keratonin · 4 months
i just finished reading one last stop and 😭 help i'm mOURNFUL about the fact that i'm done reading it and will never read it for the first time ever again
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bluedalahorse · 2 months
August for the character breakdown game!
Or if someone else already named him, how about [one secondary character of your choice] from YR?
August you asked for, and August you shall receive! I was hoping someone would ask me about him, and I’m really glad you did.
How I feel about this character: Good lord. The absolute perfect storm of what this character did to my psyche. I am not going to lie that I spent a lot of first season (and significant parts of second and third) screaming at him. And sometimes he makes me really mad at him even now! At the same time, he’s well-written and well-acted and terribly interesting, and I have wanted him to be able to figure stuff out and fix his life from the moment I learned that his father died by suicide and he’s dealing with traumatic grief. I have wanted to climb through the TV screen and pluck him out of an environment like Hillerska. August is such a fascinating example of the way the system fails even those it’s supposed to protect. I just want to break him out of the system, and write him into new situations. In conclusion, what a tragic blorbo I seem to have acquired. (Totally valid if he isn’t other people’s but I see why he’s mine.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character: First and foremost, Sara. I have a weakness for them as two weirdos who see a similar sort of loneliness and want in one another, who get drawn together even though there are plenty of reasons that that’s a bad idea. There are so many stories that can be written about them still. I think Sara breaking up with August was where their relationship needed to be at the end of season three, but I’m not ruling out futures-with-growth-and-therapy or alternate universes. They have the potential to be just as epic as any other pairing on the show! Outside of Sara… well, in my Nils post I talked about how much I ship August/Nils, and how there’s so much there that is currently untapped by fandom. And then Simon/August and Alexander/August are ideas that intrigue me, even though those are more in the realm of deliberate disaster fics.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I came out of season 3 really enjoying the terrible preppy boy friendship trio so August and Nils and Vincent’s friendship dynamic fascinates me. As someone who went to an odd little college with a lot of traditions, I could relate to it a lot. The people who’ve been in close quarters with you, who you’ve had fun with, but who you’ve also been jealous of and you’re constantly on one another’s nerves… man. I really felt seen by that kind of complexity! I also have to admit I have a soft spot for August and Wille’s relationship, since Malte and Edvin have a lot of chemistry together, and because it seems like August and Wille’s healing is so interdependent. I could talk about that for ages, really.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I cannot even pick one to share because I’m fairly sure most of my opinions about August are unpopular. Liking August itself, in a way a fan does where you want to write fanfic focused on him or ship him with other characters or envision a more healed future for him—even if you repeatedly write multiple paragraph disclaimers about the harm that he did—kind of feels unpopular. And I wish it was a little less unpopular. And maybe my unpopular opinion is that the unpopularity of this opinion (August is indeed worthy of our fannishness) is not wholly by accident. I have no beef with the portion of fandom that just doesn’t particularly like him and doesn’t care to explore him in fanworks. Sometimes you don’t like the dark-haired Byronic asshole and that’s a valid personal preference! And for some people, engaging with August as a character isn’t something they can do with full emotional safety, and I would never want people to have to engage with him if that’s the case for them. He does do legitimate harm. At the same time, there is also a second current in fandom that is actively hostile to fans engaging with August in a fannish way, that uses language in a way that reduces him to his absolute worst deeds and does bad faith readings of any post that dares to explore him beyond the harm he does. I’ve heard stories of sargust edits on TikTok getting endless hate comments, and talked to writers who’ve wanted to write August-centric fic but figured it wouldn’t be worth not getting many hits. I’ve watched an adorable video where Edvin and Malte get interviewed together, only to see that the comments section was full of fans demanding Omar be in the video and not Malte. And I’m just thinking… why are people tearing stuff like this down? Why get angry about there being the bare minimum of nuanced August content out there? It’s not erasing any of the tens of thousands of Wilmon fics and edits. It’s not giving August more screentime in the show or having him take over as main character because the show is already finished. The way that Sara (and by extension Frida) gets caught in the crossfire is doubly upsetting. The lack of August and sargust and nilgust fanworks may be partially due to lack of interest on the part of some fans, but I can’t ignore that active hostility on the part of other fans has also played a role in who sticks around fandom and what they create. And that makes me terribly terribly sad. Because I look at other fandoms and it looks like they have more room for nuanced approaches. Like Interview with the Vampire fandom is having so much fun with Devil’s Minion and I don’t think we have anything like that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish August and Simon had more of a chance to interact in season 3 without Wille there. I’ve talked before about how Wille and Simon have fundamentally different issues with August, and that they aren’t actually as united against him as Wille seems to think when he gets all hypermasculine and protective. I don’t actually think Simon and August could have resolved all their issues in one season, and they might not be able to period. But they might benefit from some kind of restorative conversations, even if those end in a place of non-closure. And there’s a lot that’s similar in their experiences that they don’t even know about. The worst thing is, it feels like the show is aware of this, and maybe had some moments in mind, but then cut them. Like why have that scene in 2.3 where August tells Vincent to shut up when Vincent’s being awful to Simon? Why have Simon be the one who names August’s eating disorder? I feel like they were meant to have more, and maybe it got cut because it didn’t involve Wilhelm. And honestly that makes me so sad, too.
This got horrendously long-winded and I apologize. But hopefully my answers were worth reading!
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queerxqueen · 2 months
I just went to check on your Dustin book and it's coming out in October??? You've already written it right?? So why is it coming out so much later?? This isn't really a book question just a publishing question but I've always wondered that
Haha, this is hilarious to me but I also know this is not something people tend to know about publishing! But publishing as an industry is SO! GLACIALLY! SLOW! Like, ridiculously slow. Notoriously, painfully, SLOW!
For context, most ORIGINAL books that sell to a publisher aren't released until 1-2+ YEARS after the publisher acquires it. This is because there are a LOT of steps and a lot of different hands involved in the process, all of which need dedicated time to do their part. Yes, the author has to write the book, and edit it, with multiple rounds of edits usually from the big plot arc stuff to the small copy-edits for typos and punctuation. Then the book goes into production: not just cover design, but interior design, the actual layout of the actual text and pages. Then it goes through MORE small edit passes for errors. Then it goes to marketing and publicity who have to do all sorts of shit behind the curtain to pull switches and make moves and get the book out there. Not to mention, the actual physical printing of a large quantity of books. It's a long, long process, and for original works or unestablished authors, that 1-2 years is essential build-up time to launch a book successfully.
