#I'm multiship trash
auselysium · 2 years
Decided I needed to come up with my top ships of all time tonight.
It was a long process and there were lots of different considerations: how much have I consumed the OG media, how much fic have I read, how much fic have I written, how much of an emotional impact has it had on my life, what social impacts have come from the ships (ie Fandom friends)
From this original list of lucky 13, I have my 5.
Top 13 Ships:
Chrolli - Christian/Oliver. Verbotene Liebe
Chryed - Christian/Syed. Eastenders
Wilmon - Wilhem/Simon. YR
Drarry - Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Elio/Oliver - Call Me By Your Name
Evak - Isak/Evan. Skam
Britin - Justin/ Brian. QAF
Robron - Aaron/Robert. Emmerdale
Stendan Ste/Brendan. Hollyoaks.
Stony -Cap/Iron Man. Marvel
TomGreg - Succesion
Monchevy - Philippe/Chevalier. Versailles.
Malex - Micheal/ Alex. Roswell New Mexico
Top 5 - in no particular order
Elio and Oliver
Isak and Even
Harry and Draco
Wilhelm and Simon
Brian and Justin
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raayllum · 2 years
claudia being the one and only person in his life to 1) not only believe in ezran’s ability to talk to animals right away, and 2) to guess that he has it, will never not royally fuck me up
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lenaboskow · 4 months
i don't really understand how you can group a bunch of shippers together and spread harmful narratives.
I ship both and I LOVED bucktaylor. when I said that on a post pre-season 7 I got swamped with hate by buddie shippers (obviously no tevan shippers then so idk how that wouldve played out).
I genuienly don't understand why this fandom is so against multishipping. Like do people not watch a show for the plot? if you're watching a show and only are focused on the potential of one ship, do you not get bored? do you not think its harmful to speculate on how actors feel about each other? if so then what about the ryan stuff?
I'm genuinely confused about all the double standards at play and the guilt I'm feeling because I like a canon ship. the spreading of hate for having an opinion is so toxic. its a minority and a loud one, but you don't have to spread their voice. it's a double ended blade, you push a constant negative opinion others are going to push back.
*when I say "you" I'm not just talking about you the account but all the people that have become "shipping police" since 7x04, both the loud tevan and buddie shippers
i can't speak for everyone, but most of the posts talking about people dropping buddie for bucktommy are about the monoshippers who've been here for more than just this season, who actively participated in buddie spec, and dropped buddie the second tommy kissed buck.
also, i haven't seen many buddie shippers spreading "hate" so much as i've seen them standing up for tommy's character being trash. i'm sure there's a few outliers, but most of the actual hate i've seen has come from the monoshippers. not sure what it is with them and dropping buddie, dropping eddie like that, but...
that being said, all my hate about the ship is directed towards tommy the character, not really the fact that it isn't buddie. i also loved bucktaylor before they ruined her character (though i much preferred them as friends) and she's the only li i can't read bashing of without feeling guilty because at least she had a personality. with tommy, his personality is literally just eddie on a white man.
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tco-old · 2 years
You know, I think I've come to the conclusion that Luigi is just my favorite Shippable Guy™ of all the mario characters bc i'm multishipping trash that ships Bowuigi, Luaisy, and Luisley
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avidbeader · 3 days
Fic Writer Q&A
Tagged by @eghfeithrean!
How many wips do you have currently?
