#I'm such a romantic I swear
insanityandstars · 6 months
What do you mean you don't wanna listen to music and lay on my chest after we kill some of our closest friends and pin it on my girlfriends dad? :(
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gummy-axolotl · 1 month
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New Norm Yuri because I'm a chronic procrastinator
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sapphire-weapon · 2 months
i'm like 80% convinced that most of the current generation of fandom don't know what the words "romantic" or "platonic" mean and possibly never did.
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kdelarenta · 3 months
may god bless the dinosaur that died to make the fossil fuel that was treated to become gasoline in the car that took @intimidatingpuffinstudios to the hospital to be born so that they could write one of my favorite IF dynamics of all time.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I often use cannibalism as a metaphor for longing and craving because just being next to the one you adore isn't enough. You need to consume them. But I do it in fundamentally different ways with different ships-- Like. Speaking of Zolu, I say Zoro will let himself be eaten out of devotion, wanting to live inside of Luffy, and knowing Luffy worships food as a symbol for life and freedom. Luffy will eat and consume Zoro out of greediness and the selfishness only a pirate can have but also worshipping every part of Zoro. At the same time, he does it because there's just no other way of having him that isn't inside of him forever. He's possessive like that and wants everything Zoro will give him, and Zoro wants to give him everything. While, if I write about Fyolai, I consider cannibalism as power differences and giving up freedom for love. Nikolai views love and sacrifice as some sort of chain that ties him to the world and doesn't let him be free or make decisions of his own, so letting himself be eaten by Fyodor and letting him take over his body is the most romantic and selfless thing he can do, giving up free will for love and the appreciation he has for Fyodor. While Fyodor feels some sort of power and control over Nikolai doing so, it's not only to call himself a god but because it would put Nikolai out of his misery and even if it's a selfish action it is also his way of showing respect and care as he would never let anybody else live in between his ribs. But then again, it could also be the other way around if you stop and think about it. Luffy only being vulnerable and weak around Zoro, realizing he feels safe inside of him and letting his first mate have everything he wants out of his captain. Because Zoro will not take unless Luffy lets him, so Luffy wants him to take and Zoro wants to swallow every bit of Luffy's vulnerability that only exists around him to give him the rest and comfort he needs and act as the anchor that grounds a ship. Fyodor, on the other hand, could let Nikolai consume him as a treat and sign of respect, giving up his superiority to show a bit of vulnerability around the clown but having still power over him. It would not be free will completely but Nikolai would enjoy the freedom inside of the cell he calls love and be free of eating Fyodor as a symbol of worship and almost religious devotion.
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liquid-sunshines · 1 year
Qi-ge's wish (short comic strip)
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Based on an online prompt: "pleasant conversation"
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dead boy detectives is the perfect cure for a broken heart
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it-came-autumnally · 2 months
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This line is extremely funny (motherly??? hello??) but also it just reminds me of why the Minori & Airi dynamic makes me want to explode (positive).
Even though she's only a year older, Airi sees so much of her past self in Minori -- she knows what it's like to be an outsider in their industry, to be someone who's faced rejection for simply not possessing the innate “idol aura” that people like Haruka and Shizuku have. She’s not like them; and neither is Minori. Having a dream is great, but you can't become an idol purely out of desire. This is expressed very directly in the digest animation (which condenses the MMJ main story): "Just because you want something to happen doesn't mean it will."
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Screenshots from MORE MORE JUMP - Journey to Bloom: [HOPE].
Airi's resigned herself to the fact that she's stuck in her role as a variety show entertainer, even though being an idol was her real dream. And, after seeing her own fate, she bluntly tells Minori that the other's passion isn't enough for her to successfully break into the industry. Despite this, Minori isn’t discouraged from her path; after all, she'd already been rejected 50 times. In her own words: she has faith -- something Airi has almost lost.
But Airi hasn't lost it completely. After some reminders from Shizuku, she reluctantly agrees to watch Minori's practices and give her some advice. It's a small ask, but one means a lot to Minori -- which Airi knows, and she's willing to give Minori a chance.
