#I'm not built fool proof but there are some things that worked out well and my abhorrence of alcohol is def one
noctomania · 1 year
It is a very very very good thing i do not like the taste of alcohol in any form. If i did there is no way i would have made it through my PSLF term without becoming a full fledge alcoholic.
I'm thankful for that, and for weed, and for legalization of weed here, and for my own character helping me along, and - while im not thankful my mom was an alcoholic - I am thankful that I paid attention to what it does. I'm thankful my life has worked out better than it could have even if it's not what I want just yet.
All that said i really would like to be incredibly drunk rn.
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This might sound weird so bear with me but what anout a poly lost boys fic with a time traveling reader?
Not weird at all - it is most definitely one of my favourite tropes, and I have written some before:
A girl from 1906 gets stuck in a mirror and gets out when it's 1987
Not really time travel, but their s/o is stuck in a timeloop
A girl from the past gets thrown into the future
With an s/o from the future who misses their cellphone and other modern devices
Paul who has an s/o from the future
A Bill and Ted cross over (there's a part two in the Marko masterlist)
My series Dear Hazel, which doesn't include time travel but someone frozen in time (like they get frozen in 1920 and unfrozen in 1980, so for them there's a time jump?)
So yeah, not a weird question at all! I hope you like this!
I had travelled before, once or twice, just to test if it was real. It had gone well, both of these times. The third time, however. I sighed, looking at the debris lying around me, broken pieces of metal spread out over the sandy beach. How this could have happened, I didn't know. This machine I'd built, made from an old motorcycle, was my breakthrough. It had started out simple enough, wanting to fix the bike up so I could ride it. But while fixing it, I got to watching Bill and Ted, Doctor Who, Timeless... you know, timetravel shows. And it got me thinking - what if I could do something like that as well. It took me a little over three years, but in the end, I found a way to travel through time. It was not fool proof, I couldn't quite pinpoint when I would land, but it worked. I had visited the theatre the night Lincoln was assassinated, and then went on to see Elvis shoot his first film. Like I said, it wasn't precise, but it worked.
Now, however, as it laid in pieces around me, I felt horrible. I didn't have a backup plan. All I had was my machine, and now it was broken - probably beyond repair.
"Holy shit what did you do to your bike?"
I looked up, seeing a tall blonde staring at what was left of it.
"Eh," I stood up, wiping the sand off of my pants, "I got in a little accident."
"Yeah, I can see that. Do you need some help fixing it up?"
I stopped to look at him. "Wait, you think it can still be fixed?"
He nodded, looking it over. "Sure, my friends and I have had some worse accidents and still managed to fix them. I'm Paul by the way."
I smiled, introducing myself, as I started to gather the broken pieces. The gold wire I had found that had been the key to the timetravel feature. The diamond particles needed to accelerate quickly enough so I could pass through time. I sighed as I collected them all, getting some curious looks from Paul.
"I'd never seen those used in a bike."
"My bike 's special."
"They all say that."
"I used mine to timetravel."
Paul laughed. "You're full of shit."
"Am not."
"Proof it."
"Sure." I grabbed my phone, glad I charged it before going on this trip. It was still at 80%, and even though there was no connection to think off, it could still show Paul that I was being honest.
"The fuck is that?" He took it from me, holding it close to his face.
"It's my phone."
"Dude, I don't know what you think but this is not a phone."
"No?" I took it back, unlocked it, and showed him. I dialed my mums number - knowing it would ring but no one would pick up.
"It's also a camera."
"You're shitting me."
"Nope." I took a picture of him, frowning when I realised he didn't show up - but the beach and the sea behind him did. I showed it to him, and Paul's look of amazement was one I could have only imagined.
"What else can it do?"
"Play and record videos. Play music. You can play games on it. Read. I don't know, basically everything you want."
"It's a cool thing, but I mean - it doesn't really proof that you're from the future now, does it?"
I shrugged. "Then tell me what year it is, and I'll tell you what I know will happen."
Before Paul could tell me, three other guys walked up to him. One dressed in all black, the other wearing a bright colourful jacket and the last one being the epitome of tall, dark and handsome.
"You guys are not going to believe this," Paul grinned, "they believe they're from the future!"
"I don't believe it, I am from the future."
"Did they hit their head or something?" Marko asked, looking at me.
"Dunno. But if they're telling the truth, it's pretty cool, hm?" Paul grinned, introducing the boys to me, and me in turn to the boys.
"Proof it." David spoke up, causing me to sigh. I handed him my phone, showing him the same things I had shown Paul. I noticed the others looking over his shoulder, curious by the device and its capabilities.
"So you know the future?" Marko looked at me.
"Bits and pieces. What year is it?"
I nodded, thinking. "I mean, the next big thing - like big big thing - that will happen is the fall of the Berlin wall, I think? But that isn't till November 1989, so -" I thought for a bit. "What's the date?"
"June 23rd." Dwayne answered. I grinned.
"Okay, so on June 30, Canada will introduce a one dollar coin that is going to be nicknamed the Loonie."
"How did you get here?" David asked, but before I could answer, Paul did.
"They built a freaking timetraveling motorcycle!"
"It's broken now, though."
"So when are you from?" David looked at me.
"2024. Can't recommend it. After the pandemic, things only went to shit even more."
David nodded as if he had expected me to say something along those lines.
"You should stay with us," he continued, "we can help you fix your bike."
"I'd like that," I agreed, quietly wondering how we were supposed to get my broken bike all the way to their place.
Little did I realise that their place wasn't that far off and wasn't an actual house. They lived in an old cave that clearly had been a hotel of some sort before. It was awesome. The boys were welcoming, and even though they had understandably a hard time believing my story, they didn't treat me as if I was insane. Instead, they helped me fix up my bike.
The days passed, and when the thirtiest came and went, and my prediction had come true, they truly started to believe me.
Time passed quickly as we worked on my bike, went to the boardwalk, and had bonfire parties. It was fun. And the more time I spent with them, the more I realised that I really liked them. I had spent so much time worrying about fixing my bike and timemachine that I didn't realise how much I liked them.
It was five months after I met them that the bike was fixed. The parts were put back into place, and I was certain that the time travel parts would work as well. I had bid the boys goodbye, hugging them tightly before I got on. I drove off, speeding up, going faster and faster and faster and -
I crashed. I was dragged over the ground, the trees flashing by me. I saw a tree coming faster and faster my way, feeling certain that I would be folded around it. I closed my eyes bracing for impact - when suddenly someone pulled me up into the air.