At least 20, between works begun and posted on AO3 and works with their own file/outline. There's also the doc of "idea nuggets" that is 11 pages long.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
There are two. The first is "The Perils of Innocence", my giant HP story. It's a problem because I lost a lot of genuine motivation when I dropped the series after the trash fire of the sixth book (spite can be powerful, but it only gets you so far). That was the point where I dropped the idea of making it a four-part series covering all seven years and decided I'd wrap up the story in first year. And then JKR started showing what a shit person she is, and that's ground what motivation I did have into specks. I do intend to finish it, but it's been VERY slow going, especially when newer and shinier fandoms took over. The second is "Skydancer", the sequel to my first Voltron longfic "Scattered". Part of the problem with it was me realizing I was repeating the same basic plot I had for "The Quintissential Bond" (another stalled WIP) and taking a lot of time to make sure that they were different enough that someone reading both would enjoy them. But the main sticking point here is that when I wrote most of "Scattered" and planned for "Skydancer", I was still lightly multishipping a few ships and sprinkling them into what was a gen story. Then I became a devoted Sheith shipper. So now, it's hard to go back into that universe, where I created a past with Shiro's family fostering Keith to explain their closeness in S1-2, and try to write them being very close and protective of each other without tripping over the line into the romance I see in them.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
A phrase that is either a title or a suggestion for a scene. A what-if that diverges from canon. Something I see in another fic that doesn't get explored and I want to explore it. A meet-cute I witness in real life. A discussion with other fans. It can be anything. And I concentrate on it, mentally outlining or adding detail until I'm where I can jot down notes. The best ones are the ones that have my guts twisting and quivering with excitement as I think and write.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
Music isn't really part of my process at all. I can write in silence, ask Pandora to play one of my stations, or whatever. I do have a little playlist of Sheith that I put together several years ago when I realized I had several songs that meant Sheith to me. https://8tracks.com/avidbeader/my-sheith-songs
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
I am haphazardly organized. When I have the ideas developed, I outline and sometimes have scenes summarized as paragraphs, ready to be extended into the final product. But I can also find rabbits to chase down holes and write in spurts of inspiration, suddenly finding a chapter or story where I hadn't planned on one.
Tagging (if you haven’t done it yet): @lionescence @naarna @starboykeith @tragedy-machine and whoever else would like to join!
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maudlxne · 2 months
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// I have a lot to fix up on this blog still. Considering it's 6+ years old but I have been inactive for 3 years. I have some characters to trim as well as verses to fix up. Plus my muses page needs to be swapped/changed. I'm probably going to make an interest tracker as well ( once I figure out how ) as well as a ship bias ( I see that's a newer development since I've been gone. It's definitely handy! ) but I'm multiship trash so that might get long. If you would like to be added to my verses / Mains page let me know! There aren't many of us voltron dorks still running around after all. Small quick bias ship list of current active muses. However, this doesn't mean it's the only thing I will ship. Acxa: Lotacxa, Kacxa, Veracxa, Alluracxa. Ezor: Zethrid Krolia: Kolivan, her husband ( Keith's father ) Matt (My Matt is roughly around 23 - 27 depending on verse): Shiro (I can't believe the ship name for this is shatt ), Allura (maybe ), Matt getting a vacation. Hinata: Sasuhina, Naruhina, Sakuhina, the list goes on a little too long for her.
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bygonestiel · 11 months
omegle you will be missed 🫡
howdy y'all, i'm tod aka bygones | he/him | fair warning that i'm full-time undergrad and employed, but in the words of dean winchester on the creation of the deancave - when it's important, you make time :)
- 18+ | pacific time | discord + email + dms - will play dean or cas (as well as outsider perspectives) - open to any au/canon prompts - open to short-term AND long-term rps/partners - open to texts, paragraphs, and alternating - open to nsfw, a/b/o, and dark/dead dove as well (i love it) - open to fluff, domestic, and lighthearted hijinks too! - OPEN to 'cringe' trope-y trash rping to pass the time - comfortable with most things, just give me a heads up of kinks or traumas you're gunning for | i'm 50/50 on mpreg most of the time - i'm more than happy to workshop or revise prompts if there's something we want to tweak or ideas that come up - i'm technically multifandom/multiship 👀 - i have a stash of tons of prompts, both made by me and shared with me
if i'm not interested, i will let you know. if i'm busy, i will let you know. i do my best to be relatively reliable and respond in a few days tops, but never hesitate to poke me if it's been a bit. we can even like, schedule time to rp together if you want. ALSO if you're running into me again, hi, good to see you! if either of us have flaked on each other before, that's fine, i get it, i don't mind - and i'm more than happy to pick up where we left off or kickstart something new :)
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ask-sibverse · 1 year
More Type 1 Diabetic reader stuff. A small drabble? (I'm multishipping trash, Reader will end up with a harem. Might need to do a Bad Sans and Star Sans harem versions)
Healing magic can't cure diabetes. Dream tried. Oh stars above has he tried.