Minori has the chance to return the favor when Airi goes to confront Cheerful*Days. Even when Haruka warns her about the ugliness she's about to see, she isn't swayed. In her own words: she "care[s] too much for Momoi". Not just as a fan, but a friend* now, too.
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Screenshots from the MORE MORE JUMP! main story chapter 11. *friend is a bit of a loose term here but Minori does know Airi personally by this point. Not as well as Shizuku, but better than she used to.
The affirmation of being an idol that Minori gives is huge for Airi. After being constantly denied her identity as an idol from both her managers and peers, hearing this from the girl who she had accidentally dismissed is perhaps the most powerful thing she could have heard in that moment. It's clear that Minori hasn't been disillusioned in the slightest even after seeing all the resentment and anger, and despite everything, she still believes in Airi, and her ability to spread hope as an idol.
After all that happens in the main story, Minori's presence becomes a non-negotiable part of MMJ. She is, after all, the final bit of glue that brought them together as a group. In Time to Re:Start! (Airi 1), Haruka, Airi, and Shizuku all make it extremely clear that they refuse to let their group split up. We see how Airi takes this a step further:
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Screenshots from Chapter 4 of Time to Re:START!
Notably, she's willing to go back to variety programs and talent work if it means that MORE MORE JUMP! can stay together (even though doing so means that she probably would be extremely busy and have less time to do "real" idol work!)
Since Airi's offer is rejected here, we don't see the consequences of this negotiation come to fruition, but it's certainly not an offer she makes lightly. Note that Airi 2 hasn't happened yet; she still hasn't fully made peace with how her role as Happy Everyday took time away from her as "Airi Momoi the idol". Despite how painful it would be her to reprise as that role after resolving to become an "regular" idol again, Airi still makes this request as a last resort, because she would put herself through something she doesn't want rather than sacrifice Minori's dream to be an idol. This isn't something that the rest of MMJ would agree to, of course, but this cements a trend in Airi's behavior -- namely, her desire to protect Minori from the thorns of the idol industry that she's had to go through. Her Colorful Fes card gives some insight into this, where she encounters the younger version of herself (Little Airi).
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Screenshots from "To You Who Wants To Be An Idol" Side Story 2.
The way Airi treats her literal younger self mirrors the way she treats Minori at the start of the MMJ main story. Even though she knows better than anyone how much being called a "tomboy" hurt her younger self, Airi still calls her that on accident. This is extremely similar to how she dismisses Minori upon their first meeting -- she of all people should know how hurtful it is, but she does it nonetheless. This time, however, she doesn't need Shizuku to remind her of her mistake, and quickly rectifies it -- a testament to how she's changed since the events of the main story.
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Still Airi's ColorFes card story 2. Sorry for the spam of screenshots from this one I love this card way too much
Airi imparts the lesson she learned from Minori to Little Airi: "tomorrow will always be a better day." She shares the hope that Minori (and the rest of MMJ) shares, something she directly says she's grateful for. Meeting Minori has changed her for the better, and also allowed for her finally continue on her path towards being a "real" idol -- one that never gives up.
By the time Airi 3 happens, MMJ have taken off as online streamers. People have started to accept Minori as an idol -- but she's still a newbie when compared to the rest of the group, and lacks the same training that her fellow idols have. Nobody is more keenly aware of this than Minori herself. While she's initially practicing on her own, Airi is quick to understand what Minori's issue is, as its one that she's dealt with herself. Yet again, it comes back to seeing her past behaviors in Minori's - she's gone through the experience of trying to emulate the "idol aura," so she knows doing so is a waste. She wants to save Minori the time and effort that it took for her to learn these lessons, so that Minori is able to hasten her path towards finding the "best way to shine".
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Screenshots from Chapter 6 of "Chasing The Sparkle Beyond the Blue Sky"
The other really interesting thing is how Airi tells Minori her to not put herself down -- and yet Airi does the same to herself! She needs Shizuku to reaffirm her status as a true idol and tell her the same things that Airi herself tells Minori. She's been able to relearn how to inspire others, but still needs help when it comes to having that faith in herself.
