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esu-noto · 3 years ago
I made my own game can you guys support me?
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
bulbas gonna pedo
Stop Bulbapedia!
BULBAPEDIA’s forums used to have a moderator-only porn board back when they were a fansite, where underage and adult moderators alike exchanged illegal porn with each other. After Archaic sold out to Curse Media and went corporate the board was taken down. More info here:
 “Age is just a number” -Liam Pomfret *
Steals from PokeBeach earlier this week, lies about it, tries to cover it up (
* After getting caught, they lie and accuse PokeBeach’s webmaster (WPM) of calling one of their staff a faggot.
They post that to their Twitter for everyone to see. Bulbapedia is then caught red-handed making that up when WPM posts the logs. As a site that pretends to be pro LGBT, they are shown to be hypocrites.
* Bulbapedia is shown to be making money off other fan site’s work under the table.* Bulbapedia blows the cover of CoroCoro’s leaker when they were about to reveal more images. 
Their official twitter has recently outed two leakers, one for leaking TCG card scans and another for leaking CoroCoro scans. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Tl;Dr Bulbapedia steals information from sites running for next to free (Serebii, Pokebeach etc.) Bulbapedia is currently making money off of the franchise with their site Bulbapedia has actual PEDOPHILES running the site, on top of which, underage mods can get involved with Bulbapedia also outed an extremely good CoroCoro leaker and TCG leaker What does this mean for the franchise if Bulbapedia continues being an ultra shitlord >Less leaks, less hype >Less hype, less relevancy >Less relevancy, less attention It has been proven that leaks increase sales, product success, and consumer happiness and helps ensure customer loyalty. Bulbapedia is not only a direct threat to the Pokemon fanbase, but is also one to GameFreak/Nintendo because of them making money off of their trademarked work.
PLEASE, reblog this and help me spread word. 
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
What if Zelda was a girl/grill?
Nintendon’t CONSTANTLY avoid this answer!
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Nintendo rejected my headcanons and now I’m paid to tell you that I’m butthurt
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Heard of the Saban Moon? Now think of more than one ep of Live Action with He-Man animation! all diverse as fuark, as PC as the 1st Power Rangers season))).
Sailor Moon is #1 one on this guy list to get a reboot………..Umm Sailor Moon Crystal ….This person didn’t do his research at all. *side eye*
I do agree with Gargoyles and Captain Planet….. 
At least he knew that Thudercats had one which Cartoonnetwork let it fall to the waste side.. 
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I guess 30 people didn’t know about SMC either.. 
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Its a popular topic amongst the Orthodoxes too, yes. There is even a famous anti-Turkish prophecy about the most venerable Elder Paisos, mind you. But people who knew him says he didn't cared for nations, any of that. He spend most of his life in complete isolation from the outside, only praying... I guess similarly to the ex-pope? We call orthoclergy like that, pop(s) The as ancient as the Hebrews nation Christian groups of the Monophysites and Nestorians - namely the native Egyptians and the Assyrian must prove their faith every single day, or face even threat of death! Which of you would be a bad enough dude to tattooe a ➕ cross, in country full of and about to be run by crazy ekhwans, the salafists? Or even as far as to dare defend himself against the global caliphate-ummah in creation to stay in his ancestral homeland? Other alternative being the infidel protect tax, expulsion or death, without support of the Iraqi-Shami state aside foreign support, whereas people originating in the western greater iran gots all the applause and won't even abstain from ethnic cleansing, despite being same invaders to saracens? If any of you think they're only schismatics or heretics ask yourself who leads the Yeshu life more, if not most archaic and ancient forms of xtianity? Funny mainstream opinion only notices the Catholics, Orthodoxes (sometimes) the and Protestants, most people have no fucking idea of their existence, nor how St. Thomas died. Speaking of, the Quanto Impero ain't coming soon, no sight of the Great Catholic Monarch neither, Orthodoxy somehow didn't lost that much sanity, but with most people being apatheist rather, and Protestantism... Effect of ignoring the demands and reasoning of the Arians, Iconoclasts and Xtian Gnos became the very right it hated and still being gullible enough to thinks all of that is from their modified scripture... Boiled in blood of Saints, scarlet and minerals, building empires on the cult of Mammon and self-greed, literal Sodom-Gomorrah, no - the thing doesn't describe the little and pesky, barely enduring Vatican, itself the creation of Lateran treaty, the thing originates in the Lowlands.