So in comparison to original works, IP (intellectual property) projects like the Stranger Things books are SO speedy. IP projects can take a lot of shortcuts to "crash" the book (i.e. publish it super fast) because they have built-in audiences that means they require less publicity and marketing support, theoretically. So the months remaining are really focused on the actual production--the book's design, printing, etc to transform the word document I sent into a real, finished, sellable product.
So yeah, the book is totally done from my perspective as the author, but there are lots of things behind the scenes with the publishers that need to happen before October.
For a last bit of context, my original novel sold in December 2022, and won't be released until August 2025, more than 2.5 years later. Meanwhile, the Dustin book was written in Feb/March 2024 and will be released only months later. In publishing terms, that's ridiculously fast, even if it doesn't seem like that to a reader.
I hope that answers your question! But publishing tends to be quite opaque so I'm always happy to answer publishing/industry related questions like this.
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fourgods-nobrakes · 9 months
2023 in review
Or, one fic from each month that I feel pretty good about. Most of these are smut, pls read the tags in each case, etc.
January: for my own gain i pray, Erebus seducing Lorgar and accidentally really getting into it. I will never stop using 16 Horsepower lyrics for Word Bearer fic.
February: First (Do No Harm), the one where Talos acquires Elver when Curze discards him. A story about how after that much torture, just plain impersonal use feels like a huge relief.
March: Burn the House Right Down, Sevatar/Rushal missionfic and Sev heartmarking at his violent Raven. There were a lot of things I liked in March, this one was hard to pick.
April: To Carry What We Hold, Perturabo/Fulgrim slight canon divergence during Angel Exterminatus, with oviposition. This ship is such fertile (heh) ground and every time I write them I get to explore something different.
May: the only hope for me, actually not smut, Khârn prevents Argel Tal's death (and I threw in another canon divergence just for fun). May was a slow month but good stuff I think.
June: Rationally, Cautiously, and with Restraint, combo breaker, Marek Grimaldus and Andrej Valatok versus daemon sex pollen. Andrej's voice was so much fun.
July: Commit and Advance, Fulgrim/Perturabo again only this time significantly pre-Heresy, a sweet getting-together AU. Connecting regarding art and the pursuit of perfection <3
August: Trinkets for the Tallyman, Nurgling adventure gen set on the Solace, the Lords of Silence ship. I love nurglings.
September: Every Fire and Every Thrill, Fulgrim/Horus in the early chapters of Vengeful Spirit, me having a lot of feelings about them having a lot of feelings, and also snake porn.
October: burn like a healing hand, Abaddon/Amurael for launchtheship on DW. I wanted there to be about 200% more story to this but here we are. That's the story of so many fics. At least this got to be about Cthonia and savage warband honor and how dreamy Abaddon is.
November: lay my hands on heaven, Burias-Drak'shal/Daemonette, absolutely self-indulgent PWP, the most completely self-indulgent thing I wrote all year: getting one of my favorite murderpuppies laid by a cute little monster.
December: From Faith Cometh Honor, the incident mentioned in Gate of Bones where Kar-Gatharr pulled a gravely wounded Torvann Lokk from a ruined tank on Isstvan V. The stoic and determined character getting help from someone who loves them is such catnip for me.
You know? Overall, not a bad year, when I look it over now. Expect more things I personally find iddy in 2024.
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kiminthehall · 4 months
🌻 How did you discover your system / plurality? (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
🌙 How does your system handle dreams? Do you share dreams, or are they specific to one member? Do any members show up in dreams?
🎀 Does your system share everything in the outer world / meatspace? Does anyone have any objects / items that are solely theirs?
Ooh my first ever Tumblr Ask thank you so much!!
🌻 So we had been hearing (pleasant and friendly) voices in our head forever, and inner monologue was always an inner dialogue between two or more Headmates. Someone on Bluesky actually very helpfully walked us through the steps of discovery and we took to Plurality like fish to water.
🌙 Dreams in System are interesting. We often rarely show up in them. Often there seems to be an entire extended cast of people who only show up to be dreamt about! We're making some strides to try to contact them during the day but so far nothing's borne fruit. When we do show up in dreams though it's often multiple of us in various combinations. One recurring dream has the 5 of us as crew on a Submarine under the Ocean and we have to try to reach the surface before it's too late. Often we succeed but one time we accidentally fell through the Earth.
🎀 We share most stuff but mostly it's because of lack of time to have acquired independent objects. We've only rediscovered our Systemhood after a good 20 years or so back in Late August of last year. Eventually we're going to have whole separate wardrobes and things like my Goth Attire. But, for the most part we'll probably just share out of practicality. We don't need 5 phones for example and we only eat enough for 1 body
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
Didn't Wanna Feel Old in 2023? Sucks to be You!
Happy 2023 everybody! It's a new year meaning I've got new goals to meet. Goals like finally publishing something, setting up commissions so people can pay me to do what I love, cross-posting between my account here and on deviantART, summoning more kaijus just so they can play elaborate games of poker, y'know, all that good stuff. It also means the return of my 'list of things that have reached a milestone anniversary' list. However, it seems like I've been doing this for so long that these lists have in fact reached their own milestone. From what I could tell, this is the fifth year of my doing this, at least on deviantART. If that doesn't make you feel right from the gate, I present the following:
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If I don't mention this my buddy Volts48 won't let me rest; the highly influential sci-fi movie Metropolis turns 100 years old this year, meaning it is now in the public domain. I plan to take full advantage of this fact later, but for now I have the rest of this list to get to...
Anything from 1973 turns 50 years old this year. This includes...
Schoolhouse Rock! (Jan 6th)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (June 13th)
Robin Hood (yes, the version with the fox) (Nov 18th)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Magic Kingdom) (December 15th)
Charlotte's Web (the animated movie, not the book) (March 1st)
Godzilla vs Megalon (March 17th)
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (April 5th)
Soylent Green (May 9th)
The Exorcist (December 26th)
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (November 20th)
The Young and the Restless (March 26th)
Star Trek: The Animated Series (Sept 8th)
Super Friends (Sept 8th)
Asteroid (Space Race) (July 16th)
The Night Gwen Stacy Died (MARVEL) (June - July 1973)
'We’re an American Band' by Grand Funk Railroad
'Free Bird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album (Oct 5th)
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Anything from 1978 turns 45 years old this year. This includes...
