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raayllum · 2 months ago
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If you had told me that Claudia and Ezran would be uniquely tethered to an ancient cosmic battle wherein their weapons both 'given' to them by Aaravos in terms of knowledge/objects, and derived from the same dragon killed 3,000 years before they were born, I would've never believed you
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its-leethee · 5 months ago
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and here have some 5x09 bonus damage
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it's about how ezran will stand by callum and soren will stand by claudia when they're lost in the darkness of their grief
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sorinethemastermind · 2 months ago
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Inspired by @raayllum's fic-athon back in October, I introduce to you... The Review Fic-Athon 2.0!!
Now if you didn't participate in their's, lemme explain. Through this little fandom event you can get ficlets in return for writing reviews on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes! Most episodes and seasons have a surprisingly low number of reviews and it's an easy way to boost the show's rating on Netflix. Anything for Arc Three, amirite or amirite?
I'll be using the same rules as Raayllum's previous fic-athon, so here's how it works.
✩ Rotten Tomatoes: you can't review individual episodes, only seasons. So if you review all 7 seasons you get 1 ficlet, written by yours truly!
✩ IMDB: you actually do review the individual episodes, so for each season's worth of episodes you review you get 1 ficlet.
⋆。°✩ Make sure to leave star rankings as well!
Making the show trend on IMDB or giving it higher Rotten Tomatoes ratings will make people more likely to see it, and therefore more likely to binge the show! Which is super vital to us getting Arc Three, especially in the first 28 days after the show's release. And even if there is an episode / season you're not as big a fan of, giving them all the same 5 star treatment (or 10 star, on IMDB) can really help boost the show's rating. #anythingforthesaga!
Once you've written your reviews, send me an ask with proof (like saying "I left reviews on Season [blank] under username [blank]) or via screencaps. And then I'll write you a fic!
I'll write just about anything [except smut]. It can be fluff or angst, canon ships or rarepairs! Also doesn't have to be shipping related at all. So happy reviewing. Let's get us that saga!!
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ljf613 · 2 months ago
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Comissioned this absolutely lovely piece from @bearsandbeansart. (Yes, her sale is still ongoing, and y'all should absolutely get her to draw something for you!) Sooz, I had so much fun bouncing ideas back and forth with you, looking forward to doing it again sometime!
(Special thanks, as always, to @raayllum for introducing me to this ship!)
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jelzorz · 6 months ago
It’s not like Claudia wants to know. [in which Claudia catches on to sorpeli because she knows Soren's tells. Takes place in the distant future where everyone involved is a consenting adult.]
Here on AO3
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thrandilf · 4 months ago
Ten years post canon AU Claudiez fic as a gift for @raayllum! Happy so late birthday it's now Halloween!
Blood for vitality, horns for mending bone, pelt for camouflage, hooves for swiftness, a heart for-
Claudia shook her head and rubbed her eyes as she looked at the newest addition to King Ezran’s menagerie. The Xadian stag ate right from Ezran’s hand as he chatted with it, stroking its ears and beaming with joy. Those ears could be used to muffle the sound of a caster’s footsteps.
Again, she tried to clear her head while keeping a smile plastered on her face. Ezran glanced over to her, waving her closer. “He’s so cute, isn’t he?” Ezran paused. “Well, majestic may be more dignified, but something can be both, right?”
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kravchikfreak · 2 years ago
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ship reveal party, but stay tuned for more "panels" coming (maybe if we're lucky) soon
@a-certain-elf bold of you to assume i'll do something vanilla like that
@its-leethee bingo!
@avtoservis how could you assume i'll do something vanilla like that?
@raayllum yep and you're the exact one who's responsible for the idea of drawing all that in the firls place
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svperluminous · 2 years ago
✨What are your favorite rarepairs?✨
I was inspired by this reddit post.