See, for full understanding of Daniel and St. John (Luther tried to get rid of as Antigolenma) you'd next to read Esdras 4 too. You probably won't find it in your local Bible, this and full Maccabes are tried to be got rid of hard. It all was part of Septuagint used by Apostles, Vulgata even. The 4 Angels of the 4 Corners of the World released their initials purpose long time ago, all of them had an affair with the Passion of Yeshu. But eventually number got reduced to 3, 2 even if not only one (some Restorationists)
There was quite a paranoia against the chipping in Russia, I saw that video about Civ BE, now IV and V had that funny pyramid eye too! Even clergy got involved, in Poland some protested against the chemtrails (Obongo admitted to spray as the geo-engineering), with some clergy included, Putin was requested by some higher clergyman to outlaw that. I can see the Holy Orthodox Empire rising to oppose the Antichrist's one.
Make what you want with that, in some Marian apparitions it was said the Harlot to be freemasonry, now she appeared to the Coptic and Syriac people too, likely to comfort against incoming global jihad. The whole idea of "project blue beam" came from some quebecer, there is much disinfo shills around, take all of that with a dose of skepticism. What makes me ponder skill is the one about the BEAST computer in brussels, as it's something more imaginable.
Dave do you ever get scared when in Revelations it talks about the mark of the beast? Like what if the government decides to implement chips and what not and those who reject end up killed. Im a Christian but I think just like any other Christian or human i'm absolutely petrified I won't be strong enough for God and give up when you're life is in danger. Or christians in other countries who are persecuted for their faith, and can only save by converting. I don't want to disappoint God
I think about this myself sometimes. Could I be strong enough to die for my God? I hope I can be, should it come to that…but I hope I never have to find out. I marvel at and am humbled by the courage and faith of the martyrs.
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
lmoa, heard of the "homosuck"? deeply thought stuff ruined by fandom, according to my old friend. now the guy behind music made much more famous undertake, likewise if not even moreso ruined by the fandom!
please stop writing fanfiction about a boy you heard about four days ago.
please stop making headcanons for a living breathing person.
stop shipping real people with real emotions with people they’ve never even met
i seriosuly hope that hanyu never finds out about this site because people apparently can’t control themselves when they think someone is attractive.
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
I know what you mean, but remember even those like Heylel or Kasbeel, Sammael and Mansemat, Azazel and Shemhazai... Used to be Its servants and may still be bind this or other way, the Judge and Tempting of Hiob, Avram, even Yeshu... If not by Providence, then even by bigger and stronger in rank... I take it as you know the story of Sefer Raziel HaMalach? And the shady life of St. Solomon the Exorcist? Look up Sailor Moon musicals, srsly. They touched the topic hard, based off Caananite mythos and folk, not only AS RPG with Babylonian touched Semito-Hamitic subjects.
Don't judge and thy shall not be judged (so hard), there will always be some advocatus diaboli... And the opposite desiring the damnation.
You know it always bugs me how people say they are Christian. But they are hateful, and hate certain people . You can’t be A Christian if you hate people, or have hate in your heart . 
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Right here buddy. I know two USaian rapebabbies, both are hard dweebs like I used to (then became a russophile and a sovok laterz, tiptop lechel :^))) xD) and have hard on american civilisations. As a Slavonic human bean I can fully understand your position, when racially exterior aliens take your land away from you by means of slaughter, butchery, race-mixing and childnapped brides. The Anglo-Teutonic filth, same which polluted your G-d graced land tried on us. Effect? Neither Holy, nor Roman, or rly an Emprah quoting classical Frank countryballing bantering (something in general new hollanders-aussies have invented, first spewing yankee jokes, then making fun of "argentine es blanco!" and finally tripling that daily dose with very dank and daring synthesis of the moorish nubian caliph alberto "WE WUZ KANGZ" barbosa) and afterwards, rather than being renamed "Germania"(sic) it gained new pronouns -"East Berlin"(sk) und "West Berlin" :^))). Mind you - the people, will and party of the Holy Rus CONSTANTLY reminded of their aspirations of entering the Axis Alliance, I mean you know of the Bretsk Litovsk parade and talk the Uncle had with Bulgaryan Commie leader, rite? The Germanic people, same who ransacked and then appropriated the name of R(h)omania, some time since did same with Pruthenians - yeah, same ones have thought of the Slavic Unterschicht as dirty uncivilised barbars, moving the border from the Elbe, Danish seashores and Austro-Bavaria far, far away. Ashkenazi and Knaanic Jews, Bavaria Slavica and Germania Slavica are good places to start research with! YES, we Slavonic people can fully sympathise with your struggle - which indead those who are not a cargo cultists liberast pidarashkas - do! Quoting the Fuhrer's sequel to his bestseller - the Zweites Buch - Unitedstatians are a half-negroified nation. Likewise hatred to this masonic monster (aside Vendee in America they were behind the Cristiadas, denying poor often native proles freedom of expression and religion, something the government of the US&A greatly fund) was shared by the Sowjetfuhrers, main idea was to start a literal race and class war, day of the rope (they will sell us ropes we'd hang em on) after which the Soviet people would be welcomed as the liberators, effectively liberating and freeing the oppressed people from this artificial prison of nations, the republicuck-demongrazy Great Babel.