Alien (May 25th)
The Cat from Outer Space (June 9th)
The Star Wars Holiday Special (Nov 17th)
The Small One (Dec 16th)
Jaws 2 (June 16th)
Grease (July 8th)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (July 13th)
Animal House (July 28th)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Oct 8th)
Halloween (Oct 25th)
Watership Down (Nov 1st)
The Lord of the Rings (animated version) (Nov 15th)
Superman: The Movie (Dec 15th)
Lupin the Third: The Secret of Mamo (Dec 16th)
Fantasy Island (Jan 14th)
The Incredible Hulk (TV series) (March 10th)
The Amazing Spider-Man (TV series) (April 15th)
Hanna Barbera's Godzilla (Sept 9th)
Yogi's Space Race (Sept 9th)
Taxi (Sept 12th)
WKRP in Cincinnati (Sept 18th)
Space Invaders (April 1st)
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Anything from 1983 turns 40 years old this year. This includes...
Mickey Mouse Splashdance
Journey into Imagination (EPCOT) (March 5th)
Winnie the Pooh and A Day for Eeyore (March 26th)
Tokyo Disneyland (April 15th)
They Disney Channel (Rest in Peace) (April 18th)
Welcome to Pooh Corner (April 18th)
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (May 25th)
Pinocchio's Daring Journey (Disneyland) (May 25th)
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Atari 2600) (Aug 5th)
Horizons (EPCOT) (Oct 1st)
Mickey's Christmas Carol (Dec 16th)
The first annual Walt Disney World Christmas Day parade (Dec 25th)
Superman III (June 17th)
Jaws 3-D (July 22nd)
National Lampoon's Vacation (July 29th)
Risky Business (Aug 5th)
Cujo (August 12th)
A Christmas Story (Nov 18th)
Scarface (Dec 9th)
Fraggle Rock (Jan 10th)
A-Team (Jan 23rd)
Reading Rainbow (July 11th)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Sept 5th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (Sept 17th)
Cheers (Sept 30th)
The Video Game Crash of 1983
Mirage Studios (Sept 30th)
DC acquires Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and The Question
'Let's Dance' by David Bowie
'Mr. Roboto' by Styx
The My Little Pony franchises as a whole
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Anything from 1988 turns 35 years old this year. This includes...
Good Morning Vietnam (Jan 15th)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Jan 17th)
IllumiNations (EPCOT) (Jan 20th)
Totally Minnie (Feb 25th)
Willow (May 20th)
Big (June 3rd)
Norway (EPCOT) (June 3rd)
Mickey's Birthdayland (Magic Kingdom) (June 18th)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (June 21st)
Die Hard (July 22nd)
Language Arts Through Imagination starring Figment (he's a dragon) (Sept 8th)
Oliver and Company (Nov 18th)
Tin Toy (Dec 30th)
Beetlejuice (March 30th)
Return of the Killer Tomatoes (April 22nd)
Rambo III (May 25h)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (May 27th)
My Neighbor Totoro (July 13th)
Mac & Me (Aug 12th)
Scooby-Doo! and the Reluctant Werewolf (Sept 14th)
Akira (Oct 19th)
They Live (Nov 14th)
The Land Before Time (Nov 18th)
Scrooged (Nov 23rd)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Nov 29th)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (Dec 2nd)
Twins (Dec 9th)
Count Duckula (Feb 6th)
Denver, the Last Dinosaur (April 1st)
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (Sept 10th)
Alf Tales (Sept 10th)
Garfield and Friends (Sept 17th)
A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Nightmares (Oct 8th)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Nov 24th)
Final Fantasy II (Dec 17th)
Mega Man 2 (Dec 24th)
Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3
Nintendo Power
The Killing Joke by Alan Moore
Batman: A Death in the Family (this was not Batman's year)
'Don't Worry Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin
'It Takes Two by Rob Base' and DJ EZ Rock
'Parents Just Don't Understand' by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff
'Nothin' But a Good Time' by Poison
'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour
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Anything from 1993 turns 30 years old this year. This includes...
Homeward Bound: An Incredible Journey (Feb 3rd)
Roger Rabbit in Trail Mix-Up (March 12th)
The Sandlot (April 7th)
Super Mario Bros, the unfortunate film (May 28th)
Hocus Pocus (July 16th)
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (July 28th)
Bill Nye the Science Guy (Sept 10th)
Boy Meets World (Sept 24th)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Oct 29th)
Mrs. Doubtfire (Nov 2nd)
Disney's Sing-A-Long Songs: The 12 Days of Christmas (Dec 1993)
Tombstone (Dec 25th)
Groundhog Day (Feb 12th)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (March 19th)
Jurassic Park (June 11th)
Last Action Hero (June 13th)
Free Willy (July 16th)
Coneheads (July 23rd)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (Aug 13th)
The Thief and the Cobbler (Aug 25th)
Demolition Man (Oct 8th)
Addams Family Values (Nov 19th)
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (Nov 24th)
Schindler's List (Dec 15th)
Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers (Dec 17th)
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (Dec 25th)
Beavis and Butt-Head (March 8th)
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (Aug 27th)
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Aug 28th)
Late Show with David Letterman (Aug 30th)
The X-Files (Sept 10th)
Legends of the Hidden Temple (Sept 11th)
Animaniacs (Sept 13th)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (Sep 13th)
Fraiser (Sept 16th)
Rocko's Modern Life (Sept 18th)
The Atari Jaguar
Sam and Max: Hit the Road
Batman: Knightfall by Alan Grant
'I'll Do Anything For Love' by Meatloaf
'Shoop' by Salt-n-Peppa (Deadpool's favorite!)
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Anything from 1998 turns 25 years old this year. This includes...