You think it's because diabetes isn't like a broken arm. Your pancreas isn't gone, just. Key cells in it are dead. And healing magic can't fix dead cells (means amputations are still necessary if a wound turns necrotic. Oh well.)
You honestly took this information much. Much better than Dream did. In your own world humans had been looking for a "cure" for decades, with little success. This was just more of the same.
But Dream. Dream had tried so hard. He'd tried multiple times and while healing magic seemed to temporarily stabilize blood sugar issues, it was no cure.
He couldn't save you.
The heartbroken look on his face when he finally accepted this was soul crushing. He avoided you for almost a month afterwards. You later learned he was afraid you'd be angry at him for being unable to save you with healing magic. Or disappointed. You were neither.
Well, you were disappointed. But not in Dream. Never in Dream.
After that, Dream threw himself at learning everything he could about how to help you manage your diabetes. He joined Blue in taking "lessons" from you about diabetes and how to manage it.
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3am-dragon · 2 months
Pinned Post
Dragon (I did not get this nickname for a cool reason, it was an insult at the time, but I have embraced it over the last 20+ years)
Also 3am_dragon on AO3
Also 3am_dragon, 4am_dragon, 5am_dragon and 6am_dragon on Neopets
ADHD sufferer
From the US
Minored in psychology, mom is a psychologist, really into character psychology, will tell you about my D&D character's life in detail if allowed
Hot Takes:
Thought crimes aren't real, fandom/shipping isn't activism. It's internet Barbies, and you're taking this way too seriously.
Blocking you doesn't mean I'm a bad person in the same way putting the trash in the dumpster doesn't make me a bad person. I curate my online experience. If you're going to be an asshole, I'm going to block you and move on.
You're not owed a response just because you sent an angry ask.
Fiction is not real. If an author writes something, they didn't do it IRL. Stephen King is not a killer clown, for instance. I am, likewise, not a dragon nor a hot 54 year old DILF.
Depiction is not endorsement.
Reading is consensual. If you do not like something, hit the back button instead of crying about something you, of your own free will, read.
I don't believe harassment is okay, ever. "But what about-" Even if you finish that sentence with an example of a truly bad person, harassment typically makes someone more entrenched in their beliefs, meaning you've effectively made the problem worse.
Real people matter more than fiction.
Redeeming villains is fine. They're fictional. Darth Vader isn't going to hurt you, he's not real. He has never existed.
Queer infighting is dumb. You will never hate enough people to be liked by queerphobes. I've lost track of what identities tumblr is hating on today and I don't care. Are you a good person? Yes? Then we're good. Go forth and identify however you want.
Purity culture, antis (and really, any amount of panic about fiction), and sex negativity have no place in reality for healthy adults.
Depicting something is not the same as fetishizing or romanticizing it.
Saying "depicting [thing] is fetishizing it" is a good way to get people to stop trying to be inclusive in their writing and is a red flag for internalized hatred.
Someone writing their own experience is not fetishizing it, romanticizing it or doing it wrong.
Legal =/= moral. Moral =/= legal. CSEM is legal in Equatorial Guinea. Being queer is illegal in many countries. If you think people shouldn't be "allowed" to write "illegal" things, or if you call something bad not by saying it's abusive or a violation of human rights but by saying it's "illegal", you have no moral compass. The law should not dictate to you what is and is not okay, your morality and ethics should.
Trying to control what other people create is a fool's errand. Instead of being angry about people writing what you don't like, you should write/read what you do like.
Hating something =/= valid criticism.
Drastically exaggerating small errors =/= valid criticism.
"Problematic" is not a valid complaint. Conflict makes stories interesting. Some actions are supposed to be a problem so they can be overcome or move the plot forward.
There is no such thing as a "proship". Pro just means 'in favor of', and most of us are in favor of at least one ship, but there aren't filthy evil bad wrong proships that contaminate you and good wholesome pure ships that make you a good person if you like them. This is the most terminally online thing I've ever heard. It's just make-believe.