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@people who refuse to tag their 4th of July posts
Hello! My name’s Laura and i’m Lakota Sioux!
My family and I abstain from celebrating 4th of July every year because we’ve literally had our lands taken from us, our people brutally slaughtered and our traditions erased by the white people who brought ‘independence’ to this country, and we see it as a big middle finger to Native American people. Naturally, as such, I don’t enjoy seeing posts about this holiday. They physically make me upset, and more often than not i’ll see my mother cry because of people’s blatant disregard for our struggles. 
People tell me to shut up and not ruin their fun every year. People tell me to not be so preachy. People tell me relax. No matter how many times I try and explain that their ‘FREEDOM FUCK YEAH’ posts only apply to those of light skin, people still ignore us. 
I understand that you guys want to just have a good time, and don’t let me stop you, but please have some regard for us today. Please keep the people who’s entire existence was tarnished to make this day a thing in your minds and hearts when you’re eating apple pie and setting off fireworks.
Please just listen to us for once.
Reblog this for me, please. I want this to be heard.
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Would you uplease be willing to share the original sketch? It was deleted since from Twitter… I really hate how they just ignored them, hope they plan some comeback.
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late bandwagon of finishing Yukie Sakou’s sketches of the bootiful dorks
was so weird to lineart such a different style was a good lineart de-blocking for me to work on stuff i actually need to work on otl maybe i will color this soon
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Ugh, the pic I’ve attached was supposed to be animated, looks like it didn’t work so, well.
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Since the Masato and Makoto parts seems to interests you the most… Yeah, most of what you said is right. I’ve tried hard to research that interactive story hard since 3 years or so? After learning of its existence from certain Polish site. Past Wiseman took a (Madoka Style 😅👌) deal/contract with Queen Beryl – “It” offered her Endymion for the servitude (and their revival?), giving the “toys” to control the Tennou with, as they were no longer under influence of her magic, is it surprising honestly? She bind them in original manga similar way as they were looking for the former Master, I guess something like this happened there too, during the 1st Classic season?
Before the game takes place the masked figurine is escaping in the sewers, fighting with the DD Girls, same who killed the Inner Senshi in original title and which was supposed to be the end of the manga originally too. Now as they were her best Youmas (remember Another Story? they replaced the Tennou on their position) they heavily injured Nephrite, even tho he still gave them a good duel. He says that he must warns Usagi Tsukino against the “rebirth ceremony” which is supposed to take place and tries to find Naru’s house, as they were only persons he knew in his civil selve, duh. He still remembers the identify of Usagi and Mamoru, but I suppose don’t have that very much idea on his origin?
Depending on the player chosen (5 Inners) we get a bit different beginning and some different scenes, Mars is haunted in nightmares by the corpse of Beryl calling them, then she sees “Jedaito” who don’t have brightest idea on whom he really is as it turns out later. Ami reads in the library about the “Bloody Opal”, turned out the ex-Dark Kingdom were either revived or bind if not both using the power of it. The other 3 are looking for their escaped comrade, he is later visited by Makoto, Usagi and Mamoru, Umino being butthurt too tried to sneak in. They have a serious conversation and he is even scolded by his former Grandmaster who is surprised at him knowing his identify, then they leave the house I guess Mamoru tells Usagi he doesn’t really trust what he says that much. Afterwards Masato has a “nightmare” about serving Prince Endymion and after waking up from it he is childnapped by the other 3, which takes him to Beryl who in turns puts that mask on him again, something which is in general really painful as it looks like.
Senshi have to face Tennou for the last time (they use powers similar to them, unfortunately Masked Nephrite has most of the animation put in the intro, I think some magnetic fields or otherwise electrical powers he have used?), beaten back into the consciousness Nephrite tells Jupiter about the plans Past Wiseman has and begs them to stop it. He arrives with the Kurozuishou/Black Crystal Naru kept has all that time since his supposed “death” with the two cats, Usagi asks him to help save everyone to which he smiles and they triy to help Tuxedo and the other 3 who have no brightest idea what is going on (as they’re surely not wanting to help Beryl with masks broken), only recalling later the same “nightmare” (?) he had about serving Prince Endymion, Shitennou bow down to Mamoru and wants to have their revenge on Beryl, they unite powers with Senshi to finish the Past Wiseman. During the sad ending it’s decided that by combined SenShi power Beryl will be reincarnated into new body, free of sorrows and griefs, she forgave Serenity from taking Endymion away from her. I guess they themselves have lead their civil lives (see Ayakashi Sisters – Masato Sanjouin and Saitou Kun were their civil selves mentioned even in the RPG, we know not much of Jedi’s one, but Zoisite’s lastname would likely have been Zois, you know why their crystal names were altered in the dub, right?) or were consulted by the Endymion in times of need or to help Senshi like in that GB game’s story, I think only Beryl was dying anyway.
