#I'm not sayin a thing
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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buckevantommy · 4 months
i'm not sayin nothin, but eddie was thriving when he was hanging out with his new bud tommy on a regular basis but now buck is getting his tommy time meanwhile eddie is getting himself into a soap opera situation with hallucinations or doppleganger uncanniness cheating on his supposedly serious girlfriend with a woman who looks like his dead wife. he defs needs to go back to therapy but also he needs to maybe swear off dating for a while and just 'hang out with the boys'.
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camellcat · 1 year
lose my mind every time the doctor takes rose's last name in fics. brilliant, amazing, splendid, absolutely perfect.
like, what do you MEAN she'd be the one to change her last name? he doesn't even HAVE a bloody name like us! plus, she's rose tyler. you think he's going to want that to be different? it's the doctor and rose tyler in the tardis (or I suppose whatever they do in pete's world, but that's still the doctor and rose tyler having their new adventure)!!
she's rose tyler and he is whatever-he-wants tyler. end of discussion. the whole pond diabolical should've been clue enough imo
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starcurtain · 5 days
Hello! Wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed your analysis on Aventurine’s theming - and yea big agree that part of the charm of the guy is that he’s a weird paradox (he got everything one should technically want, and he also lost absolutely everything he cares about) - and also I like your comment that he is, as a character, actually pretty obnoxious (it’s an odd character charm point to me)
Also your post on the way he interacts with the ladies in the cast kinda reminded me - I know folks tend to focus in Ratio’s note but I ended up zoning in on his convo with Acheron more than anything else - because a lot of Penacony is Aven butting heads with other aeon-touched people (Acheron, Sunday) - but Acheron seems like a fun foil because she also has a pretty double-edged metaphysical blessing that is associated with losing everything she loved, but she ironically hasn’t given in to full meaninglessness.
I think one of Aventurine's defining character traits is that he "tests" everyone he encounters to judge whether they are trustworthy or whether they are a danger to him (I guarantee you, he has some kind of mental ranking scale for how likely people are to dislike or mistreat him), and I think his being obnoxious is actually a direct offshoot of this.
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Kakavasha clearly was raised with manners; he knows how to be polite and to tone down his responses to social situations as appropriate, which means that, in every other scenario, he is actively choosing to be obnoxious, even in situations where it seemingly won't benefit him (like talking back to the slave master or being too forward when first meeting Sunday, for example) because it allows him to gauge exactly how others feel about him and exactly how much they will let him get away with.
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People who play along are potential allies (Robin, the Trailblazer) and people who act grumpy but actually tolerate the obnoxiousness are safe (Ratio, Sparkle, most of the rest of the Express Crew), while people who respond poorly (Sunday, basically everyone else Aventurine dealt with in the past, etc.) are forced into showing their true colors. If minor obnoxious behaviors can provoke them, then it means their core response to Aventurine is likely to be one of dislike and disrespect. He's just forcing that response from them out into the light sooner, rather than later, by being obnoxious from the get-go.
(And, to a certain extent, I think he also just finds it fun to be a bit obnoxious. Like, he's free to say and do whatever he wants now--who is going to stop him from being a brat if that's what he feels like doing?)
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But on to Acheron... Yes, I do think there are a lot of parallels between Acheron and Aventurine (came from a doomed people, lost everyone, both determined to hold out against nihility and live just for the sake of living, "blessed" by aeons), but I think narratively speaking, the story puts Acheron in a different position when her tale entangles with Aventurine's: the surrogate big sister role.
Acheron's a very good parallel to Aventurine's sister in numerous ways: First, she essentially sacrificed herself to defeat the evil threatening her people, but is ultimately unsuccessful, resulting in the permanent loss of all she knew.
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This loss also resulted in Aventurine's sister actually dying, while Raiden Mei experienced a symbolic death, taking on the name "Acheron" to evoke the Underworld, getting a ghostly, bleached white form, and prowling the river of nihility like a wandering spirit of the dead.
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Second, the philosophy Acheron espouses is nearly identical to Aventurine's sister. When even as a child Kakavasha was doubting the value and meaning of life, his sister was the one constantly reaffirming that life has meaning, despite its hardships, and that continuing to exist is the way to honor those who have sacrificed for you. Just as Aventurine's sister expresses that people must hold on to faith, Acheron reminds everyone she encounters to cling to the last bit of color and light in their lives.
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This ends up being echoed by the role of guidance that she plays for Aventurine, with him both directly relying on her for his continued survival:
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And turning to her in his moment of greatest emotional need:
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(Sound familiar? It should. This is the exact same question Kakavasha once asked his sister.)
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But there's also a very, very nice visual parallel that goes on with Acheron and Aventurine's sister: the dusk rain that accompanies her.
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For Aventurine, the rain has complicated emotional connotations. For the Avgin, it was desperately needed, life-giving water, and thus was considered a direct blessing from Gaiathra. Rain on Aventurine's birthday was the sign of his being favored by the aeon, and yet it also rained on the day he lost everything and had to flee from the only home he had ever known (conveniently also his birthday, dude this guy's life sucks).