"I got you."
I blinked. It was Dwayne. He held me in his arms, flying in the air.
"Y-you're flying?"
"Yeah. We got some things to explain to you."
"You saved me."
"I couldn't let you die like that."
I smiled, feeling my heart melt. He landed on the ground, putting me down and checking me over.
"Are you sure you're alright?"
I nodded. "I am."
"You're back already?" Marko ran out of the cave, hugging me tightly.
"Not really. My bike crashed."
"Maybe your bike is just shitty," David offered as he appeared beside me. I grinned, shaking my head.
"So you're stuck here, then?" Paul looked at me. He had known, as did the others, that I had wanted to go home. Just to make sure I left things well. To make sure everyone would be fine if I did stay behind somewhere.
"I am kind of glad I am, if I am honest." I said quietly as I looked at the four of them. "I don't know if I could have ever found you again."
"You would have!" Marko looked at me.
"I didn't want to leave here, not really. I miss home, sometimes, and I definitely miss my phone and my music and - I can't wait to show you guys my favourite shows and movies. But as much as I miss those things, I don't think I could stand missing any of you four."
The boys surrounded me, pulling me into a hug.
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alienpossession · 1 year
"Ahahaha, yeah sir, just trying to keep up with the role, you know? As you said it yourself, cannot let other people know that I'm not myself any longer so I just play pretend being this straight Korean prick. Would've let you do anything you want to me if I know it was you from the get go, please, get in, you'll have so much more fun by being inside of me rather than going around as the little twink,"
After a while, I usually like to check out and test my various vessels which are spread across the globe. Aside from trying to know how well they integrate to human society, I find it amusing to toy around with their feelings and how easy their personality switched between their human persona and my dutiful vessels. It's also a way for me to test my power, like how well I could hide myself to be undetected by their senses which would indicate how well I could hide from other beings that might come to Earth and spoiled my fun. I find it handy to use Vince as my base body since he's loaded and despite claiming to be a very busy businessman when I first met him back then, most of his works are done by other people.
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It left a lot of flexibility in his schedule so I simply head to the airport and his private jet ready to drop me anywhere I wished in a moment's notice. After I landed, I usually just dropped Vince's body in the hotel while I did my test, wearing temporary skins that my vessels wouldn't recognize as other vessels of mine and could keep me incognito. Here's what happened in the past few weeks
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I just smirked as I quickly kneeled and get my tongue out ready to give that sweaty abs some licking it deserves. He's this close to bashed me to death, just like the real homophobic Seulgi would. I turned my incognito mode off and he directly stopped his fist a couple centimetres away from this cute university student's face I slid into earlier. Now, his fist turned into a lustful grab of my hair as he used it to rub me up and down his abs as if I'm some kind of washcloth. His lustful moan is as seductive as I remembered when I took him over in that Hongdae nightclub, and I couldn't help myself but squirted some loads into this university senior's pants while transferred myself to Seulgi through his navel
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"Oh that was hilarious. I totally didn't see that coming. I really thought you are just one hell of an annoying new client I should endure jist because they could afford me. Totally sorry for being so hard and rude to you Sir,"
I simply smiled. Francis is a personal trainer, a succesful one at that, but I know he's not good with people that are not at least a decently-built individual yet. I slid into this fat fuck when he left Subway and I quickly devised the plot to tick Francis off. I bought some gym clothes to be in character, signed up to the gym where he worked at, asked....no....demanded to have him as my personal trainer and said all the things I know he hated. He's this close to lash out on me, I could tell, but just like the real Francis, he kept himself together. I also didn't find any flaws on the way he behaved like Francis so after about an hour, I turned my incognito mode off and he quickly realized it
"Well Sir, please just left that fat retard quickly and get into me Sir. That look doesn't fit you and I know he only drained you and made you out of breath. Please, it's been a while too since you get inside me,"
"Why would you do that, Sir? We are totally fool-proof, you don't have to test us. Is this random test or did you hear anything about us raising other people's suspicion? Now I feel bad for not welcoming you properly, you really played that role a bit too well to, I was this close to slap your face and called you names,"
"No no, you two are doing fine. This is just random test as I'm visiting Egypt anyway. And as for her, I just know you would hate her. Argumentative and loud gym girl that dared to talk back to you? Yeah, that's your trigger, just need to up the ante by disrespecting your mom and boy, I noticed that balled fist yo, I quickly shut off my incognito mode hahah!"
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"We felt bad that you have to meet us this way. Maybe you want to slide into Farhan? You've went inside me during Mr. Olympia a couple months ago anyway, Farhan has been longing for you,"
"Well, I'm gonna do it from this chick's body so maybe let's search for somewhere private,"
"Master, sorry for being a bit direct but this is not an effective usage of your time. You have so many vessels, why fool around with the ruse?"
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"Because I like to do it. And I can do it. Why are you the one questioning me now?"
"Sorry Master. It's just---"
"Strip, and where's a bathroom? I need to fuck you with a mirror in sight so he can see that he's just a bottom bitch that lost thr ability to even control his own body and he's not going to influence you anymore even when I'm not inside you all the time. I will make him trapped so deep within his own mind, he wouldn't be able to leak through and influenced you any longer,"
"Certainly sir, everything I own belongs to you, including the bitch I'm going to visit. She's all yours. Heck, even if you want to fuck a white twink with my body, so be it, you do what you want with me and my schedule. I'm just so honored that you even bothered to come all the way down to South Africa for me,"
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"What? Huh....I guess you played Romain a bit too well. Calm down a bit. Get hard. Fuck around more. Stop being so business-minded all the time. It gets annoying to see more of that guy surfaced you know. He's one tough cookie back when I eventually subdued him, turned out he remained tough up until now huh? Giving you a hard time to be loose and free while fooling all the people worked for him. Strip,"
"Oh wow, really? Fuck, I really am going to smash this whole thing with you inside of me during the competition. What a chance encounter this is. I really thought you were just an annoying fan and I only wasted my time here interacting with a fans, but turns out it pays off acting all nice and pretending like I'm this sweet All-American boy when you revealed yourself. Please, you can just jump right in sir, it's been a while since my navel welcomed you,"
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crmsnmth · 5 months
A Letter to Someone I'll Never Talk To Again: Part One
Dear "Muppet"
Most people start off a letter by asking how you are, but I don't want to waste words on something that doesn't affect my life. I hope you're doing well, but it's really none of my bsiness in the end. I wish like hell that that wasn't true, but wishes are for wishful thinking. You know me, always the life of the party.