Movie Surfers (Jan 1st)
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World (Feb 17th)
PB&J Otter (March 15th)
The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) (April 5th)
Toon Disney (April 18th)
Disney's Animal Kingdom (April 22nd)
Mulan (July 22nd)
The Parent Trap (remake) (July 29th)
Hercules: The Series (Aug 31st)
Out of the Box (Oct 7th)
Halloweentown (Oct 17th)
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (Oct 27th)
Rollie Pollie Ollie (Nov 6th)
A Bug's Life (Nov 24th)
Mighty Joe Young (Dec 25th)
Elmopalooza (Feb 20th)
The Big Lebowski (March 16th)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (May 19th)
The unfortunate American Godzilla film (May 20th) and it's surprisingly good TV follow up (Sept 12th)
The Truman Show (June 5th)
Saving Private Ryan (July 24th)
Blade (Aug 19th)
Rush Hour (Sept 18th)
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Sept 22nd)
Antz (Oct 2nd)
The Rugrats Movie (Nov 20th)
The Prince of Egypt (Dec 16th)
Power Rangers in Space (Feb 6th)
CatDog (April 4th)
Sex and the City (June 6th)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Aug 5th)
That 70s Show (Aug 23rd)
The Wild Thornberrys (Sept 1st)
Will & Grace (Sept 21st)
The Powerpuff Girls (Nov 18th)
Banjo Kazooie (June 29th)
Spyro the Dragon (Sept 19th)
Half Life (Nov 19th)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nov 21st)
The Sega Dreamcast
Gameboy Color
Spider-Girl (Feb 1998) - Fitting, considering she makes her cinematic debut this year in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
'I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing' by Aerosmith from the soundtrack for Armageddon
'...Baby One More Time' by Brittney Spears
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Anything from 2003 turns 20 years old this year. This includes...
That's So Raven (Jan 17th)
The Jungle Book 2 (Feb 14th)
Atlantis: Milo's Return (Feb 25th)
Piglet's Big Movie (March 21st)
Holes (April 18th)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (May 2nd)
X2 (May 2nd)
Finding Nemo (May 30th)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (July 9th)
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Sept 16th)
Lilo & Stitch! The Series (Sept 20th)
Mickey's PhilharMagic (Magic Kingdom) (Oct 8th)
Brother Bear (Nov 1st)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (Tartakovsky) (Nov 7th)
The Haunted Mansion (movie) (Nov 26th)
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (Nov 28th)
Destino (Dec 19th)
Kangaroo Jack (January 17th)
Daredevil (movie) (Feb 14th)
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (March 18th)
Daddy Day Care (May 4th)
Matrix Reloaded (May 16th) and Revolutions (Oct 27th)
Bruce Almighty (May 23rd)
Rugrats Go Wild (June 13th)
Ang Lee's Hulk (June 17th)
The Room (June 27th)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (July 2nd)
Freddy vs Jason (Aug 13th)
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Oct 10th)
Elf (Nov 7th)
The Cat in the Hat (movie) (Nov 8th)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (Nov 9th)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Dec 17th)
Big Fish (Dec 25th)
Mythbusters (Jan 23rd)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (KidsWB animated series) (Feb 8th)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Feb 15th)
Red vs Blue (April 1st)
All Grown Up! (April 12th)
Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (July 11th)
Teen Titans (July 19th)
My Life as a Teenage Robot (Aug 1st)
Clifford's Puppy Days (Sept 1st)
Devil May Cry 2 (Jan 25th)
Postal 2 (April 14th)
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (June 20th)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (July 5th)
Jak II (Oct 14th)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Oct 14th)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Oct 28th)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (Oct 29th)
Call of Duty (Oct 29th)
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (Nov 11th)
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Invincible (Image) (Jan 2003)
JLA/Avengers (Sept 2003)
The Walking Dead (Image) (Oct 2003)
'Where is the Love?' by Black Eyed Peas
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Anything from 2008 turns 15 years old this year. This includes...
Phineas and Ferb (Feb 1st)
Horton Hears a Who! (movie) (March 3rd)
Iron Man (May 2nd), The Incredible Hulk (June 13th), and the birth of the MCU
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (May 22nd)
Toy Story Mania! (Hollywood Studios) (June 17th)
WALL-E (aka the greatest movie ever!) (June 27th)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (movie) (Aug 10th)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Sept 16th)
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Oct 24th)
Tinker Bell (Oct 28th)
BURN-E (Nov 18th)
Bolt (Nov 21st)
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (Dec 17th)
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie (Jan 11th)
Rambo (Jan 24th)
Kung Fu Panda (June 6th)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (July 11th)
The Dark Knight (July 18th)
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Aug 1st)
Ponyo (Aug 14th)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Nov 7th)
Twilight (Nov 21) - I'M VENGEANCE!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Jan 13th)
Breaking Bad (Jan 20th)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Feb 18th)
Spectacular Spider-Man (the best incarnation of the wall-crawler) (March 8th)
Ben 10: Alien Force (April 8th)
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (June 5th)
The Penguins of Madagascar (Nov 28th)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Jan 31st)
God of War: Chains of Olympus (March 4th)
Dead Space (Oct 13th)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (Oct 21st)
Little Big Planet (Oct 27th)
Fallout 3 (Oct 28th)
Mirror's Edge (Nov 11th)
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (Nov 16th)
Gears of War 2 (Nov 7th)
Left 4 Dead (Nov 17th)
Sonic Unleashed (Nov 18th)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Dec 2nd)
Lego Batman and Indiana Jones
Final Crisis (May 2008)
Marvel Apes (Oct - Nov 2008)
'I Kissed a Girl' and 'Hot n Cold' by Katty Perry
'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay
'So What?' by P!NK
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Anything from 2013 turns 10 years old this year. This includes...
Sofia the First (Jan 11th)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (Feb 12th)
Oz, the Great and Powerful (March 8th)
Iron Man 3 (May 3rd)
Mystic Point (Hong Kong Disneyland) (May 17th)
Monsters University (June 21st)
Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel (Aug 16th)
Disney Infinity (Aug 18th)
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Sep 2nd)
Toy Story of Terror! (Oct 16th)
Thor: The Dark World (Nov 8th)
Frozen (Nov 27th)
The current run of Mickey Mouse cartoons (Nov 29th)
Saving Mr. Banks (Dec 20th)
Texas Chainsaw 3D (Jan 4th)
Evil Dead (remake) (April 5th)
The Purge (June 7th)
Man of Steel (June 14th)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (June 16th)
Despicable Me 2 (July 3rd)
Pacific Rim (July 12th)
Turbo (July 17th)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Sept 27th)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Nov 22nd)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Dec 13th)
Teen Titans Go! (April 23rd) - HOW IS THIS STILL ON THE AIR!?!?!?
