising? ) not be in control of shit. he would actually hand the reigns over to you and enjoy the ride.
the thing is, he's a really good kisser???? because any time he kisses you, he's kissing you like it's the very last time. he's got a hand on the back of your neck, fingers settled against when your hair stops, just.. drowning in the intimacy of the moment. his other hand gripping onto your shirt at your side - he'd have hell letting go.
he's obsessed. and, honestly, unless he's in a foul mood, it's the best way to distract or help him feel better. though, i should add, i feel as though he'd become just a tad bit clingy towards you once you made it to this level of intimacy.
if i keep going, i'm going to go down a rabbit hole of trapping him on the couch and kissing him til neither of you can breathe, SO - i'm going to slide down into a scenario.
✧*̥˚ tiny things *̥˚✧
❥ moth kisses: ( so, do you remember the last time we actually saw him play a game? no? me either but- ) moth kisses are mostly to attempt to annoy him, which.. may only actually work once or twice. the type of kisses you give when interrupting him. when you just cup his face and kiss all over, quickly, not giving him a chance to do anything about it.
❥ forehead kisses: god, please, give him forehead kisses. he really appreciates them in the morning or before bed, the way you brush his hair aside and linger for a moment. i feel like this is a gesture that really makes him understand that you're there for a reason. and you're genuine.
❥ jaw kisses: when he's working on things, you generally know better than to fuck with him too much. so, as you're tucked up beside him, that's when you nose and press little kisses to his jaw. you try not to jostle him too much.
❥ temple kisses +: this is more of something he does for you. because it starts as temple kisses, his eyes closed as he layers kisses over the spot for a few seconds. he'll slowly move down until he's nosing at the spot behind your earlobe, either humming or whispering little things. very much a private moment that no one else sees.
❥ the aforementioned slow make outs: usually when this happens, he's either tired or it started because he was in a shit mood. he likes how it starts as just small kisses and then turns into closing his eyes, lungs clenching, need building but it's still going so slowly, it's nearly killing him.
❥ the one time you almost died: because it was in the middle of a fight. it wasn't your fault that when you caught his gaze, you both seemed to stop. however, when you plant an unexpected kiss on his lips before disappearing into the fray once more, he's briefly distracted and a little agitated. you were being reckless but fuck if he didn't continue on with wanting more of you.
✧*̥˚ first kiss *̥˚✧
that was somewhat normal but he seemed even further gone than usual. his responsibilities and the pressure on his shoulders, it was starting to wear on him and you could see it. the way he sank into the arm chair, picking at the hem and staring off into space. it wasn't something you enjoyed seeing.
you shift from your spot by the doorway, approaching to settle on the armrest of his chair, lifting his hand into your hold. a few minutes past in silence, neither of you feeling the need to say anything. you could see some sense of helplessness behind his eyes, making you frown and squeeze his hand. he didn't pull away despite how he flinched, fingers curling into the touch.
'tomura..' you said softly, not really know what could be said in the moment, considering he'd never done too well with encouraging talk. 'i'm here, you know?'
it took him a second before his head turned, guarded expression briefly flickering to give way to something softer. he didn't say anything, gratitude seen in his gaze. it wasn't hard to identify the conflict going on behind his eyes, something you knew you couldn't do much to fix or aid in. the most you could do was attempt to distract.
you didn't think about it too much, or at all, when you began to lean closer, the distance between you shrinking quicker than your mind could keep up. you were really leaning far too close into the personal space of one of the most dangerous men you knew and couldn't really stop. your heart felt like it was in your throat the moment your lips pressed against his own. the kiss was tender and hesitant, lasting only for a moment.
when you pulled back, you weren't sure how to act. his eyes were slightly wide with bewilderment, frozen and free hand anchoring him to reality with it's grip to the armchair. 'why...?' he began, barely above a whisper, not trusting his voice. you could hear the confusion, clear as day, but beneath it - there was something else. the smallest note of longing.
his voice completely erased the mild panic that had grown and you just smiled, light and careful. 'because you matter to me? because i adore you. and, i want to be there for you.. in any way that i can be.'
you weren't expecting to make a confession and he surely wasn't expecting to receive one. thankfully, he didn't respond to that. 'thank you,' was all he managed to get out, taking in the words and warmth that spread through him at the kiss.
the room fell quiet once more, though the atmosphere shifted into something new. there was a newfound understanding created from the simple, yet profound, moment of intimacy.
and, it would only grow from that moment on.
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