I haven't changed all that much since our time. Okay, that's a lie. I've changed a lot. See after you left, and everyone watched me go down, I vowed to change. That I would someday change back into the person I was at my happiest. I thougth that's what mattered, being happy.
The problem with this fool proof plan was that I was a fool with guesses. I was at my happiest with you, so that means I'll never be that person again. That person is officially dead and buried and his rotting corpse is why my breath stinks to badly in the morning. It leaves a foul taste too.
I knew you were with him during the last month of our relationship. I always wonder if you ever figured out that I figured it out, playing Sherlock Holmes but with a far less interesting story that you already know. I knew he was there while I was at work. And I bit my tongue because I loved you so much. I loved the person I had fallen in love with.
That person I fell in love so deeply with, was different than the one you were at the end. And I guess that's kind of a given fact since you were fucking someone else while we were in our relationship. I've had some bad relationships, the one after you especially difficult, but one thing i can say is that I've never once cheated on any partner I've had. Even if I wanted to, I never did it. Not even has payback. I didn't really give all thought about it.
Why would I? It never mattered what you did. From the very first time you stepped into that bar to the very last time you walked away from me, I knew I was yours. I was yours and I would do anything for you. So I even forgive you for all of this stuff too.
That doesn't mean I wasn't a problem too. I was caught in a delusional world I had built in my head, and I wouldn't get out of it until you left me. I think that was the shock that snapped everything into place. The catalyst, you could say. I was a liar and a con artist with the charisma of Charles Manson. I could get anyone on my side before you. I used those skills. I did it constantly. Tell a lie, something so far off and unreal that was obviously lie, and I'd wait for sometone to take the bait. Once they took the bair, the game was on and I ould try to convince someone that I was right, even when they knew I wasn't. It worked more often than not, and looking back, that frightens me so much. I was so good at it. Either that or everybody was somehow in on the joke. I did it too twice that I can think, but that number should be higher.
I really lost it after you left. And you saw it. The last phone call I ever got from you was the morning after a very awful evening. I don't remember the evening. I was mixing cocaine and being black out drunk. Somehow, I managed to piss everybody off and was taken outside to get the shit kicked out of me. You called the next morning, after hearing abot the beating and my awful behavior. Yout told me your roommate was super pissed at me. I tried to apologize on Facebook and maybe find out what happened, but he read my message and proceeded to block me/ That was it then. That one less than a minute long phone call.
They'll be letters soon, but for now I'm tired and my eyes itch behind my glasses. Time to start the ritual you loved so much in the beginning but by the end hated. And that's how it goes. People change, and there is absolutely nothing one could do. Our time together meant and still means almost everything to me, and at the way it's going, I'll be seeing you when my eyes close for all of eternity. Even without well-respected no contact clause. I almost broke when I came across your picture in a box of random papers. But I didn't. And the number I refuse to delete from my sim card may not even be your number anymore. I've probably gone through 100 different numbers since yo split.
I have to stop now, or I never will.
Love You Until the Sun Explodes, "Peanut"
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mangodestroyer · 8 months
Did anyone else get some very unpleasant advice about "healthy lifestyles" growing up?
I mean, seriously. I remember being taught that "raw fruits and veggies", specifically "raw greens like broccoli, kale, and spinach" were the SUPERIOR way having a high nutrients, low calorie diet. SPEICFICALLY if you did nothing to flavor them/didn't dip them in anything (except maybe a tiny bit of peanut butter). Also, avoid red meats and eat unflavored, broiled chicken and fish. Only eat a tiny desert once a week. At most. Have whole grains instead of white bread. Get vigorous exercise 60 mins a day and make sure you're out of breath, sweaty, and in pain (if it stops hurting, you got too used to it and need to push yourself harder/change things up). Oh, and don't you DARE be fat! Don't even be on the high end of a "healthy" bmi (even if you're tall/built with a larger bone frame and bmi doesn't work so well with people like that).
Yeah, um, turns out this advice is actually pretty bad/doesn't work for everyone/sometimes causes more harm/is honestly kind of not obtainable for some people. I've tried doing this at various points throughout my life. It made me miserable and lightheaded and I never stuck with it for long.
For instance, some workouts I was taught in gym class are a big no-no, according to physical therapists. The one where you reach down and touch your toes can be very bad for your hips and tendons (that's why it hurts). Also, I remember being pushed to run very intensely/do stairs in a cold ass environment. I don't have breathing problems, but I felt like I did after the fact. I mean, I was straight up coughing and my lungs hurt. So, I assume that probably also wasn't very good for me.
Also, grains aren't always a great choice of food either. They're full of carbs and can put on weight like crazy. There's this thing called veggie bread and veggie pasta. They're better options and they also taste a hell of a lot better than whole grain (seriously, ew!) Plus, veggie pasta is colorful. That makes it look fun!
And also, it's true that raw greens are insanely healthy. But really? Would you die if you almost never had greens this way? You know, enjoying your time on Earth is also healthy, and I sure as hell do NOT enjoy raw, unflavored greens (and I'm a person who likes bitter things and vegetables). I won't touch them unless they're prepared in a particular way. Preferably cooked and with lots of spices.
Speaking of which, spices are very good for you and add tons of flavor to your food. So is vinegar (lots of flavor and no sodium). And cooking wine. And herbs. Now there's one way to make your cooked vegetables extra healthy!
Seriously, why go so overkill? You realistically won't stick to a strict diet and exercise routine. Imo, it's much better to find healthy options you actually enjoy. For me, it's always going to be cooked vegetables and raw fruit (or fruit juice). With TONS of spices and herbs and vinegar and cooking wine. I also like going on brisk walks now and then. I know I need to get more exercise, but I still just don't care to do something super intense on a regular basis (I have a retail job and it just won't work out/I need energy for school and work). I'd much rather do some simple yoga for my joints or something.
Also, red meat is not the best thing in the world. Overconsumption can be an issue. But... some of us also kind of need it. I get low blood pressure. I also have a monthly cycle. I also seem to need a higher calorie diet. Not having enough red meat can be bad for me. And no, supplements are not fool proof. You absorb more nutrients from food.
I get that heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc. are problems in the U.S. But was this diet advice designed for someone who's genetically prone to having high cholesterol? Or who was born with a family history of some extreme diabetes? I've met people like that, and it does really suck for them. But also, maybe we don't need to design a diet for the worst case scenario for everyone?