Not anti or proship but a secret third thing, aware that the former is a cult and the latter is a useless term when "don't be an asshole about fiction" used to be and should still be standard behavior.
Digital self-harm is real and no one is responsible for your self-harm except yourself. Hatewatching or hatereading making you miserable is your fault. You did this.
"Multishipping" just means being normal. Most people ship multiple things.
Calling people by ship names as if they're ethnicities is incredibly creepy in an 'unwell on so many levels I want to speak to your mom' way. "He's a Reylo" is a sentence that shows you have forgotten we are playing make-believe with fake people for funsies. Because, to be clear, that is what we are doing. We are not joining warring nations.
Trying to say a ship is toxic because it's interracial is deeply racist. You tell yourself it's progressive to self-soothe, but "don't lower yourself to dating a non-white" is KKK rhetoric.
Blood quantum is a colonialist racist white supremacist construct. If you believe shit like "half-white people are white" you do not understand how ethnicity works or how social stratification works, not just in the US but abroad.
A good person who likes bad media is better than a bad person who likes good media.
Music/game/book/anime/media snobbery is a cry for help that tells me you're deeply insecure about the validity of your own preferences.
You are not owed a recounting of others' trauma in order for them to be "allowed" to write something.
Media doesn't cause abuse. Abusers make the choice to abuse someone and it's really, truly creepy that some of you want to absolve abusers of all wrongdoing. "Look what you made me do" is a common abuser line that becomes no less wrong when it's "look what TV/fanfic/anime made me do".
Forcing people out of the closet is wrong.
Queer people are not such absurd, alien creatures that straight, cis people can't play queer roles or write queer stories.
The closet is not a place of systemic privilege and people do not have privilege if their safety can be ripped out underneath them at any given moment by being outed.
Antis once sent me pictures of a baby being sexually tortured to "punish" me for writing a romance between a 40 year old and a 44 year old so please don't waste my time with the "we're anti-pedophilia" line. One of us might be into kids but it's not me. (Hint: it's the one who has CSEM and shares it openly.)
"You reblogged from a bad person jsyk-" Cool, I'll check it out, but if nothing comes up I'm just going to block you/delete your ask. Give me receipts or leave. I've been called a pedophile for writing two adults holding handing, I don't believe callouts or "heads up" posts.
"What do you think about [fanon thing here]?" I know this is a plague in some fandoms but I could not care less about fanon. If it's not used in my story, assume I don't have any thoughts about something the fandom came up with. I'm aware some people love to have in-depth conversations about lore and mechanics but my neurodivergency tends towards being into character psychology, not lore.
"Your work doesn't go along with this popular fanon/common headcanon!" I am not beholden to other people's ideas or creative endeavors.
"Don't you feel like you owe it your audience to-" No. You're getting things for free. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to be here.
"I know I spoke to you first, but you replying is harassment!" No. It's just not. This is how the world works. If replies are on, and you speak publicly - and the internet is considered a public space, legally - then a person is allowed to reply.
"You replying means you're upset/angry/emotional!" No. You having to resort to that line does mean you don't have a good counterargument or good-faith reply, though.
"You don't like what I like?! You must be [insult here]" No. There are 8 billion people on Earth. Tastes vary. You can't make this a big deal.
"I don't think you can racebend/age up/age down/AU a character!" Then block me. Fiction is Play-Doh and I will sculpt it however I please.
"Unfollow me if you can't reblog this" I will. I will also block you. If you have to use guilt to get reblogs then you're trying to manipulate your audience. That is incredibly immature. I do not have time for this.
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nerdvi · 9 months
Ok so update on my most recent ships obsession and the fandom content you're likely to see here:
1. Blackbonnet (Our flag means death)
Edward teach my beloved
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2. Wangxian (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
They have me by the throat. I'm in wangxian hell and can not scape. Also I very much mean that Wei Wuxian was right and has done nothing wrong ever in his (2) lives.
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3. Inefable husbands (Good omens)
I'm Crowley trash
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3. Kimchay (Kinnporsche)
Listen I also ship kinnporsche as was my original intention but I ended up obsessed with these 2 instead. Anyway.
