#I'm gonna go back to nap time
kalmiaclown · 8 days
I passed oyt and was blessed with a vision...
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(edit: okay so just out of spite of this comic I made in 20 minutes getting so popular I would appreciate if you check out this little art collage I took 2 days to make please and thank you)
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Pac: Take care of Ramon, take care of Richas, ok? See you on the other side, big boy.
Fit: [Laughs] Take it easy, big boy. Take it easy, big boy. Actually, nononono– You can't just say "big boy" and then just expect me to not drag you outta here. [Fit tries to lasso Pac] You're coming with me.
Pac: No, I need to leave!
Fit: You're coming with me. You are not dying today! You are not dying today!
Pac: I need to leave, Fit! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Ironmouse: Are you guys like, having sexy time?
Fit: There's homosexual activity going on Mouse, don't worry about us, ok?
Ironmouse: You guys, we don't have time to be gay right now.
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: I'm just here to say goodbye to you, Fit.
Fit: Goodbye? We're not– we're gonna be fine, we're going to get out of here, don't worry.
Aypierre: Yeah, don't worry!
Pac: I know, but like– I will sleep until the end, you know? I will pass through this moment sleeping, man. I won't be able to be awake for the moment.
Fit: [Laughs] You know, it's– I mean, if that's how you wanna go, but– I mean, that- I mean, isn't that bed kind of like.... I don't know, it's–
Pac: No no, I will be staying on the sofa, you know, I will be staying on the sofa.
Fit: Oh the sofa. Ok, that's a nice sofa! Yeah, that is a pretty nice sofa.
Pac: Yeah, it's a nice sofa right? No, yeah– I'm going to stay on the sofa, you know? So, since I will be going Fit... [Pac starts tossing Fit all his items]
Aypierre: [Not paying attention to their conversation] Is that bigger cell? I don't think it's a bigger- biggest one.
Fit: Oh... Thank you Pac, thank you.
Pac: Everything you need to survive, ok?
Fit: Wow.
Aypierre: Wow.
Pac: And if you need this one also, maybe, who knows? [Throws him more items]
Fit: Ohhh, well hey– just take this to remember me by, ok? [Tosses him a photo of himself – the same one Aypierre was carrying all day yesterday]
Pac: [Laughs] Ok, I will sleep holding the picture you know, like this. You know, I will dream about you, Fit. And I hope this is gonna be good dreams. I see you in the other side. Good luck, my friend.
Fit: The other side... Yeah, you know, yeah, we– we– you know? It's been an honor, Pac. It's been an honor, you know?
Pac: Yeah, for me too, you know? Take care of Ramon, take care of Richas, ok?
Fit: Ok.
Pac: See you on the other side, big boy.
Fit: I will sing your praise– Oh yeah, hey– [Laughs] Take it easy, big boy. Take it easy, big boy. Actually, nononono– You can't just say "big boy" and then just expect me to not drag you outta here. You're coming with me.
Pac: No, I need to leave!
Fit: You're coming with me. You are not dying today! You are not dying today!
Pac: I need to leave, Fit! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Fit: Sorry, there's–
Pac: I'm sorry!
Ironmouse: Are you guys like, having sexy time?
Fit: There's homosexual activity going on Mouse, don't worry about us, ok?
Ironmouse: You guys, you guys– we don't have time to be gay right now, come on. There's no time.
Pac: No, there's no time! Oh, goodbye Fit...
Fit: Ok, c'mon, no no no, come on, we got this we got this!
Pac: Goodbye Fit, I'm sorry!
Fit: [Laughs] Oh no...
#Pactw#FitMC#Hideduo#FitPac#QSMP#QSMP Prison#January 22 2024#So canonically how do you guys view this moment?#Did Pac just canonically conk out from stress?#Did he take sleeping pills on purpose to sleep through whatever awful thing was inevitably going to happen?#Curious to hear what other people think#I like to imagine the stress finally got to him#He spent the entire time trying to mirror things he saw Cell doing#and finally cried about it to Bagi#I can't blame him if he wants to sleep through the rest of it. Man's living in a place that's actively making him relive past trauma#Fit says he's carrying Pac in his backpack but I like to imagine that he just gave Pac a piggy back ride the entire way home :D#I imagined that for Purgatory too#it's cute#idk the whole idea of very traumatized characters being so comfortable around certain people#Idk the idea Pac feeling so safe around Fit#(despite being in a place that is actively stressing him out)#that he feels alright falling asleep and trusting him / Mike to protect him is sweet to me#Idk man I'm a big fan of the ''literal sleeping together'' trope#I love when characters take naps together it's so cute#esp when it's two traumatized characters with a lot of baggage / trust issues#It's nice#anyways I got way off topic with these tags LMAO sorry#I was gonna edit this down but I like the entire conversation so I'm leaving it as is#The YouTube editor living in my brain: Not great for viewer retension#Me: Shhhhhhhh I'm an Archivist. I can do whatever I want.