I'll repost mine from there. This list is incomplete. Also, please check out the shipping poll if you haven't already ❤️
In random order:
Claudia/Aaravos - best villain duo, a literal power couple 🔥💜✨🐍
Viren/adult!Rayla - she finally found him but didn't expect to get attached 😳 🌙🦋
Harrow/Soren - a king and the knight meant to protect him 👑⚔️
Viren/Harrow/Sarai - they love each other and raise their kids together 🥺❤️ I prefer an AU where no one dies
Aaravos/adult!Ezran (like, 30+ yo Ezran) - an unstoppable force who falls for a human king and becomes his advisor 👑✨
Soren/Rayla - battle buddies, brothers in arms whose love and comradery know no bounds ⚔️🌙
Ezran/Ellis (both adults) - they love and complete each other 👑🐺
Claudia/adult!Ezran - they've both been through so much and in each other they find healing 👑🐍
Aaravos/adult!Rayla - she admires his intelligence and he admires her tenacity. They both enjoy each other's wit 🌙✨
Aaravos/Ziard - Aaravos' first love and his first loss (in this particular AU) ✨🔥
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raayllum · 16 days ago
"Are you mad at me?" Ezran finally asks.
Soren stops mid-raise of his tankard. It's rare that the king allows himself to be talked into going down to one of the local taverns since he's been of drinking age, and even rarer that Opeli allows it. And while she doesn't know the reason behind Ez's shift in mood, it's abundantly clear just how miserable he's been the past few days.
"For what?" Soren says, though he already has a pretty good idea. He hadn't been in the room, but he could hear the shouting from the hallway, the brothers going back and forth for a while. He hadn't heard a peep from Claudia.
"I knew telling Callum would go poorly," Ezran acknowledges. "I just thought..." Ez runs a head through his locs, unburdened by his crown for once, instead carrying his brother's age old anger. "I just thought once I made it plain I want to marry her, he'd watch his mouth better. The last thing Claudia wanted was to be dragged into... this."
"Hey, not everyone can be as cool as me," Soren teases, puffing his chest out. It coaxes a tiny smile out of his brother-in-law to be, which is still sort of a weird thought, but a good weird. A nice thought.
Claudia and Ezran have always deserved happiness. Finding it in each other, as unexpected though it might've been for everyone involved, is something sweet in its own right.
"And Claudia knew what she was getting into," Soren reminds him. "One fight with Callum won't change that. And he'll come around, like when she first came back to us. You just gotta give him some time."
Soren brings him back home before they can get too drunk, and Claudia emerges out of Ezran's chambers as they reach the hallway, a comfortable robe wrapped around her.
"I'm just tipsy," Ezran assures her, even if she takes his weight readily from Soren despite the king being head taller than both of them.
"You better be. You have that meeting in the morning, remember?" She softens, sealing the deal as she presses a quick kiss to the corner of his jaw. "I've got 'im from here."
Ezran smiles, some of the weariness falling away from him for the first time all night. "Thanks, angel."
Claudia gives his chest a small pat, the engagement new and bright on her finger before she turns to help him inside; Soren looks forward to getting used to it.
Ezran + Soren
Sealed With A Kiss
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thethiefandtheairbender · 10 months ago
when fic concerning your niche alterous ship gets posted, and you love their dynamic whether it's "romantic" or "friends/platonic & married to other people" kind of way equally, and discover the fic and/or notes & tags have a "people who ship this are nasty" slant to it:
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raayllum · 2 months ago
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I know you're worried about Runaan, but Ezran will come around. He's not himself right now. / I could kill you both! But... I'm still nice. I'm still me.
7x02 / 7x09
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its-leethee · 8 months ago
--so what?
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3x02 // 5x01
pov opeli trying to use rationalism in a battle of wits with madmen
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thatartiststudios · 1 year ago
Say less
30 More Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
"You can rest now."
"Are you warm enough?"
"They're gone, it's okay."
"Do you want me to wash your hair?"
"You don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Don't move, you're still hurt."
"They're right there, don't worry, they're safe."
"Can you sing for me?"
"Your hands are shaking."
"Can you braid my hair?"
"Just hold on to me."
"You did everything you could have."
"I'm still proud of you."
"I still love you."
"My mom used to do that."
"I owe you an apology."
"Can you hear me?"
"I need to change the bandage."
"You need to eat something."
"Keep your foot elevated."
"Here, take my coat."
"You'll feel better in the morning."
"Don't leave."
"Are you in pain?"