Meanwhile, the rain for Acheron is equally complex--rain can bring life, the renewal of barren, lifeless lands... But we also see the rain accompany Acheron through her worst loss, the final collapse of her planet:
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It also is said to rain constantly within the shadow of nihility, a lightless gray that washes away all that people wish to cling to.
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For both Acheron and Aventurine's sister, the rain accompanies the end of their "lives," the backdrop to their ultimate sacrifices.
Yet it is also in the rain that they both send Aventurine onward, escaping from the cage of his destiny into a "better" life. From beneath the shadow of the storm, they both bid him to go and not turn back, freeing him and permanently changing the course of his life.
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The rain that took everything from both Aventurine's sister and Acheron is ultimately what saves him.
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It's all a very tidy and well-written parallel.
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incubus Majima 💖
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simplepotatofarmer · 10 months
remember when we all decided collectively that the syndicate would treat c!dream exactly like this:
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i think we should bring this back, actually.
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sidekickjoey · 2 years
I think us Steddie fans, as a whole, have ignored the fanfic potential of Steve suggesting stripping (i.e. get this right, I strip - get this wrong, you strip) as a studying motivation in season 1. 
Give me Steve suggesting it to an Eddie who is at his wit’s end studying for his last-ever test, ready to give up and not even try. Eddie’s taken so far back by the suggestion, absolutely thinking Steve has to be joking because there’s no way, he can’t be that lucky, but then Steve is staring at him dead-serious with this look of ‘...well?’ and Eddie is suddenly so much more interested in learning the ins-and-outs of quarks, atoms, and all that physics shit. 
He gets a B+. 
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
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Shouldn't doesn't mean won't
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oldmanjenkins985 · 7 months
There is something as a community we don't talk about enough.
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Seriously, this has been plaguing me for a while. Uzi is either 4'2" or 4'5" (based on an old WIP tweet by glitch or the Barbie parody tweets, I'll use the most recent of the Barbie one) and she's crouched down in this picture AND TESSA IS STILL ONLY ABOUT A HEAD TALLER THAN HER!
Just based on quick glances I'd say she's 5'1".
I still stan the short queen with the massive sword tho
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"I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me"
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hikeyzz · 9 months
all my favorite fantasies start with "i know it's fucked up, but ..."
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silusvesuius · 4 months
N*loth is literally prime NPD representation and that's just how it is. Dat's just how i feel . if iiiiiii hear anyhing ab him needing to be humbled or put in his place i'll just tear my hair out right here and match his look. not even trying to lift him up or defend him i'm just defending the mentally ill skajrim characters nobody wants to understand,
#text#literally sick to my stomach from people sayin that shit omfg#no i'm exaggerating but be serious#my sk*rim NPD trifecta is n*loth + s*ddgeir + m*raak#s*ddgeir is the one you all should be humbling cause he's just gay (derogatory)) and materialistic#i swear n*loth didn't do anythign to any of you people he doesn't even like fancy stuff even tho he has the bag#people see a smart bih with a rocket science degree and just wanna say she needs to be '' '' put in her place '' '''#my hyper sk*rim character rambling. .. but seriously tho...#i think 2 this site its: traumatized character = 'sad wet cat'#intimidating woman = 'MAMA DOM'#and character with blown out ego = 'actually pathetic'#like i'll start swinging idc#m*raak is a good personification of NPD cause he doesn't wanna believeee there's someone better than him in his 'skill'#notice how he's Always throwing shit on U for no reason#he's so mad. lols#the entire DB DLC is about m*raak's NPD and how it consumed him. very artistic..#but n*loth i find to be extremely realistic even in the little things#how his NPD isn't an escape from anything but just pillars of his existence#+how his ego doesn't help w/ not caring about wat others think about him.. he neeeeds that validation to feel good 2#but not to survive. his Ego can carry him on it's own#i'll defend n*loth's mental illnesses with my life idrc abt m*raak's diagnosis tho just cause he annoys me from the gameplay LMFAO BYE#if i sound crazy when i post shid likethis it's cause you don't LOVE sk*rim like i do.........rubbing my temples
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hetalia-club · 2 years
Hetalia Theory #1006
America can be killed and does have a health bar. Pieces of his heart are locked away inside each waffle house location scattered around the united states. This is why the environment is so hostile and the employees are so combative. It's also why the locations always stay open 24 hours and only ever close down if death is certain. They are protecting him. If you travel to every waffle house location and challenge the staff to hand to hand combat and you somehow beyond all odds manage to defeat all of them at every location he is the final boss. His stats are insane and you winning is near impossible unless you bring Papst Blue Ribbon and manage to shoot enough of it it into his mouth. This will lower his stats slightly. But it also enrages him and will drastically change his personality. Many have tried none have succeeded. Every waffle house fight you see is an attempt gone wrong.
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lefaystrent · 25 days
"Grandma, why do you have six arms?"
"All the better to hug you with, my dear."
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frogwithfeelings · 1 year
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he's just a lil guy <3
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robo-bozo7125 · 2 months
heh. heh. wouldn't it be funny if stan never got his memory back at the end of gravity falls. would that be fucked up or what
like i GET IT i get it it's a kid show it's gotta have a happy ending and all that but isn't it kind of tiring that these "permanent sacrifices" made in fiction keep getting reverted. wouldn't it be fun to just let the consequences be permanent for once
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