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aberooski · 1 year
Oh I don't know what it is,
But there's something buried way down deep inside me,
And it feels like magic.
(Click for higher quality)
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The team is complete! Now featuring Blair, Jasmine, Mindy, and a revamped Alexis!
Blair - Fairy of Love
Jasmine - Fairy of the Raging Wind
Mindy - Fairy of the Shimmering Stars
Alexis - Fairy of Frost
I wasn't originally going to do any of the other girls, I didn't think I had it in me, but I wanted to do more of this art so bad and I felt bad leaving Alexis at Alfea by herself so here we are!
I even decided to not just draw Alexis with them but also revamp her Enchantix at the last minute because the other girls were totally outdoing her, especially in the wings department and we can't have that! I mean all I really did was reshape her wings and add a tiara but still lolol 🤭💕
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kg2hub · 5 months
oh right this blog exists /j
no actually i've been vv sick for this past week and looking at screens for too long gives me a major headache so that's why i haven't been here a lot lately :')
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witchwhaat · 9 days
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pray for me.
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ereborne · 8 months
Song of the Day: February 20
“Run Away” by Sarah Jarosz
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mashmouths · 1 year
how have we as a species survived menstrual depression i feel fucking insane right now
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pyxscythe · 1 year
Time for a game called "Taking a nap with an alarm set 2 minutes before the ksmp lore later"
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sapphicautistic · 1 year
My incisions are all across like my lower belly around my belly button and I'd expected some to be up like near or on my ribs so I had an inaccurate picture about which muscles I'd need to avoid using too much for awhile.
But I'm finding the advice I solicited on my big blog (about which of my mobility aids will strain my incision sites) is still really helpful. My rollator has been invaluable esp since walking at all seems to strain my incision sites but I need to do it for circulation etc reasons.
Walking with the rollator actually feels like it's straining the sites less than when I tried walking with the cane? And esp compared to the few steps I've taken unassisted. Not sure why that would be so though.
I think I could self propel my clunker wheelchair on hard floors rn but I don't have to go far rn fortunately so the walker is sufficient atm and moving my torso at all while sitting is very painful/feels like it's pulling on things so I'm glad I have the option of not using it!
I haven't fallen down once since surgery!! (close call at the hospital but I landed on the bed and wasn't injured so it doesn't count) which my gf has been very concerned about cuz I am a fall risk in general, and I'm high as balls on the pain meds so even clumsier and a fall now could reopen my incisions.
I had to eat soup and take meds after my gf's p usual bedtime last night and she got out of bed and heated up my soup and hung out with me while I ate it 😭 she was worried I'd hurt myself, she's been really sweet taking care of me!!
I do think she was right and I maybe overdid it yesterday walking around (w rollator) in an attempt to improve circulation/ work out the air they blew into me to have more working space around my organs. Bedtime last night was kind of brutal on the same dose that felt like overkill earlier in the day.
I had actually emailed my doc to see if I could take half a pill instead of the 1-2 pills prescribed, like if it's safe to cut these in half, bc in the afternoon I was just super high on one and my pain was totally ignorable when not moving. But yeah at bedtime I seriously debated taking a second one cuz my pain was not controlled.
It eventually calmed down enough that I got to sleep though and managed to avoid taking more and even skipped a dose in the night cuz I fell asleep 20 minutes before I could've taken it and wasn't aware of any pain so that ended up being ok.
But this morning I woke up way too early just to pee and after getting up and moving the pain was awful so I took another dose in hopes I'd go back to sleep.
I'd been hoping to wait till my normal breakfast time but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯maybe tomorrow it'll work! Or the next day lol
I think my schedule is gonna be kinda fucked up for awhile!