"Leave the light on."
"You're soaking wet."
"I'm going to carry you, okay?"
"No one's mad at you."
"I broke my hand."
"Everything is going to be okay, I swear."
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tdp-fandom · 8 months ago
Ship List
The current, up-to-date ship list in alphabetical order (the excel is still a WIP)
Aarabeia (Aaravos x Zubeia)
Aaradael (Aaravos x Kim'dael) → alt. Aavadael
Aaraditi (Aaravos × Aditi)
Aarajanne (Aaravos x Lujanne) → alt. Lujaaravos
Aarasordia (Aaravos x Soren x Claudia)
Aarathari (Aaravos x Ethari)
Aaravessa (Aaravos x Khessa)
Aaravum (Aaravos x Callum) → alt. Callumvos, Callavos, Aaralum
Aarazandum (Aaravos x Avizandum)
Aarrow (Aaravos x Harrow)
Aaruthari (Aaravos x Runaan x Ethari) → alt. Arunari
Aaviruthari (Aaravos x Viren x Runaan x Ethari)
Ameli (Amaya x Opeli) → alt. Opaya
Ameleeda (Amaya x Opeli x Fareeda)
Anneha (Annika x Neha)
Avibeia (Avizandum x Zubeia)
Barianne (Barius x Lujanne)
Barpeli (Barius x Opeli) → alt. Oparius, Opelius
Bayla (Bait x Rayla)
Bella (Bait x Stella) → alt. Baitella
Bladeship (Allen (Big Sword Guy) x Tristan (Sunforge Dagger Guy))
Bloodfeather (Bloodmoon Huntress x Redfeather (Moonshadow elf from Scumport) → alt. Redael
Breakfast Guards (Grumpy Guard Lady x Two Eggs and a Sausage Man) → alt. Grumpy Sausage
Bym (Bait x Zym)
Calbis (Callum x Ibis)
Calcos (Callum x Marcos)
Caljanne (Callum x Lujanne)
Callaanya (Callum x Aanya)
Callis (Callum x Ellis)
Callow (Calum x Harrow)
Callyx (Callum x Nyx) → alt. Nyum
Calmaya (Callum x Amaya)
Calrai (Callum x Sarai)
Calren (Callum x Soren) → alt. Sorum
Claarasef (Claudia x Aaravos x Kasef)
Claaravos (Claudia x Aaravos) → alt. Claravos, Claudivos, Clauravos
Claudiez (Claudia x Ezran) → alt. Ezdia, Claudizren
Claudium (Claudia x Callum) → alt. Calludia, Claullum
Clazi (Claudia x Kazi)
Clyx (Claudia x Nyx)
Corjanne (Corvus x Lujanne)
Cormaya (Corvus x Amaya)
Corpeli (Corvus x Opeli) → alt. Corveli, Copeli
Corstan (Corvus x Tristan (Sunforge Dagger Guy))
Corvia (Corvus x Claudia)
Corviren (Corvus x Viren)
Corvyx (Corvus x Nyx)
Crowbis (Crow Master x Ibis)
Crowcos (Crow Master x Marcos)
Crowdia (Crow Master x Claudia)
Crowgren (Crow Master x Gren)
Crowlum (Crow Master x Callum)
Crowvus (Crow Master x Corvus)
Crowyx (Crow Master x Nyx)
Crowzi (Crow Master x Kazi)
Doctorjanne (Animal Doctor x Lujanne)
Domigrin (Domina Profundis x Finnegrin)
Elavos (Elarion x Aaravos)
Ellaanya (Ellis x Aanya) → alt. Aanellis, Aanyellis
Elva (Ellis x Ava)
Ezclaarafinlis (Ezran x Claudia x Aaravos x Finnegrin x Ellis)
Ezraanya (Ezran x Aanya) → alt. Ezranya, Enya
Ezraanellis (Ezran x Aanya x Ellis) → alt. Crown Wolf
Ezravos (Ezran x Aaravos)
Ezrayllym (Ezran x Rayla x Zym)
Ezllum (Callum x Ezran) → alt. Calran, Bromance
Ezrayla (Ezran x Rayla)