Orange Is the New Black (July 11th)
PAW Patrol (Aug 12th)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Sept 17th)
Rick and Morty (Dec 2nd)
Tomb Raider (March 5th)
God of War: Ascension (March 12th)
BioShock Infinite (March 26th)
Injustice: Gods Among Us (April 16th)
The Last of Us (June 14th)
Deadpool (video game) (June 25th)
Rayman Legends (Aug 29th)
Grand Theft Auto V (Sept 17th)
The Stanley Parable (Oct 17th)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Oct 29th)
'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams
'My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)' by Fall Out Boy
'Roar' by Katy Perry
'Wagon Wheel' by Darius Ruckus
'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus
'Applause' by Lady Gaga'
'What Does the Fox Say?' by Ylvis
'Happy' by Pharrell Williams
And with all that said, I hope you all have a happy new year!
Did I miss any milestones? If I did, feel free to let me know in the comments. For now though, MAY THE GLASSES BE WITH YOU!
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foxfinches · 1 year
Do you think you could possibly summarise what was said in the Clark Stacey interview if you don't mind? I'm struggling to follow and understand it without subtitles sadly
NO SAME. listening to the ajc segment (especially the latter half) was super difficult with the loud music overlaying it and the instagram video player not having a rewind feature. so.... i sat down and transcribed it! there might be some "uh's" and "um's" i missed near the end, but it should be mostly accurate to everything he said. read it below the cut!
I'm Clark Stacey, I'm the, uh, ceo of Wildworks, and, uh, I'm, uh… Gosh, what would my relationship t- to Animal Jam be? Uh, benevolent overlord? I guess? Maybe? Do people have questions about Classic? Really? [laughs] I saw your thread, and it's seemed like classic players are uh- are very active and have a lot that they want to know. Um, well let me- let me cover a couple of things, I think the last time that you and I talked, we talked about some of the difficulties with adding content to classic and… Just the way It's put together. But, very quickly for those who are- are not familiar, um, uh- Classic was a browser-based flash game, uh, flash is no longer supported by browsers, and is generally frowned upon by the big tech companies out there. So the only way to continue running Classic on your desktop computer, is to put it in this software wrapper called Electron, and Electron basically, uh, contains a mini web browser in it, and it runs… Animal Jam in a contained web browser environment on your computer. Uh, it- it kind of slows some of the performance down, it's not a great solution, but it's uh, it enables um, us to continue playing it. It-it compounds the difficulty of putting new stuff in Classic, because for… For flash games, and the way that we made Classic, was we would take 3D models of animals, and characters, and then we would render out 2D animation frames, um, and the reason that we did that, because flash is a 2D uh, animation program, but uh- The reason we did that is because we can create this kind of cool 3D look to the characters, um, but then have them- have our software spit out uh, 2D frames. So that means that for every item… Thousands upon thousands of items that is in Animal Jam, every hat or scarf or anything else, it has been… Placed and situated on every animal in the game, and frames have been rendered out for the animation of that animal, with that scarf, in that color, uh, for every single item in the game.
It means if there are hundreds of thousands of frames of animation, and going and adding things, or changing anything, is just a super labor intensive process. Now that- that's not to say new content can't be added, I think that more explains the- the difficulty or challenge in bringing AJ classic to a new platform, like WEBGL. And… Y'know, recreating i-it as a browser based game. Um, because… Essentially, all of that… Work, would have to be redone, rerendered, uhh, to be optimized for- for that platform. Um, and that's a massive undertaking. Um, now t-the possibility of us undertaking that massive thing, uh, went up considerably when were acquired by Nazara last uh, what's August, September? Um, because one of the benefits of being part of the Nazara network, is y'know, they have a tremendous resources with uh, uhh, with animators and artists, um based in India and abroad, and they can bring to bear um, y'know, an army that we can't. We're um, we're a much smaller company, and uh, maintaining just what we're doing is uh, kinda keeps our dance card pretty full. Um, so… Taking… Creating the Animal Jam experience that uhhh, is drawn heavily from Classic, may not be a direct port of everything in Classic, but does extend uh, the Classic experience, is on the Wildworks roadmap, there is WEBGL research that we're doing that's ongoing there, uh, I have played level demos of Animal… Animal Jam y'know, the… What you would recognize as kinda a- Y'know, Jamaa Township and some core areas in Animal Jam, running in WEBGL, and it's awesome. Um, that, the- still a long, long way away from uh, from a product that we can put out. Uh, but it is um, y'know, it's not something that we've taken our eyes off of, we're certainly… Y'know, our commitment to Classic itself has not changed. Um, and I will say… That uhhh, there is… Something pretty exciting and new coming to Classic very soon, um, I think that it will be a…. Uh, a blast from the past, for uh, for some of our older Classic players, but, uh, but kind of remade for- for this generation. And I'm- I'm excited for people t- to see it and start talking about it. I think they'd be pretty psyched.
20 questions in your Instagram thread about Classic, so that's… That's basically everything I know, you now know everything I know, and it's perfectly safe, it's not going anywhere, uh, there's some technical housekeeping thats probably overdue there, uh, particularly rebuilding the installer, which bugs me every time I look at it. Uh, but it- no, we're not, we're not taking it down, it's not going anywhere.
[Link to original video]
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Extinct Disney Parks and Attractions tournament round 2: Group C
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Reminder, you don't have had to experience any of the attractions/experiences to vote! Just read in the info and/or watch the vid,then vote for which you wish you would have experienced more/which sounds cooler!
Videos and propaganda/info dumping under cut
Lucky the dinosaur: DCA, Animal Kingdom, Hong Kong Disneyland (2003-2005(?))(will occasionally make appearances at special events/backstage stuff)
Disneyland mermaids: Disneyland (1959-1967) (for the life of me, I cannot find where I found that pic of Ariel in the lagoon, nor can i find anything anywhere about it! Please hmu if you know the details of that!)
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transpondster · 7 months
A meme bounced around Brooklyn last summer: ‘What if we kissed at the Tom Verlaine book sale?’ Verlaine, who formed and fronted the band Television, died on 28 January 2023. Over the years he had acquired fifty thousand books – twenty tons or more – on any number of subjects: art, acoustics, astrological signs, UFOs. The sale of those books – a two-day affair in August, run out of adjacent garages in Brooklyn – was a serious draw. Arto Lindsay, the avant-pop musician, walked by. Tony Oursler made a short video and posted it on Instagram. Old friends, some of whom looked as if they hadn’t seen daylight in decades, found each other in the long line. Verlaine had split his enormous collection between storage units: one a short walk from his Chelsea one-bedroom, four more across the river in Red Hook, near the foot of the Gowanus Canal. Verlaine didn’t use Uber. To get to the Brooklyn facility he’d take a rickety grocery cart on the F train, ride it out to Smith and Ninth Street, the highest Subway station in the city, and walk the rest of the way. In a crowd, Verlaine stood out. He was tall, thin, fine-featured. (‘Tom Verlaine has the most beautiful neck in rock and roll,’ Patti Smith wrote in 1974. ‘Real swan like.’) He had never quit smoking and wore a car coat, like a character out of film noir. But there he had been, bumping his cart down several sets of stairs and escalators and wheeling it, under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, across seven lanes of traffic, to Red Hook. The books had to go somewhere.