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KIRBY? where did he go?! - Lollipop anon
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Prince Fluff: "How--when--he was just here!"
Zan: "Did he leave while we were strategizing? I know I heard him talking in the background until a moment ago...where could he have gone that quickly?"
Prince Fluff: "I don't know, but we need to find him!"
Prince Fluff immediately began to look around the surrounding area, though he didn't seem to be having much luck with finding Kirby.
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waterme-stories · 2 years
It's meant to be shaped like an inverted staircase, just to be clear
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fairymint · 2 years
i need a bit more sleep and alone time today (have to take my testosterone and preferably decompress)
but i am chewing on some lore in my head to hopefully make my muses more comfortable to work with while i make connections with them. logistically, anyways. (such as volo being in the future, twins traveling, etc. general things. )
my rp mental health is a little fragile admittedly, and i don't know what it needs... though i may try to focus on just making posts/ possibly replies until i feel better. my mental health overall is fine, just some little internal issues.
I'm still available for ooc chatter if you have something! but I'm trying to fine tune my efforts ic. when I'm feeling better i might make some self indulgent posts, but imma rest until I'm in good condition to reach out w/ individual wants again-
that's my mental from the past few days, there'll probably be mood whiplash and sin/fluff the next time i post IC- gonna let the muse be a brat later cause he deserves to unwind a bit.
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trappedham · 2 years
Talk about an ordeal.
So, funny story- I suffer, don't worry- The stream completely froze for me the first time- not for anyone else though, just for me. And then my computer crashed, twice. Overheated? Oh yeah, and then I got kicked for being IDLE for twenty minutes during a FORTY minute premiere. I DID finally manage to finish it, but holy shit. deep breaths, deep breaths.
Overall, I liked it, I'm excited to see more- definitely quenched my thirst for content, I can wait five days. Just know I WILL be watching it like a man starved the MILLISECOND it hits Netflix or my heart cant take it.
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witchwhaat · 2 years
a tragedy: couldn't fit a nap in my schedule
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ratspider · 3 months
why is it that i feel like i'm dying when i'm laying in my bed but as soon as i sit at my desk i'm all 'OUGHGHG LET'S FUCKING GOOOO' is this the ansewr to all my problems
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: April 15
"Something in the Way She Moves" by James Taylor
#song of the day#it's been two weeks + two days since the last song of the day#the issue is you see that I started the songs up again in December because my insomnia was fucking up my perception of time#and I wanted some kind of regular marker to help me keep track#and then what happened two weeks + two days ago is that I lost all track of time and subsequently the songs of the day failed#I'm gonna see if I can keep up again for a bit now that I've re-restarted without an alarm on my phone#but if I miss any this week I'll just give in and turn the alarm back on#updates from the last two weeks are going to sound so chaotic let's see#I got a new project at work /and/ I got demoted /and/ I got added to a higher access level /and/ I'm in charge of a new database#yes all of those things together. I'm to be an accountant now! not instead but in addition to my other stuff. should be interesting#I didn't get April Fools off like I was scheduled to because all my scheduled vacation got unapproved#(I was here for about twenty nonsequential minutes to boop people and I'm glad I made time for it. extremely fun to boop)#I lied shamelessly to get eclipse day off and we went on a full-day roadtrip and it was wonderful. everything I dreamed and more#I killed one of my baby succulents through clumsiness and rabbits ate my pea plants but my sage and cabbages look promising#got a massive pot of mint flourishing on my porch and the horseradish is gorgeous#got Duncan lights and plants and a filter system for his frog tank but we haven't set up the substrate yet#so there's just potted plants sitting inside a terrarium. very amusing honestly#I've been playing a little Stardew and eating a /lot/ of hot sauce and tofu#drinking tons of klass aguas frescas--especially the soursop one. holy shit is it good. the mango and hibiscus also#and these past few days I've been sleeping better#for most of those two weeks I was getting a handful of twenty-minute naps each workday and then crashing unwillingly on the weekend#I haven't read any comic books since February :'( this weekend we're going to costco and then I'm reading comics until Monday#what have y'all been up to? I've missed being around#edit: oh shit the actual song part. anyway this is James Taylor! makes me happy and helps me settle. good vibes songs#I'm half-panicked about work all the time recently and then also today was tax day (Nick's taxes. blegh)#James Taylor doing some heavy lifting round here
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