This event is a testament to how much the two of them have matured since the main story, while also showing where they still have more room to grow. The two of them still have some doubts about whether they "deserve" to be idols, but it's something that they're both working through, together with each other as well as the rest of MMJ.
In regards to Airi trying to shield Minori from going through the troubles she did, it comes into the spotlight yet again during Airi 4:
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Screenshots from Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of "Friendship Rebuilt"
This time, we see this behavior explicitly stated: "I don't want her to experience what I did back then". Minori is her own person, and Airi respects her ability to make her own decisions, but she can't help but see her past self in the other, even after how far they've come. She's worried; Minori may be strong, but Airi wants to make sure that she can avoid having to go through the same pain she did.
This all comes full circle then, when Airi excitedly talks about her upcoming school trip to Kyoto.
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Screenshots from the "I'm Excited Too" (Pandemonium/Spirited Affair 2*) side story 1.
After constantly being the one looked after, Minori finally gets another chance to be happy for Airi. For once, Airi doesn't have to sacrifice her own happiness for work, and for that, she's glad. It's the least she can do for the girl who's been protecting her all this time, and its a step towards Minori truly becoming an equal to the idols she's looked up to her whole life.
MMJ as a whole unit is about spreading hope and joy -- more specifically, about sharing hope and joy. The reason both Minori and Airi decide to become idols in the first place is because they were cheered up by idols in their childhood, and wanted to do the same for others. Minori is able to finally become an idol herself after she helps Airi (as well as Shizuku and Haruka) regain their own hope and passion; Airi does her best to guide Minori down a path that is as least painful as possible in return. MMJ's stories focus so much on the idea of paying it forward it truly drives me crazy to see how Minori and Airi's dynamic really embodies that ideal, where Minori will never stop uplifting her friends while Airi always looks out for them.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 6 months
is it weird that i find jason segel's dracula puppet musical love anthem the most beautiful romantic ballad i've ever heard, or is it just a sign of (i like to think) magnificent taste??? 🧛💓✨😭🙌
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nonokoko13 · 8 months
I know what he is
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I recognise a tsundere when I see one
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Hewwo could I pleasd possibly get C F K L and T for my robot king Franky? I love him he's so underrated! Let him hit cause he's silly coded man!
I completely agree, Franky deserves so much more love than he gets! Honestly, he would probably be the Straw Hat I would hang out with the most besides my man Sanji.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Right off the bat, he's treating you like you're a part of the family and as if you've been here for way longer than you really have. He's "recalling" stories of you together that never happened and there's nothing you can do or say to get him to admit that they aren't real.
For as lax and carefree as he acts, he's very sharp and pays close attention to you, making sure that you're never alone and easily thwarting any and all escape attempts. He never reacts with anger, he just casually redirects you and acts as if nothing happened. He has a sort of 'you'll attract more flies with honey than vinegar' approach to his darling. He's sure that if he keeps showing how nice he is, you'll realize how good this is for you and accept him. There's no mocking from him for that reason. He makes himself very hard to hate.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Given how strong he is and the fact that he's made of metal, it's highly unlikely that you'll be strong enough to even make him flinch. He takes you fighting back the same way he handles escape attempts. He brushes it off and redirects. He'll give you something to break or rip apart as a better means of getting out your anger. It would be a really nice gesture if he wasn't holding you against your will.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's your personal hype man. You can't even pour yourself a glass of water without him striking a pose and holding up a sigh with a "10" on it for your technique. It's ridiculous and excessive, but he won't stop. The man follows you around everywhere while hyping you up to literally anyone he sees. He doesn't understand that it might be more than a little embarrassing to have some pantsless man stalking you while calling attention to you constantly, he just sees this as him boosting your confidence.
In private, more quiet moments, he loves to have you around him while he's working on his most recent project. He's fine with you just doing your own thing, but he's going to try his damnedest to rope you into working on his project with him, even if you're just handing him tools. He'll talk you through what he's doing because he loves teaching people new skills, and he hopes you'll take an interest in this.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Very boldly. He abruptly inserts himself into your life while acting like you're old friends and is immediately trying to recruit you into his family/the Straw Hats. He'll be right there for every part of your daily routine while trying to help you or cheering you on with a guitar riff as you do basic tasks. It's all very confusing and overwhelming for you.