Alex Abramovich | At the Tom Verlaine Book Sale
You can still buy Verlaine’s books from Better Read than Dead and Capitol Hill’s websites. His record collection will go on sale, one of these days, at the Academy Record annexes in Greenpoint and the East Village. They’re a reminder of different days in a different city, where the bookstores and record stores stayed open late, and you could poke around in them even after a night out at CBGB, and the stuff that you’d get there was cheap, and the space that you needed to store them was cheap, and, even if you worked in a bookstore, you could afford an offset press and start your own poetry imprint, or find a loft space in SoHo and start your own band.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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PICTURED: Reverie moments before burning down Futaba's uncle's house.
I love how this game has flipped me from "i'm not cool with killing Kamoshida" to "i'm gonna slash tires of everyone who even looks at Sojiro funny"
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Morgana has a dream/nightmare/vision of his Shadow Self, who is also cat-shaped. Which, one, Morgana popping a Shadow right now would make so much sense tbh given his issues.
Two, he is so fucking distressed about this.
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THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD. Morgana, I am on your side, bruh, this sucks so much. Morgana is trying to keep cool but is asking probing questions about if Reverie would still accept him if he was some kind of creature and just.
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I feel for Morgana so much, idgaf, come at me.
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/breathes out slowly
almost done with Moon. almost done. one more level up and we're DONE with Mishima.
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Mishima adds a feature to the Phansite where people can nominate victims for the Thieves. And yeah I said victims, because this is absolutely fucked eight ways to sunday, this is so beyond the pale, why are you SUCH an idiot, Mishima?!
if the Thieves end up hitting someone purely bc their won a popularity poll on the fucking site i s2g
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I cannot fucking deal with how much I want to kick him out of the group, I am screaming inside. If there was a summary of "bad reasons to be a vigilante" he's using it as a fucking checklist.
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it is only the process of Reverie being adopted by the Sakuras that is getting me through the darkness right now. Sojiro, I formally apologize for making fun of you at the start of this liveblog, you and Yusuke are the only people I can rely on right now. Please yes I would like some sushi, can I have a tekka don.
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playing this fucking game is like being beaten with a whiffle ball bat and then being handed one (1) treat, over and over
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Futaba did such a good job at the beach that she.... does what all people with weird brain stuff do, and we take one victory and immediately overexert ourselves and fuck up the next thing. Like, FOR REAL, relatable, I have BEEN THERE, i was there in the past TWO WEEKS baby.
So Futaba needs back-up in her journey to relearn how to exist int he world, and Reverie is raring to go.
I love her.
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yeah obvsly
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back in My Favorite Confidant Link, Kawakami actually calls Reverie in to tell him the exciting news, that she stood up for herself and told the Takases' she wasn't going to pay them anymore and was going to quite her side job to return to her passion for teaching.
Which: thrilling. So happy for her.
yanno. it's interesting that the game flat out says "sex worker" I was not anticipating that level of clarity about Kawakami. and given even modern standards and attitudes towards SWers, I'm relieved to see that the Villains of this story are the ones trying to use her status as a sex worker to ruin her life. Because, yeah, that's villainous behavior, Persona! I'm glad we agree on this.
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Yeah fuck subtlety tbh, let's wreck these fools. They'll be lucky if Reverie only steals their hearts.
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i also think sojiro knows but that's neither here nor there. Sojiro has proven he can be extremely subtle.
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oh the Big Bads are gonna kill the principal aren't they
they're gonna do the mental shutdown on him for being a failure, that's why he's so scared huh
bye bye i guess??????
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jennyboom21 · 8 months
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The entire staff of Sports Illustrated was notified on Friday that their jobs were being eliminated.
Authentic, the licensing group that purchased Sports Illustrated for $110 million from Meredith five years ago, has terminated the agreement it holds with The Arena Group to publish SI in print and digital, according to an email obtained by Front Office Sports. That move comes three weeks after Arena missed a $2.8 million payment that breached the company’s SI licensing deal, which began in 2019.
The fallout: On Friday Arena told all SI employees in an email “… We were notified by Authentic Brands Group (ABG) that the license under which the Arena Group operates the Sports Illustrated (SI) brand and SI related properties has been officially revoked by ABG. As a result of this license revocation, we will be laying off staff that work on the SI brand.”
“Some employees will be terminated immediately, and paid in lieu of the applicable notice period under the [the union contract]. Employees with a last working day of today will be contacted by the People team soon. Other employees will be expected to work through the end of the notice period, and will receive additional information shortly.” (An Arena spokesperson did not immediately respond to FOS when contacted about the layoff plans.)
Friday afternoon, the Sports Illustrated Guild wrote on X (formerly Twitter): “We have fought together as a union to maintain the standard of this storied publication that we love, and to make sure our workers are treated fairly for the value they bring to this company. It is a fight we will continue.”
Authentic’s move to terminate Arena’s license and Arena’s eliminating SI’s staff signals a shift in the company that operates SI, weeks after Manoj Bhargava, the founder of 5-Hour Energy, introduced himself to employees of Arena, including SI, as their new leader. Since then, Authentic has had exploratory conversations with and reached out to multiple parties about the possibility of taking over Arena’s role with SI, industry sources with knowledge of the situation tell FOS.
It’s unclear whether Authentic will indeed pursue the path of establishing a new operator or will now allow Arena to renegotiate its current deal. Sources tell FOS, though, that Authentic’s goal is to move the process along as quickly as possible. One way or another, says one insider, “Authentic will see Sports Illustrated through a necessary evolution.”
SI, meanwhile, has struggled to find its financial foothold in the digital age, culminating in a November report that suggested its website had published AI-generated reviews without disclosure. That fiasco was followed by a head-scratching town hall in December led by Bhargava with SI and other Arena employees that spanned more than 90 minutes and during which Bhargava said, “No one is important. I am not important. … The amount of useless stuff you guys do is staggering.” Bhargava’s Simplify Inventions agreed to purchase roughly 65% of Arena in August, a $50 million deal.