You know, they also never really talked about stress enough. The harmful effects of it and all. Stress, and alcohol, actually cause a lot of America's top killers way more than people realize. And honestly, I can see it. I personally just don't feel very good if I've been super stressed for a long time. I mean, stress can literally cause me physical pain. And I feel like my body and mind don't function as well. It's too bad America just pushes people to have stressful lifestyles (60+ hour work weeks are becoming a norm, and I am just not someone who does well with that). Oh, lack of sleep too. Again, I can NOT function without that so-called "beauty sleep" (which is literally just the amount you're supposed to get).
I seriously need to find some people who obsessed with the laid back lifestyle.
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Do you have hcs about Mairon and Eönwë being husbands? 😻👉👈
Hello! I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long for me to answer T_T I have been very useless at thinking of word things for the last while...
I can't say I've ever thought of them as husbands.... I always think of them as having their relationship really early on in their time in Almaren so they are quite young, too young for a relationship like marriage. I think of them as having that kind of awkward 'are they friends are they boyfriends, who knows?!' kind of relationship. They didn't quite get what it was either.
But, some head canons!
A bit of context first: In my head canon where these two were... whatever their relationship was, I head canon that Mairon wasn't aligned with Melkor right from the start. He was genuinely a Maia of Aulë for a while when the world was being built.
The initial contact they would have had with each other would have been in a very official capacity. Eönwë is the chief of the Maiar and is Manwë's herald. He was always flying around, helping Manwë to keep an eye on how things were going. Mairon, having been Aulë's chief Maia, was generally the one to deal with him when Aulë himself was busy.
From there, they found they got on really well. Both of them have a thing for order and rules (just in later years it turned out that they had ...eh...let's just say they had very different ideas about how those things should be brought about and enforced and by whom...)
When they weren't busy with their work, they would spend time together and tell each other of what they had been up to. They had a secret spot they would go to and get all snuggly. Eönwë's big feathery wings came in handy here.
Maybe one time Mairon brought some examples of some of the new gems that Aulë's people were burying in the Earth ("Why would you hide such beauty??" "Our Lord says that the Children will learn to find them for themselves one day and that the hunting and finding will give them as much pleasure as the seeing"). Eönwë would tell Mairon all about what it was like to be the Right Hand Maia to the King of Arda. Mairon loved to hear about that kind of stuff. It filled him with a kind of excitement that he couldn't quite understand (he later learned that that excitement was ambition... don't worry about it. It totally didn't eventually turn into jealousy or anything... 🙂)
Eönwë was one of the only people to not completely give up on Mairon after his defection (Aulë was the only other one). Eönwë harbored a secret hope that Mairon had been stolen away and tricked by Melkor.
When Sauron first presented himself to Eönwë following the War of Wrath, Eönwë allowed himself a little hope that this was proof that Mairon hadn't really defected in the first place. It wasn't a long lived hope...
Eönwë was genuinely devastated when Gandalf returned from Middle Earth with the news that Sauron had been destroyed. He had been hoping for something like Melkor's first imprisonment, where Mairon would be free to live in Valinor in a few Ages.
As for Mairon... I don't quite see him as staying as attached to Eönwë as Eönwë did to Mairon. I think Mairon's view of his friend would have been twisted by jealousy (and his hatred of pretty much everyone and everything..)into thinking that he was a weak fool for serving Manwë instead of Melkor and for believing in the Valar's way of sharing power etc. etc...
That being said, it was the last time Mairon would have had a proper, healthy relationship. No lies. No plotting. No war. No hierarchy. Just two Maiar having a nice time. Maybe, in what he would consider a moment of weakness, he would look back at the time they had spent together and wish he was back there. Things were uncomplicated then.
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harmoni-me · 4 years
hi! wanted to tell you that i absolutely love your writing skills, it’s so different from the others that i've read and it makes me feel so warm inside. keep up the good work! i'm really looking forward to seeing more
if you don’t mind, i'd like to request for a poly nagito x sweetheart reader x kokichi where they’re still in the crushing/pining stage and being confused about their sexuality. thank you, have a good day/night!💙
Phew! I finally did it! My fingers kinda hurt from typing all this haha! But I loved the request a lot! I played around with the concept you gave me as well, so it’s a story that branches out into multiple styles of writing. I do have to warn you though, goodness is this one long! But I hope you enjoy it all in the same! <3
I’m so sleepy lol 
quick trigger warning beware! : There is a scene in this where a character goes through mental hysteria that contains some panic attack like symptoms. If you are sensitive to that writing, please, skip the the fluffy scene that if used for comfort right after :) (Or just don’t read it at all, don’t worry! Harmoni understands!)
Nagito Komaeda x Sweetheart Reader x Kokichi Ouma! Pt. 1
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Also can we just talk about this gif? It makes me so happy...This artist is so good too like WHOA! Check them out! 
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“1, 2, 3, 4-“
“5, 6, 7, 8!” Nagito finished, moving the silver, dog-shaped play piece across the board in rhythmic taps.
“NOOOO! BOARDWALK, NAGITO?! FUCKING BOARDWALK?!” Kokichi shrieked in a fit of rage, slamming his Panta drink onto the table, while standing up and causing an absolute fit.
Nagito was chuckling at the enraged boy, who was now standing on the kitchen counters, stomping in pure fury. Kokichi was a huge brat. A clingy, competitive, always-begging-for-something, whole-hearted brat. Though, Nagito would have to admit that he could never stay mad at Kokichi, in fact, he would have to say that he barely gets mad at him. Ever. He reminded the white-haired boy of a playful puppy, bounding and bucking happily when getting what it wants. It made Nagito’s heart melt, evaporate, then simply melt again, even when he was a cursing mess stomping on the granite countertops, getting scratches all over it.
“Woah! Nagi, that’s amazing! You got Boardwalk really early in the game, that’s so cool!” You smiled, while also laughing at Kokichi’s ferocious cursing as ambiance. Your smile drove Nagito’s attention away from the angered boy, and his heart went through overdrive once he saw your sweet smile, radiating so much contagious joy. It’s almost as if he was on a roller coaster that contained a different track each and every time he rode it. One minute, his heart would be doing loops, and the next, it excitedly go up again.
. . .