Ezrex (Ezran x Rex Igneous)
Ezris (Ezran x Ellis) → alt. Ezlis, Ellizran, Ellran, Ellzran
Ezrym (Ezran x Zym)
Ezthan (Ezran x N'than)
Fareli (Fareeda x Opeli) → alt. Opereeda
Fengren (Fen x Gren)
Findivos (Finnegrin x Claudia x Aaravos)
Finraydiumvos (Finnegrin x Rayla x Claudia x Callum x Aaravos)
Finnaudia (Finnegrin x Claudia)
Finnavos (Finnegrin x Aaravos)
Finndael (Finnegrin x Kim'dael)
Finnlum (Finnegrin x Callum) → alt. Callgrin
Finnyx (Finnegrin x Nyx)
Floling (Florian x Ahling)
Grazi (Gren x Kazi) → alt. Karen, Grezi, Kazen
Gremaya (Gren x Amaya) → alt. Grenmaya
Gremayavus (Gren x Amaya x Corvus) → alt. Corvamagren
Grenavos (Gren x Aaravos) → alt. Grenvos
Grenius (Barius x Gren) → alt. Strawberry Tart
Grenpeli (Gren x Opeli)
Grenpelvus (Gren x Opeli x Corvus)
Grenvus (Gren x Corvus)
Grinwood (Finnegrin x Elmer) → alt. Deadgrin
Gryx (Gren x Nyx)
Harius (Harrow x Barius) → alt. Harrius
Harrai (Harrow x Sarai)
Hennyx (Hendyr x Nyx)
Ibia (Ibis x Claudia)
Ibisoren (Ibis x Soren)
Ibyx (Ibis x Nyx)
Jamayen (Janai x Amaya x Gren)
Janaya (Janai x Amaya) → alt. Jamaya
Jandael (Janai x Kim'dael)
Jarim (Janai x Karim)
Jazi (Kazi x Janai)
Kardael (Kim'dael x Karim) → alt. Kimdim
Kariyana (Karim x Miyana) Kasren (Kasef x Soren)
Kasyx (Kasef x Nyx) → alt. Nysef
Kaudia (Kasef x Claudia) → alt. Kadia, Clausef, Casef
Khessamaya (Khessa x Amaya) → alt. Khemaya
Khessarai (Khessa x Sarai)
Kimaaraditi (Kim'dael x Aaravos x Aditi)
Kimaya (Kim'dael x Amaya)
Kimditi (Kim'dael (The Bloodmoon Huntress) x Aditi) → alt. Adael, Bloodsun, Kaditi, Hotblooded, Boundblood, Bloodfire, Kimaditi
Kimjanaya (Kim'dael x Janai x Amaya) → alt. Janayel
Kimrayvos (Kim'dael x Rayla x Aaravos)
Laidrin (Lain x Tiadrin) → alt. Tialain, Laindrin
Laidriruthari (Lain x Tiadrin x Runaan x Ethari) → alt. Polymoon
Lainaanthari (Lain x Runaan x Ethari)
Leolavos (Leola x Aaravos)
Leolia (Leola x Claudia)
Lirai (Lissa x Sarai)
Liren (Viren x Lissa (Viren’s Ex-wife)) → alt. Vissa, Virex
Lunbeia (Luna Tenebris x Zubeia)
Luditi (Luna Tenebris x Aditi)
Lujallen (Lujanne x Allen (Big Sword Guy) → alt. Swordjanne
Lujoren (Lujanne x Soren) → alt. Sorjanne
Lupeli (Lujanne x Opeli)
Marayla (Marcos x Rayla)
Miyanai (Miyana x Janai)
Nthellis (N'than x Ellis)
Orphavos (Orphan Queen x Aaravos)
Pharavos (Aaravos x Pharos (Sunfire Priest)) → alt. Aarafire
Pharessa (Pharos x Khessa) → alt. Khessafire, Kheshevi (based on Zahevi, Sunfire Priest’s fanon name)
Pyrraanya (Pyrah x Aanya)
Pyrren (Pyrrah x Soren) → alt. Sorrah
Raydia (Rayla x Claudia)
Raydimaya (Rayla x Claudia x Amaya)
Raydium (Rayla x Claudia x Callum)
Raydivos (Rayla x Claudia x Aaravos)
Raydrin (Rayla x Tiadrin)
Raylagrin (Rayla x Finnegrin) → alt. Raygrin
Raylavos (Rayla x Aaravos)
Rayllum (Rayla x Callum) → alt. Cayla