Authentic acquired SI from Meredith in May 2019. The Arena Group—operating as Maven, before changing its name in 2021—then paid Authentic $45 million up front as part of a 10-year licensing agreement. Until a month ago, Ross Levinsohn led SI and Arena as Arena began to purchase other struggling media outlets, such as Men’s Journal.
Authentic, sources close to the situation tell FOS, has been irked by Arena in recent years as SI has instituted multiple rounds of layoffs, run off top talent such as Grant Wahl, and undergone constant leadership changes. Authentic’s contact with potential replacement operators predates Arena’s recent missed payment, sources with knowledge of the situation tell FOS.
In addition to Friday’s SI layoffs, Arena fired more than 100 employees on Thursday throughout its organization. But Bhargava, who was tapped as Arena’s interim CEO on Dec. 11, didn’t make those cost-cutting moves. That’s because Bhargava stepped down from that position on Jan. 5 “to avoid any conflicts of interest,” according to an SEC filing. That conflict: Bridge Media Networks, a company completely owned by Bhargava, is in negotiations to make “a substantial investment” in Arena, according to the Arena news release that announced the layoffs on Thursday. The layoffs were carried out instead by Arena execs, its board of directors, and Jason Frankl, of FTI Consulting, who was appointed as Arena’s chief business transformation officer the same day Bhargava resigned, according to SEC filings.
“My immediate focus is to collaboratively design a growth-oriented media company, ensuring the financial stability necessary to cultivate and grow the brands we cherish,” Frankl said in a statement. “While this week’s layoffs were regrettably necessary, I look forward to sharing detailed plans soon.”
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literaticat · 2 years
Hi, Jenn! So my agent and I have been waiting for a contract from a publisher since early December. I’m getting so anxious, especially since I haven’t really heard much from the acquiring editor either. How do I CALM DOWN? What do I do in the meantime? I’m already writing more stuff, but it doesn’t feel like enough! I know I’m being impatient, but I’m losing my mind! What’s going on?
I am still waiting for a contract from F@#KING AUGUST!!!!!
Early December? And then publishers were closed for like the last half of December and the first week of January? So it's been, like, a few active weeks total? I would not expect this yet.
For perspective, I'm just wrapping up my last October contract and I've gotten one November so far. I still have a couple Novembers outstanding, and I have not yet received any Decembers. (I really do have an August and a September still outstanding, but those are weird situations / anomalies and I knew they would take a bit!) -- I will start to get agitated and harass them if I don't see the drafts of these by the end of February, and I expect/hope to be wholly done with 2022 contracts by the end of March.
All of which to say is - this is a normal amount of time. Publishing is incredibly slow. Whatever you think "slow" means, you are wrong. It's much slower than that. Cultivate patience. Meditate. Do yoga. Practice mindfulness. Take a Zen class. Or a kickboxing class! Work out that frustration by punching planks of wood or something till you are too tired to think about it! Learn to bake the perfect Kouign-Amman! And obviously, write. Work on OTHER projects. Go outside. Take more walks. ETC.
Nothing whatsoever might happen with this... for months, and months. And then suddenly lots of things will happen for a bit! And then nothing again for a while. A LONG while. And then suddenly you will have to do a few things!!!!!! AHHHH~~~~ and then nothing again.(Mind you -- things ARE HAPPENING that entire time, they just are happening someplace you can't see and have no control over!) -- The point is, you will drive yourself absolutely BONKERS if you are sitting around biting your nails waiting for the next THING to happen. I would suggest you put it out of your mind as much as humanly possible, so when something does happen it can be a pleasant and delightful surprise, but you won't be winding yourself up WAITING for it in the meantime.
(By the way, I HEAR YOU. I spent the first several years of being an agent in a CONSTANT STATE OF HIGH ANXIETY because I literally COULD NOT comprehend how much patience I would need -- it probably took me pretty close to a decade to chill out, and I'm still not ALWAYS chill. So, you know. I GET IT. You'll just be a lot happier if you figure out how to chill NOW!)
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
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I posted 491 times in 2022
That's 491 more posts than 2021!
284 posts created (58%)
207 posts reblogged (42%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 470 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#invader zim - 405 posts
#headcanons - 179 posts
#zim - 128 posts
#asks - 71 posts
#incorrect quotes - 44 posts
#dib membrane - 43 posts
#comic spoilers - 38 posts
#tak - 38 posts
#memes - 36 posts
#gir - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#tak’s ship ai @dib: if you didn’t somehow accidentally register yourself as a valid driver in my systems i would crash us both into the sea
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don’t think I can find a better example of Zim going easy on Dib even though Dib refuses to do the same than Issue 26.
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Zim has his extremely sharp PAK legs out and is in the perfect position to skewer Dib in one shot, killing him instantly, but instead uses his legs as a blunt object, knocks him into a pile of muffins, and escapes without attempting to harm Dib further.
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Meanwhile the first thing Dib does upon acquiring what he thinks is a gun is attempt to shoot Zim point blank.
358 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Zim definitely has something like this in his lab.
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413 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
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Just imagine everything from an outsider’s perspective.
Not from the perspective of the students that have been here a while and are used to Zim and Dib’s antics, but from the perspective of someone who’s never encountered any of this before.
461 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Zim might be one of the smartest Irkens alive:
In the comics, an Irken Engineer named Skrang built this thing:
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It’s a prototype wormhole generator, giving the Tallest the ability to teleport anything to the base of any Invader, heavily implied to be the first of its kind.
Skrang had help doing this. He wears a specialized backpack filled with dozens of harvested Vortian brains, which presumably gives him a boost of intelligence. It’s a literal think tank.
See the full post
664 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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That’s how it usually goes, right?