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4. Korrasami (Legend of Korra)
This was my first canon joy I love them
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5. Hannigram (Hannibal)
I'm into the classics
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I'm multiship here but most of all I ship Louis x some fucking therapy
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7. Everything MXTX has ever written
You'll see Hualian and Bingqiu here I'm not even sorry
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That's it for now!!
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teapuddingscarf · 1 year
trash multishippers have trash tastes i'm so shocked
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i know who you are, i'm not a multishipper and even if i was it's okay to multiship
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liesandalibis · 1 year
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S)? i'm spaye (spike/faye) trash. 🙃
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? i usually won't ship her with anyone younger than her (23). i’m willing to ship with muses that are roughly 10 years older, give or take, but anything beyond is pushing it.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NSFW? once the heavy petting starts rolling into 👉👌 or 👅💦 ville. also when there's serious dirty talk.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? not usually but chemistry is very important.
WHO ARE OTHER CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH? gren. jet. julia. dandy from space dandy is fuuuun. badou nails from DOGS is one of my favorite and most surprising ships!! ( 😘 @sayonaradumbass ) as well as worick from GANGSTA. there's others i can't think of atm dfjaslkj
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? just lemme know you’re interested and we'll talk! i’m always willing to explore different ships with faye.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? more-or-less! i’m perfectly fine with developing strictly platonic relationships. in fact, i encourage that first and foremost. it’s a great way to break into a ship with faye should we decide to give it a go later on.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? you bet, baybe.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? obvious answer might be spike/faye but gren/faye is a VERY close second.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? literally just toss the idea out there and more likely than not i will be on board!
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shaynetopps · 9 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 19💙
What are your top 3 fave/dream cast constellations for smosh vids? (so typically 4-6 people each)
Bonus: What are your top 3 smosh ships?
this question really made me think! i love all the cast combos, but my top three have gotta be:
ian, shayne, courtney, and damien: i remember when i first watched this video like five years ago and i was seated! i started watching smosh around that time, so i've got a soft spot for them. they feed off each other's chaotic energies so well and it's so fun to watch them have a grand ol' time
amanda, arasha, angela, and chanse: i gotta show love to the newbies! they've really ushered smosh into a new era and their chemistry is off the charts. i especially love them in this challenge pit because seeing them compete and mess with each other is so funny
shayne, chanse, damien, and spencer: this is a newer favorite grouping of mine. i'm not sure if they've been in more videos together other than this one, but it was so good! they bring out each other's competitive sides and then they go batshit crazy
and as for my fave ships, i'm such multishipping trash that i love pretty much any duo. but if i had to narrow it down to my top three:
shaymien: i mean c'mon they're SO shippable! they've been friends for over a decade, they were on a show together, they were roommates, etc. they've got that kinda easy chemistry that only comes from being such besties that i have no choice but to ship
spommy: i blame katie for this but i'm so down bad for spommy now. there's nothing like the dynamic of a gay man and his gay straight bestie. and the amount of gay jokes that have been shared between them is fodder for spommy nation!
amangela: oh amangela....they've just got Something to them. they match each other's energies so well! the shenanigans they get up to in videos and the way they make each other break down laughing is some good shit
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kibo-no-akademi · 11 months
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Some anonymous asked: 1. are there any canon characters that inspired your oc? - Hanno 2. For Hanno, how long ago did you create your oc? how did the idea come to you?
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(These are two separate questions, but seeing it's for the same character decided to put them together to make it more easy. 👍)
As well putting it all under spoiler since it's long.
Are there any canon characters that inspired your oc?
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//Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh... Hanno's inspiration mostly comes from vintage/old cartoons, but character wise, he was mostly inspired by Popeye the sailor man, Haddock from Tintin and of course, Ryoma Hoshi from DRV3.
As a funny bonus, i originally had planned for him to have a similar personality as Ryoma, but the more i as working on his expressions and character, he pretty much started to give me a diffrent vibe, and he simply ended up being completly opposite of his concept.
how long ago did you create your oc? how did the idea come to you?
//He was created back in November 2021, the idea why he was created? well...
TLDR version: Wanted Cateline to have a free boyfriend lmao.