Rayllumgrin (Rayla x Callum x Finnegrin)
Rayllumnaan (Rayla x Callum x Runaan)
Rayllumyx (Rayla x Callum x Nyx)
Raylon (Rayla x Warlon)
Raylym (Rayla x Zym)
Raylyx (Rayla x Nyx) → alt. Nyla
Raymaya (Rayla x Amaya) → alt. Rayaya
Rayvus (Rayla x Corvus)
Regicide (Thunder x Harrow)
Rugren (Runaan x Gren)
Rexavibeia (Rex Igneous x Avizandum x Zubeia)
Rexbeia (Rex Igneous x Zubeia) → alt. Zubex
Rexla (Rex Igneous x Rayla)
Runaavos (Runaan x Aaravos)
Runallum (Runaan x Callum) → alt. Calnaan
Runaudia (Runaan x Claudia)
Runayla (Runaan x Rayla) → alt. Raynaan, Rayaan
Runeli (Runaan x Opeli)
Ruren (Runaan x Soren) → alt. Sornaan, Rusoren
Rubithari (Runaan x Ibis x Ethari)
Ruthari (Runaan x Ethari) → alt. Runari, Ethaan, Tinkaan
Ruthless (Villads x Ruth)
Ruthlyx (Ruth x Villads x Nyx)
Sabos (Sabah (the sunfire elf who helped Marcos get up) x Marcos) → alt. Sabcos
Sabozi (Sabah (see above) x Marcos x Kazi)
Salvir (Viren x Saleer)
Saradrin (Sarai x Tiadrin)
Saravos (Sarai x Aaravos)
Sarex (Sarai x Callum’s father)
Sarmaya (Sarai x Amaya) → alt. Amarai
Sarpeli (Sarai x Opeli)
Solard (Sol Regem x Ziard)
Solarstorm (Sol Regem x Avizandum)
Solregnius (Sol Regem x Rex Igneous) → alt. Sol Igneous
Soravos (Soren x Aaravos)
Sorayla (Soren x Rayla)
Sorayllum (Soren x Rayla x Callum)
Sorbeia (Soren x Zubeia)
Sorcos (Soren x Marcos)
Sorcrow (Soren x Crow Master)
Sordia (Soren x Claudia) → alt. Clauren
Sordianyx (Soren x Claudia x Nyx)
Sorez (Soren x Ezran) → alt. Ezoren
Sorezravos (Soren x Ezran x Aaravos)
Sorgren (Soren x Gren) → alt. Sogren
Sorgrenvus (Soren x Gren x Corvus)
Sorgrin (Soren x Finnegrin)
Sormer (Soren x Elmer)
Sorpeli (Soren x Opeli)
Sorrow (Soren x Harrow) → alt. Harren
Sorvir (Soren x Viren)
Sorvirdia (Soren x Viren x Claudia) → alt. Virsordia
Sorvus (Soren x Corvus)
Soryx (Soren x Nyx) → alt. Sornyx, Sorenyx, Snyx, Sonyx, Nyxren
Sorzi (Soren x Kazi)
Sorzym (Soren x Zym)
Stayla (Stella x Rayla)
Sunny Eggs (Two Eggs and a Sausage Man x Lux Aurean Guard who is impressed with him) → alt. Solar Breakfast
Tayllum (Taylor x Callum)
Terllum (Terry x Callum)
Terraydium (Terry x Rayla x Claudia x Callum)
Terrezran (Terry x Ezran)
Terridia (Terry x Claudia) → alt. Clauderry, Clerry, Clarry, Darkoak, Darktree, Terria, Claudry, Darkblood, Clauterry, Clauterria, Claudy, Clauerry
Terridium (Terry x Claudia x Callum)
Terryvos (Terry x Aaravos)
Tervirdia (Terry x Viren x Claudia)
Tijato (Tijana (Katolian soldier stationed near Lux Aurea) x Osato (Karim’s childhood friend))
Tressef (Tressal (dark mage from ToX) x Kasef)
Tristayla (Tristan (Sunforge Dagger Guy) x Rayla)
Varrai (Viren x Harrow x Sarai)
Vibis (Viren x Ibis)
Vilaidrin (Viren x Lain x Tiadrin)
Villanne (Villads x Lujanne)
Villen (Viren x Villads) → alt. Virrads