681 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vainglors · 2 years
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greta  onieogou.     she / her.     cis  female.      ›    spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   kemdi  o’daro   ,   most   likely   listening   to   cozy   by   beyoncé   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty - eight  year  old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -intrusive   yet   +endearing   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   lining  a  mug  up  perfectly  so  the  label  faces  the  camera  in  a  selfish  act  of  promotion  ,  having  your  makeup  and  hair  done  three  hours  early  so  you  can  sit  on  your  phone  until  you  leave  ,  and  late  nights  that  end  with  falling  asleep  on  your  desk   ,   followed   by   their   bubble  bath  replica  by  maison  martin  margiela   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   how  she  ditched  her  ex  at  the  altar  during  a  night  out  in  vegas   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   .   (   hazy   ,   25   ,   she / her   ,   est   ,   no  triggers   .   muse  t   .   )
full  name  :   kemdi  lena  o’daro  . nicknames  :   kem  ,  kd  . bday  :   august  20th  . age  :   twenty8  . gender  &  pronouns  :   cis  female  ,  she  /  her  . sexuality  :   bisexual  . occupation  :   late  night  talk  show  host  .
host  and  founder  of  late  night  with  o’daro  ,  which  is  her  talk  show  that  airs  mon  /  wed  /  fri  with  specials  on  some  saturday  nights.  it’s  usually  around  11pm  and  runs  for  about  an  hour  ,  give  or  take.  it’s  a  bit  of  a  mix  of  things  (  think  snl  meets  fallon  /  clarkson  y’know  )  and  she  usually  has  guests  on  to  talk  about  their  upcoming  projects  or  latest  news.
trust  fund  baby  ,  daughter  of  a  famous  screenwriter  and  her  father  owns  a  good  chunk  of  beachfront  properties  along  both  the  east  and  west  coasts  that  he  rents  out  to  people.
she’s  been  …  unlucky  in  love  because  she’s  a  bit  flaky  and  tends  to  focus  more  on  her  work  rather  than  focusing  on  making  genuine  relationships  between  her  and  other  people  work.  cares  about  her  show  more  than  anything  in  the  world  and  prioritizes  it  over  everything  else  ,  including  family  functions  and  stuff  that’s  involved  with  her  personal  life.
although  she  works  hard  ,  she’s  a  naturally  endearing  person  and  can  talk  anyone’s  ear  off.  she  has  a  way  of  getting  through  to  people  and  uses  that  to  her  advantage  because  it  helps  her  gain  a  holding  point  against  everyone  else  –  just  in  case  she  needs  it  ,  the  ammunition  is  there.
as  you’ve  probably  gathered  before  ,  she’s  very  professional.  that  kind  of  front  comes  from  how  strict  her  parents  were  while  she  was  a  teenager.  they  practically  raised  her  to  build  an  empire  from  the  ground  up  ,  was  barely  given  the  money  she  needed  to  do  what  she  wanted  ,  but  also  grew  up  around  luxury.  she  has  a  complicated  relationship  with  her  parents  now  because  they’re  beginning  to  mooch  off  of  her  success.
her  subplot  includes  her  selling  info  to  nepoupdates  –  mostly  info  her  team  acquires  about  her  guests  and  whatnot.  
[  death  tw  ]  recently  (  about  a  year  ago  )  lost  her  brother  and  his  wife  to  a  climbing  accident  that  she  was  with  them  during.  while  kemdi  was  hospitalized  for  about  a  week  with  several  fractures  ,  her  brother  and  his  wife  did  not  make  it.  they  left  behind  their  daughter  ,  keziah  ,  who’s  three  years  old  now.  kemdi’s  been  taking  care  of  kez  ever  since  the  accident  and  has  official  custody  of  her  as  of  late  2022.  
keziah  is  the  only  thing  kemdi  cares  about  outside  of  work.  legitimately  the  only  thing.  
(  +  )   elusive  ,  endearing  ,  personable  ,  charming  ,  comedic  ,  confident  ,  inquisitive. (  -  )   indifferent  ,  loose  lipped  ,  selfish  ,  calculated  ,  dishonest  ,  wily  ,  overworked.
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icemankazansky · 2 years
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I posted 3,581 times in 2022
That's 1,917 more posts than 2021!
366 posts created (10%)
3,215 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,570 of my posts in 2022
#icemav - 251 posts
#asks answered - 154 posts
#top gun: maverick - 151 posts
#val kilmer - 148 posts
#your daily dose of awww - 148 posts
#top gun - 142 posts
#beloved mutuals - 121 posts
#tgm spoilers - 87 posts
#comms chatter - 78 posts
#iceman kazansky - 77 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'nice try hot stuff the platinum card doesn't have a limit' 'then i'll make you work it off in trade' 'really—' 😏 '—and i don't mean sex!'
I sent 5 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
790 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
@misanderousmisfit this was going to be super long and also I have a picture, so I decided just to make a post.
About Maverick's wings
Okay, SO.
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I just posted this gif with a new set, prompting @misanderousmisfit to say, "Wait how did I not notice that Mav takes his own wings and snaps them on the casket??!!!"
Then she asked for an explanation, and I am happy to provide one, not least of which because I actually already researched this and explained it to someone else like right after TGM came out.
What Maverick does with his wings at Ice's funeral is based on a tradition by the SEALs. Similar to naval aviators, Navy SEALs are given a specific pin that is unique to their role. Pilots have wings; the SEALs have what is called a Trident. It's a symbol not only of the group they belong to, but of all the work they had to do to acquire this specification.
When a SEAL team loses a member, the other members hammer their Tridents into the top of the casket. It's basically taking an incredibly valuable item and giving it to your friend as a sign of respect, and to show that a piece of you is going with him.
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tertiaryunit · 2 years
Hey! Asking on anon bc I can't ask as my sideblog, but it's Helix (trans-rights-adam-jensen)! Do we know anything about the potential new DX game yet, like who's working on it? Like of course it's Eidos, but is JF still there? I read Mary works for BioWare now. Will we get an entirely new team's take on DX? Do we know why they might have decided to bring it back when Mankind Divided didn't sell like they wanted it to? The pyramid of gaming companies involved and who ultimately owns what is a little over my head.
Oh hello there!!! (I feel your pain it's been YEARS and Tumblr still doesn't have an option for us to swap between our blogs when asking/liking stuff/etc)
All I know so far is that Embracer Group acquired Eidos-Montréal, so I think we might have the same team of the other past two games working on, maybe with some changes since some people have moved.
From what I recall it's not that MD didn't sell well, but more like it wasn't enough for Square Enix:
Mankind Divided was the third-bestselling game of August in North America, with console-game sales increases for the period partially attributed to its release.[104] In Square Enix's 2016 fiscal report, Mankind Divided and other 2016 titles including Final Fantasy XV were cited as factors in their net-profit increase.
(From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_Ex:_Mankind_Divided#Sales )
I think they might be finishing up where MD left, considering there *was* a planned sequel that was then abandoned.
I'm hyped for pretty much anything they'll come up with ngl :D
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