Now, this is where the problem begins. Well, the one of three problems that plague the three individuals all playing a simple game of Monopoly on a Sunday night. This is Nagito’s problem: Whenever he has an effect on Kokichi, making him oh-so-lovable in his eyes, his heart swells and fills his chest to the brim. Oh, was this feeling that was so incredibly foreign to him feel so wonderful when it dawned upon him for the first time.
Nagito could always draw the memory back within his vision in surreal detail. Kokichi and Nagito were loitering in the hallways of Hope’s peak, with the shorter purple-haired boy dragging the pale, frizzy haired boy by the hand to apparently “Conjure up the biggest most awesome-est prank Hope’s Peak has every witnesses since built into existence”. Honestly, how could Nagito say no to something that holds so much potential hope and despair, all contained in one big gift-wrapped surprise of a prank on the whole school?
After planning for a few hours, Kokichi seemed to have a fuse broken in his brain due to thinking about a truly fool-proof plan. The somewhat drowsy prankster reached into his schoolbag and pulled out two twin bottles of grape Panta, sliding one over to an unsuspecting Nagito. The purple plastic bottle bonked into Nagito’s forearm, knocking the bottle down from the force.
“Nehehe, I guess you really are the Ultimate Lucky student, huh? It just so happens I packed an extra today, Shamrock! Make it up to me sometime soon, okaaaaay?” Kokichi giggled, teasing the lanky, somewhat socially-awkward Nagito who was sitting across from him on a desk within a totally abandoned classroom. Nagito thanked the other, though, Kokichi really couldn’t respond due to being in the middle of chugging his favorite carbonated drink.
Nagito turn to his own bottle. He wasn’t the biggest fan of old-fashioned artificial grape flavored things, but it wasn’t the worst. Plus, it would be quite rude to refuse a drink from a friend, right? So the white haired boy simply picked up the bottle, and twisted the cap off, as per usual etiquette of opening a soda bottle.
It didn’t take too long until Nagito knew what was going on. The drink had exploded everywhere. The bottle of soda was basically empty by the end of the grape-geyser showcase, and poor Nagito was left drenched in purple, sticky, sugary liquid. The drink already was starting to dry into a thin, sweet crust on his skin, making the boy on a whole other level of uncomfortable. Though, it was kind of expected that Kokichi would be absolutely laughing his butt off in the moment, sounding like some sort of hysteric hyena mixed with a duckling quacking at some breadcrumbs. It was a laughable sight, no doubt, Nagito literally looked like the embodiment of a sad, wet dog.
But then Kokichi settled down after a bit, controlling his breathing from the pathetic sight. After doing so, he got up out of his seat, and knelt down to scrummage through his bag, revealing a regular branded water bottle. He then made his way over to Nagito, and without hesitation, sat himself on his soda-soaked lap.
“Aww, really going for that kicked puppy look, are you now? Well, since I’ve had all my laughing fun from this, I guess it’s only natural that I help you out, hm? Or would you rather just stay just like this? Oh, now, I wouldn’t mind it if we did…though it seems your eyes beg to differ…well in that case, let’s clean you up, shall we?” Kokichi hummed, teasing the ever living daylights out of the wet and miserable boy.
Kokichi then did something that made Nagito’s heart pound harder than it ever had before. The teasing boy reached behind his neck, untying his beloved checkered bandana. He then carefully opened the water bottle, and poured the contents onto the fabric. Once ensuring it was thoroughly soaked, Kokichi started to wash off as much of the stickiness he could. to Ruffling Nagito’s hair, from gently washing his pale cheeks, which were now sprinkled with specks of rose, and finally gliding the cloth along Nagito’s clothes and hands.
A few things in Nagito’s mind had clicked into place after Kokichi had handled him with the care equal to that of a lover. Well, ironically, Nagito had caught feelings for his tiny little prankster brat of a friend. Was it a huge surprise? Not really, based on the track that Nagito was on.
Another piece of the puzzle had snapped: Kokichi was a a guy. That was something really to think about. Never had Nagito found men attractive, but…
Finally, the last, and most worrying puzzle piece out of them all: Kokichi wasn’t the only one he has fell for. His heart has become torn in that moment, with every day becoming more of a wrestling match to the death rather than a silly tug-of-war between feelings. The other side of his heart was unsure, and fell for another person that had lifted him up through his lowest lows, supporting him like a much needed pair of crutches when having a sprained ankle.
And that person, was you.
. . .
“Ok ok ok ok ok! Listen here you little damn shamrock you!” Kokichi huffed, now sitting back on the ground, leg crossed, “You and I both know that I have Park Place, right? Right! Now, my dear little clover, I want to make a deal with you, if you will?” Kokichi smirked with evil intent clear within his irises.
“Ooo! Deals! Nagi, I think you should listen to Kichi, making profitable partnerships is pretty much his specialty.” You giggled, basically becoming Kokichi’s personal little advocate. He let out a quick “Yeah, what she said!”, causing Nagito to laugh and nod, gesturing for an explanation of the deal.
“Well, personally, my little clover, I feel like we should team up, you know? We could completely dominate over sweet our little gumdrop over there, making them drop to their knees in submission to us. You know, I have a feeling you and I both would enjoy it...” Kokichi shuffled a little closer to the platinum blonde, voice dropping, “We could rule them over together, as equals, or even make them surrender if they ever have the chance-“
“Sure! Though, you should probably get out of jail first.” Nagito chuckled, making the other boy grumble.
“Heeeeey! I wanna join in too! It sounds like you guys are having fun and stuff, while I’m all alone…” You puffed out your cheeks, sadness dripping in your voice.
Both of the boys shot up to look at your somewhat downcast features, and oh, how it wreaked their hearts in one fell swoop.
Kokichi automatically shot up from his position, puffing out his chest in preparation for a new speech.
“O-ok! New deal! We ALL join evil forces TOGETHER, and absolutely destroy the game with all of our property, while reaping in the greedy rewards of the capitalist regime!” Kokichi loudly proclaimed, chuckling at the end of his new deal.
You gasped, “Deal! Deal! Taking over a money-based board game with my two favorite people ever will always be a yes for me!” You laughed, smiling at the thought of the three of you taking over Hollywood streets with a pose of limos, while using bags stuffed with pure cash as weapons made it ten times funnier.
Kokichi smiled, resting his hands behind his head, “Yeah! Let’s end it here and just say that we kicked so much millionaire ass that we now have control over the whole economy!”
. . .
This is the second problem, Kokichi is so undeniably confused. About what? About himself. He was sure as all hell about how he felt about you, he always went soft and squishy for you, and not to mention he would be extra clingy when it had to do with you. Headpats? Common, and always appreciated. Cuddles? Been there, done that with you.