Villyx (Villads x Nyx) → alt. Villnyx
Vilruthyx (Villads x Ruth x Nyx) → alt. Villuthyx
Vinaan (Viren x Runaan) → alt. Virunaan
Vinnegrin (Viren x Finnegrin)
Vipp'ar (Viren x Kpp'ar)
Viranya (Viren x Aanya) → alt. Aanyen
Viravos (Viren x Aaravos)  → alt. Virravos, Aaraviren
Viraydia (Viren x Rayla x Claudia)
Viraydium (Viren x Rayla x Claudia x Callum)
Virayla (Viren x Rayla) → alt. Raren
Virayllum (Viren x Rayla x Callum)
Virayvos (Viren x Rayla x Aaravos)
Vircos (Viren x Marcos)
Vircrow (Viren x Crow Master)
Virdael (Viren x Kim'Dael (The Bloodmoon Huntress) → alt. Virblood
Virdia (Viren x Claudia) → alt. Clauren
Virdirayllum (Viren x Claudia x Rayla x Callum)
Virdisoravos (Viren x Claudia x Soren x Aaravos)
Virdivos (Viren x Claudia x Aaravos) → alt. Virdiavos, Aaravirdia, Viraaudia, Claviravos
Virenpuff (Viren x Sir Sparklepuff)
Virezandum (Viren x Avizandum) → alt. Thiren
Virkhessa (Viren x Queen Khessa) → alt. Viressa, Kherren
Virpeli (Viren x Opeli) → alt. Vireli, Opiren, Viropeli
Virry (Viren x Terry) → alt. Virestrius
Virsef (Viren x Kasef) → alt. Viref
Vireeda (Viren x Fareeda)
Virez (Viren x Ezran)
Virgren (Viren x Gren) → alt. Vigren
Viriard (Ziard x Viren)
Virrai (Virren x Sarai)
Virrius (Viren x Barius)
Virrow (Viren x Harrow) → alt. Varrow, Harren
Virrowvos (Viren x Harrow x Aaravos) → alt. Virrowavos
Virsoravos (Viren x Soren x Aaravos)
Virum (Viren x Callum) → alt. Caren, Virenum
Virumvos (Viren x Callum x Aaravos)
Virunavos (Viren x Runaan x Aaravos)
Viruthari (Viren x Runaan x Ethari) → alt. Virunari
Vissaharrai (Viren x Lissa (Viren’s ex-wife) x Harrow x Sarai) → alt. Virexarrai
Vissavos (Viren x Lissa (Viren’s ex-wife) x Aaravos) → alt. Virexavos
Vithari (Viren x Ethari)
Warthari (Warlon x Ethari)
Zarex (Avizandum x Rex Igneous) → alt. Rexandum
Ziarditi (Ziard x Aditi)
Ziravos (Ziard x Aaravos) → alt. Ziardavos, Ziarvos
Zumina (Zubeia x Domina Profundis)
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ljf613 · 1 year ago
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Now I'm broken and I'm crumblin' In the open and it's troublin' But I see you and it fills me with doubt
- "Different Kind of Beautiful" by Alec Benjamin
This wasn't the edit I planned on making, but Alec Benjamin's new song is has been HAUNTING me with all of the Claudiez vibes.
For @raayllum, obviously.
[“City of Angels”] [“Someone has to leave first”] [“you know what they say about monsters”] [“I Want to Write You a Song”] [“Brothers on a Hotel Bed”]
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jelzorz · 1 year ago
Coworkers who have to listen to my Spotify: this is an interesting playlist
Me thinking about how the playlist is extremely specific to my blorbos: sure is
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