The same ending animation was later reused somewhere else as they were to “deliver their power to Sailor Moon’s Scepter” There was also main R Arc game likewise done by original studio, something with Pluto’s attack not shown in the original animé besides it.
It’s a really beautiful and heartwarming story, the songs with lyrics and this made me cry aside last time when I’ve rewatched the original title. Question is when this will even be released in a better form, I genuinely considered commissioning someone to redraw this in original-animé quality and releasing as a stand-alone special-episode or something. If someone prefers Crystal to this he must ask himself why the hell they have basically discarded the Shitennou after their pardon/altered story (which was just to introduce sexy bishes for fangirls, don’t expect too much) and why they didn’t even bothered to help Mamoru and Senshi in any fight whatsoever since? All of this is rather unrelated to the much more famed “Another Story” (Sailor Moon S/Infinity) serving as sort of a bridge between original animé-manga being mostly supervised by the mangaka herself, nor the manga itself really that much as Saitou Kun didn’t had any idea of helping Venus defeat Queen Beryl, moreover there was only a scrollback to rewind of Usagi being sorry for finishing the “Super Beryl” and wishing no one has died. Didn’t it even made you ponder WHY Dark Kingdom were ONLY enemies to be completely killed in the original series, maybe aside few others later like Rubeus? Well, they planned their big comeback!
The mask they wore was almost same as one Tuxedo Mask had in the 1st season Classic intro, remember? Now they appeared on the skies just like “Jedaite” before his defeat! ARE YOU ASKING QUESTIONS YET?
My intention is to popularise existence of that and similar material, then somehow persuade Toei to release all of this. As almost no one have even heard of this Japanese people aside.
The links I’ve shared are from the Youtube Playlist I gathered on materials in relation to the interactive story and P2P-Cloudlike service where I’ve shared what I’ve gathered on it.
Submitted by @esu-noto
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
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Ohayou! Even wondered whatever the check happened to Masato Sanjouin and souls of the other ex-Dark Kingdom members when “universe reset” after the end of the 1st Classic Season took place?
Welp, Toei and original seiyū “SORT OF” answered this!*e2*80*93+Dakukingudamu+Fukkatsu-Hen Have fun! Manga Naoko herself wrote lyrics for the “Koisuru Otome wa Makenai” and “Onaji Hoshi ni Umareta”, the eponymous original tracks from this interactive story taking place after the Makaiju Aliens (which manual mentions) and before the Blackmoon Family 😉! Personally I think Katsuji Mori and Emi Shinohara did a GOAT job here, too bad they never gave them again possibility of voicing neither Masa, nor Mako…
And it’s such a shame aswell that Naoko Takeuchi NEVER gave them time to release that in any other form, so much good animation and voice samples wasted, eh! Do you know in what a bad light all of that extra-90’s animé material puts the so called “Crystal” ‘Re-Boot’? I hate how they just ignored topic of their existence completely whatsoever after the fujoshi fanservice which took place – and took the well written by Toei 90’s animé character out of both Sen and Shi!
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
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Me when I got banned from every imageforum again and secretly tries to hide somewhere from KCMods in the nearest house.
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Is this an official poster? Awesome…
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Return to Karutkchan my maann…!
The site where worst kind of gomopædo butt-rapping trannies wields the power.
Atalanta, NordAmerikano, Fat Czech and others runs awild.
Whose /b/ is a board for certified pædophiles, on /int/ is a gay porn evryday.
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Will anyone EVEN translate this VN?
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美少女戦士セーラームーン (PC Engine)
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
Feminazism is bad, but so are the “MRA”s… The worst are types using old title to spread their agenda. t. “Gender Egalitarian”-“Masculist” 😅👌
Dear Feminists,
“I don’t know why people are so reluctant to say they’re feminists. Maybe some women just don’t care. But how could it be any more obvious that we still live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word.”
― Ellen Page
Or maybe because….
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Fun fact: the feminist who said this to a rape victim… went on to accuse her of lying about her rape and insisted that she was too ugly to have been raped because she’s not a feminist..
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actingdelusionaleigh is the changed url of dropmycumberbritches the feminist that made up that fake story about a first grader being raped that was really just a picture from a girl who was attacked by a kangaroo.
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“Why are people reluctant to call themselves feminists? Must be that darn patriarchy.”
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esu-noto · 9 years ago
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