Long ass version: As you probably noticed on my RP blog, i pretty much enjoy shipping and fluff, i'm a complete trash when it's about that, and i was definetly like so back when i made my first RP blog for Cateline, and basically shipping/relationship wise that happened back then, it was but a disaster, and doesn't help how toxic the tumblr RP fandom was back then.
Now that i came back, i honestly didn't wanted to go thru the same things that happened before. So to avoid it, while satiating my need to see two people holding hands and being mushy to one another, Hanno was created.
But also the idea behind his creation was, while conversing with my friends for our fangan-class, i thought it would be cool to try and design the token funny-looking/gonk character. (Tho he ended up being much cuter than i originally intended, so who knows if he is so or not lol.)
(So while tecnically multishipping is still a thing for my muses, at least canonically their happy together.)
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viatrixtravels-a · 11 months
Alhaitham, lyney, heizou, albedo and susbedo are all going to be crushed now. Lumi has a man now 🍻
// Except that this blog is actually multiship because I'm shipping trash.
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kedakirahei · 1 year
Woah. an actual, proper intro/pin post?
Hey! Yeah, I'm finally making one of these. about time, too! ALT ACC: @c4tt41l-the-stupid
I go by LITERALLY dozens of names, but four that I will always respond to are Zeph/Zephyr, C4TT41L, and Keda. im the guy who cant make up his mind when it comes to shipping characters haha, multishipping fun
I am not religious and never will be. When I swear to something or the like, i most likely will replace a word with 'Void' or 'The ancients', 'Three Moons', 'By the stars', 'In the name of THE DREAMER', etc...
I am a yucky little self-shipper (Thats right- I ship my ocs and self inserts with canon characters). If you don't like that, please do not bother me about it. I don't want to hear it. If it bothers you that much, you can just block my account or ignore me. Thank you.
Transmasculine! Please respect my pronouns- HE/THEY preferred!
I accept everyone and anyone, xenogenders, neopronouns, homoflexible, etc.
...well.. almost everyone..
....Except for you disgusting Pro/Com shippers, Ableist, "Super Straights", TERFS, Shota/Lolicons, "MAP"/Pedos, Zoos, Etc, Get off of my fucking blog, NOW. You are NOT welcome here, not now, and not EVER. That goes for all other problematic and disgusting-acting people. if you fall under the general DNI list, do not interact with me.
Despite being English (U.S.A), I tend to be really fuckin trash at speaking my own native tongue. I am trying to learn:
Sometimes, I project onto characters i like, so hope that doesn't bother you guys! I mostly project onto my OCs, though. Those posts will often be dark in theme, so be wary.
stupid extra words and information under cut
• I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism at a pretty young age, at around 2.
• I have a really bad time reading tone over text. Please try not to be too rude to me, it actually hits a lot harder than you think. Alternatively, use tone tags.
• I make AUs then drop it like a hot potato. please dont expect me to be consistent with anything, especially not AUs and art i make.
• If I like alot of your posts, its because i have no life and constantly check my dash every day. I am chronically online.
• i will have periods of complete inactivity, especially when it comes to my drawings.
• I struggle to control how i am feeling and tend to have outbursts of anger commonly, tending to take that out on my characters and sometimes others. Please know if i say something rude, i do not mean it, and PLEASE TELL ME WHEN IM GOING OVERBOARD.
• My askbox is ALWAYS open until i say otherwise! Don't be afraid to speak to me, i don't bite!
• I am a Multifandomic Mess. I might switch fandoms in a week, then go back or whatever.
• I use "Dude", "Bro", "Homie", etc in a gender neutral way. If you dont like these nicknames, Do tell me and I will stop calling you it!!
• i use "<3" platonically when i am talking to a person. My actual heart goes to my fictional characters aha
• Tag requests are okay, don't be shy!
• I am a big shipper of characters, and i mean BIG, i am SO INDECISIVE.... Artisaint, SolarFlare NIGHTSHADE/OREOSUNDAE, SHUTTERBOMB, and HOURGLASS/SPEEDRUN are my main ones. I do like all other non-problematic ships tho!
• I repeat things on occasion. Do tell if I have repeated something over and over multiple times.
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