Being the handyman that he is, he'll invite himself into your home and try to upgrade everything you have as a means of endearing himself to you. He ignores silly questions like "Who are you?!" and "Why are you in my house?!" while he shows off the new functions he added to your miscellaneous household appliances. Afterwards, he invites you (read: drags you) to a cookout with him and his family/crew. You probably won't be going home after it.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He really doesn't like it when you cry. It's one of the rare moments where he drops his goofy confidence and looks genuinely unsure of what to do. He wants to see you happy and thriving. Seeing you cry hurts him and makes him reassess his approach with you. Unfortunately, he never thinks that letting you go is what you need, so his new techniques usually boil down to more one on one time doing different things that might improve your mood.
Isolating yourself is pointless. He'll just scoop you up and carry you back out where everyone else is while lightly scolding you because "everyone missed you and was worried".
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
every time raine appears and a variant of raine's rhapsody starts playing and in for the future when it plays this grand sweeping rendition of it when raine's staring in awe at harpy eda and you realize it's not just raine's leitmotif it's raine and eda's song it's both raine's rhapsody and eda's requiem at the same time and it's like. okay dana do you want me to walk into the ocean.
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islab0bila · 6 months
Everyone after good omens 2:
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kitkatkk2 · 8 months
i think that the traveler as their own character isn't explored enough in the fandom. there's so much potential for soul-wrenching angst in being separated from your sibling and closest friend and partner whom you have presumably been inseparable from for centuries at LEAST (probably millennia, possibly more if wings of descension are to be taken literally). and then finding out that said person is pretty much the leader of the opposite side of a war. the inherent hurt in that is explored somewhat in canon. xianyun's story quest is a recent example. but i know what the fandom is capable of angst-wise.
even aside from that, the traveler has a personality. a lot of their personality is determined by dialogue choices but they do have their own showing through un-choosable dialogue and single choice dialogue. they're always initially minding only their goal of talking to the Archon to meet their sibling but always ultimately compassionate. collateral world-saving. they're a little snarky towards those they're especially close with (paimon being the main example), and playful in tone with even acquaintances. when they're serious, though, they're serious. they're not that talkative (heizou jokes that paimon is almost like their "voice"). they're incredibly quick to take up new information (conversational speaker of the teyvat language in two months).
the ever so slight differences in either traveler's personality, too. e.g. lumine's "let me take over!" vs aether's "let me at 'em!" and i think that's less because aether is more aggressive and more because he's more fervently protective. he's always been the defensive twin, and that's an "ally at low hp" line. where lumine is the more offense-oriented twin in combat, and is more calm about that (though yes, she obviously still cares), maybe aether... idk, feels like he failed, when his ally gets hurt? the traveler and their sibling are twins who've been together since forever, they're gonna be very similar, but i like the subtle differences they do have.
and THEN there's the abyss sibling. oh the abyss sibling. we only see them in we will be reunited and there's certainly no time for jokes then, but they seem generally just as determined as the traveler just... on the other side. there's obviously still love there, but it's tough love, the kind of love where you trust someone so much that you just leave them alone to come to your side eventually. but as of now, we still don't know who's right. and really? neither does the traveler. they are following their sibling's advice to see the world and find the truth for themself.
basically y'all are sleeping on the traveler
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Lots of people believe Deku will confess in the next chapter and although I always expect the worst in this manga regarding romantic interactions and I wouldn't be surprised at all, I believe that'd be so disrespectful to both characters. Reducing them to a romantic relationship after all they've been through when they're both grieving and dealing with recently inflicted trauma is so dirty. I don't really have anything against the ship in itself and I think it's kinda cute but not without the proper development, and this is not a development. It'd be out of character for Deku to not respect Uraraka's situation but mostly it'd be so fucked up to use a scene that's supposed to be comforting after a traumatic event to create romance out of nowhere...
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2pen2wildfire · 7 months
Listen I'm a big shipper and you can ship pretty much whoever you want imo but if you insist on shipping a canonically aromantic character I do not fucking trust you
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