But, then there was Nagito. Kokichi would never say this out loud, but he thought that Nagito was so…pretty. And god, Kokichi was a huge sucker for pretty people. Though, once he realized that his feelings didn’t go to just one person, that’s when he started to panic.
He had to take in multiple things at once, trying to accept it all at once, but it was just so incredibly difficult. He has spent the whole entirety of his life to perfect the art of lying, and one thing that he learned constantly manipulated his own mind and thought process, tearing it into metaphorical shreds.
In order to pull out a lie that everyone can believe, you have to lie to yourself, and proclaim your own illusion of your truth.
Did Kokichi want to believe he was immensely attracted to Nagito, who just happened to be a guy? No, he really didn’t. It wasn’t normal.
Did Kokichi want to believe that he had fallen so fucking in love with two of his closest friends? Hell no. In society, you had to pick and choose, it’s one or the god damn other.
One night, all of these feeling and thoughts rushed into the boy’s conscious all at once, building immense pressure within his head and chest. Was this a nightmare, or-
Suddenly, his throat started to close up on him, making him gasp out in agony, wheezing on the covers of his bed, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes.
Instinct kicked in within the speed of light. Kokichi shakily reached over to his phone, grasping onto it, and quickly set up a group call. Almost immediately, the two people he was panicking over had picked up.
“Hello? Kokichi? Is there anything you need?” A raspy voice rang out. It seems as if Nagito was awoken by the sudden calling.
“Yeah, Kichi? Is there anything wrong?” You softly spoke through the phone. It calmed Kokichi a little just hearing the two of you guy so worried over him.
“I-I know It’s out of the blue-“ Kokichi gasped for air “B-but can you guys please come over?”
And oh boy, did you and Nagito get there in record time.
After just a mere ten minutes, you and Nagito were outside of Kokichi’s bedroom door, and the both of you could hear the desperate hiccups and gasps of your poor friend.
The both of you had no doubts, nor questions. You just wanted the struggling boy to feel safe.
“We’re coming in.” You said, affirming your actions with light knocking on the bedroom door.
When the both of you came face to face with a Kokichi with puffy red eyes, clutching his heaving chest, and thick tears rolling down his face, it felt like the both of you just got shot in the heart, the weight of it sinking down into the stomach, emitting a feeling that could only be described as pure pity. But the two of you automatically got to work.
Sooner rather than later, You and Nagito were cuddling Kokichi from either side, supporting him, as well as being his shield for protecting his small, delicate frame from his own cruel thoughts. You had started to run your fingers through Kokichi’s hair, causing his breaths to become fuller, and not nearly as hitched. Nagito also wanted to contribute in his own way, so he decided to mindlessly draw messy shapes and squiggles into Kokichi’s side, hoping that what he was doing would be of any help.
After only a mere five minutes, Kokichi had passed out from exhaustion, but the two of you kept on doing what you were doing, wanting for the boy in-between you two to have sweet dreams about all of what he desires all night long.
Kokichi has never let go of that memory, and never will for the rest of his life, and it’s a constant reminder on how much he had lied to himself. He actually wanted the truth out of something for once in his life, and that was how long it would be in order for the loves of his life to live without restraint of societal chains. Whenever it was, he would always be ready. Always, with arms as open as the horizon.
. . .
“Why in the world are we watching Big Hero 6 again? Didn’t we watch this, like, a month ago?” Kokichi trudged from the microwave, to the plush couch, bowl of buttered popcorn in hand.
“(Y/N) wanted to watch it, is there a problem?” Nagito tilted his head, holding the remote, about to press play. You were bouncing in anticipation, because this movie was just never a disappointment.
“Hm, well, I GUESS there’s nothing wrong with it….just don’t be surprised when you hear me snoring.” Kokichi huddled up beside you, placing the bowl of popcorn on you lap.
“I deem you the popcorn peacemaker! Your job is to make sure no one’s being a pig.” Kokichi snickered, while you giggled at your new role in life.
“Nagi? You like popcorn, right? Here!” You placed the bowl on his lap, causing him to smile.
“Hey, HEY! NO! That means I have to reach my WHOLE ARM over to to Lucky boy, JUST SO I CAN GET SOME POPCO-“
“Sh sh sh! The movie is starting!” You giggled, shushing the purple haired boy, while you heard a little chuckle from the white haired boy who was next to you.
. . .
The last problem was you. Your heart bubbled up in joy whenever you where around these boys, making your face erupt like a volcano whenever something slightly suggestive is aimed at you when it has to do with either one of them. You liked both of them, a lot, and you gave everything in order for the three of you to flourish in bountiful friendship. Yeah, that’s the problem, it was friendship.
Oh, how desperately you wished that everything could be easy! If life were like an infinite rolling of crashing waves, things would be flawless, predictable even. Unfortunately, life really likes to give you the short end of the stick, and this was honestly one of the shortest sticks someone like you would have never asked for. The loving of two men, both equally, and having an intense desire to treat them as lovers. What would they do as lovers? Where would they go as lovers? The questions and possibilities are endless…
The only time where you felt as if the friendship could’ve resembled anything somewhat romantic, was a summer evening trip to the beach.
The water was the perfect temperature, the ocean was as clear as glass, and the sand didn’t burn the soles of your feet. The boy’s were in their swimming trunks, having their own little fun. Nagito was afraid of getting to deep into the ocean, so you always stayed in the shallow end, trying to capture as many tiny fishes as you could with your bare hands.
Kokichi insisted that him and Nagito bury you in sand, leaving your head poking out of a sandy little cocoon. When the sun started to set, you got some supplies that you brought, and lit the fire that the group planned to create. Everyone gathered around it, cooking hot dogs on sticks, and crafting tasty s’mores that we fed each other.
One could say that that night might be the most casual and platonic friend trip ever, but something was off.
Everyone looked at each other differently that night. When looking into their eyes, it was oddly intimate. It was like all of the stars in the night sky reflected off their eyes conveyed so much...love.
That night, you felt so adored, so cherished and cultivated to the brim of your existence. You felt something, and maybe the other boy’s did too, but that feeling has changed your life.
Thanks to these stupid boys; These stupid boys that you’ve given so much to, you don’t think you could ever love any other.
One you’ve helped get out of a terrible degradation cycle, another you’ve helped to not lie to himself, and not as much to others.
And thanks to your down to earth humility, your heart has been stolen, and it was going to stay taken by those lovely, unique boys who have helped you out of so many ditches, and so many of life’s cracks and dents. God, how could you not fall?
Their lives were precious to you, but you had no idea how they would feel about an actual relationship, so you’ve always been terrified. Petrified and paralyzed to the bone to ever think of what may happen if you were the cause of the fracture of the friendship. You didn’t want to ruin something that has taken so long to build, yet can be torn all down due to a selfish desire.
But, maybe, just maybe, if they went to you first, confessed everything that was bottled up inside, dittoed on how you felt…
Then you might just be the luckiest person to live on this earth, there’s no doubt about that.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Tremors
Let's get you out of the sun for a spell.
Please move your fat ass.
Well, when I'm your age I'll probably forget what I eat, too.
How many cows does it take to make a stampede? Is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?
You will have long blonde hair, big green eyes, nice full breasts that stand up and say hello, ass that won't quit. And legs, legs that go all the way up!
Yeah, well, I'm getting what I refer to scientifically as "weird vibes."
They're all the same; dead weight. Can't make a decision, can't walk because of their shoes, can't work because of their fingernails. Make my skin crawl!
Well, I'm a victim of circumstance.
Twenty years of looking for a woman exactly like Miss October 1968, and where'd it get me?
Down, honey, down.
The way you worry, you're gonna have a heart attack before you get to survive World War III.
Right. We plan ahead. That way we don't do anything right now.
The idea was; we were ripping you off.
Now, you know I'm good for it.
Are we too easy-going?
If we're gonna take the plunge we oughta have a better plan than that.
Stop it! Stop it, you horrid animal!
God almighty, my mama sure didn't raise me for this.
You're the one's gotta have a plan.
What keeps us doing jobs like this is you dragging your feet.
You gonna stand there in broad daylight and tell me you think I'm the reason we're still here?
I'll call that little bluff.
Forget it, man. It's not worth it.
We did it! We faced temptation and we did not bend!
Last chance, asshole.
Jeez, look at that guy.
You're full of shit.
He must've really been drunk this time.
You damn fool, you owe me on this one
Well, whatever the hell happened it's just one more goddamn good reason to haul ass out of this place.
Hey, where the hell's that asshole dog?
We got a killer on the loose!
He's cutting people's heads off!
I'd high-tail for town if I was you!
The phone is out!
We've gotta get the police up here.
Well, there's sure as hell nothing to stop us now.
Is some higher force at work here?
Are we asking too much of life?
You on a booze break or what?!
Where are the bullets? Don't we have any goddamn bullets?
Hey, I don't want spend the night out here!
What the hell you doing back already?
Unreal! Where'd you get it?
It's disgusting.
So, it's some kind of snake?
It's dead all right. Tore the damn thing in half.
There's gotta be more out there, a lot more.
Slick as snot and I'm not lying.
Look, we organize, we arm ourselves.
We go out, we find those damn snake things, we make 'em extinct.
Might be aliens. Who knows?
Why go looking for trouble?
Phone's out. Road's out. We're on our own.
I'm dead. Let's finish in the morning.
Just keep looking at that beautiful sky.
Damn that thing!
Well, what's wrong with it?
You sure this is where it was?
God, what a stink!
Something's got me!
Oh, God! Get me Out!! GET ME OUT!!
Somebody stop it!
You want the rifle or the Smith?
You stupid punk!
One of these days, [NAME], somebody's gonna kick your ass.
Come back with the Sheriff.
Come back with the National Guard.
That means we're gonna be out here, like, in the dark.
Oh, man, I hate this shit.
Ride like hell.
How could they bury an entire Plymouth station wagon?
They're under the goddamn ground!
There must be a million of them!
It's gaining on us!
We can do it, we can do it!
We killed the bastard!
Did you just notice something weird?
Think it smells like that 'cause it's dead?
I think they shoot right outta its mouth, hook you, and pull you right in.
Good thing we stopped it before it killed anybody else.
I'm lucky it didn't find me.
This is like, well, let's say it, it's probably the biggest zoological discovery of the century.
Just look at what we caught here!
This is one big mother!
Come on, nobody's ever seen one of these!
There are five more of these things!
Five more?
If you compare the different readings, there have to be five.
There's nothing like them in the fossil record, I'm sure.
I'd vote for outer space. No way those are local boys.
The government built them, a big surprise in the next war.
How the hell's it even know we're still here?
It can sense the slightest seismic vibration, hear every move we make.
I always wanted to be stuck on a desert island. But somehow I always imagined, you know, water.
You know, I hate to be crude, but I'm gonna have to take care of some business here.
I'll tell you, if you ever wanted proof God is a man, this is it.
Running's not a plan. Running is what you do when the plan fails.
You're not even trying to come up with a plan!
Think it's still following us?
You go north, I'll go south.
Well, I'm scared, but I'm not sorry.
All right, I'm about as subtle as a donkey's ass.
You think we're not even safe here in town?
I think we should all get the hell out while the getting's good.
You should have a theory at least.
This valley's just one long smorgasbord and if we don't haul ass outta here we're the next course.
You little ass wipe!
You knock that off or you're gonna be shitting that basketball!
Where are we going to go that's safer than right here?
I'm gonna kick his ass!
Man, you got a gun?!
Big as a house!
Remember, no noise. No vibration.
Get off your pogo stick!
Go back, for chrissake!
Come on! Outta your pants!
Just run! Run like screaming fuck!
This oughta hurt like hell.
So, is that one of your usual jobs, saving peoples' lives?
How long till they go away?
Shut it up! Shut the little bastard up!
Quiet! Quiet you hateful thing!
Chuck him out the door!
Son of a bitchin' lowlife, putrid, scum.
I got enough food here to last us for weeks.
Jesus! Shut it off!
Can't you shout a little quieter?
How the hell long it take you to change a tire?
They're coming after you! They're coming right now!
Big monsters under the ground, [NAME]!
Broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't you, you BASTARD!
We killed that motherfucker!
Uh, be advised, however, there are four more, repeat, four more motherfuckers.
They got one! They killed one of the sons of bitches!
You're not getting any penetration, even with the elephant gun.
Never figured on having to shoot through dirt! Best goddamn bullet stop there is.
They can feel our vibrations, but they can't find us.
The bastards are up to something.
Oh, wow, man! No way! No fucking way, man!
They're gonna tear this whole town out from under us!
We'll come get everybody. Just hang on tight.
Since when the hell's every goddamn thing up to us?!
We don't have a hell of a lot of time here.
We need a helicopter is what we need, or a goddamn tank.
Jesus. It's slower than hell.
Couldn't we distract them somehow?
We need a decoy.
Hey, [NAME], you wanna make a buck?
We're gonna save our asses here!
Get real. I'm faster than you.
Damn. Guess I have to do it.
Watch your ass, shithead.
Don't worry about me, jerkoff.
You goddamn suicidal son of a bitch!
He'll never make it! They're gonna get him!
Goddamn good thinking!
Me next!
Get me off of here!
We got about three seconds!
God damn! Armored transport!
What do you think? Max firepower or...?
I'd go for penetration.
Give me a gun! I'll take one!
I wouldn't give you a gun if it was World War Three.
Underground goddamn monsters?!
Any sign of'em?
Maybe they're taking a dump.
What the hell are they doing? They're up to something.
I don't care what they're doing as long as they're doing it way over there.
They dug a trap! I can't believe this!
Hungry?! Eat this!!
Here they come! They're coming back!
They'll sure as hell get us if we stay here!
[NAME] do you have any more of those things?
Then, when the explosion happens, if it drives them away again, we all run like goddamn bastards!
What if it doesn't scare them? What if they don't run?
They're so sensitive to sound, they have to run! It hurts too much!
We're gonna run. Get ready.
They're too fast! You can't outrun them, no way!
It worked! There they go!
You asshole! There's no bullets in this gun!
Could we make it to the mountains?
What's the matter with you? What are you talking about?!
Those animals would have killed you!
You haven't seen what they can do.
They're not falling for it!
I'll make'em pay attention, goddamnit
We can't kill them all.
Use the fucking bomb!
This better be one great plan!
We could make some real money off this whole thing, get in People magazine.
Sell the movie rights.
You're really leaving, huh?
There's going to be major research up here.
And thanks for everything, you know, saving my life and stuff.
Civil? I'm civil.
You're not civil, you're glum.
We got the world by the tail with a downhill pull and all of a sudden you go glum on me.
Somebody paying you to do this?
She just practically asked you for a date.
God, my work is never done.
Fine, make the mistakes I did.
I think I'll just be playing this hand myself.
I'd goddamn worship her.
Can you fly, sucker?! CAN YOU FLY?!
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motherstone · 5 years
I want to discuss something...
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Clearly, this map alone could generate a goldmine of backstory fanfic and lore... And at least, show a bit of Stonekeeper culture
1. Mother Stone Chamber
Where I'm kept. Obvi. Interestingly, Vigo's dialogue in The Last Council states that the human settlers found it and buried it under Cielis, their first city. I do wanna cast doubt on this, I do believe it's just a propaganda that Cielan authority fed their people. Cielis was after all, helped build by Elves.
2. Stonecutter Alcove
When I first read this, I wasn't quite sure what they meant by Stonecutter. Now, I realized that this is where they cut off a bit of the Mother Stone, and bestow it to a newly recognized stonekeeper. I wonder if it functions the same way as the Temple of Kings in Gulfen, where old kings are buried and new kings are crowned; if this is where new stonekeepers are instated, and where criminal stonekeepers have their stones shattered (if that is even possible, considering killing a stone is nearly impossible w/o killing the person? But apparently stones die when the stonekeeper perishes. I dunno).
3. Guardian Tomb
Where dead Guardian members are buried, clearly. I wonder at the start of the war, did the Cielans desecrate the Elven tombs there? Because The Cloud Searchers show that Elves actually used to be part of the Council and many are citizens of Cielis, and thus likely had Elven Guardians as well buried there, but were eventually casted out or executed.
4. Stratus Cistern
If the cistern is their water supply... Where does the water comes from?? Maybe they have a machine that gets it fron the atmosphere or whatever. I just wanna say that not blocking any of the falls was dumb af. I mean yeah, aesthetics yaaas, but look at all those water wasted. The name comes from types of clouds, which in this case, Stratus, meaning "layered".
5. Hexagon Field
Or as I call it, the shittiest security measure for an object of astronomical importance. But this is a kid's series so maybe I can forgive.
6. Stonekeeper Cathedral
Now I have no idea why we have a Cathedral here, because it's exclusively er, a religion thing. Catholic-thing. But maybe, stonekeeping is a religion?
7. Colossal Halls
Exactly what it says here. Big ass halls. Maybe, Colossi walk through it.
8. Transpore
Transportation spore. Or maybe, they're just trans. Trans rights.
9. Alto Cistern
Once again, going along with the theme, this cistern is named after clouds, the way Cielis is French for sky. Altocumulus, to be exact, meaning "High heaped".
10. Nimbus Cistern
Nimbus is another type of cloud. It just means precipitation.
11. Robot Mines
In The Prince of the Elves, many bots were thrown ovee the edge by the Elves (for some unexplained reason? It'd mean the Elves have already conquered Cielis to be able to do that. So why would Max need to infiltrate it discreetly to kill everyone in authority and steal the Mother Stone? Now that I think of it, I do believe Max just went buckwild killing everyone. And then gets to the Hexagon Field, realizes he needs another stonekeeper. And a loud "Fuck!" echoes through the Colossal Halls. And thus, the unnecessarily complicated plot of fooling Emily when threatening her family already worked to get her cooperation). I do think this is a leftover that managed to stick from Kazu's initial manuscript for this book, where Cielis had a whole army of robot slaves to work their city. Anyways, I've said this before; Cielis was never the good guys.
12. Colossus Workshop
Where the Colossi are made. To be honest, I wonder what that corralled Colossus mech and rotted corpse doing in one cistern? How did it get there? Based on my research, the body is probably there for at least 5 years or more.
13. Transpore
It's there!
14. Crystal Grotto
I have no idea what I would say about this. Except it's a cave. With crystals. Probably the one Emily and Max went into when they first got into the tests.
Additionally, Cielis has an underground area. You probably wouldn't think this is significant, but I do think it's one proof that it was built by Elves, because Elves love building stuff not only on the surface, but to also operate underground (Lucien Underground was built by Riva's father, who used to be an architect for Cielis; the Elven Resistance built their base underneath Frontera). Also, Cielis has a very similar design to Valcor, except its outline is more sophisticated and clean. It's layered, and the colors juxtaposes each other (Cielis heavy on whites and blues, Valcor on blacks and reds), and they have those... Whatever those are that look like walkways sticking out of them.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this!
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